Overboard Too Chapter 24
- 2 years ago
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The next day was time for another confessional session with Kathy. Father John was going to make arrangement for another priest to listen to Kathy but never followed through with this. Today, he was very nervous about the confession. He was feeling particularly horny today for no apparent reason. He already had an erection as he walked toward the confessional and used his notebook to hide the budge under his robe.
Kathy arrived on time. She continued to feel very mixed emotions about her confession. She was very ashamed that she would desecrate such a holy thing but that very desecration was what made it so good. Kathy held her head down in shame as she entered the booth but her clit was standing tall rubbing against her pussy lips as she walked. Of course, she had worn no panties. This time she did not even worn a bra but let her breasts bounce again the fabric of her blouse. Her nipples were brown hard buds poked through her blouse as she entered the confessional.
"Father John, hear my confessions," Kathy said as she sat down know Father John was just inches away. She could feel her pussy juices beginning to flow even though she knew it was wrong.
"My child, what are your sins," Father John began shifting around to ease the pressure on his hard cock.
"I am now masturbating several times a day. Once while on the bus a man saw me rubbing myself and I did not care," she said feeling a wave of sexual excitement flow over her.
Father John listened to Kathy and his uncomfortable position was even more so. Unknown to Kathy Father John pulled up his robe so that his cock was free. As he listened to Kathy he had his hand on cock and was being moved into a sexual frenzy by her confession.
"Go on my child," he managed to say in a hoarse whisper.
"I was sitting in the park near my office on a bench that faced away from the crowd. It was right in public but it was somewhat hidden. I was eating lunch when my pussy began to itch. I began to rub it and I got all excited. A young man walked by and saw me with my hand under my skirt. He stopped to watch. I could not help it but pulled up my skirt and let him see my pussy. He could not believe it. He stood there and watched while I rubbed myself to an orgasm." Kathy was breathless and her hand was working on her.
Father John was in a bad way. His cock was making him think things he should not think. He kept remembering Sister Teresa sucking his cock when the idea formed in his mind. "Kathy, you have been bad," he said quietly.
"Yes Father John, I know I am bad, I am rubbing myself right now," she replied.
"For that you must pay penitence."
"Yes Father."
"You must drink of the holy fluid," Father John could not believe he said this.
"How do I do that?" Kathy asked.
"I will show you," Father John said as he stood up. In the confessional was a small window covered by a cloth so you could hear but not see the other person. Father John pulled this aside and stuck his hard cock through the open.
"Suck this holy rod and do not miss a drop of its contents," Father John instructed.
Kathy was shocked to see a hard penis come through the cloth. She could not believe that this was happening. She also could not believe her sexual desire could intensify but it did as she took the holy cock into her mouth. She quickly became totally immersed in sucking every drop of fluid she could.
Father John almost immediately felt his balls contract and his cock begin to twitch. He was amazed something could feel so good. His balls erupted their rapture and he felt Kathy drinking up his basic essence.
Kathy felt Father John's cock beginning to cum. She sucked even hard like a baby to a nipple for life giving milk. When he began to cum she choked but did not let a drop of his semen escape. It felt that each shot cum pumping into her mouth created the ecstasy of a religious experience. She continued to lick his dick until every drop was consumed and in her confused mind felt that she had devoured sacred juice that Father John represented.
Father John now emptied sat back. He could not believe what had just transpired.
"Kathy?" he whispered.
"Yes, Father John, I feel so wonderful. Thank you so much," Kathy said in true appreciation of this wonderful experience. Even though on some level Kathy knew they was treading on dangerous boundaries at this point she did not care.
Kathy's sincere appreciation only made Father John feel worse but then his body had never felt better. He knew he wanted Kathy and he knew he was going to have her.
"Kathy your sins are forgiven," he said. He knew everything was wrong but he could not help himself. He felt lost in the passion.
Kathy left the confessional feeling wonderfully blessed. However, at the same time Kathy had a nagging feeling of self doubt that she chose to ignore.
Father John left the confessional feeling like a failure as a priest but as a man he felt totally fulfilled. As he walked to his study he said to himself, "I have to write all this down for Doug." Doug Lewis sat in his favourite easy chair reviewing the many notes he had on his ongoing experiment in mind control. He could not believe his successes and was very surprised in the effect his program was having on individuals not directly stimulated by his program's suggestions. It seemed that many people had repressed sexual desires that the right stimulus would elicit rather surprising sexual behaviours. Doug knew that this was not only true of others but noted several instances of his own rather strange behaviour. After all, he would have never considered sucking another man's cock in the past, but now had not only sucked another man's cock but sucked a priest's cock.
Doug could have never guessed when he first began his experiment on his neighbour's daughter where things would lead. Kathy had been the perfect subject. Her effect on Father John lead to many situations Doug could have never guessed would have happened. He was pleased that he was gathering lots data on human sexuality plus having a lot of fun himself.
Doug considered Father John's choices of priesthood and the denial of his sexuality. Father John had chosen to repress his sexuality in the name of religion and Doug now knew what a dangerous choice that could be. Father John's association with Sister Teresa had proven that the denial and repression of sexual desires could lead to explosive passionate acts.
Doug's chance meeting with Bill confirmed his ideas of the potential of repressed desire within family systems. Bill's passive aggressive deposit of semen in his recipes allowed him to infuse his cum into all his friends including his daughter, Ann. Bill's actions seemed to be a reaction resulting from the tension between him and his wife, Sandra. Dough had learned from Bill that his wife was no longer interested in sex with him. Doug wondered about her sexual drive and doubted that her libido would have suddenly disappeared.
Bill's daughter, Ann was another subject Doug planned to continue to investigate. Now with Ann and Kathy having a chance encounter he had ample resources to collect data on her. He also wondered about the games Ann and her Dad were playing with each other and how far this would go.
Then of course there was Sister Teresa. Doug had not met her but she appeared to be a very interesting character. It seems her repressed sexual nature had been suddenly and completely awakened by Father John's cock.
After considering his next move Doug decided it was time to visit Kathy again. He wanted to review her journal of her sexual activities particularly any involving Ann and to bring her a new CD he had just finished. He hoped this program would strengthen his control and even increased Kathy's already heightened libido. He looked forward to their visit.
As Doug drove over to Kathy's he wondered about the effect of his experiment on him. He had noticed that his libido had increased since he began the experiment but then he had many more opportunities to have sex. In the past the most stimulation he had was porno on the internet, now he had live females and males doing his bidding. Doug was also have some rather strange dreams about sex and several times in the past few weeks had awakened to a puddle of cum after a wet dream. Many times he had difficulty remembering the exact nature of the dream but some of the rather sadistic fragments of the dreams were disconcerting and he did not like thinking too much about them.
He arrived at Kathy's and knocked on the door.
"Hi, Doug," Kathy said surprised at his visit.
As he entered he noticed a cute young female sitting on the couch.
"So who is your young friend?" he asked.
"Oh Doug this is Ann. Ann this is Doug," Kathy said introducing them.
"Hi Ann," Doug said in greeting thinking about how lucky he was to find her here.
"Hi, Doug," Ann replied looking him over. She had seen him a few times at Church but had not met him.
"Well Kathy, I have to go," Ann said as she stood up to leave.
"Why don't you wait a couple of minutes? I have some new CD's that I want Kathy's opinion on and I would like to hear whether you like them too, Ann."
"Well I guess I can listen a few minutes."
"Is that okay with you Kathy?" Doug asked knowing Kathy could not refuse any request he made.
"Sure Doug, go ahead and play them," Kathy said. She always felt like her mind was in a fog around Doug. However, other parts of her body would become very alive in his presence.
Doug walked over to the CD player and put in his CD's. He decided since Ann was there he would not use the new CD but play his basic induction and suggestion CD to determine the effect on Ann.
The strange music began and Doug watched the girls' reactions. Kathy was immediately affected and he could see her eyes glaze over. It took a few minutes but he noticed Ann also beginning to respond to the music. Doug smiled.
"So what do you girls think of the music?" Doug asked.
Neither girl answered. They were sitting quietly staring straight ahead. Doug noticed Kathy's hand had moved between her legs but she was now sitting still.
"Can you girls hear me?" Doug asked in a commanding voice.
"Yes," they both answered.
"Will you do what I command?"
"Yes," they answered in unison.
"Kathy, your friend Ann is certainly a sexy young girl. Don't you think so?" Doug asked.
"Yes, she is very sexy," Kathy answered. Kathy began to feel the familiar wetness between her legs as Doug's questions intensified the stimulation Kathy was feeling.
"I bet she tastes good."
"Yes, she tastes very good," Kathy answered and licked her lips.
"How do you know?" Doug asked having already read Kathy account of her previous encounter with this young girl.
"I licked and ate her pussy at the Church," Kathy answered. Kathy could feel her clit beginning to swell in anticipation of whatever was to transpire.
"Ann, did you like Kathy eating your pussy?"
"Yes, I loved it," Ann replied. Ann did not understand what was happening but she was enjoying it. It suddenly seemed she wanted to talk to Doug and tell him everything. The more questions he asked the more she felt her own pussy begin to leak pussy juice. She could feel a small spot of wetness that has formed on her panties.
"So do you like it as much as you like letting your Dad see your pussy?"
"How do you know about that?" Ann asked suddenly feeling disturbed that her friend Kathy would tell such thing to someone else.
"Ann, you want me to know everything about you. Don't you Ann?"
Suddenly the feelings of betrayal vanished leaving Ann feeling good that Kathy had told Doug about her. She was very excited that Doug seemed to like the idea that she let her Dad see her naked.
"I bet your Dad gets a big hard on every time he sees your pussy."
"Yes, Dad loves to see me naked and several times I have seen the bulge in his pants," Ann answered. Ann was becoming very excited as she revealed her secrets to this strange man that she had just met.
"Ann would like Kathy to remove your shorts?" Doug asked.
"Yes," Ann whispered.
"Then asked Kathy to take off your shorts and let us see your pussy."
"Kathy, please take off my pants and so you can see my pussy?" Ann said in a most pressing voice.
Kathy immediately rose from the couch. She reached down and unfastened Ann's shorts. She pulled them and Ann's panties off in one quick tug leaving Ann naked from the waste down. Kathy remained on the floor sitting between Ann's legs. Kathy pushed Ann's legs apart given Doug an unrestricted view of Ann's almost hairless cunt.
"Very nice, very nice indeed," Doug said as he looked at this young pussy.
"Thank you Doug, I'm glad you like my pussy," Ann replied.
Doug smiled knowing that his CD was having the desired effect on this young girl. Ann sat on the couch with Kathy sitting on the floor between her legs holding Ann's legs open enough to allow Doug a perfect view of her cute young cunt. Doug could see some moisture glistening on the edges of her pussy lips.
"Doug, may I please lick Ann's pussy?" Kathy suddenly begged.
Doug was surprised at this since before Kathy only acted as he commanded. She seemed to have no will of her own. Now it appeared her sexual desires were becoming so powerful that they were motivating her out of her passive state.
"So you want to eat Ann's young pussy, Kathy?" Doug asked.
"Yes, Doug, please let me. I will eat her good and she will love it," Kathy almost cried.
"Please let her eat my pussy," Ann suddenly said.
This was all very interesting. It seemed to Doug that the girls' sexual appetite was becoming stronger than his suggestive program of control. However, he was pleased that they still needed is permission to take action. He was still in control but now the girls were asking him for what they wanted.
"Don't you girls think it is nasty to eat a cunt?" Doug asked.
"Yes, it is very nasty but I would love to eat Ann's pussy. Please Doug, I have to eat her," Kathy said and was near tears as she looked up at Doug.
"Okay so you admit that you are a very dirty slut that loves to eat pussy juice?"
"Yes, I am a pussy loving slut and I suck up all of Ann's pussy juice. It tastes wonderful. Please let me."
Doug could see Ann squirming on the couch. He could also see that her pussy had become wet and small droplets were forming on the lips of her pussy.
"Ok eat Ann, Kathy," Doug said given Kathy the permission she desired.
Kathy face went immediately forward to between Ann's legs. Doug could see Kathy's tongue lapping away at the pussy juices that had formed on the outer rim of her pussy hole. Ann's reaction was immediate. As she felt Kathy's tongue invade her most intimate areas she began to hunch her hips into Kathy's mouth.
"Oh Doug, it feels so good for Kathy to eat me. Thank you for letting her. Mmmmm," Ann said and then moaned as Kathy continued to lick up her juices.
Kathy seemed oblivious to everything. The only thing that mattered was Ann's pussy. Kathy was in the world of Ann's cunt and was savouring every drop of Ann's pussy juice.
This was too much for Ann.
"Oh Goooood!" Ann cried as she grabbed Kathy's head and pulled her into her crotch even tighter.
Kathy felt her face flush against Ann's pussy but she never let her tongue quit working. Her tongue was fucking in and out of Ann's pussy hole.
"Ohhhhhhh!" Ann moaned and was not oblivious to anything but the feel of Kathy's mouth and tongue on her clit and pussy hole. She was moving to an orgasm of immense proportions. Ann never knew she could feel such a thing as the first wave of orgasmic pleasure erupted through her entire being.
As Doug watched Ann humped against Kathy's mouth in a frenzied attempt to make the orgasm last longer. As her pussy exploded Doug could see a stream of juices flow out of Ann's pussy. Kathy was there licking it up like a prized beverage.
Ann slowly collapsed back on the couch. She was spent. Kathy rose up and her mouth was wet with Ann's juices.
"Come over here," Doug instructed Kathy.
Kathy crawled over to the chair where Doug was sitting.
Doug had pulled out his hard cock and presented to Kathy. She immediately took it in her mouth and began to nurse. It seemed she could satisfy her sexual craving for sex juice of all kinds, male and female.
"That's it. Suck my cock like the slutty bitch you are."
It did not take long and Doug felt his balls tighten. The familiar rush began and his cock head swelled in Kathy's mouth. She could wait for the taste of Doug's cum and began to suck harder.
"Ohhhh fuck!" Doug cried as his cock exploded into Kathy's willing mouth. He spurted load after load of cum as he looked at Ann sitting on the couch with her hand rubbing her cunt lips. It was great.
Kathy did not miss a drop. She could taste Doug's cum mixed with Ann's pussy juice. It was wonderful but Kathy had not experience the orgasm that she desired.
"Ok that is enough," Doug said as he pulled his cock out of Kathy's mouth. She licked the last drop of cum off his dick hole.
"I have to go but I hope to see you girls again."
"We do too," they both answered. He noticed Kathy had a very disappointed look on her face.
"Ann, I want you to do something for me," Doug said.
"Anything," she willingly answered.
"I want you to spy on your parents. Sneak around and see what they are up to. Come home early at times when they are no expecting you but be careful to not get caught. I want to know what kind of games they are playing. I also want to know how your Mom satisfies herself. Do you understand?"
"Yes, I understand and I will find out everything you want," Ann answered feeling a very strange desire to fulfill all of Doug's requests.
"Also I want you to keep a record of the little games that you and your Dad play. I want to know how often he gets to see you naked and how he reacts. You also might want to do various things such as sit in his lap and see what he does. Okay?"
"Yes, I will be happy to do all these things for you Doug," Ann answered.
"I've got to go. Now you girls do whatever you want after I'm gone. You will both remember what has happened and you will know that you had a fantastic time. You will want to do this again and again. Do you both understand?" Doug asked.
"Yes we understand," they answered.
Doug grabbed his CD's and went to the door.
"I will be back in a couple of weeks. Ann, write me a report on what you find and leave it with Kathy. I will probably want to see the two of you together again but I will let Kathy know about the date and time. See you girls."
As Doug walked out the door both girls felt as if they were coming out of some kind of trance.
Ann found herself sitting with no pants or panties. She found her hand rubbing her pussy. While she did not fully understand what had just happened she did understand how great her hand felt rubbing her pussy.
Kathy was becoming use to these type situations and as Doug shut the door she felt as if she was released from his spell. However, this was only to be trapped in her own spell of sexual desire. She quickly ripped off her pants and panties and began to minister to her own swollen clit.
"Oho Goooood!" Kathy cried.
Kathy's cries awakened Ann. She looked to see Kathy lying on the floor vigorously rubbing pussy. Ann climbed down off the couch and quickly her mouth found Kathy's wet pussy.
Kathy and Ann spent the rest of the evening licking and sucking each other in every possible way. Ann missed her piano lessons but she did not care. It was a wonderful afternoon for the girls. Ann returned home after her afternoon delight with her new friend Kathy. She walked in the kitchen and found she was home alone. She decided this would be a good time to begin snooping around.
She went to her parent's bedroom. She knew that her mother and father did not have many intimate moments; in fact, she did not think they had sex at all. She opened her mother's closet and looked around. There was nothing out of the ordinary just clothes and shoes.
Ann examined several of the shoe boxes and found one in the back that seemed to have something other than shoes in it. She opened the box and to her surprise found several vibrators. Also in the box was some kind of clamps. She also found some strange looking socks. They had very tight bands around them and looked like they would only fit a child. The only other thing in the box was a leather vest. Ann was not sure what these were but guessed they had something to do with her mother's seemingly secret sex life. There was nothing else of interested in the box. Ann could not find any other item that would suggest her mother did more than masturbate now and then. Ann decided she wanted to catch her mother masturbating so she could give a good report to Doug.
Ann's mother, Sandra was an interesting woman. She was 38 years old and was a successful realtor. She had sold her million dollars worth of property and had several awards. Most everyone liked Sandra and she was a sociable woman. Everyone knew her as a very proper type woman and a modern business person with lots of confidence in her abilities.
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She walked into the house silently, after three years off dating this was it. She dumped the cardboard box of his things down heavily on the armchair and just glared at him. She was five feet seven and had a slim waist and feminine curves, long black hair and piercing, icy blue eyes, her name was Sasha. He stood in the doorway sombre, he held the door for her as she trudged in and dumped his stuff before proceeding to the bedroom. He had boxed up all of her things that he could but he knew he...
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“So when did you become Florence Nightingale?” It was obvious from her expression that the question clearly took Josie by surprise. Sarah had been getting a tour of the facility from her best friend, when they were interrupted yet again by someone needing to speak with Josie. The high school gymnasium, where they were located, was impressively packed with roughly 400 or so cots, along with enough evacuees to occupy nearly all of them. The substantial din of numerous conversations going on...
College professor enjoys the anal delights of a coedFirst let me say that this story happen rather unexpectedly this last winter at a medium sized college in the San Diego area. I am in my mid-40's, average looking kind of guy who happens to be a professor at a local college-teaching students studying to be in the medical field. As the story unravels I must say that I was in the right place at the right time...as nothing like this has happen before in my 16 years of teaching. Just to be on the...
“Wait, what did you say?” I was in my wife’s office. She was the head honcho of the division, the big cheese. Me, I was a lowly accounts representative, quite a bit down the food chain. I was a little nervous at first when she came on board, but there were several levels of management between us, so it was all good, I thought. Maybe not. “You’re numbers are way down, Mr. Waxman. You were the worst performer of the year in your division. I’m afraid we had no choice. X is waiting outside to...
The following week was a busy one for me as two of my weekday ladies were off so I had to be at the shop all day, everyday, as well as re-stocking the shelves in the evening. I was quiet exhausted by the end of the day and didn’t have the energy to sneak off into the spare room to pleasure myself. On Saturday I was a little less hassled as my two helpers were both eager for work and I could sit back and run the till for the day instead of running backwards and forwards from the stock room. At...
Hi guys and girls who are busy rubbing one out for yourselves. I hope you guys enjoy this real-life story. Dax here and any girls/aunties interested please contact in I am a regular reader of indian sex stories dot net and have found quite a few interesting stories. I am a 6’1 guy based out of south India with an 8-9′ tool. I keep travelling all over the country for my work, so don’t hesitate to contact me for some really fun times. Back to the story now, I had a girlfriend during my 12th...
Passion In James County XIX Family Affairs By D.C. Roi Chapter forty-two Dianna was pleasantly surprised when Rick, not Matt showed up at her door to take her to school on the Monday after Rick’s trip to State U. She was even more surprised when he held the door of his Charger open when they reached the car. ‘I’ve been thinking,’ he said as they drove toward school, ‘I need a date for the prom. Would…would you like to go with me, Dianna?’ Dianna’s heart leapt and, without thinking, she...
Hi.. This is Rajesh and for the first time I’m writing my real experience with my maid. It happened 3years back and at that time my age is 25years.I used to stay with my friend in an apartment in Mumbai. We have appointed a maid for cleaning and washing cloths. First let me explain about my maid…Her name is Payal. She looks damn sexy and slim. I admire her shape and boobs. I feel no one can stop starring at her boobs they were so tempting and when we see her our dick will stand 90%...
"No officer I'm not smuggling i*****ls, my girl friend's giving me head inthe car, OK? We have a law against cell phones and texting but there's nothingthat says you can't get blown while driving, right?!"************************************************************************Every time I fly into Tucson, the airport gets longer and longer.It doesn't help no matter what airline I use they always wind upat the gate furthest from baggage claim.It's just as well Tommy didn't fly with me to...
“Bae, I need you to know something” She said “What do you need, Bri-?” I asked, “you name it” “I need to know that this is more than just sex. Bill, I could….I could…” I put the utensils down, and taking her in my arms, I said “Brianna Davenport, I’ve had a crush on you since back at the store. This is MUCH more than just sex Brianna, I hope I am showing that, especially after last night.” “You are,” she said, and returned the kiss. “it’s just this thing with Veronica. I am working on...
My cousin, Diane, called to ask if she could stay with my wife and I. She had to attend a convention and thought she'd kill two birds with one stone, visit us, while saving money on a hotel bill. Just as she didn't tell me she was attending a Nude Day Swingers' Convention, until later, I didn't tell her that I was no longer with my wife, until she arrived. Now between you, me, and the lamppost, when I found out that my sexy cousin was attending a Nude Day Swingers' Convention, that bit of...
Hot musician Mia Li, sings and strums away on her ukulele as Sadie Santana, the neighbor she shares a wall with, attempts to study. Sadie’s efforts to quiet Mia prove fruitless, so Sadie walks into Mia’s unlocked apartment to shut her up. Mia quickly turns Sadie’s anger around with a sweet seduction and Mia convinces Sadie to stick around for spanking, finger banging, bondage, foot worship, paddling, flogging, clothespin nipple clamps, tons of pussy licking, pussy and anal...
xmoviesforyouThis is a true Story we both have experienced. Traudl had published half a year before her death here at xhamster in German. (Öffentlich an der Melkmaschine angeschlossen) For over a decade, we will visit to dance a bar on the outskirts of Vienna. Every April happens there for the regulars a fetish party (PVC, rubber leather). Admission there on evenings only for couples. High-lights are the performances of the female part of the couple. The man is in advance of the management his plans with...
Cheating can be defined as an accident, unintentional or maybe intentional act. It depends on person to person and maybe situations are different for everyone. We can’t say until we go through the same condition and become the game changer. I was the one lady in his life and the only mistress. The guy I was married to was my high school boyfriend and the love that evolved over time can never be compared to anything. But maybe it’s time which leads you on a different path. We needed some space...
CheatingQuiet as mice they scuttled along the dark lane, backs bent, hugging thehigh hedge to stay out of sight, the three Clancy brothers up to no good asusual. Half a mile behind them was the car, parked in a lay-by on the mainroad, ahead the farmhouse, its lights glimpsed through gaps in the hedge. "You sure her husband's away, Bri?" asked the youngest, Den, a scrawny eighteenyear old, scuffing along in heavy boots that his skinny legs could barely lift. "Henever goes away, hardly ever leaves the...
Weena was full of questions and I tried to answer them. But she wasn't satisfied. Realizing that she could get information from Rob and from Chaz made it OK, though. "Weena?" "Mmmm?" "We need to talk." "We've been talking." "Right. Different topic. It's two weeks since you said you wanted a baby." "Yes?" She looked as though she feared what might come next. "Have you thought more about it? Have you stopped taking pills? How about the hospital? Will they let you work...
My name is Himmi (changed name), meri height 5 foot 8 inch weight around 60 kg… nd i m from south Delhi, cock size 7 inches…… my mai id is …. if u like my stories plz mail me… ye stories mere or mere g.f ki hai jo mere sath mere college mai padti thi…… her name is annu36-28-32 Aksar annu mere paas notes lene aur study karne mere paas aa jati thi. Us samay hamere beech aisa kuch bhi attraction nanhi tha, school mein bhi sarita interval mein aur school over hone par mere saath hi cycle par ghar...
“Men are all the same.” Anja muttered to herself as her colleague, Martijn left the room.You can’t hold even the shortest conversation without them leering at your boobs or legs, she thought to herself. Martijn had clearly been a little less than entirely circumspect with his inspection of her form.Not that she objected completely. In fact she was secretly a little flattered that many men would talk to her chest rather than her face. Even if it could be a little trying at work.Anja leant back...
Rob. I dare say there will be those out there who are thinking – or even shouting – something like, “What the hell are you messing about at?” Or some variation on the theme. In almost any porn story the two protagonists would have been in bed doing the bump ugly long before. But this isn’t a porn story. Not like that, anyway. I’m a heterosexual male, true. But remember that, at twenty-seven years old I’d never had a meaningful relationship with a woman of any age (other than my mother, but...
(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); Beth got up turned around. Looking at Sean she said, “Yes, big boy, are you jealous?” Sean put his hand between Beth’s legs and replied, “Yes, you nasty bitch, anyway I bet it was you who shaved Julie, and now its time for Julie’s revenge!” Julie got up and said “What do you mean revenge?” “Well, work it out,” said Sean. “Doesn’t this blonde pussy need...
After going to pick up my luggage at the kiosk I rolled out to the curb of the airport and waited for a cab. As one pulled up another woman walked up beside me and asked to share if we were going the same way. I told her I was heading for the downtown Hyatt, and she said she was going to the Sheraton just a block away from it. No problem. We could share. I am a tall woman with short, curly brown hair. I have a toned figure because, in my business, you have to look good, and I did. My breasts...
Hello everybody I am PK regular reader of ISS. I posted my 1st true story My first experience” four years back. It was my teen age story. Ye mera dusra story and I am sorry that again posting a true story after years gap. I hope everybody will read my new story. Now I am 42. It incident happens in year 1998, when I worked in a national company at cuttack, odisha. Unmarried tha isiliye one room wala rented house me rehta tha. My original res at 200 km far from cuttack fortnightly once I visited...
It wasn’t until he was becoming aware of the time, cursing under his breath a moment. I looked up at his face weakly, already beginning to feel the effects of the sunrise rise in me. His gaze instantly went to me, pulling me into his arms, he kneeled down a moment to pick me up bridal style. “Rest your head against my chest, little one,” he whispered softly. I closed my eyes, and laid my head against his chest, almost instantly falling into that deep sleep once again. He would look up to the...
A lithe mortal body. Sculpted by benevolent gods. Poured into the feathery down. Breathing has softened. Contemplating nothing. But the fading memories of the beautiful nightmare. The nightmare of Vincenzo. Licking his neck. Kissing gently, the lobe of his left ear, where there is a tiny mole. A subtle hint of hidden beauty. While violently, yet lovingly entering and exiting him in a steady and merciless rhythm. Vincenzo's big, hard cock kissing the heavenly spot inside him, at every thrust,...
GayIn case you haven’t read the first part of this hot story, entitled A New Chapter, the story so far is that I met up by chance with an old school acquaintance who is now a successful stripper and gay porn film performer. He’s not only a beautiful guy but he also has a huge and beautiful cock which, it has to be said, is his key to success and riches.I’m sure your enjoyment of this story will be greatly enhanced if you read the first instalment (A New Chapter).*I rolled up at Vincent’s lovely...
Introduction: This is my first story so sorry if it doesnt live up to your expectations. I know that there are no names so deal with it All day I have been thinking of him. His hands on my body. Just for him to look me into my eyes and kiss me but who am I kidding, I am with my boyfriend and he is with his girlfriend. He and I can never happen. And yet here I am daydreaming all day of just his touch. At work I am so distracted that anyone who has somewhat similar traits or even the same name...
And I'm bringing you a love that's true. So get ready, so get ready. I'm gonna try to make you love me too. So get ready, so get ready 'cause here I come. --Get Ready (The Temptations) Kristen and I decided to spend the weekend with my parents for a change. This ate into the time I hoped that I'd have to finish doing music arrangements, especially now that I was planning the entertainment for Kristen's party. Fortunately for me, Merry was delighted to have Kristen around, the big...
The Kristal Chronicles - Story I: The Birth of a Hot WifeChapter 2 - The Hook UpSitting across from my lovely wife in the restaurant, I told Kristal how good she looked...and she really did: black dress, makeup with smokey eyes (my favorite), and her hair lightly curled. Dinner was great, and I survived Swan Lake (holy shit that was horrible, I wouldn’t do that to my worst enemy). As we headed back to the hotel, I suggested getting a drink at this cool little pub. While I was eager to get back...
I wasn’t surprised when DeSantos agreed to the terms and had Petrelli sign the papers the next day. The marshal returned to Washington with the signed papers and the diaries. The diaries were turned over to the Federal Court while the final paperwork was finished. Eventually the diaries were turned over to me. I went home to Hereford that weekend and left Marilyn in D.C. I never read them. I just grabbed a box of kitchen matches and went up to the helipad and threw the diaries into some old...
The day of the Michigan Democratic Primary... I awoke to a pussy on my mouth, riding my face, while a very slick snatch entrapped my cock, much to my delight. I didn’t really care whose twat covered my lips, as I slid my tongue inside it, devouring it with as much fervor as I would lick a soft-serve ice cream cone or eat a pudding. The owner of said cunt definitely didn’t object to my oral attentions, as I licked her repeatedly, soon adding her taint and her butt-crack to my menu for the...
Image Source It had finally arrived. The weekend that Brie's parents were leaving town to visit her Aunt. Her parents had reiterated all of the house rules before they left for their time away -- homework was to be done before going to a friends house, no friends were to come over while they were gone, certainly no parties were to be had, and most importantly: no boys. Brie had of course agreed to all of these terms before waving her parents off for the weekend. Even so, no sooner had her...
TeenThe older I get, the more I think back on my life. At 55, I wonder about how I would do things again if I had the chance. I certainly would tried to have experienced more beautiful pussies for sure. I have not lost the urge to admire women discreetly but, having being married for almost thirty years, I never actually pursue them. That changed when new neighbours moved in next to us a couple of years ago. Erica and Bob are in their late thirties and have a couple of young kids. They are a...
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