Mi Jefe Me Sedujo. free porn video

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[gay] mi jefe me hizo su perra.

Se dio cuenta como le mire la pija, yo en ese tiempo era hetero

Mi nombre es Claudio, tengo 27 años y soy heterosexual, pero tuve una vez una relación con un hombre que duró unos 6 meses y les voy a contar como fue.

Tenía en ese entonces 17 años, comenzaba a trabajar en una empresa. El primer día me presentaron al Director del área en que trabajaría. Su nombre era Fernando, tenía 50 años, alto buen porte, corpulento, de 1,85 mts., un tanto excedido en kilos, digamos unos 95 o 100, era casado con 2 hijos. Además de Director, era socio de la empresa. Yo por mi parte era de contextura media, 1,70, muy delgado, pesaba 65 kg.

Me presente y me atendió amablemente, tuve una conversación de aproximadamente media hora, e inmediatamente me puse a trabajar.

Mi tiempo se repartía entre el trabajo y la universidad. No tenía novia, solo había tenido 3 o 4 relaciones sexuales desde los 16 años que debuté. Pero a decir verdad no ligaba nada, y estaba en permanente estado de calentura.

Trabaja a diario con entusiasmo y esporádicamente veía al Director, que siempre estaba de reunión en reunión. Se notaba que ganaba muy bien, por la ropa que usaba. Lo debo haber visto unas 3 o 4 veces en ese tiempo. Siempre se dirigía a mi en forma amable como con el resto de mis compañeros, pero en una actitud distante.

Un día fuimos a jugar un partido de fútbol, y al término del partido nos fuimos a duchar. Me metí en una ducha, comencé a bañarme y en la ducha de enfrente se mete el Director. Comenzó a bañarse también, me saludó y comencé a mirarle la pija, era enorme, me quede por poco hipnotizado. Fue algo raro, nunca había mirado a un hombre, nunca se me había pasado por la cabeza tener contacto con alguien de mi propio sexo. Cuando levanté la vista, el me estaba mirando y se sonrió.

Que papelón dios mío!!!!!!, se dio cuenta que lo estaba mirando!!!!!! Me di la vuelta y me puse de espaldas a el, no se por que cosa, luego de un momento, giré otra vez para mirarlo. S e estaba agarrando el pene, como haciéndose una paja, me miraba y sonreía. Pese a eso, me quedé fijo mirando su terrible tranca. Esta había crecido, estaba totalmente parada, era enorme, dura, venosa, de un color bien oscuro. Miré para abajo otra vez, pero al rato nuevamente levanté la vista, el me estaba mirando, con una mueca de suficiencia. En ese momento tomé conciencia de la situación, yo también la tenía parada, y el me miraba mi pija erecta. De inmediato cerré la ducha, me tape con una toalla y salí del baño.

Cuando llegue al vestuario el se situó a mi lado, bajó su toalla, me miró y se miró su pija, dios mío, que ejemplar, debía medir como 18 centímetros, pero lo que mas me llamaba la atención era su grosor. Debería tener como 4,5 cm. de diámetro. Ahora la tenía mas cerca, casi se la agarro, pero me contuve, me cambié rápido. Un compañero mío se ofreció a llevarme y acepté. Fernando (el Director), me dijo: Claudio, yo te puedo alcanzar, vivimos cerca. Yo no le contesté y literalmente me escapé del club de fútbol.

Casi no pude dormir esa noche. No podía sacarme de la cabeza la imagen de su pene. Dios mío que fijación. Nunca me había ocurrido esto.

Al otro día fui a trabajar, llegue temprano. El llegó una hora mas tarde que yo. Estaban redecorando su oficina, con lo cual tuvo que correr su escritorio fuera de la misma. Estaba en la sala en la que trabajábamos todos. Me estaba mirando todo el tiempo, yo de tanto en tanto dirigía la mirada donde el estaba y cuando me cruzaba con su mirada, bajaba la vista.

Que momento!!!!!!!Estaba muy nervioso!!!!!!

No teníamos oportunidad de hablar, había mucha gente, por suerte no tenía su oficina, de otra forma, ya me hubiera llamado para conversar.

En un momento determinado, viene hacia donde estaba yo y como ojeando unos papeles, me dice:

Tenemos que hablar So….. sobre qu…. que te….. tema, dije tartamudeando Me miró fijo y sonriendo, y me dice: Vamos, Claudio, vos sabes de que te quiero hablar.

Dios mio!!!!!!, no podía escapar. Me maldije por haberle visto la pija el día anterior, si no lo hubiese hecho, ahora no me estaría acosando. Como zafar de esto!!!!!!!! Te espero en la cochera a las 18.00, tomamos un

café y arreglamos todo. Me dijo en un tono autoritario.

Tengo que ir a la facultad, le dije en forme débil.

Claudio, hoy no tenés facultad, tuviste ayer a la mañana, averigüe tus horarios en recursos humanos, va a ser mejor que estes a las 18.00 en la cochera.

Bu…. bueno, atiné a balbucear.

Los minutos, las horas pasaron volando, tenía mucho miedo de lo que sucediera en la reunión. El corazón me latía a mil. Se me secaba la boca, transpiraba mi cuerpo, por momentos un frío recorría mi espalda, y por momentos me sentía acalorado.

Llegó la hora de ir a la cochera, traté de continuar trabajando para demorar un poco el encuentro, pero a las 18.05, la secretaria del Director me dijo que el me estaba esperando. No me daba tregua, era implacable.

Llegue a la cochera y estaba esperándome en el auto. Un BMW azul, subí, tenía tapizado de cuero, muy lindo. Hola Claudio, me dijo con una sonrisa, y salimos a la calle. Permanecimos sin hablar todo el trayecto. Nos dirigíamos a la avenida del Libertador. El tenia un semblante neutro, ni contento, ni triste, serio, pero tranquilo. Como podía estar tranquilo, yo estaba desesperado de la angustia. Llegamos a un bar. Paró el auto en la calle y entramos. Buscó una mesa apartada. Nos sentamos. Pidió un whisky con una picada. Yo pedí un jugo de naranja, me sentí un tanto estúpido con mi pedido. Aguardamos en silencio, el ambiente era tenso, no me miraba fijo, pero tampoco me evitaba. El estaba como si fuésemos a hablar del partido de futbol del domingo.

Una vez que llegó el pedido y el mozo se alejó. Me dice:

- Bueno Claudio, que hacemos?

- Usted, que quiere hacer, le contesté.

- Yo te quiero romper el culo, me dijo sin pestañar.

- Así directamente, dije yo

- Si, hay que llamar a las cosas por su nombre, me contestó.

Yo me puse colorado, y miré fijo a la mesa, sinceramente sospechaba que esta sería su propuesta, pero hasta que no lo dijo, parecía ficción. No creía que fuera a proponérmelo de esta forma tan cruda.

Y Claudio?, aceptás, o no?. Tengo un departamento en este edificio arriba del bar. Vamos, dale. Lo vamos a pasar bien, te lo prometo.

Noooo, de ninguna manera, esta loco, por quien me tomó.!!!!, es una locura!!!!!!

Vamos, bebé. En el vestuario no podías sacar la vista de mi verga, ahora no te hagas el importante. Te morís de ganas de tener mi tranca adentro.

No, señor, no, se lo juro.

Claudio, me interrumpió. No me gustan estos planteos, querés o no?. Si me decis que no, te pido disculpas y asunto terminado. Paro mirá que se termina aquí. Nunca mas se te ocurra que vas a tener la menor posibilidad de que te la ponga. Me voy al departamento a dejar unos papeles, cuando vuelva en 15 minutos, quiero una respuesta. Entendiste!!!!!. Dijo subiendo el tono.

Se fue del bar y me dejó solo.

Hasta ese momento no había evaluado seriamente la posibilidad de acostarme con el, pero este planteo era claro, crudo, casi cruel. Yo vivía caliente, y no conseguía mujeres para acostarme. Después de todo era una posibilidad concreta de sexo, distinto, con un hombre, pero no era mejor estar con un hombre que no tener ningún contacto?. Estaba como seducido, Fernando, su cuerpo, su pija, el auto, su empresa, dinero, el bar, el departamento. Estaba exitadísimo, era una buena posibilidad de sacarme la calentura permanente que portaba.

Pero había un detalle no menor, no había dudas de quien sería el pasivo, sabía por comentarios que el sexo anal dolía, algunos decían que mucho, otros que poco, pero con esa tremenda verga!!!!!, no podía ser fácil.

Estaba pensando esto cuando llegó.

Y, Claudio?, te vas a dejar romper el orto?

Me m*****aba esa crudeza en el lenguaje, pero me excitaba también, parecía que disfrutaba siendo grosero.

Disculpe, no voy a negar que me llamo la atención verlo desnudo, pero disculpe nuevamente, es que temo que vaya a dolerme mucho. Su miembro no es precisamente chico.

Mi lenguaje respetuoso, contrastaba con su lenguaje callejero.

Ah, entiendo, o sea que sos virgen? Si, conteste a secas.

Mirá Claudio, no te voy a mentir, no te voy a decir que no te va a doler porque es mentira, pero si que haré lo mejor para hacértelo suave. Dentro de lo posible. Pero romper un culito virgen con mi tranca y pretender que no duela, no es tarea fácil.

Por ahí podemos hacer algo oral, con masajes de dilatación las primeras veces, a ver como me siento, dije en tono resuelto.

Claudio, yo se que debes haber leído eso en algún libro o revista. Pero si yo estoy con vos en la cama, va a ser para hacerte tragar mi pija hasta la garganta. No creo que pueda hacer una franela tan larga como los libros aconsejan.

Entiendo, lo puedo pensar?, contesté.

Si, por supuesto. Hoy es Martes, el Viernes te espero a la mañana en mi oficina, que ya va a estar lista, con la respuesta. Te adelanto que voy a tener todo preparado para ese día.

Sin contestar me quedé en silencio, terminamos ambos tragos, y me acercó hasta mi casa.

Los días transcurrieron con este pensamiento, pensé, pensé, pensé y pensé. Por momentos estaba decidido a hacerlo, pero por momentos me daba pánico, y me parecía que era una locura. Estaba mas convencido de no hacerlo que de hacerlo, pero cuando recordaba que no me iba a dar otra oportunidad, temía arrepentirme. Y luego de eso no tendría chances.

La decisión final fue rechazar la propuesta, siendo consiente que podría llegar a arrepentirme.

A la mañana del Viernes me desperté sin dudas sobre lo que iba a hacer, no aceptar. Llegue a la empresa, y cuando entro al área en la que trabajo, la secretaria me dice:

Te espera Fernando en su oficina.

No me daba pausa. Igualmente hice un poco de tiempo, me serví un café y fui a su oficina. Me senté en uno de sus amplios sillones y lo miré a los ojos. Estaba tranquilo. Le pediría disculpas por el mal entendido y luego todo como si nada.

Y, Claudio, que decidiste?, me dijo yendo directo al grano, tal cual su estilo.

Señor, le pido disculpas por el mal entendido, soy el único culpable del episodio, me comporte de manera extraña en el club de fútbol, y lo hice confundir con esta actitud. Le pido nuevamente disculpas, pero debo rechazar su propuesta. Dije con tono firme, en voz alta, me sorprendió a mi mismo la resolución con la que hablé.

El asintió, me pidió disculpas también por el mal momento, se levantó de su sillón, pensé que iba despedirme de su despacho. Fue hacia un armario, tipo caja fuerte y mientras buscaba algo, me dijo:

Me han dicho que estas por comprar un auto.

Me sorprendió el comentario, pero pensé que quería romper el hielo cambiando de tema. En eso saca un sobre de papel madera del armario, y se vuelve a sentar.

Si, bah en realidad es una pretensión un poco elevada, ya que el auto que quiero cuesta $15.000 y solo cuento con $5.000.

El auto que te gusta es nuevo?, me contestó.

Jajajaja, noooo, disculpeme, pero uno nuevo vale $30.000, yo gano $500.

Tomá este sobre, es para vos, me dijo dándome el sobre.

Lo abrí. Eran 4 fajos de billetes, rápidamente me di cuenta que eran $40.000. Una cifra impensada para mi.

Comprate un auto nuevo.

Pe.. pero señor, esto es mucho, dije de inmediato.

No para mi, Claudio, te espero en la cochera a las 18.00, en punto.

Ah, entiendo, señor. Hice una pausa.

Los dos permanecimos en silencio un largo rato, nos mirábamos a los ojos. Un calor tremendo recorrió mi cuerpo y llego a mi cara que se puso roja. No había mas nada para decir.

Se levant ó para despedirme.

A las 18.00, Claudio, trata de ser puntual, dijo con tono resuelto.

Me m*****ó su seguridad de que estaría a las 18.00 en la cochera.

Antes de cerrar la puerta, le pregunté: No tiene miedo que me quede con este sobre? No, contestó a secas.

Seguí trabajando, la realidad era muy fuerte, me sentía humillado, como una prostituta, me dejaría partir el culo, por una suma de dinero. Importante por cierto, me sentía con poder también. Un hombre estaba dispuesto a pagar semejante suma a cambio de mi virginidad.

Llegue a la cochera 7 minutos antes de lo convenido, me apoyé sobre el auto para esperarlo. El llegó a las 18.00 en punto. Le gustó que lo estuviera esperando, pero no dijo nada.

Subimos al auto, y salimos para su departamento. Nadie emitió ningún tipo de sonido. Yo estaba nervioso, asustado, el corazón me latía a mil. Pero no podía hacer nada, era tarde. Como un jugador de ajedrez Fernando movió las piezas con precisión. Me dominó por completo. Jugó conmigo desde el principio sabiendo cual sería mi próximo paso. Me rendí ante el. El me dominaba, y

en pocos minutos me sometería a sus deseos. Me llevaría al punto mas bajo, me vejaría, sería un objeto a su merced.

Llegamos al departamento más rápido de lo que hubiese deseado. Subimos al ascensor. Todo el trayecto en silencio. Entramos al departamento, era un lugar preparado para el placer. Espejos, decoración, alfombras mullidas, una cama enorme. Este era el lugar donde satisfacer sus caprichos. El estaba acostumbrado a esto.

Sin decir nada comenzó a sacarse la ropa, me miró de una forma en la que entendí que debía hacer lo mismo. Quedamos ambos desnudos por completo. Su pene amenazante apuntaba a mi. Era exageradamente grande, había olvidado en estos días el tamaño. Se sentó sobre la cama, y me indicó que me arrodillara en el suelo. Estaba claro que es lo que debía hacer. Sin preámbulos tomé su verga con la mano y me lo metí en la boca. La tuve que abrir bien grande. Y comencé a chuparlo, como algunas mujeres me lo habían hecho a mi. Lanzó un suspiro. Eso me indicó que estaba haciendo las cosas bien. Seguí chupando, y chupando y chupando. El estaba en las nubes. Gemía, gozaba, respiraba fuerte. Me sentí poderoso manejando su placer.

Luego de un momento, me aparta la cabeza y me indica que suba a la cama. Me pone boca abajo, me hace abrir las piernas y comienza a chuparme el culo. Me metía la lengua bien adentro. Que rico estaba. Me gustaba mucho eso. Yo también gemí, me estaba aflojando, era un placer nuevo, diferente. Luego se detuvo, abrió la mesita de luz, sacó un pote de crema lubricante. El momento tan temido, había llegado. Cumpliría con este sacrificio al que el destino me había enfrentado. Mi cuerpo y mi alma estaban entregados a los caprichos de este macho que iba a poseerme.

Comenzó a lubricarme, a dilatarme. Primero por la superficie del agujero, luego metió un dedo, luego dos, mas tarde tres. Sabía hacer el trabajo, cuantas veces lo habrá hecho, con cuantos habrá experimentado, esto que para mi era tan especial, lo sería para el?, o acaso era solo rutina?.

Luego de un rato, me sentí dilatado, estaba caliente también, quería salir corriendo de ese departamento, pero también quería saber como seguía. Me hizo abrir mas las piernas, me colocó un almohadón debajo del vientre y se recostó encima mío. Su cuerpo era pesado, me aplastaba contra la cama, me quitaba el aire, me exitaba tambien. Tener ese ejemplar, ese cuerpo encima mío, dominándome, pero también gobernado por mi, por el deseo que yo le despertaba.

Me susurró al oído desde atrás.

- Estas listo?

- Dale, le contesté.

En ese momento pensé que era la primera vez que lo tuteaba, que tontería pensar eso en este momento.

Apoyó la punta de su verga en mi culo, se quedó quieto por un momento, mis esfínteres comenzaron a abrirse, la poronga comenzó a deslizarse. Me abría mis músculos, me dolía mientras se deslizaba, dolía bastante, era muy grande y muy gruesa. Se deslizó por completo de una vez, pero lentamente. Llegó hasta el final. Lo sentí en mis entrañas. Dolía, dolía mucho. Lancé un grito ahogado de dolor. El se detuvo, estaba dentro de mi pero sin moverse.

Te duele, me dijo Si, me duele mucho, alcancé a suspirar.

Te lo saco?, preguntó.

Estuve unos segundos sin contestar, que sentido tenía. El no iba a desistir, me penetraría con su gran nabo otra vez, y yo no quería pasar nuevamente por la penetración.

No, le conteste, dejala. Quedate así un poco.

El se quedó inmóvil por un momento. El dolor iba pasando, no era tan punzante como al principio, me estaba acostumbrando a ello. Pensé que ya estaba para más. Lo animé a seguir.

Dale, Fernando, cogeme, dale, cogeme.

Ya no te duele, me preguntó.

Si, me duele, pero me gusta, cogeme, damelo, damelo.

Esto lo animó, con ritmo lento, comenzó a taladrarme mi agujero hasta hacer segundos virgen. Siguió y siguió empujando, y gemía y respiraba con un ritmo cada vez mas agitado.

Dolía cada vez menos y me gustaba cada vez mas.

Dale Fernando, cogeme, cogeme que me gusta, dame tu vergota, partime en dos el culo.

Si, putito, si que te voy a coger, sos un putito que se deja coger por plata, bien que se te habrió el culito cuando viste los billetes.

No me gustó este comentario, per

o me dio un morbo que me puso a mil. Y me animé a seguir su juego.

Si, me gusta que me cojas por dinero, si queres cojerme ponete con la plata, paga si queres un putito virgen.

Mis palabras lo pusieron como loco, comenzó a darme duro, a cogerme con mas fuerza. Me gustaba esto, es como que el control estaba cambiando de manos, ahora lo tenía yo, lo estaba volviendo loco de deseo.

Me seguía taladrando con su enorme tranca, y me daba y me daba y me daba y yo lo animaba y el me decía cosas al oído. La calentura iba en aumento hasta que me dice:

Me vengo Claudio, me vengo, ya no aguanto Esas palabras me calentaron mucho, dale papi, dame tu lechita, llename el culito de tu lechita, dale papi, cogeme, cogeme fuerte que yo me vengo tambien, dame tu pija dura, damela.

Siiiiiiiii, siiiiiiiii, siiiiiiiiii, Ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhh Ayyyyyy, ayyyyyyyyyyy, ayyyyyyyy Ahhhhh, ahhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhh

Ambos gritabamos al unísono, estábamos en éxtasis total. No existía en el mundo nada mas que nuestro placer. La copula, la lujuria, el placer, todo en este dúo de hombres uno jóven, el otro maduro, uno corpulento el otro pequeño. Uno poseyendo al otro, gobernándolo, sometiéndolo, el otro entregado, rendido, humillado, vejado, pero también dominándolo, dominando a la fiera, quien con su carne jóven y fresca es presa del descontrol de su verdugo que lo lleva al sacrificio para satisfacer sus caprichos.

Fue una experiencia inolvidable, ambos gozamos como locos, fue mas que sexo, fue una lucha de poderes. Fueron dos hombres llevados al estado mas primitivo del deseo que utilizaron sus armas, el dinero, el glamour, el poder, la experiencia, la fuerza física, el lujo por un lado y por el otro la inocencia, la seducción, la belleza, la debilidad, por el otro.

La relación con Fernando duró unos 6 o 7 meses, lo hacíamos 2 o 3 veces por semana. Yo le puse fin a la relación. Comencé a tener éxito con las mujeres, me fui de la empresa, monte mi propio negocio. Esa fue la única relación que tuve con un hombre. Nunca mas lo hice hasta ahora que tengo 27 años.

Ah, me olvidaba de comentarles.

También gane muchísimo dinero

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Welcome to Kommons, one of the most fabulous websites on the planet. I know you like virtual pussy; we all do. I don’t call myself ThePornDude for no reason. But, sometimes, you just have to step out of your man cave and touch an actual breast. The dick wants what it wants. It can’t be helped. It’s within our nature to seek out the touch of real physical women. It’s also in our nature to avoid ugly bitches. So, if we’re ugly ourselves, we’re shit out of luck. Dumb beta cucks will tell you that...

Escort Sites
4 years ago
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Meri hui bar bar chudai

Mera naam Gitanjali hai, meri umar 26 saal hai aur mera figure 34-27-36 hai aur main dekhne me bhi kafi sunder hai, (according to my friends), aur haan main abhi tak unmarried huin, per kunwari nahi. Aap log samajhte honge kunwari aur unmarried me farak. Chalo yahan per main pehli bar apni real life ke bare me likh rahi huin.Aaj main aap logon ko apni jeevan ke bare me batana chahti huin, meri puri life ke bare me wo bhi shuru se. Mera ek boyfriend tha jiska naam Vicky tha, main aur Vicky ek...

3 years ago
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Discovering Irsquom a Cougar Part 9

The next couple of days after the party I could hardly walk. My ass burned from all of the cocks that had used it and my pussy never stopped throbbing. The worse part was it was time for parent teacher meetings. Most of these were with parents that were either overly involved or totally oblivious to what my students were up to. Near the end of the day I saw Emily's mother walk in. I remembered that her name was Bev. She was an older version of her daughter and could still turn the head of any...

2 years ago
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The ProtectorChapter 61

I awoke the next morning, feeling like I had been dragged behind a camel. That only made me feel bad all over again, thinking about camels, because of the tricks that Maurice had pulled on all of us when we first climbed on one of the filthy beasts. I looked at Kat lying behind me and reached down and gently rubbed her stomach. She stirred a little making an mmm noise and I smiled to myself. As I looked at her lying beside me, I couldn't help wondering how an old homely Legionnaire like me...

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Naked Beneath

Author’s note: Welcome to my entry in the Nude Day contest. Nude is an easy theme on an erotica site, after all our characters are always naked. But I decided to take a different angle on nudity and focus on how real life events can strip us bare, remove our normal ‘clothing’ we show to the world on a daily basis. My wife was very ill last year and this is a true story of how I was taught the expression ‘love conquers all’ is not just something used to sell greeting cards, but is very real. I...

4 years ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 32

Tara was cleaning up the kitchen when Brock came back in the house. "Quite the domestic," Brock said. Tara knew he was kidding. She hated to clean. In fact, she had a maid service for her downtown apartment. "Up yours, Hotshot," Tara responded. "Seriously, I can take care of this," Brock said. "I'm sure you have other things to be doing." "Not a one," Tara replied. "Really?" Brock asked. "I'm doing research for a couple of analysis pieces I'm taping on Friday," she...

3 years ago
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Preacherman Ch 5 Motherdaughterthreesome

“Oh me too. Cindy, I wonder if the Reverend’s father is still living and single?”She rolled her eyes; “Here we go again, my mother the match maker.” Cindy took pride in her appearance. Her five, foot-five 40D, 34, 44 stats would make any man drool. Her greatest features are her long red hair, button nose, ruby-red lips, and captivating emerald-green eyes. She also has a voracious appetite for sex. Her actions often caused a lot of friction between her and her mother, a religious fanatic who...

Straight Sex
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Mna na shadi ka wada kar ka meri izzat

Hi im ayesha, ,my age is 25 yaers old.this story is depends upon me and my lover is IMRAN AHMAD (M.N.A) N.A 160. ,i live in lahore ,imran called me in a restaurant ,after sm time we went in a hotel 4 safty of pplz, as we entered imran kissed me ,he wanted sex from me ,i stopped him but he ask me 4 sake his love ,he asked me his family will come n will fix date of our marriage,i stopped him many time but he ask me 4 marriage,i love him so much ,we have done sex as husband and wife, i hope n...

3 years ago
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First time having black guy at my house

This is a true story about the first time we invited a black friend back to our home to play with us. It happened a few years ago My husband and I were at the local theater one night playing around in the gloryhole booths like usual. I wasn't feeling horny enough to let others in on the action but just horny enough to be watched and maybe cummed on. We had been there about 45 minutes and already fucked a few times but wasn't quite ready to leave yet. We were both stripped down naked and in a...

4 years ago
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CHAPTER 7 Jennie and I had been together for five months. It was now May, one of the most beautiful months in the Carolinas with the temperature in the mid-eighties and none of the stifling humidity I knew would appear once summer had arrived. Jennie and I felt like a married couple, but in all this time I had never once told her that I loved her—that I was in madly love with her. Why? I was afraid—terrified actually--that she would reject me, afraid that she would laugh, and...

2 years ago
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LoveHerFeet Audrey Bitoni Vanna Bardot Her roommate8217s feet

I just moved into my new home; a beautifully modern house in the Hollywood Hills. I have a bunch of roommates though, that’s the only way any of us can afford it. One day I come home with my boyfriend Jake. Surprisingly, no one was home and the house was totally empty! We thought we had the whole house to ourselves. We started making out in the living room. A few minutes later, he removed my wedges and started to suck on my toes. He knows I love that. I was about to take his cock out when...

3 years ago
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1st experience

hi every one i am mallika here and i will explain about my first sexual experiance,though it is not a great experiance for me.i am 18 years old girl .i have a very developed figure of 34/30/34.i stay with my bhabi and bhaiya as my school is beside their house ,otherwise it is 3 hours journey from our house.my brother Rahul work in a computer firm and her wife Malini is a housewife she had also a amazing fig of36/32/34.that time i am in 12 std.one day due to some reason our school decleares that...

4 years ago
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The Horny Teen Neighbor

The opportunity was now when her dad left for work and her mom went out with her friends on a Saturday morning. Sarah being the young brunette with brown eyes slim, given braces for humility, and petite build at a mere height of 4’10. Puberty being her best friend gave her a nice bust of C cup tits and a small yet firm ass. As she was watching porn off her phone getting off to it, she couldn’t help but freeze at the sound of the doorbell ringing. She peeked around the hallway corner as she...

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The Garden Shed

When I was younger I used to stay at my aunt and uncle's house, along with my cousin George who was sixteen, the same age as me. They all lived in a large house out in the English countryside. One warm afternoon, I was reading on their veranda and I saw my cousin kicking a football up their long garden. I took no notice really, I was enjoying reading a Stephen King book and being out the sunshine. I was subconsciously aware of the kicking sound that my cousin was making. My cousin continued his...

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Lovemaking And Ass Fucking

By: AWC Janice and Nelson had been going steady for over 5 years and they had been living together all this time. Being youthful ages of hardly 20, their sex life had been very active. They had been working in the same office also. Lately, there had been a boost and the employer had been asking them to put extra time every week. This extra time spent at work, the bills had been usual and normal but they both felt they needed some time for themselves to talk about their lives and make sure...

2 years ago
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SweetSinner Lena Paul Unwrapping My Stepdaughter

When Victoria isn’t downstairs for the holiday festivities, her stepfather goes upstairs looking for her. What he finds is her beautiful, busty body wrapped in holiday ribbon complete with candy cane stockings, all ready and eager for his cock. Concerned that the rest of the family might find out what’s going on, he resists her pleading at first – but with her gigantic tits jiggling as she begs, he quickly realizes that his priorities are his cock. So, he locks the door and...

2 years ago
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First Time with my MotherInLaw

I had been craving my mother-in-law for years. My wife and I have an excellent sex life, but there was always something about her mom. I loved going swimming at my in-laws' house, trying to see as much as I could of her pillowy cleavage. I waited for her to wade in, to watch the mini-skirt of her swimsuit float, revealing her luscious thighs and driving me wild with my cravings. My wife used to notice that I would always fuck her harder when we got back from swimming. I told her it was the...

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Lust for My Wifes sister

My wife and I have been married for over 10 years now. During that time, we've had our ups and downs, as most couples do. Whenever problems have arisen, we've been able to work through them, strengthening our relationship along the way. However, last week something happened that I thought would destroy all of our hard work.Our sex life, like everything else, has gone in cycles. Sometimes it's great, sometimes it cools. We were going through one of our cooler periods lately. As a result, I was...

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Meg An Undeniable Love

So my parents were away for the weekend. My friend Anna had an older brother who could get us alcohol. The night before he brought 5 cases over, Two cases of Natural (he insisted it for the newer drinkers) 2 cases of Yeungling and a case of Miller light. On top of that he brought over a bottle of vodka and Canadian whisky, and two Lemonades and two Cranberry Juices. I thanked him so much, I mean he hooked us up. So Anna, my friend john and I started setting up. We were the experienced...

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A Beautiful Woman

She is quite the beautiful woman! The erotic pleasures she delights in providing drives me wild with desire. How she looks up at me, with her fingers wrapped around my rigid cock, the head between her warm lips, her slippery tongue playfully exploring every part, the lust in her eyes, just for me. I love how she wants to explore every aspect of her sexuality. She surprised me when she stopped licking and reached over for the lube, dripping it along the head of my cock and slowly working it...

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YOBS Student Exchange Programme

Date: 5/19/98 Rewritten 1/2/99 Ye Old Body Shoppe - Student Exchange Programme by Caleb Jones (Ye Old Body Shoppe universe created by Caleb Jones & Raven) The Student Exchange Programme Case 86: Billy Johnson / Gina Spinelli My childhood wasn't very comparable to all the other boys I knew growing up. Since well before puberty, I knew in my heart I should have been born female. It wasn't that I lusted after boys, or had urges to wear feminine...

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A Promise

All my life, I have been known to run away from things. I still remember the first time I left home - technically, I didn't leave, but whenever I heard my parents argue, I used to run out of the house and into my Wendy house in the yard. For an hour or so, I used to dream that everything would be normal, amidst the candy-coloured plastic table and chairs and the white walls covered in mould. My parents divorced when I was 14 and I ended up living with my mum. We got on but I developed a...

Straight Sex
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You can find the pictures in one of my albums on my profile page, but you have to be registered and logged in to see them (I also have some other sexy pictures there, selected to accompany some of my other stories). However, the pictures are not essential, and the story works perfectly well on its own – and it also goes on beyond them. I must emphasise that the models in the pictures are NOT, repeat NOT, the people in the story, which is a fantasy and completely fictitious, with invented...

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More just 2 girlfriends

But once they were both 16 everything changed. "Brandy.. Am I ugly?" Amy asked. "Of course not. Your tits are so incredible I'd kill for them. All the boys stare. They WISH they could get in your pants. Like -- nevermind." Brandy ended abruptly. Brandy never told Amy that she always liked her. Always wanted to get into her pants and fuck her. But she was sure she didnt want to do just that. "Like who? What did you say?" "Nothing nevermind". Brandy felt herself blush and...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 48

Steve (Tuesday) Mercy and I were in the restaurant early, having coffee, when a couple of salt and pepper guys came in. I stood and both came toward me with their hands stuck out to shake. They sat with us and were brought coffee. Bud Anderson, said, "I've been working on this case for a year and thought we had most of it put to bed. There must be more to it, as you've turned up a significant group here in Nevada." Jim said, "Chuck split me off as his backup a while back to work with...

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Family ClosetChapter 7

Melissa arrived home only moments before her mother. She heard the grinding of her fathers power tools in the garage and knew he must be out there working. She had made it home without getting into trouble, but her virgin cunt was still leaking its creamy fluid and her mind was filled with lewd thoughts, her belly tingling wildly. She could still taste the spunky fluid that had filled her mouth earlier and her nipples felt tight and knotted. She heard the back door open and her mother walked...

3 years ago
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Brother and Sister Home Alone

Hello dear readers, my name is Young, and, i want to share a secret that i have kept from my parents for a year now. I'm 22 year old and my sister is 19 years of age. We both live with our parents, which helps out alot in this economy. The following story is what happened in December of 2010, while me and my sister where home alone for two weeks before Christmas. Our parents run a business oversea, and they are barely home at all. Just to start, i wanna say, i have always loved my...

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Lisa Mum Me

"Hi mum," I said as I entered the living room."Hi Steve," my mum smiled. She was sitting on the sofa in the spacious living room, which was at the back of the single-storey house she and I lived. "How was school?" she asked."The usual, boring," I replied, dumping my schoolbag on the floor and kicking my trainers off. I didn't do too badly at school, and was an ace at sports, but like most fifteen-year-old boys I didn't exactly find it terribly thrilling. It was nice to be home.My mum, Helen,...

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A black neighbor in the window

When living in Savannah, my loving husband used to travel around for business; sometimes leaving me alone at home for several days.Next to us lived a tall older black man, still a handsome guy, well built. It was a surprise he did not have a girl every night, Asian, black or white... One night I was putting on a pair of panties and I had left my curtains open. Then I caught a glimpse of my black neighbor looking at me. I dropped down and closed the curtains; but he had seen far enough…Next...

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Alright Mate

?Alright, mate?? Nick looked up at the greeting and found Danny Peterson standing over him, lunch-tray in hand. Nick scooted over to let Danny sit beside him on the bench and replied. ?Yeah, not bad. Same old, really? His bored tone revealed a little of his recent bitterness. Nick had asked out two girls in as many months and had been rejected each time, despite being on good terms with both and there appearing to be a connection, something more than 'just friends'. Nick had wondered if...

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Sailor Girl

Author's Note: The final chapter. This series ended up being short. I like it that way. Sailor Girl by Hazel M Deirdre stared at her reflection in the dresser mirror. There were still some traces of Derek, but they were barely noticeable. It was three days since Cathy had blackmailed her. She figured, if she was going to be girl, she might as well enjoy herself. She had taken some time off to make a few changes. The woman in the mirror was slightly more voluptuous than two days...

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The Justice Warriors

Richie Riley cautiously approached the nondescript warehouse in the middle of the city's industrial district. His incredible nano-tech armor, designed by his mentor the one and only TechKnight, was currently in stealth mode, making him virtually undetectable. Stealth mode automatically camouflaged him to his surroundings in real-time making him virtually invisible, especially while standing still while also hiding his heat signature and absorbing radar waves. Richie Riley or CyberSquire was one...

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Altered Fates The Things We Do For Love

THE THINGS WE DO FOR LOVE by Jennifer Adams ©Jennifer Adams, 1998 " Aw, come on Nicki. For cryin' out loud! We've been over this ground so many times we're wearing a path! I keep asking you to marry me. You say not now. I ask why and I get lame excuses and then we don't talk for days. I mean, we've been living together for over three years. Why is this such a big deal for you?" John said, in the middle of an age old argument that he restarted by asking Nicole to marry...

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Can You Keep A Secret

They were technically step siblings, but they had been living together since they were nine, so now that they about to graduate high school together and had lived together for most of their formative years. They each felt they knew the other quite well and got along pretty good. A commercial came on, so she muted it with the remote. “Can you keep a secret?” he asked. Kim looked at him puzzled. “A secret from who?” she asked. “From everyone.” he answered. “But especially from our...

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The Panty Thief

by Just4kinks ([email protected]) Kathy settled into her window seat after boarding the plane. Forty-minutes after take off, she began drifting into a dream about the curly headed Bajan man she had a pleasant affair with during her vacation in Barbados. Her lover was gently massaging her inner thigh in the dream when she realized she was being groped. The hand belonged to a balding, pot-bellied man with a Jamaican lilt. He was cooing to her gently, ‘Baby, you so sweet. Me want to eat you...

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Three to Get Off of DespairChapter 13

We dressed and left the party. On the way home I told Lizbeth, "We could always have a threesome with another guy." "Cut it out," she said laughing, "Neither of us want that, do we?" "No." So, we kept searching putting feelers everywhere. We asked carefully everyone we knew—or at least everyone with whom we could bring up the subject--, "Do you know an attractive unattached girl?" We were even briefly interested in the young sister of one of our friends, but it all came to...

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The Competitive Edge Playing The Game IIIChapter 12 Homecoming Weekend

For the next few weeks, things stayed in a routine. An overworked, stressful, pressure-cooker of a routine, but a routine nonetheless. We played our games, and our practices also progressed very well. My professors kept on piling on the work, but we still found a little time to goof off and relieve the pressure, if only temporarily. We lost a non-conference game to the University of Miami Hurricanes by an embarrassingly lopsided score, but we had an excuse. More than half the team was struck...

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Accustomed to Her Face Ch 01

It’s finally autumnal. It’s the angle of the light. There’s been a chill – that’s not new, but it’s the light this afternoon that’s made the difference. I came home early by two days. I called you two nights ago and you answered the phone warmly and sleepily and you sounded so happy to hear that I’d changed my flight and you said, ‘I’m so glad – I’ll be waiting, Daddy.’ And now – I’ll be waiting, Daddy – echoing in my head – now as I walk up the street the way I know you’ll be coming home from...

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Muscle encounters 9 Debra D Andrea

Muscle encounter 8 - Debra D AndreaBy lilguy [email protected] house sits for a strong womanInspired byhttp://www.debradandrea.com/Dynamite.htmBilly was a young black man who recently called in classified ads for someonelooking to housesit. The woman that he was housing sitting was Debra D Andrea.She was a sexy bodybuilder with black hair who weight 160 pounds. All it waspure muscle and breast. Her six packs were hard and you could pack a coin offit. Her legs were strong as an Ox, and...

3 years ago
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Liz rides again

We went down to see a friend of ours who Liz previously had sex with. I set the whole thing up, asking him to roundup another guy for a threesome. So we went down and, as usual, started drinking beer. Shortly he told her to sit on his lap, which she did without hesitation. He then unbuttoned her blouse and started playing with her tits. She never wore a bra as she didn’t have that much to contain. In a short while he stood up and told her to come with him upstairs. She did, without question....

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Strip Poker Blacken Cuckold Pregnant

My marriage was getting pretty bad. We were fighting all the time, and mostly about stupid things. My wife Jill and I met when I was 19 and she was 18. We didn't get married until 10 years later, and then waited another five before we started a family. Our one son is great, and is now 5 years old. A lot of the trouble started when Jill said that she wanted another baby. I thought that at 38 I was too old for another k**, and that started a long fight. She got back at me by not having sex with...

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Deflowered Or Experience With Indian Sex Stories Reader

Hi buddies, I’m a regular reader of indian sex stories dot net for past 10 years or more. Each day I’ll never sleep without reading a story as well I have shared few of my experiences here, when I read stories, few are amazing and some are fake, maybe to get contacts their writing down and some are true. I’m going to narrate one such true story of mine where one of the ISS readers who is a virgin wanted to lose with me desperately. Not sure how easily both men and women accept or get into bed...

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Oh Romeo Romeo

It was now Spring once again in the small town of Ridgemont, and Ridgemont High was having its annual and much anticipated high school play. This time it would be Shakesphere's Romeo and Juliet. There had been a considerable amount of discussion and disagreement among the members of the committee in charge of play about the choice of the actors. Jill Hickson had originally been choosen to play the part of Juliet and Miles Johnson for her Romeo, but as fate would have it Jill contracted a virus...

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Sex on Manness Island

Sex on Manness Island. The island would have passed undiscovered but for the fact that it held a magical secret. And that secret was, that it helped you overcome any sexual hang-up you cared to think about. Anything. Some people had problems with getting it on with another human being. Man or woman, they just could not manage it. But here on Manness Island, you could find a solution. Some said it was already buried here, like Pirate treasure. Some said it was brought here during the war, and...

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Card Trick

The alarm wouldn't stop ringing. In my waking stupor I though it was the alarm. Well maybe not. I reached over and swatted the snooze button on the clock, but the noise didn't stop. Oh hell. The sun was out and it was way too friggin' bright in my bedroom for this crap to be happening. My headache was with me full force as I rolled to the other side of my bed and fumbled for the cordless phone. And of course, it fell on the floor. Almost comically as I reached to the floor...

1 year ago
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Sex with a Stranger in a Panel Shop

Natasha was taking the full force I could dish out. I held her legs tight together as my cock spread her greedy cock hungry hole. Again and again I pounded into her, watching her roll her head around the table where 5 of the guys sit each day to eat their food. I bet nothing ever tasted as good as she did on here. It was already 6pm and everyone else had left the panel shop and headed out for their long weekend. I had drawn the unlucky straw and had to wait for the customer, Natasha, to pick up...

Sex With Stranger
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When Groinkians AttackChapter 2

"Why a bathroom is called the head!" MRS. Henrietta Higgambotham-Smythington was in her garden, the love of her life, doing the chores she felt were necessary to grow prize-winning flowers, such as Azaleas, not to mention Rhododendrens. She had finished her winter mulch chore, three-inches-high of mulch around each tree, two-inches-high over the garden beds. For the trees she used the big chunk-chip mulch, but for her precious, prize-winning garden beds only the smaller, fine-chip mulch...

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