When We Meet free porn video

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This is my first story and it is based on my fantasy of a certain Lush member. You know who you are!! I would also like to thank DarkSide for taking the time to edit this. Please enjoy it as much as I did!!

I pull up to the address that I had written down on a small piece of ripped paper. My hands are shaking. I think to myself “Can I really do this?” I have cybered with you, and I have masturbated while you watched on a webcam, so why not?

I turn off my engine and open the door. I reach into the back of my car and grab my bag, I then make my way to your front door. When I get there, I watch my hand shake as I reach for the door bell. “Just hit it!” I think to myself. So I do. Now I wait.

I can hear you coming to the door; my heart is beating so fast that I think I might have a heart attack. You open the door and look at me. I become shy, which is not like me at all.

“Hi”, you say tenderly, and open the door to let me in.

I walk in slowly, you can see that I am nervous. As soon as you close the door you turn to me and I can see the lust in your eyes. The sexual tension between us has been building for weeks. I put my bag down by the door and when I stand up straight you grab me and pull me into your arms. Suddenly I lose my nervousness.

You reach behind and grab my neck and pull me to you, before I can even react, your lips are on mine. God you feel just like I imagined you would! As your tongue strokes mine your hands paw at me tenderly. You reach down and grab my ass and lift me over your shoulder. I grab your shirt and start giggling, wondering where we are headed.

After going up some stairs and down a hall we enter a room, you put me down and push me to the wall. Your hands are suddenly everywhere! I’m getting so turned on and my nerves are almost zero. I start to moan as my hands explore you. Fuck you feel so good!

You take my shirt at the hem and lift it over my head, looking down you see that I am wearing a sexy blue bra, just as you requested. You smile knowing that I am at your mercy. You take your shirt off as I watch you and then you look at me.

“I have waited too long for this“, you said.

You drop your shorts and I get my first look of your thick cock. My eyes are glued to you, you move towards me and move to drop my shorts down to my ankles. You can see just how wet I am as I step out of them. You look up at me, smiling. As you stand you lift my right leg and your cock goes straight to my wet pussy. You don’t waste any time and slam home. I scream at the intrusion but it feels so good! You grab my other leg and start thrusting, and I end up wrapping my arms around you.

I can feel my orgasm building fast; it’s never come this fast before! You feel my pussy start to tighten around your cock and you become aware that I am close to my bliss. You start thrusting faster and harder. As I tighten and begin to orgasm, I start to moan louder than you have ever heard before and combined with the tightness around your cock, sends you over the edge and you fill my pussy with your cum.

Our breathing is heavy and hard, a result of our rapid and fast orgasms, but my legs are still wrapped around you as your cock slips out of my pussy. We smile at each other and I let my legs fall.

I bend down to reach for my shorts but you stop me.

“As long as you are in my house you are not allowed to wear clothes“, you say to me.

“Ok”, I reply smiling.

I watch our juices slide down my leg and you smile and get me a towel. For the next half an hour we talk about my drive, your work, my work and general chit chat. I like being at your house and like the feel of the place and how you have accepted me into it.

I find myself looking out of the window and then I feel you come up behind me and move my hair to the side. You start kissing my neck. My arms came up around your neck and I tilt my head to the side to give you better access.

Your arms move around me and slowly start to make their way up until your right hand cups my left breast. I start to moan and want to turn around but you won’t let me. You start to play with my nipples making me moan. Then one of your hands makes its way into my hair and you gently turn my head so that you are able to kiss me.

My tongue slides into your mouth and it feels so good. I can feel your erection on the small of my back and I try to bring my hand to it but you stop me

“Not yet!”, you say, “Nice and easy this time“, you continue.

You finally let me turn around. I let my hands wander all over your chest while both your hands are now lightly pinching and rubbing my nipples. I start to kiss your neck, my tongue snaking its way to your ear.

“That feels good”, I whisper.

Then you reach up into my hair and pull my head back so that you can start kissing my collar bone. I start moaning as you make your way down to my breast, taking one nipple into your mouth and massaging the other in the palm of your hand. I can't take much more and dig my nails into your back. I want you to fuck me so badly, but you have told me that it is going to be nice and slow, so I have to wait. You guide me back to the bed and lay me down.

I love the way your body covers mine. You start kissing me again but not for long; you start to make your way down further. You go around my nipples just to tease me. You don't even bother to touch them and make your way further down. You know that I am self conscience about my stomach and when I try to move my hands to cover it, you take them, and place them at my sides.

You rise from the bed and look down at me. You suddenly take my left foot and start kissing the inside of my leg, kissing your way up to my pussy, then you stop and start on the other leg. With both legs covered in kisses, you push them apart so that you can get a good view of my pussy.

Your eyes stay glued to me as you watch my lips part revealing just how wet you have made me. You lean in and lick from the bottom to the top of my pussy, catching all my juices in your mouth. I let out a moan as you take my clit in your mouth. My hands make their way to your head to hold you in place but once again you won't let me have any control and move my hands away.

“I want to suck you…”, I say, but you deny me this.

Your fingers make their way to my cunt and you slip one inside causing me to jerk. I start to thrust to meet your finger but you place your other hand on the top of my pubic bone to hold me in place. You slip a second finger inside and start to finger fuck me while your tongue is working magic, all around, and on my clit.

You can feel me start to tense up and you know that my orgasm is nearing. You start to fuck me faster with your fingers and pull my clit into your mouth. You look up to see that I have started to play with my nipples and that I am pulling on them. Our eyes lock, and you watch my face as I begin to orgasm.

You give me time to catch my breath and when I open my eyes I can see that you are ready to fuck me! I watch you as you bring your body flush to mine. Instantly your hard cock knows where to go and I feel the head wanting to enter. You lean in and kiss me letting me taste myself on your lips.

I moan into your mouth as you slide your cock into my pussy. It’s still a little tight and you are taking your time to slowly work your way in. You start to thrust slowly causing me to moan when you push forward, and whimper when you withdraw. My legs wrap around your waist keeping you there and preventing you from escape.

Finally you are all the way in and you start to thrust a little faster. My arms are wrapped around your neck and we are kissing so passionately. Your right hand reaches down to pull my left leg up. You hold it in the crook of your elbow so that you can thrust deeper. I lift my other leg and you take it in your other arm. My hands are running all over you as you drive me closer to another orgasm.

My moans are getting louder and you can feel me tighten ever further around your cock, and you know that I am near. With my pussy clenching your cock you know that you will join me as I orgasm again. You lean down, bring my legs closer to my face, your arms go under me and travel up to my shoulders and as you start to thrust harder. You are pulling me down to meet those thrusts. I can't hold out any longer and I start to orgasm. I can feel it all the way to my toes! My cunt is so tight around you that you can't hold back any more. You let out the sexiest moan that I have ever heard and fill me with your cum.

You let my shoulders go and release my legs. You don't pull out but you lean down to kiss me. My arms wrap around you and we continue to kiss until you soften. You pull out and fall beside me and pull me onto your chest. You kiss my head as I tell you how wonderful you are. I am so relaxed and feel so safe that I start to drift off to sleep.

I slowly start to wake up and turn to reach for you eventually noticing that you are not there. My hand reaches up to your pillow and I see a note. The note reads that you were called into work but you would not be long and that I am not allowed to play with myself until you get home. I smile and look over at the clock on the bedside table. It reads 5am. I have no idea when you left or when you will return to me. But if the past has given me any indication I will be alone for some time.

I get out of bed, naked, but I take the sheet with me. I pause to look around. I stop and think to myself “what the hell am I doing here, alone in your house!” I have no idea where anything is - all I saw when I entered your house was your sexy ass.

My steps are hesitant as I make my way to the door. I look out into the hall and make sure that the sheet is wrapped around me nice and tight. I remember you telling me that you live alone but I am not taking any chances. As I make my way down the hall I take note of where the bathroom is. I make my way down the stairs and find the kitchen. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and go in search of the living room. I turn on the T.V. and look for CNN. I sit back, open the water bottle and catch up on what has been going on with the world outside. I watch for a little until my water has all gone, then I get up. I need a shower. I can see my bag at the door so I grab it and make my way upstairs to the bathroom.

I find the towels and turn the water on. As I wait for the shower to heat up I remove the sheet and look at myself in the mirror. I look like a woman who has been properly satisfied. I can see a couple of light bruises forming around my breasts and I smile to myself as I remember how they came to be there.

I open the door and climb in the shower. The hot water feels good as it hits my body; you have worked muscles in me that have not been worked in a long time. I wash my hair and I start on my body when I hear a noise. I look up and there you are in the doorway watching me.

“Are you going to just stand there or join me”, I ask.

You smile and take off your scrubs. My eyes never leave your body as you make your way towards me. You open the shower door and climb in; before the door is even closed I am in your arms. My hands make their way up your back and I pull you closer to me. I can feel your erection on my stomach and I can’t wait until it fills me. I think about how you teased me the last time and I drop to my knees in front of you.

I look up to see you watching me. My tongue licks your cock head and you groan. I slide my tongue down your shaft and take your right nut in my mouth. I moan sending the vibration to your nuts and up your cock. Your hands make their way to my head and into my hair.

My tongue makes its way back to your cock head and I take it into my mouth. Fuck I love how you fill my mouth! I take you as far as I can; it takes me a couple of tries but I can finally bring you to the back of my throat. You are starting to thrust and I stop.

“This is my time and my pace”, I say to you smiling.

My hands move from your thighs to your ass so that I can control how fast you thrust. A wicked thought crosses my mind and as I continue to suck on your thick cock. I slide my hands into the crack of your ass and lightly rim your asshole. You groan and thrust letting me know that you like what I am doing. I don’t want to push too much so I only do it gently for now.

You can’t take much more and pick me up off my knees and push me towards the wall. With my face pressed to the wall you put your arms around me and grab my boobs with both hands. You lean in close and ask me if I am ready to be your whore. I’m so excited that all I can do is moan. One hand leaves my boob and finds my clit. You work your magic and you give me a much needed orgasm in seconds.

While I am in the midst of my orgasm you slam your cock into me causing me to scream in bliss. You tell me how much you love being in my pussy but that you want to fuck my ass.

I tense up thinking about your thickness in my ass. You can feel me tense up.

“Everything will be fine”, you say. How can I argue with that? You make me feel so safe that I know that you will not hurt me.

You move me from the wall and bend me over so that my hands are on the tub. You stay in my pussy thrusting in and out. Your thumb slides into my ass with ease and it feels so good. You remove your thumb and replace it with your index finger. After finger fucking my ass you add your middle finger to the mix. Hearing me moan you know that I am enjoying it. Feeling that I am relaxed and ready, you pull your cock out of my pussy. You take your hand and use it to move my pussy juice to my asshole.

Placing your cock at my entrance you tell me that you have been dreaming of this since we starting talking. You add a little pressure and your thick head starts to make its presence known to my ass. I try to remain still and relaxed but I am shaking inside.

You grab my hip and push a little further watching your head disappear into my ass. You feel me tense and reach under me to grab my boobs. Pinching my nipple just a little harder than you would normally do, taking my mind off the pain from my ass. As my mind is thinking about my nipple you push more of your cock into me. You pause for a moment letting me adjust to your thickness.

You pause, waiting but I start thrusting on my own taking more of your shaft in me. I am starting to moan now because you are filling me so much. With both your hands on my hips you meet my thrusts. After a couple minutes of slow thrusting I am begging you to fuck my ass harder.

You have been waiting for me to say this and demand that I beg for it. I start to beg.

“Fuck my ass and make me your whore!”, I say, “Fuck my ass like you promised you would!”, I continue.

You are in your glory knowing that my little asshole is yours for the taking, and you take it with everything you’ve got. Your hands are holding my hips so hard that I know there will be a bruise there later.

I can feel my orgasm building and I know it’s going to be the best that I have ever had. My moans are turning into screams as you fuck me with all your might. I tell you that I am going to cum and you can feel my ass tighten. It’s too much for you as well and as I begin to cum, you pump all your semen into me.

We are both breathing so hard as we come down from our orgasms. After your cock has softened a little you pull it out of my ass, turning me at the same time. You lean down and kiss my lips ever so softly and ask me how I slept. I ask how work was. We make small talk as we wash each other. We eventually get out of the shower and dry each other off. Without getting dressed we make our way to the kitchen to make breakfast.

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[Saturday, June 21st, 1986] I awoke to the sounds of our next-door neighbors pulling their truck out of the driveway. Damn-it, I forgot about them. I wondered if I could help them out. Let’s find out. I jumped into the tunnel. If the time between sections were roughly two seconds, then that would be 30 sections per minute. 300 sections would be ten minutes. I started moving quickly, but still slow enough to count individual sections. I stopped somewhere after 500 sections. And tried to...

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EverywhenChapter 15

[Sunday, June 22nd, 1986] I woke again to the sunlight coming through the window. Looking at the alarm clock showed me it was almost 7 am. I got up and took my morning shower. After getting dressed for the day, I headed out to the car and made my way to the nearby diner. While I drank the coffee that Carol had poured for me, I considered the menu. Carol soon came back and asked, “So what can I get for you this morning?” I replied, “I think I’ll go with a short stack of pancakes and a side...

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EverywhenChapter 16

[Monday, June 23nd, 1986] I got to Kim’s house right after 7 am, as requested. She had made french toast for all of us. Her mom was still in a nice comfortable robe, but her dad was dressed in a suit for the office where he worked. We all enjoyed the food, and Kim and I left for the mall right after her dad headed out for the day. Our day of shopping went very similarly to the first time, with a couple of notable changes. Kim modeled almost a dozen dresses for me. After she decided on the...

3 years ago
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EverywhenChapter 17

[Tuesday, June 24th, 1986] I woke up and found the Sun shining in my eyes. Looking over to the alarm clock, I saw I had slept in a bit this morning. It was nearly 8 am. I quickly got showered and dressed for the day, but I took special care to shave well and apply a little cologne. I wanted to look nice, and I opted for khakis and a light blue polo. The penny loafers we had purchased went well with them. I grabbed my backpack and headed out to the car. I headed to the diner and grabbed the...

3 years ago
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EverywhenChapter 18

[Wednesday, June 25th, 1986] I woke up to a heavenly sensation. Kim had decided to start her day with a little more practice. I could only applaud her dedication. There was more than enough light in the room to see that Kim had crawled under the covers, and the alarm clock on the nightstand showed it was just after 8:00 am. We were up pretty late last night. I’m not surprised I had slept in a bit later than my norm. I said, “Well, good morning to you too.” I heard and felt what I could...

3 years ago
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EverywhenChapter 19

[Thursday, June 26th, 1986] I opened my eyes and found myself looking at another pair of eyes from about a foot away. I blinked a couple of times to clear the sleepiness away, and Kim smiled at me. I said, “Good morning, my love. How did you sleep?” She grinned and said, “Other than that very friendly wake-up call at 2 am, I slept fine. Why don’t you go use the bathroom then come back out here so I can thank you again for that. I enjoyed it very much.” I said, “Yes, ma’am. I’ll be right...

2 years ago
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EverywhenChapter 20

[Saturday, June 28th, 1986] Kim and I made it to the kitchen just a few minutes before Amanda and Rob joined us. If the smile on Amanda’s face was any indication, we weren’t the only ones in the house who had a little fun this morning. Kim had just started the Coffee going, and I was looking in the fridge for breakfast ideas. I noticed a pound of breakfast sausage and a nearly full carton of milk in the fridge, so I offered to make biscuits and gravy. Everyone liked that idea, so I got to...

1 year ago
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At first glance, you might think that WHentai is just like any other hentai-image website out there, but there is a lot you probably do not know. Do not worry, because I am an expert when it comes to hentai and manga, and I will explain all the necessary shit you need to know when it comes to this place.Now the first thing I will mention is that whentai.com has created a game called Fap Titans, so check it out if you want, I could not have been bothered. The reason why I mentioned this first,...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 72 Meetings A Day with Many Meetings

The next morning, a chime woke me up. I found that I was buried into the bodies of my sleeping concubines. Aine and Constance were on my right. Both girls had drying cum on their faces. They had content smiles as I pushed Aine out of the way so I could sit up. “AI? Do you have a message for me?” I asked. “I have requests for meetings from several of your crew,” the AI said. “Who needs a meeting?” I asked as I tried to extract my legs from under Lenore without waking my black haired...

4 years ago
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Office Meetings

Office MeetingsSynopsis- This story revolves around a businesswoman who is humiliated and tortured to the depths of the ocean and becomes sex and pain slave employee of her own employees.Jessica Hunt was a beautiful brunette, 32 year old with athletic legs, slim waist, round but tight hips, not very large but very attractive big tits and very sensitive skin. Moreover, she was the daughter of a 65-year old millionaire businessman Jonathan Hunt who had been running his Investment business for...

1 year ago
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The Secound Annual Pony Girl Race Chapter IV Committee Meetings

CHAPTER IV - THE SECOUND ANNUAL PONY GIRL RACE COMMITTEE MEETINGS At the next Pony Girl committee meeting, I presented my finding of the location for the next race in Las Vegas. I then listed the major reasons for the decision. The vote was unanimous for Las Vegas. Then I suggested some changes in the race structure. The first was to run the first series of races in "heats", or preliminaries. In other words, we would hold 3, 4, or 5 "heats" of 6 to 8 participants depending on the total...

3 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 83 Preparatory Meetings

The orgy my command had started lasted more than two hours. It finally broke up when Erica and Angelique returned from their play. Lenore and I quickly showered and then spent time with the two girls as the other ladies cleaned up. We ate as a group that night. I was going to see about resuming the play when the AI interrupted our meal. “Captain Parker. I have a call from Captain Prescott for you.” “Put it through,” I replied. “Ladies be quiet please.” “Aww, do we have to,” Ashley sang out...

3 years ago
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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 19 Meetings

My first meeting was with the rent collectors. I’d spent some time the night before going through the two sets of books I’d retrieved from Enders office. I was appalled by what I had found. When I compared the amounts, I guessed they had ripped off my grandfather over the years but their bank accounts would not show much of the money, which would have been spent or hidden. Going by the decor of the apartment, I could see where a lot of Higgins’ money went. Ender was a different story....

3 years ago
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My First Few Swingers Meets

After moving permanently to London in the early 1990s as a single guy I was looking for a relationship. However, I found it hard meeting women, especially that wanted to have sex with me. I went to soho once or twice a month to go into the adult cinema but then discovered the peep shows. I found watching naked women gyrate around great and the more money you put into the slots the more daring they got. However the best was an open stage on which women would come out and you paid 15 minutes to...

2 years ago
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When We Meet

When We Meet… I have been thinking about you and daydreaming of the time in the future that we will actually meet.   If it was to ever happen, and I am not sure that it will, here is how I have fantasized our meeting.   It made me so hot and wet just thinking about it and when I finished writing it down and rereading it, I went back to the beginning to tell you that I was shaking and my body was throbbing with desire for you.   You have planned to come for a business trip and you have a one...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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When Finally We Meet

When Finally We Meet Dear John: This is the last e-mail you will receive from me before we meet. You had read my previous story, "Visit to an adult store," in which I had my first gay experience with a much older and stronger man and was forced to wear a sexy, off-the-shoulder, bare-midriff harem outfit while he ravished me. Over the last several months, you and I have gotten so close through all our e-mailing back and forth. I love the fact that you are considerably older than...

1 year ago
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A Routine EnslavementChapter 17 Three Unusual Meetings

I was told that my team would be making a presentation to Masterson's Board of Directors in two weeks concerning our research into the apprentice system. I was directed to make a study of the published literature regarding the economics of apprentice systems and correlate that theoretical knowledge with my own first hand observations from viewing the apprentice recruiting process. I asked if I might be issued panties to protect my modesty from passersby as I worked in my glass cubicle....

3 years ago
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Cyber Mates Meet

I had been active of the net for a long while. I had hundreds of cyber buddies. I had kinky ladies that I chatted to about outrageous things. I even had a cult following on the forum. I was even respected. Yet I was so afraid! Against all my better judgment, I had agreed to meet one of my cyber mates! We had been chatting for over four years. I backtracked, yes, she had posted, and I had sent a PM in 2003. She had responded and we had exchanged views and opinions in increasing confidence over...

1 year ago
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Juiced out my boyfriends thick cock hard on second meet

Silk meets Nick for first time at Orion Mall,Bangalore and they both get seduced to each others body and aroma heavily. Story of me getting drilled hard like a bitch with nicks juicy thick cock The first interaction with my crazy boyfriend Nick!!! Facebook messenger: Nick - Hi, I finally meet you. Why haven't you called me after the last time we meet? Me - I am sorry. where have I met you? Nick - Adidas function at Whitefield. U promised me u would call n I gave u my no. Y did you not call me?...

4 years ago
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A Cucks Wife at a Swing Meet

This following story is a true account of events that took place in March of 2004. My lovely wife, Sela, had only recently started playing with Cal, a male co-worker of mine, when he had to go away for a few weeks. Cal had really started her juices flowing after a long hiatus from swinging and her libido was really fired up. I was happy with the beginnings of our latest adventure in which Cal would fuck my hot-wife at our work while I either watched or waited in another office. A day or so...

1 year ago
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Those Afternoon Meetings

Sonja was late, as usual. I went ahead and ordered two large glasses of Chardonnay anyway. So I’m sitting, watching the condensation form on the outside of the glass, running in tiny rivulets as I anticipated... anticipated what, exactly? We have been lovers for just over a month.~~~It had all started at some dreary Chamber of Commerce event in one of the local boutique hotels. I'd been inwardly vowing never to darken their doors again when a tall, attractive, leggy blonde in a white blouse...

3 years ago
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London Hotel Group Wank Meet

This one-off meet occurred about 3 years ago, where previously I had done a few meets over celebs and porn. I stumbled across the personnel's section on Craigslist looking for anything which matched my criteria, I didn't find much however one ad stood out regarding a mid-week hotel meet in Central London. The host was in town every few weeks on business and was holding wank meets in his hotel room and encouraging more than one person to come along to make it a group wank. I wasn't sure about...

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The Munsters 78 The Mary Meetings

[Before Fred Gwynne was "Herman Munster" he was "Off. Francis Muldoon" of "Car 54, Where Are You?" which was created by Nat Hiken. He also created Phil Silver's Sgt. Bilko Show (more properly titled, "You'll Never Get Rich"). Gwynne guest stared at least twice on it. Several people were in both Hiken shows. Joe E. Ross ("Off. Gunter Toody"), as "Sgt. Rupert Ridzik", was a regular, along with Beatrice Pons ("Emma" in both). Hiken, though, did not create "The Munsters". If you do...

1 year ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 22 Awkward Meetings

On the last leg of the trip, Audrey began to loosen up. That meant two things: she filled us in on her servitude to Master and she showed a surprised but willing Cassie some of her porn star fellatio technique. I caught Nicky licking her lips as she spied on their tutorial. As she climaxed, Audrey rolled down her window before Cassie squired nearly a quart of juice out onto U.S. 395. To celebrate the occasion, I received the first, I hoped, of many blowjobs from darling Nicky. Unlike Cassie,...

1 year ago
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The Meet

He was almost the stereotypical “good guy”. Or so he madeout with his facebook page and through all the chats we had made through various private messages. I had never really thought of him than just a friend throughout all the online talking we had done, I guess you could say he was a close friend. My previous partners had mostly been the big bad boys, so it was hard to think that anything major would come from it. He lived on the other side of the country after all, and although we would...

2 years ago
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The Meet

He was almost the stereotypical “good guy”. Or so he madeout with his facebook page and through all the chats we had made through various private messages. I had never really thought of him than just a friend throughout all the online talking we had done, I guess you could say he was a close friend. My previous partners had mostly been the big bad boys, so it was hard to think that anything major would come from it. He lived on the other side of the country after all, and although we would...

Straight Sex
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First online meet

When i was in my early years I started getting into the idea of being a girl. I would go online and go to straight chat sites and pretend I was a girl and ask guys what they would do to me if they were with me. This would always get me off. Most of the guys talked about how they would dominate me and I like that idea. But being so young I didn't know much. I went onto a gay chat site and began talking to guys that were from the Toronto area (which I live close to). I would talk to all kinds...

4 years ago
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The Swim Meet

February 17th and 18th, 2006The Public school system is a curious beast. If a teacher is employed by a school district, and that district discovers that said teacher possesses some skill that can be exploited—then, exploited it will be. “You were a cheerleader your sophomore year in high school? Great! You’re our new cheerleader coach.” “You were in a play in eighth grade? Want to be the drama club sponsor?” “You took two years of dance when you were nine and ten years old? Congratulations,...

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The Meet

I arrange to come to meet you, All the way up to you im excited but nervous. The anticipation is palpable. We arrange to meet in a pub local to you. I walk in to the bar a little early and get myself a drink and find a table. Every time the door to the bar opens my butterflies intensify. After about 10 minutes the door opens and in you walk. You look stunning, you are wearing a tight black top, short skirt and those black boots. Im not the only one who has noticed you come in as most of the men...

4 years ago
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The Meet

I arrange to come to meet you, All the way up to you im excited but nervous. The anticipation is palpable. We arrange to meet in a pub local to you. I walk in to the bar a little early and get myself a drink and find a table. Every time the door to the bar opens my butterflies intensify. After about 10 minutes the door opens and in you walk. You look stunning, you are wearing a tight black top, short skirt and those black boots. Im not the only one who has noticed you come in as most of the men...

2 years ago
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My Fantasy Meet

So what is my fantasy...well I suppose that being on this site is a bit of a fantasy in a way as I’m basically a straight guy who has become more and more turned on with the idea of wearing lingerie...then discovering this site accelerated the process and has made me more and more curious to actually meet another dresser like myself...I’ve also had plenty of hot times masturbating on c2c on here too and in doing so have graduated from wearing panties to stockings and now lipgloss, wigs, slips,...

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