HealerChapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 18
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Elena lifted her head slowly as the pounding on the door continued. She wriggled under her husband.
"Aric, get off of me. There's someone at the door. I have to answer it or they will get the manager to open it.", she urged as she continued trying to escape from his pinioning weight.
"What?" he groused as if coming out of a trance.
"Let me up! I have to answer that.", she scolded as the communications console next the bed began to chirp noisily. "Answer the phone and I'll take care of whoever is at the door," she said calmly as he rolled off of her. She winced as a fresh spurt of pain filled her when his dick slipped out of her tired bleeding anus. She grabbed the robe at the end of the bed, shrugging into it she tied the belt, and slipped quickly over to the door. Before opening it, she glanced over her shoulder. Aric was sitting up. He reached over to the phone and was about to push the button on it. She ran her hand through her tousled hair before opening the door.
"Can I help you?", she asked the uniformed officer standing in the hall with two other guardsmen behind him.
"Is everything all right, ma'am? Your neighbors called saying that there were screams coming from your room." The man said, eyeing her robe and rumpled appearance. He leaned forward trying to see around her into the hotel room.
"Yes, everything is fine. I got little carried away. Sorry but it just felt so good." she said impishly, trying to keep her body between him and the room.
"Ma'am, there was a report of things breaking." The man spoke so softly that no one other than she could hear him.
"Oh, I..." she looked at him uncertainly.
"Do you need help?" the man asked, sympathy in his eyes.
"I don't know how you could help me ... he's my husband." she whispered back,
"Has he hurt you?"
She nodded and let her robe loosen enough that he could see the bruises around her waist where Aric had held her while he had fucked her on the spacecraft. She wasn't going to let the man know that she was fair of skin and bruised easily. Let him think that she was being abused. Perhaps that would get rid of Aric temporarily. Then she could set the wheels in motion for HER own revenge without her troublesome husband always underfoot. It would be the perfect excuse.
The security guard paled as he saw the vivid green, black, and blue bruises that covered her slender waist and her lower abdomen. He could also see healing bite marks on her shoulder and the swell of one of her breasts. Either this woman liked rough sex, or she had been abused within the last week. He reached out and tugged the robe closed and retied it.
"It's all right, Mrs..." he said quietly as he pulled her out of the doorway and into the hallway while he motioned for the two men behind him to enter the room.
It was over in a few brief but loud minutes as the two men jumped onto the bed and pinned a very startled Aric to the bed. One man whipped out handcuffs and restrained Aric's hands behind him. They also bound his feet. His furious cursing could be heard out into the hallway where the security guard and Elena stood.
"I don't know what I am going to do," she sobbed into his chest. "Once he gets out of jail, he'll beat me so badly he will kill me for sure."
"Shhhh, you can come home with me." He soothed.
"But I can't..."
"Just until you can find a place of your own. The first thing you should do, ma'am, is get an order of restraint against him."
"I'll think about it." she whispered.
A few minutes later the town enforcers showed up to retrieve a very irate Aric. Elena refused to even look at him as they carried him out of the room
And then down the hallway. One of the enforcers walked over to Elena and the security guard.
"Ma'am, I'm so sorry about this. But I need to ask you a few questions." the enforcer said as he led her to a nearby empty room. Another enforcer was in Elena's and Aric's room taking photos of the broken lamp and gathering other evidence.
Elena sat down and accepted the cup of water that was offered to her. The enforcer sat down across from her. The security guard stayed with her also.
"How long have you been married to your husband?" he asked as he drew out a handheld computer.
"We just got married. This is our honeymoon."
"I see. Has this ever happened in the past?" he asked.
"No, he's changed since we got married. He has an ... unnatural fetish."
"And what would that be, Ma'am?"
"He likes kinky sex." she said as she lowered her gaze, pretending to be deeply ashamed.
"Yes, he likes anal sex. I've never even thought of a man wanting to do that."
Kat stood on the balcony and watched as her chosen rode towards the stables. The fierce tugging that had accompanied his departure had eased now that he was back on the palace grounds.
When he came out of the stables, she moved back into the shadows of the balcony. There was no way she was going to let him realize that she had been waiting on him - like a worried wife does on her late arriving husband. Until they got married, she planned on keeping her distance. She didn't trust herself not kick his ass, or worse, rape him. She waited until he entered the palace before leaving the shadowed balcony.
She walked into her suite then hurried over to the door where she turned the lock. She didn't expect Charlie to seek her out, but she didn't want to find out that he had gotten over his anger and wanted to make up. She wasn't done being mad yet, she decided.
Charlie walked briskly into the main hall. He quickly scanned the hall looking for Kat. He frowned when he saw that she missing. It was nearly time to have the evening meal. Where was she- where was His Hellkat?
He paused next to the table. King Mica and Master Iason were already seated.
"Where is she?" he asked softly, locking eyes with his Condocefacio.
"Who?" Jason asked as he snapped open his napkin and laid it across his lap.
"You know damn well who I am talking about, Master Iason."
"Don't take that tone of voice with me, young man." Jason said stiffly. "As to where my granddaughter is, well, that is for you to figure out. The last time I spoke with her, she was mighty upset with you."
"She'll get over it." Charlie said between clenched teeth.
"And if she doesn't?"
"That's her problem. We are chosen. We're getting married and that's the end of it."
"Well, you better inform her off that fact. She is under the assumption that your wedding is "off". I do believe she is planning to leave." Jason said seriously.
"Like Hell!" Charlie shouted before he strode out of the room, in search of his wayward bride.
King Mica turned to Jason and saw the smile that crossed the Master Warrior's face.
"Did she really tell you that she was planning on leaving?" Mica asked as he reached for his glass of wine.
"Yes. She was planning on riding out in the morning and meeting Rand and Gracie." Jason said with his tongue in cheek.
"You are just plain evil." Mica chuckled.
"I know." Jason replied honestly - grinning from ear to ear.
Kat stared at the door as someone continued to pound on it. She had a good idea of who it was, but she was damned if she was going to answer it. Let him stew for awhile — a long while.
"Katrina Littlebird - open this damn door! You're not leaving me!" Charlie yelled through the door.
She listened for a few moments but when it grew quiet she realized that he had not gone away. She wasn't sure how he had entered her room before but she had a sneaky suspicion that he was going to use the same mode of entry this time.
When she turned around to walk towards her open window, she was just in time to see the floor length tapestry that hung on her wall move to the side. She stared in amazement as her huge chosen squeezed himself through the small opening. She stood frozen in her tracks as he straightened and headed towards her. Her every inclination told her that she should run; that the look in his eyes wasn't to be trusted, because he looked like he wanted to devour her whole — clothes and all.
"What?" she asked defensively. She inhaled sharply when he stopped inches from her trembling body. All she could see was his wide torso. She dared not make eye contact with him. Her body was already singing to her; she knew that if she saw the desire in his eyes, she would lose what little self-control she had left.
"You've gone and done it, Hellkat."
"Done what?" she mumbled.
"You've pushed and pushed until you worked your way under my skin. You decided long ago that you wanted me — well you succeeded - so now you are stuck with me." He said huskily before reaching under her arms and lifting her higher and higher until she was face to face with him.
She squeaked in protest before his mouth covered hers. Kat caught her breath as desire 'flash-flooded' her system. Instinctively she wrapped her legs around his waist to hold on as they hungrily explored each other's mouths. She moaned as he ripped his mouth away from hers. Like a baby bird with its' mother, she tried to recapture his mouth. Her blood was pounding while she could feel the wetness inside of her seep onto her nylon panties. She had never been aroused this fast before. She had thought that her previous kisses with him had been intense but this made her insatiable.
"There will be no more talk of leaving me, Hellkat. You're mine and you are going to stay mine!" he growled before fastening his mouth on the side of her neck and sucking strongly. Kat arched in his arms as arrows of pleasure shot through her neck straight down to her yearning pussy. She was so close! How could she be this close? They hadn't even done anything yet!
"Shhh ... I know, I know! From now 'til the time we bond, this is how it's going to be. Our first time will be fast and furious, baby. We won't be able to control it." He whispered against her neck.
Kat shivered as she squirmed in his arms. Her sensitive nipples were pressed hard against him.
"But once we get our first time out of the way, I plan on loving you slowly." he continued as he slowly tongued the inside of her ear. "I'll be drawing out every caress, every kiss until you are begging me to finish it. Then I might just have mercy on you. I plan on licking and nibbling on every inch of you. I plan on having you dressed in just your sexy little underwear."
Kat moaned deeply as she crept closer to the edge. Damn, she thought. She wasn't going to come from just his voice alone! She wasn't that desperate- that weak — or was she!
"The first time I will probably rip them off; but I have bought you extra pairs of that sexy nylon underwear. I want to kiss every inch of your pussy through them, Katrina. I've been dreaming of it since the day you threw your underwear at me. Can you feel me? Can you feel me licking your wet folds? I want to suck on your lips through the nylon. Damn how I want to do that!" he groaned.
"Charlie!" she pleaded as he cupped her ass in the palms of his hands and rocked her wet mound against his hard ridged stomach.
"And them I'm going to pull the crotch of those panties aside, Kat. Do you know what I am going to do then?" he whispered just before he slid her further down his torso, aligning their pelvises. She cried out harshly as he started to buck against her - pressing his erection against her mons.
"Please!" she breathed as she skated on the edge of an incredible release.
"I'm going to suck on your hard little clit. Can you imagine that, Hellkat? Can you feel me sucking it into my mouth before I drill it mercilessly?" He groaned against the top of her head as they ground their bodies wildly against each other.
Kat began to pant hoarsely as she fought for her orgasm.
"Then after you come, I'm going to lick up every drop." he muttered between clenched teeth as he felt her start to shake in his arms.
Kat drew in a ragged breath just before she exploded! She screamed as she flew over the edge.
"Yes baby. Come for me. Cum hard!" Charlie growled as he spun around and pressed her against the wall.
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Note : This story is completely fictional! It is an afternoon just like any other afternoon however this one is going to be different, very different. The two of you are home and since you where not expecting company, Mommy is wearing a pair of dark sheer stockings, pumps and a sheer body suit possibly see through. Beneath it, Mommy is wearing nothing, no panties, no bra, nothing and the moisture that is escaping her beautiful pussy lips is evident of the activities that have just taken place....
Incest"Maidenform" I often search the thrift shops around town on the weekends. Part of my hobby. I often find great deals on clothing and jewelry and even now and then a decent pair of ladies high heels and in my size! The nice part of thrift shops is that a lot of the outfits are vintage, the old style type of clothes that women used to wear in the 50's and early 60's when women dressed like women. And the fancier the outfits are the less worn they usually are! They call it...
Frankie and Ian finally pulled apart and Ian removed the rest of his clothes, they both relieved themselves and jumped onto the bed.Frankie lay on the bed on her back as Ian leaned in to kiss her tongue once again searching inside her mouth, she responded and again they lay there kissing as Ian’s fingers started to play with her nipples rolling one after the other between his thumb and forefinger she was instantly turned on again, her pussy grinding against his leg as she forced her tongue even...
Hello, I am Anja and live in a partnership with Hanna. I love her really, but from time to time I need change. She accept this and also my other predilections. I do not quell them with it. For this I search for myself other partners. However, love I do only her!! Sometimes she watches if I have visit… She likes this. While I enjoy myself, besides, Hanna sits and watches, sometimes she does photos, she never reaches in the events. Always I hear when she comes, because she comes loudly. She wants...
Hey! ISS readers, Ajit again, maine pichale week 2 kahaniya likhi thi, Sonakshi & ISS se mili Apsara, aap logon ko bahut pasand aai isliye thanks, muze aap logonke bahut mails mile, Thanks for your response. Aaj me aap logon ko khush karne ke liye 1 very hot & Sexy story likh raha hu, Aasha hai aap logon ko bahut pasand aayegi……Please muze reply jaroor karna ki aap logon ko ye story kaise lagi, mera mail id- To dosto ye story hai meri aur hamare naye ghar ke bajuwali aunty ki. Jaise ki aap...
By : Amaldas Hi bondhu ra ami apnader kache khub e porichito ekjon bangla sex story er writereta amar life er ekta satti ghotonar opor base kore lekha ami kolkata te thaki ager story er moto asha kori etao apna ra like korben ar amake mail krben amar naam amal das ami ekta time mobile theke khub chat krtam ei vabei chat korte korte amar ek boudir sathe alap holo ami nijer ekta vul parichay diyechilam ami bolechilam J ami married kintu amar age takhn 18 chilo er por boudir sathe halka halka...
“OK to sit down?” he asked. Randi, startled out of her daydream, said quickly, “Sure, Mike,” finishing up some fries. He sat down and looked tenderly across at her. She was fourteen, a little slim, but quite good looking. She had shoulder length blonde hair, big blue eyes, smallish breasts and legs that wouldn’t quit! “How’s it going?” he asked. “OK, I guess . . . Oh . . . not really. I can’t...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My step-sister Christen and I had just gotten back from a long night of drinking and partying, and we were both pretty drunk. She went to bed and I decided to go downstairs and rub one off. I say goodnight, we hug and I am off to another night of going to bed alone (except for my hand). I am sitting in the bean-bag chair, which in itself, is uncomfortable and as it is I am drunk so actually having an orgasm is almost impossible. Then, the light bulb...
IncestWe arrived at Heather’s house at 2 pm as instructed. The party was to start at five, but she said that we needed plenty of prep time first. I drove and parked in her driveway (Well, her mom’s driveway, I guess), and shut the engine off. We both sat there in silence for a minute. “Are we up to this?” I asked. “We are,” Jess said, though whether she was trying to convince me, or herself, I didn’t know. “Ok, it’s now or never,” I said. With that, we both began stripping until we were as...
“Brad... , “ “Brad... , “ “Oh, Brad!” An angelic voice sang. “Uhh?” He grunted. He lifted his head wrinkling his brow and squinting from the brilliant light shining in his eyes. He put his right hand up to his forehead shielding his eyes from the strong light. A shadowy, bright figure came into focus. “Aunt Laura ... Mom? Is that you Mom?” Brad asked feeling as if still half asleep. “Oh, so now that I’m dead, he finally decides to call me Mom!” Laura kidded sarcastically, gesturing with...
My dark, naked body slinks down the pale surface of yours, as I fall to my knees before you. The contrast of my skin against yours is our private aphrodisiac. I lick my berry colored lips in anticipation. I work your pants down, shoving them to your ankles. Grabbing the cuffs, in a swoop I pull them off. You didn’t confine yourself today, as you often do. I laugh lightly. You make every thing so simple for me, removing your shirt in advance and wearing no underwear. You are as eager for me as I...
*Author’s Note: this is my first attempt at writing erotica and I decided to start it off slow to allow it to be built upon in later parts. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Rikter * Cold, that would have to be the word to describe it. But that was more likely to be the adrenaline than the late evening air, as the bones in my hands collided with the space just below his eye socket and were instantly shattered. It was nothing like how they showed it in movies or on...
The physical satisfaction that Sarah derived from the illicit sex acts she'd engaged in with her brother-in-law and his lesbian friend was short-lived. Once her lust-crazed body had been satisfied, guilt rushed in to settle over her like a dark cloud. It was a familiar feeling for the lovely brunette. She had felt exactly the same way after each pornographic session she had posed for during the time of her mother's illness. Although the voluptuous young woman had responded enthusiastically...
I was in my first year in nice ass, and my best features are my eyes and my legs(6 yrs cheerleading). The people that come into hooters are ok. I leave before the jerks and perves cum. My job is simple and very flexible I go in after my last class and leave before ten. Now that I’m a freshman I leave after midnight. Its cool... free food, drinks, and sometimes I get and give free head. That's where my experience stops. I always had an intention of keeping my virginity but after my first...
First TimeHi.. Mera naam vidhur h… Me 18saal ka hu…or engineering 1yr ka student hu..mujhe bachpan se striyon k sharir se lagav raha h. Mujhe stri ka har ang kaamuk lagta h. Chahe wo uske cheeks ho.. Ya lips ho.. Haath ,per, boobs, thighs ,waist, armpits,neck, or pussy kuc bhi ho. mujhe sb bot kaamuk lagte h. Or mujhe stri k shareer se nikli hui har cheez pasand h. Jese spitt(thook), sweat(pasina), piss(peshab), shit. Me yeh sb lick kr skta hu..mujhe striyon ko smooch krna, unke boobs choosna, unke choot...
My wife, Jan, and I have been married for 7 years. We are both 28 years old. She is an extremely attractive natural redhead who measures 36-24-35, with between a B and C cup, depending on the time of month, flat belly that indents from her hip bones, a narrow waist, and when laid back has a very prominent pubic mound. In other words, she is a very hot dish for which I am extremely lucky. She comes from a very strict Catholic upbringing and was a virgin when we got married. Because of her...