Sheryl's StoryChapter 3 free porn video

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Morning and I awoke with a headache, and a mouth that felt as I imagined the bottom of our garbage can would feel. It didn't matter. I had slept well, no dreams, no lying awake thinking back over the fun Scott and I had. Just the blissful nothingness.

It was mid-morning; Paul and dad would be at work. Mum would be pottering around doing the housework. Sue, who was between jobs, would be out either looking for work or helping with the house. What to do? I could lie in my cosy bed and let them do what needed doing, or I could get up and face my new life.

Facing the world won out. Moping around wouldn't change anything. The loo was the first thing on my agenda, followed by a shower, then dress. With that out of the way, I was ready for something to eat.

"When do you think you will go back to school," Mum asked while I ate.

That was something I hadn't thought about. "Next week I suppose." The thought of facing my school friends filled me with dread. More silly questions, 'how are you feeling Sheryl', or worse still, 'you'll get over it'. The most insidious of all will be the avoidance from those who didn't know what to say. To those, I may just as well have contracted leprosy.

One day dragged into the next, until by Friday, I was looking forward to returning to school, if only to have something to fill my day. Sue had fallen into a routine, off first thing in the morning job hunting, usually returning around midday, and then helping with the household chores.

I woke late, I knew mum was in town for the day, and Sue would be out. I had the house to myself. Turning up my stereo, I got out of bed, reached for my gown, then changed my mind. What the hell, being naked felt good. Moving seductively in time to the music, I sauntered to the bathroom, my mind on the music. It was not until I was ready to get in, that the shower door opened, and Sue's inquisitive face appeared, scaring the hell out of me. Here I was, caught naked, giving her a full frontal.

"Would you mind washing my back?" She asked nonchalantly, as though this was an everyday occurrence.

My stammering reply was lost in the loud music, but she took my response as yes. With that, she turned her back to me, opening the door fully as she did.

No bloody wonder Paul had his balls in a twist, she was beautiful, even from behind. I could only imagine how she would look from the front. She handed me the soap, moved her hair out of the way then waited.

Without thinking, I soaped both hands and began washing her. Unbidden, a thrill swept over me, one that until now only Scott had produced. I had washed him repeatedly over the days we'd spent together, but that was always a prelude to making love. I questioned the feeling this simple act caused now I was doing it to Sue. From the first touch, I noticed the differences. Gone were the firm muscles, replaced by a more sensual feel, soft, but with an underlying firmness. I became engrossed with what I was doing, analysing the differences between the male and the female bodies. Surprised with Sue's blatant request, yet thrilled by it. I became lost in what I was doing, no longer washing, but massaging her, fingers and thumbs probing deep into her flesh. Her firm, rounded buttocks receiving particular attention, as did between her shoulder blades.

"Would you like me to wash your back?" she asked as she turned to face me.

I did, but that was not going to be my answer. We stood looking at each other, our eyes wandering over each other's body. I was scared, the feelings I had from washing her were about to overwhelm me. If I let her touched me, I would want something more.

"Not now, but soon," the best I could stammer. I backed away, but did nothing to hide my nakedness from her.

Sue stepped out of the shower and began drying herself and I stepped in. I was about to shut the shower door, but hesitated. Sue saw my indecision. "You can leave it open if you'd like."

I did like. I liked her eyes on me; it made me feel good, like when Scott use to ogle me. I liked being the object of another's desire. I knew what she wanted, and by leaving the door open she knew I was thinking about it.

"I hope I haven't been too forward," she said as she dressed.

My reply was a shock, even to me. "I'm pleased you were."

With my shower finished, my sanctuary beckoned. Laying on my bed, still naked, I began thinking of what had come over me. Surely, after Scott, I was not becoming interested in girls. That was not the reason. Ever since puberty, I had been touched, not sexually, but touched, held, made to feel wanted. To perhaps make up for the lack of physical contact I had from my parents. Later, when Scott's true feelings became evident, the touching took on more meaning, until we took it to the ultimate.

Mum was home when I ventured from my room, taking away any awkwardness there might have been between Sue and me. We fell into our house cleaning routine, and the episode was soon out of mind.

The weekend was quiet; Paul and Sue invited me to join them for a night in town and to take in a movie. I thanked them and was about to decline their offer, then changed my mind. A night out would be good.

The night was great fun, we saw a movie, sat and had coffee, then walked through town. We girls stopping at each dress shop we came to. Paul walked on until he found something that took his interest. It was at these times the tomcats hung around us. Their crude comments made us smile. They were about as subtle as a hit in the head with a brick. Paul always came to our rescue, taking each of us by the hand, then walk away, leaving the idiots to wonder if we were both his.

We were still in happy mode on the drive home, and I for one didn't want the night to end. "Can we call into a pub and get a couple of cans?"

"I don't see why not," Paul said as he caught Sue's eye.

Oh dear, now I'd started something. A couple of cans each, and those two would be at each other for most of the night, and probably not bother to be too quiet about it. To date, they had been discrete about what they did between the sheets, but tonight, I suspected the beast would be released.

Paul picked up a six-pack of a vodka mix for us girls, and a couple of beers for him, then drove to a secluded parking bay that over looked the city. Drinks in hand we sat at a picnic table, silently taking in the panoramic view. The twinkling lights mesmerising. After his first beer, he began talking about Scott. For the first time I listened to his side of the story. Up until now, all I had thought about was how much I missed him, giving little thought to how he felt. Now he let it out, giving vent to his feelings, and for the first time I saw him cry. In his own way, he loved Scott as much as I did, and missed him. Now he had me crying, letting go of the emotions that I had tried to keep hidden. Sue, who was between us, cradled our heads, letting our emotions run their course. My mind flicked back to the previous day. Thinking of how she had felt to my touch. Now she was touching me, and I felt her warmth.

"We're being silly," I said after a very un-ladylike sniff. "Scott would be mad at both of us if he were here."

Paul dried his eyes on his shirtsleeve. "I guess you're right, he didn't have a lot of time for self pity."

I looked at him and Sue. "And we're spoiling what has been a wonderful night. Drink up, I want to get plastered."

Sue and I did just that, Paul more sedately. By the time Sue and I had finished our cans, we wanted more and began eyeing the little Paul had left. "Oh no you don't," he said as he moved it out of our reach.

We sat for a while longer, all the time Sue becoming more amorous.

"Time you two went to bed," I said wishing I had someone to go to bed with.

By the time we arrived home, the alcohol had begun to work its magic on me, I was light headed and ready for sleep. I watched the giggly Sue drag my poor brother into their room. Obviously to do unspeakable things to him for the next hour or so. I smiled at the thought. I listened to them for a while, and then blissfully, sleep claimed me.

After a very quiet Sunday, Monday dawned. School again. I dressed in my spinster type uniform and left the house. If I had thought going back would be terrible, I was wrong. It was worse. My school friends treated me as though I had the plague. Worse still were the teachers, it was as though I wasn't there.

I braved it through the first week, then the second. Nothing changed. I began to daydream through the classes. Ignoring class directives. Became disruptive when it suited me. Escaping to the library during lunch, just so I couldn't be ignored by my one time good friends. How quickly my once perfect world had changed. With my dark mood, things at home began to change. Mum and dad taking the brunt of it. For some reason I couldn't take my frustrations out on Paul or Sue. Of all the people I knew, they alone understood.

I knew the reason I was as I was. I was frustrated. I felt no one loved me, and as a response, made myself unlovable. Paul brought his male friends around, hoping I would be pleasant to them. I wasn't. I was rude to them if I deemed it appropriate to mix. If not I ignored them, or stayed in my room.

With school a disaster, I began taking days off, faking illnesses; trouble with my periods, headaches, anything that got mums sympathy. Now I was wallowing in so much self-pity, I didn't think to explain to mum and dad what the problem was. It was probably lucky this was my senior year and we did have days where we weren't expected to attend.

Lying in bed, having yet another lazy day, I heard mum shut the front door as she left for the day. Surprisingly, my headache disappeared the moment I heard it close. I stretched lazily then pushed back the quilt and sat on the side of my bed, wondering how to fill in the day. First a trip to the loo, then a shower. That should get rid of at least half an hour. The shower was great, while I was in there I washed my hair, something I had been neglecting of late. Rinsing out the last of the conditioner, I felt the door open. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

"Time for me to wash your back I think."

I turned to face her, surprised to see she was still fully clothed. "You will get your clothes wet if you do."

"What do you think I should do?"

Bless her; she wasn't being pushy, just giving me the option of deciding where this was going. "Best you take them off." I blushed when I said that, but already my heart was beating faster, and I felt the first flush of my desire rise.

She didn't hurry. As she took off each piece of clothing, she stopped to fold it, placing it elegantly on the chair, until she was as naked as I was. She reached in and took the soap, working a good lather in her hands. I turned my back to her, and waited. The first touch set my body tingling, and then as she began to massage me, I relaxed, letting her do whatever she liked. She soaped her hands again, and then got in with me. With her arms around me, she began washing my breasts, hers press firmly into my back. I closed my eyes, imagining Scott doing it to me. I was so lost in my dream world I didn't notice one of Sue's hands between my legs, gently washing away the frustrations of the past weeks.

I turned to face her. "Your turn now."

She turned her back to me, and I began the sensual massage. As before, I spent time on her buttocks, remembering how much she'd liked it. Then decided to take things further. My hands went to her breasts, but unlike what she did to me, I began exciting her nipples. "Oh that's nice," she whispered, pushing them firmer onto my hands. With one hand still playing with her, I took the soap and ran it down her back, not stopping, pushing it between her cheeks, then on further between her legs. She parted them a little, making things easier. I dropped the soap, my fingers now washing that part of her that Paul found so fascinating. From here on Sue would have no doubt of what I wanted.

"Are you sure?" she asked as she turned to face me.

I nodded, unable to speak.

"Your room or mine?"

"Mine." the word coming out as a squeak.

She picked up her neatly folded clothes, and followed me into my bedroom. Once her hands were free, she turned to face me, taking in each other's obvious charms. My eyes lingered on her breasts, her nipples still showing her excitement; slightly larger than my 34C I thought, other than that we were of identical build. Her shoulder length hair more sandy than my golden blonde. Mine perhaps a tad longer. We still stood silently looking at each other, whatever happened from here; Sue would have to take the lead. She did, sitting on the side of my bed she held out her arms to me. I obliged, moving to accept her embrace.

For the next hour, we explored all the possibilities two girls could. Each taking it in turn to give and to receive the pleasure. Our ever-searching mouths and fingers leaving nothing untouched.

With both of us exhausted, we lay in a mutual embrace, now was the time to talk.

"Have you ever done this before." I asked.


"Then why me?"

"Because you needed someone, and I noticed boys weren't on your agenda for the moment, and I was here."

My fingers and lips began exploring her body again. "I'm glad you were."

"One for the road?" Sue asked as she turned on the bed.

"I'm sure there's one more," I said as my head nestled between her legs.

I was wrong; there were two more. When we were finished we didn't move, and almost went to sleep. We had to get up; I didn't want anyone to catch us together. It might take some explaining.

Out of devilment, I probed her willing body with my fingers. "We had better get dressed, no point getting caught like this."

Somewhat reluctantly, she agreed with me.

With us presentable again, we made a coffee and sat at the table. "If you feel the need again, will you let me know?" Sue said in all seriousness.

"I will, and the same goes for you." I began thinking. "This doesn't make us lesbians does it?"

Sue looked at me and smiled. "I think we like boys too much to have to worry about that. If you're bothered about it, we won't do it again."

"No, that's not what I meant. I liked it. So much of what we did was what Scott and I did together. Except for one thing of course."

Mum arriving home stopped any more of that kind of talk.

She dropped her packages on the table. "Feeling better I see."

"Much better." I was right, I did feel better, but not in a way I could tell her about. My time with Sue had removed the last of the ominous feelings I'd had.

School became more agreeable. I was still invisible to most, but it no longer worried me. I stopped being disruptive in class, which, while it did not earn me any brownie points; at least the teachers stopped ignoring me.

I began arranging my days off when I knew the house would be free. These were the days Sue and I could realise our wildest fantasies. We began with honey and a can of whipped cream, then progressed to eating a banana from each other. Whatever one of us didn't think of, the other did. Many a night I saw either Paul or Sue go into their room with a banana. Their antics keeping me awake, which gave my now experienced fingers a job to do.

My change of attitude now had me noticing Paul's male friends, and I even found myself flirting with a couple of the more forward ones. None of them would ever replace Scott, but as everyone had told me. Life must go on. Scott had lit my fire, and then turned it into a raging inferno. With his passing, it had almost been extinguished. Sue had rekindled it and kept it burning, but I knew there was more. I began looking at the forward ones, wondering if either of them would be worthy of my charms. Only time would give me the answers.

With the end of the school year approaching, and along with it, my nineteenth birthday, mum and dad decided a party was in order. A meal at home with them and some of our close friends for my birthday. Then they would leave us to party long into the night with the rest of our friends. They were going to stay at a near-by motel, in the unlikely event there was trouble. That was for the future, I still had exams to get through.

With Sue's help, and my new attitude, my exams went well, and with them over with, so was my schooling. Supposedly, I was now ready to face the big wide world. Get a job, save some money, look to my future. How boring.

My birthday was now only a week away, and the pace in the house stepped up. Mum out more than she was home. Sue and I took full advantage of the time alone. The moment mum was out of the door our clothes were off. Sometimes to shower together. At others on our own, but always with the door open, an open invitation for a chat, or whatever else we felt like. The days of the honey and whipped cream had passed, as had the fruit and vegetables, although we still ate many bananas. I guess you could say we were becoming like any married couple, knowing what pleased the other, all the other stuff forgotten.

Saturday arrived, and with it all the last minute preparations. By lunchtime, everything was ready. I had been wondering where my presents were, apart from four heartfelt wishes for a happy birthday, there was nothing. Lunchtime things were different. One by one boxes of all shapes and sizes appeared on the table. A new mobile phone that did everything, from mum and dad. Paul had bought me a new surround sound system for my room. Sue was saving hers until last, the size and shape meant it could only be one thing, a new dress. We looked at each other. "Bedroom I think?" I said.

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08 TogetherChapter 77

Present – Ben and Jens and the rest – The next morning Of course Jens and I spent last night together in my room, much to the chagrin of Liz and Bernie in the next room. They kept banging on the wall all night long and complaining about the noise. Jens banged on the wall and complained right back, “Hey I had to put up with this from you two so just shut up and enjoy the show.” There reply was to run up the television which was fine with me. It was sure good as hell being back with my wife!...

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my boyfriend used my third hole

This is infact a true story and one that isn't very long, as with the others. My boyfriend and I had been together for almost 4 months when he phoned me one night drunk and asked me why I loved him, with the fact he was acting strange I asked if he was drunk. He hung up the phone and texted me 'you'll be sorry bitch' so 5 minutes later my bedroom door flew open, the hinges screached as they were pulled from the frame. He stood staring at me, a sick look in his eye emerged from the pits of hell...

1 year ago
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BlowJobFridays Serena Santos Director Fulfills Her Fantasy

Serena Santos just got done filming a scene for Bang Bros, but after a quick post shoot interview, Serena tells us that she’s still horny and needs some more dick. Our director tells her that there’s no room in the budget to film another scene for her, but Serena has a different idea. She told us that it’s always been her fantasy to suck a directors dick after a shoot. Luckily for her, our boy Logan Xander, is not just the director of her scene, he’s also the Blowjob...

3 years ago
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Just how easy is it to do or say and not worry too much about reaction and feelings. A lack of thought or empathy. Understanding or accepting... well that takes effort and some will not even consider the reasons and are blind to possibility. This is one of those dark and un-redeeming type things conceived while I was in a mood. You know, one of those where for a few days everything is grey and a bit bleak and nothing you say is right and nothing fits and nobody likes you and you don't...

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Merry ChristmasChapter 10

In the morning Ann lay awake with his naked body pressed to hers. His arm was around her and she listened to him sleep. For the first time in a long time she was happy and she had a reason to expect much happiness in the future. She knew that she had found a special man. She was determined to not let him get away. She had wasted enough of her life. The telephone by her bed rang and she reached for it. The caller was her Aunt, "Ann, this is Aunt Edna. Uncle Rolf had a heart attack last...

3 years ago
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Making Milk for You Part 2

We'd established a routine. I'd wake, my breasts over-full and painful, the skin tight and hot. You'd suckle me, drawing out the sweet milk and providing sweet relief. By the time you finished your cock would be hard and leaking. Then it was my turn to suck and lick until you filled my mouth with your hot cream. Afterwards, I'd shower and use an anal douche before inserting my plug. You insisted that I wear the plug most of the day, and use a douche or enema regularly. As promised your cock was...

2 years ago
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The Visiting Professor

Wednesday afternoon. Sigh. She knew she would miss having the Thursday afternoon workout session. It had been a nonstop day, but she was finishing up and could go home soon. Alone in the building, she was startled to hear the back door open. Probably a student coming to use the computer lab. But a minute later, someone knocked on her door. “Sorry to drop by without calling. I saw your car here so decided to stop. Hope that’s okay.” “Of course.” She and he had talked about 6 times that day...

1 year ago
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A mothers confession

100% fiction i sat on the sofa watching television when the door open my mom walk in wearing her best outfit. every time i saw her with those clothes they always gave me a hard on. it was a black vinyl mini skirt with black pantyhose dark high heeled boots with a light gray blouse only closed halfway due to her dd breast that made it kind of hard to close. i had been spying on her for a while now watching her when she would take a shower or every time she would enter the bathroom i had found a...

3 years ago
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Mothers Stories 2 Annas 1st

(You'll need to read "Part 1 - Jane's testimony", first. Honest!)2. Anna's TestimonyI'm so glad you were able to talk about this Jane, as I have a similar story to tell. I, too am ashamed but feel a kind of addiction to what I have done. Like you, I am a single mother, my husband died a couple of years ago. We had had a good sex life, quite adventurous and fun, he liked me to dress up in nice lingerie and so on. He had bought a number of sex encyclopedias and some pornographic stuff from shops...

4 years ago
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Men of the Middle East Part 1

The Middle East has always been an intriguing and amazing place. The multitude of cultures and faiths makes it a volatile atmosphere with need for a variety of outlets. Some releases come in the form of v******e, but there is also a lot of sex happening and it’s the kind of sex people don’t want to speak of. “The love that dared not speak its name” is alive and active all over the middle east and has been for centuries. I had two chances to go to Israel, Jordan and Egypt in 1990 and again...

3 years ago
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A Message from the Cartel

A Message from the Cartel Wanda Roesquez contemplated her wardrobe. A line of trim business suits hung in front of her. Next to these hung a line of blouses - mostly white. Farther along and considerably less used, there hung a few colorful skirts and dresses; and finally, protected in the dark end of the closet, there were several gowns that caught the light and shimmered. Wanda focused on the business suits. In her profession, the way one dressed made a difference. She ticked off a mental...

1 year ago
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Murphy Carol The Party

Carol bit her lip as she felt her body sway in the car seat. She wore big, dark sunglasses, but they were only to hide the 'x's of electrical tape that sealed her eyes shut. In darkness, she became sensitive to her own body, feeling it push and swing against the seatbelt as Murphy drove her to their special night out. "Almost there. You nervous?" Murphy asked. She felt his wide, strong hand rest gently on her shoulder. With a smile, she nodded. "I'm excited, though. You've been planning this a...

4 years ago
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Just Sex with My Son Turned Into Lovemaking

Just Sex with My Son Turned Into Love MakingOne night my husband and I came home to find our son fucking his girlfriend on the couch in the living room. My husband and I went out for dinner, just the two of us, and we stupidly trusted and thought that our son would just innocently watch a movie with his girlfriend and then take her back home. We should have known better than to leave a 16 year old boy with his girlfriend alone. That was how I got pregnant by my husband, who was just my high...

1 year ago
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RV Sex with Friends

He got up to give it to her, but she said , “No, I’ll get it.” She was seated directly across from Chris as we were eating around the campfire. She put her plate down spreading legs as she pulled up her dress showing her whole snatch. She leaves her bush with hair, which I love, so it was quite a contrast to Ruth’s pussy. I thought she had made a mistake and would pull her dress down, but she didn’t, in fact she said nothing, but finally arose and walked over to Chris bending over and giving...

2 years ago
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My First Time Sucking Cock

At first, I didn’t understand what she was saying or why: “You want to suck cock”, she said, “I can tell you want it. I can tell you would like it”. Julie was standing over me with her black pussy poised just in front of my mouth. It was forty years since we had been in high school together. We had flirted and teased sexually, known there was a spark, but we had not dated, it was not something one did then, interracial dating, in the South. But I met her again at a lawn event at my son’s...

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Lucys Tale Part 6

Part Six A conversation quickly developed between us and the guy put his hand out to Mike and said, Im Dave and this is Kathy I burst out laughing and all eyes turned to me. Mike asked what was so funny and through my giggles I said that it was odd that we have just come out of a five way sex session and yet it is only now that we find out each others names! They all saw the funny side of that and we started to find out a bit more about each other. Dave and Kathy were both 22 and were staying...

1 year ago
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You do know that you don’t have to jerk your dick to the most fucked up content that you can find every time, right? Well, if you’re death-gripping your cock, chafing yourself raw, and can only get off to brutal videos and degenerate fetish content that you have to hide from the world, then that’s not the best sign. If you keep going like that, you’ll be a limp-dicked cuck who can’t even get it up or nut in a pussy because of your poor fapping habits. So, this time, I’m going to recommend a...

Hentai Porn Sites
4 years ago
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The Punishment

I’ve been so bad and you are angry at me, really angry. Not just the usual kind of anger that gets me whipped, but the kind that gets stone cold silence and rigidity in your posture. You push me away from you and go to stand up, but I cling to you and say I’m sorry. You ignore me, shoving me down onto the bed. I grab your waist and plead for you to forgive me; again you push me from you. I begin to cry, it doesn’t move you. I fall down before you, grab your ankles and kiss your feet with my...

4 years ago
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Sex Chat Bed Pe Khatam Hui

Me samkamina height 5.9 or dick size 7 sex ki bato se lekr sb karna pasand h. Always avaliable for girls and aunties please contact me in   Ab story pe ate h…. bat kuch mahino ki h m social site m ek ladki ko add kiya vo rehne vali hyd ki thi hum starting m as frnd bat karne lage…fir vo mere se close hone lagi or dono hum masti kuch jyda karne m..hum ek bar mile or dono psnd kiye fir ghrm jake humne apni feeling share ki……. fir roj late night hum bate karte yha vha ki… ek din socha...

1 year ago
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The Gallery

His soft touch now running down your ribcage has you nearly paralyzed and your body yearns for more. You fight to regain control and look up at your tormentor. Torch light flickers on his face, the whites of his eyes glow even in the shadows. Dark green and intense, he's looking deep into yours and you feel your little bit of control slipping away. The Gallery With the lightest touch, my fingers slowly move down your neck. You stretch it out to make the sensation last longer. I do not stop...

3 years ago
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Just An Ordinary Night

She pulls into her driveway having worked all day she is happy to be home. She gets out of her car and stretches as a big smile covers her face. She is glad it is Friday and the start of the weekend. With the smile on her face, she heads to the door opening it. She finds her slave on her knees, hands behind her head. Her slave quickly drops to all fours and crawls to her Mistress kissing her feet. “Good girl.” She says lightly ruffling the hair of her slave. The slave beams at the praise, happy...

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We Finally Meet in the Coffee Shop

*** Please do not use this story as your own or I'll be forced to find you and expose you for the fraud you are! *** We have decided to meet. Just to talk, though our discussions via email and phone and chat have been saturated with sexual innuendos. I'm walking into that COZY coffee shop to see you for the first time. Wow, the anticipation is building. And we have a cozy place in a corner. Where there is a bench seat, but only on one side of the table (which has a floor length tablecloth on...

2 years ago
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Ties That Bind

[ For a shift in perspective, here's a hopefully interesting, and yes, titillating scenario; for those so inclined towards the 'daddy', 'dominant/submissive', 'tease and denial' orientation. ]Kyle had texted Richard, the older man who lived several blocks away, to see if he might 'drop by' as the code was, and he was excited when the came back, moments later, that he certainly could! So, slipping out the back door of his parents house, he made his way to the back gate of the back yard where...

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No More Innocent Wife

I’ll start with a little background. The main character is Ashley, a normal housewife. She has been married for years. Ashley and her husband, Alex, are high school sweethearts, and the only people they have ever had sex with. There sex life is good, both are very adventurous in to the bedroom. Alex is a department manager for a chain of stores. So he is often working, leaving Ashley at home by herself most days. Ashley usually spends most of her time hanging out with her bff, Caitlin. They met...

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A Critical PathChapter 8

Nick was tired but happy when he got back to his hotel. It had been a busy and quite dramatic week. All the same he had already achieved quite a bit and there was more in the pipeline. He decided to get away for the weekend, get some fresh air into his lungs and allow his brain to clear. The weather forecast was reasonable so he decided to explore the Lake District, somewhere he had never been before. He played around on his laptop and decided Ambleside looked a good place to spend Saturday...

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Sarah left me 1

After a longish while she calmed down enough to ask me “Why? What did I do wrong?” “Angie you must not think that it was anything that you did wrong. Sarah's problem was that she was not happy with our sex life, and now she has found a huge dick to fuck her.” “Daddy, must you say 'fuck'?” “Angie darling, I want to help you to understand what has happened, but to do that we have to talk quite explicitly about fucking, so we might as well use the raw words. Besides, it might help us...

2 years ago
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LORNA and GRACE a Lesbian Tale PART 4

LORNA and GRACE (A Lesbian Tale) – PART 4Grace followed Helen into the Hotel Belleville and they both walked by the man at the reception desk without a problem. Helen also owned the Hotel Belleville. They walked up the wide but worn stairs to room 24. “Remember. Don’t make a fuss about who she is”, reminded HelenHelen knocked and pushed the door when she heard the “Come in” from inside. That hotel used to be fairly posh when there were many trains that crisscrossed at Belleville, but other...

4 years ago
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Pink HairChapter 4 Lexie

I slept until it was daylight; for the first time since leaving Bristoe. I was ... naked, in bed, draped over a man ... Bill! I was warm, and comfortable. I felt safe. I moved and my thigh brushed against his ... erect penis. Lifting my head, I looked at him and our eyes met; he was awake and looking at me. "Good morning, Lexie," his voice conveyed much more than a routine greeting. He was smiling, but there was an under-tone of worry. I hummed in my throat... 'mmmm' - and lazily moved...

3 years ago
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The Gay Gym part 3

After a hot shower. I sat my desk naked to get some work done before I head back onto the floor. Some one knocked my door. I didn't have to get dressed before a guy walk through the door and. I told him to have a seat. He was wearing a cut off t-shirt exposed his midriff and tight gym that showed off his small package. He said it was good to have a place to workout and not half to act straight and be judged. I told him more straight than bi so I have seen what was happening to the gay community...

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Great Rite We need rain

Great Rite************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan June 2016The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************I had never expected to be King. One of my uncle’s sons should have inherited the...

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Confessions of a BoyToy Part 14 Veronica Melissa

This episode deserves a brief setup. If you have been following the Boy Toy series, you know who the women are. If this is a new read for you, this will be helpful. Veronica is my wife of 30 years now. She is, was, the niece by marriage to Melissa Thompson. She is the only niece or nephew of any form to Melissa Thompson. Even though not blood related, Melissa still took her under her wing and treated her like a daughter- niece employee friend...if that makes any sense at all. Melissa inherited...

2 years ago
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The House of Many Bodies Part 3

“Mandy?” “Yeah.” “What the hell.” He turned over, and in the dark, with barely any light coming through the plantation shutters, he reached out to feel what he knew was different. When his hand caught my right breast, resting on my left, his hand retracted. My body did the same. “Answer me, Mandy is that you?” Before I could respond he was thrashing about to get to the bedside table lamp that didn’t exist. His legs spun off the bed in panic and he made for the light switch on the...

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