Robin s Rage 5 Sedition Seduction Success
- 3 years ago
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Four months after the ambush, nothing much of anything important had been found. I had the operations but I still had to wear the sling for another three months. This did not stop me from getting Helen pregnant again. All the rest were very happy for her, for this meant that their turn would be coming soon.
Sonny Forte gave me an unexpected call. He had been one of the people to send his sympathy for the men killed. Other than Lacroix, one of the men he had recommended to me had been killed as well. I had thanked him for finding me nothing but the best men and I did my utmost for the dead men's families.
He said to me over our satellite phone, "Alex, I have talked to Joe's family and see that you have done very well by them. I cannot think of any other employer who would have done the same thing."
"He died saving my life, Sonny. I have my own honour to think of too."
Sonny said in a pensive voice, "Honour is what I am thinking of now. I have some information that may help you but it also may not."
"What is it Sonny?"
"The man I'm talking about cannot be hurt but I think that if you question him you may find out some of the answers you were looking for."
"Who is it? I have ways of getting information without hurting the person I am questioning."
"That is very good. My brother-in-law, Carmen, was drinking with me recently. He boasted that he knew much more than anybody else. He was quite drunk and I decided to not ask him any more after he slept it off."
In a week I was in Chicago. Carmen was sleeping in a chair in Sonny's home. Sonny and only one of my security were with me. Carmen had been given a sedative and now I handed an antidote to Richard to administer. Richard Fraser had been hired the same day as Lacroix and they had been good friends.
Before Carmen awoke he was given the thiopentide. I took the disposable syringe and put it into a protected package. I never let this product out of my sight, or even the traces that could be reverse engineered.
It took only a minute to get Carmen to start talking. An associate in Philadelphia told him how he had been asked to do the hit on me. A week later the man was told that the job was much too difficult and the CIA was going to take over. The offer had come from Howard Meechum, a businessman with many links to the mob.
The questioning continued but nothing more was found relating to the attempt on my life. I didn't ask Carmen about anything else, or about his dealings with Sonny. I didn't want Sonny to hear something that would make him want to have to do something about his brother-in-law.
We left Carmen where he was and when the effects were starting to wear off we left. We had thanked Sonny and warned him that the information he had found out could get him killed very easily.
Meechum fell asleep after touching something sticky under the door handle of his car in an underground parking lot. We were there for two hours and found out a considerable amount about the man in front of us. We were in a panel truck parked nearby and beneath the building where Meechum worked. Voice recordings were made of all his various dealings with the dirty side of the CIA and the mob.
He was a treasure trove of information about a great many different odd things that had happened. He did know about the attempt on my life and listed who had put him up to it and whom he had contacted. Who actually did the job was unknown.
Meechum's fingers were cleaned as was his car and he was put back in. Rather than destroy this resource, he was given a drug which simulated a heart attack and would leave him unconscious for hours. When he awoke or was found, his doctors would tell him that he had minor myocardial infarction.
We stayed in the area for nearly a month. More people had come in to assist and eventually I had a quiet chat with Felix Backwater about the people involved in the attempt on my life. He was resistant but not up to what our drug could demand. Again I used a recording and found out many spurious facts. He had been the one to organize the hit and gave me the names and locations of the remaining men. Three more had died in or after the attack. All of them actually had jobs in the CIA; this would have been found, except that the records had been tampered with.
He told me that many influential people had banded together and got a section of the large government organization to protect them and their money. They claimed I was attacking good businesses in order to promote my own. The list ran to twenty-three people, with comments that many more supported them.
The amount of information was so great that I could not get it all at one time. I did find some good blackmail information when we discovered a goodly amount of money in foreign accounts and I even got his passwords. He did keep accessible records, because he felt that one day he would have to fight for his job the way J. Edgar Hoover did in keeping his position as the head of the FBI.
He had enough dirt on others whom he worked with in his organization that it looked like they could be convinced to do as I wished if I wanted this to happen. Apparently, there were a great many bodies buried and a lot of money made for doing it.
Backwater was left and we cleaned up as good as possible. From a hidden safe, though, we took most of his incriminating evidence and left to find the other places that he had mentioned to us. He would know something was wrong the next time he checked the contents of his safe but hopefully would not know when or how the contents disappeared.
Three of the twenty-three had been watched before because of Meechum's talk with us. We happened to get them, with some mob figures, at a meeting. This time they were simply gassed. The questioning took a long time, since I decided to talk to the five mob figures, too. Incriminating evidence was gathered on anything possible. Teams now went out and took what was needed. Some were able to go to banks and remove articles from safety deposit boxes after a chat with the manager.
After the men recovered, I talked to each when they were not under the influence of the drug. Evidence was presented to them in many forms and two had the gall to ask for their lawyer. All this was done in private, because some of the information dealt with how one or another of them tried to stab another in the back on a few occasions.
This matter was not resolved for years and in the meantime five of the twenty-three people died. They were unwilling to think rationally about the situation I had them all in. Some of their own number wanted to save their own bacon and did the deeds to keep me from exposing all of them. The black operations group and their handlers at the CIA ended up giving me a very large amount of information on what was done and what was even contracted out to the mob.
With this business partially completed, I again went after various toxic dumps that made such large headlines in my previous life. Fourteen months of my life were really wasted with the attempt on my life and the search for who was behind it. Many lives had ended, because I was not able to do what was needed soon enough.
The Presidential elections were only a year away and just before Christmas a Superfund was established to clean up the most toxic sights. Legislation had been passed to put more money into the international space station too. It had grown considerably in my absence but it had not been out of sight of the common school child. Experiments of all kinds were performed and credit given to the people who thought of them. Nobody had been back to the moon yet but a new and very ambitious venture was planned for 65.
The De Soto Company was having serious difficulties and declared bankruptcy. I had thoughts of stepping in and either saving it, or purchasing the assets. Everything was old and worn out and even though I liked the styling of the car I had to let it slide past me. Chrysler would probably still get into trouble because of bad management. All North American car manufacturers still did not respond to the market very well. I was not sure what I wanted to do but perhaps I could buy major portions of the company and get them to build what I wanted. In the meantime, I had to just wait.
On the topic of nuclear weapons I was happy to get a test ban treaty signed a full year earlier than it had happened last time. I assisted with some reactor design with the full knowledge of the western powers. I reasoned that with enough bombs to kill everybody on earth a few times over, it was now time to work at protecting ourselves from accidents.
A plane had once crash-landed and then ploughed into a Bomarc missile. The explosives had gone off but had only spread nuclear material over a hundred-yard area. I got the military to move the missiles to a less dangerous spots before the accident happened.
The designs I had given to the Russians had been altered and given to the US. It was superior to their own and I made the cost of changing over as cheap as I could.
Russia never exported its light water graphite reactors for a good reason. When they were run at low power, they were susceptible to small hot spots. This caused the water to boil. The water was itself a moderator and steam had very little of this ability. The hot spot got much hotter and boiled more water. This was called the positive void coefficient and could lead to a run-away reaction. This would end up with the reactor putting out 100 times the maximum power and blowing off the top of the reactor with steam.
The hot reactor now exposed would allow the hot graphite to burn. With the water now gone with the explosion, there was nothing to slow down the reaction. The meltdown would make clouds of radioactive smoke and dust that would spread around the world in enough time.
The only good thing about this was that at this time Russia and the world didn't have very many reactors and the Chernobyl type numbered only four. Chernobyl's first reactor had not been built till 1971. Reactors cost a lot of money to build and took a great deal of time. The fact that safety equipment could accounted for a quarter of the cost made some people want to scrimp.
There was no way I could get the existing units replaced but I could suggest all the safety measures thought of after the Chernobyl disaster. This brought on the cry of no money to do this costly undertaking. The American government was not going to help, for they figured that Russia had much more money than it let on. The idea still was to bleed the country till it went to its knees.
The pros and cons of this attitude were obvious. The Soviets had less care for safety than the West. Because of the secrecy around anything nuclear, they did not find out about western improvements in design. At one time this could have been justified but there was now a moratorium on nuclear testing, at least in the air. Some small slips were detected in underground testing. Seismic apparatus around the world detected these.
The amount of involvement I had to have was so great that I had to do this openly. Basically, I had to give Russia help in producing and retrofitting reactors in construction with an eye to safety. At present, the West was still very anti communist and wanted them to sink, if possible. They did not realize how much radioactivity could spread from disasters on the other side of the earth. The United States did not want to see this, because they had been doing a great many open-air tests and always played down the detrimental effects.
As usual, I had to go to the people and this was done on talk shows. The television audiences were told of the safety problems in western reactors. There was no freedom of information act yet and I could not call witnesses to accidents that had occurred.
I did have aggressive news reporting and many places around nuclear power plants of private or military sites were checked. The findings were shown only once, because the government and military would stop us. It was very far reaching and lawyers at the end of the show mentioned how freedom of speech would be curtailed so no further information might be dispensed.
Star Trek the movie had come out and immediately thereafter, one-hour serials were presented. The money and props made them look like 'The next generation' and the themes were similar to both. Two segments dealt with finding low-tech civilizations and what happened with their reactors. This type of reactor was frowned on and I had them display a tokamak installation for fusing two different isotopes of hydrogen.
In my old life we had found Helium III in the rocks brought back from the moon. This material had been discussed as a way of making fusion reactor but was only espoused by some of the people that were accused of being insane or worse green. This was a hidden ace up my sleeve for it would take a team of men to go to the moon to refine this material. It came from the sun and would not make it through our atmosphere to the earth's surface.
One kilo of helium III burned with two thirds of a kilo of deuterium gives us about nineteen megawatt-years of energy output. A reactor built for this reaction would be inherently safe. The worst-case failure scenario would not result in any civilian fatalities or significant exposures to radiation.
The reaction was simple because Helium III wanted one more neutron to make it even and took the loosely held one from deuterium. I could do this now for there was some of the material produced when atomic material was maintained and from natural gas wells.
I remembered reading that there was a million tonnes on the moon. It was deposited by the solar winds and held by the regolith. All you had to do was heat the soil to six hundred degrees Celsius. Going to nine hundred degrees would drive out the oxygen so the helium would be a free byproduct.
In 2004 the United States used even more energy and it could be met by twenty five tonnes of helium III. This was just one shuttle load of the material. The cost of the hydrocarbon fuel burnt was around seventy five billion of those inflated dollars. This worked out to three billion dollars a tonne.
The worldwide demand would be about one hundred tonnes to come to a figure of three hundred billion dollars. If the estimates were right about the supply, it would last for ten thousand years but humans would start using it faster and faster.
All of this meant that fusion had to be considered as an alternative. What was learned with the tokamak could easily be transferred over to the helium reaction.
The Russian character on television explained how the word tokamak came from TOroidalnaya KAmera ee MAgnitnaya Katushka or 'toroidal chamber with magnetic field'. The device was being just started in Russia now and only one small experiment had been built. I hoped that this would start a new race for electrical power technology that would replace the cold war now still in place. This race would lead to the moon and then the stars.
The story line said that the starship was now using antimatter power to operate and how early tokamak technology had lead into this. I slipped in some hints about Helium III but didn't give this outright. Graphics had been supplied and they were the best that I could remember. Billions of dollars had been spent on the tokamak but no reactor could produce more power than it.
The two stories did bring the governments of many countries down on me. The Russians had not even coined the words or the idea yet. The Americans swallowed their own propaganda and figured that the Russians were far ahead of them. They then wondered how I had come by this information. I told them that it was actually my research into two basic types of magnetic and one type of inertial confinement ideas I had. They wanted my notes on the matter and I directed them to the net, where they had been for three days.
This got some of the old die-hards very pissed off, for they wanted to gain every advantage possible.
After a few private words to the Soviets I found myself invited to a large multinational discussion. This was where a group of various engineers and politicians from western countries discussed the future of electrical generation.
This was held in the Soviet Union. This was mainly my idea, to show the world what the Soviets had done so far in tokamak technology and then show them the state of the Soviet reactors.
The tokamak was discussed in as much detail as possible. The Soviets knew that short of a miracle there would be no possibility of producing usable energy from this device. They didn't know about the Helium and I didn't want to inform them yet. Normally all of the world's oil reserves had to be in danger of depletion before the necessary money would be found. The helium rabbit I would pull out only when the time was right.
Both sides were very shocked when I used the computer and a very functional projector to show that I knew more about the subject than they considered possible. Here my background in physics was severely tested and I could only surmise on some features. I did let them know about magnesium boride that I found to be super conductive at 16 degrees Celsius. This would be very useful in making the magnetic fields for the reactors. I apologised afterwards, because I had not even published my findings yet.
My own film crews took their own shots, so that other nations were shown what was happening and not what their own governments wanted to present. When the state of the Soviet reactors was eventually unveiled, I found many worried engineers.
Soviet construction plans were brought out and I was not shy about pointing out what I saw wrong. The Soviet engineers were hesitant to contribute at first but their politicians soon gave them the go-ahead. Training was found to be very poor and the control side was very minimal, mostly due to the fact that they had little or no computers.
The seminar went on longer than expected. Nikita Khrushchev came over when he arrived in Moscow. I had met the man a few times at parties put on by the Russian Embassy and their legation to the United Nations. The man had been in control long enough to find that he was quite restricted in his powers. He, like other politicians, had to watch their step or some upstart would take over their job. Leonid Brezhnev would next year, if I had not interfered in the events of this time.
He and his experts were apprised of my opinion at gaining western money along with western technology for an upgrade to their nuclear plants. His own experts were not that adamant of all the Soviet plants being as unsafe as I conveyed. Here, there was a difference in the meaning of the word unsafe. Life was not rated as high here as it was in North America. In China, it was seen as perfectly acceptable if any project took up to five percent of the workers.
"Mr Kramer," he said, "who am I to believe?"
"Nobody is lying to you. The Soviet Union is very large and if a few reactors suffer meltdown then only a small portion of your land and people are affected. I want no meltdowns, no deaths now, or problems for future generations."
"I will take your word for this now but our reactors have very little problems."
"That may be true and it takes more than one problem to cause a catastrophe but they do occur. With a military your size and a growing economy, this sort of thing has to happen. Now it would be my turn to disbelieve if you said that nothing has happened."
He looked at the men he had brought and then said, "There have been some problems."
At the end of the seminar the Premier did ask for assistance and this, of course, had to be put off for more discussion.
Back in North Bay I didn't wait passively. Entertainment was very important to my cause. My next set of films dealt with people doing what was right. I had signed up the Beatles in 1960 and used them in some of the British movies we made. When they started to become popular, they were encouraged to tour North America. Ed Sullivan got them first one more time, as he had Elvis, Roy Orbison and many other artists that were contracted to my company.
Films were made where it took cooperation to head off a disaster and the boogieman was always some fanatic who had no concept of what was right for his country. 'The Godfather, Part II', was done in the United States, as was 'West Side Story'. The music was remembered but I had to find talented people to work with what I could recall. Both of these were altered to show at least some cooperation.
'M.A.S.H' was done on location in South Korea and revolved around all the nationalities that fought. Much of the dialogue was in English but some was done in the local dialect for authenticity. I did my best to play the war as the enemy and not any particular race.
'The Sound of Music' was done in both Germanys, with a part of the singing done in German, English and one song even in Italian. Mario, Maria, Libra and Rita Leone had minor parts in the movie and had to go on location to do them.
'My Fair Lady' was done in the United Kingdom. There was even a small part for Sir Camm, even though I had to force him into it. To be truthful, he didn't fight too hard. 'Love Story' was done in Italy and the music was a mixture of Italian and English. The music was not the same but just as good. 'The Raiders of the Lost Ark' was done in Russia, Brazil and The United States. 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' was done in France and Switzerland but again I had the film shot in different languages.
I didn't have any anti heroes, except perhaps what could be said for the Godfather one and two. Physical conflict, too, was kept to a minimal amount. I remembered all the violence on TV when I was growing up and saw its effect on the children of the world. This could be substantiated by seeing the various films from around the world and then seeing how violent the youth were after a few years of watching them. Westerns were popular and these, too, had to be toned down. The viewers even got a dose of reality when I showed how we had treated the aborigines.
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This is continue on from earlier stories all imagined.Short summary: Jane had been in a hotel room with teenagers a relative and a hooker. This resulted in a £1200 credit card bill.Jane got home in the bus and wondered how she would pay that bill. She couldn't ask Rod as he didn't know about her hotel romp. Who could she ask? The she thought of JJ who had been in the orgy.Jane used whatsapp for two reasons: 1 it was free. 2 It was encrypted so no one could hack in. It was important to Jane that...
Patrick Murphy walked slowly and silently through the wooded area. His eyes were constantly moving, viewing everything around him, watching where his feet would step, looking for any sort of movement. His rifle was across his chest in both hands, ready to fly to his shoulder for firing. Nothing moved, he heard no sounds. He didn’t like it. He was not disturbing the animals and birds but they were not moving. A movement caught his eye. It was a squirrel. Low on the side of a tree. It was...
Introduction: This is not written by a woman, but from a womans perspective. I thought I would try to stretch myself. Ladies, let me know if I got it right. Why the hell do they call this Verde County? I thought. Doesnt verde mean green in Spanish? If it wasnt for the corn there wouldnt be any green. All I see are various shades of brown. I looked due west, over the hood of my Mitsubishi Eclipse and see the Rocky Mountains standing high above the horizon. Im lost in their beauty and my mind...
Mistress Trina had ask me to pick her up from her home, I was to open the car door for her as usual with my caged cock and balls on show for her inspection and my thick leather collar locked in place round my neck . She had kept my cock caged for a good ten weeks now and my balls were fit to burst. I picked her up promptly at six she squeezed my full balls as I opened the car door for her and said she had a special treat for her slave this evening. Thank you I replied wondering what it could be...
Introduction: Sorry it took so long, I had problems at work. Please read the previous parts, to better understand this. Now its Stacys turn to have sex with Nathan, but they also have an audience. I promise Part VII wont take as long. Stacy pushed herself up and looked back at Melissa, yeah. She said excitedly, a huge smile on her face. Melissa smiled, regaining her strength and pushing herself up, feeling Nathans cum still leaking out of her pussy. So how was your first orgasm? Melissa asked...
A sudden movement made Richard quickly snap his head around to the left, but it must have just been the wind moving a branch. Then as he turned back in the direction he was walking his face turned directly into another overhanging branch which promptly shed its load of cold water down the neck of his jacket, making him cry out a mild curse. He had at last decided he was lost. For the past two hours he had been following a continually diminishing trail through the September woods. Early that...
Hi Everyone, I read a lot of stories at Iss, and it’s amazing to read stories rather than to watch porn. And now I would like to narrate my story. This is my first story. Hope everyone likes it. If you have any feedback please mail to The incident happened just two weeks before. Let me introduce myself. I am an It professional and also a dancer, footballer. Brown in colour, and a crazy-headed freak. I love to have sex but I do respect women . I never force anyone. I am staying in a gated...
Panikerf?llt zog ich an meinem Bein, und tats?chlich l?ste sich der Absatz. Puh, das h?tte schief gehen k?nnen. Aber der halbe Weg lag noch vor mir. Ich ging jetzt sehr langsam und vorsichtig, und kam tats?chlich wohlbehalten in meinem Haus an. Ersch?pft setzte ich mich hin und ruhte ein wenig aus. Dann zog ich mich aus. Das hei?t, ich wollte mich ausziehen. Ich bekam mit den Handschuhen die Verschl?sse nicht auf. Nach einiger Zeit gab ich es auf, sinnlos. Was nun? Ich konnte versuchen S...
A stuffed animal, worn threadbare, might have been the most treasured item in the world, but without the owner to give it value, it was either Goodwill or garbage. A life in boxes After my visit with Clarice yesterday, I scoured Georgia’s room for any kind of evidence that she had been as wild as Clarice suggested. Nothing. No sign of that necklace either. I finished packing the room into boxes about eight o’clock, after Grover ordered in some Chinese food. It’s sad to see a room that...
As told to me by a friend : Rob and Jenny pulled through the Fields Corner section of Boston's Dorchester neighborhood in their BMW knowing the street to turn onto was almost upon them. Rob took the left off Dorchester's main thoroughfare looking at the streets knowing he would be taking another left after passing two streets. And his GPS sounded off on that third street. They both were now focused on house numbers and saw quickly the one they sought. And just like the man they were meeting...
“Doll, that won’t be hard to do, because I have fallen head over heels in love with you. You are my angel in disguise.” He guided her over to the futon, and unfolded it. The two of them climbed onto it, curled up in each others arms and then talked most of the night. It was kind of weird as no man had ever just talked to Cindy before. They all couldn’t wait to get into her panties. She curled up closer to him ran her finger across his chin and asked, “Where do we go from here Reverend?” His...
Straight SexI had spent the last few evenings in a perpetual state of arousal after spying on Victoria masturbating first in the bath and then again in her bedroom, I still had a slight feeling of guilt, I knew I shouldn’t have watched, but I just couldn’t help myself. I wanted to thank Vic for the pleasure she had given me, I had spent the last few days trying to think of a way. It was while I was imagining her watching the porn film of a woman masturbating that I finally came up with my idea. I dressed...
Introduction: this story was inspired by a fanatcy i had about my own physics professor. I hope you enjoy it. This post contains the first 4 chapters. Who knew Physics could be Fun Chapter 1 Id been out of high school for 10 years when I finally decided to go back to school so I could get my degree and get out of this weird employment rut I seemed to be in. Being a 28 year old freshman didnt make me the life of the college. I felt so old being around these kids in their late teens and early...
Missed Opportunity part 2.I was down there again the next day, same bench, same coffee, same paper. Pretending to read behind my shades, but really keeping a watchful eye for the youthful Adonis who had approached me the morning before.My mind was made up that I would take him to my room if he stopped again. I had chosen not to wear boxers under my shorts today; it added to the frisson I was feeling. And then.... there he was. Still in those tiny speedos, sauntering along the boardwalk. A...
Dad sat across from me at the table and shoveled oatmeal into his mouth more out of habit than for nourishment. Dark circles under his blue eyes confessed a lack of sleep. His constant sad expression made him look older than his forty-seven years. It didn't help that his hair had rescinded back to his ears. Worry had thinned his once bulky frame. He had been in a declining emotional state since my mother had left us last spring.The day after I graduated high school my mother packed her...
When Captain Kerensky was offered the opportunity to be captain of an Interplanetary Space Ship, she welcomed it full-heartedly. It was exactly the distraction she needed so soon after the messy fallout accompanying her divorce from Veronika. The heartache and acrimony that accompanied their separation had driven Nadezhda to the psychotherapist's couch for the first time in her life. She'd been anxious whether this admission of human frailty might lessen her eligibility for such a...
Victor flew that same evening out of town for a couple days.He had not fucked me properly in a full week; so that night I was feeling really horny and I needed a cock; even better a black one.Some days before I had met a very young black guy in a date site.His name was Marion. A babe who was just eighteen years old.The little boy was hot. He had sent me some pics from his naked body and I was mesmerized by the tremendous size of his black cock. He said it was almost eleven inches’ long and I...
Hi readers, I’ve been reading sex stories on this site for many months and decided to share my first true story of my sexual encounter. I’m a 19-year-old fair man with a height of 5’11 and a 6inch tool. My mami is a beautiful lady in her mid 30’s with a height of 5’8 sexy long legs just the perfect booty and around 32d breast. Fair skinned with green eyes and is super-hot. She did not have any kids till now so her pussy was tight. I’m originally from Mumbai and had gone for a wedding function...
IncestIt was a bad season for colds everyone agreed. Almost everyone had gotten a cold this winter, one that seemed to hold on for weeks. Nobody thought anything about it, it's not uncommon to get a cold in the winter after all. Then the dying started. Within weeks of the start of spring people started dying of all sorts of strange diseases. By mid April the mass die offs began. By the time it stopped only one in two hundred in the United States still lived. Other places where AIDS or a lack of...
The war is finally over. Harry is now one of the major leagues of all time. Harry returns to Privet Drive only to see his horrendous family returned. Harry who was infected with a curse which induces sexual excitation, wishes to corrupt and dominate the families around. You know that your cum was special (Ginny tried it herself). It made her more open to more perverted choices that you have not considered before. But you don't know much about the curse and you wish to know about it. Now whom...
I sat in the darkened video booth, with the door slightly open. I had a gay video playing which was showing a younger guy getting his cock sucked.In the hallway, different guys were walking past, cruising what was being offered. I was here to suck cock.An older guy looked in, leaned close and whispered, "Do you want a blow job?' I answered,"No. I'm here to suck cock."He moved on.Several of the guys were older. I wasn't as interested in them, as I had a younger guy in mind. In the hallway, a...
Last night i went to the gym, and there was the usual group there, along with a few others. One of the usuals is Ricky--a hot latino who is about 5'7" or so, muscular, a few too many pounds, and a hot little uncut dick. Another one is Elaine--a hot MILF who is about 5'10", hot tight body and huge tits. Anyway, when i went back to the locker room after my workout, Ricky was there walking around naked with his little uncut cock sticking out. not rock hard, but definitely sticking out. I was...
I had just got a call from Cathy earlier that day, all she said was "I'm going to take you to the movies tonight" "What we going to see babe?" "It's a surprise sexy!" "Well, sex slave could you at least tell me what your wearing babe?" She giggled, her little sexy laugh made me get a boner instantly. "Well, I just got of the shower, so I am absolutely naked babe. I wish you were here so I could fuck you!" "Will we be able to fuck tonight?" Heck, I would make sure I rammed my cock inside her...
EroticIt had been a couple of days since I saw Judy. I did bang the hell out of Camilla a couple of times yesterday. But had not heard from Judy who was away at a conference until tomorrow. I was laying on my bed freshly showered after a long hot day out working when I got a text from a number I did not recognize. “my name is Mimi, I am Judy’s friend. She thinks we should fuck each others brains out” I replied.“hi Mimi are you in the club?”Her reply.“Yes. recently divorced, finally settled into my...
I frequently went through craigslists back then. Just curious to see what was out there. Looking for anything and that turned me on. I went and found a post from a guy that involved going over and watching porn together and then jerking off. That's it. I thought about it and it excited me. I was gay or anything, but I had always thought about masturbating with another guy. I initially decided not to reply. But I found myself thinking about it all day and figured why not? I went ahead and...
Fareeda narrates this. * * * * * * * * * * -So I guess…- Qamaar said as he put away his book and his pen and came close to me, -…I think you need some relief now. I have brought you some food and…once you are done, you know what- As soon as we were done eating, he pulled me to himself and started kissing me. I stopped him for a while and said, -Hey…be gentle, Qamaar. I have gone through enough hardship for a lifetime. Now, I need some relief. Got it?- -okay- He said as he took me to his...
Tuesday morning started out like any other day for Doug. His alarm clock woke him up at seven o'clock; he showered, ate a light breakfast and was out of the house by 8:15. He felt much better about his decision to resign than he did yesterday and actually started looking forward to telling the Board of Elders of his decision to resign. Up until two weeks ago, his life was just like anybody's life. He got up, went to work, did what he had to do and came home. Now everything had changed. His...
Both girls looked up at him in surprise. "A hundred bucks each? What's the catch?" The girls were pretty and young, both roughly 5'6 inches tall with sandy brown hair and dark brown eyes, and wearing identical bikini bathing suits patterned after the rebel flag. "A friend of mine dared me to get wild on my vacation, bet me a grand I couldn't do it, so I intend to win that bet any way I can." One sister looked at the other before responding. "Are you for real? She...
Cynthia Laura and I were engaged in a cutthroat game of Scrabble on a Saturday afternoon with the girls. We had not heard from Charles in many days, either by phone or email. Although I missed hearing from him, I had been warned that he could suddenly disappear with no notice. So, I wasn't concerned. My cell phone rang and I answered. A male voice began, "Cynthia, this is Master Chief Cantera from the Reserve Center. I wonder if I could come by and talk to you for a few minutes?" I had...
Love me some college football.My team is always in the hunt for a National Championship almost every year. They’ve won their conference title four years running. And I’ve been banging Dianna every time my team beats Joe’s team. This is how that came about…A few years back. My team was in the middle of a coaching change. The legendary coach retired and his assistant took the helm. Joe thought this was the year I’d lose this bet. I’ve known Joe for a long time, we’ve been friends since childhood....
Wife LoversAs I pulled away from my parking space outside my house I heard the harp tone on my mobile alerting me that I had received a text. ‘Typical’ I thought to myself ignoring the text and continuing to drive. I was on my way to baby-sit for my daughter Katie. She was going to check out one of the local play schools with a view to sending George there for a couple of mornings a week. Katie lives just a few minutes away from me and I was soon pulling up outside her house. I applied the hand brake...
When Alex walked into the apartment he knew right away that Kendra was nowhere to be found. Not within the four walls at least. He knew he’d find her outside on the beach, it’s where she always went when she was feeling restless, no matter the time of day and after fighting Deveraux last night she was bound to be for the next few days. Sasha romped to the door, demanding attention and Alex leaned over, scratching the pup behind his left ear before motioning him to his basket in the corner of...