Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 23 So Many Square Pegs
- 3 years ago
- 24
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The next morning when I woke I found that I could not remember if I had managed to have fun at the party or not. The appearance of Captain Prescott had left a bit of a cloud over my emotions. Matti was worse off. Once I entered the banquet room she had rushed over to my side and clung to me as I circulated the crowd.
My crew seemed subdued during the party. Several did come up to me to talk, but I noticed a strange look in their eyes. It was as if the argument in the hallway had revealed something that they could not quite wrap their minds around. I worried about it during the party.
There was no time to look deeper into how my public dispute with Captain Prescott was going to affect my crew. Sergeant Griffith had been clear when he said that the AI was watching the success of the training I was conducting, and when I met with my officers the next morning we all agreed that we had to increase the intensity and pace of the sessions.
The first thing I discovered was that this made my fourteen hour days into nineteen hour days. Where I used to have time to wake up and perhaps even enjoy a leisurely coupling session with one of my ladies. I was now being dragged out of bed and thrown into the shower by my ladies before rushing to my personal sleep trainer to try to get in a couple sessions before heading to the simulators.
I even found that I got to spend very little time in the engine, missile or railgun simulator rooms. Instead, Chaz, Warren and Kelsey handled those rooms while I sat in the captain’s chair and ran simulations as if I was in command. We were linking two and sometimes all three rooms with the helm simulations in elaborate war games.
Of course, this proved to add new difficulties. We only had one of each simulation station which meant that either we repeated the same simulation multiple times and allowed the crew who sat out the first time to go in with some foreknowledge of the scenario, or we had to come up with multiple possible problems. It left the crew frustrated as we added every possible situation and battle condition early and then expected them to recover from their surprise.
Everyone was fighting with stress. This was not improved in the first seven days after the party. Captain Prescott apparently decided to see if he could undermine my authority by having his crew stand outside the simulators and gossip about how easy their training was and how well they were doing in the sleep training simulations. This had continued for several days until a brawl finally broke out. Ensign Daniels and I were quick to break it up and issue punishments for our crew, but Captain Prescott’s reaction was to demand that we treble the punishment on my crew while not punishing his crew at all.
The AI refused to accept his demand that my men suffer additional punishment, but other than announcing that loitering outside the simulators would no longer be permitted took no action to punish Captain Prescott’s crewmen.
My crew was more than a little bitter at the injustice. I worried that night that their reaction would cause the intensity of the training to fall, but they surprised me by working even harder the next day. We could not get everyone into a simulator at the same time, but the scenarios we were running were now far more advanced than we had been doing before the party.
Finally the AI announced that we would be arriving at Crucibleat in two days. This occurred just as a simulation came to an end. Blaine was at the helm and sighed.
“You know, I’m really hoping that we don’t have as many emergencies once we board Corsica,” he said.
I had called up a small holographic screen to review the simulation results. Brad and Anders had been the missile team and there had been a noticeable delay in the loading and priming of the second missile we used in the simulation. “I want us ready for any emergencies,” I replied. “And good job.”
“He always does a good job,” Blaine’s concubine Betsy cooed as she ran over to put her arms around his neck.
I could hear the alternate helmsmen Terrence and Michael cough as I activated the communication system to the other simulation rooms.
“Everyone,” I called out. “I want to thank you for an excellent series of simulations. We still have things to work on, but we’ve come a long way in just four weeks. Crew can head home early today. Officers, if you can come to the bridge simulator I want to talk about how to handle the last two days before we arrive at Crucibleat.”
Terrence groaned as he started to slowly walk to the exit of the simulation room. “More drills. I’m so sick of drills.”
“Sweat more now so we bleed less later,” Blaine said. “That’s what my father once told me when I wanted to quit practicing one summer.”
“We’ll see,” I said as Lenore stood up and put a hand on my shoulder. She had been kneeling next to me during the simulation. Now my lovely concubine put her arms around my chest as she leaned over to kiss my cheek.
“You need to relax, master,” she whispered.
Terrence started laughing. “Oh, you don’t have to remind me, B-dog. I already can see just how much all of the training should help. Even two weeks ago I couldn’t have imagined some of the scenarios we have run.”
“You tend to crash into things,” Michael said as he started to walk to the door.
“I haven’t run into anything in days,” Terrence said. “But tonight, I want to run around my pod chasing Mary. I’ve been getting home too tired to really play.”
“Enjoy,” I called out as the door opened. Ensign Daniels walked in, nearly running over Terrence.
“Sorry,” he said to Terrence as he walked over to stand at the tracking station.
“I should get going,” Michael muttered. “Blaine, can I call you later. I want your thoughts on my last run.”
Blaine had to lift Betsy from his lap as he stood up. “You need to learn to turn right,” he replied. “You do it fine when we are out of combat, but in combat you have a habit of turning left every time you evade. You can hear Ensign White get frustrated that you do that.”
“She does?” Michael asked.
“What do I do?” we all heard the woman in question ask from the doorway.
I spun the captain’s chair around to see my last two officers standing and gazing at the crowd. Ensign Munfree had a smirk on her face. She was clearly looking at Michael as Ensign White shook her head.
“Sorry, but all I heard was you can hear me get frustrated,” she said. “Now what were you talking about.”
“About Michael’s habit of always evading by turning to the left,” Betsy said in a happy squeal.
I heard flesh meet flesh and turned to see that Blaine had slapped his forehead. “Of all the times for Betsy’s mind to work,” he muttered. His voice was full of affectionate amusement.
I could see Michael wince, but Kelsey started laughing. “Oh, that! It is frustrating mostly because its always a hard turn and we end up facing in a completely different direction. There have been a couple of times that I’d just selected a different enemy to target.”
“So its not that bad?” Michael asked.
“It’s a problem,” I said. “We’ll have to work with you to get the habit under control. I know Blaine prefers to use vectored thrust to push the entire ship left or right while maintaining course. Terrence seems to prefer to perform barrel rolls.”
“They make sense to me,” Terrence said. “And the sleep trainer made it clear that the artificial gravity in the ship would prevent us from feeling the effects of inverting the ship for long periods.”
“What?” Michael asked.
“The ship isn’t heavy enough to generate natural gravity. We can stand on the deck because of some energy projection system the aliens provide. It means that no matter what position the ship is in, we always feel that the deck is down,” I said. “So if we flip Corsica upside down, we won’t notice.”
“Makes barrel rolls much safer to perform,” Terrence said.
“They can mess up my aim,” Ensign White said. “But they aren’t hard to recover from. But we’ll have to test that in a real ship.”
“Which we’ll have in three days according to the AI,” I said. “So I need to have a staff meeting with the officers.”
Blaine nodded. The former quarterback grabbed his concubine and started pushing her towards the door to the simulator. “We’ll get out of your hair then. Terrence, Michael, get out of here.”
All three helmsmen headed out of the room. Betsy struggled enough to manage to turn and wave just before the door closed leaving me with my officers and Lenore.
“Two days,” I said with a sigh. “Level with me. Are we ready?”
“No,” all three of my officers said.
I nodded. “I thought the same. Let me hear why. Ensign White, you have been working with both the missile and railgun teams, but primarily with the missile teams the last week. What is the problem there?”
“We have two good teams who are ready,” she said in reply. “Morgase and Ingrid are the best we have. They are fast on loading and never miss a change command. The only problem is that the men tend to want to give the orders. Brent and William are almost as good, and Brent is showing signs of being a good team leader, but they can’t handle the more complex warheads at all.”
“Why not?” Ensign Munfree asked.
“Brent likes to take shortcuts and he just isn’t disciplined enough to go through the multiple step process of properly priming some of the warheads. He’s great on the simple ones, but some of them have more steps than he seems able to remember.”
“Is that true on the other teams?” I asked.
“Morgase and Ingrid are fine with the complex ones and reasonably fast, but can make mistakes. The most accurate team is Hank and David, but they are very slow. Both men wear wristbands like a college or pro quarterback would use with the list of steps for each warhead and missile body. They use those as reference sheets to make sure they never make a mistake,” Ensign White replied.
“Hopefully more repetition will increase their speed. That leaves one team. Brad and Anders right?” I asked.
“And if I had a choice, we’d lose Brad. Anders isn’t very good, but a lot of that is confidence. If he could wear a wristband I think he’d work out, but Brad is impossible. He constantly tries to compete with the other teams on speed, but cares nothing for accuracy. I’ve had him mess up the two-step process of attaching the standard explosive warhead to a missile. If that happens on Corsica, it could blow up in the tube,” Ensign White said.
“And right now I don’t think we have any spares or way to swap him out,” I said bitterly.
“There are no alternate crew available,” the AI called out. “Do you wish to note that you have a crewman you need swapped out?”
“Kels?” Ensign Munfree asked. “Can we move him elsewhere?”
“Do you think he’d work on a rail gun?” Ensign White replied.
“He’d disrupt the teams we have,” Ensign Munfree said with a sigh. “And Robert would probably kill him. He already wants to drown Leonard and Casey.”
“Who?” I asked.
“Leonard is the tech on Robert’s team. The man is dependable, but can never seem to handle more than two launches before he goes into a bit of a mental fugue. I’m not sure why, but I do know that Robert isn’t happy with having to constantly get him to snap out of it. Casey is the lead on the team for the starboard gun. He’s overly critical of his men. He also doesn’t communicate well,” Ensign Munfree said.
“Should we move him out and others up?” I asked.
“Won’t work,” Ensign White said. “Roger will probably be ready in six months, but for now he’s feeling overwhelmed.”
“Can we trust our guns?” I asked.
“Not in an extended fight, but short quick battles should be fine for now,” Ensign White said. “I’m more worried about the lack of a tracking officer. Chaz has done wonders learning that role as well as communications, but we need someone dedicated to it.”
“Should I do more?” I asked.
“No,” Ensign Daniels said. “One thing I can say and I believe both Chaz and Kels will agree, is that you already are doing too much as Captain.”
“I sit in a chair,” I said.
“And try to think of what to do next while we handle your current orders,” Ensign Daniels said. “Even my people have noticed that you anticipate the simulations.”
“And before you protest that you help write them,” Ensign Munfree interrupted. “Everyone has heard how you have generated multiple randomizers into the simulations. You only decide how many of each type of situation will occur, not when, where, or in what order.”
“And your voice can be calming,” Ensign Daniels said.
“Easy to be calm when you sit in a chair knowing you are totally safe,” I said. “I do want to do well, but no one gets hurt in a computer simulation. And how are the engine crews?”
“They haven’t seen a live engine,” Ensign Daniels said. “And none of them were engineers before we were picked up. Some of them are picking up things quickly, but they are going to make mistakes. I want at least a week of just running around the Crucibleat system so they can get used to adjusting a live engine.”
I nodded again. “I understand, and I expect that we will have a couple of days at least. But I haven’t received any kind of guidance regarding our orders.”
“None?” I heard both of my lady officers ask.
“We know that Crucibleat is going to be a marine training station,” I said. “From what little the AI has told me Corsica and Ipanema are primarily supposed to be scouts, checking the star systems close to Crucibleat and tracking any expansions made by the Sa’arm.”
“So who would issue commands to us?” Ensign Daniels asked.
“I expect that we’ll be officially attached to a fleet headquarters in a nearby system. But that our official orders will have us on detached duty and using the commandant of the training station as our official liaison,” I said.
I waited for the door to close and then released a massive sigh. Tatyana immediately put her arms around me. “That was hard on you,” she observed. I feel like I’m the only sheep in a room filled with hungry wolves. There are quite a few members of the crew that would do their best to replace me if they thought I’d fail,” I replied as I stood up. “Never let them see you sweat?” Tatyana said. “Basically,” I agreed as I stood up. “AI, you can power down this room until the next training...
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Captain Prescott was wearing the form fitting ship suit that the AI provided whenever someone asked for a uniform. However, I noticed almost immediately that he or someone in his command had modified the look. The shirt had red shoulder pads. There was a visible bar or what appeared to be gold thread across the shoulder pads. On his head was a rather elaborate hat that would have looked perfect in a movie about Horatio Nelson. He looked commanding while at the same time I had to fight not to...
Constance eventually left my arms. Miki was next to hold onto me. My little Japanese beauty had been the quietest over the past few hours. This did not change once I was holding her as she just clung to me and shivered. I just stroked her back and looked at the others as the pod continued to fall through the atmosphere. No one seemed interested in talking so we listened to a faint howl as we waited. Finally the motion stopped. It happened so suddenly that the silence accompanying it shocked...
Ashley jumped behind me, putting her hands on my shoulders. I reached up with my right hand to stroke her right arm. "Ashley, I don't think that's helping," I said. Ashley's mother glared at me, but quickly turned to concentrate on her daughter. "Ash, why are you hiding behind Mark? You came here to get tested. I'm not going to punish you for your score." "I agreed to have Mark take me," Ashley said. "My score isn't good enough, but his is." "What?" Beatrice squawked....
The next person to show up was Robert Bruce. He swept in wearing a set of fatigues. The only thing missing was a gun slung over his shoulder. Crystal dashed in after him. "Robert, please you don't have to be a jerk to every man you meet," she pleaded. "I won't be," he said with a growl. "But just because the law says you are a concubine doesn't mean that I have to accept offers to trade you for a night. I'm still not happy that we have to have Darla." "Robert, you are a great...
I did give Ashley a few minutes of attention once we returned to our home. Her prediction that we would be having an orgy proved to be correct. I woke up with all six ladies draped over my naked body. It took a few minutes and a bit of effort to lift their bodies enough to allow me to slide out from under them and make my way to the small shower in the back of the room. I was carefully washing off the remnants of our play when Miki stumbled into the shower. She put her arms around me and...
I had planned on going to be shortly after returning to the pod. However, the welcome I received turned into an orgy and strange form of reverse train. After I had fucked each of my ladies one time, they coaxed me to lie on my back so they could ride me more. A huge part of me knew that if I ever complained about my welcome, my entire crew would look to lynch me. At the same time my ladies drained me completely, finally just covering me with a blanket as I lay on the couch. I curled up and...
The varsity game ended in a huge loss for the upperclassmen. The crowd actually started to get uneasy with half of the fourth quarter still to play. Several recent graduates and parents started shouting at the players, cursing them for their poor play. It got bad enough that the faculty advisor for the cheerleaders sent them away from the field with two minutes left in the game. The exodus of the cheerleaders signaled to Morgan that it was time for our group to make its way out of the...
Jason lived up to his promise in the second half. He not only recorded two more sacks, but on the last one, stripped the football and then managed to recover the bouncing ball and run it in for a touchdown. Everyone on the defense was patting his helmet when he walked over to the sideline still carrying the football. "Take it easy," Coach Grisham told him. "There are only two minutes left in the game. We'll let the backups play." I walked over to the benches. Jason followed me. He...
My thoughts after the pickup proved true. Ashley and Lenore rarely let me leave their sight during the days leading up to the New Year. Jason and Jessica had the same issue. A simple plan to go for a run in the park quickly became an organized march as their companions demanded to go with them. Becky was the worst. She clung to Morgan. Beatrice had called their employer and tried to explain the issues, but was not sure she was successful. She succeeded in getting Becky a week off without...
I stood up and walked toward the door, leaving my unfinished drawing on the easel. Jessica gave a cry of annoyance, as I walked away. I heard her easel crash to the floor behind me as I left the building. Outside, I walked a few feet from the door and then turned around. A couple minutes later Jessica stormed out of the classroom. She walked right up to me and slapped me across the face. "How can you embarrass me like that!" she hissed. I said nothing. Instead I pointed to a bench set far...
I held Ashley close. There was a musical chime coming from the backpack at her feet. She giggled and looked down at it. "Mark, that's my cell phone. Can you grab my bag?" I shifted to the left so I could use my left hand to reach the bag. My right hand Ashley held pinned against her pussy. She was rocking gently against my hand as I picked up her bag and lifted it to the table. Once it was on the table Ashley dug through a side pocket to find her phone. "It's Mom!" she exclaimed as...
It must have been only a moment, but I came awake with my arms wrapped around Ashley. She was lying there senseless. I pushed my body off hers and rolled to the side. Once we were lying next to each other, I began offering loving kisses. "Will it always be like that?" Ashley asked with a sigh. "I wish it will be," I replied as I held her. "That was just about perfect." "I know," Ashley said as she put her arms around me and squeezed me. "I never expected that." "I love you," I...
Fortunately, the rest of the protest was rather peaceful. My brother stopped the few anarchists who had shown up hoping to use the protest as cover for some robbery attempts. Jason, Ashley, and I found that someone had already warned people on the route of the march. Buildings were closed, and many had placed boards over their windows to protect them. The three-mile march proved to be no more strenuous than a weekend jog. Jason was the first to notice that the marchers were having trouble...
The next two hours were a blur of exercise and pain. Sergeant O'Malley never broke a sweat as he first had everyone run around the clearing while he promised to train us to fight and then he proceeded to show us a series of dirty tricks and holds we could use to disable an opponent. When Jessica, Jason, Morgan and I were too tired to continue, he had us lay down while he took the ladies around and showed them how to break free from any hold a person might try. It was exhausting, but at the...
Ashley and I were quiet on the drive home. We were pulling into the driveway at my place when Ashley quietly asked. "Mark? Should we have offered her a chance to leave Earth with you?" "No," I said firmly. "There was no connection. Both of us think Kelsey is sweet and adorable. With Lenore it seemed like we came to the same conclusion about her sadness. And we know they get along with each other. I liked that Connie was willing to help when I had to intervene in the fight at the store,...
I was a bit worried about being late so I immediately started jogging. I was passing the next door when I heard Morgan shout. “Hey! Mark, what’s the hurry?” I turned back to see Morgan jogging down the corridor. I choked back a laugh as I shook my head and slowed down until he caught up. “I figure being late sets a bad example,” I replied. “And this matters to you,” Morgan said with a nod. “Do you want to wait for Jason and Jessica?” “They know to get to a meeting on time,” I said. “I...
The walk across the dark landscape took a few minutes longer than I had hoped, but it was only three forty-nine when we arrived at the administration building. The door opened up and we found ourselves looking at a small room with several doors and a large purple circle marking a gravity elevator. “Wow,” Ashley said as we entered. “Lots of space.” “Which way to the teleportal?” I asked. “Use the first door on the left,” the AI said. “Concubines must wait for their citizen or another...
Becky picked up most of us. Matilda and Kelsey were riding home with us for the first time all week. Becky noticed as they jumped into the minivan. "I have extra passengers," she said. "I'm glad I didn't bring Angelique. She wanted to come" "Awww," Kelsey and Matilda said in unison. "We wanted to see her." "I haven't gotten to play with her all week," Kelsey added. "You choose to go home with Jessica," Jason pointed out. "Well," Kelsey said. "I don't go home with...
I muted my cell phone. "Everyone is fine with this correct?" I asked. Letty giggled. "It sounds like you'll have fun. I'll stay out for the most part. I'm Jason's sex slave and should be seen naked and at his feet." Ashley laughed. "Oh, that's so wrong its right. I agree though. Mark, it should be mostly you with Jason, Jessica, and Morgan offering the most support. We already know it will probably be about you." "This song is not about me," I said firmly. "I never thought...
By the time the hour instruction was complete I think most of the people in the room had fallen asleep. I had followed along for a while and then found that the desk allowed me to zoom in even more on sections as the AI discussed them. The one thing I quickly noticed was that the ship was designed to not need a crew. Just about everything could be handled by the computer. Only the combat tasks like firing the weapons or making emergency changes to engine output would require human...
I had announced that the crew needed to show up at ten hundred hours. As was my usual pattern I walked into the bridge simulator thirty minutes before then. For once I was alone, as all of my ladies were still sleeping. The orgy that Lenore had demanded had run far past midnight. I was still a bit sleepy, but the content smiles on my slumbering concubines warmed my heart as I took my seat and powered up the displays. The displays were flickering into life when the doors opened up behind me....
The ship was quiet. Ensign White and Ensign Munfree sat and adjusted their displays as Blaine began running his fingers over his controls. “I need thrust,” he called out. “Engines cycling up from standby,” I heard Lance Corporal Boddicker say. “Thrust will be available in ninety seconds.” “Releasing stern connections,” Blaine said. I watched the forward view screen. The screen showed that the ship was drifting a bit. “Helm?” I called out. “The port connection caught for a moment,”...
Captain Prescott sighed as the two ensigns left. He waited until we could no longer hear their footsteps in the lobby of the administration building before turning to look directly at me. “I’m sorry.” I shrugged. “I understood why you reacted the way you did. I can see the pain in your eye when you remember how many members of your crew died in the last fight. Honor them by being a better commander in the future.” “Easy to say, but its going to be hard. I’m praying we find some good crew on...
My prediction that the next day would be hectic was proved earlier than I expected. A klaxon ringing in the bedroom woke me up. It felt like my head had just touched my pillow as the loud racous noise got all of my concubines to sit up. “What is that?” Constance complained. “AI? What is going on?” I asked. “A small fight has broken out in training room Sigma. The klaxon was being used to awaken all officers and senior enlisted,” The AI said calmly. “Were any of my crew involved in this...
Jared propped himself up on the little camp stretcher he was sleeping on and sighed one massive sigh of relief. He looked at his watch again then quietly made his way down to the bathroom to get ready for his day. It was Monday morning and Jared was about to head off to Blanke Schande College for a week of teaching as a substitute tutor in the Science and Mathematics Department of the campus. As Jared turned into the bathroom he quickly looked back at the two doors just opposite him. One...
I let everyone know about the reappearance of my brother. No one was very worried about him. Mike had proved to be a coward. The only worry was that he might try to catch one of the girls alone. Morgan used some contacts he had through his construction work and a week later gave everyone in our group pepper spray canisters. School continued. The teachers were increasingly distracted though, and the lessons suffered. Some of the teachers spent most of their time trying to chat up the students...
We loaded the suitcases onto the bus quickly. Once the bus was full, I informed the driver that we were going to head to breakfast. He said that he would park around the corner. Maurice, Jason, and I headed over to the restaurant. We arrived at the entrance and found that the rest of our group had already been seated. The hostess agreed to lead us to the private room where everyone was. I lagged behind the others as the hostess led us through the restaurant. Several of the patrons looked at...
We found the ramp and began making our way up the spiral. Ashley had her phone to her ear. "Yes, I know about it. I was filming ... No, I didn't put my video on YouTube." "Sooner," Lenore and I said in unison. "Look, we're trying to get to our seats," Ashley said. "No one here is hurt or anything." "No one?" I asked as I looked over my shoulder. Lenore giggled. "Morgan told us about how this security company has been known to try to shake down some of the luxury box ticket...
The next morning, I found myself wrapped up on my now unzipped sleeping bag with a young girl hanging on each side of me. I was dressed in boxers for sleep while my sister and her best friend had found long t-shirts they used to cover their bodies. They each had a hand on my chest and my hands were resting on their hips as we cuddled under a blanket. Absently I gave each of them a few tender rubs before I sat up and turned the alarm off. Kelsey shifted and growled in annoyance, but neither...