Delhi Ki Ladki Sabse Sexy
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Mark Marlowe was standing before the fireplace when the two women entered the library, and he studied the young blonde wife carefully as Lena led her across to the wide leather couch near the roaring blaze. Ah good, good! he thought, barely able to conceal his elation. She's seen Rajah, and judging from the whiteness of her face she perused my little collection of Cogenhagen art, too! Things are progressing quite nicely... and it will only be a matter of moments now before I can possess that fine, voluptuous young body... those soft, warm red lips...
Expertly concealing his inner gloating, for he had had long practice at such veilings, the wealthy Lord of Marlowe Manor put on a grave, concerned expression as he approached the two women. "Why, Sharon my dear, what's the matter? You're as pale as a ghost. Did something frighten you?"
"I... I accidentally found your... pet," murmured Sharon as Lena sat her down on the couch. "He... frightened me for just a moment..."
"Ah yes, Rajah," said Mark smoothly. "But how stupid of me to have neglected to tell you about him; I should have expected that you would be exploring the garden. Can you forgive me such an oversight, my dear?"
"Why... yes, of course, Mark," Sharon favored him with a meager smile, while Lena patted her hand reassuringly.
"Let me get you a glass of Sherry," said Mark solicitously. "It will make you feel much better."
"Yes, I think I'd like some Sherry."
Mark smiled, his eyes touching Lean's briefly. Then he went to the handsome bar and poured a large glass full of ruby liquid from a decanter which sat atop the counter -- a decanter which Wafto had gleefully placed there only minutes earlier. He carried the glass back to the couch, sitting down on the other side of Sharon from Lena, and handed the blonde wife the Sherry.
Sharon accepted the glass gratefully and raised it to her lips. She was still upset -- she could not help but think about those awful, terrible booklets she had seen in the ape's stone hut, and wonder why they were there, whose they were; she wanted to ask Mark about them, but she couldn't seem to bring herself to voice the words. She had experienced the same difficulty even with Lena, her best friend, in the garden moments ago.
The beauteous American girl drank deeply of the warm, syrupy liquid, feeling it coursing the length of her throat and settling with a pleasant glow in her stomach. She did not see, as she drained the glass, the shining eyes of Mark Marlowe and Lena Alvaro, the lascivious eagerness in their momentarily unguarded faces...
Sharon placed the empty glass on one of the nearby tables, then leaned back, closing her eyes. I wish I'd never consented to come here, she thought. First that awful dream last night, and then waking up to find I'd lost control of myself in my sleep and orgasmed, and then seeing the ugly chimpanzee with its monstrous penis and those evil, filthy pornographic booklets... This isn't turning out to be a quiet, relaxing vacation at all; it's turning into a... a kind of nightmare, in which everything seems pleasant and nice on the surface, but underneath all is evil and perverted... I'm going to ask Neal to take me back to London, to take me home, as soon as he returns from Athens...
Sharon let her thoughts trail off as a strange sort of dreamy torpor seemed to envelope her whole being. She lay relaxed against the couch, between Lena and the Lord of Marlowe Manor, and suddenly she felt at ease, felt as if she were safe and protected. She seemed to realize, deep down, that this wasn't true -- but the feeling persisted in her conscious mind. Her head was feathery, light, and her stomach and loins seemed to glow with pleasant warmth. Odd... her nipples were hardening beneath the culottes she wore, and... and she could feel a tingling of sexual desire in the soft, moist folds of her pussy...
Time seemed to stand still for Sharon Court, and it was as if she began drifting on a soft fleecy cloud of torpor. Yes, and it was as if hands, so soft and gentle, were beginning to caress her flesh slowly, tantalizingly, expertly moving over her breasts and her belly and her warmly flowering cunt, exciting her, soothing her, such nice, nice feelings...
If the young wife had known that her dreamy thoughts were more than merely mental -- that soft, gentle hands were indeed moving slowly soothingly over her stilled body at that moment -- she would have been shocked and horrified. But she did not know, had no awareness that both Mark Marlowe and her best friend, Lena Alvaro, were caressing her with their talented fingers; she did not know that what was causing her to feel so dreamy and floating was the potion, the powerful and carefully dosed aphrodisiac made by the evil dwarf Wafto; she did not know that the gentle caresses, part of the plan mapped out by Mark and Lena to put young Sharon at her ease in the beginning, would soon become something entirely different, something brutal and lusting and depraved...
His long-fingered hands deftly fondling the firm, resilient tits of the American girl, tweaking the nipples into heated arousal, the Lord of Marlowe Manor nodded his head to Lena Alvaro, grinning obscenely as he did so. The black-haired Englishwoman, whose own grin matched Mark's in lewdness, removed her own fingers from the slightly protuberant mound of Sharon Court's womanhood, where they had been kneading and stroking the soft, warm cunt into secreting excitation; she reached down to the table and lifted the lid on the silver cigarette box there, removing one of the crude brown cylinders which Sharon had so innocently smoked the night before. Then Lena placed the marijuana cigarette between the blonde young wife's red lips as Marlowe continued to caress her, and Sharon offered no objection.
Lena struck a match, lighting the joint, and then she whispered softly, mesmerically, "Inhale deeply, dear Sharon. Inhale... inhale... deeply... deeply... yes that's it dear... that's very nice. You feel so good, don't you? You feel so very, good..."
"Yes, oh yes," the beauteous blonde girl replied, and she did feel good... peaceful and warm and safe and... yes, sexually stimulated, too. Was Neal there? Oh she hoped he was, she wanted him very much just now... wanted his hard masculine penis moving deep inside her, bringing about their simultaneous orgasm as it always did... his lovely, warm, hard cock deep, deep, deep inside her...
"Neal... Neal!" she whimpered, beginning to undulate her lithe, sculpted body under the manipulations of Marlowe and Lena. The dark- haired woman held the cigarette butt between Sharon's lips, whispering, telling her that everything was all right, everything was fine... inhale... inhale... deeply... deeply...
Sharon settled back again, lulled into drowsy security by the comforting, seemingly far away sound of her friend's voice, obeying the order to inhale of the warm, sweetish smoke which filled her lungs again and again. But the stimulation had not dissipated at all, for her pussy was tingling deliciously, her nipples very hard, and she still had the sensation of being tenderly, relentlessly caressed...
Lena Alvaro looked across at the Lord of Marlowe Manor, mouthing a question with her lips: "Is she ready, do you think?"
Mark nodded. Lena removed her hands from the young girl's body, leaning close to her ear and breathing very softly against her soft, warm neck. Marlowe's fingers continued to lightly stroke Sharon's firmness through the culottes she wore.
"Sharon," Lena whispered, "Sharon, can you hear me, dear?"
"Yes," came the immediate answer. "Yes, Lena, I can hear you."
"It's terribly warm in here, isn't it?"
"Yes... you're very warm, aren't you? It's very hot in this room, Sharon. Wouldn't it be nice to be shed of those culottes you're wearing?"
"No... yes... Lena, I..."
"Shhh, dear, you're with Lena, aren't you? You're with your friend..."
"Yes... yes..."
"Wouldn't you like to take off your culottes, Sharon dear? Wouldn't you like to be comfortable instead of so warm and hot? Wouldn't you like to feel the glow of the fire on your bare, naked skin? Wouldn't you, Sharon, wouldn't you?"
The beauteous blonde wife squirmed restlessly on the couch, her eyes squeezed tightly shut and her face drawn into a frown. The combined drugs of marijuana and Wafto's insidious aphrodisia potion, the power of Lena's soft, suggestive, hypnotic voice, had brought beads of sweat popping out on Sharon's smooth forehead. She was hot... she was almost suffocating in her culottes. She wanted to take them off -- Lena was right -- but... but not here... Mark, Mark was here... she couldn't...
"You want to make yourself naked, don't you, Sharon?" droned the black-haired woman's voice. "You want to be completely naked and comfortable, I know you do."
"Yes... yes... but I... I..."
"Are you worried about Mark?" asked Lena. "You needn't, dear, not at all. Mark's gone up to his room. He won't be back down for a long time."
"He... he won't... ?"
"No, of course he won't. You don't have to worry, now do you, Sharon dear? You can make yourself naked in complete comfort, without any fears at all. I'm going to take my clothes off, dear. You see, I'm warm and hot too. I want to be naked, just like you do."
"You... do?"
"Yes, of course I do," Lena intoned. "I'm undressing right now. I'm taking my clothes off right here and now, Sharon, just as you're going to do in a moment..."
As she spoke, the confidently smiling English woman began to shed her heavy winter dress. She wore only a pair of brief panties beneath it, and she was soon free of those. She stood in her naked splendor, her black- pubic-triangled pussy already beginning to seep the juices of her growing excitement at what was about to happen to the young girl next to her. Her small, well-rounded breasts were sheened with sweat, and the nipples quivered pinkish-brown and rigid on their crests. She smiled lewdly at Mark, as his eyes traveled wantonly over the symmetrical loveliness of her mature body; he never ceased to become aroused by this wicked, amoral bitch with the insatiable mouth and cunt...
Still smiling, Lena, quickly sat back down and took Sharon Court's hand in her own. She began crooning to her again, "I'm naked now, Sharon dear, and it's lovely... so lovely. The fire feels so nice on my bare skin and I'm not hot any more... oh it really is wonderful, my pet..."
"Lena... Lena, are you really naked... ?"
"Of course I am, Sharon. Here, give me your hand." The dark-haired Alvaro woman took the young American girl's hand and guided it slowly over the bare flesh of her thigh, upward over the satiny smoothness of the flat stomach, and then held it tightly to one perfectly rounded tit for a long moment before releasing it. Her cunt churned with excitement at the electric contact of the other woman's fingers, and she knew she was building to another of her magnificent climaxes. Oh God, this was going to be a satisfying experience! Never had she wanted to completely debauch a young, tender innocent like she wanted to subjugate and convert Sharon Court!
"Do you see, my sweet?" she droned on. "I'm naked... completely naked... just as you should be naked..."
"Yes..." moaned Sharon, completely under the power of the older woman's hypnotic voice, and the drugs working in her body and brain. "Yes... I want to be naked, Lena... help me get naked, Lena, my friend..."
Mark Marlowe, his mouth salivating at the prospect of soon fucking this desirable young American -- and at the salacious sight of Lena Alvaro's nakedness so provocatively displayed before his lusting eyes. His prick was already hard in his pants, screaming for release from its encumbering clothing, and he knew he would obey the urgent plea of his manhood in just a few more minutes. But first...
He helped Lena raise the loose, unresisting form of Sharon Court into a sitting position and then held her there while the dark-haired woman deftly hooked her finger through the zipper ring on the front of the culottes and drew it down from throat to abdomen. Mark's breath quickened as he saw the glistening naked flesh of Sharon's stomach, the way her breasts spilled over the uplifting half-bra, the flimsy panties encasing the soft pulsating mound of her womanhood.
Lena slid to the floor, grasping the bottoms of the culottes and drawing them hurriedly down and off, so that Sharon now sat in nothing but the thin, filmy undergarments. With quick expertise, the evil older woman unfastened the bra snaps, pulling the garment away and allowing the rich, firm, milky white splendor of the American girl's breasts to be exposed to the lewd gaze of the Lord of Marlowe Manor, the exquisite nipples and aureoles distended and seeming to pulse as if with a life of their own atop the snowy hills. Then Lena's fingers dipped down to the band of Sharon's briefs, and as Mark gently guided the young girl's hips up off the couch, Lena drew the panties down and tossed them with the discarded culottes. Sharon Court, like Lena, was at last naked, completely defenseless with all her charms exposed before the hungrily devouring eyes of the two older people.
"How does it feel to be naked, Sharon dear?" Lena crooned into the young wife's ear. "Isn't it lovely to be without those hot clothes? Isn't it nice to be as nude as I am?"
"Oh yes!" agreed Sharon mesmerically. She squirmed her body luxuriously on the cool leather of the couch. Oh it really was nice! her drugged mind thought. So lovely and nice... especially without those constricting bra and panties... her breasts felt so good and tingly, free, with the warmth of the fire trailing over them, bringing the nipples into almost painful hardness... and down between her legs, a throbbing ecstasy, an arousal she had not felt in a long time... her brain was spinning warmly, giddyingly, and she felt as if she were drunk, drunk on desire and passion... Neal, oh Neal, I wish you were here right now...
Lena intoned, "You're comfortable, aren't you, Sharon? Nice and naked and not too hot and very comfortable, aren't you?"
"Yes, oh yes!"
"Fine," Lena drawled insidiously, "that's fine, dear. Now then, tell Lena what you saw when you entered the stone hut in the garden a little while ago."
A small frown furrowed the young wife's forehead, as if the question didn't quite penetrate the fog of her spinning mind. Then she gave her head a tiny little shake, seeming to comprehend at last the sudden change in conversational direction, and said, "What... what I saw?"
"Yes. What did you see, dear? Tell me what you saw."
"The... the ape..." mumbled the young blonde girl.
"Yes -- Rajah. But what else did you see, Sharon? Wasn't there something else you saw in the hut?"
"No... no..."
"Of course there was," went on Lena soporifically, relentlessly. "You remember, dear Sharon. There were some booklets, weren't there? Some booklets on the table..."
"Booklets," Sharon repeated, and her marijuana and aphrodisia drugged mind repeated the word over and over again. She couldn't talk about those filthy, lewd things... she couldn't... and yet Lena was her friend and she felt so wonderful without her clothes, safe and warm and nice... and she was so naughtily excited, her pussy flowering her juices of passion forth -- and the image of the photographs in the booklets, enticing and boldly obscene, made her vagina tingle even more with forbidden ardor...
"Tell me what you saw in the booklet, Sharon," Lena whispered in her ear. "You did see them, didn't you? You did look at them, didn't you?"
"Yes... yes... they were filthy... pornography..."
"What did they depict, Sharon?"
"Men... men and women... five of them... together..."
"What were they doing?"
"Ohhh... awful things, terrible things..."
"What kind of things?"
"No! I... I can't tell you..."
"Of course you can, dear," Lena said, enjoying herself immensely now. Mark had told her about leaving the copies of Climax Illustrated in Rajah's hut, so that the innocent young woman would hopefully stumble on them -- and she had, just as Mark had said she might. She continued, "Just relax, dear, and tell Lena exactly what the people in the booklets were doing."
"They... they were... oh God, they were making love and... and..."
"Yes? And what, Sharon? And what?"
"And kissing... kissing one another between the legs!" wailed the beauteous blonde wife piteously. "There... there was this blonde girl and she... she... she had this huge Negro's... penis between her lips..."
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September Gurl Belladonna [Author's Note: With Apologies to Big Star for the Title] Davis Perry rubbed his fingers across his forehead before he looked down at his son and said, "Are you sure you can handle it?" "Mom's asking me to watch Susanna for a few days, not go to the moon," Peter retorted, shaking his head. Susanna was four years younger than him and just entering high school. Peter had graduated the June before, but he had decided to take a year off before going to...
The girls went to the restroom and dipped into their purses for make-up. "Jeez, five hunnert dollars!" Chrissie whispered. "I wonder what kinda pictures he wants?" Nancy asked. "Sexy ones I'll bet. That's a lot of money, Nancy." "I know." "Here, I got some bubble-gum pink blush. Try it." "Oh, good! I got some real neat pink lipgloss." Nancy blushed her cheek with the pretty pink, layering it on her farm-fresh face. She applied a thick, pink gloss to her juicy, pouty...
My wife and I started going out during her first year of physiotherapy training at the main hospital of a city in South West England, when I was a second year student at the university. We had met just over a year earlier at a party for new students at the church where she and her parents were members. She was then still at school, and although we sort of became friends, there was no hint of a romantic relationship at the time. I had a number of girl friends during my first year at university;...
"Which bedroom do I use?" That was the question that I had originally intended to use as the title for this story. But this new title is not the answer to the above question. Here's why. My cock had been at half mast for hours as I had debated with myself how she would react to the words that I had been trying to properly phrase for most of those hours. Should I use subtle seduction or should I just plain hit on her, you know, 'I'd like to fuck you? Would her eyes pop open or would they...
I was hanging with my friend Karen one Saturday night, and we were drinking beers and watching a movie. Usually I am with a bigger group of people or with my boyfriend on Saturday night, but somehow just the two of us had ended up alone together at her apartment. It was about midnight when she came up with an unusual bet, and I took the bait.Karen was drinking Heineken out of a big glass pint mug. I was drinking small glasses of one of my favorite cocktails, Amaretto sours."Hey, Miranda, do you...
Assembly Required By Ellie Dauber (c) 2005 The students of Andrew J. Warner High School filed nervously into the auditorium. Their team, the "Toons", had just won the District Basketball playoffs. Normally, it would have been a cause for celebration, but a number of students had gotten out of hand after the game. There'd been some fistfights between the supporters of the two teams and a bit of vandalism at the arena and in the neighborhoods surrounding the school. This assembly had...
this one is a little shorter but i'm trying to build a story here :) Still being a little lightheaded from the great sex we just had, I was reading a magazine on the kitchen counter. I was standing but I had to bend over a little because the counter was a little bit to low. I heard Linda (that's here name) walking towards me. I didn't pay to much attention to here because the articles where really interesting. Suddenly I felt something looking for my asshole. I looked behind me and saw...
Teri took me back to my bedroom, her little hand in mine. As soon as we were there I pulled her to me, kissing her. “Mmmmm-” She groaned into my mouth, her tongue sweet. Her small hands slid along my already hard cock, squeezing it. “You were so bad.” She kissed me again. One hand reached down to cup my balls. The other moving up and down my shaft, the fingers not reaching all the way around. “You weren’t supposed to have sex with Grace.” Her hand moved up and down. The tool that had just...
I was 22 and married with 1 kids. I was in a typical situation. My wife, who at one point was a very sexual woman, no longer wanted anything to do with sex. I was tired of asking for it and getting rejected every time. She wouldn’t even talk about it, when I tried to bring it up. I sensed our marriage may not last. I was horny and tired of having to wake up an hour early to go out in the family room and jack-off every morning. I needed to get away. My mom, who divorced my dad when I was...
~~Eric~~ Ganders was more than understanding of Eric’s circumstance. Hell, all Jessy had to do was give him a few words and the man accepted everything with a smile. It really was a different universe these vamps lived in. They didn’t worry about money, they worried about where their next blood bag was, or when the sun rose. They didn’t worry about making friends, they just turned humans into slaves, and indulged in what a brainwashed ghoul would do for you. They worried about other vamps,...
‘Judy that was unbelievable. I can’t believe you’ve never done this before!’ David exclaimed, starting to wipe off the sticky beads of cum that laced his penis and my tongue. ‘Stop! Let me clean you up,’ I said, walking over to him. My lipstick was written all over his dick. I didn’t care though, he was single and didn’t have a prying, suspicious wife to question him about why his penis was red with a possible different shade than what she had. I take about 4 of 8 inches of his cock in my...
It’s Prom Night and Slimpoke is ready to take his sexy date to the dance, but when he knocks on the door, Emily’s father tells him to go away and slams the door in his face. Slimpoke won’t let the dad get in the way of their special night. He decides to sneak through the back and surprise Emily. They’re both way too horny to go to the dance. She takes him to the living room to give a quick blowjob right before prom. When Emily sees his huge cock, she needs to be fucked. He can’t stop staring at...
xmoviesforyouI live in the city but I have a country house where I spend some days now and then. On this specific occasion my wife stayed in the city and I went there to mow the lawn. The area is quite big so I have one of these garden tractors on which I spend some hours. It gives me a lot of time to think filthy thoughts especially when I, as was the case, have had a very dirty chat on xHamster the night before. I started mowing and had a really nice time. I was thinking of the dirty chat and my dick got...
Darcie Dolce is lying on her bed, using her phone to peruse the latest and greatest vids on Girlsway when she gets a call from Emily Willis. Emily’s lounging on her own bed and can barely contain her excitement that the new Girlsway movie just came out! She can’t wait to get a look at it and invites Darcie to come over and watch it with her. Darcie was just about to watch it herself, so she doesn’t need any convincing. She gets her fine ass over to Emily’s place....
xmoviesforyouShortly after the last Mardi Gras procession, Marie and her little band of followers rested and restored their energy in the quiet and subdued St. Bernard Ward. They spent a little time each day cleaning and repairing the ancient Cemetery behind the Church of Saint Bernard. Marie strolled in the graveyard, pausing to run her fingers along the gravestones and markers. Sometimes she silently mouthed the words in their inscriptions. 1805 - 1839 WIFE - MOTHER - LOVER "Here lies Angelique Du...
Our track team had a ritual, if we won our quarter meet, we would meet at one of the team captains home. IT was always at one whose parents were away for the weekend. The coaches might have known but did not intrude, we all knew that there would be beer and sex. It was at one such party that things got out of hand. Normally we would drink an have fun before the sex begin. This night the guys kept passing me glasses of beer mixed with hard liquor, it wasn't long before I was totally wasted. I...
From Al to Lynn, Part 1 Some of my earliest childhood memories involve looking at and feeling the silky female underwear found in my mom's dresser. I remember wondering why I couldn't wear these pretty and soft things. Before I was 6 years old I was routinely fooling around with my mom's under things, not really knowing that there was something unusual about it. I would often open my mom's underwear drawers and just stare at the wonderful things. I'm sure that by then I would bury my...
I finished my laundry before lunch. At one, I was pulling up into the park near the kiddie playground. I got out. No Nina. I started walking. Fifteen minutes later I had a mile under my belt and had completed a circuit. And Nina's car WAS there. And Nina was walking her charges to the swing set. She released them to go play and then she came to sit beside me. I was sipping on a fountain drink. "Did I bum you out last night? Dan?" "No, Nina. You needed to talk. I listened. 'S what...
By Jax_Teller After weeks at sea, the day to day contact with Linda was getting to me physically. We’d both agreed that we should keep our physical relationship limited to shore leave. I went into the magazine of our missile system one day to check work that had been done that day shift and found Mike one of my missile techs balls deep in some female I didn’t recognize. Mikes’ pants were around his ankles and she was sitting on a work bench her pants and underwear in a ball on the...
Started off my 2nd duty in a foul mood as was on split shift and the missus HAD been asleep.Spent hours stroking her back hoping it would lead to something. Gradually i would slide a finger and thumb under her nightie and squeeze her nipples whilst she sleptSometimes she would stir slightly and so i would stop and wait for her breathing to become deep againEver so slowly i would then rub her pussy, at the top by the clit, as she was too sensitive elsewhere initially and would instantly wake and...
Dorcas and Margery were in bed together again. In the darkness, Abigail could hear the regular creak of the rough frame and Margery’s low moans as Dorcas pleasured her with one of the candles she had pilfered from the refectory. For someone who was training to become a nun, Dorcas had an apparently insatiable appetite for lascivious activity, and Margery had shown herself a more than willing partner.Abigail tried not to listen, but the noises were themselves somewhat arousing. She forced...
NovelsJi to janab kya hall hain meray sexy boys N girls haan to main hazir hoon or ajj main us kahani ki real story suna thi hoon. Jo main site pochnay per meri dost k sath ho a to agay chal thay he ki zabani wo main us say roz khenay lagi k wo mujh ko b apnay bhae say chud way per us ko to mazay lagay ho e thay or khush thi or is tharhaan din guzar thay rahay or main nay b khena chor dia or sexy pic dekh kar unglian kar kay sakoon hasil kar thi rahi kuch din say us ki tabiath theek nahi lag...
Hello me hu Deep aur me 19 yrs ka hu. Me ye site pe first time apne real story likhne ja ra hu. It is real not a fake. Ye story he mere mami ki ladki ki jo 22yrs ki he wo bot hi sexy he aur Me uske bare me esa feel nahi karta tha par ek din esa hua ki me control nai kar paya. Mere 12th ke vacations the aur me apne nana ke ghar ghumne gaya tha wah par mere mami aur unki sath unki ladki (nisha-jiske bare me baat kar raha hu)aur ladka milne ke liye aye the. Aur mere mama spain me job karte he....
Having been crossdressing for sometime now I love the feeling of having fem things on when ever possible. I have started wearing things like garter belts, nylons and bras under my regular clothing. About a year ago I began to take some supplements to help grow breast and they are now a nice 36b and fill a bra nicely. As time has gone on I have even began to buy some clothes that even though they are womens they seem to go nicely with my regular clothes. As I have gotten braver I have also found...
She MalesHi this is Huma with my new story which I hope you will love to read. Meri shadi aaj se 2 saal pehle Pooja ke saath hui thi aur uss din se hamari sex life bahut hi anand dayak rahi hai. Pooja ki umar 22 saal aur meri 23 saal ki hai. Pooja ne apni padhayi Simla ke English medium school mein puri ki hai. Usske pita ji ki maut ho chuki hai aur ghar mein meri saas Pushpa aur ek badi sali, Rati, jo ki talakshuda hai, ke ilawa aur koi nahin hai. Pooja bistar mein bahut naye naye sexy program banati...
Heather came up to the condo and joined us after Pam called her. She was beautiful, just as Pam had told us. I kept thinking of the word 'elegant' as the best single word to describe her. She had the figure of a model, plus breasts that shimmied with the least little movement she made. The effect was mesmerizing, especially since she wore a scoop neck top that advertised a lot of up-top cleavage; I don't know how anyone could talk to her and look her in the eye. We spent an hour talking,...
After a very restful night’s sleep, the Loves’ had breakfast, with Dad leaving for work. “Michael,” my mother said, “Anything specific you do or do not want Nevina and I to wear this evening?” “Provocative, but not slutty, please?” I said getting a slap on the back of my head from my brother Charles. “Pass that on to Nevina please, and also don’t wear the same color dress, please?” “What about the girls?” she asked. My brothers had left the table, so I helped her clear it. At the sink I...
After a long evening of homework, Ellie was on her knees in front of me. I sat on the futon with one hand stroking her cheek, and the other lazily lying off to the side. She worked slowly, hypnotically, up…down all the way…pause…and up again. My dick glistened with her spit. I closed my eyes and moaned softly, letting her do her work. Her right hand found my left and our fingers intertwined tightly as she blew. We were both tired, and I had finished eating her out just a few minutes...