Wife getting nailed in an AC Coupe
- 2 years ago
- 22
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It was good and as a matter of fact it kept getting better. She stayed for the next three days and might have stayed longer if I hadn't been scheduled for a charter. We didn't fuck all the time; although I'll admit we did enough to keep my raggedy old ass worn out and that hadn't happened for a long time.
She sent for a couple changes of clothes and I expected one of her drivers would drop them off. Instead Tink brought them herself. Maybe she was worried I'd kidnapped her mother but she seemed to be more concerned about my health than Cynthia's. She stayed with us for one afternoon while we took a trip around the bay on the Katherine and I swear she gave me some of the strangest looks when she didn't think I'd notice. I thought about asking what was going on in her tiny little mind but decided to leave it alone. Even though I'd known her for only a short amount of time I knew her enough to know if there was something she wanted to talk about she would.
Anyway, when we weren't engaged in strenuous extracurricular activities Cynthia and I basically just hung out. A lot of talking and a lot of just cuddling which to tell the truth was just as nice as the fucking. Okay, almost as nice as the fucking. The fucking might get old after a while ― maybe a century or two ― but the talking and just being with each other I don't think ever would. She did get some work done, mostly through her AI implant and let me tell you that woman could cut like a razor without once raising her voice or uttering a single swear word. I'm just glad I wasn't on the receiving end.
"I'm glad you could spend the time with me," I said the night before I had to go out on the charter. "I know you have to be pretty busy and I appreciate the time you've been able to give me."
"Everything is already pretty much set up," she answered with a shrug. "We've had the people in place to do this for years and they can either do it on their own by now or find a new place to work." The comp was done and "in the can" as they put it so the next step was to organize a tour to coincide with its release. I told you I didn't know much about the music business but in a short amount of time I learned plenty. Artists these days didn't make much off their actual recordings which isn't surprising since anything recorded can be copied and flashed out on the web faster than thought in no time at all. Recording labels and producers didn't even try to stop it anymore, might as well shovel seawater against the tide. No, they made their money on personal appearances and concerts just like musicians have done for hundreds of years. The recordings played on the vid channels are little more than advertising.
The concert tours they put on were quite a bit different than the ones I'd been used to back when I was young. I would have called it more like a festival with sometimes three or four groups playing for almost the whole day with tickets costing hundreds, sometimes thousands of ND apiece. I was quite frankly amazed that the teenagers who bought their tickets could afford it but Cynthia assured me not only could they but they did. In fact their upcoming tour was already almost completely sold out and it wouldn't even start for another three months which also amazed me since the comp wouldn't even be released officially until just two weeks before the start of the tour.
Cynthia laughed when I mentioned this: They'd been "leaking" bits of songs and even two whole ones since the producers completed the contract the day after our cruise. They seemed to know exactly how to keep the interest simmering at just the right level and when to bring it to a boil. Sometimes I think they spent more time in planning the marketing of Antigua and her tour than the generals did planning a major offensive during the war. Hell, I know for a fact they spent more time at it, and did a hell of a lot better job of it without a doubt! Besides, she said, Antigua was "hot" right now and Tink's name alone could sell tickets for a tour even if she wasn't releasing new material.
I thought it was interesting as hell to watch the team and I even got to see their "tune-up" concert over in UniDiz. Sure most of the artists, Tink included, weren't the type I'd normally go see but this one I enjoyed if for no other reason than I got to see Natalie Bernstead play one more time.
You never heard of Natalie Bernstead? Then obviously you're not a vet. I think Bernstead played for the troops in every theater of the war through the whole ten years of the fighting. If they gave out campaign ribbons to USO entertainers, she would have had more fruit salad than most top sergeants that made it out alive. She played everything from small company-sized venues to huge stadiums with battalion-sized crowds. She played so close to the front you could often hear the sounds of battle off in the distance. The girl had guts and if she'd been a man balls the size of basketballs, big brass ones! I remember an interview she once gave to one of the military vid channels where she was asked why she did it. Make no mistake about it, where she went was dangerous, really dangerous. She even had her transport shot down once, or maybe it was twice.
"I go where they are," she'd said simply. "I wouldn't be worth a shit if you put a gun in my hands. I couldn't hit a bull's ass from a meter away." She never minced words and if you had a problem with her language just don't say it loud enough for that soldier in from the front line for a day or two of R&R before heading back out. He or she just wanted some tunes from someone from back home and maybe a look at a great set of legs and some huge tits. I can assure you they wouldn't be disposed to hear anything bad about the person who put her own life in jeopardy to give it to them. Natalie didn't have the greatest voice, not like Tink's, but she could wail it out and put on a hell of a show. Say something bad about the girl who came all that way to give them a little live music, for some the last they ever heard, maybe most now that I think about it, and you're liable to have your balls removed and fed to you with a fork.
"I can't fight worth a fuck," she continued. "But God damn it, if I can do something for our boys and girls out here than I sure as hell will." If there was a bigger star to our troops I sure haven't heard of him or her. I know for a fact Sam was, and still is, more than half in love with her. He had a big holo of her in his room back on base and carried a small picture of her with him when he was out in the field. There may have been better singers and better looking entertainers but none of them were our Natalie. I think she spent the whole war out in the field with the troops and we appreciated it.
She was one of the acts in the tune-up concert although I couldn't for the life of me understand why. She wasn't a hard rocker and head banger like I tend to gravitate to but she was definitely a lot more edgy than was the style of the day. She didn't fit in with what I would think of as a warm up act for Antigua Delmar but Cynthia just laughed and said it was all part of the strategy, whatever the hell that meant. I was kind of surprised by the fact I liked the concert. That Natalie was great was a given; I even half enjoyed the other two acts before Tink and as for Tink ― well, if she sang the tax code to me I'd enjoy it. Her voice is that good. Actually the "fun" part came between the acts.
Like I said, Natalie was great. For the most part the crowd, mostly younger girls sat on their hands or talked to each other while she was on but you could tell there were more than one or two vets out there. Probably daddies or older brothers or sisters that had been hijacked to take the youngsters but they were there in their ones and twos, on their feet trying to make noise. It was easy to pick us out and Natalie did, almost to the person. I could tell the kids were more than a little ambivalent about her but I did notice that halfway through her act quite a few of them had their heads bobbing to the beat. Maybe there is hope for the younger generation after all.
Anyway, we all ― the team, that is ― had backstage passes and went back there between set changes which meant we got to see "the incident." Okay, if we hadn't been there there wouldn't have been an incident. Okay, okay, if I hadn't been there there wouldn't have been an incident. Fine, does that make you happy? Yes, I caused it. Well, actually I didn't cause it, I just reacted to it. I think it makes a difference anyway.
We were back stage and Natalie was just coming off while the next act was standing near us getting ready. I know, I know, I shouldn't have gotten involved but I couldn't help myself. Like I said we were standing there with Natalie coming our way and Sam quivering and getting ready to piss his pants when I looked over at the next act a couple of meters away. She was the cutest little thing, looked to be younger than Tink, and she looked absolutely scared shitless. Standing with her was this much older looking greaseball and some muscle (bodyguards, two of them) who were giving her a real ration of shit. Anyway for no reason I could discern greaseball hauls off and hits the little cutie with an open palm slap right across the face. She's crying and he lifts his hand to do it again and somehow I found myself next to them with his wrist in my hand. A simple little application to a pressure point and greaseball is on his knees screaming like I'd gutted him instead of merely dislocating his elbow. I didn't even think about the muscle which was probably a mistake but I chalk it up to the fact I had my team there and I knew they'd have my back.
I bent down and calmly said to him, "You aren't hitting anyone anymore today, asshole."
"Let go of me you mother-fucker," he screamed. "That's my wife and I'll do whatever the fuck I want to her." Now I didn't know if this was true and to be honest I didn't care. If she was his wife and wanted to be hit then they could do it in private, not where I could see it.
"Ain't going to happen," I told him. "In fact if I see or even hear of you touching her again it will be the last thing you ever do." I bent down a little closer so just he could hear me. At least I thought it was just him, happens the little cutie also heard me. "Since I don't think you're smart enough to understand my subtle hint let me make it clearer. If you touch her again, I will kill you. I will kill you and your body will never be found." I stood back up and said louder, "Do you understand me?"
"Fuck you!" He must have been a slow learner but I didn't have the time to teach him because about half a second after the "you" came out of his mouth the toe of Mike's boot met with the side of his head and he was down and out. I could tell he wasn't dead so she must have been in a good mood; I blame it on the concert. I looked around to see what kind of trouble I was in; I assumed quite a bit. What I found wasn't exactly like the aftermath of a firefight but close enough.
The muscle was down on the ground. Sam had one while Stanly had the other. There were a number of small metal pieces lying next to them and I could tell it had once been a gun only because of my familiarity with them. It had been disassembled down to its constituent components and the barrel was bent. That had to be Sam's doing. It takes a little effort to bend the mono-molecular chromate barrel of a 5mm service pistol so it had to be Sam. Either that or someone was hiding a vise and rebar bender in his pocket.
Brian squatted down between the twins and the muscle and quietly told them, "Don't be stupid, it's over. Are you going to be nice now?" They nodded and grunted something and the twins were about to let them up when I heard a voice behind me that made me cringe.
"Danny, what is going on here?" It was Cynthia and she was pissed. I don't mean annoyed like I just wrecked your car and burned down your house annoyed, I mean pissed! Luckily I had a savior.
"Miss Delmar!" the cutie cried and ran over to Cynthia grabbing and sobbing on her shoulder. "He hit me again! He hit me again and that man," she pointed at me, "stopped him." Cynthia looked at the red welt starting to pop out on the cuties face, down at the greaseball sleeping peacefully on the floor and then at the muscle who hadn't been let up yet.
"What about them?" she asked me. I was about to answer that I had no idea when someone did it for me.
"The stupid bastard tried to pull a piece on the Major there." It was Natalie Bernstead. She was looking rather amused and turned toward Sam. "Well, you going to let the poor dumb-fuck up or just wrench his fucking arm off?"
"Ah, well," a very flustered Sam muttered as he released the bodyguard who stood up looking rather sheepish himself.
Natalie strode over and stood directly in front of Sam. "Mmm, you're a big one," giving him the look over from toe to top. "That was so fast I almost didn't see it. Ranger? SpecFor?" Natalie was no small woman; she must have stood at least 188 centimeters not counting the heels. She didn't have to look up at him all that much.
"SpecFor, ma'am," he admitted.
"Thought so," she nodded. She glanced back over her shoulder at Cynthia. "Delmar, that piece of shit is lucky the Major here and his boys were feeling good today. He should be dead and if they hadn't got to him before me he would be. By the way, Major," she said looking at me, "nice take down."
"Ah, that's Captain, and thanks."
"Close enough," she shrugged. Then she pointed at the two bodyguards, "And you two: What the fuck do you think you were doing? You should have been busting this asshole's head instead of trying to fucking save his ass!"
The one Stan had let up looked like a schoolboy in front of the principal. "It's our job, ma'am," he mumbled.
"Bullshit!" she said getting right up into his face. "If you two are going to let some piss-ant smack around a little girl, then you'd better either find another line of work or grow some balls quick. Now get the fuck out of my sight. Count yourselves lucky and do some thinking! Now git!" They got without a look backwards. Natalie watched them go and just shook her head.
"Fucking infantry, I'll bet!" she muttered. "Stick their hand in a buzz saw if you ordered them to. Not a single brain between the two of them." She nodded once as they disappeared and then her head popped up like she'd just remembered something.
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FantasyHey guys … Back on demand. I got many messages from people asking whether I fucked my Mami in Christmas vacation or not, so here’s the scene. Firstly for those who haven’t read the first part, I am Rohit from Mumbai. I am 19 and have an athletic build & am a fitness freak. I have an 8″ cock that can satisfy any woman. Coming to the scene.. As I said in the last part, I was about to spend the Christmas vacation in Jaipur & was all set to fuck my beautiful & hot Mami. I left from Mumbai & was...
IncestMegan was now the womean who controlled my life and i was to do anything she said. at the time it seemed ok then i realized she just didnt want to be in control of me, she wanted me to be her complete and total bitch. The next morning when she woke me up she told me it was going to be my training day, and after it would be my total submission. She told me to go into the bathroom and shave all the hair off of my body which i did. Then she had a bra and panties laid out on the bed and ordered me...
EroticNote to readers : Plz understand if Grammer is incorrect sometime. I'll add the next parts as time permits. You also feel free to add chapter. The choices may be a little but i assure you All things & all choice will lead to more & more fun... ***No intention of copy incase any idea you find similar*** So enjoy guys... * Just a remark, you are playing as a mom(women)'s pov*
IncestIt was a cold night, I was alone and scared, there was terror in the air, all my blood was pumping into my limb muscles, I was running don't looking back, my breathing was getting short, everything seemed hazy , light headedness, I could hear my heart beats, no, it wasn’t that easy for me to handle it, I'm asthmatic ,I needed to use my spray and I needed that at the moment, it was a familiar feeling, feeling like someone is pressing my throat :"God I need some air!" , I remembered that I...
IncestHi everyone. This is the penultimate episode in the story! Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think! The following is a complete work of fiction. The following story contains erotic situations between consenting adults. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now. Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author’s permission. Big ups to my editor Angel. Thanks for all the...
Hi, everyone! This is my first submission to the site, so I hope you all like it. Comments would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to tell me what you liked, what you didn’t like, and/or anything else you can think of to write down. I’m interested to know what you guys think of the story so far. DISCLAIMER: Any resemblances to real people or locations (with the exception of cities, states, etc.) are purely coincidental. I’m sure that some of the locations I use are in fact real, but for the...
Earth 38 - National City - Specific Location Unknown Kara Danvers, also known as Supergirl moaned. And not in a happy way. Her head was spinning and she found it hard to stand. Waiting for things to settle she looked around. The last memory she had was accosting two bank robbers, one of them had sprayed something pungent in her face and then ... nothing. She was seated on a standard wooden chair in a large nondescript room, about 30 feet across. Her chair was positioned within a blue box...
Hi to all ISS readers.Mera naam aditya hai.Me odisha ka rehne wala hun aur banglore me job search karne aaya hun.Aur me batane ja raha hun ki kaise mene ek aunty ko banglore me patake sex kiya.Aap log mere email id() pe jarur comment kijie.Taaki me jaan saku aap logon ki review..Aur koi bhabi ya aunty agar secret sex chahti ho toh aap mere email id pe contact v kar sakte ain…It will be full privacy…….Ok me avi story pe aata hun me b tech 2014 pass out batch hoon .So banglore me aaya jb search...
She hadn’t had two men at the same time in about a week and she was lying in the middle of the bed, lazily fingering herself to try to massage a pussyache that she knew only several big hard cocks could relieve. The door opened and she sat up, coyly presenting herself to whomever entered. It was the first man from before, and when he sat on the bed she leaned into him and laid her head on his shoulder. She had always liked him best, maybe because he was her first, and ever since he had...
Wife of the Party by captv8tdChapter 1The man and woman stood side by side, motionless other than for the slow rising and falling of their chests as they breathed. Another woman slowly circled the pair, running her eyes up and down their bodies and taking in every detail.“You performed well last night, Steve,” commented Monique as she reached down and cradled his erect cock in her palm. The naked man blushed slightly. Even though he had been owned for over two years, it was still...
The other part of the conflict involved him having to fight back the urge to go upstairs, throw his buxom, sexy daughter down on her bed, and fuck the living daylights out of her with his monster cock until he flooded her tight young pussy with his cum. The temptation to give in to that desire was strong, stronger than it had ever been now that he’d felt her warm, soft hands on his cock, but somehow he managed to fight it off – with a little help from Jim Beam, that is. Three stiff drinks...
Hi this is Ajay i m going to tell u the story which happen at rajhdhani express this Sunday i was going to some where with my family out ticket got confirmed me mom dad 2 ticked confirmed on differ place and 1 at differ so first we enter in train took the seat i took mom dad to joint seat fix all the bags then i went for my seat which was far from that it was in Differ Compartment i reached there and seat i could see 1 lady husband on 2 seats and kids of near about age of 8 to 12 after few...
For a Man it is very difficult to know the difference between love and lust. I realized this at the age of 38. At 35,I always believed that men go for sex and women don’t want it. This is a story of how this idea changed. I have to travel a great deal all over India and therefore spend quite a bit of time on the road or rail. Due to this reason I have made the buses and trains my sex room and what a variety it offers. Women of all ages and desires sweating and moving in rhythm. It’s a great...
The next thing I was aware of was noise and light. The light came from the window on my left, and the noise came from Polly Dryden, who, by the sound of things, was peeling back the skin on a doctor. "What do you mean that Angela might be permanently disabled due to the path of the bullet? What kind of surgeon are you that you can't extract a bullet without leaving a permanent disability? Here's what's going to happen! You are going to get on your computer and phones and find a surgeon...
I sat naked on a chair in the middle of the room and listened to the instructions on the phone. I didn’t even think about whether I should obey or not. Being blackmailed was a good excuse if I needed it, but for me it was entertainment. I felt safe. All this was happening in my own house when I would have been bored and alone. Deep down I knew this was way more fun than watching porn on my computer or doing the laundry in the nude. 'We need a cover story for you so that your husband doesn’t...
ReluctanceShe stood up, stepping out of the taxi, straightening her dress as she turned to look towards the source of the sound. The evening was warm without being a single degree to hot and it carried the mash of sounds easily from the well lit and well presented house that was crawling with its young guests. The house seemed almost alive as people danced across the windows and their silhouette’s casting pantomimes across the carpet like grass. And the smell, the smell that’s been toasting her nostrils...
EroticI woke from a deep sleep which left me disoriented. I recognized that I was in my own bed at home but I didn’t remember going to bed. As I lifted myself up off the bed I realized I was sore all over. My armpits and arms ached badly as well as the backs of my thighs and knees. I swung a leg off of my bed and that is when I felt the soreness in my cunt and asshole. Then my memory flooded with the ultra perverse scenes I had engaged in last night. It actually gave me a nasty jolt down in the...
I had fancied my mother-in-law for a year or so since glimpsing her getting dressed one morning at my house. She had never entered my mind as a woman to lust over or fancy until then. However, after that day, she took my thoughts over and I fantasized about her regularly. I had seen her in a beige lace bra with a matching waist slip, and she looked gorgeous. My own sex life was nearly dead due to my wife losing interest after giving birth to two sons. As my birthday approached, she took me...
IncestLove Home Porn? I know I do. What’s not to love about amateur porn? Well, let me rephrase that—what’s not to love about amateur porn done well? Obviously, there is a fuck ton of amateur porn out there that really puts an emphasis on the “amateur” part of it. I’m talking about shaky cameras, shitty recording quality, 10 or 15-second video lengths. I mean, seriously, who the fuck records a video of 10 seconds of them fucking someone from behind in which you can maybe see the girl’s ass for like 2...
Premium Amateur Porn SitesAfter anal abuse I amuse Aisha and me in my bed while Alex is in the other bed with virgin AiAfter my eye-wink for goodbye for the night Alex understands she can seduce as she likes my AiAisha is exhausted from coming so hard and long from my dry and thus painful anal penetrationAisha is in both Morpheus and my arms and does not notice the high pitched squeeks from my AiI switch on our internal circuit to watch on large screen how Alex indeed licks along Ai's slitI switch the sound to my...
One day as usual I went out for office but that day it was private bus strike so Govt. bus were running with full jam pack. I was waiting for bus at bus stop suddenly my neighbor’s girl Laxmi came with her friend Teena. I love Laxmi but never dare or get opportunity to propose her she looks like an angle with well fit figure 32-26-30 with semi round boob’s ohhooo she wearied a blue colour dress with designs and it suits her very much. We always talk friendly and she trusts me so I don’t want to...
Chapter One: TigerDaniel set up his laptop on his bed with his hand over his dick, preparing for a long night of masturbation. The 22-year old college senior had pretty much given up on ever scoring any girls for himself due to a total lack of confidence, and was at this point just happy to have a house alone off campus where he could enjoy his prolonged masturbation sessions in peace. Daniel’s long and unsuccessful history with girls was all too typical for a child of the internet porn...
WendyAs I drove to pick up my thirteen year old daughter Wendy from School I thought back to the visit from my Wife now my ex Wife who called to clear out her wardrobe and tell me she wouldn’t be home for Christmas or anytime after as she was moving in the her Girlfriend there would be no custody battle as Wendy was an inconvenience and she would be better with me. I work from home as a writer my ex wife worked away and was never home so by default I became a house father.We have always had a...
This is my first shot at a Fictionmania Story so be gentle. I'm a fan of TG stories so I thought I'd start writing them myself. FIRST of all my stories will be quite unique from others. Some of those slutty bimbo stories intrigue me, but I don't like how they turn out. So... MY stories will... kinda have a happy ending and have some sort of moral. (I know it'll sound like it's going to be a children's story but it's not.) I don't use profanity in real life but in SOME of my...
I sipped my whiskey as I watched my wife Carol sliding her vibrator in and out of her pussy with her left hand. Her right hand was on her computer keyboard typing dirty to her online lover, Marcus. On screen, I could see their 3D avatars, naked and fucking. Mandy, Carol’s beautiful, young, blonde avatar with the perfect body, was bent over the back of a chair while her well-endowed, muscular, black lover Marcus was pounding her virtual pussy hard. Marcus didn’t know that sexy young “Mandy” in...