CousinChapter 8 free porn video

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They ate with Lisa sitting on Dan's lap and with a lot of feeling and necking mixed in with the food. Afterwards Lisa said, "I do feel a lot better this morning, but I think I should still call Diana and see if she can get free this week instead. I'm sure that will just make it that much hotter when I come back."

"OK," Dan reluctantly replied. "I guess I can spend the week dreaming up new torments for you when you're back here."

Lisa grinned. "I think I like that idea. But I think I also want to see how you like being on the receiving end of the cat some time. How does that sound?"

Dan looked seriously at her before replying. "I guess I might like to give it a try. I loved what you did last night and yesterday I'd never have guessed that. I love whipping you and the way you react. If you want to try some of these things we've been doing, I'll go along. Maybe it will turn me on as much as it does you."

Lisa then went to the phone to call her friend. Dan cleaned up the remains of breakfast. As he was finishing putting the last stuff away, Lisa came back into the room. Dan had sometimes shed his own clothes when he was just lounging around, watching video tapes or reading, so it wasn't too big a transition to being naked with Lisa. However, getting used to seeing a beautiful, nude woman casually moving around the house was another matter. If he had thought about it he might have expected his excitement to be dulled after a time of constantly seeing her undressed. But just the opposite seemed to be true. Every time he looked at her lovely body he became instantly aroused.

Now he stared at her as she came into the room. "Well, I got hold of her," Lisa said. She's tied up tonight - or maybe I should say busy, we seem to be the ones tied up. But, anyway, as it is, she's finishing her summer job today. So it's fine with her if I come by tomorrow and we move our trip up a little. So I'll leave in the morning and be back here next Monday about noon. How's that sound?"

"OK, I guess," Dan said. "Of course I'd rather spend the time ravishing you, but I can manage to wait a week. Maybe it'll give me a chance to think up some new fun. What about today? Have you got something in mind?"

"Well... ," Lisa replied. "I would like a chance to continue last night a little more. Do you feel like being tied and maybe worked over a little?"

Dan grinned at her. "I expect I could be persuaded. Just remember I haven't tried this side before, so I don't know exactly what to expect."

Lisa said, "I don't have much experience, either, but I like the idea of having you helpless. So if you're willing to give a try..."

"Very well," Dan replied. "You can be the beautiful female pirate captain and I'll be your helpless captive." With this he knelt, lowered his head, and crossed his wrists behind him.

Lisa laughed. "OK, captive, I'll be right back. Wait here."

Dan stayed where he was. He had been surprised how much he had liked being tied last night while Lisa teased and stimulated him, and he remembered how turned on Lisa had gotten even when he had really whipped or otherwise tormented her. He was kind of apprehensive, but thought maybe he would find it just as much fun. Anyway, it was at least fair to let her try.

In a couple of minutes Lisa returned with a small gym bag in one hand and the wrist cuffs in the other. She set the bag down and put the cuffs on Dan's wrists. Then she fastened them together behind his back and picked up the bag. "OK. Let's go over to the big oak out back. Come on, Stud."

She went out the back door with Dan following as best he could. She went over to an ancient white oak at the far edge of the yard, at the top of the slope leading down to the pond. A large limb stuck out about nine feet above the ground and Lisa tossed the end of a long piece of rope over this. She then unfastened Dan's wrists and refastened them in front of him. She attached the end of the rope to the cuffs and then pulled the other end until Dan's hands were raised far above his head and he was stretched almost off his feet. After tying off the other end of the rope, she began to circle him, using her hands to tweak his nipples, feel up his cock and balls, and once to severely goose him.

Lisa stopped for a second and said, "Remember the safewords OK?" Dan nodded and Lisa then went over to the bag which she had placed behind him. She retrieved something from the bag and as she approached she said, "Now we'll see about punishing you for trying to escape. My captives leave only when I say so."

As she was saying this she walked around in front of Dan and held up an eighteen inch hardwood paddle. She then went behind him again and stopped. Dan tensed for the expected blow, but nothing came. Finally he relaxed his muscles a little and Lisa struck a loud, hard blow against his buttocks. The surprise made him cry out. His cry had hardly died when Lisa laid another swat on his bottom. Dan was realizing that this was entirely different than he expected. He had expected the spanking to hurt and it did. But he had envisioned being able to control himself as he had during a paddling he'd once received as part of a high school club initiation. But with his hands bound high above his head he was now completely helpless. The idea that he no longer had anything to say about what was happening made it seem harder to take, even though this didn't seem to make any sense. But he didn't have too long to think about these conclusions. Lisa continued to apply the paddle to his ass. Soon he was crying out from the pain instead of the surprise and he could feel the heat building and could imagine the red color spreading over his skin. But he was also experiencing real sexual stimulation. This was turning him on!

Lisa was experiencing her own surprise. The feeling of power accompanying the swing of the paddle was a real turn on. She not only felt the excitement of being able to inflict the punishment on the helpless man, but also was able to vicariously experience Dan's response, as she had so recently experienced it herself. She found herself growing wet even as she saw Dan's cock rising.

After about a dozen swats, Lisa put down the paddle and moved around in front of Dan again. She let her fingers trail over his chest and down around his genitals and along the insides of his thighs. She leaned forward, brushing her bare breasts against him, and sucked each of his nipples. Then she began to bite lightly at them. Dan's nipples hardened in response and suddenly Lisa applied one of the nipple clamps she had felt so many times in the last few days. Dan let out a startled cry, but Lisa ignored it and added a second clamp to his other nipple. This time Dan sucked in his breath but didn't cry out. Lisa then knelt and took his hard cock into her mouth. A moan escaped Dan's mouth as she used her tongue around the head and into the opening in its end.

After thirty seconds or so, Lisa pulled away and stood up. "Not quite yet," she said. "You still have more punishment coming." She then reached into the gym bag and brought out the cat of nine tails she had placed there. She let the tails drag across Dan's back and chest. Several times she lightly slapped them against his ass and belly. Then she bent down once more and came up with a couple of lead weights which she attached to the nipple clamps. Now she stepped behind him and began to apply the cat. Almost gently at first and getting harder as Dan became used to the stimulation and showed signs of wanting it. He began to arch his back so his ass stuck out to meet the falling leather.

Gradually Lisa increased the severity of the strokes until she was striking quite hard. Dan's cock was now sticking out farther than she had ever seen it and his breathing had become very rapid. Lisa decided it was time to see if he really liked the treatment. She stepped back a little and raised her arm. She brought the cat down diagonally across his left buttock, wrapping the end of the tails around his hip. The blow was much harder than any of the earlier ones and Dan let out a loud cry in response. She followed this with another ten equally hard blows, bringing cries or screams from Dan with each lash. But, like her, he didn't use either code word.

Finally Lisa threw down the whip and came around in front of Dan. Suddenly she threw her arms around his neck and pulled herself up, wrapping her legs around his waist. By hanging on with one arm she was able to use her other one to get his cock inside of her. She then returned the arm to his neck and clamped her ankles across each other behind his back. This position put a lot more strain on Dan as now he had the weight of both of them mostly hanging from his wrists. Also Lisa's body was pressing the hard clamps against his chest. Somewhere he was also aware that they must be pressing equally against Lisa's sensitive breasts, but his own senses were so filled he couldn't spare much thought for that. In this position, with the stimulation of the whipping, both of the young people were soon exploding in orgasm.

Lisa finally dropped her legs back onto the ground, relieving the strain on Dan's arms. She gave him a long, deep kiss and then stepped back. "Well, how did you like that side of things?" she asked.

Dan, still short of breath, said, "Incredible! I see what you mean about the stimulation. I can see liking both sides of this BDSM thing. How did you feel swinging the whip for a change?"

"I loved the sense of power, but more, I loved seeing you react. I think that's what makes it so exciting. Not really inflicting pain - there must be something wrong if you really get off on hurting someone - but watching you react to the whip - and imagining feeling it myself - well, that's a real turn on."

She had been busy removing the clamps and letting his arms down. Now she took the rope loose from his cuffs. "Dan, I love playing these games. Both sides or either side. But I think I understand why a lot of people think them perverted. Why, I even worried about there being something wrong with us for liking them. Like I said the idea of really hurting someone is sick. There has to be something wrong with someone who really likes to inflict pain for pain's sake. But what we're doing is actually helping the other one with something he enjoys. If one of us really hurt the other we'd feel really bad about it. But I know I can plant those red lines across your ass - or you across mine - and that you find it exciting, stimulating. Someone into running or biking or some other athletics will push himself until he's full of aches and can hardly walk and still feel good about what he's done. They look at the pain as a necessary side effect. You know, 'No pain, no gain.' But when we hurt each other we know that the 'gain' is a great sexual turn on. And the 'pain' is just a form of hard stimulation that leads to it. Also, unlike a lot of athletics our 'pain' doesn't do any permanent damage. Does any of this make any sense to you?"

Dan had been looking at her as she'd been talking. At first he was just watching her animated enthusiasm, but as she went on the look on his face became more and more serious. "Yes, I think I do understand. And I think you have summed it up pretty well. It's not inflicting pain that excites me. It's watching it excite you. And part of what turns me on when you're spanking or whipping me is knowing that it's you doing it. And knowing that it will make sex so much hotter for us both."

Lisa came over to him again and put her arms around his neck. Dan pulled her close and began a long, long kiss which eventually left them both breathless. When they broke apart she said, "I'm not going to wait another seven years for this, Dan. I'll be back next week to play games again, but I also intend to track you down some more this year, not wait until when we might get together again next summer."

"Don't worry. I'm not going to wait either. Remember I said you are more exciting than any fantasy I've ever dreamed up. I didn't really think of you as sexy when we were here years ago. I could never make that mistake again. You are the hottest, sexiest, most beautiful woman I've ever encountered. I'm not letting you get away that easily."

After another minute or so, Lisa broke the spell and called, "Come on, let's have a swim before lunch." She ran towards the pond, leaving Dan to remove his leather wrist cuffs before joining her.

After lunch the couple watched another of Dan's videos. When the tape ended Lisa said, "I still want you for my captive. In fact I think I'd like to try out a few things in the dungeon on you. Are you interested?"

Dan immediately crossed his wrists. "I am your to use and abuse, my captain."

The two made their way downstairs and into the secret dungeon once more. As they entered, Lisa's attitude changed. It wasn't anything obvious, but she was suddenly and definitely in charge. She placed wrist and ankle cuffs on Dan and clipped his hands behind his back. For a minute or two she stood looking around at all the devices in the room. Finally she decided on one of the padded sawhorses. She led Dan over to one end and had him spread his legs. She then fastened his ankles to each side of the A-frame end, spreading them about two feet apart. She released his bound hands and leaned him over along the length of the horse. His hands were then pulled down on either side and Lisa stretched him, fastening a wrist to either side of the A-frame at the other end.

Then she began to use her fingers to excite and tease. She let her finger tips lightly trace all over his body, across his chest, up and down his thighs, around his balls, and up the crack of his ass. Dan's breathing had become rapid and he was obviously reacting to her treatment. She pinched his nipples until they became hard and then placed a nipple clamp on each. After twisting and pulling each clamp a while, she added eight ounce lead weights. Stepping back she began to use a short tailed cat on his ass. Soon she was letting the blows roam, landing some on his back, some underhanded to his chest and stomach, around both the inside and outside of his thighs and occasionally allowing the tails to snap gently against his cock or balls. Dan squirmed and strained against his bonds, but his hardening member showed his mounting excitement.

Lisa selected a cat with somewhat longer and heavier tails and began to use this on Dan's ass. Her blows brought cries from his lips and left a network of red lines across his body. Sometimes she would stop the beating for a little while and tease his cock or tug on his nipple clamps. Twice she removed the clamps and reattached them at a different angle, bringing renewed pain. Then she resumed the whipping. After a particularly severe series of lashes, she stopped the whipping and picked up something. Dan couldn't tell what until he felt the cool lubricant on the end of her finger being applied to his open anus. Lisa played around the entrance and then began to move her finger in and out while twisting it back and forth. Dan had never really experienced anal stimulation like this but he found it unbelievably exciting. Then Lisa slowly removed her finger from where she had it deeply embedded in his rectum. Dan couldn't tell what she was doing and almost expected to feel a blow from the cat at any second. Then he once again felt cool lubricant at his rear entrance. But this time instead of her finger, the lube was on the end of a piece of plastic. The tip of the plastic slowly penetrated Dan and he almost became lost in this new and intense sensation. There was some pain but not too much as the slim object was slowly inserted and then partially removed to be reinserted a little deeper each time. Suddenly as the object penetrated deeper than it had anytime before, Dan felt Lisa's hands on his hips and her bare legs against his own. Now he realized what was happening. Lisa was using a strap-on on him! He had told her he would think about it, but she evidently decided not to wait, but to go ahead and try. He had to admit the sensation was extraordinary! He loved the way it felt when he fucked Lisa's ass and now he found he also loved it when she fucked his.

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The idea that Cassie had been masturbating to Candace and me fucking had my blood on fire. Cassie’s constant flirting glances didn’t help either. The summer was beginning to wind to a close and with everything that had happened, I’d neglected my workouts. I hoped that some motivation from Lindsay would help clear my mind a bit so I called her the next day to come over. Sometimes I was really stupid. “Come on pretty boy, get to it! You’ve gone soft this summer!” Lindsay teased. “Bend over...

2 years ago
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Jennifers story

Synopsis: a mature, happily married woman makes a mistake, which opens up a new world for her.Note from the author:  I hope you like this story.  I’d love to hear from you if you [email protected]’s story.If only I hadn’t gone to that damned silly Christmas party, none of this would have happened.  I hadn’t wanted to go, of course.  Not my thing at all.  Lots of people you work with all year, all suddenly let loose on the world together, with lots of alcohol thrown in for...

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Stacked Deck Ch 01

Prologue You know at the end of any really good action thriller or really bad horror movie, the hero is sitting there amidst the smoldering rubble of a building he had to blow the hell out of just to give the baddies a proper send off? Then some gorgeous woman starts shoving her way through the crowd of onlookers so that she can embrace her poor knight in shining armor, while he lets loose a great sigh of relief? The part they never tell you, is that you get penalized for the destruction of...

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A Sissy Fairy Tale

A Sissy Fairy tale By Missy Crystal Chapter 1. Josh to Josie. I got pregnant when I was sixteen. I'm not sure about the father. My parents talked me into keeping him to be the son they always wanted. My father died when Joshua was three. My mother and I struggled on. My mother died last year. By then he was the son nobody wanted. He was small for his age, so I kept him back a year. It didn't matter. He stayed small and never developed much body hair. The doctor...

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SaralindaChapter 21 Gary

I really was excited to be spending a week on Maui. I love Furthurmore, but cruising is slow and somewhat tedious. There's a lot of nothing in particular about the middle of the ocean, and as much as I love it, I can see why a lot of rich guys like Paul Allen have their friends take their yachts somewhere, then fly down and join them. Maui isn't that big. It's something like 50 miles long and 25 miles wide at its widest. But you can still put 300-400 miles on your rental car in a week...

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Fucking SexStarved Married ExGirlfriend

Hello Readers, Here I come with another great sexperience of mine. First I’ll start with introductions for those who don’t already know me. I’m Karan living in Pune and working at an FMCG Co. I live with a couple of friends and my younger bro Arjun who has recently come to live with me. My friends’ names are Kamal and Sunny. The series of incidents in this story took place over a period of 6 years. The real action took place when I completed my PG and went home. After I completed my 11th...

1 year ago
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The Wedding Date 6

The Wedding Date By Jena Corso Edited by no one Chapter Six **** Looking for a new editor so anyone interested please email me at [email protected] and thanks **** Over to his mother's car scampered Lee as she was sitting in it sending texts until he interrupted her getting in. "Ok then," said Lee taking a breath after getting in. "Sorry I kept you waiting long mom?" "It's fine honey," said his mother putting down her phone buckling in. "I told you I had a few calls to...

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Mothers Future Helper

--- Mother's Future Helper (F-solo, f-solo, ff, MF, 1st, bi, cons, reluc, oral, impreg?, ScFi, voy) by Krosis of the Collective --- -------------- Two weeks ago: -------------- "But Dave, you know what week that is!" "I know, Linda, but it's my job, and we need the money." "Money isn't everything." ----------------------------- Jump forward - four days ago: ----------------------------- Hi! My name is Jessica (Jesse7327 to my friends). I'm 15 years...

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My Poor Little Wife Was Manhandled

My wife and I are in our late 30s. I’m black and have a stocky athletic build. I stand a little over 6’0′ tall. My wife Maria is Hispanic, very petite and stands 5’2′. She is fairly light skinned and has long jet black hair. We have been in an open relationship for almost a year now. We’d been married for over 10 years when we decided to live out our sexual fantasies. Our sex life was good, but lately had been getting a little monotonous, so why not live out our fantasies? Maria fantasy was...

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Taboo American Style Pt1 of 3

. A little later, my head started getting a little fuzzy, and I excused myself to go lie down on the couch. I flicked on the TV and quickly fell asleep. When I woke up the house was dark. I stubbed my toe and cursed, regretting letting myself falling asleep. I was supposed to go over to my girlfriend’s house after dinner for some fooling around. “That ship has sailed”. I thought, “might as well find somewhere more comfortable to sleep than this couch.” On my way to the basement (which I...

1 year ago
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My Daughters Sweet Milk Part 2

I woke abruptly at 6:30 AM with the images of a dream about the previous night still stuck in my head and the most serious case of morning wood I'd had in years stuck firmly between my wife's thighs from behind as I spooned her. I briefly considered my options but decided since I was already here... I began slowly rubbing my cock between Amanda's legs, letting the head brush against her clit until I began to feel moisture. I didn't know if it was coming from her or if I was just making...

3 years ago
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Tasha gets a Gang Bang

Thanks again to the beautiful Missy for providing us all with her wonderful sexual exploits ---- please feel free to comment Missy loves feedback and also ideas for new adventures ....I really am having a good time now with Tasha -- abusing her at will ...After the incident where I introduced her to the Glory Hole in the local pub ( remember the reason i did this was that my loving C ( husband ) had fucked Tasha in her Virgin asshole and then didn't try to deny he had fucked her at all ) --...

3 years ago
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OpportunitiesChapter 13

Breakfast was loud and rowdy. It was only Tuesday but felt like Friday, time to party. Reality sunk in, and everyone settled down to eat breakfast before going to classes. I needed to hustle through the day, including lunch, as I needed to be at the baseball field early to warm up in case I was called on to play. Shouldn’t have bothered. I did pinch hit in bottom of ninth. I got a decent single, but it didn’t help, as no one drove me in. We lost 7 to 2, bummer. Supper and library were...

2 years ago
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New Employee

She left the office that day and for Tasha, who just began working there two days earlier, she was quiet and of course unsure of herself. Now, seeing as she just turned 18 a few months earlier, this to her was her first big job. Prior to this she was one of the country’s top gymnasts. She’d grown up and traveled all over the country. Most people still thought she was underage at this point of her life. She is small and she is cute as a devil. She is as skinny as they came however as small as...

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Mares Tales 14

Mare's Tales - by: Beverly Taff Chapter 14. The following morning was a weekend and we took off in the space wagon to enjoy some of the beautiful countryside around our new home. We stopped to watch a hockey match between two girls? schools and I caught a wistful expression flashing across Jenny's face. "Missing it Jen?" I asked softly. "Oh Yes! Desperately Bev," she replied as a small tear glistened in her eye. "Never mind love. If we're successful, you?ll be able to...

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Impregnation on the Beach

Introduction: Old fashioned babymaking Cadee crossed and uncrossed her legs on the bar stool, looking nervously toward the front entrance. She was early, she knew, but she picked up her phone for the third time anyway to re-check that she had gotten the time and location correct. As excited as she was to get to know this new heartthrob, meeting a guy offline for the first time always gave her butterflies. She fidgeted, re-adjusting her dress again, this time looking up to see a pair of dark...

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The Daring Naughty Sleepover

Cindy and her friend Stacy were having a sleep-over. It was the first time they would be left alone in an empty house in their entire young lives. Two glorious nights of freedom! Cindy’s parents had to leave town for the weekend and had decided she was finally old enough to stay by herself. She begged to have her best friend stay with her, “So I won’t get scared,” she said. The truth was, she really just wanted to be alone with her friend. To talk openly about boys (without being overheard), to...

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LoveHerFeet Gia Dimarco The Devil Is Here To Take Your Soles

My fiancé’s son, Jake, lives with us in our house. He obviously finds me attractive and he doesn’t even bother hiding it; he’s checking me out all the time with special attention to my long legs and sexy feet. I think he’s a little freak and he doesn’t even bother hiding that he has a serious foot fetish. Well I admit that I have very beautiful and sexy feet that’s for sure. He’s always trying to get his hands on my pretty tattooed feet. I would be lying if I said it...

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A Very Difficult Daughter

DAY 1 Jeff couldn’t get the image of Sally’s face from his mind as he looked down from the high mountain ridge at the steep and winding ski trail. He was angry and depressed, he pointed his ski tips straight down and set off at a breakneck pace. He went dangerously fast into his turns, his skis throwing up plumes of powder snow and skidding across ice patches. The beauty of the mountain terrain calmed him down, the silence from apart from the ‘Shhhh’ of his skis, the clear blue skies and the...

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BOOKCRAFT by Geneva Elmer, a reclusive and unsuccesful aspiring author, is tricked by his sister Audrey into using a magic spell to become a woman called Marielle. She manages to turn her life around and find success. The time is the 1950's. Audrey Over the years it became more difficult to keep my resentment to myself, but I flatter myself that I have a lot of patience, thin as it might eventually wear. It was only after a year or so that I decided to do something about the...

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Desire Gone Awry

It was 9:17 in the morning on Saturday, July 17 and I was sitting at the kitchen table sipping on my third cup of coffee and waiting for my husband to come downstairs for breakfast and I was as mad as hell. The look in my eyes would have wilted flowers and I'm positive that my blood pressure was way above the threshold of what any competent physician would call normal. "Hi honey, what's for breakfast?" His cheerful tone only served to irritate me even more. I was so pissed off that I...

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The nurse, Kara according to her nametag, stared back at me. She was supposed to be watching me, for reasons not quite clear, but I could tell she was listening to the conversation in the next room. I was, too. "...horrible shock. It surprised all of us, she was such a sweet girl, and of course we had no idea she would do such a thing. Tracy took it especially hard -- she and Elizabeth were so close." Believe me, mom, you have no idea... I chewed on my lip and tried to look scared...

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Dad Catches Daughter

"Young lady! What kind of filthy movie are you watching?!" "Oh, shit ... DAD!" "Oh, my god, why are you naked? And what is that in your hand? Is that a dildo? Did I hear what I think I just heard? This movie is pornographic incest. Those two girls are having sex with their father. That is disgusting. You nasty girl. Is this what turns you on? Huh? Is it? Answer me, you little bitch! Is this what turns you on? Seeing two girls having sex with their father? Is this what you want to do as...

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Gym Slut Pt 1

To start the story I need to give a little background on myself. I’m a fit, 25 year old guy that is known by most people as a guy’s guy. In high school and college I played sports and was always one of the team captains. I was a medium height guy that had a toned appearance; 5’8, 155 lbs, shoulder length hair, and sprinter thighs. While in public I play the tough athlete role I’ve always been a little shy with the ladies and even when with them have been a little on the submissive side. ...

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The 2300 Gathering1

CHAPTER 1 : Flight to London >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "LAST CALL FOR FLIGHT 1624 NON-STOP TO LONDON HEATHROW AIRPORT!" "Shit!" I ran down the terminal in Atlanta to catch my flight to England. My last flight from Florida arrived late and I barely had any time to run to my next gate to catch my connecting flight to London. I heard the last call for my flight to London. I had to pick up the pace because the gate was on the complete other side of the terminal...just my luck. When I...

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Through the YearsChapter 3 The Trip to the Cabin

Wren spent a lot of time with us after that, she and Syndy becoming the best of friends. We all lived in a small mountain community of about three thousand people. The thing about a small community is you usually know everyone and you know who they are friends with and who they don’t like. Gossip is very live and doing well in this area. We went on our camping trip in late August. Actually it wasn’t camping; it was going up to my Uncle’s ranch in the high country where I had a cabin. Truth...

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A hard days work

I imagine you coming into my office, walking over and picking up paperwork off the floor. I see the split in your skirt part to show your lacy black panties as you then sit on my desk, crossing your legs so your skirt rides all the way up, revealing your hold ups. Watching you tease me with brief glimpses of skin and panties I find myself feeling hot and flustered. In my mind I want to ravish you there and then but I contain myself. Slowly I pull my gaze from your soft skin exposed between...

Straight Sex
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Wifes First Time With Another ManChapter 5

Ralph couldn't think of anything but Jen. He had always thought she was hot. Even before their affair began, he took every opportunity to flirt with her, and he was thrilled whenever she flirted back. But never in his wildest dreams did he think he would ever get inside her pants. She and Mike seemed happily married. He still couldn't believe that he was fucking her, and he was doing it with Mike's permission (and encouragement). But it had become more than sex to him. He had fallen in...

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