SpaceChapter 4 free porn video

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"They were both here quite a bit and so was Betty. We had to sneak Patricia in and she held your hand for hours."

"What did my girlfriend say about that?"

"Betty wants us to let Patricia have some of your time but to pull her off so she can perform the things a girlfriend does."

I must of looked frightened because she broke up laughing. "I meant kissing but I see there may be more now."

"I followed your rules. There was no reason to get you angry at us."

"I guess there is a lot of ground you can cover without Betty losing her virginity." She looked at me seriously. "She is a virgin still?"

"Last I felt she was."

"What did you feel with? Finger?"

I shook my head and felt the heat on my skin. She smiled. "I see that's why Betty likes you a lot."

Later that day the police came. Both I had seen before. Sgt Maxwell said, "I guess you will be talking to us today, Wally."

"I guess you're right."

"Tell us about it and not just this time. Start from the first."

Morton had bothered me for a few years. I talked and I talked a lot. He and his buddies were going to jail. They had hurt Betts and Patricia and there were so many witnesses that my testimony was not necessary.

When the police left, Betts and Patricia came with their parents. They looked bad still. They both had smiles for me though. In a few minutes my dad came too. I told them about the police and finally telling them about the trouble that Morton had caused me.

Dad was pleased to announce that he got my bike fixed. He talked about mom and her reaction to one more fight. She was angry at me fighting but if I had not fought she would still be angry. My brother and sisters had no comment to make one way or the other.

Betts started to talk about the reaction at school. Others had come forward now that Morton was in the hospital and probably going to jail.

"Sam said he is going to walk you to your house all the time. He misses all the good fights. If he did come he would have been beaten up."

"What do you think about having to protect your boyfriend."

"Oh, they wanted to pick on us too. I am just glad that we slowed one down enough for you to take care of him. I don't know how you did it. There were three of them and every one was bigger than you."

Now I had to pause. "I guess I was fighting for something more than myself."

"We thought so. I can't get my baby sister to stop talking about you."

Patricia was angry and said, "He's my friend too. He fought to protect me."

I didn't know what to say and I guess nobody else did either. The adults left an hour later and wanted to take Patricia with them but the girl refused. She gave the argument that she could go home when Betts went. She whined so much that it was Betts that agreed.

Betts got out a sheet of paper and listed all the mineral shows, their dates, the length of the show, the price of admission and the location. Some even had the best way of getting to the show.

"Thanks Love. I forgot to ask when I can get out of here."

"Mom asked. The doctor will check you tomorrow. You may get out then or Friday."

Patricia said, "We have to watch out for you until you're better. Mom said."

"Well I need to go to the bathroom and I don't want bedpans. Will you help me up Betts?"

"Should you get up?"

"If I am going home tomorrow or the day after then I am good enough."

Both girls helped me sit up. I rested a minute and there was not that much pain. I slid off the bed and onto the cold floor. With a girl supporting each side I was guided to the bathroom. I felt Betts hand inside the back of my gown and caressing my ass. Patricia was here so I said nothing.

They got me inside the small room and I said, "Thanks. I can pee myself."

"I am not going to let you fall Mr Kiefer. You are going to do it now and I am going to help." She bent over and pulled up the front of my gown and said, "Hold this Patty and don't let it fall."


I didn't think of Patricia being here. Betts reached out and held my much smaller cock and aimed it at the toilet. "You can go now."

"I can do this myself."

"You do this my way or I will take a switch to that bare bum."

"But it's hard to do it this way. I can't just start peeing. Nobody watched me before."

"We'll patient. Just take your time and it will come."

I closed my eyes and tried to picture the bathroom at home. I got a little out but then it stopped. I had to concentrate again but couldn't get any more out. I was going to give up when I just looked through the walls and saw the hospital floor. People were all over the place talking or walking. The nurses were at their stations and workers were pushing carts around.

The piss finally came and I continued to look at the view as if it were through a one way mirror. I had to pee a lot but when it stopped I let my vision fade. Betts was still holding me.

I said, "Give it a shake. If not much comes out then put your finger on the tube underneath and by my huts. You squeeze a bit then slide forward. Any piss will come out."

Betts did it twice and I noticed that Patricia was holding my cock too. It must be too heavy she felt. She pushed Betts fingers to the side and she did the same thing Betts had done.

Betts said, "Turn to the door, Wally."

I did as she asked but I didn't see how this was going to help me get back to my bed. Betts got to her knees and had to pick up my gown again and then quickly sucked me into her mouth.

"Ohhh Betts. That feels so good." Betts hummed in response and this felt good too.

I moved my hands to her head and felt her going back and forth. Her own hands were wrapped around my thighs to hold me in place. She used her tongue and lips but didn't go fast enough for me to cum. She licked and sucked for nearly ten minutes of agony and pleasure before I was allowed to cum.

I was helped back to my bed and even pushed up so I could get on the mattress. I laid back with my pains forgotten.

Betts bent over then and kissed my lips and my arms came up to hold her. This kiss lasted a long time and I wished that I could return the favour for her.

When she pulled back she said, "That should hold you for ten minutes until I get my breath back."

"That was great Betts. You didn't have to do that."

"You're my boyfriend. I like doing that. It is fun and it makes you happy. What's to hate?"

"I guess you're right. I love munching on you too."

The food cart came by and I noticed that Patricia was still here. She had to have seen us. She looked at me with predatory eyes similar to her sister's.

The two girls took turns feeding me and dabbing my sore lips with a napkin. After a minute Betts used her tongue and lips to clean my lips even if there were no crumbs on them.

I took the spoon and fed some food to Betts and then I had to clean up her lips. I was going to feed her some more when Patricia said, "Aren't you going to feed me too?"

"Sure, Sweetie." I gave her the portion I was going to give Betts. She swallowed quickly and brought her lips near to be kissed. I had a chance to look at Betts and she finally nodded. I then licked Patricia's lips as I had done Betts.

The meal took a long time to finish. The bite portions were all very small. Every time one of us had to be cleaned. Betts was on my left and used her left hand to hold me under the table while her right was used to feed me. Part way through I felt another hand hold me and Patricia looked like she was in heaven. She was too short and had to crawl onto the bed with me. Soon it was only Betts feeding me but I had to take turns kissing the girls or them me.

The meal was eventually over but the girls didn't want to release me. I wasn't complaining much either. Patricia pushed the table more towards my feet but it would still block a vies of me from the doorway. The sheet was pulled down and my gown was already up. So was another part of me.

Betts started talking but I soon found she was talking to her sister. "This part here is really sensitive." She ran a finger around the head and I had to shiver at the feeling. "This is the tube Wally was talking about. It carries pee and the sperm that make us have babies. He doesn't have any of that yet but it will come soon." I felt the finger trace the tube as my cock was bent back to my abdomen.

Patricia took my cock from her sister and said, "So this is the part that makes Wally happy." She ran her finger around the head as she looked at me to see my response.

I responded and she smiled.

"And this part is where the pee comes through or the things you said were like seeds."

"Yes, that's right. This wrinkly sac has two little eggs. They are very sensitive. You can hurt a guy if you are not very gentle. There are a few hairs there now and there is going to be a lot more some day. We are going to have a lot of hair too."

"I don't have any yet. Do you?"

Betts said, "Just a bit. Mine are thin hairs but they get thicker as I get older."

"What else does he have?"

"Well, if you feel here, his skin is loose and it slides up and down."

"That's neat."

"Ya, I know. I want to suck on it now but people could come in."

"Does he suck on you? You know... down there."

"Oh, does he ever do a good job. When I cum a few times then I suck on him when he licks me."

"You talked last night about cumming. I still don't understand."

"Well you start to get excited and then more and more excited. All of a sudden all that excitement rushes out and makes your body feel like you are in heaven."

"That sounds neat too."

"Wally does not shoot seeds out so he can have that feeling lots of times. When he starts making sperm, he has to rest in between to make more. Girls can have that feeling last a long time and have more of them in a day than a man."


"How should I know? Probably because we have to go through having babies and men don't have to do much."

"Daddy fed me when I was a baby."

"I heard he fed all of us and changed our diapers. He helped Mommy a lot."

"Is Wally going to give you a baby?"

Betts now looked at me then she said, "Girls are always looking for a good man to give them babies. If Wally still loves me when we grow up, we could try. They say in school that young people switch around a lot until they find the one they want."

The girls talked around me. Patricia was getting sleepy and she eventually fell asleep holding onto me.

I said, "You better pick up the rail so she doesn't fall off the bed."

Betts went around to do so and then got her sister's hand to lay near her own body. Betts went back to her side and had a second portion of dessert.

Later in the day their parents came back. They saw Patricia in bed with me and Betts on the other side but sitting close in a chair.

Lillian whispered, "I see our chaperone has fallen asleep."

Bert looked fondly at his youngest and said, "She has not only fallen asleep but fallen in love too."

"That's part of growing up."

Lillian looked at me and said, "What does it feel like to have two girls love you?"

"Like a mouse with two hawks circling above."

Lillian burst out laughing so hard that she woke up her daughter.

"Hi Mommy, Daddy."

Lillian said, "You are not going to be able to sleep tonight."

"That's ok. I like it here."

"Well you have to go home now. You have to have a meal and get ready for school tomorrow."

"I already ate and I can sleep here tonight."

"What did you eat?"

"Food and stuff."

"Wally's meal?"


"Wally, you let her get away with too much."

"I don't want a fight but I know of two adults that do the same thing."

"Well, maybe you're right. Come on you two. We have to go."

Betts bent over and kissed my lips quickly and then Patricia kissed my cheek. I turned a little but she was not aiming for my lips thankfully.

Patricia said, "By Wally. See you tomorrow."

Betts said under her breath, "Sisters, shhhhhz." She helped her sister down and then gave me another kiss. "See you tomorrow, I hope."

"See you tomorrow, Beautiful. Will you search my pants to see if my stone is there?"

"Sure." She rummaged around an found my stone and gave it to me.


For the remainder of the afternoon I concentrated on the crystal. It didn't have to be in front of me but just close. The first waveform was the simplest. I did my best to get the crystal to make this form. Some lines would simply not change until I considered impurities in the crystal that were distorting the internal forces.

A meal was waiting when I stopped working on the crystal. They must have figured I was sleeping. The food was filling but not as much fun as the last meal.

I went over the fight in my mind. Some things I was sure could have been done better. I took care of Morton well enough but I had let myself be focussed on him and not the rest. It was the second guy that hurt me the most but I was caught when not ready, the same as Morton.

The third guy must have been really mean if he was going to fight two girls. He had a good punch though but I had got a bit back when I hit his neck. I remember reaching out for his foot to trip him but I also remember him being quite a ways away. I did manage to trip him and then pounded his face and gut. I hit him harder than the rest because of what he had done to Betts and Patricia.

There had been nothing that close to trip him with. The only possibility was the power I used to fracture the small crystal I wanted from a specimen that looked similar.

I spent a few minutes trying to move a plastic spoon to no effect. When the tray was taken away I did manage to move a crumb that was on my table. It had to be a very small one. I got better at it but not good. I still wondered how I had tripped the guy unless it was something I just had to do and didn't think about it, like pissing.

Dad visited me later and brought June, Betts' older sister. Dad said, "We had a talk to the police. We didn't know that you had so much problems with bullies. You should have told us."

"If I rat out on them then I get beat more. The bullies always have friends and the friends don't mind helping out."

"You could have told us."

"Mom would rant and rave and blame me. You would be sympathetic but there would not be anything you could do about it."

"We could have them expelled from school."

"Morton used to go to my school but he is in highschool now. For the last year he has not fought on the school property so the school could do nothing about it."

"You told the police that he cornered you at your school."

"He did but what could I prove?"

"Well you stood up for yourself and your friends. You were hurt but you hurt your enemies more."

June said, "I came here to thank you what you did for my sisters."

I felt bad now. "It was me that got them into trouble. If they had not been close then they would never have been hurt."

"They could have been attacked anywhere. The thing is that you protected them. I want to thank you for doing that."

"It doesn't seem right to me to accept that thanks. I brought them into danger."

"Perhaps something of what you say is true but you took a lot of beating to rescue them. I heard that when the second guy tried to get up that Betts put the boots to him so he would stay until the police came."

"I didn't hear that part."

"Betts doesn't remember much but she did see the tape they took of the fight."

Chuck, Sam and Jerry came in and both dad and June prepared to leave. Dad shook my hand which was odd then June bent over and gave me a kiss that made me hard. She even smiled at me as she left.

Chuck whispered, "Did you see that? You got women crawlin' all over you. Wendy Pallo and a few of her friends even came to us to find out more about you."

I said, "It's all because I'm cute while you guys are as ugly as dogs."

"Ugly? You have fleas and scratch your head with your foot."

"You lick your balls in school."

"You reach further down and you don't need toilet paper."

"Your dick drags on the ground and maggots grow on it."

"You are finally right. My dick can drag on the ground but I tie it around my leg so I don't step on it."

Creative insults broadened until we were insulting the other three. We did this for fun and I guess I needed some fun now.

The guys left when the nurse kicked them out. I went back to pushing a crumb around or looking through the walls of the hospital. Some of the nurses looked great when I looked through their uniforms. Some even scratched their crotches sometimes but this was rare.

Later that night my privacy was interrupted when a new patient came into the room. The nurses moved him from the gurney to his bed then left after seeing that he was ok. In an hour I was asleep.

Around ten I was tired. I had pushed a crumb all over the place and even pulled it back and sideways but nothing larger than a one crumb and a tiny one at that. I worked on the crystal to make other forms of force. Some of the varieties were not suited for the type of mineral I had.

Doctor Adams came in and checked if I still had eyeballs and a tongue and then said, "You can go home if you have somebody to get you."

"My mom and dad are at work. Maybe our neighbour could come if they are at home today."

"Somebody has to sign your papers too. You may get discharged tomorrow."

"The same thing will happen then. "Why can't I go home in the afternoon."

"It is our policy."

"So I am healthy enough to go home but you want to keep me here another day. The newspapers say the hospitals are costing a lot and the wait in the emergency room is too long. Now you say it is hospital policy."

The doctor looked exasperated. "You can go home when your parents come to puck you up."

"Thanks, Doctor."

I spent the rest of the day looking at girls through their clothes. This got boring after a while and I tried to see how far I could see then how close. I had looked into the crystal and now tried the crumb. It was fantastic but not the view you would see with a microscope. Belatedly I looked at my wounds and saw the effect of my bodies power to heal itself. This was really interesting. This kept me occupied until Betts showed up.

She breezed into the room but stopped when she saw a guy about sixteen. He was awake and sat up more when she came in. He had good taste I figured.

"How are you doing, Wally?"

"A lot better. I can go home today when mom or dad pick me up."

"That's great. Do you think your mother would let me come over?"

"She is afraid of me corrupting you or you corrupting me."

"The first part seems right. When can you go to school?"

"We didn't talk about it but if I have my way it will be tomorrow."

"Maybe we can get Mrs Watson to drive us in when they pick up Patricia."

Dad arrived a few hours later and brought me a change of clothes. He was surprised when Betts helped me get dressed. On the way home Dad said, "How long have you... grown closer?"

I said, "Not very long Dad. I already had a talk with Betts' mother and father. I am going to be a good boy until we can go to the next step."

"Next step?"

"Getting to know my girlfriend better."

When we parked, Dad said to Betts, "You better have me help Wally into the house. His mother gets set off at any excuse.

Betts said, "I know and I am sorry for him. If there is anything I can do just call me."

I kissed Betts and said, "Bring your claws in. Mom is too old to change. Will you talk to Mrs Watson for me?"

I got a kiss back. "Sure."

My legs were good but dad stayed near just in case. Mom came up to me and said, "See all the aggravation you have caused us. I have a mind to ground you for a week."

"Mom, I was attacked. I was walking home. I was not looking for a fight."

"You should not have fought."

"Two times before you said I should stick up for myself and not be pushed around. I did what you said. Before that you said many times that I should act like a man not a boy. Again I did what you said."

"You better stay away from that girl."

I was very angry now. "And if I turn gay they you will say I should have gone with a girl. Mom, you have something seriously wrong with you. When was the last time you greeted me nicely? I said hello and good morning for years and you just humpped at me."

I just turned and walked to the steps. I think she was going to hit me but I heard Dad say, "He was just injured and you want to hit him? You are all curdled up inside Carla. You have turned into a person that's hard to love any more."

I didn't look but I heard Mom just go out the door. I turned around and said, "I am sorry Dad. I'm only a kid but I think that Mom needs to talk to somebody that can help her cope." Dad didn't answer.

There was little to do so I studied my personal abilities. I tried to do it when exercising but it was difficult so I switched to math. This worked better. I did not have to write down the steps but I did see them vaguely in my mind.

After half an hour I was done with exercising and math and could move on to looking within my body. This lasted until I saw a small spider. I studied this creature from two metres away but found it much easier to do so when it was close. Again it was not like a microscope but the view as if my eyes were crossed or out of focus. This got me onto the possibility of getting the view into focus but I didn't know if I was succeeding or not. The view did change but not any clearer.

Dad came up later and knocked on the door. When he came in he said, "Bert just came over. Mrs Watson will be driving you to school for the next few weeks if you want."

"Thanks for coming up and telling me. I will have to think of a suitable gift for her."

"Shovel her walk some day or maybe cut her grass."

"That sounds good Dad but I will keep my mind out for a better gift."

"You do that."

When Dad left I noticed a small dust bunny and saw that I could push it along the floor. I drove it one way then another as if it were a toy car. Eventually it fell apart and I had to look for more. After an hour I had to laugh at myself. I was growing into an adult and I was playing on the floor with dust. I tried to destroy the dust bunny I had. The method I used was to shear the strands the way I visualised in the museum. Soon I was a dust bunny killer but this was in the interests of science.

I had a bath while being careful with my bandages. When I stepped out of the tub I could have used Betts help two ways. I used the old standby while looking at her sitting on the couch downstairs in her house.

Mr Ramsey had said that my lines were like what an artist had to do. Making a drawing or two may prove his point or not.

I found that I could draw a three dimensional sphere very easily. It was just not my ability to visualise but the way I could control my muscles so well. I put shadow in my drawing after I thought of a mathematical way of representing it. The basic geometrical shapes were done before I started with a hand. I picked my own and found that I was better than I was before. It was getting late though and I set the alarm and went to sleep. I would not need to get up early to tinker with a crystal but I might if I wanted to draw.

My dream tonight was of the lowest caste, the servants. I watched a woman being harassed by a woman of tech class. It was not sexual but it was for dominance and control. The serving woman was going to do everything that was asked of her but the tech class woman had to be there and oversee every move. The servant was upset but apparently this was nothing new. She had learned over the years to go with the flow. There was little real work because the machines did most of this. Most were controlled by the servants but anybody had the ability.

The male was the servant of an aristocrat. This gave more standing to the man than if he were the servant of a tech or a researcher. The servant had to clean many pieces of clothing and put them away again. The cleanser when checked had no lint, dirt or even skin particles in it. The clothes that were put away were no cleaner or dirtier than they had been three time units before when they had been cleaned last.

The man and woman met at a cafeteria that was fed from the tanks of plant material that cleaned the air of the ship. As an observer I could not tell how good the food was but the two ate slowly.

At the end of the meal they put their trays away and went home. Once in the door they began to talk more and kissed each other. The man worked to make his mate happy and the woman did the same thing. They made love for over an hour or one decaunit. The two were happy with each other but their jobs were stressful. They went out again and picked up two children and took them home.

The children were kept in a creche. Some lucky mothers got to stay with their own children but some had to work. The two children were young and for a few decaunits, the parents could forget their problems. They watched a drama. It was not projected upon a screen but into a virtual screen in their minds. The same device had been used by the other classes and castes to show data. I too could see the images.

The images, dialogue and plot were geared for a human or somebody with a lower intelligence. It was not a children's show because of the sex, violence and adult themes. The dreams all had different castes. I saw that size, strength, aggressiveness and intelligence was different in each group. This could be a natural way of segregation but this had to be wrong. The level of technology was enough that all of them could be the equal of the aristocracy.

Just before the children had to be put to bed, an alarm rang and the man had to actually run off to see what his 'master' wanted. There were more servants but some things were only done by one or a few.

The woman sat with her children and talked of a better life one day. I knew that she felt that this would never come and this was as close as she could get to a fairy story.

The alarm woke me up. I turned and shut it off then thought about the dream. Instead of thinking about the servants directly I focussed on the drama. To my mind that was now awake I saw the movie as much better. In fact I knew that it may win an Academy Award for its many fine features.

Why had I seen it as drivel when asleep but a good movie when awake? Thinking of this question was difficult now and I had to work to keep it in focus. Soon I had to fight as hard as I had before to keep from taking Betts' virginity. Now I was worried. I could only think that somebody was trying to control me. This was not my body trying to dictate to me.

Images came of a naked Betts but I was not interested. Visions then came of the fight and I felt the pain again. Even through the pain I tried to push the thoughts from my mind. How had I been so foolish? I moved things with my mind and saw through walls. I saw the future but that happened since I was a baby. I was never worried about these new abilities as I should be. I may not need a rubber room but I needed much more time to think on how all of this happened.

I made hundreds of assumptions. I did not know what I based them on. It had to be something within my mind and it was causing me to think the way it wanted. Was I going to be a robot? I was told about the stars toward the Big Dipper. Was I being controlled by some aliens bent on taking earth? I saw the aliens in my dreams but I never reacted to them except to the way they treated each other.

Pain came again but I pushed it to the side as I tried to come to some sort of conclusion that was not fermented by some alien. Why was I suddenly interested in mathematics and mineralogy? Perhaps my interest in Betts was pushed upon me.

My own intelligence had been altered as well as the way I could remember facts. This meant that my mind was altered in some way. How could somebody do that from light years away?

Horrible scenes from the ship and from my own past flashed into my mind to get me to surrender. I knew if I did I would forget about all of this as if it never happened. I had to fight now but for everybody. Aliens were controlling me. I had to be of benefit to them for some reason. I could only see my domination as a result. The same thing the aliens worked at all the time.

I hurt with my old pain and my new ones but I could not stop. I heard a knock at the door then somebody calling my name.

"Come... in... Betts."

Betts came in and looked at me and her expression changed to fear. "What is wrong?"

"I... I guess I am not ready for school today. I have a splitting headache and I have to fight it off."

"Do you want me to get some aspirin?"

"No, I have to fight this just like I did Morton or I am going to be lost. Please just go to school. If I feel better I will ride my bike to school."

Same as Space
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My dream come true with my aunt

Hi……. I am Karan from jalandhar(punjab) aged 28 yrs, working in a govt organisation…….. having good body built. Height 5.7 ft This story is about a night when my dream come true to fuck my sweet n sexy aunt (father's sis) Her name is Ritu and her assets are mind blowing……… 38-28-36, she is 36 yrs and is very fair. I always use to mastrubate thinking about her, it was my wish to fuck her and my dream come true last month.. I live with my parents we have 2 bedrooms in our house, one is...

3 years ago
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Weekend Visit

Christine reluctantly picked up the ringing phone. She was feeling incredibly depressed. She didn't know if it was some kind of mid-life crisis or empty nest syndrome. All she knew was that she felt worthless. Her voice cracked as she answered the phone, "Hello?" "Mom?" Came a familiar voice over the speaker. "Michael!" Christine suddenly perked up as she recognized her son. "I'm so glad you called. How have you been? How's the college life treating you?" "It's going good,"...

3 years ago
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Mom Ko Banaya Randi

Hi desi hot sex story readers this is this is my 5th story. Ye story iss bare me he ki me kese ek police wale ki lust ke karan meri mom randi ban gai .Banaya. Mera naam rehan he or hum gwalior me rehte he or mere dad bank me manager he.Hum log ek duplex me model town me rehte he. Meri mom ki age 40 he or wo bahut sundar he. Unka figure 36-30-38 he. Unki height 5,6 he or rang gora he. Mere papa family pe jyada dhyan nahi dete he or jyada tar raat ko sharab piker hi ghar aate he. Iss karan se...

1 year ago
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Alone at the Party

‘Excuse me a moment,’ I say to the guy who has been talking my ear off about UFC for the past fifteen minutes and slip through the party to the restroom. You must have been watching me from across the crowd because you slip into the room with me before I pull the door shut. ‘Um, hi,’ I say, a bit taken aback. ‘Hi, yourself,’ you purr at me. ‘And what are you doing here?’ I mockingly inquire. ‘Coming to see you.’ Your hand reaches down and cups my balls as you plant an enormous sloppy kiss...

3 years ago
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A Model Boss Part Two of Three

A Model Boss - Part Two of Three Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on an idea by Parrie] Allen awoke on Saturday morning and got ready to go out en femme as he had every Saturday morning for years. This time, however, Allen knew that he was not going shopping in a supermarket or even for clothes. Allen realized that he was going to be around far more people and forced to interact much more than he wanted to en femme that day. After Allen finished shaving, showering, putting...

2 years ago
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Teresa Scalia Strikes Back

Some time had passed since the events at the community theater. (Read the Tale of Mrs. Teresa Scalia) Summer had arrived and the weather had warmed. Both Barbara Anderson's and Terri Scalia's sons were on the town's Little League team. Both mothers attended the games, but kept a diplomatic distance from each other. On the surface, things appeared to be calm. In fact, the comment in town was the best thing for Terri's disposition was her having been disrobed in public. Terri, however, was...

1 year ago
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LoneMilf Kylie Kingston MILF Master Of Pussy Pleasure

A big beautiful rack like the one on MILF Kylie Kingston is a rarity. Her tits are perfect – huge and luscious, and yet perky and bouncy. And as she lets them pop out of her top, her MILF pussy gets soaking wet. She vibes her clit with a huge toy, screaming like a banshee as she reaches new heights of orgasmic pleasure. Her big, thicc ass jiggles as she lies on the ground, spreading her legs and making herself cum over and over while she whimpers in delight. This MILF is a master of...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Savannah Bond Beach Bikini Slut Sc 2

Sexy blonde eye-candy Savannah Bond basks beachfront in the setting sun. She lustily shows off her big tits and sultry bikini bod. Studs Alex Jones, Air Thugger, Scotty P, Lucas Frost and Alex Mack have their meat out and ready for Savannah’s first blowbang ever! She deepthroats a big Black cock. Savannah spit-lubes, slurps and strokes the pricks, taking each in her thick-lipped, sensuous mouth. The blowbang escalates as the dudes dick-slap her tits and face. She submerges a giant black...

3 years ago
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Getting Mom Naked

Getting Mom naked!!!Due to this being a true story, I’ve changed our names so as not to embarrass my poor mom . . . . . . . again!.One day when I was 14, I was came back from school and turned into the driveway where mom’s car was normally parked and noticed that it was missing as mom would always beat me and dad back from school and work.Presuming that she was either shopping or round her friends, I let myself in and made a cup of tea to refresh myself while I got ready to take a bath....

2 years ago
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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 41

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts to fully know the context. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore but I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout me at After the exhausting session with Anna in the garage, I made up my mind to ready the office in the garage within 2 weeks. For the next two weeks, I worked hard and got the office ready. It has new carpet, a...

2 years ago
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Cocksuckers Booth 2

I am guessing this was about three months later I went back to the yellow adult arcade/bookstore. I pulled in around dusk and was somewhat surprised to see only about five cars. Oh well, as always, I could always wank it while watching blowjob videos. I came in and got some change (the machines took bills) and kind of looked around. The main room on the right after you enter the hallway looked dead, no lights on over the booths, nobody waiting. Oh well, would have to check out the left hallway...

2 years ago
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Criss n Kelly Part 5 A New Venture

Criss 'n Kelly Part 5- A New Venture By Old Timer Kelly and I finally decided that our time together was more important than any outside activities such as driving a racecar. On the other hand, we both enjoyed being a part of it and decided to form the Earhart/Martin team using her present employees for race prep and support. What we needed was a driver and our next adventure was to find the right one. We figured we needed some eye sucking outfits so Renee made me a special...

4 years ago
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Players Trick Book3

Jeremy strolled in to his office building, casually greeting his staff one by one. His appearance more or less a formality as this company was his solely. He was the creator and founder of Playa Industries. His start as a womanizer led him to incorporate his flair for writing in with his keen sense of business. He started writing self-help books for guys looking to "get the girl". His play boy life style often flaunted in the pages making those who read even more of believers in...

3 years ago
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The student who learns sex

I sat outside of the school on a little wooden bench. Looking up at it, I could not believe I had been there so long, I was eighteen finally. The wind blew through my long brown hair and made my eyes water. I tried to keep my skirt down as I ran into the building. As I walked down the corridor, it hit me how nervous I was. I could picture him that moment. The ashamed look on his face when he gave me the after school detention.I knew I should of got all my work done but it was either work or a...

3 years ago
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Memorable Nite Going Home

I remember it was late, I was meandering home after roaming thru a few bars downtown on a Saturday night That usually meant checking out one or two of the all nite Arcades hoping to maybe get lucky before reaching home. It seemed to be a slow night all around and I was about to give up and head out when I heard this woman say, "Are you looking for something baby?" I stopped in my tracks and looked into an open booth to the source of that voice. "Something like this?" There she was, Black...

1 year ago
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She Let My Dream Come True Before Her Wedding Day

"I'm sorry I can't accept your love. I really hope this would help ease your needs ..." Clara said to me, slide her pink underpant off her sexy long legs and handed it to me. That was three years ago, after my first and only attempt to advance on her sexually. Clara is a very close family friend of mine, and we grew up together like brother and sister. I've always loved her, but when she started to grow into a beautiful young woman and her sexy body blossoms, I started to grow my sexual desire...

Erotic Fiction
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The Package

Their cams set up, the night after the package arrived. She was wearing a fit V-neck black cotton t-shirt that clung to the soft curve of her hips just past her waist, what she wore beneath, if anything, was yet to be revealed, but the anticipation was already stirring his imagination and the blood began to rush to his cock and limbs. He was naked already as per her request. He is 5'10, athletic build just above average size cock, and completely hairless from the neck down as requested by...

3 years ago
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Babysitting the Neighbor Girls Part 2

Bob and Millie Jones went on a two-week cruise, leaving their two daughters, Beth and Ruth, with their next-door neighbor, Tom Jacobs, and his daughter, Cindy. Tom is a single Dad; his wife had died in an auto crash eight years ago. Cindy and Beth were the same age, fourteen. Ruth was thirteen. On the second day that Beth and Ruth stayed with them, Tom caught the three girls eating each other's pussies. From then until Bob and Millie returned home, Tom fucked Beth and his daughter Cindy....

4 years ago
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Virgins PetChapter 6

"No, I'm not mad, Gayle, but next time let me know and I'll get drunk with you." Ann Marie looked disapprovingly at the half-empty brandy bottle, then smiled and shrugged. "We can't tell your mother, can we?" "Nope." Gayle hiccuped and laughed. "I don't know what I'm going to do with you." Ann Marie slapped Gayle on the bottom. "I can't blame you for running around the house with just your panties on though, 'cause I do that all the time too." "I put Captain Marvel...

2 years ago
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Learning from my Black Master

Punctually, you again hear Andrew and his latest conquest begin foreplay before a long night of sex. It's become a habit. At first you didn't pay much attention to him: you're both young and it's normal for him to go out partying and come home with a girl, but over time, as you didn't, the sounds coming from his room kept you awake. Now, there is no weekend that you don't hear them, sometimes during the week. You chose the apartment because it was very cheap and Andrew seemed nice. He was a...

4 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 10

The girls used the phone to contact friends and I started to make lunch. We ate together as usual but this time Susan was talking of her plan. It had some thought put into it. I politely shot some holes in it so she could find ways to patch her strategy. The basement called me and I went down with a bit more hope in wringing out some information to make something that I had seen thousands of times. Jane made supper and she whispered to me, "They are still very excited. They called lots of...

4 years ago
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A Graduation Gift For My Brother

THE UNEXPECTED HAPPENSSusan Watson's cell phone rang as her car moved another ten paces and stopped in the morning commute."Hello?""Sue, Jill. Hey, Z88 just said your name as the winner of the Caribbean Getaway contest! You have ten minutes to call before they draw another name!""Oh my god, oh my god!! Okay, okay…uhm…""Bye!""Oh…yeah, okay, bye…thanks Jill!" Susan said as the other end of the phone went dead. Her heart pounded as she sought the radio station's number in her cell phone's memory....

4 years ago
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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk part 1

Sometimes being a slightly porky, nerd culture obsessed dork with specs, tight curly brown hair, blue eyes and a shy, awkward disposition has its perks.. Big boobed blonde babe Binky Brewster was the hottest girl in class and every horny mongrel and panting pip squeak lusted and drooled over the very ground she walked on. Sex had a name and she sat two rows in front of me flaunting her sizzling sexuality like the temptress she truly was. To bang that tight little snatch of hers was at the top...

1 year ago
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A Submissives Tale

Self consciously I walked out of my back garden gate, down a short alley then onto the main road. Looking at the number of people still about I wished we had arranged to meet later. My split to the crutch skirt gaped open with every step almost exposing my naked shaved cunt.The sheer chiffon black top I wore clearly showed that I was wearing a red PVC basque underneath that showed my nipples. To make me look completely like a whore I also wore red fishnet stockings and impossibly high "fuck...

2 years ago
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Jasons Power

I was fifteen on Thursday. No one wanted to come to the small party my mother gave me. Not even the beautiful summer day could stop my tears. "Hey, pretty girl! Why are you crying?" I saw a freckled-faced grin peering at me over the fence, with a shock of unruly red hair and glasses over his blue eyes. "Who are you?" I asked. "Jason Evans. My folks and I moved in yesterday. Can I come over?" "No. I want to be alone," I said in my best Greta Garbo imitation. In a moment, the gate...

3 years ago
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Life With sis Pt5

We woke up with the doorbell ringing and someone knocking. Steph went downstairs to check and it was her girlfriends. Mom and dad had gone to work and we were tired because we worked late. Steph called up to me and told me to come down, no need to dress.When I came downstairs both Terece and Lexie gave me a hug and a tug on my cock and said hello. We had some news to tell them and they couldn't wait to tell us something, they went first. They told us that they figured that they were more...

2 years ago
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Hidden Magic Ch 02

Welcomed Warmth…… Steam rose in the quiet room, the hot suds turned her icy limbs to mush. With a sigh, Kethry lay her head back against the giant sized tub and closed her tired eyes. Her first thoughts were the she had finally died and gone to heaven. It had been a while since she’d enjoyed the luxury of a hot bath. Normally she would bath in icy streams on her journeys……camping out and making the best of the wilderness around her. But tonight she needed the warmth, a moment to get away from...

3 years ago
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A dream vacation

We decided to get away for a weekend. Mary chose a hotel a very nice one too by the beach. As we were getting ready to leave the house I noticed she was wearing my favorite dress. Its skin tight, its a summer dress with blue and white stripes. Length wise its right above the knee. It's a spaghetti strap and her big tits look huge when she wears it. I always tell her to go panty less but she is very conservative, One could hope though. As we pull up to the hotel a young black man opens the door...

4 years ago
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Kellis Story

I watched him closely as the new guy made his way down the hall to his locker. There is something about this guy that I just couldn't put together. He was by far now the hottest guy in school, just about every girl has tried to get with him. He's about 6'2 with wavy blonde hair that falls in his eyes when he walks. He's eyes are the brightest shade of blue I have ever seen. His body is very well built. You can easily see the muscles ripple through is shirt. But he wouldn't give any of the...

3 years ago
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Ass Station by Dmnoid Literotica

"Good thing we left early. We need gas," Angela told her husband, Kurt. He grunted, not happy with the announcement, but taking it in stride. He was nervous. His k** brother was going to propose to his girlfriend tonight, and he'd invited the whole gang out to witness it. So, they were on their way to a posh drinking spot - formal ware required. So, Angela was in a beautiful blue silk evening gown, and Kurt was in a fancy black tie affair he'd had to rent.She pulled into the gas station. It was...

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Pats Surprise

Kevin and Pat always reserved a special time an Saturday for playing around, and this week was no exception. Pat is a little cutie at 5 foot 4 inches and a shade under 120.She has brown almost straight shoulder length hair and big deep brown eyes. Her chest was nice for her body some where around 34c.She has nice well rounded hips and a nice tight ass with long muscular legs with came from the exercise that she has done.Her husband Kevin is also a strong man. He is 5foot 8 inches tall and...

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SolaraChapter 2

We return to our main camp and after explaining to our children what is happening; we await the arrival of the Orlanan ship. Our children are excited to see other people and are running around trying to find out where the others will land. "Darling, Do you hear that?" she asks. "That is the noise from the atmospheric engines on one of our shuttles. It sounds like they are going to land in that large clearing toward sundown from us." We gather up our brood and walk toward the clearing...

4 years ago
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Bachelorette Bang

Found this confession.I am twenty-two and just recently got married to my boyfriend of four years. We just graduated last spring. We met in college, and he's kind of a typical frat boy. He already has a great job making really good money. I am from a very well-off family. In fact, my parents had a debutante party for me. I have short blonde hair, and guys love my body. I work out and have a six-pack stomach. I get hit on a lot if my fiancé-now-husband is not with me. I did something really...

1 year ago
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A Lonely Mom Loves Her Son Ch 1 3

My name is Margaret, but everyone calls me Maggie. I’m a 36-year-old single mother with one son. My piece of shit ex-husband left us nine years ago. We got married just out of college and a year later at the age of 22, my son, Ethan, was born. Almost from the moment I got pregnant, my husband stopped almost all affection. Men don’t seem to understand that during pregnancy our hormones are swirling like crazy and we are hornier than ever. However, there are a lot of men who either just...

1 year ago
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My new life

Hi, my name is Jessica, I'm 26 years old, i married my high school sweetheart as soon as i turned 18, I'm a nurse working at a local clinic, my husband Michael turns 27 next month, he is an accountant for a big company downtown, they allow him to work from home as much as he wants so long as he goes into the office once a week. We own a beautiful house on the beach, it has a guest house for when either of our families comes to visit, which sadly isn't often enough. My side of the family hates...

2 years ago
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A Bride chapter eleven

Mr. Patel was only too pleased to accept mum's promise that Jill would make a good and trustworthy tenant and he surprised us further."We will see what the lady is like first, but if my son says she good lady and no trouble, he will probably ask her to work in his shop, as he needs an assistant full time."That was brilliant news, I felt mum's hand squeezing mine as I asked for a bottle of vodka, a large bottle of coke and six cans of lager."I am think that you drink such a lot since your...

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Student Body

Dan was a divorced middle-aged man. He was 48 and living alone in a small apartment in town. Ever since the divorce he was becoming more ans more depressed, this was mostly due to the fact that he was unable to see his son Aaron anymore. Aaron had just turned 19. This was the last summer he would be spending at home, after the summer holidays he'd be off to college. That faithful evening, Dan was again dabbling into the occult. The only problem is: he was doing so drunk! After surfing the...

4 years ago
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Ashleys ghost problem

It was dead of night, not early or late, midnight to be exact. Ashley was asleep in her room, sound that was no less completely bare to what'd soon happen to her. Ashley was a sweet girl a bit ditsy at times but who wasn't. The eighteen year old was naked, butt exposed to the heat the made her strip down into nothing for the night in plain sight for anything that came in. She had soft skim, very to add..the color was a cross between pale and tan with nice tone of peach, hair that came down past...

Mind Control
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Uncle Bobs Charter BoatChapter 15

Bob blinked. His mouth opened, and then closed. It looked to Bob like both women leaned forward half an inch, but he might have been mistaken. He tried to think of the best way to respond. "I'm not sorry," he said on impulse. That covered how he felt, but then he worried that Jill might be sorry, and that it would put her under pressure. "That doesn't mean I expect you to be happy about it," he added. He looked at Mandy, who had cocked her head and was biting her lower lip, studying...

4 years ago
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Just Desserts

Again he is going to be late. This is the third night this week and she is wondering what it is that he does at work so late. Finally at 2 am she heads to bed alone again and cries for what seems like hours. Suddenly she feels the bed move and she lays still. He is home and thinks she is asleep and she wants to keep it that way. The last thing she wants tonight is an argument. He leans over her and gently kisses her face. He wraps his arm around her and is soon sound asleep. “Damn him” she says...

2 years ago
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Megaton Meddlings FMApocalypticFalloutFanfi

The way to Megaton wasn't far at all, but with how exhausted Jacob was each step felt like two. His thoughts were already circling around the question when he could make time to return, Amata's voice and face still vivid in his memory.He gave the beggar a bottle of water, greeted a few Megaton citizens and heard the voices chattering around him, but his mind was only half there as he closed the door behind himself, eager to catch up on sleep and just do nothing but think for a while.Wadsworth...

3 years ago
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The Power of Devotion

The Power of DevotionBy Patrick HepburnPART ONEINTRODUCTION To understand the unsettling story of Alessia and Jurij you have to know a little about their history and that of their country. Alessia came into the world on May 11, 1892, in a small village of the western part of the Fore-Caucasus, close to the city of Yekaterinodar; the first child of the officer Igor Vasiliev and his wife Larissa. And she was also their last as Larissa died soon after she had given birth to Alessia. Alessia...

1 year ago
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Darkness Inside

Special thanks to my friend Arizona1664 for checking it for me. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darkness Inside. I was born on a dark day. The day my loving mother ceased to exist. And the dark gray clouds filled my sky for years, since I've born. I'm in the shadows, in a flawless, cruel and lustfull night I discovered it was meant to last forever. The three of us...

2 years ago
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Chap1 Part1 When i learned about sex

Born: June 3,1991 When i started 2 learn about sex: Age:13-14 Learned by: phone and computer. Daily Life: Middle School, average student, gamer, average scores,7th grader Height: 5ft.'4in. Weight: 247lbs. (I was a bit fat) Ethnicity: Hispanic (im bilingual, mexican bloodline in both parents & theres a bit of genes involved in my story) Penis size: i cant remember my size. This was new to me at the time with no knowledge of size caring till 8th grade. I also learnedd about growt spurts and...

3 years ago
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An Early Lesson

I am just coming to the end of a very successful teaching career. I am respected within my profession and often newly qualified teachers ask me for advice. My response is always the same “maintain classroom discipline.” Until now I haven’t elaborated on this response however I think it is time to reveal how I learned this very important lesson. I had just qualified as a teacher and having undertaken a probationary period was now allowed to teach classes unsupervised. Everything had been going...

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Propositioning The Babysitter

Jack Niles was married for the last twenty years.  He and his wife were best friends.  They were each other’s soul mates.  They had a healthy sexual relationship and pleased one another.  Jack also had secret desires which he didn’t share with his wife.Jack was obsessed with breasts.  His wife had a small chest.  He begged her to get implants, however she was scared about her health.  She would get real mad at her husband for ever suggesting that she needed implants.  Jack’s obsession with...

3 years ago
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Oh BoyChapter 30

I woke up at what the clock said was six AM. There was no way the rest of the guys would be running this morning, but I needed to run. I needed all of the normal exercise my body was used to if I pitched today. I went downstairs to the back of the building and was doing my stretching when one by one, the others that I ran with yesterday came out and began stretching with me. I asked Loney, "How did you know I was out here?" He said, "The Bell Captain has a video monitor of back here, and...

3 years ago
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Boss Ki Sexy Ladki

ye kahani kuchh mahine pahle ki hai jab mai ek private company me kaam karta tha. Mai jis compani me kam karta tha us company ke boss mujhe bahut mante yhe. Mai apne kabiliyat ke bal par unka assistant ban gaya tha. Mai kuchh din me hi unke family se kafi ghul mil gaya tha. Unki ek ladki thi ka naam suman tha aur uski umar lagbhag 22 saal ki thi. Ab meri nigahein us par thi. Wo had se jyada sexy thi aur itni sundar thi ki jis din se maine use dekha tha mera man usi din se agaya tha. Wo bhi...

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Games People Play

I thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. I’d also like to add that we don’t always see eye to eye, they tell me off sometimes – well quite often really. Add to that, that I can’t leave a story alone and play around with it once its been returned by them. Anyway I take full responsibility for the content and any cock-ups in this story. Games People Play I’m not sure when it started really. Jo and I had been married twelve...

3 years ago
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Chronos Chronicles 3 Journey AroundChapter 18 New Enemies

Rich leads us back to the house. The two other boys have beat us there. They are sitting at the table looking sullen. Brin has a look of I told you so on her face. And Emma just looks confused. "What happened?" Emma rushes at us, as Catherine enters with Billy Ray slung over her shoulder. "Billy got in the way of Chronos' fist." Catherine says dryly. "We are fine, too." I say brightly. "We just need to talk." "The boys are fine, Emma." Rich gives her a sheepish grin. "But we...

1 year ago
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Dyked Kimber Woods Sarah Vandella Fuck The Attitude Out Of Her

Sometimes teenage girls are a little too much to handle. Thats when you want to call in Sarah Vandella. This hard ass blonde bitch is not to be fucked with. She finds out the issues, and gets down and dirty to correct them. With Kimber Woods, its simple. Shes violent, shes out of control, and she cant stop partying. Basically, shes on the path to becoming a full blown thot. No mother wants to see that happen. So, Sarah is hired to fuck the nasty attitude right out of Kimbers teenage cooch. As...

1 year ago
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The Witch and the Dragon Part 13

The water was cold, and dark, but the hands that gripped her ankles and pulled her down were colder. The babes in her womb stirred. Fear. Her babies were scared. Anger boiled in Alluna’s veins and her body began to glow beneath the inky black sea water. The mermaids’ faces looked at her in alarm. They were not pretty creatures. Their hair swirled around their scaly fish-eyed faces. Full lips pulled back to reveal their needle-like teeth as they dragged her deeper. “Release me,” Alluna...


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