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A Taste Of Sugar And Spice by Anne Browning Chapter One The Journey I'm sorry I can't accompany you to Scotland." She said as she hugged and kissed in farewell. "But I'm sure Bridget will look after you." In one way Ashley was sad to see his only other relative leave. Although in her sixties, his former Mother's sister had proved a tower of strength over the last few weeks. There were times however when she'd shown how out of touch she was with modern world. Aunt Elizabeth had been constantly chiding him and Alyce on their attitude. Reminding them to be polite and to show due respect to all types and classes of people. He put this down to her being over sixty and for living in America so long. After all he was now the Earl of Harewood and he could do what he jolly well liked. He would not receive his inheritance until he was eighteen but that didn't mean he had to wait till then to accept the status that went with it. It was fun to have people fetch and carry for you. His parents had always been at him about noblesse oblige, stressing the obligation of the nobility to be honourable and generous. Ashley had always thought this to be quite ridiculous. Why should he so terribly polite to the commoners and servants? After all he wasn't one of them, he had power so why on earth shouldn't he be allowed to use it. He had never been able to understand why his father and mother had been so reluctant to use their wealth and position. Otherwise, what was the point of having it? He was now eighteen and in less than six months, according to the terms of the will, would come his inheritance. After listening to the solicitor even Ashley was surprised at how much it had come too. However that was still five months away, until then he was, with Alyce, the ward of Aunt Bridget not that this was a problem. Lady Stewart the Dowager Countess of Maclean was their Mother's other sister, who was now their guardian. Aunt Bridget and his two cousins had been overseas and unable to attend the funeral. Lady Stewart had expressed her sympathy and asked that the two children join her as soon as possible at her estate in Scotland. Aunt Bridget was easy to handle, and neither he nor Alyce had any intention of living with her in Scotland. London was where fortunes were made and Ashley had already begun. Why just this week he'd agreed to sell a large block of shares in a clothing factory to a Japanese real estate agency. His father had just acquired them at the request of Aunt Bridget and apparently Ashley and Alyce were the major shareholders. Despite Aunt Bridget begging him to reconsider there was no going back on this. He'd already agreed to sell them and his new solicitor, Edwin Madwick had advised him to get Aunt Bridget's consent. If she wouldn't oblige, the sale could still go ahead, but there would be some messy legal complications. So he and Alyce would journey to Scotland and talk with Aunt Bridget. He'd lead his Aunt to believe they were coming to live with her. Knowing how malleable she had proved in the past, Ashley did think he would have much difficulty in persuading her to sign the sale agreement. Once that was completed he was sure Aunt Bridget would allow them to return to London to live. After all who wanted to live in a draughty old castle in Scotland. The City was where the power lay and Ashley wanted to start using what was almost his right away. Ashley looked tenderly at his twin, sitting across from him; in the carriage. Although they were not identical, of course that was impossible due to their difference in their sex. They were all but that. Ashley was slightly too short for a boy, and Alyce was just a bit too tall for a girl. Both had identical golden blonde hair. Despite Alyce's attractiveness her features were just a touch strong for feminine beauty. As if to compensate, Ashley was just too pretty for a boy. At the instigation of his very assertive sister a number of times in their past seventeen years Ashley had been reluctantly persuaded to change clothing and roles with Alyce. Much to his surprise Alyce had been readily accepted as Ashley and to his acute embarrassment he'd passed undetected as Alyce. Something she'd continued to use against him whenever he had tried to assert himself in an unduly masculine way. Ashley was having more problems n this area. Despite his age there was not even a trace of the normal male facile or body hair and his voice remained far more feminine than male. To further perplex him, his chest had recently become more rounded and now Alyce rather cruelly teasing him about his breasts. Whilst this was a gross exaggeration, they were noticeable when naked. In contrast was the increase in his sexuality, he was rather disconcerted to find himself erect at the most inconvenient times. So difficult had it been that on a number of times recently, Alyce had provided some manual relief to ease his tension. Today, with both dressed as they were in jeans and comfortable sweaters for the journey, it was easy to mistake them for two sisters. This in fact had occurred earlier in the day, they were travelling incognito and when he'd asked for the tickets for Ashley and Alyce Hamilton. The ticketing officer had called him Miss and had wished the "two young ladies" a pleasant trip. It was on these occasions he wished his parents had chosen a more conventional name for him. Today Alyce was still busy with her latest project. His sister was very creative and quite determined to become one of Britain's leading dress designers. Over the last months Alyce had been researching the changing styles in women and children's formal wear over the past hundred years. Alyce had quickly dragooned Ashley into helping her and now he had also become a rather reluctant expert in women's fashion. The fast intercity Express was almost into Edinburgh and his thoughts turned to the life that lay ahead. Lord Stewart, Aunt Bridget's, former husband had been the Provost Marshal of Scotland. Aunt Bridget widowed two years, had two children of her own. Strangely enough, these were also twins, again a girl and a boy. They were a year older than Ashley. It must have been an errant gene in the family line that kept producing twins thought Ashley. They had not seen them for more than a year and his last experience with Evan and Erin had not been pleasant. Evan had been in his rebellious stage, and dressed as a skin head "wild" one. Ill mannered, badly behaved and always in trouble. Ashley had not liked him because of his bullying manner and the way he had treated his Mother. Erin had also been going through a difficult stage and although she had not been as obnoxious their visit had been quite unpleasant. Alyce seemed to be able deal with Evan and several times had protected Ashley from a beating from his elder cousin. He remembered his parents saying a few months ago that Aunt Bridget had solved the problem, however they had seemed rather loath to talk further about it to either he or Alyce. Since Evan had succeeded to his father's title, he hoped he had become better mannered. Still this appeared unlikely and it was another reason not to stay with his Aunt. As they emerged from the reserved carriage onto platform Ashley had expected to see their Aunt and two cousins waiting to greet them. Instead they were approached by a tall smartly dressed woman, accompanied by another clad in a feminised version of a chauffeur's uniform. She apologised for Lady Stewart's absence, explaining she was Madame Hester, the major domo and would take them to the estate. A small hiccup occurred as the chauffeur, Peggy, returned. There had been an unfortunate mishap with their luggage, it had been mislaid. Rather than wait Madame Hester said they would proceed to the estate. The journey took more than an hour, the last part crossing several miles of wild and deserted moorland before passing through a small picturesque village. Madame Hester explained that this formed part of the Stewart estate and the manor house lay a mile beyond. In contrast to the miles of wild moors they had passed through, this valley was of green fields, dotted with white fleeced sheep and looked quite romantic in the soft evening light. Chapter Two A Mysterious Change. The car drew up before a very high barred gate. Ashley could see a high stone wall surmounted by broken glass disappearing into the distance. This appeared to surround very large gardenias and the manor house. A camera whirred into life and focussed onto the car. Peggy spoke into a speaker alongside the gate and with a creak the gates opened. Immediately the car passed through they began to close. Aunt Bridget was awaiting them at the entrance to the manor house. They had not seen their Aunt for nearly two years and Ashley was surprised by how young she appeared. He knew she had been ten years older than their mother, and she should be in her late forties but today she appeared no more than thirty-five. There was not a trace of grey in her reddish blonde hair. She was dressed in a cream silk blouse with a high ruffled neck and long full sleeves. With it Aunt Bridget wore a flower patterned long silk skirt and high heeled buttoned boots. Despite the multiplicity of styles in modern fashion, it was obvious to Ashley's eye her dress was styled in the fashion of nearly a hundred years ago. The design was reminiscent of one worn by Julie Andrews in the "Mary Poppins" movie he'd seen. She appeared completely different to the memory he had of her when she had been a leading activist in the feminist movement. That had only been a few years ago and she had always worn very mannish styles. Aunt Bridget hugged and kissed each of them in turn. Saying how wonderful it was to see them again, but how sorry, she was that it was under such sad circumstances. She was so pleased to be able to offer them a home and she hoped they'd be happy with her. She wrinkled her pert nose at their jeans and sweaters saying it was such a pity they still wore such unattractive clothing. Ashley was rather taken aback saying everyone wore it these days. Aunt Bridget replied that perhaps they were more conservative in the highlands but their dress had more style. Alyce placed her arm on Ashley's, silently urging him to avoid further discussion. Alyce ever the diplomat apologised for their clothing saying they had worn these for travelling. She said they had more suitable clothing in their luggage but unfortunately it had been mislaid. As they accompanied Aunt Bridget along a quite grand carpeted passageway lined with portraits of her ancestors she said there had been a number of changes to their lifestyle. Before she could explain further, they entered a spacious reception room and Ashley gasped in astonishment. Standing together was his two cousins' Evan and Erin. For a moment Ashley mind stopped as it tried to accept what he was seeing. Their appearance was quite extraordinary so great was the change last year when the family had visited them, Erin had been into recession wear. She'd worn a long unkempt skirt, shapeless blouse and thick heavy boots. Today like her Mother's, Erin's dress was drawn from the past. An early Edwardian style with a dropped waistline and calf length skirt. Unlike her mother's it was fashioned for a young girl, one not yet in her teens. It was in peach coloured silk crepe de chine, with a wide Quaker collar in white silk. With she wore white silk stockings and "Mary Jane" ankle strapped shoes. A peach coloured silk ribbon was tied in her long hair. Beneath the dress it was obvious that Erin was tightly corsetted. Next to her stood her twin brother Evan. Whilst Erin's clothing had been unusual, Evan's quite bizarre. Ashley had last seen Evan, wearing torn jeans and a dirty tee shirt, bearing obscene messages. His head had been shaved and he'd worn heavy black "bovver" boots. Today Evan wore a "Little Lord Fauntleroy" suit of peach coloured velvet. The jacket was tightly fitted to his waist, and like his sister it was clear he was wearing a tightly fitted corset. Beneath the jacket were loosely fitted knee length breeches, fastened just under his knees by wide satin ribbons. Underneath the jacket was a cream satin blouse lavishly trimmed with lace on the collar and the long deep cuffs. Evan's legs were encased in long cream coloured silk stockings and on his feet were high heeled "Mary Jane" ankle strapped shoes. While his sister wore flat heels these were three inch high. The change was not recent, gone was the shaven head. In its' place were shoulder length reddish blond locks. Beneath these was a heavily made up face. Grey eye shadow covered his lids and mascara lengthened his blonde eyelashes. A deep red lipstick outlined his lips and a soft red blusher heightened his cheeks. Evan was a handsome boy and a striking rather than pretty girl. The effect of the clothing and makeup had not successfully created a girl. Rather, Evan looked exactly like an effeminate boy. In one manner it had succeeded; gone was the bullying manner and the superior looks which Erin and Evan had adopted for anyone they considered their social inferiors. Which a year ago had included everyone. Tonight they stood quite still, as if waiting for a sign to continue. This came from a young woman standing to their right. "Well children aren't you going to greet your cousins?" Before Ashley could move Evan took him in his arms, hugging him tightly and kissed him fully on the lips. Ashley immediately drew back. It was instinctive. To be kissed by a male wearing lipstick and perfume was an anathema. Even the touch of his long blonde curls touching Ashley's face sent a shiver up his spine. Ashley's response upset Evan. His look was stricken, his eyes dewed; almost flooding with tears as they glanced towards the woman who had just spoken. She turned towards Ashley, her voice was low but menacing with its icy tone. "That's very rude, how dare you act in such a way. Now greet your cousin properly." Ashley was about to ask who would dare speak to him in such a manner when he saw the angry look in Aunt Bridget's eyes. He didn't want to upset her, the need to return to London was uppermost in his mind. Accepting that discretion as the better part of valour, Ashley allowed his cousin to embrace him a second time. He gently deflected the lipstick covered mouth onto his cheek. Both groups of cousins completed their greeting under the watchful eye of the woman. Aunt Bridget stepped forward. Chapter Three. The French Governess. "Children this is Mademoiselle D'Araignee, she will be your Governess," she said. For the first time Ashley had a chance to examine her. It was difficult to assess her age but he thought her to be in her early thirties. She was quite beautiful, tall, slim and athletic. Beneath the raven black hair fastened in a chignon on her neck her skin was completely unlined. A perfectly chiselled nose beneath high arched brows, the mouth was full, her lips formed into disdainful smile. Mlle D'Araignee's eyes drew you immediately, reptilian, black, almost matching her hair, piercing and cold. They looked at him now; examining him as though he was an insect that had just emerged from beneath a rock. Her dress was in the same style as Aunt Bridget's Ashley remembered it was called the "Gibson Girl" style, Mlle D'Araignee's skirt was of dark green and white striped silk worn with a high necked blouse. It looked very formal and business like. Ashley held out his hand. "How do you do Mlle D'Araignee. I'm very pleased to meet you." There was a gasp from Evan and Ashley saw a look of fear in his eyes. It was obvious he had just committed a serious faux pas. For a moment he thought Mlle D'Araignee was about to ignore his greeting. Instead, she accepted his hand and with an amused note in her voice said. "How do you do, Lord Ashley, I'm pleased to meet you." Mlle D'Araignee turned to Aunt Bridget. "Your ward is very well mannered. It seems there will be little trouble training him." Immediately Ashley took deep umbrage. He had been brought up to respect and be polite. Also he had been encouraged him to be assertive and to have opinions of his own. Now as the "man of the house" he was very concerned about both he and his sister's future. Now Mlle D'Araignee was making plans without consulting either of them. Before Aunt Bridget could reply Ashley said. "I'm sure Mlle D'Araignee is only trying to help Aunt Bridget, but both Alyce and I are quite old enough to do without a governess. As we are about to enter University we don't need the services of a governess." Ashley saw a look of fury come across Mlle D'Araignee's face she looked angry enough to hit him. With a visible effort she controlled herself and a cold smile replaced her wrath. She turned to Lady Stewart and said." Tomorrow we'll begin, and I'll enjoy working with our young gentleman." At that moment Madame Hester entered to say dinner was ready to be served. To Ashley's surprise Mlle D'Araignee joined them seating herself at the head of the table. As soon as they were seated, two maids came forward and tied large satin bibs about Evan and Erin's neck. The humiliation it must be having to wear those in company thought Ashley. One look at Evan's face was enough to confirm this. Mlle D'Araignee took little part in the dinner conversation. Instead he felt her watching him throughout the meal. Aunt Bridget was concerned on how the funeral had gone and had Elizabeth returned home. It was not a happy occasion and Ashley was surprised when Mlle D'Araignee said it was time for Evan and Erin to retire. For it was still early, only 8.00 pm but he and Alyce will only too happy to also comply. Aunt Bridget said they were to use the guest bedrooms tonight. Tomorrow they'd be moving into their permanent rooms. One of the maids took him to his room. " Megan, is my name Lord Ashley, and I'll be looking after you." She was pretty in a plumpish fashion and spoke with quite a strong country accent. Lying on the pillow was a ruffled silk blue night shirt. He asked that it be changed for a pair of pyjamas. Megan apologised saying that these were provided on the instructions of Mlle D'Araignee and it was impossible to change them. Ashley considered sleeping in the tee shirt he wore beneath his sweater but in the end decided to accept the proffered garment. Worn out by the travel and not looking for another argument he removed his clothes and washed before sliding the nightshirt over his head. He shivered as the silken fabric slithered sensuously down his body. With little further ado he slid between soft cotton sheets and was quickly overtaken by unbroken sleep. Chapter Four. The Awakening. Ashley became groggily awake by the insistent hand on his shoulder. "Come Lord Ashley. It is time to wake up, It is eight o'clock. Time for you to wake up." Bright sunlight was streaming into the room. As he finally heeded Megan's voice. "I've run a bath for you, my Lord." She said. Ashley struggled out of the nightshirt and sunk into the hot water, before hr realised it was heavily scented. Next moment the door opened as Megan entered the bathroom holding a soft wash cloth about to wash him. Ashley asked her to leave, but the maid said these were her instructions. He insisted that she leave him, with great reluctance she did so. Saying, she'd report his behaviour to Madame Hester. With a towel draped about him Ashley moved back into the bedroom to begin the chore of dressing. Megan had returned, and was holding a pair of long bloomers of white silk. The elasticised legs were adorned with deep frills of lace. Laid out on the bed were other strange articles of clothing, but Ashley could see they were all about his size. Megan said. "I've laid out your uniform for today Lord Ashley. We'll have to hurry or you'll be late for breakfast." Ashley was dumbfounded. "There must be some mistake," he finally managed to blurt out. "These can't be for me, they are girl's clothing." "I'm sorry Lord Ashley, but those were Mlle D'Araignee's instructions" Megan replied. "I won't wear them, now please fetch my other clothing. This is becoming quite absurd" Said Ashley. He stood in the middle of the room refusing to dress, clutching the towel tightly about him. Megan disappeared and returned accompanied by Peggy, the burly chauffeur and Mlle D'Araignee. It was evident that Governess was extremely annoyed her face was black as thunder and in her hand she carried a slender leather dog whip. "Lord Ashley, why are you not dressed?" Her voice was icy cold with rage. "Because Mlle D'Araignee, these are girl's clothes. I want my own clothes." He tried to be calm, but could not avoid looking at the whip she kept tapping against her leg. A shiver went up his back as he began to feel an unreasonable fear and understand the dramatic change brought about in his two cousins. "I would like you to get dressed now Ashley." Mlle D'Araignee's voice was deceptively calm. "Mademoiselle, I am becoming rather tired of this. It is quite ridiculous. I am a guest in this house and will not be ordered about by the servants. Now fetch some proper clothes immediately so I can talk to my Aunt." Ashley used the tone that had always made other people jump immediately to do his bidding. It had no effect on this occasion. Mlle D'Araignee nodded to Peggy. The chauffeur stepped quickly forward and seized Ashley's wrists. He tried to twist free but found himself helpless in her grasp. With almost contemptuous ease he took both his slender wrists in one hand and pulled the towel from about his waist with the other. Peggy bent his naked body over the bed and held him there. His head was forced down into the bedclothes, lifting his buttocks high in the air. Before he could cry out, he heard a swish and unbelievable pain exploded through his whole body. Never before had Ashley experienced corporal punishment, his parents had believed in reason and he had never been physically punished before. Ashley could not believe the pain he was experiencing. A white hot knife seemed to run through him. Before he could cry out, the whip slashed across his buttocks a second time. "Well Ashley are you willing to dress?" Before he could scream his agreement he heard the whip once again swish towards him. "Yes, yes I'll do what you say.! Please stop." He screamed. There was a sickening thud as the whip slashed into the bed alongside him. At once Peggy released him and helped him to his feet. He stood before Mlle D'Araignee, tears welling in his eyes. "I will not have disobedience, from my pupils do you understand Ashley. When you are asked to do something you must do it instantly. Do you understand?" She asked. Ashley nodded his head. He squealed as the whip lashed against his bare leg. "Come that wasn't too hard. Just a reminder for you. When you answer my questions, it is good manners to say yes Mlle D'Araignee. Is that clear Ashley?" Ashley was so shaken he almost made the same mistake, but at the last moment said "Yes Mlle D'Araignee." The Governess looked him up and down, examining his slender girlish frame. Her lips curled in a contemptuous smile as she said. "Why on earth you protest about wearing women's clothes, I'll never know." With his mind confused and in turmoil he made no further protest as Megan began to dress him. About his waist went a satin and lace garter belt. It was quite wide and he had to breathe deeply before Megan could fasten it. Once in place it was quite uncomfortable, a half dozen suspenders dangled down his legs. Ashley had to sit whilst the maid rolled white silk stockings up his legs. As the pain diminished Ashley grew more conscious of the humiliation and to his consternation realised he was having an erection. It was impossible to hide and by the time Megan had smoothed the stockings up his legs and tightened the suspenders he was fully erect. Peggy noticed it first and her giggles gained the attention of Mlle D'Araignee and Madame Hester. By this time Ashley was scarlet with embarrassment and was only too happy to hide himself within the voluminous white silk bloomers Megan drew up his legs. Mlle D'Araignee and Madame Hester left the room; leaving Megan and Peggy to finish the dressing. Over his head Megan drew a silk and lace camisole .Hilarie reacted to the soft caress of silk as it slithered down his body, sending excitement coursing through his tense body. A blouse was next, of pale blue silk. The long full sleeves finished with delicate cream lace frills, and a high necked Eton collar trimmed the same cream lace. Taking a broad dark blue satin ribbon, Megan slid this beneath the collar and fashioned a large floppy bow tie. Megan slid a pair of pants up his legs. Ashley breathed a sigh of relief at least his shame would be covered. They were of pale blue panne velvet. They fitted tightly clinging to his thighs before flaring slightly. The cuffs were trimmed with a band of dark blue satin and these they reached only to the top of his knees. Emerging from beneath them were the elasticised legs and the cream lace frills of his bloomers. Next was a jacket fashioned in the "Eton" style very short waisted with three quarter sleeves. Megan adjusted the blouse, ballooning it about his waist and cuffs. Megan instructed Ashley to seat himself, and fitted low heeled ankle strap shoes to his feet. In white glace kid, they gleamed softly against the white silk stockings. Ashley began to protest as Megan began using makeup on his face. Peggy swished the whip against her skirt in warning and he immediately stopped. He could taste the lipstick then something covered his eyelids. Megan said. "Just a moment till I fix your hair." She drew it back and as he felt a ribbon being fixed into his long blonde hair he wished he'd had it cut short as Aunt Elizabeth had wanted. He was not asked to view himself in the mirror, it would be just too awful. Ashley had began to recover some of his spirit, but he still felt caught in a nightmare. He wanted to see Aunt Bridget as soon as possible. Ashley was certain that she would not allow this travesty to continue. He wanted his clothes back and a promise to allow him to lead a normal life. If not Alyce and he would return immediately to London. After all he would have a title upon his majority and that was only months away. If the authorities would not allow them to live on their own he was certain Aunt Elizabeth would take them in. Alyce! What on earth had happened to her? Every morning it was Alyce who dragged him out of bed. He was about to ask when Megan took his hand. "Come along Lord Ashley, you're late for breakfast." Chapter Five. A Pinafore For Lord Ashley As Ashley entered the breakfast room he saw what had happened to his sister. Alyce was dressed in an identical costume and from the redness of her eyes she had experienced similar treatment. Alyce was standing near the wall and close to her were Evan and Erin. There was little surprise in finding them wearing the same costume. Moments later Mlle D'Araignee entered the room, both cousins stood together, came to attention and with their fingers delicately holding the hems of their shorts performed a curtesy. At her "Good morning children." They both replied in unison "Good morning Mlle D'Araignee." Then stood together at attention as the Governess carefully examined their clothing and dress. Erin was congratulated, but she found fault with Evan's nail polish. This which showed a tiny crack on the left finger and Mlle D'Araignee ordered two demerits. Ashley saw Madame Hester enter this into a large black note book. On completion she showed it to Mlle D'Araignee. "That makes ten this week Evan. Do you know what that means?" Said Mlle D'Araignee, a mean smile forming on her lips. All the colour fled from Evan's face, he was so obviously stricken with fear his voice was barely audible when he murmured "Please Mlle D'Araignee I deserve two strokes of your whip." "Come now Evan, two strokes, that was last week. This is the same offence. What must you do?" There was a distinct tremor in his voice as he said. "Please Mlle D'Araignee I deserve four strokes of your whip." "Yes you do Evan, and we will add another one for forgetting to ask for the correct number. After gym, Peggy will administer punishment." The Governess removed the slender leather whip from her wrist and opening the loop hung it about Evan's neck. "There now, this will remind you of what you are about to receive. Now Evan, I want you and Erin to help the new children with their pinafores." As Mlle D'Araignee turned to walk away, Ashley said. "Excuse me Mlle D'Araignee, I would like to speak to my Aunt. Where would I find her please?" Ashley's question bought complete silence to the room except for a gasp from Evan. Mlle D'Araignee turned slowly and fixed two gimlet eyes on Ashley. Mlle D'Araignee was smiling, but there was no mistaking the menace in her voice as she said. "Lord Ashley, you must wait to be noticed before addressing me, otherwise you lose four demerits. As you are new, I will overlook it this morning; but that is your last warning. Now why do you wish to see Lady Stewart?" Despite the fear that had been steadily growing since he entered the household Ashley refused to be intimidated. After all he was soon to be a Knight of the realm in his own right. "This is a personal matter Mlle D'Araignee, and I prefer to discuss it directly with my Aunt." Trying desperately to hide the nervousness he felt from his voice. Her eyes continued to stare at him. Ashley felt transfixed. As helpless as a rabbit before a snake. After what seemed an eternity she said. "Normally I act for Lady Stewart, but on this occasion you may speak to her direct. Peggy will take you to her after breakfast." As Mlle D'Araignee strode from the room, Ashley could see Evan and Erin were still transfixed by his temerity. Even Alyce, normally very outspoken appeared completely cowed in Mlle D'Araignee's presence. As she left the room Evan and Erin collected from a large cupboard four snowy white garments. They were of fine eyeleted Swiss voile, so sheer as to be almost transparent. A large frill of silk organdie ran completely around the garment, foaming along the sides, armholes, and neckline. Evan helped him unbutton the shoulder and left side, then fitted it to his body. It floated down enveloping his body almost to his ankles and swirled about him with every movement. He shuddered as the pinafore brushed sensuously against his silk clad ankles. Never had he felt so humiliated, the ridiculous suit he was wearing was bad enough; but the pinafore was really humiliating. Ashley had tried to psychologically adjust to this situation by pretending (at least for the moment) he was in fancy dress. He might have succeeded except for the pinafore. Dressed in this made it impossible, the garment was designed to demean them, to reduce their status to that of children. Wearing it with the silk and lace bloomers, the satin blouse and makeup made him feel so feminised that he just wanted to hide away and cry. He turned to protest and saw the triumphant look in Peggy's eyes. She wanted another chance to punish him and use the whip. Ashley was not ready for another confrontation which he could not win. With as much dignity as he could assemble Ashley seated himself at the table. Apart from asking politely for the various ingredients on the table there was little talk amongst participants. Evan was still very preoccupied with his forthcoming punishment. His whole body seemed to quiver whenever the whip, now hanging beneath the pinafore, happened to touch his arm or swung against his body. The maids standing in the background waiting for each of their charges to finish, glowered at Ashley and Alyce as they began talking to each other. Poor Alyce, who by now was clearly intimidated by all that was going on about her. Ashley did not want to add to her problems by talking to her. Instead he tried to lift her spirits by gently squeezing her hand beneath the table. He at least succeeded in bringing a tiny smile to her lips. By now Ashley was finding his new clothing quite difficult to handle. The frills on the sleeves of his blouse kept covering his hands and several times they narrowly escaped dipping into his drink of milk. He was also rather disconcerted by the effect the silken underwear was having on his body. Every time Ashley moved the slippery sensuous fabrics slithered across his skin. He could even hear a sibilant hiss as the silk stockings slid up and down, interacting with his silk bloomers. Plus he was aware of a pleasant tickle as the gossamer frills of his pinafore tickled his smooth skin through the stockings. He had tried to ignore the sensation but it had proved impossible. The reaction to it all was centred between his legs and he knew that again he was quite firmly erect. He prayed that before it was time to leave the table that it would once more be under control, or his pinafore would at least help disguise his embarrassing condition. Chapter Six. Lady Bridget's Agenda. All at once Megan was at his side. "Come Lord Ashley, I will take you to Lady Stewart." Ashley stood up, his condition was obvious. Quickly he turned away, trying to hide himself but Megan would have none of it. She said. "Just a moment, we'll have to change your pinafore it has a spot on it." Ashley had to stand in full view of the grinning maids as Megan replaced the pinafore, then applied some more lipstick and adjusted his hair ribbon. "There that's better, we can't have you looking like some little street urchin can we?" She said. It was Heather, the pretty maid assigned to Alyce who said to her colleagues. "Little he is not, look how that velvet has stretched. Funny isn't it how silk bloomers and stockings always makes them stick out so. What's he going to be like once he's put into tight corset?. Remember what it did to Master Evan?" Megan took his hand, stopping before an ornate door. Knocking, they entered. The room was drenched in the early morning autumn sun. Cream silk drapes covered the walls. The room was enormous, and leading off it were other doors. Quite dwarfed by the spacious room was Aunt Bridget, propped up by cream silk pillows in a large four poster bed. She was wearing a yellowish gold silk satin night gown, low cut, the top supported by slender spaghetti straps. She looked very relaxed; her hair was loose and she smiled sleepily as he entered. "Come closer Ashley let me see how you look. Oh my! You are so pretty. That outfit is so much nicer than those awful jeans and sweater you had on last night." Aunt Bridget's eyes were alight with enthusiasm. She held out her hand. "Come, sit beside me." As Ashley was about to sit she admonished him for not spreading and smoothing the pinafore beneath him. "We don't want to get your pretty pinny all creased now, do we?" Seated close to her Ashley realised just how beautiful his Aunt was. There was scarcely a wrinkle on her face, just a trace of laugh lines about her deep green eyes. The only blemish was what seemed a recent love bite on her neck. It was just visible through the blonde hair gleaming softly in the sunlight framing her classically beautiful face. The low cut bodice of her night dress exposed her breasts. The two rosy aureoles taut and erect on the alabaster skin were clearly visible. He stared at them, Aunt Bridget caught his glance. Her smile was knowing as she reached up cupping each breast in her hands she said."Do you like them?" Ashley felt the embarrassment flood through his body. He knew his face was bright scarlet as he stumbled through an apology. Aunt Bridget's hands left her breasts, one stroked his cheek and the other rested lightly on his thigh. "Dearest Ashley, don't apologise darling, it is quite a compliment for my old body to receive such attention from one so pretty."Her hand gently caressed the inside of his thigh."And it's quite a lot of attention you're paying too."She said. "Now what was it you wanted to see me about?" Ashley was by now quite flustered, but he quickly mustered his thoughts and set about explaining how he and Alyce wanted to return to London. Aunt Bridget, continued to smile and stroke his leg."But I'll arrange to have you and Alyce tutored here Ashley dear. It will be so much more convenient." Said Aunt Bridget. Ashley said. "Aunt Bridget, I'm being treated as a child. This morning I was soundly beaten by that horrible Mlle D'Araignee when I refused to wear these ridiculous sissy clothes. It's not right that the hired help can do that." There was a gleam of anger in Aunt Bridget's eyes, and a surge of hope went through Ashley. Aunt Bridget looked annoyed enough to fire the Governess. "Please Aunt Bridget I'm not a child or a sissy, and I want to return to my normal life." From the frown on her face and her tone it was clear Aunt Bridget was very annoyed with what she'd heard. Suddenly a quite confused Ashley realised Aunt Bridget was angry with him. She seemed not to care about the treatment he'd received. "I'm afraid that's impossible Ashley. My goodness, fancy calling Madeleine - Mlle D'Araignee the "hired help". That shows very little respect for your elders, and it is time that changed. Mlle D'Araignee insists it is time to return to some of the old values of discipline and good manners in our children. Now I'm glad she persuaded me, you two children should receive similar training." Ashley was stunned, he'd thought he'd have little trouble in persuading his Aunt to allow them to return to London. In the past Aunt Bridget had agreed with practically everyone. He'd half expected that he'd be back in his jeans and sweater by this time, and Mlle D'Araignee would have received her marching orders. In his confusion Ashley glanced about the room. There folded carefully on the chiffonier were the green and white striped silk skirt and the blouse Mlle D'Araignee had worn last night. Significantly, right next to it were some discarded night clothes and underwear. He looked again at his Aunt and the love bite on her neck, suddenly his plan began to disintegrate about him. What on earth was he going to do now? Aunt Bridget turned to him, Still smiling but her face showing concern. "I'm doing this for the good of you and Alyce, Ashley. Both Evan and Erin were almost sent to prison on drug charges. Oh you've no idea how much pain they caused, and so much trouble. Our family name was almost destroyed with their antics. It was dear Madeleine who solved all our problems with her new approach. Now they're such dear children and so respectful to their Mother." Ashley was quite taken back but tried to hide his astonishment. It was hard to believe that Aunt Bridget could see the cruel intimidation of her children as mere discipline. Ashley tried once more to convince her to let them go by now he was feeling quite desperate. "But Aunt Bridget neither Alyce nor I have ever had any thing to do with drugs, we will be perfectly safe I assure you." Aunt Bridget's voice was quite firm when she said. "No Ashley, I'm afraid my mind is made up. I owe a duty to your parents and for the next six months you will join Evan and Erin, after that maybe we'll look at your education again. Besides my dear you look so pretty in your costume and beautiful pinafore." The hand that took hold of his was surprisingly firm, Ashley tried to pull away as her other hand moved up and down his inner leg. She took hold of his still swollen member and squeezed it tightly. To his utter chagrin he felt it instantly respond, becoming hard and erect. Aunt Bridget's smile was ironic, one eyebrow forming a tiny question mark. "Well darling, you say that you don't like the sweet little satin and velvet clothes but your body says otherwise. Yes I think a period with Evan in Mlle D'Araignee's class will be very good for you." "But Aunt Bridget....!" Ashley was not allowed to continue. Aunt Bridget raised her hand. "Now Ashley, I've heard enough. For the next six months you'll be in Mlle D'Araignee's charge after that well then we'll see......Now you'd best join the others, you are already late for class." Chapter Seven. Exercise and Punishment. School was conducted in a sunny spacious classroom. It was well equipped with modern desks most of them sporting computer terminals and video equipment. The first lesson was on international economics and all the children were expected to contribute to the discussion. Peggy was the tutor and asked some very penetrating questions. Ashley and Alyce were excused for this week, then they'd face an in depth examination of the lesson. Already Erin had received two demerits, and with another five days to go it was likely she would be wearing the whip around her neck before the week ended. Another hour was spent on English Literature, in which the unfortunate Erin gained another black mark from their tutor. Her maid Heather, the tutor for this session. Then the class was adjourned for the gym. session. The twins were already paired to help each other dress, Ashley and Evan; Alyce and Erin. Ashley was surprised to find they were to completely change for the session. Evan helped him unbutton the pinafore and remove the velvet suit and blouse. Then Ashley had to remove his bloomers and camisole. He was left in his stockings and garter belt, displaying his swollen member. Feeling very self conscious of his aroused state he helped Evan remove his clothing, surprisingly his cousin also erect. Evan's body was also completely hairless, there was not the slightest sign of any pubic hair which made him appear even larger against the baby smooth skin. Evan was wearing a very uncomfortable looking corset of white satin. Heavy shoulder straps held his shoulders braced back, and a high torso pushed the flesh on his chest upwards to form a miniature bust. Beneath this, his waist was drawn down into a very narrow waist, shaped by heavy lacing at the rear. So tight was it that he thought his two hands would probably span it. It looked extremely uncomfortable. Below the waist the strange design continued. The corset had the sides coming halfway down Evan's thighs, with a separate band encompassing each leg. The exercise suits were of terry towelling cut like romper suits. The tops were quite loose fitting with short puffed sleeves. The bottoms, joined to the top were loosely cut with elasticised legs that came half way down his thighs. Just far enough to just cover the stocking tops. The bottom was complete with a cleverly constructed let down nature flap. By unfastening the six tiny flush fitting dome fastenings on the waist band and the three on each of the two side seams, the rear could be lowered to completely expose the buttocks. Although the suits appeared to be very practical and looked comfortable to wear, their appearance was quite deceptive. The suits were lined loosely on the inside with a very soft and slithery satin. The bottom part of the suit was quite extraordinary full and billowy, like oversized bloomers. With every movement the inner satin material teased and caressed his body. In particular it played havoc with his bottom, his member and his testes sac. It was like being continually stroked by the softest of hands and by the time the time the exercises were complete, he felt ready to explode. It was obviously having a similar effect had on Evan and the sex difference between the two sets of twins was very much in evidence. Both he and Evan were flushed and sported enormous erections. The two girls were also highly excited and Ashley wondered how they had been effected. He thought it was strange, the satin was unlikely to have affected them in the same manner. At the end of the exercise session, they were assembled before a padded bar, this Ashley realised was for punishment. Evan, now trembling tried with fumbling fingers to unfastened the fastenings of his nature flap. In the end his nervousness; aggravated by Peggy slapping the whip against her leg; was too much for him. His fingers trembled too much to unfasten the buttons and Erin had to complete the task. He bent over the bar and Peggy fastened his wrists to his ankles with two straps. Using a crank she raised the bar until the boy was on tip toe. Peggy spread his legs apart. With the nature flap lowered, Evan's pink tinged buttocks protruded from the corset like two firm breasts. Exposed, they were vulnerable and completely unprotected. The whip slashed down against the soft flesh and met with a sickening crack. She raised it again leaving a red line etched sharply against the white flesh. As the whip struck, Evan gave a loud cry, becoming more desperate with each blow. By the fourth he was crying piteously begging the punishment be stopped. Before the sixth blow Ashley saw the exercise suit darken with moisture and a trickle of urine begin running down Evan's leg. Before the punishment he had felt hatred for the pain and degradation Mlle D'Araignee, was causing Evan. But after two strokes, he began to feel a strange excitement. As Evan's cries became more piteous his breath quickened and a warm flush flowed his body. At each scream he felt a strange sense of power and was disanointed when Peggy stopped. In the aftermath, Ashley felt degraded and horror struck with the feelings that had engulfed him. As Evan was released he stood alongside Alyce. He wanted to explain to her what had happened this morning with Aunt Bridget. This was confidential and he was reluctant to go ahead in the presence of Erin. The decision was taken away from him by Erin. "Come along Ashley if we are not finished by the time Peggy returns we'll all receive the cane." Chapter Eight. A Touching Scene. As he helped the now softly sobbing Evan under the shower, Ashley was astonished at how feminine his cousin's body had become. Even without the corset his waist was very slender. The slenderness heightened by his plump buttocks and the swelling of his chest; which had developed into breasts. They were tiny, only the size of baby oranges but they were obviously the result of something more than the tight confines of the corset. Tautly erect in the centre of them were two large rose coloured nipples. Next to him, Alyce had unfastened Erin's corset. Once released Erin gave a sigh and said, "Thank goodness." She bent down and with two fingers of her left hand stretched the lips of her hairless labia. Inserting two fingers of her other hand she withdrew a gold egg shaped object. Noticing his curiosity she placed them in his hand. They were fashioned from gold. The egg was warm and slippery from her body it sat in his hand. It seemed to have a life of it's own as it quivered and vibrated with the slightest movement. She turned and helped Alyce remove hers. This proved too much for his sister, as it emerged Alyce bent over and with her hands holding her stomach, gasped into an orgasm. Ashley went to hold her, but Erin held him back. "Alyce's perfectly okay, these are pleasure eggs. They serve the same purpose as the satin liners in your exercise suit, they are designed to sexually excite us. We're not supposed to climax though. Mlle D'Araignee wants us to be sexually aroused and frustrated ,not satisfied. I'll have to tell Mlle D'Araignee immediately." Ashley was astounded, and said."Why tell her Erin, let Alyce climax, it must be more salifying for her." Erin looked at him, her eyes searching to see whether he was serious. "Oh Ashley, this is your first day. The rules are quite clear, we must report anything or any breaking immediately otherwise I would receive twice the punishment. Now please help Evan or we'll be late." Erin joined Alyce under the shower and immediately were happily soaping one another's bodies. Obviously enjoying themselves if the amount of giggling and laughing coming from their antics was any indication. Ashley, felt quite uncomfortable in their presence. While he didn't consider himself particularly prudish it was awkward watching his sister being intimately caressed by another girl. Particularly when he himself was stark naked and still uncomfortably erect, a condition he was unable to redress. The thought of masturbation in the presence of his sister and cousins was quite repugnant. If there had been some privacy he'd not have hesitated. Evan, who at last had stopped sobbing, offered to wash him. Ashley had quite politely, but firmly declined. The thought of another male's hands touching and caressing his body was quite nauseating. Ashley hated touching another male, but found it impossible to avoid applying a sweetly scented salve to his cousin's bottom. He was as gentle as possible, for although the whip had not broken the skin, the weal's were quite deep and could be felt with his fingers. To his disquiet Evan clearly enjoyed Ashley's ministration and by the time he had completed the task was stiffly erect. Another four sets of clothing lay ready in the dressing room. Ashley and Alyce learned from their cousins that a maid would help them in the morning and evening but during the day they would pair off and help each other. Ashley and Evan. Alyce and Erin. Accepting the lessor of two evils and keep clear of Evan's eager clutches. Ashley accepted that there was nothing he could do about his new wardrobe and quickly began dressing himself. The clothing was similar to that worn earlier in the morning. Ashley fastened the satin garter belt about his waist. This one was deeper, tighter and more heavily boned than his earlier one and he had to breath in deeply before it would fit. He rolled blue silk stockings up his legs, fastening them to the suspender. Thinking how fortunate he was not having to wear the heavy corsets Evan and Erin, were struggling to fasten. The blue silk knickers he drew on were shorter in the leg, reaching only half way down his thigh and were very loose fitting. Ashley pulled a matching camisole over his head but before he could start on the outer clothing there came a plaintive cry from Evan. "Please help me Ashley, otherwise I'll be late and be punished." Evan had fastened the front of the corset, but the laces still had to be tightened. Ashley drew the opening together, Evan drawing his torso in to help. There was still remained almost an inch, when Ashley, listening to the breathless gasps from Evan was certain it was finished. "Are the edges touching?" Evan asked in a strangled voice. On learning of the gap, he was insistent they be tightened further. It required the help of Erin to complete the task. Ashley looked at Evan, his face red with the effort of the tightened laces. "It must be very uncomfortable to wear a corset that tight. Why not loosen it off. I'm sure no-one would notice." Said Ashley to Erin. "Oh Ashley dear, the maids check us regularly during the day to make sure we don't do that. Besides, if it did happen I'd have to tell Mlle D'Araignee. It is part of the rules, if anyone infringes; and you are aware, you have to tell immediately. The penalty for not doing so is twice the punishment the offender gets. For not having a fully fastened corset means the wearer has to spend two days in the "Venus" corset. But for not fastening it properly, or not telling Mlle D'Araignee about it, means four days. I'd rather receive Evan's caning than spend even two in the Venus. I get really frightened wearing that." She ran her hands over her tiny hand span waist. "Besides I've got used to it and it gives me a feeling of security. It feels quite strange now when I'm not wearing one. You'll find it will happen to you as well." Ashley felt shocked, wear a corset. That would be the final straw. Before he could pursue the matter, Erin urged him to complete his dressing. The pants he drew up his legs were knee length knickerbockers of white taffeta with a drawstring waist. At his knees were deep turned up cuffs, trimmed with a blue satin bow. Instead of a blouse there was a matching thigh length tunic with a wide sailor collar. The collar was decorated with three lines of the same blue ribbon. A matching ribbon was on the long tight four buttoned cuffs of the puffed sleeves. He slid his feet into white glace kid mid heeled boots. They were ankle length and it took a few minutes' work with a button hook to complete the fastening. Ashley was at a loss with the make up box. In the nick of time Alyce came to his aid. Quickly making up his eyes and applying just the right amount of lipstick and blusher to his face. The white satin was tied in his hair and Alyce stood in front of him. She lightly grasped his chin with her fingers and gently turned his face from side to side and said. "My, my, brother dear, you look so pretty. These clothes make you more feminine than any of us" Ashley blushed bright red. This was the last thing he wanted to hear from his sister. Never the less the words sent a strange thrill racing through his body with the outcome once again emerging between his legs. Ashley looked at Alyce and his two cousins. He knew they mirrored his own appearance, yet they did not appear as bizarre as the situation demanded. Here were four adults dressed in costumes designed for young children of nearly a century before. But in the few hours he been subjected to this treatment he was finding his appearance normal. Evan took his hand and said, "Come along Ashley, otherwise we'll be late. I don't want to be beaten again today." Chapter Nine. Mirror Image. He looked at the two girls walking hand in hand in front of them. As they passed one of the many large mirrors lining the passageway all four were reflected together. It was impossible to distinguish male from the female, they all looked the same. Four blonde head with silk ribbons braided through and carefully made up faces. Four shapely bottoms swaying beneath the white taffeta tunics. Although the costumes were originally designed for young boys, they were even more feminine than a dress. He shivered as the taffeta hissed sibilantly against his silk stockings. It was not cold that sent the quiver through his body. The trembling was a combination of fear about his future and the excitement of the taffeta rubbing against the silk. Not knowing which reason had created this strange feeling was even more threatening than the shiver itself. Ashley was very hungry. The breakfast this morning had consisted only of fruit, porridge and a glass of warm milk. He was starving, missing the cooked meal he usually had. In the breakfast room, he performed the same ritual of collecting and donning a pinafore. They were even more feminine than those they'd worn early in the morning. Made of white silk, with wide frills of Chantilly lace running along the armholes, the sides and hemline. The pinafores for the boy's had different embroidery along the hem and on the smocked bodice. The boys had wild flowers and butterflies, while the girls were decorated in boats and sailing ships. The lunch was far from the feast Ashley had hoped for. There were no meat or sweets. Instead there were plenty of salads and fresh fruit, served with milk or iced water. No matter how much Ashley ate he still felt hungry and he longed for some fried food or a sticky sweet. No sooner had they completed the meal, when Mlle D'Araignee entered the room. Evan and Erin hurriedly scrambled to their feet and dropped into a graceful curtesy . Alyce and Ashley by this time had learned to show respect to Mlle D'Araignee and stood by their chairs. There was a glint of triumph in the Governesses eyes as they stood up. "Please be seated enfants" and taking a seat at the head of the table, she smiled and said. "There will be a special treat for you this afternoon. Instead of having your usual rest, Evan and Erin, you may accompany your cousins to the village." A smile lit up on both Evan and Erin's faces as they chorused. "Oh thank you Mlle D'Araignee." It was illustrative to Ashley just how much they were under the thumb of Mlle D'Araignee. Only last year Ashley's father had offered his two much travelled cousins, as a birthday present, a trip to India . They had rudely declined saying India was boring. "Been there, done that" had been a sneering reply to the offer. Now they were greeting a visit to the nearby tiny town with such enthusiasm. Evan looked at Mlle D'Araignee and raised his hand to his shoulder. Mlle D'Araignee said. "Yes Evan? You have a question." "Oh yes Mademoiselle. May I ask why we are going?" "Yes Evan, you may accompany Ashley and Alyce to Evewear. There they are to have their new foundations fitted. I'm sure you'll find it very interesting." Said Mlle D'Araignee. Without considering the consequences Ashley said. "I'm not wearing a corset." The room fell completely silent. Ashley's ear was seized from behind, so savagely, he felt it would he torn from his head. "Shall I beat him Madame?" Said Peggy, enthusiasm filling her voice. "No. You may release him Peggy." Mlle D'Araignee was smiling as Ashley cautiously massaged his ear, tried to ease the pain. "That is the last warning you will ever receive young man. You will never address me unless you receive permission to do so, and you must never speak again in such a rude manner. Your punishment if you disobey, will be to spend some time in the quiet room. I'm sure Evan will agree with me that naughty boys enter it, but good boys come out of it. Would you like to visit it again Evan?" Mlle D'Araignee looked at his cousin as she spoke. At her words all the colour drained from Evan's face and his whole body began to tremble in fear. He stumbled forward and sank to his knees before her. "Oh please Mademoiselle, please do not put me in there. Please I beg you." He was sobbing with fear. Mlle D'Araignee looked directly at Ashley her eyes were triumphant, as she said. "Relax Evan, only naughty boys get to spend the night in the quiet room. Are you going to be good?" Evan was still shaking as he whimpered. "Yes Mademoiselle, I'll be very good." Whatever the quiet room was, it had certainly changed the character of his once brash cousin. He looked at Erin, she to was white and trembling. This seemed a good time to exercise caution. Having to wear a corset similar to Evan's was going to be both uncomfortable and humiliating. The alternative was to find out why Evan and Erin showed such stark terror, when threatened with the quiet room. Ashley raised his hand, keeping his eyes downcast. After what seemed an eternity, Mlle D'Araignee said. "You wish to speak Ashley?" "I wish to say I'm sorry Mlle, and ask your forgiveness." Mlle D'Araignee smiled at his words, there was a mixture of sardonic amusement and triumph at his words. He was certain she did not think he had suddenly undergone a conversion in attitude. At the same time his apology signified a distinct weakening of his resolve. Ashley was not sure what to do. In the few short hours he had been under Mlle D'Araignee control, Ashley was beginning to behave in a way; only yesterday he would have considered totally unacceptable. If Alyce had told him during the train journey, that in less than twenty-four hours, he would be wearing a satin sailor suit, silk stockings and a silk pinafore, Ashley would have said she was completely crazy. Now that had happened, and he had agreed to be fitted into a tight corset. He knew this concession was only the beginning. More demeaning demands would follow and he could see no way of stopping them. Chapter Ten. Mademoiselle la Heroine. A small mercy occurred before leaving the Manor house, the pinafores were removed. The wearing of those hateful garments humiliated him more than anything else. Their makeup was freshened and the ribbons retied in their hair. Peggy drove, while Megan accompanied her in the front of the elderly but perfectly maintained Bentley. Mlle D'Araignee relaxed in the spacious rear seat with the two girls. On the two jump seats facing her sat Ashley and Evan. Mlle D'Araignee explained they were going to the "House of Stewart", their family company, and the producers of EVEWEAR. The haute couture costumes, "EVAFIRM" corsetry and the exclusive lingerie were made here. She went on to tell them that Evan, when he had assumed his father's title had attempted to close the company. Preferring to spend the money on drugs and other pleasures more suited to his previous lifestyle. If he had succeeded, more than three hundred employees would have lost their jobs and would now be facing destitution. Following his reconsideration, the House of Stewart had gone on to further success. Mlle D'Araignee's role as saviour was clear to the people of the town and they very grateful for the changes in their Laird. He was serving as a role model for improving the behaviour of all males in the town. At one stage she said, Lord Evan and Erin had escaped from the Manor House. Immediately all the villagers had assembled, prepared to spend day and night scouring the countryside. In less than two hours both he and Erin had been returned to their Mother. It had taken only a short period in the silent room for Evan to completely change his personality. As Evan's blushed bright red, Mlle D'Araignee reached out and patted his hand and said. "For which we are all very grateful." The Bentley drew up before a porticoed entrance. The building had been erected in the 1920's , and despite the age was very impressive. Assembled before it, were a dozen men and women, villagers and workers from the factory. Ashley now realised he was about to appear in public. Immediately the car halted, Peggy came to the rear door and opened it for Mlle D'Araignee. As she emerged from the car she was greeted with respect. The boys and men in the crowd removed their hats or caps and bowed and the girls and women curtsied. Evan's appearance resulted in some angry murmuring from the crowd and it was obvious he was not very popular. One large rather florid man, wearing a tweed jacket, and Stewart tartan kilt stepped forward. He was holding his badge of office, a bowler hat in his hands and said. "I like the young master's costume, Mademoiselle D'Araignee. He's not likely to run off and sell our company dressed like that." "Of course he won't McDougal, and I'm sure you'll make sure he doesn't run off again." Mr McDougal was the Work's Manager and Ashley realised that although his kilt and jacket were distinctly male, he was wearing a pintucked and embroidered white shirt with a "peter pan" collar. This was not the only feminine item. It was also obvious that he wore nylon stockings beneath the kilt. Ashley looked more closely at the other members of the factory staff and realised that Mr McDougal's costume was not unique. The clothing of the majority of the men and boys was similar in style to their Manager's. Mlle D'Araignee introduced Ashley and Alyce to Mr McDougal and the staff. "Lord Evan ha

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Ginger Spice

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.Legend perpetuates a mythic fairy tale that depicts a cheeky gingerbread man who was magically animated, and who spent his life running away from people and talking creatures who wished to eat him. Ancient documents have now come to light that tell a different story:Once upon a time, there was a Gingerbread Man, who lived in the small town of Puddington. Unlike the other sweet inhabitants, the...

1 year ago
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Pussy Spice

Marlon pulled out of me his thick cock dragging slowly free, his glans glistening with the creamy white slime of his ejaculate. From the side he took up the little tub of pussy spice cream. I knew what it was. Once it was rubbed into my sex, once Peter licked it, the addiction of cum licking, black cock worship would be irreversible. He dipped a finger in the goo smiled and worked it into me. Tonight, Peter would become my slave. There came a night, on our own marriage bed, when Marlon had once...

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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‘Ohhh!’, sighed Karen.The water was hot on her skin and the last lingering waves of her climax were easing away. She smoothed her hands over her breasts and felt the tight hard nubs of her erect nipples under her palms.Karen had been divorced for over two years and had not made love with a man since. Two years was a long time but after sixteen years with John the idea of being with another guy didn’t appeal anymore. It wasn’t that he was mean or abusive or a bad lover and ruining her for life...

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‘Ohhh!’, sighed Karen.The water was hot on her skin and the last lingering waves of her climax were easing away. She smoothed her hands over her breasts and felt the tight hard nubs of her erect nipples under her palms.Karen had been divorced for over two years and had not made love with a man since. Two years was a long time but after sixteen years with John the idea of being with another guy didn’t appeal anymore. It wasn’t that he was mean or abusive or a bad lover and ruining her for life...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 16 Sugar and Spice

Sif and I hatched our plan and I was supposed to meet her on Monday right after school. Dreadful for what I expected at home I waited for Hogun to pick me up, but he seemed pleased with himself as he showed up and climbed into his floater. “Your father has allowed for you to stay with me again for a while. You don’t need to go to the burg.” I sighed relieved and told him about father’s strange behavior and then about the visit. He threw his hands in the air in a resigning gesture. “The...

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

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Wyoming Ute IGT Sugar

Wyoming Ute IGT, Sugar By: Malissa Madison We had three hours down time to ourselves, daffodil was with Fox and Otter visiting the other drivers of our family so wrapped my arms around my husband's broad shoulders, pressing my bare breasts into his back. Twisting his head he kissed my lips with a grin. "What would you like to do" "Well I kind of thought we might take in a show." I bit my lip sure he would say no when he found out. "Darlene, if you want to go to the Star Pilot...

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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

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A Little More Spice

A Little More Spice By Donna Williams "I'm almost ready. You know guys think women are always late, so why disappoint them?" I asked. I was in no real hurry, anyway. "I know," replied Susan, "but the parking lot at the club gets full early on Saturday nights. I don't know about you, but I don't want to have to walk three blocks in these heels." "OK, ok, I think I'm ready," I said, going downstairs. "Tell me how I look." "Fabulous, we should have done this earlier. I...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Im Here Sugar

I won’t say I’m not grateful, because I am. But it’s harder than I thought it would be. This is my second signing. I’m in Alaska, of all places, and it’s freaking cold. Now, I don’t mean that it is simply cold. The cold here is unlike any cold I’ve ever experienced. It gets into my bones and makes my teeth chatter of their own accord. It’s my fault for setting the novel of my book in Kodiak. I needed a coastal town, and I wanted something different, so here I am. I feel like I’m in a foreign...

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Candy And Her Sugar Daddy Go To The First Erotic Amusement Park

When you get to be my age, birthdays come and go. Except when you live with a very sexy, wild, and much younger woman. I have been fortunate to be quite well off, and probably that's why my girlfriend, Candy, is even with me. That’s a story for another day. When one is rich, people flock to you. I love to spoil women and they like to spoil me. It's a win-win situation.I met up with Candy when I was at a convention in Atlantic City. I was staying at the Golden Nugget. Candy was at a blackjack...

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Sugar Plum Fairy

Copyright Oggbashan November 2014 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* I had gone to the Christmas costume party only to escort my sister Mary. It was full of her friends and I didn’t know any of them well. Mary had...

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Swami Ghoshal 8211 Anand Ka 8220Santansukh Garbha Mandir8221

Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup h.ye nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...

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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 14 The Sugar Mill and Mackay

The drive to Sarina the next day was a long one, which meant that Peter got to share the driving again. This of course made him happy. He really liked driving the big RV. Seeing this was their destination for the night, the RV was parked and the 4WD unloaded. They had seen a lot of sugar cane growing in fields along the highway, just as there had been around Bundaberg. It was fascinating seeing all the miniature train lines and the rolling stock used to transport the cane to the mills. Again...

4 years ago
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Mandys sickest stories Mandy reloaded

Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...

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Candy and Her Sugar Daddy Go to the First Erotic Amusement Park

When you get to be my age, birthdays come and go. Except when you live with a very sexy, wild, and much younger woman. I have been fortunate to be quite well off, and probably that’s why my girlfriend, Candy, is even with me. That’s a story for another day. When one is rich, people flock to you. I love to spoil women and they like to spoil me. It’s a win-win situation. I met up with Candy when I was at a convention in Atlantic City. I was staying at the Golden Nugget. Candy was at a blackjack...

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Andrew Running Part 1 of Andreas Stand

Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...

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Jade And Her Sugar Daddy Adventures

I've come to terms that I really love older men. When I was growing up, I never had a father. I really missed that love that a girl gets from her dad. I've always enjoyed dating much older men. Of course, this is something that my mother doesn't understand. My friends think I'm too pretty to keep such old company. I love all the men that I date. I guess some people might call me a "Gold Digger." I honestly love the men who care for me. I know I must be the unusual one. Older men love to be in...

Group Sex
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Bovine Justice vs The Sugar Skull G

The local media was now calling it ‘the crime wave of the century’. There was still no evidence the spike in crime was organized in any meaningful way, but the event was straining Megatropolis’ police and cadre of superheroes. There were many theories on how the crime wave started but the most convincing one was the simplest: there had been a small increase in crime, big enough to be reported on the local news. The reports mentioned that the city’s police and superheroes were stretched thin...

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My journey to becoming a sugar baby

My name is Nina. I’m 28 years old and Canadian-Lebanese and this is the story of how I became a sugar baby. Those of you who have read my past works already know my history but for those who are new, here is a quick recap. I was brought up in a conservative middle-eastern household. My husband was the first man I ever dated and had sex with and we got married about 2 years ago. During our marriage, we would often hang out with his friends, a group of 6 guys including him, with me as the only...

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Candys Dandy

by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...

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Oops thats not sugar Daddy

My mom really tore into me last night after she caught me in my bedroom giving a blowjob to my boyfriend Justin. I really couldn’t sleep after what mom said to me. I really take what she says to heart. So, I got up early Saturday morning to work out. Daddy doesn’t come home until around six in the morning now because he works the third shift at the factory. I don’t know what the big deal is he only makes an extra $5.00 per hour. What I am really nervous about is whether or not mommy told...

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Everything I Say Sugar

Carl was definitely younger than Jason, but he was built nothing like him. He ambled easily to us and hugged his brother then he turned to me. He took my face in his hands and pressed his lips to mine. ‘So this is her.’ He smirked when he let me breathe. ‘This is my Annie. Annie, my brother, Carl.’ Jason wrapped his arms around me from behind again. I really liked it when he did that. ‘Thank you, for having me.’ I said stupidly. ‘I haven’t had you yet, honey.’ He looked at Jason. ‘Have...

5 years ago
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Deity Arms 2 I Call My Sugar Candy

Deity Arms 2: I Call My Sugar Candy By The Professor Luk had been making great progress in learning English. He had even been picking up some of the local slang, so when Mr. L told him to be part of the furniture, he assumed that meant he was to be very quiet while observing his mysterious boss as he carried out a negotiation. Not so. He would have sighed, but in his current shape as a floor lamp, it was impossible for him to do so. In fact, how he could see and hear was a mystery to...

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Sissy Outed Brandon to Brandy

This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 10 Armand Mixes in the Hernandezs Affairs

Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...

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Sugar Rush Chapter 1

You sigh, “Can’t the world just leave me alone?” The doorbell rings again. “Damn it,” you mutter to yourself under your breath. You heave yourself out of your computer chair and start waddling to the front door. The doorbell rings again. “Coming!” you yell at the door. Your pace is slow. You are a very obese man. Your sedentary lifestyle and your indulgent diet have contributed greatly to your obesity. You live alone by yourself, and you work remotely for a government-funded research...

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My Sugar Daddy

A tear formed in the corners of her eyes as she remembered what happened about a month after that. She had come home early from work and caught him in bed with another woman. She fought back her emotions and pondered, ‘Oh God, why didn’t the love she had for him hold onto him? Why did he have to cheat on me and ruin everything?’ Her mood was broken when the bartender placed a napkin on the counter in front of her and asked, “Hi Nat, what’s your poison tonight?” She composed herself,...

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by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...

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Sugar Cane Plantation Chptr 5

The Sugar Cane Plantation - Chapter 5 She began to feel regret at having put a thoroughly spent and exhausted June to bed with her husband. The whole evening had been a sexual thrill– an emotional dynamo as she experienced the rush of being in control, of hearing her friend and lover scream from her soul. True, she had allowed herself a few quite pleasant orgasms during the course of the evening, but her pussy still felt swollen and needy. She decided there might be some benefits to...

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Sugar Cane Plantation Chptr 1

The Sugar Cane Plantation - Chapter 1 She always felt so much at home when she visited the island. Silly really since she spent almost all of her time elsewhere – working long, tedious hours at the law firm. Still, her vacations always brought her here to the warm breezes, the smell of the ocean, the lush foliage. So it seemed that each time she was able to visit, she was coming home. This time it would be a little different. In the past she had always stayed at one of the...

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Adding Some Spice

Nick and I had been in a bit of a slump lately. Now before you begin thinking all the thoughts that usually come along with a statement like that and the assumptions that go with them - stop. Nick and I are not together and we never have been. In fact, I’d recommend you check out our last story if you have not already done so to get the full history.The fact is that we have been very close friends for years. Sure, lines have been crossed in the past but knowing each other so well allowed us to...

Wife Lovers
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Sugar Cane Plantation

She always felt so much at home when she visited the island. Silly really since she spent almost all of her time elsewhere – working long, tedious hours at the law firm. Still, her vacations always brought her here – to the warm breezes, the smell of the ocean, the lush foliage. So it seemed that each time she was able to visit, she was coming home. This time it would be a little different. In the past she had always stayed at one of the big resorts. The ones with the private beaches, and golf...

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Tales from the Sugar Bowl1

The women I have met in the sugar bowl were invariably interesting and I clicked with some and not others. They generally range in age from 18 to 35…education runs from high school to graduate degrees…and they include the drop dead gorgeous and the not so attractive and everything in between…As you would expect, I tend to respond to the approaches from the more attractive and intelligent women that are more proximate, as the web site is set up where membership is free, but communication for...

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How I Got My Sugar Daddy

Chapter 1 I was the first in my family to go to college and it was something that I had wanted ever since I was a little girl. My family didn’t have a lot of money, so I worked during each summer, scrimping and saving for the fall and my return to school. It was summer and I was between my sophomore and junior years, now passing the halfway point in my college life and I was again working at a nearby resort as I had the year before. My duties did vary some but I mostly clerked behind the desk...

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Taking Sugar Lips For The First Time Parts 1amp

Taking Sugar Lips For The First TimeFor Vanessa - My Sugar LipsPart 1We have known each other for a long time over the internet, we would visit for hours everyday, and we learned so much about each other. We grew very fond of each other and decided to get together. I flew you in to visit me for a couple of weeks. We just finished having a light dinner as I was brining you to your home for the next two weeks. I opened up your car door and gave you my hand to let you out of the car, grabbed...

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How I Got My Sugar Daddy

Chapter 1 I was the first in my family to go to college and it was something that I had wanted ever since I was a little girl. My family didn't have a lot of money, so I worked during each summer, scrimping and saving for the fall and my return to school. It was summer and I was between my sophomore and junior years, now passing the halfway point in my college life and I was again working at a nearby resort as I had the year before. My duties did vary some but I mostly clerked behind the desk...

Straight Sex
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He had done it. Finally after spending 6 years developing it, George had finally finished creating the perfect, inconspicuous product for changing the world. Working in the factory that makes sugar has paid off, because now, after all the science experiments, all the trial and error, all the tests, he had it. An entire batch of sugar, but not just ANY sugar, no. THIS sugar, had the ability to control minds. He was able to put people in a trance for 20 minutes, give them any order, make them...

Mind Control
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SugarChapter 4

(MFf ) Harper sat replying to this next guy, her fourth in a row. So far, three had responded, and three had rejected her. Fucking boomer assholes. You’d think they wouldn’t be very picky. Just because she had a few (ok, many) tattoos, and had as many dick ‘boyfriends’ as her tattoos. And that she had a tiny bit of a problem with alcohol, and various medicinals, and a little attitude (who wouldn’t) ... Shit, you would think they would give a girl a break. She never got a break. Fucking...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 7

Well, now it's time for school. Candace and I go to a small high school, not private, but because we are so rich, it is not exactly public either. The students have been screened by my fathers' security teams; they are all exceptionally bright, well mannered, not prone to causing trouble, and to add ice cream to the pie, all are very good looking. There are 40 students, 20 boys and 20 girls. When the school was larger it had state champion quality teams in boys basketball, girls volleyball...

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Sugar Cane Epilogue and Prologue

Sugar Cane Revisited – The Prologue Obviously this adventure had to end sooner or later. Our host of characters can’t simply hang out on an island hideaway forever. As was pointed out, jobs and mortgages and all the other shit await!! Where will we go form here? Since much of this is pure fantasy, why not play with another fantasy that we all have from time to time. The fantasy of leaving it all behind. The fantasy that made that country song “Take this Job and Shove it”...

5 years ago
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Sugar Cane Epilogue and Prologue

Sugar Cane Plantation – The Epilog Sugar Cane Revisited – The Prologue Obviously this adventure had to end sooner or later. Our host of characters can't simply hang out on an island hideaway forever. As was pointed out, jobs and mortgages and all the other shit await!! Where will we go form here? Since much of this is pure fantasy, why not play with another fantasy that we all have from time to time. The fantasy of leaving it all behind. The fantasy that made that country song "Take...

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Sugar Daddy Chapter 1

Did you ever have one of those days where you just knew it was going to be a rotten day the moment your foot hit the floor? Well, I had one of those days here a couple of weeks ago, myself. Fortunately for me, the day started out shit, but it ended up being a pretty good day after all.I was leaving my home on the west side of Chicago that day and headed to St Louis. I was already pissed that I had to make this trip at all. You see I am the CEO of a pretty well established and profitable...

2 years ago
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One Thing Leads to Another Semen is Mostly Sugar

Fuck, only 2:15. I can't take 45 more minutes of Mr. V's class. Is Maria still meeting me after school? I hope she wants to get something to eat... Christine's mind wondered. Christine discreetly took her phone out of her backpack and slowly moved it to her lap, out of Mr. Vasiliev's view. She opened her text message window and began to type. Christine: r u meeting me after class still? Maria: yeah but I might get ther late Christine: how late Maria: dont no Maria:...

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Why They Call Me Sugar Tits

Ever since I joined Lush, guys keep asking me how I got my nickname. "Why do they call you Sugar Tits?" This true story will set the record straight.It was my best friend Ashley's sweet sixteen and she was having a sleepover party. I had turned sixteen a few weeks earlier and Ashley was the youngest in our group of friends. One of the girls got her a tub of sugar scrub and I somehow hadn't even heard of it. "It makes your skin really smooth," Ashley explained when I asked about it. Some of the...

Oral Sex
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Robbie Lane was a walking contradiction. The first time I saw him, he was standing outside the Decade bar in Williamsburg. First impressions? I believe they count. Of course they count. When you’re deliberately setting yourself up to see a person for the first time, there is an onus upon you to make sure you’re looking and behaving your best.I’d been putting off meeting him for weeks. Through the New Year and most of January, I’d been preoccupied with wrangling my way to a promotion whilst...

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The Sugar Momma

The Sugar Momma (Written March 14, 19, 26-27, April 2-4 2020) "Oh hey big boy, come here please," a silky, sexy voice uttered from the bedroom, getting Paul's attention. Oh man, when she wants something, and its usually meant that, he knew he could not refuse her. "Ah yes, my Queen, one moment...." he uttered back as he got up from the toilet. Oh yes, this was quite a wonderful arrangement. Once he exited the bathroom, he came upon on the sight of his beloved, or rather his sugar...

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