ConcordiaChapter 11 free porn video

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September 15, 2012

I was nervous as I watched the crowd in the chapel at Castello di Montalto. I'd been through a wedding once before, but it had been much different For one thing I had been much younger, fresh out of school and marrying the person I thought was the love of my life. That marriage had been mostly a good one, and then one day a couple of years ago it seemed to fall off a cliff. I still didn't know why. I had moments when I relived those horrible couple of years, and I asked myself if there was something I could have, or should have, done differently. I didn't know, and perhaps would never know, at least without talking to Kate. I had no intention of asking her now. The new life I'd put together as Robert Burns was the life I'd chosen, and there was no going back. My new extended family was made up of wonderful caring people who loved each other, and it had coalesced around me and Cecilia. Now Cecilia was going to become my wife in this wonderful chapel filled loving people and enough flowers to have denuded several large gardens. I fidgeted as I waited.

Pietro grinned at me and patted his jacket pocket for the hundredth time, making sure the ring was there. We stood before the small but ornate altar with Father Antony, the local priest. He seemed very young, having taken over just the year before from the dying Father Joseph who had known Cecilia since she came to the castle. I guess I was glad to have the younger priest, because I figured the older experienced one would have seen right through me as the bigamist I was about to become, and would send me straight to hell.

Pietro had been overwhelmed when I asked him to be best man. I joked with him that it was only logical since it was through him I had met his cousin and family. He had gripped my hand with fierce intensity and said, "I am honored, Robert. My family owes you a debt we can never repay." I had tried to deflect that kind of thinking, but to Cecilia's very large extended family, I was Superman and St. Michael all rolled into one. I thought that would be a heck of a challenge to live up to.

We were both dressed appropriately for a late summer afternoon wedding. Thank God Cecilia had not insisted on tuxedos! I had owned one in my previous life but hated it. So now I wore a light gray raw silk jacket over a white linen shirt, a muted blue silk tie, and dark gray wool slacks. Pietro was dressed very much the same, but his jacket was slightly darker, and he wore a light blue shirt with a soft yellow silk tie. We were polished, barbered, and pressed to the high standards required to pass inspection by the women of two households!

I looked at the people who filled the church. Roksana, Airlea and Sophie were missing because they were the flower girls, but their "mothers" were present. Grace sat in the front row. She wore a pale blue sleeveless silk dress that had only a modest décolletage but was fitted perfectly to show off her wonderful body and legs. As usual she was wearing impossibly high-heeled shoes. Today they were platform sandals. Her outfit was topped by a finely woven straw hat which had a small red flower pinned on one side of the crown. She was stunning as always, and I had an erotic flashback as she winked at me.

Next to Grace was Rachel. Over the months, as I had predicted, she had become even more beautiful. Being in love helped too. Anton adored her and Sophie, and the ice in his eyes seemed to melt every time they were around. He was still most conscientious about his duties and his dedication to the girls never wavered, but that grim look he had carried was now replaced with a smile. To the outside world he was still ferocious, but inside the family he was a husband and father and "Dad" to three girls.

Rachel's dress was a very pale yellow made from finely woven cotton. It was sleeveless with spaghetti straps holding up the fitted bodice. The skirt flared a bit as it came to her knees. She was really a knockout but gave no indication that she realized it. She was hatless, her dark hair pinned up and her diamond earrings matching the beautiful round diamond engagement ring she wore. It was joined by a woven platinum wedding band, a smaller version of the one worn by Anton, her husband of one month.

In August, I had paid for their wedding in Chicago. It was the logical place to have it since Anton's brother and some other friends were there, and it coincided with the final hearing on the adoption of Airlea. Rachel had no living relatives in the US, so she was happy to marry Anton anywhere they could find a church and minister. They were over the moon in love, and Sophie heartily approved. Using the Italian or Spanish, I became "Papa" to her when Anton was promoted to "Dad." Roksana and Airlea called Anton "Papa", since I was "Dad" to them. Sometimes it got damned confusing! Michael was just Michael since he didn't quite fit the "Dad" image. I think he was relieved by that, although I expected he was going to be "Dad" in his own household about nine months after his upcoming marriage to Robyn.

In Chicago, Judge Downey had welcomed us back, and Airlea's follow-up hearing was held, again, in her chambers. As before, we were represented by Carolyn Peters. Roksana attended, as did Cecilia, who seemed awed by the fact a judge would meet us in her chambers and then mildly amused by the seemingly informal atmosphere. Carolyn looked gorgeous in her summer lawyer suit, as did Cecilia who wore a sleeveless pale blue dress that came just to her knees.

Cecilia and Carolyn had greeted each other like old friends even though it was their first in-person meeting. They'd met via Skype and Face Time when I had referred Carolyn to Cecilia for renting a place at the Castle for Carolyn's upcoming honeymoon. They had conferred several times and had become friends. As we waited for the hearing to begin, they chatted away, laughingly discussing wedding plans. Cecilia had also brought additional photos on her iPad of the Castle grounds and the suite where Carolyn and her husband would be staying later in the month. Carolyn was very excited about her first trip to Italy and to Cecilia's amusement, tried out some rudimentary Italian phrases. Cecilia was kind, although the girls had a hard time stifling their amusement. As a bonus, Cecilia had made arrangements with her family to have Carolyn and her Michael met at the Rome airport and driven to the Castle.

The girls wore dresses this time – nothing fancy, but finely woven pastel cotton frocks and flat shoes – quite a contrast to the worn looking cold-weather outfits they had on in February. They'd been shopping with Cecilia. As usual, my credit card took a hit. Although with Rachel at the financial helm, my accounts were refilling quite nicely.

After Airlea got over her initial nervousness, she and the judge chatted like old friends as Airlea told the judge about her extended family and how much she loved our new home in Texas, and about the horses and riding, and that she loved her teacher who lived with us. The judge looked amused and commented on how much she'd grown in the months since they'd last met. It was true, tiny Airlea had experienced a growth spurt and was catching up to Roksana. The judge then asked her what she was learning, and Airlea launched into a dissertation about her favorite subjects, which appeared to be all of them. She listed reading, math, writing, geography and history and then, to the Judge's surprise, she demonstrated her proficiency in Italian by having a conversation with Cecilia and Roksana. The Judge had trouble keeping a straight face, certainly thinking about the contrast between this chatterbox and the mute girl she'd met six months ago. Roksana didn't try to hide her smile. She was very proud of her little sister, and she looked up at me and mouthed, "thank you."

I smiled in response. Roksana was a sweet, wonderful young woman, and I loved her. I wanted to hug her. This exchange was not lost on Cecilia who reached in her shoulder bag for a tissue.

The Judge, taking advantage of a pause in Airlea's report said, "Airlea, thank you so much for coming back to see me. It's wonderful seeing you again, and it's obvious that you're very happy with your family ... and so loved." She looked at me. "Mr. Burns, much of the credit for this transformation must go to you. In my job, sometimes I tend toward the cynical, but you've showed me that there are times when good things happen to good people who are in difficult circumstances. Thank you for what you've accomplished. There's only one thing I ask..." She paused, and my heart sank as I wondered what new restrictions might be placed on the adoption. The judge continued, "Please send me a photo of Airlea and Roksana occasionally, I'd love to keep up with how they're doing." Trying to keep the relief out of my voice, I replied, "My pleasure, your honor." Judge Downey signed the final adoption papers, hugged both Roksana and Airlea, and to my surprise, also hugged me, and then we were done. Well, except for a couple of photos that Carolyn took of the girls flanking Judge Downey at her desk. They were all smiling broadly.

There were more smiles and hugs as we stood in the hallway outside the courtroom. Airlea looked at me and said, "Did I do okay?" I bent over and hugged her, trying to find my voice, which had suddenly become very constricted.

"Airlea, you were wonderful ... I'm so proud of you." I watched both Carolyn and Cecilia dab their eyes.

She kissed me on the cheek and whispered, "I love you, Daddy."

"I love you too, Airlea," was all I could croak out.

Anton met us on the steps to drive us back to the hotel where we had lunch laid on. Carolyn had to beg off because she hardly had a spare minute between work and wedding plans. As we lingered on the sidewalk after getting the girls into the car, Cecilia put her arms around my neck and kissed me and then looked into my eyes with that "makes me weak in the knees look" and said, "I love you, Robert." Damn, I was lucky!

Anton and Rachel's wedding was an intimate family celebration in a small chapel north of Chicago. Instead of a maid of honor, Rachel had Cecilia, Gina, Grace, and Robyn stand with her. The girls were the flower girls, led by a beaming Sophie. Dmitri was his brother's best man. With the heat and the bright sunshine that August Saturday in Chicago, I couldn't help think how the weather had gone from one extreme to another. I also realized how lucky I was, and how far we had all come since I had made that first trip to Chicago as Robert Burns in February.

The small wedding reception was at our suite at the Trump Tower, and we were joined by Carolyn Peters and her intended, Michael Fletcher, and by David Ryan and his delightful fiancée, Teresa Flaherty from Ireland. Teri even put in an appearance, bringing along her friend, Marine Lieutenant Jeff Scott. Jeff was doing recruiting duty in Chicago between tours of various dangerous places. They were cute together, but that didn't stop Teri from grabbing my butt in the hall outside the bathroom. She laughed as she said, "I've been looking for a few good men, and I'm pretty sure I found one!" I congratulated her with a kiss, which because of Teri, lasted longer than I had intended. As she stepped back she grinned, and said, "Thought I'd remind you of what you're missing!" Then she caressed the front of my pants and said with a giggle, "Cecilia's a lucky woman." I couldn't help but laugh.

As I dragged my thoughts back to my current surroundings, I was reminded that the reason Rachel was solo in the church was that Anton was doing his job outside keeping watch over things. He had been joined by Grace's security team, led as always, by the beautiful Verena Anoup. Cecilia's dad, Arturo, an imposing man, had also laid on a few "friends" to watch over things before, during, and after the wedding. In my mostly passable Italian, I had made it clear to everyone on security that Anton was in charge.

Next to Rachel sat Robyn. She wore a sleeveless peach-colored Asian style silk blouse with a Mandarin collar. That blouse was perfectly fitted and probably left every man in the place panting. She also wore a soft cotton pale green flared skirt that came just below her knees. Very high strappy platform sandals completed her outfit. Robyn didn't care how many men were panting in her wake. She was totally devoted to Michael. She wore an emerald cut diamond engagement ring, and their wedding was set for the late spring after Michael's graduation from NYU. I had offered our new home outside San Antonio, but because of her friends and family, they had opted for her church in Iowa. Michael had quit his job with the Trump Parc because he was now employed by me. As what? He was the guy who got things done. No matter where we went, it seemed Michael could conjure up the solution to any problem, or meet any need. Winston Churchill would have called Michael his "fixer". Perhaps he could be best described as our personal concierge. Today, he was just inside the door to the chapel acting as usher along with Cecilia's younger brother, Tomas. Michael's Italian was remarkably fluent. Gina and Cecilia had taught everyone pretty well - except me. I was the only laggard, but I was getting better quickly. Cecilia had put us all on a crash diet of Italian by banning any other language from the household for the entire month preceding our wedding! She had tried to insist that we have some lessons before bed each night. I had to admit that I did have some success in distracting her!

Then there were the twins, Sofia and Simone. Why were they here? Sitting in the second row they smiled at me, sworn to keep my secret. Earlier in the summer as we were getting ready to move into our new home outside San Antonio, there were some upgrades needed so Grace invited all of us to spend a couple of weeks at her ranch.

One morning when Cecilia was off with the girls on an early morning shopping expedition, Grace and I went riding before the day got too hot. Riding wasn't my favorite thing, but I was learning in self-defense since the three girls were at an age when they were enamored of horses. We stopped at a group of jumbled rocks which some glacier had no doubt deposited tens of thousands of years before. They were in an area of gently rolling grasslands. This time of year all the grass was brown and waiting for the fall rains and cooler weather to revive them. We slipped off the horses and left them to graze near a tree-shaded pool fed by a spring than flowed from the base of the rocks, while we sat in the shade of the tall cottonwoods Grace in painted-on jeans and a fitted cotton blouse sat with her hip touching mine as we watched hawks out looking for breakfast. The pool fed a creek that ran through her property leaving a line of trees all along its length. There was plenty of water even in the hottest and driest time of the year.

Grace gazed into the distance, and I figured she had something on her mind. I waited.

After a couple of minutes she looked at me and said, "Things seem to be going pretty well, Robert. She emphasized the "Robert," but with a smile, and then went on, "We haven't had much time to talk ... so tell me how you're doing."

I let her question hang there for a couple of minutes as I ruminated on all that had happened over the months since the Concordia went aground.

"Grace, most days I'm so happy, I can't think beyond that. Other times I'll wake in the night, and I'm petrified it'll all come down like a house of cards in a gale. Then I'll look over, and there's Cecilia sleeping next to me, looking so angelic that I can't breathe for the love I feel for her."

"Sorry," I apologized seeing the fleeting hurt in her eyes. I knew it wasn't about me, but memories of her late husband, the love of her life.

"It's okay. Sometimes I just miss him so much..."

I took her hand. There wasn't anything I could say.

After a couple of minutes she said, "You were saying..."

"Oh, yeah, it's just that it's a schizophrenic life, but only at times. Sometimes, especially when I'm around my three girls, I'm only Robert, other times I have doubts about my sanity for even embarking on this craziness."

This time she took my hand and looked at me with those wonderful, loving eyes. I had no doubt she cared about me and was concerned for my welfare and that of my family.

"Robert, have you thought hard about what would have happened to all these people if you hadn't taken on the mantle of Robert Burns?"

"No, not really. I mean, after I became Burns and found out about Roksana ... and Airlea, it was just the right thing to do."

"Think about it. What would have happened if Robert had died that night?"

"But he did!" I laughed

Grace simply smiled at my lame attempt at levity. "Yes, but had he not been resurrected by James Anderson what would have happened?"

I could see where she was going.

"Anyway, like that film, 'It's a Wonderful Life', where Jimmy Stewart sees his world as if he had his wish and was never born. Think about it. If Robert Burns had died that night, where would Roksana be right now? How about Airlea, Sophia and Rachel?"

She paused as I considered the question, and then went on. "I think you're getting it. Most likely Burns would have been just a missing passenger with no next of kin that could be found. He had no living relatives other than Roksana, but he had given up custody. He was reclusive and pretty much handled everything electronically. It was only by chance that I ever met him. Perhaps months after his body was found and maybe months later identified by a process of elimination, some court might have become involved to process his estate. Whoever some court eventually appointed to handle the estate, most likely some law firm – would they have been as thorough as you and discovered her existence?"

I inwardly cringed.

"My guess is that they would publish some notice in the New York papers looking for heirs, and when none came forward they would have been happy to collect their fees, and his estate would have gone into the gaping maw of New York state!" she laughed.

"So where would that leave Roksana? The likely scenario is that she would have been adopted, but it's unlikely whoever took her would have taken Airlea. So the girls would have been split up, and Airlea would have been a foster child until she was kicked out of the system at eighteen. Or worse, she would be a ward of the state for years, thought of as some handicapped, perhaps mentally challenged child. You said the Staples were nice people, but were they equipped to deal with her, especially after Roksana was adopted? Come to think of it, Roksana might have made herself unadoptable just to stay with Airlea." She smiled and continued, "She's very loyal to her friends..."

I smiled at the thought. Indeed she was, and Sophie was now included in that group of friends.

"So when Roksana turned eighteen, she would be out on her own. I have no doubt she would have found some employment. But college? Not likely. Then she would have stayed close to keep an eye on Airlea, and when Airlea turned eighteen, she would have arranged for Airlea to join her, even if that meant she had to have Airlea disappear from the foster system, if she waited that long. So think about the fate that awaited these two beautiful and smart girls had you not become Robert?"

I thought about what she said and then asked, "But what about if the searchers had been diligent and some executor had found Roksana? Her father's money is rightfully hers. Sometimes I feel like a thief."

"Stop it! You are not a thief. That scenario might even be worse."


"Twelve year old girl gets millions, but has no living relatives. Can you picture it?"

I nodded, frowning.

Grace went on, "The probate court appoints a trustee to manage the funds until she's eighteen, but now she's a trust child with millions, but still a foster kid. Somehow I picture armies of shirttail relatives coming out of the woodwork panting to adopt little orphan Roksana."

"Not a pretty picture." I replied.

"But it gets worse..."

"Yes, I see where this is going." I said.

Grace continued, "At eighteen she's emancipated and all of a sudden she get access to all the money. Even the brightest eighteen year old would have difficulty with that and, of course, if some relative or other person managed to convince a court that they should get custody before she turned eighteen, they might misappropriate the assets, or spend years in court suing Roksana and the trustee."

"What a nightmare."

"So ... think of yourself as her guardian and trustee."

"And her dad," I replied.

Grace hugged me and said, "Of course, you're her dad. There's no doubt. Just ask her. And the way she looks at you. You, Robert, are her hero and savior. And in truth you are. You did the right thing for the right reasons, and now her life has been transformed along with that of Airlea and Sophie too. We can't forget where Sophie and Rachel were when you found them."

"Thanks, Grace, for pointing out what should have been obvious to me."

"You're my hero too, you know."

"I'm not comfortable being anyone's hero."

"You won't convince Cecilia and her family..."

"Anyone would have done the same."

Grace just lifted one eyebrow.

"Okay, you got me, but a moment of insanity does not really make me a hero!"

"Regardless, a lesser man would never have gone back into that ship. A moment of insanity might explain going back once but you went back again to rescue a woman you had never met while the situation with the ship had gotten very much worse. Once might have been stupidity, twice was heroic." She stopped and looked at me, her wonderful smile washing over me.

Same as Concordia
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So they told me, not asked that I was going there to do whatever they needed of me to keep the farm going. It was just before puberty and so liking the place I happily agreed. As I arrived there was grandma, she’s young looking for her age, mom says she’ll outlive us all and the way she looked I believe it. Dad and she went into her room for a while to talk and when they came back out she was all smiles and so was dad. Mom smiled saying she was thanking him for letting me stay, I said...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 3 A shower And Some SelfGratification

A ten-minute cold shower was immediately refreshing and just what was needed to cure my rampant erection. I stepped out ready to dry myself. No towel! I checked the clothes on the stand by the sink. My shorts, sports socks and favourite Nike running shoes were all there along with my favourite Los Angeles Lakers T-shirt and a girly magazine, but there was definitely no towel. I wondered if I should call out or use the small towel on the rack that would dry me enough so that I could put on my...

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Linda at the gas station

Just the other day I was getting gas for my motorcycle. Up pulls a woman right behind me and she’s about 25 with Blondie hair. She steps out of her truck and bends over to unscrew her gas cap. That’s when I see the best looking ass I’ve seen in a long time. I wanted to strike up a conversation,But she did first. She commented on my License plate holder. It reads “Ladies Flash Me Your Rack” Then just below that I have another sign that says “Spank You Very...

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Jennifer Marie Stephenson bolted upright. Not quickly. She had been asleep. Somewhere deep down inside of herself she had heard the door close. Was it part of the television program that was on in the background? She couldn’t be sure, but after the last time her husband had come home at that time it had not gone well. She had felt exhausted after finishing her computer class at the Community College. She had been teaching an advanced class in computer programming. She had stayed even later,...

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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 49 Storm

Thoughts Although I don't like to admit it, there are times I get lonely now. Having first had Malin, then Bill, regularly sharing my bed for a while, followed by occasional — and much welcome — visits from Ian, I'm reminded that I don't like sleeping alone. I guess in some ways I'm becoming more like Lady Heather than I realize, since my need is becoming as real as hers. Call me a robot who knows what her intended function is. Lately my 'bot partner of choice has been Terri. At...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 36

Pulling off her light dress – underneath which she was wearing nothing – Samantha stepped toward Serena, who looked up at her somewhat blankly, as if stunned by what had just occurred. Samantha drank in the spectacle of the yoga teacher’s naked body, which she had longed to see for so many months. It had been just after the previous Thanksgiving that Samantha had first visited the local yoga studio and been captivated by what she saw there. And thanks to her faithful attendance at Serena’s...

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Catfighting Sorority Sluts

Catfighting Sorority Sluts. Catfighting Sorority Sluts. By GabbyLez ([email protected]) Story Codes: F/F, F+/F, humiliation, reluctant, nc, BDSM, lactation, w/s, urination, toys, costumes. Summary: The vicious rivalry between two snotty sorority houses heats up into a sadomasochistic orgy of catfights and BDSM sex. Lots of preppy outfits, strap-on dildos, panty-gags and kink.  INTRODUCTORY NOTE: When this story was originally posted, the readers may have missed the fact it was supposed...

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Lily and Alex 1

"Alright..." alex said. "Follow me" Lily said and grabbed alex's hand and dragged him onto the dance floor. "I'm not much of a dancer" lily said. Alex was felt his heart race as he looked at lily. "just follow my lead. i'm trusting you" Lily said. lily grabbed alex by his hips and pulled him in close cuasing alex to take a quick breath in out of nervousness. Lily grabbed alex's hands and put them on her hips and began to move her hands all over alex's body. "You're a great...

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The Devils Pact Tales from the Best Buy Incident Playing at Cuckoldry

Introduction: Bill cant stop thinking about his wife Erin fucking other guys while they were under Marks control. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devils Pact, Tales from the Best Buy Incident: Playing at Cuckoldry Note: This takes place a week after Chapter 3 involving Bill and Erin Connar and how their lives were changed after the Best Buy Incident. The car pulled into the my driveway. It was Saturday night, and I was hiding in my bedroom closet, naked, waiting for my...

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Aunty Ni Tiragesi Denga Part 3

Hai.Andariki chaala thanks.Mee feedback naaku anandanni echindi.Inka mee time waste cheyyakunda story loki veltunna. Ee story kanna mundu, two parts unnayi.Avi chadivithe meeku oka clarity vastundi. Last night aunty ni dendina taruvaata, aunty nannu.Sollu meeeda paduko pettukundi.Ala kaasepu maatladukunnam Me: meeru ok kada.Indaaka konchem kangaaru paddanu. Aunty:em kaadu.Ee noppi kuda, oka sukhame. Ala naaku gattiga lip kiss echindi.Malli inko round iyindi, A:emaindi,ala vaniki...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Demi Sutra Demi8217s Big Dick Crush Comes True

Demi Sutra always had a big porn crush on Charles Dera. She was not aware that he would be at today’s shoot. She undressed, showed her beautiful brown bunny skin to the camera. The pink of her pussy was super bright pink. All of a sudden some big hands grabbed her from the back. It was Charles. She did what she promised to do. Immediately she swallowed his cock. It was big. She sucked it and deep throated it and sucked it again. Then he fucked her doggy. She went cowgirl on him. He pounded her...

2 years ago
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Junior Year Part IIIChapter 7 Think A Little Less

Peggy woke me up and made me run with her. I was in charge of pushing the boys in their running stroller. Duke must have been growing up because we saw three squirrels and he decided to let them live. Either that or Peggy had been getting through to him that dragging her across someone’s front lawn while she had the boys was not in his best interest. We went into breakfast and found that Mom had made sausage and eggs with hash browns. I was a happy boy because there was hot sauce. It was...

3 years ago
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Nerd Love

It was any normal day for Jimmy, he woke up at 11 A.M. did all his homework and logged onto WoW. When he logged in his friend whom he made on the game who's name is Carly started talking to him. She asked him how he was doing and all the normal stuff that one would ask friends, but then it got more personal, she started to ask how old he was, which he responded truthfully, and where he lived. He told Carly where he lived and it turned out they were right down the street from each other. They...

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Mason Letter Two

Dear Figaro,How are you? So glad you received my last letter and you enjoyed it. Things have been moving at such a fast pace I barely have a moment to myself. Not complaining though. Not sure I will get a chance to make it up to visit you this month unfortunately, between my writing course and making videos I just can't see it happening any time soon but it is on my to do list, promise.So after the screen test, I just settled back into my usual routine of writing, I was very anxious to hear...

4 years ago
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I put the beast back asleep female POV

(the girls point of view) I woke up and saw him asleep cuddled up against him and my mind was reeling from how I got here. I wonder if he remembers me from 6th grade. That's how we met. My mom was a soldier and was always on the move and for afew years we were in a Pennsylvania small town right on the Maryland line. Anyway, we hung out alot together until the 8th grade when my mom just had to get deployed overseas and I wasn't given a choice to stay. Both of us cried on our last day...

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the dark side of me part two

I took that as a green light and started to jerk him off even faster in the water, making him moan "oh yeah, keep going baby." I made sure to rub at just the right places, his dick got so hot, it was making the jacuzzi all the more warmer, and i started to sweat some more. i started just tugging at the head then going all the way to the base until my other hand joined in, making it all the more fun. i was kissing him all over his shoulder and he had his face up, with his eyes closed, and...

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NORTH CAROLINA COUNTRY BOY & PANTYHOSE PLAYDuring my 14th summer, I spent two weeks at my grandma’s in rural southeastern North Carolina. Though she owned a large piece of property there would not be a whole lot for me to do during the days as she did not drive and my grandfather spent his days in his garden. They didn’t go anywhere but into town once, maybe twice a week for groceries. Those instances would essentially be my only opportunities to interact with others unless I attended...

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My Little Sisters Sex Diary

A few years ago, I moved back in with my parents. I became depressed after the man I loved (supposedly) died while touring in Afghanistan, and I needed the support. When I moved back in, I discovered just how big of a whore my little sister had become while I was away. (And how big of a slut she had been without my noticing.)One Friday night she left to attend a college frat party while mom and dad went on date night. With nothing to do so early in the evening, I decided to do some chores. I...

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A summers week end

She arrived in the early evening and the fun began. Had a long slow diner a few drinks and retired to our room. We made love most of the night and eventually sated fell asleep. I was rudely awakened by a hand slapping down on my bare arse. I yelped the, light was pouring into the room in violent bright rays that stabbed at my eyes. Carol was wide awake and planted a kiss on my red stinging bum. Excitedly she told me to get up as she wanted an early walk along Southsea sea front. We showered...

1 year ago
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The Home Made Video

The Home Made Video This is a continuation of the story of our real life sexual journey. This story is my best recollection of the events that occurred. I have previously written about how we started to explore our sexuality in stories entitled, “The Life and Times of a Horny Couple”. Since this event was a first for us, we put it as a stand-alone story. It really could have been Part 9 of our series though. We hope you enjoy reading about our latest sexual experience. We hadn’t seen Will...

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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 24

August 8, 1999 The following day was an especially good one for Rosa; in the morning she had a family close a decent sized home that she had sold them and picked up a handsome commission. But that afternoon she hit the jackpot. She had convinced Dutch to put his house on the market since they were now living together and it seemed that he would be staying for a while. When he readily agreed, Rosa felt almost euphoric, for that was another sign that he loved her and trusted her. He had...

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The Adventure

A/n I wanted to make this story so that I could add it to a larger story one day, and also to get some practice in. it holds non-consent you start at a town, known to live on its fishing exports. you are the son of the moderately famous town's blacksmith tom gunjim, you went by the name Cornac gunjim, and an aspiring adventurer and much the towns folk know this. however your journey hasn't begun. first your father has asked you to bring a sword to the baron's manor above the hill. arriving at...

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Seema Ki Masoom Gand

Hey friend’s apke samne firse la raha hu dhamakedar chodkar story. apko pata hi he meri pichhli story seema mera pahela dosto apko pata heki mene pichhli story me likha tha ki mene seema ko uski gand marne ke liye mana liya. hey friends mera email id hai. meri story part 2 padhne wale ko pata heki mera nam aur mere land ka pata.lekin naye dosto ko bata du ke mera land 6 inch lamba aur 1.75 mota hai.aur me muslim hu aur bilimora ke gauv se hu aur kisi bhi ladki ya bhabhi musje chudwa...

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SEXFIGHT AT DAWN translated from the French

SEXFIGHT AT DAWN (translated from the French) Note: This story was originally written in French and posted on XHamster 3 years ago (and is still there). I have translated it into English as well as I could for those who cannot read French. I apologize for the clumsy English since I tried to follow the French as closely as possible. ———————————————————————————————————— One must say that she didn’t feel like hurrying. Manuela de Gonzalez was always late and, furthermore, she hated that two-bit...

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The Slave and the Sissy Part Nine

Ayesha was not to be denied; slave was rampant after witnessing the erotic antics of the maids, and was anxious to please Ayesha quickly, so that he may watch over Pepper; she was so soft and vulnerable. Slave’s cock rose quickly as he sniffed at the gloriously rich scent of the dusky beauty’s thong. She smiled with a sense of admiration as he licked and lapped at the savoury gusset without faltering in any way; she watched over him, whip in hand as he lovingly licked at the tangy brown...

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Abby TwoChapter 37

She did the math in her head. “Two hundred thirty three million, three hundred thirty three thousand, three hundred thirty three dollars and thirty three cents ... a year?” “Pounds ... not dollars.” Mrs. Morris had money ... was money ... old money, of course she knew the day’s exchange. 1.78au a pound. Or ... the other conversion... 58 cents. “A year?” She flushed ... I recognised the symptoms ... took her arm ... and directed her halting steps to a chair. A sturdy chair. We made...

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Meri pehli Girlfriend 8216ASHU8217

Hi ISS readers. I m Raja from Jamu. Main ISS kaa regular reader hoon. But aaj main apni pehli kahaani likhne jaa raha hoon. Aur mujhe vishwas hai ki meri kahani pad kar aap log mujhe zaroor e-mail karenge. Meri age 27 yrs hai, height 5’ 10’’ hai aur normal body hai. Yeh kahani meri aur meri first girl friend Ashu ki hai. Aur bilkul sachi kahani hai.Baat un dino ki hai jab wo 10th padti thi. Sabse pehle maine usse friendship ki aur hamari friendship pyar mein badal gayee. Hum ne milna shuru kiya...

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RebelChapter 20 Lula

There I was, tied to a post in a dirty barn, stripped bare to the waist and facing as nasty a crew as I had yet found. They did not give a damn about rebels and Tories or anything else. They wanted money and they had mine and hoped I would lead them to more since my purse had been heavy with blood money. I had at least one tooth that was loose, and my eyebrow was dripping blood. I worked on my knots, rubbing my hands up and down the rough post, failed to get the thick pole moving by pulling...

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DickDrainers Lexi Grey Painful Anal And Oral Initiation For A Bad Lil Girl

Good lil girls like to make men happy. Lexi is a really good lil girl. So of course she wanted to make me happy. So she let me touch her. She knows touching her makes me happy. But it wasn’t enough. I wanted more and I dont think she wanted to give it to me. And that made me angry. So I hit her. I think that changed her mind. Because then she said I can have anything I wanted. I didn’t want to be greedy tho. So I only took 2 things. 1st was her wet whore throat. She ate up all my...

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Hot Shower Stories Pt 1

when we finally got there we needed to change, it was in the changing rooms that i realised i was alone with you, in the dark, with you in barely anything that you insist to call a swim suit. and all i was wearing were some thin lightweight swimmers trunks. well little did i know how right i was when it came to describing your outfit. i came out and saw you standing by the exit in the tightest thong/bikini bottom i ever saw!! it squeezed your lovely, round, pear shaped ass perfectly and the top...

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Husband likes wife8217s pussy real wet and she obliges

My wife likes to fuck and she does it a lot. She tells me about some of her fucks when I’m pumping her wet cunt. She is so sexy. I’m a lucky guy. I’ve been told some wives don’t like to fuck very much. I can only get my dick hard to get in her when her twat is real wet. I guess that’s because my first time ever in a cunt was when she took me in her bedroom and took our clothes off. She played with my pecker and then got her pussy right over my hard dick. Some...

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The Incentive Two

The Incentive 2 Belladonna I did not quite know what to expect when corporate called me down to meet with them in early November. I got the call at my desk. Joanna, my secretary, sent it on into me as she had done many times over the years. On the other side of line was Paige Bourque. Paige was in charge of a number of corporate's divisions, and she had ascended to the job in July. I had met Paige a number of times since got the job. We had a cordial relationship, but we never...

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Poker game between neighbors gets out of hand

Mike and Keisha are good friends of ours, they live across the street. Linda, my wife and I talked about taking a trip to Vegas and we asked Mike and Keisha if they wanted to go along. They were all excited to go since they have never been to Vegas. My wife and I go out there every year, so we know the ropes pretty well. Mike came up to me and asked if we could teach them a little about playing some of the games we would encounter out there in the casinos. Linda thought it was a great idea...

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All Rise

“And in closing, I find that the Plaintiff has failed to satisfy his burden of proof, to establish that the Defendant breached the agreement, and furthermore, the Plaintiff has failed to prove any of his damages. Even if a breach had been found by me, there was no proof presented for my consideration that the Plaintiff suffered any of the damages as claimed. The Plaintiff’s claim is dismissed. We will take a fifteen minute recess, and then I will hear submissions on costs.” I stood up, and my...

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Soul SearchChapter 12 Discovery

A light mist of rain enticed Karen to use the wiper blades as she drove back to Elisabeth's house in one of the more expensive Neighborhoods of McNeil. Their mutual silence during the short trip from the restaurant was occasionally interrupted by the shifting of gears and revving of the engine as Karen stopped and started at traffic lights. She pulled up to the house and quickly got out to open the car door for Elisabeth. The rain had stopped only minutes before and the first smell of...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 120

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT STATEMENT ALL ABOUT," Jenny yelled. It was the first time she had ever raised her voice to any of us. There was shock on all the faces around the table at her reaction. "We have done a lot of advertising that we were a ladies-exclusive gym. It was only a matter of time until someone decided to challenge that. It's that just now is the time. Marcy also commented just the other day that the manufacture of the Marathoners was pressuring us to allow a broader test...

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Black Friday Sale

The two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...

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