Ok?Chapter 22 free porn video

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By the time John had got to his road, he was drenched to the skin, and was preoccupied with feeling wet, shivering and wretched when he opened the gate to his house. Then he saw that on his doorstep there crouched a figure in a coat with its hood up, arms round knees. He could see it was a woman, and then she raised her head on hearing the gate.

“Carol?” he exclaimed as he approached.

She stood and waited for him to come near. He saw how soaked she was.

“John,” she said dully. “I need to see you. I’ve got everything wrong again.”

He extracted his key and she stood aside while he opened the front door and cancelled the alarm.

“Come in!” he said. “You’re soaking wet.”

“So are you,” she replied.

“Comes of going to the pub in December without a coat. It’s been so mild the last couple of days and I thought today’s rain was finished for the night. Come through to the kitchen: it’ll be warmer there.”

They entered the kitchen.

“Take your coat off,” John said, as he put the kettle to boil. “Tea or Coffee?”

“Tea please.”

She took off her sodden coat and it revealed that her sweater and slacks were also soaked through.

“Look at you,” he said, concerned. “Come upstairs to the bathroom. I’ll find you a bathrobe and towels. We can dry your clothes in the tumble drier. Have a shower if you want, you look really cold. It’ll warm you up. Tracy left some shower gel and other stuff when she went.”

He gave her a bathrobe and a couple of bath towels and pointed her to the bathroom on the landing.

“Put your wet things on the landing. I’ll take them down with my own when I’ve dried off.”

So saying he left her standing and went to his room, where he stripped, towelled himself off and dressed in a tee shirt and boxer shorts, over which he donned a dressing gown. Then he collected the pile of her clothes and took them down to the tumble drier. He saw how flimsy and sexy her bra and knickers were and wondered if she had put them on to come to him, or whether they were for her new boyfriend.

He hung her coat over the drier but realised it would never dry before she needed to go home. He wondered what of his would fit her. He made the tea and waited in the kitchen for her to re-appear.

He heard the shower running and sat down to wait a while longer.

Needless to say, he wondered what she had come for, but did not try to hazard any guesses any more. He liked the feeling she was in his house and was using his shower. He had a fleeting vision of her naked under the flowing water, and felt a twitch below. She had said little or nothing about her purpose, only that she had got everything wrong. Again.

The surprise of finding her huddled on the doorstep, and the discovery of her sodden condition had evaporated any vestiges of the anger and distress that he had felt leaving her place; now he was simply curious and caring.

Meanwhile Carol had gone into the bathroom. It was the first time she had seen it and she was impressed. She stripped off everything, and even though the bathroom was warm, she was still shivering. She found shampoo and shower gel, and decided to take up his offer. Naked, she put her clothes outside the bathroom door as instructed and tarried a little, but he was nowhere in evidence to see her. She felt disappointed somehow.

The perfume of the gel and shampoo were not those she normally used, but she liked the gentle aroma, Tracy had taste, she thought. Then she followed it with the thought that if Tracy had had a casual thing with John, that proved her good taste as well. It didn’t stop her feeling jealous.

As she washed, she laughed to herself. Who would have thought that within hours of seeing John again after so long, and the shouting match they had had at her door, she would be naked in his house! She relished the word naked, it felt so naughty, so sexy.

Then she sobered. What could she say to him? What might he say to her? This might be the final conclusion to their relationship. She got a flashback of their lives together and how blissfully happy she had been. How badly she wanted that life back again! What could she say to him to convince him to try again?

It was with much less optimism she towelled her hair and body. She could not delay any further, so put on the bathrobe and left the steamy bathroom, making her way down the stairs.

He looked up as she entered the kitchen. He took in her red face and her straggly damp hair, her slim calves and bare feet, and realised afresh how beautiful she was, and how appealing in her dishevelled state. He shook himself mentally.

“Let’s go into the living room,” he said. “Easier on your feet.”

He offered her a mug of tea and led her to that room, where he sat in an armchair and she took the sofa. She sipped the hot liquid and smiled shyly at him.

“Thank you,” she said. “I feel much better now.”

“You’re welcome,” he said with an answering smile.

There was now a silence until she put down her mug.

“I’m sorry I shouted at you when you came earlier,” she said. “I was caught unawares and reacted badly. I was sure you were with Tracy now, and I had only just started dating Martin. It was our third date tonight, and we were just getting serious, but after you’d been...”

She hesitated, not wanting to admit what might have transpired, and then changed the subject. “I called Sue and she put me right about Tracy. She’d told me before that you two weren’t an item, but I was sure you were.”

“You were partly right,” John interrupted. “When I thought you had found someone from your past life – and I thought that until Tracy put me right yesterday – we were lovers. We had been lovers in London and we get on very well together, but she was never serious about me, nor I about her; we made love as part of a comforting no strings friendship. That stopped as soon as I learned about Dermott. But I interrupted you,” he said, sitting back and relaxing.

She looked relieved but there was a little jealousy there as well.

“Where was I?” she wondered. “Ah, yes. As soon as I realised you’d been under a misapprehension even as late as yesterday, as well as mine about Tracy, I sent Martin home. I felt so despondent, thinking you would have nothing more to do with me, but Sue shouted at me that I should come and explain.

“So she drove me here because I’d had wine with the meal. I saw your car, so I sent her away, thinking you were in, but you weren’t.”

“I went to the pub with Tom and Ann. Drowning my sorrows.” He grinned at her.

She nodded, then continued. “Anyway, I sat and waited, and then it began to rain and hail. Did it ever rain! I nearly got to the point of walking home, I was so cold, but I knew that I had to see you tonight. I couldn’t let this go on any longer. I just longed for us to sort everything out. I’ve been in hell for so long, trying to get over the consequences of my own stupidity.”

She stopped and looked expectantly at him, how would he answer that? It was an admission of sorts that she wanted him back.

For his part. she was so exquisitely beautiful in her eagerness to hear his response that a calmness came over him, and he had to face it, he had a deep consuming desire for her. All the turmoil and negativity melted away, he wanted her so badly.

The question in his mind was: what was the purpose of this visit of hers, and more to the point, of his visit to her earlier? It was to put right a wrong, wasn’t it? To clear all the misunderstandings – didn’t she just say as much? But then what? Was there more?

His silence began to unnerve her and in her worry she began to fidget. He realised he had to say something.

“It was Tracy,” he said, allowing the words to come unconsidered. “She said it was about time we sorted out all the wrong information we were responding to. You do know, at that party I was coming to tell you how much I appreciated what you’d done for me with our friends, how grateful I was and that I wanted you to come back to me? As I drove there I was seeing a bright future for us together again. I was so optimistic and happy.”

Her spirits soared. He’d said it. A future together again. She felt like screaming, but he was still talking.

“You can imagine the shock when I thought you had left me behind. I was too late through my own stupid anger and the vengeful way I’d set you a seemingly impossible task when you had begged to come back. All my own fault.

“Of course I blamed you at first for being fickle, then later wiser counsels prevailed and I saw it must be someone you had been in love with before me. So all I could do was to set you free to follow your heart. Then, of course, I was on my way out of the country for months.”

She relished the thought of how much he loved her to think only of her happiness. He had set her free to follow her heart! She smiled lovingly at that, then sighed.

Now she felt free to confess her own feelings. “And it was all Liam’s doing: his lies and nastiness,” she said in response. “You know, I knew you were coming to the party, I’d asked Leo to remind you, and I longed to see you again. I was hoping against hope that you would want me again and we wouldn’t be saying goodbye that night. My phone’s battery was flat so I didn’t get your messages until it was too late, or I’d have rushed to you.”

A shadow crossed her face. “I had a really bad time when we found out it was Liam’s doing. I despaired of ever getting back with you, and when Tracy took up residence, that finished it for me. I thought you had moved on. I saw you with her in the Griffin, and you looked like a couple.

“John, I’ve not been truly happy since Liam fed me those photo’s, but it was made worse when I realised I’d thrown away an innocent man who loved me so much. I’ve realised I’ve loved you all along; it was always there deep down. I’ve wanted you back so badly.”

She stopped again, on edge and eager for his reply, hope in her eyes for his protestation of love. It did not come.

For indeed while John did know then with total clarity that he wanted what she wanted, he just as vividly realised he had a problem.

“Carol, I need to tell you what I’ve been doing over the past months. You’ll have heard some things, but I need to tell you it all.”

She was puzzled. This seemed to have nothing to do with what they were saying. She had been as certain as she could be that he was moving to the resolution for which she now hoped, and now? Where was he going with this?

“I don’t understand,” she stammered, “I thought we were–”

“This is important,” he interrupted her.

She shrugged. Was he now going to backtrack and say it was all over? Her face showed her distress.

He had to tell her, it would not wait. “No, Carol, just please listen. You need to understand something.”

“There’s someone else? Not Tracy, someone else?” she asked in desperation as her fear rose.

“No! There really isn’t anyone else. Please! I beg you, just listen.

“The first time I went abroad was to Holland. They had personnel problems and I had to sort it out. It took four weeks. No sooner had I returned home than Maurice Callaghan sent me on a hush-hush mission to the Philippines. There was fraud of immense dimensions involving millions of pounds with many people’s livelihoods dependent on the outcome, and I had to sort that out. Then I had to look for manufacturers there and in South Africa, so we aren’t dependent on just three main suppliers apart from our own British and South American factories.

“That job took me four months. I got back to London last week and back here yesterday–”

She was growing impatient; what was he getting at? “Yes I know,” she said urgently. “You got back yesterday–”

“Carol, I haven’t finished. I had to report to the board, and they were very impressed: I saved the company a lot of money and kept our reputation intact. Maurice then said I had leave coming thanks to the board, and I thought to take two months off immediately, then he mentioned that the deputy in charge of our Far East concerns had resigned.

“The thing is, he is also hinting about me moving back to London as a base and starting a new job. Add to that the fact that Tracy looks set to be the new Sales and Marketing Manager here and therefore Tom will be staying as Managing Director. It looks as if I won’t be coming back here.”

All her optimism was evaporating and she felt deep dread that he was telling her there was no possibility of their reuniting.

He saw her face fall, but carried on. “Now I connect what I’ve been doing over the past half year with this supposed new job, and I suspect that the board are going to ask me to be a trouble-shooter and general overseer of our home divisions, our foreign subsidiaries and our suppliers, and even to search for new suppliers in the emerging countries in Africa and South America, to say nothing of China, Vietnam, etc.

“I also suspect this globe-trotting job will last a lot longer than my leadership of the Northern Factory and Office did. I reckon at least five years.”

All hope gone, she stared at him stony faced. “So we’re finished? You’re leaving for good?”

He looked at her in surprise. “Whatever gave you that idea?”

Now she was completely non-plussed, utterly confused. “But–”

“Carol there’s nothing I want more than you and me back together again, but that means either you pack in your job and come with me, or...”

Or we say goodbye now, she thought, but could not say it. He would have to.

“Or what?” she asked.

“I have to resign and find another job round here.”

Same as Ok?
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Jamie Michelle just found out that her boyfriend is cheating on her, but life must go on and she has to go to work to tutor a student because someone has to pay the bills. When she gets in her student Jay can see something is wrong, so he pushes till she finally tells him and when he finds out he instantly tries to comfort her letting her know how hot she is. This gets Jamie excited but the best part is when she catches her student starring at her panties. She is so hot and horny she takes his...

4 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 76 Go Mom Go

Jessie Harper felt very nervous sitting in her church’s board room as she waited for the elders of the Redsands First Congregational Church to come in. She was sitting there with her boyfriend, Bjorn Erikson and the church’s choirmaster, Sonika Jharm. All three were waiting for the elders of the church, the Head Deacon, the Area Elder and Jessie’s step-father, the Reverend Bryce Unsworth, and her mother, Glenda Unsworth, to file in so they could discuss the events of last Saturday night....

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owned by stepdaughter part two

I came upon it to fast and passed it but found a spot where the road ended in a cul de sac and turned around, now knowing my destination. As I approached it at now nearly ten at night, I saw the figure of a man standing on the porch. I pulled into the driveway and got out and walked the sidewalk to the porch where the person had stood. No light had been turned on but I could tell the porch was now empty. I walked up the steps and saw that main door was open and behind the glass screen door...

2 years ago
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Their StoriesChapter 4 Allans Story

I had been a nervous wreck all week. Fortunately I had found a large costume shop in the city and had acquired a Roman Toga and a mask that was of a size that would cover my face and hide my identity. If I did things right I might be able to join the party without questions being raised. It was a case of finding just the right moment and method for entering the house. Arriving in Miami I drove north and found a decent Courtyard Inn just outside West Palm Beach. I went down to the restaurant,...

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My bfs huge best friend

Hi I'm Rebecca I'm 28, and from Dublin,Ireland.I'm 5,6ft and 60kg. I'm Blonde and c cup boobies, and a nice bum.To help with an insight on my story, I was wearing a summer skirt and blouse.My blouse with 3 buttons at top always open lol. For the record I've been with my partner 7 years and never ever ripped him off.My partner (john) had his buddy (darren) over to watch the football, UFC and a few drinks.I had been drinking prior to the football with john, so we were already on our way lol.Johns...

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My Experience First Time With A Married Woman 8211 Part 2

This is BlessyEdna, thanks for sharing your valuable comments to my email ID. I was really happy by seeing the way of responses, I am getting continuously emails asking that when will be next part gets posted. Here you go “ My first and best experience with Shalini – Part II”. On that night shalini kissed me. The kiss was really wonderful, I just felt the smell of her body was really really awesome, it was not perfume, the real smell and Smirnoff it kicks me aroused, I just slipped my into her...

2 years ago
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My Wife And The Open Blinds At The Emergency Room

My wife Ava is a very beautiful, sexy, attractive woman with long straight black hair, thin golden-brown tone body, and fantastic legs. She is a tall Asian woman. She always gets looks when we are around town from guys checking her out. I have always wanted her to be an exhibitionist or flasher but it is not her thing. Sometimes, she will do a little bit of that for me in public but not very much and not very often.I recently accompanied my wife to the emergency room at our closest hospital for...

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Iam a Cuckold Now Blacken

My current way of life started 3 years ago when I met my future wife. I was teaching 12th grade history when the most stunning girl I had ever seen walked into my class. Her name was Lynn and she had just turned 18. To say she was beautiful would be an understatement. She was 5 feet tall and weighed only 90 lbs. Her long blonde hair rested just above her perfect ass and she had just the right amount of curves. Besides being beautiful she was also incredibly sweet and kind which I found unusual...

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The TravellerChatper 11 Chris Beaker

Chris looked at Sar'ha sleeping on the chair; he shook his head and took the grey book that had appeared earlier. It was almost an exact copy of the script of the Traveller although it did have a few additions. Chris saw the warning in the book and made his plans, using a spell he made a psychic connection between himself and Sar'ha, in so doing he found the part of her that was in love with him, it shook him deeply. He also was in love with Sar'ha but knew that they couldn't stay...

4 years ago
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Wife Training Chapter 1

I was sitting in my office one afternoon, finishing up some of the seemingly endless paperwork and trying to get home at a reasonable hour that day. I'd had to stay late in the office for one reason or another for the past several days, and tonight I just wanted to go home and relax for a change. I had just about finished all I could do that afternoon when my telephone rang.I had let my receptionist go home already, and at first I wasn't going to answer the phone. It was after hours, but...

3 years ago
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Fiances Encounter With A Pony

by rodeotexas March 2012 My wife and I are best friends with another married couple who have been our dearest friends since grade school. This other married couple is also a bit unusual as they have two other women living with them and they as well were in school with us. It was well known in high school these four were exceptional close. We did not know how close until over time we spent many very intoxicated nights over the years sharing a hot tub or pool shedding inhibitions...

2 years ago
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The Center

The Center I had been through the reception process the day before had been assigned my bed locker in the dormitory at that time I was in dormitory A This was for the younger boys.There were three dormitories total with eight boys in each beds two meters apart four each side of room. In total 28 boys were in there. Staff actually outnumbered the boys. There were also female staff .These were the most feared, even though they were not allowed to touch ustheir very presence ,was overpowering and...

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Brittany and ChadChapter 16

We lay on the bed together for two hours, even napped a little. We woke up and talked. Britt said, "Chad, I feel guilty. I'm sad that Amelia is dead but not like I think I should be. I'm just numb ... My life is so different now from a month ago. You're the only constant. I've done nothing to deserve your parents' kindness and love. So many people have been so kind to us and said and done nice things to us and for us. I feel like I'm in a dream. That's why I want to hold you." I...

2 years ago
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Sexy Indian Girl Ramya Drunk Fucked By Interviewer 8211 Pt 2

After the interview, Mr. Alwat asked me to join after a week. He gave me a joining bonus and asked me to get myself all clean and buy new office clothes. He asked me to make sure, I come to the office each day dressed in the sexiest way. Anything less will mean a violation of the contract and I will be fired with financial implications. I really wanted to continue with the job, so I made sure I followed everything. I went to a beauty salon and asked them to wax my body and do facial and stuff...

2 years ago
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 14

Three days later, on a game-free Tuesday night, Brody whistled as he flipped a zucchini pancake over. Mark eyed the contents of the pan warily. ‘What is that?’ ‘A zucchini pancake with angel hair pasta and a few other things. It’s like a frittata.’ Brody sprinkled some salt and pepper on it, flipped it again. ‘How the hell do you come up with stuff like that?’ ‘Saw it in a magazine.’ Brody shrugged. ‘Looked good, thought I’d try it. Come on, when have I ever let you down with food?’ ‘When...

3 years ago
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Six Beautiful Cocks and I Cant Get Enough

I'd noticed them walking slowly around the bar. They were taking their time, seemed to be looking at every person seated there and whispering to each other. One was blond, tan, and clean shaven, with a white short sleeved polo, muscular arms, and thin waist in tight jeans. The other was a brunette wearing a button down shirt and slacks. They were both very sexy looking men.I tried to watch them without being noticed, but I failed. Almost every time I glanced at them, they looked right into my...

4 years ago
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My First Real Boyfriend

After my first date, which really kind of hurt that he never called or anything, I kind of gave up the dating idea for a while because we had so much going on. I had enrolled in a community colleg not far from home but dad had been offerred a pretty lucrative job in VA. We had a lot of discussions on how to make this work, mostly because I didn't want to move, my friends were going to go to the same school. It was finally decided that I would share an apartment with three of my girlfriends...

2 years ago
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My Beautiful Biology Teacher8217s Birthday

Hi I’m kumar and my teacher rosy (rosy miss). She is not married and she is 32. On 23 December after my biology class class rosy started to move out of the class and all my friends went out of the class . and I was alone there . then I went along with the miss, walking to the staff room . She said ” how are you doing maa? “I said “oh I’m doing well and great .then miss what about you? Rosy miss said, ” as usual Yaar daily school then home same people. But within them you are the really nice one...

1 year ago
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Matts Adventures

IN THE BEGINNING The city limits were perhaps thirty miles away and rain clouds loomed behind him as Matt Weaver picked up his walking pace although aware he couldn’t outpace a wind-driven rain. Matt figured it was better to get soaked later than sooner. He heard a vehicle slowing. It could be the cops. The highway was pretty deserted because it was not quite 6:15 am. ‘Well do you want a lift or don’t you?’ a female called. ‘I heard it was illegal to hitch a ride or pick up a hitcher in...

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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 39

Jason, as it turned out, was the first to arrive back home, and Kathy was quick to greet him. "Hi baby, how was the game?" "Oh we didn't have a game, Justin and I went to lift. Got a game tomorrow afternoon." Kathy move up close behind her son and caressed his strong muscular arms. "You muscles are really popping out." She reached around and put her hands on his stomach, and slowly moved them over his semi hard cock. "How about this muscle, is it popping out?" "Mom, isn't dad...

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......Another week to start, I went to ready myself for school. It has been a nice day, and I can still remember the beautiful memories I had the last few days,,As I finished grooming myself, I pedaled the bike out with me until I arrive at school. I saw my new friend at room 2A waiting for me.“Hey, Lucas, let’s go now,, English class is about to start.” I called him.Lucas is a silent type of guy. I liked him more than the others that I knew from class. I was the one who asked him to be my...

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Bi Guys Girlfriend Suprise

My girlfriend has known since day one that I have bi tendencies. I had never acted on them before with an actual man, but she enjoyed entertaining them. She loves to strap one on and tend to my ass and make me suck her big strap on. It always leads to a great orgasm for me and several for her. Angie called me last Friday at work and asked (more like ordered) me to come straight to her place after work, she said she had a Suprise for me. I arrived a little after 5:00 and she invited me in while...

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A Womans First Time Encounter Without Her Hu

After a time of suitable correspondence, a middle aged lady from a small town in Ohio decided to actually meet to determine the chemistry we may have for each other. She, a very nice looking 5'4" tall, with a very attractive firm stocky figure, green eyes, flaming red hair, and beautiful full firm breasts at least a 40DD size. During our prior correspondence she had mention that she had never been intimate with anyone else than her husband, and for the past five years or more her husband had...

3 years ago
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Rising with the Dawn

I walked along Watauga Avenue, my bare feet chilled by the damp concrete. Tonya was in Virginia, visiting her mother and I had gotten bored sitting at home alone. It was a rainy, foggy Monday night and there was very little traffic, so I had decided to take a long walk, naked. The only time I’d had to be careful of being spotted was at Church Circle as I left Sullivan Street. For safety’s sake, I had walked around Charlemont Avenue so I could pass behind the churches and bright...

1 year ago
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Return to the Land

"NO! Damn it Roger I don't want to just take off and lay around the damn beach with you. I'm sick of Miami and have more important things to do than traipse all around the country with you. That's all you want to do any more. We're young. We need to live it up before it's too late. I'm sick of you telling me I can't go out with my friends. I have a life and if you want to share it you need to change your ways. Just because I agreed to marry you doesn't give you the right to tell me I...

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Maree shemale bahan

Hi dosto sunny again, recieving alot of friends stories, but care about some interesting & meaning ful stories, here it is 1 more. Hi mara name ram shiri chan(call ramu)age 18 1 sister name preti age 19 figure 30 boobs 26 waste 3″ cock, mom & dad is doing job abroad. Dosto ya recently he ki baat hai ka mujha pata chala maree bahan shemale hai. Mara dad 2 sa 3 years ka baad ghar ata hayin. Or ghar main hum 2 log he hayin. Middle class family… Wasa ya stories par kar maree neyat bahan par wasa he...

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