Going To Class free porn video

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“Hi, Bridget, I’m Jason. It’s nice to meet you. It seems as though you need some help carrying your books.” I said as I looked her up and down. We had a couple of the same classes together and I think she caught me staring at her a few times in class. Today she was wearing a tight black tank top that enhanced her nicely shaped breasts. Under the tank top was a bright red bra. She had a short blue jean mini-skirt on, and high heels best described as modest stripper shoes. Her skin was tanned and she had her long brown hair pulled back into a pony tail. She had green eyes and soft pink lip-gloss on.

“I think you’re in my next class aren’t you? Economics in 305?” she asked me.

“Yeah, that’s where I’m headed right now.”

“Good, you can walk me there then.” She turned and we started to walk down the hall to class. I was about one step behind her, looking at her tight butt out of the corner of my eye. She would turn to look at me as we were walking because she probably knew I saw checking her out. Bridget and I walked into the classroom together. She sat down in the seat behind me. Class started, the professor was talking about something boring and I let out what I thought was a quiet sigh. I felt a tap on my shoulder, “Hey Jason,” Bridget whispered, “I dropped my pen under your seat, can you get it for me please?”

“Yeah,” I said as I got out of my seat, knelt down and grabbed her pen off of the floor. I saw her mover her feet while I was down there. I looked up and saw Bridget sitting with her knees apart, giving me the perfect view of her shaven pussy. It looked so perfect, like the girls in the porno magazines. I stared for a few seconds as I slowly got up. I handed her her pen, “Here ya go.”

“Oh thank you. Sometimes I’m just clumsy. Do you ever have those days where nothing seems to go your way?” She asked me.

“Yeah, I guess so. It seems that lately I have had a lot of those days. Until today, I felt like I was being punished for someone else’s mistakes. I don’t know. It’ll blow over.”

“I have had the same feeling. That’s weird, huh? Well, Jason, I think your luck might be turning around.”

“Excuse me?” The professor spoke up. “Do you two have something to add to my lecture?” I looked forward and he was looking at Bridget and me.

“No sir. I apologize.” He started blabbing again. I tried to pay attention, but I couldn’t get my mind off of seeing Bridget’s pussy twice within a matter of minutes.

A little while later, I felt her hand on my shoulder again. I turned my head and she was holding a folded white piece of paper between her fingers, “Here, read this,” she whispered to me.

I took the paper, unfolded it and began to read: I was saying, that I think your luck is going to change soon. I want you to know that I didn’t drop my book on accident; or my pen for that matter. I knew you were behind me on the stairs. I have seen you looking at me in class before, but I didn’t know how to approach you. Sorry, I’m kind of a shy girl. When I dropped my book, I wanted you to look up my skirt. I know, it was a corny ice-breaker, but I thought that was a good way to get your attention. When I knew you looked at me I had to stop at the top of the stairs and wait for you. When I asked you if we were in the same class I already knew we were. Jason, if you want to, I don’t have any plans tonight. I would like to hang out with you if you want. Either nod your head yes or shake it no after you read this so I know what you decide.

I turned around, looked at Bridget and said, “Hell yes. I obviously have been looking at you, but I am shy as well. I thought you were way out of my league, so I didn’t even bother talking to you or asking you out. I would love to take you out tonight. Let me know what you want to do or where you want to go.” I turned back around to face the front of the class. I had a big grin on my face the rest of the day.

As class ended, we stood up and started walking out of the room. Bridget grabbed my arm as I started to walk down the hall. “How am I supposed to tell what I want to do tonight if you walk away? There is a putt-putt golf thing on 14th Street . Can you be at my room at 5:30? Here is my phone number and my dorm room.”

“OK, I’ll be at your room at 5:30. Just to let you know, I kick ass at mini golf. I’ll see you later.”

“OK, bye Jason. It was nice to officially meet you.” She turned around and walked down the hall. I just stood there, watching her ass sway back and forth in the tight jean skirt.

I walked back to my dorm room, went in, sat on the bed and let out a joyful sigh. I still had the grin on my face. My room mate, Paul, was about to walk out the door and said, “What the fuck are you so happy about?”

“You know that girl I told you about? Bridget?”

“Yeah, what? Did she catch you checking her out again?”

“No. We are going out tonight. Long story, short: I walked with her to class and she told me she wanted to go out with me tonight. She’s just as shy as I am, so she didn’t know how to approach me. Look.” I handed him her note. “Don’t worry about the dropping the book or pen parts. I’ll tell you about that later.”

Paul read the note, looked up at me and said, “Hell yeah bro. That’s awesome! Too bad I’m going home for the weekend or I would have you tell me all about it when you get back. I guess I’ll have to wait ‘til Sunday night. It’s my mom’s birthday, so my dad is throwing her a big birthday party all weekend long. I’d invite you, but you got better plans.”

“I don’t know about better plans. She said she wanted to go putt putting. I made up some line that I was the best at mini golf. I’ll tell you about it on Sunday. Have a good time and tell your mom ‘happy birthday’ for me will ya?”

“I will. Don’t have too much fun there Arnold Palmer. See ya Sunday.” Paul grabbed his bag and walked out the door. I grabbed my shower stuff and walked down to the bathroom. After my shower, I took extra care in making sure, I was on point. 5:15 came around and I was out the door. I got into my truck and drove over to Bridget’s dorm hall. I called her and told her I was going to wait in the lobby for her. She told me to just come up, she was almost ready, she didn’t have her shoes on yet. I walked up to the second floor, down the hall and found room 223.

I knocked on the slightly cracked open door, “Its open, come on in and have a seat. I’ll be right there.” She said. I walked in, looked around a bit and sat on the chair by her desk. I was looking at her pictures when I heard her walk around the corner from the sink area. I turned my head to see her. Bridget had a sexy little school-girl outfit on. The white shirt was tied just below her braless cleavage and her plaid skirt barely covered her pussy. I could see black underwear under the skirt. She had white thigh high stockings on and some really sexy “hooker boots,” as I call them. Her hair was down and she was wearing the black-framed glasses like Drew Carey’s. She looked amazing! “Hi Jason. How are ya?”

“Uh,” I swallowed hard. “I’m good. Damn! You look amazing!” I slowly moved my eyes down to her feet and back up to her face. “How are you supposed to play mini golf in that?”

“I never said I wanted to play mini golf. I just said that there was a place on 14th that had mini golf. I have other plans in mind. If that’s OK with you? Were you set on playing mini golf tonight?”

“No, that’s fine. Actually I suck really badly a putt-putt. I just tried to make you think I was good so you would be nervous. But if you, obviously, don’t want to go, that’s fine with me.” I couldn’t believe my eyes. Bridget started to slowly walk toward me. I could feel the lump in my throat grow with every step. I tried to close my mouth and swallow it, but I couldn’t. “Um…”

“Ssshhh. Don’t talk. I want to be the teacher tonight. You can be my student and we can practice role playing. I want to show you things that you don’t learn in class.” She got over to me, placed her hand on my chest and straddled me, sitting on my lap, facing me.

“I thought you were the shy type?” I asked her.

“Yeah, I just said that to make you feel better. I’m not real shy; I just don’t always know the best way to approach a guy that I like. I like you Jason and I think you’re hot. I like it when I catch you looking at me. It makes me feel good. A lot of guys look at me, but when I look back at them, they always wink at me or do some dumb shit that they think is hot like blow me kisses or something. You just turn away real quick when I look at you, like you are embarrassed. I like that. I like knowing that you find me attractive. And now that I have you, I don’t want to let you go. I want to show you that I like you too, and I had to figure out a way to get you and me alone. My room mate is out with her boyfriend and she’ll be back later, but we have some time ‘til then.” She leaned in and kissed me. I reached up and brushed her hair out of our faces. She threw her head to the side, moving her hair over and returned her lips to mine. Her lips were soft and tasted like cherries. It must have been the lip-gloss.

Her hands were around my neck as she opened her mouth and started to stick her tongue into mine. I returned the favor, and our tongues danced wildly around each other. She moved her hands down to my chest. I’m not trying to brag, but I was in really good shape. I was 6’ 2” and weighed 205 pounds. I had been working out religiously since I was fourteen. I was an avid swimmer and mountain biker as well. She placed her hands on my chest and said, “Oooh, I like what I feel. You workout?” She asked but already knew the answer. “I love a guy in good physical shape. Let’s see what we have under this shirt.” She moved her hands down my stomach and started to lift my shirt up. As my shirt came up over my stomach, it exposed my abs. Not the perfect 6-pack style, but they were toned. “Mmmmmmm, nice abs!” She continued lifting my shirt up over my chest and off over my head. “Damn, you do work out. I like that.” She brought her hands back down to my chest and softly dug her fingernails into my skin.

My hands found their way to her ass and I began to rub and grab her cheeks. Her ass was nice and firm. She must work out too; she definitely took care of her body. She leaned down and started to kiss my chest. As she did, I quietly moaned. “You like that?” She asked me.

“Yeah, that feels good. I love your ass. It’s nice and firm.” She picked her head up off my chest and started to kiss me again.

“Yeah? Well, these are firm too,” she said as she sat up, grabbed my hands, and brought them up to her breasts. She placed her tits in my hands and had me rubbing them in no time. “You like those too? I love to play with them. People ask me if I got a boob job. I tell them that I am 100% natural.”

“Wow! They’re great! Yeah, I like these.” Bridget arched her back, making her tits stick out from her chest more. I took my hands away and just looked at them for a few seconds. When I did this, Bridget reached up and started to untie her shirt. “Hold on. Let me do that.” I put my hands back to her chest and slowly untied her shirt. I had it untied, but I didn’t pull it off. I let it sit there as I ran my hands up underneath her shirt, feeling her soft-skinned mounds. They must have been a full C-cup. Her nipples poked me in my palms and her breasts easily filled up my hands. I moved my hands down a bit to get her nipples between my finger tips. I pinched her nipples and she let out a soft moan. I could feel the blood pumping into my cock, hardening it. Bridget felt this too because she started to slowly grind her pussy over my shorts on my cock. I moved my hands off of her tits, pulling the shirt with them. They looked even better than they felt. She was so hot. After I pulled her shirt off of her arms, she reached up and grabbed her tits, rubbing them. My hands returned to her ass and I helped her grind on my cock, pushing and pulling her hips back and forth. She leaned in to kiss me and ran her hands down my chest, over my stomach and to my belt. She slid back on me a little, unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned my shorts. She slightly stood up so she could unzip my pants and slide them off of me with my boxers. My cock, now fully erect, popped out from under my shorts and stood at attention.

Bridget looked down at my throbbing shaft. “Oh my, you are in good shape all around huh?” She grasped my dick and started to massage it as I returned my hands to her tits. I rubbed her and pinched and twisted her nipples. Bridget started to moan which made me even hotter. She pushed my cock up so the tip was sitting near my belly button and started to grind her pussy on it.

“Wait, that kinda hurts. Your underwear is rubbing on me.”

“So take them off.” She stood up and twisted around to face away from me. She pushed her ass out which made her plaid skirt lift up, exposing the bottom half of her perfect ass. I slid my hands up her ass and grabbed a tiny little black string at the top of her cheeks. I started to pull down and as the string came out of her ass, she grabbed the front of them, bent over, and helped me pull them down to her ankles and off. When I sat back up from taking her g-string off, she stayed bent over. Her semi-wet pussy and perfect ass were staring me in the face. I grabbed her hips and pulled my face into her. I started to lick up and down her slit. Her juices tasted so good and she smelled the same as her lip-gloss tasted. She looked up at me and smiled as she reached back and started to stroke my cock. Bridget turned around and got on her knees. She still had my hard-on in her hand, placed it into her mouth and started to bob her head up and down on my shaft, moving her hand with her lips. I grabbed her head, pulling her hair back so I could watch her take the full length of my cock into her mouth. She opened her eyes and looked up at me. I pulled her gently, by the head and brought her face up to mine. I stuck my tongue into her mouth and twirled it around hers. She shuffled her feet to either side of mine, again, straddling me. Her hand still on my cock, she aimed it at her wet entrance, and slowly sat down onto me. She was so tight that I felt the head of my prick ‘pop’ into her.

“Holy shit Jason. Either I’m really tight or you have a huge cock. That feels great!” She exclaimed. She had to lower herself slowly onto my dick. I could see the pleasure and pain in her face as she went down. She got half way down my shaft, and slid back up. She sat there for a second to catch her breath. She then lowered herself again onto my hard-on, this time taking the full length of it inside her. She was tight, but her juices were almost dripping out of her so she was nice and lubed. She sat there, with the length of me inside and started to grind on me. My hands went back up to her tits and I started to flick her nipples and pinch them again. Her hands both went over to her left side, and unzipped her plaid skirt, letting it fall to the floor. She leaned back and put her hands on my legs for support. I looked down and saw that my dick was fully inserted into her wet pussy and her juices had covered the area around the base of my shaft.

“Oh my god that feels so good!” I told her. Bridget started to move back up my shaft. She rose so only the head of my dick was in her and then slid back down again. She did this very slowly a few more times, making sure she was wet enough to make it slide easily in and out. She started to move up and down faster now. And as she got down to the base of my cock, she would rock her hips back, to rub her clit on me. I brought one hand down, placed it on her clit and started rubbing it. Her pussy flinched and tightened up when I did this. I pushed my dick deep into her when she tightened her pussy. I was so far in I could feel her cervix pressing against my head.

Bridget started moving up and down faster. “Oh my god that feels so good,” she said. “Oh Jason, fuck me, fuck me.” ‘OK’ I thought to myself. I started to push hard and deep into her each time she came down on my shaft. Her pussy was getting hotter and it was tightening up. “Oh my god, I’m gonna cum Jason. I’m gonna fucking cum!” She yelled.

“Come on, I want your juices all over me,” I said as I pushed harder and faster into her cunt. As we fucked faster, I felt my balls start to tighten up. I twitched my cock inside her and she let out another scream of pleasure. As I felt the cum traveling up my cock, I grabbed her hips, and started to lift and pull her up and down faster. “I’m gonna cum all over you!” I told her.

“No, fucking go inside me. I want to feel you hot load in me. Oohh fuck!!” She started to bounce faster. “I’m cumming. I’m fucking cumming Jason!” She yelled as she dug her fingers into my legs.

“Here it comes,” I said as I shot my wad into her wet pussy. I pumped and twitched my cock inside of her cunt as hard as I could. I pushed deeper than I ever had before. I could feel her clamp down on my cock as she climaxed which made me finish stronger and harder than ever before. I pumped a few more times, making sure I pushed the whole load of cum out of my cock into her pussy.

She leaned forward, brought her hands up, grabbed my face and pulled me to her to kiss me. She was breathing heavy, trying to kiss me between breaths. She sighed heavily, “Oh my god. That was so good. I haven’t had an orgasm like that in forever. Your cock is so big Jason. I love the feel of you inside me.”

“I haven’t cummed like that in a long time. I think I totally drained my balls inside you. You are so hot, outside and in!” We sat there on the chair for a minute, kissing, trying to catch out breath. “I gotta tell you Bridget, when you ‘dropped’ your book earlier, I wanted to pull my cock out and fuck you right there. And in class when I picked up your pencil. That was so hot. My cock got instantly hard seeing your pussy.”

“I know, I saw it sticking out after class. I would’ve let you fuck me right there on the stairs too. I don’t care if people watch me fuck; it actually turns me on even more.” She stood up and let my cock slide out of her dripping pussy. I was still semi-erect as she stood up. “Not trying to rush this, but my room mate will be back soon. What do you wanna do?”

“Do you wanna go play putt-putt for real now?”

“No, sorry, I don’t like it. Like I said, it was just a ploy to get you to come over here.” Bridget grabbed her clothes off of the floor, walked over to her closet, put them away and got some other clothes out. She unzipped her boots and took them off with her stockings.

I stood up, grabbed my clothes and started to put them back on. “Well, what do you want to do now? I don’t wanna make this awkward, but it’s kinda turning into that.”

“Well, where is your dorm?”

“I’m across on the west side of campus, but, my room mate is gone for the weekend. You wanna go over there before your room mate gets back? We can figure something out I’m sure.


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Losing Virginity To A Hot Classmate

Hey guys, this is my first indian sex story here. I’m from Vellore, Tamilnadu. 19 years old. I’m a tall guy and I have a 6-inch dick.The story I’m going to narrate happened to me and my classmate. Into the story, the heroine of the story is my classmate and this happened some months ago, let her name be XYZ. She looks so hot and she has the best ass that anyone can die for. So, like others, I also used to stare at her ass quite a lot. It was mid of the semester and we were going through model...

3 years ago
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From Bus To Bed In 3 Months With My Classmate

Hi ISS readers this is Sam. First of all I like to thank Indian sex stories for providing a wonderful platform to share our stories and sex feelings. Please forgive me for any of my mistakes. Coming to the story This is a story is of me Sameer(sam) age of 24 years old , fair and doing my masters. I stay in Bangalore And my tool is 6.5 inches long and 2 inches thick. And the heroine of story is Shweta age 23. Her figure size is 36,34,38. Fair and bit fat girl. She leaves just by next layout from...

3 years ago
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Banged My Classmate

Hi and hello to all my dear ISS friends. Myself Amit and I am from Delhi. This story is all about how I banged my classmate at my room. Lets come to the story. I was preparing for civil services and was taking coaching from a reputed coaching centre in mukherjee nagar. There was a girl named simranjeet. She was so gorgeous that all the time I used to look her and dreamt to fuck her. One day I got a chance to talk with her. She was absent one day and next day she came late and fortunately sit...

2 years ago
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Slave For My Classmate

Hello everyone, I am Ravin 25 yrs male, this is my first story in ISS … So please give me your support ….. Before going to story , little intro about me, As I told before I am Ravin 25 yrs old male but still virgin height 6.3ft weight 75kg, average body. From my childhood I am so submissive and I would like to live in nude but I didn’t have chance to live like that. I finished my pg(mca) and seeking jobs in chennai. I love femdom, cfnm and cuckold stories… Here I submitting my story full...

3 years ago
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In Love With Classmate

Hi friends. This is Vibin. This is my first story. I am not a good writer. Still I am writing this because I want to share my pleasurable moments with you. OK. I am coming to the story. My native place is Thiruvananthapuram, capital city of Kerala. My look is average not much handsome. I took my B.Tech degree from Kerala University Trivandrum campus. For the 1st and 2nd year, I was a kind of shy person and usually I talk to only boys. Things are changed when BSNL started student suvidha plan...

2 years ago
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Invited For Threesome But Enjoyed All Alone With My Juicy Classmate

Hi friends. I am Arun and I am 23 years old. I am here to share with you my real life sex experience with my classmate. Me, Mohammed and Karthika were friends and we got to know each other in a spoken english class. Mohammed is 2 years elder than me and Karthika is 3 years elder to me. Mohammed looks fine and Karthika is an awesome babe. She is fair with broad and fleshy arms, quite good structure and is very cute. Whenever she is not with us, Me and Mohammed used to talk wild about her as to...

4 years ago
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Sex with old classmate

My name is gagan and m 21 years old n single , living Based in abu dhabi, uae. This is about my first experience with my old classmate, Which is still going on. I did my bachelors here in abu dhabi as my parents were here, and we had a Fantastic time during our college days. Ours was an institute consisting of a Small group of students in each batch. There were only 4 boys including me in Our class of 20 students. All of us were friendly and open to each other & we used to talk about...

1 year ago
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Fucking with my classmate

Hi this is Pabby again with my 1st experience with my classmate and her elder sister If any gal, lady or group of females or any couple want to be in touch with me my e-mail id In the college we have to take up project work to gain experience in handling realistic projects. A major part of this involves doing literature research and writing a thesis. Our project team had two members that included a girl classmate, Penny. We were writing the report and for this we decided to work undisturbed at...

2 years ago
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Date with a classmate

It is four days before Valentines day and you have wanted to ask a classmate out for some time. You decide Valentines day is good for a date. You just need to decide on who you want to ask out and just go for it. First there is Madeline James from Calculus. She is 18 years old. Her best features are her blonde hair thats always in a ponytail and her smile that is heartwarming. You don't know how someone with braces could have such a beautiful smile. She is petite. She always wears sundresses....

2 years ago
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Extra classes

This is my first story so please be a bit easy on me. I would love your suggestions for my future stories and you are most welcome to point out my mistakes (although I’ll try not to commit any) And now for the story… Here it goes… It was maybe about 3 months ago that I had joined a private coaching center because I was lagging a bit in studies and my parents wanted me to score well. It was their idea to send me to a coaching center so that I could get some help and perform better and after a...

2 years ago
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How I Met Karens Clit Improvising In Band Class

III and IV are next, both together. Then, the conclusion to this memorable day. Thank you so much for the positive reaction to Affairs of a Family in Sin! That meant a lot to me and there will be more to come! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b]How I Met Karen's Clit / Improvising In Band Class Volume V -- Tales Of Sport And Hunting : Part Two [/b] Through fox's...

2 years ago
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Wilson Classes

A brief history of "The Convergence" What we now call "The Convergence" began in 2015, with Pilgrim Pharmaceuticals announcement of a vaccine to prevent against most forms of cancer. They had been quietly testing it on 1,000 people for over 2 years and had been running a 10,000 person clinical trial for another year. Not one of these people, which included a significant number of "high risk" patients was diagnosed with any form of cancer. The US FDA, and counterparts across the globe,...

3 years ago
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Spanish Class

Betty had thought it quite funny at the time. She and Martha, both sixty-five-years-old, had joined other granny-aged women and men at the Spanish class organised by the local social group. Everyone in the group was at least in their sixties, and some much older.Catalina had agreed to run the classes. She was eighteen-years-old and a student at the local college, and thought that helping all the oldies would be good fun, as well as good training for her chosen career as a teacher. However, she...

3 years ago
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The Wrong Class

The Wrong Class Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When school started I was a fresh faced Sophomore, still fighting my insecurities, acne, and growing pains, freedom was in sight, but not attainable just yet. The school was huge, compared to what I was familiar with, yet like so many other kids, I managed to find my way around, getting lost only a few times. Because of the large number of students, and before we even left the middle school, we were issued a sign up sheet and...

3 years ago
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Andee Poses For A College Art Class

There weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Andee Poses For A College Art Class

There weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Teaching the Girls Part 2 The Morning Class

As I explained earlier, the school where I teach is an all girl school in south central Iowa. The class size is about 15-20 students per classroom, with each graduating class population being between 30 and 40. It's a good group of kids, with parents who are able to and willing to send their girls to an private school. We are actually fortunate to have enrollment numbers like this. We would be right at the point in our Physiology class where we were finishing up discussing the differences...

1 year ago
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Exhibtionists Art Class

Not my Story - RepostSummer of sexual debauchery for exhibitionistDuring my job as a nude male model for an art class at the local college, I realized I loved being naked in front of women. After each class, I would race home and jack off. As I stroked my cock, I would think off the many eyes that had devoured my naked body during the two hours I posed nude. I'm sure some women, judging by the way they had looked at me, would go home, think of me, and masturbate, or fuck their boyfriend or...

2 years ago
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Editing Reailty Book 2 Chapter 7 The Naughty Classroom

Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Seven: The Naughty Classroom By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 James Davies Myles Waller strolled up to me, tie loose, a big grin on his friendly face. “Hey, James, my man.” “Hey,” I said, the other students of Rainier Christian College streaming around us, heading to the cafeteria or other parts of campus during the lunch break. “What's up.” “Wonder Woman,” Myles said, pausing before me, his voice low. I sighed. Another guy wanting me to...

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Used in class

“Alright Class!” our teacher Mr Batelli said in a commanding voice as he walked in. He was about 6 foot 4 with Dark hair that was parted, and the sides kept short. He had olive skin because I am pretty sure that he was Italian. His gray eyes were something that would catch me off guard whenever I was able to look into them. He was a fit man that always had clothes that accentuated his physique. Today was a gray collared shirt that was not tucked in but lay right at his belt line. He had a...

1 year ago
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Sex education the first girls class

Introduction: What it says on the tin The first Girls class Cassandra smiled as she watched her first class of the year troop in. There had been a good turnout after the exact nature of the lesson was explained and the students sworn to secrecy on pain of expulsion. As the year 11 girls took their seats she appraised them silently. They were a good looking group of young ladies for the most part, though that partly because the ugly girls had mostly declined out of embarrassment. The eldest was...

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Caught Cheating in Spanish Class

All the grandpa and granny aged men and women were sitting in the classroom waiting for Catalina and Alondra and were chatting quite happily and didn’t notice the two teenage teachers walk in. However, as soon as Catalina called out loud and with a sharp tone of voice, “Buenos noches”, everyone immediately stopped talking.Catalina went to the front of the class and sat at her desk whilst Alondra sat at the back at her usual desk near the door.Catalina had with her a bundle of papers which the...

1 year ago
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Sex education the first girls class

Cassandra smiled as she watched her first class of the year troop in. There had been a good turnout after the exact nature of the lesson was explained and the students sworn to secrecy on pain of expulsion. As the year 11 girls took their seats she appraised them silently. They were a good looking group of young ladies for the most part, though that partly because the ugly girls had mostly declined out of embarrassment. The eldest was almost 17, the youngest 15 (she had skipped a year and...

2 years ago
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Sex education the second girls class

Introduction: More in the class room The Second Girls Class Very good Amanda, very good technique. Cassandra praised the schoolgirl Now try to deep throat it. Behind her desk the young Asian teen took the dildo she had been sucking out of her mouth, holding it before her like a bridal bouquet But miss I… she began, Cassandra gave her a flinty smile, somehow reassuring and slightly menacing at the same time. Try, I know you have had trouble with it but the only way to improve is to practise....

3 years ago
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Teaching The Class

She had always wanted to be a teacher. Maybe it was all the great experiences she had with teachers as a kid. But Jessica Anderson had always wanted to be a teacher. People would always say she was too beautiful to be a teacher though, too sexy. They also thought she was too wild, and they were probably right. She became a teacher though, and she taught for almost a whole year until something happened. She taught two classes, math, and health. A little out of the ordinary, but she was a great...

2 years ago
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College Humiliation 8211 Part 2 Human Anatomy Class

Before continuing with the second part, let me give a brief background about this human anatomy class. This story is of a country that was male dominant. A girl studying in a college commits the mistake of stealing the exam paper. She is punished and humiliated by the Dean. She is stripped nude and punished. The main character of this story is Juhi, and she is narrating this. The Dean had asked all college students to go to their classes. He ordered me to go to my class as well. I was stunned...

1 year ago
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Sex Ed in Miss Kinnys Class

I’m Adam, and I am 6’4, 180 lbs. and fairly muscular. I attend a catholic high school, and live in Canada. This is my story about a teacher giving “sex ed” classes. She walked in, the 24 year-old goddess, Miss Kinny, the LA teacher for my school. Her long red hair and D-cup breasts made every boy in the school want her, not to mention some of the girls. So when she walked into class that day, in a low cut top, mini-skirt and black leather boots that went up to her knees, most mouths in the...

4 years ago
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Sex education the second girls class

“Very good Amanda, very good technique.” Cassandra praised the schoolgirl “Now try to deep throat it.” Behind her desk the young Asian teen took the dildo she had been sucking out of her mouth, holding it before her like a bridal bouquet “But miss I...” she began, Cassandra gave her a flinty smile, somehow reassuring and slightly menacing at the same time. “Try, I know you have had trouble with it but the only way to improve is to practise. Have you been doing your prep?” “Well, no miss....

2 years ago
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Sex In An Empty Classroom

Having lost my virginity to an older woman a few years earlier, I had been on a quest for my next sexual experience. It seemed that every girl that I would meet instantly became the object of my sexual desires. I guess that is what an undersexed teenager’s mind will do. Admittedly, there were moments of heavy petting over clothes with other girls and an occasional hand inside of a bra, but the ultimate score continued to elude me. There so many doubles and triples a guy can hit before growing...

College Sex
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The FreshmanChapter 2 The First Day of Classes

The next day Jason went over to Ken's room to see about getting breakfast. Ken was sitting at his desk, fiddling with a camera lens with a frustrated look on his face. He had not bothered to get dressed yet, but quickly slipped on a pair of shorts, sandals, and a Hawaiian-style shirt. The two college students ate by themselves, as Ken showed a class roster to Jason and gave him an interesting piece of news. "Check this out. Looks like we're in the same section of Life Drawing. First thing...

2 years ago
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Speech Class

Nothing really noteworthy happened whilst riding down the street. I did nearly get hit by a black Buick, but then again, people suck at driving in my town, so it happens at least once a week. I arrived at the last crosswalk/ stoplight and saw a girl from my Speech class. She looked over her shoulder and gave me a warm greeting. “Hey Andrew! How’s it goin’?” I couldn’t hear her on account of my headphones blasting Metallica into head. I put my song on pause and took a headphone out of my ear....

4 years ago
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The Film Class

The Film Class*Please understand that the era of this story included true social experimentation, up to and including at the levels of graduate university studies. “Far out” events, like the following, really did occur. If they were not sanctioned by administrations, they were, at least, tolerated or ignored.By 1970, my wife, Janet, had a true athletic fitness and had changed her hair, from what had been light brown, to a true bright blonde color. It was an excellent combination with her Nordic...

4 years ago
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Sitting In Class

I grew up in a rather conservative household, but that was always fine because I was never one to go out and party and get involved in such things. I was fine staying home and living vicariously through my friends. Eventually I graduated high school and got to college. I was still a quiet kid, I got along with my roommate well enough, and I was usually able to find some people to have dinner with or walk to class with . So it was a pleasant time. But I did have a secret. Somewhere along the way...

First Time
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The classifieds

He must have been out of his mind!!! Putting an ad in an underground paper personals section was totally nuts, but for some reason he had this strange urge to see and touch a woman who was six or seven months pregnant!!! Several weeks went by and Vance had pretty much had forgotten all about placing the ad, until then one day his mail box contained a letter of a thirty three year old woman who wanted to meet him!!! Excitedly he read her letter and found out that she was married but her husband...

1 year ago
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Sex ed The girls class

Helen Boyer surveyed glanced up at the clock on the classroom wall and with a couple of hard raps on her desk with the butt end of a ruler, quickly brought her fifth period Human Sexuality and Family Planning class to order!!! "Okay everyone," she ordered, "please open your books to chapter eleven, page two hundred fifty two, today we're going to be discussing condoms and when we should be using them!!!" "Now, how many of you use condoms when engaging in sexual intercourse, please raise your...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 224 Advanced Aikido Class

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 (Continued) Leaving school was almost a feeling of déjà vu, as there was a crowd waiting for me in the parking lot, mostly of middle-school girls. We were spotted and mobbed by the hordette, asking, "Is it true?", "Are you really rich?", "Are you really a millionaire?" Etc. They let Julia and me through to the car and my sisters. Thank goodness my mobs have all been made of people smaller than me; hordes would be terrifying if I was Julia's size compared to...

4 years ago
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The Sex Education Class

Dear Reader, This short story is my way of paying tribute to a British actress -Joyce Grenfell. A gifted musician, talented film actress, witty & entertaining writer and of course, Queen of the comic monologue – Joyce Grenfell was a woman of many talents. In the 50s and 60s she wrote and performed a number of comic monologues centred around a much harassed schoolteacher trying very hard to maintain control over a class of increasingly unruly children. Although this is not in any way, shape...

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