Gold'nd GirlsChapter 2 free porn video

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Prior to reading chapter two, you might want to consider re-reading part one of ‘Gold’nd Girls’, it has been over five years since the Don’s first adventure resulting in the hi-jack attempt, of course you all remember the Hi-Jack Right!!!

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Synopsis: Don had been pushing an eighteen-wheeler for more than decade; you could say he lived in his truck. His downtime passion was playing at prospecting for gold. After surviving the adventure with the hijackers, it changed all of that; his rig had been totally destroyed. But the cash he and Ennis recovered provided Don a little solace. Thinking back, it appeared the only good thing that happened to Don recently, was George Pratt’s daughters, Jayden, and Sarah, were now his wards, from a dedicated bachelor to a daddy, in what seemed a matter of days. But you know that part of the story already Right! And now there’s more, more daughters that is!!

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Codes: Ma/ft, Adventure, Romantic

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Special thanks to Jim-7 for his expertise in editing and proofing. No bunnies were harmed during his edit. {Very true ... darnit! (JIM7)}

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It had been nearly a month since I returned home from the hospital to my two beautiful daughters and my mountain. With all kinds of time on my hands, what better opportunity would there be for me to pursue my hobby and passion: panning for gold. Since everyone in the area had emphatically stated no gold existed, I made it my goal to prove them right! When I mentioned my intentions to Jayden and Sarah, I thought they were going to bust a gut from laughing so hard.

✧ ✧ ✧

“Daddy, there’s no gold in this area, really. Many of our kin have stories about gold prospectors, and they all ended the same results, lots of humiliation, but no gold!”

“That being the case, then your daddy will get a lot of needed exercise, looking for something that doesn’t exist. Are you girls coming with me? We will drive the truck as far as we can up the mountain face and then we - or just me - will take a look around. Bring your smart phones. You can play games on them if you get bored.”

✧ ✧ ✧

The girls grabbed some cookies and soft drinks to make sure we wouldn’t starve during our expedition. With the four-wheel drive engaged we crawled up the incline, most of, for lack of a better word, the trail was just the bare granite face of the mountain. It was apparent that others had preceded us; the loose rocks were piled on the edge of the trail giving the appearance of markers.

✧ ✧ ✧

Two curious bunnies watched us as we passed them. Yes, bunny haters there are bunnies on this mountain as well as in Everett!

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{But, Jack! I don’t hate bunnies! I love them! They’re TASTY! (JIM7)}

✧ ✧ ✧

We travelled upwards for nearly an hour, at an incredibly low rate of speed, and then we came to the end of the trail. There in front of us, was a boulder at least six times the size of the truck, just sitting there. I could only imagine what our world was like at the time that boulder settled here, some hundreds of millions of years ago. Was it considered small at that time or large as it was to me? One thing for sure we were not going any further by truck.

✧ ✧ ✧

Since it was still early and I had nothing planned, I would explore. What I found was more boulders of varying sizes, no running water, no creeks; no gravel to pan, just a whole lot of nothing. Hell, not even bunnies thought this area was any good. There ain’t no gold in them their hills. But it wasn’t a total loss. Far to the west, off in the distance, I could see what could be called a creek. As the crow flies, maybe a couple of miles; by truck, maybe thirty or more, and that would be only if I could the find access to it. Maybe tomorrow! Back in the truck, I managed to turn around with the help of some very explanative words. I don’t think the girls were impressed. Jayden was shaking her head.

✧ ✧ ✧

“Daddy, can we stop at Runaround Creek, there’s clearing with open water like a pool, just off the trail where we can go swimming. The water is a little cool, but we usually just jump in and then out and let the sun warm us.”

✧ ✧ ✧

Since going swimming hadn’t been mentioned or planned prior to leaving the cottage, we had no bathing suits. John Thomas was wondering who needed suits, besides, I loved looking at my girls in the nude. Going down the incline was just a hair faster than going up, but there were very steep drop-offs on parts of this bunny track. Runaround Creek didn’t flow straight down. It seemed to flow right to left, then back again. Nature did imaginative things. We parked beside some bulrushes, and the girls lead the way to the pool.

✧ ✧ ✧

What looked like a family of bunnies took off, two adults and three little ones. No, I don’t need any bunny recipes.

✧ ✧ ✧

The trail, what trail? We crawled over the rocks then a pocket opened up. The pool was a depression in the rock. Over millions of years the water eroded away the softer surface rock and had formed a roughly ovoid pool, 20 by 30 feet, and almost 4 feet deep. Two adjacent areas were covered with thick green moss and grass. There was plenty of evidence the local bunnies enjoyed the grass. Both girls, showing no modesty, stripped then waited for me to remove my clothing.

I really didn’t know who to thank for bringing Jayden and Sarah into my life, George for being such a prick about his own flesh and blood, the internet by showing me Runaround Creek ... Whatever it was, today I was truly thankful. Looking at my two nude model daughters, of course, my eyes targeted the wonders between their legs. Jayden’s man in a boat was swollen, a large pink protrusion exposed out of its hood.

Jayden came towards me and massaged John Thomas, who betrayed me by getting harder.

✧ ✧ ✧

“Daddy, I am going to help you get rid of that.”

✧ ✧ ✧

Jayden, using John Thomas as a leash, tugged me towards a soft bed of moss. Sarah was right with us. Jayden released John Thomas and was now on her back arranging herself to receive John Thomas in her moist beautiful moist sleeve. Her man in a boat was now protruding at least a half inch. Sarah was sitting beside Jayden, her legs spread giving me a second view of her pink promise for later.

Now that I was mounted in Jayden, her arms encircled me and the manifestation of the actions of memorable sex took place. Nothing could compare to the feelings of making love to Jayden and Sarah. Their young bodies were perfect for me in every way. Then, like magic, I was at the point of no return. Jayden’s head lock on me squeezed tight as her body was in the throes of her climax. My ejaculations filled her void. Oh, what a feeling. When I opened my eyes, I was looking into Jayden’s eyes. Then she kissed me.

“Daddy, I love you.”

“And I love you both. A year ago, I would have never envisioned anything like this. I was set in my ways. I feel blest meeting the two of you.”

✧ ✧ ✧

When we untangled our bodies, I watched the girls heading for the pool. From behind, I watched as a glob of my cum slowly seeped down Jayden’s inner thigh, when she leaned over, her bum cheeks spread and gave me a view of her breath taking virgin rosebud. Someday soon it would be deflowered! John Thomas was so impressed he started to come back to life. I followed the girls, who were now in the water splashing, the vixens knew what was going to happen to me when I hit that ice cold water, shit it really was ice cold, so much for John Thomas’s resurrection. Both girls were watching and then started laughing.

✧ ✧ ✧

“Daddy, now you know why I wanted you to fuck me before you got in the water.”

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I made a lunge for them, and then realized, it was me getting the worst of this, they seemed accustomed to the ice water, not me or John Thomas. I got out and lay back on the shore, basking in the rays of the warm sun as they did their job. The solar heat felt so good! The warmth ran through my body. I could hear the girls chatting. Then I felt a very cold hand on John Thomas. It was Sarah. She was trying to revive phoenix. She engulfed John Thomas in her warm mouth, and that did the job! Now in his full glory, Sarah shifted her body and was above me lowering her beautiful pussy on John Thomas, no more cold, just Sarah’s warm moist sleeve. I loved my girls. This time my ejaculation wasn’t as strong, but it was very, very special.

✧ ✧ ✧

The trip back to the cottage was relaxing, the girls were whispering to each other. In my mind, I knew this situation of me doing nothing wasn’t going to last. The girls were great, but they had to get back into the routine of going to school and interacting with other’s their own age. It had me wondering how soon it would be when some young confident male caught their eye. They were no longer the dowdy young girls I first met; they were now incredibly attractive young ladies.

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The bunnies were evident as we descended the mountain. I wondered if there was some clown pursuing them. Nasty, Nasty.

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As soon as we were home, the girls hit the shower. Both had cum seeping from their pussies. Grabbing a coffee, my mind was suggesting I get off my ass and get back on the road. But did I want to get back into the rat race of long-haul driving? My mind answered, hey dummy that was all you’ve been doing for the last fifteen years, and you still needed to find the mother lode of gold, like that was ever going to happen. Then my inner being answered again, nothing would happen if you just sat there with your finger up your ass and never tried.

✧ ✧ ✧

Since I had not considered replacing my rig, for the time being prospecting it would have to be. A place to start. would be to attempt to find the creek that was about two miles east as the crow flies. The girls were parading around with towels wrapped around their hair and body; the body wraps didn’t cover heaven. Both girls made sure I got a good view of their men in a boat, both, I was sure, were calling me. That would have to wait until later.

✧ ✧ ✧

“Would you girls like to join me, I am going prospecting again, different place.”

“No thanks, you’re not going to find anything.”

“You never know!”

“Yes, we do! We’re going to watch television.”

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More porno, who knew what they would watch, maybe something they could share with Daddy, later!

✧ ✧ ✧

When I passed the Pratt residence, I saw the three boys were outside and waved. I didn’t see that miserable old prick George. Now on the main road I travelled east watching the odometer, close to the two-mile reading I watched for a right turn, maybe an actual road, rather than a goat trail.

Approximately three miles east there was a road/path/ trail/ bunny track. As soon as I started to climb, I engaged the all-wheel drive. The odometer slowly flipped tenths of a mile, at four and four-tenths miles, I finally spotted the elusive creek. The good thing was, its bottom was full of rocks and gravel, no weeds at this point. It was obvious that I was not the only visitor. The ground was littered with used condoms. I, with my investigative talents, had located one of the parking areas for local teens.

✧ ✧ ✧

Grabbing my knap sack containing my panning paraphernalia, I headed up stream. About forty feet up, I encountered a small waterfall, above the waterfall was a pool, surrounded by various sized rocks, the water was clear enough to see the bottom which was covered with small rocks and gravel. Maybe just maybe, a couple of flakes of gold were waiting for me. Shit! The water was ice cold, but I managed to scoop a pan of gravel and started the ritual, swirling the pan, getting rid of the rock and actual gravel, still no gold flakes. Finally, I saw the glitter of one flake proving there was trace gold in this creek. Two hours later, I was the proud owner of six flakes. Gathering my equipment, I returned to the truck. Just as I was about to leave, I heard.

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“What’s you’s doing mister?”

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Turning to the sound, I was faced with two young girls. They reminded me of Jayden and Sarah the first time we met when George introduced us. Their clothing must have come from the same source as they were clean, but butt ugly. Both girls were blue eyed blonds, with very well shaped, kissable lips.

“I’m just about to leave for home. Where do you girls live?”

They pointed upstream. My eyes followed, and I spotted a cottage. Smoke was curling from the chimney.

“Is yous the man, Jayden and Sarah is livin’ with?”

News travels fast in the hills of Tennessee, I nodded yes.

“Wishen’ it was us.”

I was guessing both girls were in the fourteen to sixteen age range, they had the same body features as Jayden and Sarah originally did in their ill-fitting clothing, none! But now they had me curious, why and the hell would they want to be Sarah and Jayden, disowned by their ma and pa?

“Why is that?”

“Pa tol’ us we needs to get married and have kids. We’s don’t wants to.”

“What do you want to do?”

“Gets an education, like Jayden and Sarah is doing. Then we’s can do things.”

“What are your names?”

“Avery and Sienna Pratt, we’s cousins with Jayden and Sarah.”

✧ ✧ ✧

What a wonderful family the Pratts were, both pushing their young daughters out of their home. No wonder the girls wanted to break the cycle. Now I was getting that very uneasy feeling, what a situation for young girls to be in, this again reminded me of my introduction to Jayden and Sarah! And my involvement with the young teen girls all started because I wanted to be a gold prospector. Shit!

✧ ✧ ✧

“I’ll tell them I met you. I have to go.”

✧ ✧ ✧

In the rear-view mirrors, I watched Avery and Sienna’s mournful faces, they were still standing in the clearing, then they were gone, the rear landscape changed with the direction of the truck. Why did I feel so apprehensive and shitty? I hadn’t done anything! How do I get myself into these ‘things?’ Hell, I didn’t even know what these ‘things’ were! Those six flakes of gold no longer gave me the same lift as they originally did.

✧ ✧ ✧

Turning onto my trail, I thought of Jayden and Sarah, watching the porn channels, maybe getting some new ideas to try with their daddy. Then another thought hit me, I really should be working. I know I didn’t need the money, but I couldn’t spend the rest of my life panning gold that wasn’t there. I needed to be doing something. There was a feeling of pride as the cottage came into view, my girls would be waiting.

✧ ✧ ✧

But they were not waiting for me, they were in bed, Jayden was sawing a long string of anal beads in and out of Sarah’s tight rosebud, Sarah in the throes of the sensation, her body was ever so close to an anal climax, she was moving back and forth on her knees enjoying the complete sensation of the action. Jayden must have heard the door open.

“Hi, Daddy, give me a minute. Sarah is nearly there.”

There, meaning a thundering climax, which she was now in the throes of enjoying! I couldn’t help but admire her beautiful round dark rimmed open rosebud. A trickle of her pussy juice was slowly seeping down her inner thighs. She turned.

✧ ✧ ✧

“Hi, Daddy, did you like Avery and Sienna?”

How in the hell did they know I had met their cousins?

“They called us. They want to be like us.”

Once again, I got that uneasy feeling. The hair on the back of my neck felt like it was sticking straight out like porky-pine quills! Now I was waiting for the rest of the story.

“What do you mean?”

Jayden had a weird smile on her face like a Cheshire cat, not a good sign.

“When you were in the hospital, Mr. Haley took us shopping. We met my uncle, Avery, and Sienna’s daddy, in the grocery store. Our cousins couldn’t believe the stylish clothing we were wearing and our new hair styles, Uncle Peter was shocked thinking his brother George spent all that money on his daughters. We told the girls what our pa and ma did to us. Avery whispered to me that she wished her ma and pa would do the same thing. They want new things, too.”

Now I knew why I had those weird shitty feelings of foreboding, like a ton weight was ready to drop on me.

“Anything else happen?”

“We bought them sodas and talked about you and the new stuff we were learning at school and from the satellite dish. They couldn’t believe we get three hundred channels.”

I wondered if they mentioned the thirty porn channels that the girls enjoyed!


“We showed them our Victoria’s Secret lingerie in the bathroom. They were wearing large plain worn white baggy panties tied with a string. Heck, both felt the soft material on our bras and thongs. They want the same thing.”

✧ ✧ ✧

Rather than getting any deeper on this subject, I asked what was for dinner. But I still had a horrible feeling of foreboding. During dinner, my comment about returning to long-haul driving didn’t bring a remark. The girl’s lives were now entrenched with the new activities they seemed to enjoy, me being away, driving, was now part of that.

✧ ✧ ✧

Tomorrow I would start the fun of locating a new tractor, since the price was no object, the funds from the insurance company were still in the bank. Perhaps I could find a dealer that would take cash payments of nine thousand a month for the balance.

While the girls got dinner ready, I enjoyed a shower. Dinner went well; the questions at the table were mostly when I was going to buy a new truck and such. But Sarah hit me again about her cousins.

✧ ✧ ✧

“Daddy, did you find Avery and Sienna attractive?”

✧ ✧ ✧

That shitty feeling had quickly returned: my neck hair stood on end, what the hell brought on that question? All my apparent problems were a result of hunting for those elusive gold flakes. But there was no going back.

✧ ✧ ✧

“Why would you ask a question like that? I have two beautiful daughters that I love very much. Are you suggesting I should be looking for more girls?”

With that question, it was my hope that it stopped this line of conversation; it didn’t!

“No, not strangers;. Avery and Sienna are not strangers, they’re kin. Their daddy is like our old daddy, they need a new daddy like you!”

I didn’t know where this going but I knew I didn’t want to go there, it had to stop.

“Isn’t it time for your shower? It’s getting late and you have to go to school tomorrow.”

“Okay, Daddy.”

✧ ✧ ✧

Mrs. Reese picked the girls up for school. I headed to Coker Creek to talk to my diesel mechanic Red McLaren. Perhaps he could point me to a new truck or a dealer.

By the end of the day, I had a lead on a 2018 Volvo with a trailer, the tractor had full sleeper cab, microwave, small refrigerator. The only thing it didn’t have was dancing girls. The price was right, the unit had very low mileage, the current owner, who was not a young man, had had a heart attack, and his commercial driver’s licence had been revoked.

His family hated the thought of selling the beast, but they knew that the driver would be in distress every day, just looking at unit parked in the yard. The good thing for me was they were more than willing to accept cash for the difference from my insurance payout, in two payments. Thus, no worries about the possibility of a questionable deposit of over ten thousand in cash.

The big surprise was Adcon Insurance wrote the new insurance policy on the tractor and trailer. I felt good about today. Things went well. I would be calling Nick Adams at Reo Dispatching soon, to tell him I would be soon ready for the road.

✧ ✧ ✧

Then the wheels fell off my beautiful day. My cell rang. It was my lawyer, Leo Haley.

“Don, what the hell did you get yourself into this time?”

Duh! What the hell was he talking about?

“You have lost me, Leo, what the hell are you talking about?”

“I just had Peter Pratt, George’s brother, and his loving wife Daisy in my office. Are you in town? Can you come to my office ... now?”

I really didn’t like the feeling of this. The hair on the back of my neck was standing once again ... not a good sign.

“I can be there, shortly.”

✧ ✧ ✧

The scenario going through my mind was what George and his loving wife Annie did to Jayden and Sarah. It couldn’t be! Boy, did I have a shitty feeling about this. Now in Leo’s office he saw me and gave me a wave to come to his desk.

✧ ✧ ✧

“What has happened, Leo? Whatever it is, I had nothing to do with it. I just bought a new truck, and I’ve been busy all day, with the transfer of ownership and arranging the insurance. What’s the problem?”

“Depends on how you look at it if it’s a problem or not. Do you know Avery and Sienna Pratt?”

“No, not really. I only met them once while prospecting near their cabin. They were standing near the trail. They talked to me as I was leaving to return home.”

“You know they are kin to George and Annie.”

“Yes, they told me they were Sarah and Jayden’s cousins.”

Leo was shaking his head. He reached behind his desk and retrieved a large folder brimming with papers. It reminded me of the pile he had when George and Annie Pratt dropped the bomb on me. It couldn’t be! Shit, not again. I had done nothing to deserve this. He slid the first pile over and like George and Annie, Peter and Daisy Pratt relinquished their parental claim to both Avery and Sienna, in favor of the guardianship of one Don Cassidy, me! Shit, not again ‘yes again!’ The second set of papers was their ‘Notice of independent legal advice’ form from the same legal firm George had used. How did I get myself into these things?

“How can they get away with this? I don’t know those girls, I saw them once, for less than ten minutes.”

“It seems George had a long talk with his brother, Peter, and thought it was a great idea when George suggested a way to move spinster girls out of the home.”

“Spinsters! How old are the girls?”

“Avery is sixteen, and Sienna is fourteen and a couple of months ... spinsters in their parent’s way of thinking.”

“Where are they now?”

“I was led to believe; they and their belongings are being dropped off at your cottage as we speak.”

✧ ✧ ✧

Why in hell didn’t I go to Michigan to look for gold? Maybe Alaska, or the Yukon Territories in Canada!

✧ ✧ ✧

“I suppose I have the same choice as I had with Jayden and Sarah!”

“Same, so what will it be?”

“Does George have any more brothers?”

“Not that I know of, but he likely has many more kin.”

“And if I don’t accept this blackmail the girls will end up in Children’s Services and likely will be separated.”

“You know the drill. I never thought I would see anything like this again after Sarah and Jayden.”

✧ ✧ ✧

After signing my life away for the second time, Leo gave me the documents that also include permission for both girls to marry one Don Cassidy at the tender age of sixteen. Bigamy was not legal in Tennessee was it? There was a small plastic envelope which I assumed was the girl’s birth certificates and other personal documents. Leo stood came to me and offered his hand.

“I don’t know what to say, Don, but good luck.”

✧ ✧ ✧

Leaving Leo’s office, I was stunned, why me? Four young girls, four! This morning started out with the reality that I was going back to work! I’d felt good. I had found the perfect rig. Now, I really didn’t know. Grabbing my cell, I called Jayden.

“Daddy, when will you be home?”

Damn call display!

“I am just leaving town. Are Avery and Sienna there?”

There was long pregnant silence, all I heard was static. Then Jayden confirmed what I knew.

“Their daddy just dropped them off, with their suitcases and some plastic bags. What is happening, Daddy? Did their ma and pa do the same as ours?”

“Yes, they did. I’ll be home shortly, and we will talk.”

✧ ✧ ✧

All kinds of scenarios went through my mind, and each time it ended with me being responsible for four young teenage girls. Four! Where were we going to sleep? Did Avery and Sienna know how close I was to Jayden and Sarah? Was I going to be celibate from now on? As I slowly crawled up the incline, no one was evident when passing the Pratt’s. Parking in front of my cottage, I took a deep breath and walked in.

✧ ✧ ✧


Standing before me was Avery and Sienna, stark naked, their skin squeaky clean from a recent shower, their hair was still damp. There was no controlling John Thomas, he loved the view. Avery had a breath-taking body, very noticeable boobs with long thick extended nipples. Her pubes were large and protruding with just a shading of blond hair, she like Sarah and Jayden, Avery had an exceptionally large man in a boat, which were now extended with excitement or fear of the unknown. Were all the Pratt’s females blest with large clitorises? Sienna was a bit smaller on the boobs, but her clitoris was just as long and extended. John Thomas didn’t realize the serious nature of the situation, but he loved the display. I looked at Jayden inquiringly.

✧ ✧ ✧

“Daddy, they want to be part of your family, just like me and Sarah.”

✧ ✧ ✧

Both nude girls approached me, I could see they were on the verge of breaking down and crying, and their arms encircled me. My hands were now touching warm soft skin. If they hadn’t noticed John Thomas before, they certainly couldn’t miss the protrusion poking them as John Thomas demonstrated he would welcome all young naked ladies. Both girls were looking into my eyes, both were so close to tears. Avery spoke.

“Please don’t send us away! We gots no place to go. Pa done tol’ us that Uncle George won’t take us in, ‘cause of what he did to Jayden and Sarah.”

My hands were taking liberties my mind had been trying to resist. My mind was losing. Both girls felt so soft and warm. I had to get control, otherwise who knows!

“Girls, please, get dressed. Then we’ll talk.”

✧ ✧ ✧

Avery and Sienna’s wardrobe once again reminded me of Jayden and Sarah’s when they first became part of my kibbutz. Now my family had become a growing family. Their hand-me-down housecoats were functional, but dog awful ugly. The four girls were at the table, I was at the coffee machine, taking a few moments to figure out how to approach this dilemma. Now looking at the four faces, Jayden and Sarah were smiling. They knew that I was a softy at heart; but to Avery and Sienna, this was the unknown, and they were again on the verge of tears.

“Avery and Sienna, are you aware of what your ma and pa did today concerning you?”

“Ma and Pa wents to town this morning. They left us to take care of the boys. When’s they comes back they tol’ me and Sienna to pack our things, all our things, ‘cause we wasn’t coming back. We’s got into the truck and Pa drove us here. He tol’ us to get out, and dumped our stuff on the side of the trail and we watched him drive away. Jayden and Sarah watched and comed out to help us. They fed us’ns and that’s all we knows.”

“You know what happened to Jayden and Sarah?”

“Yep, theirs ma and pa tol’ them to leave home and live here.”

“That is what your pa and ma did. Your parents went to see Leo Haley, the lawyer. They signed several legal papers giving you both to me as your guardian. They made me your new daddy.”

Now Avery and Sienna were now sobbing, tears were flowing like water.

“Whats that mean? Whats you going to do with us?”

“Do! Nothing! You and Sienna are now my daughters, like Jayden and Sarah. Now we are going to get some rest. Tomorrow, at breakfast, we will decide what is going to happen next. What are we going to do about sleeping arrangements?”

Helpful Jayden piped up.

“Daddy, Avery and Sienna know we sleep with you, they can sleep on the other bed.”

✧ ✧ ✧

Great! Now all four young girls were aware Daddy Don was a pervert. Right now, I was too exhausted to care. The girls were as thick as thieves, my comments must have been what Sarah and Jayden told them would likely happen. I headed for the shower. This was different, I was alone. After drying, I slipped on clean shorts and went to bed. All the girls were waiting. It seemed that Jayden and Sarah had shared some of their wardrobe. All the girls were wearing revealing nighties. I had to admit, Avery and Sienna looked fantastic, and once their hair was styled, there would be four very striking beauties living here.

✧ ✧ ✧

I climbed into the queen -sized bed and got comfortable. Since Jayden divulged that she and Sarah were my bed partners, I expected them to slip into my bed as soon as Avery and Sienna were settled. I could hear whispers. But I was so mentally exhausted, my mind actually shut down and I fell asleep, alone!

✧ ✧ ✧

Sometime later, in the early hours, I really didn’t know what time it was, I woke to the feeling of weight being added to the bed. The girls had finally finished chatting. Jayden was on one side of me, I would know her kiss anywhere, but the surprise was my second kiss from my left. It was not Sarah, a warm naked body hugged me, and a soft hand grabbed John Thomas and gave him a gentle squeeze, and then the hand grabbed my hand and directed me to a very warm moist pussy. It was Avery. Her pussy was framed with incredibly soft, fine, downy hair. Her man in a boat was swollen and sensitive and each time I touched it; Avery moaned with ebullient fervor. Yes, I wanted too, but I didn’t! Jayden was spooned to my back. Avery’s body was against my front. John Thomas was against her soft posterior and my right hand never left her warm moist pussy.

Same as Gold'nd Girls
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Naruto KoRn Koncert In Konoha Part 5

“Come on Granny Tsunade, where are we going?” Naruto was becoming annoyed very quickly. He was being led down the street by Tsunade and Shizune blindfolded. “STOP CALLING ME THAT!!! And like I said before, it’s a surprise.” “Easy Lady Tsunade, you know he just calls you that cause you’re a friend to him.” “I know but you know how sensitive I am about my age.” They walked down the street for a few more minutes before coming to a sudden halt casing Naruto to walk...

1 year ago
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XXXPawn Alexis Deen Swallow My Sword

I’m at it again everybody. This time around a beautiful young brunette walked into the shop trying to pawn a Katana, for those of you who don’t know its one of them’ fancy Japanese swords. I’ve been a fan of KUNG RF movies since back in the day so I know a thing or two about these swords. So when she pulled out this cheap knock off, I knew I had her. I just had to see how desperate she was for CASH. LUCKILY FOR US, she was one desperate you lady. After I had tested out the SWORD by...

3 years ago
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The Dancers Fight

Chris was in his second year at University for Stage management and Jacob was doing a carpentry apprenticeship. The University Chris was at had weird hours and lectures usually ran into the night. They were living together in a small apartment. Chris' mum was sad to see him move out but Jacobs mum encouraged it. Chris usually came home to find Jacob asleep, sometimes waking him up if he was feeling horny but mostly he just let him sleep. Chris got home one evening but Jacob wasn't...

1 year ago
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Planned Surprise

Ann and I are finally away in Boston for a quick escape. The last time we were there was on a conference for work and we had such a great time we needed to go back. We are both extremely horny people, always dying to fulfill each other's fantasies whenever possible. The hotel we are staying at is beautifully set near the harbor and close to a brewery that we enjoyed during our previous trip. We made friends with the bartender named Charles last time we were there and were eager to get back for...

1 year ago
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Incredible Olivia

Her name is Olivia. She is the most beautiful, wonderful, amazing girl who I have ever had the pleasure of meeting in life. I’m proud to call her my own.She walked slowly towards me, half undressed, as was I, Her breasts being emphasized by her tight, pink, laced Victoria’s Secret bra. I lay on the bed as I watched her as she twirled around for me. She was 5 ft, 10 inches tall, with long wavy blond hair that went past her shoulders. She had huge, beautiful green eyes, that sparkled in the light...

2 years ago
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Disney Princesses lust pt 3 FrozenElsa and Anna

Introduction: Final chapter in the Frozen Kingdom Chapter 3 Disclaimer:None are the Disney characters used in these stories are not mine but only used for enjoyment.All characters belong to Disney. The wedding was the most beautiful in the kingdom.Everyone attended and watched Roy silvan wed Elsa and Anna,their princesses.Most if not all of Arendelle was in attendance as the three shared their vows and left the cathedral amidst screams and shouts of joy from the people.Elsa and Anna blushed...

3 years ago
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Marys Furtive Flatulent Fetish Part 2

Mary was getting used to college and living in a dorm. Her roommate Amy was nice enough, but Mary was always too shy to hang out with her. Being shy, Mary usually stayed in her dorm room alone, while Amy went out and about. This gave Mary some free time to enjoy her secret fetish....Since a young age, Mary loved farting. Mary particularly liked hearing other girls fart, but she rarely got to enjoy that. The only times she ever heard another girl fart was by accident, and Mary had to act like...

4 years ago
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Falling Ch 07

Chapter 7, In which Jenny and I come to an understanding It was mid-afternoon and instead of walking into a meeting downtown, I was gazing out the car window at suburbia. My friend Jenny was driving, since she was familiar with the area. I turned back to study Jenny with mixed feelings. She was an attractive girl, only a year younger than I — I’d seen her license — and quite vivacious once I’d gotten past her shell. Twenty-four hours ago, she’d been a waitress working the respectable side of...

3 years ago
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  She shimmied through the window into the warm summer night, struggling a bit to get her hips to fit. It might have been perfect for sneaking out, but her ass wasn’t.   The walk to Ben’s house wasn’t terribly long, but a small thicket of trees separated the two and it was much faster to just go through them than around them. She’d even gone through the woods in the daylight and used her dad’s hatchet to cut a small path through them so the prickly weeds wouldn’t be able to scratch her legs...

3 years ago
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Ride With The Ex

Both parts of the blog post together.After we'd broke up I stayed cordial with the Ex, mostly for the sake of the k**s, partly for the moral high ground, but one of the things to come out of that was we'd go for a ride on our bikes together, there where a couple of times this led to something more getting ridden.The first one was a ride up Belmont Road and back over Winter Hill. The Ex had come to mine in her cycling gear, her top was white and I could already see her nipples were hard and...

3 years ago
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The Punishment4

I’ve just moved into my new apartment, frantically trying to find where I’ve put my favourite sweater when my phone vibrates. I peer down at my phone and see his name in the message bubble on the screen. My heart skips a small beat. I’ve been hoping for him to contact me for what feels like forever. I miss him more than he could understand, even though I was the one that ended our intense affair. He’s mad at me for it, I know he is. “Hey you…“ It reads. “Hey you…” I reply. “You...

2 years ago
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A Smexy Pokemon Adventure

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is my first story, I apologise in advance if I mess up... I plan on working on this everyday. Maybe like 1 chapter a day or so, at MOST 1 chapter a week. That's it... ENJOY!!!!) You've been awake all night. You just can't seem to get some sleep, even though you need it. You turned 18 just a few weeks ago and are about to embark on a brand new journey. You decide to finish up Half Silver Alchemist: Sisterhood to pass the time. You're about to finish the 43rd episode, when...

3 years ago
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Judging Jenna

I’m Jenna. I am 25 years old, have brown eyes and long brown hair. I would refer to myself as ample, yet fit. My perky C cup tits and my plump ass are always the first thing a man notices. I have a smart-ass persona and really could care less what people think of me. I tell people what you see is what you get, if you don’t like it, then you can take a walk. As a teenager, I was wild and out of control, my cocky attitude got me in a lot of trouble. I’ve since then calmed down and I owe it all...

2 years ago
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The Visit

Julie and I meet you at the airport and drive you to my townhouse. Even though it's not too late we decide to chill and have a few drinks at my place. We all worked today and you even had a flight. Normally we sip on wine but tonight is margaritas but we made them a little weak. No reason to start the weekend by overdoing it the first night. As we talk there is mild tension in the air. We all want to get to know each other a little better but at the same time we are hoping to fuck ourselves...

2 years ago
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Sex With The Pharaoh

My tired hands were cramping, pulling the two heavy Armani suitcases across the rough limestone floor. When I finally reached the huge cast iron gate surrounded by the tall stone pillars, two guards came out and looked at me suspiciously. I spoke to them in Arabic, trying to explain to them I knew the pharaoh’s son, Akhanamenoon and was in Egypt only for one night. I was determined to spend the night at the beautiful palace regardless of what I had to do. After repeatedly telling the guards I...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Palpable ProsecutorChapter 12

He didn’t argue. All he said was, “Are you sure?” Her response was, “I’m sure, Bob. I love you. I’ve never loved a man before you. I won’t lie and say I’m not nervous, but everything we’ve had together so far has been so bright and beautiful, I’m sure I want to take the next step.” It was difficult – not because she was nervous, but because neither of them had any business trying to engage in strenuous physical activity, yet. Just getting out of the tub and getting dried off took half an...

2 years ago
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Being Introduced to the Master

I was always curious to see what it would be like to suck a big throbbing cock and always wanted to be fucked in my arse. I decided to go to a Sauna in Birmingham and see what would transpire. whilst there I was told to come into a room there were 2 guys in there. Both had very large cocks and I was very nervous. the guy Laying on the bed had about 9 and a half inches and his friend pushed my mouth over his cock and ordered me to suck his cock. I later found out that it was Master Gordon...

3 years ago
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Mami Ko Nagakiya Or Chonda

Hai friedends my Name Vishal age 26 aapne meri pichli story padhi hogi mousi ki hot chudai meri hight 6 ft hai 8 inch lund meri mami 35 sal ki hai or mere mamaji 45 ke hai jo ki MNC may kam karte hai une company ke kamse 8 se 15 din ghar se bahar rehna padta hai mami ko ek ladka hai mami pune may rehti hai mai apne office ke kam se november 2011 may puna gaya tha par kam na hone se muze 4 din rukna pada fir may mamaji ke yaha gaya socha ke bahar ruknese accha hai may mamaji ke ghar pohach gaya...

1 year ago
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Parking Lot Affair

I met Clare online in my young 20s. She was around 10 years older than me, though she wouldn't give me her exact age. She was married and, according to her, had never been with anyone in her life but her husband. She had been looking to experiment in the bedroom but her husband wasn't much for changing up their routine after all those years together, so she turned to the internet to try and satisfy her cravings.It didn't take long after meeting Clare for our conversations to turn sexual, and...

2 years ago
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Neha Bhabi Ki Chudai

Mera name jugal kishor h.Ye storie meri or meri bhahi neha ki h. Yah kahani aj 2,3 year pahale ki h.Jb m ba first year m tha . Me ek makan me rent per rehata tha.Kuch dino bad ek coupal mere makan m rehana aya tha.Jis m bhabhi bahi 2 hi member the .Bahi ek compani me job karte the..Bhabhi ka name neha tha bo dikhane me sunder or sexy thi bhabhi ki gand jab chalti thi to asi machal ti thi ke budde ka bhi loda khada ho jay. Bhabi ke mote or goal chuche moti or bhari gand or gadryia hua pet tha...

1 year ago
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Navratri Night With Unknown Bhabhi

Hello,friends and sweet bhabhiyo I’m back with my new story.Finally navratri came and I was waiting eagerly because in navratri real beauties are seen in traditional and navel and backless and I was happy as it was the first day of navratri.I took season pass for all days and this navratri there is one extra day also.Ye story meri aur ek gorgeous bhabhi ki hai jo muje navratri me mili thi . Me 1st day ke liye tayar tha aur bombay ke famous garba ho rahe the waha ke passes liye the me aur mera...

2 years ago
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Jessica and the Game

I watched her closely as she stood at the front of the little stage looking out into the audience. The stage was less than eighteen inches higher than the small dance floor in front of it. There were no more than ten tables, each with two double wide comfortable chairs, that might even be classed as divans or love seats. All were occupied by couples, nestling down into the deep and soft upholstery. My being here was the result of Tom and his son's skateboard. But I am getting ahead of my...

3 years ago
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Christmas is approaching again. Before my ex wife left ten years ago, Santa was still alive and well in my daughter’s imagination. I enjoyed the holiday season back then, never letting anyone forget what Christmas was really about. The last Christmas we were together we attended midnight service singing His praise. By New Year’s Eve she had left, moving in with some man that I had no idea even existed. She never voiced any interest in seeking custody of our daughter. I’m glad she didn’t. My...

3 years ago
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Daddys Little Slut Part 1

"Wow! Hey buddy! I'd sure like to hit that," echoed in my ear as a felt an unfamiliar hand lightly slap my back. Looking up I saw a tall, good looking man standing next to me at the bar. "Excuse me," I exclaimed, a little startled by his comment. "Sorry, dude." Came the strangers reply. Continuing as if we were good friends, he licked his lips and repeated his earlier comment. "I sure would like to hit that," he said, ogling the beauty walking toward us. "I mean," he stammered, "Look at that!"...

2 years ago
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A lesbian massage

sonia is 30 years old and is a white blonde woman. she works in the bank and was feeling very stressed She has always been attracted to black women and has always been a lesbian She was hot when she got out of work and decided to go for a massage in a studio recommended by a friend. When she arrived at the studio, a very beautiful woman named Monique welcomed her. She was black and taller than she dressed only in a red robe. The reach in a dressing room and closed the door became more...

4 years ago
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Brenda Rube Essex Grannies with Big Hairy

The two old girls who own the corner shop are a right dirty pair. I've known them for about 20 years. We often wondered if they were a pair of fannylickers, but they enjoy a bit of cock up their cuntyholes too much to bat for just the one side. Rube is about 63, she's got great big udders that spill out of her bra, fucking lovely they are. Brenda is a bit older and blonde with even bigger hangers. She likes to keep hers covered in tight t-shirts and tops , but makes up for it in the legs...

4 years ago
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Dees first BBC and cuckolds Ben

Dee had told me to come home now, but before I came in I should look through the bedroom window. I made my excuses to leave early, got in the car and headed home. I arrived home and parked on the road outside the house. I stepped out of the car and looked up to the bedroom window. Dee had recognised the sound of my car and was now standing at the window, naked. She cupped her tits at me and tweaked her nipples between her fingers, she then rab her hands down across her tummy and down to her...

3 years ago
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Threesome With My Brother And His Friend

Ever since my marriage got fixed, I focused on my mental and physical well being. I started going to the gym and exercise to bring my physique in shape. Along with that, I stopped having sex with either my brother or dad. After three years of our incest relation (me, dad and brother), I finally realized that it was nothing more than sexual interaction. I somehow felt that I could not get either dad’s or brother’s love and neither I could be loved as a lover by them. It was mostly sex with them....

2 years ago
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Daddys Facebook

It all started innocently enough. I merely wanted to make sure my daughter Kerri was doing okay emotionally and keep an eye on the kinds of people she was hanging out with. I didn't really think too much about it, although I knew if she found out what I had done, she would be furious that I had violated her privacy. But I'm getting ahead of myself, so I had better start from the beginning.I was a popular school teacher at a fairly large high school -- we had approximately 2,200 students.. It...

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Sarah Finds Pleasure in Pissing

Sarah always enjoyed waking up with a full bladder. She gently pushed the bulge to feel the pressure. She slept naked and so released the covers exposing her perky nipples and lightly trimmed pussy. It was her routine in the morning that she felt her body. It was comforting. She started at her torso and worked her way up to her breasts. She was especially tender this morning. She felt a slight twinge between her legs. She rubbed the outside of her pussy then rolled out of bed, lightly...

2 years ago
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Jigsaw fucks Ariel

This is fiction! Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year. Girls get to dress up slutty without anyone thinking you’re a whore. The guys gets to show off their six pack! I’m a grown woman now, but Disney princesses still have a big place in my heart, and growing up Ariel was always my favorite. In order to dress up like her on Halloween, I had gone through the trouble to dye my hair red. I had the shell bra, and a green skirt that looked like a tail. The night started well. We sat in...

3 years ago
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The Way BackChapter 18

I again thought over whether I was doing the right thing. I kept coming back to the idea that perhaps it would have been better to stay clear of Ann and let her get on with her life without me. She would easily find someone else and judging by her performance with Derek, and would in all probability be in a new man's bed in double quick time. I reprimanded myself. Though I resented her actions, she had waited a year and it seemed had rejected Derek's gentle advances for a while before...

4 years ago
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More Froth

Bobbi shook her chestnut hair loose from the loose bun she wore during work hours before leaving and locking up. Outside the coffee shop, the air felt heavy, oppressive. Ominous black nimbuses blanketed the sky across the horizon blotting out the sinking sun. A flash of lightning in the belly of the clouds, electricity charging the already humid air and Bobbi paused to count the distance till the thunder. She quickened her step wanting to get in before the storm. The fine hairs on her neck...

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A wild road trip without hubby

My nice hubby came that evening from his office.He looked tired and I said that he needed some rest; but now Victor looked sad when he told me his Boss had appointed him for a road trip to Denver. Victor said it would be quick, just three days away from home...But I said it would take to get there at least one entire day driving.I then had an idea: I had nothing to do at home; so, I could join him during those five days out. Victor smiled and accepted the plan.The next day he called me from his...

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Prom king and queen

"You look beautiful Kate," Dylan said as he brought his girlfriend in closer. Kate blushed and felt as Dylan pulled her in closer as they slow danced. As Kate snuggled close to her man, feeling his strong arms around her waist she couldn't help but think how perfect tonight had been. It had been quite the few weeks for Kate, on top of a bad breakup she had to endure the stress of preparing and planning her senior prom. Despite the stress of the last few weeks everything had turned...

4 years ago
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Chapter 1 'What you need, Alice, is a good regular shagging!' Alice Mavers stared at her friend in amused shock. 'Carol! That is shocking! I'm not going to have an affair! That's a recipe for disaster.' The two life-long friends were having their weekly coffee morning, and as usual Alice had been having a moan about her boring life as a suburban housewife, a role she had now filled for over six months, ever since she had packed in her teaching job after a terrible term with a...

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Numbskull -- a tale of misery By Janet Baker "What the hell is this crap? Answer me, damn you! Well I guess you can't with that gag in your mouth. Wait a sec, I'll get it out." "Oh, what a relief" he said, gasping for breath. "Jay! What the hell happened? Who did this to you? Shall I call the police?" "Ahhh, no Jan, please. Ahh I'll explain... give me a moment, please." A myriad of thoughts raced through my mind as I took in the spectacle before me. He was chained and...

1 year ago
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Social Distancing Journal Entry March

This whole Coronavirus thing sucks. Working mostly from home means I see my husband way too much. I mean, we’re having awesome married couple sex — but that’s like eating pizza every day. I love it but I need variety.As readers know, I’ve also been seeing Dan too often recently. We have our adventures and we text all the time. Yesterday, I even told my guy I was going into work in the morning — but that was a huge lie as the office is closed. But I wanted to see Dan. I drove straight to his...

2 years ago
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Punishing My Brother Rectangles

I couldn't believe how tired I was. It'd been two days since I'd slept. Ever since I saw that damned picture ... I know you shouldn't click links in spam emails, but I think anyone would agree that this was a case of the punishment in no way fitting the crime. As a straight female, I don't even know why I clicked on "teen lesbain sluts". It was like my brain momentarily lost control of my finger. Fortunately, when the image loaded up, it wasn't anything inappropriate - a good...

2 years ago
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Nisha Fucks Teacher For Grades 8211 Pt 2 The Perfect Plan

For the next seven days, following my advice, Vipin followed Mr. Singh to track his movements. After gaining the information on Sudhir Singh, the teacher, I made a plan. Vipin found out for me that Sudhir goes to the fourth floor, of our college building, every day after 3:30 pm. The floor remained nearly deserted by that time, each day, with only a handful of the first-year mechanical engineering boys lurking around. There, Sudhir would go into the girls’ toilet and masturbate while watching a...

1 year ago
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Suddenly Wanting Incest

Johnny N. Cestorama woke up one morning in his bedroom to the sound of his mother yelling at him from downstairs to come down and eat breakfast. Johnny yawned, and then got out of bed to put his clothes on. As he was doing so, he admired himself in the mirror for a moment. He was the perfect stud, with muscles all over his body and the most handsome face imaginable. People always told him that he was like Brad Pitt if Brad Pitt was ten times more attractive and awesome. Today was Johnny’s 18 th...

4 years ago
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A Snowy Seduction

It was supposed to be the most romantic weekend of their life together. Richard had been planning this for weeks now and it was costing him a fortune, but it would all be worth it. That was, of course, until Sarah told him that she had been having an affair with her boss for the last three months now and that their relationship was over. He had planned it out to the finest detail. They would fly out from London on the Friday afternoon, Friday the 13th he noted in retrospect, and would arrive...

3 years ago
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Love is in the Air

‘Attention passengers boarding Pan Am Flight 3235 with nonstop service to Denver. We will be boarding first class at his time.’ ‘About time, bastards…’ muttered the guy next to me. I gave my newspaper back to the fellow I borrowed it from and picked up my briefcase. The flight had been delayed three hours due to an equipment problem, and I had been sitting at gate C5 in Richmond for what seemed like ages. I was so bored I had begun to read the movie showtimes. The lady at the counter tore my...

2 years ago
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That Rainy Night A Recollection Of The Day When I Had My First Sex

Hi everyone, I thought of sharing my experience with you all. They say love and sex happen at the most unlikely places, the same happened with me. But first about me; I’m 26, and live alone at a flat @ Bengaluru. I work here and my parents belong to another town. So this is a circumstance of ample freedom. However, luckily or unluckily, my experience with women was limited. Not to an extent where I could claim expert knowledge as with my other friends, who would regularly go and sleep with...

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Breaking the Amazon

NOTICE: The author cannot accept contributions to this story from other authors at this time. I thank those who have expressed such an interest, and am flattered by your wish to involve yourself in the story. Thank you for your understanding. The Sapphire Eagles, Queen Lianee's elite forces, believed that they were taking on a regiment all but broken. They believed your forces harried and exhausted, cut off from re-supply and on the brink of desertion. It took time, effort, and some well-paid...

3 years ago
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horny cum covered session

Introduction: 1 lady and plenty of cum HORNY CUM COVERED SESSION As I get in the shower one evening, you come into the bathroom and tell me to hurry up and dress sexy as we are going out for a drive. I tell you to sit down and talk to me whilst Im in the shower, and I slowly start soaping my whole body, taking my time over my tits, arse and pussy. I can see your cock getting hard as you watch me and i enjoy putting on a show for you. I use the shower head to slowly rinse myself off, letting...

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Sarah Carerra 222 Stardom

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: December 27, 2010) Chapter 22 - Stardom Waking up Monday morning meant donning the wig again and returning to the life of Sarah Carerra. The weekend had been exactly what I needed and had given me a chance to take a break from all...

3 years ago
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A Quickie On The Menu

Pam could sense his apprehension as he stood on her doorstep with a bottle of wine in his hand. They smiled and kissed each other on the cheek before Jake followed her inside. She could still feel his apprehension as he followed her into the kitchen, she turned and saw the strange expression on his face as he looked around the kitchen before focussing upon the readily prepared dining table. “Everything okay, Jake?” His face broke into a smile. “What’s wrong?” she asked him. Still...

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At LastThe Story Continues

Please read the intro to this story entitled ‘At Last’ Thanks to everyone who sent in a comment. Please let me know what you think. …’Do you want me?’ I ask. My hand is caressing my stomach, moving slowly up to my breasts. I open the dress more to reveal both breasts. I lower my eyes and make a circular path on my nipples with my fingers. My other hand is slowly making its way between my legs. You do not answer out loud. Your eyes give the answer. You just watch me breathlessly, wanting to...

1 year ago
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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 6 Carolines Story

I conceived my son, John- Jarvis, close to midnight on the 23rd November 1816, in the White Hart Inn at Hampton Wick. I was naked, seated on the wide window sill of one of the bedrooms in the hostelry, with my legs spread wide apart and my knees up to my shoulders, as Elijah Greenaway, thrusting deep and purposefully inside me, loosed a stream of his seed into my more than receptive vagina. It was not the first time during the night he and I had reached an almost simultaneous climax, crying...

4 years ago
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Remys Story

Remy's Story by Marci Manseau Chapter One - In the Beginning How can I describe my situation for you without sounding like a total wimp, a complete failure as a man or a freak of nature? I suspect there's no easy way to do it; no other method than to relate the simple facts, so sit back and be prepared. Here's my story. At the inception of this story, I'm a man, twenty-eight years of age and extraordinarily average in just about every aspect. I weigh in at one-hundred and...

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My Sensual Journey Part One

MY SENSUAL JOURNEY - PART ONE By Katharine Sexkitten The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. It's a clich?, but it's true. It's a clich? because it's true. And it's true even if you don't know you're on the journey. My first step was when I was ten years old. Someone gave my mother a pair of boots, for a present. I can't remember if it was her birthday or Christmas. She politely smiled and said thank you, and never wore them. They were a little too risqu? for her...

2 years ago
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Moms Hot DaughtersChapter 7

While Sharon was with Andy and Mac that afternoon, she told the men that her mother loved to fuck as much as she did. They immediately suggested that she bring her mom over tonight for some fun and games. When Sharon told her mother about the invitation, the horny woman was more than eager to accept. Both men were overwhelmed by the woman's beauty when she arrived with her daughter. The moment they were introduced, Mac led the sexy redhead over to a sofa where he sat down beside...

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Advice for the Single Mother

Advice for the Single MotherThis article is primarily for single mothers with a teenage son. It can be difficult raising a son by yourself; hopefully this will give you a simple (if somewhat unique) solution. i****t! Yes, that's right, taking your son as your lover.Don't be surprised at this suggestion. Have you ever had sex with your son? Have you ever known a mother who admitted having sex with her son?Hardly anyone admits to this (mother or sons), but it's a lot more common than you'd think....

1 year ago
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Extreme Edging

Sammi watched helplessly as Marta was being doggy fucked on the bed right in front of her. She was gagged, and tied to a chair next to the bed, as a vibrator snuggled up to her clit and curved around inside her, clinging to her G-spot.The vibrator seemed to be animated by a demon that was bringing her to the verge of cumming, then dragging her back, not once, but over and over again. And the demon seemed to know her innermost thoughts and feelings, because it kept dragging her closer and closer...

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Mud Pigs

CHAPTER ONEI'm lying naked in the back of a van, and I'm terrified, because I've got to be a mud pig today!I've done this before - I'm pretty used to it now - but it doesn't get any easier.It seems like we've been driving for hours, and I'm quite desperate for a pee, but I've no idea how long this journey is going to go on for.There was a long straight bit - probably we were on a motorway, taking us out of the city - then a long stop, presumably while HE had his breakfast in some cafe and read...

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