Minerva Ch. 04 Of 10 free porn video

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By Denham Forrest, The Wanderer

Minerva chapter 04

I slept very well that night all things considered. But that might have been down to how much I’d drunk in the bar, I can’t say that my mind was very settled. For reasons I didn’t understand at the time, Kylie had really got to me. Yeah, I was no stranger to women. But without really knowing her, I thought that Kylie, and my attraction to her, was somehow different from what I’d felt for any female before.

It was! I was rapidly falling in love with the girl, or maybe it was just an infatuation. Whatever, the effects on me were the same, I really wasn’t sure of myself anymore and my emotions — and stomach — were turning summersaults.

On arising the following morning, for some inexplicable reason I was disappointed when I saw that the motor yacht was no longer in the bay. I don’t know why, maybe I figured that Kylie might have sailed off with Fabian in it.

I was even more disappointed, when I noticed that the three cars were missing from the hotel car park, as I made my way down to breakfast a little later, than was my norm.

Jean, the waitress, informed me that his lordships party had taken their breakfasts very early and then almost immediately left in the cars. She told me that she hadn’t noticed whether Kylie had left with them, or gone out to the yacht, that had apparently left the bay around the same time. Jean actually said that she couldn’t recall seeing Kylie at all that morning.

As subtly as I could — which was probably not very subtly at all — I enquired of the rest of the staff on duty, whether they’d seen Kylie that morning. None them could recall whether they had seen her that day. Mind you, except for Jean in the dining room, that wasn’t very surprising, as the morning was a busy time for the staff.

Because I had risen later than usual, I headed for the beach shortly after I’d eaten my breakfast. I had to sneak out before Aunt G or Grace spotted me though, because they would have chastised me for swimming shortly after eating. Probably the only thing those two ladies agreed on, was what I should, and should not do.

As was usual the beach was almost deserted, so I took my swim out to the headland and back again. On the return trip, I noted Jack at the top of the cliff stairs, talking to someone, I couldn’t make out whom because he or she was almost completely hidden by a bush.

Just before I got in close enough to become invisible to anyone standing on the patio, Jack gave me a wave. I returned the greeting as best I could while swimming.

On reaching the beach, I headed for my normal spot beside the big rock, where I settled myself down to catch some rays and dozed for a while.

I think I told you that I used the rocks shadow as a kind of alarm clock. As the sun moved across the sky the shadow would eventually begin to fall on me around twelve o’clock. That gave me the option of going up for an early lunch, or taking another swim out to the headland and back first.

I have no idea how long I lay there dozing before something disturbed me. It wasn’t the rocks shadow though. Something, a fly I figured at first, tickled my nose. At low tied when the seaweed is exposed, flies can be a real nuisance on that beach.

But brushing it away with my hand only caused a familiar voice to giggle. Surprised I opened my eyes.

‘Kylie, where did you spring…’ Was as far as I got before she clamped her lips against mine.

‘I thought we could take a swim together this morning.’ she said, breaking the kiss. Then kissed me again before I had time to answer.

Look, I weren’t going to complain, I was in seventh heaven. There is no better way of being woken from a snooze, I can assure you. Well, not in my experience anyway.

Whatever, those kisses kind-a developed in the real snogging session. With me doing my utmost to keep my hands from wandering somewhere they shouldn’t. I hadn’t had a chance to look around to ensure that no one was watching us.

Then, as suddenly as she’d started to kiss me, Kylie broke away and grinned down at me for a second.

‘Beat you to the headland.’ She said, then jumped to her feet and began running towards the water.

Kylie must have been nearly twenty feet from the shore, before I plunged in the sea after her.

She was a surprisingly fast swimmer, but eventually I overhauled her, then dropped my pace and swam alongside her, only accelerating again when we got near the rocks of the headland. The sea was remarkably calm that morning, so getting ashore on the rocks would be neither difficult nor dangerous. The gentlemanly side of my nature had come to the fore.

Although I touched bottom first, I helped Kylie climb up onto the rocks before me, so we could call it a tie. See born gentleman, aren’t I?

‘Okay Kylie, you’ve got me hooked. Now what’s the score?’ I asked her after we’d settled ourselves on a large flat rock, hidden from anyone watching from the shore by much bigger ones.

‘I’m sorry, JG I don’t think I understand.’

‘Look Kylie, you are a very attractive young lady. You know as well as I do what you can do to any guy’s heart, just by flashing those eyes of yours at him. All right, you’ve caught me girl, hook, line and bleeding sinker.

‘But I’m wondering to what end? Why are you giving me all those signals if you’re supposed to be with that Fabian fella?’

A look of complete surprise came over Kylie’s face.

‘But Fabian is just an old friend and the son of my uncle’s business associate.’

‘Kylie, when we danced together last night, Fabian was giving me the evil eye. Whether you realise it or not, Fabian thinks he’s placed his personal stamp on you.’

‘No, JG you’re wrong. Fabian’s just a good friend, and he just gets a little over protective sometimes, that’s all. I have to humour him because his father does a lot of business with my uncle. But there’s nothing between us, there’s no romance or anything.’

She sounded pretty adamant, but her protestations didn’t really do anything to convince me that my first assumptions hadn’t been correct. Even Jack and Grace had come to the same conclusion about Fabian, almost completely independently.

‘Off the top of my head, I’d say that Fabian doesn’t share that view of your relationship Kylie. I’d say the guy has visions of you and him getting hitched in the long term.’

‘Oh don’t be silly JG. Fabian and I have known each other since before my Brother and father…’

Kylie checked herself and changed her mind about what she was about to say, possibly because it was emotionally painful for her.

‘Fabian was my brother’s best friend at school and since he’s been gone, he’s kept in touch with me. Fabian likes to think of himself as my protector, my replacement brother sometimes, but we’re not particularly close friends or anything. Why does it worry you anyway?’

Whoops, I weren’t quite prepared to answer that question and found myself fumbling around for the right words.

‘Because… Well because… Oh shit. Look Kylie, from the moment you flashed those damned great eyes at me the other day, you’ve had me hooked. I can think of nothing else but you. Jesus girl, I think I’ve fallen in love with you.’

She leant towards me and kissed me gently on the lips.

‘JG, you will never know how much it does my heart good to hear you say that. When I saw you walk into the dining room on Sunday evening, my heart stood still. You’ve had me hooked, as you put it, ever since.’

‘I’m pretty sure that Fabian would be upset to hear you say that.’

‘No, you’re reading Fabian completely wrong. It’s my uncle who doesn’t seem to approve of anyone I like. Of my own age anyway. He sees gold diggers everywhere. My father left me pretty… Well, I’ll never have to worry about money anyway.’

‘I truly wish you hadn’t told me that Kylie. Look, you
and I come from completely different backgrounds and I fear some people are going to get the wrong idea.’

‘Oh don’t be so silly JG.’

‘I’m not being silly Kylie, I’m being very logical and thinking things through. You apparently, are an heiress of some kind, and I’m a junior reporter on a regional weekly newspaper. And not a very good one at that, I haven’t even been able to discover who you really are.

‘Look girl, not only do we come from opposite ends of society, we live in different worlds. I don’t want either of us to get into something that we can’t… Well, you know what I mean?’

Kylie sat and stared at me for the longest time.

‘No, I don’t know what you mean JG. I’m used to getting what I want. And at this moment, I want you!’ I have no idea what expression those words brought to my face. ‘What’s more I’m sure that I’ll always want you to be with me. I’ve never felt like this about anyone before.’

‘Kylie, I feel the same way about you, but we’ve got to look at the big picture.’

‘Damn the big picture JG. I’m used to getting what I want.’

‘And your uncle?’

‘He’s my guardian. But he doesn’t own me. I can fall in love with and marry whomever I chose. He’ll kick up a stink for a while, obviously. But eventually he’ll come around to my way of thinking, he always does. Now can we get away from all this morbid talk and enjoy our day together.’

I’m not sure why I decided to drop the point. Wishful thinking I suppose, but I did my best to do as Kylie asked.

‘How come you didn’t go with them this morning anyway?’

‘I pretended to be sick. My uncle had a very important meeting this morning that will keep them all away all day. I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for you and me to get to know each other a little better.’

Then smiling once again she put her arms around my neck and kissed me. I’m afraid natural instincts took over after that.

—- —- —- —-

Eventually we were driven from our hiding place on the rocks by the rising tide and we had to return to the beach. I noted Kylie’s minder watching us swim across the bay from the cliff top. But he was nowhere in sight when — after drying ourselves on the beach — we arrived on the paved area at the top of the cliff stairs.

We were late for lunch, but I managed to twist the chef’s arm and he rustled up something that we ate in the staff dining room — much to aunt G’s horror, when she spotted us, or most likely ‘Lady Minerva’ — in there.

Kylie seemed to think it was fun, going behind the scenes, so to speak. I got the feeling though, that she was no stranger to going ‘below stairs’ as they say. Some of the staff who were taking a break or also eating their midday meal, were a little unsettled to start with by her presence, but Kylie soon put them at ease. She insisted that they drop the ‘Milady’ attitude completely. Aunt G almost went into palpitations when she heard them calling Lady Minerva, Kylie.

After we’d eaten, Kylie and I went for another long walk along the cliffs together, where we talked about inconsequential things that courting couples do discuss. I have no real recollection of our conversations that afternoon, I believe it was about our general likes and dislikes, interspersed with periods of kissing and cuddling.

Whatever, by the end of that walk, I was somewhat surprised to have come to the conclusion that Kylie and I, had a predilection for the same things and that should mean that we were remarkably compatible.

We appeared to enjoy the same kind of music and films, and considering the opposite ends of the spectrum we came from, our political and religious views were similar. Now, that’s a dangerous area of discussion to venture into with anyone, but Kyle’s thoughts seemed to echo my own on most subjects.

There was one thing that kind-a stopped me believing I had fallen on my feet, we were not exactly alone. Although he tried to avoid my eye, I caught sight of Kylie’s minder a couple of times.

I suppose his presence really should have brought me to my senses. If Kylie required that kind of security all the time, then it stood to reason that it couldn’t work out for us in the long term. I was just an ordinary bloke, how could I ever think of getting involved with someone who needed security guards hanging around all the time.

I suppose it’s the arrogance of youth. Questions did enter my mind that I should have taken more notice of. Christ, Aunt G had warned me off Kylie when I’d first ask about her. But when you’re in love, the heart kind-a pushes those questions and doubts to the back of your mind.

—- —- —- —-

I was somewhat surprised to see Kylie’s minder stood on the path someway in front of us as were neared the hotel again. By my calculation he should have been somewhere behind us. That guy sure knew how to sneak around.

Anyway, I noted that he gave Kylie, who was holding onto my right arm as we walked, a little hand signal. Immediately I sensed that Kylie had flinched, before the guy vanished again. He appeared to be very adept at doing that as well.

Then as we crested the brow of the hill, from where we could look down on the hotel, I could see that her uncle’s motorcade was back in the car park.

Kylie’s step faltered a little as she saw the cars, but then after taking a deep breath she urged me on with the words.

‘My uncle is back. I think it’s time to introduce you properly JG.’

I definitely got the impression that, although Kylie claimed that she always got her own way in the end, it wasn’t without a fight or two with her uncle.

I’m not sure if my reluctance to meet the man showed in my general demeanour or not. But I was surprised by his reaction to my presence with his niece as he watched us cross the paved area at the top of the cliff stairs.

He was standing on the hotel’s patio with several of his entourage. All of whom were looking at me as if I was something the cat dragged in. His lordship though, had a welcoming smile on his face, he was almost grinning at his niece and me.

With a wave of his hand he dismissed the flunkies as Kylie and I got close and they scampered away to god knows where.

‘Uncle William I’d like you to meet my friend JG.’ Kylie said.

‘Hello Gilroy, pleased to meet you my boy. I knew Minerva would get around to introducing us in the end. I’m afraid that she’s a little lax on the formalities of life sometimes.’

Then the guy, after insisting that I called him William started chatting to me like he’d known me all my life, eventually insisting that I joined his party for dinner that evening.

I can tell you, his reaction confused me a lot to start with. But later, before the meal, when I discussed the encounter with Jack, he didn’t seem surprised at all.

‘I should imagine his lordship will invite you onto the patio later JG, for a cigar or something. Anyway, he will do his best to get you alone somewhere. I suspect it will be then that he’ll either, warn you off Kylie, or most likely try to buy you off. Whichever, he will act as if he’s quite happy that you and Kylie are together when she is around.’

Grace much to my surprise concurred with Jack’s assessment.

‘If he knew your name as you say he did, then you can be sure he’s investigated your background Gil. But I suspect he’ll go for buying you off first, that’s the preferred way of doing these things. Then it can be let slip to Kylie later, that your only interest in her was money.’ Grace informed me.

‘Well it isn’t!’ I assured them.

‘Of course it isn’t my boy, we know that.’ Jack insisted, ‘But that’s how these things are done in what they like to call polite society. Whether you are bought off, or frightened off doesn’t really matter. Kylie will subtly be informed at a later date that you took a pocket full of cash to make yourself scarce. That’s how it’s done, my boy.’

‘That usually
puts paid to any romantic feelings a young lady had for what her family considered an unsuitable suitor.’ Grace added.

—- —- —- —-

They were right: during that meal Lord William was most charming to me. Actually he centred almost all the conversation around me. You know, he not very subtly enquired about my education and profession etc. Although it was clear to me that he knew all the answers before I spoke. Whether the old bugger was trying to catch me out in a lie, or drum home to Kylie that we came from opposite ends of the financial spectrum I’m still not sure.

Jack had been correct in his prediction, after the meal, whilst the others headed for the Palm Court, His lordship did ask me to accompany him onto the patio for a little while. There he didn’t actually make a financial offer, he just kind of implied that a certain young cub reporter, might possibly find himself being offered a post on one of the big London newspapers in the near future.

Also, not in so many words, his lordship pointed out. That would be extremely unlikely to happen if I was gallivanting around dating young ladies who were above my station.

He further suggested that it was doubtful that any young reporter would ever find himself employed by the big news organisations or TV companies, if he upset the wrong people. The inference was obvious.

Then his tone turned amicable again, and we went into the Palm Court to join the rest of the party.

Kylie asked me what we’d talked about and I… well, I chickened out of going into details. I informed her that her uncle wasn’t particularly enamoured that we were seeing each other.

Kylie laughed and told me not to worry, that he’d come around in the end.

We danced until the band packed up for the evening, then I walked Kylie to her room. Accompanied of course by Kylie’s ever-present minder, although he stayed out of sight whilst I kissed Kylie goodnight at her bedroom door.

I never did get to know the bugger’s name, but I think he was a good bloke. Before I went back down to my room, without being specific, he reinforced what Jack had said about me watching my back.

‘You’re all right when you are with Kylie. No one will try anything when I’m around. Just be careful when you are on your own lad. That’s all I can say.’

—- —- —- —-

The next morning Kylie and I went swimming together again. Spending a lot of the time on our rock out on the headland where we couldn’t be seen.

We shared lunch together and I took her to the cinema during the afternoon. Kylie’s minder following in another car. That evening, I ate with his lordship’s party again and I got the feeling that they were all warming to me a little. Even the battleaxe who had given me such a dirty look on the stairs that day, smiled at me a few times.

It was during that meal that his lordship announced that the whole party was moving on to Monaco the following weekend. Or maybe it was St. Moritz in Switzerland, I really can’t remember now, somewhere elite and exclusive anyway. Then he really shook me by inviting me to join them for a few days.

I was due back at work the following Monday so I couldn’t say yes or no, on the spot. I kind of fluffed around answering by telling his lordship that I’d have to check with my editor. Kylie was doing her best to persuade me to go with them, but her uncle pointed out to her that some people have work obligations. Rather cleverly demonstrating to Kylie the difference between our lifestyles.

The invitation had confused me, but the following morning things began to come clear to me. I was awoken by a telephone call from my editor. Two of his top reporters had — apparently overnight — been offered lucrative positions with top London news organisations, with the proviso that they started immediately.

With hindsight I can see what happened. Believing that I couldn’t be bought off, his lordship had called in a couple of favours. The newspaper that I worked for wasn’t very big and losing two reporters at the same time, left my editor in Shit Street. He’d given me a chance in the industry and I couldn’t let him down.

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SleepwalkerChapter 68 Showtime

Rebecca "Hampton." I answered the phone on the third ring. I would have gotten to it sooner but I was distracted reading a case file. It was just background on one of the cases currently ongoing in the office. I tried to keep up just in case I got called in to assist. "Special Agent Rebecca Hampton?" "That's me, who's this." "Ms. Hampton, this is Sheriff Dobbs with the Fresno County Sheriff's Department. I just got a missing person's call that fits the profile you asked us to...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 1 IntroductionsChapter 11

The next few months were occupied with unremitting feverish activity, as we got settled in at our new barracks and started on a new regime of training. 3RGJ had been upgraded to armoured infantry, and was being equipped with Warrior Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC). The Warrior carried 7 men and a crew of 3 —- driver, gunner, and a commander —- all members of the 10 man section that I commanded as corporal. Courses for drivers, gunners and commanders were held at Warminster. I was on one of...

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Wife Becomes a Mistress

My full name is Simran Kaur Ahluwalia. I am a house-wife from India, aged 31. I live with my husband Balwinder Singh Ahluwalia, in a four bed-room apartment in one of India's largest cities - Mumbai. I have known my husband, since my school days, as both of us lived in the same locality during our c***d-hood. We fell in love at college and got married after graduation. We have two c***dren. A son, aged seven and recently, we have been blessed with a baby daughter, three months ago. We led a...

4 years ago
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Self Love

I learned from the time of pubescence that I had parts of me that I could arouse... In the morning I would awake with erected nipples that got excited from rubbing them up against my sheets and pillows.I never wore anything to bed. I was always ready, even back then, the days of innocence and virginity.As I grew older and wiser, I had learned more and more ways of pleasing myself...I was one of the very first in my time, to own a number of vibrating dildo.We did not have the internet, nor did...

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LouisaChapter 5

Carmina and Louisa walked into the Larch home promptly at 9 am. The boys were in the living room, lounging on the huge sectional couch. "Right on time I see," said Mort, his voice oozing with lust. Expressing himself in the Bela Lugosi voice brought Carmina's short hairs on end. Adding to the effect, he tightened his lips baring his incisors. The Lycan was ready to satisfy his thirst and desire for the blood of a Virgin! "Mom. What is going on?" Louisa asked. "I'm sorry Louisa,"...

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Valkyrie Dont CryChapter 10

Max might not ever learn to dance, but there wasn’t anything wrong with his love making technique, and his stamina had become phenomenal. His new body could and did last for hours he discovered. True he wasn’t a giant like the Valkyries anymore, but he wasn’t the little people either. He, well all of them actually, had learned a valuable lesson, that after years of being one size the mind doesn’t cope well to sudden change. Especially drastic massive changes in size and shape. He had also...

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My Pride and My Vengeance Ch 1 Getting Your Foot in the Door

Whats up, my names Taylor Fitzroy. Im just your somewhat typical high school sophomore. Im typical in that I go to school, deal with my dumb teachers, and I deal with my idiot teachers. Im not typical in that I exercise and that I have real ambition. Not like these idiot that think theyll go to Hollywood, be discovered, and be famous. My ambitions are not that superficial. If youre curious on how I look, well, I dont mean to brag, but Im a tall, muscular 16 year old. I have blond hair, blue...

2 years ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 74

We woke up too late for breakfast with the Jenkins Saturday morning, but we had a nice breakfast anyway at nine when we finally strolled out of our room. Mrs. Jenkins offered to make us some pancakes, but we were happy with toast, oatmeal, a grapefruit and some coffee. "So, what are you two doing this morning?" she asked. "More golf?" "No golf this morning," Kelli answered. "We're playing this afternoon, but we haven't decided what to do with our morning yet." Our hostess had a...

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Turned into a Slut for BBC PT4

Let me start by stating that it has been a few months since I last wrote about my life changing experiences with my new lover Jerome, and since that point things have only gotten crazier. To rewind, I will begin from where I last wrote, the evening after Jerome posted the first picture of me online. Seeing such a provocative image of me on the internet for all to see, and then writing out all of the events and details of my short relationship with Jerome set my mind in a state of lust. When...

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Mouth parts 6 and 7

--- Mouth part 6 (mF, anal, blackmail, inc, nc, oral, impreg?, reluc) by Krosis of the Collective --- Jay never told Leslie who the third guy was in their foursome that night. Despite how fucked up the situation had been and how scared she was that she might get pregnant, it had been one of the most exciting sexual experiences of her life, to be tied up and manhandled by three men...well, young men. She certainly couldn't call her little brother or his friend Cal boys anymore,...

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The Road or an RathadChapter 17

Fortunately I had planned ahead, and had brought both my own backpack and Brenda's. That was important for a number of reasons. First of all we had to change out of the Gael clothing we were currently wearing, or the Scots would think we were period actors looking for a play! Secondly, our return tickets were in the packs so we needed them to get a flight back to the US. Thirdly, my billfold was in my pack and we needed money to get from Mallaig back to Glasgow Airport. We wasted no time...

1 year ago
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Cafe Latte

‘Two more lattes please,’ So Jennifer, how are things now, since your split with Jack?’ ‘Oh, so, so. I’m doing ok. But well, you know.’ Sue eyed her friend. They had known each other since school. They had kept in touch with each other and met regularly for coffee, but this was their first meeting since Jennifer and Jack had split up. Sue had been unsure how to broach the issue. The topic had been skirted around as they drank their first coffees chatting about all sorts of things, but now...

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Navel Oranges

She cut into the firm skin of the fruit, piercing the deep orange of the outside, then slowly sinking into the pith and the sweet, juicy flesh. She chose the largest of the segments she had just cut and took a generous bite, the juice from the orange spilling out and running around her mouth and down her chin. She giggled at the mess she had made; her chin quickly becoming sticky as the orange juice started to dry. He watched as she attempted to clean up the mess, but quickly stopped her when...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 21

Chuck I wasn't sleeping very soundly as I kept thinking about the coming concert. I had played on stage with my high school group and with Lisa at Pop's and Rags' places. But this was going to be different. We were going to be on a stage in front of thousands of people. My stomach was almost churning. Someone was kissing my neck and back. It wasn't Lisa as she was in front of me, facing me, but sleeping. She had been restless too. A hand reached around my middle and grasped me in a...

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FuckingAwesome Lena Paul Big Tits Seduction

Big Tits Seduction is what happens when Lena Paul comes home and sees her brother’s friend and instantly wants to fuck him. Lucky for Lena and Mick, her brother gets a phone call to go help his GF with her broken down car. Lena wastes no time, she puts on her sexiest bikini showing off her big beautiful tits and heads outside. Determined to fuck Mick Lena pulls out her big tits and makes her move. Just before Lean’s brother comes home she licks the cum off her big tits and they both...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 7

Capturing a Wasps' pyramid undamaged was too good an opportunity to miss, so Ann put all of her resources into the task. She left a holding force to occupy the territory already occupied, but moved all of her other forces into place near the Georgia pyramid. This took two days of nail-biting tension, because they didn't know what would happen if the troops were spotted by the Wasps. Very tight air cover was flown by tubs to keep any Wasp well away from the troop concentrations. The Wasps...

2 years ago
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All The Way This Time

When I was fourteen I had committed an act of incest with my eight year old brother, although I'm not really sure whether it was incest or not. It had happened while I was looking after him one night when our parents were out; we'd been playing around and Jim had accidentally touched my pussy through my panties. I don't know why, but his touch had made me so randy that I lost control for a while; Jim had let out a yelp as I pushed him to the floor, opened his trousers and pulled out his...

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my step sister

there in my room I felt so alone, with my heart beating hard I was beginning to lose control. across the hall I saw you change, dear little step sister of mine, have I no shame? but I became overwhelmed with my blood rushing quick. so hard, so erect it became to thick.changing your cloths, I could not look away. then for a second you saw me at bay. I could not move, my dick still so big. my eyes would not remove, I just wanted to fuck you like a pig.with my dick throbbing hard, you walked...

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Another tale of the ‘wild west’ and the characters that lived in that exciting time. Life was simpler then, a time of stark contrast, a world of black and white. But there were a few gray areas. This is a story of one of the men who lived in that world between black and white, between good and bad, and between the law and the outlaw. Constructive comments, critiques, and emails are much appreciated and most welcome. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on this story. I hope you...

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Universal Android Companion

You're a bit confused as you sort through the daily mail and find a letter addressed to you from your company, Incarnations Inc. They've never sent you any mail before, preferring to keep things in email and in-person meetings. You aren't exactly highly ranking in the corporate ladder, either. [Dear Mr. Jones, You have been selected to participate in the testing of a previously top-secret prototype android companion which will be making its way into the market within the next five years -...

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Daughter Wife

Daughter Wife   Jim Calderon took his 18-year-old daughter to a restaurant near the end of the school year. She had just graduated a couple of months before and was not going to college right away. Instead, she was going to work for a year or two before deciding what career she wanted to follow. Jim had been searching for another job, and had a couple of interviews lined up, both of them in towns hundreds of miles away. “I hope you get the one in Portland,” Stacy said to him as she finished...

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Suffering for Penny

Suffering for PennyChapter 1Penny's eyes slowly opened. She pulled her arms from under the blanket and rubbed her tired eyes. Today was the day. She was finally turning 18. And daddy had promised her a special present today. She lazily got out of bed and gathered the clothes she wanted to wear today. She headed to the bathroom to prepare for her big day. She stripped and admired her body in the full length mirror. She took a moment to look at her cute blonde hair, then ran her hands down her...

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I want to be your CockSucker Gay

It was my Sophomore year in College and once again my girlfriend was too busy with homework to spend time with me. We hadn't done anything sexual in a while so I was feeling deprived and extremely horny. I needed to jack off like crazy but my roommate was in the room so I went to the bathroom in the food court building. It was a quiet place. There was only one guy in there and he was at the urinal. I figured he would leave soon so I sat on the stall and took my six-inch erection out and started...

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Dirty Sissy Cock Whore dreaming

It was the end of a hard working week, full with thoughts about wanting to brake out of the mould, wanting to do something different, something daring, something naughty or even forbidden. I needed to relax and drift away from the monotony of daily live I thought to my self laying in the bathtub breezing the soothing odours of herbal bathing oils. I got out, rubbed my clean shaved body dry and than trimmed the little bush of pubic hair above my limb sissy clitty, Now I slid my black lace tanga...

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Daddy Fucks me at the Bar

The next night, I met Brian at the bar after I got off work. I put the cute neon green neglige on and a black micro mini skirt. I like this neglige, it has snaps in the crotch for easy access, to get fucked in. I had bought a new pair of black stilloette's with 6" spikes.I look totally hot and can't wait to show off to every guy in the bar.When I was out in the parking lot, I called Brian and told him to meet me in the parking lot. When he came out, I was bent over the hood of my car,...

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Bystander fuck

Sitting here reading a book with the shades open but the windows closed this time as it is getting to that time of year where it's getting chilly out. I happen to hear something and look to my left and that bystander is out walking again and saw me home and wanted to get my attention. I go out and let her in again. "Hi again" she says"Hey there sexy" I reply"It's been awhile since I seen you home" she said"Yeah I've been busy, working a lot" I said"I hear you there, finally get time to go...

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Other Peoples Problems

“So, I’m balls deep and just as I let loose there’s this loud crashing noise, right? I hear the noise, but I’m not paying any attention. You know how it is, just as you’re getting your nut? Nope, nothing’s getting through to my brain. The door bursts open, and there he is, and the kid is seriously pissed.” The cop looked at the nurse, then back to me and nodded before speaking. “It was a kid?” “Well, no, I guess not. Teenager. Probably 15, 16, something like that.” He nodded again. “Okay, go...

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Married Priyanka Ki Chudai

Hello everyone,this is Sam from Chandigarh ,back with another sex experience and chudai story. I am smart and athletic with a 7 inch dick and I love big tits and big asses So koi ladki ya Aunty mujhse milna chahti ho toh feel free to contact me () Ye baat 6 months pehle ki hai…jab mai job kar raha tha,ek din facebook pe mujhe meri ek purani friend mili,jiski marriage ho chuki thi aur ab wo Delhi m rehti thi. Her name was Priyanka.she was so damn hot and her figure was 36-26-38 and 5ft 4 in...

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I Help My Friend to Get Pregnant

By: Sachin Sharma Hello to all SSI Readers , I found much of stories similar to my life, but I always hesitated to wrote something about myself and my story. But I did and now I always Read in this Category . The Incident Which I am going to tell You had been Happen 2 years ago. The lady was my colleague in my office and in same department. Her Name Was Priya (Changed Name ) . She lived in Noida sec-21. She Was Normal Looking Female of 24 Years . My Name is Sachin , 25 Years of age and...

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Crossdresser teacher violates 18yo sissy schoolgir

I am a home schooling teacher, short skirt with side splits tight but stretchy over my right bum, black stockings and black lacy see thru panties wig, white sparkly heeled sandals and Lacey see through top sat opposite you on the couch. You are wearing a shirt and tight school skirt, white see thru Lacey panties and nude colour tights and black boots, tight school shirt white bra and pigtail wig. I sit opposite you on the couch occasionally opening my legs slightly giving you a glimpse of my...

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Daughter For Dessert

DfD aka Daughter For Dessert! Sometimes, when I’m deep in the depths of a week-long masturbation binge, I forget to eat. It’s kind of ironic, given all the cherry popping and creampie filling I see on an hourly basis, but the body just forgets all about sustenance when it’s trying to clean the pipes of all that built-up, sticky sex goo. Daughter for Dessert is a perverted videogame that addresses the issue head-on, with hopefully some head-giving included.Daughter for Dessert is hosted by...

Free Sex Games
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Becoming Stepdads Servant The Beginning

So it all started after my mom died. Tragedy has always seemed to run in my family, at least when it came to death. Dad died shortly after I was born, my grandparents on either side were also deceased, and my parents were both only children. Luckily in many ways mom married rich, live very rich, like nine figure rich. I never quite understood how it ended up happening, this filthy rich man falling in love with mom, until after she died. So, my stepdad, I’ll call him Frank, could have easily...

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A Brush With The Law

I think I’m a pretty average guy. You know, medium build, medium complexion, medium brown hair, average looks. When I say “average looks,” I mean I’m no Brad Pitt, but then nobody ever got me confused with Quasimodo, either. Kind of a happy medium, you could say. Maybe I’m a little a taller than average, but that helped me get into the state police force, so that was a good thing, but generally speaking, I don’t think I stand out in a crowd. I joined the force at twenty, practically straight...

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Turnaround by DCRI woke up, did my chores, and was about to wake up Master.For a while I'd been feeling weird. Not exactly sick, but not exactlywell. I figured it was a stomach thing, and nothing to worry about.Besides, Master's CUM always made me feel better.I applied my makeup. fixed my chains, and crawled to my Lord and Master.Each morning, I had the privilege of sucking him awake! I must be careful.If I scare him, or make him CUM anywhere but in my mouth, I will ruinMaster's day.I crawled...

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Private Gabi Gold Luna Rival Lesbian Affair

Gabi Gold is a generous boss and today in Private Gold, Fitting Room Flings she has a surprise for her dedicated employee Luna Rival. Gabi has designed a special outfit for Luna to try however it won’t stay on for long as these two soon get hot and horny in the changing room together with some quality lesbian action. Watch and enjoy as Gabi gets a taste of Luna’s hairy pussy before she offers up her own as these two pleasure eachother with some hot masturbation and 69 action not stopping until...

2 years ago
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Annual Day Celebration With Sex

Hello to all iss readers, I hope you liked my old story fantasy sex with Sindhi bhabhi. This one is from my school days when I was in class 12th. It was winter time also the time for annual function. I had break up with my first love of my life and was heartbroken. I wanted to be in a relation but I couldn’t help it. The aftermath almost enveloped me a lot in it. My section of class 12th was the best, all rich spoiled brat’s commerce stream, full on enjoyment and lot of trouble to teachers. Not...

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