Mi Jefe Me Sedujo. free porn video

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[gay] mi jefe me hizo su perra.

Se dio cuenta como le mire la pija, yo en ese tiempo era hetero

Mi nombre es Claudio, tengo 27 años y soy heterosexual, pero tuve una vez una relación con un hombre que duró unos 6 meses y les voy a contar como fue.

Tenía en ese entonces 17 años, comenzaba a trabajar en una empresa. El primer día me presentaron al Director del área en que trabajaría. Su nombre era Fernando, tenía 50 años, alto buen porte, corpulento, de 1,85 mts., un tanto excedido en kilos, digamos unos 95 o 100, era casado con 2 hijos. Además de Director, era socio de la empresa. Yo por mi parte era de contextura media, 1,70, muy delgado, pesaba 65 kg.

Me presente y me atendió amablemente, tuve una conversación de aproximadamente media hora, e inmediatamente me puse a trabajar.

Mi tiempo se repartía entre el trabajo y la universidad. No tenía novia, solo había tenido 3 o 4 relaciones sexuales desde los 16 años que debuté. Pero a decir verdad no ligaba nada, y estaba en permanente estado de calentura.

Trabaja a diario con entusiasmo y esporádicamente veía al Director, que siempre estaba de reunión en reunión. Se notaba que ganaba muy bien, por la ropa que usaba. Lo debo haber visto unas 3 o 4 veces en ese tiempo. Siempre se dirigía a mi en forma amable como con el resto de mis compañeros, pero en una actitud distante.

Un día fuimos a jugar un partido de fútbol, y al término del partido nos fuimos a duchar. Me metí en una ducha, comencé a bañarme y en la ducha de enfrente se mete el Director. Comenzó a bañarse también, me saludó y comencé a mirarle la pija, era enorme, me quede por poco hipnotizado. Fue algo raro, nunca había mirado a un hombre, nunca se me había pasado por la cabeza tener contacto con alguien de mi propio sexo. Cuando levanté la vista, el me estaba mirando y se sonrió.

Que papelón dios mío!!!!!!, se dio cuenta que lo estaba mirando!!!!!! Me di la vuelta y me puse de espaldas a el, no se por que cosa, luego de un momento, giré otra vez para mirarlo. S e estaba agarrando el pene, como haciéndose una paja, me miraba y sonreía. Pese a eso, me quedé fijo mirando su terrible tranca. Esta había crecido, estaba totalmente parada, era enorme, dura, venosa, de un color bien oscuro. Miré para abajo otra vez, pero al rato nuevamente levanté la vista, el me estaba mirando, con una mueca de suficiencia. En ese momento tomé conciencia de la situación, yo también la tenía parada, y el me miraba mi pija erecta. De inmediato cerré la ducha, me tape con una toalla y salí del baño.

Cuando llegue al vestuario el se situó a mi lado, bajó su toalla, me miró y se miró su pija, dios mío, que ejemplar, debía medir como 18 centímetros, pero lo que mas me llamaba la atención era su grosor. Debería tener como 4,5 cm. de diámetro. Ahora la tenía mas cerca, casi se la agarro, pero me contuve, me cambié rápido. Un compañero mío se ofreció a llevarme y acepté. Fernando (el Director), me dijo: Claudio, yo te puedo alcanzar, vivimos cerca. Yo no le contesté y literalmente me escapé del club de fútbol.

Casi no pude dormir esa noche. No podía sacarme de la cabeza la imagen de su pene. Dios mío que fijación. Nunca me había ocurrido esto.

Al otro día fui a trabajar, llegue temprano. El llegó una hora mas tarde que yo. Estaban redecorando su oficina, con lo cual tuvo que correr su escritorio fuera de la misma. Estaba en la sala en la que trabajábamos todos. Me estaba mirando todo el tiempo, yo de tanto en tanto dirigía la mirada donde el estaba y cuando me cruzaba con su mirada, bajaba la vista.

Que momento!!!!!!!Estaba muy nervioso!!!!!!

No teníamos oportunidad de hablar, había mucha gente, por suerte no tenía su oficina, de otra forma, ya me hubiera llamado para conversar.

En un momento determinado, viene hacia donde estaba yo y como ojeando unos papeles, me dice:

Tenemos que hablar So….. sobre qu…. que te….. tema, dije tartamudeando Me miró fijo y sonriendo, y me dice: Vamos, Claudio, vos sabes de que te quiero hablar.

Dios mio!!!!!!, no podía escapar. Me maldije por haberle visto la pija el día anterior, si no lo hubiese hecho, ahora no me estaría acosando. Como zafar de esto!!!!!!!! Te espero en la cochera a las 18.00, tomamos un

café y arreglamos todo. Me dijo en un tono autoritario.

Tengo que ir a la facultad, le dije en forme débil.

Claudio, hoy no tenés facultad, tuviste ayer a la mañana, averigüe tus horarios en recursos humanos, va a ser mejor que estes a las 18.00 en la cochera.

Bu…. bueno, atiné a balbucear.

Los minutos, las horas pasaron volando, tenía mucho miedo de lo que sucediera en la reunión. El corazón me latía a mil. Se me secaba la boca, transpiraba mi cuerpo, por momentos un frío recorría mi espalda, y por momentos me sentía acalorado.

Llegó la hora de ir a la cochera, traté de continuar trabajando para demorar un poco el encuentro, pero a las 18.05, la secretaria del Director me dijo que el me estaba esperando. No me daba tregua, era implacable.

Llegue a la cochera y estaba esperándome en el auto. Un BMW azul, subí, tenía tapizado de cuero, muy lindo. Hola Claudio, me dijo con una sonrisa, y salimos a la calle. Permanecimos sin hablar todo el trayecto. Nos dirigíamos a la avenida del Libertador. El tenia un semblante neutro, ni contento, ni triste, serio, pero tranquilo. Como podía estar tranquilo, yo estaba desesperado de la angustia. Llegamos a un bar. Paró el auto en la calle y entramos. Buscó una mesa apartada. Nos sentamos. Pidió un whisky con una picada. Yo pedí un jugo de naranja, me sentí un tanto estúpido con mi pedido. Aguardamos en silencio, el ambiente era tenso, no me miraba fijo, pero tampoco me evitaba. El estaba como si fuésemos a hablar del partido de futbol del domingo.

Una vez que llegó el pedido y el mozo se alejó. Me dice:

- Bueno Claudio, que hacemos?

- Usted, que quiere hacer, le contesté.

- Yo te quiero romper el culo, me dijo sin pestañar.

- Así directamente, dije yo

- Si, hay que llamar a las cosas por su nombre, me contestó.

Yo me puse colorado, y miré fijo a la mesa, sinceramente sospechaba que esta sería su propuesta, pero hasta que no lo dijo, parecía ficción. No creía que fuera a proponérmelo de esta forma tan cruda.

Y Claudio?, aceptás, o no?. Tengo un departamento en este edificio arriba del bar. Vamos, dale. Lo vamos a pasar bien, te lo prometo.

Noooo, de ninguna manera, esta loco, por quien me tomó.!!!!, es una locura!!!!!!

Vamos, bebé. En el vestuario no podías sacar la vista de mi verga, ahora no te hagas el importante. Te morís de ganas de tener mi tranca adentro.

No, señor, no, se lo juro.

Claudio, me interrumpió. No me gustan estos planteos, querés o no?. Si me decis que no, te pido disculpas y asunto terminado. Paro mirá que se termina aquí. Nunca mas se te ocurra que vas a tener la menor posibilidad de que te la ponga. Me voy al departamento a dejar unos papeles, cuando vuelva en 15 minutos, quiero una respuesta. Entendiste!!!!!. Dijo subiendo el tono.

Se fue del bar y me dejó solo.

Hasta ese momento no había evaluado seriamente la posibilidad de acostarme con el, pero este planteo era claro, crudo, casi cruel. Yo vivía caliente, y no conseguía mujeres para acostarme. Después de todo era una posibilidad concreta de sexo, distinto, con un hombre, pero no era mejor estar con un hombre que no tener ningún contacto?. Estaba como seducido, Fernando, su cuerpo, su pija, el auto, su empresa, dinero, el bar, el departamento. Estaba exitadísimo, era una buena posibilidad de sacarme la calentura permanente que portaba.

Pero había un detalle no menor, no había dudas de quien sería el pasivo, sabía por comentarios que el sexo anal dolía, algunos decían que mucho, otros que poco, pero con esa tremenda verga!!!!!, no podía ser fácil.

Estaba pensando esto cuando llegó.

Y, Claudio?, te vas a dejar romper el orto?

Me m*****aba esa crudeza en el lenguaje, pero me excitaba también, parecía que disfrutaba siendo grosero.

Disculpe, no voy a negar que me llamo la atención verlo desnudo, pero disculpe nuevamente, es que temo que vaya a dolerme mucho. Su miembro no es precisamente chico.

Mi lenguaje respetuoso, contrastaba con su lenguaje callejero.

Ah, entiendo, o sea que sos virgen? Si, conteste a secas.

Mirá Claudio, no te voy a mentir, no te voy a decir que no te va a doler porque es mentira, pero si que haré lo mejor para hacértelo suave. Dentro de lo posible. Pero romper un culito virgen con mi tranca y pretender que no duela, no es tarea fácil.

Por ahí podemos hacer algo oral, con masajes de dilatación las primeras veces, a ver como me siento, dije en tono resuelto.

Claudio, yo se que debes haber leído eso en algún libro o revista. Pero si yo estoy con vos en la cama, va a ser para hacerte tragar mi pija hasta la garganta. No creo que pueda hacer una franela tan larga como los libros aconsejan.

Entiendo, lo puedo pensar?, contesté.

Si, por supuesto. Hoy es Martes, el Viernes te espero a la mañana en mi oficina, que ya va a estar lista, con la respuesta. Te adelanto que voy a tener todo preparado para ese día.

Sin contestar me quedé en silencio, terminamos ambos tragos, y me acercó hasta mi casa.

Los días transcurrieron con este pensamiento, pensé, pensé, pensé y pensé. Por momentos estaba decidido a hacerlo, pero por momentos me daba pánico, y me parecía que era una locura. Estaba mas convencido de no hacerlo que de hacerlo, pero cuando recordaba que no me iba a dar otra oportunidad, temía arrepentirme. Y luego de eso no tendría chances.

La decisión final fue rechazar la propuesta, siendo consiente que podría llegar a arrepentirme.

A la mañana del Viernes me desperté sin dudas sobre lo que iba a hacer, no aceptar. Llegue a la empresa, y cuando entro al área en la que trabajo, la secretaria me dice:

Te espera Fernando en su oficina.

No me daba pausa. Igualmente hice un poco de tiempo, me serví un café y fui a su oficina. Me senté en uno de sus amplios sillones y lo miré a los ojos. Estaba tranquilo. Le pediría disculpas por el mal entendido y luego todo como si nada.

Y, Claudio, que decidiste?, me dijo yendo directo al grano, tal cual su estilo.

Señor, le pido disculpas por el mal entendido, soy el único culpable del episodio, me comporte de manera extraña en el club de fútbol, y lo hice confundir con esta actitud. Le pido nuevamente disculpas, pero debo rechazar su propuesta. Dije con tono firme, en voz alta, me sorprendió a mi mismo la resolución con la que hablé.

El asintió, me pidió disculpas también por el mal momento, se levantó de su sillón, pensé que iba despedirme de su despacho. Fue hacia un armario, tipo caja fuerte y mientras buscaba algo, me dijo:

Me han dicho que estas por comprar un auto.

Me sorprendió el comentario, pero pensé que quería romper el hielo cambiando de tema. En eso saca un sobre de papel madera del armario, y se vuelve a sentar.

Si, bah en realidad es una pretensión un poco elevada, ya que el auto que quiero cuesta $15.000 y solo cuento con $5.000.

El auto que te gusta es nuevo?, me contestó.

Jajajaja, noooo, disculpeme, pero uno nuevo vale $30.000, yo gano $500.

Tomá este sobre, es para vos, me dijo dándome el sobre.

Lo abrí. Eran 4 fajos de billetes, rápidamente me di cuenta que eran $40.000. Una cifra impensada para mi.

Comprate un auto nuevo.

Pe.. pero señor, esto es mucho, dije de inmediato.

No para mi, Claudio, te espero en la cochera a las 18.00, en punto.

Ah, entiendo, señor. Hice una pausa.

Los dos permanecimos en silencio un largo rato, nos mirábamos a los ojos. Un calor tremendo recorrió mi cuerpo y llego a mi cara que se puso roja. No había mas nada para decir.

Se levant ó para despedirme.

A las 18.00, Claudio, trata de ser puntual, dijo con tono resuelto.

Me m*****ó su seguridad de que estaría a las 18.00 en la cochera.

Antes de cerrar la puerta, le pregunté: No tiene miedo que me quede con este sobre? No, contestó a secas.

Seguí trabajando, la realidad era muy fuerte, me sentía humillado, como una prostituta, me dejaría partir el culo, por una suma de dinero. Importante por cierto, me sentía con poder también. Un hombre estaba dispuesto a pagar semejante suma a cambio de mi virginidad.

Llegue a la cochera 7 minutos antes de lo convenido, me apoyé sobre el auto para esperarlo. El llegó a las 18.00 en punto. Le gustó que lo estuviera esperando, pero no dijo nada.

Subimos al auto, y salimos para su departamento. Nadie emitió ningún tipo de sonido. Yo estaba nervioso, asustado, el corazón me latía a mil. Pero no podía hacer nada, era tarde. Como un jugador de ajedrez Fernando movió las piezas con precisión. Me dominó por completo. Jugó conmigo desde el principio sabiendo cual sería mi próximo paso. Me rendí ante el. El me dominaba, y

en pocos minutos me sometería a sus deseos. Me llevaría al punto mas bajo, me vejaría, sería un objeto a su merced.

Llegamos al departamento más rápido de lo que hubiese deseado. Subimos al ascensor. Todo el trayecto en silencio. Entramos al departamento, era un lugar preparado para el placer. Espejos, decoración, alfombras mullidas, una cama enorme. Este era el lugar donde satisfacer sus caprichos. El estaba acostumbrado a esto.

Sin decir nada comenzó a sacarse la ropa, me miró de una forma en la que entendí que debía hacer lo mismo. Quedamos ambos desnudos por completo. Su pene amenazante apuntaba a mi. Era exageradamente grande, había olvidado en estos días el tamaño. Se sentó sobre la cama, y me indicó que me arrodillara en el suelo. Estaba claro que es lo que debía hacer. Sin preámbulos tomé su verga con la mano y me lo metí en la boca. La tuve que abrir bien grande. Y comencé a chuparlo, como algunas mujeres me lo habían hecho a mi. Lanzó un suspiro. Eso me indicó que estaba haciendo las cosas bien. Seguí chupando, y chupando y chupando. El estaba en las nubes. Gemía, gozaba, respiraba fuerte. Me sentí poderoso manejando su placer.

Luego de un momento, me aparta la cabeza y me indica que suba a la cama. Me pone boca abajo, me hace abrir las piernas y comienza a chuparme el culo. Me metía la lengua bien adentro. Que rico estaba. Me gustaba mucho eso. Yo también gemí, me estaba aflojando, era un placer nuevo, diferente. Luego se detuvo, abrió la mesita de luz, sacó un pote de crema lubricante. El momento tan temido, había llegado. Cumpliría con este sacrificio al que el destino me había enfrentado. Mi cuerpo y mi alma estaban entregados a los caprichos de este macho que iba a poseerme.

Comenzó a lubricarme, a dilatarme. Primero por la superficie del agujero, luego metió un dedo, luego dos, mas tarde tres. Sabía hacer el trabajo, cuantas veces lo habrá hecho, con cuantos habrá experimentado, esto que para mi era tan especial, lo sería para el?, o acaso era solo rutina?.

Luego de un rato, me sentí dilatado, estaba caliente también, quería salir corriendo de ese departamento, pero también quería saber como seguía. Me hizo abrir mas las piernas, me colocó un almohadón debajo del vientre y se recostó encima mío. Su cuerpo era pesado, me aplastaba contra la cama, me quitaba el aire, me exitaba tambien. Tener ese ejemplar, ese cuerpo encima mío, dominándome, pero también gobernado por mi, por el deseo que yo le despertaba.

Me susurró al oído desde atrás.

- Estas listo?

- Dale, le contesté.

En ese momento pensé que era la primera vez que lo tuteaba, que tontería pensar eso en este momento.

Apoyó la punta de su verga en mi culo, se quedó quieto por un momento, mis esfínteres comenzaron a abrirse, la poronga comenzó a deslizarse. Me abría mis músculos, me dolía mientras se deslizaba, dolía bastante, era muy grande y muy gruesa. Se deslizó por completo de una vez, pero lentamente. Llegó hasta el final. Lo sentí en mis entrañas. Dolía, dolía mucho. Lancé un grito ahogado de dolor. El se detuvo, estaba dentro de mi pero sin moverse.

Te duele, me dijo Si, me duele mucho, alcancé a suspirar.

Te lo saco?, preguntó.

Estuve unos segundos sin contestar, que sentido tenía. El no iba a desistir, me penetraría con su gran nabo otra vez, y yo no quería pasar nuevamente por la penetración.

No, le conteste, dejala. Quedate así un poco.

El se quedó inmóvil por un momento. El dolor iba pasando, no era tan punzante como al principio, me estaba acostumbrando a ello. Pensé que ya estaba para más. Lo animé a seguir.

Dale, Fernando, cogeme, dale, cogeme.

Ya no te duele, me preguntó.

Si, me duele, pero me gusta, cogeme, damelo, damelo.

Esto lo animó, con ritmo lento, comenzó a taladrarme mi agujero hasta hacer segundos virgen. Siguió y siguió empujando, y gemía y respiraba con un ritmo cada vez mas agitado.

Dolía cada vez menos y me gustaba cada vez mas.

Dale Fernando, cogeme, cogeme que me gusta, dame tu vergota, partime en dos el culo.

Si, putito, si que te voy a coger, sos un putito que se deja coger por plata, bien que se te habrió el culito cuando viste los billetes.

No me gustó este comentario, per

o me dio un morbo que me puso a mil. Y me animé a seguir su juego.

Si, me gusta que me cojas por dinero, si queres cojerme ponete con la plata, paga si queres un putito virgen.

Mis palabras lo pusieron como loco, comenzó a darme duro, a cogerme con mas fuerza. Me gustaba esto, es como que el control estaba cambiando de manos, ahora lo tenía yo, lo estaba volviendo loco de deseo.

Me seguía taladrando con su enorme tranca, y me daba y me daba y me daba y yo lo animaba y el me decía cosas al oído. La calentura iba en aumento hasta que me dice:

Me vengo Claudio, me vengo, ya no aguanto Esas palabras me calentaron mucho, dale papi, dame tu lechita, llename el culito de tu lechita, dale papi, cogeme, cogeme fuerte que yo me vengo tambien, dame tu pija dura, damela.

Siiiiiiiii, siiiiiiiii, siiiiiiiiii, Ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhh Ayyyyyy, ayyyyyyyyyyy, ayyyyyyyy Ahhhhh, ahhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhh

Ambos gritabamos al unísono, estábamos en éxtasis total. No existía en el mundo nada mas que nuestro placer. La copula, la lujuria, el placer, todo en este dúo de hombres uno jóven, el otro maduro, uno corpulento el otro pequeño. Uno poseyendo al otro, gobernándolo, sometiéndolo, el otro entregado, rendido, humillado, vejado, pero también dominándolo, dominando a la fiera, quien con su carne jóven y fresca es presa del descontrol de su verdugo que lo lleva al sacrificio para satisfacer sus caprichos.

Fue una experiencia inolvidable, ambos gozamos como locos, fue mas que sexo, fue una lucha de poderes. Fueron dos hombres llevados al estado mas primitivo del deseo que utilizaron sus armas, el dinero, el glamour, el poder, la experiencia, la fuerza física, el lujo por un lado y por el otro la inocencia, la seducción, la belleza, la debilidad, por el otro.

La relación con Fernando duró unos 6 o 7 meses, lo hacíamos 2 o 3 veces por semana. Yo le puse fin a la relación. Comencé a tener éxito con las mujeres, me fui de la empresa, monte mi propio negocio. Esa fue la única relación que tuve con un hombre. Nunca mas lo hice hasta ahora que tengo 27 años.

Ah, me olvidaba de comentarles.

También gane muchísimo dinero

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147 A Butchers maid

147. A Butcher`s maid. Mildred, a lady of middle years, tidy but no great beauty and well shaped for her age though she would be the first to tell you no hourglass! She had been married for 15 years 10 of them loveless to a sexual nomad, that now slept with whatever woman he had a fancy for, regardless of any vows or her feelings. They had no k**dies so that was a blessing and 2 years ago she had in frustration taken a lover, a chap she met at the local park with his large dog. The dog...

4 years ago
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Miss Sue Sheri and Me Home schooling Part 1

This is a true story related to me by a long time childhood friend from a time when we were in high school. He told me this story one night after a few drinks and he knew I was writing a book about sexual experiences. I will not identify anyone by their last names. It involved 3 people. As I write this I will emphasize conversations between the parties as to allow the reader to better understand this story. MISS SUE; About early 60s, tall and average build, always short...

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Body SwapChapter 11

Isa and Joe returned home late on Sunday evening. We talked for a while about the wedding and at one stage Isa told us that she and Joe had something for us. She left the room and returned with two packages. She handed one to me and one to Katy. "These are gifts for being our bridesmaid and best man," she told us. "We hope you like them." The packages were an identical size and when we opened them we found that the contained a sixty four gigabyte I pad. Mine was in white and Katy had a...

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Sarah Carerra 338 Resolutions

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell Chapter 38 - Resolutions I woke up late on Saturday morning. Mom had cancelled my appointment with Mary because she knew how tired I would be after performing the previous night. I expected that most of the...

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BrattySis Jazmin Luv Are You A Tinkler Or A Sprinkler

Jazmin Luv and her friend Claire Roos are hanging out in the kitchen in their bikinis when Jazmin’s stepbrother, Ricky Spanish joins them. He has a spray bottle, which he squirts at Claire and then at Jazmin. Jazmin tells Ricky to cut it out, although Claire likes the spray. Ricky takes the opportunity to ask whether the girls are tinklers or sprinklers when they pee. Some girls have meaty pussy lips that makes them sprinkle when they pee standing up. Jazmin thinks Ricky is just being a...

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A Bus Ride

I was riding the Greyhound Bus to visit a friend of mine. It was a long eighteen hour ride and I was bored out of my skull. My iPod was dead and I hated to read on a bus. This bus was filled with old people shuttling between stops on the back roads of Wisconsin and points south. We stopped at small towns and at one stop a man about my age boarded the bus. He moved his lanky frame to the rear of the bus, to the vacant seat next to me. It was the last two seats in the bus and they had the most...

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The Family Whore0

My wife and I have four of the nicest kids in the world. Mandy is the light of my life at fourteen years old. She is absolutely adorable. She has straight light brown hair to her waist, she is five feet two inches tall, and she weighs one hundred and five pounds. She has just gotten into her first B-cup bra and is very proud of her tits. She is also an A-student and reads all of the time. Our boys Tom, Dick, and Harry are thirteen, twelve, and eleven respectively. They are active boys to...

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Amy Terry Tom and OthersChapter 25

The wedding was the first Saturday in August. Amy looked wonderful in an ivory dress that seemed somehow to flow round her. She was 'given away' – for the second time – by her father, Alan Gardiner while her mother, Sarah, sat with tears streaming down her cheeks. When Alan sat next to her, she whispered, "I was such a fool before..." "Hush," he replied, "water under the bridge. You're here this time ... just enjoy it." It would be a toss-up who was the more nervous among the men....

4 years ago
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Sex With My Girlfriend Monisha

Hi myself Karan from Bangalore. Aunties and girls of Bangalore who are interested to have sex plz gmail to This my first story I am writing. When I was studying in degree I was in room . I had loved one girl mostly I liked sex wit her. Her figure structure 32-28-32 perfect figure she s height 5.7′ white color she is . Once I got chance to take her movie . When she was watching movie I suddenly placed hand on her boobs and squeezed it .. She didn’t say any thing . I got green signal from her …...

3 years ago
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Fucked a small boy

Couple years ago, I met this boy of age 19 in the movie theatre sitting next to me. Once the movie started-I put my hand on his thigh pretending like it was an accident and said to him that I am sorry-he said no problem. After I was keep thinking what to do to make him understand that I like him. Finally, I started rubbing my own manhood in a way that he can watch me, but he was very shy and silent. My rod by this time was fully erected when I put my hand on his thigh again. The boy (Wali) was...

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AimlessChapter 11 Tester

One day, Master brought home a guest. It was the Floozy. “Hello, Floozy,” I said. “Hello, Slave.” “I see the two of you have gotten close.” “Jess probably saved my life in Japan.” “I heard about your hard first day,” Master said, not adding any empathy for the Floozy’s situation in his words. The Floozy ignored Master’s tone. “They thought because of my looks I was an actress. Of course, I was drunk as well. Damn your programming!” “There was no collar programming making you drink as...

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Trio For Three Voices Part Two

TRIO PART TWO. A dinner invitation and a guided tour.Mistress Agnes.When I sent her off on that Monday morning I was immediately full of doubt. What if it all went wrong? What if this Marie girl was the office gossip and word got out about our lifestyle? As you might judge I was anxious to find out. When I got home from work that Monday evening Sherri was already there, her car parked in its usual place. It had been a hot day, it was already one of the hottest summers on record, and I was...

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a new life part 4

Introduction: The story of Mark continues. The 14-year old girl from next door enslaves him fully The next morning at precisely 08:00 I softly open the door and see the Mistress lying naked on the bed where I and my wife used to sleep. I see the nipples of her firm breasts go up and down by her breathing and lick my lips. Her long hair is partially covering her face, she is not really beautiful, but in the mean time I know differently. Her now closed dark brown eyes can look inside my soul and...

3 years ago
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Door Let Ajar 8211 Way To Redemption 8211 Part 2

Hello Readers, this is kumar once again with the continuation of my previous story Door Let Ajar – Way to Redemption. Thank you all for your support and feedback do write me the comments of this story too. My id is A long weekend it seemed two days of sex and seduction my head was whirling with hangover on Monday morning usually my coffee would provide me solutions for all the gaps and imbalance the weekend has provided me i got up from bed tried to be a responsible guy to leave for office but...

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Lauras Hunger Fantasy Becomes Reality

It starts off as a wonderful day, it’s the first day of Laura’s new job as stay at home mom and Lydia has already left to pick up Ray Jr. at the airport so he can spend the summer at home. It would be a perfect day if Ray had been able to put off the business trip he had planned, but as usual, business comes first. As long as she can quit her job and relax at home for a while its worth Ray’s frequent out of town trips. Maybe with her added free time she can begin fixing herself up and try to...

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Hot Enough Pt II

"So, who wants to fuck their mother?"Karla and Dave had just been relieving each other of their virginity when their mother had walked in and hit them with the news that they were the offspring of an incestuous relationship. Eva was now sitting on the bed where all the action had taken place, one hand on Dave's cock, the other on Karla's breast.The siblings looked at each other, uncertain as to how to proceed. Mom decided it was time to take charge and said, "Okay, Karla, since Dave got to be...

2 years ago
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unexpected conquests

So tonight was the night. I had finally, after much searching, stumbled across the tickets I had fawned over for so long. The show was hanging in my perceptible future, I was so close to him. It felt ridiculous to be as excited as I was. I was going to see him, sure, but from a safe distance, untouchable as always. Almost as if there was no difference between our proximity now than if I had stayed at home 30 miles away. I walked through the entrance to the cosy bar, looking around awkwardly,...

Love Stories
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A Perfect WorldEpilogue

San Jose, California March 3, 2008 School had let out for the day nearly an hour before and all of the children had long since departed the campus, picked up by their parents, or by the school bus, or by one of the day care vans. The administration office was still open, however, and about half of the teachers assigned to Ronald Reagan Elementary were inside, filing paperwork or preparing their next day's lesson plans. Annie Frazier-who taught third grade-was one such teacher. She sat at...

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Bossing the Boss Ch 04

Author’s Note: To get background on the characters, please read the previous chapters. Thanks to everyone for all the kind comments I’ve received so far. Don’t read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, or if it is offensive to you. All characters are fictitious. All events are fictional. Any similarities in this story to real events or people are unintentional. Tom was already at his desk when Suzanne arrived the next morning. He could tell the difference in her the...

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Fucking My Mom

Hey everyone of indian sex stories dot net. My name is Rachit and I am back with another story. I hope you enjoy it. For maximum pleasure google “Kriti Sanon Hot” and start reading the story side by side. My mom’s name is Alisha and she is just 43 years old. She is super hot and shows resemlance to Kriti Sanon. I actually didn’t know it before I slept with her that her size is 33-27-34. She wears kurti most of the time in the house revealing her sexy figure. Oh, I have fantasized her a hundred...

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An Erotic Handjob From A Mature Woman

[responsivevoice_button rate=”0.9″ pitch=”1.1″ volume=”0.8″ voice=”Australian Male” buttontext=”Listen to Story”] Hello readers and love enthusiasts, this is me Simple Guy back with another one of my true stories. Please feel free to read my other stories. to access them. As always, I only write from my own personal experience and none of my stories are fiction or made up at any point. With all due respect to fantasy writers, I find that writing from experience, or at least based on reality...

3 years ago
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"Sean, this idea smells worse than the fart you let fly." "Rachel, my parents are willing to hear our defense of naturism, so this seems like good timing. We need to do this before the wedding so that we reach some much needed understanding--especially after my dad wrote a commentary, referencing every mention of nudity in the Bible." "I'm just saying I wish I knew them better before doing this. I'd like some reassurance that they accept me no matter what." "I hear you. I...

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Self indulgence

After a long, busy day, I finally undressed, sank into the comfort of my mattress and settled down under the duvet. Alone at last. I could hear the low hum of the TV downstairs and felt safe in the knowledge that my boyfriend had never come up to bed before the end of Match of the Day in the three years that we’d lived together. Which left me plenty of time for some self indulgence. I let my hands wander, stroking down my body, pulling up my sheer top. Feeling the curves of my full breasts and...

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Mrs Ps Panties

My fetish for sniffing women’s panties all started when I was about 18. I was hanging out at the pool of one of my friends with a couple of the guys from school. My friend’s mom, Mrs. P, was a very hot looking woman, about 45 years old and lounging at the other end of the pool. She was wearing a red 2-piece bikini with sunglasses and her legs were propped up to support the book she was reading. I would purposely swim over close to her to hopefully get a better glimpse of her body, especially...

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Tales of Eros Crystals Ch 02

Viessa is on her way back to the temple. She looks sad and frustrated. She imagines and fantasizes having sex with Ayama. She thinks to herself that she needs to find a way and get the remaining coins to buy a whole night with him. An idea comes to her; she could borrow the remaining coins from other shrine-maidens, since she's fifty coins short. Viessa reaches the temple and immediately runs to her neighbor's room. "Hey, can I borrow 50 coins from you?" asks Viessa, with puppy dog...

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Wrestling a Gay Friend

Just for private reasons I shall not mention the name of the other people involved in this.When in was in high school, which is about 7 or 8 years ago, we had a friend who we all assumed was gay. I had a girlfriend back then, which I am married to right now. He never confirmed to be gay, but all of us really could see he was. The way he talked, the people he hang around with and the way he did things. But because he seemed to be ashamed he never told anybody.About 5 years after high school, all...

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My Childhood Experiences As A Top

Hi, guys, I’m back with a new sex story. You can reach me at This time it’s not with ladies. But about all my gay (top) encounters which happened long back. I don’t want to miss any of my sexual desire to go unnoticed in Indian Sex Stories. Hence, I have decided to write about them as well. A few things about myself. I’m 33 years old now, Tamilian, 6ft tall and a black guy. Now I’m married and well settled. Incident 1: Coming back to the sex story, it all started at least some 20 years back....

Gay Male
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Cuckold couple Discovers

Hi just wanna let you know that this is my first ever story I write and upload and english isn t my native language so please bear with me. :)Cuckold couple DiscoverChapter 1 First Steps, Marc’s SideMarc was an attractive men,5’10’ mix blood, black and white. He wasn’t so popular with girls while he was in high school thought, probably because of the social environment he was living in, and like most teenagers, he was an heavy user of porn. Nothing to freaky, but let s say he was pretty happy...

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Naughty Neighbour

When I bought my first home at the age of twenty-six, I moved into a middle-class neighbourhood in one of the less fashionable suburbs of the city. The term 'middle-class' was perhaps a little euphemistic, because many of the people living in the street were rednecks. It was, however, the best home I could afford.I very soon became friendly with the family living next door, to my left. Martha, my neighbour was a buxom woman that clearly took no shit. Fortunately, we hit it off from the very...

Gay Male
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 45

Yann drove home so I could fuck Sweetcakes in the car. It was only fair since he had mostly watched me stick Greedy all day. For most of the trip, Sweetcakes sat in my lap and rode my dick while I stroked him in full view of passing motorist. In the car, I let him holler as loud as he wanted. He came twice, but each time I wanted to come, he slowed the pace until I was off the edge. Finally, I pushed him down flat on the seat and began ramming him as hard as I could. When I got close this...

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The Fraternity Initiation Sigma Lambda Mu

The Fraternity InitiationCollege is freedom—the chance to live life on my own and experiment with the vices of independence. From beautiful women to a bountiful supply on drugs and alcohol, I had been dreaming of the wonderful college life for months leading up to move in day. In high school, I loved to party. I never had a girlfriend but barely a week went by when I didn’t have some blonde sucking my dick at a bonfire or giving me a handjob in the bathroom. I was a playboy and a football...

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The Bet

It was my third day on holiday with my boyfriend, Luke. We had spent the last few days relaxing by the pool catching the sun, whilst enjoying the all-inclusive cocktails the resort had on offer. "I'm so glad we booked to stay in an adult only hotel this year babe, I can't deal with being splashed every 5 minutes like I was last year" I whispered to Luke. "I know haven't got to put up with them running around our sunbeds playing tag again, that did my head it" Luke replied. "Although, have you...

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The Author Pt 03

part 3: Searching the Soul. This is a work of fiction, none of the characters are intended to bear any resemblance to anyone living or dead. Any similarity is purely unintentional. As Jennifer drove home on autopilot, she wrestled with what had happened. Jennifer had found her answer, the secret of the basement, yet she had more questions. What exactly did he have in mind for her? Did he really expect her to become submissive, and allow herself to be tied up and used again? She got home...

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The road less traveled

I drive a lot for my job sometimes in the city, more often in out of the way places.   It’s not a bad job, I get to meet lots of interesting people and go places that I never knew existed, but it can get pretty boring sitting behind the wheel for hours on end.   Sometimes I get sleepy and have to crank up the radio, open a window and slap myself a couple times to stay awake.   Other times my mind wanders and before I know it my pants are getting too tight and I have to touch myself….at first...

1 year ago
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Knowing the kind of naughty freak you are, I’m guessing you have a collection of adult images and hot memes you’ve collected when not fapping your small dick sore. Getting a free image hosting site to place your erotic stash should be your next step. Which is why today I’m the bearer of good news in the name of a free image hosting site; Image Twist. Even better, you get fucking paid according to the number of views your photos have garnered, which is as good an incentive for you to share some...

Adult Image Hosting Sites
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Maid And I Turn Into Sex Maniacs

Hi this is my first post in this website. I have never written before about my maid who ended up turning me into a sex maniac. I hope everybody enjoys reading this, specially the ladies. It all started when I was 18 and I had completed my studies in Delhi for 12th and had returned home to spend a few years relaxing and helping dad. The day I arrived I saw our maid Roopa and was left speechless. She looked to be in her forties but did not look old. In fact there was something alive in her which...

4 years ago
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Office Slave Chapter 2 Security

"Oh no you won't need them. Just your shoes and coat!" Toby said pointing at the coat stand. She looked at him reluctantly. "Go on! Put your coat on!" Toby shouted firmly. And like a naughty school girl Rachel shuffled over to the coat stand. She took extra care to make sure her coat was done up tight. Lucky that she had put on her long black coat that morning she thought. Meaning all of her modesty was covered. Meanwhile, Toby quickly grabbed everything up and made sure no evidence...

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The Gladiator

I was working in the fields when I saw a trail of dust being picked up. And it was going for my home. I dropped everything and rushed for my family and house. 'Please not the Saintricked. Please not the Saintricked. Oh please for the love God please not the Saitricked' I keep telling myself. They are a bunch of slave traders that go around to different countries and steal men and women and sell them to Saldius. It was the greatest and leading country in the world. They have conquered country by...

3 years ago
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Secondary Education Chapter 3 Self Improvement

Secondary Education By Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 3 Self Improvement Please email me a comment if you are enjoying (or not) my story. Our apartment is dark, hot and empty when I get home. I am a latchkey kid, and have been since my dad went to jail for the penultimate time, when he got his second strike for dealing meth back in '02. Now, he's in for 25, and I am sure Mom is heading back into custody for parole violation. In her waste basket I find used...

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Pasayten PeteChapter 9 Legend and Illumination

"No sir, I don't think the Pasayten Pete stories have got much to do with my dreams," Graydon guessed. "I mean, there hasn't been much to the stories that Purdy and Patch have told me, except there seems to be a lot of confusion. Nobody seems to agree on anything, just that there's some stories about somebody or something that they call Pasayten Pete. Seems the only thing in common is it's s'posed to be somethin' bad, scary bad." Jim Brightman and Graydon sat comfortably in the...

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Charity At Work 1 Adventures in Babysitting

Charity Jones here again returning to entertain you with more adventures of my misspent youth. My lat recounting detailed certain highpoints in my life as it transpired through the11th grade in my 16th year of life. I introduced you to the complete trinity of my closest friends, Faith and Hope. I also landed myself a highschool sweetheart by the name of Chet, who in turned out to be my personal cuckold. And of course the trials and tribulations of jut being a high school teen. The...

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Summer TrainingChapter 11

The stop at the grocery store took a little longer than Jeff had expected, but they had Stephanie's prescription ready and most everything he needed for meals for the next couple of days. He enjoyed being away from the house, but he didn't want to leave his stepsister to her own devices for very long. Their current relationship was fragile and Jeffery didn't want to jeopardize it since it had taken quite a while to get it to that stage. Jeffery smiled. The look on her face this morning...

4 years ago
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Jamaica Blacken PT12

Last Friday – Two Black Cock SlutsI woke when Samuel called me over to the bed. Jaye had his Black cock down her throat and was drooling heavily."Get missy ready!"I got down between her spread thighs, washing out her cunt with my tongue until the smell shifted to "Woman in Heat."She was starting to moan regularly and her juices were flowing when she pushed me off and headed for the bathroom to pee, telling me to take over on Samuel's Black Cock and keep him hard.As I crawled up to his crotch,...

3 years ago
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My Stepdaughter

It had all started in her stepfather's bed. Pretty little 18-year-old Jenny had begun to kiss her way down her stepfather Mitch's hairy chest, slowly, inch by hairy inch, adoring the taut skin and musky smell rising from his groin. Mitch lay motionless as his ultimate fantasy grew nearer and nearer, his heart pounding and his huge penis straining ever harder and stiffer in mad excitement. He was beginning to realize that what was about to happen, what had to happen when Jenny's heavenly mouth...

2 years ago
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SnatchedChapter 34

Once our talk was over, Mayta made the happy announcement that I wanted to be the next Zakat. After Mondaut put forward his own claim for the spot it didn't take long to gather a crowd. Of course my mates and Lanita fretted a little, and if I hadn't been so sure of the technique he'd use I might have done a little fretting myself. Mondaut wasn't quite as tall as Denac, but he wasn't far off it. He was probably an inch shorter, but I figured he might be as much as twenty pounds heavier....

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Fucked My Neighbour Tamil Aunty

Hi iss readers I am back with my second telugu sex story nenu me andari kosam e story ni telugu loki ravadam jarigindi idhi na life lo jarigina real story of course ipatiki kuda jarugutundi Na name telusu kada karthik and I am from tirupathi any unsatisfied housewifes auntys girls from tirupathi chittor nellore and banglore unte nannu contact cheyandi nenu mimalni evaru satisfy cheyalenantaga satisfy chesta na modda 8 inches untundi mimalni anni rakaluga satisfy chestanu nannu contact cheyandi ...

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