Bhanji Hui Mast Mera Lund Dekh Kar
- 2 years ago
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The next morning there were four of us at breakfast. Stacie and I sat across from Charlotte and Larissa. There was the usual small talk about the lovely weather, the news of the day, etc., followed by some uncomfortable silences. Finally, Larissa sighed and said, "So now you know."
I looked into my coffee cup and said, "Yes. Now I know."
After another pause, Larissa said, "And how are you with it?"
I looked first at Larissa, then at Charlotte and back to Larissa, my eyes locked on hers. "I'm OK with it," I said, "but it would have been nice to find out another way."
Larissa and Charlotte looked at each other. Charlotte blushed a bit. Larissa grinned. Charlotte smiled back and patted her hand. They both giggled. Soon the giggles became full-fledged laughter. Stacie and I joined in. I had no idea what we were laughing at, but the laughter seemed infectious. Larissa said breathlessly, "Oh fuck! You should have seen your face. I'm sorry, but you looked so..." She searched for a word.
I said, "Shocked?"
"Not exactly. You had what my dad used to call 'the fish look.' Wide-eyed and openmouthed." Larissa and Charlotte embraced and laughed even harder.
"Well put yourself in my place," I said. "Charlotte, when you first came to stay here, how would you have felt if you'd walked in on Stacie and me in a similar situation?"
Charlotte stopped laughing and smiled at me. "Jack," she said, "I wouldn't have been the least bit surprised. I knew you loved Stacie before you did. Even before I met you she'd already told me that she was in love with you. As soon as I saw the two of you together I knew you felt the same way about her. Yes, Larissa and I are in love. I love her more than I ever loved my husband." Now it was Larissa's turn to blush. "And she's more worthy of my love than he was. He turned out to be a lying skunk. Larissa is kind, decent and honourable. She's one of the finest people I've ever known. I consider myself very lucky to have her love. And if she'll have me, I want to spend the rest of my life with her." Charlotte and Larissa embraced again. They held each other and cried. Stacie was also in tears, and I wasn't far from it.
I rose, walked to the counter and picked up a box of tissues. I put them on the table. The three women gratefully used them to mop their faces and blow their noses. Larissa smiled as she wiped her eyes. "Stacie, you and Jack are my witnesses. Unless I'm hearing things, I just received something very close to a proposal. This wonderful creature said she wants to spend her life with me. And I'm goddam sure gonna hold her to it."
Charlotte smiled through her tears. "And that, my love," she said, "brings me to your only flaw. Is there any way I can get you to clean up your language?" Larissa kissed her and laughed. Soon everyone joined in the laughter.
As the merriment subsided, Charlotte said, "Now everyone eat your breakfasts before they get cold." The old Charlotte had reappeared. Taking care of everyone as she always did.
We ate. The atmosphere around the table was completely cleared. We felt at home and comfortable. I reflected that there was no one whom I would welcome into my family more than Larissa. She was a dear friend, all the dearer for her relationship with Charlotte. And it was Larissa who turned the conversation to things more serious.
"It's about this scholarship fund," she said. "Charlie has been resisting going on TV, but I can't think of a better way to promote it. And she's the ideal spokesperson. She knows the problems of young disadvantaged women. She knows them well. Goddam well." Charlotte looked as though she was about to interrupt. Larissa kissed her right index finger and then touched it to Charlotte's lips. "No, darling," she said, "let me make my case. If you appear on TV as the spokesperson for this fund, you can friggin' well sell it. I know you can. And I'll help you. I know a few professional media consultants that I can blackmail into giving you free lessons. You can do it. You will do it."
Charlotte sighed. "OK," she said, "I know when I'm licked. I'll do it. But if I faint or wet myself on camera, it's all your fault. Now what's on the agenda for today?"
Larissa took her Palm Pilot out of her purse. "Today," she said, "we begin our outreach. You're scheduled to speak at the Flemingdon Park Recreation Centre. 'Flemo, ' as it's known by the people who live there, is a low-income area. Most of the people who live there are immigrants. Many of them are from Africa. The girls there really need to know about this scholarship."
Charlotte shook her head. "I hate standing up in front of people and speaking," she said. "I don't know how I can go on doing this."
Larissa kissed her cheek. "Don't worry, Charlie," she said, "I'll be right there with you. Everything will be fine."
Charlotte sighed again. She said, "Why do we have to do this on a Saturday?"
"Because," Larissa said, "that's when the kids are most likely to be in the recreation centre. Why give a presentation if you don't have an audience?"
Charlotte and Larissa went downstairs to ready themselves for Flemingdon Park. Stacie and I went upstairs to ready ourselves for the day. Stacie was determined to take me shopping. She'd made up her mind that I needed a new blue suit. So, she'd made an appointment with my tailor, Fernando Rego. I wasn't looking forward to the trip. Fernando was a nice guy. But I knew that he'd put me through the drill of choosing fabrics, design -- even buttons, for God's sake. To me, buttons are buttons. The silver lining in the cloud would be spending the day with my lovely wife. And I'd made a lunch reservation at Tasting Rooms, Stacie's favourite since our first official date as a couple.
As it turned out, the trip to the tailor was painless. Fernando had all my measurements on file, so he just had to make a couple of quick checks with his measuring tape. Stacie helped to pick the material and so forth. We were out of there in record time.
At Tasting Rooms, things continued to go well. Coming in the door right behind us were Greg Young and his wife Megan. Since it was obvious that we were all there for lunch, we agreed to make a foursome. Greg was an interesting fellow. He ran a company called Northern Lights Productions. They produced television programmes and short films. His was one of the success stories of Canadian show business. He and his company had long been clients of Mack and Jack. Although strictly speaking they were Mack's clients not mine, I'd helped out on a couple of actions. People who produce series television really have to cover their asses, especially when said series are hits. And Greg's company had produced a number of hit series. I couldn't remember the cases in detail, but I knew that people had come out of the woodwork claiming to own the concepts for at least two of them. One of the claims had been laughed out of court. The other one had been a bit more of a challenge. I'd been sure that the plaintiff's case had no merit, but it was very cleverly presented. The guy's lawyer had obviously examined several successful cases and patterned his suit after theirs. Greg thought that he should settle out of court, but Mack and I convinced him that would only hang out a sign that he was an easy target. We won the case. And Greg had been with us ever since.
Back to the lunch in question. I suggested that we take a table in the lounge rather than in the white-tablecloth rooms. It would be much cozier and more conducive to friendly conversation. As we made our way to the table, the ladies went ahead of us, following the maitre d'. I smiled as I saw them together. Greg's wife Megan was one of the few women who seemed tiny next to Stacie. It wasn't that she was so much shorter. In fact, I doubted if she were even an inch shorter. Megan just seemed small in every dimension. Where Stacie was voluptuous, "delicate" was perhaps the best way to describe Megan. Both women were beautiful but in different ways. Stacie was blonde. Megan had black hair. Stacie had lots of curves. Megan was definitely feminine, but everything was on a smaller scale. They were both fair-skinned. And both had sky-blue eyes. Megan's were almond shaped, hinting at some Asian ancestry.
We sat down and perused the menu. Greg asked if we'd like wine. Stacie and I agreed. We settled on white, and Greg asked for the wine list. He chose a nice Australian Chardonnay. When the waiter poured it, Megan put her hand over her glass. "I'd love to have some," she said, "but I won't be having any alcohol in the near future."
I said, "Why not?"
Greg was blushing and grinning. "Because," Megan said, "there are soon going to be three people living in our house."
Stacie looked at her with a wide-eyed smile. She said, "Do you mean..."
"Yup," Megan said, "I'm preggers. Knocked up by this brute." She patted Greg affectionately.
I smiled and raised my glass. "Congratulations," I said. "Here's to the growing Young family."
Greg had a sip from his glass, even though he was being toasted rather than toasting. "It was actually quite amazing. How it happened, I mean," he said. "You know, I was married before. My first wife died in a skiing accident. She and I had tried for a couple of years to conceive. Tried everything. No luck. But the very first month that Megan and I gave it a shot -- bingo! How's that for luck?"
"I'd say that's wonderful luck," I said. "Congratulations again."
Megan said, "Thanks. We're incredibly lucky. All the tests show that the baby is healthy. And I plan to be a stay-at-home mum for the first year. Luckily, my job allows up to a year of maternity leave, although I'll only get paid for the first six months."
"Hell," Greg said, "we don't need the money. Sometimes I wish that Megan would stay home permanently."
Megan smiled at him. She said, "And do what? Become one of those bitches in the Junior League? No thanks. I need my job to keep my sanity."
Stacie said, "What do you do?"
"I'm the assistant general manager of the Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division of the City of Toronto," Megan said.
Stacie said, "Wow. That's impressive."
Megan laughed. "Not really," she said. "It's a grand title that translates roughly as 'fart catcher.' I try to make sure that the other managers don't screw up too much. And I help my boss run interference with City Council. We try to keep the councilors off the backs of the management and staff. That's almost a full-time job in itself. It can be a pain in the butt, but it has good benefits, thank God."
Stacie and Megan chatted a while about baby things. I wondered if Stacie were getting any ideas. She'd said many times how much she envied Rachel Stewart because of her daughter Esther. Oh well, I'd cross that bridge when I got to it. Then the conversation changed to weddings and honeymoons. "We spent our honeymoon in Paris," Stacie said. "Jack was very sneaky. I didn't find out where we were going until the wedding reception."
Megan said, "Gosh that sounds really romantic."
"It was," Stacie said, "we had a wonderful time. I'll never forget it. Where did you go?"
"Well," Megan said, "it may sound odd, but we went to Japan."
Stacie exclaimed, "How exotic!"
"Yeah, it was great," Megan said. "You see, my mum is Japanese. She has a pretty big family in Japan, and many of them couldn't come here for our wedding. So we decided to kill two birds, as it were. We combined family visits with sight-seeing and just general honeymoon type stuff."
Stacie said, "Do you speak Japanese?"
Megan said, "Well, I can get by, but I'm not fluent by any means. And I've been told that I speak like a child. Fortunately, my uncle in Kyoto is an English professor at the university. He acted as our guide and translator. Without him, we'd have had a lot more trouble."
Lunch was very pleasant. Greg and Megan turned out to be fascinating luncheon companions. They were both very intelligent, well-read and witty. Megan's wit was quite wicked, especially when she skewered Toronto's elected politicians. She called the mayor "an idiot -- a well-intentioned idiot, but an idiot nonetheless." I'd hate to be the subject of her jibes. Greg was far more laid back. I enjoyed his anecdotes about the television business. And I countered with a few lawyer jokes. Stacie told the Youngs about the latest developments in her scholarship foundation. Needless to say, they were quite impressed. Greg immediately volunteered to help in any way he could. And Megan offered her help in getting the message out to kids in the poorer parts of town. As we said good by to Greg and Megan, the four of us agreed to get together soon for supper. I suggested that we entertain them, and they agreed readily, saying only that they insisted on returning the favour.
When we arrived home, Charlotte and Larissa were no where to be seen. Stacie and I went upstairs to change. Of course, as soon as we started to undress, our thoughts turned in a different direction. I helped Stacie remove her last two garments, and she in turn took care of my boxers. As usual, I found myself staring at my lovely wife, taking in every detail of her precious body. "Jack," she said, "you're looking at me as though you'd never seen me before. You've seen me naked hundreds, maybe thousands, of times."
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After Paul had appeared in the room last night to see me with my cock fully buried in his wife’s cunt and all he’d done was ask her if I had been any good, I’d relaxed further in the knowledge that I was not about to be chased out of the house by an irate husband. Far from that, I now knew they had both set me up and had planned the whole event, firstly sending their daughter Sarah away to her friends for the night and then Paul pretending to feel ill so that Jane could seduce me. Jane had...
Chapter 2 “WHAT?!” yelled Will. “Let me in, Will.” “Why, so you can make fun of me? I told you I’m sorry.” “You have to clean up your mess before it dries.” “I will when you leave, Ann.” “Will, let me in. I want to see it again.” “NO! I shouldn’t have ever gone this far.” ”Open the door and we can talk about it. I’m not going to ask you again.” “OK. Fuck!” He got up and opened his bedroom door. He had put on a pair of white briefs, so Ann was somewhat...
After her game ended early in an easy win, I offer awesome attractive Anne an arm and stroll her down the slope from Canterbury Campus to the Cathedral. We pick a table at Cathedral square's corner. During lunch we try to figure out how English religion works. While I understand the Protestant bits, Anne knows they also have (arch)bishops like in Catholicism. Actually Canterbury Cathedral hosts an Archbishop, even the highest one in ranking. The guy who conducts Royal Weddings - like in St....
I had a couple of friends over to play a game of airsoft. One of these friends was Jake. He was good looking, and he had a pretty nice body. Better than mine at least. We were in the middle of a game, and I ran out of ammo. I went through the gate, and outside the playing area. I guess Jake saw me leaving, because when I got in front of my barn, he came up behind me. "Hey!" he said. "What's up?" I asked. "Just coming out here," he told me. I asked, "Did you run out of ammo or something?" "No, I...
GayThis story was told to me by a reader who, though young in the story, is now a Grandfather several times over.You might think it an unlikely tale but, having myself been a student at a top University during the eighties, and having been in all-girl shared houses for two years, I know with certainty that encounters of this kind really did take place.They took place surprisingly often too, with surprising girls and for surprising reasons. And it wasn’t just the men who initiated them by any...
ReluctanceI was awakened at eight A.M. by the ringing of the phone extension in my room. It was Joanne Dunleavy calling. "You told him you don't remember kissing me? Ellen Merchant's thirteenth birthday party? You took me over by the hedge on the side of her house and kissed me three times. I slapped you when you tried to feel me up, after." As soon as she mentioned the hedge and the slap, I laughed. I'd had my hand on her butt while we'd kissed the second and third times. It was only when I'd...
Nights in Gail Older and Younger, Up Skirt Flashing, Cream Pies, Multiple partners, Gang Sex, Taboo, Voyeur and Extreme It was 12:30 am when Gail heard him unlocking her door. Tuesday and Thursday, he was always there and she rolled on her side, scooted her ass back waiting. No words were exchanged, no preliminaries performed, she knew he would thrust into her for 5 minutes, then groan while holding her hips. Resting inside her, then patting her hip, he would pull free of her, cover her again...
Note. This story is a direct continuation from Miss Mabel parts 1 and 2. The setting is North London in 1858. Whilst I hope it can stand alone, it might be more enjoyable for the reader to read the earlier parts first. My thanks to Creativetalent for editorial help, and to Michchick98 for her help with basic text formatting. Miss Mabel. Part 3. The Megrims An older colleague of mine in Leicestershire, Frank Dennis, a man with much experience of women, told me many things when I was a youth,...
At the television news and weather station I work at, there are two girls who seem to have insatiable appetites for cock and cum. Nadine is a VERY cute blonde with a gorgeous face and body. Rumor has it she has blown every guy in our very large building… a rumor she makes absolutely no attempt to deny. One time she was asked what she felt the most important thing was in choosing a boyfriend. She just smiled and said: “Taste”. Jackie perhaps has blown fewer men, but not by much. A few months...
Group SexKaren and John soon returned hand in hand. “I forgot my dress and John’ clothes,” she said picking up her dress. She looked at Dan and the expression on his face. Her instincts told something wasn’t right between them and straddled his thighs. She placed his hands on her hips, her arms on his shoulders and kissed him. “I must apologize to you, my love. With you and John fucking me, I had the best double penetration in a long time! I was so caught up in John pleasing me I urged him on and...
--THE END-- Might do more. I don't know yet. I hope you enjoyed. :3
Ariel went home with Rania ‘to help clean her up and get the paint off.’ We didn’t see her for two days. “Aagh! You’re hopeless!” Blankenship screamed when he saw my thirty-inch rendering of The Garden of Earthly Delights. “How can you create something with such detail that is so flat? Don’t you listen in class? The whole point of perspective is to create depth and direction. Stop thinking of the horizon as a point out in the distance. The eye creates the horizon. If the world was truly...
I’ve kept my self in shape, watching my diet and exercising. From the way men stare at by beasts and turn their heads when I walk by, I’d say men like what they see. Paul, my husband, and I make love almost every night, and love to start our with morning sex. We don’t have to make love twice a day, we want to. My friends blamed Paul for being over sexed, demanding to much of me. That stopped when they saw me ‘propositioning’ him one afternoon. I’d never hear the end of it if they had any...
As dawn came and the neighbors awoke, all eager for a morning cluster-fuck, so, too, did breakfast time come three hundred miles away. Roger Wedgewood and Tony Benson were sharing a table in the hotel restaurant, having coffee and toast and talking about the woman they had fucked the night before. Then in came Tom, their host, looking all fresh and well-scrubbed. No one would have known what a pervert he was, unless they had been fucking his wife while he looked on. He joined them at their...
I may be considered a very… twisted person for the writing of this story, but… oh well. *Setting is World of Warcraft, by the way* ————————————————- My name is Dalas. I grew up in a poor family in Southshore, and as soon as I was able, moved immediately to the great city of Stormwind to try and make a future for myself. I had never been very good with arms, nor had I felt the calling of the wild or the light, so that only left me with one choice, magic. The only question was, which kind...
On a Saturday evening, around 8, I was doing company work. I didn’t get the output I desired. So I was frustrated and decided to go for a drive. I took out my Polo and drove it on the road that led to a resort. The resort was located on the hills nearer to home. I love this drive as I can speed through this road without any traffic. But today many cars sped past mine. This was unusual. I was riding on this road when I saw banners of a ring ceremony happening in the resort lawns. I usually don’t...
Hello all friends , hope you must have enjoyed my previous stories like nani aur dadi , bus ki dosti . Now i am going to tell you one more my real experience . I am around 42 years old and wife is 40 . She is teacher in school , wheatish color , simple face , little fatty , weight 58 kg , 36b boobs , good cleaveage , and mostly wearing sarees , being large boobs , cleaveage is always visible trrough her tight boluses . I too is having fair colour , good looking , well maintained , daily morming...
Shielding herself against the white-hot fire surrounding her, Lisa curled up at tight as she could. Rather, she tried to, anyway... ‘Where are my fucking legs? ‘Fuck, I’m bleeding all over ... Can’t back up ... fucking bomb is behind me – Shit! Just like last time! ‘Mom! Help me! I need ... to ... nuugh ... can’t ... flare ... Got ... Go forward! ‘I am really, really fucked... ‘ Lisa reached toward a face she knew and pushed as hard as she could against the expanding white fire she had...
As always this is 100% TRUE Parts of my life i have decided to put on paper so to speak I will describe my wife Amanda for those who dont remember 5'6'' 117 lbs shoulder length auburn red hair and emerald green eyes 38 c titties. This takes place about a week after I saw her fucking her mom and dad and I got to fuck her little sister while we watched them. We were home alone her parents where out of town at a church seminar or something and her little sister was staying with a friend and I was...
Hello, Indian sex stories readers this is Arsh (Name changed). I am a 20 year old guy , staying in Ahmadabad. Let me tell you about myself, I am 20 years old, good looking guy with broad shoulders. This story is my first story on Indian sex stories and is a work of fiction so if there are any errors let me know. Please send me your feedback on Ladies there is a surprise in the end of the story ;). It is a pretty long story sorry about that, but you guys will enjoy. Hope you have a nice Fapping...