Teddy's WorldChapter 51: Plane Lover, Love, free porn video

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“As all of us in this room will be leaving, flying to London, England this evening. London is four hours ahead of us, just like we are three hours ahead of folks in California. I hope that we don’t come home with any new faces, that are not in this room, right now. Our main reason for this trip is to settle all of our positions with the entire Rothschild family. Also, Queen Elizabeth II has invited the main part of our group to take up residency at Buckingham Palace for the duration of our stay.” Pam said.

“All of the women in the Mason family have called this meeting this morning to make our position crystal clear to all of the men in this family. That all of us Mason women are all of the same mind. We don’t want any more new women joining this family. At first it was just Teddy that seemed to be always gaining a new face, to live at his house. But recently Theodore Daniel Mason Sr. has also added a few new faces as well. After Ted’s new additions it has become a situation where other Mason men seem to be suddenly ‘Mate shopping.’ No matter what the individual reasons involved were, or are, there has been an increase of women in the Mason family, here in Grand Rapids.” Marilyn Mason said.

“Now Mama C didn’t help matters, at all, as without any warnings, or conversations of any kind with any of us other Mason’s, either male or female. Mama C brought her younger sisters, who are actually older than all of the rest of us into this family, here in Grand Rapids. She then paired them up with men who had never seen them before and didn’t know that they had been chosen for them. Both Ted and Teddy are enlarging both of their already large houses. As they find themselves needing room for more bedrooms. What I am saying here is that there are only so many hours of the day, or the night for that matter. Teddy and Ted for instance are not able to spend as much personal one on one time with all of the women that they are now married to. I am talking about time spent both inside and outside of their bedrooms. We all know how and why these marriages have come to be.” Marilyn said.

“I agree with Marilyn. Those of you that were here when I got here know that Marilyn and I don’t often agreed on all that much on anything. While we both see our husbands every day, we don’t sleep with our husbands every night. Even with Teddy out of school for the summer, he and I still have jobs to do, involving the MasonGroup. Plus, Teddy must have time to practice both basketball, and now tennis, each day. Time also has to set aside for all of the new children, also. More and more Teddy’s women are becoming working partners just to spend more time with him. I’m not just talking about just the younger women in his household.” Pam said.

“Because Teddy and Wil Jr. spend at least a few hours a day, or more together, playing basketball and are now learning the game of tennis. Playing tennis both of them hope to improve their footwork. They also can’t stand having their ass’s handed to them, by Teddy’s young wives. Simply because they have never played the game before. Plus, when added to the fact that Larna no longer works Associated Truck Lines, as she now works closely with the Widows of Teddy’s group who are no longer widows by the way. Wil Sr. and Larna have agreed to move into our little subdivision, with the guaranteed sale of the house that they just bought, about a month ago. Names were tossed in a hat to see which family member would buy that house. With the jobs suddenly available Mason family members are now trying to buy houses as close to our subdivision as possible. Thus, there seemed to be some quiet fire sales happening after a few of the homes for sale close to each other were purchased by Mason family members. Our kinfolks were happy to take advantage of these fire sales. Most of the sellers had no idea that they were selling to family members. Most of the sales were happening before the houses were actually listed on the market. “ Pam said.

Neighbors who had been friends for years were unwilling to disclose the fact that they had sold their homes, or were even moving out of the neighborhood, until the moving companies were almost pulling up to the curb. You can imagine that it didn’t take long for the Realtors from every major real-estate firm in the city to begin approaching the homeowners to see if they were interested in selling their home since the neighborhood appeared to be changing, not for the better, was the tactic that the Realtors had begun using.

Sad that a few petty words from some money-hungry fools can talk some people into making a choice that they didn’t really need to make. Most of the movers were not happy where they ended up buying and moving into houses that were not quite as good as the houses that they ran away from. Between the higher taxes, and learning the new neighborhoods, happiness took a while to catch up sometimes. As well as not liking some of the people with the same skin tone, that had some nasty attitudes about some different things. Not being shy about making those opinions known to their brand-new neighbors. Then there was the thought. ‘Would it really have been so bad, as the last few weeks had proved that their old neighborhoods really had not changed all that much.’ By that time, it was too late to stop the sales, though.

There were still plenty of diehard home owners who didn’t care who moved next door to them as long as they kept their property up and minded their own business. In other words, as long as they didn’t cause any trouble the older settled home owners were willing to take a wait and see attitude. So, when it all came out later on, about who was moving into the neighborhood, the diehard group laughed so hard, that one man actually did have to go to the hospital for an overnight stay, just for observation. That poor man laughed so hard that he couldn’t catch his breath. Every time that it seemed like Mr. Ellis would calm down, enough to catch his breathe. Mike Ellis would just start laughing hard, all over again.

Mr. Ellis was actually twelve years older than his wife Ora, they have three sons together, Memphis, Jackson, and Nashville. While Memphis loves his name. Jackson was born six minutes after Memphis, and he prefers to be called Jack. The baby of the bunch of boys, as he came into the world eight minutes after Jackson first showed his face. Nashville prefers to be called Nash, three are boys identical in looks like triplets, and very close to each other. All three are about the same height, just under 6’ 5” with their weight somewhere 235 lbs. They also have three daughters Charlotte who was born three minutes after Memphis, and three minutes before Jackson. Carolina came along four minutes after Nashville, and three minutes before Fayetteville, who likes to be just called Fay. Charlotte, Carolina, and Fayetteville are identical to each other, but not identical matches to their brothers. These three girls are big girls, too. Their height is between 6’ 2’ and 6’ 3”. While their weight was between 160 and 175 Lbs., they played multiple sports like their brothers, so staying in shape year round was easy to do. So, until they tell you the truth, just by looking at them you think that you are looking at two sets of triplets. Rather than a set of sextuplets, which they really are. They were made the old fashion way. They were thought to just be triplets throughout most of Ora’s pregnancy. Michael and Ora’s six children together were a year older than Teddy and a year younger than Wil Jr. The Ellis’ are a mixed race couple. Michael Ellis is a white man from Spartanburg, North Carolina, while Mrs. Ora Ellis is a black lady from Memphis, Tennessee. So, it is easy to see the thinking that went into the names of their sextuplets.

Mrs. Ellis also has a set of twin girls from her first marriage. Marietta and Savannah and they will be seniors next year with Wil Jr. Both Marietta’s, and Savannah’s father was a black man named George, and he was both big and tall at 6’ 8” and 270 Lbs, who chose his musical career over his family when Marietta and Savannah were seven years old. Both girls barely remember him, now as it has been nearly ten years since he left them behind. Sadly, he is still chasing fame in his late 40’s, like he is still that same teenager, from his long ago youth. Michael was able to track him down without too much effort. Sadly, Michael had to resort to flat out bribing the man to get him to relinquish his parental rights to Marietta and Savannah. Michael quickly adopted both girls before any demand for more money could reach either Michael or Ora. Michael also has a set of twin boys of his own, that ironically are a month older than Ora’s twin girls. Michael had spent a total of 14 years in the Navy, ten of those years were in Intelligence, with Top-Secret Level Clearance. Michael’s nearly 6’ 6” was near the Naval height limit, weighing in at 255 lbs. Though he was a football player on the Navy Midshipmen’s football team. He was happy about the ten years of service after playing four years as defensive end for the Midshipmen. Ora was the shortest person in the Ellis household at 6’ 2” and 140 lbs.

Michael arrived home a few days earlier than expected. His ship was not in port yet, as it wasn’t due for at least 72 hours. Lt. General Sims needed a Top-Secret report ASAP. Thus, Michael quickly found himself strapped inside of a helicopter, and heading home, a few days early. Michael walked into his home, totally, and unexpectedly, home early. To find his very pregnant wife packing up the last of her clothes, as all of the expensive furniture that he had paid for, was already gone. Looking around he did not recognize any of the furniture that he was now looking at. The furniture that he was looking at was worn, and definitely older than the furniture that was here six months ago, when he left to do his six-month tour at sea. None of the furniture was ripped, or torn, but said furniture was well used, though. Anna was obviously preparing to go away with another man. A man who was the father of the unborn child that she was now carrying. Her intent was to take their two sons with her when she left with a Naval Officer whose Naval rank was a few levels higher, than his own rank. Anna intended for Michael to return home and for him to find a furnished house, and not much else. Anna’s plan was for Michael to waste all of his leave time looking for her, before he had to return to his ship, and head back out to sea. Anna nor her lover truly understood what his real duties were when he was gone. Michael can do more with his personal computer than most people can do with a whole room full of servers to guide them along.

After a brief scuffle that left the Lt. Colonel knocked-out cold on the floor and bleeding. Anna called the Military Police thinking that they would just lock Mike up. She could then make good on her escape, by taking her newly formed family, and just leaving. Anna thought that they would be long gone before Michael could really do anything to stop them. She thought Michael would be forced to go back out to sea in just a few weeks, anyway. By the time he got back from his upcoming tour Anna would have their divorce well underway, with her stating that Michael had abandoned her. Well, the MPs fucked that plan all up by locking up both men, pending a proper investigation. Anna, Michael’s wife was caught in a lie to the MP’s, and damn near found herself in hot water. When her freedom came into question she explained the truth of what Michael had been blind sided with.

While a lowly Captain, couldn’t compete with a Lieutenant Colonel. But then a Lieutenant Colonel doesn’t have shit on a Lieutenant General, though. Those three stars on the Lt. General shoulders would eventually send the Lt. Colonel and his new girlfriend on a four-year ride to the Antarctic Circle. Because the freezing cold of the Antarctic continent looked a whole lot better to him than the Stockade did. A serious loss in rank, on his way to the frozen tundra, was also in his immediate future. In less than a week both men were no longer locked up. Anna and her brand-new Captain headed off for their frozen assignment. Because General Sims owed him more than a few favors, he promoted Michael to Lt. Colonel with the understanding that he had to retire immediately as his hitch was up, anyway. This way nobody could undo his new promotions. Michael was going to become a Major before he left to go on his next assignment. General Sims was rewarding him for not killing the man, and also repaying Michael for his unwavering loyalty over the last nine years. Two of the three stars on his shoulders came indirectly from Michael and his small team doing their own work so well.

The price of Anna’s freedom was to relinquish custody permanently of her twin sons, Austin, and Denver, and give Michael a simple uncontested divorce. Austin was her father’s name, and Denver’s was her grandfather’s name. These two men were her first two lovers. Michael will never know how close he was to being forced to raise a child, or children that would have possibly been Anna’s siblings, rather than his own biological offspring. Austin and Denver inherited Michael’s strong genes as they were Michael’s size as Anna’s father and grandfather were 5’ 10” and 5’ 11” both men were in the neighborhood of 170 Lbs. Neither of them looked anything like Michael. Their grand plan was to get Michael to believe that the boys took after Anna. The big flaw in their great plan that would keep, some form of suspicion alive, was that if either of the men had fathered the twins, it was that Anna looked nothing like either man.

What none of them knew was Michael’s job made him tend to be, a naturally suspicious person. Add the fact that Michael did not like his in-laws at all. They made him suspicious from the day that he met them. He and Anna were already married before he met them, or he may have never married Anna. As both of these men claimed, that Anna could do better than him, in her search for a good husband. Right to his face. Anna said nothing to defend him while they were at her parent’s house. Michael thought he saw Anna kissing her father, by the time he was close enough to be sure Anna wasn’t near her father. Michael cut their visit short when he woke up and Anna was missing. When Anna returned to their bed, not knowing that Michael had woken up, while she was gone. Anna’s hair was still wet, and she smelled of fresh soap from her 2nd shower of the night. She had showered a few hours earlier, after they had made love. This was the second night in a row his hand touched wet hair hours after Anna had taken a shower hours before. Her hair should have been close to dry, if not dry. The funky looks that her father continued to throw his way, made Michael feel unwanted. WhileAnna, and the rest of the family went to visit her grandparent’s house, Michael packed up all their suitcases.

When they returned Michael shook hands with everyone. Michael then had to lead, Anna who was very loudly protesting, out of the house to get some ice cream. True to his word they went to the Dairy Queen. But instead of returning back to her parent’s house, Michael got on the expressway, leaving town. Anna was nervous as she was full of sperm, from all of her family members. Her family wanted Anna to serve Michael a very thick creampie. Anna went to the bathroom every chance she got to attempt to clean herself up. She washed out her panties, each time, also. By the time they stopped at a Hotel, Anna took a long bath. Michael’s penis was big enough that she wasn’t worried about being loose. Because the men in her family were all upset, as she had felt so loose to them. Anna called her parent’s house when they were back on the base the two days later. While Michael was out getting them some takeout food for dinner. During that call is when her father first told her that he wanted to get her pregnant, with his child, and let Michael raise it as his own.

Because Anna was still sleeping with her father, and his father also, when Michael was out to sea. She had named the boys when she gave birth three weeks early, four days before Michael was due to arrive in port. Anna both thought and hoped that her father, or his father, had been the one that had got her pregnant. By the time the boys were a year old Anna knew that Michael was the true father of the boys. While Anna cared for Michael, she had never loved him. Her father still wanted to get her pregnant, though. Anna refused when she heard a few things concerning things Michael was capable of. She learned these new facts from some of Michael’s tem members wives. When the Lt. Colonel forced his way into her lonely world. Anna quickly woke up to the idea that he was a lot more manageable than Michael ever was. John couldn’t fuck all that well, but he appeared to be trainable. John so far, willingly followed her orders without a thought. John nevr noticed just how often that Anna’s orders were in fact disguised as wishes.

Michael notice rather quickly, though. Michael made he r aware of that fact that he was never going to be her mindless plaything. The thought of making Michael bend to her will made her panties wet. What Anna couldn’t figure out was the fact that her panties also got wet because she couldn’t dominate Michael in any way, also. Michael so reminded her of the love of her life, her dad. By the time Anna returned from her frozen prison she had come to understand that she should have never let her parents house. her mother never interfered with Anna and Austin’s lovemaking. Just as Austin did not stop Anna from taking her son John into her bed when John became a young teenager.

When Anna saw her two older son’s playing high school basketball on the new sports channel ESPN. Her son’s team was trying to repeat as the national high school champions. She knew that she wanted to see both of her son’s, again. So when they went to play basketball for whichever college that they chose to attend, in the fall of 1980, Anna would make her appearance on their college campus, or campuses, to see both of them. Anna has hated Michael all these years for stealing her first born son’s from her. She couldn’t afford to track Michael down, she didn’t know where to begin looking for Michael, or how to pursue Michael, legally in court, anyway. Those boys were hers because she carried them inside of her body for nine months, she breastfed both of them for nearly three years. Anna would get her revenge on Michael, if it is the last thing that she does in her life. The sad truth is that is likely how this drama with play itself out. Anna, who was so blinded by her rage, that she has forgotten most of those stories that she was told about Michael.

Anna and John separated shortly after they returned from their frozen prison. John quietly retired as a Major. Anna returned home to her Daddy. Her grandfather had died of a heart attack while she was gone. Anna missed her twins enough to consult a lawyer who told her that she had no legal standing as she had willingly gave up her parental rights, to save herself from any possible future troubles, from Michael, four years ago. Her four year old little brother John was the center of her world. Her dad may not have made Austin, or Denver, but he did make little John, though. Anna refused to have any other children, until she gave birth to a little Tonia a girl fathered by her own son John. Anna had her tubes tied shortly after Tonia was born, to prevent her from ever having anymore children. Her father Austin was upset that he was cutoff from Anna’s pussy while she and John were making Tonia. Austin had wanted to make Anna’ last baby himself. Though he was also upset because he wasn’t able to get a hard dick to fuck Anna at will, like he used to. So Austin didn’t want waste any of his much fewer erections, at all. Anna’s mother had left years ago, since she couldn’t compete with her younger hot in the ass daughter. Glenda raided Austin’s bank account on her way out of town, and never has look back, or returned.

Michael, Ora Ellis and their entire family are going to be joining us on our summer trips. Mr. Ellis had been a large part of our information gathering and analyzing part of our Security Investigation operation. Mr. Ellis and his associates that he had us hire were making our files of information better than those J. Edgar Hoover’s files of the past. Mr. Ellis was able to build onto our files from our storied past. When Mr. Ellis and his team got knee deep in a case, they got busy going through all the information to see what was true, and what was a lie, and or fake.

While Michael and Ora Ellis were happy with their current home, they were offered, and had accepted one of the last very large guest houses in our subdivision because of his family’s uniqueness as well as Michael’s serious value to the entire MasonGroup. The house was big enough that by using part of the basement also, for the first time in their lives, all of the children would have their own bedrooms. The entire Ellis family was still learning all there was to know about all of their new neighbors.

A brand-new pool house was being constructed for community use housing two large pools. The larger pool was to be Olympic sized. The smaller of the two pools was going larger than the average backyard in-ground swimming pool. The building would feature both pools and were done purple, or what is often called ‘Laker blue’ by Lakers fans. With a large Lakers logo at the center of each pool. Smaller Laker logos were on the side walls of the pool, along with gold accent stripes on both the floor of the pools as well as the side walls. The interior walls were gold with purple accent stripes. With only a few Lakers logos on each wall. The fitness center near the front gate was set up for everyone to use, as well.

“We invited your family to live here because your family’s unique makeup. We all thought that your family might want to live with neighbors who don’t pry, or point fingers, or have relatives, who want to ask questions about things, that are not of their business.” Pam said.

“Thank you, very much. I speak for Michael when I say we look forward to trying to live in a nice and quiet neighborhood where we don’t have be our only close friends. We do have more than a few questions that we would like to ask, but don’t know just what, or how to ask without embarrassing either of us, or your family.” Ora said.

“Our families are about to be joined at the hip and very few secrets will be hidden all that long. I will help you out with the biggest ones. Sandy would you and Sharon join us here please?” Pam asked. Sandy, Sharon, Snowdove, Fallon, and Sonja, who was carrying her newborn son Johnnie, all walked over and joined Pam and the Ellis family at the large picnic tables that they were all sitting at. Austin and Denver both visibly perked right up, looking at Sharon, Snowdove, and Fallon. Pam smiled knowing that those two young men were about to get a taste of news that wouldn’t make them all that happy. “Please let me say what I am about to say without interrupting me please. Believe me when I say that it may not be easy for all of you to do.” Pam said to everyone at the table. With nods from all of the Ellis family members. Pam started in with what happened last June.

“Sandy is my daughter, and Sharon is her oldest child. Sandy was looking after one of her co-workers children for the weekend so that Marilyn could sneak off to meet a man who wasn’t her husband. Sandy didn’t know about what her friend was doing at the time, though. Teddy and Sharon had gone to school together for the last few years. They studied together every day with Sharon tutoring him. Sharon is a year older than Teddy. It was obvious to Sharon, Sandy, and Marilyn who is Teddy’s mother that Teddy liked Sharon. Saying that he had a crush on Sharon is an understatement. Anyway, Sandy had no bedroom for Teddy to use and with several growth spurts have left him standing nearly 6’ 10” tall. Thus, Teddy was sleeping on Sandy’s living room floor. Sandy, who was a widow at the time, was unused to having a male presence inside of her house, that late at night. Sandy walked into the kitchen wearing a short mid-thigh length nightgown, to get something cold to drink. Teddy watched her a few minutes before he walked into the kitchen, also. Sandy is a naturally submissive woman, though virgin Teddy didn’t know this at the time. Sandy because of her submissveness ended up submitting herself to her daughter’s classmate. Sharon was very upset with Teddy because he had not tried to date her, or try to have sex with her, But somehow he was able to have sex with her mother. After a few more tense words, Teddy and Sharon had sex, together for the first time, also. Before the weekend was over Sharon told Teddy if he wanted to keep both of his two women he was going to have to deal with me. I was due to move in for a while, to check on Sandy, as I was worried about her. Teddy was told the truth about me in every way, namely that I was a racist.” Pam said.

Well, every eye belonging to someone named Ellis at the table was suddenly staring at me. “Yes I was prejudiced towards black folks even though I was well aware that I had black relatives. In fact, I had met and knew plenty of my black relatives. I was in fact the reason my late husband thought he could rid the MasonTrust of these people. I put a stop to his all of efforts and took over the MasonTrust, once again. Well Sandy and Sharon were right I couldn’t stand Teddy and gave him problems whenever I could. I was trying to make Sandy stop Sharon from openly dating Teddy. A few weekends later Teddy’s family went out of town down south to visit Ted’s family. Sandy took her two children to the beach for a day to get away from me, and my bitching.” Pam said.

After a minute or two, pause to let the Ellis family think about what she had said. “Teddy was given a well paying job, as an excuse to be there, instead of going with his family on their family trip. By this time Teddy had grown on me a little bit. As you can see I believe in living at a gym. Well at 6’ 10” with no fat and muscles that move while he was standing still, and just breathing. I had at that time, had not slept with a man in years. After I became a widow I began sleeping with women, only. I fact my girlfriend at the time was a black woman that I had met at my gym. Kelly is also married to Teddy, and a mother of one his daughters her name is Aretha Louise. Kelly listened to Areatha Louise Franklin all through her pregnancy. We lived in Detroit, as does Areatha, before we moved to Grand Rapids. I had never listened to her music as much as I have in the last year. Kelly knew somebody that knew somebody that arranged for Kelly to meet her idol. Kelly gained a new client from that surprise meeting, Kelly is now one of Areatha’s business lawyers.

I had no idea that him being a Mason family member was also helping to seduce me as well. it never dawned on me, or Sandy and Sharon, that we were also all related to each other Masons. All of us have the same colored blues eyes. Let’s just say that Teddy being Teddy while he was painting painting those walls, and playing music by a man that I have never heard sing before was my undoing. When I actually meet Teddy Pendergrass and Johnnie Taylor later this year I will have to decide then if I want to hug them, or beat them to death. By the time Sandy brought her family home that night. I was laying in Sandy’s bed trying to recover like I had never had sex before. In less than a month I as a 49 year old woman, who was knowingly sleeping with a 14 year-old child. A child mind you that looked like a grown man, as his physical size was larger than most men in the entire world. Though I knew it was wrong I just couldn’t stop myself and didn’t want to either. If those facts alone, were not bad enough, by this time I was also pregnant, too.” Pam said.

“I knew that I was going to have the child, never once even thinking of either abortion, or adoption, as a viable option. Telling his parents was a hard thing to do considering I had a strong dislike for his mother. That this hatred was a mutual hatred between us two women, was no help in this matter, at all. Teddy also had a strong fear of his mother, that Marilyn had used to keep Teddy under her control, even more so after Teddy grew, and filled out his body. I had told Teddy that you had fun making babies with Sandy and me. Your parents have to be told, now, not later. Teddy stepped up and told them the truth. Marilyn started in on me as I am older than either of them by a few years. I reminded her that she had a small hand in this mess that we now found ourselves in. At that point Ted stepped in and asked me what I wanted to do. I told them all the truth, that I wanted to be with Teddy for as long as he would have me as one of his women. I was only sharing him with my daughter and my granddaughter at that time.” Pam said.

“There are some family dynamics that you wouldn’t believe if I truly knew the words to say to make you believe what I am trying to tell you. Though we have nothing that you can see in common with the example. Please just think of salmon driven by an unseen force to swim upstream, to mate. I used that particular example because many of the women you see walking around here are related by blood to Teddy, many of us have also had children fathered by Teddy. Some of them are in fact his older sisters, and some of them are also in fact old enough to have given birth to him, also. Look around here at every woman around here wearing a purple suit with a Lakers logo is married to Teddy. All of us that are related to Teddy are all descendants of Daniel Mason Sr., or one of his close relatives that he founded the MasonTrust with, in the late 19th century. Every woman that he is married to is in fact older than he is, the age difference ranges from months to many decades. Before you ask my youngest child Pamela was born healthy, all of her siblings were, as well. All of these children were born on an Indian Reservation in Oklahoma, that is wholly owned by the MasonGroup.”

Same as Teddy's World
Chapter 51: Plane Lover, Love, Videos

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We were flying over mountainous jungle when it happened. The beeper went, and I picked up the phone and Dave the Captain said we have a problem, tell everybody to prepare to crash. I managed to stick with my training, and maybe because the passengers were all military people nobody panicked, and we waited breathlessly to see what was going to happen. I confess that I came very close to losing control! That is the problem with a small aircraft like this. On bigger planes there are three or four...

2 years ago
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The Plane Crash

It was my first time flying alone. I was going to Hawaii to meet up with my grandparents, who retired there. My mother thought it would be a lesson to learn, and since I was already 17 I thought I could handle it. Now that I was actually living it, it was rather frightening. I continued scanning the crowd. All of a sudden an emotion that felt like I was about to throw up my heart hit me as I recognized one of the girls in the terminal with me. It was Cassandra, (or Cassy for short) a girl...

4 years ago
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The woman with the sleeping husband on the plane

I was travelling for business from London to New York like any other business trip. When I got onto the plane, I was really tired and exhausted, so I was looking forward to take a nap as soon as the plane took off. This time I had the window seat, since nothing else was free and the plane was packet. Usually I prefer the aisle seat. Boarding is almost completed and a woman with her (I think husband) sat down on the seats next to me (aged probably 35-40).And as soon as we took off and it was...

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We boarded the plane

We boarded the planeWe boarded the plane ,and found our seats very quickly ,we were on the right side of the plane by the windows ,I love sitting at the window so I can look at and see the world from a bird’s eye view ,then seat next to was empty, good I through to myself, we can relax .without worry about disturbing the other person, the plane was filling up and the seat was still empty, but I could see this long brown headed woman, red in the face looked like she been running, the closer and...

3 years ago
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iBod Chapter Two The Plane RideHOME

"iBod: Chapter Two - The Plane Ride...HOME" by Jaye Domino Author's Notes::::: First, I just want to thank those who offered feedback on Chapter 1, and hope many more people read it. Yes, I realize Chapter 2 is so long in coming (the delay in posting it was my fault, I'll admit), and it was sitting on my HD for MONTHS before I had the thought in the front of my head to post it. Second, I'm going to state for the record that I myself am transgendered and in possession of many...

3 years ago
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The Missing Cargo PlaneChapter 5

The next morning, we showered together with a concentration on the naughty parts. Hey, Man, that was fun. We ought to do that more often. We now had enough experience with this city to decide to move in and claim it as our own. For lack of a better idea, we decided to call this city “Miami” and our current apartment “home.” I told AI to fly the 797 to Miami and to park it as near as possible to the bunker entrance that we had used for the Humvee. As soon as we could, we would unload the...

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from a plane to a office restroom

Tom checked out and hopped in a cab and headed to the airport. Once there Tom checked his bag and walked over to the waiting area before he had to board his flight home. He was looking forward to getting some sleep on the long flight home. As he was sitting in the corner doing some work on his laptop he noticed a woman sitting across from him that would keep looking at him from time to time. She looked like another business woman in a black skirt, white top, stockings and heels. She had brown...

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The Missing Cargo PlaneChapter 2

There was an envelope taped to the steering wheel. Inside were a detailed service manual for the vehicle and a quick guide to tell a new driver how to operate the Humvee. Jane verified that the main battery had a charge because the vehicle was driven into the cargo hold, and the battery was left attached to the vehicle. Karen and Jane looked at the service manual while I looked at the driver’s cheat-sheet. I sat in the driver’s seat and invited the women to join me. Karen came in right away,...

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ME AT THE BACK OF THE PLANE:PART TWOME AT THE BACK OF THE PLANE:Maggie got up first and I watched her go to the back of the plane, with a quick look around I got up and walked to the same toilet and knocked twice, she opened the door and pulled me inside. We started to kiss and my hands were all over her and so were hers. I was grabbing her at her cloths ,I unbuttoned her green top she had on ,which showed off her well cupped breasts in a lace bra, in matter of seconds I had it off my mouth...

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Buffys Plane Ride

Sarah Michelle Gellar was sitting in the first class section of the airplane, reading a romance novel to pass the time. The star of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" had just finished shooting her lastest film, "Cruel Inentions", and she was headed back to Los Angeles to resume shooting her t.v. show. The young actress was making films as well as doing her show. She was trying to find the movie that would be her big break and launch her movie career. Having her own television show was nice, but...

3 years ago
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The Daughters of COVID20Chapter 4 Jet Plane

The plane banked and cabin lights came on. The captain’s voice sounded above the engines, “Please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts. We’ve been diverted to Barkley Regional Airport in Paducah. I’ll give you an update when we have one. Attendants, take your seats and prepare for immediate landing.” Beside me, Chastity stirred and snuggled closer. She rubbed her eyes, looked a question at me, and I responded with a shrug that woke Becky. Except for my car parked in Nashville, this...

4 years ago
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A Different Plane of Existence Part 2

A Different Plane of Existence By Karen Page (revised January 2005) Edited by Angel O'Hare Part Two About an hour into the operation the theatre telephone rang. "Theatre Four," answered Anna Jones the theatre administrator, "Dr Millard and Dr Fielding are operating." "This is Dr Adams from East Sussex hospital in Redhill. Please relay a message to Dr Fielding that we are loosing Helen Turner. I believe he is assisting on Simon Turner. Helen is Simon's mother. She has a donor...

2 years ago
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A Different Plane of Existence Part 4

A Different Plane of Existence By Karen Page (revised January 2005) Edited by Angel O'Hare Part Four *BEEP* *BEEP* "What the..." mumbled Rachel as she grabbed her pager. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the illuminated screen. It had one solitary word, "SIMON". She peered through bleary eyes to see the message time which was displayed in a small font on the top right, "23:30". Rachel straightened her clothes and walked smartly to the lift. Two minutes later a rather...

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The Missing Cargo PlaneChapter 12

As it turned out, Karen only had to allocate six apartments, but she had to come up with seven more radios. AI promised to deliver them by tomorrow morning. Ed, Hank, and Shirli were the first three in line, so they got the available radios. Hank and Shirli were married with two children, George, 15, and Helen 12. The others were Tom (73) and John (16), traveling together. The others were Lois, Sue, and Albert. Ed and Lois partnered very early, and it wasn’t long before Sue and Albert became...

4 years ago
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Once More With FeelingsChapter 29 Leaving on a Jet Plane

"I have to go pee!" I looked guiltily at Sister Gabe to see if she heard me and saw her waving her hand at me and mouthing 'Go! Quickly!' With a glance at the DC-8 sitting on the tarmac outside the window, I dashed off to the ladies' restroom, where I quickly locked myself in a cubicle, pulled down my panties, and sat down, my hands trembling as I tore off a length of tissue. The restroom door closed again. "Pete? Are you okay?" Wendy called. I wiped unnecessarily then pulled up my...

3 years ago
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My Night On A Plane

Introduction: Fun and Sex While Traveling My night on a plane&hellip,.. I was waiting to load a flight home from visiting my Mom and Stepdad. I dont like him because he always just plays around but never goes all the way. I probably would fuck him if he would. I dont care for my Mom either because she left my Dad for this guy. Fortunately Dad got custody so I live with him. I was savoring the taste in my mouth from paying my step-brothers fee for bringing me out to the airport, a blowjob and...

4 years ago
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The Far Plane

Once more, we thank you all for the years we’ve had, and hope this final week is the send-off The Far Plane and you players deserve. Here’s to future adventures! - Natasha Kane, Project Lead on ‘Amissa Mundo’ I stared at the headline in a paralyzing mix of nostalgia, sadness and shock. It had of course been years since I played The Far Plane, and almost as long since I’d heard news about it. But on top of the shock I felt toward this happening was the shock of who delivered this news. Abby...

2 years ago
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Ana takes care of a stranger on a plane

Ana takes care of a stranger on a planeI had enjoyed a quick trip to Ohio with my loving Victor, he had invited me to go with him and I had been delighted. My loving husband had been very busy during three days and finally we were boarding a plane to fly back…While sitting on the plane I asked a blanket and received one and a pillow. Victor’s seat was in the aisle and I was on the middle. We had to get up to allow a huge man go through us, to his window seat. The man was really huge, bigger...

4 years ago
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Stranger on a Plane

It was 7 months after the birth of my second c***d and 3 weeks after my tubal ligation. I was mildly anxious because this was my first business trip away from my husband and two k**s in over two years. The trip was important, our company was evaluating a water reclamation project and I was asked to lead the engineering team. I was nervous and my usual self-surety was shaky from the 12 week absence I had taken earlier in the year and the gravity of the current project. Don't get me wrong, I've...

2 years ago
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A Different Plane of Existence Part 6

A Different Plane of Existence By Karen Page Edited by Angel O'Hare Part Six The morning dawned and Charlotte stretched as she awoke. Last nights conversation with Sally Archer and Sue Barker had certainly helped. It had given her a lot to think about but it also relieved a lot of the built up stress. Last nights sleep was the first full nights sleep since the accident. There had been no bad dreams, no nightmares and no night terror attacks. Jasmine watched on the monitor...

2 years ago
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Plane Lucky

It had been a good week and I was sorry to see it end but had been fortunate to be able to be there at all. Having been "absorbed" into the workforce of the buying company after a merger with a younger but more energetic company, I turned out to be one of the first employees of the company to celebrate 25 years with the company. I had to laugh at that because the buying company was three months short of being 25 years old itself. Still I had to say that the company took care of its people....

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The Missing Cargo PlaneChapter 15

Ann Johnson, the one with the broken arm, was out of the medical chamber in one week, and Ernie Holman, the one with the shattered pelvis, was out in a month, and they were easily added to the pool of unattached women. The case was different for Dom Franshone who had lost her arm above the elbow. That took just over five months to grow back, and she was badly disoriented when she was released from the medical chamber. Dominique, known to us very quickly as Dom, clung to Loni like she was...

4 years ago
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The CircleChapter 39 Tracy in a plane crash

The TV announcer was talking at a rapid rate. Several of the others in the room stopped what they were doing to look at the screen because of the panic in the announcer's voice. " ... the plane had just taken off from St. Louis' Lambert Field. According to local sources, a microburst from a nearby thunderstorm may have interrupted the flight's climb out, forcing the jet to the ground along a road in an industrial park near the airport. The plane broke into pieces at the hard impact, and...

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Sex on the plane

Hi, I am Ragz & this is another experience that I would love to enjoy. This is what happened I became an investor banker at one of the main broker at Bombay stock exchange. And, being in the dealers room had noticed that I am always surrounded by beautiful young women. Recently I had taken a liking to jacking-off to porn movies about barely legal teens, wishing that it were me and one of the students that I ogle every day. I would walk my office corridors whenever possible to watch those...

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The plane ride

I love reading stories - not so sure I'm a writer - 1st attempt: Hi, my name is Kelli. I am used to dry spells when it comes to sex. I made the decision after college to put career ahead of men for now. Thus far, I have been successful at rising up the corporate ladder, but have had to work harder than my older male colleagues to do so. It's not that I don’t love a nice hard cock – I do! Once a month or so - when my toy just doesn't do the trick, I'll hit one of my old college bars and bring...

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On the Plane

He’s watching them; she sees this wondering why the distinguished older gentleman is watching her and Jake as they all wait to board the plan. Jake, at 6’2”; is towering over her petite frame, his dirty blonde hair falling in his eyes as he leans in closer to her. Kira knows he loves the peach and vanilla scent of her body was, so she leans her head back so he can press his lips and nose to her neck. Jack nuzzles her and pulls her closer, his hands on her ass, unaware that they are being...

4 years ago
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The Woman on the Plane

The young mother sat across the aisle from me on our short hop to the hub airport. She had caught my eye in the terminal, as we waited for the boarding call. Slender, she was in the company of an adolescent who appeared more interested in his phone than his (mother? Older sister?). She, herself, had a laptop opened, and was working upon what was displayed there. I admired her, and noted, when she stretched, her firm appearing, petite bust, proportioned nicely to her frame. She was no doubt a...

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The Missing Cargo PlaneChapter 8

For the next couple of weeks, both Jane and I “spoiled Karen rotten.” We concentrated all of our efforts to let her know that she was a valued member of our family and was never going to be discarded. We also insisted that she go every day to be checked by the medical computer. The computer reported a steady improvement in Karen’s physical condition, and the pseudo morning sickness faded as the depression was driven away. The computer said that we had done a wonderful job of helping Karen...

1 year ago
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The Missing Cargo PlaneChapter 17

The search for ice has us glued to the windows, even the children have joined in the search. Dom says that we are getting close to the Pole, but there simply is no sign of ice anywhere. Okay, I’m willing to believe that all of the ice has melted and has raised the sea level to a point well beyond what we were threatened with back during our time on Earth. Miami, Florida, had already put in some dikes and was madly working on trying to contain the rate at which water flowed into Miami’s...

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In The Cover Of The Clovers

"The Devil made me do it." Have you ever heard anyone say that? You're probably thinking whoever said that is just using that as an excuse to get out of trouble. You could be right, but on the other hand... it could be I really did make them do it. That's right, I'm the one and only Devil. Pleased to meet you, by the way. I would shake your hand, but, you know, the Corona virus thing. Being the Prince Of Darkness doesn't mean I have to have bad manners. Good manners or not, I've been...

Mind Control
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first time horselover

A lady fantasizes about a horse cock and then gets the real thing. *** I am a 38 year old woman who was raised on a farm in the deep south. Ever since I saw one of our horses fucking a mare, I have fantasized about a horse fucking me. I am married and my husband has no idea of my cravings for a horse cock. I love to masturbate and do several times a week. At night when my husband is fucking me, I let my mind wonder to my secret fantasy, me being fucked by a huge horses'...

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John and Doe membuka pintu warnet. John and Doe mulai membuka windows dan membuka irc. Di IRC itu John and Doe mendapat kenalan seorang wanita. Wanita itu memberi no hp nya.Wanita itu bernama Mia, berumur 23 tahun.

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BBW Senior Loverrr

I'm walking across a dealer parking lot looking over the new cars when I spot her.She was older and she was on the heavy side. She walked with a bit of a limp thatwas probably due to the wearing her feet and knees take from carrying the extraweight.As she came toward me I see her straightening out her blouse down over her pantson one side, then switching her purse to the other arm to do her other side. Thenshe straightens her collar, all the while taking glances at me. The lady wants to...

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The Neighbour Who Had It All byTheTitLover

Alan had been watching his new neighbour for months now, picturing her naked every time he saw her. She'd moved in a while back, and he'd been immediately struck by her beauty. His first glimpse had been while she helped the removalists by hefting some of the smaller boxes inside alone. She had a Mediterranean look, with a dark olive complexion, dressed in a pair of loose beige slacks and a country style red shirt, knotted together at the bottom with rolled up sleeves. Her copper coloured hair...

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Twink Sissy Cocklover

So I had given my little spy twink what he wanted, and he wanted more! I had caught him looking through my basement window while I was stroking and brought him inside to choke him with my Cock and feed on his young Cum. He did not disappoint and after getting his tight ass fingerbanged while I sucked him off, he was in desperate need to have my thick shaft buried deep inside him as well! He had already fed on my hot nectar and having my seed pulsing into his tight little ass is a gift that will...

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Steph n bigthighlover

THIS STORY BY bigthighlover:I had been talking with this very beautiful sexy tranny from the southern part of the state for weeks and she told me she was going to drive up to Morgantown and check out the gay lesbian club Vice Versa on Saturday night so I decided to surprise her and be there I got there around 8 pm and got a table next to back wall in front of stage I could see from there desk the hostess set out and I watched for Steph to come in it was all most 9 pm and there she was walking...

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Maggie Pintero was a beauty. The first time I saw her, she was wearing what I guess could best be described as a sundress, made of soft, light cotton with small pink and green flowers against a yellow background. Small cap sleeves, a low bodice that displayed the warm soft blush of her breasts, and a full gathered skirt that when she walked fluttered, whispering of the treasure beneath. I remember the dress so vividly because as a young man just graduating high school, our neighbor lady down...

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Chatting with Eddie Glover

Chat Night Guest: Eddie Glover On Monday July 19, 1999 6 PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal I arrived a little late in the middle of a conversation... (*Anne-Mal) So did I miss anything good? (Eddie) I'm ready for my close up Mr. Demille! We were just speaking on the joys of computer freezes or lack thereof! (Carrie_g) It becomes the cruelest editor. :) (*Anne-Mal) At least you are forced to rewrite! (Eddie) No problem. I'm not nervous or anything. Really. :) (Carrie_g) I...

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Walk like a man A story of the Apolloverse

James William Casey did not know what happened. All he knew was that he went to bed one night with his wife in the two storey suburban home and woke up in Point Place Mercy General hospital's intermediate care ward. The machines beeped and their sensors felt strange on James' now enlarged and bulbous chest. Carolynne, James' wife stood in the room and looked at him. She clutched at the wad of Kleenex in her hand and listened as the dr. whispered to her. When he stopped talking,...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess9e1 Gayle McGhee 29 lesbian doglover

Series 9, Episode 1: Gayle McGhee (29), from London. An establishing shot of a modern two-story building – red brick and grey render, signs declaring this to be “Newman College” A few students, all of them 17-18 year old girls, are hanging around the doorway in the background, trying to get on camera – smiling, waving, shouting to the camera – one of them posing, pulling the top couple of buttons of her blouse open, leaning forward to show off a reasonable amount of cleavage. They’re all...

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Lovers Lab! What’s the best part of playing video games on PC? Is it the incredibly immersive graphics that you display on your 8k monitor? Is it the complex storylines and narrative of your favorite characters? Is it the supreme performance that only a $5000 beast of a machine could accomplish? Fuck no. None of that shit is the best part of a glorious PC experience. It’s the sexy ass mods. I’m talking xrays, nudes, fuckable NPCs, giant titty mods, and all that awesome shit. You can’t do that...

Free Sex Games
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Are you a Scan Lover? I guess that’s kind of an ambiguous question because you don’t even know what kind of scans I’m talking about yet. You’re reading this on ThePornDude, so obviously, I ain’t going to be reviewing some bullshit soccer-mom blog that scans old recipes out of grandma’s cookbooks, nor am I going to waste your time rambling about the best place for grandpa to get an MRI or X-ray. I’m not going to be talking about police scanners, either, although they can be useful if you’re...

Porn Forums
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Lover Fans calls itself “The Uncensored Social Network for TOP Influencers,” which honestly sounds a lot like another site with a similar name. While they only get a fraction of the traffic OnlyFans pulls, their numbers have been rising steadily in a way that tells me they might have something special up their sleeves. Models have been jumping ship from OnlyFans for a while, and I’ve been wondering where they’re going. Could it be LoverFans?It's one thing to call yourself THE BEST FAN PLATFORM...

Premium OnlyFans Sites
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InterracialSexx, also known as Brotha Lovers, has a blurb out on their tour page saying they’re “Celebrating our 20th year as the best interracial sex site on the web!” As a guy who spends most of his waking day fap testing free tubes, sex forums and premium porn sites, I’m used to seeing that type of big-dick bragging just about everywhere. Everybody’s always claiming to be the biggest or the best at something, but in this case, the site’s longevity does speak to the quality of their content....

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
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Are you a Mom Lover? I think it’s part of basic human nature that most of us have some really powerful feelings of affection for our mothers. After all, they did ensure our survival during the early days our lives, nourishing us with the fluid of their bosoms. Of course, loves comes in various forms, and you’ve probably assumed I ain’t talking about that wholesome feeling you get when your mom makes you a pie. The love we’re talking about today relates more to the feeling you get when you...

Premium Incest Porn Sites
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Another meeting of weblovers

Kelly nervously watched the occasional care drive by as she stood outside the hotel waiting. A few moments passed before Alan came out. ‘I got the key, we’re good until morning’ He said, putting his wallet away. It had been four weeks since they last met up, and both were eager to repeat the events of that day. But they also wanted to try something else too. ‘What room number are we?’ Kelly asked as she fiddled with her cellphone. ‘8’ Alan said, eager to get inside. ‘So, we’ve got about an...

Group Sex
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The Missing Cargo PlaneChapter 16

I brought up the subject of the exploration flight at supper, and all of the women were immediately enthusiastic and ready to go. We started outlining what we needed to take with us, and it quickly became apparent that we were going to need a plane with a fuselage as large as an aircraft carrier. Of course, the women were figuring on taking the children along with us. I never did get a chance to mention my idea of leaving them in a stasis field. Well, such a plane was simply impractical, but...

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