Making Ends Meet free porn video

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He sat in the car, his mind awash with conflicting thoughts: if Denise found out it would be the end; they needed the money; the university fees; the nursing home... but she would never accept or begin to understand this. But then could she understand anything anymore?

He got out of the car and lifted the black brief case. He was going!

The area was definitely classy: big stone-built Edwardian tenements set on wide clean tree-lined streets. Unquestionably middle-class. Number 27 was the address. Flat 1 F 1.

He walked briskly along the pavement, the brief case knocking against his leg. It was cold for October but he was sweating slightly in his best dark suit and his good raincoat.

A couple approached pushing a Mommas and Pappas. Momentarily he locked eyes with the young mother and noted the slight change in her expression. Good! He was looking hunky. The long months at the gym, the early morning jogging, the sessions in the sun and on the sun bed had paid off...

She answered the intercom on the second ring. Distorted by the phone her voice sounded husky and uncertain,

'Hello, this is Flat 1F1.'

He spoke slowly trying to put warmth and friendliness into his voice,

'Good afternoon, Mrs. Fenwick, this is Daniel from Health Services. I called about your order. May I come up. Can you press the buzzer?'

'Take charge', he said inwardly, ' take hold of the situation. She's nervous and apprehensive. Reassure her. Be in control'

The buzzer went and he pushed the heavy door open and entered the cool dim depths of the mosaic-tiled hall-way.

She opened the door of 1F1 just as his finger touched the bell-pusher and for a moment or two they just looked at each other.

She stood about 5' 5' and had dark brown hair cut just over her ears. There was very little make-up to be seen and the face was attractive with high cheekbones. She had lovely wide hazel-green eyes. She looked attractive despite her worried expression. She was wearing a loose fitting expensive woollen dress, reaching past her knees, making it difficult to ascertain what her figure was like. He guessed she was in her late forties, maybe early fifties but well-maintained.

Her mouth open to say something but he beat her to the words,

'Hello at last, Mrs. Fenwick. Nice to see you in person. I've come to chat about your order. May I come in ?'

Smiling just a little, he took a step forward but she stepped back, partially closing the door.

'I... I... Daniel, I... I've been... that is... I'm not... ' she was stammering and clearly extremely nervous. He had to do something or he'd be on his way home.

Then came one of those strokes of luck which change your life: the outer street door banged as someone entered the building.

Mrs. Fenwick gave a little jump. Clearly agitated, she looked over his shoulder to the stairway as high heels clicked along the passage-way towards the stairs.

He took charge: 'Why don't I come in and we can discuss it in private, Mrs. Fenwick? You can hear everything on these stairs. I won't keep you if you've things to do... I promise.' He spoke softly but firmly and, matching action to his words, stepped forward and past her into her home.

He took several steps up the hall-way, laying the bag down beside the rosewood coat-stand and shrugging off his raincoat.

He heard the door close behind him and turned to face her holding out the coat for her to take. She moved towards him but she did not take the coat. It remained there between them.

' Daniel, I'm so sorry.I... I... I don't think I can... I'll pay you of course, for wasting your time... I'm sorry... I... I... '. She floundered to a stop, her face working, eyes full.

Without haste he reached out and touched her elbow reassuringly, while still holding the coat with his other hand. She flinched at the contact but she didn't remove his hand. With just a hint of a smile softening his face, he said gently,

'Mrs Fenwick... Celia... Please don't worry. You're not under any pressure. I'll go... if that's what you want.' He hesitated for a second, then, 'Could you possibly let me have a drink before I go. I'd really appreciate that '.

Her face cleared, 'Why of course, Daniel. Here let me have your coat'.

She was evidently relieved that there was going to be no scene over her change of heart.

After hanging up his coat, she led the way into a large airy room with a bay window overlooking a walled garden. The furnishings were expensively tasteful with several lovely prints on the walls. A small piano stood against one wall with a framed photo of a young woman in her graduation robes. The room was warm and the wooden clothes horse in one corner gave it a 'home' feel

'Is this you, Celia ?' he inquired, looking at the photograph.

She gave a little rueful laugh and some of the tension eased out of her expression, 'Of course not ! That's my daughter Anne.' She looked at him, her eyes wide and her expression saddened, 'Anne is 27. What age are you, Daniel?'

He stepped a little closer to her and looked into her eyes with a quizzical look. ' Chronologically, Mrs Fenwick', he said slowly, ' I'm 24 - but some days I feel I'm 90 - and some days I know I'm just 19. And quite frequently I act as though I am 6. Don't you feel a bit like that, Celia ? Or are you always your real age... as people expect you to be?'

Mrs. Fenwick, chronologically aged 48, stood very still, the tempo of her heartbeat increasing. She looked up at Daniel as if trying to read his soul, her eyes searching his, then she turned away.

'What can I get you, Daniel? Whisky? Gin ? I'll join you in a gin. I had a couple before you came. Dutch courage and all that... but... ' her voice trailed away and she turned to face him again from where she stood next to the polished sideboard with its decanters and bottles.

Daniel moved to stand close to her and again reached out and took her elbow. This time she did not flinch but stood there looking into his face. He smiled and squeezed her arm gently. The material of her dress was soft and warm and as he took his hand away he slid his fingers down her forearm and gave her hand a little squeeze, held it for a moment then let go. He noticed how creamy her skin was. It had a light brown olive tinge to it. Her eyes darkened a trace and her lips parted.

'Could I possibly have a cup of tea? I missed lunch but a cup of tea would be just great'. Daniel stepped back as he spoke and gave her space.

Relief and reassurance lit her face, ' Tea? Why of course you can. Please have a seat, Daniel. Take your jacket off and make yourself comfortable. You must be hungry. Would you like something to eat?'

Daniel stood up and peeled off his jacket. 'Please don't go to any trouble, Mrs. Fenwick A cup of tea will be fine.'

'It's no trouble,' she fussed, ushering him to sit down. He sat on the settee. 'I have some salmon sandwiches left over from my own lunch. I'll just go and get things ready'

She turned in the doorway.' Will you be all right for a few minutes. I'll be as quick as I can. You can put on the tele if you wish'

'I'll be fine', he assured her, 'you are spoiling me, Mrs. Fenwick, Oh! May I play the piano,? It's been a long time since I saw such a lovely one. May I?'

Surprise and pleasure shone in her eyes, 'Why of course, Daniel. That will be lovely'. 'I'll leave the door open so I can hear you.'

He played Schubert. The piano was in excellent tune and he was drawn into the beauty of the music. So much so that he did not hear her return. He was on the last few bars when he became aware of her at his back. As the last note died away she put a hand on his shoulder and in a husky whisper said,

' That was quite quite beautiful, Daniel. Really quite lovely... Come over and have your tea'

They sat a couple of feet apart on the settee at the coffee table, he with a napkin on his knees, she with her feet under her, as they ate the thinly sliced salmon sandwiches and drank from the fragile china cups. And they talked.

They talked of music and art, of books and the cinema. He listened as she spoke of her travels in the States and in South Africa. She spoke knowledgeably but with no sense of superiority. He listened avidly, always giving her time, but wary of any long pauses. They laughed together as they recounted funny things in films they had seen and books they had read. And she asked him about himself.

He told her of his university studies; of the bomb blast in London when on holiday two years ago, which had killed his parents and left his wife Denise severely crippled, with both legs amputated above the knee and unable to speak because of brain damage. Of the nursing home where she now spent most of her time; of the occasional week-ends when he brought her to stay in what had been his parents' house but where now he stayed alone; of how he had taken a course in physiotherapy to be able to deal with Denise when she was home.

And of his decision to try and earn money to help with the bills. And all of this he said in a quiet matter-of fact way without any sense of self-pity or pleading.

She listened gravely and at one point reached out to cover his hand. Her touch was cool, her palm slightly roughened.

'A house-wife's hand', he thought, 'this woman is rich but she enjoys doing things for herself.'

' You're a good man'. she said, 'A very honest, good man'.

She did not take her hand away as he continued to speak and every now and then she caressed the back of his hand with her thumb. He knew from the way her face never changed as she did this that it was not a conscious action. He also knew that this was a woman who loved the sense of touch.

Celia spoke of her own life. Married at nineteen to a much older man, a business friend of her father's; Maurice had given her a beautiful house and there was never any shortage of money. She paused and looked away,

' There wasn't a lot of... of... loving... I... ', she dropped her eyes and gazed at her lap. Daniel turned his hand where it lay under hers and gently squeezed her fingers.

'I am sorry. so sorry, Celia., he said.

She looked up and smiled. Daniel's heart gave a little start. 'She is beautiful. Quite Quite beautiful'. He wondered why he had not seen it before.

'Daniel! Are you o.k.' She was leaning closer to him, concern in her face

'I'm sorry ', he said. I was just a bit thrown there.'

' Oh don't be. Not on my account. I'm fine now, I really am', she said. 'He's been dead for two years but... but.', there was a pleading in her eyes, a sorrow, 'the marriage died long before that... ' She paused and perked herself up. 'But he left me quite well off. And I got this flat. And', her voice softened and she smiled, 'And I have Anne - of whom I am so proud'.

There was a long pause. Each gazed away. He knew it was time to go. He stood up. quickly. She looked up at him, a little frown creasing her brow.

' Mrs. Fenwick... Celia... I've enjoyed being here with you. Very,very much. You are a lovely person.' He reached down and helped her to her feet. They faced each other. Space between them. ' Thank you for having me here in your home... and for being such a help. I haven't talked so much to anyone in a long time.'

He took her hand and pressed it, then let her go. He picked up his jacket and put it on. She seemed quite taken aback, trying to find words. Then she took something from under the coffee table and held it out, her hand visibly shaking. He took the brown manila envelope with a minimum of protest.

'Thank you, Mrs. Fenwick', he said quietly, Thank you for everything'. Then he turned towards the door.

'Daniel', There was just a hint of panic in her voice. He turned to face her. She stood with her hands held low, clasped in front of her, looking at him, eyes full of tears,clearly upset, but fighting to keep in control

. 'Daniel... if you've got time... I... I... that is... would... would you like to see the rest of the house before you go?' She got this out in a kind of pleading rush of words.

He replied quite slowly and with no hint of a smile, ' I'd like that very much Celia, thank you '.

Her smile glowed.' Come on', she said, 'I'll lead the way'.

The first room off the hall was a fairly sizable work-room facing North ; a table holding a sewing machine stood at the tall window that looked down on the street with its trees full of autumn gold. There was an easel with a water colour part done, and a bench laden with paint pots and tubes. She blushed as he complimented her on her artistic ability and they laughed easily together.

'And here is how we met', he said quietly, looking into her green-tinged steady eyes as they stood at the computer desk with its printer.

'Yes', her voice seemed to catch in her throat and she looked away.

They did not spend long in her bedroom. It too, faced the street. It was a big room with a high double bed covered by a duvet and had its brass head-board against one long wall while a huge built -in wardrobe with enormous mirror doors ran the length of the opposite wall. The few furnishings: a chest of drawers, her dressing table, the small lamps standing on the twin bedside cabinets and a couple of chairs were all in light wood, giving an uncluttered feeling of space to the room.

That feeling of lightness and space was typical of the house. He told her so and she was pleased.

He loved the bathroom, tiled throughout in warm pergammon and with a varnished pine ceiling, the shower an enormous cylinder of clear patterned glass with side jets, while a large wide bath curved at both ends with a central mixer.

' That bath just invites you to take your clothes off and get in', he joked. She laughed at this. They looked at each other in the large mirror on the wall opposite the bath and she dropped her gaze for a moment.

Then, ' I'm glad you like my house, Daniel', she said gravely,looking at his image, ' I put a lot of myself into it in the last two years and a lot of energy into having it just the way I want it'.

She turned away before he could think of a response and he followed her into the hall-way. She remained with her back to him, her hand on the door handle of the room opposite.

'Daniel', she said - he noted a strange new tone in her voice -'would you wait a moment, there's something... I... need... ' her voice tailed off, then came again, ' You could wait in my work-room.' She quickly entered the room and shut the door behind her. Puzzled, he walked down the hall and went to look again at her paintings.

He was examining an art book from the small corner bookcase when she called his name. He made his way back along the hall. It was the whiff of incense that alerted him to what he would find when he entered the room.

It was just as he had suggested in his e-mails in that long period of communication following her response to his Internet ad.

The dark curtain was drawn so that the only light in the small room was from the candles placed on what little furniture there was, and the tiny lamps with their wicks floating in glass containers, full of scented oils. The large mirrors which formed the doors of the wall-length wardrobe reflected all of them so that the room gleamed and flickered with light.

She stood behind the single bed set in the middle of the room. he noted that the bed itself stood on wooden blocks. he smiled inwardly, 'Thirty inches off the floor,just as I requested'.

Mrs Fenwick turned to a small table at her side and immediately the room was filled with the tinkling of bells and the lovely heart-touching sound of an Irish harp.

'I wanted you to see it, Daniel'. She stood facing him now, the bed between them ' Is it how it should be?'

He stepped further into the room and placed his hands on the large coloured bath-towel that covered the mattress. They faced each other the bed between them.

'It's quite quite perfect' he said gravely, 'absolutely right'.

She did not move, nor did she smile. But he could see the pulse in her neck and the rise and fall of her chest beneath her dress and he knew something of what was in her head.

'Celia', he spoke very quietly, yet very distinctly,' I 'm not being pushy. No way. But If you want to change your mind, I'd be very very pleased. I've all the time in the world. I'm going down the hall to get my coat and case... '

He held up his hand palm out towards her as she started to say something,

'Hear me out, Celia. If you want to go ahead after all, all you need do is close this door behind me. If I see it's closed, I'll go and change in your bathroom. I'll leave you plenty of time in here to get changed before I come back. Just cover yourself with the other towel when you're ready. I've got everything I need in my case... But If it's not to be, then I can only say thank you - for a really lovely time. You are a lovely person, Celia. It has been a joy to meet you. 'Bye for now.'

He turned, paused, feeling her eyes on his back. 'End on a positive! End on a positive! ' he urged himself.

'Remember the pillows, he said, ' one for your head and one under your tummy'.

Without a backward glance he stepped into the hall, leaving the door half open and turning forced himself to walk slowly, praying that he would hear the door close. There was no sound. He picked up the bag and took three more steps to the hall-stand. He reached for his raincoat. All he could hear was the beating of his heart. He lifted the coat and turned to face back down the hall.

The room door was shut!

His heart skipped a beat and he rehung the coat and his jacket and tiptoed back down the hall. The door was definitely closed.

Trying not to hurry, he crept past and entered the bathroom.

Daniel stood naked and surveyed himself in the large bathroom mirror. At 5'11 and 160 pounds, he was in excellent shape.The rich brown-tanned skin and the absence of body hair accentuated the rippling abs and pecs and the black bush around his thick uncircumcised penis. Daniel knew that at 7 inches hard, his was not the big organ that writers of erotic fiction create for their male subjects but he knew that he was not small and that his member was thick... and effective. Even now hanging limp it looked good. He remebered Denise's nickname for him given on their honeymoon; ' I'm going to call you Lovely Cock', she had laughed, and she had taken him into her mouth

He pulled on the black boxers and stepped into the trousers. He liked the feel of silk on his skin. He pulled the drawstring tight and put on the little waist coat with its single fastener. It had the effect of showing off a little of his flat belly as he moved while the deep Vee above the fastener gave a hint of the muscled chest. Daniel picked up his small tray, removed his oil from the wash-basin where it had stood in hot water while he changed. The oil was his own creation: a mixture of almond oil and aromatherapy musk which he had spent ages experimenting with. He reentered the hall.

Her olive-skinned body gleamed in the candle-lit room. She lay on her tummy, a big white bath towel draped over her buttocks. Her pillowed head was turned away from him as he approached but he knew she was watching him in the mirror. He arranged his things, moving with a slow, silent, feline-like grace now that he was in the room with her. There was only the faintest sound of her breathing, and the tinkling taped music.

He stood facing the couch, her head to his left, her feet to his right, the edge of the mattress just at his genitals as he reached out and slowly lowered his hands, palm downward, until they just rested on her back; his left hand between her shoulder blades, the right hand just at the the base of her spine at the point where the swell of her buttocks started.

For a full minute he stood without moving, his hands pressing lightly on her warm supine body.

He began :

'I want you to breathe in through your nose as I say it,... In through your nose... Don't force it, just nice and deep and easy, into your tummy', he paused, hearing and feeling her breathe. 'And out through your mouth'. Gradually, as he said the words in his slow quiet voice, her breathing adopted a rhythm, and he went on with the relaxation exercise. In a slow measured tone he instructed her, moving her awareness from her toes up through her body and head, telling her that all her weight was borne by the couch.

'The room is full of light', he spoke clearly yet still with that dreamy warmth in his voice, 'and as you breathe in, I want you to breathe in light... and breathe out tension' He matched the words to the rhythm of her breathing: 'Breathe in light... and breathe out tension... '.

... until he knew she was completely at peace.

He stood perfectly still, centring himself. The little finger of her left hand was just touching the black silk of his trousers but she seemed oblivious of it. He spoke very softly,

' I won't say much from now. All I say will be through my hands. If you want to talk, please do so. If you want to grunt or yell', he felt a little tremor of amusement pass through her form, 'or laugh or cry, feel free. If I do anything you don't like, or if there is something that you are really enjoying, give me some feedback. o.k.?'

She murmured inaudibly into the pillow.

Moving as little as possible round the couch, he adjusted her arms so that they lay alongside her body. Finally he pulled her feet and legs downwards and a little apart, to break any remaining tension.

Daniel then stood at a level with her hips and folded the towel along her back, exposing it to a point where the cleft of her buttocks was just visible. He poured the aromatic oil into the little container, dipped his fingers and rubbed the oil into the palms of his hands. With long flowing effleurage strokes he began to massage her back, upwards from her waist to her shoulders and neck, using a gentle firm pressure. There was no sense of haste, no urgency in him now, as his oiled hands slid over her soft skin.

Kneading and rolling, using fingertips and knuckles and palms, he worked on her back enjoying the response of her ever-relaxing body as she settled deeper into the mattress and gave an occasional great sigh as she exhaled tension. She was getting into it.

He moved round to the top of the couch, pulling his little stand with its oils with him, while his free hand kept contact with her back. Now he leaned over and using the same long flowing strokes, massaged downwards from her neck and shoulders along the sides of her spine till his finger tips edged below the folded towel and his oiled palms glided outward over the curves of her buttocks. Then they slid up her sides, over her long sloping muscles, fingers grazing the outer swell of her breasts before sweeping up to their starting point between her shoulder-blades. As he bent forward on the second of these downward strokes he felt the top of her head press on his genitals through the silk trousers. It registered in his mind that she too would be aware of this but he remained totally focussed on the massage. On the next downward stroke he pressed a little more firmly into her soft yielding buttocks and as his fingers slipped under the edge of the towel, it slid further off her bottom, exposing the twin globes of her bum. He flattened his hand and gently massaged the exquisitely soft flesh in slow circular movements, never losing contact with her bottom.

Celia gave a soft moan of pleasure and turned her head to breathe on the other side. The movement of her head against his genitals as she turned beneath his outstretched upper torso, sent a warm heat through his groin and he straightened slowly, drawing his oiled hands upward till his finger tips rested lightly on the outsides of her breasts, flattened against the couch. For nearly a minute he stood there, motionless, centring himself again, listening to her breathing, allowing the very slightest tremors to transfer from his finger ends to the soft warmth of her breasts. Again she sighed and mewed, pushing her head into him ever so little. She was enjoying this.

'It's warm', he said. They were the first words he had spoken for many minutes.

'Mmmm', she purred, 'it's lovely... lovely', she turned her head - and he knew she was aware of and could feel his cock as her head pressed against the silk trousers. She gazed at him in the mirror, her eyes opening and shutting lazily, then she turned and snuggled her nose into the softness of the towel-covered couch.

' It's lovely', she murmured into the pillow, 'It's good.'

With no suggestion of haste, he moved down the side of the table. slipping out of his waist-coat then pulling the drawstring on his bottoms so that the trousers slid to his feet. In almost the same movement, he pulled the towel back over her body and moved silently to the foot of the table. Once there, he stood, arms outstretched, his palms pressing slightly on her towel-covered calves while the soles of her feet made contact with the silk boxers covering his upper thighs. He made an adjustment to his stance so that his front thigh muscles pushed a little more firmly against her feet, their warmth penetrating the silk. He maintained that posture for some time. Now he took hold of her left ankle and lifted her foot a few inches off the couch, giving her leg a firm pull and shake before replacing it, so that now her instep just touched the outside of his thigh. He did the same with her other leg and, as he replaced her foot, he moved forward, so that he now stood between her feet. He bent forward and placed his hands on the backs of her legs behind her knees. He could feel her warmth through the towel and noted the increased rate and shallowness of her breathing.

'Breathe in through your nose... and out through your mouth... ', he intoned several times, until she was again quite relaxed. As the tension eased out, he felt her feet move, to press their inner sides against his thighs.

Very gently he ran his fingers down the outside of her towelled legs until they came to rest on the soft skin of her ankles and feet. In a slow caressing movement he began to massage her upper feet. She sighed deeply and he saw her body wriggle a little as she seemed to burrow its length into the couch.

Holding her left foot with his right hand, he moved round to the side of the couch then, pulling gently on her foot, he bent her limb so that it was at a vertical right angle to her upper leg, with her foot at a level with his head. He began to massage her calf with a firm kneading while at the same time allowing her lower leg and her foot to slide across his body and his face as he worked on them. He felt the edge of her hand graze against the hem of the silk boxer shorts and as he continued to massage her calf, her little finger drifted under the hem and touched the hairiness of his upper thigh. Little by little she allowed her hand to move until its back rested against his thigh with her little finger grazing his leg a little way up inside the boxers. Daniel moved a little and, making a fist, began to massage the sole of her foot with the knuckles of his fingers. His movement and the involuntary response she made to his contact with the ticklish sole brought her trailing fingers into touch with one of his heavy balls for a mere fraction of a second.

He gave a little laugh as he moved a little down the table,

' Tickly? Sorry'.

He continued to massage her foot as she squirmed a bit on the table against the tickling sensation, bringing her right arm up to rest her head on her forearm, while she gripped the couch edge with her right hand. Her left hand now hung over the couch, fingers trailing a few inches from his leg. He replaced her foot on the couch and moved to the other side where he began on her right lower leg.

As he lifted her foot and moved round to her side to begin the calf massage the towel rucked up on her plump upper thighs. At the same time Celia moved her arm from under her head to resume it's former position, stretched along her side, only now it lay on top of the towel. At the same time she brought her left fore-arm up under her head, turning to lie with her face towards him and the wardrobe mirrors. He began to massage her calf but this time he stood a few inches along the table, nearer to her head, so that as he moved, every now and again her hand, resting on the table, made contact with his flaccid penis. She did not remove her hand. Daniel allowed himself a little lapse of concentration and felt his member grow as her hand touched through the silk. Then he moved just a little so that her hand now rested on his thigh as he began to massage her upper foot. Much less hesitantly this time, her fingers explored the hairs of his thigh and her little finger crept under his shorts and, as he kneaded her foot, he felt her fingers touch and trace along one of his balls. He moved his hands back to her ankle totally focussed on the massage. Then he switched to the sole of her foot. She gave the slightest of jerks causing her hand to touch his now tumescent penis. He allowed a second to elapse, while her fingers remained in contact with the soft flaccid penis, before he moved and replaced her foot on the couch.

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Silk meets Nick for first time at Orion Mall,Bangalore and they both get seduced to each others body and aroma heavily. Story of me getting drilled hard like a bitch with nicks juicy thick cock The first interaction with my crazy boyfriend Nick!!! Facebook messenger: Nick - Hi, I finally meet you. Why haven't you called me after the last time we meet? Me - I am sorry. where have I met you? Nick - Adidas function at Whitefield. U promised me u would call n I gave u my no. Y did you not call me?...

3 years ago
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Winery Meetup

Crystal touched crystal in threesome, adding to the sparse but happy din of the deck at our second favorite winery.“A toast to friends,” I inserted and Tina and the freshly seated Daniel repeated.The sun shone, the air was an agreeable temperature, Tina was comfortable in one of her thin cotton dresses that accentuated her bubble butt. We talked about normal things and our tentative plans for the afternoon if all worked out and we had already consumed a bottle by the time her long-awaited...

2 years ago
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My Visit to the Nude Swim Meetup

A couple of years ago I found myself home alone for several days while my wife was on an interstate trip.I decided to take advantage by indulging my love of nudism. I love the feeling of being in the nude, and I love being seen by others while nude, and I enjoy looking at beautiful nude people. As a naturally timid person, I also find I get an adrenaline high by doing something daring.I was in great shape, having done weight training for over a year, along with high-intensity interval training...

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The Meetup

You roll over, smashing the snooze button on your alarm. It takes a moment or two to be able to get the energy to sit up from the bed. Your feet hand from the bed as you smile, knowing that you will be able to spend time with me after a few weeks of constant work and conflicting schedules. You follow your regular morning routine, getting dressed, throwing on your favourite clean outfit, throwing on jeans and a top, along with a hoodie. You quickly do your hair to get rid of the bedhead before...

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The Meetup

We'd joked about this for some time, if there was an opportunity for us to be in the same area we'd send a text, "Tag, you're it". I had a rare opportunity to head to Seattle for work, and so I pondered the possibility. Would she really go for it? I honestly didn't know for sure. Part of me wanted her to, part of me was hoping she wouldn't. We had a past and the chemistry was amazing. I couldn't resist the opportunity so the day before my flight I sent you a text, "Tomorrow". "Tag, you're...

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Kinky doublelist panty wearing meetup

It was a warm spring day and I decided to post an ad on double list, having not ever met up with a guy I wanted my first time to be something fun. I’ve always enjoyed the look of big dicks so I posted “looking for big dick to play with”, in the ad I added “bonus if you like to play in panties or like those who do”. I got the usual flakey posts about wanting to meetup but no further meetup happened, people were just too chicken. finally I got an email from someone in a town an hour and a half...

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The Incident At Raspberry Ranch Part 1 lsquoThe Meeti

The details of this event took place over 10 years ago and was told to me by a man who requested to go nameless, so for the purposes of retelling it in his words, but to also respect his request, his name and the names of the others involved and location have been altered. (May 12, 2004)Raspberry Ranch was my respite from all the fodder that life wastes my time with. I never considered the Ranch to be a waste of my time. To this day, as I recount this experience to you, I still don't, a fact...

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Hi Honey, Here is what happened a while ago.........I replied to Rubio’s text message and told him that I was willing to meet him on Friday night. He said “you are willing to taste me now! I’m excited to see you again”. I texted him back “I’m horny lately and I want have a wild sex now…. hmmm”. He replied, “I’m glad finally you decided to have fun with me, ok see you then, what time and where?” I replied “I have to meet some friends so I’m free at 10 and I prefer to meet at Italianis at...

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The Preachers Wife After the Prayer Meetin

I did not even see this coming! But the Preacher's Wife had a special surprise for me after the prayer service! I am not saying I would have agreed to all that happened had I known before hand what was going to happen, but by the end of that evening, I was sure glad I had never had the opportunity to say, "no."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Associate Minister Tim led the prayer service for the group from our church that had gone to Haiti. I did not sit next to Julie. In fact, I was surprised when...

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Bar Meetup

We decide to meet up at a bar for our next little encounter, meet up for some drinks and fuck each other silly after. I get to the bar and see you sitting down at a table, you've already got a drink. I swing by the bar and pick one up before sitting down next to you."Hi" I say before sitting down next to you. Giving a nice kiss.I feel your hand reach down my leg and up to my cock that's quickly growing."Mhmm all I can think about is that cock in my mouth.""Yes me too, I want it all the way in...

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Roomies The Trackmeet

Isobel Ford closed her eyes for a moment. The swaying of the old bus on its worn-out springs as it rumbled down the road was almost soporific. Only almost, because it wheezed and creaked and the engine knocked. Her eyes popped open seconds after they closed. In front of her, Mr. Stanton from the college's athletic trainers' office wrestled with the wheel, his eyes fixed on the dark road ahead. Good. He was awake and driving carefully. But then he generally slept in the bus, probably had the...

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Neighborly SwapChapter 7 Another Meetup

The next week passed uneventfully. I worked that weekend, so I spent time on my off days during the week knocking off the chores Brenda and I listed. In the course of some yard work, I noted Linda standing at the window, as if watching me work. I waved to her, and she started, paused a moment, and waved back with a faint smile. The next day, I was cleaning up the back yard. As I straightened up once, stretching the kinks out of my back, I saw my pretty neighbor looking over the fence at...

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Every Woman Has a Price24 Swapmeet

Frieda put her boot up on the glove box and crossed her arms tighter. She ground her teeth audibly. Frieda’s mother’s, Sasha’s, hands tightened on the wheel. “He’s how much older than you? Twenty years?” “Not that much!” Frieda barked. “It might as well be,” Sasha sighed. “This is for your own good.” “But not my own happiness. And not Owen’s!” “I don’t give two fucks about Owen’s happiness,” Sasha said. They drove by the turn off to their street. She wasn’t driving her daughter...

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There and BackChapter 106 Landsmeet

It was a long walk across the city to the Landsmeet, and we'd had to get up way too early. I cursed the lack of technology again. I miss cars. And traffic lights. Who'd ever have thought I'd miss traffic lights? Denerim could definitely use them, with people, wagons, carriages, and beasts of burden everywhere, as there were. While we could have taken a carriage, given the crowded, narrow streets of Denerim, it wouldn't have been much faster. I was used to the walking – spending months on...

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As a site with such a transparent name, I am sure you already know what to expect from This place will help you meet lots of hot tranny chicks, so if you are into that, you are more than welcome to stay and browse because there is a lot to see. Now, this is a dating site, and while you can meet one-night stands, most of these people are looking for a relationship type meeting.Of course, there are a lot of different members on TS Meet, and thus their desires and everything overall...

Hookup Sites
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Remember Chatroulette? Those guys had what seemed like a great idea, but quickly became just a random dick generator. Chatting with randos sounds great until you find out it’s just a bunch of perverts like you. Other companies have tweaked the formula over the years, coming up with different wrinkles to add to their random chats. (I meant metaphorical wrinkles, dipshit. Nobody wants to see your saggy ballsack hanging to your knees.) CooMeet is a random video chat site that bills itself as the...

Sex Chat Sites
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Girlfriend With Testing Device 6 Malls well that ends Well

Author's Note: This is part six of my smutty romantic comedy series. This chapter is the final chapter of the Mall Arc, and while it's not the sexiest, its got lots of crazy swaps going on. The next chapter marks the beginning of the Strip Club arc, where things start to get way sexier. If you'd like to see more, I have several additional chapters available, please come check me out at or Warning: this chapter is rated a swap-happy R...

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Tying Up Some Loose Ends

Tying up some loose ends Bigdad298 I am not homophobic, nor am I offended by its implication! I am very situated in my sexuality. I have been married for over fifteen years to wonderfull women. At least I had assumed she was! It all started one evening when my wife and I were getting our groove on if you know what I mean. We have played all kinds of sex games and I am more than willing to play more if it means I'm getting laid! We have played within the realms of BDSM,...

1 year ago
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Rohini Ends Up Being Gang Banged

Rohini Ends Up Being Gang Banged Rohini was your everyday 40 year old housewife. She had been married for 15 years to a wonderful… Rohini Ends Up Being Gang Banged Rohini was your everyday 40 year old housewife. She had been married for 15 years to a wonderful man who gave her everything she ever needed. There was only one problem in Rohini’s life and that everything had become very routine. Her life seemed to be the same everyday. The excitement she had once experience was now...

Cheating Wife
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Matchmaking from the Grave

Matchmaking from the Grave As I stood at the wall of the park that overlooked Pilsen in the Czech Republic, I realized that I was hungry and that I should look for some lunch before hunting for the cemetery that I had come to find. I had set out that morning, driving from Frankfurt, Germany to the city of Pilsen in search of a cemetery where a very good friend of my sister’s had been buried six months before. She had died in a terrible accident back in the States, but her sister had wanted her...

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MATCHMAKING by BobH (C) 2010. Sitting in the expensively appointed waiting area of the Camelot Connections suite of offices I stared again at the photo I'd been carrying around for the past week, still not able to quite believe my luck. Camelot promised guys like me a pampered lifestyle in which our every need would be catered for by the beautiful, wealthy women they matched us with. And Jane Hammond was certainly very beautiful. She looked like a Hitchcock blonde, hair and...

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The Many Sexy Ends of Two Best Friends

You stare bleary-eyed at precarious pyramids of gamebooks strewn out across a card table that was starting to bow in the middle. A bespectacled woman so small that you could barely see her beyond the stacks sits on the other side. She pays you little attention as you browse. The book fair was starting to look like a bust. You came thinking that you were going to recapture your childhood and find some of the adventure novels that you'd spent a good amount of your youth reading, but all anyone...

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Where It Ends

Where It Ends. By Tanya H. "When did this start?" Sonia asks, affecting the expression of one who has just popped a sweet in her mouth and found it to be a chunk of raw onion. Donna wonders how to answer that? When did it start? Where does anything start, for every beginning must have something before it? How about twenty four hours ago? There's Donna walking home through the night, night into morning really - the witching hour has gone in a thud of music, bright cocktails and...

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Delta Sodality Chapter 4 Loose Ends

Chapter 4 - Loose Ends "What is the status" said the mildly eastern European voice on the other end of the encrypted satellite phone. The NSA was too good at intercepting all communications, so Kristina needed to be extra careful. "We were able to get the two subjects out of the lab.," she paused not wanting to use names or pronouns just in case, "was becoming uncooperative. The medical team sedated, and we were able to extricate from building later that...

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The Wedding Party Chapt 3 Jane Austen Lends a Hand

The Wedding Party - Chapt. 3 - Jane Austen Lends a Hand By Jeanne Darc The knock at the door set my heart to pounding. There were so many ways this could go wrong. When Natasha called to say we'd be attending the FLR Jane Austen Ball upon her return Friday, I'd had to scramble to pull things together. I opened the door just a crack to be sure of the caller, then allowed Natasha to enter. She removed her hat and bowed. "Miss Bennet, I presume?" she said. "Mr. Darcy. How pleasant...

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A husband8217s fantasy of tying his wife to the table ends with her becoming a gangbang slut

One evening my husband Tom asked if he could tie me naked to the kitchen table and fuck me. It seemed a bit silly but if that would make him happy, I didn’t mind. He stripped me naked, blindfolded me and put a gag around my mouth. Bent me forward across the table, spread my legs wide and tied each ankle to a table leg. I was laying across the table with my arms either side of my head and my hands clutching the far edge of the table (It was a narrow table.). He then put rope around my...

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Little SisterChapter 11 Loose Ends and Split Ends

One of the reasons my engagement to Lars went smoothly was that he got along with both my brothers. This was no small feat. Sean liked having him as a business contact for Germany. Richards Enterprises deals more with personal property than industrial equipment, but both need to know the regulatory landscape. Lars relationship with George was pure geek to geek. Over time, Lars taught George to seek advice on presentation, meaning Sheila. It does not hurt my pride to say that Lars and George...

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Making Amends

Lana dropped her keys on the counter and began leafing through the stack of mail waiting for her after work. Amongst the usual bills and junk mail, she did see one envelope that looked interesting. It had a return address of her old high school. "What's this?" she thought dropping everything except for the letter, beginning to open it. She read: "Tenth Anniversary Reunion". "God. Has it been ten years already?" she asked herself. Along with the usual information, she saw the date was...

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Gym Friendship With Hot College Girl Ends In Bed

Hi, myself Rahul (name changed), pursuing B.Tech from a very reputed college in Kanpur. More about myself, I am a very shy and introvert type boy. Though I am skinny, I play football in the morning regularly. So, I am very fit. Today, I am going to tell you a true story that happened 3 months back. After joining college, I used to try everything from swimming to yoga. At the beginning of my third semester, I joined my college gym. Initially, there were only very few girls in the gym. One day, a...

4 years ago
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What Best Friends Are For Sarah Lends Me Her BrotherChapter 1

We've been best friends for years, ever since Kaitlyn moved in four doors down from us when I was six, that's eight years we've been best buds. So, in the eight years we've been friends, best friends, we've talked about just about everything. And now that we're fourteen, we mostly talk about boys and sex and sex and boys. You get the idea. Anyway, she was sleeping over on a Friday night and we were talking about boys and sex. Did you already guess that? "God, it seems that most of...

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Harry Potter As One War Ends Another Begins Part 11

Part 11 He was sat motionless on the hardback chair, bathed in the dim light spreading from the half closed kitchen door. A whiskey glass held lightly in his hand, although it had been empty for sometime. He knew nobody would disturb him now, not even Ginny. That was probably the only thing he did know right now however. He certainly didn't know exactly how he was feeling about what he'd just heard. Sixteen years of torture he suffered at the hands of the Dursley's. Yet sadness...

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Legends of The Age part 1

"Rumors are going that Ukimon is currently working a new VR game. This time it would be different since the players will really be in the game. Ukimon itself won't say anyting about it at the moment but they did say it would be coming out in may next year." === 15/05/2034 It was friday evening in San Diego. Jason was sitting on in the couch wearing his hologlasses looking at some new screenshots from Legends of The Age (LTA). The new game Ukimon had been working on for over 4...

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Leauge of Legends Undressed

The Fields of Justice have become a neutral zone for the volatile world of Runeterra. Nations send their best and brightest to test one another in feats of strength and cunning, criminals seek both redemption and new prey, and the bold and brave seek riches and glory competing in the most popular sport in the world; the League of Legends. Televised nearly anywhere there were people, the citizens of Runeterra watch and cheer on their favorite Champions and Teams. Some out of patriotism. Other's...

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League of Legends Worlds 2019 Chrissy Costanza and

This story happened back at Worlds 2019 (League of Legends Championship) in France. I’ve worked a long time for Riot and then mostly for the light and sound at big events like Worlds and MSI (Mid –Season Invitational) but I was still just 24. Today had to lead the technics for the song Phoenix (The theme song of Worlds 2019) by League of Legends, Cailin Russo and Chrissy Costanza. That morning I drank coffee with the teams if the songs Awaken and True Giants. After the coffee I went to the...

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Myths and Legends

There is no better way to spend Halloween than sitting round a camp-fire deep in the woods, drinking home-made hooch and telling scary stories, legends of dark deeds and ghostly ghouls.  It was something that started with his grandparents when George was a child, and while it was then soft-drinks and tame tales, that sense of awe and wonder grew strong in the young boy's mind.The tradition continued through adolescence growing from family trips, to grandfather/grandson excursions and on to...

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Urban Legends Part 1

Ralph smirked as he walked into Sally’s apartment. Today he knew he had an Ace up his sleeve that might break the ice between them.Ralph and Sally were both in their fifties. Ralph was not off the charts and fine lines of time had embedded themselves around his eyes. Too much sun and smiling perhaps. Sally was a few inches shorter and he surmised standing behind her, his crotch would rest snugly in the upper part of her butt cleft. She was quite attractive, a ready smile and lively – sometimes...

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Sissy Odds And Ends

SISSY ODDS AND ENDS by Throne "Sissy inspection," my wife Anna called from the living room. I was in the middle of dusting but I knew better than to delay. I set my oversized feather duster carefully aside, in a spot where I was permitted to leave it, and hurried to meet her. In my two inch heels I made good time, having had lots of practice. As always, I took small steps, placing one foot in front of the other, which made my narrow hips wiggle. That was how she had taught me to...

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South of Bikini 4 Loose Ends

With the Time Machine Bandit, Clemson, now 'incarcerated'. Alex and the crew of Meridian 12 must now find their Egyptian passengers a new home. What other surprises are in store from the Empress of Time and Space? And is this the last time we'll see Andromeda, Regina and the crew of Atlantis? Copyright 2014: R.G. Beyer Episode 10 "Loose Ends" "Alex? Where did you come from? Is mother all right? Did your...

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The Night Never Ends

THE NIGHT NEVER ENDS My name is Vincent. I was in my girlfriend's apartment and we were getting ready for a Halloween party. I wasn't planning on wearing a costume this evening. I never do those kinds of things and for the most part I have been anti-social for the last few years. Basically parties were a rarity for me. I was in my early twenties and recovering from a divorce. I married a stripper that I now am convinced is more of a prostitute than a stripper. I caught her...

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It had all began months ago, building from a small spark into a raging inferno. The outburst in the staff meeting only verified the culmination of my frustrations, whereas unwittingly, I had single-handedly undermined the confidence of our most trusted customer. The CEO called me into his office early the next morning and threw a round-trip ticket to Mazatlan across his desk with two options. The first was to pack only the clothes I’d needed and get my life back together under the warm tropical...

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The Wars Ends

The War's Ends My name was Jack Harrison I was a Major in the US Air Force. I flew the B4 stealth orbital bomber with the 332nd bomber wing out of Fairchild air force base. The year is now 2053; back in 2043 I and my Navigation DSO had walked away from a 2 billion dollar wreck just outside the flooded remains of NY. I remember she took a lucky hit from a Orbital missile, it was more a near miss, a 2 megaton blast, we should be dead. The B4 bucked as the warhead exploded,...

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Where Darkness Ends 02

Where Darkness Ends Delana Soulstar [email protected] Chapter 2 For a few seconds that appeared like eternity to me, nobody said anything. I could hear some quiet gasps and breathing, and while looking down on the floor I could literally feel five pair of eyes piercing me. I was sure my head was again glowing like a bulb, my stomach cramped and the familiar lump in my throat was omnipresent. Yet there was a certain relief as well. I did it. I confessed it. Now I was, in...

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Dungeon of Bad Ends

Introduction. All great stories must start with an introduction. Welcome to the Dungeon of Bad Ends! Here, the harrowing main characters will do everything in their power to escape from the dungeon unscathed, fighting through many, many, wrong turns on the way out! The dungeon is a massive structure, existing in its own time period as it lays right under the crust of the Earth, containing much to be desired. While the Dungeon has other names, most just refer to it as the Bad End Dungeon. Untold...

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Alls Well That Ends Well

It has been said that "All is well that ends well" but who is it that determines what is "well"? A case in point: I find out that my wife is an unfaithful whore and I toss her out on her ass and I'm rid of her. It ended well for me right? Then how come I'm so fucking miserable? It started six months ago when I married my secretary. Hillary was hired by my dick. The day she came in for her interview and walked into my office my brains shot right down into the head of my cock and it said,...

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Racing the ClockChapter 17 Odds and Ends and Clara

Alex, Cate and Gail were glad to finally get out of the city. They didn't have any trouble getting out, but they were worried about how close they'd come to getting into some serious trouble before they did. As it was, they were sure that photos tagging Alex would be in every paper in the country tomorrow, along with YouTube videos of his latest miracle and interviews by Susan, who'd claim he'd refused to help her poor helpless daughter. The potential for trouble seemed...

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Living in Nevada a Long Time Ago 3 Snow Storm Ends

Waking up with my cock between Carmen's ass cheeks is heaven for sure! But as soon as she started moving around my bladder signaled piss now..still bleary eyed and not tuned into time, place and day, I staggered into the bathroom and just as I released my stream into the toilet I heard the door opening and Carmen jumping out of bed! I heard her say "Cheryl how did you get a key and what time is it??" I could hear Cheryl laugh and tell her " I know the desk clerk and she knew you guys.."...

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Wife goes to collect pictures ends up in a sexy p

How i lost myself to Karim's in his studio ________________________________________The Karim s StudioThe morning sun broke out earlier than usual and was cajoling my face rather sharply through our bedroom window. I woke up, preparing myself for another hot & humid day. It was a proper May. My husband, Raj was on the last stretch of his sleep. He really appreciates that part. So, not wanting to disturb him I sneaked out of the room and headed for the toilet. When I am in there, I started...

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A Mindbomb Loose Ends

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Where Darkness Ends 01

Where Darkness Ends Delana Soulstar [email protected] Chapter 1 The white dress was flowing in the warm breeze as I was running across the meadow. The wind, now and then, blew my hair around, making it covering my face so that I had to wipe it away again with my fingers. It was a sunny day in spring, and the first flowers had just opened their blooms. After a while I reached a large tree surrounded by soft, green moss around its root and I sank down, out of breath....

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Where Darkness Ends 04

Where Darkness Ends Delana Soulstar [email protected] Chapter 4 The bus stopped and Tanya, Sharon and Ms. Myers stepped in. There were not that many people waiting for the bus this afternoon, so it wasn't a problem to find some spare seats. While the two girlfriends sat down next to each other, Ms. Myers took a seat directly in front of them and turned around so she could better talk to them. She smoothed her skirt a bit and made sure her legs remained closed. "You can...

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Whoa Jason Attends Cheer Practice V

Jason Attends Cheerleader Practice Wednesday afternoon Sharon called. “Jason, would you like to attend one of our cheer practices? The coach said it was okay, and I can point out which girls claim to be virgins. You can tell me which girls to bring to your place Friday evening.” “That sounds like a lot of fun. I'll be there.” An hour later, Jason was sitting in the auditorium near the floor as Coach Russel got ready to put her girls through their routines. Coach Pam Russel...

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