Where Darkness Ends 04 free porn video

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Where Darkness Ends Delana Soulstar [email protected] Chapter 4 The bus stopped and Tanya, Sharon and Ms. Myers stepped in. There were not that many people waiting for the bus this afternoon, so it wasn't a problem to find some spare seats. While the two girlfriends sat down next to each other, Ms. Myers took a seat directly in front of them and turned around so she could better talk to them. She smoothed her skirt a bit and made sure her legs remained closed. "You can place Alan's bag here on the spare seat, Tanya. Seems the bus is already starting again, so no one will need it." She smiled warmly and looked at the two girls, who were visibly nervous. "Yes, Ms. Myers, good idea!" Tanya replied and lifted the bag across the backrest with a little help of her teacher, who then safely placed the bag onto the seat. "Just to let you know, you two... this is not an interrogation or so, okay? I am just worried about Alan, and would love to know a bit more about him, that is all. So please relax, you two!" "Hmmm yes Ms. Myers..." Sharon said while looking at her. "What exactly is it, what you would like to talk about?" "First I would like to know if you know something about him not attending school today." Melinda Myers watched the girls closely and noticed the look Sharon and Tanya exchanged. "I take that as a 'yes' then?" she added. "Come on you two! I know, or rather, I assume, that it is more than just a cold, but... is it that bad so you don't want to tell me?" She frowned as she saw Tanya biting her lips. "Ms. Myers, we know something, yes. But... we promised, not to talk about it because..." She looked at Sharon with pleading eyes, silently asking her for help. Sharon pressed her lips together and took a deep breath, visibly thinking hard. "Ms. Myers, it's not easy. And I don't think we should talk about it so openly here," Sharon quietly whispered, looking around nervously. She exhaled in relief as she noticed that no one was sitting really close, and everyone was busy enough with their own conversations. "Is it that severe?" Tanya nodded. "Yes, I would say so. It is very serious." "Now I am even more worried. And even more confused. Has it to do with Marc and his gang? I have seen them bullying him quite often at school." "Ms. Myers... we really do not want to talk about it here. And I am not sure that it's the best idea showing up at Alan's home, Ms. Myers. I would..." Tanya cleared her throat. "I would suggest, we do as planned, bringing back the bag, and you better just continue the ride and pick up your car. We really should not tell you any details without having talked to Ms. Carter and Alan first! Maybe they want to tell you themselves, or..." "It's for sure best if you don't hear from us before, Ms. Meyers..." Sharon chimed in. Melinda Myers tilted her head and pondered for a few moments, then slowly nodded. "Hmmmm.... well, if it is that severe, I really do not want to cause you any trouble for breaking your word. I am rather impressed. Your reaction is very loyal and remarkable. But please, if you think it would be helpful for him... call me anytime, okay?" "Thank... thank you Ms. Myers...." Both girlfriends took a deep breath and exhaled in relief. "We will let you in on this as soon as they agree, or as soon as we think it is really necessary and helpful," Sharon added and leaned back, relaxing. A few minutes later, the bus arrived at the bus stop closest to Alan's home. While in the mornings the drive usually lasted about 40 minutes, the bus made it in about half of that time in the afternoons because of a different route. Tanya and Sharon jumped up, grabbed Alan's bag and headed for the exit. "Bye Ms. Myers, see you on Monday!" they waved and approached the door, impatiently waiting for them to open. Finally they swung open and they jumped down the steps and instantly started running. Melinda Myers watched them until they disappeared behind a corner, then closed her eyes, thinking. She was proud of the two girls and how they acted, but deeply worried about Alan. She made a mental note to call Ms. Carter in the evening. She didn't want to wait until Monday. **** "How far to Alan's home?" Sharon asked Tanya while still running. "Only about 5 minutes if we keep running like this!" Tanya replied and tried to catch her breath. "Shall I take the bag for a while? You have carried it all the time since we left school." "Good idea, Sharon!" The girls stopped and Sharon took the bag, while both girls took some deep breaths. "Do you think Ms. Meyers is really that worried, Tanya?" she asked while wrapping the strap around her wrist to have a better grip. "Yes, I think so... I mean, why should she have asked us anyway, if not?" "True... would not make sense... but then, she is a teacher!" Sharon giggled. "Now come on, the sooner we will get there, the better! I don't want to let them wait! And I can't wait to dress her up!" **** "Hi Julie!" Kim waved while approaching me, followed by Debbie who also waved and said hi. I stood in place without even breathing, and at least managed to wave back. The two came closer and Kim frowned. "Oh... I am sorry, you are not her... I thought you are Julie Evans because of that outfit. You are wearing exactly the same she has, so... really sorry!" "She clearly is not Julie..." Debbie added, then looked at me as well. "You look great though! I really need to regularly come here too, if the results are that amazing!" "Thank you..." I shyly whispered, still scared to death. Kim grinned sheepishly. "See, I told you! McCormack's is the best beauty center in town!" In this moment, I heard a male voice from behind where the van was still parking. "Hey cutie! What about a date tonight?" The laughing that followed made me shiver again. Joe Hartford. 'Are they all in that van?' A muffled, female voice from inside the car reached my ears. "Joe Hartford! Behave yourself!" 'Must have been his Mom. Oh god, in any moment now they will know it's me. I am dead meat!' My thoughts raced, and I was desperately looking for a way out of this. I turned around and managed to smile. "Is that a yes?" Joe asked and I could see him looking out the open window. "Come here and I will give you my number!" He made an inviting motion with his hand. I smiled shyly and shook my head. I didn't dare to say anything. They for sure would recognize my voice, and I hoped my smile was convincing enough to hide my panic. My knees felt like pudding at this moment and I felt my heart pounding. I swallowed hard. "Oh come on! I won't bite, I promise!" Joe insisted and I heard another familiar voice speaking. "Let her be, Joe!" Marc Sanders looked out the window as well and whistled. "Wow... I agree... she is worth a try!" "Will you two behave yourself now? Let the poor girl be!" I heard Joe's mother saying. I waited for someone of them to call my name, to recognize me, to disclose my identity. I took a breath and turned my head back towards Kim and Debbie. It did not happen. The two girls simply walked on. "Simply ignore them! I am sorry, but we are a bit in a hurry. Nice meeting you though, maybe we can talk another time!" Both girls waved and jumped up the stairs before disappearing in the store. Was that really possible? They didn't recognize me! I didn't dare to move and while standing there I was praying for a miracle. That none of the passengers in the van would get out and come over. A few moments later, they felt like an eternity to me though, Kim and Debbie jumped down the stairs again and headed straight for the van and opened the door when they reached it. "Bye beautiful, don't take Joe too serious!" Kim yelled into my direction and waved, and I heard the two girls still laughing while they got into the van. The door closed and the van drove away. They did not recognize me. I stared at the spot where the van had just been and couldn't believe it. They did not recognize me. I felt a soft touch on my shoulder that got me startled. I turned around, looking directly into Deirdre's eyes. "God, dear, what happened? You look like you've just seen a ghost! Everything alright?" I nodded and took a deep breath. "Yes... yes... all is fine, Miss... ummm... Deirdre. All is fine I... I am okay." Deirdre McCormack frowned and gave me a closer look. "Are you sure? You really look as if you got scared to death!" "Yes, it's... it's okay. I am just..." "Come, let's go inside for a moment, my dear!" She took me by my hand and softly dragged me behind her, up the stairs and directly towards a comfy looking sofa, where she gently pushed me down. I took a deep breath and looked at her as she took a seat next to me. "Has it something to do with the two girls who just came in?" I frowned, surprised about the question. "No... ummm... yes..." I stammered while blushing deeply red. Deirdre pondered for a moment, then nodded. "I see yes... now it makes sense." "What makes sense?" My heart instantly started pounding heavily again. "Oh they were discussing inside if they know you. You obviously look familiar to them but they didn't know where to put you. However they found you very beautiful, especially the blond girl, Kim." "You know her?" "Oh yes, of course I do. She and her Mom have been my clients for a long time now!" "God... please don't... or... did you... did you already say... anything about... about me?" "No, of course not. Why should I have done that? Ah..." Deirdre smiled. "Now I understand. They are your classmates, right?" "Yes, and..." "...and they haven't got any clue about you... about all this. I hope it's alright for you that I know about it? Your Mom told me..." I nodded slowly. "Of course, you... that's not a problem, but they..." I sighed and looked down. "Calm down, please, will you? They did not recognize you. Do you know what that means, dear?" I looked up again. "What do you mean?" "I mean, they accepted you as the beautiful girl you are! That is what it means!" "Yes... maybe... for now... until they will... they will find out who I really am. And they will, because I will have to tell everybody at school when I will go back there. I just... just don't know how..." Deirdre tenderly stroke my shoulder. "They will be surprised for sure, but in the end you will be fine, you will see!" Deirdre stood up and got a small mirror, holding it right before me. "Tell me, who do you see? I see such a beautiful, cute girl." I looked at the mirror and deeply inhaled. I saw a girl. The feminine brows, lashes and the lipstick, complemented by the gorgeous makeup, have clearly turned my face into a girl's face. Of course it was still me, but I had to admit, it looked quite different now. A female me. A quick glance downwards made me noticing my new breast. The whole look identified me as female now. Was that really enough for them to not recognize their classmate? I bit my lip and just nodded again. "Yes, I am... I love what I see, and yes, they didn't recognize me. But I am scared when they are around." Deirdre didn't know what had happened just the day before. And all the days and weeks before. She fondled my cheek. "I know it's hard, but you have come so far. Don't let them ruin that!" I looked at her and managed to smile. A little bit of self confidence slowly came back, and I was still so excited about my new look and my new feminine figure and all. "You are right, Deirdre... I... I will do my best." "Alayna, your Mom just called me on the phone a few minutes ago. She will be a bit late, and asked you to be patient. She said best would be if you would walk over to Hills Fashion, that's only a few minutes from here, and meet her there. Would that be alright?" I stood up and took a deep breath. "Hills Fashion you said? I know where that is. I should be going then!" Deirdre slowly nodded. "Are you sure you are okay going there alone? Let me check something..." She went to her desk and browsed through some sheets of paper, then she returned with joyful expression in her face. "My next client will be here in an hour. I will temporarily close and will accompany you to that store, Alayna!" I could only smile so brightly and hugged her spontaneously. "Thank you, Deirdre! Oh god, thank you!" She held me for a few moments, then hurried to her desk again and took out a small sign. 'Temporarily Closed - Back in a few minutes' was written with huge letters. She took my hand and we left her shop. After closing the door, she clipped the sign onto a small hook and she grabbed my hand again as we headed down the stairs. **** "Who was that?" Kim asked Debbie as they drove away. "She looked so familiar!" "I really don't know, but yes, you are right!" Debbie massaged her nose as she always did when thinking hard. "And the outfit!" Kim added. "The outfit? What do you mean?" "I swear Julie has such an outfit. Julie, you know, Tanya's sister. Exactly the same. I have seen her several times wearing it. And I have never seen someone else in this outfit!" "For sure coincidental!" Debbie replied. "Yes, of course, but still. How many sweaters with exactly this motive have you seen at school yet, in this color, Deb?" "Hmmm I don't know... I am not really taking care about that, Kim. Who says she is at the same school we are, Kim?" "Because we only have this one school here! The only alternative is very far away, and she is about our age. We should have seen her before, but... I do not remember her. Yet something about her is... don't know. Familiar!" "Hmm... maybe, but that is not really important now, Kim!" Kim Winthrop nodded, but was still in deep thoughts. She had to find out who that girl was. "Let me out here please, I will go back. Maybe she is still there. I am really curious now!" Kim said, and Debbie rolled her eyes. "God no, Kim! She probably is gone already anyway!" "I have to, Deb. You know me!" Kim turned her head. "Ms. Hartford could you please stop here?" "Yes of course Kim, but... are you sure?" "Yes, I am. I will join you later, gang. Let's meet at the main shopping center in, say... 30 minutes, okay?" Debbie sighed as the van stopped. "Yes okay, pighead!" Debbie giggled and they all laughed. "Off you go, Kim, and we'll meet you later again!" Marc commented with a smile. "We have important business to discuss anyway, regarding the football team! What about you Debbie? Football team discussion or playing detective with Kim?" Debbie pondered for a moment. "Our first destination was the shopping Center I thought?" "Yes sure, it still is!" Marc replied. "Then I will come with you. I am too lazy to walk back all the way looking for that girl, so I will start shopping in the meantime. And you can have your discussions there undisturbed!" Kim laughed and put her fingers on the door handle. "I guessed you would be too lazy, Deb!" "If you meet her, give her my number!" Joe Hartford added, and got a playful punch from his mother for that comment. "I said, behave yourself!" She smirked and shook her head. "I would say it is worth a try!" Joe Hartford added and turned around. "She is a beauty! If she is still there, I will ask her again to date me!" He laughed as his mother sighed loudly. Kim opened the door and jumped out of the van. "See you!" She slammed the door shut and turned around as the van started again, heading back for McCormack's. **** "There it is! The house of the Carter family!" Tanya panted and stopped at the small gate that led into the garden. Sharon nodded and looked around, panting as well. "Tell me, why have we been running at all? I mean, we do not have an appointment or so?" Her eyes wandered around, noticing that the garden on this side of the house was very romantic, with trees, lovely flowers and a bench under one of the trees. Tanya softly laughed. "Actually true, but... I don't know... I have been waiting for this all day!" She opened the gate and the two friends entered the garden on a small pathway that was neatly made of small virgin stones. A few moments they stood in front of the main door. Sharon pressed the door bell. Nobody answered. She pressed the button again, but still no response. "Strange... they should be here!" Sharon scratched her head and peeked through a window. "The bell is so loud they would have heard it for sure..." she said and turned back towards her friend. "What now?" Tanya asked and sat down on the small step right in front of the main door. Sharon shrugged. "I really don't know... best would be just to wait I guess... oh, look!" Sharon turned around. Tanya stood up and they saw a car approaching and parking directly in front of the garage. The two girls smiled and rushed over. "It's Ms. Carter, oh thank god... hey Ms. Carter!" Tanya waved while the two girls came closer. The door swung open and Alishia Carter stepped outside the car. "I am so sorry girls, I got carried away while running my errands and totally forgot time. So many things to think about today, it's... I am sorry." She gave both girls a hug and motioned them to get into the car. "Where is Alan... I mean, Alayna?" Sharon asked after peeking into the car. "Isn't she with you?" "She got a make over at McCormack's and I called the owner there to send her over to Hills Fashion, where we are going to meet her. I hope it all has turned out well, and that she has been OK going there alone." They all jumped into the car and Alishia took a deep breath, then started the engine. "I really hope she's doing fine... maybe I should have acc..." "...sorry, but... what do you mean, alone?" Tanya blurted out, interrupting Alishia. "I mean that she had to walk from McCormack's to Hills on her own. I thought it would be... well, you know, she already looks like a girl now, and most likely even more so after the make over, so she should be fine. She has to do that, she has to get the confidence. She can't hide in her room 24/7 if she wants to live as a girl, you know!" "She already looks like a girl now?" Both Sharon and Tanya looked at Ms. Carter with a puzzled look in their eyes. Alishia smiled and nodded. "You will see for yourself in a few minutes, girls!" "Okay..." Sharon scratched her head and the two girls looked at each other, smiling. This was going to be so exciting! **** "Here we are!" Deirdre pointed to the huge building to our right. 'Hills Fashion' was written there in very huge letters. The walk only lasted a few minutes and went very uneventful. Actually, no one paid us any attention. At least I didn't notice. "Did you see the guys before eyeing you up?" Deirdre smiled at me. "No, I didn't... why are you... did they look at me?" I asked and turned my head. "Of course, dear! And in a positive way, I can assure you." She smiled and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Alayna, you have to relax. People are seeing a girl now. Your male self is no more. You are a girl now, and a very pretty one at that. I know it's all new for you and I understand you being very insecure, and full of fear of being found out." I swallowed and nodded. "Yes, Deirdre, that I am. I like my new look so much and I know I will be so happy living as a girl now, but it isn't easy to fight the fear. That someone finds out who I am... or rather, who I was, and..." "I know." Her hand gently squeezed my shoulder. "Listen. I know it will be difficult at times, and you know that yourself. But you have known that all the time and yet you are here now, as a girl. For you, there isn't any other way to live. We both know that. For some it will be maybe a bit strange, some might even be hostile at first, but eventually everyone will adapt to it, Alayna, sooner or later. And the main thing is, that you, now, can be yourself and live like the girl you are. Probably always have been. Focus on yourself and your happiness, that is the most important thing to do. And stick with those, who accept you as you are. For the others do not count anyway." I deeply looked in her eyes as she spoke to me and nodded slowly, after pondering about her words. Intuitively I gave her a close hug. "Thank you, Deirdre, for... well, for everything. For this great job and for being so kind to me and for accepting me and not... well, thank you." Deirdre McCormack held me close and fondled my hair. "You are so welcome, Alayna. And if you ever have got a question or a problem, feel free to contact me any time, I will do what I can to be there for you, okay?" I squeezed her again and smiled. "Yes, Deirdre, I will do that. Thank you again!" She let go and returned the smile warmly. "I have to hurry back to my store now. You go in and have a look around. Just act like any other girl in there, you'll be fine, I promise. Maybe you will have found something nice to wear already by the time your Mom will be here." I nodded and turned around, took a deep breath and headed for the entrance. **** Kim turned around the corner entering the street where McCormack's was located and let out a sigh of disappointment. Of course the unknown girl had vanished in the meantime. The yard in front of the shop was deserted. The sign at the door that was dangling in the soft breeze told her that even Deirdre wasn't around right now and so she could not ask her either. "Shit..." For a moment she stood there, undecided about what to do. After taking a deep breath she started walking. The shopping center wasn't that far away, and Hills was on the way too, only a heartbeat away from McCormack's even. After a few steps Kim already smiled again. Nothing could beat a quick shopping at Hills. They had such fancy stuff there. Lighthearted she ambled down the street and already could see the huge letters high above the trees. HILLS. She smiled in anticipation and looked left and right, ready to cross the street. "Hey Deirdre!" she shouted and waved her hand spotting Deirdre McCormack walking on the other side of the road. "Kim? Hi again! I thought you..." Deirdre frowned and stopped, waiting for Kim to get across the street. "I had to go back because..." suddenly she turned her head after she got a glimpse of someone and started running. "There she is! I'm sorry Deirdre, I'll tell you next time... bye!" "But Kim, what..." Deirdre stood there and watched Kim running towards the entrance. She took a deep breath inhale and bit her lip. A sudden, unpleasant feeling in her belly made her wanting to go after her, but with a sigh she turned and walked back to her store. She had to take care of the preparations for her next customer. **** The slider doors were already open when I approached them, and a strong breeze from above when crossing them made my hair and skirt swirl a little. I had always wondered where it came from, as I could not see any vents. Crossing this spot in this outfit felt so incredible though. My heart was beating fast. Very fast. Never before had I been in public like this, dressed as a girl, and even on my own. Instantly I was surrounded by quite a lot of people browsing the various stands, and I quickly took a glance around, but no one seemed to notably pay attention to me. They all seemed to be focused on the clothes that were being displayed literally everywhere. A stand with a nice, white and light blue colored dress caught my eye and I approached it, looking more closely. I loved the colors, and the length seemed to be just right, around knee level. "A nice choice for you, young lady..." I heard a mature voice from behind. I swallowed and turned my head, facing a blond-haired saleswoman looking at me. "I am sure it looks darling on you, beautiful. It's a great model to show off your nice feminine figure. But this one here..." She looked at me a bit closer then nodded. "No, this one here won't fit you properly... shall I get you one in your size?" she asked with a warm smile. "I... umm... yes, I guess..." I stammered and cursed myself inwardly for being so insecure. "Alright, wait here, I'll be back with you in a few moments!" the woman replied and smiled again. 'Does she know? Feminine Figure?' I quickly looked down on myself to make sure everything was still in place and then watched her disappearing between two stands not far away. I forced myself to calm down and started to browse some other dresses hanging at the adjacent stand while waiting for the saleswoman to return, when suddenly my heart sank. Kim! There was Kim! Oh god! From the corner of my eyes I saw her entering the building, and, even worse, heading straight into my direction! Panic took control, and I desperately looked around. Not far from me was an empty cabin. I rushed over and literally jumped in, closing the curtain. I didn't dare to breathe and just stood there on the spot. "Here it is... oh... where are you dear?" I heard the saleswoman speaking. I didn't want to answer but I also knew it was very impolite to just vanish. "I... I am in here..." I quietly responded. "Oh I see. I am sorry that it took a while to retrieve it..." I heard the ticking noise of her heels as she approached my cabin. "Is it okay for you if I hand it over to you?" she asked and I could see a part of the dress she was squeezing in between the wall and the curtain. I quickly took it. "Yes, of course, thank you, Ma'am..." I croaked, trying to suppress the lump in my throat. "Strange... I swear I saw her standing here a moment ago..." Kim's voice made me shiver. "Are you looking for your friend, dear?" Through the closed curtain I heard the saleswoman's voice again. "The girl who was just here is now inside that cabin. I gave her a lovely dress to try on, so I suggest you wait for her right here." "Oh thank you so much, Ma'am, that I will do!" I could feel the sweat running down my face. I stood inside the cabin, petrified. My mind raced, but I knew that I was lost. I had to leave this cabin sooner or later and would directly have to face Kim again. If I stayed too long in the cabin it was even more suspicious. I swallowed hard and looked into the mirror. The girl staring back at me was really beautiful I had to admit. Never would I have thought I could look like this. Deirdre really outdid herself with that makeover. And Julie's clothes looked really so nice on me. I took the dress and held it in front of me. I gazed at myself for a few long seconds, then nodded. I had only one chance. Kim had obviously recognized Julie's clothes. If I now changed into that dress, maybe she would just leave me be. Hopefully she would. For sure she would not associate a girl with Alan, especially not one with girly curves, so I indeed had a slight chance of getting away this time. I wasn't ready talking to her. Not yet. I decided to take that chance. It was all I had and all I could do. I started undressing the sweater and the skirt. My new breast looked so real underneath the undershirt. And no one would even think a boy was standing here when looking at the well shaped lower body with the flat crotch. My panties fit me perfectly now. No ugly bulge in the front anymore. I lifted the dress above my head and slipped into it, squeezing my head and arms through the openings, letting it fall down, smoothing it. It looked awesome. I turned around and bit my lip. Like the saleswoman said, it emphasized my feminine shape so nicely. It had a round neck and short sleeves, and ended a bit below my knees. I also loved the colors. The blue was just great and the white wasn't shine through. A wonderful dress. I would want to keep it for sure, regardless the price. After carefully folding Julie's clothes I took a deep breath. A final look into the mirror, another deep breath inhale and I drew back the curtain. **** "Shit!" Alishia Carter cursed and sighed. "Traffic jam... " She checked the time and shook her head. "Almost 4 o'clock! I hope Alayna is fine out there!" "I am sure she is, Ms. Carter... at least I do hope so..." Sharon responded and looked at Tanya, who bit her lip and looked outside to check where they were. "See, Hills is not too far away," Tanya said and turned a bit. "What if we would get out here? We will be quicker walking, and can already check on him... her... and you can go and look for a parking place without having to rush too much!" Alishia Carter returned the look and nodded. "Yes, Tanya, that is a fantastic idea! But we are in the middle lane here, cars all around us, I don't think that getting off here is..." "We will be fine Ms. Carter. All the cars are standing anyway, in both directions. We can squeeze through and will be on the other side of the road in no time. Maybe 5 minutes to reach Hills. Maximum." "Indeed yes, Ms. Carter!" Tanya fullheartedly agreed. "We will hurry to Alayna now, and you can join us at Hills when you finally will have found a spot to park the car." Sharon already opened the door, carefully, and looked back and forth, but there wasn't any sign that the cars could be moving anytime soon. "Come, Tanya, now is a good moment!" "Alright, coming! Bye Ms. Carter!" She followed Sharon and moved over to the other side of the back seat to exit the car through the same door. "Take care you two, do you hear me?" Alishia Carter wasn't really fond of the idea letting the two girls exiting the car here and now, but their plan was a good one, that she had to admit. "Of course Ms. Carter. See you in a few!" Tanya slammed the door shut and Alishia Carter could see them rushing over to the other side of the road, squeezing through between the cars that still stood there all lined up. She sighed in relief when the two girls reached the walkway and focused on the road ahead again, because the car right in front of her started to move. **** "Hey, there you are!" Kim beamed seeing me appearing behind the curtain. She eyed me up and I swallowed hard, trying to compose myself as good as possible. "Wow... what a beautiful dress! You look darling in it, you honestly do! I am Kim, by the way!" She extended her arm, offering me her hand. I took it and returned the smile shyly, hoping she would not recognize my nervousness. "Aly..." I whispered. Alayna sounded too similar to Alan to me in this moment. "Please excuse me being so straightforward, but I saw you at McCormack's and you somehow appeared familiar to me. Must have been the outfit you had on. The sister of one of my friends has exactly the same you know." She tilted her head for a moment and smiled brightly. "Or maybe because of your beautiful dark eyes? Great job of Deirdre, by the way. You look gorgeous!" Her words made me blush and I coughed. "Sorry... a sore throat..." I added, trying to conceal my voice as good as I was able to. "Thank you for the compliment..." I harrumphed again. "Don't be so shy, beautiful!" She giggled and wanted to add something when her phone started to beep, causing her to roll her eyes while reading the message. "So very sorry but I have to run, they are waiting for me at the shopping center. I hope to see you at school next week! Would be lovely to get to know you! Bye for now, Aly..." "Yes, that it would be for sure..." I replied and somehow managed to return the smile while watching her waving at me, turning around and running away towards the exit. I closed my eyes for a moment and took some deep breaths, getting a hold at a nearby stand. I still couldn't believe my luck. I got away a second time. She didn't recognize me. Thinking of what could have happened, and how she might react when finally finding me out made my knees so soft again. "Everything OK?" The friendly voice of the saleswoman reached my ears and got me startled. "What? Yes, of course, I..." "God, dear! What happened? You look like you got scared to death! Really everything OK with you?" She looked closely at me, sincerely worried. I nodded and gave her a shy smile. "Yes, all is fine, really!" I replied as convincingly as possible. "Hmmm... I am not so sure, but if you say so..." The woman returned the smile warmly. "I have to tell you, that you look gorgeous in this dress! And you know what? It's on sale today, so it's only thirty Dollars. What do you say?" "Thank you, Ma'am... wow, only thirty dollars? That is quite cheap indeed! Then I take it of course, I really want to have it." I looked down on myself again and smoothed it a bit. "May I just leave it on?" "Oh sure, my dear, just let me remove the price tag then." She started to fumble at the back of the dress. "There it is... now you are all set. Please follow me, lovely young lady." **** "Oh my god... that's impossible! Al... is that... you?" Tanya's voice made me turning my head. Sharon and Tanya were standing in front of me, staring at me, their mouths open. "Ummm..." I blushed and felt a bit of panic rising again, quickly looking down on myself to see if everything was still in order, then briefly scanning the area around me before looking at the two girls again. "I... yes... is there something... wrong with me? I..." "Wrong? Dear god, you look... amazing! Unbelievable, really!" Sharon hugged me close and Tanya did the same. "Now we understand what your Mom meant... god, Alayna. You look like..." "...like a real beauty. Such a beautiful girl!" Sharon shook her head in disbelief. "Wow, we are truly stunned. You even have the right curves... oh my god Alayna. Your Mom won't recognize you anymore! No one will! But how... I mean, look at you... truly like a girl!" I took a deep breath and had to wipe a tear from the corner of my eye. I felt so relieved. The tension started to fall off and I felt my legs becoming very soft. With a trembling hand I pointed to a small bench next to the cabins. "I have to sit down for a moment. I..." Tanya noticed and instantly took my hand, and the two girls helped me reaching the bench. I smoothed the dress and sank down, exhaling. "I am fine, don't worry... it's just... the relief. Kim was here a moment ago, you know..." "What? Kim? Our Kim? Kim Winthrop?" Tanya asked in disbelief. "Are you okay, Ala... Alayna?" Sharon squeezed my hand. "If she..." "...no, don't worry, she... I guess, she didn't recognize me. She wanted to..." I swallowed. "To get to know me... and Joe..." "Joe? Hartford? What has he got to do with it?" "I didn't meet him but he saw me when they arrived at Deirdre's salon. He..." "They were there? At McCormack's?" "Yes, Debbie and Kim went inside while the rest of them stayed in the van... and I heard Joe yelling something about a date..." Sharon gasped and Tanya giggled, shaking her head again. "Wow... Joe Hartford asked for a date!" "Debbie and Kim? You met them both then?" Sharon looked puzzled. "Yes they more or less ignored me. I was standing outside waiting for my Mom and they quickly went in and out again, and then went back to join the others in the van, then they drove off. Oh god... I am still..." "Ha... and none of them recognized you! You are a natural girl, you know that, right?" Sharon smiled and playfully punched me. "I am scared..." I swallowed hard. "You know, this... this is me. The real me. After this... I never want to... never want to be that boy again. I mean, I am still him, still me, but... I am scared about school... about the others." I felt Sharon squeezing my hand again. I smiled at both of them and told them about my day, the doctor, the prescription, the silicon breasts and everything. They listened closely and just hugged me when I finished. "We will support you, Alayna. We are here for you, okay?" Tanya gave me a warm, heartfelt smile. In this moment, I felt so happy and relieved, I almost forgot about all the problems and challenges that were still to come. I just felt like a happy girl. In this moment, I was me. The real me. I was Alayna. **** "We are over here!" Sharon waved when she noticed my Mom walking through the entrance. I looked to my right and saw her too. Nervously I stood up, flanked by Tanya and Sharon. My Mom quickly came closer and stopped right in front of us, her jaw dropping. "Oh my god..." "My words, Ms. Carter..." Tanya laughed as my Mom hugged me tightly. "Let me look at you..." she eyed me up and hugged me again. "What a beautiful girl you are, my dear! Deirdre really made such an incredible job! And that dress! So hard to believe... yesterday you looked like a boy, and now look at you! Such a beautiful girl!" "Thank you Mom..." I hugged her too and instantly felt relieved and comfortable in her arms. It all still felt like a dream. "I saw the dress and a friendly saleswoman got me one in my size and I tried it on and loved it and it was only 30 dollars and so I... I hope that is okay, Mom?" "Yes dear it is, of course it is! It really looks so darling on you!" "And the best is: Kim even didn't recognize her!" Sharon laughed. "Kim? Kim Winthrop didn't recognize her? When and where did you meet Kim?" Alishia looked at me and frowned. "While waiting for you outside Deirdre's salon, and in here too... and... she wants to get to know me!" I cleared my throat and told her about my encounters with my classmates. My Mom had a hard time to remain quiet but she let me finish without interruption. "What now, Mom? I don't know what to do now... all I know is, that I don't want to be a boy anymore. But school... when they will find out... Joe... and Kim, Debbie... the others... and Dad... I am scared, Mom. Maybe all this..." She hugged me even closer. "Don't you worry, my love. We all know it won't be easy. But no matter what, you are, and will be my daughter Alayna Carter from now on. And I will do my best to help you, okay?" She smiled brightly. "And as you can see, you are fitting in perfectly. When people look at you, they see a girl. My girl." "And you have us too..." Tanya added, "...and don't forget my Mom and my sister, and most likely her gang too. You are not alone, Alayna." I nodded and looked at them, smiling. A truly happy moment. **** "Hey cutie! Did you find her?" Debbie patted Kim on the shoulder and smiled. "Hey Deb, yes! And guess what? We even talked!" Kim returned the smile. "She's really nice! I would have talked more but then I got a message from an impatient someone named Debbie Wilson!" She playfully poked Debbie and giggled. "Why yes... sorry. But shopping is so much more fun together, and it seemed like an eternity to me waiting for you..." Debbie grinned. "Now tell me, who is she?" "Good question, Deb!" Kim scratched her head. "Her name is Aly, and she said she's on Beaver High too. So we actually should know her right? She's our age for sure. And I cannot remember having met her yet, but something about her is... strangely familiar. No idea what it is, though. Maybe her wonderful dark eyes..." "Familiar? Hmm... and also attending Beaver High you said? But... but then we should have met her for sure at least in one of the classes. She must have come to town only recently then, what do you think?" "That's the only possible explanation, yes. She's beautiful, Deb. And so very shy and insecure. Which is strange too, in a way!" "Strange? Why so? I mean, many girls are shy, Kim!" Debbie replied. "Yes I know, but she appeared to be... hmmm.... not only shy. Insecure. Almost in panic when I started talking to her." Kim paused for a moment and nodded. "Yes, that's it. Panicked. Her eyes looked at me in panic." "Did you scare her or what? Why that, Kim?" "No idea, Debbie. I was friendly I swear, I mean I am not a monster, am I?" Kim tilted her head. "Who knows, who knows..." Debbie laughed. "Yes yes..." Kim grinned but then got serious again. "Honest, I swear she was in panic. But by her looks, she should be confident. She's beautiful, Deb. And she seemed to be very nice too, from what I can tell. We agreed to talk again, though, to get to know each other. Should be easy to find her if she really attends our school as well!" "Now... what about my Date!?" a male voice from behind made the two girls turn around. "No date for you, Joe Hartford! Too bad, hm?" Kim snickered and stuck her tongue out. "You messed it up, admit it!" Joe replied and sighed. "Do you at least know her name and her address?" "Her name is Aly, and no address yet. But she's also attending our school, so we should easily be able to find her next week. So... there's hope for you, Mr. Sexy!" Kim laughed again. "Monday you said? I have to wait until Monday??" Joe said with a playfully desperate look on his face. "That's just two days, you nag, you. You can't wait, hm? So eager to get a rejection?" Debbie cheered and both girls started to laugh. "A rejection? Never! She will be very eager to date me, you will see!" Joe nodded in confidence. "I will get her. Care for a bet?" "A bet?" Debbie asked and looked at Joe with a devilish grin. "20 bucks for me if she agrees to a date, and 20 bucks for you if she rejects me. Deal?" Joe extended his hand. Debbie grabbed it. "Deal!" Kim rolled her eyes. "Hey come on you two, it's a shy girl we are talking about, not some subject of a bet!" "Too late, Mommie Kim..." joked Joe and turned around. "See you later girls, we have important business going on." "Oh yes, I can imagine, Joe..." Kim replied. "More methods to embarrass and humiliate Alan?" Joe shrugged. "That will depend on him. Interesting enough, Marc seemed to be determined to give him a fair chance to become part of the team. Probably forced by his Dad I guess... but I will make sure that he won't make it, trust me!" He turned around with a mean laugh and pointed towards his mates, who were standing not far away, engrossed in an obviously very lively debate. "I better join them again. They need me!" "Okay Joe..." Kim said. "Let's go shopping. We might go back to Hills though, I noticed some very nice stuff there. And, who knows, maybe she is still around!" Joe stopped and turned around again. "You mean that mysterious girl, Kim?" "Yes, of course! Want to join us, Mr. Casanova?" Debbie smiled brightly. "Or you can give me the 20 bucks right away!" Joe touched his nose and looked back and forth between his mates and the two girls. "They need me, but... on the other hand... nothing beats hunting for a date. I will join you two if you don't mind. I can look out for her on my own there while you two are busy shopping. Six eyes can see more than four, maybe we can catch her! And by the way... I am eager to get my 20 bucks! Let me just tell the guys and then let's go over to Hills!" (to be continued) (c) 2019-2020 by Delana Soulstar

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Darkness Inside

Introduction: She has that darkness inside her, that darkness whose finality is to reveal her true nature… I wish you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing, and I hope you like it enough to let me a comment, ok? Special thanks to my friend Arizona1664 for checking it for me. ———————————————————————————————————————————————- Darkness Inside. I was born on a dark day. The day my loving mother ceased to exist. And the dark gray clouds filled my sky for years, since Ive born. Im in...

1 year ago
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In Darkness

My girlfriend and I are both relatively young in respect of trying new sexual stuff although my g/f is the more adventurous. I am 22 and she is 21 years old. We had been together about a year when she told me her ex boyfriend used to like her to wank his friends off. They would sit on the sofa in the dark and she would wank 1 of them off. I kind of couldn’t get my head round it to start with but then got to liking the idea. She said they would go out for drinks, then come back and put on a cd....

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Darkness and LightChapter 14 The Beginning the Way and the End

Roban entered the house and was greeted by Patessa and Nigulla. They led him to a room on the first floor and rushed away before he opened the door. Light was coming from candleholders on the walls to either side of the entrance and a stack of wood was burning in a fireplace on the one outer wall of the room. Although it was a small room, a large four poster bed was placed in its center. The figure of a small girl huddled in a corner of the bed. It was the corner farthest away from Denyssa at...

2 years ago
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Through The Darkness

Stefan lies on his back upon the ground, surrounded in darkness. Cool, soft blades of grass hold him aloft; they make for the most soothing blanket for his bare skin. Above him, high up in the summer night sky, he thinks of the millions of distant stars that are keeping silent watch upon him. How many countless hours had he spent in his youth looking up at those stars, mapping out their patterns in his mind as if they possessed a silent message only for him? It still strikes him with awe: the...

Love Stories
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Screaming Darkness

Screaming Darkness by Nikita ? 2005 Screaming Darkness by Nikita ? 2005 The fan moved slowly, circulating the warm air over the two lovers in the war torn bed.? The air was heavy with sex, candles, and cigarette smoke. While the soft rays of sunlight slipped through the curtains, the white sound of the ocean lulled the spent ones to sleep in between bonfires of passion. Nikita moved first.? Dreamily, her cuffed hands stroked her puffy pink pussy lips.? The brief attention stiffened her...

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Descent Into DarknessChapter 8

"For me?" she had never seen anything so beautiful. It looked like it was spun from the finest of silk and the black lace on the sleeves and bodice was of the softest quality. "It's beautiful," she said. "Where did you get it and who was it for?" "It comes from Paris and it had belonged to the woman who was to be my wife. But, alas, she never got to wear it." And his face clouded up, "But never mind that! It now belongs to you. Here, let's slip it on." He helped her with it as...

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Where Darkness Ends 02

Where Darkness Ends Delana Soulstar [email protected] Chapter 2 For a few seconds that appeared like eternity to me, nobody said anything. I could hear some quiet gasps and breathing, and while looking down on the floor I could literally feel five pair of eyes piercing me. I was sure my head was again glowing like a bulb, my stomach cramped and the familiar lump in my throat was omnipresent. Yet there was a certain relief as well. I did it. I confessed it. Now I was, in...

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Heart of Darkness

Heart of Darkness by Arcie Emm The child awoke to the silken glory of norm, in a room larger than a Duke's dining room. But the child did not arise, for it was not yet time, instead the child continued to lie under silken and satin coverings upon a mattress of swan down, a mattress upon which even the largest man would be dwarfed, little alone a child. Awake, but abed, the child could only pass time in the same way as every morning, by studying the intricate painting upon the bottom...

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Holly Potter And The Army Of Darkness Part 1

I do not own the rights to any of the characters that appear in my little story. Now I do not claim I can tell a story nearly as well as J.K. Rowling (if I could I?d be a millionaire). The best I can do is all I can offer. I hope that you will be entertained. Before I begin to tell this story I should remind those who may not realize that this is indeed a sequel. If you have not read "Mists of Avalon" then you should stop reading this warning and proceed right away to that story. Oh...

1 year ago
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Season of Darkness

Posted by permission of Tigger Season of Darkness By Rose Too Clouds darkened the afternoon sky as the long, black limousine idled in front of the boutique. Darla sat in the driver seat awaiting the arrival of Jane Thompson. She was dressed in her chauffeur's uniform with her cap sitting on top of her long blonde hair. The sharply-tailored uniform on her very female shaped figure was eye catching in the extreme. Jane Thompson emerged from the boutique, and was helped into the...

3 years ago
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In the Darkness

It is that time in my life. So many questions. So many new alien feelings burning inside of me. Troubled dreams seem to haunt me, even in the daylight. My mother went away so long ago I have virtually no memory of her. I don't ask my dad about her anymore because it always makes him sad when I ask about her. All I really know about her is that she is gone, and it's unlikely she will be back. She never calls. My older sister is now away to college. She calls at least once a week and talks to...

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Love in the Darkness

The room behind the door was...interesting. It was a rather large room. The walls were covered in red wall paper that, upon running my fingers over, I found to be made of velvet. The floor was carpet with lush maroon carpeting. A fireplace stood in the center and it appeared as though it hadn't been used in a few years. The only light in the room were the flickering candles making shadows dance on the walls. The only other thing in the room, was a king size bed with 4 tall looming bed posts....

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Turning to Darkness P21

TURNING TO DARKNESS PART 21( by popular demand, one last chapter in this story )Rachel spent three more nights at the hillside hotel undergoing the transformation ritual. Glorious sex with the shadow prince, that pushed her to her limits and more tender passions with the small princess. Unlike some common fiction, a person does not simply become a vampire if bitten once. If that was the case the world would soon be converted and the human race would cease to exist. The vampires would then...

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A Season of Darkness Chapter 3 The Cloud on the Landscape

A SEASON OF DARKNESS CHAPTER 3: THE CLOUD ON THE LANDSCAPE (1) 1. I have this pet theory that adults and children come from different planes of existence. I mean, they occupy the same Cartesian space and everything, but they seem to inhabit totally separate realities. You probably couldn't write a dissertation on the subject, but if you think back to your own childhood, you'll realize it has to be true. A child's world is huge and bright and wonderfully unpredictable; a place...

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Ana in the darkness

My loving wife liked that particular club.It had a dark secluded parking lot, where Ana had been fucked several times in the past; so, she loved the place…That evening I came home from a meeting with some friend, finding my sensual babe was getting dressed to go out. Anita was going to wear her usual tight slutty dress and I then asked if this time she would allow all guys in the club to fuck her.My wife giggled, saying that it sounded like a good playing game.Once in the club, we grabbed some...

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Dawn of the Federation Book II Darkness on the Edge of SpaceChapter 18 Hadrian

He desperately tried to maintain his stiff upper lip as his life came crashing down around him. Swaying slightly, like a willow tree in a stiff breeze, he listened with barely half an ear to the explanation of healer Lorat. It was infuriatingly calm, clinical and void of emotion. "I don't believe you," he growled, beside himself with grief and rage. "There she is, completely uninjured except for the bump on the head when she slumped over. If this is some skulduggery here, rest assured,...

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Darkness and LightChapter 13 The Cats Outta The Bag

The Ogusi Fusans had witnessed the preparation of Jenaya and her departure. Obviously disapproving of what had happened they were frowning at Roban and the remaining women. “So the mystical might of the Norgar Chieftains lies in his blood and you use it to task a woman with the job of a warrior. The legends of the Norgar never spoke of such cowardice,” Fusan Djargis said. All the women spun around, their furious glares colliding with the Ogusi’s condemnation. “You are lucky that I know...

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Crackling, sizzling, booming, pouring through the air, there was little doubt that there was something going on, something neither one could have predicted or accounted for, let alone understood. And they stood there like dragons, breathing and snarling as though it was the others' fault. They both knew better, but that changed little. Breathing fire, they circled each other watching waiting for whatever might come next, knowing whatever it was could ultimately destroy them; caring not. As the...

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Heart of Darkness Ch 07

The next day, as dawn broke, Darla awoke in a misty cloud of morning dew, dazed and immobile. Her hips moved involuntarily and slowly made wide circles, while her back arched at the ecstasy being applied between her legs from Robert’s tongue, which explored the folds of her pussy, as he delicately separated and probed her sensitive flesh that she had involuntarily saturated with her juices. Robert drank as he lapped at her, and savored Darla’s intimate flavor, while his tongue slid along her...

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Circus of Darkness Part 10

"Hey check it out." She said with a smile, "A circus house?" "Yeah I was about to point that out." her boyfriend Damien said. "We got all the money in the world." He continued with a smile, Dahlia's boyfriend, Timothy, or Tim spoke up, "Circus house? What like a house full of Carneys and clowns?" He asked in pure curiosity, "I think so, let's do it." Carmen pipe up. "Shit, why not, go, stay for like an hour get back on the road by night down." Tim said, All now agreeing...

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Beloved Darkness Ch 02

‘No.’ Freddy shook his head, backpedaling into the road. Despite the lack of traffic, cars, or people, he found himself looking both ways. ‘I saw this movie. The guy died.’ The door stayed open. Clouds gathering into a dense blanket across the sky, thunder rumbled again. Freddy felt the impression as though the sky itself were hungry, and the lack of traffic, cars, and people were no coincidence to this – yet of course this could not be the reason. Still. Wherever a thought like that came...

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