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We sat in the near-darkness, the flickering light bouncing from the walls but not illuminating our inner thoughts and the secrets or feelings we'd shared. Ghost-like, she got up from the couch and went to the bathroom, putting her bottle on the counter. I opened another one and took a long pull, letting the bubbles burn my throat.

She returned nude with her panties in her hand, then dropped them to the floor.

"Can I stay here again?" she asked softly. "I want to hold you."

"Are you sure you want to?" I asked.

"Yes," she said, sitting on the edge of the couch.

She sat quietly for a time staring into her glass, occasionally taking a sip from her drink. I knew she had had a rough time, but my hormones wouldn't let me alone. I wanted her, and a relationship with her. I wanted to love her like no one else had ever loved her before. I don't know what a shrink would make of my intentions, but I wanted her to feel as good about me as I felt about her. That spark, that connection between two people, I knew we had that. Maybe there could be more, and if I didn't act, I'd never know.

"Could I kiss you?" I asked, moving closer, desperately hoping she wouldn't say no.

She nodded and leaned toward me, closing her eyes. The first touch was electric, her lips soft and shy, exploring my taste and texture. I held her shoulder and gradually she moved her hips closer to mine, the warmth of her skin igniting my heat. No tongues, no passionate moans, just a deep kiss of new friends. Against my better judgment, I broke it, leaning back and letting out a contented sigh.

"You're sweet," I breathed, feeling my puss leaking again.

She put her glass on the table and reached for me, straddling my body and pushing me down. Her mouth was frantic, placing little wet kisses on my neck and shoulders, my face, anywhere she could. I responded in kind, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her close. The firmness of her tiny nipples made dents in my chest. Her hips flattened against my leg, and I felt the heat and wetness of her pussy grinding against me. Our tongues were in a duel, and I was moving around trying to get my leg between hers. I cupped her butt cheeks in my hands and kneaded them firmly, enjoying the soft cries of pleasure. I wanted to be as close as possible to her.

She continued to writhe and moan as she ground her pussy against my leg. Suddenly she stiffened and arched her back, moaning with her release. Long seconds passed and she didn't move, except for the involuntary twitches of her hips. Her ragged breathing slowed as her hips continued pressing small circles against me, drenching my thigh. I held her tightly as the orgasm slowly passed and she slumped onto me, caressing my breast with one hand. Her head was close to my neck and she kissed me there, a small kiss of what I hoped was joy or happiness. Her breath caught in spurts as the aftershocks came and went. I rubbed her back and butt while she calmed, the softness of her skin a delight to my fingers. God, to love someone like this! Just being able to hold her and touch her made me happy.

After a few minutes she raised her head and looked at me.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"For what?" I asked. "You don't have anything to be sorry for."

"You didn't..." she murmured.

"That's ok. You did, that's the important thing," I replied.

She laid her head on my shoulder and I continued to stroke her back, working the muscles to relax her, the occasional finger or palm caressing the soft globes of her butt. I fell asleep with her head on my chest and her leg over mine, with her soft breath wrinkling my nipple.

I awoke the next morning with something very warm tugging gently at my left nipple. I opened my eyes and saw the top of her head, slowly realizing it was her mouth. I needed to pee, and her hand was rubbing circles on my belly in the vicinity of my bladder, very close to my pubic hair.

I said, "Good morning," and she started, picking up her head and grinning at me.

"I was hoping you'd wake up pretty soon," she said.

"I've got to pee!" I exclaimed, rolling out and running toward the bathroom.

A couple of long minutes later I was empty, and brushed my hair and teeth.

I felt somewhat normal again, and I sat back on the couch and said, "Hi."

"I made coffee, and there's toast if you want," she smiled.

"Thank you," I replied, getting a cup.

She had been busy besides making coffee. Her underwear was gone from the floor but she was still naked, sitting cross-legged on the back of the couch facing me. Her hair was down and loose, dark waves spilling over her shoulders.

"I like your hair like that," I said.

"Thank you," she smiled. "I was hoping you might."

It took me a few minutes to wake up. Then I asked, "What do you want to do today? Got any lawyerly stuff?"

"Nope," she grinned. "I want to stay here with you just like this, all day."

"Can't get a tan indoors," I smiled.

"Well then, let's take a blanket and go for a walk in the woods," she grinned.

"Ok," I said. "I'll pack a cooler with food and stuff. You go get your suit, and I'll meet you back here in ten minutes."

She pointed to the door and I saw her suit and a small duffel, perched on top of a rolled blanket. The blanket was on a small cooler, apparently ready to go. I got my suit off the rack and put it on while she did the same by the door.

Grabbing the cooler by the handle she said, "Come on, I'm ready!"

We held hands and ran the first few yards into the woods, then slowed to a leisurely pace. A few yards more, and we were walking with our arms around each other.

Somewhere near where we had taken the photos, she stopped and said, "Here."

I spread the blanket in the shade of two trees, and watched as she removed her suit and sat down.

"Off!" she said, looking at me.

I complied, blushing yet again as her eyes bored holes in me, watching my every move.

"Lie down on your stomach," she said, taking a bottle of tanning oil from her bag.

I did so, and soon felt her hands oiling me from head to foot.

"Roll over," she said.

I did as I was told and she continued to massage the oil into my skin. She avoided my pubes but paid special attention to my breasts, hardening the nipples.

A few minutes later she said, "There, all done."

"Want me to do you?" I asked.

"I thought you'd never ask!" she giggled, rolling quickly to her stomach and pulling her hair up and away from her spine.

Her skin was warm and smooth as I applied the oil over her back and butt, stroking her skin with firm movements. I didn't have to tell her to roll over; she knew when I was done.

Her front side was finished in minutes, and as I put the bottle down she said, "Lie with me, please."

I lay down next to her and she pulled me closer until I was almost on top of her, our hot skin slippery with oil.

"Please touch me like you did before," she asked, placing my palm on her breast.

The nipple reacted immediately, stiffening under my touch, and I rolled it gently between thumb and fingertip, making her smile. Her hands explored my breasts at the same time, kneading the flesh on top and caressing the sides.

"So soft!" she breathed, raising her head to kiss me.

Some time later we broke for air and she said, "I love kissing you. It's never been like this with a man."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Her fingertips played with my cheek and she answered, "The way it makes me feel inside. Secure, or needed maybe. Wanted for sure."

"Oh, I want you," I breathed, "very much."

I nuzzled her neck and nipped her earlobe with my lips, raising goose bumps on her skin.

As I bent to kiss her again, she whispered, "Take me."

Keeping my mouth glued to hers, I slid partway off her and put my hand between her legs. When I opened her with a finger, she moaned in my mouth and I pressed a little deeper, getting my finger wet. I probed for her come spot, that little raspberry-textured nubbin inside her that would make her scream. I found it a little lower than usual - it was about the size of a large olive - and pressed upward, massaging it in circles. She gasped and quivered at the first touch, then her pussy started clamping on my finger in rhythm to my strokes, my hand getting wetter by the minute.

I broke our kiss and moved to kneel between her legs. I had one hand inside and the other pushing down on her belly. My knuckles had her slit spread wide, and I watched her clit throb with my strokes. A drop or two of cum leaked from it with each gentle push. My palm had about a half a teaspoon of liquid in it when she climaxed, clutching the blanket with white knuckles and screaming loudly once, then subsiding into guttural moans and cries. Her back arched and she whipped her head from side to side, her pussy fluttering and spasming against my finger.

As she started to slow down, I substituted my mouth on her clit for my finger.

I felt her grab my hair and cry out, "Nonononono, oh God oh God!".

I kept sucking gently, licking it, then stopped long enough to ask, "You want me to stop?"

"Nononono, oh God please don't stop!" she cried, pressing my head back down.

She tasted sweet, and her labia were soft, tender and very slippery against my mouth. I teased her, sucking her clit until she was close, then slacking off and licking around it, dipping my tongue into her vagina. The inner lips were full and meaty, tightly attached to her hood. Sucking them in as deep as I could, I began flicking her clit with my tongue, urging her to come. Her thighs clamped around my head shutting off all sound as she came, writhing and bucking her hips to meet my tongue. She had her hand embedded in my hair, and I kept my mouth on her as long as I could, feeling her little button shrink away and hide. I sucked her labia and her tunnel, swallowing all I could get.

Her legs relaxed after a time and she slumped back, her eyes closed and her arm over her head. I let her rest and got a beer from the cooler. I was sitting on my haunches when her eyes came open and she slowly raised herself to her elbows.

"You want something to drink?" I asked, handing her my bottle.

"Please," she croaked. "I'm so dry."

I let her have that one and opened another, asking, "Are you ok?"

"I think so," she replied, "but I have never, ever come like that!"

"Does that mean you liked it?" I giggled, smiling at her wan face.

"Like is not a powerful enough word," she said as she sat up.

I scooted closer and got a warm hug, her slippery warm skin and musky aroma engulfing me. We sat close for a few minutes, simply enjoying each other's caress.

I finished my beer and walked around the rock, hunting for a place to pee. As I squatted down next to a tree and relieved myself, I thought I'd better tell her the rest of my kinks and habits before we got too involved to break it off. When I returned, she was sitting as I'd left her with a fresh beer in her hand.

"We're gonna have to go back pretty soon," she said giggling. "We're almost out of beer."

"We can manage," I said, "but there's a couple of things I feel you ought to know first."

"Like what?" she asked. "I think I know all I need to right now."

"Not quite," I said. "Women lovers are different than men."

"I'll say!" she exclaimed, almost snorting beer through her nose.

When she recovered, I continued, "When I make love to someone like we just did, I like to get their whole body involved. Not all at once, but over time I like to make love to every part of them. There's so much more than tits and pussies. Do you know what I mean?"

"No, not really," she said.

"Well, there's your feet, your knees, your back, your butt, and your neck and ears. You know, the whole you," I said.

"You'd kiss my feet?" she asked, her eyes wide.

"If you wanted," I replied, morbidly thinking that disclosing this information was not such a good idea after all.

She sat for a few moments, apparently deciding how to let me down gently, then raised her head and smiled at me.

"After what you did for me today and the way you make me feel whenever I'm around you, I'd have to tell you that every square inch of me is yours whenever and wherever you want it. Do you remember when I said 'take me', when we were just getting into it?"

I nodded and she said, "I meant it."

I lay beside her and we kissed again, our fates perhaps sealed and perhaps not. All I knew was, I was happy and so was she.

Later in the afternoon, she cuddled close and kissed her way down to my fur, telling me, "I want to."

Her tongue was gentle and wet, her fingers holding me open while she licked me. I raised my legs and spread my knees, guiding her head with light touches or a whispered word. It took a while, but I loved every second of it. I climaxed very nicely at the last with her mouth on my clit, listening to her swallow several times.

She raised her head and looked at me funny, then asked, "Did I do it right?"

I pulled her to me and kissed her, sharing my wetness, murmuring, "Yes, yes," in her ear.

"You get really wet when you come," she said.

"I know. Do I taste bad?" I asked.

"No, but I thought I did something wrong," she said.

"Nothing's wrong if it feels like that," I said.

On the way back we decided to swim for a while before supper. The heat was making my suit stick to me. Neck deep and unseen in the water, she put her hand down my bottoms and played with my clit while lightly pinching my nipples. I returned the favor and got a shivery little orgasm from her while her legs were wrapped around me. For supper, I cooked burgers and made potato salad. Then we went to shower.

Inside the building, she asked, "Can we shower together?"

"I guess so, as long as we don't get caught," I replied.

"I can still taste you from this afternoon," she smiled.

"Me too," I grinned back, leaning to kiss her.

We stood under the warm spray, kissing and touching until I felt the need to pee and told her, "I'll be right back. I gotta pee."

"Do it here. It all goes to the same place," she said.

"At home I pee in the shower, but I didn't want to gross you out," I said.

"Nothing gross about it," she grinned. "Here, let me show you something."

She cupped my sex in her hand and started rubbing my clit on both sides with her fingertips as she said, "Go ahead."

"I don't know if I can, that feels too good," I said, leaning back and spreading my legs.

"Relax," she said.

I eventually peed, and the feeling of having my clit rubbed while I did gave me a quick little shudder of an orgasm. The hot liquid against my clit was very intense.

I finished and she rinsed her hand, then asked, "Nice, huh?"

"Yes!" I said. "Where did you learn that?"

"I started masturbating in the bathroom and discovered it by accident one day," she smiled.

We finished our shower and got out, drying each other with tender looks and touches.

As she stood in front of the mirror she winked at me and said, "You're not the only kinky one, you know."

I laughed out loud and thought I'd put kink to the test that evening, and show her how good different things can feel.

Inside the camper we made the bed and lit a candle again, this time nude. We had nothing to hide, and I think she liked looking at me just as much as I liked looking at her.

I got my beer, gave her the brandy bottle and asked, "Do you feel like doing something different tonight?"

"Anything you want," she said.

"Roll over and put this pillow under your tummy," I said.

When she was in position, I crouched behind her and kissed her ass cheeks, massaging them with my hands and running my tongue from her slit to her rosebud, pressing my tongue as deep as I could.

"Mmmmmmm," she said, "Nice!"

She opened for me, spreading her legs wide and holding her butt cheeks open with her hands as my tongue bathed her creases.

Getting to my knees, I slid my middle finger inside her canal, working it around and pressing down against her come spot. She wriggled with it, soft moans of pleasure coming from her. As she got wetter, I put some of the fluid on her rosebud, working it inside with my finger.

She let go of her butt and raised her arms, resting her head on them, telling me, "Feels good."

When I put my thumb inside she gasped and tensed up, clenching her ass cheeks together.

"Relax. It's just my thumb, it won't go very deep," I told her.

She was hot and tight back there and I went slowly, keeping my middle finger deep inside her pussy. She gradually relaxed enough to make my hand movements easier, and I started rubbing my finger and thumb together, massaging the thin membrane between her rectum and vagina.

She arched her back and spread her cheeks wider, murmuring, "Deeper."

Grinning, I complied, pumping my hand as deep as it would go with slow easy strokes. She started grunting with each one and I knew she was getting close, her pussy clenching and shivering around my finger. She squeaked a couple of times and then tensed, her pussy clamped on my finger tight. A low moan escaped her lips as she shook three or four times, her pussy flooding my hand. I massaged her insides for about another minute, feeling her slowly relax, and removed my finger and thumb.

"Aaaahhhhh God! That was good!" she sighed.

I patted her on the ass and said, "I'll be right back."

I washed my hands and returned to the front, finding her sitting up.

I popped a beer and sat facing her, asking her, "Well, what do you think?"

She pushed me down and lay on top of me, her belly against my fur, nuzzling my nipples. Raising her head she said, "I think I liked it."

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This is my first short story, any feedback would be welcomed. I’m planning on writing more so let me know how to improve. Hope you enjoy. ***** Harold Thompson has woken up promptly at 8 o’clock every morning for the last six months and sees nothing but an empty side of the bed where his wife used to sleep. Her name was Deanna. He thinks about her every day how she’d always smile as he woke up and tells him good morning. Now there are no more good mornings for Harold. At age 56, Harold was...

4 years ago
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Aunties surprise hangover cure the story continues

Several months after my first visit to my wifes aunt for a stay over after a night on the beer J found myself requiring her generousity again. There was no major reason for a night out but a throbbing dick itching to get into the old dears knickers again I took some time and guts before i called to see what reaction the reqest would be received but their was no hesitation in her awnser as she had waitedwith baited breath for the call to come as she alw.ays worried had she put meoff with her...

1 year ago
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Do remember your 'first time'?The first time that someone paid sexual attention to you. The first timethat someone looked at you with a look in his eyes that thrilled andterrified you at the same time. The first time that someone else's lookmade your penis harden and lengthen. The first time that you knew someonewanted to touch you... down there.Of course you do.Go back to that person, that place, that moment. Your cock is stiffeningalready.I admit I've always been fascinated by first time...

3 years ago
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The dedicated customerPart 2

One day during a an unusually hot and sticky summer a girl was out and about doing her normal daily routines. After a long session of working out at the gym she decided it should be rewarded with some ice cream to help fight the blazing day. While still at the gym she didn’t want to be seen around town looking like she sat in a sauna and swam in warm syrup because her hair was all messed up but at least she knew she got a good work out in. She immediately went to the locker room opened up her...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Back to the Council Estate

It had been a couple of months since I had my encounter with Lyndsay and I couldn't get her out of my mind, no matter how much of a slapper she was she was pretty and could have looked a lot prettier with some make up. I decided to take the risk and go it alone. I parked up outside that guys house and knocked on the door, he welcomed me with open arms which was nice."Come in come in" he said, as I sat down I told him what I was thinking, he said "No problem" and half an hour later there stood...

2 years ago
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Friends with Benefits Ch 03

Note: After this chapter, the titles of my next submissions will be different, but will be a continuation of ‘Friends With Benefits’, also this will be my only non-erotic story, it is also a bit shorter, I think you will understand why I approached this chapter differently after reading it. Thanks again to all those who’ve read my previous submissions and voted, again feedback is always welcome. * NO! I my inner voice screamed out. Don’t do this, it won’t work. Don’t leave tied down to a...

2 years ago
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Shes more than meets the eye Ch 1

It was Saturday night, and Damien had just resigned himself to closing out another week-long bout of boredom, alone. His life lacked any kind of excitement. One day blended into the next seamlessly. Nothing fun or even remotely interesting ever seemed to happen around him. The problem, he reckoned, lay within him. He saw nothing special or exciting about himself. He was just about as middle-of-the-road as you could get. Medium height, medium weight, mousy brown hair, average looks, average...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Dads Mistress

“Timmy Taylor, is that really you?” she said.I was staring at a vaguely familiar, very mature prim and proper looking lady.“Uh, yes I’m Tim Taylor,” I responded.“I’m Hattie McGuire. Don’t you remember me?” she said.I had returned to my hometown of Mansfield, Ohio after thirty years. We had moved to Shawnee Mission, Kansas when I was ten years old. My father was a Vice President of United Telephone Company of Ohio (UTO) and had taken a position of a Corporate Officer with United...

3 years ago
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Sarah is of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my me, bi-sexual, though she didn’t need a great deal of prompting. She often reminds me, “I am to please and be pleased sexually. And I love having sex with an audience.” We are currently staying at an exclusive swingers resort. A week earlier we filled in a form outlining any sexual preferences we would like while staying there. I was pleased and instantly...

2 years ago
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Dani from the Antique Store

Dani was a cute college-aged twenty two year old girl who often filled in at her aunt’s antique shop on the small office building where I have an office. I was sitting in my office one weekend day, not too long ago, when Dani stuck her head in my office and asked if she could borrow a notepad and a pencil.I rummaged through my desk drawer as Dani stood patiently in my office doorway, watching me hunt down a pad and pen. She apologized for being intrusive. I assured her that her request was not...

2 years ago
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Last Night in Paradise

I had just finished showering and was thinking how incredible our vacation had been. As I walked into the bedroom I saw Susan sliding on her heels. Damn, she had great legs. She smiled, as I walked naked into the room. “I see someone is already excited about tonight.” She stood up and smiled at me. No wonder I was so excited. She looked fabulous. The heels accentuated her long toned legs and thrust her tight little ass upward. Her short red skirt was about mid-thigh, revealing most of her...

1 year ago
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For DominatrixSusanna

The Doctor had just finished with his last patient of the day when his phone buzzed, looking down he immediately felt his cock twitch in its cage as he read the message, it was Susie. 'My house 8pm!' it read, glancing at his watch he saw it was nearly 7 already. Racing home, he showered before driving to Susie's house, stopping off to buy her a bottle of her favourite wine.Susie was 47, she dark dark hair, with beautiful breasts and an arse that always got plenty of attention whenever she was...

1 year ago
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KinkySpa Kiara Cole Sexy blonde teen Kiara Cole gets a hot and sexy massage from an older man

Kiara Cole’s dad is the owner of the Kinky Spa and she’s coming in to get her usual free massage. Turns out her dad is out of the office today, but his employee Eric can help her out. Eric happens to be just her type, an older gentleman with a big long cock. She starts seducing him right away, she takes her towel off and requests that he reeeeally digs his hands in deep. Before you know it, she’s naked and his fingers are inside her tight teen pussy. You gotta do whatever the boss’s daughter...

4 years ago
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Double Kidnapping

Ann and her best friend Kylie where tied down in a small damp room, their collars were connected to a leach and a metal ring on the wall and their hands were bound together behind their backs. Ann’s muscles were sore and painful. She quietly listened to the sounds in the rest of the house. She didn’t know how long she’d been here, the last thing she knew was being lifted of the street, here feet kicking in the air, someone putting her in the back of a fan, she barely noticed Kylie was...

3 years ago
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Happily Ever After Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Take On Me Wednesday morning. Well, there was one good thing about school this week. It was shorter by a day at least. I had Sam's bowl of cereal and juice ready when he came down the stairs. He simply looked at me and smiled without saying a word. I'd gone out of my way to make sure that there'd be no doubts in anyone's mind today as to my gender. I wore my blue pleated skirt, pantyhose, blue espadrilles, white frilly top and my...

2 years ago
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My Sweet Neighbour Part 8211 2

Hi indian sex stories dot net friends, this is Sumit. again in front of you with the next part of my existing story “My Sweet Neighbour”. I really thankful to this site for publishing and also grateful to the readers which have read my story and give your valuable feedback. now i’m going to narrate the nxt part of my story. please give ur feedback on my Id: I’ll be going to narrate my story in hindi. pichli kahani me aap ne pada ki kaise maine apni neighbour Ruby ke boobs suck kiye aur usne...

2 years ago
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First Sex With Mami

Hello to all iss readers I’m Kuku from deoria. Meri umra is time 18 yrs hai lakin main bahut sexy hun jo ladki mujhse chudwana chati hai wo mujhe mail kare at now star story, main aur mera parivar deoria me rahta hai.meri mami banars me rehati hain jade ki chuttiyon main apne mami ke ghar aa gaya mari mami kya kantas maal hai, unka age 32yrs hai,unka figure 34-32-36 hai,unko dekhate hi mera lund khara ho jata hai.mami ki ek ladki hail jiski age 8 saal hai mama ka emport eport ka bussiness...

1 year ago
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Kathy AgainChapter 9B

I dozed awhile, eventually awakening to the curvaceous beauty beneath my hands, and whispering next to me. It developed that my wife and my daughter were having some sort of conference, and, as I cleared the cobwebs from my brain, it became clear that they were discussing the finer points of being buttfucked. My vision cleared, and Brent was demonstrating the wisdom of knowing when to shut up, wide eyed as he took in the conversation. That clarity of vision, led to a clarity of perception,...

1 year ago
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The Replacement Maid Ch07

Jane and I settled ourselves into the two sofas opposite each other.“That was a superb lunch, Christine. So simple and yet so pretty and very tasty. I can see you’ll be sad to lose her.”“Very true. I think you have got the best of the bargain certainly. It is maria’s one major talent that shines above all her other assets.”At this point jasmine came in with coffee on a tray which she placed on the table between us and, after asking Jane how she took hers, daintily poured cups for us both. It...

2 years ago
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Lucky and old Tom 7

This morning he pulled me over to the kitchen bench and sat there. I removed my knickers and lay on the bench. He quickly mounted me. Oh no foreplay this morning. He had been pumping away quite vigorously for a couple of minutes when I noticed Kim’s grandad stood in the doorway videoing me. As much as I struggled I couldn’t move. Lucky had his legs hooked round the bench tight. Well I haven’t seen anything like this since I worked in the far east. I think me and you are going to have lots...

2 years ago
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The American dream

The gang were at the bar, having a big night. Fortunately a buddy dragged a couple of gorgeous ladies to our table and proceeded to chat , a bigger girl of Hawaiian decent, beautiful tattoos and an amazing rac. Immaculate dark hair framed her face contains the brightest smile, all the boys were consumed with her breasts. Her friend was almost the polar opposite. A petite yet Shapley blonde that could only be described as a quentisential California girl with long flowing locks and striking blue...

4 years ago
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A doorman in the hot spot

This story happened a long time ago. It was Sunday, two in the morning and this is how this new story begins to develop.  First thing first I wish to introduce myself: my name is Angel Montilla, a Spanish currently living in Maracaibo, a city west of Venezuela,  in Zulia region. I’m 27 single, not engaged yet. It all began as I  visited an agency specialized in organizing parties  – entertainment-  while my sister in law was the owner of this place.  She was my brother’s fiancée,  my mother...

4 years ago
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Matts Crazy Corner of the WorldChapter 19 Raven

Friday August 16 Knowing that Friday afternoon rush hour traffic starts building two hours earlier than weekday traffic, Matt and the girls left for the party at his parents’ house at 1:00. He was sure that his mom would appreciate help getting ready, as well as time to talk with the girls. His mother gave each of the girls an affectionate hug, even the three she hadn’t met before. She cut her eyes to each new woman and back to Matt, smirking. Matt waggled his eyebrows, doing his best...

1 year ago
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First Day Of Work

I was walking to my new job. Once I got there, I was introduced to my new boss, Miss Jordan Tutwhiler. She was tall, cinnamon brown hair, tan with icey blue eyes. She was beautiful. She said, " Hello, Miss Janglar." and I just said "hi". She showed me to my own little office. And told me what to do. I said "Thank you" then she left and I carried on. After work Miss Tutwhiler invited me to dinner. So we drove to her place and ate spaghetti and meatballs. Then she sat me down her couch. I asked...

3 years ago
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As Twilight Tide Draws Nigh

Josef awoke, and soon realized that it was early and that today he was on duty. Already bright sunlight was streaming in through his window. He loved this time of day, so fresh, so full of opportunity and promise. As he lay there he caught the faint smell of lavender coming from somewhere. “Was it aftershave?” he wondered. Perhaps one of the officers from a nearby room had received a gift from a sweetheart of from his family. It was possible, although such a gift would be very difficult to...

2 years ago
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Dinner Plans

You and I had plans to grab some dinner. I had a place down in the city. So we were close enough to walk to dinner.You stopped over my place after work. You said you wanted to freshen up before we went out. So you cleaned up, changed into a skirt, and we headed out the door. It was about 6:30 at night, in the middle of rush hour, and the sun had just started going down. I made sure I kept you tight against me. I couldn't let my Babygirl get to close to the traffic.We stopped to cross at a busy...

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Aunty Want Two Cock At A Time 8211 Part II

Hi Readers. I’m 22 male from sec-bad. 6.8 toll, dark little bit handsome with 6 inc long cock(penis). Girls n aunties who looking for sex or oral sex, hot chat, or hot talk. They mail or chat with me on “”. Without boring you more coming to the story. Me n my friends use to hang in a park in evening. Where all uncle, aunties n girls use to come for walk in park. We enjoy all type of cat n dog walks there n giving lots of comments on them. We daily commenting a aunty. That aunty looks 30’s with...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Leyona Sexy little dark skin spinner MILF

– 32 Years old MILF – She didn’t tell anyone she was doing her very first porn – Hoped it would surprise everyone when it popped up online – Has wanted to make a professional porn since she was 18 – Currently going to school for film to make horror movies – Is in the process of writing a script for her own movie – Is open minded when it comes to men. She likes variety – Can usually cum easy and sometimes even multiple – Her favorite position is doggy style because she getting pounded – She got...

3 years ago
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henry green

Henry slowly regained consciousness. It took several minutes to realize that he couldn't move. All he heard was a women's voice. It was a soothing voice. "You will listen and obey." Then the voice stopped. Henry felt something being taken off his head. He realized they were headphones. "I see you are awake. Don't try to move, you will only hurt yourself. The table you are on has been engineered for someone with 10 times your normal strength. I say normal strength, because right...

2 years ago
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Sharing My Room With sis part 1

I woke up to a large rumble of thunder just in time to hear a gentle knocking on the door. I looked over at the clock. It was still the middle of the night, and there was a heavy storm outside. As I pulled myself awake, I saw my sister Abby come into my room carrying a sleeping bag. She was wearing an old pair of pajamas, a blue long-sleeved shirt with yellow dogs printed on it that buttoned up the middle and matching pants."What are you doing here?" I asked, still confused from being half...

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Whitewash High Ch17

It had been a couple days since Suzy’s brutal beating. Nik tried to keep his mind off of it. Work and grading assignments didn’t help. Gale was too close to the situation to talk to. Valerie and Michelle wanted Nik to distance himself from the entire affair. He called Maya, needing to see her, needing help to relieve feeling helpless and keep focused on more positive situations.That phone call was an hour ago, and now Nik sat in the large, lavish bedroom of Dr. Rai’s house. The building was...

1 year ago
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First touch

Hi ISS readers, here i narrate my first experience with my maid shanthi. Her age is 26. Having small boobs like an mango. She is little black complexion and horny girl. She has no child:) she was lean and always look sexy. My mum and daddy is decide shanti for house holding. At that my age was 16 studying plus one. Ok i come to my story. Shanti always look me sexy. And keeping eyes always to me when she was doing house holding. My home has three room. One summer leave, my mum and dad both went...

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