Healer's TouchChapter 24 free porn video

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After Kat had been recognized by the Aresericans as one of their own, the stage was set up for the Transfer of Power Ceremony. Kat watched as King Mica and Queen Aria prepared for the Transfer. There was a hushed awe as the people of Areseric waited for the ceremony to begin. Kat watched as Rand and Gracie once more returned to the stage. She watched them approach the small altar that had been draped with a beautiful brocade covering. She held her breath, as on one side Mica and Aria stood, while Rand and Gracie approached and then knelt, on the other side of the altar, facing Mica and Aria.

At her side, Charles traced his thumb across the palm of her right hand. She shivered as pleasure raced through her body. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. He grinned back at her.

Stop that!


It's rather distracting and I want to see this.

I'd rather see you naked ... and riding me.

Charlie! Kat scolded as heat flared even higher. She tried to concentrate on the ceremony occurring in front of her.

Can you imagine that, Hellkat? My naked skin rubbing against yours while you enjoy my entire body?

Charlie, stop it!

I can but I hope you are ready for our bonding, because I don't think I am going to be able to stop once I start. I want you that bad, Katrina. My body is telling me to claim you and it's not very happy about the delay.

Kat moaned softly as his deep growl filled her head.

"Quit teasing me, damnit." she whispered softly next to him.

Charlie brought her hand up to his lips and pressed a kiss to her palm. Kat nearly melted with pleasure as his lips parted and his tongue traced a wet pattern on her skin.

She moaned softly again - the pleasure was so intense!

He smiled and shushed her as the ceremony began.

King Mica smiled reassuringly at his son as the ceremony to transfer the rule of Venus began. Arianna stood on one side of the altar while Clara stood on the other, as each woman represented a certain sect in the Venusian culture; Arianna represented the healer sect while Clara represented the precognitive sect. Their ceremonial duty was to give their blessings to the future King and Queen of Venus.

"I, King Mica deCarthwright, am honored on this day to relinquish my rule to my son, Randall, the Prince of Venus. He has proved himself to be a kind and generous leader to the people of Trila. He is strong in magic yet grounded in the belief that his people come first. He is husband, a father, and a powerful wizard. I am grateful to pass on the noble legacy of our family to him." Mica said in a deep and steady voice. As he did, he knelt down in front of Rand facing him on the other side of the altar.

"And, I, Queen Aria deCarthwright, am relieved to pass on the mantle of Queen, to my daughter by marriage, Grace deCarthwright. She is steady as a rock, while still managing to keep my son on his toes," she paused as laughter filled the amphitheater, "She will help guide Venus into the future with a strong and steady hand. She is a wife, mother and a witch that has no limits, other than the ones that she imposes on herself.

She has shown with her love of Rand and her children that she is a kind and caring woman. She has also shown mercy for those that have scorned her, when no mercy should have ever been expected. I am proud to give my crown, this day, to her." Aria followed her husband's example and knelt down facing Gracie.

"I have seen many prophesies in my lifetime," Clara began in a strong voice. "but none that have left me shaking my head in amazement and disbelief, as has Grace and Randall's. From the very beginning they have been joined yet separate. I can testify to the fact that Randall is a very patient man - and that my niece is a very headstrong woman. But in the end, what was separate is now joined together and is much stronger for it. At this time and in this place - the future I see now is a good and strong one. There will be trials and tribulations for them; but in the end, they will overcome whatever comes their way with the same love and devotion that has kept them together for the last twenty years. From childhood - to young wizard and witch - to fully bonded chosens, they are your King and Queen." A cheer filled the air as Clara knelt down facing Arianna.

Arianna waited for the crowd to quiet once more before she rose and began to speak.

"I have the grave but pleasant duty of blessing Prince Randall and Princess Grace as they assume their rightful places on the throne. As a healer I see into the person without any shields or barriers of any kind. I can see the deep love and devotion that Randall and Grace have for each other; but under that, I see an even deeper devotion to our planet. To the land itself. They will insure that our way of life continues on. That our land prospers even in time of need. They will be the 'fertilizer' that Venus needs to continue to thrive into the future. My blessing is given with great love and the deepest respect to these two young people who are and will be the life blood of our planet. Arise King Randall and Queen Grace! Your planet has accepted you as the beginning of the next phase of it's life." Arianna's voice swelled as a white light enveloped the altar and the couple that was kneeling in front of it. She, too, then knelt again facing Clara. The light intensified and the new King and Queen rose.

A gasp of wonderment filled the air as the light slowly faded and in its soft rays stood King Randall and Queen Grace. In front of them, Rand's parents knelt offering their oath to the new king and queen. On either side, both the healer and the oracle were offering their blessing. Tears of joy filled Kat's eyes as she watched Gracie walk around the altar and gently pull her mother by marriage to her feet.

"There is no need for that, QueenMother. Even as I am now Queen of Venus, you, Aria will always be Queen to me. As you will mold and guide me in the correct direction - for from this day forward - you will be the Advisor to the Queen of Venus."

Gracie said in a firm and steady voice.

A gasp came from first Mica and then the crowd. The queen had never acknowledged her advisor in the past. The advisor had always worked behind closed doors. With Gracie's acknowlegment, she had just made Aria the first Official Queen's Advisor in the history of Venus.

"Gracie, you once more have stolen my thunder." Rand said. "But I cannot blame you. And, Dad, if you thought that you were going to fade into the background, I am sorry to tell you that I cannot allow that. I hope that you are here to help me and our planet for many years to come." Rand said as he embraced his father. The crowd roared it's approval as the new king and queen left the stage followed by his parents and then both Arianna and Clara. The First part of the Renewal Festival was over and the Second part

would begin as the Moon began to rise.

As Arianna praised the moon for it's powerful influence - Kat was ready to shoot it out of the damn sky. As dusk approached the need to 'rape' her mate was growing ever stronger. Even standing ten feet away from him, she could smell his scent on the gentle breeze. It was unique to him ... a scent of musk and a spice all his own. It teased her - it tempted her - it drove her mad until she was ready to drag him to the nearest closet and have her way with him.

Kat impatiently watched the ending of the Renewal Ceremony. In the center of the amphitheater, Arianna joined by several other healers, finished the ceremony by scattering a special blend of herbs and incense into the wind. It was tradition to have the healers bless the land for a fruitful harvest and the renewal of life that it brought.

The healers' voices rose one more time before falling silent. Kat gasped in awe as the Sun set and the first stars peeked out; and then watched, again impatiently, for the moon to appear. Since arriving on Venus, she had not understood this moon's existance. She knew that from Earth, no moon of Venus was visible; she had been deeply shocked when it had appeared on her first night's stay at the palace in Trila. Rand had tried to explain it to her, but the scientific jargon of 'it' was beyond her comprehension. Evidently the first wizards of Venus had captured a comet somehow, and trapped it between the land and the shield that protected the entire planet. But none of the wizards had expected the side effects of having a large comet in such a close proximity. The first mezclar and it's resulting bondings had been quite a shock to all of Venus. But they eventually had quit trying to examine 'why' or to truly explain the 'mystery' and accepted it as a part of their unique culture.

Arianna joined Kat as she watched the crew of men arrange around the elaborate altar a flower-bedecked trellis that gave the stage a beautiful setting. She locked eyes with Charlie who was supervising the process. Heat flared deep in his eyes and Kat caught her breath as she started to move towards him.

"Oh no you don't," Arianna scolded as she stepped between Kat and her son. "There will be none of that! If I have to wait - so do you."

Kat focused on her 'soon to be' mother in law. She could tell by the tense line of her shoulders that she too was feeling the overwhelming effects of the mezclar. As her grandfather joined the two women, Kat gave him a small smile. It was as much of a smile as her over-strung nerves would allow.

"Are you ready to get married?" Jason asked her, before taking her arm and tucking it beneath his.

"I don't know if I am ready or not. But I'm running out of time here, Gramps. The moon is nearly full and this damn mezclar has me totally on edge. Is it possible for a healer to go crazy from extreme lust?"

"I don't think so," he chuckled as led her over to the spot where they would start the ceremony. "But I have faith in you, Kitty. Just hold it together for a little while longer. OK?"

"I sure hope it's not misplaced, Gramps. I feel like I am try to jump out of my skin! How long do I have to wait after we are married to leave?" she asked as Charlie took his place next to King Rand. She stared at him hungrily. He was mouthwatering in his ceremonial robes. She couldn't have asked for a better man, she realized as one of the altar boys came up to Charlie. Charlie leaned down to listen to the child, then he smiled at him, and dug a piece of candy out of his pocket - giving it to the child before rumpling the boy's hair. The boy ran off to join his friends, and Kat knew in that moment if she hadn't already been deeply, hopelessly in love with him, she would have fallen for him right then and there.

"I hope you plan on having a lot of children, Katrina. That boy loves kids." Jason commented as music began to play, signaling the beginning of the Joining Ceremony.

Charlie turned as the music swelled and he watched as his chosen was led towards him by Master Iason. He swallowed roughly as he took in the sight of her. She looked like a princess or the queen that she was becoming. Desire flooded his system until all he could think about was picking her up and impaling her on his cock binding them together for all eternity.

He knew logically it was the effect of the mezclar; but her image had him hard and ready. All day she had been in his thoughts until he imagined he was going to go out of his mind with need. He had been of diminishing use as the day progressed as he had barely managed to oversee the last-minute preparations for the final festival.

He smiled down at her, as she joined him in front of King Rand. She smiled back before turning her attention to Rand.

How long does this damn thing last? she asked him.

Patience, Hellkat. It will be done quickly. The actual bonding ceremony isn't very long. Unlike your Earth weddings, the bonding ceremony is very quick. The need that is experienced by the bonded couple doesn't allow for all the pomp and celebration that you are accustomed to. The celebration comes after.

After? ... WHAT AFTER?

After we complete the bonding ritual and satifsy the demands of the mezclar

Rand's voice as he started the ceremony broke through to them and they both turned their attention to him. And as Charlie had promised - the actual ceremony was quick. Before Kat could comprehend it, Rand was asking for the binding cloth. As Arianna held it out to the King, she felt a surge in the powers of her chosen. She risked a quick glance at him, and nearly moaned. Once more his green eyes had gone silver and his power shown brightly under the combined but controlled desire and need.

"As King of Venus, I bless this cloth with bonds of the chosen," he said in a clear voice. He took Kat's right hand and Charlie's left one. Joining them together in front of him, he smiled reassuringly at Kat. He slowly wrapped the cloth around their wrists.

Charlie took a deep breath and nearly groaned. The nylon of the joining cloth that he had chosen was causing his powers to flair; and the scent of the 'mellitus sensus', in the small bouquet Kat was carrying, was already tugging on both of them and inflaming them even more.

"Relax," Rand said softly as he finished tying the nylon around their joined hands. "It's almost done."

Kat swallowed roughly as she nodded. She could feel the power that was surging wildly though Charlie -it mirrored the turmoil within her. Deep inside herself, she could feel her own new powers rising to meet his. They needed to hurry this up, she thought frantically. Her control over her own power was shaky at best. What was she going to do if Charlie lost control of his?

You won't loose control, Sister. I have faith in you.

Philip? How...

When I released your power, it forged a pathway for us to communicate. It's much like the one that you have with Charlie. Now, Sister, focus on Rand and you will be fine.

Philip stood at the edge of the crowd and watched as Rand completed the Joining Ceremony. He could already feel the back wash of their joining. Healer Arianna hadn't lied; he was going to be in for a long week. He had contracted a priestess that would be able to help him through the fall out; and although he hated the idea of having to pay a woman to sleep with him, he couldn't ask a complete stranger to let him use her in such a manner. Priestess Zarita had come highly recommended by certain people. Because of the urgency of this situation, in fact, he had an appointment with her in less than a hour.

"I, now, am happy to present to the people of Areseric, your King Charles and his new chosen, Queen Katrina." Rand said in a loud voice. The crowd all fell to their knees in respect as Charlie led Kat back down the aisle. They paused next to Councilman Dean. Philip couldn't tell what Charlie had said to him; but he stood and tugged Arianna to the aisle and then up to the altar. Philip shook his head and laughed as the Joining Ceremony for the King's advisor and his mother started.

"What's so funny?" Kat asked Phillip as she and Charlie stopped next to him.

"Nothing really. You had to make sure that he made an honest woman out of her?" Philip asked Charlie.

"Yep. My mother has been running from him for a long time. I wanted to make sure that she didn't slip through his fingers again." Charlie said hoarsely as his body cotinued to tremble. It was obvious his longing to see his mother bonded was fighting with the stronger desire for his chosen.

Fortunately for them, Arianna and Dean's joining was as quick as Kat's and Charlie's; and very soon the older couple were hurrying down the aisle towards them. It seemed that Dean was even less patient than Charlie, or he simply wasn't resisting the mezclar.

"Charlie what are you doing here - why are you waiting?" Arianna asked as they joined

her son and new daughter in law.

"I just wanted to make sure that you did it. Congratulations Mom." Charlie said deeply as he briefly hugged his mother, before she moved onto Kat.

"Welcome to the family, Katrina." Arianna whispered as she hugged her. "Now, take

that stubborn son of mine and put him out of his misery." she joked as Stephan pulled

on their joined hands. It was obvious that he was more than ready to put Arianna out

of her "misery". "I'm coming, I'm coming." she laughed.

"Not yet you're not. But soon," Stephan promised as he dragged Arianna off toward his palace quarters.

Kat giggled and just shook her head until Charlie leaned down and scooped her up in a fireman's carry and started back to the second floor of the palace where his suite was located. She shrieked in a very unlady-like manner as her right arm was pulled back slightly while his left arm was holding her legs against his chest.

"Put me down, you fool! I can walk." She protested, wiggling and trying to slide back down him. The people around them cheered with great understanding as they left.

"I'll put you down when we reach our suite," he said before he slapped her backside with his free hand and kept it there to still her wiggling.

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CherryPimps Eliza Ibarra Gia Derza Dysfunctional Cock Leads to Functional Cuck

Eliza Ibarra is tired of not getting fucked by her husband Johnny Hill! She leaves him to shop with his money, so he can enjoy some physical therapy without her. Maybe his therapist can get his dick working again, too! In comes his therapist, Gia Derza, and she’s ready to work. She couldn’t help but notice that he has such a smokin’ hot wife, and he cannot even fuck her! Eliza returns and needs to show off her lingerie to someone who will appreciate it. Of course, Gia loves...

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RayChapter 9

Ray was going through his afternoon mail when he heard his phone ringing. Answering the phone, Ray heard, "Ray Durbin? I hope you remember me. My name is Sara Stonecipher. We met at Peg's wedding. I was sitting at your table." Remembering Sara was not a problem. Ray thought he would have some fun with her. He said, "Let me think. Let me think. Oh, yes! The Sara that I remember was about 5 foot 5 inches tall had light brown hair that she wore up. She was wearing a knee length black dress...

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Isabels Folter German

Isabels FolterIsabel war gerade eingeschlafen als sie h?rte, wie die Zellent?r sich ?ffnete. Sie h?rte Schritte auf ihre Liege zukommen. Eine Hand griff sie am linken Oberarm und riss sie hoch. Ohne dass man sie selbst gehen lie?, wurde sie jetzt auch am rechten Arm gefasst und nach r?ckw?rts gezerrt. Isabel hatte den Eindruck als st?rze sie hinterr?cks eine Treppe hinunter, ihre Fersen schleiften ?ber Betonboden. Die H?nde lie?en sie los, sie st?rzte nach hinten, wurde wieder hochgehoben und weiter ...

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BattlesphereChapter 11

Richard Newcastle, one of the most powerful men in the known universe jumped to his feet and did a little dance while chortling. His wife, Vonda looked at him as if he had lost his mind. This caused Richard to start laughing. Richard Preston Newcastle, the heir to the empire, was feeding at his mothers breast. He cared for nothing except the nourishment he was getting. Vonda listened with that part of her mind that let her read minds. She listened to her son as he fed, and he was becoming...

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The Edge of the Woods

Nobody goes to law school unless they have a chip on their shoulder. It's different for everyone, but it's true. Maybe they have something to prove to their parents, or to their friends. Maybe they feel insecure about their earning potential. I just wanted the degree. I grew up poor. Real poor. My single mother pushed education as hard as she could for my twin brother and me. She worked afternoons and nights and did what she could for us. I never doubted how much she cared. I was smart,...

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For DA

Paul had been forced out of the work place at the ripe age of 53. He hadbeen with the company for thirteen years. His company was sold to a largerconglomerate and suddenly his position was eliminated. It was clear therewas no place for the old employees in the new upcoming company. Managementknew they could not just fire the company's old employees with out havinglegal repercussion. The solution was to move them into menial and ordegrading tasks so they would quit on their own.Paul was offered...

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Barbara Runs The Gauntlet Part 3

Barbara had spent the past five days performing sexual acts in a strange game that her friend Lena had told her about. The Gauntlet was the name of it and she only had two more days, which meant two more tries to win the $1000 prize. Her body was so sore and drained from the sex she had already performed. She also was starting to enjoy the constant fucking as well, which was screwing up her mind because she didn’t want to be such a slut but all this sex was turning her into one. It was...

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Transgender Outdoor SelfBondage

Another day of work had finished and I flew out the door just after 4:30pm on a mild March afternoon. I had still not transitioned professionally, so presented as male in the office. After work, though, I was my true self. A transwoman who was already taking hormones. I got into the car and turned out onto the main road, traffic was not too bad and I made the journey across town in under 15 minutes.Pulling up at the side of the road, the last glimmer of daylight was fading, but the streetlamps...

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Becoming A Behenchood

Hey friends this is Prakash from Delhi with my first story which happened a 3 months back with my hot sis. Let me describe you about my sis Sukanya (name changed) first she is 27 yrs hot village girl with 36b boobs 32 waist n 34 ass which I later came to now. Now abt me i am 29 years 5.8 height, athletic body with 6.5 inches dick which can satisfy girl/women .Hum dono bachpan se bahut ache friends the aur hum bahut enjoy bhi karte the jiske kaaran vo mere sath bahut frank thi but this time...

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Fuck Buddy Jane

You will probably be wondering what kind of woman I chose for my fuck buddy and I hope you will be surprised that she was a very short plump lady probably weighing about 100 lbs. and just under 5 ft. It was her wicked grin with a way of making some very amusing innuendo that left you wondering if she was looking to hook up with you. I rarely saw anyone that looked like they were her husband or partner and it was purely by chance that I found an opportunity to ask Jane if she would like a lunch...

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The first time I did it, I had waited until the shower was running, and I could hear the water begin splashing from my bedroom. My younger brother was taking a shower. I had already stripped off my clothes and was in my robe. Quickly, but quietly, I moved down the short hall and paused briefly outside the door, having a last minute reluctance to carry out the plan I had formulated for weeks. Ever since I had come back from college to obtain a job in my home town, I had been living with b*o and...

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Joys of AccountingChapter 19

After thinking a bit, Paul answered, "How about if we go see Des? About time your mom met her. Everyone jokes about women being late because they're dressing for some guy. It's just as bad when they want to Impress some woman. I watched the two of them actually switch bra and panties because they decided on different dresses! I had thought about introducing Tammy to all the other mothers, but I sort of wanted to keep her a little innocent. As it was, she was slowly meeting everyone but...

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The accidental Hooker pt 2 Greeter

The sleezy man was no more friendly when they were driving away and as their journey took them further out of the city, through suburbs to a decidedly rural area she became afraid and into countryside proper she became worried. What she was about to do was completely out of character. Her anger at being let down by her friends had carried her to the car, but the reality that she about to sell her body so someone, anyone who could pay, could screw her was beginning to sink in. In the ten years...

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I was over in Denmark for a few days when Vivian disappeared, or I suppose I should say that it was noticed that she was missing. It wasn't a secret that she was going away on holiday, I believe Katie probably knew more details than most of us, because she had been at home the weekend before Vivian was due to go and had actually seen the tickets for the coach trip. Kate didn't panic that her mother wasn't home when she called until a fortnight later, because she assumed that she'd made a...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 4 Chapter 4 Song of Unbridled Lust

Book Four: Song's Passion Chapter Four: Song of Unbridled Lust By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Acolyte Sophia – Lor-Khev, The Magery of Thosi The minstrel's music soared through the common room, his voice a honey purr that even excited me while his fingers expertly played the lyre. I had not heard the like since the night an Azian Bard had played at my mother's estates. The music shuddered through me, my body growing hotter and hotter. And while the minstrel was undoubtedly a...

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PennyChapter 9

Supper went off cheerfully and Penny stayed up with the others until they decided to go to bed. Caroline kept an unobtrusive eye on Penny as they got ready for bed but noticed nothing untoward. Penny actually was completely at peace for the first time since she had run away. She was going to get it all off her chest to the police and both Peter and Caroline had been reassuring that she would continue to be safe and that Ron would be sent to prison for a long time. She slept well. Everyone...

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A new set of tits at work

I Wish when I get to work this morning you were replacing the woman in the office across the hall from me. So I can call you in to my office to explain some thing. You bend over my desk to look at some papers, I can look down your dress. You ask a question. I show you on my computer what we are talking about. You move over beside me leaning past my shoulder. I smell your perfume and your boob brushes my arm. I move it slightly feeling your nipple on my skin.I say " You either need to step back...

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Dark WellChapter 6 Visitors

Gentle fingers touch my bare shoulder. Dr. Conners is leaning over me. My vision is still dimmed by the sleep. "You have a visitor. I explained that you are too weak but he insisted to see you. He said that it was important. I'm sorry." A man in his fifties comes closer, and sits beside my bed. The doctor gets out of the room. "I am police officer. My name is Shipler," the man says. During the next fifteen minutes he is pouring me with questions. "How come you fell into the...

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Thunder and LighteningChapter 25

It was summer before Jerry returned to the store. He used a cane to walk and moved with the kind of care associated with old men. His left arm and half his upper body was in a cast to allow his shoulder blade heal. His bullet wounds had healed, but on occasion the scar tissue pulled when he moved. Despite the fact that he had lost body mass, he remained a big powerful looking man. Entering through the back door, he was greeted by everyone and welcomed back to the shop with coffee and donuts....

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mumbai local train

I am Bobby and have been a fan of desipapa for quite some time now. I have observed that most of the stories are either from Pakistan or form Indian states like Gujarat, Kerala, Andra Pradesh or Delhi, but I always wonder way stories from other states are less in no and so decided to send this story of mine and I am sure u will like it. First, let me tell u about my self and background of the story. I am 24 and have done my engineering last year from Bangalore and presently in mumbai preparing...

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Curvy MILFs Cory Chase and Alexis Fawx have been best friends for years, and Cory’s always wondered if they could be intimate. When Cory catches her stepson, Justin Hunt, getting a blow job from Alexis, the stepmom snaps a pic she can use to blackmail Alexis into sex! So the busty bosom buddies get down, and as porn irony would have it, Justin walks in on the lesbian sluts … and blackmails them into a kinky three-way! Justin power-pounds both MILFs. Squirting orgasms, girl-girl rim...

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AllGirlMassage Judy Jolie Scarlett Johnson Riley Reyes Truth Or Dare Massage

Three teenage girls, Riley Reyes, Scarlett Johnson, and Judy Jolie, are having a playful pillow fight in their underwear, giggling and enjoying themselves. It’s all fun and games between the girlfriends, although a truce is called once they’re worn out. As they settle, Riley suggests that they play a game of Truth Or Dare since that’s always a party classic. The three friends warm each other up by giving each other simpler truths and dares centered around their crushes on...

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Chennai Girls Ar More Hotter And Sexier

Hi to my sweet Indian sex stories readers, first of all I like to thank each and every reader who mailed me with your valuable comments after reading my past hot sex stories I had replied all your mails readers 60 percent of mails are from boys and 40 percent mails are from girls.Love you girls because your questions made me amazing,horny and enjoyable.I need all your support,comments and feedbacks like this for my every story. Your comments and feedbacks had changed me a lot girls who mailed...

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By Tooth and ClawChapter 2

Morning dawned bright and early, which is why I had blackout curtains in my room. The alarm clock started wailing soon after, which is why I set it half an hour before I actually had to get up and moving. The phone rang, but it couldn't be important because anyone that knew me knew that I didn't answer the phone this early. But in the end, the need to use the bathroom won out over my desire to stay in bed, as it usually did. Stretching big, the way only a cat can stretch, I threw off my...

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Three Square MealsChapter 68 Pieces brought into play and set against one another

John! What happened?! Edraele cried out to him, sounding frantic with worry. I heard everything until you fell asleep, but then I could feel our connection being blocked! John had lurched upright in bed, and he took a deep shuddering breath to calm his frantic heart rate. Sakura was clinging to him and quaking like a leaf, and while Alyssa was more composed than the terrified Asian girl, she was still badly shaken. She gave him a fierce hug before turning to Calara who was trembling with...

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Just Your Average Workplace

“And that just about sums everything up,” I clapped my hands together, schoolteacher fashion, looking out over the sea of male faces, all of whom stared back blankly. It was all I could do to keep from rolling my eyes and flipping them all off, but, professionalism. Whatever. “Thank you all for your time, and enjoy our refreshments.” “Just in the nick of time, Andy,” I faked a smile, glad for an excuse to sit down. Not like anyone was paying attention at that point, anyway. But, sometimes it...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 60

Tonko avoided me in the morning. In fact, Tonko avoided everyone that morning. Gogra came over to speak with me before I could even get into line to get some food. “You need to speak with Tonko,” Gogra awkwardly informed me, his voice hesitant, but filled with concern. “You must tell him that everything is all right. He is embarrassed and upset, and only you can speak to him.” I nodded my head in understanding. I’d been going to speak with Burton and the others about the day. Now that would...

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