Ashley and Amanda Part 2
- 4 years ago
- 59
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Ashley was sitting in her car in the parking lot waiting for me. I ignored her and went to the office to check in and get my key. I had dressed in khakis and a white shirt with a suit jacket over it. I carried an overnight satchel. It had been packed and sitting in my bedroom when Jean had put hers in there and I suspected that she had opened it and looked. All that was in it was a clean shirt, underwear and socks along with my shaving equipment. When I opened the door to my motel room, Ashley was behind me and entered the same time I did.
"Kiss me Milo."
I did and then I kissed her again. "Hi sweet, God I'm exhausted. I just entertained two women that were equally beautiful and could hate each other just because of that fact. I want to thank you for the distraction of having Lilly there tonight. I only had to spend less than an hour alone with Jean."
"You invited Lilly to dinner didn't you? Oh God, now I am going to have to worry about her too?"
"Ashley, were you like this with Calvin? Jealous, I mean?"
"Some maybe. But he didn't have a beautiful ex-wife hanging around and a beautiful reporter that thinks the sun rises and sets on your butt."
"You know, you are going to have to learn to trust me. Another thing, look at my situation. I trusted someone I loved and she destroyed that trust. So it is me that should be wary of trusting a woman. Ashley, I'm placing my trust in you and hope that you aren't going to hurt me. Can't you please do the same for me?"
"It is just that I'm so uncertain. When I see you, I tingle all over. I want to rush up and kiss you. I want it to be love, but what if it is just that I'm feeling sexy. The feelings I have for you are as deep or deeper than those I had when I was near Calvin. I don't want to disappoint you either and I will be crushed if I can't live up to your expectations. Frankly, I'm a little fearful of all of this."
"Don't be. I'm as uncertain as you. Look, I need a shower. Why don't you get into bed and I will join you very soon. We will take it slow. I want to make love to you and I think you want me to. We'll get into bed and see what develops. That will give me a chance to hold your body and just maybe you will give me your heart as well. That is what I'm hoping for."
It was an hour and a half later that we had each other's body to our mutual satisfaction. I dozed for a little while and then I was fully awake. I asked very quietly, "Are you awake, lover?"
Ashley squirmed a little closer to me as we spooned together. "Yes, wide awake."
"Can I tell you all about tonight? There is one new development you don't know about yet."
"What is that?"
"I hired a young man to work as my helper. He will be a senior in high school this coming year. He has his license and wants to buy a car. All that he could find for work was mowing lawns. I saw his work and it was very much up to my standard. I also had two people give him a good recommendation."
"Somehow, I think I'm going to be surprised when you tell me who it is. You've dragged it out so long."
"You are right. His name is Mark Burgess. He is Jean's stepson. The two people that I took recommendations from are Lindsey and Marie. When they said their stepbrother was mean, it was just because he teased them a little. I saw genuine affection going both ways. So I hired him for Friday and Saturday and told him it was just part-time. If it doesn't work out I don't have to use him anymore."
"You always read people just right. I anticipate you will be using him a lot. Are you going to be setting up a business with a name, books and the whole process?"
"I'd like to. I really don't think it will interfere with you and I and our original agreement. The makeover of your house is going to be an eye-opener in the neighborhood. My work will be out in the open and it will generate even more work. What I did on your front yard has brought me work. If I become more established in your community and people see that they can trust me," I paused, "you will see that you can trust me as well."
"You're serious about all of this aren't you?"
"You know it, Ash Baby." She squirmed even closer if that was possible.
"So tell me about what you and Jean talked about."
I told her what I had said to Jean about wanting the girls with me. When I quoted Jean's observation that the girls wouldn't have a woman's influence, I repeated my reply word for word. "All of this ended with my impression that Jean will at least consider my proposal to let them come stay with me. It could be that she wants to discuss it with James and I feel this would be a plus for me."
"Why is that?"
"I think their house is crowded and he probably will lean toward his own kids, which is only natural. He married a woman and I don't think he thinks too much of the baggage she brought with her. I don't see Lindsey and Marie as baggage, but he might."
Ashley agreed with me that I was right in thinking this. We slept after that, awakening in the morning, hating to think we would soon be apart and yet seeing each other close almost every day. And it was hard in never being sure when we could engineer another night like this. It would happen, we were both sure of that. I held her body in my arms and knew for sure her heart was not very far out of reach. Someday, I was confident it would be nestled next to mine. Again we came together before our stolen tryst was over.
We sat together now as two friends and ate our breakfast, never touching or indicating that there was love for each other in our hearts, hidden from the world around us. Ashley was off to stay with one of her friends that worked in the prosecutor's office with her. Her friend was one of two staff members that helped prepare cases for her.
When I returned home to my apartment the girls ran to me for hugs and I kissed each one as they expressed how much they missed me. I could tell that Jean was upset about something and I was going to be hit with it very soon. Curious, I wanted to get it over with. "Lindsey and Marie, why don't you go play in the gazebo for a few minutes and I will get your Mom packed up and ready."
"Milo, how could you give away more than a million dollars that was rightfully yours? Ashley gave everything to you and the girls said that she wanted you to keep the paintings. What kind of a fool are you?"
"First of all, it isn't any of your business, but I will explain. Those paintings were purchased by her ancestors years and years ago. They were her heritage even though she didn't know about them. I had very little claim to them and if I had kept them and the people here found out about it, I would have no future at all. I balanced that against a pile of money. To tell you the truth I never considered keeping them for one instant."
"Well I would have kept them if she had given them to me. Think what I could have done with all of the money."
"Like what?"
"I don't know, but with that money, I could be somebody."
"Jean you are somebody and I'm somebody too. I'm still somebody with or without that money the paintings would have brought. When I look in the mirror, I see somebody and I pretty much like the person I see looking back at me."
"Damn it Milo, you always twist things around so you make sense. Don't you ever do anything that doesn't make sense?" She was thinking about what she said. "I know what you're thinking. If you had any sense you wouldn't have married me."
"Not at all Jean, you gave me a lot in our marriage. I had the love of a beautiful woman for several years and I gloried in that. You gave me two fine children and I'll always be thankful for that. For awhile I wanted your new marriage to blow up in your face, but I don't feel that way so much anymore, for I know the girls would be the ones hurt. If I had begged and pleaded and promised you the world to come back to me, that would have shown poor sense.
"I have thought about this some. As far as you are concerned I think you were like an ice cream cone. The first bite of a cone has the best taste. I had that and I ate it down until it didn't taste so good anymore. Then I let the rest melt away. I still remember that first taste and the kids are the memory that lingers."
"I don't know if that was a compliment or not. I'd like to think it was, but I never know with you. You are pretty deep and I can't always follow your analogies."
On the way back to the Burgess' house, Jean asked if I had a good time last night. "Okay I guess. I had several things to go over with someone about some things coming up later in the year. Yes, I guess the meeting was satisfactory." Boy if she only knew.
Mark knew I was bringing his stepmother home this morning and he was out in front waiting to say hi and make sure I was really going to hire him. Before Jean was able to get out of the car, the door opened and this provocatively dressed young girl, almost woman, came out. "Oh damn, Becky is out to show herself off. I'm not going to say what I think she is and she is just barely sixteen."
"Have you talked to her?"
"Ha, as if she would listen to me." Jean exited the car and went into the house. I got out and removed her bag from the back. Lindsey went running into the house with it.
"Hi Mark, not working today?"
"Nope, all caught up."
"Well if you aren't doing anything--I don't have any work today either, but if you want to see what we are doing tomorrow, I have to order the material. I have a meeting with an architect in a little bit on a different job to go over some plans. Also before I bring you home, I can show you what we are going to be working on Monday. There is no pay in it, but you might be interested."
"Sure, I'd like to see what is going on."
"Marie, run in and get Lindsey and tell your Mom thank you for staying with you. Tell her Daddy appreciates it very much." The girls jabbered away at Mark all the way back. When we reached Ralph Peterson's house I sent the girls over to see Kim Grover to tell her that I thought I could start on her nursery on Monday next week. Also to ask if they could play there until I finished with Mr. Peterson.
"Mr. Peterson, this is Mark Burgess. He is going to be helping me for awhile. I thought he would like to see what we are doing."
"Fine, I was wondering who was going to help you. You are going to need more help than him though. This is more than a man and boy can do alone. Have you got a carpenter lined up?"
"No, not yet. I'll worry about that later and I'm sure I can find someone before we are ready to start. Let's see the plans." I turned to Mark, "I'm pretty new at this construction business. I'm willing to learn and you might as well learn right along with me. Mr. Peterson is the onsite boss and is going to tell us how to put this project together."
"I'm going to work your tail off. If my name is on this project, you bet it is going to be done right. Okay, this is the material list, right down to the finish nails you are going to need. What is going to take the longest time to get is the balustrade system of posts and rails. The two curved sections will ultimately be the most expensive components. The columns we can build up out of standard lumber that will be strong enough to hold the porch and roof. I've indicated the window treatments and we can find standard ones most anywhere. All in all it will take about a month before construction starts.
"You've got all that old furniture and stuff in the garages. Get rid of that. The rough timbers you can order and hold at Home Depot. The finish stuff should be stored where it is at hand and that would be right here on the premises. You are lucky to have Miss Nelson--I mean Mrs. Winslip, financing this. She said when the money was needed, it would be there.
"I still have a few contacts and I will share with you, but you are the one that will be looking at the items you order for quality, etc. So get on it and get started. Of course you know you have to have permits and all that. You write up the application and I will review it for accuracy. A poorly written application has held up more than one job in my experience."
Had I taken on a bigger job than I could handle with my inexperience? Peterson could tell from the way I looked I was concerned.
"Hey, everyone has to start somewhere. This may be difficult and you will lose some sleep while thinking about it. The job is doable, mostly because it is a simple construction job, so hang in there and work at it. If you get into a bind, I'll find someone to get you out of it. There are still a few old friends of mine out there that would love to have a hand in this project of ours. It may be a simple job to me, but the end result is going to be mighty impressive."
"What do you think, Mark? Do you still want to work for me?"
"I do, I just hope I get to work on the house project before school starts."
"Oh, I will see that you are involved. I don't suppose you have a digital camera do you? I want to start a visual record of the work I do and put it in a scrapbook for the girls. Someday they may want to look back and see what their dad has done with his life. Come on, we have to get those kids from Mrs. Grover. I have to do a job there on Monday."
"What are we going to be doing tomorrow?"
"I'll show you presently. A lot of these rich people may have little projects in mind and I try to accommodate them. Have you ever done any painting?"
"Not much, although I helped a neighbor last summer."
"That is about the way I started getting interested in this kind of work. When your stepmom divorced me, I was pretty broken up over it. I had a business of my own, but had to give that up. So I started going to building supply places and just hanging around to kill time. It made me aware of what different materials were used for different jobs. I was fortunate in meeting Mrs. Winslip in that she gave me paying work and I was able to have a place to live. I worked seventy-seven hours the first week for her. I don't work quite so much now as I have to watch the kids this month, but they are worth every dollar I lose while I have them with me. The courts say children should be with their mother and I basically agree, but god I miss them."
"I can see that."
I pulled up in front of the Grover house. Lindsey and Marie came running from around back and shouted to Mark to come meet their friends. I heard, as I headed to the front door, Marie tell someone that this was Mark, their big brother. Somehow that made me feel good.
The room Kim showed me that was to be converted was already a beautifully decorated room as were most of the rooms in the house. It was their money and they could have it decorated as they wished.
Kim wanted a figured wallpaper with farm animals. It was a fairly long room so when she asked what I would propose for the ceiling, I suggested a series of circles done in the plaster. I could outline an animal in each of the circles down the center of the room. I also suggested that as you entered the room, on the opposite wall, I could make a plaster likeness of a baby right in the wall. When I asked how permanent she wanted it, she said make it forever. It would make a great conversation piece.
When we got around to the color scheme, she had things she wanted that I didn't feel confident in doing. I suggested she use the same company that I had employed to do my apartment. "No, you hire them and put in your markup on top of their bill. That way I will have to write only one check." I warned her that although the bulk of the work would be done on Monday, Tuesday and part of Wednesday, it would be a week before the painters could do the ceiling because the plaster had to cure. That was fine, the baby was still nestled in a safe place for another five weeks.
As we drove away I said, "Okay Mark, talking to the lady was a billable hour. Sometimes if you have a difficult customer, that won't show up on their bill, so your overhead has to be high enough to absorb it. Everyone advertises free estimates, but in one way or another the customer pays. Your father can explain it for he does the same with his clients."
"I wish he had more clients so he would have more billable hours. Sometimes he doesn't make very much."
"Maybe he needs to partner with another firm where each can work to their own strengths." Nothing further was said as we headed for the deli. I swung by the Home Depot and told Mark this is where I was getting the materials for tomorrow's job and then I showed Mark where we were going to dispose of the debris from the ramp.
I bought subs for all of us and we went to the apartment to eat. Mark had of course heard me make suggestions to Kim Grover about doing her ceiling. He asked many questions as I showed him the ceilings here where I lived. "So while you are plastering, what will I be doing?"
"You will be helping. This is a job that pretty much has to be hurried right along. The living room here was too big for me to do alone, so I asked Mrs. Winslip to help. We were both a mess when we finished, but we got the job done. The two bedrooms I did by myself, but I sure could have used someone. You'll see when we do the Grovers."
"Who is Mrs. Winslip? Jean has mentioned her several times."
"She is my landlady, my boss, and the widow of a man that was my best friend. I like to think she is becoming my friend too."
"How old is she? Is she pretty?"
"I think she is about twenty-eight. She isn't beautiful by some peoples' standards, Jean's for instance, but she is warm and friendly and a person you just want to be around."
"Do you love her?"
"Mark that is too personal a question. I've only known her a short time and really that would be our business and definitely not yours."
"I know and I'm sorry. I guess I read too many novels." Mark was flustered now and I knew he had asked without thinking. "Would you forget I asked? I am sorry!"
"Forget it. Say, what happened to your mother? No one has ever mentioned her."
A look of sadness came over Mark's face. "Mom is sick and Dad put her in an institution. She is pretty good if she takes her medication. Sometimes the state lets her out and we see her, but then she thinks she is fine and stops taking her medicine. She ends back in the institution. When I'm eighteen I'm planning on becoming her guardian and am going to make sure she does what she is supposed to. She is really nice and all of us kids miss her."
"How come your father divorced her?"
"Dad said he needed a woman all the time, not someone he just had to take care of and not someone that was in an institution part of the time. I guess he is right in a way, but it hurts when it is your mother."
"Where is your mother staying if she isn't in an institution?"
"The state has what they call halfway houses. One time they closed the one that Mom was in and didn't tell us. We found her out on the street wandering around. That was about the last time Dad had anything to do with her."
I let the matter drop. My estimation of James Burgess hadn't been raised any during this conversation, that was for sure.
I had Mark sit down and we filled out the forms I needed to employ him. While I did more paperwork I had the girls take Mark out to look at the gazebo. I reflected on what Mark had told me about his mother. No wonder the Burgess kids resented Jean. I suppose they lived with their father because they had to. I bet I could work up more than a little dislike for the son-of-a-bitch. He was married to a woman and when she got sick, the bastard dumped her. More and more I wanted Lindsey and Marie with me. I didn't want them growing up near him.
The girls and their stepbrother were gone quite a while and I was wondering where they were. Did I know this boy? Should I be worried? I went down the stairs and toward the gazebo. I was almost there when the three of them came around from Ashley's house. They had been visiting Mrs. Hamlin, and to prove it they had saved me a cookie. I decided it was time I took Mark home.
When we got there, Jean invited me in for coffee. I declined, but I did talk a minute with her, asking if Mark was a good driver in case he had to drive the girls somewhere while he was working with me. She said he was good and she had ridden with him. Before I left with the kids, she thanked me for letting her baby-sit Lindsey and Marie. She said it was nice to be away from home where there wasn't so much tension. I deduced that Jean's wonderful lawyer husband wasn't the easiest to live with--too bad.
I had spent the morning making calls and ordering material for the house job. I finished the paperwork that Peterson needed to review and handed it to him when I went for Mark. I would make application sometime this afternoon when Mark was deconstructing the deli ramp. I picked Mark up and he was waiting just as he said he would be. I put him to work with a sledgehammer and wrecking bar while I went to make application. Ralph said I was right on the money with the permit forms and to go for it.
That done I helped Mark load what he had pulled apart and sent him to the dump with the first load. This ramp may have looked ready to fall down, but it didn't come apart that easy. We struggled where it was bolted and attached to the cement posts. We got all but one of the nuts off. On that one we broke the bolt itself and I sent Mark down to the hardware section at Home Depot to get a replacement for all of them because of the rust.
To end the day we put up a barrier and some police tape so no one would think there was a ramp there. When we got back to the apartment, I handed Mark the keys and said I would meet him at Home Depot at seven in the morning. "You mean you want me to take the truck home?"
"Yes. I was thinking if you didn't have a date or anything you might want to go see your mother or something."
"That's going to put an extra twenty miles on the truck."
"Your mother would like to see you wouldn't she?"
"Okay then, I'll see you tomorrow morning."
I hadn't seen Ashley for two days. I missed her. I was sitting in the living room thinking about her just before midnight, when the lights went on in the house across the lot. I rang her number. I got a tentative, "Hello."
"I'm going to be in the gazebo in about five minutes."
"Okay." Click.
There was no moon, but the stars were out, even though with the city lights, they weren't too well defined. In the gazebo it was night black. "Milo?"
"Here, Ash Baby." She fell into my arms.
"God I miss you. Hold me." We both wanted to let ourselves go, but knew this wasn't the place for it. We sat and cuddled and told each other what we had been doing since Wednesday night--our glorious night we had spent together.
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She was 18 years old, just one year younger than me, and damn was she beautiful. 32DD, a nice tight hot ass, a body that was like one of those figure skaters, and skin so soft. Almost made you want to jack-off right there and then. Long black hair, and a smile that would make you want to come all over on. That was my cousin, her name, Ashley. Ever since I was 13, I saw my first porn video and I have been thinking? What beautiful girl would I love to share a good time with? So man beautiful...
IncestAs he arrived at Ashley's dorm room he knocked politely and waited for Ashley to open the door. As soon as Ashley opened the door she stepped to the side and allowed Jason to enter her dorm room. Jason started looking around at how neat and tidy Ashley's room was. "Thank's for coming here" Ashley said as she closed the door. "Sorry to make you come on such short notice" Ashley said to Jason. "It's no issue I wasn't doing anything anyway, So what's up why'd you want me to come over...
Saturday was a beautiful day for a birthday party for Lindsey, me too for that matter. I had sent Ashley home at four-thirty, just as the day was dawning. Ashley kept saying it was going to be a busy day. At eight I went by the big house and across the street to Mrs. Hamlin's to see the birthday girl as agreed. Mrs. Hamlin had prepared breakfast for me. Ashley joined us before we were finished and had coffee. I surreptitiously held Ashley's hand. Mrs. Hamlin smiled when she saw...
My step-daughter Ashley had just turned sixteen. We'd planned a huge party for her birthday. The invites had been sent out, the family had planned to come to the house, a list of friends that totaled about a dozen were planning on coming over, the food was ordered, and everything was set. We knew that it'd be a blast.The pool in the backyard was clean, the lights were all working and we knew we could keep it going until late in the night thanks to living outside of the city. The township had...
TeenAshley Juggs is Always Number One ---------------- Disclaimer: No one and nothing in this story is real. If you have any questions or like my story, tell me at [email protected], k? -------- Synopsis -------- Jenna finds out why Ashley Juggs will always be the top porn star. ---------------- Jenna thought about the contract she had just signed and smiled. This was it! This was going to be her step to number one. She'd always been number two in porn next to Ashley - that...
Ashley Young lived with her girlfriend in a condo. They were working and going to college. Denise, her roommate had a boyfriend and spent time at his apartment. Ashley sometimes felt like it was her own condo.Ashley was dancing around the condo and enjoying many glasses of wine. She had bought a new dress and was enjoying how sexy she looked in it. She twirled around which made her panties show. Her dress was very sexy and she was not sure where she would even wear it. It made her look...
LesbianAfter a hard day's work at the farm, you want to do nothing but have a beer in your hand and your wife sucking you cock. That was exactly what I intended to do, I quickly took a nice warm shower and got rid of all the sweat in my body then went downstairs to grab that beer from the fridge. My wife, Cathy, must be in her room correcting all those quizzes and test she passes out to the high-schoolers. I finished my beer feeling more refreshed than ever and went upstairs to our bedroom."Hi...
Author’s Note: This is probably going to be long, so let me know what you think about chapters instead of all at once. I love real feedback, but please don’t use it as an excuse to hit on me. Without further delay, please enjoy and don’t forget to vote! * * * * * Leaving the still figure behind in the twin bed across the room, Ashley quietly tiptoed out the door and locked it behind her. She waved at the few other early risers, after all 10 am Saturday morning was pretty early at college, and...
"Come on, cheer up!" Dad urges me as I comb my long- for a boy- floppy blonde hair. "Don't think there's a single twelve year old boy who wouldn't kill to go where you're going tonight, getting to see the best film ever with your girlfriend AND being surrounded by a bunch of celebrities..." "Yeah, I guess," I say with a long sigh. "What's wrong?" Dad asks. "Just a little tired? Don't tell me you don't like Star Wars..." "No, the film was alright," I say, making dad...
'hi step borther' says ashley 'look i'm not trying to be rude but i have seen you looking at me when i come out of te shower with just a towel wrapped around me trying to sneak a peak and really i'm not that bothered believe me i have seen your cock through your trousers its hard to hide its huge so how about you show me yours i'll show you mine ? how does that sound ?''really wow you would really let me see you in the nude ?' danny says'yes of course but you 1st i'm not going to strip for you...
It is now Saturday night. Ashley just got home from work. The first thing she notices is that Trent's truck is not in the driveway. She gets to the door, unlocking it, as she pushes it open walking inside. She kicks off her shoes, and drops her keys and purse on the table. She turns towards the stairs climbing them slowly. She reaches the bathroom turning the shower on hot. She slowly strips her sensitive body. She reaches above her head pulling her hair out as her curls fall over her...
Author’s Note – Sorry everyone, I’ve been holding back this part for a while. As always, feedback and voting are appreciated and somewhat neccesary to convince me to finish this series. If you haven’t read the first chapter, please do, the characters, as well as the story, will make more sense. This section contains scenes of both a male/female nature and female/female, though no full out sex, yet. Cor grinned as she hung up the phone. ‘Hell yah’ she said in a self satisfied way. After a few...
"Look, there goes the freak!" a voice whispers as I walk down the school corridor, minding my own business. I don't dignify the bully with any kind of response- instead, I just keep walking, telling myself that their insults can't hurt me... Even though deep down inside, I know that's not true. Six weeks have passed since Megan's birthday party, since I told Melissa, Lydia and her gang where they could shove their fake 'friendship'. Just over five weeks have passed since Melissa...
Ashley stood naked at the bedroom window, her inner thighs wet with excitement. Please? She heard behind her but ignored it...........again. Please Miss Ashley. Let me cum?The 18 year old Charlotte was naked on her bed. Wrists tied together at the head of the bed. The legs tied at each corner. Her young lithe body stretched taught because of the ropes and the extreme sexual frustration she felt.Ashley had been teasing her for over three hours and the teen had been begging to orgasm after 10...
Ashley By Heather St. Claire The streetlights were beginning to dim; it was dawn already. Probably getting too late for one more trick. Ashley decided to call it a night - - her first night as a member of the world's oldest profession. Time to head back to her apartment for a nice, cleansing shower, and then...a battery recharge. If anyone saw the tall, well-built prostitute walking along the downtown streets in the early dawn, they would never have guessed the two most amazing...
When I got back downstairs, Ed had finished all of the leftover breakfast. “How do you stay so skinny with all that you eat, Ed?” I asked. “Do you have a tapeworm?” “No, that is one thing I didn’t pick up in Southeast Asia, Bill,” he replied. “I just have a high metabolism.” Then he changed the subject to a more important one. “I’m going to need some money, Bill. The stuff, that I need to get, is expensive,” he told me. “Sure Ed,” I said as I reached in my pocket and dug out a hundred...
Jack London Square in Oakland is an interesting place. By day it is a shopping and gathering spot for people who work downtown. In the late afternoon and night it becomes totally different. My favorite place to stand and observe people is Doggy Diner. You can get just about anything at this Doggy Diner food, sex and drugs. As I was cleaning up from having eaten a late lunch, two young ladies approached. “Do you work at the Oakland Navy Hospital?” They asked. “Yes I do. Is there something you...
Jack London Square in Oakland is an interesting place. By day it is a shopping and gathering spot for people who work downtown. In the late afternoon and night it becomes totally different. My favorite place to stand and observe people is Doggy Diner. You can get just about anything at this Doggy Diner food, sex and drugs. As I was cleaning up from having eaten a late lunch, two young ladies approached. “Do you work at the Oakland Navy Hospital?” They asked. “Yes I do. Is there something you...
Group SexJax_Teller©2016 By Jax_Teller From Chapter One Ashely was a person who I'd met through a friend and we always seemed at odds with each other. We never agrued or fought but our speak to each other was always confrontational. She was not run way beautiful but the wholesome girl next door beauty. She would never have been a fashion model, but she never lacked for attention. It wasn't intentional in the way she dressed or acted but she did exude a sexual energy. I was ten years older...
I fidget in my seat, trying to get comfortable as the train rushes through the French countryside to our destination. It's not my clothes that are making me restless, of course- my pleated white miniskirt and loose patterned tank top feel perfect against my smooth, hairless skin. It isn't even the disapproving stare of my father at my long, slender legs that makes me uncomfortable. The source of my restlessness, for once, is my three younger sisters- or rather, the thing that's...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
I work at a large brokerage firm. I don’t actually do investing, but do a lot of background investigations of prospective companies that we invest in, for brokers and business people at work. Recently we had begun to trim the fat so to speak, with guidance from the main office. They wanted to cut all expenses that weren’t essential to running things, and I was spared, as I’m a one-man operation. After the main office went through their downsizing period, they found other ways of saving money,...
Straight Sex"Beautiful, girls," Miss Fullerton announces as the twenty-odd teenagers bow, before extending their arms and legs into the most elegant shapes. "Extend... And pointe." "C'est magnifique," Mademoiselle Renou congratulates in her refined French accent. "Group one, you will continue practising at the barre. Group two, you will practise your pas de deux." I, as a member of group two, nod, before following Mademoiselle Renou- not to mention a dozen leotard-clad teenaged girls- to the...
My heart beats faster at the breathtaking sight of the ballerina effortlessly performing her steps. From the tiara pinned to her blonde hair, through her beautiful, embellished tutu and soft pink tights to her shiny satin pointe shoes, she is the very image of grace, elegance and femininity. As I watch her dance in the mirror, I actually have to remind myself that the ballerina... Is me. Today is Friday the 12th of May 2017, and exactly fourteen years ago, a baby boy was born. Today,...
It was almost ten in the morning. I was laying in bed. My wife was lying next to me in bed. Knowing that she was wearing nothing but shorts and a t-shirt, no bra or panties did nothing. It never did. I hadn't been sexually aroused by her in years. What was doing it was hearing my step daughter in the other room breathing and lightly snoring. Because I knew what I saw the night before when we celebrated her birthday. I knew what she'd done the night before. And I couldn't stop thinking about...
TeenAshley walked through the huge ivory doors, again. High School was endless and summer was just around the corner, (plus a few million miles,) though as much as she tried to think of it as a prison, she couldn’t. With Miguel, her handsome, sporty boyfriend, and Jennifer, her wild, yet sweet best friend, school had turned into a retreat from her bad home life. “Hey Ash,” called Miguel. He smiled and walked over to her at her locker. They talked about a week ago, Friday, at the movies....
Ashley walked through the huge ivory doors, again. High School was endless and summer was just around the corner, (plus a few million miles,) though as much as she tried to think of it as a prison, she couldn’t. With Miguel, her handsome, sporty boyfriend, and Jennifer, her wild, yet sweet best friend, school had turned into a retreat from her bad home life. “Hey Ash,” called Miguel. He smiled and walked over to her at her locker. They talked about a week ago;...
First TimeSitting in the bedroom eating a sandwich was fun. Ashley's eyes traveled to the ceiling every few minutes. "What have you planned for the living room? Something spectacular, I'll wager." "Yes, I'm hoping so. You gave me the idea that night on the mountain when you stayed out to watch the moon come up and see the stars pop out. It is only fitting that you be here to help me implement it. This room is big enough to make it work, but then again the whole idea may crash. We will...
One day she brings a friend home from the mall with her. Her name is Lissa she is about Ashleys age and just as sexy. Ashley figures since Trent has been working so late at the job site why would he come home early tonight. Ashley takes Lissa up to her room. They start to kiss and explore each others bodies. "Ashley your so hot. Where did this sexy body come from?" Lissa says as she runs her hands up and down her naked body slowly. "I'm pretty sure I got it from my mom. But your...
Ashley was sitting on her bed, when her cell phone suddenly rang. It was Donna, the leader of the popular group. "Yo, Donna! What is up? You don't usually call at this time?" "Hey, Ashley. Me and the rest are hanging out at the mall. Join us." Ashley put on her yellow summer dress, and rushed off to the mall. When she got there, she was greeted with Donna and Maria. They took her to the cafeteria, where she joined up with the rest of the girls. The girls started chatting, leaving...
I just got my discharge paper and go on the plane to go home. I loved the guard with all my heart, and didn’t want to go. But it was that go do life. I was walking the last two blocks to my house when I saw her. Long black her, C cups, long thin legs, and an ass to die for. I put the key in the door and walked to my room and sat my stuff down and went to bed. The next day I got up at seven and went for five mile run. When I got back I saw her again. She was walking down the street in a short...
"Urgh," I moan as I wake up from a dreamless sleep, only to grimace as I feel the front of my pyjamas to discover that whilst I may not have had a 'normal' dream, I certainly had another type of 'dream' during the night. I sigh as I wash my face, before pulling on my school uniform and slinking down the stairs, where my parents are waiting with a wide smile on their face, as are all three of my sisters... And my new baby brother. "Morning, Ashley!" Dad chuckles in an artificially deep...
"You don't lie to me," Suri sings in her rhythmic, accented voice. "You don't lie to me," Priya sings, trying her best not to giggle. "You don't lie to me," Laura sings, casting an excited glance in my direction. "You don't lie to me," I sing in as authentic a girl's voice as my wavering vocal chords can manage. "No more lies!" The four of us all yell simultaneously, earning cheers from Harriet and Megan on the sofa. "Out of Heaven have got NOTHING on you girls!" Megan...
Ah there she is, I am standing at the arrival gate at Bluegrass Airport in Lexington Kentucky. I had been waiting for my charge to arrive and there she was Ashley Judd. My heart beat a little faster and my cock got a little twitch in it. My name is Tom Ward; I am a junior at the University of Kentucky. My parents are from the eastern part of Kentucky and are pretty poor. I have two sisters and a brother, the only way I could afford to go to college was get some scholarships and work my way...
During dinner, so our wives would know what was to expect, I discussed what we planned to do for the next several days until we got more information. “I’ll go out there and check the recording on Monday,” I finished. Our wives had already finished feeding the girls who were happily playing with the goo on the trays of their highchairs. “You want me to go with you?” Ed asked. “No, I don’t believe that’s necessary. I’m only going out there to change the recording disk and the batteries. I’ll...
"We're staying the night," Esther told Ed, as we entered the front door and kissed our wives. "The girls are sleeping in our bed with us - just in case." There wasn't any argument from Ed. I had noticed that Ashley was unusually nervous tonight when I kissed her, but put it down to all of us being nervous, and went to reset the alarm system. Upstairs we let Ed shower first. That was when I found out just how upset Ashley really was. She had checked on the girls and when she came back...
I stood in the upstairs hallway not believing what I'd just seen. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be pissed off, turned on, want to throw someone out the window, or rush back into the other room and get into something off the wall fucked up dirty and sexual like I'd never done. I just stood there listening to a conversation in the other room.I'd come home about ten minutes earlier, saw a pair of shoes I didn't recognize, and before I could even call out to see if anyone was home, I...