ExperimentChapter 3 free porn video

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The next day was time for another confessional session with Kathy. Father John was going to make arrangement for another priest to listen to Kathy but never followed through with this. Today, he was very nervous about the confession. He was feeling particularly horny today for no apparent reason. He already had an erection as he walked toward the confessional and used his notebook to hide the budge under his robe.

Kathy arrived on time. She continued to feel very mixed emotions about her confession. She was very ashamed that she would desecrate such a holy thing but that very desecration was what made it so good. Kathy held her head down in shame as she entered the booth but her clit was standing tall rubbing against her pussy lips as she walked. Of course, she had worn no panties. This time she did not even worn a bra but let her breasts bounce again the fabric of her blouse. Her nipples were brown hard buds poked through her blouse as she entered the confessional.

"Father John, hear my confessions," Kathy said as she sat down know Father John was just inches away. She could feel her pussy juices beginning to flow even though she knew it was wrong.

"My child, what are your sins," Father John began shifting around to ease the pressure on his hard cock.

"I am now masturbating several times a day. Once while on the bus a man saw me rubbing myself and I did not care," she said feeling a wave of sexual excitement flow over her.

Father John listened to Kathy and his uncomfortable position was even more so. Unknown to Kathy Father John pulled up his robe so that his cock was free. As he listened to Kathy he had his hand on cock and was being moved into a sexual frenzy by her confession.

"Go on my child," he managed to say in a hoarse whisper.

"I was sitting in the park near my office on a bench that faced away from the crowd. It was right in public but it was somewhat hidden. I was eating lunch when my pussy began to itch. I began to rub it and I got all excited. A young man walked by and saw me with my hand under my skirt. He stopped to watch. I could not help it but pulled up my skirt and let him see my pussy. He could not believe it. He stood there and watched while I rubbed myself to an orgasm." Kathy was breathless and her hand was working on her.

Father John was in a bad way. His cock was making him think things he should not think. He kept remembering Sister Teresa sucking his cock when the idea formed in his mind. "Kathy, you have been bad," he said quietly.

"Yes Father John, I know I am bad, I am rubbing myself right now," she replied.

"For that you must pay penitence."

"Yes Father."

"You must drink of the holy fluid," Father John could not believe he said this.

"How do I do that?" Kathy asked.

"I will show you," Father John said as he stood up. In the confessional was a small window covered by a cloth so you could hear but not see the other person. Father John pulled this aside and stuck his hard cock through the open.

"Suck this holy rod and do not miss a drop of its contents," Father John instructed.

Kathy was shocked to see a hard penis come through the cloth. She could not believe that this was happening. She also could not believe her sexual desire could intensify but it did as she took the holy cock into her mouth. She quickly became totally immersed in sucking every drop of fluid she could.

Father John almost immediately felt his balls contract and his cock begin to twitch. He was amazed something could feel so good. His balls erupted their rapture and he felt Kathy drinking up his basic essence.

Kathy felt Father John's cock beginning to cum. She sucked even hard like a baby to a nipple for life giving milk. When he began to cum she choked but did not let a drop of his semen escape. It felt that each shot cum pumping into her mouth created the ecstasy of a religious experience. She continued to lick his dick until every drop was consumed and in her confused mind felt that she had devoured sacred juice that Father John represented.

Father John now emptied sat back. He could not believe what had just transpired.

"Kathy?" he whispered.

"Yes, Father John, I feel so wonderful. Thank you so much," Kathy said in true appreciation of this wonderful experience. Even though on some level Kathy knew they was treading on dangerous boundaries at this point she did not care.

Kathy's sincere appreciation only made Father John feel worse but then his body had never felt better. He knew he wanted Kathy and he knew he was going to have her.

"Kathy your sins are forgiven," he said. He knew everything was wrong but he could not help himself. He felt lost in the passion.

Kathy left the confessional feeling wonderfully blessed. However, at the same time Kathy had a nagging feeling of self doubt that she chose to ignore.

Father John left the confessional feeling like a failure as a priest but as a man he felt totally fulfilled. As he walked to his study he said to himself, "I have to write all this down for Doug." Doug Lewis sat in his favourite easy chair reviewing the many notes he had on his ongoing experiment in mind control. He could not believe his successes and was very surprised in the effect his program was having on individuals not directly stimulated by his program's suggestions. It seemed that many people had repressed sexual desires that the right stimulus would elicit rather surprising sexual behaviours. Doug knew that this was not only true of others but noted several instances of his own rather strange behaviour. After all, he would have never considered sucking another man's cock in the past, but now had not only sucked another man's cock but sucked a priest's cock.

Doug could have never guessed when he first began his experiment on his neighbour's daughter where things would lead. Kathy had been the perfect subject. Her effect on Father John lead to many situations Doug could have never guessed would have happened. He was pleased that he was gathering lots data on human sexuality plus having a lot of fun himself.

Doug considered Father John's choices of priesthood and the denial of his sexuality. Father John had chosen to repress his sexuality in the name of religion and Doug now knew what a dangerous choice that could be. Father John's association with Sister Teresa had proven that the denial and repression of sexual desires could lead to explosive passionate acts.

Doug's chance meeting with Bill confirmed his ideas of the potential of repressed desire within family systems. Bill's passive aggressive deposit of semen in his recipes allowed him to infuse his cum into all his friends including his daughter, Ann. Bill's actions seemed to be a reaction resulting from the tension between him and his wife, Sandra. Dough had learned from Bill that his wife was no longer interested in sex with him. Doug wondered about her sexual drive and doubted that her libido would have suddenly disappeared.

Bill's daughter, Ann was another subject Doug planned to continue to investigate. Now with Ann and Kathy having a chance encounter he had ample resources to collect data on her. He also wondered about the games Ann and her Dad were playing with each other and how far this would go.

Then of course there was Sister Teresa. Doug had not met her but she appeared to be a very interesting character. It seems her repressed sexual nature had been suddenly and completely awakened by Father John's cock.

After considering his next move Doug decided it was time to visit Kathy again. He wanted to review her journal of her sexual activities particularly any involving Ann and to bring her a new CD he had just finished. He hoped this program would strengthen his control and even increased Kathy's already heightened libido. He looked forward to their visit.

As Doug drove over to Kathy's he wondered about the effect of his experiment on him. He had noticed that his libido had increased since he began the experiment but then he had many more opportunities to have sex. In the past the most stimulation he had was porno on the internet, now he had live females and males doing his bidding. Doug was also have some rather strange dreams about sex and several times in the past few weeks had awakened to a puddle of cum after a wet dream. Many times he had difficulty remembering the exact nature of the dream but some of the rather sadistic fragments of the dreams were disconcerting and he did not like thinking too much about them.

He arrived at Kathy's and knocked on the door.

"Hi, Doug," Kathy said surprised at his visit.

As he entered he noticed a cute young female sitting on the couch.

"So who is your young friend?" he asked.

"Oh Doug this is Ann. Ann this is Doug," Kathy said introducing them.

"Hi Ann," Doug said in greeting thinking about how lucky he was to find her here.

"Hi, Doug," Ann replied looking him over. She had seen him a few times at Church but had not met him.

"Well Kathy, I have to go," Ann said as she stood up to leave.

"Why don't you wait a couple of minutes? I have some new CD's that I want Kathy's opinion on and I would like to hear whether you like them too, Ann."

"Well I guess I can listen a few minutes."

"Is that okay with you Kathy?" Doug asked knowing Kathy could not refuse any request he made.

"Sure Doug, go ahead and play them," Kathy said. She always felt like her mind was in a fog around Doug. However, other parts of her body would become very alive in his presence.

Doug walked over to the CD player and put in his CD's. He decided since Ann was there he would not use the new CD but play his basic induction and suggestion CD to determine the effect on Ann.

The strange music began and Doug watched the girls' reactions. Kathy was immediately affected and he could see her eyes glaze over. It took a few minutes but he noticed Ann also beginning to respond to the music. Doug smiled.

"So what do you girls think of the music?" Doug asked.

Neither girl answered. They were sitting quietly staring straight ahead. Doug noticed Kathy's hand had moved between her legs but she was now sitting still.

"Can you girls hear me?" Doug asked in a commanding voice.

"Yes," they both answered.

"Will you do what I command?"

"Yes," they answered in unison.

"Kathy, your friend Ann is certainly a sexy young girl. Don't you think so?" Doug asked.

"Yes, she is very sexy," Kathy answered. Kathy began to feel the familiar wetness between her legs as Doug's questions intensified the stimulation Kathy was feeling.

"I bet she tastes good."

"Yes, she tastes very good," Kathy answered and licked her lips.

"How do you know?" Doug asked having already read Kathy account of her previous encounter with this young girl.

"I licked and ate her pussy at the Church," Kathy answered. Kathy could feel her clit beginning to swell in anticipation of whatever was to transpire.

"Ann, did you like Kathy eating your pussy?"

"Yes, I loved it," Ann replied. Ann did not understand what was happening but she was enjoying it. It suddenly seemed she wanted to talk to Doug and tell him everything. The more questions he asked the more she felt her own pussy begin to leak pussy juice. She could feel a small spot of wetness that has formed on her panties.

"So do you like it as much as you like letting your Dad see your pussy?"

"How do you know about that?" Ann asked suddenly feeling disturbed that her friend Kathy would tell such thing to someone else.

"Ann, you want me to know everything about you. Don't you Ann?"

Suddenly the feelings of betrayal vanished leaving Ann feeling good that Kathy had told Doug about her. She was very excited that Doug seemed to like the idea that she let her Dad see her naked.

"I bet your Dad gets a big hard on every time he sees your pussy."

"Yes, Dad loves to see me naked and several times I have seen the bulge in his pants," Ann answered. Ann was becoming very excited as she revealed her secrets to this strange man that she had just met.

"Ann would like Kathy to remove your shorts?" Doug asked.

"Yes," Ann whispered.

"Then asked Kathy to take off your shorts and let us see your pussy."

"Kathy, please take off my pants and so you can see my pussy?" Ann said in a most pressing voice.

Kathy immediately rose from the couch. She reached down and unfastened Ann's shorts. She pulled them and Ann's panties off in one quick tug leaving Ann naked from the waste down. Kathy remained on the floor sitting between Ann's legs. Kathy pushed Ann's legs apart given Doug an unrestricted view of Ann's almost hairless cunt.

"Very nice, very nice indeed," Doug said as he looked at this young pussy.

"Thank you Doug, I'm glad you like my pussy," Ann replied.

Doug smiled knowing that his CD was having the desired effect on this young girl. Ann sat on the couch with Kathy sitting on the floor between her legs holding Ann's legs open enough to allow Doug a perfect view of her cute young cunt. Doug could see some moisture glistening on the edges of her pussy lips.

"Doug, may I please lick Ann's pussy?" Kathy suddenly begged.

Doug was surprised at this since before Kathy only acted as he commanded. She seemed to have no will of her own. Now it appeared her sexual desires were becoming so powerful that they were motivating her out of her passive state.

"So you want to eat Ann's young pussy, Kathy?" Doug asked.

"Yes, Doug, please let me. I will eat her good and she will love it," Kathy almost cried.

"Please let her eat my pussy," Ann suddenly said.

This was all very interesting. It seemed to Doug that the girls' sexual appetite was becoming stronger than his suggestive program of control. However, he was pleased that they still needed is permission to take action. He was still in control but now the girls were asking him for what they wanted.

"Don't you girls think it is nasty to eat a cunt?" Doug asked.

"Yes, it is very nasty but I would love to eat Ann's pussy. Please Doug, I have to eat her," Kathy said and was near tears as she looked up at Doug.

"Okay so you admit that you are a very dirty slut that loves to eat pussy juice?"

"Yes, I am a pussy loving slut and I suck up all of Ann's pussy juice. It tastes wonderful. Please let me."

Doug could see Ann squirming on the couch. He could also see that her pussy had become wet and small droplets were forming on the lips of her pussy.

"Ok eat Ann, Kathy," Doug said given Kathy the permission she desired.

Kathy face went immediately forward to between Ann's legs. Doug could see Kathy's tongue lapping away at the pussy juices that had formed on the outer rim of her pussy hole. Ann's reaction was immediate. As she felt Kathy's tongue invade her most intimate areas she began to hunch her hips into Kathy's mouth.

"Oh Doug, it feels so good for Kathy to eat me. Thank you for letting her. Mmmmm," Ann said and then moaned as Kathy continued to lick up her juices.

Kathy seemed oblivious to everything. The only thing that mattered was Ann's pussy. Kathy was in the world of Ann's cunt and was savouring every drop of Ann's pussy juice.

This was too much for Ann.

"Oh Goooood!" Ann cried as she grabbed Kathy's head and pulled her into her crotch even tighter.

Kathy felt her face flush against Ann's pussy but she never let her tongue quit working. Her tongue was fucking in and out of Ann's pussy hole.

"Ohhhhhhh!" Ann moaned and was not oblivious to anything but the feel of Kathy's mouth and tongue on her clit and pussy hole. She was moving to an orgasm of immense proportions. Ann never knew she could feel such a thing as the first wave of orgasmic pleasure erupted through her entire being.

As Doug watched Ann humped against Kathy's mouth in a frenzied attempt to make the orgasm last longer. As her pussy exploded Doug could see a stream of juices flow out of Ann's pussy. Kathy was there licking it up like a prized beverage.

Ann slowly collapsed back on the couch. She was spent. Kathy rose up and her mouth was wet with Ann's juices.

"Come over here," Doug instructed Kathy.

Kathy crawled over to the chair where Doug was sitting.

Doug had pulled out his hard cock and presented to Kathy. She immediately took it in her mouth and began to nurse. It seemed she could satisfy her sexual craving for sex juice of all kinds, male and female.

"That's it. Suck my cock like the slutty bitch you are."

It did not take long and Doug felt his balls tighten. The familiar rush began and his cock head swelled in Kathy's mouth. She could wait for the taste of Doug's cum and began to suck harder.

"Ohhhh fuck!" Doug cried as his cock exploded into Kathy's willing mouth. He spurted load after load of cum as he looked at Ann sitting on the couch with her hand rubbing her cunt lips. It was great.

Kathy did not miss a drop. She could taste Doug's cum mixed with Ann's pussy juice. It was wonderful but Kathy had not experience the orgasm that she desired.

"Ok that is enough," Doug said as he pulled his cock out of Kathy's mouth. She licked the last drop of cum off his dick hole.

"I have to go but I hope to see you girls again."

"We do too," they both answered. He noticed Kathy had a very disappointed look on her face.

"Ann, I want you to do something for me," Doug said.

"Anything," she willingly answered.

"I want you to spy on your parents. Sneak around and see what they are up to. Come home early at times when they are no expecting you but be careful to not get caught. I want to know what kind of games they are playing. I also want to know how your Mom satisfies herself. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand and I will find out everything you want," Ann answered feeling a very strange desire to fulfill all of Doug's requests.

"Also I want you to keep a record of the little games that you and your Dad play. I want to know how often he gets to see you naked and how he reacts. You also might want to do various things such as sit in his lap and see what he does. Okay?"

"Yes, I will be happy to do all these things for you Doug," Ann answered.

"I've got to go. Now you girls do whatever you want after I'm gone. You will both remember what has happened and you will know that you had a fantastic time. You will want to do this again and again. Do you both understand?" Doug asked.

"Yes we understand," they answered.

Doug grabbed his CD's and went to the door.

"I will be back in a couple of weeks. Ann, write me a report on what you find and leave it with Kathy. I will probably want to see the two of you together again but I will let Kathy know about the date and time. See you girls."

As Doug walked out the door both girls felt as if they were coming out of some kind of trance.

Ann found herself sitting with no pants or panties. She found her hand rubbing her pussy. While she did not fully understand what had just happened she did understand how great her hand felt rubbing her pussy.

Kathy was becoming use to these type situations and as Doug shut the door she felt as if she was released from his spell. However, this was only to be trapped in her own spell of sexual desire. She quickly ripped off her pants and panties and began to minister to her own swollen clit.

"Oho Goooood!" Kathy cried.

Kathy's cries awakened Ann. She looked to see Kathy lying on the floor vigorously rubbing pussy. Ann climbed down off the couch and quickly her mouth found Kathy's wet pussy.

Kathy and Ann spent the rest of the evening licking and sucking each other in every possible way. Ann missed her piano lessons but she did not care. It was a wonderful afternoon for the girls. Ann returned home after her afternoon delight with her new friend Kathy. She walked in the kitchen and found she was home alone. She decided this would be a good time to begin snooping around.

She went to her parent's bedroom. She knew that her mother and father did not have many intimate moments; in fact, she did not think they had sex at all. She opened her mother's closet and looked around. There was nothing out of the ordinary just clothes and shoes.

Ann examined several of the shoe boxes and found one in the back that seemed to have something other than shoes in it. She opened the box and to her surprise found several vibrators. Also in the box was some kind of clamps. She also found some strange looking socks. They had very tight bands around them and looked like they would only fit a child. The only other thing in the box was a leather vest. Ann was not sure what these were but guessed they had something to do with her mother's seemingly secret sex life. There was nothing else of interested in the box. Ann could not find any other item that would suggest her mother did more than masturbate now and then. Ann decided she wanted to catch her mother masturbating so she could give a good report to Doug.

Ann's mother, Sandra was an interesting woman. She was 38 years old and was a successful realtor. She had sold her million dollars worth of property and had several awards. Most everyone liked Sandra and she was a sociable woman. Everyone knew her as a very proper type woman and a modern business person with lots of confidence in her abilities.

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The sound of laughter woke Brad and he sat up hurriedly as he realised ‘Tanaya, Brent and Matty were walking into the house. He checked that Nicky was still asleep in the bed with him before getting up hurriedly hoping to get to ‘Tanaya and the two men before they woke Nicky and Janey who was asleep out on the lounge. ‘Hey,’ Brad murmured as he walked out of the spare room to find them heading towards the kitchen. ‘We decided to come back tonight because we can’t visit Ren in the morning,...

4 years ago
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Giving into Darkness Part 7

Part seven It was still storming when he reached the apartment, once inside he let out a growl and punched a wall. Bits and pieces of sheet rock and plaster would explode under his power as said, "Damn it." with his hand still against the wall he rested his forehead on it and attempted to stabilize his rage. He could feel his body shaking and he took a deep breath to steady himself, he had killed Ethan. His rage had bested him, what the hell could he do though he had been willing to kill...

1 year ago
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The First Ever Facial With Your Partner Is Unlike

I'm bisexual so I've had the opportunity to experience the facial from both ends. Not very often but once is all you need to know what it's all about.There's no other sexual act that's like a facial and nothing else even comes close to that.A facial is the most slutty and degrading sex act there is, but it's also one of the hottest and most sexually thrilling as well.And one facial will change your relationship with the person you do it with for the rest of your lives, and there's no turning...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Ava Eden Caught RedHanded

Mr. Diesel needed a babysitter ASAP so what else to do other than call the babysitters club? Unfortunately for him, Marley was the only babysitter available – he had some trouble with her in the past going through his shit so he wasnt happy about that. After showing her around and letting her know to not touch his alcohol, he left and when he came back he caught Marley red handed with a wine bottle in her mouth! He threatened to call the babysitters club to get her fired and she dropped...

1 year ago
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Dyked Angel Ryder Rosalyn Sphinx Clit Licking Experiments

Tatted Rosalyn Sphinx is no stranger to exploring her hot body. She loves pleasuring herself and bringing herself to earth shattering orgasms. But when curious cutie Angel Ryder stumbles in on Rosalyns private masturbation session, she is shocked and amazed. Rosalyn wants to show Angel that curiosity can be a good thing, so she proposes they have a little experimental fun. She shoves her fingers in Angels cunt and licks her clit salaciously. Angel cannot believe how good it feels as Rosalyn...

1 year ago
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Gym Sex

One pulls out of my face and climbs off. The other pulls out of my arse. They untie my legs, I can see they have used lifting straps to tie me up, what an ingenious use of gym equipment. One picks me up and carries me over to the one who called. He is standing in the squat rack. “Thanks guys, that was my best gym session ever.” I say to my new gym buddies, as I mop up the cum and sweat from my crotch. A late finish meant my gym time was delayed by a few hours. It was populated by...

4 years ago
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Accustomed to Her Face Ch 23

Love Letter My Lovely Man, I started out to write you an erotic love letter. I wanted to tell you all the naughty things that we’ll do when you come to bed, but every time I started, the words just wouldn’t express what I wanted to say and so I’d throw the paper away and start again. Soon you will come upstairs. Soon you will be in my arms again. When you are, I will show you how I feel. For now, though, I want to tell you something else. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how I love you...

3 years ago
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A Very Special Birthday Present Part 1

A Very Special Birthday Present - by: Jennifer Allison My Birthday - Part 1 Today is my thirteenth birthday. My Aunt Ida and cousin John came over to help me celebrate. "Hey Dean," my mom yelled upstairs. "Your Aunt Ida and your cousin John have been here for ten minutes and you still haven't come down to say, Hi." "I'll be down in a minute. I have to finish this chess game I am playing on the Internet." If I hadn't been on a twelve game winning streak I would have...

4 years ago
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Shadows From the PastChapter 13

Cassie stands before the veil, as she has countless times before. Beyond it lay memory and emotions, all wound up into a twisty knot that the subconscious would spend all night attempting to untie. Dreams are the manifestation of that struggle. Beyond lies the sleeping yet restless mind of her mother. Despite having spent years flitting from mind to mind on a whim every night, she feels this is a violation. Until her mother began interfering with her life, she never entered a mind with the...

2 years ago
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I was sitting at the bar watching her on the dance floor. She looked fantastic I thought to myself. She was wearing black high heels, they were very sexy shoes, black hold up stockings, short black skirt. When she walked or bent over you could see the stocking tops. That really turns me on I thought to myself. All the other guys in the room were watching her waiting to catch a glimpse of those sexy stocking tops as she danced. Black Basque, her hair just the way he liked it she looked...

3 years ago
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Crossing The Road

I fell in love with Sam the first moment I saw her. She was in a bar, sitting on her boyfriend’s knee and looking like everything I ever wanted in a woman, beautiful, happy and very sexy. To this day my vision of her at that moment is as clear as if it was only minutes ago. I’d been invited to my new employer’s company night out. It was shortly before I joined the company and the objective was to “get to know” a few people before I arrived in the office. The evening served its purpose but the...

1 year ago
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Becoming Sissy

A slim boy, slouched in his seat. The ramblings of his cute professor were barely audible to him. His mind was racing. Today had snuck up on Keith. He could not believe what was going to take place later tonight. "Keith..." His beautiful professor snapped him out of his day dreaming. Her low cut top revealing her full breasts was barely a distraction today. "Would you mind telling the room why you believe Donald Trump was elected?" Keith had grown tired of his major. Political Science had began...

1 year ago
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XVideos Mature

In the chaotic world of online porn, you can trust ThePornDude to be your guide to good porn. If you have a thing for older women, specifically 30+ up to 60, pay some close fucking attention. I'm about to introduce you to yet another source of porn featuring mature, ridiculously sexy, and dick starved MILFs. These women will command both your respect and your attention with their hot bodies and experience.These moms are so fucking horny, and all they need is to release the tension. When their...

Mature Porn Sites
1 year ago
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A snack for Jenny

Jenny looked round the clearing; everything was as it should be Jenny looked round the clearing; everything was as it should be. She had prepared her ground well. Two young saplings had been pulled together and tied tightly. They stood about six feet apart and between she had tied Martin. When he wakes he will get such a surprise. But there were thing to do as she waited.??????????? She stood the small table upright and covered it with a white damask cloth, and began arranging the tools...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Shay Sights Stepmom Likes It Up The Ass

Elias Cash notices that his stepmom Shay Sights seems upset, and asks her what’s wrong. She explains that she just found out her friend passed away… in fact, he was more than a friend, he was her ex-lover, and he was REALLY good at fucking her in the ass. Shay sadly says that her current husband never gives her anal sex, so hearing about her ex-lover’s passing just makes her miss getting assfucked even more… Shay then asks Elias if he’s ever fucked a woman in the...

4 years ago
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Pain Management

Monday morning staff meetings were seldom entertaining but I had a bone to pick, so I was pretty energetic that day. "Look, we can't have some nurse doing this on the side. With all the money we poured into starting up the pain management center, with the new building, the advertising, everything, we're going to let a nurse do her own little amateur hypnosis thing?" I said. Dr. Collins was offended, I could tell. Not that I cared, I didn't think too much of his unit. The series of...

3 years ago
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Morning Visitor For A Gay Escort

This story is not exactly a sequel to my previous sex story “Straight to Gay for pay”() but part of the same series. As most of you know, I had taken up gay escorting to support my photography career . This story happens few months after I had lost my virginity to another man. I had been working for 3 months with Amy aunty and she had trained me in a way that my clients would keep coming back. I still hated getting fucked but money was good. In those three months of escorting, I had developed a...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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One night I went to a different club to check things out. By now, Iknew what I was looking for and where to find it. I was cruising thearea with several bars for people with my kind of preferences youknow women with more to offer a man.I parked out in the lot and began to walk in as I did I noticed thisbeautiful brunette with long legs. I was very interested infollowing her into the bar. I rushed to open the door for her as shejust politely blushed and smiled at me. I tipped my head to her...

3 years ago
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Six Days on the RoadChapter 13

The new saddle they'd made had worked well, and since we had a few hours left before sunset with nothing really in the works the girls were considering starting on another one. After we hobbled our mounts and stowed the tack though I saw they all shucked their shirts and were walking around in the new halter-tops. What's a horny bastard to think with beautiful women working around him in tiny leather halter-tops and blue jeans? Tiny leather thongs were the first things on my mind of...

3 years ago
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Super Bowl Fantasy

Tristaca Lockett grabbed her white-pink-and-teal monogrammed lunch bag from the breakroom refrigerator. The registered nurse was in a rush to leave the pediatrician’s office where she worked. Her oldest son, TJ, had a basketball game this evening. She rushed to her crimson 2016 Buick Enclave. She arrived at the start of the second quarter. She spotted her husband and other two c***dren and went to sit with them. TJ was on the court playing some pretty decent defense.. She cheered for her baby...

2 years ago
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Another Welcome GuestChapter 9

Greek Gods Zeus - King of the Greek gods Hera - Queen of the Greek gods, sister, and wife of Zeus Hades - god of the underworld, brother of Zeus Poseidon - god of the sea, brother of Zeus Demeter - goddess of harvest and fertility of the earth, sister of Zeus Aphrodite - Daughter of Zeus and Dione, Goddess of love, beauty, and sexuality Artemis - Daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess of the hunt, the moon, and chastity Athena - Daughter of Zeus and Metis, goddess of wisdom, courage,...

2 years ago
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Dad and Me

Hi, thank you very much for your overwhelming response for my earlier submission. In fact some guys/gals showed interest in me, I have given them my acceptance. But, all of you are interested in my other experiences. After the first with my younger brother Jai, nothing special took place except that we enjoyed whenever we got the opportunity. In fact, Jai wanted to marry me and settle down so that we will never be separated. I told him to wait for the right time to do that as there was lot of...

3 years ago
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The room was dark with only candles illuminating the tables as I walked inside the restaurant. My heart was racing as I contemplated what I was getting myself into. I had agreed to meet a couple at the restaurant to see if I met their screening criteria to join them in a rendezvous for sex. This meeting was set up via an online chat room and we had never seen each other. We planned to have dinner together and then decide if we were compatible and we would take it from there.My eyes almost...

2 years ago
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Me and My Brothers Chapter XIII Not Just a Nudist Camp

We had a complete hook-up so my brothers hooked up the water, sewer, electrical, and TV cable. Soon I was in the shower getting all cleaned up so I would feel comfortable walking around in the nude. I blew my hair dry and put on a little makeup. While Donny and Bobby took their turns in the shower I went through the schedule of events. The first thing we were scheduled to attend was a get-acquainted dinner where all new visitors would be introduced. After that a skit would be performed...

1 year ago
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The Tale of RolandEpilogue

Occasionally Rachel had her doubts that Damsel Tracia's death was not her fault. The healing chamber helped reduce psychological problems, but it could only help so much. She was never fond of big dogs after that and never wanted to go back to Chaos, but that was more the result of having children to worry about than lack of willingness. She retained just enough guilt that she found herself urging Rolly to go on missions sometimes. That was fine with Stephanie, who wanted to go even more...

2 years ago
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Hurry Someones Coming 1

Hurry!,&hellip,. Someones Coming! 1 &hellip,.Those words sent the adrenalin rush we were hooked on. For 3 years my sister in law Cindy and I had slowly lusted for each other. I had wonderful dreams about her&hellip,sometimes wet ones, right while I was by my sleeping wife. Cindy told me she would wait until her husband went to sleep and carefully slip her finger in her pussy and slowly massager her clit and fantasize it was my tongue. … After a while she would have a twitching heavenly orgasm....

1 year ago
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All Business

Four-thirty on the dot, Jason Warren’s phone rang.“There’s a Miss Lauren Rapino here for her 4:30 appointment, Mr. Warren.”“I’ll be right there, Susan.”Jason donned his sport jacket and headed for the lobby. Lauren sat on the far side of the open space. Legs crossed at the ankles and turned slightly to her left, she studied her iPhone intently. As Jason approached, Lauren looked up and smiled a smile unlike one from one business acquaintance to another. But if anyone else happened to see, it...

Office Sex
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Paying the Coach

He lay on his back and summoned me to him, his rock-hard cock bounced from side to side as he adjusted himself up towards the headrest of the bed.“Time to pay the coach, Dave,” he said, continuing, “If you do a good job, I might even give you an extra treat.”I hesitated a little, I looked at his glistening muscular body, his broad chest, his flat stomach, and his throbbing erection. I paused to take it all in for a moment. When we made the deal and he promised me that I would have a body just...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Survivors Remorse

Hi folks, This one is partially true and partially fiction. The guy who wrecked his Mustang and went into a depression about it is absolutely true. I met him at this year's dream cruise. Coming to Mustang Alley and seeing all of the ponies was part of his therapy. I did let him know that I'd be taking a lot of liberties with his story. But there were some things that were too great to leave out. One of thse is his real life, uber supportive, uber beautiful wife Saraya. I had to throw her into...

3 years ago
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RansomeChapter 6 Phoebe Brought Down

David was rather surprised to get a ‘phone call from Gillian a couple of weeks later to say that Phoebe had just rung her and hinted that another dinner date with David and herself making up the foursome would be very welcome. “What did you say to her?” he asked. “I didn’t know what to say, so I told her I’d think about it. I didn’t tell her we were meeting several times each week in case you wanted her as well as having me, Master.” “Ring her back and tell her you don’t know how you would...

2 years ago
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How I pursuaded my wife to fulfill my fantasy true Final installment

Here is the recollection of the third and final meeting with my wife’s boyfriend of many years ago that fulfilled our fantasy. A knock at the door and Jan called down from upstairs for me to answer. We were expecting Howard and he was right on time. I took him into the lounge. On his last visit I was sent upstairs and he finally fucked my gorgeous wife after all these years. Jan had agreed this time that provided she felt comfortable and I didn’t object, we would share her together. Howard...

3 years ago
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Captivated Ch 03

Chapter 3: Schooled A female’s lyrical voice penetrated the thick hazy fog of his slumbering brain. He winced and groaned, becoming aware of a silky slender arm around his shoulder and neck. It stirred briefly but didn’t remove its weight. ‘Hello-o-o-o-! Anyone awake aboard?! Wakee, wakee, all hands off snakies!’ His dark head shot up from his pillow when he heard that pleasant feminine voice say the strangest thing. Had he heard her right? He wasn’t sure. He squinted sleepy eyes as he...

1 year ago
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An Unwanted AffairChapter 6

My relationship with Adeel as a man and wife virtually ceased to exist. Although he didn't divorce me, but after that night, there was no physical relationship between Adeel and me. We still shared the same bed; every night we slept side by side, but Adeel never tried to touch me. Even if I tried to encourage or seduce him, he simply brushed off my overtures, and turned his face away. Every effort I made to seduce him bore no result, and finally I had to give up. He talked very little with...

4 years ago
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Dick in 3D

It is Friday night I'm laying down in my bed drifting off to sleep everything I did the previous day before I went to school on my first day was playing in my dream like a movie trailer. Then Fade into black and I see a title that says Jon Jon he's sitting in class his desk is in front of mine my teacher walks half way out the classroom everyone in the room is shirtless topless and the girls were wearing see through clothes. It felt like a nightmare at first then everybody disappeared Jon Jon...

1 year ago
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The Barbecue

As everyone came over, my dad started up the barbecue. I was running in and out of the house setting things up. I walked by our neighbour Bill and bent over to put a salad on the table. I knew I just gave him a good view of my butt and I knew he liked it. I continued to set things up and noticed that he didn't stop looking at me. Whether it was at my chest or at my butt. I was starting to feel very violated so I tried to stay away from him. As the night went on, we ate our food and the...

3 years ago
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First Swap Led To The Best Fuck Of Friend8217s Wife

I had this friend way back in the same city I used to live. We met during parties. His wife Tina was really beautiful and I had a bit of thing about her. Always wanted to have something happen between us. I know this is a pretty common fantasy about other’s wives. But, in this case, I really wanted this fantasy to come true, and one day I got a chance. One evening, this couple came to our place for dinner. We started drinking a bit, so I suggested them to stay over. We had fun, but then wives...

1 year ago
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Opus OneChapter 8 Allegro

Richard woke up quite late, and he was the first to stir. For a moment, he was startled by his location. He figured he would have gone back to his room last night after a brief snooze. Instead, it was late morning. Emily was still beside him, but Sandra had moved to Emily's bed and was sleeping soundly. Richard grinned as he saw the remains of the evening strewn about the room. Playing cards were scattered on the floor, clothes sat in little piles, and two empty wine bottles stood on the...

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