A Weird OneChapter 6 free porn video

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Work was work. I was working by myself entering account information into the computer. Twenty minutes before quitting time Shelly walked by my desk, nodded toward the stairs to the basement and kept walking. I waited a couple of minutes and then I got up and followed her downstairs. She was already on the table with her skirt up and her panties off.

"Hurry up honey. Get it out."

"Not this time" I said and then I went down on her. I worked at it until I got her off and as she was pulling up her panties she asked:

"Why didn't you let me suck it?"

"I haven't seen my girlfriend since last Wednesday and tonight she is going to want all I can give her. I'm only good for so many tines and I would feel guilty if I shorted her."

"Next time then. Do you have to rush away when you get off work? Not tonight, but usually?"

"No. Why do you ask?"

"Marv bought a conversion van to use for camping when he goes hunting or fishing on the weekends. It has an air mattress in it and I'm going to start driving it to work." She giggled and then said, "We can use it to get off when we get off."

I laughed, gave her a hug and a kiss and a five minute head start before I went upstairs and punched out and headed home.

I walked into the house and found mom in the kitchen. She was wearing only an apron and high heels.

"Can mommy's motherfucker tell that mommy has been anxiously waiting for him?"

I unzipped and took out my cock and said, "Mommy's motherfucker hasn't thought of anything all day but getting home to baby's cocksucker."

She turned off the burner under the pot she was stirring and dropped the spoon into the sink, the apron onto the floor and then she went to her knees in front of me. She spent maybe a minute on me and then she stood up and sat down on the table.

"Mommy has been waiting for this since you walked out the door this morning. Mommy doesn't even want to wait the few minutes that it would take us to get to the bedroom. Fuck mommy baby. Fuck mommy right now."

I stepped forward, dropped my pants to my ankles and pushed into her. She moaned and her hands went to my ass and she pulled me to her.

"That's it baby" she moaned, "Fuck mommy; make mommy cum."

The table, not being anchored to the floor, moved a couple of inches every time I drove into mom's pussy and it was up against the refrigerator by the time I came. It would have been comical to anyone looking in the kitchen window. The table moving and me shuffling along trying to keep up with it. Shuffling because my pants were still around my ankles. When I pulled out mom said:

"Shame shame on baby for messing up mommy's kitchen. You put everything back where it belongs while mommy turns down the covers on the bed."

I kicked off my pants, put the table back where it belonged and then headed up to my room. I stripped and went across the hall to mom's bedroom where I found her lying on the bed waiting with her legs spread wide. I knew what she wanted so I moved into a sixty-nine with her and when she had me hard again she said:

"Mommy wants to play cowgirl."

I rolled over on my back and she moved over me and guided me up into her. She rode me until I needed to get off so I rolled her over onto her back and then I fucked her hard and fast until I came. She got off just before I did and I held myself in her until I was soft. As I pulled out she said:

"I think mommy needs to feed her motherfucker now if she expects him to have the energy to fuck her all night."

It wasn't all night, but it was enough of a hard night that I slept like a log until mom woke me up with her mouth and then started my day with a session of doggie.

Nancy joined me in the cafeteria and we talked about the classes we were taking and talked some about our upcoming date until she needed to head for class.

When I pulled into the parking lot at work I saw a Chevy van in the lot and I expected that Shelly was planning on some after work activity.

I assumed that since Shelly brought up what had happened with Tina and Gloria that the girls talked about what was going on. The question on my mind was did Shelly tell them about what we had done. On the one hand she had asked me (actually made me promise) to make sure that no one would ever know, but on the other hand Tina and Gloria no longer teased me and their attitude seemed to be one of 'keeping their hands off of Shelly's man' and that could only be because Shelly had told them what we had been doing. I was, however, smart enough not to say a word about it.

I'd been at work about an hour when Shelly came up to me. She asked:

"Did you see it?"

"I did."

"We can't do it here in the parking lot so when we get off I'll go over to Wal-Mart and park where the camper rigs park okay?"

"Works for me."

After I punched out and was headed for the door I passed by Marge's desk and she shook her head at me and said:

"I hope you know what you are doing."

I smiled at her and said; "Somebody thinks I do" and I left the building. How could she know I asked myself as I got in my car. As I turned the key to start the car I thought of what I'd said to her. A nineteen year old kid isn't supposed to have that much self confidence in dealing with older women. Especially in sexual matters. Was my association with my mom, Mary, Mrs. Evans and yes, even Shelly having that much of an effect on me and my behavior? If so it all appeared to be to the good.

Shelly's van was comfortable and we had a good time in it. She wouldn't let me go down on her until after she had sucked me off. After I'd gotten her off and she was putting on her thong and slacks she told that I could go first next time, "Which will be tomorrow okay?"

What could I say to that except "Of course."

Mom was waiting for me again in nothing but an apron and her 'come fuck me' pumps only this time she wanted to get dinner out of the way first. When we finished eating she stood up, said that the dishes could wait and then said:

"Dessert will be served in the bedroom."

Dessert was exhausting and again I slept like a log. The morning was a repeat of the previous morning and I was off to school in a pretty damned good mood.

At lunch Nancy asked why we had to wait until Saturday to go out and I told her that with my job after school and homework assignments I didn't have much time during the week and then I said:

"Also, before you sat down with me the other day I'd already made a date with Gail for Friday."

"You take this babysitting thing that seriously?"

"Absolutely. A promise made to a friend is a promise that you have to keep."

"Even if it comes between you having a relationship of your own?"

"Don't know. Haven't had to face that set of circumstances yet."

That got me a 'searching' sort of look and then she was up and off to class.

That evening I again got the "I hope you know what you are doing' look from Marge as I left the building. I met Shelly at the Wal-Mart parking lot and I took care of her first and then she took care of me. I asked her if she ever had a weekend alone and she told me that when hubby went hunting or fishing she usually stayed home. I told her that she didn't necessarily have to spend the weekend alone and I made sure that she had my cell phone number.

When I got home mom was dressed to go out for dinner. "Tonight is feed and then fuck mommy night. Also mommy gets to embarrass baby tonight."

"Embarrass me how?"

"Mommy wants to go dancing and since baby isn't old enough to take mommy to where she usually goes to dance baby will have to take mommy to the new teen club."

"And that will embarrass me how?"

"You being there with an older woman and your mommy at that."

"I won't be embarrassed; I'll be fighting for my life."

"What does that mean?"

"You trying to tell me that you don't know how you look right now? Tight dress, sexy heels, a mile of leg showing and showing enough cleavage to hide your purse in? I'll be fighting hard to keep guys away from you and if I don't do a good enough job you just might find yourself out in the parking lot getting that gangbang you say you don't want."

"You think so? You think mommy is that hot?"

"You know you are."

"A parking lot gangbang huh? Oh my goodness."

We had dinner at The Oklahoma Roadhouse and then drove to the teen club. Being a week night it wasn't all that crowded and I quickly noted that there weren't any kids there that I knew.

Mom and I danced several numbers and then I had to use the bathroom. When I got back to the table mom was gone and I looked around and saw her out on the dance floor with some guy. It was a slow number and they were dancing close together. I saw his hand slip down and cup her ass and she didn't push it away. He was also grinding his cock into her leg and she didn't object. The tune finished, but mom and the guy stood there and waited for the next number and when it started it was a repeat of the first one.

When the song ended instead of coming back to our table he led mom over to a table where there were two other girls and four other guys. I watched as he introduced mom to the others at the table and then she surprised me sat down with them. A minute later the guy who had been dancing with her got up and led her back out onto the floor and there was more hands on the ass and cock grinding into the leg. The song ended and the guy led mom back to his table and she again sat down.

Mommy's motherfucker was just a tad pissed at baby's cocksucker and I got up and walked over to the table. The guy mom had been dancing with gave me a shit eating grin as I walked up and glanced around the table and then back to me. The inference was that 'there are more of us than there are of you so bug off.' I looked him right in the eye and said:

"You got fifteen dollars on you?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"That's what I paid to get her in the door. You want the cunt give me fifteen bucks or get your ass out of that chair and meet me outside."

He laughed, took out his wallet and handed me a ten and a five. I put the money in my pocket and turned to go.

"Where are you going" mom asked.

"You seem to have forgotten who you came with. You're his now" and I walked away. As I walked away I heard:

"Whoa up there little lady. Yo..." and I didn't hear the rest because I was out the door and on the way to my car. I pulled out of the lot and I had just turned right when my cell rang. I expected it to be mom, but it wasn't. The screen said the call was from Mrs. Evans. I wondered what Natasha's mom wanted with me at eight in the evening. I answered and she asked:

"Are you doing anything right now?"


"I just put hubby on the 'red eye' to New York. Want to stop by?"

I had intended to drive around the block a couple of times and then go back to the club parking lot and wait for mom to come out, but Pam's call changed that. Mom was on her own. Maybe next time she would think twice before pulling the stunt she pulled.

"I'm on the way" I said and I turned off my cell and pointed the Impala toward her house.

Mrs. Evans answered the door naked, took my hand and led me straight to her bedroom. As I undressed she said:

"I've missed you sweetie. The last three times Mark went out of town it was over the weekend and I couldn't call you because Natasha came home from school."

As soon as I was stripped she reached out, took hold of my cock and put it in her mouth. I gave her a couple of minutes and then I pushed her down on the bed and got into a sixty-nine with her. I got her off and she got me off, but she kept working until I was up again. I moved over her, put her legs up on my shoulders and started fucking her.

Her hands clutched me and pulled me to her as I drove into her hard and fast. She cried out as she had one orgasm after another and still I fucked her hard and fast. Finally I reached the point where I had to release and I pushed hard into her and held myself in place as I emptied into her. I stayed there until I was soft and then I pulled out and laid down beside her.

"What time do I have to be gone by?"

"Mark won't be home until Sunday, but I expect that Natasha will be here around five on Friday. It would probably be good if you were gone by then."

I laughed and said, "I meant tonight?"

"You don't want to wake up with me in the morning?"

"I'd love to."

"That's settled then. Why don't I see what I can do to get your soldier standing at attention again."

She went down on me and worked on me until she had the desired result and then she got up, went to her dresser and came back with a tube of KY.

"You know what I want. You got me started liking it and you are the only one I can do it with. Please?"

"How can I refuse a beautiful lady?"

I took the KY and used it with my thumb and fingers to get her ass ready and then I slowly pushed my cock into the tight hole. I brought her off and when I'd unloaded I expected that I was done for the night, but she proved me wrong. She washed and dried my cock and then went to work to try and get me up again. It took her quite a while, but she did get it done and she had me do her doggie.

She snuggled in to me and asked, "What time is your first class tomorrow?"

"Seven forty-five."

"So if I get you up at six I can get one more out of you?"

"I'll damned sure try."

As I faded off to sleep I wondered what my home coming was going to be like when I did go home.

Pam did get me up at six and she did get one more out of me and then she fed me breakfast. I was right on the edge of asking her if she would like me back that evening when I remembered that I had already promised Gail Thursday. Just that quick I went from 'asking mode' to trying to think of a polite way to say no if she asked me back. She took me off the hook.

"I have some things that I have to do today that might run into the evening. If you aren't doing anything this evening give me a call around eight and maybe we can get together, but don't count on it. I mean if you have something going don't cancel on my account because I may not even get home until real late."

Nancy didn't show up at lunch time, but I didn't think anything of it. When I got to work I found that Shelly had called in sick so I was going to be fairly fresh when I got with Gail that evening.

Gail and I ate at the Burger Barn and then I asked her what she would like to do. I expected her to tell me to take her to the Starlight, but she surprised me and said she would like to go to Skate City. We were there about an hour before she said:

"I hope you weren't expecting to get laid tonight Bobby. It is my time of the month."

"It isn't a requirement that we have sex every time we go out. We can date with out having sex any time you want to. I took my arrangement with you and Tom to mean that I would keep you company, not jump your bones all the time."

"Thanks Bobby. That is nice to know, but right now I have a problem. I'm cramping and I don't feel well. Can you take me home?"

After I got Gail home I checked my watch and saw that it was eight-fifteen and so on a whim I called Pam. She was at home and told me to come right on over. It was a repeat of the previous evening and our morning session was anal.

"Because I don't know when I'll see you again and I love it, but I can only do it with you."

She fed me breakfast and then I gave her a hug, kissed her and told her that I would be anxiously awaiting her next call and headed off for school.

I talked with Nancy on lunch break and we finalized the details for our Saturday date.

I saw Shelly's van in the parking lot when I got to work and I knew what that meant. She wouldn't have driven the van unless she expected to put it to use.

Stella put me to work on entering stuff into the computer. All three of the Terrible Trio were in the office with me and while Shelly kept looking at me with a knowing grin on her face Tina and Gloria ignored me. At quitting time Shelly walked past my desk and dropped a piece of paper on it. I glanced at it and saw one word. Wal-Mart.

She was parked and waiting when I got there. When I got in the van she already had her skirt and panties off.

"You go first" she said and I went down on her, got her off and then she said, "I have something different for you today sweetie. You know that I'm only doing this because my hubby won't do it right?"

I nodded a yes and said, "You made that clear up front."

"Well sweetie; there is something else that I love that hubby won't do."

She handed me a tube of KY and got on her hands and knees.

"Go easy sweetie; it has been years for me."

Damn, but was she tight! It took twenty minutes of thumb and finger action before I thought she was ready. I entered her while she moaned, "Slow and easy baby; slow and easy."

Once I was all the way in I went slow until I felt her start pushing back at me and saying "just a little faster baby" and then I picked up the pace. In minutes she was slamming back at me and asking me to fuck her ass harder and faster. She had an orgasm and cried out:

"Pound it baby; fuck it hard!"

I did and she had another orgasm just before I got mine. I pulled out and she pulled me down and gave me one hell of a passionate kiss and then said:

"Thank you sweetie; I really really needed that."

She handed me a roll of paper towels so I could clean my cock as she said:

"I need to hurry home and get hubby's dinner on. See you Monday?"

"You bet."

When I got into my car I used my cell to call Gail and see if she wanted me to stop by. She told me that she still didn't feel up to going out and told me to give her a call Monday. Natasha would be home so going to see Pam was out. I had to face up to the fact that it was time to go home and face the music.

I didn't expect that I would hear anything about abandoning mom on Wednesday because dad would be home, but I knew I would be in for it in the morning when he went into the plant. I could put it off for a while if I set my alarm to get me up when dad got up and then leave the house when dad did, but why bother putting it off? It was going to happen sooner or later.

Mom and dad were both there when I got home. Mom sarcastically said:

"Decided to come back and see if we were still here?"

Dad laughed and said, "Who is she?"

"Her name is Pam."

"She another one who might turn out to be a daughter in law?"

"I don't think so. We have something going, but no real spark if you know what I mean."

"Wash up" mom said, "Dinner is almost ready."

Over dinner dad talked about the new contracts he had picked up and said:

"We are about at the point where we might have to expand."

"Why do that" I asked and then said, "It would mean pouring money into a new building or an extension and then stocking it with new equipment. You could save all that expense by just going to a second shift and if we keep growing we can add a midnight shift."

"There is that. It is something to think about."

Mom kept quiet during the meal, but she did throw a few nasty glances my way. After dinner I went up to my room and worked on a paper that was due to be handed in on Tuesday. Around nine-thirty I stripped, brushed my teeth and went to bed. As I slipped off to sleep I was wondering what the morning had in store for me.

Mom woke me up as soon as dad was out of the house and she did not do it with a blow job. She poured a glass of water on my head! I got up sputtering and she said:

Get your butt out of bed asshole and get down to the kitchen."

I got up and went into the bathroom and dried myself with a towel. When I got to the kitchen mom was sitting at the table and the look she gave me when I walked into the room was murderous. I went to the sink, got a glass of water and then turned and tossed it in mom's face. I tossed her a dish towel to dry off with and then I sat down at the table and said:

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Weird Sex and the depths of depravity

'Warning, this is a story of woman's depravity, read with caution, and please remark about what unfolds'As we drove my husband looked across at me, 'Fancy a gang-bang'?Asking your wife or girl friend to sexually gratify up to twenty men, is easier said than done, it takes a certain temperament in a women to realize that, just fantasizing about multiple men when you're having sex with one, is one thing, but actually being confronted by many men eager to rip your fucking pussy off is another.We...

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Weird sex

My girlfiend and I have always taken things slow. Mostly petting and missionary sex. I have never been brave enough to discuss my fetiish with her.One night after she got somewhat drunk we both crashed at our bedroom.Towards early morning before sunrise was my queue. I removed her panties slightly and inserted my morning glory erect cok up her ass.At first I thought of simply shafting her. Also, I rememebered the reason I woke up was due to urge to pee. There was this moment of trepidation and...

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Weird Science

My eyes fluttered opened and I sat up quickly. For a moment, I assumed I was awakening in the library and had fallen asleep studying again.  It made sense at first; the last thing I remembered was reading and taking notes from my macroeconomics book, and my eyes growing heavy.  But as my eyes adjusted to the light I realized I was not slumped over, leaning on a table in the library with my head resting on a book.  I wasn't in the library at all.  Instead I found myself lying on the floor in a...

1 year ago
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weirdo story 2

I love spiders. I see your adorable body in front of me. You are on the table, just the naughty nylon touches your soft skin. I like you, feel the tickling of the nylon on my tongue. Again I start to become hard. Your bald skull, your face – everything makes me horny. The breasts are moving up and down as you breathe. A kind of fear and shame is in your eyes – and a enormous desire and lust. I take a little box and show it to you. You can see three big spiders insides – just like the one I sent...

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weirdo story

I meet you at the airport in only a sheer black catsuit and a fish netttop over and a short skirt, thats tigth around me. I have only a little bagwhere Ihave all my money and passport. After we meet I give you a kiss and says its nowyour turn to run my life the next weeks. And gives you my little bag. I curl myhairwho is long and blond and ask if you know a cheep hair cutter who can help ustake it of and shave my head of all hair ?You drive us to a filthy plase where and old man have his shop,...

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Climbing out of her car Maria gave a slight groan as the pain in her legs reminded her of the fucking she had just received. Her blouse is tied around her waste, all the buttons having been ripped off. Reaching into the car for her purse she saw the cum stains on the leather interior; wiping it up with her fingers she sucked the cum juices off of them smiling to herself. "Good to the last drop", she giggles and heads into the house, her high heels clicking on the pavement. Giggling again as...

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DoortoDoor Fundraising

DISCLAIMED        -        READThis is a work of fiction. None of the events depicted in this story should ever be attempted or recreated in real life, in any degree, for any reason. The legal council stated in this document may not be accurate, and should not be taken for fact. Replication of any of these events may result in fines and/or imprisonment. This work is copywrited by the author, Samsara. Any similarities to any person, place, organization and/or event are purely...

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Chapter Four Patience And Sensation

It is silent now, in this room where I am suspended.All I can sense is the breeze that gusts now and again through the sheer curtains and cools my skin, creating waves of goosebumps on my body. Are these little shivers revealing my anticipation at what may be ahead?I come to realise that once again I am being taught a lesson: patience and how to listen to the heightened awareness of my desires, needs and sensations.My newly pierced nipples are throbbing now, not too intense, but enough to take...

2 years ago
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12 Days Of Heaven With Cousin Sister

Hey Friends… It is my first experience which i m going to share on ISS. I m a huge fan of ISS. I have read many stories and most of them are true (as i think)..But definitely some of them are fake. But the story I’m going to tell is an actual incident and very interesting too. Without wasting much time let me tell something about myself. I am Ranvijay Singh Shekhawat from Jaipur. I m a good looking rough-tough guy of 20 and have got a great personality from my ancestors. This story is about my...

3 years ago
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Sophias RevengeChapter 10

Sophia is happier than she has ever been in her whole life. She has cleaned Captain Morgan's cabin, she had his boots cleaned by one of the cabin boys who seemed bedazzled by her genteel attitude. When he closed the door behind him, she immediately would jump into his arms and offer him her lips and anything else he wanted to remove the stress of being a dangerous scourge of the seas. The villa of Captain Morgan on the island of Tortuga was spacious and well-appointed. She wandered the maze...

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Ghanto li Zabardast Chudai2

Sarita ne yahan fir galti kar di aur usne apna muh mod liya. Ab jitu ko aur gussa aa gaya usne alka ko bulaya. Jitu: alka ye saali raand lund nahi chus rahi hai zara iske haath pakad; alka ne meri sis ke haath pakad liye aur is se pehle sarita aur mein bhi kuch samajh pate jitu ne apni belt ke do fold kiye aur meri behan ki choti si gori aur kamsin gaand par belts ki barsaat kar di, sarita ab chillane lagi,,aaah uuh ahhh ayiiiii ahhh bas maaf kardo aaaaahh maaaa aaa, meri sis ke choti si gaand...

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The Wishing Bracelet

The Wishing Bracelet By Morpheus Great Uncle George was a strange old man, the kind who would insistently argue that Big Foot, the Loch Ness Monster and little green men were real. But at the same time he was one of the most calm and reasonable men that I knew. He was what some people called 'eccentric', though I'd always liked him in spite of that, or perhaps even because of it. I was sad to hear that Uncle George had died, though not surprised. He was nearly 70 years old and...

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Hot for Teacher Ch 01

NOTE: There are many songs included in the story, none of which I own. The inspiration came from the Rocky Horror Glee Show’s rendition of ‘Toucha Toucha’ 1 Jess tapped her pencil on her desk, lazily. She didn’t usually space out in class, but she’d been having some difficulties lately. Mostly because of her teacher. Mr. Wales was already known at Denton High for being a great teacher. He was funny, engaging, and managed to stay on everyone’s good side somehow. Oh, and he was incredibly hot....

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Warrior WoesChapter 38

Lance and I were able to recover the bugs fairly easily. I got the one in the dinette; he got the one on the patio. I felt like a bum doing it, but I had to know. I really didn’t want to be succored any more than I already had been. It would be a day or two before we could listen to them. And yes, we, was the operative term. I wanted a witness. I needed to have a witness that I trusted absolutely. Lance was the only one at this point. Cherry was a candidate for a “trustee” position, but I...

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KindaSortaMaybe NerdBoyChapter 3 The Right Girl

"Kendra, I'm tired," I whined, but she didn't seem to care. She just curled around me, sliding her entire body atop me beneath the sheets. She gave me a brief peck on the lips, and then moved to settle her hips just right in my lap. "You don't have to do anything but sit back and enjoy! Besides, we don't have much time before classes start." It was Monday morning, and I had a class starting within the hour. Neither of us had even left the room for the past two days. It seemed that...

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Watching my next-door neighbor kneel in front of her boyfriend with her head bobbing up and down over his cock was quite a surprise. She's never closed her curtains and I've watched her for many years. Often sitting in the dark on the edge of my bed, stroking my cock. I was always enthralled by the size of her breasts and the thick but nicely shaped patch of hair between her legs. I would watch her come out of the shower or getting dressed to go out, trying on different outfits, checking...

2 years ago
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I Love Her And Miss Her Too

Hello all. I have read all most all the stories over here. Most of them are really good to read and mind blowing. But some of them are boring and not real at all. But it is nice to read peoples real happenings and fantasies. Now I am going to tell one true incident that happened in my life. First of all, i’ll tell you about me. My name is I am 23. Doing MBA here. Staying with Parents. I am in Bahrain now. But basically I am not a Bahraini. I am from India. I was born and brought up over there...

3 years ago
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Main Kese Gandu Bana

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Ya story aj say 4 sal phaly ke hai jb min 16sal ka tha Mara name zaman hai hum pashawar say hn abu saudia hoty hn ami ke age 35 hai mote gand moty boobs or wo teacher hn high school min sabi in ke izat krty thy ku k wo senior teacher thi min b use school min parta tha or sham ko mare maa school k bacho ko ghr pr he acdmy pharate thi bhara bhai lahore pharta tha min or ami ghr pr hoty thy pora muhala ami k sharif pan say vikaf tha or ami ke kuch dost b use...

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The Hypnotherapist

Claudia was a white blonde woman with a beautiful face; she looked exactly like a princess and acted a little bit like it sometimes. She knew how pretty she was and wanted the best thing for her. She was 28 years old, she gained some pounds over the year that didn't make her unattractive but her butt definitely got bigger too. She was going to the gym sometime but it wasn't her favorite thing to do. She broke up recently with one of is boyfriend and the relations ended in a bad way. The...

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The Gangbang Club! When you have as much sex as I do, you search for ways to pack in more fucking into each sexual experience. I need larger and larger doses the more time goes on. I couldn't even imagine having vanilla sex with only one bitch at this point. If I'm only fucking one bitch, I need that bitch to go buck wild on my cock. This beast demands divine pleasures, so bring your A-game pussy.Increasing Sexual Density (Science Bitch)Of course, the easiest way to pack in more sex is through...

Premium Gangbang Porn Sites
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Thank God For Small Favors

Lisa begged Mark to give it to her. He refused. He was not going to give in, no matter what Lisa wanted until he was good and ready.“Please, please give it to me,” Lisa begged again.“No. You are not ready yet,” Mark repeated his refusal.“Argh, you have to. I need it. I want it. You have to give it to me,” Lisa growled through labored breaths. She couldn’t take much more torture from Mark. She needed it and had to have it. She was going to get it somehow.--------Lisa and Mark had been together...

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Jaynes bar bull

My wife Jayne and I have been together for over 30 years and I still think she’s the sexiest woman I’ve ever met. For years, one of my favourite fantasies was to see her with another man and to have her experience having sex with me and another man at the same time. It took me awhile to share my fantasy with her because I wasn’t sure how she’d react. When I did finally tell her, she had a lot of questions as to why I’d want that. But over time, she started warming up to the idea and eventually...

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The Three Girls Who Love You

So there I was... Sitting at home watching TV. It was all beginning to feel a bit hopeless. As much as I'd have liked a relationship, it just didn't seem to be happening. As I lay there feeling sorry for myself, I began reminiscing about several girls I'd liked, and wished they could've given me a chance. A few months ago, I'd had a short little fling with this girl called Sophia. She had developed a crush on me, and I had one on her too. We went out a few times, but after only a couple of...

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Fayes Anal Buddy

I was one of those men who had a great desire to watch his wife have sex with another man. I guess my situation was a little unique because I had seen it happen before I married her and it had been the most exciting thing that I had ever seen. It had happened several months before we were married. Faye had been having second thoughts about getting married and she instigated an argument so she would have a reason for breaking off the engagement. The real reason, as I found out from my cousin...

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Fifteen Forever Girls from Outer SpaceChapter 8 Mums The Word

“Hello,” the alien replied! It wasn’t a helmet: she had bright pink hair, or red almost, that glittered metallically. It was woven into six tendril-like plaits, shoulder length, three each side. “You speak English!” Grace was shocked. The alien thought a moment before replying slowly: “We learn,” she said, “come in.” She stood back and waved Grace into the little grey house. “Hello,” smiled Grace to the two other aliens - the front door had opened straight into the living room. These...

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As it should be

Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of My Life... As the plane touched down these words spun around in my head as the butterflies played drum solos in the pit of my stomach. Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of My Life... As the plane touched down these words spun around in my head as the butterflies played drum solos in the pit of my stomach. The captain spoke and soon we were all shuffling out to the baggage claim area. Not that I had much to claim, Master told me to pack the basics, the...

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The Sexual Education BluesChapter 25 Roger and Jane

"What shall we do today?" asked Jane. "I know what I want to do." "I do too," said Roger. "I want to go to town." "Town?" she said. "Why?" "I want to go someplace where there are lots of young girls," he said. She stared at him. "I'm trying to figure this out," he said. "I need to go someplace that usually gets my fantasy going." "I'll try to be your fantasy," she said, her voice trembling. "No," he said, patiently. "Jane, honey, listen to me. I think I love...

1 year ago
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Ill Show You Mine if You Show Me YoursChapter 8

When we'd heard the knock on the door, we both realized that we couldn't very well hide what it was we'd been doing. It was too late for that. Nervous, hell ... scarred shitless even, I'd looked at Kris, that moment passing between us when we'd made the decision to accept whatever consequences came our way because of it. After that brief moment of surprised shock, which we'd both fully expected, it was the sudden smile that came to mom's face, which we hadn't. For a moment I know...

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Our Second Meeting

Our first meeting in person had been a bit rushed. He was just going to be driving through our area. Due to time constraints, he ended up in a brief, yet extremely hot, backseat of our car encounter with my wife that mostly left us all yearning for more. All three of us were determined to have this time be more to our liking. We suggested a local hotel and gave him the address. He had already checked in and had called to give us the room number by the time we pulled into the parking lot. She...

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Cpt Protein

I'm only an hour in and I already need a snack. No one is around, I park us in the shade. I watch his cock grow before my eyes. It's like he can read my mind. I’m jacking him off and I stick the head in my mouth. In minutes I am guzzling down his rich protein. Brupp. The taste lingers, it makes me salivate. Taking it slow, Captain? Three weeks can be a long time! Time to stop and make a campfire. Captain Protein and I are lying down next to each other. Then his cock springs out towards my...

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SleepwalkerChapter 60 Crunch Time

Originally posted on: Mon Dec 25, 2006 5:29 pm Last edited on: Wed Dec 27, 2006 5:22 pm "I really don't like this part," Shannon said. "I don't want to risk Cindy but I don't want to risk Allison just to find out either." We had started the night in the usual fashion. You know, dinner with the family, dishes, the 'rents playing cards, the kids playing video games, and swimming of course. Then it was time for Tom, Karen, and Mark, to say goodnight and leave. Now we were standing in...

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"How about here?" Simon Laws looked at the building his friend, Stephen Clark, was pointing at. Lurid red and blue neon tubes ran along the fascia of an otherwise innocuous old warehouse building. The same tubes twisted into the shape of a heavy breasted girl twirling around a pole. The name, "SATAN'S HOLE", was emblazoned above a narrow doorway. Subtle, it wasn't. "Looks a bit tacky," Laws said. The vodka buzz was fading a little and he wouldn't have objected to heading back to the...

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After The Shower

I slowly opened the bathroom door. There she was, wrapping her auburn hair in a towel, both hands above her head, breasts thrust out, nipples glistening with water. A vision of young beauty, reflected in the oversized, steamed up mirror. I smiled as I stepped inside. Noticing my intrusion, she smiled back. I stepped forward, wrapping my hands around her waist, pressing my nakedness to hers, my stiff member nestled in between the globes of her ass. Nuzzling her neck, I said, “You look beautiful,...

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She wasnt going to but then she saw his coc

Allyson’s college summer job was data entry. It was mindless and boring but at least she wasn’t waiting on customers or dealing with the general public. She was also able to listen to music without it interfering with her duties, which helped pass the time. She’d met a friend there named Katie who was college age but not a student like her. Katie doesn’t factor too much into this story except that it was her that suggested they go out for dinner and drinks that Friday night. Allyson was single...

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Ashley IIChapter 5

"Obviously, we are going to need to check out where this guy Haskins is living now," I told Ed when we were seated in the den. "Yes, you're right. Do you know where it is?" Ed asked. "Yes, it's up just a bit northeast of the city," I told him and gave him the address again. I was fairly familiar with that part of the metropolitan area having done a good bit of work for various people in the area. I got out my new map book of the area and checked on the exact location. The address...

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BlacksOnBlondes Lexi Lore Second Appearance

The power of Twitter is pretty impressive. Within a week of Lexi Lore responding to Dogfart’s tweet about who should be the next gangbang girl and nominating herself, she was getting DP’d on the stairs by four well-hung studs. Lexi is a hot 20 year old who wants nothing more than to be used up by her big dark daddies. They drag her around, fill all her holes and make her big bobbing ass red and welting. And because she’s such a good little slut on a leash, they double stuck it...

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Exploring the other side of sex

The late teenage years were a very exploratory time. I had two best friends at the age of eighteen and we were together most of the time we weren’t in school. Mike was about two inches shorter than me at 6’1 with light brown hair and a long face. Phil was a slight and slender youth who was 5’6 and light red hair. We rode our bicycles all over the area and often ended up sleeping over at each other’s house, listening to music, playing board games and cards. I was 6’4 and 160 lbs thin, scrawny...

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