ConcordiaChapter 9 free porn video

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May, 1, 2012

I was holding a dozen red roses while standing at the international arrivals area at JFK waiting for Cecilia. Our once a day conversations became twice a day. She'd call me before she went to bed (about 2 or 3 pm New York time). Often she had her computer on her lap in bed, and she would tell me about her day. To my delight and frustration, she mostly wore a clingy black silk slip to bed, and she had augmented the camera on her laptop with something more, shall we say "high definition" and her hard nipples were often on display pushing against the silk material. She never displayed more than that, but that was enough. Finally we decided that dating via Skype was too frustrating, so it was a mutual decision that she would come to New York. We just couldn't wait any longer to be together – August was too far away.

Waiting at the airport, my heart beat overtime with nervous excitement. I felt like I was on my first date. In this cynical world with so much false sophistication it was an amazing feeling – the feeling of being in love and not caring about what people would think if I was being foolish. Over the months, our conversations and the random texts with photos attached, and the loving cards that appeared in my mailbox gave me lots of time to think about Cecilia. It also allowed me to get used to the fact that this beautiful woman, nine years my junior, could really be in love with me. She also appeared to love all three girls. She knew and accepted that they were an essential part of my life, and she told me that was something she loved about me – my unselfishness and willingness to take chances to make others safe.

It saddened me that James Anderson had to die for that to come about. Had I failed Kate and my children because James Anderson lacked those qualities?

As I nervously fidgeted, I thought about the last few months and my new and blended family. Amazingly the relationships between six unrelated people living together had jelled beautifully – well actually it was eight. I had hired a live-in cook, and then added a driver bodyguard for my girls. And if you counted the ever-present and indispensable concierge, Michael, that would make nine.

These days he and Robyn appeared joined at the hip, or for those of us with more active imaginations, joined at other places too. I did miss her in my bed though. She had started out with me as an over the top very physical lover who counted orgasms like she was scoring goals in soccer or points in volleyball. I didn't complain, but one night I had tied her to the bed with some soft cuffs and taught her the joys of the giant orgasm brought about by gentle loving and exploration of her erogenous zones. She was young, with a beautifully toned and muscular body, and she still liked the fun of a physical contest, but after I taught her about tender and loving sex - many nights, and some afternoons and mornings, her urges for hard fast sex were tempered by her desire to please me and to take it very slow.

I don't know how she and Rachel came up with the schedule, but they traded off. They didn't appear in my bed each night but about four times a week. Rachel loved the tenderness of our love-making and with her libido not always in high gear like Robyn's, some nights we did nothing but sleep spooned together. It was inconvenient that Rachel had to leave early each morning to make sure she was in her own bed when Sophie awoke, but that was soon rectified.

We moved Sophie in with the other two girls. Rachel and I had agreed that Sophie needed to be with the Roksana and Airlea, so the two beds in their room became two bunk beds. My daughters quickly included the just turned ten year-old Sophie in everything. They became the three musketeers. I was surprised that, other than an occasional meltdown caused by nothing other than being pre-teen girls, they seemed to get along perfectly. Sophie even started calling me Dad.

And Rachel? She was an amazing woman with a head for business. She should have been heading up some major corporation. Too bad world, I got her first! I was pleased that I had acted on instinct in hiring her, and that instinct had paid off. After a couple of weeks of decent healthy meals, daily trips to the health club with Robyn and the girls, a new wardrobe and no more worries about her living situation, she blossomed into the beautiful self-assured woman that I knew she was. I liked to think that sharing a bed with me had helped too. But these days being newly in love, but sadly not with me, put a whole new smile on her face.

The first thing Rachel did after reviewing all my assets and giving me hell about my atrocious tax situation, was to incorporate me as R.A.S. (Roxana, Airlea, Sophia) Incorporated, a Texas Corporation. Why Texas? They're a whole lot more business friendly than New York. What that means was less taxation and fewer stupid laws and regulations. Rachel had also worked with Grace's tax attorney to get the corporation set up, and with Grace's real estate contacts, to buy a sprawling ranch home with a large indoor pool and its own airstrip, on some acreage 45 minutes from San Antonio, to establish domicile for me and mine. We had to get out of New York before the end of June so we could claim Texas residency for the year. Texas also had the advantage of a state without personal income tax. She also had me make a loan to R.A.S. to purchase the New York condo where we were living and then to purchase the condo next to mine. It was smaller with only three bedrooms. We were tipped off by Michael that it was going on the market as part of an estate of an Oregon couple. Rachel flew to Portland and met with the attorney for the estate who had misgivings about the low offer we were making and advised his clients, squabbling siblings, that they should decline or counter. Fortunately, they were greedy for cash now, as opposed to maybe months of waiting plus having to subtract real estate commissions, so they took our offer.

Why buy the condo next door, other than it was a fantastic investment? Until the move to Texas, I wanted my staff close by and had run out of room at my place. At first I had borrowed a couple of rooms from the extra condo Grace had next to her where her security people stayed while she was in New York. She would have been happy enough with that arrangement indefinitely – there was plenty of room, but I felt I had imposed enough on Grace so buying the second condo was just what we needed.

As I had planned, the first extra staff brought on was a cook, and I did hire the woman referred by Rachel, Gina Benedetti. I didn't know what I had expected when she arrived for her interview, but certainly not a forty-something model-tall and thin blonde who was gorgeous. She appeared wearing an obviously expensive taupe silk blouse and skirt combination and very high heels. With the heels she was probably over six feet tall. So much for my vision of a mousy-looking plump and greying Italian!

Gina was very candid with us. (She was interviewed by Robyn, Rachel and I). She lost her investment banker husband on 9/11 and was left with two children to raise on her own. She took some of his insurance money to go to culinary school and worked her way up.

"Mr. Burns, I kept myself so busy with my children and working that I wouldn't let myself grieve. My husband Tom, was a wonderful man and husband, but I told myself he would have simply told me to get on with my life and be the best mother and provider I could – so that's what I did. I was hollow inside without him and also filled with impotent rage over the fact he was taken from us in such a senseless and unexplainable act of violence. I kept that rage bottled up. Then my children started leaving. Right out of high school, my son got an appointment to the Naval Academy. He's now a Marine officer in Afghanistan."

I almost slipped up and told her that I was a Marine at one time too, but that was the late James Anderson.

"I pretty much held it together until my daughter went off to college at the University of Virginia. I had occasional bouts of depression and would fly off the handle for no reason, but my bosses covered for me. What they should have done was force me to get treatment – they were only concerned that their loyal customers were paying for meals prepared by 'Gina'." At that she smiled ruefully and added, "I was ridiculous and cruel, and so even more people wanted to work with me, and the competition was always trying to hire me away."

She paused, taking a sip of water. Robyn and Rachel just stared at her, their thoughts obvious – no way was this woman going to get near our children.

"Two years ago when my daughter graduated she took an assignment in Africa with the Peace Corps, so she wasn't even in the country, and my son was always deployed outside the US – that's when I lost it. Depression swallowed me up."

At that point, she looked at the three of us, gauging our reactions. Robyn sat back on the sofa and folded her arms across her chest. Her answer was obvious. Rachel on the other hand had softened her expression. She knew about the loss of a spouse, and with her own tenuous financial and living conditions she'd experienced some pretty dark days.

"So what happened?" Rachel asked in a sympathetic voice which garnered a quizzical look from Robyn as if to say, why are we still even bothering with this woman?

Gina paused. "A chef who abuses her staff is called creative and temperamental, but one who treats the customers that way is soon unemployed. I'd never realized how close to the surface my anger was, and without the constraints of my children around and the loss of purpose once they left, it all boiled over. I was lucky ... my last boss ... the one who sacked me, also recognized the symptoms and referred me to a psychiatrist who specialized in grief and loss. She was a godsend."

"Are you still seeing her?" I asked.

Without hesitation she answered, "Yes, but these days only about every other month ... she calls it 'check in meetings.'"

Then Robyn asked rather nastily, "So, if you go off your medications ... what would we be dealing with ... some crazy suicidal woman with a butcher knife?"

I was shocked, and it appeared Rachel was too. I had seen a brief flash of anger in Gina's eyes, and I was about to apologize when she replied calmly, "Ms. Weiss, my doctor believes in treating the cause not the symptoms. She has never prescribed medication, nor have I taken any."

I was even more surprised when that answer caused Robyn to smile broadly. Gina looked at her for a couple of seconds, and then she relaxed and smiled too. "Did I pass?"

Rachel and I looked at each other. What was that all about?

Robyn said with some amusement in her voice, "Yes, you passed, but can you cook plain old family meals, and why would you want to?"

Gina thought for a moment then gesturing toward the kitchen, she said, "If I might demonstrate."

We followed Gina into the kitchen which was really part of the great room that made up the kitchen, dining and living rooms. The kitchen was separated from the dining area by a long counter. We sat at the counter on high stools and watched her work.

First she took an immaculately white chef's jacket from her oversized bag along with a pair of flats and then she pulled her short blonde hair back in a ponytail. She looked the part; that was for sure. Then she rummaged through the pantry and refrigerator. As soon she had a number of items out, she put two skillets on the stove along with a large pot filled with water. We watched in amazement as she set to work. Without a wasted motion, she had garlic cloves crushed and sautéing in olive oil, followed by sliced artichoke hearts and sundried tomatoes. On the counter behind her, she assembled a fresh spinach salad in a large metal bowl. While she was doing that, she heated granulated sugar in the other skillet and then added walnut halves to make candied walnuts. She tossed dried cranberries in with the spinach. Plates had already gone into the refrigerator to cool as well as larger plates into the oven to warm. She then added multicolored vegetable corkscrew pasta to the boiling water.

Three curious girls wandered in from their classroom, and Sophie was the first to ask, "What smells so good?" Gina looked up from her preparations to see her audience had grown by three. Her light blue eyes sparkled as she said, "Oh just a bit of garlic and some other things. Are you girls hungry?" They nodded in unison, seemingly unfazed by the appearance of a tall beautiful woman dressed in chef's whites working in their kitchen. Gina took the dishes from the refrigerator and put the spinach salad on them in equal portions, then applied just a drizzle of the dressing she had put together, then topped the salads with candied walnuts and crumbled blue cheese. She set the plates on the counter, and then turned to the wide-eyed girls and asked, "Would you set the table please?" They hurried to comply, getting out placemats and silverware and glasses.

Gina drained the pasta and returned it to the pot to which she added the garlic, sundried tomato and artichoke olive oil mixture from the skillet. Finally she chopped some black olives and added them along with a small jar of capers, and stirred. She took the warm plates from the oven and put a generous helping on each and then topped each serving with some grated Romano. It was amazing watching her, and the food was delicious.

Roksana asked, "Have you ever been on the Cooking Channel?"

Gina modestly admitted that she had appeared once or twice. Well, the girls were sold, and once we had eaten and were back in the living room, Robyn asked her question again, "Why do you want to cook for us?"

Gina, still wearing her chef's jacket, relaxed in the big chair nearer the windows, thought about her question for a few moments, and said, "because I'd love to be part of a family again, and from what I've seen this is a pretty special family."

So we hired her. All her references, especially the folks at the shelter and the Rescue Mission where she had volunteered for the last year or so, had nothing but glowing things to say about her. Even her old boss, the one who had fired her and got her into treatment, admitted he'd now hire her back without thinking twice about it if she applied.

Gina became our three meals a day cook and once I convinced her she was part of the family and not just the cook, she began eating with us. She could have had Saturdays and Sundays off, but more often than not she was around, and she'd enlist the three girls to help her fix brunch on those days. Those brunches would last us through the day, and in the evening there was always a pot of soup or stew on the stove. Once in a while Robyn and Rachel would take over for weekends to give Gina a break, and I think they just enjoyed keeping their hands in, so cooking became a family event. Gina was more than happy to supervise and instruct. Occasionally, I was asked to make my homemade spaghetti sauce, but the most common request was for fresh bread which I loved making. Of course with Gina by my side that skill expanded into a passion which included breads with exotic ingredients and shapes, cinnamon rolls, pastries, pizza dough, and all manner of fun bake and eat items. The staff at the Parc also benefitted, and soon it just wasn't Michael who was looking out for us. Visits to the gym increased for all of us!

Almost immediately Gina joined us on Saturday for movie and popcorn night. We had purchased a large sofa for the school room for the purpose of watching movies. During the week, it was pushed back against the wall, but on Saturday it was front and center along with bean bags and other casual comfortable furniture in front of a 55-inch LED. Unsurprisingly, Gina did magic with ordinary popcorn.

Gina also replaced Robyn twice a week in the classroom to teach Italian language and history as part of the curriculum. More often than not, I was in that class too. Everyone knew we would be visiting Cecilia in Italy sometime after the court hearing about Airlea in August in Chicago. Robyn also convinced Michael to teach the girls Spanish. I figured I'd have to put Michael on the payroll pretty soon, although as smitten as he was with Robyn he'd probably join our little band without pay!

It was interesting to see how everyone but me took to their new languages with ease. Of course, I was the only one without a second language. Roksana had learned Polish from her mother, Airlea's first language was Greek, Robyn had learned German from her parents, and I was surprised to discover that Rachel's first language was Russian, which she had passed on to Sophie. Of course we all generally conversed in English, but soon it was not uncommon for the girls to have conversations with each other and Gina and Michael in Italian and Spanish, with some Greek, Russian and Polish thrown in.

The three girls took great pleasure in showing off their Italian to Cecilia during our early afternoon – saying goodnight to Cecilia calls. Unsurprisingly, Cecilia always wore a nice but modest robe for those calls, as she readied herself for bed.

And then there was Anton Assonov. As I stood in the waiting area at JFK looking at my watch for the hundredth time, I recalled the last time I was at an airport. It was in the middle of March, and I was at Newark to pick up Anton from Chicago. He was Russian, mid to late thirties, a widower and was Dmitri's younger brother. I didn't quite know what to expect except that I had already interviewed, it seemed, half the drivers in New York. They were a bunch of pampered prima donnas who felt entitled to demand sky high wages for very little work. And the more I saw, the more I was convinced that none of them would lay down their lives, much less experience any discomfort, to protect my girls – and when I said "my girls" that included Gina, Robyn and Rachel. Of course, we lost a number of applicants because they wouldn't take, or couldn't pass, a drug screening. Many took it as an affront that I would even demand such a thing. In frustration, I called Carolyn Peters in Chicago. We had a delightful chat, and I congratulated her on her engagement to her Michael, the doctor. They were getting married in late summer (wedding invitation to follow) and wanted somewhere romantic to honeymoon, so I put her in touch with Cecilia. Soon, they were booked into one of the rooms at the castle for two weeks.

Other than to check in, I had called Carolyn to get Dmitri's contact information. I had decided that I needed someone like him, especially since I figured Jason Stratham was tied up in Hollywood. I explained to Dmitri what I needed and the number of people in my household. I was just not happy with my girls running around Manhattan without a professional driver, and more importantly someone to watch over them. Robyn had already set aside Thursdays for visits to museums and other historical sites, plus there were the normal outings for shopping and such. Robyn had also planned historical outings to Boston and Philadelphia. I wanted protection wherever they went. Dmitri said he had someone in mind but needed to check on a few things. Carolyn told me later that part of that delay was checking on me and getting an idea of the people that his candidate would be driving for and protecting. A couple of days later he called and recommended his brother, Anton, who had emigrated from Russia in 2011 and was driving for him. He explained that Anton had trained as an engineer and had been working in the town of Beslan in the Republic of Ossetia-Alanis in the Russian Caucasus and had then joined the military after his wife, a teacher, died. He and Dmitri had then served together. Whatever unit Dmitri had served in, it was not some rear echelon outfit. From our couple of interactions in Chicago, I concluded Dmitri had special ops written all over him, Spetsnaz I figured. I had some misgivings, but I agreed to give Anton a three month trial.

Anton and I had talked on the phone before he left Chicago. His English was pretty good since his engineering degree had required a working knowledge, but he was a bit rusty since he had been in the military for six years beginning in late 2004, and hadn't had much chance to use it. When Anton left the military in 2010, he acted as a business representative for Dmitri for various enterprises he had going in Moscow, before he left Russia for the US.

I had seen a photo of Anton and was also holding a sign when he appeared. If the folks at MGM ever need a new Bond for their franchise, Anton was it. Dmitri was a larger version of Jason Stratham; Anton on the other hand, was a slightly younger version of Daniel Craig. He had the same close-cropped sandy hair, stood about five ten or eleven, had a scar on his forehead, and was thin and muscular, and moved with ease and quickness that made you think of Baryshnikov in his prime. It was his ice cold blue eyes that made you think particularly of Bond. There seemed a coldness there that could never be thawed. I knew Mr. Assonov would have no problem protecting my girls, but could we live with him? How could a man who lived with violence for a long time fit in with my family?

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This generation is super lazy. When my step-daughter Khloe Kapri comes home from college one weekend, all she wants to do is lay around in a bikini and tan. She tells me about college for a bit and then wants to go in for a quick shower. I (Peter Green) accidentally walk in on her trying bikinis on and Khloe is not phased in the least. In fact, she takes her top off to show off her perky little pierced tits to me! She wants me to touch her and she promises she won’t tell her mother. I...

3 years ago
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Kelly Chapter 7

I had to do some work halfway across the state. I knew I would be gone all week, Monday to Friday. I asked Kelly if she would like to come along. She immediately made plans to come with me. It had been a number of years since Kelly had been in that part of the state and was eager to see some new landscape. Most of our rendezvouses were closer to home and we took our own cars. This time she wanted to ride with me. I thought that was a great idea.Her husband was a long haul trucker. As it...

2 years ago
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Catching up with cuz part 2

So the next day I woke up to an empty bed. Oh shit what have i done? I have gone too far and now she hates me and will never speak to me again. You know all the normal stupid stuff. Then i stopped for a moment a smelled breakfast cooking, i threw on some shorts and headed to the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen to see my cousin cooking wearing her tshirt she started last night in. "Hey sleepy head! Breakfast is almost ready". So either shes ignoring the whole thing OR it was no big thing to...

2 years ago
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Episode 150 Jenny and Mons

Jenny awoke from one of her regular bad dreams, only to find that she really was tied down with wet leather thongs around her wrists, ankles and throat, dressed only in her black panties.Opening her eyes all she could see was a bare cunt smothering her nose and mouth - oh shit, she must have told Mons about her nightmares.Now the normally timid lesbian fuckbunny had turned nasty and was trying to destroy her.Jenny struggled against her bonds to get free, only making the situation worse as she...

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Mosley StationChapter 7

On our screens, radar and video, a sleek, black warship came into view. In a cloud of smaller radar returns, fighter craft surrounded the Revenge and started spreading out around Mosley. The Queen Anne’s Revenge was a medium sized destroyer type impulse drive ship. I had seen ships like it in active service with the fleet, after the conflict with Mars. They were a dated design now, but not that dated. I had to wonder where these pirates had obtained such a dangerous ship. And dangerous it...

1 year ago
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German Bedtime Stories

German Bedtime Stories © Gentle Master Arme(e) Frauen Du bist Army Sergeant, altgedienter Vietnam-Veteran, und gerade dabei, Dirim Anwesen Deines Majors in Florida ein kleines Zubrot zu verdienen, indemDu seinen Rasen mähst, den Swimmingpool sauber machst und all die sonstigenArbeiten erledigst, die in einem so großen Anwesen, wie es Dein reicherVorgesetzter hat, eben so anfallen. Der Major ist ein netter Kerl, so nettjedenfalls, wie es Offiziere eben sein können, und Du wünschst Dir,Du...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Gf

Hi, everyone, this is my first indian sex stories dot net story and reading everyone’s story gave me the confidence to write my own story. So something about me my name is Ram I am a good looking 6 feet tall guy having a 6″ tool and am an engineering student at the moment. Coming to the heroine of the story her name is Akki and she has the most beautiful assets one might dream off 36-26-38 her boobs are the once to die for and I almost eat them out when we meet. The story is a real life story...

2 years ago
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Lady Janice of SterlingChapter 11 More Submission and Lingerie

Dinner was almost done by the time Janice stepped in the front door. Normally I don't cook, but Janice had called earlier that day. "I'm going to be out late shopping," she said, "so I want you to make dinner tonight. OK?" "But..." I started. "No buts," she cut me off. "I'll be home by 8 o'clock and I expect it to be ready. Thank you!" And the phone went dead. And so, that evening I stopped on the way home from work, bought enough ingredients for a simple meal of chicken...

3 years ago
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A Funeral Home is a Place for Life

Introduction: Transgendered story where a man at a funeral home gains a strange power to be the dead A funeral home is a place for death, but in a small town outside Richmond, until one Friday night. The phone rang at a little past two and he knew what it meant. Someone was dead. He took the information and thanked god that he didnt have to go to a house tonight. He sat up and looked at his wife, got out of bed and slipped his suit on. He woke up once he got to the funeral home, brewed a cup of...

3 years ago
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AnnieChapter 4

"I'm no good for you. That's really what she said," said a stunned May. "Yeah, she seemed nervous, almost scared. Maybe someone was threatening her or something." I wondered aloud. May thought over her words carefully, "I don't like seeing you so upset big brother; I'd like to help you somehow. So to help take your mind off this worry, why don't you let me return your kindness from the other day and give you a massage?" I was about to refuse when she quickly added. "When you...

2 years ago
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Wally and the Super

The day was slowly moving to a close. Chrisine could hear the sounds of the kids about to be let out for the day. Then it would be quiet for the rest of her time at the office. She realized that she actually enjoyed the noise, exuberant noise of the elementary school kids being let out. There was so much life and joy in it, that it was a pleasure for her. It was also the time of day,when her own secretarial staff would be going home, leaving her with the quiet that she loved periodically. ...

4 years ago
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Sex With Mom

I now narrate what happened after me and Shantanu seduced auntie (Shantanu’s mom). Auntie had assured that my mom would agree to get humped by Shantanu and that too within next two days. But she arranged for the same the next day itself.I went home in the evening, after thoroughly enjoying auntie. I was now eagerly awaiting to seduce my mom. My mom was more than fee with me that evening. After having dinner, me and mom sat down in the hall, to watch some stupid TV serial. While, watching, mom...

3 years ago
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Dog and His BoyChapter 14 A New World

The three newly cured members of the council returned home. All three were troubled by everything that had happened to them. When they were dying The People couldn't heal them. The leaders of the council, the ones with the most authority, were powerless against these natives whom they were taught to hold in such great contempt from birth. Two teens, a boy and a girl, fought the elite guard of the council and defeated them. Their companion, a great black canine that fought like a beast from...

3 years ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 33

... how many heartaches Must I stand, before I find a love To let me live again Right now the only thing That keeps me hangin on When I feel my strength, yeah Its almost gone I remember mama said You cant hurry love No, you just have to wait She said love don't come easy Its a game of give and take How long must I wait How much more can I take Before loneliness will cause my heart Heart to break? (From: "You Can't Hurry Love," b. holland/l. dozier/e. holland, jr.) Raul and Barbara...

3 years ago
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Facebook Se Patakar Ladki Ko Choda

Mera naam muzzu hai aur meri age hai 24 year aur mere lund ka size 6″ h   Ye bat 2 saal pehle ki hai maine apna graduation complete kar liya tha mein din bhar free rehta tha aur fb use karta tha ek din mere freind ki list me ek ladki dikhi mujhe maine use request bhej di aur usne accept kar li mein usse bat karne laga wo bhi mujhse bat karne lagi mein batana bhul gaya wo ladki bhadohi (u.P.) ki thi dikhne me wo bahut sexy thi uski age 23 thi uska figure 30 26 34 hai hum logo ne ek din milne ka...

4 years ago
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My Personal Banker

My Personal BankerI had a little issue with one of my bank accounts about 6 weeks ago, so I headed to the local branch and met with Kelsy, a personal banker. Kelsy was about mid to late 20's, beautiful dark hair, really pretty eyes and a great smile. She was on the heavy side though, not overly fat but if she had dropped about 30 pounds she would be considered hot. Her tits weren't as big as you would expect and small for the rest of her but she had great legs, especially in the small heels...

3 years ago
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The Party Part 1

Well he really did it to himself this time. I had to laugh when Buzz told me he had no date to take to some company party. It actually serves him right. Buzz always had a bad habit of putting women down. He would date a girl no more than 3 times before she would tell him to shove it. I would often bet against him to see how long she would last with him. I would always win, that's just the way he was. "What am I going to do Rob?" Buzz said. "Everyone is going to the party. I just...

3 years ago
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Neighborhood NymphoChapter 6

Ted had been thinking about Tammy's hot young body all day, and when she knocked at his door, his cock was so hard he thought it would rip right through his slacks. Letting the young girl in, he gazed at her voluptuous body and kissed her passionately. He felt her braless tits pressing against his chest and when he squeezed her ripe ass cheeks through her jeans, he could tell she hadn't bothered to wear any panties, either. "Boy, you're ready for action, aren't you?" he commented,...

2 years ago
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DreamWeaverChapter 10

When I woke up, I had a similar problem as yesterday. This time though, I left it alone and got dressed for the gym, selecting a pair of running leggings that would show off my legs, ass and bulge a little more than yesterday’s outfit had. I wore it occasionally, but more often, I picked something less revealing. When I got to the gym, several of the ladies were there earlier than normal, just hanging around. I started my warm-up and stretches, aware that they were watching me intently. I...

4 years ago
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Introduction to Bryce Chapter 6

Dinner, Dessert, and TV Knock, knock, knock. “Shit, I forgot all about the food,” I told Bryce. He just smiled as he got dressed quickly. “Hey, just a sec.,” Bryce stopped me before I left the bedroom. “Do you think they could take my clothes to be cleaned tonight before I leave?” “Oh, yea, sure. I don’t see why not. Let me have them and I’ll ask,” I told him. Bryce folded his clothes and gave them to me in an empty shopping bag that was lying on the table. The food looked and smelled...

1 year ago
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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven: I Spy.....Several hours had passed since I had the amazing experience of having a girls lips wrapped around my cock and sucking, licking and giving me my first ever blowjob in my life. I still, strange as it felt, could feel a slight tingling sensation which I couldn't shake off.The two of us went out for a few hours, shopping for food and things before we returned back to our home. Julia was in the kitchen putting the food away when a phone ran, as I stood at the top of the...

First Time
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MySistersHotFriend Cadey Mercury 23863

What takes priority: a party, or an exam that you need to pass? When you’re in college, there should be no question about it – bashes over classes! Cadey Mercury claims that she CANNOT miss this big party tonight, which is why she’s asking her friend’s brother Ryan if he’ll do her take-home exam for her. And he will – for a few hundred dollars, and only if it’s paid up front. Unfortunately, Cadey’s a broke college student, but she swears she’s good for it. But that’s not good enough for...

2 years ago
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So You Want to Be a NurseChapter 6 Retribution

‘Dr Stephen Mortlock esq’ the card read followed by his phone number and his work address in a suite of offices used by medical specialists. The folded piece of paper attached by a paperclip read: ‘Be there at 7PM sharp. He likes the nurse uniform so wear it and get dressed before you go. Go there and back in a hire car; Polly will give you the number. He’s only paid for an hour so don’t give him any extras. AM’ Scrawled on the back was the address of a private residence in one of the...

3 years ago
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Naked Wet DaughterChapter 6

It was late the next night and Fran and her husband, Mike, were alone in the luxurious master bedroom. Fran was on her hands and knees in the middle of the big bed, her husband kneeling behind her. The beautiful woman looked back at Mike over her right shoulder, her eyes glittering with desire and excitement. "Oh, please hurry, darling! I'm so horny! Go ahead! Do it, Mike it, do it! Fuck me dog style!" she begged. "Sure, baby, any minute now," Mike drawled. He was deliberately...

2 years ago
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Feeling My Sonrsquos Cock pt2

The cold reality of what had just happened hit me while sitting on the toilet listening to the plopping of my son’s thick creamy sperm leaves my fanny and hit the water. Could we put it down to the alcohol and we didn’t know what we were doing, but he did call out mom, when he was about to squirt in his dear old mom.I tucked my tits back inside my girdle before leaving the bathroom, unsure about the situation I was to face.“Mom I’m sorry” he says, “I got carried away”“No need to be sorry, as...

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Something About Pinay Mary Chapter 4

After my picking up the place and allowing the ladies time to get to know each other in this new way I headed up stairs. There was Pinay Mary laying back on the bed and her Niece was sucking on those hard bent nipples. The clothespins were now on the nipples of the Niece as she was slowly kissing her way down her Aunt's tummy. Mary was almost sitting upright with her ass propped up with a pillow to display that smooth, juicy, slit. The Niece got down to her hips kissing and lightly licking all...

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Cockdaddy and Fucktoy

He was on his way to come see me, he had certain commands that I knew I needed to follow. I had to be on my knees on the floor, my mouth open and tongue out ready and waiting for him. My tits were to be exposed and I was to be naked or dressed in a sexy outfit for him. I was ready, waiting, getting more excited and wet as each second passed. My body was aching for his touch. My heart was pounding hard in my chest as his car pulled into the driveway. I stirred in my spot on the floor, trying to...

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My stepsister Lisa part 2 movie night

The morning after our first sexual encounter, Lisa went to visit her friend Hailey, who lived in the next town over. She stayed the night, hence we hadn’t talked very much apart from a goodbye when she left. Trying not to alert any of our family members, she tried to act normal. I could tell she didn’t know how to behave around me though. She seemed afraid to look me in the eye, but had a shy smile on her face anyways. It was starting to get dark when she returned, going straight to...

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The Ah KungChapter 10

In the morning Roger woke up to the smell of eggs cooking and he threw on a robe and went into the kitchen. Lei had fixed a bowl of fruit in yogurt and had scrambled a couple of eggs for him. She was dressed in a pajama bottom and a black bra. She jumped when she turned and saw him, "I didn't know what you like for breakfast so I fixed what you had in the refrigerator. You don't have any tea. I don't know how to make coffee so you'll have to show me." Roger walked to the coffee pot...

3 years ago
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Superhero Swinging Sex Party

Pip the Troll had been looking for this cash for years, since he had been part of the group which had protected the Infinity Gems. There were six infinity gems which gave the power to control six aspects of the universe. Time, Space, Reality, Soul, Mind and Power. 'Rumour was there's a master key stone which has the power to amp up the stones to the infinite degree while allowing absolute control over the other stones. The Infinity Key Stone allows one to access the power of all of the...

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Urvashi and servant

As I already told, urvi mostly wears short skirt and strip t-shirts, sleeveless t-shirts and shirts. Her skirts mostly just covering half thigh. And, while wearing such clothes, certainly sitting in some position will expose her panty. Often, her shirts, t-shirts are much of transparent. So, her bra in most cases is visible. She likes to wear thin strip bra and her bra’s are matching with her dress. With pink t-shirt she wears pink or red bra and like that same with panty. Our new servant,...

1 year ago
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My fucking great birthday

Saturday 28th of July and it was my birthday, what was in store I wondered. The girls met at my house arriving throughout the day, Annie, Emma. Ellie and Amy.Annie oversaw the evening and had booked our table at the pub restaurant for 7 p.m. Annie had given me a beautiful silver day collar to wear, which I cherish and naturally wore. We all wanted to wear something bought on our recent shopping trip. I chose my new long black satin dress with the side slit to my hip, low front and back, Emma...

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Getting just what I asked for and much much more Part 3

getting just what i asked for, and much much more. Part 3 By debbislut caution this part of the story includes extreme themes authors note: this is a story i have been meaning to write for some timeafter finding a hot transgender contract online several years ago (which is at the end of part one) xx I awoke in the dark, in the most extreme heels imaginable with my hands cuffed above my head not sure where I was until the memory hit me, Miss Aimee had delivered me to a slave...

2 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 15

The symphony was wonderful, as was the late evening dinner they had at a little Italian restaurant Zack knew about. It was past eleven when they finally got back to Zack's car. Val leaned back in her seat and sighed. "I ate too much. I'm just stuffed. I bet I look fat." Zack glanced at her lithe form in the clinging dress. "You're fishing for a compliment." he said. Her smile was only white teeth reflected in the light from the street light. "You caught me mister detective. I...

1 year ago
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Some Little TVTG Vignettes

Some Little TV/TG Vignettes by Maria Ski. Sometimes I get ideas that I have to get down and write. Here are a few 'shorts' that were written during a brainstorming session I had with my muse. Enjoy. 1. Paul gains confidence by becoming Paula Paul was a little unsure of himself. He was about to leave home and he was a little scared of the prospect. His elder sister noticed this and offered to help him gain more confidence. So she purchased some Self Hypnosis CDs for him. And...

2 years ago
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Experience 1 Bangalore Part 8211 2

Hello, readers, it feels awesome to read and reply your valuable feedback, thank you so much for writing emails to me and now it’s time again to read the part 2 and write me your feedback at For those who are reading it for the first time please first go to “experience 1 – Bangalore” That’s the first part of this story then continue here again! Part 2….. I was waiting for her to come out those two mins were getting too hard to wait now, checked her room, pictures of her everywhere….She is...

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