BethChapter 48 free porn video

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August 17, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written August 21]

I woke slowly to consciousness, a sister on either side of me. Certainly, neither girl was Rhee, whose breathing I could distinguish easily from years of experience sleeping with her. Since I also had fair experience with Heather as a bed partner, more so than either Liya or Gracey, I suspected that Heather was not one of my nearest neighbors. Last night came back to me, causing me to smile, although I had yet to open my eyes. Thoughts of last night also made me think of Rhee. I sent her a wish that her night had been spectacular.

I heard the back door open and an inhaled breath, then whoever it was retreated ... only to return a short while later. I heard a phone camera go off, so opened my eyes to see Carol looking at her phone, obviously at the photo she’d just taken. She looked up and saw me looking at her.

“Heather really does have a cute, little butt, doesn’t she,” Carol whispered.

I nodded while lifting up a bit to see what had induced Carol to take that photo. I missed on the 50-50 chance of which way to turn to see Heather but rotated my head. Like Liya, Heather looks so angelic when she’s asleep, a façade greatly at odds with the crackling intelligence, sparkling eyes, and gamine smile of her waking hours. And, yes, she must have the world’s cutest little butt.

Heather must have gotten too warm next to Gracey who, though not reaching Rhee’s furnace-like emission of heat, was still quite the heat source on my left. That cute, little butt was out in the open here in the back yard with the sun well up. She was lying on her front, but slightly onto her left hip. Her left leg was straight and, from the knee down, under the covers (sheet and comforter). The right was bent at right angles at her hip and knee and on top of the covers. That put me looking directly at her delectable little butt aimed almost right at me.

I felt Liya roll over and snuggle into me, then try to sit up. I turned to her and gave her the “shh” sign.

“Look at Heather,” I said very quietly.

She sat up further and a sparkling-eyed smile spread across her face.

“Dad may think my ass is wonderful, but that butt is just the cutest thing,” Liya said equally quietly. “It makes me want to do two mutually exclusive things: gently caress and kiss it and love it hard all over and bite it,” the “bite” said with more enthusiasm and decibels.

Heather rolled to her right, looked at us, and asked, “Bite what?”

“Your adorably cute butt,” Liya replied while staring at said butt.

Heather looked over her shoulder, then quickly rolled over, put her right leg under the covers, and pulled them up to her chin.

“Aww, we were looking at that,” I said.

Carol snorted, then said, “Heather, I took a wonderful photo of you like you were. Well, all of you are in it, but you were the only one showing her cute butt to the world. May I add it to the archive?”

“Let’s see it.”

Heather looked at the photo for quite a while, getting a puzzled look on her face.

“How is that even plain cute, much less ‘adorably cute?’”

“I thought you might not get it, since it’s your adorably cute butt. What do you think about your breasts, now?”

“They’re still way too small, but Dad thinks that they’re perfectly shaped.”

“Exactly,” I replied. “Your butt is ‘adorably cute’ for the same reason that your breasts are ‘pretty little titties.’ It’s proportional to you and of virtually perfect shape. And I completely understand Liya’s contradictory responses to it. I like gently rubbing it and aggressively loving it, squeezing it, biting it. That ... dichotomy of responses is ... visceral.”

She looked at me in surprise.

“Visceral? Really?”

“Oh, god, yes,” Liya said. “In fact, I’ll bet that many have visceral responses to you. You’re little and while you’re not really pretty or beautiful, you are incredibly cute. All of your parts are cute to adorably cute. Your personality is wonderful, your mind brilliant. Overall, you are incredibly attractive. Your size induces in me and, probably, all of us, the contradictory urges to cuddle and protect you and to ravish you. You are, in short, amazing, and I’m so very happy that you’re part of this family!”

Gracey made her ... consciousness apparent by saying, “Liya’s right on all points, Heather. You are the most adorably cute girl I’ve ever met. I am privileged to be your sister-friend-lover.”

Heather opened her mouth to respond, but broke down, instead. Gracey immediately wrapped her in her arms.

“As Beth has been forced to do, you’re going to have to alter your self-perception. As Beth has been asked to do, we ask you not to allow that change of self-perception, if you manage it, alter who you are,” Liya said. “We love you and like you the way you are.”

It took a while for Heather to reestablish control over her emotions. Once she did, we got out of bed and stripped the mattresses and moved them back into the living room; we were leaving them there for tomorrow. Liya called dibs on the first shower and asked Heather to join her; Gracey and I took the next one.

When we got back to the Williams house, around 9:30, Dad was brushing out Rhee’s hair in the kitchen. I wondered if that had become the de rigeur ending to our first nights with Dad.

“Hey, girlfriends! We had a bet ... No, we would have had a bet, but we agreed on what we thought would happen. Did you guys sleep outside?”

I shook my head in amazement.

“Yup, Heather asked as soon as we were back at the house after shopping,” Gracey responded. “Oh, that reminds me. We decided that all five of us would wear dresses on the first day of school. We got new dresses for that, so we need to take you shopping.”

“Umm ... Oh. Are you ... we taking the impress-the-new-school tack?”

I answered, “Yup, and you should see Liya’s dress!”

“Oh, my dress is nice ... Okay, it’s quite nice. But you should see Beth in Beth’s dress! I’m trying to come up with an estimate of how many seniors are going to ask her out in the first week!”

“Oh, god. Liya, they won’t...”

“No, Beth,” Liya interrupted. “They will. While it might not be the first week, since that’s a short week, it will happen, and it will happen quickly. Ya-know, gotta get the first shot at the new babe in school.”

I stood, dumbfounded.

Rhee said gently, “Beth, Liya’s probably right. It would be good if you figured out how you will respond ... before school starts.”

“Oh, Rhee-eeee. You’re in the same boat,” said Gracey.

“Umm, maybe. Okay, you’re probably right. However, I know that I can handle it. You know what will happen if Beth doesn’t figure things out before the vultures descend.”

“She’ll get flustered and very red and she’ll wind up thinking that she made a fool of herself?”

“Got it in one, Gracey.”

“Oh, god.”

I turned to look at Dad. He seemed to have changed expressions just then, a supposition that I figured was confirmed by Liya’s laughter at, apparently, nothing.

“Dad, are you making fun of me,” I whined.

Damn! I didn’t mean for that to come out whiny!

“No, Cupcake. But I do enjoy the way you five work. Not one of you has any qualms about taking the mickey out of any of the others. The Go5 is egalitarian; even their not-quite-so-fearless leader gets ribbed.”


“Oh, Beth. Come here.” When I folded into his arms, he said, “While it’s been a while since I was a high-school senior, Liya is not far wrong, if she’s wrong at all. You... you should prepare for it. You are a very attractive young woman and the sharks in the upper classes will be circling around what appear to be the naïve, ninth-grade babes. The naïve ones might not know how things work in high school and can be exploitable.”

I leaned back, looked into his eyes, and asked, “You didn’t ... Did you?”

“No, Beth, but mostly because I’d already had my experience with your namesake. I was at least a little more considerate. Also, remember, while I was not a virgin when I met Sandy, I had had very little experience, again mostly due to what happened with Beth.”

“I forgot. I’m sorry.”

“There’s no reason to apologize. Just please come up with a couple different responses that you can get out without getting too embarrassed.”

I put my forehead on his left shoulder and nodded my head.

“Since I’ve been asked by Nira to get Liya home by noon-thirty, why don’t the six of us work on getting Rhee’s dress on the way there. I’ll also get lunch for all.”

As Liya picked her phone up off the kitchen table where she’d put it, her eyes beginning to flash anger, she started, “Why didn’t she call ... Oh.”

“I assume that your battery is dead. Yes?”

Liya blushed and nodded her head and said, “We used it for YouTube and I never plugged it in last night.”

“It’s not that big a deal, but Nira called me not quite an hour ago and said that you and she need to call a relative in, as she said, ‘the old country.’”

“Oh. Ohhh.”


Liya frowned, then said, “I don’t know. It might be something to do with my grandmother.”

“Let’s all get dressed and head wherever you girls want to go to look for a dress for Rhee. It’s about time that someone other than the women got to have fun buying clothes for you!”

It took a while, but Rhee found something that she really liked: a round-neck, floral-print, skater dress in pink on gray. We dropped Liya and Gracey off and headed home.

Dad stripped the three of us, taking a bit of time and some liberties with us. It felt so good to have his hands on my breasts, even if the time he spent on them was brief. He pulled each of us in tightly to him and kissed us deeply, while caressing our asses. Well, he did that with Rhee and me; Heather, he picked up.

“You girls make it difficult on me, but I’ve got to go to the office for a bit. I’ll be back before 5, I think.”

“Okay, Dad. Thanks for the fondling and the kiss,” Heather said, a grin on her mouth and her eyes sparkling.

Once we were upstairs, I said, “I’ve got to write. Is that okay?”

“Of course, Beth. Don’t worry. We can get along without you for at least five or ten minutes.”

I shook my head at Heather, then smiled. I spent the next few hours catching up on events, finishing a few minutes before Carol called up the stairs for us to come to dinner.

[Added August 18]

The Moms took Dad to their bedroom and closed the door shortly after they’d finished dinner. The three of us looked back-and-forth among ourselves, then grinned; Heather snickered.

“Do you think that they’re going to be discussing remodeling the house,” Rhee asked, after which we all cracked up.

After we got to bed, I looked at Rhee and said, “I don’t need any details, but was it what you’d hoped?”

“That, and more. The one thing that I’ve been pondering is that, except for one aspect, I prefer making love with either or both of my wives.”

“I think I know exactly what you mean. A cock ... or, at least, Dad’s cock in there is much more satisfying than are fingers. I’m sure fingers would be better than the cock of some guy that doesn’t know what to do with it, but Dad sure knows.”

“Oh, god, yes!”

Heather, in the middle as per usual, looked back-and-forth between us.

“It’s really better than any of our fingers?”

“Oh, yes,” Rhee answered. “Oh, fucking absolutely, yes. And I’m not at all saying that I’m not interested in having Dad, again, because I definitely want him more and often. I think that the best way to have Dad may well be with the three of us together with him. I think that could be pretty fucking wonderful. Heather, Beth was right. Dad is an amazing lover. Given how crazy he is about you, I know that you’ll have a more-than-sufficiently wonderful night with him.”

August 18, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written August 19]

It’s Gracey’s turn. Dad came back from his office shortly before noon and the four of us immediately left to get Gracey and Liya. Gracey was obviously nervous, but we waited until we were upstairs before we tackled that problem.

“Gracey,” said Rhee, “there’s nothing to be nervous or scared about. Beth’s night was wonderful, as was mine. You’ll be fine, you’ll have a great time. Dad is a marvelous lover.”

Gracey inhaled deeply, exhaled while closing her eyes, then looked at us.

“I know. I’ve been trying to tell myself that all morning, but it hasn’t worked all that well. Liya already had to calm one near-panic attack.”

“Then, do what Beth did. Have Dad take you to dinner. Have conversation. That’s certainly something that you’ve done many times with Dad. It’s not scary. It’s usually fun, and is often interesting. I suggest somewhere other than the Thai place, just because Beth and Dad went there. I suggest either the Indian place or Granny Brown’s. They’re both places that you’ve been quite a few times before. They’re comfortable and safe.”

“That’s a good idea. I’ll ask him. In the meantime, can we do something that gets my mind off tonight?”

Heather looked at Liya.

“Liya girl, would you mind if we all went to the pitch?”

“No. Not at all. Let’s do that.”

Liya did not hesitate. If I didn’t already know it, that would have made Liya’s love for Gracey obvious.

We quickly got re-dressed, grabbed all four of our soccer balls, and told Dad we were going to the pitch. Fortunately, there was no one using it.

“I suggest one or both of two things,” Heather said when we got set up. “We can start teaching Gracey how to do the roulette and/or we can see if we can get her to find the rocket that she really ought to have. Yeah, she’s not as tall as Ann, but not that much shorter. Besides, even though I don’t have a rocket, and Beth doesn’t have a rocket, it’s really only a matter of mechanics. That and chasing after all of the horribly missed shots.”

When she gave out that sparkling gamine grin, we all laughed.

We did both. Since Heather was the mechanics maven, she was in charge; we worked on the roulette, first. I was becoming more and more comfortable with that move, at least counterclockwise, so I started the effort to learn it going the other way. Rhee had counterclockwise down very well and looked to be getting close with clockwise.

“Hell,” I thought to myself, “I’m going to be playing high-school soccer. I need to get this down, fluidly, in both directions.”

While Gracey did not have it down after 30 minutes, not that we expected her to do so, she did understand what it was supposed to be, and she had kept at it doggedly in those 30 minutes, making some obvious progress.

“If you’re like most of Civia’s students, Gracey, you can practice the Zidane roulette only so long. Would you like to switch to rockets?”

“Yes, please, Coach.”

Heather was taken aback at that honorific. However, a smile spread slowly across her face.

“You know, I like that, Gracey. Thanks.”

“Why were you surprised? You did wonders for everyone’s outside-foot shooting and passing. Some of the younger girls are a bit in awe of you. You explain well and you don’t get easily upset when folks don’t get it. Those are good features in a coach.”

“Gracey’s right, Heather. In fact, I’ll go so far as to predict that Coach, Coach Virtanen, will have you teaching some of those juniors and seniors on the high-school team. I’ll bet that some of them can’t do that as well as you do, and you know that Coach will see that as an opportunity to get some respect from those girls for you freshman.”

I joined Heather in staring with a bit of awe at Liya. She doesn’t play soccer, nor has she ever evinced any interest in doing so. But she has obviously paid attention at the practices at which she had been present.

Gracey beat us all to it.

“Girl, you fuckin’ rock!”

She followed that up with a Rhee-like hug of Liya, one to which we piled on. After we all released Liya, Heather explained her thoughts on rockets.

“I’ve watched a lot of videos trying to figure out the basics of hitting a rocket. There’s something to be said for being taller and stronger. Messi at 5’7” doesn’t seem to have a rocket. Ibrahimovic at 6’5” definitely has a rocket. I don’t expect any of us to have the latter’s rocket, but I’m sure that all of us can improve our technique in order to hit the ball harder. Our rockets may well be ‘relative rockets’ rather than what some of the world’s best men can hit. Rhee has the hardest shot among us, and, with her height and strength, I expect her to come closer to a true rocket than the rest of us.

“Those men with rockets can hit them as bends ... in both directions.”

“Fu-uckkkk,” Rhee responded. “I can see inside bends, but that’s gonna be hard figuring out outside bends. While I’ve gotten better at outside bends since you taught us all, I still can’t hit them as hard as inside bends. I guess I’ve got a lot of work to do.”

“Yeah. I suggest that we all work on line drives or inside-bends. Some of those men can hit rocket knucklers, which seems almost ... oxymoronic. I think that, because hitting a knuckler requires stopping your follow-through, while one of the aspects of hitting a rocket seems to be a whole-body follow-through. That’s why I suggest working on it with line drives or inside-bends.”

After 30 minutes trying to learn how to hit a rocket, Rhee had managed to hit a couple of real doozies.

“Yes! Yes,” Heather exclaimed at the first one. “Try to remember exactly what you did, then repeat it. That whole-body follow-through is certainly important. Remember, you absolutely must keep your head down and not lean back when going for a rocket. If you don’t, you’ll just launch it into the stands ... or, in this case, into the park across the street. While a rocket into the stands does nothing for us, even a rocket right at the goalie may well give us a rebound. Keep your head down!”

Liya, who had volunteered to shag all the misses [thank goodness that the net was still on the frame!] came back with the ball that Rhee had rocketed just outside the left post. Ten minutes later, Gracey managed to nail one, even putting it into the net. Granted, it was right down the middle where the goalie would probably be, but neither Heather nor I had managed a rocket and neither of Rhee’s two had gone in the goal.

Then Rhee began nailing them almost consistently. That caused Gracey to bear down; she insisted on working at it for another half-hour. Near the end, although she didn’t hit them consistently, Gracey began hitting them frequently, while Rhee began working on placement of the rockets that she was hitting consistently. I even hit one. [Man! That felt good!] Heather just didn’t seem to have the strength.

“Okay, okay, that’s enough of rockets for now. Take a breather and let’s spend another 15 minutes or so on roulettes. Gracey, please remember what you were doing when you were nailing them just now. Rhee, you do know, don’t you, that you have just greatly increased how dangerous you are. You were already dangerous enough. Now, you can wail on the ball from outside the box, which should open even more opportunities for you. You make a few of those in the first few games, then you can fake from five yards outside the box, and there will probably be open space for you to dribble deep into the box.”

“I agree with Heather about Rhee,” Liya said. “This is ... exciting. Umm, do you think that Coach would allow me to help out on the high-school team?”

The four of us stared at Liya.

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Hi dosto mera naam Rajat Roy hai. Mai Sangrur ka rehne wala hu. Mai is site ka purana reader hu. Pehle mujhe yaha ki kahaniyo par yakin nahi tha par jab maine khud experience kia tab jaake yakin hua. Mai yaha aap logo se wo share karne ja raha hu. Mere lund ki lambai 6 inch hai aur sharir slim aur rang sanwala hai. Maine jise choda wo dur ke rishte me meri bhabhi lagti thi. Jiska naam Sunita tha. Sunita bhabhi ka sharir mast tha. Bade bade boobs dunia ka 8 va ajuba the aur gaand to bas dhamaal...

3 years ago
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Silver Pt 01

**************** If you are younger than 18 or you are not of legal age in your jurisdiction, please exit this story immediately. This story contains graphic situations that are sexual in nature performed by consenting adults. This is my very first story. I now have a greater admiration for the writers here on Literotica because as I found out the hard way, it isn’t as easy as you would think! This story is fiction, but, it does contain versions of sexual experiences that I have shared with...

2 years ago
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King Matthew the Sadistic

When I first met Lady Helen of Haymond, she was a girl of fourteen and new to my father's court. I was twenty five years old then and not yet King, but had been enjoying the power my title as Prince gave me over the bodies of the servant girls in my father's castle since puberty. Carrying on in my father's example, I considered the servants my property and freely used them as such. The other family trait, uncontrolled rage, was just an added perk. Helen was the fair skinned daughter of...

3 years ago
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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 15C

During the week, Ronnie set me up with two posing assignments. They went well, although I found myself very restless while trying to hold a single pose for more than fifteen minutes. I posed twice for the same artist, a middle-aged woman in Greenwich Village whose apartment walls were literally flooded with drawings, paintings, and photographs by herself and others. She seemed quite pleased with me, and she gave me some pointers on how to promote myself and register with various services. I...

4 years ago
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Android OmnibusChapter 7 Disassembly

We find Michael in another predicament. Human males enjoy the luxury that their bodies are designed for reproduction. Day and night, the human male's body is constantly creating sperm, and prostatic fluid to help propel the sperm to an awaiting egg. It's the most basic of human instincts, the will to reproduce. Androids, on the other hand, don't have such luxuries. Mechanical in nature, their bodies are designed not for reproduction, but for other tasks. Not having a prostate, or...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Honey Demon Rebecca Volpetti Kinky Cram Session

Rebecca Volpetti and Honey Demon get down and dirty on Yannick Shaft’s big D in this Hands On Hardcore 4K premium porn eXXXclusive. Be a part of the hardcore FFM action and watch the Romanian bi-sexual babes share his big shaft and take turns shoving it everywhere they can cram it. It’s an Olympic style sex event between the threesome with these curvy bombshells riding cock like true athletes. Get ready to want to watch this one at least three times to catch all of the kinky pussy...

4 years ago
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My Fun With Mom Ch 1 5

My fun with momChapter 1As Mom and I walked back to the car after dropping dad off at the airport, she put her arm around me and pulled me close. She had been doing this whenever we were together and alone. She giggled as I placed my arm around her shoulders pulling her toward me. I was a little taller than Mom so I kissed the top of her head as we walked. Why I did, I couldn't tell you, except I loved my Mom and at that moment felt a little sorry for her because Dad would be gone for the next...

3 years ago
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Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 05

Thousands of years ago, a disaster had occurred disabling their ship so that it was no longer able to move between stars. The heavy elements necessary to restore their star drive were not available in this solar system. Trapped with the local life forms, their continued existence depended entirely on the whims of an unstable dwarf star and whatever preparations they could make for its inevitable demise. “We are going to visit our new home,” Sibilius announced happily to Béla as he entered...

2 years ago
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Cute seductions

A few months ago I was involved in this big project at work. This was the make or break opportunity I had been searching for since I started 2 years ago. With almost no sleep and definitely no life I worked nearly 13 hours everyday, I presented our project to the board. The project yielded a savings of 800k and got me the promotion I was hoping for. Unfortunately this promotion sent me on the the other coast away from all my friends and family. One great perk however was the compensation I...

1 year ago
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SweetyX Isabelle Stern Painting Anal Lesson

Every Monday Isabelle goes back home after school as fast as she can to get in time for her private lesson. She has a real passion for painting but her father was always telling her: “I’m sorry, you have no talent at all!” And that’s true: Isabelle has never had any talent. What she has is a huge desire for her painting teacher. She has always been too shy to tell him anything but each lesson just before the start this naughty young girl sticks her anal plug inside her tight asshole and dreams...

1 year ago
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BellesaFilms Alina Lopez Messy Roommates

Alina, a bit of a hot mess, could tell that her new roommate Mike was a bit of a neat freak. She was super respectful at first, but once they became more comfortable with each other, she’d often forget to put her dirty dishes away, or pick her clothes up off the floor. He’d been patient with her, but after finding his own clothes crumpled all over the floor, Mike snaps. He storms into her room, only to find Alina lying down, pressing her Aurora vibrator between her legs. About to lace into him...

3 years ago
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Penis Types

Penis Types1. Expensive Penis:Not many penis fall into this definition. Expensive penis can be recognized by the following - suit and tie, nice vehicle, expensive watches, and well groomed.Advantages: when you close your purse and make him pay for your dates he’ll disappear.Disadvantages: his mother will fall to her knees and beg you to take him away.2.Cheap Penis: Is not rare at all, they live with their parents and take the bus. Because they don’t have a job to buy a car.Advantage: once his...

1 year ago
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HornyHostel Amirah Adara Spoiled Teen in Berlin

Fit babe Amirah Adara is a rich girl with an overprotective daddy. Nobody can tell her what she can or can’t do on her Berlin trip! Antonio Ross gets caught by Amirah wanking off. This babe is so turned on, she starts giving a sloppy blowjob under the reception desk. Guests come in as they keep fucking, but no one can tell that there’s some kinky action going on. Pussy pounding and some tasty cum in her mouth is exactly the kind of adventure Amirah wanted to have in Berlin. She...

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- Both characters were 19 -They now have their own house as Jeremy is an engineer and Laura is an intern at a hospital. -They live in upstate New York. "What's your name again?" My name is Jeremy. I am 26 years old and live happily with my wife Laura. This is the story of how we took each others virginity. Let's start at the beginning. We met in kindergarten. I remember seeing her first come in and feeling the urge to pick on her so badly. Back then I didn't know any...

4 years ago
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Alice The Dirty Whore Part 4

Alice The Dirty WhoreBy Mad Jack69Synopsis: This is a fictional story of a sex addicted whore and her depraved sexual cravings. It covers most perversions. In this the fourth chapter Alice rediscovers big cock worship and is introduced to the strap-on. She also becomes the target of an underground extreme sex club. (MF, M+F, FF, Anal, prost, whore, cream-pie, ws, strap-on Fdom) Chapter 4 “Alice gets big dick fucked, again”Josh woke up on Monday morning and stretched his lean taught body....

1 year ago
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IntrospectionChapter 17

One of the things that make their last day on the ranch great is having two beautiful, naked women lying in the center of the bed, waiting for Casey to join them. As he crawls in between them, they push him onto his back, practically pouncing on his cock. Casey soon becomes the center of attention of a two women blowjob. Jessica licks one side on it while Susie is doing the same to the other side—all the while trading off sucking his length into their mouths. When one of them takes him into...

4 years ago
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My Hobby finding Guys For My BF to Fuck

Recently a fraternity brother of mine and I decided to check out a bar across town. We had already had a few beers when I spotted this really attractive woman who had settled onto a bar stool just a few seats down from us. She appeared to be in her early thirties and was really hot. Blonde wavy hair that fell just to her shoulders, nice chest, and a short skirt which really showed off her tanned and toned legs.Tim and I both took notice of what a total package she was. I didn't think either of...

2 years ago
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Starlight Shimmer

Year 2023 Stood, bent over and slightly rattled, Abigale painfully held onto her breast as spittle dripped from her mouth, she tiredly looked up through the mess of her blonde hair towards the ravishing beast known as Solstice. Her silver and white skin tight costume ripped and battered around her body as a bead of sweat slowly dripped down around her jaw. Straightening up with a wince and deep breath, the heroine Starlight Shimmer; Abigale Greendale, focused her eyes solely on the...

4 years ago
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Pussies GaloreChapter 6

He lay on top of me moving slowly while kissing and sucking my nipples. His cock was still inside my cunt but I couldn't feel it. Few minutes later I felt his cock becoming big. Soon it was hard as rock and he started to pump my cunt with slow and regular strokes. His cock went in and out, back and forth fucking me. "Oh Susan, your cunt is very tight," he moaned. I felt the walls of my choot stretch before his big cock as it slid in and out of my cunt. He continued to vary the speed and...

2 years ago
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WrongChapter 5 Revelations Hope

An hour or so later I finally found my voice and told Patrick he should go. “I just need some time to myself, I think.” His eyes stared down at me. “Nina, I don’t want to leave you right now.” My hand went to my cheek, expecting it to be wet with tears, but it came away dry. I was confused. Shouldn’t I have been weeping? My cell phone rang from my bedroom. Cursing, Patrick went to get it. He came back out slowly and handed it to me. “It’s my mom, isn’t it?” I asked, mildly surprised at...

1 year ago
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Something Different

While showering at my boyfriend's house recently in preparation for going to bed, I was surprised to pull back the shower curtain and see him standing there holding a red rubber bag with a long hose attached. "I don't think I've ever given you an enema, have I?" he asked. I wasn't too keen on the idea, but it seemed harmless enough, so I let him position me with my feet apart, bent over with my forearms on the bathtub. He used his finger to lubricate me, taking his time and making sure that I...

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Hot Blowjob Sex At The Internet Cafe

Hey fellow readers, I am Immanuel Kari Kalan, 22, and this is a story about how I have been given a surprise blowjob and masturbated by a stranger who later became my slave. The main protagonist of the story is my Radha. Of course, her name has been changed to make her not feel cringe because she is also an ISS reader. Now 31 years, she is an average Indian housewife, but really good dressing sense and figure. I don’t know her exact stats, but she is one hell of a woman, her structure is...

3 years ago
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Sun Sea Sex And

My watch beeped softly under my sleeping bag and I jerked awake and then groaned. My head was thumping, my mouth was dry and tasted disgusting. I felt thirsty and slightly nauseous. It was just another morning on holiday on the Greek island of Paros, and I was hung-over, alone and miserable in my sleeping bag. As always, my friend Andy had managed to get a girl the night before and had not come back to the tent we were sharing. As always, I had returned to the camping site alone, horny, and...

4 years ago
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Money Can buy Happiness Ch 19 21

Mi Cha came to the house at 11:00 on Wednesday morning. I had everything on hand that she had requested. Once again, she was wearing a similar dress to what she’d worn last visit. I guess it’s kind of a traditional dress. I took a chance and said, “Mi Cha, I have another offer for you. I am willing to pay you $200 a visit, if you do Maria’s nails while naked.” I could see alarm on her face immediately. “Wait, let me tell you. I promise, no one will touch you. I just enjoy seeing...

2 years ago
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Cathys Blackmail

Cathy is alone in her house on a Tuesday night. She is feeling rather horny and does not know what to do since Arthur, her boyfriend, is out to dine with his family. They have been together for a year now, and love each other very much, but she had been feeling sexually unsatisfied. Now that she has had a lot of experience, she is no longer conformed by mediocre sex every other week. She wants Arthur to improve his game and to try and please her more than he does, to be more focused on her...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Mabel May 09192019

OH BOY, AMBER ALERT!!! If you like your girls YOUNG looking, today’s exploitee is super young looking Mabel May. She may look young but she is 18. Yea we looked extra hard and careful at her ID to make sure. But don’t let this young and innocent look fool you. Mabel (She got her name from a fucking cartoon) May revealed to Jake that she has had 3somes, sex with girls, and has had a sugar daddy all by the “Tinder” age of 18!!! Yes our little sex kitten doesn’t get...

2 years ago
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Awesome aunt

Me arun again with my experience wit my i got job in hyd `m staying in my own house at rangareddy dist.near to my house my uncle & aunty are staying wit here daughter who is 7th std student . I always used to visit there to clear the doubts of my cousin sister, by the month of june my uncle got admitted in the hospital due to kidney failure and now he`s undergoing dialysis in amedical college,he recovered from the critical stage and undergoing dialysis twice a there is no one...

3 years ago
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Helpless CaptiveChapter 2

Two hours and fifteen minutes of watching budding bosoms poking out from tight tee-shirts only to be leered at by tall, lean boys with broad hairless chests and taut thighs, racing on motorcycles, drinking beer, and pawing at each other's bodies like it was merchandise on a sale table, and Kathy was ready to go home. Listening to the couples in back of her, their lips smacking and tongues sucking as they sparred and sparked in the darkness of the movie theater, the auburn-haired wife nudged...

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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 30

Jan was somewhat disappointed when she saw Bryant making up his couch. She wasn't certain how far she wanted the night to go but she disliked the fact that the decision had already been made. She sat down in the chair opposite the coach and tucked her legs beneath her. Her silk robe fell open and her off-white panties were visible until she closed the robe. She chatted with Bryant, extending her legs and adjusting her posture to try to keep Bryant interested. He seemed resolved to sleeping...

1 year ago
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Quid pro Quo Part Two

Rosamund lived in a detached house on a promontory overlooking the sea. That night she made me a simple supper and invited me to stay. If I thought my luck was in I was mistaken. She talked about herself, listened to romantic music on Radio Luxemberg, then she made a couple of telephone calles from the hallway. I slept in the spare bedroom. I had the impression that this was all about something else rather than the seductive episode I had imagined.The following morning Rosamund and I strolled...

3 years ago
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Job Interview To Crazy Fuck Session

It was my first time in Delhi. I traveled for a job interview. I was waiting in the lobby. There she walked in, 5’3” I guess. Draped in knee length black skirt, white blouse over her 34ish breast sticking to her bra. Leaving a slim layer of fair fully waxed waist visible. We both had the same folder in our hand. I asked her, “You here for the Sr Digital Marketing profile as well?” A jealous and angry affirmation flew from those eyes. Deep dark eyes, orgasmic. I introduced my self “Nividh from...

2 years ago
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Freaky Friday

Freaky FridayA few months ago, i got in contact with an old classmate from highschool. Back in the days, he was very insecure about him being gay and was a bit of a loner. Years later, i saw him in a bar where i used to come a lot after work and we sat down and talked and laughed and brought up momories for the whole evening and night. He was surprised that i was so cool and understanding about him being gay and the more we talked, the more relaxed he got. He even saved me from a girl that was...

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They tied me up and made me watch

I have always wanted to share my wife with other man but this is just a and when we talk about we are not serious just something to kind of get us going as it where. We would always talk about a gangbang with a couple of guys fucking my wife Mary while I would record it, kind of the director telling the lads where to fuck her. I never thought it would ever happen and not the way I’m going to tell you about now. This story starts with me and my wife making love in our bed probably fantasying...

Group Sex
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Rachels Shaved Pussy Pt 2

And on top of everything else, the feeling in the suddenly naked flesh between my legs seemed to be heightened a thousandfold. The touch of my panties on it was enough to set me going, and I wondered if I would ever be dry again. Not that this bothered me unduly; I wanted to be moist and ready for sex whenever, because from now on, I would be having it a lot more. Besides, I didn’t feel like juicing up was dirty any more. With my smooth pussy, it would always be slick and spicy, and a quick...

4 years ago
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Sean didn't like it when his sister Karen broke-up with a guy. Karen wasn't known for picking great guys to begin with and she was the type who always had to be attached to someone. When she wasn't she was known for making bad decisions and being, well, flighty. So when she called Sean on a cloudy Saturday and told him that she was going on a mountain bike ride in a local National Forest by herself, he tried to talk her out of it. Karen and Sean were the last two members of their family to...

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My first time with another guytrue story

I am a 46 year old married guy...I have a beer belly but otherwise not bad looking 6'2" 250 tatoos and an average 6 inch cut cock. I have always been turned on by both men and women but never had sex with a guy although i did have dreams about it. One day I left the wife and kids home to go fishing. I got to the lake and in my favorite spot was a tall (6'6" about 150 pounds) skinny young guy. Since there was enough room for 2 I asked if he minded if I took the spot next to him. He said...

4 years ago
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Naked Day part 11 California Dreaming

"Suggest they have a Naked Day." "I don't think they'll need any encouragement", she laughed. "Just tell them to put the sheets in the laundry after they sticky them up." "You're such a good influence on the young 'uns." "Like you've been the model of big sister behavior." We both laughed then continued packing for our trip. Pretty easy since we were going to relax in a warm weather location. "Nervous at all? You don't know my older sister that well." "I'll be ok....

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