Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 372: Super-Aikido Invented free porn video

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Sunday, June 10, 2007

TV didn't show any progress being made until Washington DC started waking up. It was Sunday, so not much progress was made even then. Some important people were chased down by reporters - the DC media people being even less concerned about politeness than normal. The interviewees' most conservative comment was, "For goodness sake, let's pull back and consider the situation. We've got agencies tripping over each other with seemingly conflicting objectives and they're dealing with something that is very dangerous and important. The situation is clearly out of control. This country desperately needs is a capable leader..." (that interviewee was a Democrat).

More outspoken critics were demanding a Senate Investigation, and, "If anyone is found to have criminally imperiled millions of Americans, then MORE heads should roll."

There were also calls for "A full investigation into the exact nature of the so-called Guardian Angel and the entire God situation," (good luck on them getting that to fly), and opposing calls that the country should throw open its arms and welcome the angel. Probably with a parade. I thought that was a wonderful idea. They could have it in Washington and I'm sure the invisible angel would attend.

There were suggestions flying in all directions. The indecisive Decider (President Bush) had been saying nothing useful, and certainly hadn't been leading, but it was now obvious to everybody that the situation was heading toward a massive clusterfuck - if not a nuclear clusterfuck - unless someone did something. Everyone had ideas about what that something should be. Bush's advisors got him to pull his head out of his ass, so a couple of hours into the day he publicly ordered every agency to "Pull back until I decide what needs to be done." He sounded very decisive about the need to make a decision. He also said, "I'll pray for guidance when I go to church this morning." I somehow doubted Bush and God were on speaking terms, for a variety of reasons. Judging by his ineffectualness, he definitely needed to get advice from somewhere because the situation appeared to be something he was incapable of getting his head around. I guess it was just too weird for him.

I was hoping to see something that I could twist into a plan that included a highly embarrassing exposure of the crap that the FBI had left installed in our home, but nothing Machiavellian enough came to any of my minds.

Watching TV got repetitive - although I enjoyed the repetition of the 'highlights' of the original, nightie-clad interview - so my thoughts drifted. Ever since I'd been resurrected there'd been a considerable amount of verbal animosity directed at me, and not only verbal, as Ava's injury proved. My resurrection, Ava's being shot beside me, the UAV attack on my parents, the nuclear almost-war, the deaths of the neo-nazis and FBI bosses, plus all the religious crap that had been going on, had got many people VERY worked up. They were worked up in all sorts of different ways: some sympathetic to me, and others very much not. They were often busy arguing with each other, but I certainly couldn't assume that they'd cancel each other out and never directly affect me.

I'd thought about the self- and family-defense issues a great deal before mentioning the Angel Plan to my families and we'd discussed safety many times since. Nothing had happened which made me regret our decision to proceed - although what had happened to Ava had come close to making me regret it very much indeed - but the aggressiveness of some of the interviewees over the last ten days made self-defense natural to think about. I was otherwise bored and had to stay awake to guard my sleeping families, so most of my minds started thinking about how I could improve Aikido to defend myself better. The more I thought about it, the more impressed with my ideas I became. I hadn't thought about Aikido much while I'd been Ron because I couldn't practice it then, but now that I was Mark and approaching the time when I could use my abilities more openly, thinking about how I could combine them with Aikido was quite a lot of fun.

I had many scattered thoughts, most of which were very silly - inspired by some of the nonsense you see in martial arts movies, like combatants running around on treetops, most of which I could actually reproduce now but would be too embarrassed to. After enjoying the silly thoughts for a while, I decided to take this seriously and be more disciplined. I would restrict myself to thinking about techniques that I could use which looked plausible. Perhaps incredibly impressive, but obvious unrealism wasn't allowed. Even with that constraint, the abilities I had now should permit the creation of some very effective martial art moves.

This was a real exercise even though having the Guardian Angel should mean I never need to fight to protect myself, but maybe something might happen in the future which forces me to do without the angel's protection for a while or permanently. I couldn't imagine what might force me to do that, but I could imagine that I might have to do some fighting soon after that, so I'd better get ready in case it takes me some time to improve my fighting ability. That's why I was restricting myself by the requirement that the techniques had to look reasonably realistic. It was also an interesting way of passing the time even if I never needed it.

There was another small advantage in developing some impressive fighting techniques: When I'd asked Paul for some of his guys to take me to the hospital for Ava, Paul had looked to Dad for his consent. That'd been normal behavior back when I was Ron, as Ron was merely a lucky outsider with no authority over anyone other than the gardeners, and them only because the Andersons and Williams had given him that authority. But as Mark, I wanted to be able to order the security staff around because I could easily imagine all sorts of future troubles where I knew better what to do than the security staff, thanks to sight blobs or other reasons. I would get the parents to tell Paul that he and his staff should take my orders, but an impressive martial arts demonstration would help my authority by making the security staff respect me, something they didn't do at all at the moment. Getting instant cooperation from them might save their, my families and/or my asses one day. My ass will be getting slowly cuter over the next few months, so at some stage it's going to become worth saving.

Aikido would be my basic fighting style, of course. I like it, it's the only one I know, and it's ki-based. The last time I'd trained with Sensei, my maximum ki force had been 74 kg. It was now 7,540 kg! (two merges to get out of the CIA lab, each giving an eightfold improvement, plus seventeen more months of mental training to increase the amount of ki I could consciously project). I had so much ki and ki force that I'd be AWESOME at ordinary Aikido techniques now. Plus I was about to add new techniques to my version of Aikido.

The use of proximity was already obvious and I couldn't think of any ways to get more benefit out of it.

External Ki Projection was in a similar boat. Its uses weren't as obvious, but there wasn't much I could think of for EKP that needed practicing now. It'd be interesting to see what new techniques or modifications Sensei was teaching these days, after the chaos outside our property died down enough for me to resume going to his classes or having him come here to teach me in our small dojo (part of the Adults' House Activity Level is fitted out as a dojo. Donna and Ava use it sometimes).

NP, however, offered several interesting possibilities for enhancing a martial art.

The first of my thoughts was to use NP to add force to my punches and pushes. To punch someone hard normally requires a big swing to get a fist moving fast enough. Not in my new martial art. I could start with my fist stationary an inch in front of my opponent's face, and then I could push my forearm forward with seven tons of force. My arm not weighing very much, that much force would accelerate it to a significant speed even in just an inch, hitting my target's face shockingly hard, and the follow through would be pretty impressive too. More realistically, I'd use an amount of force that made my punch seem as hard as if I'd swung a haymaker.

To avoid damaging my hand, I'd have an NP-plate on the front of my fist, shaped to fit over its contours perfectly to spread the impact over my whole hand. I could even create a boxing glove out of NP plates, not to cushion the impacts but to transfer the impact force to my forearms. That could be done by having a thin plate in front of my fist supported by plates tightly wrapped around my hand and forearm. That would permit injury-free punches several times harder than other people could deliver.

Pushing an opponent would be even easier, as I'd simply put extra force on the back of my hand as I pushed with it. An extra 50 kg (110 pounds) or so would make a highly effective difference. If I acted as if I'd pushed hard, then I could semi-realistically add a momentary extra 100 or even 200 kg of NP force, which would send people flying backward.

I could push incredibly easily, but people would find it extremely difficult to push me, as I could create an equal and opposite force to their push, canceling it. If someone pushed on my chest, I could use NP to push on my back just as hard. Not that I expect it to happen again, but if I was walking down a corridor at school and some approaching jock crashed his shoulder into mine as we passed, then my shoulder would plow straight ahead and his shoulder would bounce backward. No one was going to win a shoving contest with me ever again. Similarly if someone tries to throw me. Unless he can lift seven tons, it ain't gonna happen.

Nor could individual parts of me be pushed unless I chose to allow it. If someone tried to twist my arm up my back, for example (it's a classic "Come Along Hold"), I could push down on my arm so he couldn't raise it above my waist - ignoring the issue of how he survived long enough to get a grip on my arm.

A more subtle and very useful improvement would be moving faster than everyone else, as if I was running while everyone else was walking. This was the first technique I wanted to work on, as it seemed the most fun.

Aikidoka don't step during techniques. Stepping is a leaning forward motion, resulting in an overbalancing and having to move the rear foot forward to recover balance, whereupon the process is repeated for the other foot. It's a series of controlled mini-falls, which you most definitely don't want to be doing in a fight. So instead of stepping, aikidoka slide our feet along the mat. Necessarily one foot at a time, while most of our weight is on the other foot. Both feet are always in contact with the floor, and we're never catching our balance. I had occurred to me that I might be able to NP-push my feet much faster than manually sliding them, and it should look realistic-ish. I was eager to find out for sure.

I stood up to experiment in the living room. I could've easily created an NP-plate for me to stand on and flown around the room half an inch above floor level, but that would look totally unrealistic. The next option was to create an NP-shoe for each foot with very little friction on its bottom surface. Moving them alternately would look a lot more realistic than the previous option, but probably not realistic enough. I'd return to it if nothing better worked, but it wasn't my first choice because I wanted my new technique as close to reality as possible, only faster. To take sliding steps in reality requires a cycle of:

Shifting my weight off the foot I intend to move (not a minor task considering it requires moving the bulk of my weight).

Ordering the foot to start moving in the desired direction (i.e., sending the nerve impulses to starting the muscles working).

Moving the foot in the desired direction (a step usually takes about half a second, I guess, so a significant amount of time).

Ordering the foot to stop.

I created an NP-'clamp' on both ankles (two half-circle NP shapes facing each other, fitted snugly around each ankle). With a very high friction setting on all their surfaces, the clamps served as a good location for other NP-fingertips to push against.

The most obvious approach to speeding up my sliding movement was to get rid of wasted time. Shifting my weight was an entirely unproductive 'step', in that it didn't step (move) me anywhere, so it was my first target for improvement. I could've simply pushed a foot horizontally forcefully enough that it moved no matter how much of my weight was on it. I didn't want to do that though. It'd have trouble with different ground surfaces, and it'd look very unnatural as my upper-body would be sliding sideways smoothly, which isn't what normally happens. Bodies sway back and forth as weight is transferred from foot to foot. We may look smooth when we walk, but compare it to a guy who truly is smooth, such as someone rolling along on a skateboard.

What worked well was not pushing the moving foot directly horizontally, but pushing it forward and upward. The upward angle varied mainly depending on how much weight I had put on that leg, how much friction the floor had, and how much total force I was using. I didn't want the foot to rise off the floor, only slide along it, so the angle off the floor would normally be quite small, much less than forty five degrees. By pushing upward on one leg I automatically tilted my body, which transferred my weight on to the other leg, resulting in a natural look. The push's horizontal vector got the foot accelerating in the desired direction.

I accelerated the foot for about three-quarters of the distance I wanted, then decelerated it to a stop, friction helping with that. To decelerate the moving foot the actions required of my NP-pushers are: stop pushing up and forward, disconnect, fly around the outside of the leg, connect to the front of the clamp, push backward to slow the leg down, and stop pushing when the foot stops moving. It sounds tedious, but isn't in reality. When I'd first discovered TK and had flown things around my room, it had been a very tedious process, but I'm HUGELY practiced at it now and don't think about it, just like you don't think about the individual finger motions when you type on your keyboard. The pushers could relocate so fast that I used the same stack for both legs, moving them back and forth alternately. That guaranteed that only one leg moved as a time, which was nicely realistic.

It felt weird though, like someone was kneeling at my feet, grabbing hold of one ankle, lifting and pushing it forward, putting it down, then swapping to the other ankle, repeatedly. As fast as another person could do it to me, was about the speed I was doing it to myself with NP. Very slowly and deliberately, to confirm the process worked. After some practice, I found that I could stand with my leg muscles relaxed while I slid across the room at a very slow walking pace.

I had effectively removed the entire "Shift weight" stage (bullet point #1 above) because it happened automatically as part of moving the foot. The "Ordering foot to start" and "stop" processes (points #2 & #4 above) virtually disappeared as it was FAR faster to move NP-points with my mind than to send nerve impulses all the way down to my legs, and for the right muscles to start contracting, although the time saved wasn't as much as that implies because the entire physical stepping process does overlap its stages somewhat. The "Moving foot" stage (point #3) would speed up when I got confident enough to use more NP force.

It needed practice. For example, the amount of weight each foot had on it differed by quite a lot, depending on how far the previous step had been as that controlled my weight distribution. I had to develop the mental reflexes so that when the previous sliding push had gone a different distance than normal, I automatically and quickly adjusted the force and angle of the next foot's push. It had to become a reflex because I wanted to be able to do this at high speed. I probably had over eight hours before anyone woke up, and at the rate my mind and body learns new skills, that should be plenty.

It took only a little practice to learn to keep my leg muscles relaxed. Even though there's a lifetime of habit behind manually stepping, I knew I was in a weird mode so staying relaxed was easy. When you're using a skateboard, you don't keep trying to walk - same with me now. I knew I'd still have trouble with reflexes though. For example, if I was sliding forward to cross a room and someone pushed me to the side, my unconscious reflex would be to muscle-move one leg to regain balance. When I was in "Sliding Mode" I wanted no such muscle-moves, only NP-powered foot slides. Relying on my mind to move my leg to catch my balance would take a lot of practice. Fortunately I would be able to practice that easily too: once I felt ready for that complication, I'd task one of my minds with giving me surprise sideways pushes.

Once I had the NP-sliding process working slowly, I sped it up, to cross the room faster and faster. Now that I had the basic process working, I was fairly quickly able to increase my speed. Some learning was required because as I increased the force, I had to decrease the angle to avoid lifting my foot off the floor.

Pushing a leg with two, three or four times as much force significantly reduced how long each sliding step took, and I learned the additional lesson that after speeding across the room and stopping at the other end, the top half of my body didn't want to stop. I had to quickly use NP to push my body back upright before I fell on my face. I made a mental note to stop with one foot placed to look like it could realistically brace me, and to use NP on my upper-body to negate its inertia.

Adding surprise sideways pushes on my upper body didn't even take ten minutes to get expert at countering.

I stopped my speeding up development when I was using four times more force than was required for slow slides. That gave me faster slides than you might expect because if the original amount of force was half lifting/half pushing (say), then the fourfold increased force had just over seven times more sideways effect, as the force needed to lift my weight actually reduced a little. A sevenfold increase in the rate my feet accelerated horizontally sped me across the room more than seven times faster because acceleration compounds.

I could go faster still, and I wanted to, but not in the presence of the bugs. So far my movements were within human ability ranges so I didn't mind the bugs hearing me. In case the bugs could be used to triangulate my position I had to avoid crossing the long room at an impossible speed. Nor did I want to cover the living room's bugs with soundproof NP-caps in case that alerted the Fibbies that we knew about the bugs. I'd practice in the unbugged Staff Quarters' gym/dojo later, when the families were awake.

That was the easy part done: going forward in a straight line. Now I wanted to learn how to go in any direction, to change directions, etc. To be able to 'run' around my opponents, to dodge, and to dart in and out. As Mom would say, that was a whole new kettle of fish.

I moved through Ikkyo - the first Aikido technique - using NP-slides for all my foot movements, even when I twisted on a foot to turn my body to face in a new direction. I was slow and unsteady, and even stopped several times when I had trouble, but it was a great learning exercise. Aikido techniques are like complicated dances, so I was forced to learn how to do virtually every possible type of foot slide. When I got to the end, I did it again, and then again. The first few trials improved rapidly, from "comically ridiculous" to "successful but painfully slow". Further improvement took much longer. Straight line walking had been very easy to get good at, but it was much harder to attain the precise control necessary to move through a complicated dance properly.

While I was improving my ability to move my feet, I was thinking about where this could ultimately go. What would my "Super-Aikido" be like? I couldn't fully use my NP-foot-sliding process during an Aikido technique against a real opponent because moving my legs four times faster through techniques than my upper-body could do its parts of the techniques would be a ridiculous mess. If you can't see that, just imagine darting in to punch someone then darting out again: my darting would be so fast that I'd be in and out before my punch had even started, so it'd end up missing because I'd be too far away. To speed up a technique, I'd have to use NP to speed up all of my body's movements, and that was FAR more complicated. It wasn't just "a new kettle of fish," it was at least "a new lake of fish." Sliding is effectively an alternating series of one-dimensional actions, but hand and body motions are HIGHLY varied, multi-dimensional actions, many of which are occurring at the same time. My feet just slide over the floor; my hands can do all sorts of grabs, twists, pulls and pushes. Not to mention the movement of individual fingers, my hips, shoulders, etc.

To train myself to be able to make all of those movements without using ANY muscles, using NP as the motive force instead, was going to take a great deal of training. When I pick up a glass of water, my conscious mind doesn't have to think about the individual movements - thank God, as there must be hundreds of decisions involved. My subconscious takes care of all that detail. What I was intending to do - eventually - was to move my arm to pick up a glass of water without using a single muscle. NP would push my arm, open my fingers, stop my arm in the right place, close my fingers with the right pressure, lift my forearm and upper-arm toward my mouth, allowing the relaxed elbow to bend correctly, etc. And I wanted to get so good at it, that I could do it several times faster than a normal person. Not with a glass of water though, as that'd result in my tossing water into my face when the glass braked to a sudden stop at my mouth.

It was going to take some SERIOUS practice to get all my body's movements into high-speed mode, to still have precise control over them, and for the process to be programmed into my subconscious. And when it came time to try applying high-speed body movements to Aikido techniques, I was going to need some very capable training partners. I would be bending and twisting parts of their bodies so rapidly that they could get injured if they reacted badly. Luckily, I had more than a dozen suitable training partners among our security guards.

Once I had the Ikkyo foot movements flowing pretty well, I repeated the learning exercise with the next technique, and eventually through all the Aikido techniques I knew that involved a significant amount of footwork. Then I went to the kitchen and did it all again on a non-carpeted floor, as that changed the upward angles I had to push at. I also repeated the exercise on the mat in Donna's Dojo, then outside on a path then the grass, and again on the edge between the last two just to keep me on my toes.

It took me several hours to get to a skill level where I thought I could move through the footwork for all the techniques as smoothly and correctly as I could with muscle-driven leg movements. I had a sight blob watching myself from the side, and my movements looked fast, smooth and realistic. I could be exceptionally fast in some of the simpler moves, but it wasn't blatantly unrealistic.

I'd gotten to the stage where I was moving my feet subconsciously; no longer having to think about what I was doing, which was great. I also had control over what I was doing, which was important. If I was rapidly going in one direction and something unexpected happened, I needed to be able to react in mid-step, not carry on straight ahead for another step or two.

It was already light when I went back inside to do some more practice in the living room. I didn't mind that I'd been seen rehearsing the Aikido techniques on the lawn, as nothing I'd done looked inhuman. There was no secret about Mark having taken Aikido, and it was even good that I was seen putting effort into it again, as that reinforced that Ron had been replaced by Mark. Some of our patrolling security teams had seen me from a distance (we don't let them routinely patrol near the houses for privacy reasons), so they might ask about it soon. I would be bringing it up if they didn't.

I went back inside the house using NP-slides. I'd 'walk' that way quite often from now on, until the subconscious routines were second-nature to me.

Back inside, and while I remembered, I got out the borrowed TV camera, stripped myself down to my underwear, and did a twirl in front of it to show my body off. Then I redressed and put it away in the out-of-the-way cupboard we keep it in.

I thought it was time to work on other ways of improving my martial arts skill. I'd thought of punching, pushing and negating someone trying to push or throw me. Pushing was so obvious there was nothing to practice, as was negating opponents' trying to push or throw me. The latter was easy because I'd be able to sense my opponents' intention before the push started, giving me time to counter it. Only punching needed a little practice.

I positioned some of the sofa cushions in a row as a punching bag, while the mothers were safely asleep. I punched them as hard as I could using unaided muscle power, to give me the sight and feel for how hard "as hard as I could" was. Then I set about reproducing it using Super-Aikido. To take the extreme example, if my fist started one inch from its target, I worked out how much force I needed to push with so my fist hit with an impact equivalent to "as hard as I could". It turned out that an inch was too close, but you get the idea.

I learned the force required from every likely distance, all without using any muscles, other than to close my fingers into a fist. Not using muscles was consistent with my ideal of getting my whole body moving quickly with Super-Aikido, which in this case meant I could react faster and get the punch in sooner. If I'm boxing with a guy and I see him let his guard down for a moment, it'd take an appreciable amount of time for me to physically order my arm muscles to start a punch into the opening. I could get my fist moving much faster by mentally grabbing my wrist with NP and pushing it toward the target. Cutting even a quarter second off the time required to impact on my target should allow many more punches to get through.

Once I had that going well, I added muscles. Not because I needed the extra strength - I could've added more NP force if that'd been the reason - but because I believed that when I punched someone, the ki of my punch had an internal effect on them. Just pushing my fist forward with NP didn't project any ki, so I added the physical aspect. Because my muscles were slower to act, that meant they were assisting NP rather than the other way around, so it didn't really invalidate the main strategy of Super-Aikido. Adding muscle power would result in my punching someone harder than "as hard as I could", but I could live with that. In practice, I'd adjust the amount of my NP-push as the circumstances required.

I also practiced quickly creating the protective NP-pad over the front of my fist, to make sure I could spread the impact over all of my hand and forearm. That was easy, as the size and shape of NP-plates are flexible enough now that one of them could mold itself to the shape of my fist.

One thing that I had no trouble with was in deciding which mind provided the shield. In an emergency I wouldn't want every mind to think some other mind was going to do it, and nor would be want every mind to do it themselves. The mind that did do it ideally should be one that wasn't creating any other ki-effects, that way its plate would have the maximum strength, currently about 230 kg theoretically, although they've gotten three times more 'squash resistant' for a reason that isn't apparent to me. [[Using a material with a breaking strain of "x", you can construct a brace - triangles work well - that can withstand more than "x". Because having NP-points collapse on me was a nuisance, something similar to a braced internal structure had developed. The development was NOT done by the Universe because it doesn't cooperate intelligently, but by my own deep subconsciouses. They understood enough about braces to include them in NP-points. Getting a threefold improvement in squash resistance was the best they could do.]]

My minds had become very good at working together. In the early days, with two or four minds, we had to discuss who did what. Even in an emergency, that dialogue had been necessary back in those days. Nowadays, we seemed to cooperate instinctively, so we don't get ourselves tangled up like baseball players do sometimes, when zero or several of them try to catch a high ball.

With the protective cover over my fist, I lightly punched myself a few times to see what it felt like. It felt like I was glad I'd done it lightly. In other words, the new punching method worked very well.

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 372

This one is compliments of a1mud Paddy went to the doctor complaining that he had pain in his bum and in an anal examination, the doc pulled out a £20 note. "Paddy," he said. "There's £20 notes in here" and he started pulling them out, one after another until finally, there was no more. "That's a relief, I feel better now, it's amazing, how much was in there doctor?" After counting, the doctor replied - "there's a total of £1,980 Paddy, astonishing." Said Paddy - " Ah! I...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 372

The Retreat ... Charlotte and Ada sat for a moment as Diana's words sank in. Both mother and daughter were clearly skeptical as they furtively glanced at the other three women. Diana let out a chuckle. "You can say it; we won't get mad." Ada hesitated. "This is no joke? You're actually telling us that Susan is your mother and Arlene is your daughter?" "Got it in one," Diana said with a grin. "But..." Ada began. Then, after studying Susan's and Arlene's faces some more, she...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 372

We cooked supper and ate at home. We spent the time together building more on our relationship. I had a feeling that this Kampala situation was going to lead to some stress that all of us would have to deal with. But tonight it was food then the hot tub and babies. Then there was soft talk, soft touches and no talk of business; that would come tomorrow. It was a great night, but morning came too early. Each night until I left on Monday was going to be special for each my mates. We were in...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 372

I was in the McDonald’s drive-through this morning and the young lady behind me leaned on her horn because I was taking too long to place my order. “Take the high road,” I thought to myself. So when I got to the first window I paid for her order along with my own. The cashier must have told her what I’d done, because as we moved up she leaned out her window and waved to me and mouthed “Thank you”, obviously embarrassed that I had repaid her rudeness with a kindness. When I got to the...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 372 Guest Services

So how is this going to go for the rest of the guests coming in today? I expected a lot more dressing down of the families, but it was much less than expected. One of the families was shocked to hear the psychologist say, “We have placed five of your children under psychiatric care to prevent harm to other guests or themselves. Three are classic psychopaths, the other two sociopaths. None of them are the ones you have kept under close watch due to showing suicidal tendencies. Those children...

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MAU Superman and Supergirl Part IV

He smiled at the goddess laying peacefully beside him the scent of fresh strawberries filled the air around her and was like a intoxicating drug to him. A part of him wanted to wake her properly, but like all good things in life they both had other obligations. To start with they both needed to fly back to Las Vegas and retrieve their belonging, and if the seeds he'd planted before setting out to find her earlier, an new life as well. With a trace of reluctance he stopped caressing...

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MAU Superman and Supergirl Part II

A part of her wanted him to stop, but that small weak voice of protest had been fading away with ever increasing speed for a while now. For the part of her that remained it was contented just to let her lay on her back as he skillfully stroked tenderly the inner borough of her parted thighs with his fingertips. Kara would never thought it would be possible to become so aroused by other persons merely touch her, but the growing euphoric bliss she was experiencing proved her wrong. ...

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MAU Superman and Supergirl Part III

The seemingly random flicker of light was coming from a rather dated television, but it was the only source of light in an otherwise darkened room. He didn't mind that the Agency he'd worked for the last few years had sent him out to remote places always to work another case. What he did mind he was the fact he was now only just ten weeks out from him being forced into retirement date and they had given him a new recruit to train. "Well so much for expecting things to go easy for...

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MAU Superman and Supergirl Part I

"I'm still finding it really hard to believe that it actually worked," Kacy Prescott answered honestly. Having watched his mom's car pull out of the driveway where she'd just dropped him off at his best friend's house for the weekend. "You should've had a little more faith in me. Your mom is going to busy with her new job to check up on us and besides by this time tomorrow we'll be in Las Vegas," Matt replied confidently smiled back at his friend, toying with what appeared to Kacy to...

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Super Superheroes

Super SuperheroesWe had been invited to Paul’s bosses 50th Birthday party and it was superheroes and villains fancy dress, so after many months of thinking what the hell we could go as we decided on wonder woman and batman, we had arranged to go to the party with friends who lived near, Paul and Devon worked together, Paul had come home late from work so I was already dressed as wonder woman in my tight blue shorts with white stars red top and red boots and of course wonder woman head band...

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Deja Vu

This is a work of science-fiction in a general sense, and is not possible at all. All characters are made up, and are not based on any real persons dead or alive. All characters are of appropriate age in the story context. If this time of story is offensive to you please do not read it. * John was a special child growing up. He had always felt that he may have had ESP or something close to it. He always had this sense that he had been to places that he never been to before, and meet people...

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Deja Vu Christmas

‘That’s what I saw on the TV news just now. So maybe you’d better . . .’ ‘It’s Christmas Eve, Stella,’ Nadine answered, the stubbornness in her voice almost palpable. ‘Those guys were really cute, and I’ve never skied Winter Park before. Gotta do something to get out of here.’ ‘Yeah, well, if the snow really hits up there at Berthoud Pass, there wouldn’t be any skiing, they wouldn’t find you ’til spring,’ Stella said. She was fiddling with the crooked plastic Christmas tree in the corner of...

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Deja Vu All Over Again

It’s been said that, once you've left, you can never go home again. I found that to be false. Last week, I returned to my home town to visit my baby sister, Fran. Fran and I are close, and we visit one another a couple of times a year, catch up on old times, and stay connected. After college, it seems we both returned home, living with siblings and parents until we got to the point of financial independence, even though we did it ten years apart. We also never married. For my part, I’m...

Quickie Sex
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Deja Vu

Michelle and I had been taken and decided to go to the adult theater. We went with a friend of ours Mike, Mike is a large gentleman of blk per suasion. Been our friend for years. We all met at the theater paid for our tickets wet to take a quick look at the toys and other marital aids. We wandered the ills looking and joking about the miss use of the things we saw but plugs big engulf to heart a rhino . Dill does so long and wide cant images any one that could take that. Dam thing look like a...

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Deja vu

It was almost thirty years since I'd visited an Arcade or Adult Book Store, but I was in another city that wasn't afraid the "Adults" might want to see adult things or see Adult movies. I almost felt "dirty" like I did when I first discovered such places. I passed the store ,as another man was coming out catching just a glimpse of a rack of the inside displays. It was early evening and the area seemed saturated with way more people I was used to, at home I would be intimidated of maybe...

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Deja Vu

I was laying on my bed in my room. My TV was on, but I wasn't really paying that much attention.Truthfully, I was browsing the magazine in my hands. Not the one I appeared to be leafing through... that would be a 'Popular Photography', which was visible, camouflaging the true subject of my attention. Inside the Pop Photo, was the most recent copy of 'Mayfair'.I suppose I didn't really need to hide it. I was eighteen, and legally able to buy the magazine, but I also didn't need to stir the pot...

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Deja Vu For a Drow

D?j? vu for a DrowChapter 1So far everything had gone to plan for Liavondra. Despite being unwilling to leave her free and unplanned life, she had agreed to her friend Alcala’s request for help. As a Drow she was not trusted by many, as her kin were notorious for their treacherous, violent ways. Lia was different though, and had striven to be different from all other Drow for centuries. Thus, when an infiltrator was needed for the Drow, she was the first and only choice. The mission had been s...

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Deja Vu a MILF teacher submits to her past and loses everything

Now for the normal disclaimers, no kids (under 18), animals, blood, scat, or other extreme things are in this story. If I haven’t scared you off yet, read on and vote. Chapter 1 Suzanne was finishing another day at school. She was a first-grade teacher, and it had been a very long day. Most days she loved teaching, but today was particularly difficult. For some reason today, her kids, who were normally...

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Brittany Rogers peered through the store's broad front windows, carefully inspecting each inch of the nearly deserted parking lot. Satisfied, she unlocked the door, set the alarm and slipped outside in the required thirty seconds. She locked both top and bottom locks and scurried towards her car. As she went, she nervously scanned the area, her head swiveling. Twice she turned and walked backwards a few steps to check behind her. Why had she stayed so late, she berated herself silently....

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Deja Vu

"Oh grandmother, I still can't believe it!" The young blonde haired woman exclaimed as she gushed with excitement. "Two days from now I'm going to be in Europe." "Well it's nothing that you don't deserve." The older woman smiled back. "I'm very proud of you, and all that you've accomplished." "I don't think Mother would agree with you on that." Jenny D'Angelo replied. "She thinks the entire trip is a colossal waste of money." "Your mother thinks everything is a waste of...

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Deja Vu All Over Again

PART 1 My company had just relocated to brand new offices downtown in that fancy mega-complex that took up four city blocks. I had just parked my car on level B5 and rode the elevator up to the mezzanine level. So here I was Monday morning, with a map of the complex in hand. A lot of companies' hours are 8 to 5, but I was fortunate to work for a company that worked 9 to 5 and included our lunch hour for "free." At close to 9, the mezzanine was relatively sparse with a few people shopping in...

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Deja VuChapter 10

Sunday when I was pulling into the driveway I had another vision. I saw a bunch of motorcycles in front of the house. I knew that was bad news for sometime in the future. I figured it would be a good time to start building my war chest. I got my cell phone out and dialed the number I had been given in D.C. it was answered with, "6619." I said, "This is the Griz." "Is there a problem?" "Not right now, I think there will be." I related my vision. "What do you want us to do about...

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Deja VuChapter 11

On our way out of Illinois we stopped for the day tour of New Salem. New Salem is where Abraham Lincoln ran a general store and got his first law book and started studying to be a lawyer. It has been restored and is a general tourist trap, to see what life was like 150 years ago. You see Ox drawn carts and wagons. 'New Salem' makes you realize that you do not want to live life back then. We made a leisurely trip to Mt Rushmore. Mt. Rushmore is a very impressive scene. From the welcome...

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Deja VuChapter 12

As Tom and Betty got off the plane in Havana, the Minister of Communication met them. Senor and Senora Wilcox, "It is my pleasure to welcome you to Cuba. Your bags have been taken to the Hotel Tropicana. I am sure you will be very happy there. I have your transportation waiting outside." Once they were in the limo, "Senor, Senora Wilcox, I have been asked to request that you have a private dinner with the President tonight. He will send a car for you." Tom replied, "We will be...

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Deja VuChapter 13

The trip was over and everyone was get back into the swing. Suzy was going to school. The drive to her school was shorter from the new house than from her folks place. Joanne started to sue to get the rights back for my programs. Elizabeth and I decided to open an office away from the house to work from, just so the house was a home and not a place we worked from. We opened an office in Winter Park, about 15 minutes from Suzy's school. If anything happened and Suzy needed something we...

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Deja VuChapter 14

I got an invitation for my High School Reunion in Deland. I asked everyone what I should do about it, go or not go? Jeri and Elizabeth, both wanted to go they loved to dance. Corey said she wanted to go, Joanne decided to stay and keep an eye on Suzy. The girls had fun shopping for dresses. We went to the football game. This was the first time in over 30 years I had been back to Deland for any thing other than stopping to get something to eat or shopping at Wall Mart. I was surprised that...

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Deja VuChapter 15

Elizabeth and I had a lot of work for on Monday. Jeri had joined us for lunch at the 'Big Bite'. Since we had to wait for the hardware to arrive, we decided to leave early. It seemed like a nice day to be lazy by the pool. As we were driving home we drove past the house. We saw several motorcycles in the driveway and a few biker-carrying guns. None of the family was in sight. Suzy truck was in the driveway. We drove about a half a mile past the driveway, Jeri and Elizabeth changed cars....

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Deja VuChapter 16

Tom and Betty came home for Christmas. Suzy spent the holidays moving back and forth. Jenny came back for Christmas and I flew her family in from California. Since we had the room, I got Bill to bring down the family and Dad on Christmas, they could not take off until after Christmas Eve. This is the first Family Reunion at Christmas our family had had for years. Rick told everyone that he was planning on going in the Army. He is supposed to leave in April for Basic Training. He was going...

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Deja VuChapter 17

I was hearing someone call me, "Mister, hey Mister are you alright? You just lay right there. The ambulance will be here in a few minutes. You had me scared." Setting up, I find that I am at the 7-11 where I bought my winning Lottery ticket. I asked, "What is going on?" The store clerk responded with a worried look, "Mister you were standing in front of the door, and some kid came running in and knocked you down, you passed out. That dumb kid took off. I called 911, they said that when...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 256 The Aquatic Center Several Conversations

Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) The last few chapters have featured Savannah more than she deserved. Despite all the words I've written about her, I really only spent a few minutes talking to her. I spent longer talking to some of the other individual girls, but they were generally straightforward and honest, so needed little comment here. They'd come here to meet me, were happy to be in my company, and were perfectly happy to make no pretense about it. The sight of my body in its...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 74 My I Love My Sister Carol Speech

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 I woke at my usual time and noticed that Donna appeared to be still sleeping. I got up and stood by her bed. My proximity sense confirmed it, but as it nearly get-up time I bent down and kissed her cheek until she woke. A good start to the day for her, I thought. It only took half a dozen kisses before her eyes were fully open, and she said, "Good morning, darl... , Mark." "Good morning, darl, Donna." "{Giggle}." I offered, "I had a good night's sleep....

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 257 The Aquatic Center I Make a Splash

Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) I've written many words to describe events at the swimming pools, but nothing about what some people would consider the raison d'être of the Aquatic Center: swimming. My visit was much more about bikinis, but I did do some swimming, so I'll mention that briefly now. Even before we'd arrived at the Center, it'd occurred to me that there might be pretty girls wearing bikinis here, and therefore I should try to impress the bikini bottoms off them. I had...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 75 The Examiner From Hell

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 (Continued) I loaded my bag with what schoolwork I wanted to do tonight, then headed to the DMV. Corvallis being a small place, it didn't take long for me to jog there. It didn't seem to take any energy either, even with a backpack on. As a little experiment, I tried running at my optimal rate, and the extra weight did cause fatigue to build up, forcing me to reduce my pace significantly. Apparently there are some rational aspects to how I break the laws of physics...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 258 Satisfying Two Appetites

Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) Not long before we left, one of the girls asked, "When can we do this again, Mark?" Obviously she wasn't one of my regulars, or she would've asked Julia. I threw caution to the wind by taking a shot at answering it myself, "I'm busy tomorrow, because that's when I'm hoping to buy my new car." Actually it was Julia who was doing the hoping. I was too conflicted to "hope" to buy a new car. I liked the cars we'd been testing, but I didn't like the...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 76 Starting to Plan My Coming Out

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 (Continued) Dinner was a great success. How could it not be? Carol was beaming with pride at having cooked it so successfully, and I lavished her with praise when my mouth wasn't full. Either situation made her happy, and me too. Carol said, "I think I can cook this by myself now, especially if I get Julia or Donna to help me." I wasn't going to criticize that comment at all. Carol's chicken cooking ability put her above petty concerns such as logic. I regaled...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 259 A Girl Accuses Me of Using Her for Sex Oh the Injustice

Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) I'd called Mom before Aikido to tell her, "I'll be staying the night at the Williams' as I want to show Julia something first thing in the morning." I headed to Julia's after Aikido. As I walked toward the front door, I was amused to see a multitude of female heads through the kitchen window. Julia met me at the door, laughingly telling me the explanation. Soon after I'd left for Aikido, Vanessa had called my mom to say they had too much food, and...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 77 Less Than a Game of Bowling

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 (Continued) Robert, Julia, Carol and I were going bowling, but not before Prof had a few words, "Have you driven at night before, Mark?" Not even in the dimension where #3 and #4 had got their license, as they hadn't had it long enough before merging away to be allowed to drive at night. "Not on roads, no. In a parking lot to show Dad I could drive, after dinner here a while ago. I don't expect any problems though." "Let's be safe anyway. Robert, you sit in...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 260 Mom Gets Led by the Nose

Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) When Majella, Gina and Leanna were gone, Vanessa suggested, "Clean up, then coffees," so we all returned to the kitchen. Vanessa divided up what dishes were ready, leaving two pots cooking for longer, then we all started cleaning up. It didn't take us long, especially with my helping so eagerly, in a pathetic attempt to look good for Mom. Conversation was entirely food related, which I'd normally think was great, but just made waiting for the axe to...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 261 The Car that Best Projects the Right Image for Me is Chosen

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 I woke after the usual 2.5 hours, had a snack bar, shut my eyes again, created a sight blob, sent it through to the study, where seven of my minds created a fingertip each for the scrolling keyboard, and we started studying. Other than a couple of snack breaks, that's how we spent the morning. It was a very successful test, especially because we didn't hit a gap in our knowledge that we had to google, so we didn't need to do any extensive mouse work. One of my...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 78 Educational and Mansion Planning

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 (Continued) "Mark!" "Sorry Prof, what was that?" Prof asked, "We set your study up for you to study in it, so why would we get grumpy at your doing so?" "Huh? Oh, that's right. If I woke you up at 2:15 every morning to let me in. Wouldn't you lock your frontdoor before you went to sleep?" "Of course, but you don't need to wake us. We'll give you a key and you can come and go as you please. You might as well have a key now, so I'll give you our spare...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 262 I Nearly Get Arrested Buying My New Car

Wednesday, June 22, 2005 I had my pre-breakfast at home, then drove to the Williams'. I physically went to the study, but used a large sight blob (large, to collect enough light to see with) to check on Julia and Carol. They were lying close together in bed. Their wearing nightwear ruined my fantasy of their getting hot and sweaty with each other before they'd slept, but I guess my life can't be like some cheap porn story all the time. Studying was enjoyable, as usual, especially the...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 79 Donnas Ducklings Named

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 (Continued) At home Carol went to put away her clothes for tomorrow and I caught up with Mom and Dad. They started asking general questions about the evening, but I focused on Prof's idea, "Because I want to call him back shortly, before it gets too late." That conversation went very much as I expected: Surprise at my needing so little sleep. I answered, "You know I'm weird, just accept it please. I'll make sure I get the sleep I need, however much that...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 263 Seeking Parental Permission to Marry

Wednesday, June 22, 2005 (Continued) At dinnertime, Prof drove to my home in his car, with me following in my trusty Honda to pick up my sisters to take them back to Julia's for our dinner. I had Vanessa and Julia with me so Vanessa could give me her last minute thoughts on what Carol and I might have to say when we had to talk with Mom and Dad about the marriage. At my place, I talked to Mom and Dad about the car purchase and doing my best to appear at ease and unconcerned so they...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 80 Repeating My I Love My Sister Carol Speech

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 It was dark when I woke. I eagerly looked at my bedroom clock/radio, to see "2:10am". So just over four hours of sleep then. Cool! I jumped out of bed, and decided that I felt fully rested and energetic. I dressed in my best, impress-the-girls-at-school, speech-making clothes, grabbed my schoolbag and the essential snack ingredients from the kitchen (it was important not to forget those). Seeing as how I was in the area, I snacked on something else I found in the...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 264 Getting My New Car

Thursday, June 23, 2005 When we got the call to come get my new car, I said, "We'll need to get a taxi there, otherwise how will we get the Honda back?" "We'll tell the car lot to lend us someone to drive it back. You just spent $60,000 with them." "Ahh, yeah. Good point." As I'd promised, after driving Julia home, Donna was the first Anderson family member to get a ride. She was with some friends, so they got rides too. They all loved it, especially when I "put the lid down,"...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 81 Ava Wests Letter

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 (Continued) When Julia and I approached her classroom, running a little late, her teacher and the Principal were standing outside. The Principal wasn't often seen in the halls, so I suspected this was not a coincidence. He asked me, "Mr. Anderson, aren't you supposed to be in B12 now?" (Building B, room 12). "Um, yes sir. I'm just walking Julia to class to keep her safe." "That's what I'm doing here. Get to your class now, Mr. Morrison is waiting for...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 265 Introducing What We Did for My Soccer Team Part One

Monday, June 27, 2005 This chapter has jumped ahead four days. Not much happened over summer that was relevant to my ascendancy, so day-by-day reporting isn't needed. ^ A couple of days after Savannah's test ride in my new car, I invited my soccer team to Julia's, excluding the guys who'd just graduated, had serious girlfriends, were virgins, or were too immature for what I had in mind. That left five of them. That many because they didn't actually have to be mature, just be able to...

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