MaquisChapter 26 free porn video

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Blackwood, south Wales, a few days before Christmas

It was just after one in the afternoon on the last Friday before Christmas and the pub was busier and noisier than it had been in a little while. People appeared happy, celebrating the rapidly approaching Christmas, but there was a brittle atmosphere, as if no one could quite work out whether they were allowed to be happy, allowed to be here. There were two parties in, obviously a couple of works Christmas do’s. Twenty-one women from the local bread factory, at one large table, and a smaller party of nine, mostly men, from a local firm of solicitors, sat at another on the other side of the room. The larger party was loud and raucous, obviously factory line workers, with lots of laughter, along with lots of food and drink. The other was far more sober, with a lot more intense discussion around their meal. They had almost as much to drink, but consumed slower and with more deliberation.

There were a number of other couples and families who had also ordered food, and the odd single drinker. It was a large pub, with seating for just under two hundred and standing room for more. In years past it would have been completely full at this time of the day and year, with people standing around and waiting to be seated for meals. So even though there were about sixty patrons in, it was only the raucous noise that made it seem fuller than it was.

Not far from the main entrance sat one Timothy Eaton. He was nursing a single beer, had been drinking, very slowly, for nearly an hour and still hadn’t drunk much more than half of his pint. He was looking for someone, waiting for someone. He didn’t know who he was waiting for, but he was pretty certain he would recognise that person when he, or she, appeared.

Across the other side of the pub sat Jonas Priestley. He had arrived some five minutes after Timothy, and he too was discreetly watching the main door, waiting for someone. Like Timothy Eaton, he didn’t know who he was waiting for. Jonas was less certain he would recognise that person, less certain that there would be anyone today. But hoped. Neither men could see each other, and neither was aware of the other’s presence. Timothy had seen Jonas arrive and only knew he wasn’t the person he was waiting for, so dismissed him from his mind. Both were waiting for the same thing, for the same person, but for very different reasons.

What changed was Siôn Williams arriving in the pub, along with four other men. Siôn is the Welsh form of, and pronounced the same as, the Irish Seán, or even the English Shawn. Of course all are simply a variation of the name John. Siôn had been a rugby player at school, not a particularly good one, but he’d enjoyed playing and had kept it up by now playing for Blackwood RUFC in the fourth team. He was big, muscular, and very strong, but rather uncoordinated. He was not the sharpest tool in the box, but was one of the softest, kindest, gentlest men you could ever hope to meet, and currently worked as a labourer for the local council, helping to repair local roads. It was the size of the five men that attracted the attention of both Timothy Eaton and Jonas Priestly. The other four, though still obviously big and strong, were not as big and bulky as Siôn. It had been Siôn’s size that initially drew the attention of Tim and Jonas, but the fact that all five were so big was what kept their attention.

Jonas reacted first. As Siôn got to the bar with his friends, Jonas stood.

“Hey Gip,” one of other men said to the barman. “Five best please, and a few bags of crisps, cheese and onion, salt and vinegar and a couple of ready salted.”

Gip, the barman, nodded, smiling. “How’s it going guys? Haven’t seen you for a while. You ordering food as well?”

Siôn and one other shook their heads, but a third asked for a menu, which Gip handed over.

While Gip was pulling the pints of Brains ‘best’ bitter, Jonas slowly and deliberately approached the bar. Behind him, and unseen by him, Timothy was also approaching, and could now see that Jonas was looking to talk to the people he’d been looking to talk to.

“Who are you guys?” asked Jonas suspiciously. He dropped his voice slightly. “Are you guys Confederacy Marines? Is this a collection?”

Timothy hadn’t heard exactly what Jonas had said, but he had heard the words ‘Confederacy’ and ‘collection.’ He moved forwards, his face now lighting up with excitement.

“Huh?” It was Siôn who responded first, but only because he was facing the pair. “Hywel?”

The man who had placed the initial order turned. “What?”

Gip had also noticed what was happening and frowned, but he was in the middle of pulling a pint.

“Are you, or are you not, Confederacy Marines?” asked Jonas again, firmly and clearly, but quietly. “Is this a collection?”

“No.” Said Hywel. He stared firmly at Jonas.

Jonas frowned just as Timothy arrived. “What’s going on?” Timothy asked. “Are you collecting for the Confederacy?”

“We’re in for a fuckin’ lunchtime drink,” snapped Hywel. “Now piss off, both of you.”

Gip moved forwards, passing over the drinks that Hywel had ordered a couple of minutes earlier. “What’s going on?” he asked cautiously. He’d known the road crew for a couple of years and knew that Hywel, despite being the foreman, had a notoriously short temper.

“These knobs think we’re some sort of confederation collection team,” Hywel said scornfully, turning back to the bar.

“Well I think you are,” Jonas said sharply. “Why else would you come in here? You look like you’re in disguise. You must be a collection team.”

“We’ve come in ‘ere now ‘cos it’s lunchtime. Right?” snarled Hywel. “An’ we’re ‘ungry. ‘An thirsty. More’n that it’s fuckin’ cold out and we’ve been fixing pot’oles for the fuckin’ council. That’s why we’re dressed like this. Right? Got that? Now piss off and leave us alone!” The last bit had got louder and more forceful. He glared menacingly at Jonas, his fists balling.

Jonas just stared back, frowning suspiciously.

“Go and sit down sir,” Gip, the barman, said to Jonas. “I’ve known these guys for years. Siôn there plays for the local rugby club, and Hywel used to. They are not and never have been anything to do with the aliens.”

Still standing four or five feet behind Jonas, Timothy’s face fell. He was disappointed, but he accepted Gip’s assertion. Jonas glanced briefly at Gip, then nodded once and backed slowly off. It was evident he didn’t really believe what he’d been told, but would accept it for now. He turned and spotted Timothy. “Who are you?” he asked quietly but with a bit of snap in his tone.

“Me? I was just hoping they were collecting. Collecting for the Confederacy.”


“Why? Why not? I’d like to go. I can tell you do too. I know you saw how big they were and from the rumours guessed they must be a collection team of some sort. It’s why I guessed.” Timothy seemed almost breathless following his excitement and disappointment.

“You think they are?” asked Jonas.

“I did. But the barman says he knows them and they’re not.”

“Hmm. I’m not convinced. I still think it’s a put-up. They’re pretending.”

Timothy frowned in puzzlement. “Pretending what? That they are, or that they’re not?”

“Pretending they’re not,” said Jonas shortly. “There’s no way they’re just a road repair crew. No way. Just look at them. They’ve got to be a collection team. And I’m gonna prove it.”

“How? If they start a collection that proves one way, but what if they are and you’ve scared them off. Now they won’t and you’ll never know for certain.”

Jonas frowned, looking at the floor while he thought furiously. He looked up. “Come on. I know how.”

Timothy hesitated for a moment then followed the other man out of the pub and into the carpark. “What?” asked Timothy.

“I’ll know it when I don’t see it,” muttered Jonas.

“Huh?” Now Timothy was confused, but he followed Jonas.

“I think they’re just checking it out. The pubs pretty empty so I don’t think they’re gonna collect anyway. They were just checking it out. They’ll probably actually collect tomorrow.”

“Why do you think they’re not a road crew?”

“When have you ever seen a mobile road crew bigger than three?”

“Loads of times,” Timothy said.

“Really?” Jonas asked sceptically, looking at him with raised eyebrows.

Timothy nodded. “So what are you checking out here?”

“You’ll see. Or rather, you won’t.” Jonas sounded completely sure of himself. Timothy was still confused, but this time just mentally shrugged and followed Jonas, hoping to be let in on the secret.

It was actually quite a large carpark that went around three sides of the building. The two men walked around to the back. “Oh,” said Jonas, disappointment very evident in his voice.

“What?” asked Timothy, still puzzled.

Jonas pointed at two vans parked at the end. “I was sure they wouldn’t be here.”

The two vans so indicated, one a smaller car-derived-van, the other a larger transit van sized vehicle, both had Caerphilly County Borough Council Highway Maintenance signs on the side.

“Oh!” Timothy suddenly understood. “If they weren’t who they said they were, those vans wouldn’t’ve been there.”

“Exactly.” He paused. “Bet it’s just cover. They’re clever. Even cleverer than I thought. They must have guessed.”

“Not convinced,” Timothy said. “I do think they’re exactly who they said they are.”

Jonas looked at him, frowning. “You think they are just council workers?”

“I do.”

“And if they are, or had been, a collection team?”

“Well, I want to be collected. I want to get away. I don’t like Thorn. I never did even when he was just a back bencher. I don’t like what he’s done to this country, and what he’s doing to it. Still doing to it.”

Jonas just nodded slowly. “Have you got a car here?”

“Uh huh. Why?”

“Go grab it. Bring it closer, park it, ... oh ... over there.” He pointed at a spot half a dozen bays away from the vans.”

Timothy nodded and turned away.

Five minutes later, Jonas re-entered the pub. Gip raised his eyes for a moment, just to check who was coming through the door, but then turned back to his task at hand: pouring three glasses of good brandy. He had already poured a gin and tonic, as well as a couple of glasses of red wine, a scotch and two glasses of orange. For the drivers of that particular party, he assumed. Timothy wasn’t with Jonas, but Gip didn’t think anything of it, he didn’t always notice who was coming in and out.

Re-seating himself, Jonas took a pull from his drink, a large cola, and then just carried on waiting. However what he was waiting for had changed as now he kept an eye on the group of men who claimed to be council workers. He still wasn’t convinced about their story and planned on following them after they left. To that end he had moved his car from one side of the carpark closer to where the two vans were and closer to the exit.

Hywel and his crew all ordered plates of sandwiches, which came ten minutes later along with a second drink, so Jonas had nearly an hour more to wait before his targets stood and began to make their way out.

“See ya!” Hywel called to Gip.

“Take care guys, see ya soon.”

Jonas wandered up to the bar. “Sorry about earlier,” he said to Gip. “They really do look a bit like how you would imagine a confederacy collection team might look. And I was sort of hoping, well, you know.”

Gip nodded. “Another drink?”

“Cola please. No ice.”

The drink poured and paid for, Gip was about to turn away when Jonas spoke again. “Sorry, you can probably guess from my accent that I’m not exactly local, but those names. Are they Welsh names?”

Gip nodded. “Hywel,” he pronounced it ‘Howell’ then spelt it out for Jonas. “And Siôn,” again he pronounced it ‘Shawn’ and spelt it out. “Reasonably common Welsh names. Yes.” He smiled slightly. “There’s a female equivalent of Siôn, Siân. Instead of an ‘Oh’ with a circumflex, it’s an ‘Ay’ with circumflex and pronounced ‘Sharn’ rather than ‘Shawn’.”

Jonas smiled slightly. “Okay. Ta.”

“And if you really want to show yourself as less ignorant than most Englishmen in Wales, the circumflex has a number of names, but is most commonly, colloquially, called ‘to bach’. Little roof.”

Jonas laughed. “Little roof! I like that. Don’t people call houses something like that? Particularly retirement houses. Or something.”

It was Gip’s turn to laugh. He laughed uproariously. “Ty Bach. Little House. Yes. But only the ignorant call it that. It does indeed mean Little House. But ‘little house’ is another name for ‘out house’.” He roared with laughter again. Jonas looked at him puzzled for a moment, then broke into a small smile as he realised. The ‘out house’ was the name for the old fashioned outside lavatory. So people calling their house Ty Bach, were unintentionally called their house ‘the lavatory’. Within a few moments he was laughing along with Gip.

“Very good,” he said, trying to get his laughter under control. “I’ll have to remember that one. Thank you.”

At that moment Hywel came back in. “Don’t suppose you’ve got a foot pump have you?” he asked Gip. The tyre on one of the vans is soft. Must have a slow leak.”

“I’ve got an electric one,” Jonas said softly. “Plugs into the cigarette lighter and can get up to about 35psi. If that’s any good to you?”

“Yeah, that’d be good. Thanks.”

Jonas drank half his glass of cola in one, and put it down on the bar, pushing it towards Gip, nodding. “Thanks.”

Gip smiled slightly and picked up the glass to empty and wash it.

Turning to Hywel, Jonas nodded. “Lead on.”

They left the pub and Jonas turned to walk to his car. Hywel waited by the pub door, as his van was the other way. Jonas turned. “Oh, er. Where’s your van?” He knew but had suddenly realised he wasn’t supposed to know.

Hywel pointed to the side of the building. “Just round by there.”

Jonas shuddered delicately, but nodded and turned back to his car. “I’ll drive it round,” he called over his shoulder. The Welsh habit of putting the word ‘by’ in front of the word ‘there’ or ‘here’ when referring to places or directions, irritated him far more than it should. “Over by there?” he muttered to himself. “Over there! Fuckin’ erks. Not ‘round by there’. ‘Round there’. ‘Over by here?’ Shit!” He knew it shouldn’t annoy him, but it did.

He took a deep breath to calm himself and got into his car. Manoeuvring out of the space he saw Hywel by the corner waiting for him. He flashed his headlights briefly then moved slowly forwards. Hywel disappeared around the corner. He was almost to the vans when Jonas caught up with him. He could see the almost flat tyre. But then, he’d let the air out, and stood with the barman, all hoping for something like this. It seemed to be his lucky day so far.

It took him a couple of minutes to pump up the tyre to the the requisite 32PSI, while the five council workers, supposedly, stood around watching, not saying much. When he’d finished, he unplugged everything and stood up. “You should get one of these. They’re only twenty-odd quid.”

“You think council’ll pay for somat like that?” Hywel asked with a scornful laugh. “Yeah right!” He stuck out his hand. “Thanks for the loan anyroad.”

Jonas took the hand. It was hard, rough and calloused. Exactly how a labourers might be. Or maybe an infantryman? Jonas wondered, suddenly no longer quite so sure as he had been. He expected an infantryman’s hand and grip to be hard, but quite this calloused and rough? He smiled briefly and nodded.

The workmen got back into their vehicles and drove off. Jonas gave it a few seconds then casually followed them. Ten minutes later he knew he’d been wrong. “Fuck!” he snapped, watching them as they started to work. The men were exactly what they’d said they were: council workers repairing pot holes in the roads.

“Back to fucking square one,” he groused. It was too risky to head back to that pub today, the barman, Gip, would surely get more than a bit puzzled. “What a strange name,” thought Jonas suddenly. He shrugged. “Short form? Nickname of some sort? Welsh name he’d not come across?” He puzzled over it for a moment, but then just shrugged it off.

The ringing phone dragged him, kicking and screaming, from his sleep. He looked at the bedside clock. “Shit,” he groused. He’d been in bed barely an hour. He picked up the phone and looked at the caller display.

“Mother!” He snapped. “It’s nine in the morning and I’ve only just come off a night shift. I told you that yesterday. I’m on again tonight so I need my sleep.”

“I’m sorry Colin, but it’s important,” came the voice of his mother. It sounded like she’d been crying.

“What’s up?” Tiredness and a touch of embarrassment from snapping at his mother made him blunt.

“Have you heard from your brother recently?”

“I have two brothers!” Colin muttered brusquely.

“Sorry, sorry. Timothy. Have you heard from Timothy?”

“Not since Thursday. Why?”

“Did he say anything?”

Colin tried to think back three days. “No. I don’t think so. Why?”

“He was supposed to be coming home for Christmas. He told me last week he’d be here yesterday. I wasn’t too worried when he didn’t arrive, but I left him a message on his phone. I was hoping he’d be here by now. I’ve tried ringing him a few times but he’s not answering.”

“Maybe he’s driving,” Colin said bluntly. Almost harshly.

“Yes but he has that system that allows him to connect his phone to the car so he can talk and still be hands free.”

Colin sighed. “Blue tooth. Yes. I’ve got it too. Maybe he hasn’t switched it on. I rarely do.”

“He usually does...”

Colin interrupted his mother. “Mother. If he left home at a reasonable time, he won’t be there for another hour. At least.” He sighed. “Look. I need my sleep, but if he hasn’t arrived, or at least been in touch, by mid-day, call me back. Okay?”

“I’m sorry love. I know you work hard but I’m worried. Your youngest brother is smart, but he’s also naive.”

“I’m sorry too Mum. I didn’t mean to snap, but I’m shattered. We were mad busy last night. I need to get some rest. Is it okay if you call me later?”

“Yes love. Of course.” And without waiting for her son to reply, she hung up.

Colin sighed, hung up, lay down again and was asleep in seconds.

The next call came at ten past twelve. Again waking him from a deep sleep. He looked at the clock and sighed, knowing it was his mother again. Evidently Tim still wasn’t home.

“He’s not arrived?”

“No. But something funny is going on. I had a call from the Security Patrol about half an hour ago.”

“Oh?” Colin was suddenly wide awake.

“His car was reported as abandoned in a pub carpark a good few miles from where he lives. Apparently it’s been there since Friday. Friday lunchtime.”

“Friday?” Colin was worried now. His brother hadn’t mentioned going to the pub, though that wasn’t unusual. More importantly though, there were four or five nice pubs within easy walking distance of his brother’s small flat, so why had he gone to one so far away that he had to drive there? In any case he didn’t normally do pubs at lunchtime as he was working or studying. The more he thought about it, the odder it sounded. “Did they say which pub? Where?”

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As he approached the window of the hair salon David slowed his pace, as he always did when passing a hair salon, so as to get a brief glimpse inside the hidden world of femininity that lay behind the window. Ever since he could remember he had been fascinated by hairdressing, hairdressers and of course salons. There was something so wonderfully girlish about the whole process and he had always felt drawn to salons. As a young child he remembered that his mother and his sister had...

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Camping trip

Back when I was in Jr high it was a couple of days before Easter break. My friend David said he and his dad were going camping and wanted to know if I could go. When I got home I asked if I could. Mother said as long as it was OK with his parents. The next day I told David I could go. Great he said. We made plans when to meet up and what to take. Thursday after school I packed my bag and waited for him and his dad. A knock at the door and off we went. It took a couple of hours to get to the...

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Kittens Monday

It was a Monday As with all Mondays the chores were easy, scrub the bathroom till the chrome gleamed and not a stray hair or anything was out of place, make sure the good whiskey was brought up from the cellar and all of the leather polished and oiled so it would stay fresh. The clothing laid out for her today was the thin sheer french maids outfit with the kitten tail ass plug, bra with the tiny pin pricks at the nipples the kitten collar with the bell and the ears. This of course meant that...

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The Machine

The Machine Arthur was walking down the beach feeling down on himself. A few days ago he had caught his girlfriend, Lydia, sleeping with his boss, John Stevens, in his very own bed no less. It was betrayal to the nth degree. His anger had clouded his judgment and he found himself pounding away at John's face. Lydia screamed at him to stop, but he just ignored her. By the time he was done, John's nose was broken in fifteen places and the entirety of his face was covered in blood. His...

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The DolphinChapter 21

I learn more of humans when Maggie brings a female to meet me. This female is foolish and does not answer when I speak to her. I see this before with humans in the one named Morris and the one named Jerry when first they come to meet me. Morris is foolish for long and still does not speak much to me, and Maggie says this one is the mate of Morris, so perhaps that is why. But then the female begins to speak to Maggie in a bad way. Her voice does not change but I see that her words cause...

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Fucked My Dreamgirl Student Chandni

Hello friends I m Prsashant Sharma from Modinagar. I guy on whom girls are mad. Till now date I have fucked many girls many virgins but today I would like to share story with ,y student Chandni. The hottest girl of my collage .please mail your suggestion on Now coming to the story…. After completing my engineering I decided to work as a teacher in engineering colleges. I got as a lecture appointment in a college in meerut NIT. As a lecturer I preferred to go by bus for my teaching job. The...

4 years ago
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Playing for Time

The Red Dragon - 9:00pm If a person wanted to find Michael Cross in Reno, they would only have to look as far as the Red Dragon Casino. There, you would find him sitting at the bar watching the poker tables. Looking for weaknesses in the other players. He did this every Friday night. His blonde hair partly covering his deep blue eyes. If a person was to look at him, they would think he was a picture of innocence... That's a laugh. Michael Cross did look youthful, but that was OK, because...

2 years ago
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GuardianChapter 2

Andrea giggled as she listened to Sheriff Dan Brown explain about his coming into the diner for lunch and finding Myra and her sister-in-law Elizabeth Johnson worked up over the fact that Myra had allowed a total stranger to bring her lunch, without demanding proof of identification. "Between the two of'em," the middle-aged lawman chuckled, "they have you being held hostage, raped, and sliced to pieces in the trunk of the man's car. I told'em they've been watching too many movies, but...

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Plan B

My friend Mikey and me had another strike out Saturday night. We’d been to a couple of pubs but not managed to pull. It had been a few months since I’d split up with my girlfriend and had not had a fuck since, I think Mikey had gone even longer. We decided to give up and head back home, well to his house more precisely, it was just easier for me to stay over. Once there we just headed straight to bed.And, as always when I stayed over, I smiled when I entered the room and saw the two single...

1 year ago
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Moms Best FriendChapter 5

The first thing Sharon noticed when she got home from school was the happy look on her mother's face and the gleam in her eyes. The next thing was the bouquet of long-stemmed, red roses. Despite being only thirteen, it wasn't hard for Sharon to connect the two, and to realize that there was just one missing ingredient--the man. "You've got a boy friend!" she gasped aloud, not yet sure whether or not she liked the idea. "Tell me about him, Mother." "You sound more like a mother...

4 years ago
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daughter fucked in front of mother part 1

Hey, I am desiboy. I hail from a city called Hyderabad. I am 18 when this happened at that time I am pursuing my 12th. Next week is my birthday but I think I have already received my present 10 days ago.I come from a small city and that too from a middle-class family so it is quite obvious that I was pushed into studies since my c***dhood. I didn’t have much time nor money to waste on my looks, so I am very sorry to say that I am not as smart as you may think but yeah I do look quite...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Ivy Wolfe Goth Teen Nymphos

Goth teen nympho Ivy Wolfe went crazy for cock and balls and landed herself in the sexy insane asylum! Her straitjacket could barely restrain her attempts to play with her pussy seeking orgasms any way she could. Orderly Owen Gray tried to give her medicine, but the uncooperative patient spat it back at him, requesting his dick instead. In here, sex really is the best treatment if it would get her to calm down and be a good girl! She ravenously slurped up his manmeat and he released her...

2 years ago
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Time Warp Revisited

I really wasn't sure just why I didn't go through with my plan, especially after all the preparations I had made, and fought with idea of going back again and just do it, but still had some reservations. Seeing her once again when we were young was somewhat titillating, but I had no real desire to continue re-living our younger days, but I did feel that us not at least being friends though the years was somewhat of a mistake. I thought that maybe I could check out the Classmates web site, or...

3 years ago
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The Story of the Milkmaid

I walk into the barn, tired. My Sunday best, feeling confining in the humidity of a hot August heat. Beads of sweat collect on my forehead and between my breasts under my cool cotton blouse. Feeling the stillness and the calmness of the barn wash over me and I smile, remembering the night before. And Henry. My body tingles at just the tiniest thought of him and our late night activities of the night before. Erotic. Rough. Taken.I stop moving, close my eyes and breathe in deep, enjoying the feel...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Temptation

The Human legions had pushed deep into Elven territory faster than Queen Ethimilee could have imagined. The had marched north through her lands, burning forests and villages, killing her people, and taking anything of value they found. Her people were ageless and had grown complacent in the long period of peace they had enjoyed until only a few months ago. Her soldiers were more than rusty, they were completely and utterly unprepared. She had gathered all her remaining warriors to the south and...

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Spring Break Fun Charlies Adventures 40

Once we were back in Texas, Michael and I continued to sneak around Ali, little touches here and there, but we both became extremely busy. Michael with his law firm and me with preparing for college. I had gotten into the University of Texas and was ecstatic, along with Ali, who would be going to the same university. Eventually, the “talk” came and Michael and I decided that although our lust for each other would never cease, we couldn’t go on like this. Not with me leaving for university and...

4 years ago
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The Victory Party Part 2

Introduction: Part 2 of the Victory party story I last left you with John having hurt his shoulder during his game Saturday. I had planned to throw a victory party for John with my dad, Kim and myself. However, the plan fell through as Johns team had lost that game. My dad fixed up Johns shoulder as best as he could and had told us that if it did not get better in a few hours he was going to take him to the hospital. I had lain down with John in his bedroom for a while. I left him sleep as I...

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The Garden Bench Backstory

I have seen this lady a couple of times now, as it turned out, always on the 16th of the month, always at 2:30 in the afternoon. There always seemed to be purpose in her visit. Her visage purposeful.On this summers day, she looked so beautiful in her pink summer calf length frock. I looked at my watch and decided to take my break. Life in the gardens for staff could be hard physical work and for me, a young guy on placement from horticultural college, this was my life. It was all I ever wanted...

3 years ago
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Touch Chapter 3

The rest of the day at college was nothing but me questioning myself and all these new situations. But that's all I had, questions. I had no idea how to get any answers, everyone I had been involved with were too awkward to even get close to, let alone talk to. The last bell of the day rang and I headed straight home without waiting for my friends this time, I wanted to be alone.  I got into my house and went to my room immediately, the one place I hoped I could be alone with my thoughts....

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Abby TGirl

AbbyT-Girl, Dick Girl, Trio, Anal/Oral, Multiple partners, Flashing, Fist, Creampie Abbygale had stopped to check on her ole friend Hudson. The rain had poured days prior to the approaching Hurricane Miriam. Hudson was a small town farmer, producing natural grown, clean vegetables. A solitary spirit with few needs and tough as iron, he had never married. She had met him when she was “Albert”, a college educated, agricultural agent. They remained close, even through her transition into a...

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Were in love with a stripperpart two

Andrea started kissing on her thighs and squeezing Ladywets nipples licking all around the pussy and sticking her tongue in and out of her wet pussy hole teasing it like i do her and Ladywet was going crazy wanting her to suck that long fat sensitive clit.Andrea turned and looked at me and said"Oh baby you are so right pussy tastes so good."with pussy juice dripping from her chin.When Andrea started licking her clit and stuck her finger in her pussy and started rubbing her g spot Ladywet went...

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Magicians MergerChapter 13

I was feeling somewhat better by Tuesday evening. When Mike and Terry showed up with their guitar and amp, whoever answered the door just sent them to the basement without shouting for me to come get them. Mike took one look at my face and said, "What does the other guy look like?" "The same as always, although he might have a stiff neck." "What happened?" "Al decided that I needed some color added to my face." "And why would he do that?" "I'm guessing he was...

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Breaking Barbara

A few weeks ago, your girlfriend, who you love madly and who just happens to be the girl of your dreams, left you without much explanation. You only know that she doesn't love anyone else and that it's not because of you. Right now you are about to go crazy, crazy with grief, lust, and the need to get her back. Her name is Barbara, she is barely legal, has large DDs with very palish pink, medium sized areolas. They have a good bit of natural sagging caused by their size, but it only makes them...

1 year ago
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Private Luna Rival Enjoys Anal With Black Stud

In Private Gold, Fitting Room Flings shop assistant Luna Rival is all alone bored in the store however to her delight security guard Mr. Longwood is on his way over for a check-up and a little more. Luna wastes no time warming up as she masturbates in the changing room before her black stallion arrives and joins in on the fun heading straight down and devouring that hairy pussy, Luna then returns the favour with a nice sloppy blowjob before enjoying a hard fuck as she takes all that BBC in her...

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Topazs Jewel

Topaz's Jewel By Peg Thebois Mistress Topaz rubbed her fingers frantically over her panties providing a meager relief to the burning itch she felt between her thighs. Her eyes half glazed over in rapture but she fought to keep them open, revel in her perfect work of art. Months of preparations had all lead up to this moment, this portrait of more than sight. And within moments it would all end, and the momentary perfection would become flawed, but at this moment there was only the...

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Bhabhi Aur Mai

Hi dosto mai raj indore se meri age 29 hai.Ye meri pahli aur sachhi story hai jo mai aap logo ke beech mai share kar raha hu.Ye hasin dastan jo mere aur meri bhabhi ke beech mai ghati hai.Mere lund ka size 9 inch hai jo kisi bhi ladies ki chudne ki khujli mita sakta hai.Meri bhabhi thodi moti hai per bahut hi sexy dhikti hai.Bhabhi ki age38 ki hai.Bhabhi ka ghar mere ghar se 3 k.M. Dur hai ..Bhabhi ke pati yani bade bhai sahab job karte hai bhabhi bhi job karti hai ,unka 1 ladka hai jo 10 class...

1 year ago
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Green Eyes

Green Eyes by Anonymous at authors request As always, I wanted to size up my captive's predicament. She was beautiful, although it was hard to tell at the moment since she had a black leather hood over her head. Her mouth was plugged with a rather large penis gag, and the only identifiable parts of her head were her lovely green eyes (very rare for an Asian girl) and the lustrous mane of black hair sticking out of the back of her hood. The green eyes on an Asian were a specific...

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Abigails Tale

**For the intended experience, make sure to click "Start Game" and make sure to avoid repeating chapters in a single play through.** The small village of Hillbend was utterly unremarkable. Proving to be a small farming hamlet, but near enough to a lake to provide some decent fishing as well. The Duke caring little for it's inhabitants, provided they continue to pay their taxes. But none-the-less, Hillbend is where our tale begins with the birth of a girl named Abigail. Born to a couple of...

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FireworksChapter 3

Jen wiped her lips and rose to her feet. "I'm going after him." "Do that," Jennifer said. "We'll clean up here." "Thanks." Jen strode toward the stairs without looking back. Dave turned to Jennifer, "Are you okay?" She nodded. "I was worried something like this might happen." "Me too." She sighed. "Will you get the lights?" Dave nodded and went to the switch on the wall. Jennifer turned the spotlight off and they gathered up clothes, setting Jen's and Will's in a...

3 years ago
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Ladds Exchange Mall Book 5

PETTICOATING TO THE MAX LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL BOOK FIVE BY JENNIFER SUE Twenty weary boys violently jerked awake in their beds at 5:30am while Sister Justine Kane sat smugly in her office watching the various monitors that showed every inch of the room. Her trigger finger itched as it waited above the number two button on the BELLE CONTROL COLLAR remote control. It had given her quite a thrill to zap the slumbering delinquents who were now rolling out of their sparse...

2 years ago
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Love is Blind

I could visualise the crumpled bed sheets showing signs of the previous client; screwed up tissues and discarded condom wrappers lying on the floor. I ran my fingers over the satin sheets, imagining the raw sexual emotions that had come together, within. Smoke, from the numerous cigarette butts in the ashtray, still hung in the air and hidden behind it, there was yet another scent. I knew it well as I had smelt it so often before. Even though the natural smells of the aroused woman were subtle,...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS01E07 Sarah 32

Series 1, Episode 7: Sarah We’re back in the nation’s capital. This time we’re outside a large hospital. A small group of nurses are grabbing a smoke just off the hospital grounds. One of them – youngish, slim, and looking particularly good in her uniform, turns away from the group and walks over toward the camera. She has a wide toothy smile, red cheeks, pointy nose and a high forehead, all framed with silky brunette hair tied back in a long pony tail. She hasn’t the most beautiful face,...

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A Quiet Friday His Story Part 3

My wife's younger sister, Susan, had come for the weekend. Susan always liked to flirt and tease me, but home alone together on Friday, flirtation had led us to agree to masturbate for each other. I convinced myself that this was innocent enough and that I was in no way being unfaithful to my wife, Barbara, since Susan and I agreed not to touch one another. But, one thing led to another, and in Part-2 you read about how I ended-up masturbating her to an intense orgasm. In Part-3, I have to...

1 year ago
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Ah, Tube Porn Classic! A vintage porn tube with free classic porn movies! The good old days. Back when porn stars had bushes, and pornos were actually movies. People used to really put effort into their pornography. It was an art form, not the mass-produced 15-minute clips we have today. Not that there’s anything wrong with porn today. If anything, I think that porn stars have only gotten hotter and hotter over the years. But, still, there is nothing like a little bit of that old-school classic...

Vintage Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Pleasure with Crossdresser Part 2

Well, I told how beautiful he was in Part 1 and how i was seduced after he wore his girlish makeup. I went to his room, where he sat on his chair with those pink lips. he had a fnger nail in between hs teeth and was staring at me. All my manly instincts rose and it was my turn to seduce him. i looked into his eyes and moved across the room and sat on on the bed. i pulled him on my laps with a manly force and made him sit on my lap. he drew his breath. i kissed his neck slowly. he asked me to...

1 year ago
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Me And A Married Couple

Hi readers, this is a true incident which happened recently & I wanted to share it with you all. Hope you enjoy it because I certainly did. I received an email from a guy who liked my story & we started exchanging lots of emails. He also had a fantasy of seeing someone fuck his wife in front of him. He wanted to share his wife with someone & a few other things as well. He told me that he is unable to treat her like a slut but wants to see her sucking cock as she is getting fucked. I liked that...

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The Sister

Rick has just finished the dishes and thrown the tea-towel over the back of the kitchen chair, when his mobile rung. He picked it up and gave a grunt of surprise for the name mention was 'Elizabeth'. He knew that Elizabeth had departed for England months before and she had commented that she may not be coming back. That had been a disappointment for in the months he had known her she had been very obliging in any sexual agenda, she was a nice cock sucker, took a load in the mouth, which he...

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SleeperCoach Bus Resembled Heaven

Hello folks, firstly thanks to you all for your tremendous response to my previous posts and i wish your feedback would really help me in writing more experiences of mine in this treasure of romantic stories called ISS. For new ones, this is pavan from Hyderabad, working in an MNC with a fair complexion decent height and cute appearance. I dont like to boast about the size of my tool as the pleasure totally depends on the love and passion between two bodies but not the size n depth of genitals....

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