Don't Sleep On The Subway Book ThreeChapter 56: Jul 1945 Allies Move Into Berlin free porn video

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At the end of World War Two, there were more than two million German females raped by the occupying allied forces, mostly by the Russians. The charges of rape in the Western allied zones were investigated and when necessary, military law was enforced. However in the Russian Zone of Berlin almost 100,000 German women were raped by the Russian soldiers with the full knowledge of their superior officer who not only condoned the criminal acts but actually participated in them quite often. Before the western allies moved into Berlin, the Russian troops roamed the streets and the damaged residential areas to find German females to rape in the entire city proper. One out of ten of the women raped committed suicide unable to continue after the shameful humiliation sometimes in front of their children or their parents. The loss of dignity was too much for those women to have any hope of survival. The Russian soldiers had marched all the way from Prussia to Berlin with the promise of complete freedom in raping the German women wherever and whenever they wanted to before the other allies moved into the city. The Russians were enthusiastic about using rape as a technique of interrogation and generally started with forced undressing of the females to a completely naked state and then verbally abusing them with the promise of what was to come.

A very moving film made after the war was an Italian production called “Two Women”. It was the story of a mother and a daughter trying to survive in the period after the Italian surrender and as the German forces was being pushed out of Italy by allied forces. Strangely, in this film the bad guys were not the Germans, but the allies with the rapists being members of the Free French forces and were from Morocco. They wore American uniforms and drove American jeeps with the insignia of the Free French movement. The mother submits to every demand in order to save the daughter from the indignity of being raped but to no avail as they take advantage of her as well. Some of these troops were the first units to move into Paris as part of General De Gaulle’s agenda to shape the post-war government in France. It was a very disturbing movie for American audiences at time of learning about the horrors of the concentration camps and the treatment of prisoners of war in Imperial Japan.

The scene in the movie with the mother and daughter as victims of the war was repeated a thousand fold in Berlin as the Russians moved into the city following the agreements made between Stalin and Churchill and Roosevelt during the war.

The geographical division of the city of Berlin into four separate zones of occupation by the allies was quite similar to the way the entire country had been split up into four zones of occupation with Russia in the East and the other three allies to the west of the city. Right from the very beginning the vast differences between East and West became visible as the western allies employed the civilian populace into cleaning up the debris from the heavy shelling of the city by Russian artillery in 1945. The violence that occurred before the western allies took over their respective zones was done by the Russians allowed to run wild in the city like animals murdering and raping civilians wherever they found them.

On the other hand, the Eastern Zone was left in ruins and no effort was made to restore order to the streets of the Russian Zone. Garbage was dropped in the debris and the rats multiplied quickly making it dangerous to even sleep at night. The people in the Russian zone walked around like zombies afraid to make any noise because it would draw attention to them from the mostly drunken Russian soldiers.

In the American zone, the people were most hopeful because the Americans were paying them with a reliable currency and arranging tents for those left homeless by the shelling. The Americans through the Red Cross and other organizations arranged soup kitchens for the hungry and distributed clothing and bedding for the survivors as soon as they registered in the zone resident books as a permanent resident using their previous address even if the building was no longer standing.

The British zone was similar to the American Zone with the exception that the supplies were scarcer and they used the American logistical systems to distribute the necessary items for survival. It is important to remember that all of Britain was under strict rationing due to shortages and they still depended on the United States for most of their military equipment to arm and supply their armed forces.

The French zone was the least successful of the western allies because their hearts were still back in Paris and the difficulties at home in rooting out the Vichy collaborators and establishing a government that would meet the needs of their people without allowing a communist takeover at the same time. The French prisoners of war were expedited to return home to their country and the French that had been recruited for slave labor in Germany were also given transport back home mostly by the American trucks and jeeps that had plenty of petrol to do the job. It was also likely that the French military were not inclined to show the Germans any sympathy after two world wars that had reduced France to less than a major player in Europe and clinging to her former colonial empire as the route to restoring her greatness in world politics.

In the Russian zone, the army was slowly sending their men back to the east along with everything they could steal or strip from the Germans and their commercial interests. They took all the farming equipment, the industrial machinery and robbed and raped all of the stores of their assets and inventory. The populace was left basically with just the clothes on their backs and in some cases they didn’t even have shoes because they were stolen as well.

As time progressed the disparity between the East and the West was obvious just from the debris and garbage on the Russian side and the improvements in the western zones as the clean-up moved ahead with the hard work of the civilian populace.

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Kristen Taken on the Subway

It was the last night of our trip to New York City. After all the nights hitting the bars and clubbing, Kristen and I had decided to just go out for a nice dinner, have some wine and go back to our hotel and have a good night's sleep before heading home the next day.Kristen, my wife, is simply stunning: 25 years old, slender, long, red hair, round arse and beautiful C cup breasts. Although I don't look too bad either, I consider myself the luckiest man on this planet for having such a beauty as...

4 years ago
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The SubwayChapter 2

My class schedule is different on Tuesday and Thursday so it is not necessary for me to ride the early commuter subway. By Wednesday, my confidence had returned and I boarded the "sleepy time express" as if nothing was amiss. If anything, it was hotter and stickier outside than it had been the previous week, and I wore another tee shirt without giving it much thought. It was hot enough that the subway train system was having some sort of mechanical problems that caused the train to stop...

3 years ago
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Subway Heat

Subway Heat By billy69boy My name is Tori. I’m a 26 year old medical researcher at General Scientific downtown. I usually keep my private life private, especially my sex life. But I recently experienced the most extraordinarily erotic encounter I’ve ever had, and I can’t seem to stop thinking about it. So, I thought if I wrote about it, and shared my story with other people, perhaps I could finally get beyond it, and go about living the rest of my life in peace. I usually drive to work, but...

3 years ago
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Subway Heat

Subway Heat By billy69boyMy name is Tori. I’m a 26 year old medical researcher at General Scientific downtown. I usually keep my private life private, especially my sex life. But I recently experienced the most extraordinarily erotic encounter I’ve ever had, and I can’t seem to stop thinking about it. So, I thought if I wrote about it, and shared my story with other people, perhaps I could finally get beyond it, and go about living the rest of my life in peace.I...

1 year ago
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I'm a heavy man weighing around three hundred pounds. I don't eat much but I do like foods that are high in fat. I see this guy on television saying that he lost over one hundred pounds eating Subway subs. I have always wanted to loose weight but lacked the enthusiasm. Something told me to begin doing what this guy did. It was a hell of a sandwich. I lost over a hundred pounds and still going. This is how I did it. It began with my first Subway sandwich. I walked into the store and saw this...

3 years ago
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Eric Agent of Allies

Eric: Agent of Allies An Axis and Allies Story by Chrissy and Caleb Jones Part One: Somewhere in the Atlantic... by Chrissy Eric sat at the main ops of the Allies base somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic. It was a quiet day and he had spent it going through some reports whilst listening to serene classical music. He thought back to those few months ago when Chrissy, his 1st Officer had left on extended holiday. He wished she would return. Then she could fill out these...

2 years ago
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Dont Sleep in the SubwayChapter 20

The so-called Indian Agent was a blustering Irishman from Boston called Murphy. He was about the most mean-minded individual with a soul filled with blackness that I had ever met. I could easily understand why he kept a pair of Johnny Reb deserters always close to his person because he made enemies left and right with little effort. I made it a point to have the least amount of interaction with him as possible because I was sorely tempted to lift his hair and say it was a wandering...

2 years ago
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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 7

(SEP 1939 SOVIET UNION INVADES POLAND) “I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don’t give a damn what you think you are entitled to.” —Col. Jessep (Jack Nicholson) If betting was a popular feature...

3 years ago
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Blacked very hard in the subway

I felt his hard dick pressed tight against my butt and it felt huge…I could not budge and inch as the subway car was filled beyond capacity and as it bumped and swayed along, I felt my short skirt riding up on my buttocks.That hard cock was nestled between my butt cheeks, rubbing up and down. I began to fantasize about what it would feel like in my pussy or even in my asshole…I was getting myself horny and the bastard smelled great too…I knew he was a black man, a very huge one…Then, my skirt...

4 years ago
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Subway Stories

My brother rolled his eyes like the grump he was, "No-go by yourself". He paused and shook his head, "And stop calling me 'Nii~Nii' we're not even Japanese!" I crossed my arms in a pout, "But Gamestop is too far to walk...Please I need this game! There's Hentai in it!!!!" I blurted because to me...that was a big deal. Nii~Nii threw his arms up, "Ew-okay stop! I don't need to know these things...take the subway there! You'll be alright. Just don't talk to...

4 years ago
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Toronto Subway Deepthroat

It was a hot Toronto summer Sunday evening when I was headed back home from spending an evening downtown with my friends. As 23-year-old junior college students we were enjoying the much-needed break from our semester exams. I was about six subway stops past the Bloor-Yonge line in an empty cart, I was seated near the doors having a perfect view of the empty seats opposite of me. The humidity was getting to me so I decided to unbutton three of the top buttons of my silk white shirt. My black,...

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