Where It Ends free porn video

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Where It Ends. By Tanya H. "When did this start?" Sonia asks, affecting the expression of one who has just popped a sweet in her mouth and found it to be a chunk of raw onion. Donna wonders how to answer that? When did it start? Where does anything start, for every beginning must have something before it? How about twenty four hours ago? There's Donna walking home through the night, night into morning really - the witching hour has gone in a thud of music, bright cocktails and wild dancing. Rhythms still move her hips, even as she hurries - keen to get home before the burning in her feet forces off her heels and spoils her slinky tights on rough pavements. Even on this brink of discomfort she moves like ballet, head high, glossed lips still parted with the breathlessness of true, unencumbered dancing, a sweet and sour memory of cocktails still delicate on her tongue. She hums to herself, a favourite tune, one that had seen her with arms lifted and swaying energetically in time with her friends. All is well, the night into morning brimming with joy and fulfilment of a long month's waiting for it to come around. An electric blue dress shapes her lean, runner's body, baring both her defined arms and elegant calves. Chestnut hair bounces in a high ponytail down her neck, large gold hoops swing from her ears, her high-cheekbones are softened by just enough make-up, her brown eyes enhanced with darkened and lengthened lashes and bold, autumn shades. Just closer to 30 than 20 she's beautiful, but rarely feels it - only on these nights of freedom and dancing. Not far now, to Chip's flat; her refuge on these weekends. Chip had to go home early, a blooming migraine behind her eyes, but left Donna with the promise of coffee or hot chocolate when she lets herself in, then a no- questions-asked breakfast as morning matures towards midday. Here a city suburb lays quietly, under a midnight blue sky and warm stars, almost lost to the upglow of a million streetlamps. To her left is the park, where she and Chip will sometimes go on the Sunday morning after to feed the ducks, eat ice-cream or doughnuts and just be for a few hours more. To the right, shuttered shops; off licences, convenience stores, a bookmakers and an Indian restaurant she's visited with Chip and the others once or twice. Just ahead, breaching the no parking lines on her side of the street sits a small, dark hatchback - its engine ticking as it cools - beside a gated entrance to the park. Otherwise the street's empty and quiet, but for the click click click of her heels and the sudden, outraged cat wowl from a garden opposite. The noise lifts a smile, for she loves and misses cats in her life; Sonia claims an allergy. Then... another noise. Over the wall, in the park. A whimper? Pleasure? Certainly the park's shrubberies, benches and secluded spots are heaven for quick, giggled, fumbled meetings. Or pain. Glass smashes, in the park, startling her - her heels' cadence falters as she looks, but whatever might be happening is obscured by the tall, Victorian wall bounding the green space. A bottle breaking? Not unusual - the kids love dark places like that. Then a high pitched, woman's moan. Still could be kids; illicit drinking and fumbled sex, everyone's been there - right? Clothing tears. Hatchback, bottle, tearing, moan. A practical girl, Donna carries a slim, but powerful torch in her handbag which is itself secured to her with a deceptively tough strap. Tip-toeing silently now, almost holding her breath, she eases through that pedestrian gate into the park, takes her bearings on where the noises had been and shines her torch that way. Two faces shine out from the darkness. One lolls stupidly in an aurora of dark blonde hair, her brow marked by a glistening graze that trickles red down her cheek. Her half-closed eyes couldn't care less about Donna's torch or intrusion; drink or drugs maybe, but she's way out of it. The other face, narrow eyed in angry surprise, glares into the light - teeth bared. Kneeling between the girl's white thighs, bared where he tore her long, narrow dress, his intent juts and twitches ready to be forced into his victim. "Fuck off!" He doesn't recognise Donna though, doesn't understand she's not to be cowed and intimidated, drugged and raped. Heart racing, buzzing with a mixture of anger and fear, still dazzling him with the torch she frees her phone, hand trembling ever so slightly, backing slowly towards the gate measuring distance, cover, escape. "Police please," softly spoken. The rapist, for that's what she believes him to be, uncoils from his victim - moves forward at a crouching walk. "It's not what it looks like, darling," he says, a soft wheedling voice. "Me and the missus is just having a bit of fun, bit of role play. Aint that right, baby?" He casts the last words over his shoulder, but the girl on the floor sprawls so far out of herself she doesn't even trouble herself to close her legs. "Police, what's your emergency?" "I'm in Tennyson Park, by the Golders Street entrance. I've found the rapist you've been looking for. He's got a girl here, he was about to rape her." "You meddling fucking bitch." The operator wants more, but Donna backs away faster now, awkward on her stilettos and knowing she'll have to ditch their glittery beauty in a moment. "Get yourself safe, help's coming," says the operator calmly, but Donna goes beyond calm as the bastard closes her down. How many women so far? Three, four? There will be more, broken women staring out from the dark without the courage to get help or tell their story. "He's driving a blue VW Polo," she says and passes its registration. Only ten metres separate her from the rapist now. "I'll find you and fuck you inside out." "Will you?" she says, forgetting to make her voice soft as her throat fills with burning anger. "Will you now? Why don't you come and try?" With the police operator still talking Donna drops her phone back into her bag and fastens it, fixing the creature stalking her with her eyes. She slips off her shoes and places them carefully by the path feeling the pavement's gritty firmness through her tights, but she's not preparing to run. Clenching her fists she's losing control of herself; her awareness narrows to the bastard walking towards her, chuckling wetly to himself, calmly fastening his trousers, but still not recognising Donna won't be his prey. That's how little he sees women. She wants a piece of him - she wants this nameless woman still sprawled in the dark to be the last. Red mist boils at the edge of her vision as she backs onto the street, where the lights and the silent shops offer some protection. "Get out of my fucking way, slag." He dashes for her, but his eyes flick towards the car. Hand in his pocket he makes the central locking bleep and the hazard light flash orange. Donna steps back until he's pulled open the driver's door, then she springs - grabbing his swinging open jacket at the coller, hauling it down his back. He shouts more abuse as the jacket tangles his arms. Donna screams, makes her voice into a screech of pain and terror. "Get off me, you dirty bastard. Help! Help!" She's tugged the jacket down to his wrists now, grunting with the effort, swinging him off balance. A silvery bunch of keys glints in the streetlamps as they tumble from a pocket and tinkle into the gutter shadowed under the car. Sirens sound; blue light cavalry. Desperation brings growls from the man, he barges hard against her chest and she falls with a cough, banging her skull on the park wall, becoming a sprawled undignified tangle of legs, arms and his jacket. "Fuck's sake!" he snatches the jacket, one of her nails tears, but she locks herself to it. A wash of aftershave and onion sweat engulfs her as he swoops for a punch, she rocks clear, scrabbling back, fighting for the jacket and against the pain in her head. Blue flashes reflect from the windows at the bottom end of the street, high revving diesel engines protest. "Fuck it! I'll find you, find you and cut you and fuck you, bitch." Then he runs, without his coat, without his car and most importantly his victim while Donna huffs a big sigh and pushes to her feet, unconsciously tugging her dress back down to cover her knickers, wincing to feel the blood trickling from her scalp and the long, ugly ladder in her tights. The first patrol car screeches to a dramatic stop beside her when she waves it down and coppers tumble out - a man and a woman. "That way," Donna points. "Seconds ago." "What's he look like, duck?" says the man, light on his feet. His colleague passes information into her radio as Donna tells them what she can, stressing she's not the victim. Another patrol car rushes past, the female officer runs too, thanking Donna, her plait streaming behind her. "I got you his coat, his car," says Donna, almost bouncing with excitement and the surety that she's done right. "Bloody good job, lass," he says, grinning with approval. A big man he's pot-bellied under his armour and old enough to be Donna's dad. No wonder his younger, fitter colleague got on her toes after the rapist. A big van with a whole team of armoured and aggressive looking cops rolls up next. Two of them go into the park, the rest get back in the van and roar off to join the search. "Best get the paperwork started then," says the big lad, reluctantly. He takes out a tablet from some pocket and taps a pass code into it. "Hate this bit, but we'll nail this fucker - pardon my French - with good paperwork. Now then, love. Let's start with your name." Donna's euphoria collapses like a bucket of iced water has just tipped over her head. Harsh, hard-cornered reality strides up and punches her square in the face. "Oh, shit! Really, can't I just..." She knows she can't just. The cop frowns at her. "Andy. Andy Hillman, 32 Abbey Close, Brookwood." But the copper hardly registers the address, he's stopped looking at his tablet and has eyes only for Donna who hasn't the energy to meet his disdain with a 'fuck you' tilt of her head and belligerent stare. All that adrenaline vanishes from her system like a switch has been thrown and she just looks at the floor, her feet and ruined tights. "Andy? Short for Andrea, right?" She shakes her head, shrugs a little shrug. "Only at weekends, like today." "Oh. I see." But he doesn't. Nobody does. Sonia doesn't see anything but the embarrassment this is going to cause her and doesn't bother to moderate her sneer. "Have you been wearing my things? Jesus, Andy, have you been into my fucking knickers." "Sonia, I don't need to wear your clothes, I don't want to wear your clothes, I wouldn't disrespect you by wearing your clothes. I have my own clothes." "Your own women's clothes!" That look on her face; a mixture of contempt, disgust and blank incomprehension. "Where?" "I keep them at a friend's." Sonia recoils from that idea with a Jesus H Christ of shrill frustration and storms from the room, slamming a couple of doors to emphasise the point. Donna slumps deeper into the sofa where the two of them have had good times, a few wild times, and wonders if something like this was always going to happen. This isn't the worst of it though. Somehow a local news website gets hold of the story, probably from some loose-lipped copper. As she sat in her spoiled finery waiting to give her statement, more cops than usual had looked around the interview room's door, for nothing more than the sport of it. The detective who'd finally come to record the statement had been pleasant, maybe empathetic, but not understanding. "Do you want to get home to get some of your own clothes?" she'd offered, after asking if Donna would like some tea. "These are my clothes." Though the tea was very welcome. They let her use the disabled loo, not being sure which toilet to offer her. "Is this really you?" her supervisor asks at work - a regional office for an international bank where Donna does well paid, boring stuff she doesn't value. She offers her phone so Donna can see the CCTV still the media had got hold of. Nobody wants to know about the girl. "It's really me," Donna agrees, wearily. "Love your shoes." She suppressies a smirk as she speaks. What to say to a woman who compliments you on your heels and probably doesn't mean it? "Thanks." "Did you really run after that pervert in them?" She gets one of those looks. "Seriously? Four inch stilettos? I'm impressed you think me capable." She has the good grace to laugh. "I didn't chase him, the cops did that. I took them off and ruined my tights fighting him." That makes her frown, like tights are somehow weird where heels aren't. "Why?" she asks. Lots of people have, since a tabloid paper christened Donna, 'Supertran' and her business stopped being her own. Her own mother won't answer her calls; Donna's sister reports the press crowding their house, like the zombie apocalypse. Sonia hates that press attention too, and the questions they shout to her, "Sonia, do you let him have your clothes?" "Didn't you realise he's a tranny?" "It's disgusting, perverted!" Sonia builds herself to a frenzy of outrage. Like crossdressing could be in any way up there with date rape or child porn. "And you were doing it behind my back. Like you didn't trust me enough to tell me!" Donna folds her arms. "Has everybody forgotten I'm the good guy in all this!" "So every month, when I go to visit my Mum, she's agoraphobic you know, you're out prancing about like some... fucking drag act!" "And that's what we like to call lazy stereotyping." More doors slammed. "Don't you think a relationship should be challenging?" she asks Chip over a coffee in Chip's flat. Chip wears her hair in a glorious, shaggy fall of royal blue streaked with silver and owns a fabulously cool coffee shop by a railway station in the suburbs. "That depends what you mean by challenging?" she says, drawing out the words and looking over the top of her glasses. Those things combine to make words brim with wisdom. "Would stimulating be a better word?" Chip had found Donna at the door to her flat twelve hours after the police had finished taking her statement, noted her friend's weary smile and the three large holdalls at her feet. "Sonia kicked you out?" "I walked out." She stood back to let her in. "Want to get glammed up and drunk?" "You know me too well." "You're wasted on her, I said that all along." And she had. Donna has her own room at Chip's, used on her monthly girls' nights out. Chip lets other friends sleep there too, but only she and Donna know where to find the key to the wardrobe where she keeps her girl-time clothes. After blasting off Sonia's disdain with scorching water and billowing steam she brushes fingers over her dresses and skirts and wonders which of them will bring her peace. Nearby, in the kitchen, Chip sings to herself as she pours Doritos into a bowl; beer bottles pop and fizz as she opens them. This is not the time for glitter and slap, to tape her bits, or to add falsies; Donna keeps things simple with her hair loose, a black USS Sulacco T-shirt, thick tights and an A-line, stone washed, denim skirt. Chip hands her a beer, dewed and wonderfully chilled, achingly soothing when she presses it to her glowing brow. Smoothing her skirt she folds her legs under her and lets her weight onto them. Chip pats her ankle affectionately, like a cat; she's wearing a chunky, scarlet jumper and a billowing, velvet skirt so black it could be a magician's cape. "You know, you can stay as long as you need." "You're the best, Chip. Thanks. Sonia's right though, I shouldn't have kept it from her. Where's a relationship without trust? I didn't trust her enough to tell her I like to wear a dress once in a while and, boom! When she finds out, she goes ape. Obvious really." "Alright, Einstein. There's a reason why you didn't trust her to tell her that." "Einstein was a physicist." "I couldn't think of a.... a relationship expert and the name came to mind." "A reason? Hmmm... Didn't you say she was a self-obsessed, scheming cow? Will that do?" "You were so wasted on her." "We had some good times, lots of good times. And she looked great, beautiful body - and the sex, Chip. Oooh, could she shimmy her hips." Donna swirls her beer again, seeking some answers in the patterns maybe. Or honesty; of all people Chip warrants that. "Do you know, being with her... I thought I'd feel like a man." "What does being a man feel like?" "Does anybody know? Even men?" Chip's mostly thirty and still answers 28 when anybody asks her age; she has broad shoulders and strong features, Rosetti lips and hazel eyes that glint with amusement at most of what life throws her way. Her coffee shop features in all the cool visitor's guides and has a queue outside every Saturday and Sunday lunchtime. "Why do they call you, Chip?" Donna asked the first time they met, in a pub outside the city centre where nobody cared who wore what. "I'm greasy and bad for you." She is neither, and has become one of Donna's closest friends, more so now many of her friends are backpedalling away from Donna's Supertran outing. In reality CHIP comes from her initials - Cassandra Henrietta Imogen Prentice. Her father, imagining she might one day become a top class cricketer gave her them, though he'd used Christopher Henry Ian Prentice on her birth certificate. She speaks precisely with a slight drawl, like an upmarket newsreader, like they had expected her to in the public school where she'd been eternally, weeping miserable. Her father had bankrolled the coffee shop's startup - making up for the hell of her education. "I'm royally fucked," says Donna staring with heartfelt melancholy into the bottle's green depths. "Why do people get so hung up on clothes? What difference do the clothes make!" Chip gets her another beer. "You know what difference the clothes make." "Yeah, to me. But them! And the looks at work. I saved that girl's life and now I -" "Don't say it, because you don't wish you hadn't." Her shoulders round down, a long sigh whistles away and she puts down the beer, uncoils her legs and puts her feet flat onto the sofa so she can rest her chin on her knees and wrap her herself tight. "I'm glad I saved her. Even with all this." Chip reaches out, rests her hand on Donna's shoulder and squeezes gently. "You know, out of all my trannie friends you're the one I think that really gets it. I look at you, even without make up and I see the woman. Even in bloke clothes I look at you and see a woman." "It's the hair." "If you had a buzz cut all over you'd still look like a woman." Donna looks up, brows furrowed quizzically. She sees something new in those lively hazel eyes, but doesn't understand what and goes back to her knees. When did it start? Little, lonely Donna sneaking like a thief, her heart banging too loud for her chest, into her Mum's room where all the lovely things are kept. That breathless drawing of satin panties over her legs, the first time she felt her thighs sparkle with only the sheerest stockings between them, the joy of a skirt's flow, or lipstick's kiss on her inexperienced pout? Or even before that? Did it start in the womb? Some stress her Mum had felt in her rocky life, some rush of oestrogen to alter the wiring forming in foetus-Donna's brain? Maybe it started further back than that, some genetic tweak carried over the generations just waiting for the opportunity to rear up and exert itself. When she takes her place in the witness box the defence barrister, a gaunt grey-haired strutter with the air of an Old Etonian about him, gives her a Sonia look. "Mr Hillman, can I confirm that at the time of the incident you were wearing," a haughty sniff and superior look for the jury's benefit, "a dress?" Several of the jurors lean forward. "How is this relevant?" demands the prosecutor, a waspy looking ebony woman. "I was walking back to a friend's after a night out, minding my own business," Donna says, having been warned this would probably come up. "In a dress?" "An electric blue, knee length, sleeveless, fitted dress. From Next." "I don't think Mr Hillman's weekend activities have any bearing on his evidence," says the Judge. Chip attends court each day Donna gives evidence. She sits tall in the public gallery wearing a perfectly tailored, three piece trouser suit in sombre grey with brown, high heeled brogues and a silk tie to match her hair. Each day she wears her hair in a different, but eye catching Hollywood updo. She beams strength and serenity to her friend, and the other women in the court. "Had you been drinking, Mr Hillman?" askes the defence. "Four, maybe five bottles of Becks beer. Maybe four or five cocktails." "And how did four, maybe six bottles of Becks and all those cocktails leave you feeling." "Mellow. It had been a pleasant night." Donna glances at the victim sitting to one side of the court. She's elected to give her evidence face to face rather than by video link or behind a screen. She'd been having a pleasant night too, she'd described it for the court, then sobbed her way through cross-examination. She and Donna shared the same hair colouring and build, though she was busty in a way Donna could only find with latex and silicone. She often wonders how it would have been if the Bastard had decided on her for that night. Sometimes she wishes he had, to have spared the victim and because she thinks she could have broken his jaw. When he gets fifteen years in prison, 'a real danger to women,' Donna wishes him a dry arse fuck up him every day each day of his sentence. Inhumane? Perhaps, but Donna is only human. Outside the courtroom, before heading out to the prying cameras, Chip and Donna are intercepted by the victim, her fiance and father. Silence binds them at first, both have been flayed, they have been brutally exhibited. The two men shake Donna's hand firmly, but the victim hugs her tight; they weep together, but for different reasons. "Come and work for me," says Chip. "The pay's shit, but the coffee's great and the company rocks!" Donna blows her nose, she's been crying. More anonymous shit at work; everybody knows who's behind it, but nobody will talk. The boss just says ride it out, because it's too difficult to grip, the ringleader too secure to discipline; the organisation just hopes Donna will go away. She's already been cold-shouldered from the five-a-side football league she's played in for the last six years and her Mum still affects a monumental sulk whenever Donna tries to talk to her. Chip's hair has turned cherry cola red, she has a new tattoo scrolling all the way down her right arm and an extra hoop through her left eyebrow. The weekend before she'd taken Donna to meet her parents for lunch in a pub on the edge of the Pennines - they were travelling from South to North for some reason and diverted to meet their daughter. Exceptionally pleasant, they look blandly middle-class, dress like catalogue models from Joules and greet Donna like she's the evidence of Cassandra finally settling down. Until Chip introduces her as, 'my best friend Donna,' contrasting her with the polo shirt, jeans and walking boots Donna had worn for the lunch. Neither of the parent's smiles falter at this, the father shakes her hand warmly and they have a jolly time. Surprisingly jolly. They even call her Donna without corrupting her name with their tone. "Good people," she says to Chip as they drive away, waving through open windows. "Surprisingly cool with everything I've done with my life and all their expectations I didn't do." Work for Chip? Serve coffee and cakes and paninis instead of manipulating spreadsheets and figures? "You can be Donna there if you want? You can have two name badges, one with Donna and one with your other name. Nobody will care if you fancy coming to work in a skirt (no micros please) one day or jeans another." Work for Chip? Wear a skirt, be Donna? It seems like a wild fantasy, like the one she has when she runs her fingers over the medication boxes Chip keeps in the bathroom cabinet. Work for Chip? Wear a skirt, be Donna. Be a woman? Is this where trying to be conventional has led her? "Let's go out, Donna. Tonight, now! Come up, get on some slap and something glittery, let's posse up the girls and get pissed." Tempting. She hasn't been Out since that night, hasn't really gone for it in terms of dressing up, as if denying herself that outlet will somehow bring her life back together. It hasn't - in fact it can't - ever; that bus has gone; the horse has emphatically bolted leaving little point in bolting the stable door. Action is needed and Chip's plan sounds a good one. If she's been neglecting her wardrobe she hasn't let her appearance slide - her hair still gleams, her skin's kept smooth. Chip paints her nails, glorious Barbie pink, then lends her butterfly drop-earrings and a matching pendant. Donna arranges her bits carefully, choosing a gaff instead of tape, fixes her modest breasts then covers them with a smooth, black t-shirt bra to match her panties. Dressing up feels good, she admits - she's left it too long. Simple, ordinary, feminine tasks calm her; she points her feet and eases black nylon over them so the seams lay perfectly along her bright toes; draws the tights over her legs like a long, calming sigh and rubs her nylon-slippery legs together in a sinuous, sensual dance for nobody's benefit but her own. A high-waisted, black mini-skirt, patterned with abstract splashes of red and gold, just about covers the tops of her thighs then she pulls on a long-sleeved, scoop necked top splashed with constellations of silver sparkles you can almost see her bra through. Chip spends some time pinning Donna's hair into tousles and fine plaits, lifting it away from her neck and face; makes her eyes sultry with bronze and gold eyeshadow, adds mystery with black eyeliner and mascara then honeys her lips with red-brown lipstick. They sip wine as Chip works and by the time she slips her feet into elegant silver court shoes, and smiles to feel herself elevated by their tapered heels a mellow warmth has seeped through her. She should have done this ages ago instead of hiding herself. Walking out to the taxi she enjoys the cool evening air through her tights, the bounce of her little breasts, the movement of her artful hair, the faint scent of her perfume and swinging earrings. She's tall, natural, elegant - beautiful again. Twenty minutes later, as they wait at the bar for their first drink she surprises herself by taking Chip's hand and pulling her close, against the music's noise. "Thank you." "It's nothing." But Donna feels her eyes filling up, threatening to overspill through all Chip's good eyeliner. The lights, music, people jostling good naturedly, sight of a couple of mates waving from the doorway and wading through the crush lifts something golden from Donna's core, inspiring her to plant a soft, friendly kiss on Chip's cheeks. "I've never had a mate like you," she says while Chip's eyes go wide and a surprised smile crosses her lips. Later, much later, when sunrise silhouettes the city's high rises and commercial architecture, the two of them kick off their heels, with sighs of relief, stretch their toes on Chip's carpet and slump to her sofa's embrace. With a comforting blanket and mugs of hot chocolate they plan to watch the sun bring the morning to light. Her head spins and tilts happily, the cocktails have been superb, the dancing legendary and company delightful. They'd missed her; Roxanna and Judy, Paige and Collette - the weekend girls, Flo and Izzy who'd become wholetime women, and she'd missed them. There'd been hugs, cheek kissing and joy enough to make Donna realise where her heart lay; not tied in the clean lines of the bank, the conventional alignment of Andy and Sonia, but amongst the flow and grace she knows as Donna. Somehow, without conscious thought or direction, her head finds Chip's shoulder, their hands entwine under the blanket before it's absolutely the right time for their lips to brush, to press and then part into breathless passion; Chip's tongue tastes divine as Donna's hands smooth away Chip's skirt even as she parts her thighs for Chip's teasing fingers. It doesn't matter that Chip won't have surgery, that her body contrasts with convention or that her arousal, her orgasms don't blossom like anything Donna has experienced or imagined; she's beautiful too. Convention fades when Donna realises, with hot certainty, what love really means and who she really is; when she finds herself in the arms of the lover she should have embraced years before. Afterwards, drowsing in Chip's bed Donna rides the gentle aftershocks of the revelations, enjoying her body's memories of Chip's, their skin glowing together, hearts beating together. Words rise from her soul with nothing to hold them back any longer. "I love you," she whispers, wondering if Chip has drifted too deep to hear, but she stirs, lifts her head from the pillow of Donna's shoulder and smooths hair from her eyes. "And I love you." This is where it ends. Donna smiles, slow and dreamy; all pretence washing from her like sandcastles under the tide. Tomorrow is the beginning; coffee and cake and panini, she imagines the stretchy skirt she'll wear over black opaque tights and the badge with her real name displayed. She thinks of the medication she'll have to sit beside Chip's in the bathroom cabinet and tingles with the anticipation of her body changing. Best of all is imagining all that coming wonder with Cassandra by her side; helping, guiding, sharing, laughing, loving. "Always?" "Forever."

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"What a neat little doll, Ashley!", Corrina exclaimed."Where'd you pick it up?" Corrina turned the odd little dollaround into the light to get a better look at it.Ruffling a page in her magazine, Ashley snuffled. "Oh, **that**old thing? I picked it up in Rhodes, on vacation with myfolks. Its older than dinosaur shit, I've been told"."Lemme see it", requested Zenobia, reaching out her hand forthe little statuette. Corrina passed it to her. "It doeslook kinda old", she commented. Ashley's little...

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Kim Kardashian banged by Ray J his friendsInterrac

Sex StoryMy boyfriend Ray J had kept in contact with several of his college buddies over the years and they would meet on weekends to do things together. Over the years they began to get pretty competitive with their activities and to add money to their quests. At first it did not concern me as he would loose $25.00 over a weekend or come home a winner with several hundred dollars that he always used to pamper me. However, as their competitiveness continued to increase the losses starting...

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91 AVIS AND HER LADYFRIENDS My friend Carol called me up one morning and asked if I would like to meet for some shopping and lunch. Since Jon and I would have the day to ourselves, I agreed and we met at the local mall. Carol approached me and unexpectedly kissed me there in the entrance way to the mall. "Good morning" she said as I looked back in mild shock. "Did I shock you?" she asked. I said I was a bit surprised, but then let it go and off we went shopping. Around noon we stopped at...

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The picnic The beginning of an amazing friendshi

This is a story of how CC and H got started. My company had an announcement to make to all the employees and wanted to do it with a picnic. H and I somehow got nominated to put this all together. A few had past and I was really busy again and H was kind of stuck doing most of it . So I decided to talk CC into helping. She is a great planner. H is our office manager and had all of that to deal with to plus she was going through a rough divorce . CC and I have both been down that...

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Awesome Threesome With Two Bestfriends

Hello friends my self sanjubaba. I am 23 years old. This is my first​ story on Indian Sex Stories. For feedback and any girl or aunty wants to have fun mail me at secrecy is guaranteed. About my self I’m 23 year old single guy who enjoys and obsessed to sex.i can satisfy a girls and aunties with my 6.5 inch tool. I live in ahmedabad. Girls and aunties from ahmedabad as well as from other city can contact me for sexual fun. so coming to story during my college time i had many friends who were...

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wife fucked by her friendss

VISIT on www.papahaxx.com to see more top rated stories like theseHI I am Mayank. I am great fan of human digest stories, for many a days I was thinking of sharing my real life experience but was bit hesitant. But today I just want to share my experience so that other readers can get the fun and enjoyment out of it which I got.The incident is about my wife Nyati, she is 24 age perfect figure and nice handful boobs,nice height and can drive any guy crazy by her looks. We are being married 2 yrs...

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My Two Bestfriends

I sat in class Friday afternoon waiting for the bell to ring. It was sooo boring just sitting here in my last period. I just wanted to get out of there so I could meet up with my two best friends. My best friends names were Daniel and Rachel. Mine is Jason. I had known them since I was 8. I was now 17. Rachel and Daniel were 16. We always hung out with each other after school and I expected today to be just like any other day. Finally the bell rang! I immediately grabbed my books, dashed out...

First Time
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Reddit FunWithFriends, aka r/FunWithFriends! Is there any sex that’s better than with friends? I’m not talking about the weird sex that ends friendships because the bitch couldn’t compartmentalize and, ‘accept what this was.’ I’m referring to the kind of sex where friends want nothing more than to fuck one another’s brains out, clean up, then go out and grab a beer before going home, taking a giant whiskey dump, then going to sleep. The kind of friend sex where everyone fucks because they want...

Reddit NSFW List
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Two bestfriends

He called me at around 7:30 PM that night, nothing unusual we had sleep overs quite often. We have been going to high school together for our whole lives, robert and I were the best of friends. We referred to each other as brothers from another mother. We bonded on many levels, especially our crazed teenage hormones. We both were incredibly horny for the most part and jacked off to porn sites 2-3 times a day. We enjoyed talking about fucking the girls in our class or our teachers, anyone who...

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Tying Up Some Loose Ends

Tying up some loose ends Bigdad298 I am not homophobic, nor am I offended by its implication! I am very situated in my sexuality. I have been married for over fifteen years to wonderfull women. At least I had assumed she was! It all started one evening when my wife and I were getting our groove on if you know what I mean. We have played all kinds of sex games and I am more than willing to play more if it means I'm getting laid! We have played within the realms of BDSM,...

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Delta Sodality Chapter 4 Loose Ends

Chapter 4 - Loose Ends "What is the status" said the mildly eastern European voice on the other end of the encrypted satellite phone. The NSA was too good at intercepting all communications, so Kristina needed to be extra careful. "We were able to get the two subjects out of the lab. The...doctor," she paused not wanting to use names or pronouns just in case, "was becoming uncooperative. The medical team sedated, and we were able to extricate from building later that...

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Little SisterChapter 11 Loose Ends and Split Ends

One of the reasons my engagement to Lars went smoothly was that he got along with both my brothers. This was no small feat. Sean liked having him as a business contact for Germany. Richards Enterprises deals more with personal property than industrial equipment, but both need to know the regulatory landscape. Lars relationship with George was pure geek to geek. Over time, Lars taught George to seek advice on presentation, meaning Sheila. It does not hurt my pride to say that Lars and George...

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Myths and Legends

There is no better way to spend Halloween than sitting round a camp-fire deep in the woods, drinking home-made hooch and telling scary stories, legends of dark deeds and ghostly ghouls.  It was something that started with his grandparents when George was a child, and while it was then soft-drinks and tame tales, that sense of awe and wonder grew strong in the young boy's mind.The tradition continued through adolescence growing from family trips, to grandfather/grandson excursions and on to...

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Sissy Odds And Ends

SISSY ODDS AND ENDS by Throne "Sissy inspection," my wife Anna called from the living room. I was in the middle of dusting but I knew better than to delay. I set my oversized feather duster carefully aside, in a spot where I was permitted to leave it, and hurried to meet her. In my two inch heels I made good time, having had lots of practice. As always, I took small steps, placing one foot in front of the other, which made my narrow hips wiggle. That was how she had taught me to...

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South of Bikini 4 Loose Ends

With the Time Machine Bandit, Clemson, now 'incarcerated'. Alex and the crew of Meridian 12 must now find their Egyptian passengers a new home. What other surprises are in store from the Empress of Time and Space? And is this the last time we'll see Andromeda, Regina and the crew of Atlantis? Copyright 2014: R.G. Beyer Episode 10 "Loose Ends" "Alex? Where did you come from? Is mother all right? Did your...

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The Night Never Ends

THE NIGHT NEVER ENDS My name is Vincent. I was in my girlfriend's apartment and we were getting ready for a Halloween party. I wasn't planning on wearing a costume this evening. I never do those kinds of things and for the most part I have been anti-social for the last few years. Basically parties were a rarity for me. I was in my early twenties and recovering from a divorce. I married a stripper that I now am convinced is more of a prostitute than a stripper. I caught her...

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It had all began months ago, building from a small spark into a raging inferno. The outburst in the staff meeting only verified the culmination of my frustrations, whereas unwittingly, I had single-handedly undermined the confidence of our most trusted customer. The CEO called me into his office early the next morning and threw a round-trip ticket to Mazatlan across his desk with two options. The first was to pack only the clothes I’d needed and get my life back together under the warm tropical...

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The Wars Ends

The War's Ends My name was Jack Harrison I was a Major in the US Air Force. I flew the B4 stealth orbital bomber with the 332nd bomber wing out of Fairchild air force base. The year is now 2053; back in 2043 I and my Navigation DSO had walked away from a 2 billion dollar wreck just outside the flooded remains of NY. I remember she took a lucky hit from a Orbital missile, it was more a near miss, a 2 megaton blast, we should be dead. The B4 bucked as the warhead exploded,...

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Dungeon of Bad Ends

Introduction. All great stories must start with an introduction. Welcome to the Dungeon of Bad Ends! Here, the harrowing main characters will do everything in their power to escape from the dungeon unscathed, fighting through many, many, wrong turns on the way out! The dungeon is a massive structure, existing in its own time period as it lays right under the crust of the Earth, containing much to be desired. While the Dungeon has other names, most just refer to it as the Bad End Dungeon. Untold...

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Living in Nevada a Long Time Ago 3 Snow Storm Ends

Waking up with my cock between Carmen's ass cheeks is heaven for sure! But as soon as she started moving around my bladder signaled piss now..still bleary eyed and not tuned into time, place and day, I staggered into the bathroom and just as I released my stream into the toilet I heard the door opening and Carmen jumping out of bed! I heard her say "Cheryl how did you get a key and what time is it??" I could hear Cheryl laugh and tell her " I know the desk clerk and she knew you guys.."...

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A Mindbomb Loose Ends

A MindBomb Story: Loose Ends By Zapper A special thanks to BobH for letting me play in his Universe - Zapper PART ONE ++++++ Chapter 1 "A friendship renewed" ++++++ It was a pleasant fall day in Ann Arbor, Michigan as Trevor walked through the Diag headed toward South State Street and Ashley's bar. Trevor had graduated from the University of Michigan a couple of years ago with a degree in Computer Engineering and was now working as a...

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B5 Chapter 20 Jeannes Wild Night Both Ends

Chapter 20: Jeanne's Wild Night - Both Ends BurningNow Barocca stood before Jeanne, stroking her cock. Jeanne gazed at her through almost uncomprehending eyes."Good grief, Barocca," Jeanne muttered. "You mean you've still got more in store for me?"Barocca promptly laid out on the bed on her back. "Get over here and sit on my cock, Jeanne. You're gonna have to satisfy several of us at once, and then we'll see about calling it quits for the night."Barocca's cock was now hard and throbbing,...

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Bad Ends

Your vision slowly fades in from a pitch black to a variety of swirling and undulating colors. With a start you realize that you are no longer... you. At least in the physical and spiritual sense. Instead you are now something else, something that transcends the human understanding of place and time. You see now that the colors flowing and contorting about you is the very essence of the universe itself! And not just this one but all of them. Turns out the multiverse theory was very true. With...

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The Day After the World Ends

“The world ends every day for those who die,” Mika read. “Defend or refute this statement,” the instructions on the test continued. “That ought to be easy,” Mika thought. ‘The statement is true for everyone who dies, and untrue for everyone who lives,’ she wrote. ‘There is nothing more that needs to be said about the statement, any further writing on the subject would be futile.’ Mika signed her name to the test and got up to turn it in. “Are you sure you want to stop writing?” the test...

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Making Amends

Lana dropped her keys on the counter and began leafing through the stack of mail waiting for her after work. Amongst the usual bills and junk mail, she did see one envelope that looked interesting. It had a return address of her old high school. "What's this?" she thought dropping everything except for the letter, beginning to open it. She read: "Tenth Anniversary Reunion". "God. Has it been ten years already?" she asked herself. Along with the usual information, she saw the date was...

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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 9 Lessons and Legends

Master Jo met us the next night at our new camp site. He had soft words for all of us, but as we took care of the horses and gathered firewood, he walked with Alianna, and the two of them spoke quietly to each other. I saw Alianna nodding her head several times, and there were obvious signs of tears having been shed, but she wore a brave smile when they returned, and she gave him a parting hug as she went to help Trunk get their furs arranged. "How are the horses?" Master Jo...

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Sarah Carerra 231 Golden Friendships

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: April 11, 2011) Chapter 31 - Golden Friendships I had hoped to sleep in on Tuesday morning, since it was the only day I had off. But Emily wasn't going to let that happen. It was the first day that we both had off in several...

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I love my boyfriends. I love to fuck. I love to fuck my boyfriends. Some days I fuck one boyfriend. Other days I fuck two, three or sometimes all four of them. They are not jealous because they sometimes know each other and they know I like all of them the same. And they know that if they get jealous they cannot be my boyfriend any more. I am 21 now and have been fucking since I was 18. I agreed with my mom and our doctor that I should not have babies so they fixed me so I won’t get pregnant....

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Wheres the Turkey Baster

All characters having sex are over eighteen. Thanks to my diligent editor who helped out on this project. ***** Thursday 1:40 am ‘Where’s the turkey baster?’ Emma asked with a soft laugh to the back of the man she had surprised in the kitchen. It was well after midnight. She giggled and added, ‘You’re naked,’ JT was rattled. He apologized, ‘I hope my nudity doesn’t upset you. I thought everyone was asleep and I could sneak in here and grab a quick drink without encountering anyone.’ He...

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Wheres the Remote

If I hurried, I had time to drive home, take a quick shower, get dressed and still not be late for my dinner date with Jason. He was working late, so he would be meeting me at the restaurant. Since I knew he wouldn’t be stopping home first, it gave me time to get my naughty surprise ready for him. Hopping out of the shower, I quickly dried off, rubbed on some lotion and made sure I was smooth all over. I put on a lace black bra and garter, slid on some black thigh highs and attached them to...

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Wheres My Article Part III

It was like feeding time at the zoo. A bunch of sex hungry animals roared, woofed and squeaked, as a female primate walked by… This woman was sexy. Her long, smooth legs were exposed by the short grey dress she had on, which really emphasized the size of her buttocks. She had on a grey blazer over her white shirt, which had a few buttons undone to show a bit of cheeky cleavage. Her strawberry blonde hair fell loosely by her shoulders, and to top off her amazing look she had on her signature...

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Wheres My Article

Siobhan’s fingers speedily tapped against the keyboard, her eyes firmly glued to the computer screen in front of her. Now and then she would stop to take brief sips of her skinny latte. Her left knee shook uncontrollably, and her teeth scraped harshly against each other. She was desperate to complete her article which was already two weeks overdue. She had typed her final word, proofread it and was finally done. She leaned back and spun around on her chair in excitement. She quickly wheeled...

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Wheres My Article Part II

Siobhan ran up to the nearest elevator, only to find out that it was ‘out of order’. She sighed heavily and took off her yellow stilettos. She flung them into her bag and took off up the stairs. She was only on the second floor when she became out of breath. As she was about to approach another flight of stairs, she heard a different elevator open its door. She quickly shouted to the old man in the elevator to keep the door open. Siobhan picked up her bags and legged it into the elevator. She...

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Making New Friends

Her gorgeous tan breasts heaved as she moaned. She couldn’t believe how good her innocent little sister was at eating her out. “Oh... Yeah... Don’t stop Jacinta... IM SOOOO CLOSE!” Alex moaned so loud that the whole house would’ve heard. On any normal day she would have been much more cautious about moaning, however tonight her parents were out for dinner and given how late it was, were probably doing something similar. Jacinta continued too eat her sisters bare cunt just as she had been begged...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 32 Another Year Ends

There was only another five weeks of classes before the end of the semester; well, before the study break that led into the exams that would be the end of the semester. We all found that time had a habit of shrinking; at the start of each semester, the end of the semester and the exams seemed so distant ... but before we realized it, there was only a matter of weeks left; and a pile of assignments and projects to complete. Having David, Claire and even Garry living next door made the study...

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Betsys JourneyChapter 2 The Relationship Ends

Betsy willingly returned to her secret weekend retreat ready for more. She would be turning 40 very soon and considered the prospect very frightful. Lately she seemed to be daydreaming more and more and it was all about her journey through life. Betsy loved dreaming with her eyes closed and watching the animated images of her life story pass across her darkened eyelids. Lately she was obsessed with fantasizing especially about some of the lewd and erotic events that happened over the...

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Not too long ago, ominous shadowy figures began appearing all across the world. No distinguishing features could be seen on these things save their entirely white eyes and the eerily toothy grin which was permanently transfixed on each of them. These beings never spoke, never directly interacted with people or objects, and always appeared during times of strife or conflict between individuals or groups. These things could not be explained nor could we interact with them directly. These passive...

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David Virginity ends

David was in his bedroom, watching porn and masturbating slowly. Not an unusual situation for him, in fact during the last two years it had become his main form of relaxation. Now, with two years of intensive study, followed by exams and applications to University, he was at last able to relax slightly, the trouble being that the last two years had seen most of his friends drift away as his concentration on his studies became more and more intense.His routine had become just that, routine. Home...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 45 A Journey Ends

June/July, 1984, Stockholm, Sweden I woke when the conductor announced that we were arriving in Stockholm. I was happy the announcement came early enough for me to be fully awake and clear my mind before the train arrived on the platform. My dream had replayed the last seven years, but in a disjointed fashion. The strongest memories had come first - seeing Birgit for the first time, making love to her, her death, seeing Karin for the first time, my night of passion with Karin, and Karin’s...

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Unfolding Ends

“ Man was made from not but a grain of sand and his companion and savior made of marrow and blood.” -- Old Saying Marshall, Minnesota The soft hills of rolling grass and farmland during the early spring year was nothing short of amazing. The sky half covered in clouds let the air kiss the skin with cool lips. The smell of the night’s embrace of rainfall was welcomed. The rainfall was good Hamilton thought. “Nothing like spring tears to wash away the sins of the sinner“ he muttered...

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A Fresh StartChapter 174 Tying Up Loose Ends

Marilyn and I hung around the White House for another few days, as I made phone calls to everybody and their brother and congratulated everybody. John McCain made a comment that he was going crazy as he began to get ready to take my job in a few months. I simply gave him an evil laugh and told him it would only get worse from here! Mitt Romney was going to lead his transition team. That usually meant that whoever was running the team was going to play a significant role in the future, usually...

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Senior Year Part IChapter 30 Season Ends

Thursday November 24 We really didn’t have room for the crowd that was coming for Thanksgiving dinner, so Mom had decided to hold it at the restaurant. Dad, Uncle John, and Greg said that football-watching was a requirement. Caryn had a TV installed at the bar to keep them from whining. I was awakened by someone pounding on my downstairs apartment door. I looked at the clock, and it was almost ten. Watching all the little rug-rats last night had been a nightmare. After dinner, everyone...

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ClaudetteChapter 9 The Season Continues and Ends

Saturday was a repeat of Friday for me except for some ribbing from my teammates who were calling me a star. They also agreed that I have a beautiful fiancé. I had tickets for the same group and they came in together for the game as well as some of the warm-up time. We were taking fielding practice. It ended and I walked over to their seats and got a hug from Claudette, my mother, and Missus Gaines. I headed into the dugout. Burnside was there. “Sloan, that looks like the same woman as last...

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Role Playing The Game That Never Ends

Let me start by saying that my husband and I have a very strong healthy relationship that includes our wonder lust for pleasing each other. It all started years back with Peter whispering suggestive ideas that he pleasures himself with. To say the least the stories of desire, lust, love, and deep penetration pleasured me immensely. In time they became my ideas my desires. Our first experience of pleasuring each other with another person was incredible. As my tastes and desires for a bigger...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 38 Third Year Ends

Because our combined concert in Melbourne with AC/DC had been such a huge hit, Alberts was working on a similar gig here in Sydney. They had settled on using the Hordern Pavilion out at the showground; this one would have us playing together for all of the sets. The dates were set for three consecutive nights near the end of the month, which gave us a few weeks to work together with the other guys. We decided for the next couple of weeks we would all get together at Crystal; there was plenty...

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Cheerleader CoachChapter 25 Tying up Some Loose Ends

After we socialized for a while I expected Grace to usher Janet home for the night. What I did not expect was Grace's next words. "Janet I think you should spend the night sleeping in your own bed." Turning to me she asked "Greg, I have a favor to ask. Will you keep Janet company tonight since I will be staying over here?" I just stood there with a stupid expression on my face not believing what I just heard. Kim and Tammy, on the other hand, just had big shit eating grins on their...

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When Innocence EndsbyCosmickinkiness©Sometimes your body and mind want something so bad that it defies logic and makes you do things you would have believed otherwise impossible. Things you never could have even imagined. It was very early on that Mitchell noticed that his daughter Fiora, or Fi, was developing a very playful and teasing side just like her mother who was a natural charmer. During her teenage years and high school, Fi and her father were always very close and their...

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Entrapment Of Married Woman Into Prostitution Entrapment Saga Ends

Please read the previous chapters to pursue the story: A decade ( 10 years) passed since my encounter with my brother. Many drastic events happened in my life. My entire life has changed now as I feared, my brother became addicted to me. I feared going to my home to see my father and mother, when Sree Hari was around at first I tried to resist him and but he was blind with lust. He threatened me of revealing my debauchery to Mukundan through anonymous letters at last. I had to succumb to his...

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RetributionChapter 13 Loose Ends

Wake up everybody! We have to get ready for Cindy’s breakfast meeting, Linda shouted. Come on, we’re late already! Mouse groaned and rolled over. Can’t we just stay here and let you go to the meeting? Ret whispered, They’re already downstairs in the restaurant. Cindy, Fred, Mike, Diane and some new girl named Joyce. Okay then, we have to hurry. Let’s drain the bladder and go. Shower time after the meeting, Linda said. I’ll go along, but I may fall asleep during breakfast, whispered...

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