MaquisChapter 22 free porn video

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High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire. April.

As the man nominally in charge of High Wycombe’s main police station, Chief Superintendent Matthew Jacobs read through the single sheet of paper on his desk for the third time, slower this time, his heart sinking. He’d guessed months ago that something like this might be coming and had drawn up contingency plans just in case the news caused riots when it got out. Though in his heart he had always hoped that something would happen to ensure he didn’t have to use them, in reality he had always known that was a false hope.

He reached over to the shelf beside his desk and pulled down the folder, opening it to the relevant page, and began to read. There were guaranteed to be riots this afternoon and this evening, and the ‘Safety Patrols’ would be out in force, trying to break heads. The problem was, they were as likely to be breaking the heads of his constables as they were of the rioters.

As he scanned the pages to remind himself of the plan, his mind wandered a bit. In the last months it had become obvious, Jacobs thought, to all but the most naive or unobservant, that the Earth First government was no longer what people thought. Far from being the soft-left government that it had been under Neil Conway, it was now a hard-right, fascist, neo-nazi government, hell-bent on turning Britain into, well, Jacobs wasn’t sure, he just knew he hated it with a passion.

Jacobs was normally a floating voter, someone who looked at all the parties to see what their policies were on a number of issues that he thought important. In general he thought of himself politically as someone slightly to the right of centre, though in reality he was probably slightly to the left. He had voted for Earth First at the last national election five years ago, but had voted Lib-Dem at the concurrent local elections. At the last local elections, eleven months previously, there had been only Truth And Freedom candidates, four of them, on the ticket for his ward, so he hadn’t bothered to vote. For the first time in thirty years, he hadn’t voted. He had not been in the least surprised to see that the combined vote of all the TaF candidates was barely one quarter of the vote that the winning Earth First candidate had polled in the previous local election, nor that the local turnout had been just 9%. It hadn’t mattered, virtually all the local councillors were now TaF, and the few that weren’t generally didn’t bother turning up to council meetings as bullying was rife and they were regularly harassed and heckled. On two occasions that Jacobs knew of, non TaF members had even been refused entry to the council chamber.

He looked at the printout of the email that had been left on his desk. It had come from the Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police, a man Jacobs knew deserved about the same respect as Graham Thorn. The email told him what he’d guessed over a year ago was coming: national elections due for four weeks’ time had been “postponed for a short while”. Jacobs was convinced that in reality this meant cancelled completely. There would be a formal announcement on the television sometime soon. He glanced at his watch. In about forty minutes in fact, and that might bring the protesters out onto the street which, unless it was very carefully controlled, would quickly degenerate into riots. He continued to re-read his contingency plan.

The door to his cramped office crashed open. “What are you doing in here?” snarled the man who entered. “You should be out pulling criminals off the streets.”

Jacobs looked up in resignation at the thin, almost emaciated, face of Chief Assault Leader Hugh Rowland, who glared back at him with a supercilious sneer. Jacobs’ lip curled slightly in disgust.

“What criminals? The ones who have illegally cancelled the elections? Or the ones who have invaded this station and are forcing my officers to arrest people who have committed no crimes? What about those two ‘gentlemen’,” Jacobs’ voice was scornful, “who deliberately and maliciously kicked and punched a young woman unconscious in the high street in broad daylight? Prevented the Paramedics from getting to her? Allowed her to bleed to death? Or maybe the ones who prevented those same murderers, for that’s what they are, from being arrested? Those are the criminals who need to be pulled off the streets.”

Rowland’s face went crimson with fury. “Do not question my authority here,” he yelled. “My men tried to arrest a traitor, and they were pelted with bricks.”

“Rubbish. That girl was exercising her right to free speech...”

“It’s not free speech when it’s promoting treason and telling lies,” Rowland shouted again. He leaned forwards over Jacobs’ desk, pushing his face towards the sitting policeman, his eyes appearing to bulge out in his fury. “What she was saying was treason. And everyone who pelted us with bricks was also committing treason. I want them found.”

“One stone, not bricks, and it’s not treason if it’s the truth,” retorted Jacobs. “Your men are thugs and criminals, extorting protection money from local shop-keepers, running drugs and prostitues. And Thorn is a thief and a murderer. All his cabinet should be arrested,” his voice started to rise as his anger started to overwhelm him, “and if I had my way the whole lot of them, including you, would be hanged.”

Rowland’s face went cold and hard, and Jacobs saw the glitter of hatred in his eyes. Suddenly Jacobs didn’t care any longer: the so called Safety Patrols had been based in his station for well over a year, causing all sorts of problems and chaos. Then the Political Officers had arrived, and now, finally, he’d had enough. Enough of the animal in front of him, and enough of trying to work honourably inside what had recently turned into a dishonourable and corrupt system. As a policeman with over thirty years of service, he had hoped to retire anyway in only a few more years’ time, so going early to get away from this animal was no hardship.

Pushing himself to his feet, he raised his own voice even more. “You are the traitor here,” he thundered. “You are a traitor to the British people. You are a traitor to this community and this station, and you are a traitor to the human race. I cannot, will not, tolerate your presence here any longer. You and your ANIMALS will leave this station, or you will end up in my cells.”

Rowland blinked slightly at Jacobs’ tirade, but did not flinch. “You think?” he asked coldly. He raised his voice. “THOMAS!”

A moment later one of Rowland’s deputies, a toadying yes-man, darted into the room. “Yes sir?”

“Arrest this man, and everybody else in this station unless they can prove to you that they are members of Truth And Freedom.”

“Yes sir!” Thomas’ voice was enthusiastic. He reached out towards Jacobs to take his arm, but Jacobs slapped it away.

“You bastards will both regret this,” he told them coldly but calmly. He shouldered his way out from behind his desk.

Rowland and Thomas each grabbed one of Jacobs’ arms, and forced him out of the office, Rowland yelling for assistance.

The three men who came to see what the shouting was about were one of Jacobs’ inspectors plus two constables. “These two ‘gentlemen’ are committing treason,” growled Jacobs before either of the two POs could speak.

There was a short scuffle, but the narrowness of the corridor prevented any real outcome beyond the release of Jacobs’ arms. Unfortunately the four policemen were on the wrong side of the two POs: Rowland and Thomas were between them and assistance. Jacobs knew there was no one behind him, ‘friend’ or ‘enemy’, and there was no way out in that direction, he had to go forwards, towards more allies, but also towards more POs. On the other hand, there were four policemen to only two POs. Jacobs and his men advanced slowly along the corridor, pushing Rowland and Thomas backwards. Rowland, despite his unpleasant nature, was not totally stupid. He backed off, calling for more assistance at the top of his voice.

As he passed a fire alarm point on the wall, Jacobs punched it, and the fire alarm began to sound. The fire station was only two hundred yards away, so they would be here very quickly. One thing Jacobs had discovered quite recently, was that the Fire & Rescue service had not had political officers foisted upon them. Yet!

The station corridors quickly got crowded and Rowland and Thomas quickly got lost in the crowd as the many occupants, both service and civilian, made their way to their evacuation points. Jacobs and his three companions following them out. One of the fire marshals waved him forwards. “Sir, do you know where the fire is?”

“There’s no fire. I punched an alarm.”


“Make sure everyone is out, and I mean everyone, especially those lap dogs the ‘Ministry of Magic’ forced upon us.” The Ministry of State Security had got its new, unofficial, and denigrating name when it became obvious that many of its pronouncements had as much worth in the real world as the fictional Ministry of Magic in the later Harry Potter novels.


“As they come out, I want them arrested, and locked in the cells. Where’s the custody sergeant?”

“I’ll find her.”

“And get me the duty officer as well.”

“Yes sir.”

“And get that fire alarm turned off,” Jacobs called after the retreating constable.

Jacobs was already regretting punching the fire alarm. It had been a spur-of-the-moment action that in retrospect was more likely to assist the Patrollers and the political officers than his own people.

At that moment a fire officer came sprinting around the corner. He had obviously run from his station, as it was quicker than waiting for a tender. “What’s happening? Where’s the fire?”

Jacobs grabbed him. “My apologies, there’s no fire. I hit the alarm to get the station emptied.” He looked quickly around. “I thought it would help me sort out the government lackeys foisted on us.” He grinned. “And to escape them arresting me.”

The fire officer looked at him and frowned. “Arrest you?”

“Aye. I questioned his competence, his parenthood, and his membership of the human race.”

Station Officer Ken Biggley gave a bark of laughter. “Know what you mean, mate. I’ve been lucky. We had one lad in blue watch who thought that way, until someone showed him the error of his ways.”

“Do I want to know how that was done?”

“Nope! Do you want me to stand the lads down, and call it a false alarm?”

“Um, can you and your lads hang around? We could use the water hoses if the animals start to get ‘fractious’.”

Biggley grinned. “Not a problem. I’ll station them either end of QV road, help to block it off. Do you want me to get that alarm turned off as well?”

“Oh, please, yes. Thank you.”

QV Road was Queen Victoria Road, a short, wide, busy, one way road that formed part of a mini one way system. At the start of the road, on the left, was the police station, beyond which was the town hall, now almost entirely used for private functions in its beautiful old, oak-panelled rooms. Then came the old and now abandoned library building, and finally a small grassy area before the left turn onto the High Street. On the other side, opposite the police station, were the main council offices beyond which was the central post office. With a roundabout onto the main A40 through High Wycombe at the start by the police station, and traffic lights at the other leading onto the High Street to the left; the Amersham Hill straight ahead; and the second part of the one way system, heading away from the traffic lights on the right, Queen Victoria Road was a very important road.

By setting up one blockade by the roundabout and another just before the traffic lights, it was easy enough to block off Queen Victoria Road to vehicles and make it slightly more awkward for outsiders to interfere. At the high street end though it was easy enough for pedestrians to bypass a road block if they wanted to, but police tape stopped casual bystanders from getting through. Unfortunately the blockages did very quickly cause a traffic jam by the roundabout as the busses needed to get along the road to the high street, or up the hill towards the railway station and onwards towards Amersham. A constable was quickly despatched to try and redirect as much traffic as possible. Having a traffic jam as well as a riot was just inviting trouble.

The custody sergeant, Sergeant Sue Stears, arrived at that moment, followed closely by Inspector Garry Freeman, the current duty officer. Jacobs pulled them both to one side, just as the fire alarm switched off. He quickly filled them in on what had happened. “I think,” he concluded, “we should send as many of the civillian staff home as we can spare. The rest need to be got back inside.”

Freeman looked a bit worried. “At least two of my watch are members of TaF sir.”

“Then they need to be arrested at the same time. Sue, are there enough spaces in the cells?”

“We would have to double and even triple up. We’ve got that drunken layabout Dobson in cell eleven, he could be released, but cells two and eight have got those two drug dealers CID brought in this morning.”

“Shit. They can’t be doubled up, and they can’t be let go. Okay. Do what you can. It’s Dobson’s lucky day, give him a gentle ticking off then get rid of him pronto. Garry, your two TaF men, do you think they can be talked into changing their allegiance?”

The inspector thought about it for a moment, then shrugged. “I really don’t know.”

“Are they out on patrol right now?”

The inspector thought for a moment. “One is currently on desk duty, the other came back in about twenty minutes ago, with a shop-lifter, so he’s probably writing up the arrest report.”

“Right, send them to my office. Can you find a sergeant you can trust to accompany them?”

“Not a problem.”

“Good. Fill him in, but the two TaF members ... who are they by the way?”

“PCs Garrick and Taylor.”

Jacobs sighed. “It would be Taylor. He’s been a trouble maker for ten years. Okay. Keep them in the dark, but send them to my office with a sergeant you can trust. Then the pair of you arrest all the SPs, and in particular the Political Officers, fast as you can, and get them into the cells. Preferably keep all the political officers away from the other Patrollers. Whatever you do, you must get Rowland and that toady of his Thomas. Sergeant? Can you sort that out now, before they can get organised and we have a real fight on our hands?”

Sue nodded, a look of suppressed excitement and determination on her face, and the two hurried off.

Jacobs looked around for his deputy, a hulking Detective Superintendent who was a lot smarter than he looked.

Quite by chance DS Ian Bound had had words with Rowland just moments earlier. Rowland had seemed quite excitable, and babbling on about traitors, so Bound had gently taken the younger man to one side and, once they were out of view of everyone else, had promptly arrested him “for his own safety”. Rowland had been so surprised that he had been cuffed and bundled into a police van almost before he had realised what had happened to him.

“I’m not sure what you’ve done,” Bound told him gently, “and if I’ve misunderstood you’ll be released shortly. Until then, calm down and I’m sure this can all be sorted out.” Bound was pretty certain he hadn’t misunderstood. He was pretty certain, from Rowland’s babbling, that Jacobs, and possibly other, had been, or were to be, arrested on changes of treason.

Rowland said nothing. He was already in cuffs and in the cage, and the van was armoured. Only light armour to be sure, but it meant the van was heavy and wouldn’t move much if he tried to rock it to get attention, and it was also fairly well soundproofed so there was little point in shouting. He sat there, steaming and furious, absolutely confident he would be released within a very short time. Jacobs and Bound would both get a bullet in the head, he promised himself.

Thomas, although very much a ‘yes-man’, was far more wily than his boss. He hadn’t gone firing off his mouth to everyone to get Jacobs and his men arrested, instead he had found the first three POs who would listen to him, and had taken them off to one side to explain all that had happened. They in turn had slowly spread the word, and by the time Freeman had got his men organised, the two sides had already begun to separate.

Five Safety Patrol members and a political officer had now been arrested, plus Rowland; and the two constables who were known TaF members were now waiting in Jacobs’ office. Outside the police station, it was obvious that the SP’s were outnumbered by two to one, and that someone, probably Inspector Freeman, had had the wits to get the riot gear out. A number of the riot trained policemen were already in their protective gear, and others were being quickly cycled back, a few at a time, to get kitted out.

Police vans began to edge out of the station car park, replacing the fire tenders with more suitable vehicles, and before long it was obvious trouble was probably unavoidable. With the ends of the road blocked off to vehicles, the unarmed SPs stayed and taunted the police, though it soon became obvious that the political officers had left. For a time nothing changed, until, from the council offices opposite, a TaF councillor, well known to the police as a troublemaker, bully, racist and long time petty criminal and drug dealer came out and demanded to know why the police were preventing the SPs from doing their job. “Where’s Hugh Roland?” he demanded.

No one answered, instead the police, by now mostly in protective riot gear, began to force the Patrollers back and back, pressing them against the vans. It was easy enough to escape around the side of the vans and away, and many did so, but in the mean time, another three Patrollers were arrested.

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Sues friend Annacontinued from my blog

Sue my 78 year old fuck buddy lived near me in Leicester, i had met her through Jean my 66 year old neighbour. Both Jean and Sue had great bodies and i loved fucking them as often as i could.I had been busy with my business and had some what neglected both Jean and Sue so made a point of calling round to see Jean one night after work. I hadn't been in Jeans house for more than ten minutes before we were both naked and fucking like teenagers. She had really come to love anal sex and played with...

2 years ago
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its saturday night and im at home watchin internet porn. ive been so bored lately, i have a girlfriend but shes in school right now across the country so im lucky if i feel pussy 6 times a year. naturally i spend alot of my freetime fantasizing and strokin my dick until its raw. its not like i cant pull tall in decent shape i have blue eyes and brownish reddish hair kinda of a jerkoff butnice at the same time. im real relaxed kind of a ghetto kid i like breakin rules and gettin into...

1 year ago
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Weekend part 6

Know it been awhile since wrote on this but back now on this. Read part 5 to see where left off. As I would move my hand up and down Mickie leg and hearing her sighs. Heather would slowly move around some and position herself to where Mickie face was on her tits. I grin at this as I softly move Mickie hand to one of Heather breast and then move my hand hand up her thigh and then slide it to side some it barely touches her pussy edges. Heather strokes Mickies hair which makes Mickie move and...

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Briannas Education

It was a lazy Saturday morning, Brianna had hopped into bed with her mom Debbie. They were snuggling and cuddling. Debbie noticed that Charley had a small doll, only about 3 inches long. Debbie’s mind raced.She turned to Brianna and said “Do you know where babies come from”?Brianna giggled and said, “Your belly Mommy”Debbie smiled and said “yes baby. When a man and woman are in love, he puts his thingy in here, “ and pulls off the covers and points to her pussy, ‘Then he moves it in and out and...

3 years ago
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Night Out

It had been a super-long work week. The weekend had finally arrived so I hopped in my car and headed to the house. After having to meet multiple deadlines this week, I knew it was time to really unwind. After a hot bath I called up some of the girls for a girls night out. I threw on my favorite clubbing dresses, the one that shows off every plus-sized curve and every last bit of cleavage, and combined with a pair of spiked heels, tonight I meant business. We agreed to meet downtown at a local...

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Connie McCowen1

She climbed out of bed and slipped on her shorts under the t-shirt that she normally slept in, and flip flops. Sure enough, the old man was passed out in her chair when Connie got into the living room. She looked with hatred at the half full beer can perched on his bloated belly, ready to fall at any moment. "Can't we just call the cops", she asked of her mother, already well aware of her answer. Emmett was dad's friend and there was no way that she'd make that call. "Just go and turn...

3 years ago
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Caught In The Woods Pt 2

Caught In The Woods Part 2October 20, 2010, 4:31 pmHe stood behind me and while alternating kisses and small little bites upon my neck his hands reached around and began to unbutton y denim shorts. Once my denim jean shorts were unzipped he slipped his hand inside them and his fingers reached down to explore my, by now, damp panties. At first just slowly stroking my wet pussy through the silky fabric of my panties. Then gradually getting rougher and rougher as his fingers seemed to be trying to...

2 years ago
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Last Months in BrisbaneChapter 5

When I got into the lab around nine on Monday morning, there was a large padded document envelope from Canberra waiting. It had been delivered by messenger bright and early. Janice had said that after two weeks I’d get a wad of guff that’d offer me a transfer to Black Mountain. Well, it wasn’t two weeks yet. And the little old ladies I worked with were dying to learn what I’d received. So I just tossed it, unopened, to one side and got back to the taxonomy of Rhipicephalus – I still thought...

3 years ago
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A great fucking with my mama

Hello I’m Roopa from Bangalore if you can recall. I have posted two of my earlier experience in ISS. I think I’m good looking girl with a body of 34 28 36. My family lives in a house in Hassan and myself in Bangalore. My Mama (uncle) visits my house occasionally. He lives with his parents and a daughter of 12 years. He is 41 years old. His wife died of long illness. So he visits our family to get some relief from his loneliness. One Saturday he came to our house and spent night there. That day...

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Return To Pleasant Street Ch 07

Chapter 7: WHAT’S SAUCE FOR THE GOOSE… Mel Blake and his wife Carla still live on Pleasant Street. What Mel doesn’t know is that his wife and his best friend, Bert Hicks, have been having an affair for the past five years. Remember, I told you how the affair started in my last collection of Pleasant Street stories? The affair happened because Mel was away and Bert stopped by, and it’s been going on ever since. Every time Mel’s gone, and sometimes when he isn’t, it seems Bert and Carla figure...

3 years ago
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Just Another Harem Story

Part 1: The Beginning The house, my house, is an oasis in a sea of concrete, brick and tarmac. My parents bought it shortly after the War; it was the only structurally sound building in a sea of devastation, all the others having been flattened by the bombs or so damaged it was cheaper to demolish them. It came with almost half an acre of land, though it took them a long time to clear away the bricks and everything that littered it. Probably it was only because it stood on a corner that my...

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Incestuous HaremChapter 2 Banging Mom Hard

Clint Elliston My sixteen-year-old cousin’s pussy clenched on my dick as we stood in my dormer window of my attic bedroom peering down at her backyard. From my window, our backyards, side-by-side, could both be seen. Melody shivered, letting out a gasping, sighing moan as we watched in shock at our mothers kissing. Our mothers. Sisters. They were kissing in Aunt Vicky’s backyard, sitting beside the pool, both older women in bikinis catching the last rays of the setting sun. And it wasn’t a...

3 years ago
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Late Night Movies chapter 4

That night I dreamt all kinds of crazy things. My mind was utterly flabbergasted by what I'd witnessed lying underneath the hide-a-bed. I knew that men and women liked to get naked together. Magazines with pictures of them had always been left in plain view in the bathroom. But I had no idea two boys could do it too. Vague terms like 'gay' came to mind and my br other had always called me things like 'fag' when insulting me or making fun of me. So wasn't it a bad thing? Is that why Daddy...

3 years ago
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How A Shy And Virgin College Student Had Sex With An Aunty Part1

Hi. I am a regular visitor to Indian Sex Stories and now I have come up with a story happened in my life.   Let me introduce myself. I am Rishith from Guntur located in Andhra Pradesh. I am 20 years old and fair skin tone and height of 5’7″ and a thin and lean person. No need of introducing her because she is an outstanding aunty.   I am a person who doesn’t talk much with girls and even with my relatives. So as I am so shy I am unable to make relations with girls. I came to know that there...

4 years ago
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The Not So Green Hills of HomeChapter 4

"When I was a young lad of sixteen my older brother Marcus came home from his five years of military service. Those were still the relatively sane, peaceful days before the worst of foul wizardry had destroyed this land that we now both still fight for. His war had been a hard one though, as he had fought as a Marine mostly in or near the delta swamp areas near Neuport. He had killed more than his share and wanted now to spend the rest of his life tending our family's small farm and our...

1 year ago
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Wow ThanksChapter 22 Slouching Towards Debauchery

Lissa resumed her spot and immediately Marie announced that she had received a dare: "Blindfold the victim. Between the remaining players, assign a number to each player after getting the victim to choose a number. That person will make out with the victim for at least 30 seconds, in whatever way they see fit. After the kiss is over, the kisser returns to their spot in the group and the blindfold is removed. If the victim guesses correctly on their first turn who kissed them it is the end of...

1 year ago
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My first time with a shemaleTrue Story

This is a true story about my first experience with a shemale. I was sitting around the house the other day horny as fuck. My usual girl that i call on when i get that way had family in town for christmas so she couldn't meet me. So i decided that i would look on craigslist and see if i couldn't find someone that wanted to fuck as much as i did. As i was looking through the ads and as usual not finding any women that were real on there i clicked on the T4M section. I had always been a bit...

4 years ago
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My Mature Fantasy A Mile High Adventure

The last day of work had been a stressful one so to be leaving to spend two weeks in the sun eased the tension in my head. I still wondered if the stress was worth it. I did enjoy my job to an extent but I was never sure if it was what I wanted to do in the long term. I did have to admit however that it had provided me with a lot of nice things recently, including the holiday. I couldn’t wait to get away.We had booked a villa on the outskirts of a popular resort in Spain. It was originally just...

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Dad Came Late at Night

I was nineteen and still living at home. I had to delay going to college due to lack of funds. In the meantime I was working a menial job during the day. I love my parents but my Dad was acting strangely. He was giving me these looks. I could see he was looking my body over at times. I didn't have a boyfriend and it made me feel horny sometimes when Dad would check me out.It was late one night. I had been asleep but I heard my bedroom door open. It was dark but I could see the outline of my...

2 years ago
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FatherInlaw fucked his won sons sexy wife in jun

Story of Baumacha Choda - Rumar looked at her father-in-law's lungi and realized that the goods were screwed in her form. Which is called a wild form He understood that my life was full of youth. Still, he said a little claw, why did you go to make me tea, why did you call me to make tea.Shyamol did not say whether the husband can not serve the bride? I am sorry to understand that the mother has left her house and she is going to leave you today and she feels so bad for you. You can open your...

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Rescuing Mother

"Hey mum," I called down the stairs, "have you seen..." "Not now Luke," she called back, her voice sounding tense, "I have some-one with me." Muttering to myself I headed downstairs to search for my tape recorder, I was sure I'd left it in the living room so I made that my first stop. As I entered the room I saw my mother sitting on the sofa with a strange man next to her, something about him put my back up immediately and my mother's reaction only added to my instant dislike of...

1 year ago
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WatchingMyMomGoBlack Shay Sights 01112022

Seems stepson Elias is having a hard time getting any sleep with all the fucking his stepmom is doing. Even better – she’s not fucking his dad. She’s fucking big black men whenver his dad is out of town. And he has to hear it all night long. Her moans of pleasure. The headboard banging against the wall. The mattress squeeking as cock after cock rails her dripping wet milf hole. So Elias decides to tell her he is fed up with not being able to get any sleep and you know what his...

2 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 44 Sultry Paints

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Sven Falk “I can’t wait for you to fuck Cú Mheá while Nathalie or Zanyia rides my dick,” I whispered in my sister’s ear. “Or maybe Ava. I bet she would like to see that.” My sister squirmed in my arm. “Your princess might want to join me.” My dick throbbed against my sister. “Probably.” She rolled her eyes and pushed away from me. The feyhound’s cum ran down her thighs. Why did the sight of pearly jizz staining my sister’s body...

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8 Other Peoples Hearts Ch 10

Sylvia held her breath as she waited for her pee to soak the litmus strip. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. She breathed deeply as she walked out of the bathroom, trying to calm herself down. It was no big deal. She just needed a prescription. She could deal with this. Despite her best efforts to hold it together, as soon as she sat down on the couch she started shaking and sobbing. The very last thing in the world she needed right now was to be carrying Paul’s bastard child. It had been a...

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Emilys First Time

It was Emma's 18th Birthday. The sun shone in a clear blue sky. Birds sang. Not a breath of wind. The heat was stifling, especially as we don't usually get hot days here in Yorkshire. There was a big marquee on the manor lawn. The rock band were doing sound checks. I was in a foul mood. I bought the wrong parts for my car. I had to take them back. On my bicycle, 18 miles there and 18 back. I was hot sweaty and thoroughly fed up. I was half under the car, stripped to the waist trying to change...

1 year ago
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Jaynes May Day Meet

Jayne's May Day MeetWe had booked a room for the weekend at the 'Dukes Folly' hotel , in Southport, enticed by the promising weather forecast after our miserable first few months of the year.After checking in just after lunchtime on Saturday my husband and I decided to go and have something to eat. For convenience we headed to the local Wetherspoons, The Willow Grove.Upon entering we noticed a gang of 12-14 young men, aged in their 20's to late thirties. They were very loud and quite boisterous...

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my online slave bdsm

I collect online slaves, many I abuse and humiliate over webcams and through pictures I see the results. I like my slaves to obbey my every comand. One of my slave called olga or cumslut as I call her is very submisive will do anything I order. The other day I decided to punish the worthless piece of trash by ordering her to insert large objects. She began with a coke can will this be bugger enough master she said I agreed she easily slid the can into her pussy so I ordered her to find...

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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 1

Lieutenant Barley waited nervously outside the Colonel’s office. The information he had was incredible and completely unbelievable. But he had the proof. All that was required was the Colonel’s attention for five minutes. “Sir, Colonel Sattersby will see you now,” the aide said, stepping out of his superior’s office. The lieutenant stepped into the dark, wood paneled office. Colonel Sattersby looked very fit and professional in his gray uniform as he browsed through a manila folder. The...

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Where Darkness Ends 03

Where Darkness Ends Delana Soulstar [email protected] Chapter 3 "Good morning, Ms. Carter! Thank you for coming so quickly. These appointment cancellations are mostly very shorthanded." "Oh yes of course, and we have to thank you for the spontaneous appointment too. I had hoped to get one for today, but without much confidence to actually get one!" Ms. Winthrop smiled and her eyes met mine. "Oh, good morning, Alan, so nice to see you again!" For a moment, her face...

4 years ago
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The Perfect One Chapter 3

Lana’s eyes flew open. It was Saturday morning, 8:40 am. Lana had fallen into a restless sleep the previous night, dreams and images of AJ and Anna were taunting her, leaving her in a cold sweat. It was time to confront AJ. But Lana felt so confused. What were AJ’s feelings toward her? He never mentioned anything about a girlfriend, and she wasn’t sure if he was hitting on her that night. He had been the perfect gentleman – walking her home, asking for her number, engaging her in interesting...

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