SandcastlesChapter 57 free porn video

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For the next two weeks the smell of seared flesh and feminine squeals drifted up from the cellar. I had a special project for Simone and Janey and they needed to get it right the first time. I had my reasons. Sally and Nicole, at first alarmed by the screams and the smell, were kept at bay and in the dark. Simone and Janey were sworn to absolute secrecy and, I'm proud to say, they kept their word.

After the two teenagers had completed their practice each day, I did my own. Again, I had my reasons for getting this right the first time. When not practicing in the cellar, working or keeping my two fiancées sexually satisfied, and they were becoming as insatiable as myself it seemed, I was busy setting up the next Family Day.

This one would be special, well, they all were, but this one would be a one-of-a-kind special day. I made several trips to The Guild by myself, bringing home most of the packages myself and hiding them in the garage, forgoing the usual delivery. I wanted this to be a surprise.

Finally, after a very, very long two weeks, the morning arrived. It was breakfast in bed for my two darlings, cooked by two very able nubile and excited teenaged assistants and myself. I took extra care with Sally and Nicole's grooming that morning, shaving them myself, bringing them to shuddering climaxes time and again with my talented fingers. The vibrating razor, unnecessary for that short length of stubble, was liberally used as well, so I had a little help. Nothing was too good for them today.

Janey and Simone helped me with their mothers' hair. I could never quite get the knack of that French weave, and, as Sally and Nicole saw that particular hairstyle being applied, both got into a submissive state of mind. They didn't know what was planned for today, but they had been given their first clue.

I had laid out the teens' clothing in their rooms while they were braiding hair. Coming back to the master bath I told them that they were to kneel the women at the end of the bed, go get dressed, then dress their respective mothers in the outfits in the boxes on our bed. Then they were to wait for the music. From there they would have to follow my cues.

I got a couple of strange looks, but no questions. I was a little surprised, but I guess they were getting used to me and figured they would go along for the ride. Besides, they had had fun before. Why not now? Besides, what choice did they really have?

I dressed in the special attire I had for the day, and walked barefoot into the living room just as the doorbell rang. The first guests had arrived.

Thorny, our old family friend, stood at the door with his wife, Margaret, and his daughter, Judith. I shook his hand and hugged the two women. The women looked radiant and not as hard-edged as I remember. Maybe it was just the memory of the pain of bringing Judith's possessive attentions to a gentle, but permanent end that made me mentally picture the mother and daughter as witches with switchblades. Still, today they looked and acted softer or something. Damn, if Judith had acted like that back then, who knows... ?

They had a dozen questions, most unspoken, again uncharacteristic of these particular women. I saw both women hesitate before speaking, looking to Thorny for permission. What?!!! Nah, it couldn't be...

Whatever the case, Thorny seemed to be in charge, at least for the moment and he had the discretion not to pester me with questions. Even as nervous as I was, I still noticed that though the women were as mystified as Thorny as to why they were here, they kept their questions to themselves. I had only asked them to stop by for a little get together, which was unusual as it had been a long time since the last time.

Surprisingly, Judith did not linger over me, but stayed glued to her father's side. I don't know if I was more surprised or disappointed. Well, not disappointed but, well, you know. I wondered if I had lost my appeal or something for a brief moment, then remembered my four devoted women in the next room.

Judith had never been one to be shy, just the opposite. I raised my eyebrow at Thorny across the room and nodded my head at Judith. Beaming with pride he put his arm around her in a not-so-fatherly manner and mimed "Rosen's Clinic" back at me. His wife saw his action and just snuggled into his side, no evidence of jealousy whatsoever. My God! I'd created a monster!

The next to arrive were Mac and CeCe. Mac was carrying a battered aluminum briefcase, which he handed to me as he came in.

"Ah, Gee, Mac. You shouldn't have," I joked.

He looked at me kind of funny, "I didn't. It's not mine and CeCe said it isn't hers. It showed up with you and Simone, so, here it is. And you're welcome, by the way."

On the way by, he whispered to me, "Is she here? Simone?"

God, he still had it bad for the young girl. It would have been cute if he had been a teenager. He was wearing her gold chain, too. I nodded that she was and he went into the house grinning like a puppy. CeCe wasn't all that happy, all of a sudden.

I stuck the briefcase in the hall closet and forgot about it.

With Mac's arrival, the party took off. Not that he was loud but Mac was used to playing to audiences the size of Yankee Stadium, so the living room with six people in it was a little small. He took an instant liking to Thorny and the two of them were swapping stories like old friends. CeCe and Judith small talked and seemed friendly but it wasn't a mix that would last long.

Bala and Amud arrived on the heels of the Rosens and the Wangs. I hadn't met Dr. Wang's daughter before, so it was a pleasure to meet Luci Wang. I immediately sensed there was something about her that seemed familiar. It struck me even as I saw her walking up the path, something about the way she moved that raised a flag of recognition. I knew that I had seen her, or someone very much like her before but given that I was the host and that the guests were just arriving, I put any niggling suspicions I had in the back of my mind. Regardless, she was an exceptionally striking lady.

Gertie and Marion, my sister, drove up together. Somehow, the fact that they had connected to come over together disturbed me. These two women held way too much power and influence over me and even though I trusted each implicitly, I didn't trust them together. I firmly believed in the Founding Father's separation of powers and all that. I had asked Marion, specifically, to bring her judge's robe but not her seal of office. I wanted her to be officious but not official. She laughed and agreed.

Beth, the young curious limo driver was the last to arrive. I nearly had to drag her into the living room when she recognized, if not the people, the power in the room. However, once she was introduced around, she fit in easily. She and CeCe hit it off, as they both did with Bala. It was good to see a plan come together.

Just as things were going along nicely, I got everyone's attention, to catcalls — mainly from Mac and Thorny — of 'Where's the booze?' and 'Where's the food?' and other extraneous comments.

"Friends," I addressed them once the noise and heckling had died down, "I've asked you here today to witness a ceremony. Now, I could go on and on about it, but I think it will be pretty self evident. You will notice there are no chairs. I want you all to move about to get the best view. I would ask that you keep any comments quiet and not to interfere with the ceremony."

I should mention the room had been cleared of all furniture with the exception of two bolsters and a small table. The contents of the table were covered with a small cloth.

After this mystifying opening monologue, I went to the wall unit and pushed "Play" on the CD player. It was queued up and ready and suddenly, with the first opening notes, the purpose of the 'ceremony' became evident.

It was 'The Wedding March' that came booming from the speakers in the walls, down the halls and into the bedroom where the four women had been anxiously waiting for their cue.

If the music had electrified the small gathering, then the appearance of my four beauties took that energy to a geometrically higher level. Janey and Simone came into the room first, leading their mothers by means of white satin leashes attached to white leather collars, although the collars were not yet visible to the guests. In fact, because of the hooded robes they were wearing, the only thing you could see of Sally and Nicole were their bare feet and their very sheer pantaloons, or harem pants.

Janey and Simone were blushing so much you would have thought that they were the intended brides. I think, however, that their outfits may have been the cause of their embarrassment. These were the outfits that had caused me the most trouble, getting the material just right, then the fit. But it had been worth it. The girls were walking wet dreams, the perfect counterpoint to what I intended for this unusual bit of ceremony.

The material their body suits were made of was translucent and when stretched, even lightly, became almost transparent. Janey's outfit was a skin-tight body suit in her shade of blue that looked as if it was painted on her trim body. Simone's attire, in a lightly silvered tone, was just as tight. The girls were as good as naked and had obviously looked at each other and themselves. Thus the reason for the blushing.

But they carried themselves with pride and dignity, following my silent directions as I pointed at the bolsters to lead their mothers through the small gathering. As the music faded, they helped the two hooded figures kneel on the soft cushions. I indicated they should stay by the side of the two women.

"Janey, will you speak for your mother?"

Grinning, she answered without hesitation, "Yes, I will."

Turning to Simone, I asked the same question. "Simone, will you speak for your mother?"

Before answering, I saw her glance briefly at her mother. A barely perceptible nod was followed by, "Yes, I will."

I took off my robe, leaving me in what would best be described as pajama bottoms, only without the gap in the front. My arousal would be obvious enough without it escaping through the nearest convenient opening.

I walked over to Sally and helped her to stand up. "Do you agree to be dressed like your Master, Sally?"

I could see the alarm in Janey's eyes until she linked with her mother. I had promised not to humiliate them in public. I didn't intend to start now. Sally seemed to sense that and sent her reassurances to Janey.

"She does."

With that, I reached over and loosened the silk belt that was holding her hooded robe closed. Gently I lifted her hood and slowly drew the robe away from her, exposing her nakedness to the guests.

There was absolute silence as they saw my intended bride. Well, except for Amud, who muttered a phrase that, loosely translated, meant, 'Praise Allah, I can die a happy man.' He always had been obsessed with Sally's tits.

I repeated the question to Nicole. Simone did not wait for an answer, and immediately answered, "She does."

I removed Nicole's robe with all the reverence I had Sally's. Her naked beauty was the rival and equal of Sally's.

Mac muttered, 'Holy Shit' in a voice that, for him, was a whisper. In this small room, we all heard it and joined in the laughter. He was right and it was a happy occasion.

Sally and Nicole were silent because they were gagged. Special marinated leather balls filled their mouths, held daintily in place with white silk ribbons. White leather cuffs linked their wrists behind their backs. The white slave collars still had the leashes attached, now hanging down and bisecting their naked breasts. The low riding harem pants, transparent and white, made it very apparent they wore nothing underneath.

The only other things they had on were the diamond hearts I had given each of them, dangling from the holes pierced through their left nipples. The sunlight from the windows caught those carbon-based baubles and sent the refracted rays dancing around the room as if in celebration of the event.

They were the most beautiful pair of women I had ever seen. And I was going to marry them both.

Moving to the small table I removed the covering. Janey recognized the tools lying there first and immediately understood what was going to happen. They had been practicing with the damn things for two weeks. I was surprised they hadn't put it together sooner. Simone was not far behind and I think she almost balked at what she thought she was going to have to do.

Thus, she was very relieved when I went up to Sally, removed her heart from her nipple and placed it on a chain that I then fastened around her neck. It nestled in its new location in the valley between her tits.

"Sally, you are my love. Will you accept my mark?"

Janey answered, "She will. With all her love."

I glanced at the girl, ready to tell her not to ad-lib. She just nodded at her mother and shrugged, an action, I should add, that sent chills down the spine of every male and a few of the females present. By shrugging her shoulders, she tightened the fabric along every nook and cranny of her body and the material covering her charms completely disappeared. For the briefest of moments she was delightfully exposed.

Taking the tool that had caused so many squeals in the cellar, I fit it to Sally's left nipple and pulled the trigger. The sterile needle knifed through the tender flesh in the blink of an eye leaving another perforation in her nipple, at cross purposes to the original hole. The two tunnels now formed an 'X.'

While my hands were still steady I retrieved a set of rings from the table. One was a smaller diamond heart circumscribed by a platinum loop. The other was an emerald 'L, ' also circumscribed by a platinum loop. These rings would be my mark, my sign of ownership, a sign of her total surrender and commitment to me. I slipped the two interlocking wires through the two tunnels.

Then I took the second tool from the table. This was the tool that had caused the smell of burning flesh, or at least its predecessors had. Until I happened upon this small laser welder, we had been singeing more than hair with the butane and electric soldering irons. The laser technique was still exceedingly hot and burned like the dickens, but at least the damage to the surrounding flesh was minimal. If you did it right.

I quickly soldered the ends of the rings together, permanently affixing my mark onto Sally's nipple. The practice paid off, as the welds were indistinguishable from the rest of the wire loops.

When I turned to Nicole, I didn't need to ask the question. She stepped forward and literally thrust her tit at me. Smiling, I asked the question anyway and Simone, relieved she wasn't going to have to use the piercing tool, cheerfully agreed. I removed the large diamond heart from her breast, put it around her neck, and repeated the process of placing my mark on her as well, using a sterile needle, of course.

Neither woman had flinched during the process. I only hoped I could be so brave when my turn came, and, to the surprise of Janey and Simone, my turn would come sooner than they expected. Like, it was now.

Thinking the ceremony over, Janey had stepped back a bit. She was not prepared for my next question.

"Sally, will you place your mark on me?"

Simone, closer to the small table, could see what was still lying on it. I could see her shaking her head at Janey, trying to tell her 'No.' I guess she thought that if Janey didn't do it, she wouldn't have to. She was young.

But Janey wasn't looking in her direction, didn't see the warning and listening to her mother on her link, said, "Yes, she will."

When I knelt on the bolster in front of Sally, Janey looked at me blankly. I sent her a picture of the piercing tool and the message, 'Just like we practiced.'

She realized way too late what I wanted her to do and started to bolt. I think it was her mother talking to her over their link that stopped her. I picked up on some it, something about ruining her special day and telling her grandchildren about it or something like that. It sounded kind of threatening, to me. Whatever, it did the trick and Janey reluctantly picked up the piercing tool and plunged the needle at the practiced angle through my left nipple. That sucker hurt like Hell!

But that was nothing like the fire that burned in my chest when Janey soldered the loop circumscribing the emerald 'S' for Sally. Janey had done it perfectly, but still, I don't think guys were meant to go through all that piercing stuff. Way too painful and I don't care if that doesn't sound macho or manly. Even now, that fucker hurts when I think about it.

My eyes were watering and wonder of wonders, I got to do it all again for Nicole! Which Simone did for her flawlessly — thank God for all that practice with those pigs' ears — and I did and, No, I did not yelp, cry, winch, moan or flinch. I did just about wet my pants but I escaped even that indignity by the narrowest of margins.

With the ceremony over, I gathered the leashes of my two brides and led the assembled guests to the back terrace by the pool, where CeCe's catering company had, unbeknownst to her, set up a small feast, complete with open bar. The wait staff was long gone so there were no strange eyes to feast upon the naked charms of my lovelies.

Marion, seeing her moment, had slipped out of the room and changed into her robe. When she came in, there were gales of laughter. She looked for all the world like a huge blob of cotton candy. The robe she had chosen to wear was bright flamingo pink. Definitely not official.

Grinning over at me, she held her arms up for silence. "I think we all recognize what a momentous day this is. Girls, there is one less eligible man out there, God damn it and, even though he is my baby brother, that just makes it tougher for the rest of us."

Feminine voices called out "Hear! Hear!" and "You go, girl!"

"On the other hand, as his big sister, I have to take some family pride in the fact that no single woman could reel him in. Nope, not MY little brother. Chauvinist pig that he is, girls, he feels he needs two, count 'em, two of us to keep him satisfied. As usual, he's going to get his way, so I guess, if I have to, as his big sister, I will give my blessings to this heathen occasion."

The assembled guest clapped and cheered raucously at her little speech. I thought it was a bit much.

"Seriously, Larry, it's about damn time! We're all happy for you, Sally and Nicole. You never did do things the way everybody else did, which is what makes you special. All of you. Good luck..." she finished, then said wryly as kind of an afterthought, " ... you're going to need it!"

Her upstaging finished she came over to the three of us and hugged. Marion and my wives were all crying, something that seems obligatory for women at weddings. I guess men shouldn't make fun of women for crying at weddings as we all have an instinctual gut reaction of panic and horror on those same occasions. It just isn't considered socially acceptable to run from the church or courthouse screaming with shit in our pants...

I took the leashes and tied one to each end of the buffet table. I had asked to have a small space set off by ribbons at each end and the two naked women now stood in those special areas, erotic bookends on display.

Seeing what I had done with the women, Marion took it upon herself to be the first to 'kiss' the brides. Going up first to Sally, she did a cheek to cheek with her. I think she murmured something in her ear as Sally nodded to her as they separated. Marion then cupped Sally's left breast with her hand, ostensibly examining the rings. I thought she took a little longer than necessary to look at them, but that might have just been me.

Marion then marched over to Nicole with a defiant step and did the cheek to cheek thing with her, too. Nicole also nodded and, if I thought she examined Sally's rings for a long time, Marion really did take a long time with Nicole's. When I asked her about that later, she told me she thought she should take advantage of the opportunity to cop a feel while she could. It might never come again. That stunned me, as I had never thought of my sister with other women, though a couple of other pieces of the puzzle named 'Marion' fell into place if that were true. I put that thought aside for a later time.

I walked around the terrace, mingling with the guests, introducing those that hadn't met. Thorny found me and pulled me aside.

"So, my boy, finally tying the knot, eh? Good, good. Good to settle down, start a family..."

"Thorny, this is me you're talking to. Start a family? Good God, man, I have two teenaged girls in the house! I don't need more!"

"Oh, yes, that, that ... Hmmm, well, I suppose."

The man was pre-occupied with something. He was acting like a doddering old fool and that wasn't like him at all. He was one of the sharpest legal minds on the East Coast, even at his age. I took a stab.

"So, you took my advice and talked to the Rosen's about the appointments. How did that work out?"

The light returned to his eyes, a gleam I hadn't seen in years. He damn near looked young again. "Oh, son, I'm sorry. I've been so busy, I've forgotten to thank you. Best thing that ever happened. Should've done it years ago."

I didn't remind him that it had only recently become available. He continued.

"You know, Margaret and I have always been a little, um, frisky, and, well, about a week or two after their appointment, I happened to have her across my knee. In the bedroom. Well, you know how it is. I playfully swatted her bare behind and she froze. I thought I had hit her too hard, but then she said 'Harder, Thorny. Do it again, harder.' I damn near shot off in my shorts. I did and we had a night I had been dreaming of for years. A real fantasy come true.

"That night changed our entire lives, son. She's over my knee every night now, and two — three times a day. She can't get enough. She even bought one of those horse whip things, a crop or something for me to use on her, and all kinds of other fancy stuff..." He grinned knowingly at me. " ... but you know all about those things, I see," nodding at my bound brides.

"So things have been pretty lively around the house lately?"

"Just the opposite, son! The little wife is as quiet and docile as a lamb. A whole new woman. Judith, too,..." he stopped himself short, but he knew he had slipped up.

"I've been meaning to ask you about her. She seems, well, softer somehow. How did she take to the implants?"

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Chapter 1 *This is my first story, so please don't be afraid to comment, because I would love your opinions. Everyone in this story is 18+* It was a really hot day. So hot that I wanted and wished that I could pull my t-shirt off and walk half naked to my dorm room. It was my first day of university. I was excited a week ago, but now the heat was just killing me and I wish I could just get to my dorm sooner so I can have a cold shower. I was nearly there with my backpack on my back. Being...

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Tight place

I pulled out the note from my pocket and looked at the address my colleague had jotted down. It turned out that I’m about twenty meters from the place. The building was old, with crumbling stucco walls and a richly graffitied entrance. It was obvious though that it had once looked beautiful and memorable, probably sixty or seventy years ago. The entrance door creaked pitifully as I pressed the handle. I was about to start climbing the stairs (I had to go to the fifth floor) when I noticed with...

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She has always made a joke of it. "We met in a church," she would say. And people who know us would do a double take. "In a church?" And of course, it was almost true. You see, in our quaint little midwestern town there was an old church building which had been empty for many years. About 15 years ago a fellow with some interesting business ideas purchased the building and opened a musical instrument store at the back of the former sanctuary and a performance music hall in the former...

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Camping Trip Cuckold

This is a story about Samantha, a young white woman in her late 20’s, and her new husband Eric. Samantha has jet black hair that goes roughly half way down her back, blazing green eyes, and a very petite figure (think 32-22-32). Eric is a white man also in his late 20’s and has light brown hair and blue eyes, and is pretty athletic. Samantha also has a twin, Annabella, who looks just like her except Annabella’s eyes are blue. This is their eighth story. Other stories featuring them include...

2 years ago
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StepDaddy CHAPTER 3

“ Good morning Mommy”, she chimed as she kissed Sandra’s cheek, then leaning to Kevin and kissing his cheek,”Good morning Daddy”. “ Aw that’s more like it sweetie”, Sandra smiled, seeing Kara and Kevin getting along again. Kara grinned and climbed out the bed. “ I’m so sorry about last night Mom, I made coffee and Kevin’s lunch”, she cooed, swinging side to side. “ Well that’s just lovely. Do me a favor and run Kevin’s shower, ok princess?”, Sandra hummed, as she rolled over to seemily go...

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After an evening reception my wife and I called for a taxi to take us back to the hotel where we were staying. We had had a few drinks and were quite relaxed and maybe a wee bit tipsy but not over the top. The taxi arrived and my wife and I got in the back and exchanged some pleasantries with the driver an athletic looking young man. He was very friendly and paid a nice compliment to my wife saying I was a lucky man to have such sexy wife we laughed it off. The road back to the hotel...

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Older Daddy Cock

I'd been secretly crossdressing and keeping my body and little cocklet hairless and smooth for about six months, having recently discovered internet shopping and blitz shopping for wigs and slutty lingerie and bigger and more challenging toys. My ass pussy was stretched and always aching to be played with. I had been lurking on Craigslist for a few months when one day I suddenly worked up the courage to place an add searching for an older daddy to fuck me senseless while I played the panties...

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my best friend8

"Dude, Nicole is growing some great tits! By 10th grade those things are gonna be beautiful!" Derek said. "Oh for sure man, i swear im gonna hook up with her by the end of school man, get me a suckle on those babies!" I replied, and we laughed. AFter a little bit of talking about girls and stuff, i was definetely in a horny mood. I found myself wishing in our silent moments that a hot babe would show up and let us do whatever we wanted to her! So, me and Derek started talking about...

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My Crazy Sex Slave Fantasy

Hi, myself Vivek (name changed) from Bangalore, currently staying in Mysore. I am more the average good looking and have a little chubby body. I have a 6 ft body. My skin is light brown. I have a small size penis but I have good energy. I was really feeling aroused when I saw a slave video. I wanted to be a slave. One day I casually uploaded an ad on Locanto to search a female who wants a slave. I really didn’t expect any reply considering my body and penis size. After a week I logged in to...

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Haunted by the Past Ch 12

Charles and Diana Richards finally fell asleep sometime after four o’clock from sheer physical exhaustion. They woke up the next morning around ten o’clock only because their stomachs were starting to growl. They smiled sleepily at each other and kissed tenderly for a moment. They groaned softly as they lifted their tired, messy bodies off the bed and headed for the bathroom. They showered and dressed in silence. Their eyes watched each other nearly every moment…the unspoken words still...

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Sex With my Neighbor Hot Divya

Hi readers and I am new to this area. This is my first story and my name is Gowtham good looking and I stay near Madurai, Tamilnadu. I am aged 22 years and I just finished my college. I like to share my experience to you all fans of Indian sex stories and about myself and I’m a normal guy with a long and thick cock. I had a neighbour who was a widow, aged around 28-30 years old and her name was Divya Shree and she lived with her elder sister and her family. Divya Aunty used to help mummy with...

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Call of the Beast

Her name is Jasmine and she is a thirty-five-year-old respectable member of society. During the day, she runs a small bookstore and coffee shop in a tourist town down south near the Eastern seaboard. She is not married nor does she intend on getting married. All a marriage license is to her is a piece of paper stating that you own someone, or at least it did to her parents. Her dad owned her mom and she allowed it. Jasmine still lived in her small hometown but her parents have moved to Florida....

Mind Control
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Night Games

This may be archived/posted anywhere. Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! Night Games By Pretzelgirl "Most games are lost, not won." -- Casey Stengel * * * Evenings are the best for sporting events. High school, collegiate, or the pros --there's nothing like the brilliant white glow of halogen lights in an emerald field set against a jet black sky. So the field wasn't emerald. It was concrete. And the lights weren't white. They were dirty yellow. For...

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China Doll

It was an early night in the house as Shen sits down and readies herself for bed. She was a smallish girl from China, a slight body with a rather large pair of breasts for someone of her body type. She was nervous as she waited for the man she was sold to. She was brought in at the request of a man who simply told her Madame that Shen was to be sold to him. The man’s maid who promptly told the girl to bathe and wait inside the room, naked, showed her into a large bedroom. Shen had even made...

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PornMegaLoad Casca Akashova Cum For Casca

Wrote Dave, a SCORE magazine editor since 2001 and the first SCORELAND member before that: “I’m amazed by Casca Akashova’s progression as a model. March 5: She shoots her first photos and video. She takes off her panties but doesn’t spread her pussy. Nine days later: She returns and spreads. Three months, five days later: She returns and fucks. Huh? I think Casca had this planned out all along. She just wanted to tease us. Get our dicks hard and our nutsacks swollen....

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Antelope FreewayChapter 36

Four years later... Earth time: Friday, April 24, 2037 9:25 PM Central Daylight Savings Time Aina time: day 0 of 1442 H.E. 2:00 PM First day of summer and the Festival of the High Sun Cindy walked into her bedroom at her arctic home and saw Jim lying naked in a very awkward position on the bed. Cindy herself was feeling terrible, weighed down with an enormous burden of sadness and despair, and she took off her clothes and lay by Jim's side. They stared into each other's eyes for a...

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The Saga of Trudy and Frank

The meeting was breaking up in Alvin's office and the mood turned jovial. It had been a good forecast review. All divisions were 'in-sync' so there was confidence among them. Although the meeting was held in the CEO's office, Frank chaired it. It was the first such meeting with him as the new CFO. Although Frank was new to the job, he was known to those around the table, having been recently promoted from his former position of Corporate Controller. To most of the brass it had been a...

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Taught to Dress

DISCLAIMER "Strange Pick-Up" contains graphic sexual scenes. It is not intended for readers under 18 or those who are easily offended by pornography. If you are under 18, or if you are offended by pornography, please do not continue to read this story. All rights reserved: Permission is hereby given to distribute this story via electronic means only, for non-profit use. This header and the rest of the story must remain intact. All rights for this story remain the property of the...

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Dost Ki Maa Ko Choda

Hi readers i am vicky sharing with a beautiful & hot story of my freind sumit and her sexy mom sohini. Sumit was my classmate and we are very close freind to each other. Mera unke ghar regular jana ana tha aur mai unke family member ki tarah tha. Mai unki family ke har function ko attend karta tha. Sumit ki mom ka nam sohini tha wo bahut hi sexy lady thi, itni khoobsurat ki noor uske badan ke har hisse se tapakta tha gora rang, kale kale gunghrale bal aur balon ki lat jo uske chehre par thi...

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It was a very slow night for a Sunday at the pizza joint that I waited tables at. So slow my jerk of a boss let me go early so he wasn't paying me for sitting there. Probably a good thing since I had 8 am class the next day and could use the extra sleep. Well, I thought I was gonna get some much needed, but my roommate had a surprise for me when I came home unannounced. As I opened the front door my eyes were treated to seeing my her on the couch with some guy I've never seen before. It was...

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Road RashChapter 8

I got to Anne and Lizzie’s house after the others. I had to wait while everybody got the bikes loaded and got all their gear out of the Jeep before I could leave the velodrome parking lot, so I arrived to a driveway full of cars with bikes on top and the sounds of soft rock music in the courtyard. I walked into the entryway and then followed the sounds to the lower level where I recalled the hot tub was located. I was brought up short by the sight I beheld when I entered the room. The drapes...

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The NeighborhoodChapter 10 Emily seduces Dad and Stepmom finds out

EMILY’S STORY Ever since we started this family thing, I wanted to bed Dad. I think most girls have a thing for their fathers. Not a sexual thing, necessarily, but a special relationship. Your dad is the first man in your life, so of course he’s going to be special. But for me, once the possibility of family sex opened up, I’d been thinking of sleeping with Dad. I mentioned it to Chris, but he shot me right down. Too dangerous. But I figured if I made a pass at him, the worst that would...

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More of the Sun More for the Son A Sons Perspective Part 4

Tommy spent the rest of Tuesday evening in his room enjoying his new nude photo collection from earlier in the day.Wednesday he couldn’t wait to rush home after school, but when he walked out of the building he was disappointed to see it had clouded up and had been raining. He went straight home anyway, but when he got there, as he assumed, his mother’s car wasn’t in the garage.He started wondering if that was just a lucky one-off catching her, or if she was going to be doing it regularly. He...

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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 23 Movie Making A New Technique

Alice was quiet at cocktail time. She told Dave she was thinking about just how much she wanted to loosen up, so he left her alone and didn’t try to pry her thoughts from her as he might have otherwise, being a concerned husband. Pam was traveling, so also wasn’t around to probe. The next night at dinner Alice seemed to have reached some resolution. She was upbeat and amazingly alive. Dave commented, “You’re much different tonight than last night.” Pam, who’d come home that afternoon,...

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MrLuckyPOV Alyx Star Juicy Jugged Alyx Star Cum Covered And Creampied

Alyx Star is what any man (or woman) would consider a dream cum true. This bright-eyed busty brunette beauty has it all. Her marvelous big natural breasts, glowing smile, and unwavering sex drive are just a few of the highlights. With her sensitive clit and sensitive nipples she can cum from getting her pussy, as well as her titties, fucked. But she isn’t the only one who will cum two ways. Her pussy is so good it takes a hot creampie, but with a girl like her one is not enough! She continues...

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Erotic Expectations Letter 1

This is part of a four part story that really needs to be read from the start in order to understand the plot. I hope you bear with me and enjoy what’s to come. The path to the cottage was overgrown, to the point where ducking to avoid the brambles that swung down from the branches of overhead trees was essential. I was caught more than once by the sharp barbs but with only the mild unpleasantness of pulling at the fabric of my light summer dress. The air smelt fresh and brightly coloured wild...

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AnnAlyssia Blue Ch 21

Principal Ego, instructs me to strip off all-atom of clothing and also any sort of reminder I had on me before he came back. Which is tough because I still have somebody's cum inside of me and I need to shower, I am in a bathroom. I quickly shower and stand in a corner naked and secretly praying no one would come in because Principal Ego is surely taking his time on getting back and I am starting to get chilled. I hear the door click and let out my breath of relief when I see it is...

4 years ago
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A Cloud Over BrenhamChapter 2 The Lay of the Land

Al changed back to his normal mode as I opened the door. "Boss?" "Not now Al, I'm just checking." I looked around the door. "Yeah, but boss-" A sword point made itself known by poking into my side, "Don't worry about me boss, I think you've just found out!" Al said unhelpfully. "I don't know who you think you are, but you're under arrest." The Captain of the Guard said with a sneer, his sword extended. I looked at the sword touching my side. "May I stand up?" I looked...

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The Making of a Young WomanChapter 3

Barbara was staying over one night when Robbie called and asked if we’d like to go to St. Martin with him and Bridget. He had a French customer that wanted to meet there. Not a difficult decision since it was winter here! We were soon in First Class on our way towards the Equator. The two-bedroom suite overlooking Marigot Bay was wonderful. Barbara and I, both topless, hit the beach ASAP while Robbie and Bridget found the client at the hotel bar and talked business. After a fine dinner with...

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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. Always look both ways before crossing the pond. Beware of geeks bearing gifs. An answer known is a power broken. One man’s crisis is another man’s narcissism. This space to let. Preface:...

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Piss Slut

I wanted the slutty look that night. I had to look how I felt and how I wanted to be treated. Showered, hair done, make up done. Big black false eyelashes, heavy dark eye shadow that would run and make a mess through tears or anything else wet. Bright red lipstick adorned lips. Pasting it on I tasted my lips on my tongue, blowing myself a kiss in the mirror. Checking the corner of my mouth using the tip of a bright red false nail which I had spent a fortune on this morning. I had to have the...

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The Party Encounter for Porn Mom

It was one of those formal parties you had to attend to keep a job. My client was hosting the party in his home and there I was, bored out of my mind and trying to stay awake.I was in a group of a dozen or so people in an upstairs library, listening to the idle conversation of others and trying to pass the time. I had long since given up on the conversation and was watching the women walking around the room. Some were trying to impress others with their knowledge in a conversation. A few...

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DAA beach and Da girls

Tara was a 19 year old friend of Samantha she was really good looking nice tan body, beatiful figure, short hair, with gorgeous eyes and nice legs and nice tits. Samantha was a 19 year old female as well with gorgeous blue eyes, nice tan slim sexxxy body with soft skin and sweet voice also pink/blonde hair and with nice full breasts. Both of those girls are simply gorgeous and very fuckable. One night when Tara and Sam were chilling on the beach a black car pulled by them and a tall, white male...

Group Sex
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SargeChapter 13

I had been home a week when I removed the tiny pink computer from my large black backpack. I had seen it when I removed the cold weather gear, but I just couldn’t remember why I had it. I couldn’t remember buying it, and I didn’t remember the general giving it to me. But then all of a sudden when I was on my, now five mile morning ride, it came to me. There was a full copy of his agreement with the state department on the hard drive. I was curious of course. I tried to turn it on but nothing...

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JapanHDV Koto Shizuku Yume Mizuki Have a double date that ends in an orgy

Yume Mizuki and her lover are waiting for Koto Shizuku are boyfriend to go out on a double date. Yume and Koto are good friends and enjoy spending time together and this is the first time they decided to also bring along their significant others. They stay in at Yume’s apt to have lunch together and after eating Yume is feeling a little horny and slides up to her boyfriend to cuddle. She wants some attention and starts to kiss him. The couples sit down to have some snacks and coffee and stat to...

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Saving My Marriage part 14

***************************************************** I sat in the rattan chair, sipping on my beer, I relaxed to the sound of the waves against the beach. The full moon lit up the night and sparkled on the crests of the waves. I was a little surprised to see a couple walking along the beach at this time of night… but I guess it would be pretty romantic. I will have to remember that if we stayed another night on the small island. I broke off from people watching when I heard the...

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Clem Cherishes Cauli

Clem had been selling seed to rural farmers and families for more than two decades. It was a traveling job, moving through the countryside from the south to the north as the season for planting moved. When all of his territory was covered he’d find a place to rest until the next year. Because he was so itinerant, no special relationship with a woman had been able to develop. His sex life, however, was probably as active as many men his age who had a wife. In the thirties there were few motels...

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Taking Mom in front of Dad

From my earlier stories you must have learnt that I had regular sex with my mother for a long time. But my father was not aware of it. My mother told me that father had a small cock about four inches in length and pathetically thin, and he shot his cum after just a few strokes inside her cunt. And his juice wasn’t much either. He just jerked two or three times and maybe shot four or five drops of semen. So naturally mother was unsatisfied with him. We had sex several times, sometimes even up to...

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Iron and Stone

You stand at the precipice of a high cliff, overlooking a dark and serene sea. The water, black in the moonlight, laps at the cliff face. As you stare out, you begin to feel a pounding in your head as surely as the waves pounding against the shore. As the tide ebbs, the pounding becomes too intense to handle. You clutch your head, trying to cover your ears from the crash of the waves. As you fall to your knees, the ground beneath you crumbles and you fall down down into the water. At first you...

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Salamander 2Chapter 7

Mandy I woke for school the next day sure that someone was playing with the clocks, as it seemed like only a few minutes since I had gone to sleep. I got ready and had a large breakfast, hoping the extra food would give me the energy to maintain my disguise longer. The day before had been very draining. Keeping my mask on for most of the school day was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I got my stuff together and with a quick goodbye, was out the door, waiting when D showed up a few...

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