Jacked Up free porn video

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Erin never thought overalls were attractive. Hell, the first thing that normally came to mind when she thought about them was prisoners, and she was definitely NOT one of those pen-pal to marriage crazies.

Then why could she not stop watching the firm arse flex and bunch as the guy routed around under the bonnet of her Nissan? At least these were green and not the pristine orange that she was used to seeing on the TV. 

These had long, thick stains down the outside of each thigh. Marks left by his wide fingers as he rubbed off the excess grease and oil. She dragged her gaze down each black line, imagining his hands doing the same to her sides. His roughened pads grazing down her soft flesh, raising goosebumps with every inch he moved.

Stop it!

How could she be so wired when she had not even seen his face yet? Was she so frustrated that the sight of a firm backside and broad shoulders would send her into a semi-aroused state she couldn’t control? 

The dull thrumming inside her underwear told her the answer was yes.

She unfolded her legs, crossing them back the other way around, wishing she had brought a magazine to keep herself occupied. Or that she could have fanned herself with at the very least. She needed something to curb her raging libido as she once again fought to keep her gaze off Earl’s newest recruit.

Erin had been bringing her car here for years since she first got behind the wheel with her dad when she was seventeen and proceeded to bunny-hop the thing straight into the garage door.

She unfolded her legs once more, this time pinning her thighs together. Maybe she’d feel a little less uptight if she acted more like a primary school teacher than a sexy secretary.

“You all right over there?” The gruff voice was muffled as he continued to work under his cover, but it sounded exactly how she knew it would. Deep, masculine and so very tempting.

“Fine,” she squeaked, the words coming out too high, making her sound like a chipmunk. Erin’s hand flew to her face, rubbing from temple to chin. She hoped it would wipe away some of the stupid that had appeared the moment she got near a hot man.

The butt moved, shifting sublimely under the deep green. The top half of his body unfolded from under the minuscule hood, drawing out the most perfect specimen of man she’d ever seen.

His eyes were a marshy green, matching the colour of his outfit. His hair was dirty blond, streaked with hints of rich brown and warm red. It reminded her of his clothes like he’d been running his hands through it, leaving traces of his personality every place he touched.

His chin held a shadow that had gone well past five o’clock. Her brain jumping to late night escapades of her rubbing her hands across the spiky hairs, feeling the drag of the stubble across her softer, more tender flesh.

“Your struts are worn and need to be replaced, but we don’t have the right parts in just yet.” 

He moved as he spoke, grabbing a cloth from his pocket and slowly rubbing it across his fingers. 

Erin lowered her gaze and took in the display, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth as he drew the cloth around each large digit. 

“Do you want me to?” 

She blinked rapidly, moving her eyes to meet his piercing stare, having no idea how to answer a question she had missed while she blatantly ogled his beautiful hands. 

Did she want him to what?  Tell her his question again or take her upstairs to the little office in the back and let him bend over her like he had the car?  She felt her cheeks heat at the very idea. 

His left eyebrow lifted as they stared at each other. The left corner of his mouth followed suit when he realised the reason behind her distraction.

“Did you catch anything I said, or we’re you too busy stripping me bare while imagining my enormous hands leaving imprints on your hips?”

Erin’s mouth gaped as his filthy words slunk beneath her clothes, riding along her skin like an electric current. 

Her mechanic chuckled and cleaned off his other hand. His gestures were more pronounced as he took a step closer. 

“I asked if you’d like me to take you upstairs so I can lay you out on the desk and fuck you til you can’t see straight.”

“Did you really?” The squeak had returned, but Erin was too far gone to care. Her hands were squeezing the plastic seat of the chair so tightly just to stop them from reaching out to touch him and make sure he was real.

“No. But that’s what I’m offering now.” He stood in front of her, his crotch at her eye level, and getting closer. She could see the vivid outline pulsing and growing with every moment that passed. “Yes or no?”

Erin’s eyes roamed up from his narrow waist, taking in his broad shoulders. They came to rest once more on the eyes that seemed able to see her every lurid thought and be offering it to her, with only one question asked.

Yes or no? 

Did she dare do the thing that her entire body was aching to do? To stand and follow the most attractive man she had ever laid eyes on and allow herself to feast on whatever lay just out of sight?

Her trembling fingers reached out as her core clenched in anticipation. He gripped her forearm with a steadying hand, leaning until his muscled chest met her soft, firm breasts. His mouth hovering only an inch from the dampening skin of her neck.

“Is that a yes?”

Her nostrils flared as she drew in a shaky breath, pulling in the scent of his hot flesh. She followed a trickle of sweat down the side of his neck and knew she had to see more, see everything.


“Good girl.” He breathed against her clammy skin, the warmth of his breath chilling the moisture that had gathered on her tender flesh.

The earth moved from beneath her as he dipped low, flexing his arms behind her knees and hauling her over his shoulder, jogging straight for the back stairs. 

Erin’s body bounced as they ascended the stairs, yet she missed most of the journey. Too busy concentrating on the man beneath her. She clung on to taut hips as he held her securely on his shoulder, carrying her like she’d imagined he would a tyre.

When they entered the office her world tilted once more, her feet finding the ground while her front made its acquaintance with the hard body she slid down.

His hands stayed firmly on her hips, keeping her upright and pressed firm. Erin found she didn’t care about the proximity, wanting to get even closer. To get inside the man that had her heart pounding in time with her entire reproductive system.

“Strip from the waist down and get on the couch.” 

Somehow her legs were shakier than before, but she kept on her feet as his arm trailed off her hips. With shaky hands she unfastened the front of her denim shorts, slowly edging them down her legs, taking her underwear with them.

The mechanic sauntered backward, his eyes trailing the denim until his hungry gaze found the spot between her thighs. He kept his fiery stare locked on her damp lower lips as he pulled his arms from the fabric of his overalls, letting the garment fall to his waist. Finally, giving her a view of what was hidden beneath.

His chest was sprinkled with hair that matched the rest of his colouring, but the line that ran from his belly button and below was as dark as sin. He folded his arms across his broad chest, pushing the muscles together and creating a strangely enticing cleavage that Erin never thought would be so tempting.

“You have a beautiful pussy. Sit down and spread it open for me. I want to see.” 

Erin couldn’t stifle the moan that followed his words as she dropped her bare bottom onto the sofa cushions. She gasped as the chilled material met her scorching flesh, knowing she’d be making the cushions moist long before this was over.

“Kick off your shorts and bring your heels to the edge of the seat, then spread your knees wide for me, pretty girl. Show me how soaked you are.”

His voice pulled at her limbs like each word was held a string. She lifted and placed, tilted and spread, following his every instruction while watching him take in her throbbing cunt.

“Now spread your lips for me.” He crept toward her, an apex predator, his goal in sight but just out of reach. With trembling fingers she obeyed his command, knowing she’d give him anything if he growled it just like that.

Her small thatch of pubic hair tickled her hands as she reached her centre. Resting her forearms to her thighs, she eased her labia apart. He dropped to his knees and closed the distance between them. His eyes not leaving her as he came to rest in the ‘V’ her legs created.

“Such a beautiful pussy you have. So pink.” He dropped to all four but did not look away from her face. “I’m glad it’s so ready for me because it’s mine now. And I will use it until the only thing it knows is the feel of my body owning it.”

His face disappeared from Erin’s view as his tongue caressed her perineum, lathering upward until it found her clit. The wet sound made them both moan. Erin’s head fell onto the headrest, cradling her up onto Cloud 9. 

He repeated the action again. His flattened tongue catching her fingers as he went before he rested at the top and circled his tongue around the tender hood. She dug her nails into the smooth flesh of her vulva. The bite of pain edging the pleasure a little closer, pushing her knees a little tighter and almost caging him where she needed him most.

A chuckle rumbled from his chest, making her empty passage clench. She needed him inside; she needed a deeper connection.

“I see your pussy weeping. See it clenching and gasping for me to put it out of its misery.” He licked her again, dipping his tongue inside for just a moment before focusing back on her clit. “But I’m not finished here yet. I don’t think you are ready to beg.”

“I am. Please.” Erin couldn’t quite place her own voice, but the ache in her throat told her it was hers. Had she ever been this wanton before? She found she didn’t care. “I do. I need you to fuck me. I need it.” 

“Oh, pretty girl. That’s a splendid start. But I need more.” 

His words left a damp path on her leg, though that could have been her own juices from his face. She found either notion ramped up her arousal to a torturous level. 

“I’ll give you more. I’ll give you anything.” She moved her fingers closer, needing more friction on her sensitive folds. Her body beginning to shudder as her climax clawed its way higher.

“Hold it open wide for me.” She caught his words just as his tongue thrust into her cunt. His nose rubbed at her beaded bundle until her body quivered. His entire face coaxing out her orgasm like it already belonged to him.

“That’s my girl. Now we’re talking.”

She wasn’t sure if he was, or if she’d imagined it, as his tongue darted in and out of her channel. The sounds pushed her further until she had to close her eyes at the erupting pleasure. Her head pushing so deep into the sofa she found the wooden frame beneath.

A shout left her lips as her knees clamped shut, caging his head against her convulsing flesh. A nip at her thigh brought some clarity to her euphoria. 

The bites moved higher as her pleasure waned, allowing her to follow the path he was taking. A suck of the soft flesh of her tummy. A kiss to the material covering her pebbled nipple. A lick along her sweat-dampened neck. Until his mouth was level with her lips, her potent scent filling the air between them.

“Are you ready for me yet, pretty girl?” 

His eyes locked on Erin, the green orbs now like a vibrant forest, burning with life and energy that had been restrained before. “Ready to take what no other man could give you?”

Erin took in the scene they created and shivered. His strong, wide body wedged between her quivering thighs. His still covered erection unmistakably protruding outward, almost searching for the part of her that longed for it.

Raising her eyes back to meet his, she nodded her consent. Loving the confident smirk that spread across his handsome mouth at her answer.

“Then beg.”

“Please.” The word came easily as she moved her hands out to touch him for the first time. He raised an eyebrow as she reached for the zip of his overalls but did not stop her shaking fingers in their mission.

“Please what?” 

“Please fuck me. Here, on the sofa. Make me yours.”

“Take out my dick.” He grunted as he held her gaze, watching her pull the zip to the end of its runner. The seeping head of his cock already nudging at her fingers, begging for its own release. His flesh was hot, the head a deep purple. The bead of pre-cum just sitting on the end, daring her to lean forward and taste it. Her tongue darted out in anticipation, the want to mix her own arousal with his.

“Are you sure it’s what you want? Right here in the office? Where anyone could walk by and see us. Hear you grunting as I thrust into your willing flesh until I fill you with my seed.”

Erin’s body palpitated at his obscene words. The idea of him filling her with his very essence making her earlier wetness trickle down her inner thigh. 

“God yes. I want it. I need you to fill me. To mark me. To claim me.”

With a growl he took her lips, his tongue invading her softness, filling her mouth with her own musk. His stubble abashed, marking her outside, just like he would coat her insides.

“You’re a dirty girl too, huh? That’s good cos I like my girl to be dirty, and that’s what you are now. You are mine.”

Large hands grasped her thighs, dragging her forward and pulling her trainer clad feet from the edge of the couch. The tip of his cock rimmed her opening. Hot wet skin meeting, merging, both aching with the need to fuck and to join and to finish this.

She reached back her hands, clinging to the only steady thing within reach, squeezing the crumpled leather as she waited for him to sink deep.

With one thrust he filled her to the hilt. His body meeting hers in a slap of turned-on, sweaty heat. Before she could think he pulled out until just the tip lay nestled within her folds, her hungering flesh mourning the loss. 

“So tight, so wet, so perfect for my cock.” He muttered through clenched teeth, sweat beading his brow as he stayed on the precipice of her body.

“More. I need all of you,” Erin whispered, not sure where she found the energy, but looking at his tortured face, she knew it was what he needed to hear. He lunged forward, his cock buried deep, his forehead coming to rest against hers as his fingers dug into the pliant skin of her thighs.

He fucked her hard, jackknifing his abdomen back and forth as she linked her feet behind his arse, holding him to her. Her actions demanding he give all the pleasure he promised.

Another orgasm brewed with each nudge of his pelvis. The nerves of her clit, still tingling from the assault of his tongue, now rapidly sparked with the friction his toned body gave her.

“I feel you tightening around me, beautiful. I feel your body calling for me, gripping me. I can’t take much more.”

Erin released her grip on the sofa and flung her tacky arms around his shoulders, searching out his mouth and possessing it like he did her pussy. She devoured him, sucking at his tongue, needing to show him with her mouth what she couldn’t say in words, hoping the connection that buzzed through her wasn’t just one-sided.

His tempo increased, tearing their mouths apart, and her gasping breaths mingled with the wet sounds of his balls slapping her arse. Lights speckled behind her lids as she squeezed them closed, her last line of defence against the onslaught of the frenzy that rose from her core and spread. 

Their euphoric groans echoed around the room as their bodies peaked together. 

“I’m coming. I’m coming.” 

Did she speak? Was it him? It did not matter. The declaration was caught and held between them, shared and enjoyed as they jerked in blissful abandon. Her core pulsed as his cock throbbed. Each body signalling its contentment as it slowly came down.

A soft kiss dotted the tip of her nose, the only warning before she felt the withdrawal of him from inside her. She held back the keen that rose in her throat, a lament at the loss of the most vibrant thing she’d ever experienced. 

“Here’s a towel and some water. And your things.” 

His voice was calmer now, more mechanic than Dominant male. Yet it still stirred the fire inside that just the view of his backside gave her not so long ago.

“Thank you.” She smiled as she took the items he’d laid out on the desk, watching as he twisted his fingers around each other. 

“I want to do this again.” He trailed off, going to rub his hands through the mess she’d made of his hair, stopping at the last second when he saw his hands. It was a stark reminder that they were sat in the office of his workplace. One naked from the waist down and the other with his overalls hanging from his hips. “Often.”

Reaching for her clothes Erin slid her legs into her shorts, unable to hold back the smile as she watched his face light up.

“I’m yours now. We can do this as often as you like.” She stood, heading toward the man and placing a kiss to his stubble.

They headed down the stairs together, Erin following his lead as he opened her car door and handed her inside. He stuck his head through the open window, placing a piece of paper into her palm and a possessive kiss to her lips. 

“My number is on there, pretty girl. Call me later.” He tapped his hand on the roof before stepping away. 

She gave him a smile as she drove the car forward, catching sight of her thighs as she reached the edged of the forecourt. A smile curved her lips up as she took in the smudged fingerprints running down her outer thighs as their joined wetness gathered between them. He had truly left his mark, her mechanic, and she couldn’t wait to see where he branded her next.


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Maid to Measure, or Sissy Slave by Design, Part Two By Mistress Kathrine The room was very bright. It hurt to open his eyes so he tried to cover them with his hand but found he couldn't move it. He started going over carefully the last things he could remember. He was in a beautiful home, Kathrine? No Mistress? Oh if only he could wake up and remember what happened? As his mind began to clear he could start to see more clearly. It looked like he was in a...

1 year ago
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Ski Resort Part 1

Sarah McDougall reached over and turned off the weather radio. Sean Parker walked into the lodge’s guest area suited up and ready to go. Sean was Sarah’s new ski instructor. A college student and nephew to a college friend of Sarah’s from back east. He grabbed his poles and ski’s and was getting ready to leave the lodge when Sarah, who owned and ran the lodge, came out from behind the check in desk and went up to Sean and told him the bad news “Sean, the weather report just came in for gale...

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California CrewChapter 19

I heard the loud honking outside. I grabbed my purse, told Peter I would see him at the party, and headed out. Mom and Dad were at the club having a long romantic dinner, and Adrienne was at a party, then would be spending the night with her friend later. I hurried down the walk, as well as I could in three inch heals. Kyle hooted, and I paused to do a sultry look. I ended up cracking up, and headed to the passenger side of the convertible. He kissed me, and then off we headed. We went...

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Money Well SpentChapter 18

It was a minor miracle, but the robber who had been shot and run over lived. He lost a leg, a finger, and a testicle, but he was alive. Knowing he would most likely face life in prison, as soon as he was able he got a lawyer and offered to sell his compatriots out, for immunity. That proposal was rejected out of hand, and they bargained back and forth until they reached an agreement. Looking at life, the prosecution offered him a deal. Tell everything and he would get ten to twenty-five...

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Jewel Thief

© September, 2002 The expensive black leather pouch lay open on the floor. Its satin ribbon ties were undone and lay as waves on the sea of blue wool carpet. Ginny stared wide-eyed around the untidy room. The drawers from the oak sideboard were empty, their contents had been strewn across the floor. The oak box sat on the television, its lid lay on the floor. The contents, tiny china ornaments, had been scattered on the carpet. The oil painting leaned at an odd angle against the wall....

1 year ago
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My body moves forward into the hotel like a machine that decides it’s tired of being bossed around. It somehow knows what I need better than my “rational” brain and for once it’s not going to tolerate any other command but “forward ahead”. Perhaps, though, it’s my brain all along that won’t allow itself a second thought. After all, this feeling..this intensely delicious feeling of excitement and desire..this feeling like I’m walking head first into carnal fantasy where mind and body...

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The Ballerina

I trudged into work, I had got soaked from the brief distance from my car to the entrance of the gym where I worked. The late shift, my 4 hours of letting people in an out occasionally saying “Hello” but being ignored because of headphones. I didn’t exactly mind the job, nothing to strenuous about it. It was a Thursday so most people would be gone by 9, this meant I could lock up and have a couple of hours training on my own. The hours drifted by, people were a little later getting out and it...

2 years ago
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She had decided things were going to change

She had decided things were going to change........... She came home to find the house once again wasn't tidy, Her husband had been home all day and not made much of an effort to do any of the housework. Without a word She decided things were going to change around the house and in their marriage, things She would enjoy and benefit from and he would learn to live with, Oh he'll have some enjoyment, She thought, but he's going to have to work very hard for every scrap of it. She smiled to...

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Poor Little Cassie Chap 4 Xmas Party continues

“Come on baby, I want to show you something.” Tony said and held out his hand. I put my hand in his and he led me back into the house. I immediately saw my parents and he led me over to them. “There you are, Cassie. I was wondering where you were.” My Mom said. “Yes, I found her daydreaming on the deck.” Tony said. “I am so sorry honey. There really is no one here your age.” My Mom said. “You guys want refills on your drinks?” Tony said. My Mom and Dad both nodded. Tony turned...

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The Bohemians Apprentice Part II

The delicate scent of perfume overwhelmed his sensitive nostrils. Blindfolded and confounded by silence, his heightened senses made out the faint sounds of breathing. It sounded light, airy and female in nature. Realising he was not alone, he sat upright in the chair. Stripped naked and bound by his wrists and ankles, he’d placed his trust in Lina. Deprived of his senses, time had slipped from his grasp. It felt like an age; the sound of distant, ecstatic, feminine cries still fresh in his...

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Cheating Wives Leila Relapses Chapter 8

Leila felt an uncomfortable heat band around her thigh. She had a dream of a snake wrapping its slimy fat muscular body around her leg. She groaned in fear of her predicament and the snake’s head moved up her thigh and toward her pussy. It was going to push its reptilian head into her pussy! She jerked in her sleep and in her terror she awoke in darkness. She fumbled around blindly and in a panic for something surely was wrapped around her leg! She shrieked and jumped out of bed and fell over,...

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Skipping School Re write

"Turia, why don't you read the next paragraph?", Startled she scrambled for her text book and realised she forgot it, she had left all of her stuff in her locker since it was the last class of the day and her best friend had said she didn't need anything when she asked them if she did during lunch. Disconcerted, she looked pleadingly at Mr. Lurn, "I don't have my book with me, can I go get it?", She squeaked. A bit dismayed the professor looked at her and motioned for her to go get...

1 year ago
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A lesson to be learned

(This extract is purely fictional) I never really understood how I got myself into this, my name is Mark and I was 18 at the time. You may have looked upon me as a stereotypical teenager; baggy jeans, loose sweat top and dark shaggy hair but what happened in my last months of College was far from ordinary. It had been two years since I had seen my sister as she had been away at university training to be an art teacher. She is three years older than me but me and my sister Laura had always had a...

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Sticky Situation Pt 2

……I quickly shoved the picture back in the glove box and exited the truck. I could barely walk straight…. fumbling to my car, I heard a few other truckers in the lot whistling at me as I took that all too famous “walk of shame.” They could clearly tell I just had my ass pounded well; I pretended to ignore them as I fixed myself up in my rearview mirror and pulled out of the rest stop. My mind was racing a mile a minute, “Was this man my father?” “What are the chances?” “Did he know I was his...

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I married a slut

I was 19 years old. I had never been sexual with a woman. I had dated girls and fondled them, but I never had the courage to go any further than touching. I had only kissed one girl in my life. I was in the military. I was in law enforcement. I was on patrol one night and was doing a routine barracks walk through. I walked by an open door and could hear a woman moaning. I peaked into the room and saw this gorgeous woman on top of one guy and another behind and in her. The woman noticed me...

3 years ago
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The Making of Anna

Chapter One, Discovery Such a fine example of pure beauty was Anna, I had to have her as the premier model for my designer line of lingerie. She had everything a man could want in a woman and so much more, with a slim waistline and simply perfect breasts and the most provacative legs I’ve ever seen before. My name is Derek Le Blanc, and I discovered Anna as she strolled down the streets of Milan with a mere whisp of a red dress upon her petite, yet delightfully portioned body. Naturally full,...

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The RescuedChapter 64 AS01Gamma Day 9 continued

If things had gotten quiet when Steve first arrived, the response when he returned with Andrew on a leash plumbed new depths of silence. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Steve explained things to the assembled crowd. "As you can see, Andrew has some unusual needs that Johnny wasn't able to fulfill. So I've decided to take on that responsibility. I've also decided that I can give Johnny what he needs, which is somewhat easier to achieve as his needs are not nearly so intense. "Johnny...

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Virtuality A Short Story By Maryanne Peters "I call her Pandora," said Felix. "Get used to her. This is why I need you. This kind of interaction has to be a two-person thing." Jake was used to virtual reality. It was his thing after all. But here he was in their apartment. The only thing different was that he was in another body. When he held his hand up he could see that it was not his hand at all, it was a slender feminine hand, with manicured nails. "The detail is...

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Booty Call

"You wanna go outside?"She was cute. Nice tight body packaged and displayed in the latest fuck-me style. Trendy raver-style blond hair, and big blue doe eyes. She wanted to take me out into the back alley of the club and blow me and God knows what else. This is where things get a little complicated for me now. I told her no. She probably never heard that one before...Ever seen the movie "40 days and 40 nights"? The one about the guy who takes a pledge of chastity for 40 days, then of course all...

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Oh DaddyChapter 3 My words to Daddy

As I lay there in daddy's arms, listening to the beating of his heart, I recall the way momma hurt him last year. I hate her now, no one should hurt anyone the way she did, and I hope I never see her again. I'm glad I was to help daddy feel better. He doesn't know it, but I have wanted to have sex with him for a long time. I don't tell anyone else my ideas, except my closest friend, because daddy said they just wouldn't understand. I just smirk when he says that and confess, "I don't...

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Xenthia Chapter 2 Apolla

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to any real persons or events is purely coincidental. Please leave a review - This is my first work of TG fiction and I am looking for help along the way! For full enjoyment please read the chapters preceding this text. Feel free to contact me, I'd love to hear from readers and like-minded girls: [email protected] Xenthia by Sadie Chan RECAP: Michael, a 26-year old part-time crossdresser, has started listening to a series of...

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Jason steals and impregnates his married mother

Candace Wu slumped down in her bed after what felt like the thousandth fake orgasm of her life. Her husband Henry lay beside her panting from exertion, no doubt grinning like an idiot. She felt his few drops of watery semen run out of her. This was why Candace never even bothered with birth control. Though there was only a five year age difference between Candace and Henry, most people would mistake them for father and daughter. Candace was a slim, petite Taiwanese woman who was blessed with DD...

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Beer And PussyBois Part 2

I posed a frightened expression to get them even more riled up and quickly I was surrounded. Hands began grasping at me. A spank on my bunns. Fingers in my hair. Bulges began forming. I, of course, was locked in a CB-6000. One of them forced me to my knees while another pulled on my arms putting me in doggie. That's when the unmistakeable sound of flies unzipping filled the room. My legs were spread wide by a set of knees behind me, a large cock displayed in front of my face as the tip of...

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UpHerAsshole Aidra Fox Anal Gape Showoff

Sultry slut Aidra Fox can’t keep away from PervCity. Even when she’s away, all she can dream about is returning for a big dick. Today, wearing knee-high soccer socks and a sporty outfit, she’s prepared for a champion’s league game of anal overdose. The teen’s tactic is to ease in with striptease, and it pays off when Mike Adriano whips out his throbbing cock. The brunette goes for his balls, licking, and sucking and dribbling spit all over them. And when she makes her move and sucks his prick...

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Girl RefurbishedChapter 11 Doc Thomas

Joe Five weeks later, we were on our way to Montana. In the weeks prior to that, the telephone wires were overheating while Lori cleared the remaining issues with her parents. Our flight was on Wednesday while my parents with my kids and with Ruth would take a Friday flight. At the Missoula Airport we took a rental car to make the drive to Clearwater. It was early afternoon when we arrived, and the Honeymoon Suite at the Clearwater Inn motel was waiting for us. We showered and changed before...

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Narutos School Experience Pt2

"When we last left off Hinata FINALLY admitting she loved Naruto. He loves her as well but they cannot be together. The clan rules state that in order to marry the hier Hyuuga, you must win a 5 stage tournament. Then the ceremony will take place after the preperations are made. Married For Life." Hinata cried herelf to sleep that night, knowing full well that her father had to call a tournament when she announced that she was in love. She thought of a way for her and Naruto to be...

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Oh Canada FChapter 3 Relatively

Sylvia Foster was putting most of her attention on the preparation of Saturday lunch in January ‘72. She was vaguely aware of her husband’s intermittent typing, though. The most recent pause was longer than most had been. Was he blocked? Instead, George said, “I think that’s it.” “Great,” she replied. “I’ll copy it over. You can read the whole thing in a week or so. If it still hangs together, we’ll send it off.” “You’re too indulgent. I’d hate to make you type it all over for a few late...

2 years ago
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Double Dating With the Parents Version AlphaChapter 6

“I don’t see any earring,” said Bob. “Me either,” sighed Karen. “I have an idea.” “What?” she asked. “When I was in the Boy Scouts, we used to go on campouts. We slept on a tarp on the ground. You had to be really careful before you put the tarp down, though, because if there was a stick or even a pebble, you’d feel it when you lay down to go to sleep. So I was thinking that we could spread out the blanket and lie down on it and maybe roll around a little. I bet we’d feel that earring if...

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Tramp With A StampChapter 3

After work, Molly went straight to the bedroom and brought herself off. The subway ride home had been an interesting one; she'd felt like every man on the train was staring at her, as if they all knew exactly what she'd done, what a naughty girl she was. It had fuelled her fantasies (even as she knew it was all in her head) and by the time she got home, she'd reached a peak level of excitement. Laying on her bed, Molly remembered the look on Luke's face as she'd disrobed (she had been...

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Ericas New LifeChapter 2

A woman with pink hair and a weird outfit had just walked into the principal’s office and saw my breasts. I was in such shock of not only being caught but also of her appearance that I was frozen in place and I wasn’t covering up. The next thing I knew the principal was next to me opening my hands and rolling my sweater down my body. She whispered in my ear, “Let’s try to keep some dignity in front of new people please.” I had finally snapped to my senses and asked, “Why is Nurse Joy...

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Remembering Jack

[ With Covid-19 messing up everything you can imagine(!!!), here's a story looking back to pre-Covid-19 days; and not that far back, either! This is for 'Jack', the best glory hole operator I've ever had the pleasure of knowing first-hand! ]It had all the signs of being a hot, and quite humid summer that year (of 2018), but it was so worth venturing out into that sultry afternoon, knowing that Jack was waiting there for me behind the glory hole in his garage!I might have walked over (it was...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 327

At four Ty, Kathryn and Herman had joined the training. Ching Lee, Vicky and I needed to go sit in on our executive meeting. As always, there were things to discuss. Marcy and Jenny took the floor first; they had finally gotten everything together on the death benefits for the Koons and Phil Adams. After intense search there was still no family to connect to Phil. I listened intently as Marcy, Jenny and Jason explained what they had been able to put together. I signed off on it, relatively...

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