RejuvenatedChapter 5 free porn video

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About the time David and Bob met, June let herself into Abby's kitchen. She spotted her friend in her usual chair with her usual mug. What worried her was the unfocused look in Abby's eyes.

"Abby? Honey? What's the matter? Did I see Aaron with a cast on his arm? What happened? Abby? Abby! You're scaring me, Abby."

That was enough to nudge Abby from her fugue. She looked at June and started to weep.

June dove into a chair and held Abby to her chest. She rocked her friend until Abby quieted.

"Talk to me, Abby. What's going on?" she murmured.

"Everything's wrong. It's all upside down."

"Tell me everything real quick, like yanking off a bandage."

"Aaron broke his arm. Then David lost his job because he came to the hospital. I thought I could get David back, but I realized I must not love him and I ... now David hates me. Oh, June. What am I going to do? Everything I thought I knew is all wrong." Abby began to cry on June's shoulder again.

"You poor dear. You must feel awful. Just cry it out, dear."

When Abby had quieted again, June poured a fresh cup of coffee for each of them.

"Aaron looked fine when he was walking down the driveway."

"It doesn't hurt anymore. It's a greenstick fracture; it just broke partway, so it should heal fine. I think he's looking forward to showing it off. He chose that bright yellow himself. The doctor thinks three weeks till it comes off."

"So it's not a real big thing. He just has to work around having just the one arm to do things."

"Oh, yeah. He'll be fine."

"Great. I was worried. How did David lose his job? I know he's good, and he works so hard."

Not realizing how June was splitting her insurmountable problem into manageable bits, Abby told her how David had confronted Dennis and walked out. June was as stunned as Abby had been.

"David stood up to his boss? David walked away from his job? Wow! When he told you, did you get wet?"

Abby shrieked, "June!" and swatted her so-called friend.


"Maybe a little."

Both women giggled in a most decidedly unladylike fashion.

"With everything you've told me, I'm not surprised. You've been mooning over him since he moved out and all of a sudden he does exactly what you always wanted him to do. So, tell me then, what is this BULLSHIT about you not loving him?"

As planned, the volume and mild obscenity shocked Abby.

"Well I don't."

"I have sat here for three years, pushing you to date, to find another husband, or at least go out and get laid. For three years you've bitched and moaned that you can't. 'I'm not ready, ' you'd say and 'I just want my old David back.' What part of 'still loves him' don't you get?"

"If I loved him, I wouldn't have thr ... thrown him out. He still loved me. I may not like how he treated me, us, but he showed his love every day by working so hard for us."

June was listening carefully and paused to digest this new line of reasoning.

"So that's how you feel now? We're good friends, you and I. Friends support each other and help each other out. Abby, I've done my best not to judge, but I'm going to now.

"You were unhappy with your life. You had a partner who was stubborn and inflexible. You didn't see an end to your unhappiness. You were frustrated and couldn't see any other way to change your life, so you took the only option you saw. You divorced David."

"And I shouldn't have."

"Probably not. The divorce wasn't really what you wanted and it didn't make you happy, but after that, you had no more options. Sweetie, you never stopped loving him. You were frustrated and unhappy and you lashed out the only way you could think of. At worst, you messed up. Even now, admit it, you still think of him as your husband."

"Oh, you're right. Maybe I didn't like him for awhile, but I still loved him. But it still doesn't matter. He hates me and I'll never get him back."

"Did he say that?"

"No, but how could he not?"

"Abby, Abby, Abby. You are the only person I know who could get in a fistfight with herself and knock herself out. What exactly did David say last night?"

Abby strained to recall the conversation.

"I was trying to see if he was angry, or still angry, about the divorce. He said that he never really understood why I wanted one. I tried to explain what I was thinking, what I felt, and he was looking at me like a confused little boy, and then he started to look disappointed. I started to cry and he looked scared, and I cried some more. He asked what he could do and I told him there was nothing he could do, and then he looked really disappointed and he kept looking at me.

"I couldn't stand to have him just looking at me, so I told him he should go home, and I ran to my room to cry. He just let himself out and left. That was when I knew I'd lost him for good. He hates me now and he'll never come back."

"Sweetie, you sure don't do things halfway."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'll take it easy on you, but you are not thinking straight. You were upset and frustrated with David and you divorced him, right?"


"Last night you were upset and frustrated with yourself and you did what?"

"Oh, my God! I sent him home!"

"Not very bright, but you sure are consistent."

"He saw I was upset. Why did he just go?"

"I swear you must have slept through Men 101. When you say something to a man, he'll hear one of five things; sex, food and liquor, sex, whatever the hell he wants to, or just what you said. Honey, you told him to go, so he went. You should know by now that men don't do hints."

Abby sat quietly and thoughtfully while pieces started to fall into place.

June interrupted her. "You're one of the smartest people I know, but you've fallen into a gully, or a trap, or something, and you can't see your own life clearly."

"A gully or an express train. I put myself on a track and there's no way off."

"Well, then. What do you say we derail that train?"


"I love my Lou and wouldn't cheat on him, but I need some excitement in my life. If I can't seduce a man myself, at least let me seduce one vicariously."

Abby actually laughed at that. "OK. You've got a deal"

"I see three rules for how we can rescue your love life. First of all. Go for it. What's passed is in the past. Know it and understand it, but don't let it hold you back."

"Got it."

"Two. Keep him close. Face it; he's a good looking man and seems to get better looking every week. There are two parts to this one. A: don't let another woman get a chance, and B: the more he's around you, the better chance you have to pull him in even closer."

"No problem."

"Three. Give it time. He's confused right now and he can't turn on a dime. He has to have a little while to understand that the bad times are over and heaven is right over here. Just keep the first two rules is mind, so that he doesn't find heaven somewhere else, or even some-wheres. It could happen, you know. There aren't any guarantees."

"I know, and it has me more than a little scared."

"Rule number one?"

Abby laughed again. "Go for it, even if I'm scared."

"By George, I think she's got it."

"Rex Harrison, you're not, but thank you so much. I was a total wreck, but now I have a handle on things. Matron of Honor?"

"Now you're thinking positively! I'd love to."

"Rule number four."

"Number four?"

"Support him. I have to prove to him again that he can rely on me, that I'll always be there for him, no matter what. I won't be mindless and servile, but I don't have to be. David would abhor it. But I let him down; I let him down badly. Twice I sent him away. I can't afford to do it again and keep him, so I have to make it a rule."

"I'll agree, four rules. Now where do we start?"

David returned to his apartment from the diner and called to make an appointment with the Service Corps of Retired Executives. He spoke briefly to one of the assistants who set him up for the coming Tuesday at 10:00.

He then called both Paul and Jack. After shuttling between the two, he set up a Monday meeting in Paul's office at the usual time.

With trepidation, he called Abby, sighing in relief when the answering machine picked up.

"It's David. I just wanted to thank you for supper and to say that I'll see the boys in shul and pick them up as usual on Sunday. I hope you're OK. Bye"

'That may have been cowardly, but I could kiss whoever invented the answering machine.'

After cleaning and doing some laundry, he was hungry so he had a quick dinner. For the first time in a while, there were no loose teeth and only one gap. Twenty-three of the thirty-two teeth had fallen out and been replaced. Thirty-two included the wisdom teeth, but he hoped those wouldn't be coming. He was enjoying the respite.

After dinner, he drove to the main branch of the library. He snagged one of the public computers and began his research into choosing a workstation and software for his new business, should that be his course. Before he knew it, the librarian was reminding him that it was closing time and his stomach was reminding him that he'd missed supper.

In shul the next day, David kept his distance from Abby, avoiding eye contact and responding to some of the boys' comments and questions with non-committal grunts. Abby, for her part, was still embarrassed by her outburst and didn't want to face the consequences in public. 'Rule three ... give it time. Tomorrow will be soon enough.'

Aaron, on the other hand, was lapping up the attention. All the adults asked what happened and all the other kids wanted to either sign the cast, or smack it. Never shy, he was, nonetheless, not accustomed to being the center of attention and gloried in it.

That afternoon, Abby sat relaxing in the den. Just like 'All in the Family', she had her chair and David his, a recliner. Though she didn't stop others from using the recliner, she herself would not. In her mind, it was still David's.

She was reading the newest bestseller when she heard her boys come tumbling down the stairs. They slid to a stop in the kitchen and, over the top of her book, she could see Nathan's face peek through the open doorway.

The boys whispered noisily for a minute and then quieted. Nathan, still in the kitchen, spoke to his brother loudly enough for Abby to hear.

"Dad sure is handsome these days."

"He sure is," Aaron agreed. "Nicer, too.

"Not like before."

"Nope, not at all. I really like spending time with him now. He's funny, too."

"I wish we could spend even more time with him," Nathan continued.

Abby, of course, had stopped reading when the conversation began. As it continued, she was having an increasingly difficult time keeping a straight face.

"Yeah, me too," Aaron answered.

"Of course, if we spend more time with Dad, that'll mean we have less time with Mom."

"That wouldn't be good. I like spending time with Mom."

Nathan replied, "Me, too. I wish there was some way we could spend more time with Dad and not have to leave Mom alone."

"Well, they could... "Aaron began.

Abby heard a light smack, followed by an "Oww" and some furious whispering. Quickly, she put the book on her chest, closed her eyes and feigned sleep. She heard the rustling of at least one of the boys moving toward the den. Though continuing her ruse, for a brief moment she cracked one eye a sliver. She saw Nathan peek at her again and pull back. The next thing she heard was his report to his brother.

"The whole thing was a waste. She was asleep."

"What are we going to do now?" Aaron whined to his older brother.

"I don't know yet, but don't worry. I'll think of something."

David couldn't remember feeling as refreshed and energetic as when he picked up the boys that Sunday morning. For a change, Abby escorted the boys and walked around to the driver's door. As she approached, David stood in the open doorway.

"I need a 'do-over'. Will you stay for supper tonight? Please? I promise not to throw you out again."

In the briefest pause, he thought, 'Thursday night dinner was a little tense, but she seems fine now. And I'll get to spend more time with the boys... '

"Sure, I'd be happy to. Do you need me stop and pick anything up?"

"No thanks. I have everything covered. See you later. Have a good time, boys."

The weather had remained warm and the town had dodged the rains of the night before, so a day in the park was the plan. They brought both baseballs and a Frisbee. In deference to Aaron's arm, while Nathan threw the ball to David, David was tossing the ball a few feet in front of Aaron so he could practice fielding grounders one-handed.

There were lots of errors and chasing down missed balls, but no one cared. After dinner, the baseballs went back to the car and the Frisbee came out to play. Especially for playing one-handed, Aaron was doing well. His smile never faded.

Finally, a toss from Nathan curved the opposite of what David anticipated and he overran it. Stopping in his tracks, he reached behind his back and snared the disk.


"Alright, Dad. Way to go."

David took a bow and gave the toy a soft flip to Nathan.

"You boys keep going. The old guy needs a break."

He walked over to the water fountain and took several small sips. Luckily, the water wasn't too cold since that last missing tooth was erupting. There was an older man, in his early sixties or so, on the nearest bench and David approached.

"Do you mind if I share the bench."

"Not a'tall. Handsome boys you've got. No need to guess if they're brothers."

"Thanks. They're great kids. I'm very proud of them."

"Divorced, I guess."

"Pretty obvious, huh?"

"Hope you don't mind that I mentioned it. Some folk are more sensitive than others. I see a lot of that."

"Are you a counselor of some sort?"

He cackled a bit. "Yeah, of some sort."

He reached out and offered his hand. "Michael Sullivan, Mack to those who don't owe me money. I've tended bar at the 'Derry Tap' on Elm for near thirty-five years now. I think that should qualify me for a Ph.D., don't you think?"

"David Stein. I'm a graphic artist. Thirty-five years listening to people's complaints and worries? Cleaning up after their spills and, I imagine, worse? That should qualify you for sainthood."

Mack found that raucously funny. Nathan and Aaron looked over, but David waved them off.

"I don't think there are many who would see Mack Sullivan and think saint." He wiped his eyes on a crisp linen handkerchief.

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 460

Thank Telephoneman for this one!! An ordinary, non-religious, guy dies and goes to heaven. As he’s being shown around, he notices that most people are in groups. He also can’t help but see a long and high wall covering one side. When asked, his guide says, “The groups all congregate according to their religious beliefs.” He points out Baptists, Methodists, even Muslims and atheists. “What about the wall?” “Oh, that’s for the Catholics, they like to believe they’re the only ones here.”

3 years ago
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Master PC Jennys Tale

It was a lazy Saturday morning and Jenny Nguyen was spending some time on her computer before starting her day. Jenny is an 18 year old high school senior living in a smallish town in northern California. She's still in her pajamas when she comes across the e-mail that will change her life. "Master PC? What the hell is this?" she asks herself as she clicks on the e-mail. "You have been randomly selected to receive a copy of the legendary Master PC program," she read to herself, "Master PC makes...

Mind Control
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The surprise I liked part 1

Hi everyone this is the continuation from My time in a PUB, this is what happened after that. Hope you like it. After Stella and I got back to the bar where Vicky was. Then Jack and Rony came to use to talk, Jack was next to Vicky and Rony was standing between me and Stella. We all talked to get to know each other. Had a few drinks, even through all the talking and drinking Rony’s hands were busy. They where on mine and Stella’s ass, squeezing and fonding them( right now I only got my skirt and...

2 years ago
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Sex With An Aunty

Hi, i am guru here… Am from udupi, its a district in karnataka, nearby mangalore. Am doing my final year engineering in nearby college. Anyways let me come to the story. Am a good physic guy, who go gym daily, and prefer being fit.I am 5.9ft height with nice physic.. Girls do stare at me when i go to college,especially seniors in my college and some of my cs lecturer. By the way am doing engineering in mechanical stream. And do trust me.. Its a real story.. Nothing cooked up……. Coming to the...

2 years ago
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My Mother In Bathroom

I don’t know how to start. I am new in this world. I never knew incest would be that fun before that incident. I am Vinay, 20 years old and my mom Sutapa 42 years old with a hot saucy and curvy figure of 38-34-42. She is a beautiful lovely lady, famous in our locality for her ass, I think every man in our locality masturbates in her name. She is a sex goddess to any one. A perfect Indian sex bomb shell with huge round juicy boobs and a grand ass. Her ass is something every man desires. She...

3 years ago
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Wife becomes gangbang record breaker

Continuation of the Fantasy -- Please Note This is a FANTASYMy wife had really gotten into the cuckold lifestyle and was looking for the more bizarre challenges. She ordered me to find stuff on the internet for her to try. This was a hard request for me as I was not sure what I would be happy for her to do but knowing that it wasn’t my choice. I therefore came up with what I thought was a cunning plan. If I found some really bizarre ones it might shock her out of the lifestyle. I started to...

3 years ago
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Routine Checkup in the 21st Century

The rise of the hand-held medical database and computerized diagnostics in the early years of the twenty-first century combined with advances in testing and scanning meant the achievement of affordable medical care for almost everyone. They took advantage of new technology to set up a parallel medical system, a government regulated and sponsored corporation that was based on completely voluntary participation at very reasonable prices as well as a very low cost to the government. Those who...

4 years ago
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Neighbor Body Showed Me Her Love

Hi folks..I am Rajat(fake name) from Kanpur with 6 feet height and normal Punjabi body with its style.I am pursuing mba with dad’s business.The story starts after my graduation.My neighbor bhabhi priya(fake name) is a housewife with two children,a boy and a girl with age 7 & 9 years respectively.Her husband is in merchant navy and remains at home for 5-6 months.Her stats are 38-32-42.She looks damn sexy. In our locality there is a big gym with all amenities and it worked in my luck.I used to go...

1 year ago
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Adventures with my beautiful Mom The beginning

My Mom was a beautiful lady. She was a tall, curvy blonde with a 36D bust to match her age, and as it turned out for me, very naughty. We were from a typical upper-middle-class family with a home in a subdivision with a pool. We lived the good life until my dad suddenly passed away.  He was a businessman and not a very good one at that it turned out. He was deeply in debt and after he passed my mom and I had to move into town into a tiny apartment and she had to go back to work.  But living...

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Arrest Me Officer

I waited for a passing car to move past me and then ran across the street. The sky that had been bright blue just a few seconds ago had opened up and begun to pour, the water seeped through my thin top and soaked my high-waist shorts. The massive mall was filled with people that had, just like me, attempted to seek some sort of shelter from the spiking drops of rain and I watched the hoard of them as I wrung out my long dark and now wet hair onto the already slippery floor. Since I was stuck...

2 years ago
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Size matters a short tail

As a healthy woman I have had no qualms whatsoever about sex, race, age, size, and looks, have never entered the equation, just the penis into my vagina, because it's what I wanted at that moment in time.What most men want to know is what is the biggest cock you have ever rode. Well that is a double-edged question, because 'Big' for a woman is either length or breadth.For me personally, breadth wins hands down, as the fulfillment feeling makes for a great orgasm, as your vaginal muscles grip...

3 years ago
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Uncle Bob BluesChapter 13

On the way to Aunt Prudie's, Grandma told us about Grandpa's act and it was all I could do to keep from laughing. I think George had the same problem. He was coughing as much as I was by the time we finished the half-hour ride. "Ya'll must be coming down with what Bob had," Grandma said at one point. "I'll fix you right up with hot tea and honey when we get to Prudie's." We both knew there was no use in arguing with her. If she wanted you to have hot tea and honey, by gum you had...

4 years ago
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Harry and His Friendcontinued

My feet and legs embracing his waist and my arms around his neck as he covered my lips as I cried out. We did not hear Harry as he came in and stood at the foot of the bed. I had clinched my eyes closed as Gary was kissing me, I was terrified when I heard Harry say '...damn cousin, you fucking my whoe...' I tried to get loose but Harry grabbed hold of my feet and held them around Gary's waist saying '...UN HUH, ain't no stopping now. Breed that pussy cuz. When you finish I'll hit it too. Gary...

3 years ago
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The Vampire Kaid Part 1 A Bite In TimeChapter 15

Things were quiet for a while after Osman Sameon received the dressing down and the final warning from the Inspector-General of Police, although the apparition did not go away. Indeed, it had begun to take on a more sinister aspect, one that promised an impending doom. Osman cursed that damned lawyer woman and her companion. Such an insignificant fellow, and yet, he ... oozed menace. That thing did not always appear, but even when it was invisible, Osman could feel its presence. In the...

3 years ago
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Tomorrow Is Another DayChapter 8 Doing the Deed

Lois parked, and followed Arlene, into the house. Terry, Arlene’s mother, greeted us. She was a striking woman a little above medium height -- perhaps 5’7” -- but is rarely out of heels, today being five-inch ankle-strapped “come fuck me” pumps over off black, very sheer hose. She wore a tightly tailored business suit, in a light blue that set off her matching eyes. Its skirt came to mid-thigh when she was standing. Under it, she had what appeared to be a filmy gray blouse. Terry’s slightly...

3 years ago
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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 7 Wednesday Evening

Robert - Late afternoon After getting out of the van, I walked in my house. My parents were in the living room watching TV nude. I saw a relieved look on their faces as they saw us walk in. "We saw a news flash that your school was evacuated." Dad told us, "They mentioned that when the fire alarm went off most of the students had already gone home with only a few after school programs and the some of the athletic teams still in the building." "Why did you not call?" Mom asked...

4 years ago
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A Gift From His Father Ch 18a

He shoved his long thick hard cock slowly back and forth into the attractive golden haired woman, as her legs wrapped tightly around his torso. She would have been howling at the top of her lungs, had it not been that her mouth full of her co worker’s red hair framed pussy, so all that could be heard were deep moans of her pleasure. To her surprise she was enjoying the taste of her coworker and her scent was intoxicating. She wondered why they had never gotten together before and why she’d...

4 years ago
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Village life

Village life Dasha was a healthy, golden haired girl, but strong willed. She had got into trouble with a boy in the city. Thankfully it didn?t go so far as to cause a lasting shame, but it was a close shave, and her parents decided to move her away before she got into trouble for real. She was to go and live with her sister, who had been married the year before to a peasant of the villageof Zhukovo, the next village along from where their own family came from. The peasant, whose...

1 year ago
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Always Wanting It

I woke up needing to pee real bad. As I laid there I realized my body ached; my neck, my arms, my legs, even my toes hurt. I went to move my head and found that even my face hurt. My mind began racing to try and remember what had happened. Maybe I had been in a car wreck or something. I realized that I was on a bed without any blankets, or even a top sheet. In addition, it smelled of sex, I mean it reeked of it. I could hear a bunch of rowdy men in the next room and from the sounds of it they...

4 years ago
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Seducing Daddy

Seducing Daddy, A good daughter does everything she can to make her dad feel better after a hard day at work… When he came home from work that evening he was 3 hours late. His face looked drawn and haggard, and he had loosened his tie in order toundo the top button on his shirt, and it hung at an angle. She hadwanted to be mad at him, but she saw on his face how tired he was, andshe knew he must have had a bad day. When she heard the garage dooropening, she had popped his cold dinner into the...

3 years ago
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Cheating wife i met jogging story pics and 3 vids

So I have been at the Atlanta office for the last 3 weeks. I am staying out in the suburbs looking at new office space for our office to move into. There is a park near my hotel which I I have jogged in every day for the last week. I have gone at the same time 8-9est and notice some of the same people. Here is a recounting of a episode I had with a regular married milf who jogs there every day. Monday: I pull in and park and notice a woman with the same truck as me. I tell her jokingly "you...

4 years ago
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After The KingChapter 25

There was actually some grumbling among the Lorne men when they found out that they were no longer sailing to Ireland to fight the Ui Neill. These were hardy men who relished the opportunity to test their mettle against a worthy opponent. Eoric decided that his own abilities would be enough to safeguard the princes and advised Fergus to lead the men into the campaign after all. The boys' horses arrived at Dunadd before darkness, lathered in sweat from the continuous gallop they had...

2 years ago
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Bobbys Slut Male Multiple Orgasms

It was the beginning of May and the days were getting much warmer so I would sit out on the porch after I put the k**s to bed. A guy, that lived with his parents, next door, started sitting and talking to me. I felt so lonely and it really felt good to speak to someone.His name was Bobby. He was 22, not terribly good looking and was about 5" 8". But he was nice. This went on for about a week, He would always come right to the porch and sit next me and just talk, mostly about me, for a couple of...

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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 43

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts to fully know the context. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore but I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout me at Chloe and Rose were impressed with my decoration of the master bedroom. Both my girls rewarded me by letting me fuck them. Wow! Fucking a pregnant lady was always my fantasy. I was living my dream by fucking...

2 years ago
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Serm Donator

Translated from Norwegian by GOOGLEIt was Sunday morning at 8. Now it 6 hours I put my record attempt to be dressed from head to toe in rubber. After 100 hours in rubber should I at 2 o´clock take it of me. It was Wednesday morning after a trip to the store to shop for what I need the next few days, I put on my pants with feet, body with gloves and mask and catsuit with feet. The time when was 10 on Wednesday morning. Now it's Sunday is a little drowsy, to sleep I have taken sleeping pills and...

3 years ago
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Comic Con Con 5

Comic Con Con By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 5 "You still tired?" Melissa softly touched his hair. "Did you sleep well?" "Is it morning already?" sighed Benny, looking up at her sitting next to him on the bed in the dark. "It's past lunch time silly. I already worked at the conference all morning while I let you rest and figured I'd check on you," said Melissa, leaning down and kissing him. "But you can still sleep in another hour or so before we have to get out...

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VacationChapter 21

Day Twenty-one - Sunday My head was on Sue's super large breasts, sort of cradled between the two swells of breasts. A strange thought ran through my head. When her breasts began to lose their firmness, they were going to sag down to her belly button. Even then they would be just as much fun to play with, I thought smiling. "I can feel you smiling, what about?" Sue asked in whisper. When I told her my thoughts, she asked, "You planning on staying around to see that?" "At this moment...

2 years ago
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I Loved Fucking Her Virgin Ass Hole

Before writing down next part of my seduction by mom of my best friend, let meshare a very raunchy hot fucking encounter.Radha looked gorgeous and too hot at ripe forty five. Wide hips filled her jeansrather inviting.We met after about two years of a long term hot extra marital affair.When we bumped in to each others, both were married.But the instant chemistry led us to fucking like rabbits, next day in her home.Now settled in Canada,with a doting hubby and a teenage boy.She always met me on...

1 year ago
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