MaquisChapter 23 free porn video

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Portsmouth. June the same year.

It was hot out and Peter was lazing on the bed, half asleep, when he heard the front door open. “Oh bum,” he muttered. He was supposed to be doing revision for his final exams. He tensed, listening to see who it might be. It was more likely to be his mother than his father, but whoever it was was early, he hadn’t been expecting either for another hour.

He frowned as heavy footsteps sounded on the stairs. That wasn’t his mother, and his father would normally have gone into the lounge first, and straight to the liquor cabinet. What was he doing coming up stairs?

There was no time to waste. He quickly slipped his feet into some sandals and sat down at his desk, where his revision homework was open and waiting for him. He was a little worried now. Why was his father coming upstairs? He didn’t think he’d done anything wrong. He pretended to work. Maybe his father just needed the bathroom. His door opened and Peter tensed, his heart suddenly racing.

“Have you still got your air pistol?” Robbie asked his grandson from the bedroom door.

Peter looked up from his homework in surprise. “Oh, hi Granddad. Yes. I think it’s in the loft.” He shrugged, his heart rapidly slowing as he discovered it wasn’t his father after all. “Not used it in ages.”

Robbie nodded. “Can I borrow it please?”

“Er. Yeah. Sure. Have to wait until Dad gets home. “He knows where it is. He put it up there.”

Robbie was disappointed. He didn’t particularly like his son-in-law, and the feeling was mutual. He also wasn’t sure he trusted the man. Not for certain. “Don’t worry about it then. It’s not important enough to bother your father.”

“Okaaay,” Peter looked at his grandfather curiously. “Why did you want it? I’ve got some pellets somewhere round here I think.”

“Get them put up in the loft with the pistol then. In fact, it might be a good idea to get the whole lot out of the house sooner rather than later.”

“Why? It’s not illegal is it?”

“Technically no. At least I think not. But there was a Political Officer in town this morning harping on about recidivism, anti-revolutionaries, and other such cobblers. You know how much trouble there’s been ever since the government cancelled last month’s general elections.”

“Yeah. Dad thought it a fuss over nothing. He said Earth First were gonna win anyway so why bother, and since in his opinion they ought to win, it would have been a waste of money to hold them in the first place.”



“That your dad still calls them Earth First and not Truth And Freedom.”

Eighteen-year-old Peter looked at his grandfather, his mouth dropping open in surprise. “You know, I’ve never thought about it before. Why is it ‘the Earth First Government’, but the party is ‘Truth And Freedom’? I never really understood that.”

Robbie sank down onto the edge of the bed and Peter spun his chair around from his desk to face him. “It goes back to when the previous government fell,” began Robbie. “That was nominally a Tory government, but due to external pressures it became a cross party coalition. Then soon after all those kids were picked up by the Confederacy at the Buckingham Palace garden party, they lost a vote of no-confidence in the house, and the Prime Minister was forced to call an election.

“He lost the election. Can’t remember the numbers, but I seem to remember it wasn’t by much. But he lost it to a coalition of parties, groups and individuals calling themselves Earth First. Many years ago, a faction of UKIP broke off to become GBIP, basically the same, just a bit less radical. They renamed themselves Earth First, then later Humans First because they wanted to distance themselves from the terrorist attacks that were being committed in mainland Europe and in North America all under an Earth First banner.

“After the coalition was formed, it returned to the Earth First name, but at this stage it was still just the name of the coalition, and by osmosis the name of the government.”

“So Earth First isn’t a party as such?”

Robbie smiled slightly. “Not exactly. Not then anyway. When they won the election though, some of them decided to actually reform or re-create the Earth First Party by formally merging a number of the individual parties and independents. It was a bit of a mutt right from the start.”


Robbie grinned. “Heinz Varieties?”

At Peter’s blank look and shake of the head, Robbie sighed. “Where did you grow up?” he asked with a soft laugh. “It means a mongrel. A hybrid. A mixture. In this case you ended up with parties like UKIP which was a right wing party, trying to ally itself with the Humans First, a soft right party, and the Green Party which was, and still is, a left of centre party. Along with various other smaller parties and single independents from right across the political spectrum from fascist to communist. It worked at first, after a fashion, but the government was only in office for eighteen months because of rules that came in during the Cameron-Clegg government years ago, that basically set when the elections were to be held for the rest of the century.”


“It was a badly worded law. Carelessly worded at any rate. Until that point governments could be a maximum of five years, but could be shorter. There was one in the early seventies that only lasted a few months because the PM of the time had a small minority, and he thought he could do better by going back to the country. What the new law basically said was that all governments would now last five years. Prior to that the PM could call an election whenever he or she liked, with just four weeks’ notice. This new law stopped that and said that all governments were exactly five years long, unless special circumstances forced them out early, or the they got enough MP’s to agree to a vote in the house to allow it. And believe me, they often didn’t. What it meant was that a Prime Minister couldn’t just call an election because he felt it was convenient to do so, he had to ask permission of parliament.

“Unfortunately part of the law was badly worded, and in effect it set all the election dates until the end of this century in stone. What was intended was that if a there was an early election, the five year dates would then be recalculated, but because one particular clause of the act was badly worded, when George Brown’s government fell after just three and a half years, and the Earth First government was formed under Neil Conway, instead of them getting a full five year term, they only had an eighteen month term.

“The new Earth First Party won that second election, and with quite a big majority I seem to remember, but there was also a huge intake of new politicians from what would turn out to be an extremist right wing party. In combination with the fact that there were a lot of by-elections that were also producing Truth And Freedom party MP’s, the whole government lurched hugely to the right. Thing is, no one knew they were TaF at first. Most people thought they were just Earth First MP’s. A year or so later Conway, who was totally opposed to the TaF, was forced out of office by a manufactured scandal. This brought in one of Thorn’s toadies, a wonderful gentleman by the name of Peter Lester as PM. The man who banned the Confederacy, and the CAP cards. About that same time, Truth And Freedom revealed itself as a fully fledged political party. Before that people thought of it just as some sort of pseudo-political organisation.

“Could have only been months after that I suppose,” Robbie paused for a moment in thought, “mmm, could have been a bit longer, Lester could have been PM for over a year maybe,” he paused thinking back, “but whatever, Graham Thorn stabbed him in the back, politically speaking, and conned his way into number ten, and that’s where we are today.”

“Is it true Thorn killed someone?”

“I doubt he did any actual killing himself, but everyone believes he ordered it. You’re talking about Lucy Cadwallader?”

“Dunno. There’s stories going around school that he’s killed a few people.”

“Hmm. There’s no real doubt in my mind, and in many others, that he did order her murder. And it’s also strongly believed he ordered other killings as well. Some people believe he was at least partially responsible for the attack on Queen Beatrice just before last Christmas.”

“She wasn’t hurt, was she?”

“No. She was damn lucky though. The bomb went off early, so would have just missed her had she been on time, but of course as you know she was running a few minutes late anyway. More crucially though, it failed to go off properly so the damage and injuries were minor.”

“Oh. So the Government is called Earth First because that was what they were called when they were elected?”

“Basically. There are really only two types of people who still call it Earth First. Those who want to hide the fact that Truth And Freedom are really an extreme right wing party, and to cover it with a veneer of respectability left over from the initial Earth First; and those who want to pretend it’s still what it was, and hope, against all signs to the contrary, that it will go back that way again. Sadly, I think your dad is the former.”

“Did you vote Earth First granddad?”

Robbie shook his head. “No. Right from the start they were rabidly anti-Confederacy, though for many different reasons; sometimes radically opposing and contradictory reasons. I was, and still am, pro-Confederacy.” He looked at his grandson and frowned slightly.

“You do know what the Confederacy is? Don’t you?”

Peter nodded. “I think so. I remember being told about it at school years ago, and for a while it was talked about, but then it just seemed to fade away. I don’t remember people talking much about it at all after that.”

“That was because one of the first thing Conway’s EF government did was to ban any mention of the Confederacy in schools and colleges and in the press, then during the second EF government under Peter Lester they also banned the Confederacy from formally recruiting in the UK, and later forced them to close all their offices. When it was discovered that the Irish Republic was still pro-Confederacy, and people from Northern Ireland were going to the south to get CAP cards and get collected, that border was closed, and all CAP cards were banned. Hence the low levels of troubles that have started erupting in Northern Ireland again. Anyone who had a CAP card was required to turn it in and be registered. In fact though, most people just destroyed them instead and didn’t register.”


“People may have had to give them up, but they didn’t want to go onto some government database saying that they’d had one in the first place. It was about that time that social media began to be much more closely monitored in this country. Getting onto foreign owned or based web sites is much harder than it used to be.”

“Oh. Yes I’d noticed that. Most of the instant messaging apps have been banned as well.” Peter paused for a moment. “Did you have a card, Granddad?”


“What did it do?”

“Well, what it would have done, was allow me to be collected by the Confederacy, and also to become a citizen within the Confederacy.”

“Isn’t that the same thing?”

Robbie smiled slightly and shook his head. “No. Unfortunately this is where some of the hatred and misunderstanding with regards to the Confederacy, and to CAP cards, came from. To get a CAP card, you had to be tested. The testing was done in such a way that afterwards you cannot remember much about it, and what you do remember you cannot easily talk about. Some form of protective hypnosis I expect. It meant you couldn’t prime someone else, tell them what to say or do.

“After the test, you got a CAP score. That was,...”

“What does CAP stand for?” Interrupted Peter. “I’m sure I’ve heard it somewhere, but I’m not sure.”

“Capacity, Aptitude, Potential, I believe.”

“Oh, okay, thanks. Sorry. Go on.”

“Um, oh yeah, well the CAP score itself is a number between nought and ten. I was told by my tester that it’s physically impossible for anyone to get zero or ten, and that those who do, have actually got fractionally off that, but it is rounded to zero or ten.”

“So someone who actually only got nine point nine will be rounded to ten?”

“Sort of. CAP scores go up in units of point one, and are made up of lots of sub-scores. When combined, I’ve been told they can end up with any number of digits after the decimal point, so they need to be rounded. A nine point nine-four score will be rounded to nine point nine, but a nine point nine-six will be rounded to ten. Crucially though, a nine point nine-five goes down to nine point nine, not the ten that some might expect. The point is though, that anyone who gets a ten, has probably actually got a 9·96 or something like that. A perfect ten, and a perfect zero, are, I was told, a physical impossibility.”

“Has anyone ever got a ten?”

“Three I believe.” He paused in thought. “Okay. Right, so you’ve got your score. Now what exactly does that do? Well, just having the card, and therefore a score, means you’re allowed to be extracted. If you’ve never been tested, you cannot be extracted, no matter what score you might have got had you been tested. Sadly it’s what the scores mean that’s where difficulties lie.” He paused and stretched his back, rolling his shoulders. “You know your maths, right?”


“If the minimum is zero, and the max. is ten, what is the average?”


“Correct. The testing is deliberately designed so that the average score is five point nought. That’s not the whole story though. The Confederacy only wanted the best people. So they set a limit. They set a lower bound of six point five. No one with a score below that was to be allowed to be extracted. Luckily the people negotiating pointed out that that wasn’t entirely acceptable, nor totally suitable, so now people with lower scores can be extracted, but they have lots of limitations in what they can and cannot do. Those people can’t go in their own right, they have to be taken by someone with a higher score. Anyone with a score of six-five or higher can take at least another two people with a lower score with them, but those people become the property of the higher score citizens. Historically that would have been called slavery, which is just one of a number of reasons why people like Thorn and his thugs claim to be against them.

“All children under the age of fourteen, from both the sponsor and the ‘slaves’ can also be taken, without any limitations as to numbers. So one person with a score of six-six, could take two people with lower scores, plus his own under-fourteen-year-old children, plus all the under-fourteen’s of the other people he might take. In theory I suppose, he could end up with a dozen or more children, all under fourteen years old.”

“One of our teachers says those other people were taken to some of the Arab countries as sex slaves. That’s not true is it?”

“No. This is where some of the bad vibes really came from. The lower score people, the ‘slaves’, were taken primarily as breeding stock. In other words, if a man got collected as a citizen, he would take two women with him, and their only job, or primary job at least, was to pump out babies as fast as they could while he went off and fought this alien enemy. The Swarm.”

“But how do you know any of that’s true? How do you know they’re really going into space? How do you know there’s this alien swarm? How do you know? Have you had proof of any of it?”

Robbie smiled sadly. “Yes, actually. Unfortunately it’s not something I can just show you.” He pointed upwards. “Up there are millions of humans, living, fighting, surviving. And dying. Trying to prevent Earth from being invaded. They won’t succeed, not entirely, but hopefully they will buy us the time to set up proper defences and to resist properly when the time comes.”

“So when will they come? These aliens I mean?”

Robbie frowned. “They were originally expected a few months ago. Last autumn I think, so they’re late. The current estimate is about twelve to fifteen months from now.”

“But what is Thorn doing to help?”

“Nothing. And that’s another problem. He has actually made it so bad, that if they landed here in Britain, right now, they would overrun us in days. Hours probably.”

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Leana Lovings has decided that it is national disobedience day, so she decides it’s time to act out. She is getting ready to go tout with her friends when her stepbrother, Codey Steele, comes to see if Leana is ready to go to her mom’s party, Leana announces that that’s not happening and takes off. Later, she’s sitting on the couch in a bikini when Codey comes downstairs to ask if she’s heading to the pool. Today, though, Leana announces that it’s national...

2 years ago
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A strange little tale about a guy and his more than human girlfriend

She was human, but she wasn’t… It’s hard to explain. At least most of her was human. She was originally an experiment. Half of her genes were human, the other half were that of an albino tigress. The way she turned out is just fine by me. She is covered by short, fine fur, her head is somewhat tigerish, and she has an exquisite tail. It really doesn’t matter. All that is really important is that we love each other and that we love what we engage in. She is my mistress,...

3 years ago
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Cassandras Curse Ch 04

Nigel seemed all sorts of excited as he entered the main room where he’d set Cass to eat after letting her sleep for a long time on his couch. He plopped a big giant thick book on the table in front of her. ‘Lerajie.’ He pointed to the page it was turned to. Cass lifted her gaze questioningly, her fork frozen mid-air as he said the name. ‘Huh?’ she said quizzically but then remembered … he meant Raj. Lowering her fork and gaze simultaneously, she looked over the opened page curiously. Nigel...

2 years ago
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Master Jon and I

Me: “I’m not going to submit to you so easily this time, Jon.” I curl up in a ball in the corner refusing your touch or words.  Master: I run my fingers through your hair and lovingly lift your chin. My lips meet yours and my tongue slides in your mouth to meet your tongue. My fingers scratch your head slightly and I slide in closer and closer. Me: I let your tongue enter my mouth and meet it with my warm tongue. My arms still holding my knees close to my chest I start to let go, but catch...

3 years ago
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Crowded Club

I was in a really loud, very crowded club. It was a great place, and the women outnumbered the men at least two to one. Most of the were probably just there for fun, but there was a sexual atmosphere that could not be denied.I went to grab a drink, and there was no line at the bar - it was more like a mob. People were packed in like sardines, slowly moving toward the bar. I took a spot and gradually migrated into the pack. About five minutes into this, I realized that I was virtually...

2 years ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 20

Tracy woke up Friday morning, just like she went to sleep the night before, her face buried in Christina’s cunt. She started licking her, so that Christina would be gently awakened for her day. Once she was awake, Tracy moved to Linda’s cunt to do the same. Soon, she was also awake and they got up to get things ready. The two girls used the bathroom and took nice warm showers, while Tracy waited on the floor beside the tub, on her knees. She had to pee, but knew she had to hold it until she...

1 year ago
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Preacher8217s Trap

Hi readers, I’m here to narrate my sexstory of how a preacher trapped my widow mother using her depression and weakness to have an illegitimate physical relationship with her. My father died in an accident when I was 19 yrs. and my mother was only 39 yrs. Old. The news of my father’s death hit us hard like a bullet. Me and my mother both went into a trauma and agony. Our relatives turned there back on us. No one helped us. As my father worked in a govt. the company I was offered a job in the...

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Her First Time at a Nude Beach Part 2

From Part 1: “No, YOU made the mess,” I chided. I giggled back. It was only then that she kissed me – just a quick peck on the lips. She pushed me over backward and leaped up, running for the surf. I watched her go, amazed again at the natural wonderfulness of her. At the water’s edge, she turned quickly. “You coming?” she called. Yes. Yes, I was. We splashed in the surf like kids. We wandered up and down the beach. We sat and talked until mid-afternoon. By mutual, unspoken agreement, we...

Straight Sex
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Player Retired

Once again I have to thank my editor ‘wires’ for his assistance. This time he went above and beyond the call of duty in his assistance. I could not believe how much better this story was when he returned it to me. I am a typical author though and i made some changes after he returned it. As always, the errors are mine. Thank you wires. ***** Dave Stebbins came home from school Thursday afternoon like he always did. He was tired and bored, anxious to get home and do something fun for a change....

4 years ago
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My sisters familar

(Feel free to add new chapers.Nothing will happe. If you dont add on. Im to lazzy to.) Dan walked into the street leading up to his house. Another day of crummy school over. Now he was 18, he didn't actually have to go to school. Well, technically. Of course his parents wouldn't let him quit. He'd come too far to give up now. He wished he didn't have to go to school, like his sister Kat. It was her 19th birthday today. Dan didn't get her a present, of course. He never did. It wasn't like she...

3 years ago
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ReginaldChapter 8

“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...

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You Are Really Going to Enjoy Swinging AgainChapter 3

“Hello Pete, I’m James Wright. And this...” Kristy brought James wife around to stand next to her husband. “ ... is my wife...” “Sis!?” “Petey!? I grabbed Deb in my arms and lifted her off the floor. My wife, Kristy, and James, my sister Deb’s husband, stood there in abject shock. “You two know each other?” Kristy asked. “Kristy, this is my sister!” “Deb? That Deb?” Kristy’s eyes shot wide open. “Yes!” I kissed her on the lips a bit longer than a normal brother and sister should...

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Through the YearsChapter 14 More of the Cruise

We showered and got ready to go to the pool to eat and lay in the sun. I was enjoying the view of my girls and their gorgeous bald pussies, noticing that we were all rather red in our private areas. I especially noticed Tam looking at her pussy in the full length mirror. “Oh my God, I was going to go nude to the pool but now I’m going to have to wear my bottoms. My pussy is so red that it would be too embarrassing for anyone to see it.” Tam said. “I think maybe we all ought to just go...

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Cuckolding The Married ManChapter 5 The verdict

I got up early the next morning. I had a hard time sleeping so I thought I go to the courthouse early. Anything just to pass the time. I got there about a half an hour early and there was quite a bit of commotion. As I entered the building the police asked me if they could speak with me? I said of course and we went to one of the offices. They asked me where I was the night before. I asked what this was about, they said I'd find out later so please just answer the question. I told them...

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Commanding PresenceChapter 2 Cause and Effect

Evan mulled over what Dr. Black had talked about during their last session. Is that what Mom needed, a little direction in her life? Is that what she lost when Dad died? Maybe the best thing to do would be to try some experiments. He could even write down what happened, what he said and the circumstances surrounding it. At least that would give him something concrete to talk to Dr. Black about. What did he have to lose? He decided to start the next day. It was a Saturday; he had no practices...

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Mountain Air

My buddy, Ty, and I decided that we would take a week during the summer to ride our horses up into the mountains and camp to get away from it all. School had been really tough and I needed a break. So we backed our gear and headed out the back door. Our homes are near the national forest so we could just ride. We rode along ways, most of the day. We found a nice place to camp. It was very isolated, or so we thought. About a hundred yards from us was another camp, we happened upon each other...

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Dr Zaaijer Family Therapist Part 4 conclusion

All in all, neither Jack nor Michaelina looked exactly as they had 'before.' but there was enough similarities so that no one would question the identity of either. Everyone knew about the accident and they all had assumed that they would be slightly different. Michaelina was still growing so her appearance was expected to change anyway. Michaelina's lessons on makeup, hair, nails and fashion where making big impact on her appearance. She was becoming more confident with...

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Adventure With My Fan8217s Brother

Hello amigos…..I am Neha and I am back with a bang…..I mean literally. Sorry for taking a long break. I got married recently so could not get time for my new adventure. This happen a few weeks back. Naughty boys and girls spread the love as usual and do give me your feedback to Well, I got married and moved to a new place. Everything was new and my husband was very sweet and good in bed. Every night we had an adventure and were enjoying it through the core. To be practical, as time progressed,...

2 years ago
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The Gay Boy

The Gay BoyBy: Londebaaz ChohanFor no reason teen boy Noor’s focus of thoughts turned on to his brother and he was compelled to think if his brother was also awake and not only that but was he also having the same strange thoughts and feelings. Was that the reason that his brother sighed. These were a few questions in the gay teen Noor’s curious but not very mature mind. Bilkul u*********s movement kay saath ouska haath moved back to his rigid but still developing sized cock. Neend bhi ousko...

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Playing DoctorChapter 6 Taking the plunge

From the silence that followed my agreement to go away, I assumed that I had caught them all off guard; they had all marshaled their arguments for my expected resistance and now had to reorganize their thoughts. That amused me in a kind of dark way. While Keven was making a phone call, Danny opened the door and let the detective in. His expression told me his news hadn't changed for the better. "Are you feeling better, Miss?" At my nod, he pulled up a chair, looked at me for a moment and...

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the wrecker moves on

My upstairs flat looked out onto a new housing development that had been built on some reclaimed retail land just across the road from me, I had noticed a pretty brunette that had moved in a few months earlier with her “partner“, I would have guessed that she was perhaps in her early thirties, very attractive about 5ft 6inches tall with a slender waist and a nice round ass, and her tits looked well proportioned too, so I had made a point of saying hello to them at every opportunity and...

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Naked and HelplessChapter 3

The first thing Jill did when she got home was to turn on the electric heater in her bedroom and change into a warm robe. Fortunately, Josephine was out in the garden, so the young girl was spared a boring monologue. The second thing Jill did was to count the money she had made that day. Sixty-five dollars! This was her best day ever! She looked again at the discreet engraved business card Ernesto Garcia had given to her. A thousand conflicting thoughts were swirling like dry leaves in her...

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Beautiful Nightmare Palace of the Damned

I had only been waking a little way now the terrain was slabbed with burning torches, I was so close to the palace of Emperor Longdong, in fact I could see up ahead to shadowy figures coming towards me, more Penis Warriors well I had nothing to fear might as well check out the cocks."Hello Gents" As well as being naked except for me bag and shoes, reckoned that would get their attention, it did they stood either side of me and spoke in their growly tongue "You are the one everyone has been...

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The Bet Chapter 44

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 44 (Sunday - week 7) Fear! Fear and heartbreak! Fear and heartbreak... and humiliation! That's what he felt. In his dream, he was sitting at his desk, while person after person came by and berated him for what he was. Over and over again, someone new came into his cubicle to tell him in no uncertain terms what a disgrace he was... how disgusting he was. The only one who didn't was Robin. He could clearly see her standing back in...

1 year ago
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Her 1st BBC client part 1

Beth was a 36, year old massage ther****t, Married with to k**s. She had only been a masseuse for less then a year because she had been a stay at home mom for most of her marriage. Now that her c***dren were a bit older she decided to pursue a career. Despite having almost a year under her belt at the parlor she'd never given a massage to a black man, and that's exactly who just walk into the door. Located in the suburbs the parlor doesn't get alot of black customers. Beth was a healthy, but...

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first ever story i wrote

It was a georgous hot afternoon in July my trip to Italy was nearly over , Naples is a beautiful city. i was wandering up and down the scenic streets looking at the historical building when a gust of wind swept my hat and blew down the street. A man dressed in white trousers and white shirt half unbuttoned picked it up. I went up to him and thanked him "grazie signore" i learnt a few words in my stay. The tanned man smiles noticing my bad accent said "your not from here are you?" I was happy he...

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Sarah Gets TrainedChapter 12

Horse Thieves and Cattle Rustlers The fair at Stone's farm was a great success. Vicki was not entered into this fair as her production was still not in the competitive range. But she was allowed to observe the proceedings. She was somewhat dismayed to watch her sister being led around by her nose ring behind Stone's cart. But she quickly over came that feeling as she observed the envy and lust in the faces of the other owners as they watched Sarah walking so proudly behind her owner. Her...

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Jock Strap by loyalsock

"Sarah, can you please lock up for me today," Mr. James asked while putting on his trench cost, "I'm meeting my wife for dinner down town, I'd really appreciate it!?!" "No problem, Mr. J," Sarah Wagner replied while pulling down down the shade over the front door and giving the lock a twist, "I'd be glad to, and tell Mrs. James hi for me, okay!?!" "Sure will," he answered while heading for the back door, "and thanks again, see ya manana!!!" Sarah went directly to the cash register and pulled...

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Captivated Ch 00 Prologue

This is a romance with nonhuman elements. It is a chapter story that I’ll update as quickly as time allows. This is an original work of fiction. Copyright © 2015 by Catharina_Lit ~ All rights reserved. This work or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a review. Thank you for respecting my hard work. Enjoy! **** The Enchantment When asleep the ocean sound,...

3 years ago
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The Young WifeChapter 7

The alarm went off. “Shit! Monday morning. I snuggled down into the warm bed dreading the thought of going to work. I pushed my bum back into Rob’s lap and tried to get back to sleep, but his hand slid down my belly and, without any foreplay at all thrust into my vagina. “Ouch! Rob! What the fuck!” I woke up pretty quickly! “Shush.” We’ve just got time if we don’t mess around.” And with that tender expression of love he rolled me onto my back and tried to push into me. Oh dear, another...

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