Eviction: Week 02 free porn video

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Author’s Note: Here is week two as promised. Please keep in mind that this is a novel and unlike the short stories I write, will not be jam packed with erotic content in every week. Again, due to the size of the file, I did not feel it appropriate to post it as one story. I hope you are enjoying the story and as soon as this section is posted, I will submit week three. As always, feedback is appreciated.

For my short story readers, the conclusion to Blake should be up in the week.

As always, thanks for reading.



Week 2

Losing it

Samantha sat on the pool table in the game room, impatiently waiting. As she looked around the room, she could not understand why guys spent so much time playing video games and pool. To her, it seemed stupid, especially when there were better interests available, like a woman.

She looked at the door and then at the clock that rested overhead. It was late and much of the house was asleep, but she knew he would be awake. Drew always stayed up late playing his stupid little video games. Samantha hoped to change that tonight. She was looking forward to him playing with her and taking his virginity.

Although she and Jeremy had an agreement, she did not think it would hurt to gain a few more allies. Drew would definitely owe her after letting his dick penetrate into her. Besides, Samantha was always turned on and aching to be fucked. Just sitting there waiting was driving her crazy and she had to resist touching herself, although Drew might like to walk in and see her do that.

‘Samantha?’ she heard as the door opened. As expected, it was Drew. ‘I thought you went to bed hours ago. What are you doing here?’

Samantha hopped off the pool table, and moved towards Drew, sizing him up as she moved. His light blond hair was short, but messy from him constantly running his hands through it. His eyes were a dark emerald green. His physical build was different from most men she pursued. Unlike Tyler and Jeremy, Drew was not ripped. He was in good physical condition, but he did not have washboard abs or bulging biceps. Right now, Samantha really did not care, she just needed one thing from him.

‘Aww, Drew, you’re so cute,’ she said, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling herself into him. ‘A little birdie told me you were a virgin. I’m here to fix that problem for you.’

Drew looked shocked.


‘Shh. Shh,’ Samantha whispered, bringing her finger to his lips. ‘Trust me. You’re gonna love this.’

Samantha replaced her finger with her lips. They moved gently across his. Drew seemed tentative, which Samantha did not like in a man. She pushed her lips harder against his, forcing her tongue into his mouth. He did not return her kiss and Samantha was growing irritated, but she was not going to give up.

Her left hand moved down his body slowly before resting on his bulge. Drew tried to pull away in surprise, but Samantha moved with him. Her hand roved and massaged him through his pants. Drew groaned and began to relax, even returning her kiss. Samantha smirked as she was wearing him down.

Samantha’s tongue massaged his, while her hands worked to remove his growing cock from his pants. Once she had his zipper down, she stuck her hand down, feeling his bare cock. Drew gasped and Samantha moaned. He was much bigger than she expected and she was eager to have him inside of her.

Samantha pulled away from Drew. Biting his lip slightly and tugging on it as she pulled away. She knelt in front of Drew and began pulling his pants down.

‘Sam, what are you doing?’ he stuttered.

‘What do you think? I want to taste every amazing inch of your cock before I slip it into my dripping pussy.’

Before he could say anything else, Samantha had his pants off and his dick free. He was easily eight inches long and was already painfully erect. Samantha took hold of him and started to jerk him. She brought the tip of his cock to her lips and her tongue licked the tip, making small circles around it. Drew moaned loudly and Samantha took him completely into her mouth. She sucked on his cock, twisting her tongue around his rigid shaft.

‘Holy fuck,’ Drew gasped.

Samantha moaned on his cock as she bobbed up and down on him. She could feel him tighten between her lips and she knew he was close. Samantha was not going to let that happen, not without her getting something in return.

Samantha stood up and removed her tank top, releasing her massive tits. Drew’s jaw dropped as Samantha took his hands, bringing them to her chest. She moved his hands, urging him on. After a brief moment, Drew took control, massaging her breasts and tugging at her aching nipples.

‘Do you like how they feel, Drew?’

‘Oh God, yes,’ he moaned.

Samantha pushed him down onto the floor of the game room and removed her skirt, leaving her completely naked standing above him. She lowered herself down onto his waiting cock, pushing him deep inside herself. Drew groaned. Soon, Samantha was bouncing on his dick and playing with her clit, pushing herself to her own orgasm.

She knew with Drew being a virgin and them going bareback, it would not take him long before he exploded deep inside her. She rode him fast and hard, panting as her finger circled her clit at a matching pace. Drew was biting his lip, trying to keep from erupting before Samantha had climaxed.

Suddenly, Samantha felt the familiar pleasure spread through her body and moaned as her orgasm passed through her. Drew followed suit a second later and Samantha felt him fill her completely. It was not the intense mind-shattering orgasm she always longed for, but sex with Drew was much better than she had expected.

Samantha looked down at Drew, whose eyes were still closed. He was attempting to regain some control over himself. Samantha could not help but smile, as she knew he was completely satisfied.

Samantha pushed herself up and off Drew’s dick. Sitting on the floor next to him, she gathered her clothes and began to dress. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Drew finally sitting up. A small smile spread across his face as he turned to face Samantha. She gave him a half-hearted smile in return.

Suddenly, Drew leaned in, intending to give her a kiss. Samantha turned away from him. She did not do romance and she absolutely hated kissing unless it was leading to or during sex. She did not need Drew getting the wrong idea.

When she looked back at Drew, he looked confused.

‘So, now that I’ve helped you, I need you to help me,’ said Samantha.

In an instant, Drew’s expression of confusion turned to one of shock.

‘What?’ he stammered.

‘Since I let you fuck me, I need you to keep me here for another week.’

Drew was taken back.

‘Wait. So you used me for a vote?’

Did he really think that she liked him? How naïve was he? Samantha let a light chuckle escape her throat as she stood. She looked down at Drew, who was still naked and confused on the floor.

‘Aww. You think I actually liked you. Cute and inexperienced.’ She ruffled his hair with her fingers and left the room. Confident that she had another vote, she sought out Jeremy to pay her weekly fee.

The Fallout

Gwen had been watching Drew for much of the morning. He seemed to be in a funk. He was avoiding all eye contact with everyone in the house as he shuffled from place to place. At one point, she found him curled in a ball on the couch. When she tried to talk to him, he insisted on being left alone.

Around noon, she saw him pull Hattie into the library. They were not in there long before Hattie exploded out of the room, anger on her tear-streaked face.

‘I can’t believe you. I thought you understood me, but I guess I’m just an idiot.’

‘No, you’re not,’ Drew pleaded, following closely be
hind. He tried to grab her arm, but Hattie shook him away. ‘You’re smart and sweet. I’m the one that messed up and I am so sorry. Please let me explain.’

All eyes were on the two of them. From the couch, Gwen and Zoey were the closest to the fight. Connor lifted his head from his lunch at the dining table. Jeremy came out from the workout room, excitement in his eyes at the unfolding drama.

Hattie turned on her heel and faced Drew, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. She looked around and saw that all eyes were on her. The tears finally fell again as she looked back at Drew.

‘I don’t want to hear any more of this.’

Hattie turned back and headed for the steps. Drew continued to follow her without saying a word.

‘Stop following me. Just leave me alone,’ she screamed back at him before breaking into a run, sobbing the entire way.

Drew stopped. Pain was spilling onto his face. Gwen quickly rose from the couch, as did Zoey. Connor was already sprinting up the steps after Hattie.

Gwen stopped in front of Drew, confused about what happened. Zoey rushed passed her and up the stairs after Connor.

‘Drew, what happened?’

Drew pushed his hand through his blond hair, trying to calm himself down.

‘I slept with Samantha last night,’ he whispered.

Gwen was in total shock. For the last week, all signs had pointed to Drew being interested in Hattie. The two had been flirty, giggly, and inseparable. This was a huge blindside.

‘Welcome to the other side, virgin,’ Jeremy said, patting Drew on the back. ‘It’s a lot more fun over here.’

Drew shrugged his hand off him and turned back to Gwen.

‘I confessed to Hattie because I felt guilty. I really like her and I didn’t want to keep any secrets from her.’

‘She’s acting like such a child. It’s really not her concern who you sleep with,’ Quinn interrupted.

Gwen had been unable to see her from her previous spot on the couch. Quinn was seated at the counter next to Samantha, who was twirling her hair. Tyler was moving from the kitchen with a bowl of food in his hand. Gwen had not realized that the entire house had seen everything.

‘Besides you shouldn’t feel guilty about getting some action, especially when it’s with me,’ said Samantha with pride.

Tyler let out a snicker from the table as he focused on eating. Gwen was not sure what was funny about the situation, especially since it was Hattie who was getting hurt.

Drew turned to face Samantha. He looked pissed and he did not hide his anger from his voice.

‘You tried to buy my vote with sex. So yea, I do feel guilty about letting you use me.’

Gwen knew she had to gain some control of the situation. Grabbing him by the arm, she led Drew upstairs and away from prying eyes. The rest of the house did not need more juicy details, although it would not surprise her if Samantha ran her mouth.

When they reached the second floor, Gwen pulled him down the hall and stopped right outside his room.

‘Drew, just give her some space. I’m going to go talk to her.’

Drew nodded, looking defeated before heading into his room. Gwen turned quickly and headed for her own room. Hattie was still crying when she entered. Connor was sitting on the floor in front of Hattie’s bed, while Zoey was seated next to her with her arms wrapped around the heartbroken girl.

‘I can’t believe him,’ Hattie sobbed on Zoey’s shoulder. ‘I thought he liked me, but I’m just the biggest idiot in the world.’

‘No you’re not, sweetheart,’ Zoey reassured her.

‘He’s a jerk,’ Connor said. ‘There are plenty of guys out there. You don’t need him.’

‘I know. I just thought I found a guy who wanted me as I am. Who wasn’t going to try to push me to do anything. It turns out he was just as warped and selfish as the rest of them.’

Gwen’s heart broke for Hattie. Finally, she seemed to be opening herself up to someone, only to be hurt by the person she trusted. She was angry with Drew for being stupid, but most of her anger was directed towards Samantha for using sex as a tool in this game.

It was not a secret that Drew was a desperate virgin. When he was around Hattie, he downplayed his desire, but everyone else knew the truth. Samantha had played on his desire and desperation for a vote. It was ridiculous.

‘He did not mean any harm, Hattie,’ Gwen said. Drew was a fool, but he was not malicious.

Hattie looked at Gwen. Her ice blue eyes were red and full of tears and disbelief. Gwen sat next to Hattie on her bed, trying to help the inexperienced girl understand.

‘I just talked to him. He really likes you and he wanted to be honest with you. Turns out, Sam has been sleeping with people for votes and she tricked him.’

Disbelief turned to confusion.

‘If he liked me, why would he sleep with her?’

‘He’s a young guy who has never gotten laid before. It wouldn’t take much seduction, especially if she made him think she liked him,’ explained Connor.

‘This doesn’t make any sense.’ Hattie was becoming more confused by the second. If only love were so simple, thought Gwen.

‘Men often don’t,’ added Zoey, squeezing the young woman tighter in her arms.

‘Just take some time away from him. There isn’t a rush for you to figure this out,’ advised Gwen. ‘Drew has agreed to give you space, though he did look really hurt. I think he does like you, he just made a stupid decision.’

Hattie was hurt, but Gwen knew she would get through it. To be honest, Gwen did not fully understand the situation. Until she did, she could not offer Hattie anything more than simple advice. In all honesty, this was Drew’s fuck up and if he wanted to fix things with Hattie, he had to be the one to do it.

Hattie had calmed down a little by the time Don had entered their room. He looked angry and worried as he hurried to the young women, taking her in a big bear hug. Hattie’s sobs started anew, but Don was instantly comforting her, much like a father would comfort his daughter.

‘Everything is going to be okay. We’ll vote them both out.’


It had been a few days since Hattie and Drew’s fight. As promised, Drew left Hattie alone, but Gwen could see the separation was taking its toll on both of them. Drew hid out in his room most of the time, as did Hattie. Don spent much of the day talking to Hattie, advising her on how to handle this. Gwen did not think Don was the best person given that he really had no experience in the area of heartbreak, but Hattie was happy to have a father figure in her life, so Gwen let them be.

There was now a distinctive divide in the house over this whole situation. Quinn and Jeremy agreed with Samantha that Hattie was being a baby and overreacting. Connor, Zoey, Don, and Gwen were siding with Hattie. They thought it was ridiculous that Samantha would go after Drew knowing that they liked each other. Patricia and Tyler were the odd people out. Patricia openly said she was not taking sides and Tyler was a hard man to read.

Gwen finally was able to coax Hattie out of her room and into the sunshine. Gwen looked down at the shallow end of the pool where Hattie was sitting on the stairs, barely sitting in the water. Gwen was giving her space at her request, sitting at the edge of the pool a few feet away in case Hattie needed her.

Gwen’s gaze turned to Tyler as he swam up to her. He had been doing laps in the pool for the last fifteen minutes.

‘How’s everything with Hattie? Is she doing better?’

Gwen hesitated for a moment, captivated by his beautiful blue eyes. They reminded her of the clear waters in the Caribbean that she had seen once on a cruise. He gave a slight smirk as he waited for her to respond.

Gwen shook her head clear and mentally distanced herself from him. She did not need him distracting her from her friend. Besides, she had Jessie and as
gorgeous as Tyler was, she and Jessie had depth. This reminder made it easier for her to keep focused.

‘Uh, yea,’ she finally said, looking back towards a love sick Hattie.

‘Has she said anything about who she wants out?’

‘She hasn’t thought about it.’

Tyler rested his hand on her knee, rubbing his thumb gently against her skin.

‘I’ll vote whichever way she wants to go.’

Gwen looked down at Tyler, confused by his gesture.

‘I’ll let her know.’

Gwen looked back down towards Hattie, who was now gently moving her feet in the water. She had not talked to her about what she wanted to do, but Gwen knew they had the numbers.

Out of the corner of her eye, Gwen could still see Tyler, only know he was resting his head on her lower thigh, his hands nestled beneath his head. What was he doing? Tyler had been acting differently since he had returned from The Suite and she could not figure out why.

‘It was nice of you to help your friend out.’

Tyler’s right hand was caressing her leg, up her inseam stopping halfway up her thigh and traveling back down. He repeated this gesture over and over, going higher up her leg as he went. Gwen’s breath caught in her throat and her body ached from his touch. She had not felt this way since her last night with Jessie before the show. She closed her eyes, savoring the feeling for just a moment before she placed her hand on top of his and pushed it away. As sexy as Tyler was, she was not going to give up her relationship with Jessie.

‘Isn’t that part of the job description of a friend?’ Gwen said plainly, turning to face Tyler.

Tyler set his jaw and looked away.

‘Yea, I guess it is,’ Tyler said coldly as he pushed away from the wall and resumed his laps.

Gwen knew Tyler was the biggest flirt in the house and most of the girls went along with it. Gwen never saw a problem with flirting, as it was harmless fun, but touching her was crossing a line. It made flirting from harmless to intentional and she did not want that. She was with Jessie and that was the way it was going to stay.

Gwen turned her attention away from Tyler and back to Hattie. She saw Drew approach her friend.

‘Hattie,’ he said in a hoarse whisper.

‘What do you want?’ she said, not looking away from the water.

Drew looked down at his hands, fumbling over his thoughts.

‘I know I said I would give you your space. Not hanging out with you is driving me crazy and I hope one day, we can be friends again. I just wanted to say I’m sorry for everything.’

He turned to leave, but Hattie’s words stopped him.

‘Did you like her? Did you like what she did to you?’

‘No, but I thought she liked me.’ Drew crouched down next to Hattie, but kept a decent amount of space between them. ‘I regret everything that happened between me and her and if I could take it back, I would.’

Hattie continued to look at the water lapping at her toes. She was lost in thought, but Gwen saw the pain in her face start to ebb. Hattie took a deep breath before turning to look at Drew.

‘I want to be friends again, Drew and I’m willing to try. But you have to do something for me.’

‘Anything,’ he agreed with renewed hope in his eyes.

‘Get her out this week. I want her gone.’

‘I promise. I’ll make sure we have the votes to get her out.’

A gentle smile spread onto Hattie’s face as she patted the spot next to her, signaling for Drew to sit with her. He returned the smile and joined her in the pool.

America’s Choice: Powerless

Jessie was seated on the edge of his couch, watching his two least favorite contestants intently. When Jeremy and Tyler were together, there was never anything good going on. They were always up to some kind of trouble and it made Jessie feel uneasy. He trusted Gwen with all his heart, but he did not know exactly what their intentions were. What was worse, even if he did know, there was nothing he could do to stop it. He was completely powerless.

‘So, I never asked you. How did your time go in the Suite with Quinn?’ he asked, wiping the sweat from his face with a towel.

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Housemaid for a Week

Housemaid for a Week A personal encounter By Monica Graz PROLOGUE Last Christmas I had a unique experience working as a housemaid for a week in a Victorian mansion in Melbourne which belongs to family friends that know and eagerly accept my 'domestic situation'. A few words as a prologue, to explain my 'domestic situation'. For a long time now I work as part time maid/housewife in my own house! It is a mutual agreement with my wife/employer and we both benefit from it. Every...

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Sarahs Submission Ch 20 Ali Has A Rough Week

Feeling tired when she got to school the next day, after the long week with a lot of strenuous sex and more alcohol than her norm, Sarah found herself fighting droopy eyes during the first several classes. She ran into Ali after math class who looked anything put tired, acting and looking instead very nervous. She pulled Sarah to the side and spoke quickly since they only had a few minutes. “You know I’m supposed to get together with Jimmie tonight, right?” “Yeah. Is there a problem? ...

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Free Sex for a Week

FREE SEX FOR A WEEK He was on a two week holiday. He had stayed at a cheap motel just outside the city limits. When he went out to his car, he found a flyer on the window for a local brothel a few miles down the road. It was early. He had no real plans. He was a little horny, so why not, he thought to himself. It would be a good way to get the holiday going. He followed the directions on the flyer. He was there in about 20 minutes. It was a secluded two-story house. Older, but well...

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College week

When I got to feet from the door, but it was very loud. I didn't know him, I'd said "Hi" to him in the hallway, but I knew who he was, of course. I was surprised to find he knew who I was. "What's going on?" I asked him. "Hmm. Yes." He coughed, seeming a little nervous, but then smiled at me. "You've been selected, Miss Shenoy." "For what?" I was mystified. "We've had a change in policy for the college," he told me. "We're going to pick a few students each week. Here, this will explain...

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Motel Week

*** Night 1 Friday "You joking!" cried Newlyn. "No, I am not. Some things are not funny," responded Eric, Newlyn's father. Newlyn had just been informed by his father of the accident. The power pole in front of their house had just fallen onto their house. Easy to say Newlyn did not really believe it nor did his sister, Juliana. Apparently a drunk driver had hit the pole and knocked it over. Newlyn's father had just picked them up from school and had finished explaining what...

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Teen Breed Week

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TO ALL MEDIA OUTLETS FROM: BREEDAMERICA SUBJECT: NATIONAL TEEN BREED WEEK National Teen Breed Week is fast approaching. Young teenagers throughout the country are enthusiastic about the upcoming celebrations. Countless young people are giving up bad habits such as smoking, drinking and drugs in order to improve their chances of conceiving, having problem-free pregnancies and healthy babies. They are also improving their diets and exercising more. Sales...

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Anal Week

Anal WeekKathryn could feel her period was approaching. She tingled with excitement because she knew what that meant. It meant her man would have no choice in the matter he would have to fuck her arse. She cheekily rang Brad and declared her "friend" had arrived and with feigned sadness said her cunt was out of action for a few days. Brad's sadness was equally insincere. "You know what that means? You can only fuck me me up my arse!" she intoned. Brad grinned as he said "well you know I can't...

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My New Family the First week

So when I was in my late teens I ended up living at Donna and Tom Max's house, they were a foster family that took me in, and they had a really great motivational way of making sure I followed the house rules, and went to college to get a education.On the first morning of college, Donna strolled into my room, she was a tall hot brunette Milf with a big pair of round tits, and a slim well kept body.And that morning she wore a lacy black bra that barely held in her magnificent boobs, and a pair...

3 years ago
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8 Days a Week

I jack off every day. Some days I jack off twice. Even on days I have sex. But it hasn’t always been that way. Just like many of my friends, most guys upon discovering masturbation jack off multiple times daily. That isn’t how it worked for me though, probably because I discovered masturbation fairly late. Living in the ‘Bible Belt’ we didn’t have sex education in school, and my parents never discussed sex with me, so the mechanics of sex were unclear. And I had never heard of masturbation. I...

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Senior Week

It was the end of senior year for a group of nerdy teens in a small school in rural Pennsylvania. And, like most students reaching the end of senior year, they were very ready to be beyond high school and moving into college and on with the rest of their lives. But first came many things that usually happen during the last few months of school. The senior class field trip, the day to the pool that the senior class president convinced the school to allow, the senior prank, a couple musicals and...

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8 Days a Week

I jack off every day. Some days I jack off twice. Even on days I have sex. But it hasn't always been that way. Just like many of my friends, most guys upon discovering masturbation jack off multiple times daily. That isn’t how it worked for me though, probably because I discovered masturbation fairly late. Living in the "Bible Belt" we didn't have sex education in school, and my parents never discussed sex with me, so the mechanics of sex were unclear. And I had never heard of masturbation. I...

2 years ago
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Reigniting the Spark A Filthy Week

Teasing You’ve been missing me lots and you know how horny I’ve been for you all week long, and you’ve been wet so often over the week just thinking about being back in my arms, being kissed and caressed. Your pussy has been aching for my big hard dick and you want me bad. Whether it’s long slow loving, or being pinned down, tossed around and fucked hard and rough, you want it all. Fed up with sitting down in your pyjamas and watching TV every night, you set out for a week of fun to get the...

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Free To Use For A Week

In 2450, the US implemented a new system to combat the ever growing problem of sexual assault. This solution was the Forced Nudity/Free Use Act. This Act states that a group of women between the ages of 18 and 50 would be picked each week to be Free Use Slaves. The number of Free Use Slaves would be at a ratio of 1:1000 with male citizens, though any adult would be free to use them as they pleased. With the Act came a strict set of rules regarding the rights and duties of Free Use Slaves. These...

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A Life in the Week

Hi guys. Wow, it's been a few years since my last contribution in the form of fiction, how you been? I felt the urge to get creative again recently and this was the result. As previously I've gone for a Magic story, as I feel there is plenty of CD already; I've also tried to be a little more original than the clich?," plots which I greatly hope satisfies. Also as previous, have I stuck to the first-person viewpoint, as I like to be a little different and was?appreciated a few years ago w...

3 years ago
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our big week

my wife and i swap/group with a black couple for over two years now and our relations have grown and broadened to the point where last august on vacation we made our first attempt at a "cross-seeding",.without much success. recently we forfilled our plans at a second attempt swapping mate for a full week.my wife's bull joined us in bed on the morning of our first day of the swap for an incredable threesome before i left to spend a week with his beautiful wife ,..it was one of the best weeks we...

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Interracial Weekends

Ally, a woman where I work, would often come in on Monday mornings looking happy but pretty well used.This one Friday when we were getting off work l saw this buff black guy pick her up. It was rather clear that they were more than just casual friends.Ally is white, married, in her 30s, and this definitely wasn't her husband.The next time I had the chance I asked her, "So who was the black guy that picked you up on Friday?""My weekend date."She saw the look on my face. "My husband got me into...

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tennis week

My name is Marc, I don't really know where or how to start this but since I'm sworn to secrecy not being allowed to tell any of my friends, this is about my only option to tell someone about this. I am 16, still in High school, my mom's name is Cindy. My mom was, at least in her day anyway probably pretty hot. Shes still not bad to look at and definately is "larger" in the chest than her three friends. And yes by god my first sexual experience invovled them as well. Summer...

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The End of a Very Bad Week

Kirri had just left from her office job for the week. She went to a nearby coffeehouse to pick up her usual tall vanilla iced latte. As she paid for it and picked up to take a sip, a man distracted by his cell phone conversation ran into her, causing her latte to spill on to her white cotton button down blouse. He managed to apologize and offered to wipe up the spill on her blouse though he felt like his cell phone was stuck to his head. It felt like her day had gotten worse, but her whole...

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My name is Marc, I don't really know where or how to start this but since I'm sworn to secrecy not being allowed to tell any of my friends, this is about my only option to tell someone about this.I am 16, still in High school, my mom's name is Cindy. My mom was, at least in her day anyway probably pretty hot. Shes still not bad to look at and definately is "larger" in the chest than her three friends. And yes by god my first sexual experience involved them as well.Summer vacation 2010. Mom...

4 years ago
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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 58 Bright Week

April 15, 1985, McKinley, Ohio “How are you feeling, Petrovich?” Clarissa asked when she came to my door on Monday morning after I’d run and prayed. “Fine. I slept like a log last night! What did Abby think?” “She was pretty awestruck by the service and had a good time at the party. Everyone else seemed to have a great time, too.” “I think Clark made some new friends,” I chuckled. “He spent like three hours with the old men smoking and drinking!” “So did Gene. Did Jocelyn have to pour...

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End of the Week

Ernest Gaines, known by most as ‘E’ or ‘Big’, bounded down the corridors of Presbyterian Regional Medical Center wheeling a patient towards discharge. It was shortly before 8:00 a.m. on Saturday which meant this was his final task of his shift. He made it to the waiting area and brought the chair to a stop as the elderly man peered out the window for his family.“What’s going on,” a fellow orderly asked.“Can’t call it,” E replied.“I hear ya, man. You gettin’ off soon?”“Yeah. Goin’ to the crib...

1 year ago
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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 23 Birthday Week

Today I was meeting with my speed training coach at the gym. There had been some hassle to get him in the gym, because they didn't like outside trainers. They ended up making me pay for a guest pass to let him use the facility. I met him at the counter at the entrance. He was a young guy in his twenties who looked like he worked out ... a lot. "Jack?" I asked. "You must be David. Bo told me you were in shape. I hear you need to make some quick improvements in your speed before next...

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Payment the Next Week

Payment: The Next Week By Dunchad© Deirdre was sitting at her desk when the boss called her into his office. “Deirdre, I need you to run an errand for me. Don't roll your eyes, you will like this one. I need you to go see Mrs. Samantha Dante. You will remember her as the young lady that had sex with us last week and opened the door for you to advance in...

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A Rough Week

Monday The clock said 6:30 in electric red numbers. Everyone else had long since abandoned their desks and offices, leaving me alone in the dimly lit office building. Alone with my work and my computer. I sat up in my chair and stretched. I had until the end of the week to finish the quarterly review presentation but since my wife had taken the kids to her mother's this week I had decided to go ahead and knock it out now. Maybe later on the week I would get some time to spend with...

2 years ago
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The End of a Very Bad Week

Kirri had just left from her office job for the week. She went to a nearby coffeehouse to pick up her usual tall vanilla iced latte. As she paid for it and picked up to take a sip, a man distracted by his cell phone conversation ran into her, causing her latte to spill on to her white cotton button down blouse. He managed to apologize and offered to wipe up the spill on her blouse though he felt like his cell phone was stuck to his head. It felt like her day had gotten worse, but her whole...

1 year ago
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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 11 Making Rounds during Big Week

This was to be a HUGE WEEK for me ... on Thursday, I would turn "16" and roll with all those new benefits! I wasn't exactly what they were, but I'd heard rumors. Hell, I was already living a great life. My personal interests ran easily ahead of the BEGGING at home, so I just figured life could only get better. My agenda for the week included learning just what had happened with Barb on Saturday, burying my tongue between the large breasts of Glenna, learning more about the tall, slim,...

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Rey of Jakkus No Good Really Bad Awful Week

Rey had known it was going to bad week by the simple fact that it was always a bad week on Jakku – but emerging from a crippled hammerhead destroyer with a sack full of busted power couplers to find that three sand-scutters were sprinting towards a pair of speeders with at least two days worth of back breaking labor on their scrawny backs. “Hey!” Rey shouted, dropping the couplers and sprinting – her feet pounding across the rough, blaster and sand scarred hull plating that served as the...

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Dawns Final Week

It’s been two weeks since my parents let me know about Dad’s new job. I think I’ve been in denial. Half the house is empty or packed away in boxes, and over the weekend both my parents left me here to move everything to the new house. My final week at Summer Valley High will be on my own. I’m going to make sure I have no regrets. Monday 1st April. Early morning, before class: “Oh yeah baby, ooh fuck me like the dirty slut I am!” I bite my lip, my hand buried in my panties as I sit legs spread...

4 years ago
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119. ITS BEEN A FUNNY SORT OF WEEK WELL, what happened was that I like a huge number of others like to watch porn, logically the follow on from that is to watch it for real and that can mean cuckold if you’re a married man like me. Now cuckold to some means having a large black screwing the good lady. Now I am not racist, you sir could be black brown yellow red or white and it don’t bother me a jot; to screw my misses you just need a dick and a sense of humour cos though I wish to watch, I...

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Angels Week Of Religious Breeding Midweek

Tuesday morning alarm went off, and I was dragging big time. And so was Russell! He woke me up twice during the night, ready, willing and very able to refill my cunt with his cum. After a shower together, in which I had to stop him from doing me again, as we were running late, we had breakfast with mom, then on to school. We met Beverly at the bus stop, and the first ting she said was "Well, how many times did you get it yesterday?"I sighed, replying "I'm not sure.", as we climbed the bus. I...

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Sex Education Chapter 2 The Rest Of The First Week

On day two of Sex Ed, you woke up to reveille. A bugle played over a loudspeaker, and you had to hurry to shower and dress for breakfast, then off to class. Today, in the first minute of instruction, you were told to strip, then to lie down with your feet in the stirrups. Today the cadets would learn about pussy. The instructor insisted on calling it that.You, in your mind, thought of it as your cunt. You knew that you wanted it stuffed full of cock, that would fuck your brains out, and it was...

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A Whale of a Week

Water. The basic element of life. Four years have passed since Allie had got her university papers on the subject of marine biology and joined the South Austrailia Marine Biology Research Organization or SAMBRO. SAMBRO has been funded by the United States, Austrailia and the European Union. Only nominally. The organization had funds for only a small scale research facility in South America. Most of the organization only did research work on the mainland, but Allie and 2 other members kept up...

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The Bad Week

The bar was completely packed when I walked in. I wasn’t there to meet anyone, I just wanted a beer or two. My week at work had been completely horrible, with getting yelled at for doing my job and then the guy who had been lying about my work not having any consequences for it. I sat down at the bar, making sure to sit as far away from anyone else as I could. There were a few guys that would look at me and try to smile, but I would just glare at them and they would move on to other women in...

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A Satisfying Climax to Finals Week

Emily had just gotten out of her last class for finals. She was finally done with her sophomore year in college, which made her very excited. She was ready for the summer, but had very few plans. She took a trip to the library, where she got a text from her boyfriend, Tyler. He said, ‘Where are you? I need to see you.’ Emily became worried. She texted him immediately and told him that she was getting a few books, and that she’d like to meet up with him in the library at school. While she...

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That week

That week... by Debry White (debrywhite at live.com) This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. It was Friday in the middle of the summer, my boss had the day off and I had finished with all my assignments and I thought it was a good idea to take some extra time during the lunch hour to...

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Eternal Toilet SlaveChapter 4 First Week

I felt emotionally numb that night after they voted to keep me as their toilet slave. Damn! They have no right to keep me their slave because they voted to keep me! During the night, a thick muff, either Erica, Darcie, or Francesca came to me to shit. Then again some time later, maybe the same person even, came to me to pee. Then later still, a shaved pussy that I knew was Laurie came to pee. Once, Julie came to me to pee and lick her bloody pussy clean. I dozed between being used as a...

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