RejuvenatedChapter 2 free porn video

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"Just go out with him once," June urged. "What can it hurt? It's been three years since you threw David out. You need to go on with your life."

Abby perched on a stool at her kitchen island. Her neighbor, June Talbot, sat opposite her. The two women were emptying a coffee pot, one mug at a time. Abby's spacious kitchen was bright, in contrast to her mood.

"I know you're right, but I just can't. I'm not ready."

"If Carl isn't the right one, maybe Sam Ross is," she pushed on. "The point is, if you never start, you'll never find out."

Abby looked at her friend wearily. The Talbots had bought the house across the driveway three months after the Steins had moved into theirs. Though June was a good ten years older, the two women had quickly become as thick as thieves. They were a study in opposites. Where Abby was shorter and well-rounded, June was tall and reedy. Abby was dark while June was ash blonde. Both shared a wicked sense of humor and an insatiable curiosity about the lives of their friends and acquaintances.

David and Lou Talbot hadn't jelled well, mostly because David was so infrequently available.

"I don't really want to find someone else now. I'm busy with the boys. When they're out of the house, maybe then I'll look for someone."

"That's ten years from now, Abby. You deserve to be happy, too, you know. Your kids need a man they can rely on around the house. I can look at you and tell that David canceled on the boys again yesterday. Am I right?"

"Yeah, you're right," Abby sighed.

"I can't believe you're still hoping David will straighten up. Be realistic. He's a workaholic. He always was and he always will be."

Abby cocked her head. "I forget sometimes that you never knew him when we were young. David was my first crush; I only dated three boys. I wouldn't have dated the others at all, except it took until almost the end of high school for David to ask me out.

"The problem was that he discovered girls pretty late. But once he noticed that I had breasts, I dumped the guy I was seeing and sank my claws into him. I had no regrets for over fifteen years. I still don't really regret it, despite the divorce."

"How could you not regret a husband who never even knew you were there?"

"David wasn't always like that. He used to joke around all the time. There wasn't a pun he didn't like. His mind works so fast."

"David? Think fast?"

"That's what I mean. David isn't slow. When he's being serious, he's very deliberate. He thinks before he talks. When he's relaxed and being funny, it's like a laser show. You've never seen him relaxed. In those days, we'd go for walks every night, have casual dinner parties with other couples every week or so. He was fun. Once, he complained that I bought catsup instead of ketchup. He made like he was mortally offended for weeks. It doesn't sound funny when I say it, but it was his whole delivery. God, that was hilarious."

"So what changed?"

"I blame myself partially. We both had college loans. We were paying them off, even prepaying them despite raising two infants and all those costs. Then I saw the ad for this house. It was a bargain, and had everything we were looking for. We were in a two bedroom apartment then. Aaron was just a baby, and it was already a tight squeeze. I calculated that, if we lived simply, we would be able to just afford it. Of course, that was way overoptimistic.

"With every additional expense, David became more and more serious. He refused to let me work while the kids were home. He took on more and more work and stayed in the office later and later. His whole life began to revolve around earning more money, supporting the family. That's the part you saw."

"Couldn't he see that there's more to life than things?" June interrupted. "Surely you tried to change him."

Abby was becoming increasingly agitated.

"Tried? I begged. I did everything I could. I spent practically nothing on myself, but David would. The carpets are the same ones as when we bought the house. Have you ever seen us take a vacation? I could control those. For other things, David overrode my protests and saw that the boys and I got the best. I couldn't make him see that we would rather have him than a baseball glove or a new coat.

"I still can't get through to him. I've tried, literally, a thousand times. Every day, every week until the divorce and, at least twice a week since then. He won't listen. He just won't listen."

"It should be better now."

"I thought it would be better after I asked for the divorce. I thought ... I hoped he would see that we were slipping apart and fight to keep us together. It didn't work. He didn't get it. He still doesn't get it.

"We can talk civilly about the boys in general, but as soon as I say that he needs to do this or that, things get heated. I can tell him what needs doing in the house, but I have to wait until he can pull himself away from the damn job.

"We quarreled when I told him I could work part-time now that both boys are in school. He put up such a fuss that it upset the boys and I gave it up. Now he works even harder to pay for his own apartment and the house. What a disaster I've created."

"You didn't create it. Or at least, you didn't do it alone. Anyway, you're single now. He doesn't control you. You can do as you please. You really need to move on. Let Sam Ross take you out for coffee."

"Oh, June. My head keeps telling me to move on, but my heart digs in its heels. I want my David, but this David isn't the man I fell in love with." Abby softly wept.

Quiet reigned in the kitchen, save for the occasional sniffle. Finally June squeezed Abby's hand. "I'm sorry I pushed so hard and upset you. For all the time we spent talking since the divorce, I never quite understood what you saw in David. Honestly, I still don't. But I won't push men on you anymore. Well, not for a while at least. I'd better go before I put my foot in my mouth again. Don't forget you have that planning meeting for the United Charities this morning. How is it that you can sit on the board there without David shouting, but not hold a job?"

"It's some sort of disconnect in David's mind. He doesn't really know what I do there and since there's no paycheck..." Abby finished her thought with a shrug.

"Call me if you want to talk some more. If not, I'll see you for coffee tomorrow. Come over when the boys leave for school."

She gave her friend a quick hug and let herself out, leaving Abby staring at her cooling mug.

"Hurry up, slowpoke," Aaron called to his brother. School had let out ten minutes ago and Nathan was still talking to his friends. "We're gonna be late."

Nathan looked at his watch. "Gotta go, guys. I'll see you tomorrow."

He jogged over to his younger brother; two years separated him from the third-grader. "Let's go."

The two were among the handful of students who walked to school. The distance wasn't far, a touch over a half mile, and the traffic moderate. While Abby could have easily joined one of the carpools or just run them back and forth herself, she and David had long ago decided the experience would be good for their sons. It would give them a taste of independence and responsibility.

"I'll tell Mom I made us late if she says something."

"Don't worry, Nathan. I'll take my lumps, too."



"All for one and one for all," they yelled together and laughed.

They walked on and Aaron quieted.

"Nathan, do you think..."

"You ask me the same darn question at least twice a week. I don't know if they'll ever get back together and I'm tired of hoping. Have you seen anything change?"

"No, but..."

"They hardly ever talk to each other, and half the time they do, they end up yelling and Mom cries. It's never going to happen unless they can spend time together when they're not fighting."

"Tommy Evers' parents are getting divorced. He thinks it's his fault."

"Tommy Evers is an idiot."

Aaron turned to his brother and his voice got soft. "Sometimes I think I'm the reason Mom and Dad aren't together."

Nathan punched his brother in the shoulder, hard.

"Don't you ever, ever say that," he shouted. "It's not your fault and it's not mine. It's theirs. We just get to deal with it."

"That hurt." the younger boy whined, rubbing his shoulder where his brother had hit him.

"Good. Maybe it'll help you remember."

"Well, how do you know I'm wrong?"

"If you made them get divorced, they'd yell at you and blame you whenever they got mad, and they don't do that. Whatever happened is because of them."

They resumed walking as Aaron continued to rub his shoulder.

"I pray every day they'll get back together."

"Just keep praying. And don't tell Mom I punched you. She'll want to know why and she'll get all sad again and cry when you tell her."

"I won't tell, but don't punch me anymore."

"Don't listen to Tommy Evers and I won't punch you."

"OK. Was Mrs. Milligan this tough when you had her?"

"She's tough, alright, but she just wants you to push yourself. She hates when you just do enough to get by. Besides, it's getting near the end of the year and she needs to make sure she covers the whole book. You'll be fine."

The boys were nearly home by this time and raced into the house to greet their mother.

Abby let herself into June's kitchen the next morning.

"When is Lou going to let you remodel this room? I thought you talked him into it."

"I talked him into conceding the work needed to be done. Now I have to talk him into getting quotes from contractors. Then I can talk him into actually letting them do the work. I love him dearly, but he is so slow that sometimes I want to throttle him. You sound more like yourself this morning."

"Thanks, I feel more like myself. It's just that sometimes after I talk to David it seems to come crashing down all over again."

"Well then, let's change the subject. How was your meeting yesterday?"

"We got a lot done. I think we'll be able to balance the budget without cutting out any more programs."

"That's good news. But why do I think there's more there?"

"I just wish I could do what I'm supposed to do without getting hassled all the time."

"Hassled or harassed?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Oh, ho. This sounds juicy. Give it up; you owe me. I told you all about Bob and Sandy and the so-called vacation. It's pay-up time."

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Like that's going to work. Come on now. Spit it out. Who put the moves on you? Tony Oricci?"

Abby sat silently, avoiding June's gaze.

"Johnny Strong?"

Abby nodded her head.

"Ooh, doesn't all their money belong to his wife? He's pushing his luck. Wait. I know that look, there's more, isn't there? Two guys in one morning? No wonder you're pissed off. Admit it. Come on, who else?"

Abby blushed and mumbled something.

"It doesn't count if I can't hear you."

Abby mumbled again, barely louder than the first time.

"You'll have to do better than that."

"Alright," Abby all but shouted. "Monica DeVries."

"No!" June stared at her confidante in shock. Soon, her mouth turned upward and she began to chuckle. By the time the chuckle turned into full-fledged guffaws, Abby had joined her laughter.

After they wound down Abby took June's hand. "I can always count on you to get me out of a rotten mood. Thanks."

"Think nothing of it. Monica DeVries, huh? Who'd have thought it? Maybe you can introduce Monica to Kristin Strong?"

That set the both of them off again.

David's apartment was too small for him to keep his boys overnight. When he first separated from Abby, he would meet them for Saturday morning services and keep them until dinner time. Months and months ago that had fallen to the demands of keeping up with his work. Sundays until 4:00 remained his sole time to spend with Nathan and Aaron. Rarely did he miss those precious days. He knew that Abby would give him more time with them, but between his work and their school and homework, he took only those priceless hours.

This Sunday, he picked up his sons at 8:00 sharp. They were, as usual, waiting at the front door as he pulled into the driveway. They disappeared momentarily to kiss their mother goodbye, then reappeared, racing each other across the lawn. They jumped into the car, and father and sons exchanged warm hugs and kisses. It was Aaron's turn to ride shotgun, and he buckled into the front seat. The boys were practically buzzing with energy. If not for the seatbelts, they'd have been bouncing about the car.

Having spoken to other divorced men, David was thankful for the relaxed conditions. He'd heard some real horror stories and was grateful Abby didn't pull any tricks with visitation. He also appreciated that he didn't have to face his ex-wife every week in front of the boys. They could talk peaceably for brief periods, but eventually, one would say something to set off the other. The kids didn't need to see and hear that.

He looked at his boys with love and pride. Nathan was a handsome boy of ten, bright and friendly. He had a vivid imagination and was writing fiction at an eighth grade level according to his teacher. Aaron was eight and seemed to have inherited David's artistic predilections.

The boys inherited the best facial features of their parents. They had David's firm jaw and cheekbones and Abby's eyes, long lashed, round, and almost too large for the face. David had more than once joked that they were too poor to afford more than one face for their children. Abby had punched his arm the time he accused her of fooling around with the Xerox repairman. Of course, he'd caught her repeating the joke to a friend later that day.

Aaron seemed to have Abby's shorter than average frame. Her lush, buxom figure would manifest itself in Aaron as either stocky or solid depending on what condition he kept himself in. Nathan had David's slender build, though David had left slender behind thirty pounds ago.

David used his Sundays to keep in touch with his sons' lives as best he could. Though he loved them dearly, his primary responsibility was to keep them fed, shod, and protected from the elements. He was happy with how Abby had raised them and could not, he felt, have done anything to make it better.

"I had a spelling test and math quiz this week," Aaron reported. "I got two A minuses."

"We had a big test on electricity and magnetism. I aced it," Nathan added.

"Wonderful, guys. That's showing them. What else happened?"

Nathan broached what he knew was a sensitive subject. "We had that ball game. We both played a little, but neither of us did anything important."

"I'm sorry I had to miss that, boys. I had a doctor's appointment and got way behind in my work. I'll try real hard to make the next one."

"We know, Dad," Nathan said, knowing it would probably not happen, but refusing to abandon hope.

"Cool looking glasses. I like them."

"Thanks, Aaron."

As they drove on, the boys chattered and chatted, and filled in the details from their earlier sketchy reports. The ball game, grades, friends and bullies were described. David mentioned a few of the projects he was working on that he knew the boys would see in the store or on billboards.

This Sunday was spent at the zoo and playing Frisbee in the park. Walking from exhibit to exhibit, David noticed how many other groups consisted of just one parent and some children. The sight saddened him, and he was further saddened as he realized that he was part of that pack.

The stench drove them from the big cats sooner than they'd have liked. None of them cared much for the snakes, but Nathan would have stayed with the penguins all day. Much as David enjoyed their antics, eventually he dragged them onward.

If the penguins were good for a day, the chimps could keep them laughing for a month. They seemed like little children at times and like grumpy old men a minute later.

Nathan noticed one chimp seemingly using a stick to draw, using manure as his medium. Both boys were giggling and Nathan told his brother, "That looks like you when you draw."

David was not amused. He reached over and, with a twist of the wrist, rapped his thumb knuckle atop Nathan's head.

"Oww!" Nathan's yelp was mostly from surprise. Knowing how his father felt about insulting family members, it shouldn't have been.

"You don't talk like that about your brother."

"But it was funny."

"It doesn't matter if it was funny or not. There are 6 and a half billion people on this planet and there are only—"

Both boys interrupted and finished David's line for him in unison, "—four you can truly count on, and your brother is one of them."

David stared at his sons and nodded his head. "If you know it well enough to quote it, why don't you do it all the time? It may have been funny, but comments like that can become a habit and lead to hard feelings. I know you're good kids, probably the best I know, but this is really important. You have to keep working at it. OK?"

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August came with little break from the heat. The harvest had gone well, and people were generally in a good mood. At Jeff and Liz’s house, they were in a good mood too. Liz hadn’t told Jeff that she was going to let him get her pregnant, but, each time they’d had sex, she’d “forgotten” to remind him to put a rubber on. And, each time she sensed he was getting close, she then reminded him that he was doing something very dangerous. She found out how much that impassioned him, and realized that...

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how we started having sex with other

we met a couple and then from there on sexily we didn't look back Hello, I'm Susan, I think I had better start by saying I'm 41 years old, married to James for over 20 years, and have one boy who is now in university, and I hadn't been with another man while James and have been together. when I was at college I messed around a bit and had sex with two of the boys there, not really a big event, I was drunk most of the time, After college I met James and I fell in love with him very quickly, I...

First Time
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My Mother Gives Me Erection

Innocence It is like a pair of magical glasses that you are born with. Through those glasses when you look, all you see around is a fantasy land that you are living in. It’s only after you lose your innocence that you start noticing the truth. My name is Ashwin and I am 19 years old. By this age, I have a very good idea about what is sex and know what a female naked body looks like. I have seen pictures and studied about sex. I might even brag that I am no longer a virgin. But there was a...

3 years ago
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My First Cock Fucking

Further to my two stories,My First Group Sex and My First Sex in Female UndiesI want to progress to the amazing experience I had when I was first fucked by men's cocks. As I told in my stories, I was now deeply involved with a very sexy group of three men, a woman and myself. A couple of years had past when I started dressing in womens underwear which resulted in me getting wonderful depraved attention from older strangers. I had never expected such a reaction from men with me dressed like...

4 years ago
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Holiday Fun in My 20sChapter 2

I mentioned the taxi driver, Ahmet, in my experience whilst on holiday in Turkey. This happened when I was in my early twenties and I had somewhat of a reputation as being a bit of a flirt and a little bit "easy" to use that expression. As I said, this taxi driver had dropped the 2 lads off at my apartment block and then collected them in the morning after our night of full on sex and frolics! All during the holiday, I used his taxi to take me and my friends around the town, from our...

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The Sword and the Pussy

This is a story in which you play as an adventurer who thinks nothing of taking advantage of helpless maidens, molesting monsters and general debauchery. I highly recommend turning on the score as there as decisions and items down the line which require score to be active. To do this, go to the red tab on the left hand side of the page and hit 'start game'. This is also where you will find items that you have collected, lists of followers or status effects. This story is purely for...

3 years ago
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A true strapon tale

All the events in this story really happened, only the names have been changed.Alex (29) and I (36) had been seeing each other for about a year now. During our first date I immediately sensed that she had kinky potential. There was simply something about her looks and attitude. Yet I wasn't sure if she was aware of it herself and whether she was prepared to act on it. These thoughts quickly flew out the window on our third date, when we watched the 'Broad City' strapon episode together. Of...

1 year ago
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Brittany and Chad Book 2Chapter 8

[Chad] With big smiles, we went out to the car and Dad drove the short trip to church. He parked and we got out. A car with out of state plates pulled up close to us. We all stopped to greet those we figured were new people. Mom and Dad greeted a couple about their age. They were two very tall individuals. The back door opened and a female's shoe came out. The rest of that leg had cream-colored slacks. She just kept getting out. Finally, she stood and it was a female about our age who, in...

2 years ago
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I arrived in Dallas mid morning on Monday and went straight to the hotel to change into business attire.   It was not quite lunch time, so I caught a cab to the office.   This was one of my favorite units to audit because the CFO was very yummy.   He was tall, built like an NFL linebacker, always tan and had a gorgeous smile.   It was also apparent that he was attracted to me.   I announced myself at the front desk and the receptionist called the Controller to let her know I was here.  ...

2 years ago
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The SparkChapter 43

"Why won't you tell me where we are going?" Antonia asked. Smiling, I answered, "Why would I tell you where we are going? I like the way things are now. I have already gotten laid and joined the mile high club with you, and I am waiting to see what you do next." The last was said raising my eyebrows in my best Groucho Marx look. From the moment we left the private airport, she had been asking me where we were heading. Using her feminine wiles on me, only to have her last endeavor...

2 years ago
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Just Another Gang Bang

She sent me the email on Monday. “I’ll be at the theater this Saturday at 9pm. Hope you can make it!” I was sure I’d make it. Carrie was throwing another one of her gangbangs this Saturday and I knew it was going to be a great time. I’d met Carrie and her husband, Mike, a few years ago at a house party for swingers. She caught my eye immediately that night because she was the most stunning woman at the party. We connected and had couple rounds of amazing sex. Since then, Carrie and I have kept...

2 years ago
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While the wife sleeps I reap

Diana was my wife's 18 year old niece, and in the summers, she'd come for a two week or so visit. For some reason, Diana confided in me, and was not afraid to tell me about her sexual exploits. She apparently lost her virginity to some Italian guy, and had given blowjobs to a few guys. I thought it was funny that my wife's niece was just the opposite of her; my wife would die if she heard half of Diana's stories. Diana was a tall and lanky girl at 18, with long legs and small, pert breasts. I...

1 year ago
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College blows

******************************************** Welcome to college blows. I hope you enjoy your trip this story had multiple endings and your choices throughout will affect what outcome you get. Chapters marked SS are sub stories that don't effect your ending and give you some background on the world. ENJOY ******************************************** August.29/19 (2 days before classes) "Alex Newman" my mind came back from wherever it was. In front of me was the college receptionist. I glanced at...

3 years ago
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Subway Fantasy Part 1

(This is my first foray into writing out one of my fantasies into story form. Please let me know what you think.)I get onto the NYC subway late one night after going to a sex club or play party. I’m the only woman in the subway car as the train heads uptown from lower Manhattan. I’m sober but a bit disheveled and I reek of of sex. A group of seven men get on at the next station and one of them notices my appearance and how I smell. He tells his friends in a normal, conversational tone that I...

1 year ago
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BangBus Becky Bandini Cinco de Mayo Bus Fuck

Becky Bandini was walking to work when the Bang Bus pulled up. They were giving away free Tacos for Cinco de Mayo. Becky tried one but she did not like it at all. Anyway they offered her some cash for a quick Cinco de Mayo quiz. Becky wasn’t a girl that would say no to money. Now they offered more cash for a traditional tittie flash. Go to work or earn easy money? It was Cinco de Mayo after all. So Betty flashed her big tits. Now the ice was broken. It was easy to lure her into the Bang Bus....

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Mom Ke Saheli Ke Sath Sex Kiya

Hi friends mera name suraj hai or me maharashtra ke jalgaon city me rehta hu me ye web ka bohat bada fan hu me almost sabhi story read ki he and me apna exp.Share karna chata hu aap logo ke sath ye meri pehli story he achi lage to muje bata na and kisi ladki, aunty and bhabhi ko intrest ho to muje mail kare plez is id pe me aap ko ko puri tarah se satisfy karunga ye vada he mera mail id he Me apne bare me kuch bata ta hu meri age 22 he height 5.9 he. Ye bat 2 sal pehle ki he ab aunty ke bare...

2 years ago
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My second time Thank you Marc

I don’t know why every girl I’ve ever been with seems to not like sucking cock. They all seem repulsed by it. I, on the other hand, had always found cock beautiful. Whether it be soft and hanging, hard and erect, cut or uncut, I was drawn to it. When I finally had my first time, when I finally overcame my nervousness. I found I only wanted more. I craved the feeling, the taste, the smell, of having Marc’s amazing dick in my mouth.I contacted Marc soon after our first time together. (the story,...

2 years ago
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A Second ChanceChapter 22

Now that we're no longer under suspicion, we can get on with our lives. Koenig has gone back to Lansing to prepare a defense against charges of assault, kidnapping and rape. His dad has been in contact with Daddy. They started out amicably ... but that soon turned sour. Attorneys from both sides met. Daddy refused to settle out of court. "Why? ... our offer is better than the slight possibility you might win in a civil suit." "It's evident you didn't really pay attention." Daddy was...

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Nelson Enterprises Action Packed

Nelson Enterprises - Action Packed. Here is an action filled episode that includes 4 new fun swaps and some updates on previous swaps. Since the Ball is being held at Nelson Enterprises, the opportunity is too good to pass on. Some unsuspecting important people will be coming to the ball as powerful men and leaving as beautiful ladies. Each of the stories has its own unique conflict and its unique outcome. Previously on Nelson Enterprises: In the last episode, Bill - as Barb -...

4 years ago
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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 5

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore. But I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout at . In the last part, I told you about how I and Chloe had a great fuck near the lake. Let me continue from there. I and Chloe wore our clothes and headed towards the campfire party. Everyone was sitting in a circle near the campfire. It looks like Abigail...

2 years ago
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The Twelve Days Of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas, my true slut gave to meA virgin so very horny On the second day, she gave me two pecker rubsAnd a virgin so very horny Now on the third day of Christmas, that ol' bitch, she brought home three French whoresTwo pecker rubsAnd a virgin so very horny Now on the fourth day of Christmas, four calling girlsThree French whoresTwo pecker rubsAnd a virgin so very horny On the fifth day of Christmas she brought me home somethin' specialShe brought me home somethin'...

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PMQuest Chapter 02 First Encounter

Chapter 02 - First Encounter As I grew closer to where I saw the object fall, a sun-like warmth started to wash over my exposed skin. Not exactly hard, considering how much of me was exposed. The glow helped light my way as well, the forest otherwise blocking out the light above using its thick branches and wide leaves. This worried me. A full heat and a bright glow are usually the signs of a fire. A fire that, without a Water-type by my side, would be hard to put down. With almost nothing...

4 years ago
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Having Sex with Lots of People parts 15

PART 1: I walked downstairs in the morning. My mom said yo bitch wut da fux up And I said, Excuse me, mother, but I find your immature and juvenile language rather offensive So she got pissed and raped me. First she took off my clothes and started sucking my dick than she produced a dildo from thin air and shoved it up my ass. Than I got ready for school and went to school. At school I saw some hot girls that I wanted to fuck. So heres what I did: I sharpened a pencil REAL sharp and...

3 years ago
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Point Of Seduction

Hi this s the real incident happened before seven years. I belong to a orthodox family from kerala and were living as a joint family. It was a function called vela in our village and whole village was in festival mood filled with relatives. In our village bursting big crackers and crackers show s very famous event. Everything started from there. By the way the man who was the hero in this story s my sisters husband who s average build good looking and handsome working for a medical company at...

3 years ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 16

When David walked into Darla's kitchen for his first cup of coffee, June wasn't in sight, which surprised him. The coffee was perked, though, so he poured a cup and fixed it the way he liked it: one sugar, a smidgen of heavy cream, and some half-and-half. He smacked his lips with appreciation after swallowing, and June bustled into the room. "I'm sorry, David. I was... got a minute?" "Sure," he said. "Come see. It's... well, it's beautiful." David followed her to the glass...

1 year ago
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Naked with Netflix

"You ready, babe?""Yes, just putting on something comfier," I yell from the bedroom.I walk into the room in a silk knee-length pale blue nightgown. You smile in approval. You love me in blue because you say it brings out my blue eyes. We have had a busy week and are looking forward to curling up on our couch together and watching the hot new Netflix series. Your bare chest is showing under the blanket you have spread across your lap. I take in the magnificent sight of you and take a moment...

Straight Sex
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Cuckholding Chris Enjoying Marie

Some years ago a group of us through an internet chatroom used to meet up usually once a month at the London fetish fair and other fetish events in the general south east area.This meant that as we were real friends in kink the chatroom had a friendly welcoming respectful atmosphere generally. Newcomers could easily be welcomed and looked after.One of these newcomers was a guy called Chris. Like many of us he was based in the south east. The guy had lots of questions and as with many of us at...

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College Ponygirl

College PonygirlBy SarahChapter 1: Arrival        Sarah sat in the back of her parents’ car as they drove down the rural highway towards a college that had accepted her, and given her a full ride scholarship.  She thought back on the letter she had gotten from a college up the road they were now driving on.  She hadn’t applied for it, but the school had heard of her, and sent her an acceptance letter.  In it, she had been offered a full scholarship, and a guaranteed job following her...

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Her part time job

My wife said she was going to try and find some part time work to help us pay down some bills. I told her that was fine with me as a few were getting out of hand. She filled applications, went to interviews and didn't seem to have much luck. Then she told me she had an offer to do some modeling for an art class, she also told me that she may be asked to pose nude. I assured her that it was ok with me, and hid my growing bulge.She went to a college campus and had to sit as still as possible...

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The Millionaire Next DoorChapter 40

Dan walked up to the front door of the art gallery with an arm around Sally and another arm around Ann. The gallery was packed with people, and he paused before releasing the two women to open the door for them. He couldn’t believe how many people were there for Sue’s opening. He whistled and said, “It’s packed.” Sally said, “Wow. There’s are a lot of people here.” “That guy over there is Steve Bushman. He’s an art critic for Art World Magazine,” Ann said staring at the man. She couldn’t...

4 years ago
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Color Of Cum

Mark was stumped. He couldn’t figure out how to keep everyone happy and not go crazy in the process. I really felt bad for him, especially since I couldn’t come up with any ideas either. We’d gone from just having the centers out and playing … then the cum rained to outside, or in some off the wall place that you wouldn’t expect a bukkake party to be. Frustrated Mark and I collapsed on the couch and turned on the TV in hopes of getting it off our minds for a few hours at least. I mean worse...

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Stranger in a Limo

Mark stood at the window looking down at the waiting limo below.   His date for the evening, Charlotte Hansen, had arrived to pick him up.   He dreaded this night, but he knew he had to do it.   She was very rich and influential, and if he treated her well, could bring him business.   Not that he wasn’t doing well already, but cultivating women like Charlotte was the reason he was doing well, and he knew he must continue. Mark was 50, fit, well groomed and good looking.   Women like his 60 year...

Straight Sex
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The Melons Of Destiny

Hi guys , i am jake bringing to you my 1st story..i am 20yrs old and live in Bangalore still doing my 2nd year ! We often wonder why we dont have a girl when we are single and it was one such day . I was walking on the first floor of a mall and it was then i looked into a window advertisement looking at a hot girl in the cover . Wow she was amazing ! I am very good looking 5.9 feet tall and with an athletic body and i have been in many relationships, as i was saying i was looking at that...

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