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3 years ago
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New God of Destruction

You wake up floating. Puffy, white clouds are below you, blue sky all around. In front of you stands to blue-skinned people clad in long robes. One male, one female. The male has long, tall, white hair. The female has a long, white ponytail, ample breasts, and a seemingly plump ass, though it is hard to tell because of the robe. Both of them wear purple lipstick. "Where am I? Who are you?" Are the only words you are able to utter with how much information is flooding through your brain, the...

4 years ago
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Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Afterwards

{Conton City} Your name as Kartearin and you are a Saiyan Warrior, ranked as an High -Class Elite, you were Mentored by Vegeta, Trunks, Gohan, Goku, Piccolo, Majin Buu, Captain Ginyu, Tien Shinhan, Hit, Cooler, Freiza, Yamcha, Broly, Turles, Videl, Hercule, Gotenks, Future Trunks, Shin, Creugiues II, Raditz, Nappa, Android 16, Android 17, Old Kai, Android 18, Krillin, Jaco, Bojack, Nail, Kibito, Dende, Master Roshi, Cell, Lord Slug, Vados, Whis, and even Lord Beerus himself. You have become the...

3 years ago
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DBZ Space Time Tournament of Power

Numerous voices merged together, the various fighters eagerly awaiting their host. Warriors from different races, ranging from Earthlings to Saiyans to even Majins, had been invited to this tournament, each one hailing from a different era or even different universe. The most notable thing was that every competitor present was a woman. The voices hushed down as the tournament's host, a beautiful blue-skinned woman with white hair tied up, appeared before them. "Welcome, everyone, to the...

4 years ago
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Aurum Et Periculo the Mystery of the Roman GoldChapter 2A Paris and Adventure

The following day was also beautiful. I was thinking two gorgeous April days in a row must be an English record. We cleared the Marina on a course slightly east of south under full sail. I steered while daddy and Mother set the sails. Mel sat next to me on the navigator’s bench looking bright green. I said kindly, “You’ll get used to it dear”. She responded by heaving into one of the buckets at my feet. I had to admit that the Channel is a lot choppier than most of the places I had...

3 years ago
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la mia famiglia

Faceva un gran freddo quella mattina.Il vento, fuori, sembrava non volere più fermare le sue raffiche impetuose.Dal caldo del mio letto diedi un’ occhiata annoiata al termometro che segnava 2 °C.“Cacchio che freddo !!” esclamai ancora assonnato, e mi rimboccai le coperte fino al naso beandomi di quella giornata di ferie.Dopo una ventina di minuti però, la voce imperiosa di mia madre mi costrinse a superare il momento di torpore e ad alzarmi dal letto.Ancora in stato di semi incoscienza mi...

2 years ago
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Una nuova esperienza pt 3

L'indomani a scuola non ho fatto altro che pensare a che voce potesse avere Vanessa Martini... Mia madre mi aveva suggerito di ispirarmi alle voci delle attrici cinematografiche, ma la cosa era forse non consigliabile. erano voci troppo perfette, dovute al doppiaggio e alle dizioni troppo corrette... ci voleva qualcosa di pi? naturale e genuino... Mentre le ore passavano una idea mi balza in testa, perch? non ispirarmi a voci di persone che conosco? e forse ho gi? in mente su chi bas...

2 years ago
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Una nuova esperienza pt 4

Devo dire che mentre uscivamo di casa ero un po' timoroso di cosa, e soprattutto chi, avremmo trovato fuori. Per fortuna la macchina era vicina e quindi il tragitto per raggiungerla breve. Entriamo in macchina e mia madre mette subito in moto avviandosi verso il centro. "Allora? come ti sembra questa tua prima uscita per strada?" "La prima cosa che ho notato e' stato il freddo sulle gambe... ma come fate voi donne?" "Eh, abitudine!... in ogni caso le calze che hai sono anche...

3 years ago
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El Ring de la muerte

Michelle estaba acabando de prepararse para el combate. Su atuendo y aspecto no eran los habituales para luchar, pero tampoco era un evento habitual. Vest?a con un top de color azul el?ctrico, bastante ajustado, con escote en forma de V, que dejaba ver la forma de unos pechos bien redondeados, firmes, probablemente de talla noventa. No cubr?a sin embargo el vientre, con abdominales definidas, aunque no tanto como para ganarle el apelativo de "musculosa". Atl?tica le sentar?a mejor. En la parte inferior lu...

2 years ago
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Un incontro andato male

Voglio scrivere questa breve storia per far capire che dietro una tastiera siete spesso un po' troppo superbi, eccessivamente spacconi e quant'altro: gli incontri nella realtà sono tutt'altra cosa. Voglio raccontare il mio primo incontro con un ragazzo conosciuto su questo sito. Di norma non faccio incontri reali per una serie di ragioni che potete intuire da soli, diciamo anche solo perchè non posso e non voglio incontrare tutti gli uomini che me lo chiedono. Quella volta , però, fu diverso....

3 years ago
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in cantina

Gianni, mi andresti a prendere la sega che ho dimenticato giù in cantina?... Attento, non è quella poggiata sulla vecchia credenza, è quella che ho lasciato sul mobiletto accanto, quello dove tengo i giornali vecchi» mi chiese mio padre intento a fare dei lavori in casa con me che ero lì ad osservarlo.Avevo visto spesso mio padre utilizzare vecchi quotidiani quando verniciava o quando utilizzava olio o lubrificanti ma non avevo mai visto da dove li avesse tirati fuori; però senza fare domande...

4 years ago
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L amante marocchino

L’amante di mia moglie è un muratore marocchino. E’ un bell’uomo, quarantenne, prestante sia fisicamente che sessualmente.L’abbiamo conosciuto due anni fa quando venne a fare dei lavori a casa nostra.Mia moglie Laura, anche se tra i cinquanta e sessant’anni era (ed è ancora) una donna desiderabile e lui cominciò a corteggiarla spudoratamente anche in mia presenza. La cosa, inizialmente, mi diede fastidio ma poi cominciò a farsi strada in me il perverso desiderio di vederla posseduta da...

4 years ago
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Ho sedotto mia nipote

Non sono lesbica.Capirete dopo perché esordisco dicendo che non sono lesbica. Ho anche una amica lesbica con la quale ci frequentiamo abbastanza ma, nonostante qualche sua avance, non mi è mai venuto in mente di fare qualche cosa con lei. Il pensiero di stare con una donna, non mi eccita: anzi!Ho 41 anni, mi chiamo Alice. Sono alta un metro e sessantacinque, capelli scuri, ho qualche chilo in più ma quando si passano i quaranta sembra che sia quasi normale.Vivo in città con mio marito, lavoro...

2 years ago
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Io la spiaggia ed Erica

nota dell'autore: Questa ? la prima storia che scrivo in Italiano. Spero vi piaccia. Tutti i diritti riservati (C) Shiraz Derwine. Sono vietate la copia e riproduzione per qualunque fine al di fuori di FictionMania o dove non espressamente autorizzata dall'autore. All rights reserved (C) Shiraz Derwine. -------------------------- Io, la spiaggia, ed Erica. -------------------------- Il piano era preciso: Maturit? e poi tre mesi di vacanza al mare lontano da pensieri, genitori, libri ...

4 years ago
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Virtual Slavery


The image of a naked woman fills the notebook computer screen. 

She is on her knees, seen from behind and to her right side. Her asshole and dilated shaven sex are clearly visible. The upturned soles of her feet. The side of one white breast flattened against a burgundy bedspread. Her face, but for one startlingly blue eye which seems to be staring not at the bedspread an inch away but inward, is hidden by outstretched arms and a sweep of black hair. The arms extend to wrists bound...

4 years ago
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il compleanno della moglie

Come ogni mattina mi alzo faccio le cose quotidiane, ( colazione, accendere il pc, ecc.) guardo la posta e vado sui siti che sono registrata, su uno dei vari siti non un messaggio interessante che diceva " Ciao spero di non disturbarti son il lui di coppia e vorrei far un regalo di compleanno alla mia ragzza siccome e periodo di crisi mi chiedevo se eri disponibile per questa cosa qua?? ti ringrazio in anticipo e spero di ricevere la tua risposta". Dopo che lo letto ho riflettuto sulla tematica...

2 years ago
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Gelida Passione

1I segreti hanno un prezzo.G. S.Tatiana lo faceva “morire”: era un tipo sveglio e più napoletana dei napoletani. In due anni e aveva imparato tutto sulla vita della città, nonché del suo intricato sottobosco, persino le grandi e piccole manovre della mentalità camorristica: ormai la linfa, il sistema sanguigno della città.Andava fiero di quella donna, il suo braccio destro. L’aveva voluta, ne aveva intuito le qualità, e ne aveva fatto una vera “signora”.Certo, al suo Paese era una laureata,...

2 years ago
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Il calciatore

Siamo una coppia normalissima, regolarmente sposata, di circa 40 anni, molto innamorata l’uno dell’altro. Da un po’ di tempo, con scarsi risultati, stavo cercando di convincere la mia lei ad avere uno incontro con un terzo. Con scarsi risultati, sulle prime non ne voleva sentir parlare, poi con il tempo e la mia insistenza sembrava quasi aver deciso positivamente per farmi contento. Nel frattempo nei nostri momenti intimi, fantasticavamo su dove e come sarebbe potuto avvenire il triangolo. Lei...

3 years ago
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Una nuova esperienza

(NdA: questa e' la prima volta che scrivo una storia, quindi mi scuso gia' per eventuali imprecisioni... inoltre ho scritto la storia in lingua italiana, dato che ? la mia lingua madre e inq uesto modo mi verrebbe piu' facile scriverla.... se qualcuno fosse interessato a tradurla in inglese faccia pure non pu? che farmi piacere :D inoltre sono graditi anche pareri e suggerimenti anche su come si evolvera' la trama.... grazie!) ----------------------------------- Una nuova espe...

2 years ago
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Sara Sara  Mi chiamo Sara, ho ventidue anni e studio Lettere e Filosofia qui a Milano. Mia madre ? francese, mio padre? italiano. I miei genitori vivono e lavorano a Nizza, la citta? in cui e nata mia madre, ed in cui sono nata anche io.Finito il liceo, mi sono trasferita in Italia per frequentare l?universita?. Desideravo conoscere meglio il paese di mio padre e cos? ho preferito Milano a Parigi. Parlo correttamente l?italiano oltre al francese, percio? non ho problemi di lingua.  Sono alta u...

3 years ago
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Virtual Slavery Ch 19

19 Lynn ‘Wear the Chinese necklace,’ he said. ‘Why?’ Sometimes I wore it, sometimes not. He had never specifically mentioned it again after Saint Louis. ‘Because I tell you to.’ So the jade and gold necklace hung from my neck as I eagerly disembarked from the Delta jet and hurried into the terminal, where I found only Jefferson, who greeted me atypically with a kiss on the mouth replete with wet tongue and hands roving over my ass that attracted attention from other disembarking...

2 years ago
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Old Friends Part 3

Part 3I arrived back at Phil's about 6 o'clock, the day went well, not too many issues, but I was rather tired. I kept getting erections during the day as I remembered the escapades of the previous evening! Was I gay? I had sucked cock and loved it, but I didn't fancy Phil unless he was in Lingerie. A very confused day!As he opened the door, my jaw dropped to the floor! He stood there in a Lovely summer dress, button-through with a hint of a white lacy slip at the hem. The look was completed by...

4 years ago
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Mira 1

‘Is that your natural hair colour?’ The launch of the super yacht ‘Mira’ was a major event. I was there because I do the interior design section of my regional newspaper and my colleague, Luke, was there because he covers local industry. The yacht had been built in a local yard and the gala press day was designed to show it off. We’d been invited aboard for a sumptuous champagne lunch, followed by a short cruise with a dinner later. We had each been allocated our own cabin and had been asked to...

4 years ago
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Felicidad es Locura

Felicidad es locura Este fue mi primer relato, alla por el a?o 99. He dedidido enviarlo ahora a fictionmania, sin embargo preparando quizas camino a su segunda parte, si consigo terminar lo que estoy escribiendo ahora. Espero lo disfruteis. Prologo Las ruinas de la antiguamente multitudinaria ciudad se veian completamente solas, abandonadas de la mano de Dios... de cualquier dios en realidad. Tan solo las ratas vivian ahora por la ciudad. Seres deformes, gigantescos, aberraciones d...

3 years ago
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Carmela Spanish

Carmela Transcurria el ano de 1776. Las trece colonias Britanicasen la America del Norte habian declarado su independencia, y la guerra contrala corona Britanica estaba en su momento cumbre. Mas al sur, Espana fortaleciatodo su imperio. Mayormente en su apreciada isla: Cuba. La trata de esclavos era un gran negocios para los colonos,tanto como en la isla, como en los de las trece colonias, que habian en laAmerica continental. Las grandes plantaciones de cana de azucar necesitabanesclavos...

2 years ago
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Historia de Ang lica

Historia de Angélica Nuestra protagonista se llama Angélica. Es rubia,de ojos azules y bellas formas. Su estatura es 1,65 m. y su piel es sensualmentepálida. Acababa de salir del convento de "Las hermanas dela Humildad", contando a la sazón 17 años. En el conventohabía sido educada bajo la mas férrea disciplina. Había ingresado en el convento a la edad de 8 años,cuando sus padres habían perecido y sus parientes mas próximosse habían desentendido de ella. La vida en el convento fue muy dura...

2 years ago
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Missing in Action Chapter 2

The tour was good.  Clarrie and I managed to rent a small flat in the heart of Windsor, a stone’s throw from the Castle and the theatre.  The first few days we were doing the technical stuff that has to be boringly and painstakingly precise.  It’s nothing like rehearsing normally.  It’s stop, start, stop, start while the lights, sound, and all the other bits and pieces get checked out.  It is, however, a good test of how well we’ve learned the play.The first half of Missing in Action is the set...

4 years ago
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For the Love of LiciaChapter 4 A Catfight

"Hi," Angique said. She got no answer. "You seem quite alone, honey." "I'm used to it." The girl sat in a corner, just a few yards away. She leant against the pink-and-silver papered wall, hugging her knees. Her hair was darkish blonde; her voice sounded tired. She wore a white t-shirt that was too big for her. The face peeping through the curtains of her hair was a girl's, but she definitely had the eyes of a woman — guarded, even hostile. Angique didn't remember seeing her...

3 years ago
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Gina and Janet Go To The Drive In

The four of us ran around doing all types of stuff. We went to amusement parks, to New York City shopping and we spent a lot of time out at the lake. Where we fished and went water skiing. The fun lasted until the first part of August at least for John. He had to start football camp that first week so we did not see much of him through the day as he had practice in the morning then again in the afternoon. About two weeks into football, camp Gina and I decided to go check him out at...

2 years ago
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Una Brava Mamma Per Ogni Occasione

Io sono la Mamma, il mio compito è rendere felice e contento mio figlio assecondando ogni sua richiesta e tenendomi sempre pronta a soddisfare ogni suo desiderio. Mio figlio vuole che io sia sempre una brava Mamma per ogni occasione, Provvedo alla pulizia e all’ordine della casa in cui viviamo e preparo da mangiare da brava casalinga quale sono. Mio figlio vuole che la sua Mamma sia sempre bella, in forma, ben curata e profumata, vuole che tenga le unghia di mani e piedi lunghe e sempre ben...

4 years ago
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Gina and Janet Go To The Drive In

Introduction: Chapter 19 Gina goes to the drive in with us. I last left you with having met Johns cousin Gina from Italy. She was as tasty as her mother DeRonda was. DeRonda had thrown a little party for her mostly to announce her engagement to a man back over in Italy. That and Gina wanted to check me out as well. I was so worry about her especially after finding out that her and John used to be close. However, I had nothing to worry about from Gina. The four of us ran around doing all types...

3 years ago
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La vicina

È estate e fa caldo, ma l'aria di questo sabato pomeriggio di luglio che entra dalla porta finestra aperta è l'ideale per la mia pelle accaldata dall'orgasmo. Sono qui, stesa e ancora nuda sul divano, dopo essermi masturbata fino a venire. Sono a gambe aperte che mi sto ancora accarezzando la figa rasata e fradicia, coccolandola mentre gli ultimi spasmi la sconquassano. Nonostante la porta del balcone sia aperta, nessuno mi ha visto grazie alle tende. Non ci sarebbe nessun problema, in caso,...

4 years ago
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È da un po' di tempo che cerco lavoro quando su un sito specializzato leggo che una ditta di import/export ha bisogno di un autista che sappia fluentemente parlare inglese e che sia disposto a viaggiare. Essendo mia madre Scozzese sono bilingue e così per l'inglese non ci sono problemi, d'altronde adoro girare per il mondo quando posso... quindi mi sono chiesto: i requisiti ce li ho... e allora, perche' non tentare? Invio il mio curriculum via e-mail all'indirizzo di posta elettronica...

2 years ago
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È una bella giornata di fine maggio. Essendo un libero professionista, posso decidere quando e se voglio andare a lavorare. Oggi ho voglia di prendermi una pausa. Monto in auto e vado in campagna a rilassarmi in mezzo alla natura. Conosco un posto in riva al fiume dove si può prendere in tutta tranquillità il sole al riparo da occhi indiscreti. Posteggio la macchina e dopo qualche decina di metri sono arrivato alla meta. La spiaggia, se vogliamo chiamarla così, è composta da ciotoli bianchi...

3 years ago
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Ragazzo del sud la storia continua

....come dicevo nella prima storia..lascio il nord per essere trasferito nella bassa Piemonte in un paesino dell' mezzo alle risaie..non c'era da fare niente...e quando per un temporale andava via l'elettricità...non tornava prima del giorno dopo...e stavamo al Nord...Prendo possesso del mio ufficio..e dell'appartamento che mi tocca...per il grado che occupavo.....un appartamento vuoto di mobili....E allora con l'aiuto di un dipendente..mi reco in un mobilificio e mi...

4 years ago
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Guardami se vuoi

L'avevo notata da qualche giorno quella ragazza sul Bus e mi chiedevo tutte le volte come poteva sentirsi a suo agio con quell'abbigliamento così provocante. Camicie decisamemte scollate, ed osservandola attentamente si poteva notare che il piú delle volte sotto mancava il reggiseno. Le gonne erano il suo pezzo preferito, sempre molto corte e senza calze, non ricordo di averla mai vista con altro abbigliamento nella parte di sotto. Anzi, ripensandoci, di tanto in tanto indossava una sorta di...

3 years ago
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io e la segretaria in calore

Ciao sono Toni e vi racconto di una sera con la segretaria ...lei è una donna zitella sui 50 formosetta con 5a di seno. ero a lavoro, una sera dopo aver finito di lavorare mentre fuori nevicava a dirotto mi apprestavo ad andare a prendere il pulman x tornare a casa e i colleghi andarono tutti con le loro auto, mentre la segretaria era l'ultima ad andare, aspettai il pulman x piu' di un ora ma x troppa neve non passo', e x tornare a casa pensai alla segretaria x un passaggio con la sua auto....

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Contento lui contenta io

“Adesso mi devi spiegare cosa intendi quando mi chiedi qualcosa in più”Avevamo appena finito di scopare e il mio caro maritino per l’ennesima volta mi chiedeva qualcosa in più, dopo oltre 20 anni di matrimonio in cui gli ho concesso tutti i buchi disponibili non riuscivo a capire cosa volesse. “Ma si un qualcosa di diverso, qualcosa che ci ecciti maggiormente e che rafforzi il nostro legame, magari qualcosa che risolva il mio problema”Il problema di mio marito è che lui è molto bravo di lingua...

4 years ago
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La mia primissima ingoiata di sborra

Ciao a tutti i miei ammiratori, ho deciso di raccontare qualcosa di me, una vita di signora moltissimo riservata con episodi intimi che mi hanno accompagnata dopo qualche anno dal mio matrimonio, un matrimonio nel primo anno trascorso con tanta monotonia .Tutto è cominciato quando dopo un po’ che lavoravo in un negozio d’abbigliamento mi sono invaghita del figlio della mia titolare. Pino non mi dava tregua nel corteggiarmi, un bel di giorno del mese di maggio intorno alle 16,00 Pino era davanti...

2 years ago
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Una Brava Mamma Per Ogni Occasione

Io sono la Mamma, il mio compito è rendere felice e contento mio figlio assecondando ogni sua richiesta e tenendomi sempre pronta a soddisfare ogni suo desiderio.Mio figlio vuole che io sia sempre una brava Mamma per ogni occasione, Provvedo alla pulizia e all’ordine della casa in cui viviamo e preparo da mangiare da brava casalinga quale sono.Mio figlio vuole che la sua Mamma sia sempre bella, in forma, ben curata e profumata, vuole che tenga le unghia di mani e piedi lunghe e sempre ben...

4 years ago
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La mia prima volta con mamma

Qual è il desiderio segreto di molti ragazzi della mia età?? Frequentando molte chat nelle quali si parla di argomenti “piccanti”, un desiderio alquanto diffuso è quello di avere un’esperienza sessuale tra le mura domestiche con la propria sorella, la zia, la cognata o come me con la propria mamma. Mia madre, infatti, è sempre stato il mio desiderio sessuale più segreto. E’ una bellissima donna di 46 anni, alta, formosa, un bellissimo seno (una 5^taglia credo) e un culo ed una figa da...

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la rosellina

Avevo 18 anni ed ero ancora in calabria la mia terra di origine.All'epoca frequentavo le scuole del mio paese ,un piccolo paesino medioevale ai piedi della Sila.Gli studi andavano abbastanza bene ma a volte in alcune materie un po'ostiche x me avevo bisogno di aiuto e spesso con due care amiche di scuola ci vedevamo x aiutarci a vicenda negli studi. Le mie lacune in materia di lingua italiana a volte parevano insormontabili ed Elisa una cara amica di studi mi aiutava a superarle con non poche...

3 years ago
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Le foto di Gaia

A partire da una certa età ogni furbo appare pericoloso.Elias Canetti1- Col cazzo, Nino, quello non è scemo, te lo dico io. –Nino sbuffò:- Io non ho detto questo: ho detto solo che è un tipo strano! –Sul campanile della chiesa principale l’orologio ricordò, ai pochi che ancora si attardavano in quella calda domenica di sole, che era appena passata l’una; al massimo mezz’ora e il centro di Latina si sarebbe del tutto svuotato.- Vorrei essere strano come lui! – rise Nino – Si è preso la più bella...

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Romantic Sex With Aunty

Nenu e telugu lo describe chest unnanu .My name is ravi.Nenu btech chaduvutunnanu nenu maa pakkinti aunty ni ela dengano cheptanu .Madi hyd. Maa intlo nenu nanna amma mugguram vuntamu If any aunties girls ladies if you want to contact my Gmail E story recent ga one month ago jarigindi . Maa inti pakkalo aunty vallu valla family tho vundevallu.Aunty gurinchi cheppalantey aunty peru jyothi(name changed) tana figure 34 28 36 aunty age 33 aunty vuntundi white colour aunty ass pichi ekkistundi...

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My Girlfriend Salma Is A Real Bitch

Hi ISS readers, ii story na gf salma gurinchi tanu chala cool ga untundi tanu chala shy, evaritho nu sariga matladadu eppudu bayatellina chala paddatiga ready avtundi , friends tho kuda chala takkuvaga matladutundi , cheppadam marchipoya tana height 5 7 , breast 34 c , hips 26 , back chala sexy ga untundi may be 36 undochu . Ipudu nenu cheppaboye katha na college days lonidi , tanu nenu classmates inter nunchi interlo tanani nenu chusanu oneside love tanu nannu love cheyadaniki inter kuda...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends

Ci frequentiamo da un po'. Siamo amici ed ognuno di noi ha una vita completamente diversa. Ci vediamo una volta al mese e scommettiamo su tutto, carte, cavalli, calcio, qualsiasi cosa. Sempre con molti soldi in ballo. E non sempre vinco. Nella vita faccio il consulente per un'agenzia pubblicitaria, Luca ha un sexy shop, Aldo un locale in provincia e Gianni non fa niente, ma ? molto ricco di famiglia e passa la sua vita sui computer. Questa storia ? ambientata nella casa di campagna di Gia...

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Una nuova esperienza pt 2

Una nuova esperienza - pt.2 Tornato a casa, dopo aver mangiato qualcosa vado subito verso il bagno per dare inizio all'operazione "LaMammaMiCompraDeiDVDnuovi". Come mi aveva detto, mia madre mi aveva lasciato la bottiglia del suo bagno schiuma.... profumo floreale! il piu' profumato che aveva... eh vabbe'! un bagno schiuma vale l'altro. Domattina mi far? un'altra doccia e il profumo di fiori andra' via prima di tornare a scuola. "Paolo? Sono qua! Dove sei? " Eccola tornata! "Qua Ma...

4 years ago
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Bellezza Vs Intelligenza In Amor Vince Chi Insegue

BELLEZZA VS INTELLIGENZA (IN AMOR VINCE?CHI INSEGUE)PrefazioneQuesto racconto narra delle vicende di un gruppo di persone che vivono in modi quasi diametralmente opposti la propria adolescenza, per poi incontrarsi dopo pochi anni in una serie di intrecci un po’ machiavellici ma, a mio modesto parere, efficaci.? una storia d’amore, corrisposto e non?beh non vi preoccupate, le scene di tortura arriveranno, ma vorrei creare un degno contorno, evitando le solite situazioni gi? viste e riviste e, so...

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Dorasaani dengulaata

Hi, im priyareddy again, after a long long time,anta bagunnara, emantunnayi mee moddalu, pookulu, mee sullilu,chala mails vachayi, naa stories chaduvutu kottukuntunnamani boys, velu pettukoni tosukuntunnamani girls, pampinchaaru, thanks for everybody, storykelite, nannu chaakalodu palerodu, dadaapuga, vaaraniki kaneesam 4sarlu dengutunnanru, pooku teeta poyi sammagaa untundi, chakalodi modda cheeekite,mmmmmmmmmmm ohoh, vadi gundrati modda tolunu venakki laagi errati modalu pattukoni,lavugaa...

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Chodakkad wife

Hi friends, aa vaat mari ane mari 7 varas juni girl friend ni chhe. Maru naam sonali tamaro vadhare time waste nai karu ane sidhi point par j aavu mara bf ne paheli vakhat jyare kiss kari tyare ek ajeeb anubhav thayo hato mane, ame banne khetar ma farva gaya hata. Tya ame naariyel pani pidhu hatu. Ame bike par betha betha vaato karta hata, e mari pachhad betho hato ane hu aagad bethi hati… Hawe tame vichari j sako ke aavi shiti ma shu thayu hoy. Ene mane ekdam j hug kari lidhu...

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Dorasani to dengulata

Hi,im ,Priya,naa age ippudu,26, naaku marriage ayindi, na 22yrs ku,na husband village lo politision,surpunch, oori dora,village vallandaru bayapadataru, intlo kuda andaru bayapadataru, atta,mama,nenu maa ayana,panivandlu untaru, evary room varike, atta,mama,valla room ki maroom kasta dooram, maku privacy chala ekkuva,ika sex vishayanikivaste, maa ayana vatti chavata, na pooku lo modda petti, 2 oopulu oopi, moodo oopiki out,ennosarlu lopala tittukunnanu, kojja lanjakodaka, etla puttinavura ani,...

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Virtual Slavery Ch 15

15 Brad Of course I did not do as she asked. Not immediately anyway. I gave a dinner party in her honor instead. Actually two. The first was held at my Manhattan apartment. I told Lynn that it would be formal, so she should dress accordingly, except of course that she was to be naked beneath her dress. I also told her that the guest list would include several people of sufficient celebrity that she would know them, though not personally. In any event the dinner was, I said, simply a way of...

2 years ago
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The Touch Ch 19

WARNING TO READERS – This is a long, rambling, multi-part story and VERY British. The individual chapters will make more sense if read in sequence. Chapter 19 Of fathers, feelings and friends. I was up, showered, shaved and dressed early the next morning, the weather had turned mild again and it was a bright, sunny day and I wandered out into the garden with my coffee and was coming back in when Emma came down to the kitchen. She made herself a cup of tea and went back upstairs. When I...

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Prey For Me Ch 10

Pt. X: Motive Kim and Jack road to the scene of the fourth Lilith murder in Sam Hanson’s Cadillac. It was a brand new Catera Sport. Ebony on the outside, and charcoal soft leather on the inside. Jack sat in the back and rather liked the way it handled. Sam rambled about all the features and specifications and Jack wondered why he did not get to the more pressing business at hand. He soon got an inkling as Sam headed up Route 95. Jack had a feeling this was going to be a long ride. Sam filled...

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Chapter 31 Guilty Of Deadly Sin

In my school years, friends drifted in and out.  Fickle fate granted a lifelong few. Afterward, they were temporarily shipmates to a common port of call.  Unloaded, we embark to our different shores.I was blessed with a lifelong friend, Julie. We met in grade school.What first attracted us? I can’t remember. I was a protean, rural, Asian of dark complexion who snuck on a public-school bus. She was a pedigree, urbane, freckled girl with almost translucent skin, driven to school from afar by her...

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Mira 1

‘Is that your natural hair colour?’ The launch of the super yacht ‘Mira’ was a major event. I was there because I do the interior design section of my regional newspaper and my colleague, Luke, was there because he covers local industry. The yacht had been built in a local yard and the gala press day was designed to show it off. We’d been invited aboard for a sumptuous champagne lunch, followed by a short cruise with a dinner later. We had each been allocated our own cabin and had been asked...

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The Leading Lady

‘For God’s sake, Lenny, you should be off book by now.’ Eleanor Ingram was directing a play I’d written. I was standing in the wings watching the cast slowly destroy it despite Eleanor’s best efforts. With a sigh I turned away and poured myself a huge glass of red wine. ‘Drinking your way through a crisis?’ This was Emily Tibbett. Emily is the leading lady. She played the part of a ruthless, driven politician and could have been type cast. In fact she had been type cast. I’d written the part...

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Deep Dive Part 5

It was now mid-March, and we were returning home from a month in Bali.  During the first week of our trip, we’d focused our attention totally on Michelle, trying to pack as much as we could into seven short days.  After she’d returned home to Switzerland, the next three weeks in Ubud had settled into a comfortable routine for Kate and me. Sleep in, make love, sleep some more, explore Ubud, and then make love again. It was a calm, unstructured time: no schedules, no pressures.   Our flight back...

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The Storyteller of Brompton House part two

Carrie slept as she couldn’t remember sleeping before – an exhausted contented sleep. At around 7.00am she began to become conscious and glorious happy memories flooded back and she moaned as she stretched and moved her body. She reached out and panicked – the bed was empty. “It can’t have all been a dream!” her mind screamed as it commanded her eyes to begin opening. Sounds called for her attention, and she rose on one elbow; there came Cat bearing two large steaming mugs. “Queen of my heart,"...

Love Stories
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The Leading Lady

‘For God’s sake, Lenny, you should be off book by now.’ Eleanor Ingram was directing a play I’d written. I was standing in the wings watching the cast slowly destroy it despite Eleanor’s best efforts. With a sigh I turned away and poured myself a huge glass of red wine. ‘Drinking your way through a crisis?’ This was Emily Tibbett. Emily is the leading lady. She played the part of a ruthless, driven politician and could have been type cast. In fact she had been type cast. I’d written the part...

3 years ago
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Llevo pocos años de casada, soy una mujer joven y según me dicen atractiva en rostro y cuerpo. Mi esposo fue el único novio que tuve, del visto bueno de las 2 familias, por cierto muy conservadoras.                                               Un día me tocó ir a otro salón de belleza del que usualmente yo acudía. Habían sólo mujeres, pero todas mayores que yo, de 55 años en adelante. Entre ellas todas se conocían incluyendo la propietaria. De repente resultaron hablando de sitios donde...

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Mi ex cu ntilde ada se pone mas audaz Vol 2

Se dió el tiempo de mirar mientras me vestía, aprovechó el espejo del baño para darse los últimos retoques, de cuando en cuando me lanzaba picaras miradas, debió notar mi inseguridad desde el momento que me dijo que iríamos a un club swinger. por mi cabeza comenzaron a pasar una serie de ideas respecto a ella, su relación con su marido, y lo que estaba haciendo conmigo. al parecer adivinó mis pensamientos.- tenemos un matrimonio abierto- dijo mientras se tiraba en mi cama y destapaba la botella...

4 years ago
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Mi jefe me sedujo

[gay] mi jefe me hizo su perra.Se dio cuenta como le mire la pija, yo en ese tiempo era hetero Mi nombre es Claudio, tengo 27 años y soy heterosexual, pero tuve una vez una relación con un hombre que duró unos 6 meses y les voy a contar como fue. Tenía en ese entonces 17 años, comenzaba a trabajar en una empresa. El primer día me presentaron al Director del área en que trabajaría. Su nombre era Fernando, tenía 50 años, alto buen porte, corpulento, de 1,85 mts., un tanto excedido en kilos,...

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Mis deseos de leche PARTE 3

La polla negra vuelve a pasar por mis labios. Esta vez lentamente y con mucha gentileza. Yo sin poder creerlo, es la primera vez que saboreo una polla así. Él sabía que moría por comerla toda, pero solo dejaba que le chupe la punta. Mis ojos estaban clavados en sus ojos, mientras yo le rogaba por más; pero sin efecto. Luego miré a la rubia tetona que estaba viéndome con envidia y se acercó. Se arrodillo junto a mí y me animaba a que se la chupe mas profundamente; pero era imposible. Esa polla...

2 years ago
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Seducing Uncle Frank

This is a story that happened some time ago, when I seduced my Uncle Frank. Uncle FrankUncle Frank was married to my mum's sister. He was about 10 years older than Aunt May, and it was both their second marriages. Uncle Frank had an Italian father, French mother, three older sisters, loads of nephews and nieces, and had property in Kensington, the Algarve, and Telluride. You could say he was quite wealthy.They had met in the early 1970's, and spent their wild and wonderful life traveling the...

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Casablanca II

Casablanca II Adriana Ovelar Los sucesos de esa noche me confundieron todavia mas. Por una parte, me acostumbre a usar el vibrador, a entenderlo como una fuente de gozo, a pensar en el cuando me aproximaba a la casa. Tambien me gustaba y me preocupaba el hecho de que, apenas pocos dias despues de la primera vez, ya queria yo tener dentro algo mas grande, algo mas vibrante y vivo. Acaso ya estaba deseando un hombre? Acaso era tan puto? Por la otra parte, sentia con cada vez mayor...

2 years ago
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Fiesta Antes de continuar con el relato perm?teme comentarte algo, al principio cuando empec? a escribirlo ten?a toda la intenci?n de que fuera simplemente un relato corto, sin embargo, como te dije anteriormente, mi imaginaci?n tiene la virtud de una vez despertada, volverse incontrolable. De esta manera, comenzaron a surgir un mont?n de situaciones y fantas?as que no quer?a dejar de contarte. Ten?a entonces dos alternativas, recortaba el relato y dejaba tan solo los hechos esenciales, o lo divid?a al men...

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Take Me Home: is the story of a girl having sex for the first time.I'm a 22 year old Black girl,that stands about 5 feet tall,give or take a inch.I have a small waste and more TITS AND ASS then i want to think about.yes i have heard all of those perverted jokes,like you can see my tits a mile away coming towards you.Or you can see my ass 2 miles away,walking from you.I have 2 Hams behine me,I have 2 Bowling Balls in my back pocket,No i cant carry a case of Beer on my ass,without it Breaking,or...

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Always and Forever Numbers of the Beast Pt 2

Hidden away in an empty freshman classroom in the Universit? de Paris, a high school student busied herself in front of a chalkboard. She had just completed most of her calculations based upon Friedmann's equations that covered the expansion of space in homogeneous and isotropic models of the universe. The basis of the equations came from Einstein's theory of relativity. The mathematician was also hailed as a genius in this world. The calculations were nothing earth shattering of course, ...

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Missing Pieces Part 1

So what do you think of a guy who has been divorced twice and is only twenty five years old. Two time loser? Unlucky? Sitting with a bottle of some fruity fortified alcoholic drink in one hand, I contemplated that very question while reading over the final divorce papers for my second marriage I held in the other. How this marriage ended didn't come as a terrible surprise, not really, well at least I can tell myself that now. Lori and I met at a baseball game. As we both disliked...

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Lonely Milf turned freaky sex fiend

This Intro is just a reminder to all readers of this story that “Ovadose” is a couple. So our stories are going to be very different. So different in fact that you will know after the first few posts, just who wrote them. Mine will all be about me and my husband’s sexual adventures and his will be about his lifelong sexual adventures before and with me. Please feel free to comment on our posts and let us know what you think.October 12, 2010I guess you could say I was an adult tomboy who would...

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Lenta Feminizacion

Mi lenta feminizaci?n (Por Adrianaxd) Esta es una historia ficticia Despues de una penosa y larga enfermedad mi padre finalmente murio, su c?ncer nos dejo sin dinero y adem?s con muchas deudas, yo solo tenia 9 a?os y la situaci?n econ?mica de la casa era a?n desconocida para mi, mi madre no hablaba de los problemas conmigo, solo hablaba de cosas alegres para no preocuparme, ella hab?a estudiado solo hasta Comercio y hab?a trabajado como secretaria en un banco, fue ah? donde conoci? a mi padre pero cuando se ...

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Como dejar de Fumar

Como dejar de fumar Ana Raquel [email protected] La siguiente es una historia de ficci?n, producto de muchas de mis fantas?as, aunque debo aclarar que tambi?n muchas de las situaciones que describo son reales y las he vivido (con mucho placer) personalmente. Queda al lector decidir cuales son fantas?as y cuales son experiencias (aunque debe tener cuidado, quiz? te equivoques). Aclaraci?n: he intentado utilizar un castellano neutro para evitar utilizar t?rminos locales y por lo tanto, no c...

2 years ago
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Making a Point about Backgammon

Making a Point about Backgammon Ashley B. D. Zacharias When Craig answered the phone, he immediately recognized Leslie’s voice. ?I haven’t heard from you for a while,? he said, somewhat tentatively. He had been wondering if he had crossed the line the last time he assisted her. She had a habit of playing backgammon online and punishing herself when she lost. He sometimes oversaw her punishments to ensure her safety. The last time she had lost badly and, though her self-imposed punishment had...

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Boss 8217 s Wife

Bhani always enjoyed flirting. He husband Guru gets annoyed with her when they go out as she would be hanging around with men more than women and some of the conversation he has overheard were a bit risqué. He always warned her that one day she is going to regret. But he never worried about it; as they have been married for more than 35 years and were in their mid 50s. You won’t call Bhani as a pretty woman. She was on the short and slightly fatter side, dark complexion; but her greatest...

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Novice Slaveowner

Part 1 "Here we are now". My father's business agent stopped in frontof an impressive six storey redbrick building and I got out to have a look.The house sported a well-kept front garden with lawns and rosebushes and anoverall very pleasant old-fashioned look. "Quite nice, isn't it? Thirtyflats, six to each floor and a penthouse". "For me?" "Thepenthouse? Of course, but the rest as well. Your dad considers it a very goodinvestment, so it's yours". "Mine?" "Something to get youstarted in...

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Historia de Corinne Spanish

Sitúo mi relato en el Otoño de 1.993. Era una fría y lluviosa tarde del mes de Octubre, había terminadode cenar. Me había aseado y puesto un camisón de color naranja.Me senté en el sofá para ver el noticiario de las 9 de la noche. En la casa hacía bastante calor. El suficiente para permitirme elpermanecer en camisón por toda la casa. Pero, antes de entrar en mi relato, os diré que mi nombre es Corinney que vivo sola. Mis señas personales son bastantes buenas. Mido 1.70 m. y peso 57kg.,...

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Um Negocio Lucrativo Portuguese

UM NEGÓCIO BEMLUCRATIVO Geraldo AntonioLelis de Freitas UM OSimca Chambord estacionou na Pracinha do Araçatuba Clube, aquela doColégio das Irmãs, vizinha da Praça 19 de fevereiro.Carro novo, cores tradicionais de vermelho e amarelo, linha impecável,conforto até exagerado. No radio tocava Neil Sedaka, "You mean everythingto me", sucesso romântico. Olocal estava deserto. Deserto era modo de se dizer: alguns carros passavampelas ruas Duque de Caxias e Carlos Gomes. Um "biribeiro" gritou um...

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Nancy s Promise

Promise Kept. By Trish. I arrived home exhausted five days after my grandmothers transgendered friend Nancy told me that she had passed away. I was upset, angry and confused by the revelation that she knew she was dying and refused to let anyone tell me, if I had known I would have been on the first flight home weeks ago. Nancy had been really apologetic when I angrily asked from Peru why I was not told my grandmother was seriously ill and in hospital? "Because she said so,"...

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De Negro a Rosa From Black to Pink

La tarde transcurr?a con hast?o, me sent?a como enjaulado dentro de la casa, hacia mucho calor, el verano comenzaba, todos mis amigos hab?an abandonado la ciudad a disfrutar las vacaciones, y yo aqu? encerrado y aburrido. Sin muchas expectativas me dirig? al cuarto de mi hermana. -Hola Sandra, ?Qu? haces? -Me pinto las u?as, ?No lo ves? Mi hermana sentada sobre la cama pintaba las u?as de sus pies de un color negro intenso que le otorgaba ese aspecto medio "dark" que ella tanto cultivaba. -?Y tu q...

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Club hermafrodita

Tu nombré es Carlos un hermafrodita masculino, tienes la apariencia de un hombre y un pene pero también tienes una vagina y un útero, tienes la capacidad de embarazar o quedar embarazado. Una noche te diriges a el club hermafrodita. Al entrar en recepción te encuentras con una demonio con piel roja y un par de cuernos y alas que se encuentra detrás de un escritorio al verte sonreí y dice Demonio: hola soy Sandra la reseccionista antes de que entres debo hacerte unas preguntas, primero ¿Primera...

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SILVER "I'm going up to London this weekend as well. I've booked us on the same train. I hope you don't mind." My assistant, Eve, stood next to me holding a brown folder. Out of it she took some train tickets and confirmation of a hotel booking. "Oh," I said, avoiding her implied question. "What are you planning to do." "Mostly visiting my father in his care home. But I'm meeting a few old friends while I'm there." She hesitated, and swallowed nervously. "I've booked...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 62 Minerva

She walked past me as if I did not exist and went straight to the big fireplace. She unbuttoned her shirt, pulled it loose, squeezed some of the water out of its long tail and flapped it toward the warmth. Her long skirt was also black and heavy with water and dripping on the hearth stones. I dragged my old wool shirt out of the saddle bag beside me, yelled, "Here y'go," at her and threw the shirt in her direction. She turned and bent to retrieve it, unconscious of the fine view of her...

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En Plein Coeur de la NuitPart 5

It was already the dawn when I woke at about 6.30. Laurence was still asleep, her hair tousled on the pillow. I couldn't get to the bathroom without waking her and I got a quiet 'Bonjour cheri. Dormes-tu bien?', as I tried to creep back to bed without waking her. As we crept down stairs in search of orange juice and croissant, she spotted her holdall that her thoughtful parents must have brought over after we had gone to bed. Inside were clean clothes for the day, toiletries and her...

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Mom s VideoChapter 9

Dad! This is really neat! I’m so glad you turned off the freeway or whatever they call it. These tall trees framing the road and the quaint little villages we are driving through are way more interesting than just another freeway. I like it better, too. Of course it is a lot slower, but much more pleasant and we aren’t in any hurry. On top of that, the huge tolls on French autoways make them far from freeways. Look! We are just leaving this tiny little village of four or five houses and...

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Please Understand MeChapter 8

Four days later I got a call from Doug, Detective Rawlins. After the pleasantries were exchanged, he said “Jake, do you mind if I drop by your house this evening?” I quickly replied. “Of course Doug, you can come by anytime. You don’t have to call first. Is this a business call or do you just want some free drinks? Naw, it’s not business, you know that I have never met your lovely wife and I want to. See you about six?” I said “Only if you stay for dinner.” Doug replied “I’ll bring the wine,...

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My Name Is AndiChapter 4

“Come on Andi. If you do it, I can guarantee that both Alice and I will do it with you too. Granted I don’t have the hot curves that the two of you do but I’d love to do something like this. But only if I had someone to do it with. Please.” Jazz begged. I looked Jazz over. She was super skinny and her bra size was possibly an a. She had blonde hair that just covered her ears. And at the moment she had that sad puppy dog look on her face. I looked away before that look tempted me even more,...

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Daughter liked spades

Sunday was my daughter's birthday. She was turning 30 and we had a party for her and her friends. It was at my house and there were about 20 people there. Me her mom and some of our friends and her best friends. Baylee was a fantastic daughter who never gave us any problems. Sure she was a normal girl who occasionally got into trouble like, parties and drinking. She had a few boyfriends in high school but no one really serious. Baylee lived with her mother and her mom's boyfriend rich. Rich had...

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Resurrection Sarah Patrice

Resurrection - Sarah Patrice By: Anna Feie I have a tale of resurrection, I don't really know where to start - the beginning I suppose. My name is Sarah Patrice and I was resurrected a few years ago. Let me go back in time several years, my given name at that time was Patrick, I was a modestly successful person involved in rehabbing houses then turning around to sell them almost immediately. The real estate market was booming at the time, I earned a good...

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At the swimming pool

Its not really a storie but an observation,im late 30's fairly fit ,train 3 or 4 times a week swimming ,cycling,etc , and noticed when i go from the changing rooms to the pool attendant, to give them my ticket. when im lucky enough for the mothers to be on the side of the pool .ive noticed how they always look at your face then work down to your bulge,then quickly look backup to your face. i love this and now always get a bit of a semi on before i do the walk.i ware black swimming trucks a bit...

1 year ago
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Web Young! No site on the Adult Time network will lead to a typical porn review. Especially not since the porn studio recently merged all of their channels into one … creating one convenient membership price and area to allow you to access any of their content. This means that whether you’re looking for the hottest lesbian action from channels like Mommy’s Girl or Web Young, or you’re really into seeing girls’ asses get ravaged by giant cocks and might be more into Anal Teen Angels or Asshole...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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I m Ken

I'm Ken and I am married and have been married before. My ex and I had a wonderful sex life. She was always ready to fuck and suck. Anytime I wanted a piece of ass or a blow job, she did it. My present wife isn't like that. As a matter of fact, I don't know which one of us decided to quit fucking the other one. At first she couldn't get enough fucking and she would suck me off any time I wanted. After a while I had to really insist when I wanted a blow job. So it was just easier to not bother...

Wife Lovers
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Diya Bhabhi Ke Sath Enjoy

Hi friends ye baat ek saal pahele ki hai. Jese ke meri college start hua tha mera roj ka time subha 6 se dopahar ke 1 baje tak ka tha. Un dino me aksar college ke bad wapus jaldi ghar aa jaya karta tha kyu ke mere ghar ke samne ek mast bhabhi raheti thi. Uska name diya tha. Dekhne me moti thi but kafi gory chitti thi.Age hogi kuch uski 26 ke aas pas. Saab se jyada uski achhi bat thi uske boobs yaar kya batau itne bade the mano ke jese koi bada santra ho. Use dekhte hi meree dimag me bus usko...

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Sean takes Susan at the bar

Later on that evening Sean greeted Garry and Susan as they entered the social club.  He introduced them to committee members and their partners, to other club members, team managers and senior players.  Then he brought them over to the table where his party sat and introduced them to his wife, his brother and his wife and some other friends.  Inside Sean was beaming that Susan had worn a new bra that highlighted her superb cleavage.  He pulled a seat over for Susan and sat her down beside...

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I Always Want Her

Hello there, Thank you for your heartwarming response to my previous story “Beautiful Lady I Met In A Flight”. I have been away from ISS for quite a while now and some things have happened in between. I’d share one of the experiences with you guys again here. Just to refresh, I am a 30 years old, healthy and reasonably good looking man from Mumbai. And I do keep travelling to Delhi, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Baroda, and Kolkata on work.This incident of mine refers to the wife of one of my “hanging...

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The Innocent Love

It was a really nice day. Me, Mom, my little brother, and Rascal {Our monster German Sheppard} were in South Carolina stretched out on the beach enjoying the sun. We went there every year for vacation. We rented the same little house right on the beach every year since I was ten. We always have a blast. Most eighteen-year-olds would prefer not to go on vacation with their parents, but I still looked forward to it every year. Me and my little brother had thrown the Frisbee around for Rascal...

3 years ago
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Forge of StonesChapter 9

"A soldier can serve the Gods, the Council, and the people in one of two important ways: that is, he can either be dead or alive, but he will still serve. A soldier might choose either but one of the two has proved extremely popular, and for good reason. As a soldier myself with as much experience as any can hope to amass over the years, I can only share with you a rough guideline on how to live long enough to write your own manual: Avoid the meaningless battles, and especially...

3 years ago
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A Log Truck Driver In Outer SpaceChapter 12

I didn't really need to drive my truck up to the safe area to get there, Carl would have let me use his pickup I'm sure. In fact he offered it. I took my log truck because if they wanted to see a truck driver I might as well prove it by showing them the truck from the git go. When I'd come as close as I could without bumping into the barrier I laid down on my train horn. I hadn't seen them when I drove up but they came running around from the back of their truck right away. It was an...

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