Minerva Ch. 04 Of 10 free porn video

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By Denham Forrest, The Wanderer

Minerva chapter 04

I slept very well that night all things considered. But that might have been down to how much I’d drunk in the bar, I can’t say that my mind was very settled. For reasons I didn’t understand at the time, Kylie had really got to me. Yeah, I was no stranger to women. But without really knowing her, I thought that Kylie, and my attraction to her, was somehow different from what I’d felt for any female before.

It was! I was rapidly falling in love with the girl, or maybe it was just an infatuation. Whatever, the effects on me were the same, I really wasn’t sure of myself anymore and my emotions — and stomach — were turning summersaults.

On arising the following morning, for some inexplicable reason I was disappointed when I saw that the motor yacht was no longer in the bay. I don’t know why, maybe I figured that Kylie might have sailed off with Fabian in it.

I was even more disappointed, when I noticed that the three cars were missing from the hotel car park, as I made my way down to breakfast a little later, than was my norm.

Jean, the waitress, informed me that his lordships party had taken their breakfasts very early and then almost immediately left in the cars. She told me that she hadn’t noticed whether Kylie had left with them, or gone out to the yacht, that had apparently left the bay around the same time. Jean actually said that she couldn’t recall seeing Kylie at all that morning.

As subtly as I could — which was probably not very subtly at all — I enquired of the rest of the staff on duty, whether they’d seen Kylie that morning. None them could recall whether they had seen her that day. Mind you, except for Jean in the dining room, that wasn’t very surprising, as the morning was a busy time for the staff.

Because I had risen later than usual, I headed for the beach shortly after I’d eaten my breakfast. I had to sneak out before Aunt G or Grace spotted me though, because they would have chastised me for swimming shortly after eating. Probably the only thing those two ladies agreed on, was what I should, and should not do.

As was usual the beach was almost deserted, so I took my swim out to the headland and back again. On the return trip, I noted Jack at the top of the cliff stairs, talking to someone, I couldn’t make out whom because he or she was almost completely hidden by a bush.

Just before I got in close enough to become invisible to anyone standing on the patio, Jack gave me a wave. I returned the greeting as best I could while swimming.

On reaching the beach, I headed for my normal spot beside the big rock, where I settled myself down to catch some rays and dozed for a while.

I think I told you that I used the rocks shadow as a kind of alarm clock. As the sun moved across the sky the shadow would eventually begin to fall on me around twelve o’clock. That gave me the option of going up for an early lunch, or taking another swim out to the headland and back first.

I have no idea how long I lay there dozing before something disturbed me. It wasn’t the rocks shadow though. Something, a fly I figured at first, tickled my nose. At low tied when the seaweed is exposed, flies can be a real nuisance on that beach.

But brushing it away with my hand only caused a familiar voice to giggle. Surprised I opened my eyes.

‘Kylie, where did you spring…’ Was as far as I got before she clamped her lips against mine.

‘I thought we could take a swim together this morning.’ she said, breaking the kiss. Then kissed me again before I had time to answer.

Look, I weren’t going to complain, I was in seventh heaven. There is no better way of being woken from a snooze, I can assure you. Well, not in my experience anyway.

Whatever, those kisses kind-a developed in the real snogging session. With me doing my utmost to keep my hands from wandering somewhere they shouldn’t. I hadn’t had a chance to look around to ensure that no one was watching us.

Then, as suddenly as she’d started to kiss me, Kylie broke away and grinned down at me for a second.

‘Beat you to the headland.’ She said, then jumped to her feet and began running towards the water.

Kylie must have been nearly twenty feet from the shore, before I plunged in the sea after her.

She was a surprisingly fast swimmer, but eventually I overhauled her, then dropped my pace and swam alongside her, only accelerating again when we got near the rocks of the headland. The sea was remarkably calm that morning, so getting ashore on the rocks would be neither difficult nor dangerous. The gentlemanly side of my nature had come to the fore.

Although I touched bottom first, I helped Kylie climb up onto the rocks before me, so we could call it a tie. See born gentleman, aren’t I?

‘Okay Kylie, you’ve got me hooked. Now what’s the score?’ I asked her after we’d settled ourselves on a large flat rock, hidden from anyone watching from the shore by much bigger ones.

‘I’m sorry, JG I don’t think I understand.’

‘Look Kylie, you are a very attractive young lady. You know as well as I do what you can do to any guy’s heart, just by flashing those eyes of yours at him. All right, you’ve caught me girl, hook, line and bleeding sinker.

‘But I’m wondering to what end? Why are you giving me all those signals if you’re supposed to be with that Fabian fella?’

A look of complete surprise came over Kylie’s face.

‘But Fabian is just an old friend and the son of my uncle’s business associate.’

‘Kylie, when we danced together last night, Fabian was giving me the evil eye. Whether you realise it or not, Fabian thinks he’s placed his personal stamp on you.’

‘No, JG you’re wrong. Fabian’s just a good friend, and he just gets a little over protective sometimes, that’s all. I have to humour him because his father does a lot of business with my uncle. But there’s nothing between us, there’s no romance or anything.’

She sounded pretty adamant, but her protestations didn’t really do anything to convince me that my first assumptions hadn’t been correct. Even Jack and Grace had come to the same conclusion about Fabian, almost completely independently.

‘Off the top of my head, I’d say that Fabian doesn’t share that view of your relationship Kylie. I’d say the guy has visions of you and him getting hitched in the long term.’

‘Oh don’t be silly JG. Fabian and I have known each other since before my Brother and father…’

Kylie checked herself and changed her mind about what she was about to say, possibly because it was emotionally painful for her.

‘Fabian was my brother’s best friend at school and since he’s been gone, he’s kept in touch with me. Fabian likes to think of himself as my protector, my replacement brother sometimes, but we’re not particularly close friends or anything. Why does it worry you anyway?’

Whoops, I weren’t quite prepared to answer that question and found myself fumbling around for the right words.

‘Because… Well because… Oh shit. Look Kylie, from the moment you flashed those damned great eyes at me the other day, you’ve had me hooked. I can think of nothing else but you. Jesus girl, I think I’ve fallen in love with you.’

She leant towards me and kissed me gently on the lips.

‘JG, you will never know how much it does my heart good to hear you say that. When I saw you walk into the dining room on Sunday evening, my heart stood still. You’ve had me hooked, as you put it, ever since.’

‘I’m pretty sure that Fabian would be upset to hear you say that.’

‘No, you’re reading Fabian completely wrong. It’s my uncle who doesn’t seem to approve of anyone I like. Of my own age anyway. He sees gold diggers everywhere. My father left me pretty… Well, I’ll never have to worry about money anyway.’

‘I truly wish you hadn’t told me that Kylie. Look, you
and I come from completely different backgrounds and I fear some people are going to get the wrong idea.’

‘Oh don’t be so silly JG.’

‘I’m not being silly Kylie, I’m being very logical and thinking things through. You apparently, are an heiress of some kind, and I’m a junior reporter on a regional weekly newspaper. And not a very good one at that, I haven’t even been able to discover who you really are.

‘Look girl, not only do we come from opposite ends of society, we live in different worlds. I don’t want either of us to get into something that we can’t… Well, you know what I mean?’

Kylie sat and stared at me for the longest time.

‘No, I don’t know what you mean JG. I’m used to getting what I want. And at this moment, I want you!’ I have no idea what expression those words brought to my face. ‘What’s more I’m sure that I’ll always want you to be with me. I’ve never felt like this about anyone before.’

‘Kylie, I feel the same way about you, but we’ve got to look at the big picture.’

‘Damn the big picture JG. I’m used to getting what I want.’

‘And your uncle?’

‘He’s my guardian. But he doesn’t own me. I can fall in love with and marry whomever I chose. He’ll kick up a stink for a while, obviously. But eventually he’ll come around to my way of thinking, he always does. Now can we get away from all this morbid talk and enjoy our day together.’

I’m not sure why I decided to drop the point. Wishful thinking I suppose, but I did my best to do as Kylie asked.

‘How come you didn’t go with them this morning anyway?’

‘I pretended to be sick. My uncle had a very important meeting this morning that will keep them all away all day. I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for you and me to get to know each other a little better.’

Then smiling once again she put her arms around my neck and kissed me. I’m afraid natural instincts took over after that.

—- —- —- —-

Eventually we were driven from our hiding place on the rocks by the rising tide and we had to return to the beach. I noted Kylie’s minder watching us swim across the bay from the cliff top. But he was nowhere in sight when — after drying ourselves on the beach — we arrived on the paved area at the top of the cliff stairs.

We were late for lunch, but I managed to twist the chef’s arm and he rustled up something that we ate in the staff dining room — much to aunt G’s horror, when she spotted us, or most likely ‘Lady Minerva’ — in there.

Kylie seemed to think it was fun, going behind the scenes, so to speak. I got the feeling though, that she was no stranger to going ‘below stairs’ as they say. Some of the staff who were taking a break or also eating their midday meal, were a little unsettled to start with by her presence, but Kylie soon put them at ease. She insisted that they drop the ‘Milady’ attitude completely. Aunt G almost went into palpitations when she heard them calling Lady Minerva, Kylie.

After we’d eaten, Kylie and I went for another long walk along the cliffs together, where we talked about inconsequential things that courting couples do discuss. I have no real recollection of our conversations that afternoon, I believe it was about our general likes and dislikes, interspersed with periods of kissing and cuddling.

Whatever, by the end of that walk, I was somewhat surprised to have come to the conclusion that Kylie and I, had a predilection for the same things and that should mean that we were remarkably compatible.

We appeared to enjoy the same kind of music and films, and considering the opposite ends of the spectrum we came from, our political and religious views were similar. Now, that’s a dangerous area of discussion to venture into with anyone, but Kyle’s thoughts seemed to echo my own on most subjects.

There was one thing that kind-a stopped me believing I had fallen on my feet, we were not exactly alone. Although he tried to avoid my eye, I caught sight of Kylie’s minder a couple of times.

I suppose his presence really should have brought me to my senses. If Kylie required that kind of security all the time, then it stood to reason that it couldn’t work out for us in the long term. I was just an ordinary bloke, how could I ever think of getting involved with someone who needed security guards hanging around all the time.

I suppose it’s the arrogance of youth. Questions did enter my mind that I should have taken more notice of. Christ, Aunt G had warned me off Kylie when I’d first ask about her. But when you’re in love, the heart kind-a pushes those questions and doubts to the back of your mind.

—- —- —- —-

I was somewhat surprised to see Kylie’s minder stood on the path someway in front of us as were neared the hotel again. By my calculation he should have been somewhere behind us. That guy sure knew how to sneak around.

Anyway, I noted that he gave Kylie, who was holding onto my right arm as we walked, a little hand signal. Immediately I sensed that Kylie had flinched, before the guy vanished again. He appeared to be very adept at doing that as well.

Then as we crested the brow of the hill, from where we could look down on the hotel, I could see that her uncle’s motorcade was back in the car park.

Kylie’s step faltered a little as she saw the cars, but then after taking a deep breath she urged me on with the words.

‘My uncle is back. I think it’s time to introduce you properly JG.’

I definitely got the impression that, although Kylie claimed that she always got her own way in the end, it wasn’t without a fight or two with her uncle.

I’m not sure if my reluctance to meet the man showed in my general demeanour or not. But I was surprised by his reaction to my presence with his niece as he watched us cross the paved area at the top of the cliff stairs.

He was standing on the hotel’s patio with several of his entourage. All of whom were looking at me as if I was something the cat dragged in. His lordship though, had a welcoming smile on his face, he was almost grinning at his niece and me.

With a wave of his hand he dismissed the flunkies as Kylie and I got close and they scampered away to god knows where.

‘Uncle William I’d like you to meet my friend JG.’ Kylie said.

‘Hello Gilroy, pleased to meet you my boy. I knew Minerva would get around to introducing us in the end. I’m afraid that she’s a little lax on the formalities of life sometimes.’

Then the guy, after insisting that I called him William started chatting to me like he’d known me all my life, eventually insisting that I joined his party for dinner that evening.

I can tell you, his reaction confused me a lot to start with. But later, before the meal, when I discussed the encounter with Jack, he didn’t seem surprised at all.

‘I should imagine his lordship will invite you onto the patio later JG, for a cigar or something. Anyway, he will do his best to get you alone somewhere. I suspect it will be then that he’ll either, warn you off Kylie, or most likely try to buy you off. Whichever, he will act as if he’s quite happy that you and Kylie are together when she is around.’

Grace much to my surprise concurred with Jack’s assessment.

‘If he knew your name as you say he did, then you can be sure he’s investigated your background Gil. But I suspect he’ll go for buying you off first, that’s the preferred way of doing these things. Then it can be let slip to Kylie later, that your only interest in her was money.’ Grace informed me.

‘Well it isn’t!’ I assured them.

‘Of course it isn’t my boy, we know that.’ Jack insisted, ‘But that’s how these things are done in what they like to call polite society. Whether you are bought off, or frightened off doesn’t really matter. Kylie will subtly be informed at a later date that you took a pocket full of cash to make yourself scarce. That’s how it’s done, my boy.’

‘That usually
puts paid to any romantic feelings a young lady had for what her family considered an unsuitable suitor.’ Grace added.

—- —- —- —-

They were right: during that meal Lord William was most charming to me. Actually he centred almost all the conversation around me. You know, he not very subtly enquired about my education and profession etc. Although it was clear to me that he knew all the answers before I spoke. Whether the old bugger was trying to catch me out in a lie, or drum home to Kylie that we came from opposite ends of the financial spectrum I’m still not sure.

Jack had been correct in his prediction, after the meal, whilst the others headed for the Palm Court, His lordship did ask me to accompany him onto the patio for a little while. There he didn’t actually make a financial offer, he just kind of implied that a certain young cub reporter, might possibly find himself being offered a post on one of the big London newspapers in the near future.

Also, not in so many words, his lordship pointed out. That would be extremely unlikely to happen if I was gallivanting around dating young ladies who were above my station.

He further suggested that it was doubtful that any young reporter would ever find himself employed by the big news organisations or TV companies, if he upset the wrong people. The inference was obvious.

Then his tone turned amicable again, and we went into the Palm Court to join the rest of the party.

Kylie asked me what we’d talked about and I… well, I chickened out of going into details. I informed her that her uncle wasn’t particularly enamoured that we were seeing each other.

Kylie laughed and told me not to worry, that he’d come around in the end.

We danced until the band packed up for the evening, then I walked Kylie to her room. Accompanied of course by Kylie’s ever-present minder, although he stayed out of sight whilst I kissed Kylie goodnight at her bedroom door.

I never did get to know the bugger’s name, but I think he was a good bloke. Before I went back down to my room, without being specific, he reinforced what Jack had said about me watching my back.

‘You’re all right when you are with Kylie. No one will try anything when I’m around. Just be careful when you are on your own lad. That’s all I can say.’

—- —- —- —-

The next morning Kylie and I went swimming together again. Spending a lot of the time on our rock out on the headland where we couldn’t be seen.

We shared lunch together and I took her to the cinema during the afternoon. Kylie’s minder following in another car. That evening, I ate with his lordship’s party again and I got the feeling that they were all warming to me a little. Even the battleaxe who had given me such a dirty look on the stairs that day, smiled at me a few times.

It was during that meal that his lordship announced that the whole party was moving on to Monaco the following weekend. Or maybe it was St. Moritz in Switzerland, I really can’t remember now, somewhere elite and exclusive anyway. Then he really shook me by inviting me to join them for a few days.

I was due back at work the following Monday so I couldn’t say yes or no, on the spot. I kind of fluffed around answering by telling his lordship that I’d have to check with my editor. Kylie was doing her best to persuade me to go with them, but her uncle pointed out to her that some people have work obligations. Rather cleverly demonstrating to Kylie the difference between our lifestyles.

The invitation had confused me, but the following morning things began to come clear to me. I was awoken by a telephone call from my editor. Two of his top reporters had — apparently overnight — been offered lucrative positions with top London news organisations, with the proviso that they started immediately.

With hindsight I can see what happened. Believing that I couldn’t be bought off, his lordship had called in a couple of favours. The newspaper that I worked for wasn’t very big and losing two reporters at the same time, left my editor in Shit Street. He’d given me a chance in the industry and I couldn’t let him down.

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What if... I felt like a stalker as I sat in the car, parked across the street from her house, waiting for her visitor to leave. I'd arrived in town late in the morning and took the extra time to scope out my surroundings. It'd taken many hours to get to where I was, and it was rather unlike me to undertake such a journey on the spur of the moment. However, there'd been a sense of determination the closer I got that what I was doing was the right thing, and that she'd appreciate it in the...

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AudryChapter 4 Cattlemans Woe

I spotted the vultures circling the draw. Curious, I turned my horse in that direction. Probably a deer had been caught by coyotes. What I saw turned my stomach. A mare and a colt were lying at the edge of a small clearing, their bodies distended with the gasses of decomposition. We'd just turned them out into the south range a few days before. Both had been healthy and frisky-and the colt showed unusual early promise. Now they were both dead. The big birds lumbered off at my approach-but...

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Red Orchids Ch 06

‘The Comeuppance’ EDITED BY: Miriam Belle CREATIVE CONSULTANT: Simply_Cyn Author’s Note: ‘Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who supported ‘Red Orchids’ and wrote me to talk about the story. You’re all the best. Special thanks go to miriambelle69 for her in depth criticism and editing.’ *** Henry stepped back from the door and gently closed it. From the moment Mark Gordian had arrived at his apartment a few hours ago until now, Henry had been feeling like he was living in a dream...

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Sex With Mami In Tirupati 8211 Part II

Hi, Its me manu back again with the continuation of my first story ‘sex with mami in tirupati part 1’. for those who have not read my story the link is https://www.indiansexstories2.net/incest/sex-mami-tirupati-part/ Thank you all for your support.sorry for the delay.I received many mails to my mail id from many people appreciating my story and asking for second part.I also thank iss for giving me this opportunity without them I would not have been able to do it.some asked if it is real? These...

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A sadists fun night with a true pain slut

This was originally written as a response to member "sluthole" who wrote me and asked;"I love my tits to be abused, how would u use my tits and cunt?"The following is my response. It took on such a life of it's own that I decided some of you other kinky pain sluts might enjoy it as well. So, originally intended for the eyes of "sluthole" this is being share with all of you.(Yes I asked her if she would mind it if I shared and she had no problem.)I hope you all enjoy.Imagine if you will:I escort...

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This is a short (flash) story for your entertainment. Hope you enjoy it. Her name was Janice and I thought I was in love with her almost from the time I'd met her two years before. From our first date onward I felt she was the one I wanted to get old with. Looking back now I guess it was just lust that held our relationship together combined with her devil-may- care, sort of wild attitude she had that I found captivating. I'd been brought up in a fairly conservative home and she was like a...

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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 38 21st Birthday

Wednesday Week 15 When the alarm went off, Dave showered, dressed, had a quick cup of coffee with extra cold water added so he could drink it reasonably quickly, while he made his toast, putting butter and vegemite on it and set off on the long trip, eating his toast as he went. He stopped every two hours for a ten minute break and a bit over 30 minutes for lunch to ensure his driving concentration was not impaired. Fortunately it was an uneventful trip and he was able to pull into the...

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Fucked My Teacher 8211 Part 1

Hi, this is Shriram this happened when i was xx year old. I am 19 year old now and my tool is still developing and now it is 14 cm pretty small but I am happy with it.Here comes my heroine teacher her name is Vinitha she is very beautiful with large boobs good buttocks and nice hips.I love her i had crush on her but did not have any sexual fantasies but all the boys in my school used to masturbate thinking of her.Mrs Vinitha is already married and has a daughter of exactly my age. She was very...

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Sallys Second Conquest

Randy became my part time help and yard boy. I knew enough to keep him at arms length. I felt prudent I keep it a once a week thing. I may enjoy his attention and enjoy our time together, but I laid down the law before we had some fun again. He was not permitted to call me, If I wanted him, I would call. Secondly I paid him to work, not to fuck. He was there to work, the screwing was just a pleasant past time between friends. The routine usually worked out on Tuesday and Thursday as he did...

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“Why you studying all the time, Keaton?” my alcoholic friend asked me as he intruded into my room. “I don’t know,” I replied, looking up from my reading material. “Call me crazy but there’s something about paying thirty thousand dollars a year in tuition that keeps me motivated to earn credits. You know, getting a degree and all that shit. I figured that I should get something in return for my money instead of just a hangover.” “Fuck that, man,” Camel said,...

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Blind Date 3

“The Chocolate Rush? That ride sounds fun,” Allie said sarcastically. “Hey, don’t make fun of the ride named after me,” Andy replied. “You are one of a kind, Andy,” Allie winked, “Even though you definitely give me a rush with your chocolate goodness.” “Want to go on it? I know the highest drop is like 20 feet, but maybe we can sneak in some alone time.” “Alone time? At a theme park? Sounds like… exactly what we need.” Allie and Andy were in line waiting to go on the roller coaster. It was...

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When You Play Dreams Come True

I believe that everyone has sexual fantasies. Mine is to watch another man fuck my girlfriend. I have written several stories about my girlfriend, Judy. Out of all the stories, this is my favorite. It is a true story!Gil, who is a friend, kept calling Judy at work wanting to get back with her. He had no idea that I knew anything about their first sexual experience. Judy called me from her work to tell me that Gil had been calling. She wanted to know what I wanted her to do. Of course, I wanted...

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Milfty Crystal Rush A MILF Made For Bribery

When Crystal Rush is getting ready in the morning, she knows she looks hot. Her legs are toned and muscular, her hair is long and luscious, and of course, her tits are slamming! But today, she is not going to get away with using those hot looks to get everything she wants. Or is she? Our stud confronts her about sleeping with her sons high school sports coach to get him more playing time. To keep the nosy guy quiet, Crystal uses her body once again. She unzips her hoody revealing her bodacious...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 90

"That was pretty good," Jackie said. "Did you see the way she was bouncing around in "Goin' to the Twist and Shout? I didn't know she did stuff like that. "She's working on a new album," Mike said. "She says she want to do something a little rocker than her usual torchy stuff." "You should have been here for the show she gave back in July," Kirsten said. "That was a lot better." "Yeah, I'm sorry we missed it," Mark said. "That must have been something to see." "You...

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The Milf Chronicles Janice

The doorbell rang, and as Janice Reeves got up to answer it she heard her eighteen year old son, Nick, call to her from upstairs. “Mom, that’s gonna be Thomas, will you let him in and tell him to come up to my room, please?” “Sure thing, Nick,” she replied. She opened the door and there on the other side of the screen door stood Thomas, her son’s best friend. “Hi, Mrs. Reeves!” he said, “Is Nick here?” “Hi, Thomas, yeah, he’s upstairs in his room and says for you to go on up,” she replied,...

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New Year Day Fucked Indian Sex Stories Reader Of Hyderabad

Hello, every one this is Ashish from Hyderabad came with a new story this happened one week back only thanks for ur feedback and comments on my first story my email id is don’t forget to send comments and feedbacks those are encouraging me to submit more stories. Coming to the story my self ashish stays in ameerpet am working as system admin and in this story am going to write in telugu story loki velthe na modati story chadivina vallu naku chala response vachayi andulo oka college ammayi...

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TandraChapter 42

I brought Carl over, and talked to him about the situation. We had discussed splitting the forces before, but gave those scenarios a low probability then. "Carl, I want you to take this planet and keep it for us. Most of the Samutz are dead. If our estimates hold true, there will only be about three percent immune and another three to ten percent that would be warned in time and raise their shields or not allowed other Samutz to approach. This means you only need to remove from nine to...

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My sisterr catches me and then wants to join in

Back in those good ol' days of Rock 'n' Roll I swear that we played our music louder -- even louder, than we do now. Perhaps that was just because I in particular couldn't afford decent earphones but whatever the reason, we'd turn the sound up high enough to rattle the roofs and windows -- and then wonder why it was that we all had troubles with our hearing years later!But in those days of the 1970s and onwards we were happy doing 'our thing' whenever we had freedom to do so. I had my...

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Rogues Story Part One The Awakening

Rogues Story – Part One -The Awakening This story couldn’t have been written without one man, you know who you are! She quickly turns the ornate gold tap in the opulent ladies room of the country house, and grabs a handful of paper towels that were neatly placed next to the expensive hand creams and lotions, she begins to dab the red wine stain on her new cream evening dress. “This isn’t going to come out, that stupid oaf of a man.” She wishes she could have let loose and tell him what she...

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The Tantric WayChapter 4

Dr. Cregan reviewed the medical reports while Ami watched her. Ami was anxious, like a small child wanting to please her mother. Cregan took her time, then looked at Ami, a smile breaking out on her face. "I'm impressed with your progress. Cholesterol and blood pressure are near normal, plus your 25 pound weight loss is excellent. No recurrence of the headaches?" "None," replied Ami. "In fact, I'm sleeping better and have much more energy! It's amazing!" "That's what's supposed...

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Sarahs Bully

Sarah is sitting at her desk in her dorm when her roommate comes in. She recognizes her roommates look, feeling a bit of dread in her stomach.

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gay train ride

A few years ago i took a train ride down to brighton for the day, just to go for a day trip out, nothing else really.Just wanted to have a walk around the town and explore the place.It was in the summer and was a nice warm sunny day.I had an enjoyable time there, and come the early evening time i decided to go home.I was on the train in a carriage on my own, and we stopped just outside brighton at a station.A few people got on, and as the train pulled away, this young lad of late teens came...

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The Futas MindControlling Panties Chapter 5 FutaCutie MindControls the MILFs

Chapter Five: Futa-Cutie Mind-Controls the MILFs By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sasha Ford If I could curse out loud, I'd be spitting vitriol. Fuck, fuck, fuck! screamed through my thoughts as I stared through the louvered slats of Mildred Dean's closet. I was trapped in here. Stuck with the panties that I so desperately wanted to don bunched in my hand. I had to pull them on and gain my own futa-cock. And have my own mind-controlling...

1 year ago
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Not What I Expected

Note: This story is entirely fictional. I'm your average, run of the mill 18 year old kid. I play sports, hang out with friends, all that jazz. There is something though that seperates me from the rest of the guys my age; I'm really into incest. More specifically, I want my sister. She's of average height and weight, shoulder lenght dark hair, adorable freckles, decent sized breasts and an ass that won't quit. I started to become attracted to her when her body started developing and she started...

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Niece on a BoatChapter 20 After

Freddie came down from upstairs to see how things were going. The kids were having a good time, dancing or chatting, a bit of making out, with nobody passed out or being ill. Mark was standing by the closed sitting room door, talking with the cute young brunette Zoe. Guard duty, it had to be. Freddie texted his twin accordingly, and opened a beer while Sean and June got going on having a good time too. His eye fell on Zoe. She was young, but tall, and substantial. Lean, big-boned, perhaps...

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Virgin soldier finds gay friend

When I landed in Singapore, I was 21, and a very fit soldier. I’d just finished a year of training, so I had a big chest and a small waist. I also had backache and a numb bum from a 24 hour flight. Another soldier, obviously keen on the gym like me, met me at the airport. We dropped my gear off at the barracks, and went to his house.I was really uncomfortable with backache, so he said he would massage it for me. I agreed readily. I was so innocent! I’d never had sex, not seen any porn. Don’t...

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Me And Chinese International Student

Hello friends I am big fan of Indian sex stories and I am sharing one of my experience. I hope you all will like this. My Name is Jolly Singh (name changed) and anyone wants to leave any comment they can do that on on messenger and I will reply on that. I am mature male 42 from Sydney Australia of course Indian settled in Sydney. This experience which I am going to share with you happened 12 yrs ago when I was 29 and virgin. I was international student here in Sydney and was also working in...

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My Cuckold Experience Date Preparations

(Part 1)"How do I look?" My gorgeous wife asks, patting her small little red dress down at her hips, showing off her sexy shapely curves."You look stunning, my love." I reply with a smile, admiring her goddess-like beauty."You sure? I want to make a good impression for my date tonight." She returned thoughtfully, eyeing herself up in the tall mirror on the inside door of our open wardrobe. She stroked her smooth dark wavy hair, and puckered her ruby red lips up as though she's kissing the...

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Finally our desire became true

"Hey man, is your wife going to be here tonight?" I ask our neighbor mike saying no he is curious as to why I asked."Well Ronda and I were hoping you could come over Ronda just got a few new outfits, and she wanted to show them off." I explain.That the two of us have been talking about him and think we should all get to know each other better. intrigued by my reasons Mike tells me he will be over as soon as he showers. Walking back in my front door I tell Ronda that he is going to shower then...

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Part 3 Deflowering Time

Shannon beamed as she looked over the results of her "handy work". Shannon again demonstrated her complete control of this special occasion. Leaning down she again queried her lover."OK lover, it's time for you to prove how good a fuck toy you can be for us. Are you ready to give me your gift? Tell me what you want me to do lover. What does my fuck toy want?" Tell me NOW!"Josh was worked up way beyond the point of no return. Shannon had brought him to a new height of sexual awareness that he...

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The Kids From FoldenChapter 15

Garth and Red sat alone in the room bound to their chairs. Fletcher had gone into another part of his 'ship' for some reason. "Well, Red what do you think we should do now? Ol' Mr. Fletcher clearly has something wonderful planned for us and everyone else in the Orbit Stations as well." Red struggled fiercely against her restraints. "Arrrgh!" she growled, "I can't stand this much longer. If I get out of this and get my hands on him..." "You'll what? What are you going to do to...

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GND 30Chapter 3

No, I wasn’t nervous about my upcoming date. Much. Honest. Maybe a little. The reason? Making a first date to walk our dogs seemed just too... normal. It lacked the conventionality and formality of a restaurant date, it was almost as if we’d already met. My suggestion of a doggie play date had been spontaneous, her response natural and unfeigned. In some ways that was immensely reassuring, in other ways worrying – this wasn’t one of the complicated steps required for the full SoCal mating...

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FilthyFamily Ariella Ferrera Lilly Ford Squirter And Stepmom Worship A Cock

Lilly sneaks into Mathew’s room, her stepbrother while he is praying, eyes closed, She is horny and starts masturbating close to him to call his attention, when he realizes it, he gets shocked, scandalized, he is very religious and a virgin, later on at the dinner table while the family prays before eating, Lilly unzips Mathew’s pants and starts jerking him off, Mom sees it and yells at Lilly to behave, she can’t help it, her brother is too hot when he prays. Next, when they...

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Sara Becka and me Chapter 4

Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter IV The First Week Sunday - Hi Daddy Well I've done it now! I've agreed to be one of Vicki's bride's maids. And to live the next two weeks as a girl. And we, actually Sara's mother, has spent a small fortune. Lets see what happens next... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I slept...

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Loving FamilyChapter 3

I kept thinking that my newly found perpetual erection would wilt, but it was now the third day since my daughter first sucked my cock and my wife became my private whore. After so many years of wanting and wishing for a real sex partner, I had two very beautiful, very horny women to satisfy. I wondered how long I could keep up? Tonight would be the first time we had our neighbors, Bob and Sue, for dinner since The Liberation. It would also be the first time we would be together with Bob...

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Book 6 Revanche and LaurelChapter 16

Alex started to laugh, taking the brandy snifter out of Laurel's hand "fairies and elves aside, why is Zinmer so special?" Laurel looked sadly at Alex "you don't understand do you?" Alex cupped Laurel's face with his hands "I'm trying to love, that's why I asked so you can help me to understand." Laurel nodded "I never had a home of my own, there was no place to call home except Jacob's wagon, Jacob bought me from a band of Gypsies that had found me as a small child wandering...

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Dog desire Chapter 1

One day I was at work and Marie had the day off. She said she has housework to do. About 2pm the power went off in my office and at 3pm the boss said we could all go home as it appeared that it wasn’t coming on soon. I drove home and parked the car. I let myself into the house and I could hear moaning. I was mystified and thought my wife had hurt herself or something. I walked up the hall to a third bedroom we had converted into a home office. I looked in and stood there absolutely shocked. My...

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