RuneswardChapter 18 free porn video

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“We’ve been using the carriage to gather supplies from different homes around town,” Sir Givens announced as darkness closed on the town. They were having a meeting around the map table. “It served a dual purpose – gathering the things we needed and letting the enemy get used to seeing it around. A few more trips shouldn’t garner any suspicion.”

“So, we just board the carriage and hope the Red Guard doesn’t see us?” Princess Ataya asked uncertainly.

“The carriage pulls under the large awning over the front door,” Gillen explained. “No one from outside the hall will see you get in. When you get to the smithy, we pull the carriage close. No one should see you get out and we’ll make a bit of a show about gathering more supplies to cover our reason for being there.”

“I see two problems right away,” Givens frowned. “The first is the size of the carriage; it’s too small to fit everyone who needs to go – so we’re going to have to take two or three trips ... and we’ll have to spread them out over some time. I think the Red Guard might get suspicious if we have two trips to the smithy one after another.”

“Second, we’re going to have to limit the weight. I’m not certain how much longer the patched wheel is going to hold out.”

“How many can fit in the carriage at a time?” Ardt asked.

“Comfortably?” Sir Givens asked. He bit his lip, his eyes distant. “It’s going to depend. Knights in full armor? Two, possibly three but it will be a tight fit and the weight is a concern. Women? Perhaps five or six.”

“I don’t think we want the Knights in full armor anyway,” Gillen suggested slowly. “If the Red Guard happens to see anyone in armor, they’re going to know something is up.”

Sir Givens frowned. “You might be right.” He thought for a few moments. “I may have a solution; it won’t solve the weight problem because we’re still going to have to transport the armor but it will solve the space issue somewhat. Okay, the Knights will have to remove their armor. It will be good for them to have a comfortable night before tomorrow, anyway. We have some large chests or trunks down in the cellar; we can empty them – they’re just holding some cloth and knick knacks at the moment – and use them to transport the armor.”

“How much does the armor weigh?” Bena asked, interrupting the discussion.

“It’s about sixty pounds,” Yren offered. “At least, the armor I made is about sixty pounds – and it’s based on drawings and plans of actual armor.”

“Be thankful you only needed to make a fighting set,” the First of the Third chuckled. “A full jousting set can weigh more than a hundred pounds – of course, you can’t really fight in a full jousting set. You can barely move in a full jousting set.”

“There’s more than one set of armor?” Bena questioned, confused.

“Most knights actually have at least three sets of armor,” Honor Hawksley continued. “Many have four or more. The truth is, we need more than one set for our different activities. I have a set for jousting, one for dress occasions, a fighting set and a set of chain mail. The jousting set is the biggest and heaviest but it has to be to ward off the lance. It’s not very useful off a horse, unfortunately, as your movement is pretty restricted.”

“On the other end of the spectrum is the dress armor,” she continued. “It tends to look like a highly stylized version of our jousting armor but it is very impractical – the plates are uselessly thin; they wouldn’t stand up to one decent hit. Our working armor is in between; sturdy but not as thick as the jousting armor – and it allows us to move fairly freely. The chain mail is our everyday armor; it’s what we wear when we’re not planning on being in battle or when we’re in battle and need the added mobility.”

“So you carry around four sets of armor?” Bena questioned.

“Not this trip,” Hawksley smiled. “We were told to go for speed and stealth – so we only packed our working set.” She turned back to Sir Givens, who’d been discussing the logistics of the move with Ardt. “I say we do it in three trips. We put one or two chests with armor on the floor of the carriage each trip and have the passengers rest their feet on them.”

Sir Givens pursed his lips and frowned. “It seems reasonable. It will probably work as well as anything else.”

“Bena, Issa and I can go in the first trip,” Elva offered. “We can get things ready.”

“Not alone,” Ardt spoke up. “I’ll go with you.”

Sir Givens frowned for a moment before nodding his assent. “We can send Yren with Caprice and Mulet on the second run and Syl and Uud with the Princess after.”

“What about Teran?” Yren spoke up.

“I’m staying here.”

“What? Why? You’ll be safer at the smithy,” Yren objected.

“Safer, maybe,” Teran replied softly, pulling Yren away a few feet. “But I’m needed here. When the attack comes, I’ll need to be where I and my bow can be of the most use – which is here.”

“You’ll be in danger...,” Yren started but Teran interrupted him.

“We’ll all be in danger,” Teran said sternly, arching one eyebrow. “And we all have our jobs.”

“I can’t protect you here,” Yren explained.

“I don’t need your protection, Yren,” Teran replied firmly, her face set. “Nor do I need your permission.”

“I just want you to be safe.”

“And I want you to be safe,” Teran replied softly, raising her hand and resting it on Yren’s chest. “I’ll be careful – and you be careful. We’ll get through this, love.”

“What is Teran doing?” Issa demanded of her mother, her face stormy.

“What you wouldn’t,” Elva said, glancing over at her oldest daughter. She smiled, watching her eldest daughter with her hand on Yren’s chest. It was obvious Teran had fallen for the young man – but she’d known that for seasons. She had just always wondered when Teran was going to realize it. “She was willing to step aside when she thought you were pining for him but once you passed, she wanted to make sure he didn’t get away.”

“I never passed, mother,” Issa fumed. “I was just getting my own education – just like he had.”

“And you expected him to wait for you?” Elva said sharply, eyebrows raised. “You thought you could grind his face in it and he’d not move on? You’re a silly little girl! I tried to tell you but you wouldn’t listen. Even a mediocre smith commands a comfortable living and Yren is far from mediocre. He’s also tall and strong and handsome but also sweet and kind. I warned you he’d have options – and it looks like he’s exercising them. While you found importance in dragging his face through your ‘education’ all you really accomplished was pushing yourself out of his heart.”

“He didn’t seem to care while he was dragging my face through his education,” Issa retorted.

“Really?” Elva asked, one eyebrow arched. “He never even realized what reaching his majority entailed; I was the one who brought Vana to our house with the express purpose of teaching him the finer points of sex. In deference to your feelings, he never once mentioned when he was going to see Vana. In deference to your feelings, Teran and he always met outside of our home. Don’t you think he would be much more comfortable in his own bed?”

“Maybe,” her daughter replied sullenly. “But he sure didn’t need to continue for the past two seasons.”

Elva shook her head, turning her attention back towards Teran and Yren who were kissing softly. “You don’t understand – and I’m not sure you ever will. It doesn’t matter anyway. You’ve cast your lot and it’s come back to bite you. You’ve lost him, Issa – tossed him away like a false copper. Teran was happy to step in in your stead.”

“But-but-but,” Issa stuttered. “That’s not fair. He’s mine!”

“He’s his own,” Elva said sadly, shaking her head at her daughter’s antics. “You had the opportunity and squandered it. Don’t you dare begrudge your sister her own chance at happiness.”

“I can get him back anytime I want,” Issa snarled. “Teran doesn’t stand a chance.”

Elva knew better but didn’t think it worth the time to argue with her middle daughter.

When Yren returned to the table, most of the logistics had been decided.

“Three trips over the next two hours,” Sir Givens responded to Yren’s question. “Your family first, as soon as the carriage returns. We’ll have the carriage make a few odd trips and then it will be your turn with Caprice and Mulet. The same again and then we’ll send her Highness with Uud and Syl.”

Yren nodded his understanding and Sir Givens continued. “If everything works out as we hope, the lot of you may be hiding in the smithy for a week or so. We’ll need to be cautious. Ardt said there’s a well in the back of the smithy?”

“We use it for quenching the metal,” Yren confirmed.

Sir Givens nodded. “We’ll need a few barrels of water in the cellar as well as a latrine of some kind. We can’t chance anyone being seen going outdoors to do their business.”

Yren thought quickly. “We have some lye. I can dig a hole and dump lye into the bottom. Then we can rig some cloth or a curtain around it. It won’t be pretty, but it will do.”

Sir Givens considered the young man in front of him. He looked around to ensure no one was within earshot before moving close and lowering his voice. “Listen, Yren. If things go wrong and you have to engage the Red Guard, don’t hold back. They won’t. Fighting a person with your life on the line is nothing like what we’ve done in practice. In practice, if you get hit, you need to clean a red mark off your clothes or skin and you can get right back to it. The fight that’s coming will be real – any mistake could be your last. I have faith in you; I know you can handle what’s being asked of you. However, you’re not blooded – and those who you’ll face likely have been. Give quarter when you can but take no chances; err on the side of survival.”

Yren nodded grimly. “I will.”

Sir Givens smiled. “I know you will, son.” His smile faded and his face looked troubled. “Try to stay close to Ardt. Ardt has little training. He’s strong and quick, so we’ve given him a long hammer in place of your sword; better if he keeps the Guard at bay as much as possible. You may need to watch his back as well as your own.”

“I’ll do my best, sir,” Yren promised, frowning. It bothered him that Ardt wouldn’t be using the sword he made but he couldn’t argue with Sir Givens’ advice. He looked around, spotting Teran talking with Bena, Bremer and Goodman Rooft. “Sir, if you can – please watch out for Teran. I know she can take care of herself and I know of her skill with a bow but...”

“Teran will be fine,” Sir Givens clapped a hand on Yren’s shoulder. “She’s deadly with that bow and Ranger Ellsworth has been teaching her the finer points of combat. She’d never make a warrior but she can hold her own with a staff.”

Yren nodded. “I know she’s been training hard but... “ He sighed. “I think I’m more worried for her than I am for myself.”

“The downside to loving someone, I’m afraid,” Sir Givens sighed. “We know they’re out of our control so we worry ourselves over what might happen to them. I feel a similar worry for Bremer and Andwynn. And, of course, for my son, Arclad. I’m proud of him, but there are times I wish he’d have apprenticed with someone like Ardt instead of choosing my old profession. I suppose I would have worried even then; you’ll understand when you become a father.”

The subject of their discussion was in a discussion of her own. “I’ve taken some jerky up into the tower. We’ll likely need to be up there all day and I doubt we’ll get much of a break, if any.”

“I’ve taken a blanket and bucket up,” Bremer spoke up. She shrugged. “Some jugs of water, too. Like you said, there won’t be time for us to come down.”

“I’ve seen those metal arrows,” Goodman Rooft spoke up. “Did Yren make those?”

“He did,” Teran chuckled proudly.

“That boy is too clever by half.” Rooft shook his head. “How do they fly?”

“Far and true,” Teran smiled simply. “Better than wooden ones. They spin in the air – make a bit of a high-pitched whistling – which keeps them on target. They also go further and faster than wood.”

“How do they hit?”

“Hard,” Teran said. “They bury themselves more than half again as deep as a wooden arrow.”

“How many do we have?” Bremer asked.

“Only a hundred and six,” Teran sighed. “Without knowing how many we face, we’ll have to use them sparingly; use them when we’re sure of our targets.”

“I brought two score arrows with me,” Rooft said. “I’ll take them up. I saw a few barrels of arrows stored in the cellar. They’re old but well made; they should fly true.”

“We should leave those down there, for now,” Teran suggested. “We can resupply as needed.”

“You can help me carry the ones I grabbed,” Bremer suggested. “I pulled all of the ones I could find in the domen. Some of them are metal, like the ones you brought, Teran. They’re heavier, though, and they don’t travel as far.”

“Those must be Yren’s earlier versions,” Teran said in realization. “I wondered how he’d designed them; I’m sure he’s good with a sword, but the most dangerous place to be when Yren uses a bow is anywhere besides where he’s aiming.”

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Daniel felt lost as he sat on the train with his family, they were moving once again to another town as his father had just got offered a higher job. The train chugged its way through tunnel after tunnel as Daniel thought about the people he was leaving behind. The 3 best friends he’d had since primary who were Johnny, Liam and Nathan and his girlfriend Sarah who he had been seeing for two years now. The train stopped as more people entered from the station. Daniel got hold of his bag and took...

3 years ago
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Chachi Ki Behan Ki Jamkar Chudai Ki

Hi frends I am arjun from jalandhar……Iss me ye meri 2nd story hai…Pahli story “preet ki mom ki hardcore chudai” jise aap sab ne aacha responce diya tha…Aur kafi sare sexyladies nd readers k mail aaye…Jaise ki aap sab ko pata h..Kimain jalandhar se hun and ek student hun…Mera mail id h bat kuch mahine pahle ki hai..Main apne winter holiday pe apne chacha k ghar gya jo ki ludhiyana me hai… Mere uncle jo ki 45 year k hai..Nd chachi 32year ki…Use dekhte hi yar mera lund khada ho jata h..Unke...

4 years ago
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Sir LancelotChapter 8

At the bewitching hour of midnight the casino was invariably at full swing. Tonight being Saturday, it was even better, Silk Weaver thought, looking about him at the multitudes of elite who had come to be swindled... expected to be swindled. The gaming tables were jammed, and the din of the slot machines in long rows lining the walls, coupled with the human roar and the even louder pitched voices of the stickmen chanting their litany in response to the fascinating dance of the red celluloid...

3 years ago
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Urkat Ogre

You are hunting in the forest near your tribe's mountain when you come across a human wearing a strange uniform. It's a uniform you've never seen before and it makes you nervous.You keep a safe distance from the strange soldier and observe him. He seems to be lost in thought, looking down at the ground as he paces. If he notices you, he makes no indication of it. You decide to move closer to him."Hey," you say, as you approach him.The man jumps at your voice. He turns to face you, and his eyes...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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The Way of WarChapter 48

The ship slowly nosed up to the unloading point. The moon cast a faint glow on the desert landscape as everyone onboard held their breath. Then from the shore, a red light was seen flashing on and off. Shaun relaxed from the tension that had built up. They had not been discovered, Captain Stavros quietly gave an order, and the ship slowly came to a stop. The ship was secured to the shore, and the ship’s derrick swung into action. Shaun could see from the bridge shadowy figures appearing on...

2 years ago
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Gay Dorm Sex

I was in a program for the summer and during that time I had to share a dorm room with another person. With my luck I ended up getting stuck with a very annoying guy who caused me a bit of trouble. I found him to be on his phone late even though we had a cellphone curfew. He would also wake up late, even though we had to get up early as we'd get in trouble for missing breakfast. I wasn't going to say anything, it was his choice, not mine. I was fine with him doing all he did until he accused me...

3 years ago
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My Mom Saw Me Naked

"Mom, I'm home." I called out, hoping for an answer to come from somewhere. It never did. I realized no one was home and so I grabbed a glass and poured cold milk, drinking it before taking a shower. I took a cold shower, hoping it would help cool down my body. It worked, until I got out of the shower. As I entered my room looking for pajamas to put on, I realized that my Mom was at her friends home and Dad was staying over at Grandma's home for the night in another city. It was...

1 year ago
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Lady in Red Pt 02 Ch 07

When the man’s face came into stronger light, Steve spoke in a challenging manner. ‘You’d better holster that gun, or use it.’ ‘I don’t need a gun to take you down, Hammer,’ replied the man as he tucked the handgun into his waistband. ‘How’s Kate? Is she okay? I’m ashamed to admit that I was a little slow back there. Is she hurt?’ By this time Gwen was next to Kate, looking at the blood on her face and asking her questions, and listening to Kate’s response. ‘Three men grabbed me. I went to...

3 years ago
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Bad Part of Town

Mika just wanted a change of pace from the usual boring studies rooms. Mika went to her closet which happen to have a full body mirror in it. Mika grabbed a nice form fitting, hip hugging suede mini dress that clung tightly to her mixed compplextion body. Mika stood at about 5' 3" had jet black hair and nice natural 30 D breast complete with a landing strip above her pierce libia. Mika snuck out to go to a party and decided to drive one of her roommates car. Unfortunately, her roommate Meagan's...

2 years ago
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The Intruders Part 3

THE INTRUDERS, PART 3 I looked at the secretary. She simply couldn't be more sexy, more alluring. As I watched, she uncrossed and then recrossed her legs, the black nylon that encased them shimmering as she did so, the tight skirt riding up to display a glimpse of creamy thigh. She wiggled her free foot slightly, drawing attention to the shiny black pump and its preposterously high heel. As my gaze shifted up, I took in the crisp white blouse, unbuttoned far enough to reveal just a...

4 years ago
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Changes in Paradise 07 Sharks Submarines and Salvage

Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. You really must read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 6," if you haven't already. This story has grown far beyond what I expected, and now the narrative threads...

2 years ago
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Call Girl Teaches Teens How To Fuck

Hey. This is your favorite call girl Nithya Sen back. After my first sex experience as a call girl with Ali and sabu, I had plenty of sex experiences. let me tell you some of the interesting stories. It had been a month since my last sex experience in which I lost my virginity in Goa. I had had about 2 or 3 sex calls since then. But this is quite a sexy case. Rita and I had already decided to work separately. This call was about a month after I lost my virginity. I had had 2 more calls since...

3 years ago
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Gina gives the perfect blowjob

Gina and I were going to dinner so we had planned to meet at her apartment at six. I drove over and let myself in. ‘Hey, I’m here,’ I said as I entered but she was nowhere to be seen. Looking around her living room toward the kitchen I tried to spot her. ‘In the bedroom,’ she said, ‘I’m finishing something up that you might enjoy seeing.’ I stopped as I entered the bedroom. Gina was spread eagle on the bed. Her beautiful pussy visible from the door. Her black pubic hair was trimmed to...

3 years ago
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Hot Lady Needed More Than A Flat Tire Changed

One evening while coming home from the gym, I took a rarely traveled short cut through a tree-lined un-paved road. There was a middle aged woman, standing beside her car. As I got closer, she flagged me down. When I pulled up behind her, I saw she had a flat tire. This very attractive petite 5-2” tall woman who must have been in her mid-40s came up to me and explained that she had a flatter and her she could not make a call on her cell phone. Obviously, frazzled, I tried to calm her down a bit...

2 years ago
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Chronos ChroniclesChapter 29

Cleaning up Inside the bathhouse are the rest of the Protectors. They are stripping out of their soiled clothing. Seth blushes when I come in but no one comments at my appearance, so I just pull off the blood encrusted clothes along with the rest. If I weren't so tired, I think I might have even enjoyed the sight of all those well honed bodies. But tonight I am just looking for a bath, like the rest of the group. I follow when everyone troops through the far door to a sunken bath, I...

2 years ago
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You blind fold me and whisper in my ear that you have a surprise for me. You lead me into a room and slowly remove my clothes. You set me down in a chair and slowly tie my legs to the chair and take my hands and tie them behind the chair. As I sit there in the darkness from the blind fold, I hear you walking around me in your high heels, as you circle me you run your soft hands all over my body. I feel you stop right in front of me. You gently sit on my lap and passionately kiss me while slowly...

3 years ago
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Connie is twelve years younger than me and has an athletic body with a great ass, firm erect breasts and long legs that seem to go on forever. We have worked together for about ten years and I have seen her through two divorces. There have been many fantasies over these years but one summer, the best of these came true. I had been promoted to the head of a department and managed to get Connie transferred to work for me. After about six months, I arranged a trip to California to visit a plant...

2 years ago
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Naughty neighbours Part 1

I was sat at home bored on a saturday afternoon. I could hear my neighbours having and argument again. Mac Got in his car and sped off.I ventured out into the back garden to mow the grass when i saw Nina stood at her gate with a pair of shears hanging in her hand. "Hi Nina lovely afternoon for it" I said foolishly upon reflection having heard the screams and shouts not 5 minutes previous. Nina smiled, but I could see the tears in her eyes."Hey.... come on .. it cant be that bad " I said"I know...

2 years ago
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Best Service Ever

Let’s say the day started out as any normal day. Being the single mom I am, dropping my boys off at daycare and speeding to get to work on time. Of course this was one of my late days in which I had a lot of paperwork to rap up before the holiday. These days my boyfriend Jay always picks up my boys. Now don’t get me wrong I love him to the moon and back but our bedroom life was lacking. It seemed I had the male brain when it came to sex and he was the wife with the headache. So now you see...

4 years ago
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Summer With My Busty Mallu Vallyemma 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, I hope you liked the first part of my fantasy story. Please check it out if you haven’t read it as yet. So, I was stroking my dick, smelling and chewing my mallu Vallyemma’s sweaty panties, and yelling out her name unconsciously. I came suddenly and at that moment, I heard her asking, “What happened son, why are you calling me..?” Suddenly, I came back to my senses. What the fuck I’ve done! I might’ve whispered her name loudly. I told in an artificial panic tone, “Spider.” She...

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Wifes Journey Part 4

Wife’s Journey Part 4My wife works in retail so her hours vary, day shifts, night shifts, weekends, etc. This particular day she was working the night shift and doesn’t go in till 2PM. Sometimes she likes this shift because it gives her time home alone without me and our daughters. I got home before my daughters did and when I went back into the bedroom I noticed the laptop on the bed. Sometimes this means she was either shopping or looking at porn and having some fun. I also noticed some...

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HootersChapter 10

Shock, overwhelming sadness, the pain of loss, and anger, anger that such filth could reside anywhere, and good beings not know of it. All the blinders, scales, or whatever sensory inhibitors the beings of the Alliance might have, after millennia nearly beyond memory of being at peace, to have it stripped away in an instant, and ripped from their collective consciousness, had shaken the Alliance to the core. Those native to the now destroyed Human Earth were in mourning for their lost...

2 years ago
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Kaamwali Aur Uski Saheliyon Dwara Meri Samuhik Chudai

To ye baat tab ki hai jab mujhe apne higher studies ke liye bahar jana tha. To main apne purane ghar mein kuch dino ke liye akela tha. Us ghar mein ek kaamwali aati thi jo 30 ya 35 saal ki thi aur uska naam Surekha (name changed) tha. Uska rang sanwla tha aur uske boobs ka size approx 35b tha aur gaand normal thi. Uska face sundar tha. Woh kafi shant swabhav ki thi aur apne kam se kam matlab rakhti thi. Mujhe woh bohut pasand thi aur main usko soch kar kai baar muth marta tha. Main uske sath...

1 year ago
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Motel Fun

Linda and I went out of town for a week, we got a cheap motel, our room was on the first floor. We got there, we turned on the AC and relax a bit. I took off all my clothes, Linda looked at me and told me to close the blinds so no one can look in. I told her no one is going to look in and plus the blinds were stuck open. She wanted to get another room but I talk her into staying in that room. I told her you could barely see in the room through the window, of course I was lying. She said fine,...

4 years ago
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Maid to Order

She was tall and statuesque, her hair in a bun. I had seen her type before, trying to appear strong and domineering by flexing their Executive muscle. Management change was nothing new for me. I had watched new department heads come and go with regularity. I didn't fear a new boss like the other employees did ... I knew the company needed me because I was their biggest producer. I made them money ... lots of money. And, as long as I was one of their best sales people, I felt bullet proof,...

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