Cleaning Up_(1) free porn video

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Presea smiled at him “Looking forward to our shower?” She asked suddenly

Jens gave her an odd look “How could you tell?”

“Well, I can already feel you getting hard again.” She said with a laugh before lightly kissing Jens on the lips, who kissed back. Once the kiss ended, Jens put Presea back on her feet, leading her into the bathroom.

The bathroom was massive, featuring a massive shower and with quite a bit of room. More then enough to fuck in whatever way they wanted to.. Jens walked over to the shower and turned it on. Nice warm water beginning to rush out of the shower head.

After a moment Jens announced “It's ready.” He turned to look at Presea, smiling.

She was sitting on the counter, her legs spread slightly revealing her still moist pussy, her large breasts out on display, the nipples still erect, her hair dishevelled from the previous fucking. She smiled at her boyfriend, her eyes briefly drifting down to his 7 inch hard on that was slowly growing more erect.

“Perfect, I was starting to feel pretty nasty.” She hopped off the counter and headed towards the shower, her hips and breasts swaying as she moved. She gently pushed Jens aside, opened the shower door and stepped in, unleashed a gout of steam as she did. She closed the door behind her.

“Ohhhhhh...” She moaned “The water is so nice and hot...” She added as she stepped under the facet. A moment later, she heard the door open behind her and saw Jens about to step in.

“Excuse me, what do you think you're doing?” She asked him.

“Uh...getting into the shower...?” Jens said slowly.

“I'm going first Jens, afraid you'll have to wait your turn.” She said, gently pushing him away from the shower. She then closed the door and locked it. Jens stood there, completely stunned. He let out a sigh and went and sat where Presea had been sitting a few moments ago. Even if he wasn't in there with her, at least he got to watch her body through the glass, even if it did obscure some things.

“Oh yeah, its all nice and hot, really great feeling...” Presea said, apparently to herself. “Feels really great against my skin, so warm...”

Jens looked at Presea's outline, his cock twitching slightly. He watched intently as Presea's figure grabbed for some sort of bottle. She held it lovingly, almost like she was stroking it, playing with it. After a few moments a stream of some liquid shot from the long thin bottle onto her breasts. Jens' breathing was already picking up, his cock getting hard very quickly.

Presea's hands began to smear the liquid on her breasts. She ran her hands over her breasts, turning the liquid to soap. She continued to touch her breasts for a while longer, before grabbing the bottle again. This time she shook it violently, before a massive gout of the liquid poured from it, smearing all over her body.

“Oh, that feels so nice on my skin...” Presea moaned. Jens' eyes widened, his cock now rock hard.

Presea began to run her hands all over her body. Over her breasts, up and down her legs, across her belly, over her neck, over her ass, even some on her face. Jens' breathing was growing more ragged every second as he watched the motions of Presea's figure.

After a few minutes Presea stepped directly under the shower head, the water droplets soaking her body. Her long hair hung down her back, looking far better then it had moments ago. She leaned back, the water splaying on her breasts, making the large mounds even more attractive.

“This is just so....pleasurable...” Presea moaned loudly over the pounding of the water. Jens licked his lips, his hand now gripping his cock, slowly jerking himself as he watched his lover.

A moment later Presea's hands were on the move, heading right for her pussy. Jens' eyes widened, his hand started to move over his cock faster. He could see her fingers go sink between her legs, her hand moving up and down as her fingers rubbed against her slit. Jens began to jerk himself faster and faster.

He grunted when he heard Presea moan loudly. His hand moved faster over his cock as he saw Presea slid two fingers deep into her pussy. Jens was jerking himself hard and fast now, watching Presea's every motion intently. Jens closed his eyes, ready to send himself over the edge when he heard the shower door open.

He opened his eyes to see Presea's head sticking out of the shower, looking right at him, a dirty smile on her face.

“I thought you had a bit more self restraint, babe.” Presea laughed. Her skin was shinning with the water, drops dripping off her body. Jens didn't know what to say, his hand still on his cock.

“I'm honestly surprised you didn't try to take the door off the hinges to get in after I fake played with myself...” Presea continued. Jens' jaw dropped.

“What, you thought I'd actually masturbate with your massive cock only a few feet from me?” She asked devilishly. “I'd much rather have your massive shaft then my small fingers. Now get over here, or, should I come over there?” She asked. Jens was on his feet a moment later, his cock standing at rapt attention. He hurried into the shower, closing the door behind himself.

Presea backed up under the hot water, she beckoned Jens closer. Jens was on Presea in a second. His hands gripped her hips, pulling her against his chest, her breasts pressing against him. He forced his lips on Presea's, forcing his tongue into her mouth. Presea gripped Jens' arms tightly, kissing him back with equal force. The intense kiss continued as the hot water poured down on both of them. After a moment, Jens pushed Presea up against the wall, definitively taking control, one of the rare times he did.

He continued the kiss, but moved one hand to one of Presea's huge breasts while moving one knee between Presea's legs. She gasped instantly. She started to moan as Jens slowly ground his knee against her pussy.

“Ohhhhh Jens...” Presea moaned. She moaned again as Jens' lips moved on to her neck, sucking and biting the skin teasingly. Presea groaned, Jens' knee grinding a bit harder into her pussy, her wetness spreading over Jens' knee.

“You're soaked Presea, and I don't think its the shower water...” Jens whispered in his lovers ear. Presea groaned again as Jens pinched her nipple.

“Well...its obvious why...” She panted “You in a nice treat...every once in a while....” She gasped as Jens pressed his knee into Presea's pussy, pinning her to the wall. This earned a mixed yelp and moan from the girl.

“Well thanks for the compliment.” Jens said. A moment later, Jens pressed his whole weight against Presea, sandwiching her between his body and the wall.

“Hope you're ready!” Jens growled in a low voice. Presea moaned just from the thoughts that coursed through her mind. Though she was a very dominant person when it came to sex, there was something she really enjoyed about being taken by Jens, when he had the bestial drive he had at that moment. It was so rare, it made the times it happened all the better.

Jens grabbed his cock, which was throbbing, and lined it up with Presea's pussy. He thrust in a moment later. Presea yelped as the 7 inches of flesh filled her once again. Jens grabbed Presea's legs, pulling them around his waist. Presea took the message and interlocked her ankles, wrapping her legs tightly around Jens' waist. Jens smiled.

“Hold on tight!” He growled. His hands firmly gripping Presea's thighs and ass, holding her against the wall, he began to thrust into her violently, pushing her into the wall, then pulling her off and repeating the motion. Presea gasped each time, her nails digging into Jens' back as she held on for dear life as she was slammed into the wall every few seconds.

“Holy shit Jens!” Presea yelled as he buried himself in her to the hilt, but this time he kept her pinned to the wall, keeping himself buried deep inside her cunt.

“You're so fucking hot Presea. Your great ass, huge breasts, perfect ass, magnificent pussy, your great eyes, even your crazy pink hair. God you're perfect!” Jens whispered to Presea, his voice laced with lust.

“You ain't half bad either Jens!” Presea whispered back, her voice tinged with desperation and need. Jens smiled before resuming his thrusting. Presea began to moan constantly, her pussy dripping her juices all over Jens' bulging shaft.

“Wanna switch things up a bit? Or you happy with this?” Jens asked, never breaking his heavy pounding rhythm.

“ in...mind?” Presea asked between heavy breaths, growing closer and closer to the edge.

“Well, what haven't we done tonight? Doggy style, anal, you could tit fuck me, I could eat that hot pussy of yours, or hell, if you don't mind a repeat, I wouldn't mind you riding me again. Who could mind you riding them?” Jens laughed, still keeping up his pace,

“God damn Jens, so many choices, so little...time...AHH!” Presea screeched as Jens buried himself to the hilt again.

“We got all night babe, don't worry about that.” Jens hissed in Presea's ear.

“Oh god Jens!” Presea moaned as Jens did another quick, to the hilt thrust. “Fuck, I wanna make you cum so hard you wouldn't believe it!” She yelled as Jens thrust into her a few more times.

“Oh yeah, why's that?” Jens asked, burying himself to the hilt once again.

“Because I love watching your face contort in ecstasy, love watching your cock bulge and twitch, love hearing you moan and groan, love it when you cum, and all your cum explodes out of you in untold pleasure!” Presea hissed, breathing faster and faster, right on the doorstop of orgasm.

“Nothing to do with you not being in control for once?” Jens asked.

“Everything to do with that!” Presea said.

“Well you can be in control again in a few seconds, after I make you cream!” Jens snarled, picking up the pace of his brutal thrusting. Presea gasped every time Jens thrust and pinned her against the wall. She was breathing very heavily, her orgasm a few mere seconds away. Jens thrust himself to the hilt inside Presea one more time, forcing her roughly against the wall, and holding himself in as deep as possible. That last thrust forced Presea over the edge.

She screamed in ecstasy, every muscle tightening. Her legs nearly crushed Jens' hips, her nails digging deeply into Jens' back, her pussy clamping down like a vice. Jens smiled against Presea, gently thrusting to help her ride out her orgasm. Once Presea had come down from her orgasm, she unhooked her ankles and leaned against the wall, catching her breath, a stream of her juices running out of her pussy and down her long, smooth legs. Jens took a few steps back, licking his lips as he looked at Presea, still recovering from her orgasm.

After a few minutes, Presea took a large, deep breath. She lifted her hanging head and stared at Jens intensely. She licked her lips as she observed his bulging 7 inch cock, covered in her cum.

The two stared at each other from across the large shower for a moment, then Presea was on Jens like a feral animal. Her lips crashing against his, her tongue stabbing down his throat, one hand on his cock, jerking it up and down wildly and roughly. Jens groaned loudly, completely out of control of the situation. A few moments later Presea sank too her knees. She grinned up at Jens and said.

“Enjoy this babe, you're gonna get this all night!” A moment later she shoved Jens' cock into her cleavage. Jens groaned as Presea pressed her breasts together, smothering Jens' cock in the soft flesh.

“Oh fuck...” Jens moaned as Presea began to grind her large breasts against his cock. The feeling was amazing, the soft, plush flesh jerking his cock to and fro, bringing him ever closer to a monstrous orgasm.

Presea never looked away from Jens. She only felt happier when Jens moaned, his knees shaking slightly, his hands resting on Presea's shoulders to keep himself steady.

“Cum whenever you need to honey, your gonna get this treatment all. Night. Long!” Presea said to him, her voice laced in a sultry, enticing tone. Jens moaned again, his breathing getting far more laboured. Presea began to grind and bounce her breasts as fast and as hard as she could, determined to make Jens cum as hard as possible.

“Oh fuck..oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck...” Jens groaned, his knees shaking again, his cock twitching and shaking with anticipation of the coming flood.

Presea looked at Jens, a sultry, devilish smile on her face as she leaned her head down, her tongue running across the head of Jens' cock. The young man nearly came then, only barely able to hold himself from rapture. Presea smirked, Jens always liked to hold out his orgasms, delay it and make it as strong as possible.

She adjusted herself, positioning her breasts so they held Jens' cock from the hilt, his head sticking out from the top of her cleavage. She lowered her head again, this time her mouth enveloped the entirety of Jens' cock head. She began to lick and suck on the glands. Jens' eyes snapped shut, and he sucked in a sharp breath of air. He was only a few moments from orgasm. Presea kept her mouth on Jens' cock head, still grinding her breasts into his shaft, her eyes titled upward to keep her eyes on him. He was moaning every few seconds, his eyes snapping shut and fluttering open in the same span of time. He was mere moments from orgasm.

Presea smiled against his cock head before pulling her mouth off his cock, her tongue slowly licking his cock head before Presea, still grinding her breasts into Jens' cock vigorously, looked at him and said.


Jens grunted violently, tightly gripping Presea's shoulders as an orgasm coursed through his body. His cock shuddered, his cum spewing out, splattering all over Presea's beautiful tits. Jens gasped for air as the last few jets of cum spewed from his cock and dropped on Presea's water and cum soaked breasts.

Presea released her breasts and Jens cock. She smiled down at her cum covered tits, running her hands over Jens' cum, rubbing it into her breasts and scooping it into her hands before lapping it up.

Jens was still breathing heavily, his knees growing weaker. A few moments later he lay down, still gasping for air, his body shuddering in the aftermaths of his orgasm. A few seconds later Presea lay down besides Jens in the massive shower and whispered in his ear.

“Your cock and cum taste a lot better when its laced with my cum...” Her voice was so sultry and sexy Jens' cock stopped deflating, and slowly but surely began to harden again. Presea's hand lightly wrapped around Jens cock. He groaned.

“Presea....not sure I can go another time...” Jens said between breaths.

“That's just what you think...I know for sure I can make you cum more then one more time tonight” Presea whispered in his ear, her hand running up and down Jens' cock. He moaned loudly.

“Well feel free, just don't count on me helping the matter...” Jens said, groaning as Presea speed up her motion.

“I've never needed your help to make YOU cum.” Presea laughed, speeding up her movements again. Jens moaned again. By now, he was completely hard. Presea looked at Jens' cock intently for a moment and smiled.

“What do you wanna have happen though Jens? Ride it, jerk it off, blow it, anything you want...” She let her words hang in the air as she continued to jerk Jens off.

“You've done one of all those things tonight, so you pick what you have to repeat.” Jens said, his eyes fluttering, clearly not in the market to last long a fourth time.

“Well then...” Presea said before she straddled Jens. She slithered herself around, lining up her pussy and Jens' cock. A moment later she dropped down on to it. She took in a long breath, but Jens gasped.

Presea began to wiggle slightly, getting comfortable before placing her hands on Jens' chest. She looked down at him with a smile. She began to ride him like a bronco immediately. She was going as fast and as hard as she could, the water from the shower raining down on the couple as Presea brought Jens ever close to a fourth orgasm.

“Oh fucking hell!” Jens yelled as Presea rode him. His rock hard cock was already close to exploding for a fourth time that evening. Presea looked down at Jens and smiled, the look on his face a mix of desperation and a twinge of pain.

“Cum Jens, just Cum, I want to feel you cum inside me again!” Presea said. She was still bouncing rapidly on top of Jens, but she had one hand rubbing her clit violently and vigorously, bringing herself closer and closer to another orgasm of her own very, very quickly.

“Ah fuck! You are just so hot and tight right now, its like a fucking vice!” Jens yelled, his cock twitching and bulging with another dose of cum waiting to burst out.

“Damn right it is!” Presea yelled, still rubbing her clit fast and hard. At the same time she was intentionally clenching her pussy muscles against Jens cock. She was determined to give them both massive orgasms.

Jens let out a low gutteral growl. His fingers and toes curled and uncurled as he came within moments of cumming. Presea smiled down at her lover, even as she vigorously played with herself, bringing herself right to the edge. She forced herself down to the hilt of Jens' cock, eveloping his whole 7 inches. Jens bucked upward as he came.

Presea continued to rub her clit as Jens' orgasm slammed into him. He gasped and panted and shuddered as his cum gushed from his cock. Moments later his sperm washed into Presea.

“Oh fuck yeah!” Presea gasped as she felt the fluid wash around her insides. She and Jens were both panting, but Presea still hadn't cum. She still had Jens' cock buried in her to the hilt, the last of his cum dripping into her, and her fingers were abusing her clit. She was moaning constantly, her eyes shut as she focused on her impending orgasm.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” She screamed as her orgasm smashed through her body. Her muscles locked up as the ecstasy slashed through her body. She collapsed forward on top of Jens as the final throes of orgasm coursed through her.

Jens smiled up at Presea, his hand running through her hair as she tried desperately to get her breath back. After a few minutes of the only noise being their breathing and the sound of the running water, Jens spoke.

“I think we should actually get cleaned up now, and head to bed.”

“Yeah...” Presea agreed, finally forcing herself off her boyfriend. The two smiled at each other as they stood up. The couple quickly washed themselves. They hopped out of the shower, dried themselves off, and headed to the bedroom, walking hand in hand, more then ready for the nights rest.


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She curled up at her computer and that's when she saw it: an email with a subject line that read "You were great last night". Her heart skipped a beat and with a slight tremble she swallowed the lump in her throat and opened it. She had forgotten about giving her email to the three young guys at the start of the night, what with all the humiliating chaos that ensued after they left. There were several attachments, including a zip file of pictures and two videos. The body of the message...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Kat Yeaah I Dont Like Clothing

Lovely little 19yo Kat is one of those big-things-come-in-small-packages kinda gal. She’s very outgoing, upbeat, bubbly and playful. Spoiler alert: she’s hiding some fantastical titties under that shirt. She’s starts off well by letting us know that she’s very eager and willing to please. Then we get to know her a little better on the couch where we find out that she’s got a boyfriend who’s encouraging her exploits. Apparently they’re both members of the swinger lifestyle, and I can...

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Lover Fighter

I am a lover not a fighter! However my sister was just the opposite. Rachael was a real scrapper. I didn’t know why until recently. It seems that when Rachael was thirteen years old she had told some of the other girls in school that she was a virgin and that she was saving herself for marriage as our mother had drummed into her head. One day the other girls found Rachael alone in the locker room. That was all it took. There were five of them and only one of her. Four girls held her...

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An After Dinner Gangbang

There were some slight butterflies in our stomachs as Lisa and I stepped out of our taxi, passed the liveried doorman, into the foyer of the five star hotel. We were both elegantly dressed for the occasion, Lisa in a black cocktail dress with matching high heels and appropriate makeup and jewellery, myself in a dark lounge suit. We moved through the foyer into the beautifully appointed bar. At a table a tall slim gray haired man stood up and signaled acknowledgement to us. We knew John from...

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The Gifted Part Two

Amber no longer felt scared. She had moved past the adrenaline-filled, heart-pumping feelings associated with being scared. Terrorized was more accurate.Terror was opening up a mindset she had tried so hard as a child to shut out; thoughts and senses, aspects and notions. Perceptions.Perceptions of a dark and mysterious world that had only previously existed in tales. A world of make-believe with made-up spirits, witches and ghosts. She never wanted to give them life, never wanted to accept...

1 year ago
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Library Girl Chapters 19 and 20

Chapter 19 -- The Booster Day "Venture" Shapes Up After the store closed, Ms Oberdofer offered Jimmie a ride home in view of the rough morning he had endured, and he gratefully accepted. Only when he was buckled into the Maserati seat did he realize he had forgotten to change out of his uniform. "Ms Oberdofer, sorry, but I have to go back to the store and change out of my shift and slippers. It will only take a minute." "Nonsense sweetie. You look great in your outfit. When you get...

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I moved to a new city with my friend and her husband, I needed a fresh start and they lived in a great city. I was living there a few months and hadn’t found any friends of my own yet. I was never really outgoing and I’d had only a few boyfriends. Being only 23 I was in no hurry, but I was hoping to find a nice guy to date, and maybe help me fell like the city was my home. Liz was a few years older than me but had been my best friend since she was a senior in HS and I was in 7th grade. Well I...

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Summer Vacation

Author’s Note: Hello! This is the second story that I’ve written. With inspiration from stories such as ‘At the Cabin’ and ‘The After Party’, I’ve decided to focus a story around a group of teens just out of High School who are spending a week at a cabin by the lake. I’ll be delving into all the characters, their personalities and their relationships. With plenty of sexual tension, there will be personality clashes and the week away may not go as planned for these teens. Will be adding a branch...

3 years ago
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Just one hour with my sisterinlaw

Debbie is my 20 something sister in law Debbie is my 20 something sister in law. She is as described in thisstory, ultra thin, big tits (for such a small frame) long legs and a poutingarrogant mouth. I didn?t make enough reference to whom she was and how sheacted in the story and that's a shame. So I?m doing it now. She?s a grade one-cock teaser; no boyfriend doesn?t need one but likes todangle men on her finger. Like puppets I guess. Most guys I know hate her butat the same time would...

4 years ago
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Sethy Part 17 22 footballers

AUTHOR’S NOTE – For best effect, read parts 1-16 before this part. The main character, Sethy, is based upon the real woman who is an active member of the XHamster community (Sethy is not her XHam name). Sethy is an avid supporter of the Sethy series. This story is the property of the author and cannot be copied or used in part or in entirety without express written consent of the author. Sethy – Part 17 – 22 footballersSETHY“Wake up! Wake up you bitch! Wake up!” I heard Hiro’s voice. How long...

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Evening Class

Many thanks to Dennis for his editing of this story. It began in a very unexpected way, I got a small folder about evening classes in my mailbox and found out that some further education in Spanish would be fine because the Spanish islands are very popular tourist spots for us in the Scandinavian countries. Decision followed by action and two weeks later, I entered an evening class for people with some previous knowledge of Spanish. I skipped the class for beginners because I already knew some...

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What Will Happen

Hi Sweetie, We would be dressed up like total sluts. You in your sexxxy outfit. Me in mine. I would be wearing a white lacy garter belt with white fishnet thigh highs, along with white ankle socks and my white 5" come fuck me pumps. I would also be in my zebra striped mini skirt and red top. I wear a bra with softballs in them to make me have huge tits. Along with a blond wig, it's the total slut look. We are both excited, hot porn is playing in the back ground. Hot blowjob action...

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Old Speedway BoogieChapter 3

By early summer, the county sheriff’s office had completed its slow but quite thorough investigation of the death at the speedway. No one blamed me, or even Emily very much for what happened, but there was a distinct undertone that no one in county government wanted this sort of thing to ever occur again. Emily and I were prepared for this and we presented to the small county commission our proposal. Emily and Leanne both wanted a larger house and even bigger bedroom for the three of us to...

2 years ago
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My Aunt Padma Showed Me Heaven Part 7

Hi friends, I am penning down my memories after a very long time. I hope you like this story too, as in my earlier stories. I am a 52-year-old man presently living in Bangalore. This particular incident happened in Mysore. During summer vacations, I had been to my dad’s younger cousin sister, Padma Aunty’s place. I was studying Engineering and was about 19 years old. I took a bath, had my lunch late and slept like a log as I was tired. Padma Aunty and Priya took a bath and went down. I didn’t...

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Finally, after all the hours you put into your revision and the years you have spent doing hard work, you finally managed to make it into one of the best colleges in the country and today is your first day. Only you and a girl, which you have never spoken to,called Doe are the only ones from your school who have made it into the school.

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Grandmas Secret Sex Life

100% fiction! My parents died in an auto accident when I was young and I was raised by my grandparents. Since I never knew my parents, I thought of my grandparents as my mother and father, though they made it plain to me, early in life, who my parents really were. We had a happy life, really. Then one day even as a boy I realized that something seemed wrong between Grandma and Grandpa. I didn't know what exactly had happened between the two of them; all I knew was that suddenly they stopped...

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Cindy bites of more than she can chew

talTime>2113-01-01T04:00:00Z2006-06-03T01:27:00Z2006-06-03T01:27:00Z1230513141 109301541610.2625   ?????????????????? Connie bites off more than she can chew !!! ?Cindy Schlutt was a curious 14 year old, always investigating, experimenting with a general ? must-try-everything ? attitude which sometimes got her into trouble but she never gave up her endless poking around; after all she was a country gal through & through and being curious was part of her nature. She thought back to what she'd...

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Claudia IncarnataPart V

Being greatly stirred, I turn to where I heard That whisper in the night, And there a breath of light Shines like a silver star. – Urbiciani, Canzonetta c. 1250 AD   Claudia beamed a smile of satisfaction as she took her seat in the courtyard of the Accademia di Santa Cecilia. Moments before, an usher had guided her to the middle of the third row, a prime position which gave her an excellent view of the concert stage. The night was warm and still and fragrant with the scents of the countless...

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cheating at The conference

This happened when I was 26 years old. I am married. The only person I had ever had sex with was my husband. We were trying to have a baby so I had gone off the pill. I had to go out of town for a conference for my work. The conference was to start on Tuesday and finish on Thursday afternoon at 3pm. There were no flights until late Thursday so I scheduled a 1pm flight on Friday. That should get me home about 3:30.The conference finished on time and I went back to my room. There was nothing on...

4 years ago
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Bunnie Tales Riding Mr Ed

“Your face rook Ed Zachary rike your face.” Behind her, CWO4 Davis laughed and almost spilled his fresh cup of coffee. Now, if you know anything about the military, the US Navy specifically, you’ll know they take their coffee serious. Not a day will go by when a senior member of the military won’t have their forefinger entwined in their cup. When I served, we had a term for these guys: LIFER. Lazy – Inefficient – Fuck-off - Expecting - Retirement. Mr. Davis wasn’t one of them; he really was a...

Office Sex
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Swords Spells Tales of Sex Conquest

Welcome to Swords & Spells universe and the world of Gaian and the continent of Eurya! Gaian is a world very similar to ours, geographically speaking. In it, multiples races coexist in a fragile state of peace. Particularly, in Eurya, mankind flourished in the last centuries, and its clans spreaded all over the world, sometimes coexisting peacefully with other races, like beautiful but vain elves and the stubborn dwarfs, but also clashed with other races, like the warlike orcs and ogres, whom...

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Second Chance Book 02

As always, my thanks to ErikThread for his editing skills. Any errors are mine. * Chapter 9: ‘Come in, Brent. It’s so nice to see you again,’ June Francis said with a genuine smile. ‘Walter’s in the living room, as usual.’ ‘Thanks, June. How’s he feeling?’ ‘Not too bad today. Yesterday wasn’t so good, but you know, that’s how it is — some good days and some bad ones. I’ll get you two your usual tea and bring it in.’ ‘Thanks, June.’ Brent walked into the living room to greet his friend...

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The Wifes Wild Ass Chapter 6

Chapter 6Perhaps Caroline was not really jealous of Helen Ramsey as far as Darleen was concerned, but she would sure as hell have been jealous if she had known what had inspired her husband's rare morning hard-on, and more jealous yet if she had realized that such a morning hard-on was not, in fact, rare at all, but that he usually saved it for his secretary. The sight of naked Helen Ramsey, doing her morning exercises, had been responsible for a lusting in his heart--but the lust that he had...

2 years ago
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The beach

I think the 1st thing I noticed was the bright multi coloured towel you were lying on. Orange, red, yellow and green stripes. The 2nd thing I noticed was your bikini. Why? It looked STUNNING, but not as stunning as you. When I say bikini, it was not more than just 3 triangles of sheer white material.I couldn't keep my eyes off you, you were sleeping at the time, enjoying the sun and adding to your tan. I moved closer, slowly moving up the beach so as not to disturb you. As I move closer I can...

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Three for all

Laura and her daughter were standing naked in front of the elder client. He was also naked with a raging hard on. His cock was long and thick and already leaking cream as he looked at the two nudes in front of him. He loved the mother and daughter team. He got the experience of the mother and the freshness of the daughter. He had been fucking the mother for over ten years and when she brought her daughter into the act it made it so much more exciting. Laura was one of the best whores in the...

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Taming the TeachChapter 3

And suck them off the teacher did. Big cocks, small cocks, thick cocks and long cocks, she sucked them all tonight. She had long since lost count of all the cocks she had sucked. Barbara, didn't remember all of the finer points that happened after that. She did remember that she had been a whore and according to the girls, a good one. Then they had dropped the other two girls off. After that, she had somehow ended up, not her house, but Tina's. Then she remembered the shower she took with...

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ValChapter 5

After I went to see Val, I thought things would go well. That is until Val's mom found a video of her husband raping Val. So I wasn't surprised the next morning when I got a call from Val's mom. "Hello Will this is Tatsu, Valerie's mother. I know you were supposed to pick her up this morning, but she doesn't feel up to going today. I'm sorry," said Tatsu. "Totally understandable. Is Tiffany going to bring Val her homework? I know those two share all but one class together." I...

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Home alone at last

At last, home alone for a while …..So, I managed to have a whole day home alone. My life is quite complex with people arriving and leaving regularly, then there’s me being away for short stays whilst I’m working so being home alone can be difficult.But the problem was that I was missing being naughty, so I planned a whole day for FUN !!!I started advertising that I was available on two French contact sites a couple of weeks ago, lots of interest and messages but as usual, quite a lot of...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 3 Introspection

After eating the roasted fish and drinking their juices, the young Krikitories and little Liz played in the lake's water for a hour or so. Afterwards, Zax informed little Liz that she needs to go to sleep since tomorrow him and Anet are taking her back home. The next day, Kingdom Earth. "Did you have fun sweetheart?" Laylen asked little Liz in her hands. "Yes, mommy. Big sis Shulip made yummy fishies, here". She blew a warm breath on her mother's nose so she could smell the sweetness...

1 year ago
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My First Time Part Four

I awoke from my nap, saw it was dark out and called out for Freddie. She came into the room, smiled at me, sat down on the bed next to me and took me in her arms. She asked if I had a good nap and asked was I hungry? I said yes to both and Freddie asked me if I wanted to go out for dinner? I told her I liked to cook and if she had any food I would love to make dinner for her. She said she had just gone shopping the day before so we were well stocked but I had to cook in the nude. I just smiled,...

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Is this my Imagination

I see the girl from across the room. She is the most beautiful creature she has ever laid her eyes upon, tall, slender, beautiful. She stands nearly six feet tall with dark brunette hair that hangs to her ass and emerald green eyes. Her eyes are round but appear to be soft and her lips are pouty and red. I watch her as she walks towards her and it appears that she is floating on a cloud. "Hi. I'm Melissa," she says. "I'm Jayda," I answer her. "You wanna get outta here? This music is so loud?"...

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The water skiing titles

The story until nowSue, my wife had been cheating on me for years. I initially didn’t respond but as time passed and she continued to be unfaithful I responded by having an affair with Marg. Eventually, I decided to leave my job and travel to the west. In doing so I told her that if she wanted to come with me then she had to stop her cheating. She agreed but within weeks of arriving in the west, I found that she was having an affair. This was directly after we had decided to have another child....

Wife Lovers
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Minuet In G Chapter II

Doris hated arithmetic. It had been her weakest subject in school, and she hadn’t gotten much better at it in her years since high school. So she sat at her desk, pencil in one hand and eraser in the other. She had a yellow legal pad on which she had listed each item for which she would receive a percentage. Next to each item she had written the percentage, so all she had to do was fill in the numbers, do the multiplication, and add up the total. Title: 2% Financing: 5% of fee Sale: 4%

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Cheating on my cheating wife chapter3

I went to sleep on my wife Mar when she expected me to have sex with her. She ended up using a vibrator on herself, hoping that I would wake up,but I ignored her. Several times I felt her rubbing a hand on my ass,whispering my name then sighed. Normally she would suck my cock in the morning but this morning I was sleeping on my belly.I was glad when the alarm clock woke me and I got up without her knowing . I dressed and went to work without her waking up ,and this time I was happy.I do...

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