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Ichigo Fang
A late Friday afternoon swim practice is where this story begins. It was close to the end of the season and the Fenrir high school swim team was being pushed to the limit by their couches to ensure they were ready for states. To ensure that the freshman would properly complete each drill and set, they were paired up with an upper classmen. In young Dante’s case he was paired up with Don, aka titan- because he was gigantic in both senses of the word- and was told to keep up with him. The other members of the team thought that this was cruel and unusual punishment for poor Dante because the stats were so UN even. Dante was 14 going on 15, 4’9”, and under developed- meaning he had not gotten to the stage of puberty where his muscles were fully developed. While Don was 18, 6’10, and was on the football team when not doing swimming-so he was ripped- and he had done swimming all four years of high school. But the couches didn’t care and sent them off. Dante tried his best to keep up with Don but he just couldn’t manage it. As Don sped along, knowing full well that Dante couldn’t keep up, he had begun to think to himself of what he knew of Dante. Dante was a 14 year old freshman with strawberry blonde hair, which turned red when in the summer months. He was about 4’9” tall and had a childish build, no real muscle definition yet. He had bright blue eyes, a cute button nose and his baby face was specked with freckles- but only on his checks. Don did a flip turn and swam back to his starting position to complete his set; half way there he passes Dante. Don notices that Dante has very fair pale skin with sort of a pinks hue. In all truth Don had a little bi crush on the ginger freshman and was glad that the coaches had decided to pair them up. Don rested on the wall of the pool and wait for Dante to finish. As he was waiting he notices Rachel staring at him. He and Rachel had gone out a couple times and he really liked her but she would never let him fuck her cause she said he would split her in half- which anger Don so they weren’t speaking. But this feud or fear did not stop Rachel from checking Don out. 6’10”, jet black hair, tan muscular body that could rival Taylor Lauthuer’s, and a horse hung dick- what more could a girl ask for Tall, Dark, and hung like a horse and award winning combination. Dante had finally finished his laps and was now breathing excessively to take in oxygen; he was exhausted and did not know how much more he could take. In his hurry to take a breather Dante accidentally brushed up against Don, which sort of aroused him. In Don’s defense he hadn’t gotten any in…. well forever because most of the girls/guys he went out with feared his dick- so Don was a little sexually frustrated and this touch was just enough to push him over the edge. But Don didn’t want to rip his Speedo so he forces himself to calm down. Just then the coach said that practice was over for most but Dante and Don had failed since Dante did keep up with Titan, He charged them both with another set of 2000 and followed everyone else in the locker rooms.
“Sorry about this Titan I did try to keep up” said Dante in a baby boy voice-which made Don/Titan think that the boy’s balls hadn’t drop yet.
“Its alright, I guess” said Don in little harsher than he meant to but he was trying to get his monster dick under control.
*Time passes*
Don and Dante enter the locker room to find it completely empty and the coach to be tapping his foot impatiently.
“Hurry up, I gotta going” he growled.
Dante ran off to the showers, trying to the coach’s glare for making him late, and grabbed his towel while Don talked to coach.
“I could always lock up for you coach” he said as he finally thought of away to get his rocks off. Without even thinking about it the coach threw him the keys. “You can give them back to me on Monday” he said as he ran out the door. Don just smiled from ear to ear as he locked the doors leading out of the locker room. He grabbed his towel and made his way to the showers. Don found Dante was near the far wall as he entered the shower room. It was somewhat dark but Don could still make out Dante’s cute butt from where he was standing. His plan was simple fuck Dante by any means necessary. So with this in mind he walks over to where Dante is bathing and begins to shower next to him. Dante looks up horrified because he wasn’t just washing himself but jerking off as well and did not want Don to see. Don notice and said “having fun?” Dante’s whole face went red and began to leave the showers until Din picked him up and basically hugged him close. “Put me down Titan this isn’t funny” Dante yelled and Don lowered him to the ground. Just before Dante’s feet touch the ground his butt came into contact with Don’s semi erect dick which made Dante jump. He turned around and saw that Don was completely hard and now completely understood why he was called “Titan”. Don’s dick was a foot long and about 7” thick, no wonder all the girls feared that thing going in them thought Dante as he tried to back away. “Where do you think you’re going?!” Don said as he to a step towards Dante. Dante got frightened and took off running through the locker room, however Don calm walk after him. Dante tried to run through the door but hit it instead and slide down it- it was locked and he was trapped in the locker room with a horny Titan. Dante suddenly felt an arm rap around his mid section and was lifted off the ground again. Don started to whistle as he carried Dante back into the showers. Dante was shaking violently in fear as Don laid him down on the soaked tile floor of the showers. Dante cried out “Titan, what are you going to do?, I..I I don’t really, I..” he started to stutter because he feared what would happen if he call Titan gay but as Titan/Don began to pull down Dante’s Speedo shorts it slipped out. “Titan I’m not gay!!!!”
Don laughed to himself “neither am I, I’m bi so what’s your point?” he said as he pulled Dante’s Speedo shorts completely off. Once the shorts were off Don got a good look at Dante’s package. His dick was a little on the small size- about 4.2”- but cute thought Don as he began sucked on. Dante squirmed in pleasure as he felt Don’s tongue run up and down his penis. It only took Dante two minutes of bj before he blew his load into Don’s mouth, which Don spit back out on to Dante’s chest. Dante was on cloud nine-it had been his first blow job- and didn’t notice Don lubing his dick up with spit and shower water. It only came to his attention what was going on when Don got down on all fours and started licking his ass hole. “What are you doing?! I’m not gay!!” Dante yelled. Don said nothing- hormones were driving him now- as he positioned the head of his dick at the opening to Dante’s ass. Dante kept squirming to get free but was held in place by the giant jock with the massive cock. Before Dante could protest more, Don shoved his dick in. This act was followed by a shriek of pain from Dante, who cried even more as Don kept on pushing his dick in. “relax it’ll hurt worse if you don’t relax” Don managed to say as he continued inch by inch to stick his dick in. Dante tried and through the sobs, managed to relax enough that the penetration didn’t hurt as bad. Don got about 9 inches inside Dante before he decided to actually fuck him, going in and out, in and out faster and faster as the great session he was feeling increased. Grudgingly Dante was somewhat enjoying being fuck because as Don’s dick rubbed up against the inner walls in his ass a certain spot was granting him great pleasure. After about 5 minutes Dante came all over himself and Don as his flopped around from the force of Don’s fuck power. Don thought this was so hot that he got too excited and could feel his cum building up, so he pulled out of Dante- which he was relieved because it felt like he had taken a huge shit and now felt lighter- and then Don rammed it back in all the way, which made Dante scream with pain. Don then unloaded his balls complete contents into Dante’s ass but it did not back flow it kept going right up his intestines and into his stomach. Dante- to say the least felt weird and in pain- he began to cry. Don, feeling somewhat, responsible cradled his redheaded freshman in his arms, and petted his head. Through his sobs Dante asked “why, why would you rape me what have I ever done to you.” Don’s answer was “Because when I was younger I was just like you until this guy at the gym I go to raped me and told me it was a gift and bit me on the shoulder. The other reasons I was horny and thought you were hot”. Dante sobbed even more at the reason and the fact that his as was now bleeding- but still no cum. Don just sat there patting and rocking Dante as he stroked Dante’s little dick. When Dante had settled down a little, Don held him close and whispered “this is a gift” and bit Dante on his shoulder. The bit was deep and drew blood but the weird heat sensation Dante received from it was scaring him the most. He started to feel siring pain and then blacked out, in Don’s arms. Don carried him out into the locker-room, dressed both of them then carried Dante to his pickup truck and drove him home. Don did not want Dante’s parents to see him like this so, Don scaled the side of Dante’s two story house and climbed into Dante’s room window – he knew where it was because he lived three houses down from Dante and watch him grow up. Thinking to himself as he laid the redhead on his bed,” maybe that’s why I granted him the gift?”, but he couldn’t dwell on that now he had things to do. Dante would need to be guided though his new puberty stages, so he would need a mentor Don would have to figure out a way to spend more time with Dante. But he’d figure that all out later because now he was horny again and he need to take care of it, maybe Rachel would let him stick it in her ass and then her pussy this time he thought as he jumped out of Dante’s window and strolled back to the street for his truck.
*back in Dante’s room*
Dante was thrashing around in his bed, his body felt like it was engulfed in lava. His bones creaked and cracked, his muscles seemed to be ripping and healing over and over again, He was basically in indescribable agony. He also felt in the pit of his stomach Don’s cum starting to bubble and churn. The worst of the pain was originating from his dick as it felt like someone had strapped it to one of those medieval torture devices that stretch you till you break. Though all the pain he somehow had an orgasm and he cummed on his stomach, but his body temp was so high the cum evaporated as soon as it touched his skin. The pain was too much for Dante to bare and he blacked out for the second time.
Dante awoke to find his self naked and his body drenched in sweat, disgusted he whipped some of it off. Dante decide to take a shower and was about to leave his room when he notice two things: 1, He was taller that he was yesterday, and 2. His Dick had gotten huge, he was soft at the moment but his dick was at least 7”. Dante took a closer look in the mirror, he had totally changed: His strawberry blonde hair was a lot longer and shaggier than it used to be, his baby face had gotten a little more mature but he still looked rather young, he was taller –yesterday he was 4’9” now he was 5’10”, his body was now more toned and cut but still kept its childlike softness. But the piece of the resistance was his dick– it had gone from 4” hard to 11” hard in one night, though it wasn’t as thick as Don’s was. At the thought of Don, Dante check his ass. It was as if Don had never raped him, the only evidence it had happen was now dripping out his butt. At this Dante realized he had been holding something in, he relaxed his butt muscles and let it out. Dante later regretted not releasing over the toilet as about a gallon of cum poured out his ass and onto the floor. As relief wash over him Dante remember what Don said to him “this is a gift”. So that’s what he meant thought Dante as he explored his new body in the shower- especially examining his new cock, balls, and a brand new red pubs. Dante was so happy with his new body that he didn’t mind the crest moon scar on his left shoulder-from where Don had bit him. After about an hour of “showering” Dante got dressed and went down for breakfast only to be met by his mother. “Wow someone hit a growth spurt” his mom said with a smile, taking in the new him. Dante smiled back and said “Mom you don’t know the half of it”.


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Fun at work.I had been at my new job for about three days and had got the hot for the boss, he was a mature guy with grey hair rather tall and a fair size belly, and lucky for me he didn’t mind me smoking. I had been giving the come on for the past two days with lots of dirty smiles and the odd comment which meant in real terms come and help yourself. Not only that the security guard was also a horny guy and he didn’t mind what he said the dirty sod, I was going to have him for sure. I was...

2 years ago
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Your Pussy Or Your Life 2 by loyalsock

"Bet you never realised how good sex between consenting relatives coule be, eh my lady?" said McCabe."I admit I was horrified at first but you'd have shot us, wouldn't you, if we hadn't agreed to your crazy demands," replied Lady Sarah, meekly."Too fucking right, I would," replied McCabe. "I think it's time now your grandson gave you a good hard fucking.""Oh no," said Lady Sarah, "I draw the line at that.""Too fucking bad," said McCabe, "nobody gets away with not doing what I tell them to....

3 years ago
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Accidental AttractionChapter 22

Preparations for the wedding became the dominant theme even though Reg and Eleanor never slacked off at work. It did mean though that he lost her to Bridget for three Saturday mornings for dress fittings. The other two Saturdays they spent finding furniture either via the internet or from visits to second hand shops. They also bought cutlery, crockery and glassware. By the day before the wedding the house was ready for them. Eleanor had two bridesmaids, both old school friends, Bridie and...

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I Love Wife Swapping

Hello I’m Susan, I think I had better start by saying I’m 31 years old, married to James for over 20 years, and have one boy who is now in university and haven’t been with another man while James and have been together when I was at college. I messed around a bit and had sex with two of the boys there, not really a big event, I was drunk most of the time and after college I met James and I fell in love with him very quickly, I soon became pregnant, and we got married, So for twenty years I had...

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CAROL HUN THERE IS A FINGER IN ME PART TWOBaby tell me everything - when she asked for my leash I was surprised you handed it to her - I told her husband and the two guys that if any of them go back in the house I will take the leash from her - when we got into kitchen she asked me what will I do - I told her who holds the leash owns me, she said get on the kitchen table, I am going to spone out the cum that is in you, she got a glass ball jar and sat down in the chair behind me, she asked who...

4 years ago
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Whos Who

WHO'S WHO? Written by Eric from a plot outline by Caleb Jones. Editing, and additional words by Caleb Jones. Buffy and Company belong to J. Whedon and W.B. We're just playing with them. (This story takes place during the second season episodes when Angel's curse was broken and he became an evil vampire again.) Chapter 1 - "The Prey's The Thing" "Here's my plan" Angel told the assembled vampires. " We swap the souls of Buffy and...

2 years ago
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A girl from the past rides like a blast

Hi, the name is AJ. At the time this takes place I was a junior in high school. I was single and not very experienced when it came down to getting to it. Needless to say, I was a late bloomer in the sex department. At the time I had only been with one girl in my life. It was the beginning of September and I was living at my Dad’s. It was around 11 pm on a Saturday night, and being a junior in high school and a video game playing nerd, I didn’t have any place better to be than at home....

1 year ago
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My Sophomore Summer Kickoff PartyChapter 2 Maya

Maya Just about that moment, I heard a little scream. People started scrambling around over on the deck, girls were screaming and running around, guys were quick to grab the girls to protect them, don’t ask me from what. I had to check this out so I made my way over there to see what happened. It seemed that Maya had gotten stung by a bee. Luckily, she wasn’t allergic, so she was going to be okay, but it still hurt. I set everyone back to having a good time and Maya and I went into the...

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First experiences at an allboys school 21

I left prep school at 13, already taller and more toned than most of the other boys my age. I still didn't have any pubic hair but I knew that my dick was larger than most, having spent time in the communal showers up to the age of 13. I joined a well-known public school, and moved into a house with ten other boys my age. I was immediately curious on my first day as to who would also be on my corridor, as we all had individual rooms. The room directly opposite mine, as I could see from...

1 year ago
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Im Having a Passion Party

My best friend Janet works for Passion Parties. We've know each other since college. She’s a consultant and sells sex toys. She asked me if I’d like to host a party. The cool thing is if lots of people buy the products at my passion party, I will get credits and will be able to buy things for myself. I absolutely love sex toys and if I can get free ones, I will absolutely have a party! I've invited my very best friends. We all are very different. Mary, (Curvy red-head) well, she’s a slut and...

3 years ago
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Along the FinkeChapter 2

Gordy I stretched my shoulders and turned the motor off. We were finally in Alice Springs. Getting out of the car, late in the afternoon, I noticed something and told Weena to stand still. I squatted and looked in the dust. "What's there?" "An Odontomachus -- I didn't know there were any around here. Lots further north, some further south. Are you allergic to bites? Bee stings?" "Allergic?" Weena looked at me. "Folks can die from ant bites. I don't want to lose you ... yet."...

4 years ago
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Naturism was my catalyst

Growing up in a naturist f****y, the idea is universally accepted, but you have no choice, so you display all to the most prying eyes and learn not to hide, but relax and let all enjoy. I realise the true naturists among us will object to these comments but as a p*****n girl I really was schooled into walking around nude amongst men who sat there with their cocks in my face and occasionally had a few strokes just for my education, when they saw no one was looking, only me. In the summer we...

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This Is the Modern WorldChapter 12

Tuesday morning I awoke with questions in my head along with relief in my body that I didn't need to awake absurdly early in the morning as I had the day before to rehearse Lindy's dance. Fortunately Nick and the angels except Chanda and Alexandra greeted me and Lindy and our angel lovers with breakfast and smiles. (Lindy had awakened at her usual 6am but quietly remained in bed making love and being made love to by Miwa and Helena. For the first time I actually was thankful not...

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Cameron Finds His GameChapter 3

Cameron watched while Leia packed up her materials. A couple of big loose leaf binders and several "Traveller" rule books went into a plastic crate with TAS on the end. That crate went on a shelf in the game room with some other crates with "D&D" and "SMA" on them. Another binder and several folders that were the source for some of the specific props Leia had supplied went into another crate. Hooking a denim jacket off the wall, Leia Retrieved a big black backpack purse from behind...

1 year ago
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Me And A Married Couple

Hi readers, this is a true incident which happened recently & I wanted to share it with you all. Hope you enjoy it because I certainly did. I received an email from a guy who liked my story & we started exchanging lots of emails. He also had a fantasy of seeing someone fuck his wife in front of him. He wanted to share his wife with someone & a few other things as well. He told me that he is unable to treat her like a slut but wants to see her sucking cock as she is getting fucked. I liked that...

2 years ago
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Devil Lust

Note: This story is mine and submitted on indian sex stories dot net. “Have you seen the new uncle that came to stay in our building complex?”-Rajiv asked me. I answered -“No…” Rajiv looked at me and said-“Really…you have not seen him…he is staying next to our flat…” “Oh!!! really…so what?” Rajiv-“no…you should have seen him…he looked so different…I have never seen such a tall muscular man like him…you know he works in police…” I don’t know what to respond to Rajiv word.I concentrate on...

4 years ago
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Dungeon SlutChapter 4

Joy’s pussy whipping went well, we got a lot of hits on our new web site. She is a natural and begs for more at just the right time. The comments think I’m a good dominant as well, which make my pussy wet. I’ve even taken to wearing tight leather in public and letting my dominant personality be seen more. I found a guy online that could make bigger suction cups for Joy, they arrived yesterday in a big box. Joy was so excited she masturbated her big pussy on the box when I would not let her...

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Sex with Virgin in Delhi

I am 27 unmarried man with lot of sex experience. In response to my earlier story published in iss, I received a mail from Hema [name changeed] evincing keen interest in me. Hema was a 21 year beautiful girl, 50 kg and a nice figure of 36 24 36. We had started exchanging our views and erotic experiences through e-mails and chatting. We were very frank with each other and did not try to hide anything from one another. Though we had not seen each other, I knew the color of her lips, nipples,...

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Saucy Dinner With Neighbor

Hi readers of ISS! This is my very first story or rather a personal experience that i would appreciate sharing with everyone! Hope you people love it. Names here are changed due to privacy of individuals. Any women from mumbai who wish to have a no strings attached sexual relation with me can contact me at “Raj, your tiffin’s ready. Quick, stuff it in your bag” shouted mom. I was getting late for college. It is always the same. I wake up late, and mess up everything. My name is Raj, 20 year...

3 years ago
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Boring Friday

It was a very slow and boring Friday at work. I was trying to fill the boredom by attempting to chat with some of the Lushies, but nobody was in heat. You would think that with all those horny people on Lush, I could get a hot chat going with someone who was fantasizing about what or who they were going to do tonight. Oh, well, I had to go to the bathroom and as I was walking down the hall, my boss came out of the woman’s bathroom. She greeted me with a friendly hello and said that she had...

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Motherrsquos Day Surprise

Giving mom breakfast in bed on mother’s day takes on a whole new meaning for a young lad.I was guilty, no doubt about it. So as it was both Sunday morning and Mother’s day, I decided that because I had returned to the nest, at nineteen, after a year of trying to live with my mates in a rented house and all of us failing; I was home because life was too easy at home. Besides my step-mom, Lillian, was a cool chick. Always had been and actually way too good for my dad, who was now long gone.So it...

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Caribbean VacationChapter 10

When Cornelia arrived back at the house she got a nod from her husband. She felt somewhat better about what had happened. Her husband had found something which made her dalliance, despite the fact her husband had condoned it, had been done for a good reason. "How was your ride dear? It seemed to be warmer than usual today." "It wasn't quite what we expected Stephen. It was a hot and sweaty ride. So after we got to the top we walked down the path. There was a wonderful pool of water...

1 year ago
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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 56 ERIC AND THE PRINCESS

Elfi was gone and in her place was a goddess. She wore a shimmering gown of golden pleads hugging her body. Her helmet like black hair was now under a hood shaped head piece of stylized like golden wings. Over her shoulders a cape like mantle also golden and shaped in the pattern of feathered wings as well. Her face was hidden behind a translucent veil. It was like that I saw her standing surrounded by handmaidens in a court yard that with trimmed trees, fountains and flowerbeds. The Queen...

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Knight Owl and Black Hawk

It was a night like any other winter night in the City of Brockton. The snow was falling gently, the wind was light almost non-existent as two vigilantes keep a silent watch together over their fair city. Brockton used to be a nice city, it was once the ‘Shoe Capitol of the World’. The City of Champions, as its downtrodden citizens called it. Brockton was the birthplace of boxing champions Rocky Marciano and Marvin Hagler. It seemed to everyone living in the towns adjacent to Brockton that...

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Amy 33 Beach Blanket Amy

Amy 33: Beach Blanket Amy! Copyright 2015 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2015 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: We Play Hour by Hour Heidi Fleegleman, my mortal enemy, wasn't too pleased to see my little Japanese ass in her personal, private swimming pool, the Gulf of Mexico. But there I was with my black hair blowing all...

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