Mi Jefe Me Sedujo. free porn video

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[gay] mi jefe me hizo su perra.

Se dio cuenta como le mire la pija, yo en ese tiempo era hetero

Mi nombre es Claudio, tengo 27 años y soy heterosexual, pero tuve una vez una relación con un hombre que duró unos 6 meses y les voy a contar como fue.

Tenía en ese entonces 17 años, comenzaba a trabajar en una empresa. El primer día me presentaron al Director del área en que trabajaría. Su nombre era Fernando, tenía 50 años, alto buen porte, corpulento, de 1,85 mts., un tanto excedido en kilos, digamos unos 95 o 100, era casado con 2 hijos. Además de Director, era socio de la empresa. Yo por mi parte era de contextura media, 1,70, muy delgado, pesaba 65 kg.

Me presente y me atendió amablemente, tuve una conversación de aproximadamente media hora, e inmediatamente me puse a trabajar.

Mi tiempo se repartía entre el trabajo y la universidad. No tenía novia, solo había tenido 3 o 4 relaciones sexuales desde los 16 años que debuté. Pero a decir verdad no ligaba nada, y estaba en permanente estado de calentura.

Trabaja a diario con entusiasmo y esporádicamente veía al Director, que siempre estaba de reunión en reunión. Se notaba que ganaba muy bien, por la ropa que usaba. Lo debo haber visto unas 3 o 4 veces en ese tiempo. Siempre se dirigía a mi en forma amable como con el resto de mis compañeros, pero en una actitud distante.

Un día fuimos a jugar un partido de fútbol, y al término del partido nos fuimos a duchar. Me metí en una ducha, comencé a bañarme y en la ducha de enfrente se mete el Director. Comenzó a bañarse también, me saludó y comencé a mirarle la pija, era enorme, me quede por poco hipnotizado. Fue algo raro, nunca había mirado a un hombre, nunca se me había pasado por la cabeza tener contacto con alguien de mi propio sexo. Cuando levanté la vista, el me estaba mirando y se sonrió.

Que papelón dios mío!!!!!!, se dio cuenta que lo estaba mirando!!!!!! Me di la vuelta y me puse de espaldas a el, no se por que cosa, luego de un momento, giré otra vez para mirarlo. S e estaba agarrando el pene, como haciéndose una paja, me miraba y sonreía. Pese a eso, me quedé fijo mirando su terrible tranca. Esta había crecido, estaba totalmente parada, era enorme, dura, venosa, de un color bien oscuro. Miré para abajo otra vez, pero al rato nuevamente levanté la vista, el me estaba mirando, con una mueca de suficiencia. En ese momento tomé conciencia de la situación, yo también la tenía parada, y el me miraba mi pija erecta. De inmediato cerré la ducha, me tape con una toalla y salí del baño.

Cuando llegue al vestuario el se situó a mi lado, bajó su toalla, me miró y se miró su pija, dios mío, que ejemplar, debía medir como 18 centímetros, pero lo que mas me llamaba la atención era su grosor. Debería tener como 4,5 cm. de diámetro. Ahora la tenía mas cerca, casi se la agarro, pero me contuve, me cambié rápido. Un compañero mío se ofreció a llevarme y acepté. Fernando (el Director), me dijo: Claudio, yo te puedo alcanzar, vivimos cerca. Yo no le contesté y literalmente me escapé del club de fútbol.

Casi no pude dormir esa noche. No podía sacarme de la cabeza la imagen de su pene. Dios mío que fijación. Nunca me había ocurrido esto.

Al otro día fui a trabajar, llegue temprano. El llegó una hora mas tarde que yo. Estaban redecorando su oficina, con lo cual tuvo que correr su escritorio fuera de la misma. Estaba en la sala en la que trabajábamos todos. Me estaba mirando todo el tiempo, yo de tanto en tanto dirigía la mirada donde el estaba y cuando me cruzaba con su mirada, bajaba la vista.

Que momento!!!!!!!Estaba muy nervioso!!!!!!

No teníamos oportunidad de hablar, había mucha gente, por suerte no tenía su oficina, de otra forma, ya me hubiera llamado para conversar.

En un momento determinado, viene hacia donde estaba yo y como ojeando unos papeles, me dice:

Tenemos que hablar So….. sobre qu…. que te….. tema, dije tartamudeando Me miró fijo y sonriendo, y me dice: Vamos, Claudio, vos sabes de que te quiero hablar.

Dios mio!!!!!!, no podía escapar. Me maldije por haberle visto la pija el día anterior, si no lo hubiese hecho, ahora no me estaría acosando. Como zafar de esto!!!!!!!! Te espero en la cochera a las 18.00, tomamos un

café y arreglamos todo. Me dijo en un tono autoritario.

Tengo que ir a la facultad, le dije en forme débil.

Claudio, hoy no tenés facultad, tuviste ayer a la mañana, averigüe tus horarios en recursos humanos, va a ser mejor que estes a las 18.00 en la cochera.

Bu…. bueno, atiné a balbucear.

Los minutos, las horas pasaron volando, tenía mucho miedo de lo que sucediera en la reunión. El corazón me latía a mil. Se me secaba la boca, transpiraba mi cuerpo, por momentos un frío recorría mi espalda, y por momentos me sentía acalorado.

Llegó la hora de ir a la cochera, traté de continuar trabajando para demorar un poco el encuentro, pero a las 18.05, la secretaria del Director me dijo que el me estaba esperando. No me daba tregua, era implacable.

Llegue a la cochera y estaba esperándome en el auto. Un BMW azul, subí, tenía tapizado de cuero, muy lindo. Hola Claudio, me dijo con una sonrisa, y salimos a la calle. Permanecimos sin hablar todo el trayecto. Nos dirigíamos a la avenida del Libertador. El tenia un semblante neutro, ni contento, ni triste, serio, pero tranquilo. Como podía estar tranquilo, yo estaba desesperado de la angustia. Llegamos a un bar. Paró el auto en la calle y entramos. Buscó una mesa apartada. Nos sentamos. Pidió un whisky con una picada. Yo pedí un jugo de naranja, me sentí un tanto estúpido con mi pedido. Aguardamos en silencio, el ambiente era tenso, no me miraba fijo, pero tampoco me evitaba. El estaba como si fuésemos a hablar del partido de futbol del domingo.

Una vez que llegó el pedido y el mozo se alejó. Me dice:

- Bueno Claudio, que hacemos?

- Usted, que quiere hacer, le contesté.

- Yo te quiero romper el culo, me dijo sin pestañar.

- Así directamente, dije yo

- Si, hay que llamar a las cosas por su nombre, me contestó.

Yo me puse colorado, y miré fijo a la mesa, sinceramente sospechaba que esta sería su propuesta, pero hasta que no lo dijo, parecía ficción. No creía que fuera a proponérmelo de esta forma tan cruda.

Y Claudio?, aceptás, o no?. Tengo un departamento en este edificio arriba del bar. Vamos, dale. Lo vamos a pasar bien, te lo prometo.

Noooo, de ninguna manera, esta loco, por quien me tomó.!!!!, es una locura!!!!!!

Vamos, bebé. En el vestuario no podías sacar la vista de mi verga, ahora no te hagas el importante. Te morís de ganas de tener mi tranca adentro.

No, señor, no, se lo juro.

Claudio, me interrumpió. No me gustan estos planteos, querés o no?. Si me decis que no, te pido disculpas y asunto terminado. Paro mirá que se termina aquí. Nunca mas se te ocurra que vas a tener la menor posibilidad de que te la ponga. Me voy al departamento a dejar unos papeles, cuando vuelva en 15 minutos, quiero una respuesta. Entendiste!!!!!. Dijo subiendo el tono.

Se fue del bar y me dejó solo.

Hasta ese momento no había evaluado seriamente la posibilidad de acostarme con el, pero este planteo era claro, crudo, casi cruel. Yo vivía caliente, y no conseguía mujeres para acostarme. Después de todo era una posibilidad concreta de sexo, distinto, con un hombre, pero no era mejor estar con un hombre que no tener ningún contacto?. Estaba como seducido, Fernando, su cuerpo, su pija, el auto, su empresa, dinero, el bar, el departamento. Estaba exitadísimo, era una buena posibilidad de sacarme la calentura permanente que portaba.

Pero había un detalle no menor, no había dudas de quien sería el pasivo, sabía por comentarios que el sexo anal dolía, algunos decían que mucho, otros que poco, pero con esa tremenda verga!!!!!, no podía ser fácil.

Estaba pensando esto cuando llegó.

Y, Claudio?, te vas a dejar romper el orto?

Me m*****aba esa crudeza en el lenguaje, pero me excitaba también, parecía que disfrutaba siendo grosero.

Disculpe, no voy a negar que me llamo la atención verlo desnudo, pero disculpe nuevamente, es que temo que vaya a dolerme mucho. Su miembro no es precisamente chico.

Mi lenguaje respetuoso, contrastaba con su lenguaje callejero.

Ah, entiendo, o sea que sos virgen? Si, conteste a secas.

Mirá Claudio, no te voy a mentir, no te voy a decir que no te va a doler porque es mentira, pero si que haré lo mejor para hacértelo suave. Dentro de lo posible. Pero romper un culito virgen con mi tranca y pretender que no duela, no es tarea fácil.

Por ahí podemos hacer algo oral, con masajes de dilatación las primeras veces, a ver como me siento, dije en tono resuelto.

Claudio, yo se que debes haber leído eso en algún libro o revista. Pero si yo estoy con vos en la cama, va a ser para hacerte tragar mi pija hasta la garganta. No creo que pueda hacer una franela tan larga como los libros aconsejan.

Entiendo, lo puedo pensar?, contesté.

Si, por supuesto. Hoy es Martes, el Viernes te espero a la mañana en mi oficina, que ya va a estar lista, con la respuesta. Te adelanto que voy a tener todo preparado para ese día.

Sin contestar me quedé en silencio, terminamos ambos tragos, y me acercó hasta mi casa.

Los días transcurrieron con este pensamiento, pensé, pensé, pensé y pensé. Por momentos estaba decidido a hacerlo, pero por momentos me daba pánico, y me parecía que era una locura. Estaba mas convencido de no hacerlo que de hacerlo, pero cuando recordaba que no me iba a dar otra oportunidad, temía arrepentirme. Y luego de eso no tendría chances.

La decisión final fue rechazar la propuesta, siendo consiente que podría llegar a arrepentirme.

A la mañana del Viernes me desperté sin dudas sobre lo que iba a hacer, no aceptar. Llegue a la empresa, y cuando entro al área en la que trabajo, la secretaria me dice:

Te espera Fernando en su oficina.

No me daba pausa. Igualmente hice un poco de tiempo, me serví un café y fui a su oficina. Me senté en uno de sus amplios sillones y lo miré a los ojos. Estaba tranquilo. Le pediría disculpas por el mal entendido y luego todo como si nada.

Y, Claudio, que decidiste?, me dijo yendo directo al grano, tal cual su estilo.

Señor, le pido disculpas por el mal entendido, soy el único culpable del episodio, me comporte de manera extraña en el club de fútbol, y lo hice confundir con esta actitud. Le pido nuevamente disculpas, pero debo rechazar su propuesta. Dije con tono firme, en voz alta, me sorprendió a mi mismo la resolución con la que hablé.

El asintió, me pidió disculpas también por el mal momento, se levantó de su sillón, pensé que iba despedirme de su despacho. Fue hacia un armario, tipo caja fuerte y mientras buscaba algo, me dijo:

Me han dicho que estas por comprar un auto.

Me sorprendió el comentario, pero pensé que quería romper el hielo cambiando de tema. En eso saca un sobre de papel madera del armario, y se vuelve a sentar.

Si, bah en realidad es una pretensión un poco elevada, ya que el auto que quiero cuesta $15.000 y solo cuento con $5.000.

El auto que te gusta es nuevo?, me contestó.

Jajajaja, noooo, disculpeme, pero uno nuevo vale $30.000, yo gano $500.

Tomá este sobre, es para vos, me dijo dándome el sobre.

Lo abrí. Eran 4 fajos de billetes, rápidamente me di cuenta que eran $40.000. Una cifra impensada para mi.

Comprate un auto nuevo.

Pe.. pero señor, esto es mucho, dije de inmediato.

No para mi, Claudio, te espero en la cochera a las 18.00, en punto.

Ah, entiendo, señor. Hice una pausa.

Los dos permanecimos en silencio un largo rato, nos mirábamos a los ojos. Un calor tremendo recorrió mi cuerpo y llego a mi cara que se puso roja. No había mas nada para decir.

Se levant ó para despedirme.

A las 18.00, Claudio, trata de ser puntual, dijo con tono resuelto.

Me m*****ó su seguridad de que estaría a las 18.00 en la cochera.

Antes de cerrar la puerta, le pregunté: No tiene miedo que me quede con este sobre? No, contestó a secas.

Seguí trabajando, la realidad era muy fuerte, me sentía humillado, como una prostituta, me dejaría partir el culo, por una suma de dinero. Importante por cierto, me sentía con poder también. Un hombre estaba dispuesto a pagar semejante suma a cambio de mi virginidad.

Llegue a la cochera 7 minutos antes de lo convenido, me apoyé sobre el auto para esperarlo. El llegó a las 18.00 en punto. Le gustó que lo estuviera esperando, pero no dijo nada.

Subimos al auto, y salimos para su departamento. Nadie emitió ningún tipo de sonido. Yo estaba nervioso, asustado, el corazón me latía a mil. Pero no podía hacer nada, era tarde. Como un jugador de ajedrez Fernando movió las piezas con precisión. Me dominó por completo. Jugó conmigo desde el principio sabiendo cual sería mi próximo paso. Me rendí ante el. El me dominaba, y

en pocos minutos me sometería a sus deseos. Me llevaría al punto mas bajo, me vejaría, sería un objeto a su merced.

Llegamos al departamento más rápido de lo que hubiese deseado. Subimos al ascensor. Todo el trayecto en silencio. Entramos al departamento, era un lugar preparado para el placer. Espejos, decoración, alfombras mullidas, una cama enorme. Este era el lugar donde satisfacer sus caprichos. El estaba acostumbrado a esto.

Sin decir nada comenzó a sacarse la ropa, me miró de una forma en la que entendí que debía hacer lo mismo. Quedamos ambos desnudos por completo. Su pene amenazante apuntaba a mi. Era exageradamente grande, había olvidado en estos días el tamaño. Se sentó sobre la cama, y me indicó que me arrodillara en el suelo. Estaba claro que es lo que debía hacer. Sin preámbulos tomé su verga con la mano y me lo metí en la boca. La tuve que abrir bien grande. Y comencé a chuparlo, como algunas mujeres me lo habían hecho a mi. Lanzó un suspiro. Eso me indicó que estaba haciendo las cosas bien. Seguí chupando, y chupando y chupando. El estaba en las nubes. Gemía, gozaba, respiraba fuerte. Me sentí poderoso manejando su placer.

Luego de un momento, me aparta la cabeza y me indica que suba a la cama. Me pone boca abajo, me hace abrir las piernas y comienza a chuparme el culo. Me metía la lengua bien adentro. Que rico estaba. Me gustaba mucho eso. Yo también gemí, me estaba aflojando, era un placer nuevo, diferente. Luego se detuvo, abrió la mesita de luz, sacó un pote de crema lubricante. El momento tan temido, había llegado. Cumpliría con este sacrificio al que el destino me había enfrentado. Mi cuerpo y mi alma estaban entregados a los caprichos de este macho que iba a poseerme.

Comenzó a lubricarme, a dilatarme. Primero por la superficie del agujero, luego metió un dedo, luego dos, mas tarde tres. Sabía hacer el trabajo, cuantas veces lo habrá hecho, con cuantos habrá experimentado, esto que para mi era tan especial, lo sería para el?, o acaso era solo rutina?.

Luego de un rato, me sentí dilatado, estaba caliente también, quería salir corriendo de ese departamento, pero también quería saber como seguía. Me hizo abrir mas las piernas, me colocó un almohadón debajo del vientre y se recostó encima mío. Su cuerpo era pesado, me aplastaba contra la cama, me quitaba el aire, me exitaba tambien. Tener ese ejemplar, ese cuerpo encima mío, dominándome, pero también gobernado por mi, por el deseo que yo le despertaba.

Me susurró al oído desde atrás.

- Estas listo?

- Dale, le contesté.

En ese momento pensé que era la primera vez que lo tuteaba, que tontería pensar eso en este momento.

Apoyó la punta de su verga en mi culo, se quedó quieto por un momento, mis esfínteres comenzaron a abrirse, la poronga comenzó a deslizarse. Me abría mis músculos, me dolía mientras se deslizaba, dolía bastante, era muy grande y muy gruesa. Se deslizó por completo de una vez, pero lentamente. Llegó hasta el final. Lo sentí en mis entrañas. Dolía, dolía mucho. Lancé un grito ahogado de dolor. El se detuvo, estaba dentro de mi pero sin moverse.

Te duele, me dijo Si, me duele mucho, alcancé a suspirar.

Te lo saco?, preguntó.

Estuve unos segundos sin contestar, que sentido tenía. El no iba a desistir, me penetraría con su gran nabo otra vez, y yo no quería pasar nuevamente por la penetración.

No, le conteste, dejala. Quedate así un poco.

El se quedó inmóvil por un momento. El dolor iba pasando, no era tan punzante como al principio, me estaba acostumbrando a ello. Pensé que ya estaba para más. Lo animé a seguir.

Dale, Fernando, cogeme, dale, cogeme.

Ya no te duele, me preguntó.

Si, me duele, pero me gusta, cogeme, damelo, damelo.

Esto lo animó, con ritmo lento, comenzó a taladrarme mi agujero hasta hacer segundos virgen. Siguió y siguió empujando, y gemía y respiraba con un ritmo cada vez mas agitado.

Dolía cada vez menos y me gustaba cada vez mas.

Dale Fernando, cogeme, cogeme que me gusta, dame tu vergota, partime en dos el culo.

Si, putito, si que te voy a coger, sos un putito que se deja coger por plata, bien que se te habrió el culito cuando viste los billetes.

No me gustó este comentario, per

o me dio un morbo que me puso a mil. Y me animé a seguir su juego.

Si, me gusta que me cojas por dinero, si queres cojerme ponete con la plata, paga si queres un putito virgen.

Mis palabras lo pusieron como loco, comenzó a darme duro, a cogerme con mas fuerza. Me gustaba esto, es como que el control estaba cambiando de manos, ahora lo tenía yo, lo estaba volviendo loco de deseo.

Me seguía taladrando con su enorme tranca, y me daba y me daba y me daba y yo lo animaba y el me decía cosas al oído. La calentura iba en aumento hasta que me dice:

Me vengo Claudio, me vengo, ya no aguanto Esas palabras me calentaron mucho, dale papi, dame tu lechita, llename el culito de tu lechita, dale papi, cogeme, cogeme fuerte que yo me vengo tambien, dame tu pija dura, damela.

Siiiiiiiii, siiiiiiiii, siiiiiiiiii, Ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhh Ayyyyyy, ayyyyyyyyyyy, ayyyyyyyy Ahhhhh, ahhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhh

Ambos gritabamos al unísono, estábamos en éxtasis total. No existía en el mundo nada mas que nuestro placer. La copula, la lujuria, el placer, todo en este dúo de hombres uno jóven, el otro maduro, uno corpulento el otro pequeño. Uno poseyendo al otro, gobernándolo, sometiéndolo, el otro entregado, rendido, humillado, vejado, pero también dominándolo, dominando a la fiera, quien con su carne jóven y fresca es presa del descontrol de su verdugo que lo lleva al sacrificio para satisfacer sus caprichos.

Fue una experiencia inolvidable, ambos gozamos como locos, fue mas que sexo, fue una lucha de poderes. Fueron dos hombres llevados al estado mas primitivo del deseo que utilizaron sus armas, el dinero, el glamour, el poder, la experiencia, la fuerza física, el lujo por un lado y por el otro la inocencia, la seducción, la belleza, la debilidad, por el otro.

La relación con Fernando duró unos 6 o 7 meses, lo hacíamos 2 o 3 veces por semana. Yo le puse fin a la relación. Comencé a tener éxito con las mujeres, me fui de la empresa, monte mi propio negocio. Esa fue la única relación que tuve con un hombre. Nunca mas lo hice hasta ahora que tengo 27 años.

Ah, me olvidaba de comentarles.

También gane muchísimo dinero

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Sea CruiseChapter 3

I awoke reasonably early next morning after a great nights sleep, the slow rocking of the ship having lulled me into as deep a sleep as I could remember for a long time. I lay there for a few minutes just enjoying the pleasurable relaxed feelings the ships motion was inducing but I was eventually forced to get up by the growing pressure on my bladder. I shut myself in the toilet and after a long satisfying piss I stripped off my P.J.s and had a good wash and shave then returned to the cabin...

3 years ago
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School DazeChapter 4 Miss Thompson Sex Ed

I teach Sex Ed at the local high school. I've only been here a few months, just graduating from college recently. When I first started, the job was embarrassing as hell. Most parents were relying on me to replace the usual "bird & bees" lecture that every parent eventually gives to their kids. There were also plenty of awkward moments during class, as students asked questions that provoked laughter from the others. For a while, it was driving me crazy. I was trying to teach these kids,...

4 years ago
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I checked the time on my phone. It read "3:56" just as my computer made that shutdown noise. Perfect. I'd worked through lunch just to achieve this. I pulled on my jacket, keeping the phone in one hand and texted while one of my fellow escapees pressed the down button. "You home?" I sent, my phone chirped as it sent the message and the elevator binged its arrival. I'd have to wait for the reply -- the elevator blocked my service. But I could wait, I was in an awesome mood, because it was...

1 year ago
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sisters part 2

The Captain moved around in front of me. I was mesmerized by the sight of the soldier’s huge cock playing with my sister. My plight returned, the Captain not content with watching my sisters r4pe, he wanted to abuse me. His hands returned to my panties. His fingers slowly played with them, letting them slide down my abdomen, teasing me, forcing me to accept the humiliation of being stripped naked. He picked up one my ankles and tied a rope around it, making me groan in pain when he tightened it...

4 years ago
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Helen Space SlaveChapter 15 The High Life

Next morning Hugo rose early without disturbing Helen, realising that she had had a hard evening and night of it. He quickly ate and went into his study. Helen woke and was surprised to find his side of the bed empty; she had expected to be used at least night and morning, so this brief respite was welcome. 'He'll probably want me during his siesta, ' she thought. Helen met Dina when she went down for breakfast and was relieved to see a little, dark complexioned, old woman, sixty at...

2 years ago
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Burning chut

Hi readers main arun. Pahle bhi apne meri 2 kahani padhi aur pasand ki is liye thanks. Aaj main aap sab ko ek request karna chahunga. Aap sab ye kahani padhiye porn site surf kijiye lekin iske baad aap isko apke jivan me iska galat istimaal na kare khaas kar teaching profesion me agar aap ho to pls apke female students ke saath to kabhi sex ki kwahish na rakhe hum us desh me rahete hai jaha guru ko bhagwaan se bhi bada darja diya gaya hai. Aur agar aap kuchh aur kaam karte hai to jo apke sath...

3 years ago
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Our first meeting

He walked into the hotel after another long day in the office. Nice thing about travling away from home with work is you never know who you may meet... that day he met someone special indeed! The hotel was a nice five star, with a great lobby bar. He decided to go straight there to unwind from the stress of work. As he entered the bar a lady on a bar stool glanced over and smiled... He smiled back and decided to walk over and introduce himself! "Hi i'm Alex, nice to meet you" "Im Chelsea,...

3 years ago
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Journeys End

The Mediterranean coast rolled along in the heart-tugging light of a late summer evening. Pinks, oranges and a red that flushed like blood bounced off the waves and heaved into the sky above. Her curls stretched in the warm wind, eyes weeping harmless tears in the rush. The motorcycle snaked along an ancient road curling into harbors and ripping along beaches. As the engine responded to the challenge of shifting gears, it seemed as if each revolution sent a beckoning call to the part of her...

First Time
3 years ago
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To Be Owned

The bar wasnt the best I knew, not even one of the best… It was just too conservative…it was so 21st century. Seemed like it was pulled out from a history book… The music didnt quite suite my taste, but since this was the only bar which only allowed humanoid races in, it was my regular hangout. I admit it, I dont like aliens. I just cant quite enjoy a drink while there is some kind of a squid thing sitting next to me and sucking in something that I dont even want to know what it is. I suppose...

2 years ago
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Jennys Kinky Holiday RomanceChapter 10

Once we were home again we both just settled back into our daily routine. While we had slowed down there was no doubt that our ten days of debauchery in Scotland had put a fresh sparkle back into our love life. I was amazed at how many times we were now having sex, compared to prior to our holiday. Not only that but it seemed that Jenny was now quite often being the first one to bring up the various ‘kinky’ scenarios in bed. She quite happily, ‘re-played’ the scene (from memory?) where the...

4 years ago
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hanna becomes a slave for life 2

my breath comes in short harsh gasps as the needle touches my nipple, pricking the sensitive flesh."Stay still cunt, or this is really going to hurt you. Not that I really give a fuck as to how you feel""Nonono please" i moanThe doorbell sounds loudly and i twitch on the end of my restraints. The needle rakes across the meat of my breast, drawing a thin line of blood which begins dripping slowly towards my belly."You stupid fuck. I warned you. Now I'm definitely NOT going to make this easy.What...

3 years ago
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Me and Gavin

Gavin was a slender 12 year old boy in 7th grade who measured only 5’2” tall and about 90 pounds with short, light brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. He was your typical 7th grade boy that loved video games, soccer, wrestling and just horsing around. Years and years of soccer had sculpted him into the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. His body was slender with absolutely no body fat, his legs were long and lean but muscly at the same time, he sported a little six pack for abs and his...

4 years ago
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Сначала немного о себе. Для всех знакомых я обычный женатый мужчина. Но сам себя я ощущаю настоящей развратной блядью и шлюхой. Несмотря на вполне насыщенную сексуальную жизнь с женой, обычного секса мне не хватает. Дело в том, что еще с детства меня очень возбуждали би-сексуальные отношения, а если еще точнее, то обычно я отождествлял себя с развратной девушкой, отдающейся и мужчинам и женщинам. Лет с двенадцати обычной подростковой мастурбации мне стало не хватать и я начал мастурбировать...

3 years ago
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A TRANS Formation Chapter 23 Dirty Little Whores

Allie and Jill wake up especially horny this morning. They planned to be especially horny this morning. They haven't had sex the past two nights, and only once this week. They've been letting their desire build inside them, on purpose. They want to be as horny as they can be, because today is Saturday, and tonight is 'Ladies' Night' at the Club. Jill remembers a month ago, waking up in this same bed tormenting herself, not sure if she even wanted to go down this path.  But once she made her...

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Making The Brides MaidChapter 8

In her sleep Randi immediately began dreaming that she was being fucked by all the people who had actually fucked her during the past few weeks. They were all there, rubbing, kissing and sucking her squirming body. The men all had stiff, throbbing cocks, and the women-Laura and Chelsey-were rubbing their luscious naked bodies against her. But they would not let her have a climax. They shot so much jizz into her that it was soon oozing back out of her plundered pussy, but whenever Randi...

3 years ago
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Once Upon a FantasyChapter 16 Moving On

A week before the wedding, Andrea returned to work. Her jaw was tender but her spirits were good. The judge had issued the requested restraining order and Kurt Howell was warned in no uncertain terms what the consequences of violating it would be. He was facing trial for assault and, along with having pleaded guilty to assaulting me and resisting arrest, as well as the drunk and disorderly charge, he was in no position to try the court's patience. I had to hope that Andrea would be safe from...

4 years ago
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Adventures With My Senior In College Part 2

This is Sidharth from perusing my Engineering in one of the reputed colleges in Chennai. I’m 19 years old with a small belly and a 6-inch cock very hungry to fuck pussies. Thanks for all your comments and feedbacks. This incident happened when myself and my senior Akshita resting after our session in our department’s storeroom. Now let me continue from where I left. Then I laid on the table with my dick still inside her and she laid on my body. Then we were talking and kissing and after 10...

3 years ago
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The Improbable Tenant

The day had begun badly, and then rapidly worsened. She had slept poorly, and woke late, no surprise, she hadn’t slept well in weeks. Now she had a mountain of mindless chores ahead, beginning with the lawn. Machines intimidated her, she wished she had kept up the lawn service. Of course the mower had not started, it would rarely start for her. After five minutes of fruitless yanking she was in a sweat, and mad enough to spit. At that point her neighbor, her leering, dirty-minded neighbor, had...

4 years ago
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Sali ke sath sex match

Dear iss readers i want to share with you a lively hot true incident of my life which u all enjoy definitely. If u like at please mail few lines. Meri sali bahut sexy lady hai usme sex kut kut kar bhara hua hai aur, uske har anga anga se kamras tapakta hai. Uska body figure bahut hi attaractive hai. Wo bahut hi sundar hai, ekdam gori chitti lumbe lumbe kale bal kareeb 5’4” aur figure 38-24-38 ka. Mujhe wo bahut achhi lagti hai aur wo bahut hi kamuk hai, ekbar sanyogwas mera uska sex relation ho...

3 years ago
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Mothers Suprise

It was the summer of 2004; I had just turned 16 and was celebrating with my family and friends. We had all decided to go down to the local pool for my sweet sixteen party. When we arrived my mother and I went into the locker room to change into our bikinis. Now my mother at this time was 37 but she had the body of a much younger woman; she was only about 5'3” tall and about 120 pounds with 32 C cup breasts. I was 5'5” tall; I weighted the same as my mother at the time only I had B cups. As...

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First Male BJ

I got back to my apartment around 7:00 am after a long night of drinking. I'd actually stayed at a girl's apartment who was a friend and I had spent the last couple of hours trying to get into her pants to no avail. After I realized I was getting nowhere fast, I took a cab home.I was tired, but my hormones were acting like a 5-hour energy drink and I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep without watching some porn first. I searched my usual sites and even started a video or two. As I started to...

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Meri Behan Poonam Ki Chudai 8211 Part I

Mera Name Amit Hai Aur meri Behan Ka Name Poonam Hai. Hamare Family Mai Me Meri Maa Our Meri Behan Hai. Mere Papa Ki Death Ho Gayi Thi. Meri Umar 21 Saal Hai Aur Me Collage Me Padta Hu. Meri Behan Ki Umar 25 Saal Hai Aur Who EK Primary School Me Padati Thi. Meri behan Poonam Bahot Hi Sexy Hai Uska Fig, 34*32*37 Hai. Rang Gora Nahi Hai Par Kali Bhi Nahi Hai Who Ek Creamish Colour Ki Ladki Hai Jisko Dekh Ke Kisi Ka bhi Lund Khada Ho Jata Hoga. Uske Hair Black Hai Aur Lambe Bhi Hai. Ab me Story...

3 years ago
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Indulgence Chapter 1 "Ok, we can try it out," my wife said with no particular enthusiasm. I've been interested in chastity and femdom as long as I can remember and while the topic had come up a couple of times in our marriage, we never ended up actual trying it out. Until now. The topic came up while watching a TV show about voluntary chastity. I asked out of the blue if we should try out chastity where she would lock me up and my wife suddenly agreed! We've been married for a...

1 year ago
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Lost at Sea With Mother on a Ship

THIS STORY IS SET AS A MOTHER'S POINT OF VIEW: Let me introduce my family. My husband's name is Tim, he is 40 years old. He has a full head of grey hair which makes him look very distinguished. My lovely daughters name is Lydia. She is trying to learn about marine biology. Lyds as she is more commonly known, is according to my husband, the spitting image of myself at that age. I must admit she is disarmingly cute and has a toned, athletic body due to the fact she spends half her time in the...

1 year ago
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Private Luna Corazon Saucy Brazilian Loves To Eat Ass

Luna Corazon returns in Private Specials, Ass Licking Sluts 2 and this Brazilian beauty has come hungry and horny to show you a good time. Luna warms herself up before treating her lucky man to exactly what she’s been craving, heading down for some ass play and rimming action and putting that tongue to good use! Watch as this saucy Mulata then bends over and enjoys a good fucking, working those beautiful hips and body before she heads back down and finishes off her man with some more ass...

2 years ago
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Victorias Adventures

Victoria’s AdventuresFor those of you who read Reluctant Rebecca, this is the story of Victoria who was introduced in chapter 7. We are meeting Victoria, three years before Rebecca attends Sappho College (although Victoria has gone through a few physical feature changes). I didn’t plan to write another series, but it looks like this will be at least a couple of chapters. Hope you enjoy?and as always it is intended for readers over the age of eighteen. Please do not repost without the author’s...

2 years ago
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My Cousin and I

“Hello?” I said into the phone. “Hey, Matt, it’s Taylor.” She answered me. “Can you come to my house really quick, I need help with something?” My cousins lived down the street from me. “Yea, I’ll be right over” And with that I hung up my phone and started walking about 7 houses down the street. I opened the front door and made my presence known. “Taylor! I'm Here!” Taylor was home all by herself because she goes to school at night, everyone else was either at work or at...

4 years ago
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Letter from Vancouver

LETTER FROM VANCOUVERDear Shoeblossom:Having enjoyed so many of your letters from BDSM enthusiasts in the States, I thought I would tell you about my husband, Conrad, the Canadian Cuckold. (Catchy?)My husband Conrad and I are at the Levinger’s party, socializing, but of course he is almost ignoring all the other women there, he just gazes earnestly, plucking my arm?he is in LOOVE with me!I am busy in conversation with Grigsby and Gail Gorlitz; Grigs is secretly my toilet slave-we meet in a...

3 years ago
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Carl and Janet Make a Decision

It had been a few months since Janet had her encounter with the five young groomsmen after the wedding reception. Carl kept his promise about not bringing up the subject of Janet being with another man. Janet was not sure if Carl’s fantasy had been satisfied or if he was feeling some regrets. Although she was curious as to Carl’s feelings, she did not bring up the subject.On the other hand, she had thought about what had happened many times. She often would watch the video that Carl had taken...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 53

There was only the slightest pause after Ernie's announcement before many a hand reached for a wand, only to come up empty: Harry understood his friends very well, and had he not confiscated everyone's wand, Ernie would have been instantly subjected to multiple curses. Ernie was also fortunate that the small room was very overcrowded. Fred and George stumbled over each other as they rose. Ginny too attempted to get at Ernie, but in the commotion could not get past her brothers. Only Imogen,...

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Sam in the Mountains

"You read it," I said, holding out the damp blue and white test stick, "I can't look." Neeka took it from me and held it under the lights over the bathroom vanity. "Negative," she said. "Crap!" I said, with feeling. "Crap! Crap! Crap!" "Are you sure you peed on it long enough?" Neeka asked. "I," I replied haughtily and with a slight hysterical tremor in my voice, "will have you know that by now I am an expert pee'er. I could probably hit one of those stupid things from...

4 years ago
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A Ride in My New Car

“It’s all yours,” the car salesman smiled as he flipped him the keys. Leaning into the window the salesman watched Bo grinning in the driver’s seat, ready to roll off the lot, straight over to the one person with whom he wanted to share the realization of his dream: Arielle. “You’re not going to believe it,” Bo practically yelled into his phone. “It’s exactly the car I wanted, down to the colors, options – everything!” Arielle knew how much he’d wanted that car. She was genuinely happy for...

3 years ago
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Ill touch yours if you touch mine

I was sitting on the bench waiting for the bus to school when a guy sat next to me, introduced himself as Troy. I was too shy to do anything but smile and respond with "I'm Lauren." I looked over at him, his black hair fell down almost covering his bright green eyes. My eyes began to wander down his body, amazed at his smooth muscular physique, a tight beater streched across his pecs.. and his arms, they were huge! I couldn't stop thinking what it would be like to be in his arms. My eyes...

2 years ago
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lonely night

It was a saturday night and i returned home early not like usual. so sad to have nothing to do on that day and just thinking on what can u do to enjoy a little bit after a long week and work.I came back home and started my laptop and i was checking my facebook. so i found a friend of mine who has added new pics and i liked them so i complimented her. she was online so she replied and we started talking and she told me that she was sad and needed to have some fun and i felt that also.the good...

3 years ago
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Since we were little, my cousin and I had been close. We lived in the same cities as our fathers were always working together, so if they moved, we moved. We were always in the same schools, had the same friends (mostly) and we always knew what the other one was up to. There were no secrets between us. We told each other everything and trusted each other with our lives. When puberty hit we started drifting apart and even though we still spoke regularly, we knew things were changing between us....

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Hidden Desires UnleashedChapter 3

Amy had been back from holiday for a week now and her body was starting to crave another fucking. She had tried to contact Kasib on a number of occasions but he wasn’t answering his mobile. Remembering the lust filled expressions of the Pakistani men as they watched the teenager fuck her in the alley she was sure there wouldn’t be any problems in finding someone to fuck her. She knew they thought a white woman alone in their neighbourhood was fair game to them for them to fuck and she had...

2 years ago
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Family LettersChapter 115

Dear Sister-in-law Marissa, I read Lily's letter and if its true there are some men who I hope to have close enough to strange someday. Not that I expect I'd ever get the chance. Men who are that evil just don't score well on the CAP and I can't imagine anyone dumb enough to take them as concubines. I guess I can feel confident that they will be Sa'arm droppings in a few years. That is one thing that many of the people here on Wadi believe. We expect that humanity will go on, and even...

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Monastery for Nuns

Monastery for Nuns ? Synopsis ? Orphaned at fifteen, Mary is sent to London to live with her aunt and uncle. Persecuted for her devout religious beliefs she is sent to live as a nun in a Mediterranean monastery, a monastery devoted to worshipping Satan. ? ? Monastery for Nuns ? by obohobo ? ? Warnings ? Please take note! ? The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. ? MF NC. Spanking ? If you are underage or offended by such material, or if...

1 year ago
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My first time

I had worked with Tim for a couple of years. We were going to a college in the mountain area of Colorado. He was openly gay but a really nice guy. He had teased me verbally a few times about his life style but I just blew it off. It did stir my curiosity as he was really into guys feet and had made MANY comments about mine and how sexy they were. I had never given it much thought till one night I was staying at his apartment as it was really snowing. That happens a lot out here. We were...

1 year ago
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JamesDeen Cameron Canela Meet For The First Time

Cameron Canela and James Deen both have become pretty well known for their “apply online to fuck me” thing. Cameron is the queen of Pornhub amateurs, and James Deen is… well, he’s James Deen. The two decide it is about time they meet, which is good for us. We can now watch this pair of amateur fuckers try to out fuck one another. Cameron and James interview one another about their motivations for entering the adult industry. James rambles A LOT, and lucky for everyone...

4 years ago
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A Surprise Encounter and A Long Night Of Fun

It was a cold, snowy Wednesday. My wife was off from work this week and was visiting friends with our Son for a few days. I had the house to myself and all I had to do was go to work, and kick back at home. I loved the freedom of the week. I had an extra spring in my step at the gym each day and had been going out after work for a few drinks each night. Today was no different. I woke up, shoveled the snow off the driveway and walkways and left for work. My coffee seemed to taste that much...

Straight Sex
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I watched as my sons football team made the winning play, jumping up and cheering along with the rest of the crowd of parents, faculty, students and locals who'd come to see the game. My son had done a great job tonight, and hopefully would be offered a scholarship. My wife couldn't come tonight, our younger daughter was home sick, so I had come alone to the game. I gathered my coat and walked to the back of the stadium, waving at my son as I passed. The crowd thinned out quickly, the cool...

2 years ago
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True Mage ChroniclesChapter 15

I reached down to help the gorgeous woman to her feet. As we walked from the room, she asked, “What is your name, my lord?” “My name is Shaun Kaughman, and my mate is the otter beast-man Petarina Lontra. Please don’t call me lord. It makes me uncomfortable. Also, you’re free now, so you don’t have to serve anyone,” was my reply. I noticed the women had found clothes to wear in the guard room when we arrived. I was happily surprised Petra found her armor and katars in a chest. She gave me a...

4 years ago
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Secret Diary of a Cheerleader Chapter 1

Friday May 2nd Maisie Edwards is such a loser. Just because she gave Mr Totbury, the geography tutor, a hand job, she thinks she’s the cat’s whiskers. It turns out, he’s not even on the judging panel. That girl is just one epic fail. My name is Danny and I am a Junior cheerleader for one of the top football teams in the south of the USA. This year I got short-listed for Cheerleader of the Year in my grade. To get short-listed, you have to have what it takes. Your high kick has to be faultless...

2 years ago
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Divine Succession Chapter 09

Introduction: Wrongs are righted. David woke up early the next morning. He looked down at Samantha, who was cuddled up to him closely, her chest rising and falling gently as she slept peacefully. David kissed her, and teleported out of bed, so as not to wake her. Sleep honey&hellip, David whispered, stroking her skin. You dont have to go to work today. Just sleep. You deserve it. David then did the same thing to Jack and Molly, allowing his family the lie-in they all desperately needed. David...

3 years ago
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Tara Putting On A Show For Me

Tara kissed me again and then had us both come up onto our butts. I surely didn't know what to expect, but given her words, I knew I was in for an even bigger treat. I failed to say anything, but she took my hands in hers.She gave me one more kiss, but stayed close. "Kirk, will you promise me something?""What, step-sis? Are you crying?""Promise me you'll never stop loving my mom here or me. I could tell right away that she liked you when we all met. She has always thought you were a good...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit Part 1

Welcome to my first published TG story, my friends. This is a rather explicit story, so as usual, if you are not of age, please refrain from continuing past this point. I would like to credit the "Simply Captions" website by Polecat for the idea of using fruit as the vessel for the transformation. As usual, with all of my stories, I beg you to give me some feedback at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you all. Enjoy the show and I hope you look forward to the next...

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