Mi Jefe Me Sedujo. free porn video

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[gay] mi jefe me hizo su perra.

Se dio cuenta como le mire la pija, yo en ese tiempo era hetero

Mi nombre es Claudio, tengo 27 años y soy heterosexual, pero tuve una vez una relación con un hombre que duró unos 6 meses y les voy a contar como fue.

Tenía en ese entonces 17 años, comenzaba a trabajar en una empresa. El primer día me presentaron al Director del área en que trabajaría. Su nombre era Fernando, tenía 50 años, alto buen porte, corpulento, de 1,85 mts., un tanto excedido en kilos, digamos unos 95 o 100, era casado con 2 hijos. Además de Director, era socio de la empresa. Yo por mi parte era de contextura media, 1,70, muy delgado, pesaba 65 kg.

Me presente y me atendió amablemente, tuve una conversación de aproximadamente media hora, e inmediatamente me puse a trabajar.

Mi tiempo se repartía entre el trabajo y la universidad. No tenía novia, solo había tenido 3 o 4 relaciones sexuales desde los 16 años que debuté. Pero a decir verdad no ligaba nada, y estaba en permanente estado de calentura.

Trabaja a diario con entusiasmo y esporádicamente veía al Director, que siempre estaba de reunión en reunión. Se notaba que ganaba muy bien, por la ropa que usaba. Lo debo haber visto unas 3 o 4 veces en ese tiempo. Siempre se dirigía a mi en forma amable como con el resto de mis compañeros, pero en una actitud distante.

Un día fuimos a jugar un partido de fútbol, y al término del partido nos fuimos a duchar. Me metí en una ducha, comencé a bañarme y en la ducha de enfrente se mete el Director. Comenzó a bañarse también, me saludó y comencé a mirarle la pija, era enorme, me quede por poco hipnotizado. Fue algo raro, nunca había mirado a un hombre, nunca se me había pasado por la cabeza tener contacto con alguien de mi propio sexo. Cuando levanté la vista, el me estaba mirando y se sonrió.

Que papelón dios mío!!!!!!, se dio cuenta que lo estaba mirando!!!!!! Me di la vuelta y me puse de espaldas a el, no se por que cosa, luego de un momento, giré otra vez para mirarlo. S e estaba agarrando el pene, como haciéndose una paja, me miraba y sonreía. Pese a eso, me quedé fijo mirando su terrible tranca. Esta había crecido, estaba totalmente parada, era enorme, dura, venosa, de un color bien oscuro. Miré para abajo otra vez, pero al rato nuevamente levanté la vista, el me estaba mirando, con una mueca de suficiencia. En ese momento tomé conciencia de la situación, yo también la tenía parada, y el me miraba mi pija erecta. De inmediato cerré la ducha, me tape con una toalla y salí del baño.

Cuando llegue al vestuario el se situó a mi lado, bajó su toalla, me miró y se miró su pija, dios mío, que ejemplar, debía medir como 18 centímetros, pero lo que mas me llamaba la atención era su grosor. Debería tener como 4,5 cm. de diámetro. Ahora la tenía mas cerca, casi se la agarro, pero me contuve, me cambié rápido. Un compañero mío se ofreció a llevarme y acepté. Fernando (el Director), me dijo: Claudio, yo te puedo alcanzar, vivimos cerca. Yo no le contesté y literalmente me escapé del club de fútbol.

Casi no pude dormir esa noche. No podía sacarme de la cabeza la imagen de su pene. Dios mío que fijación. Nunca me había ocurrido esto.

Al otro día fui a trabajar, llegue temprano. El llegó una hora mas tarde que yo. Estaban redecorando su oficina, con lo cual tuvo que correr su escritorio fuera de la misma. Estaba en la sala en la que trabajábamos todos. Me estaba mirando todo el tiempo, yo de tanto en tanto dirigía la mirada donde el estaba y cuando me cruzaba con su mirada, bajaba la vista.

Que momento!!!!!!!Estaba muy nervioso!!!!!!

No teníamos oportunidad de hablar, había mucha gente, por suerte no tenía su oficina, de otra forma, ya me hubiera llamado para conversar.

En un momento determinado, viene hacia donde estaba yo y como ojeando unos papeles, me dice:

Tenemos que hablar So….. sobre qu…. que te….. tema, dije tartamudeando Me miró fijo y sonriendo, y me dice: Vamos, Claudio, vos sabes de que te quiero hablar.

Dios mio!!!!!!, no podía escapar. Me maldije por haberle visto la pija el día anterior, si no lo hubiese hecho, ahora no me estaría acosando. Como zafar de esto!!!!!!!! Te espero en la cochera a las 18.00, tomamos un

café y arreglamos todo. Me dijo en un tono autoritario.

Tengo que ir a la facultad, le dije en forme débil.

Claudio, hoy no tenés facultad, tuviste ayer a la mañana, averigüe tus horarios en recursos humanos, va a ser mejor que estes a las 18.00 en la cochera.

Bu…. bueno, atiné a balbucear.

Los minutos, las horas pasaron volando, tenía mucho miedo de lo que sucediera en la reunión. El corazón me latía a mil. Se me secaba la boca, transpiraba mi cuerpo, por momentos un frío recorría mi espalda, y por momentos me sentía acalorado.

Llegó la hora de ir a la cochera, traté de continuar trabajando para demorar un poco el encuentro, pero a las 18.05, la secretaria del Director me dijo que el me estaba esperando. No me daba tregua, era implacable.

Llegue a la cochera y estaba esperándome en el auto. Un BMW azul, subí, tenía tapizado de cuero, muy lindo. Hola Claudio, me dijo con una sonrisa, y salimos a la calle. Permanecimos sin hablar todo el trayecto. Nos dirigíamos a la avenida del Libertador. El tenia un semblante neutro, ni contento, ni triste, serio, pero tranquilo. Como podía estar tranquilo, yo estaba desesperado de la angustia. Llegamos a un bar. Paró el auto en la calle y entramos. Buscó una mesa apartada. Nos sentamos. Pidió un whisky con una picada. Yo pedí un jugo de naranja, me sentí un tanto estúpido con mi pedido. Aguardamos en silencio, el ambiente era tenso, no me miraba fijo, pero tampoco me evitaba. El estaba como si fuésemos a hablar del partido de futbol del domingo.

Una vez que llegó el pedido y el mozo se alejó. Me dice:

- Bueno Claudio, que hacemos?

- Usted, que quiere hacer, le contesté.

- Yo te quiero romper el culo, me dijo sin pestañar.

- Así directamente, dije yo

- Si, hay que llamar a las cosas por su nombre, me contestó.

Yo me puse colorado, y miré fijo a la mesa, sinceramente sospechaba que esta sería su propuesta, pero hasta que no lo dijo, parecía ficción. No creía que fuera a proponérmelo de esta forma tan cruda.

Y Claudio?, aceptás, o no?. Tengo un departamento en este edificio arriba del bar. Vamos, dale. Lo vamos a pasar bien, te lo prometo.

Noooo, de ninguna manera, esta loco, por quien me tomó.!!!!, es una locura!!!!!!

Vamos, bebé. En el vestuario no podías sacar la vista de mi verga, ahora no te hagas el importante. Te morís de ganas de tener mi tranca adentro.

No, señor, no, se lo juro.

Claudio, me interrumpió. No me gustan estos planteos, querés o no?. Si me decis que no, te pido disculpas y asunto terminado. Paro mirá que se termina aquí. Nunca mas se te ocurra que vas a tener la menor posibilidad de que te la ponga. Me voy al departamento a dejar unos papeles, cuando vuelva en 15 minutos, quiero una respuesta. Entendiste!!!!!. Dijo subiendo el tono.

Se fue del bar y me dejó solo.

Hasta ese momento no había evaluado seriamente la posibilidad de acostarme con el, pero este planteo era claro, crudo, casi cruel. Yo vivía caliente, y no conseguía mujeres para acostarme. Después de todo era una posibilidad concreta de sexo, distinto, con un hombre, pero no era mejor estar con un hombre que no tener ningún contacto?. Estaba como seducido, Fernando, su cuerpo, su pija, el auto, su empresa, dinero, el bar, el departamento. Estaba exitadísimo, era una buena posibilidad de sacarme la calentura permanente que portaba.

Pero había un detalle no menor, no había dudas de quien sería el pasivo, sabía por comentarios que el sexo anal dolía, algunos decían que mucho, otros que poco, pero con esa tremenda verga!!!!!, no podía ser fácil.

Estaba pensando esto cuando llegó.

Y, Claudio?, te vas a dejar romper el orto?

Me m*****aba esa crudeza en el lenguaje, pero me excitaba también, parecía que disfrutaba siendo grosero.

Disculpe, no voy a negar que me llamo la atención verlo desnudo, pero disculpe nuevamente, es que temo que vaya a dolerme mucho. Su miembro no es precisamente chico.

Mi lenguaje respetuoso, contrastaba con su lenguaje callejero.

Ah, entiendo, o sea que sos virgen? Si, conteste a secas.

Mirá Claudio, no te voy a mentir, no te voy a decir que no te va a doler porque es mentira, pero si que haré lo mejor para hacértelo suave. Dentro de lo posible. Pero romper un culito virgen con mi tranca y pretender que no duela, no es tarea fácil.

Por ahí podemos hacer algo oral, con masajes de dilatación las primeras veces, a ver como me siento, dije en tono resuelto.

Claudio, yo se que debes haber leído eso en algún libro o revista. Pero si yo estoy con vos en la cama, va a ser para hacerte tragar mi pija hasta la garganta. No creo que pueda hacer una franela tan larga como los libros aconsejan.

Entiendo, lo puedo pensar?, contesté.

Si, por supuesto. Hoy es Martes, el Viernes te espero a la mañana en mi oficina, que ya va a estar lista, con la respuesta. Te adelanto que voy a tener todo preparado para ese día.

Sin contestar me quedé en silencio, terminamos ambos tragos, y me acercó hasta mi casa.

Los días transcurrieron con este pensamiento, pensé, pensé, pensé y pensé. Por momentos estaba decidido a hacerlo, pero por momentos me daba pánico, y me parecía que era una locura. Estaba mas convencido de no hacerlo que de hacerlo, pero cuando recordaba que no me iba a dar otra oportunidad, temía arrepentirme. Y luego de eso no tendría chances.

La decisión final fue rechazar la propuesta, siendo consiente que podría llegar a arrepentirme.

A la mañana del Viernes me desperté sin dudas sobre lo que iba a hacer, no aceptar. Llegue a la empresa, y cuando entro al área en la que trabajo, la secretaria me dice:

Te espera Fernando en su oficina.

No me daba pausa. Igualmente hice un poco de tiempo, me serví un café y fui a su oficina. Me senté en uno de sus amplios sillones y lo miré a los ojos. Estaba tranquilo. Le pediría disculpas por el mal entendido y luego todo como si nada.

Y, Claudio, que decidiste?, me dijo yendo directo al grano, tal cual su estilo.

Señor, le pido disculpas por el mal entendido, soy el único culpable del episodio, me comporte de manera extraña en el club de fútbol, y lo hice confundir con esta actitud. Le pido nuevamente disculpas, pero debo rechazar su propuesta. Dije con tono firme, en voz alta, me sorprendió a mi mismo la resolución con la que hablé.

El asintió, me pidió disculpas también por el mal momento, se levantó de su sillón, pensé que iba despedirme de su despacho. Fue hacia un armario, tipo caja fuerte y mientras buscaba algo, me dijo:

Me han dicho que estas por comprar un auto.

Me sorprendió el comentario, pero pensé que quería romper el hielo cambiando de tema. En eso saca un sobre de papel madera del armario, y se vuelve a sentar.

Si, bah en realidad es una pretensión un poco elevada, ya que el auto que quiero cuesta $15.000 y solo cuento con $5.000.

El auto que te gusta es nuevo?, me contestó.

Jajajaja, noooo, disculpeme, pero uno nuevo vale $30.000, yo gano $500.

Tomá este sobre, es para vos, me dijo dándome el sobre.

Lo abrí. Eran 4 fajos de billetes, rápidamente me di cuenta que eran $40.000. Una cifra impensada para mi.

Comprate un auto nuevo.

Pe.. pero señor, esto es mucho, dije de inmediato.

No para mi, Claudio, te espero en la cochera a las 18.00, en punto.

Ah, entiendo, señor. Hice una pausa.

Los dos permanecimos en silencio un largo rato, nos mirábamos a los ojos. Un calor tremendo recorrió mi cuerpo y llego a mi cara que se puso roja. No había mas nada para decir.

Se levant ó para despedirme.

A las 18.00, Claudio, trata de ser puntual, dijo con tono resuelto.

Me m*****ó su seguridad de que estaría a las 18.00 en la cochera.

Antes de cerrar la puerta, le pregunté: No tiene miedo que me quede con este sobre? No, contestó a secas.

Seguí trabajando, la realidad era muy fuerte, me sentía humillado, como una prostituta, me dejaría partir el culo, por una suma de dinero. Importante por cierto, me sentía con poder también. Un hombre estaba dispuesto a pagar semejante suma a cambio de mi virginidad.

Llegue a la cochera 7 minutos antes de lo convenido, me apoyé sobre el auto para esperarlo. El llegó a las 18.00 en punto. Le gustó que lo estuviera esperando, pero no dijo nada.

Subimos al auto, y salimos para su departamento. Nadie emitió ningún tipo de sonido. Yo estaba nervioso, asustado, el corazón me latía a mil. Pero no podía hacer nada, era tarde. Como un jugador de ajedrez Fernando movió las piezas con precisión. Me dominó por completo. Jugó conmigo desde el principio sabiendo cual sería mi próximo paso. Me rendí ante el. El me dominaba, y

en pocos minutos me sometería a sus deseos. Me llevaría al punto mas bajo, me vejaría, sería un objeto a su merced.

Llegamos al departamento más rápido de lo que hubiese deseado. Subimos al ascensor. Todo el trayecto en silencio. Entramos al departamento, era un lugar preparado para el placer. Espejos, decoración, alfombras mullidas, una cama enorme. Este era el lugar donde satisfacer sus caprichos. El estaba acostumbrado a esto.

Sin decir nada comenzó a sacarse la ropa, me miró de una forma en la que entendí que debía hacer lo mismo. Quedamos ambos desnudos por completo. Su pene amenazante apuntaba a mi. Era exageradamente grande, había olvidado en estos días el tamaño. Se sentó sobre la cama, y me indicó que me arrodillara en el suelo. Estaba claro que es lo que debía hacer. Sin preámbulos tomé su verga con la mano y me lo metí en la boca. La tuve que abrir bien grande. Y comencé a chuparlo, como algunas mujeres me lo habían hecho a mi. Lanzó un suspiro. Eso me indicó que estaba haciendo las cosas bien. Seguí chupando, y chupando y chupando. El estaba en las nubes. Gemía, gozaba, respiraba fuerte. Me sentí poderoso manejando su placer.

Luego de un momento, me aparta la cabeza y me indica que suba a la cama. Me pone boca abajo, me hace abrir las piernas y comienza a chuparme el culo. Me metía la lengua bien adentro. Que rico estaba. Me gustaba mucho eso. Yo también gemí, me estaba aflojando, era un placer nuevo, diferente. Luego se detuvo, abrió la mesita de luz, sacó un pote de crema lubricante. El momento tan temido, había llegado. Cumpliría con este sacrificio al que el destino me había enfrentado. Mi cuerpo y mi alma estaban entregados a los caprichos de este macho que iba a poseerme.

Comenzó a lubricarme, a dilatarme. Primero por la superficie del agujero, luego metió un dedo, luego dos, mas tarde tres. Sabía hacer el trabajo, cuantas veces lo habrá hecho, con cuantos habrá experimentado, esto que para mi era tan especial, lo sería para el?, o acaso era solo rutina?.

Luego de un rato, me sentí dilatado, estaba caliente también, quería salir corriendo de ese departamento, pero también quería saber como seguía. Me hizo abrir mas las piernas, me colocó un almohadón debajo del vientre y se recostó encima mío. Su cuerpo era pesado, me aplastaba contra la cama, me quitaba el aire, me exitaba tambien. Tener ese ejemplar, ese cuerpo encima mío, dominándome, pero también gobernado por mi, por el deseo que yo le despertaba.

Me susurró al oído desde atrás.

- Estas listo?

- Dale, le contesté.

En ese momento pensé que era la primera vez que lo tuteaba, que tontería pensar eso en este momento.

Apoyó la punta de su verga en mi culo, se quedó quieto por un momento, mis esfínteres comenzaron a abrirse, la poronga comenzó a deslizarse. Me abría mis músculos, me dolía mientras se deslizaba, dolía bastante, era muy grande y muy gruesa. Se deslizó por completo de una vez, pero lentamente. Llegó hasta el final. Lo sentí en mis entrañas. Dolía, dolía mucho. Lancé un grito ahogado de dolor. El se detuvo, estaba dentro de mi pero sin moverse.

Te duele, me dijo Si, me duele mucho, alcancé a suspirar.

Te lo saco?, preguntó.

Estuve unos segundos sin contestar, que sentido tenía. El no iba a desistir, me penetraría con su gran nabo otra vez, y yo no quería pasar nuevamente por la penetración.

No, le conteste, dejala. Quedate así un poco.

El se quedó inmóvil por un momento. El dolor iba pasando, no era tan punzante como al principio, me estaba acostumbrando a ello. Pensé que ya estaba para más. Lo animé a seguir.

Dale, Fernando, cogeme, dale, cogeme.

Ya no te duele, me preguntó.

Si, me duele, pero me gusta, cogeme, damelo, damelo.

Esto lo animó, con ritmo lento, comenzó a taladrarme mi agujero hasta hacer segundos virgen. Siguió y siguió empujando, y gemía y respiraba con un ritmo cada vez mas agitado.

Dolía cada vez menos y me gustaba cada vez mas.

Dale Fernando, cogeme, cogeme que me gusta, dame tu vergota, partime en dos el culo.

Si, putito, si que te voy a coger, sos un putito que se deja coger por plata, bien que se te habrió el culito cuando viste los billetes.

No me gustó este comentario, per

o me dio un morbo que me puso a mil. Y me animé a seguir su juego.

Si, me gusta que me cojas por dinero, si queres cojerme ponete con la plata, paga si queres un putito virgen.

Mis palabras lo pusieron como loco, comenzó a darme duro, a cogerme con mas fuerza. Me gustaba esto, es como que el control estaba cambiando de manos, ahora lo tenía yo, lo estaba volviendo loco de deseo.

Me seguía taladrando con su enorme tranca, y me daba y me daba y me daba y yo lo animaba y el me decía cosas al oído. La calentura iba en aumento hasta que me dice:

Me vengo Claudio, me vengo, ya no aguanto Esas palabras me calentaron mucho, dale papi, dame tu lechita, llename el culito de tu lechita, dale papi, cogeme, cogeme fuerte que yo me vengo tambien, dame tu pija dura, damela.

Siiiiiiiii, siiiiiiiii, siiiiiiiiii, Ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhh Ayyyyyy, ayyyyyyyyyyy, ayyyyyyyy Ahhhhh, ahhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhh

Ambos gritabamos al unísono, estábamos en éxtasis total. No existía en el mundo nada mas que nuestro placer. La copula, la lujuria, el placer, todo en este dúo de hombres uno jóven, el otro maduro, uno corpulento el otro pequeño. Uno poseyendo al otro, gobernándolo, sometiéndolo, el otro entregado, rendido, humillado, vejado, pero también dominándolo, dominando a la fiera, quien con su carne jóven y fresca es presa del descontrol de su verdugo que lo lleva al sacrificio para satisfacer sus caprichos.

Fue una experiencia inolvidable, ambos gozamos como locos, fue mas que sexo, fue una lucha de poderes. Fueron dos hombres llevados al estado mas primitivo del deseo que utilizaron sus armas, el dinero, el glamour, el poder, la experiencia, la fuerza física, el lujo por un lado y por el otro la inocencia, la seducción, la belleza, la debilidad, por el otro.

La relación con Fernando duró unos 6 o 7 meses, lo hacíamos 2 o 3 veces por semana. Yo le puse fin a la relación. Comencé a tener éxito con las mujeres, me fui de la empresa, monte mi propio negocio. Esa fue la única relación que tuve con un hombre. Nunca mas lo hice hasta ahora que tengo 27 años.

Ah, me olvidaba de comentarles.

También gane muchísimo dinero

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Dancing In The Daylight By Julie "How long are you going to be out of town?" Larry asked Ginny as she packed her suitcase. The two of them had been best friends since junior high. That hadn't changed when they married after they had graduated high school. If anything, love made the friendship even stronger. "I have to install the new computer system in our New Jersey branch over the weekend and then help iron out the bugs over the following day or two. If the training...

2 years ago
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Pleasure Camp

*** A story about a young substitute teacher who explores his maturing taste in women. ***When I returned to my old high school as a fill-in teacher, 5 years after graduating, I was a changed man. It was amazing just how much my tastes had changed in such a short time... matured even... and I appreciated what I'd never noticed before.In the years since school, I'd gone to university in the city, and as many people do, I got around a bit with some pretty hot college girls. It was the typical...

1 year ago
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Underwear Selfie Spanking One For The LookerChapter 2

Chase POV: Chase is caught looking at Tawni’s butt crack. Not only is he spanked, but Sonny watches the punishment from behind and later joins in too. “First off, I want you to know, Chance that I didn’t appreciate you standing behind me and eying my private areas. Besides this instance you are a nice boy but that was an invasion of my privacy and I must deal with it. We are all nineteen now and your naughty panty crack and bottom watching is inexcusable. “Sonny what are you talking about?...

4 years ago
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An Erotic Seduction Of My Savita Aunt 8211 Part 2

Hi everyone. This is Rohan and welcome back to second part of my story AN EROTIC SEDUCTION OF MY SAVITA AUNT- Part 1. Continuing from where I left in previous story. Savita aunty was aroused and enjoying when I was ramming her from behind fully nude on bed. I was about to cum inside her just when door bell rang. I had just missed chance to fuck my lovely savita aunt when her husband had returned in the morning from his business tour. After waking up I went to breakfast table. She was serving...

3 years ago
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Girl walk every day naked at severe winter

Siberia, morning of 23. December, second day of school holidays. Yulia xxxxxxx (family name secret), 11, unlike other girls, is nudist, which means, she spend holidays mostly naked. In summer it is not a big problem, only for community maybe, but here in xxxxxx (place name secret!) village nobody is complaining about matter. But now is winter. This year weather has been more severe already before winter solstice. Temperatures has been fallen below -30 and today is not an exception....

1 year ago
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Its worth cheating your wife if it is with Angela Cheating Sex Stories

Happily married for 15 years now, cheating is a thought that never crossed my mind. My wife Wendy and my lovely kids are my world. I never felt anything amiss in my life when with them. Little did I think, someday, there will be a situation where I would willingly risk it all. But at times the risk of cheating your wife was worth it. Let me start from the beginning. I am Henry. I am 45years old and quite a successful businessman. My friends know me mostly as the perfect family man. But there is...

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Kellys First Time 2

Steve and Kelly laid in his bed, and he could tell by her deep breathing that she was asleep. She must have been tired after the action between them just a little while ago. Now Steve began thinking about that again. ‘She is my daughter! How could I have let things go that far? No man fucks his daughter and gets away with it. I am so in trouble now.’ Then he looked at her once again. She was lying on her back, breathing deeply, with an angelic look on her face. She wore no clothing to bed, and...

1 year ago
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Richard the lll

Richard the III Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Richard left on the Crusades, leaving his maiden alone, longing for his return. She cried out went he left, telling of her love for him, hoping, pleading, that he would not go. Richard, with but a single glance back at her, rode off on his quest. The maiden, her eyes filled with tears sank to the floor in despair, her gown draped around her as her impending loneliness descended on her. The curtain fell to the resounding...

2 years ago
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Janas sweet dish

"Sweet Dish?" Jana asked as the two collegues finished a late dinner at a fairly nice restaurant in the town where they chilling.I replied, "I say we just get out of here. I'm going to have to have you."That was exactly the answer she wanted to hear. They quickly settled the bill and were on their way to hotel room. I glanced over at Jana in the car and appreciated her beautiful body. She is about 5'3" with dark brown hair, firm tits that were probably a large B cup, and an ass that would blow...

4 years ago
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Fantasy about meeting a girl I chat to on MSN

You are wearing a matching pink bra, pushing your orange fake, hard 34 D tits as high as they can go. Over the bra you are wearing a wide necked white T hanging off one shoulder , showing off you bra strap. Your face is covered in foundation, bright blue eye make up, pink lips ultra shiny from all the lip gloss you have been applied. Your caramel hair is hanging beautifully down your back and you constantly play with it as you wait for me. I know this because I turned up early and have been...

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Neices Funeral Horror

With the service over Candice made her way back to stretch limo the driver looking appropriately respectful his hands crossed, head down. As she neared he opened the door allowing the young woman to climb inside her uncle already waiting for her. She had turned 18 just 3 days ago; but it was a birthday she would want to forget. Sure her aunt and uncle had made an effort to celebrate but how could you seriously celebrate while you made funeral arrangements? As the diminutive red head sat down...

2 years ago
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An Animal HeatChapter 6

Johnny and his friend had decided that they would play hide-and-seek in the woods near his friend's house. Johnny heard his friend count to five before he ran out of hearing range to find a place where he hoped his friend would not find him for quite some time. Even though he did not know it, he instinctively ran through the woods toward his house. For a short while he thought he was lost, and then he found the familiar trees that outlined the small clearing he had often played in. Relieved...

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Cucking Queen

Her name was Connie but I always pronounced it “Cunnie” and she knew exactly why. Just looking at her trim body and short dark hair, kinda pixie like, you’d think she was the All-American wife. Not quite. I’d fuck her several times a week. Might be on lunch break, after work, or on a Saturday when she was supposedly out shopping. Never on Sunday because she always went to church to keep up her image. She never felt like she had any sins that needed forgiveness though. The way she dressed...

2 years ago
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Wild Bang Bang With Horny North Indian Colleague

Hello everyone, my name is John and I am from Hyderabad. This is my first story on ISS. I am 25 and I work for an MNC in Gachibowli. So, coming to the story. It was back in 2016 when I first joined the organization as a fresher and then I happened to meet this girl Priya. She was a north Indian and had a sexy butt of 34. Fortunately, we both were in the same team and slowly, she started speaking with me and used to ping me every day on Whatsapp. Initially, I was not interested in her as I had...

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Uncharmed Circle

Uncharmed Circle By Bill Hart I stood and stared at the image being reflected back at me from the silvered surface. Everything certainly seemed all right. It was, of course, me that I saw reflected there. That made perfect sense. Who else could it possibly be but me standing before the mirror? Mirrors simply didn't lie. Reflections couldn't possibly be anything or anyone other than what or whom they appeared to be. Whenever I stood in front of some mirror, then whatever I saw...

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Oedipus takes her home

In the car...The events on the train keep playing out in two different heads.18 year old Danny is thinking about all the kinky things he intended to do. He feels confident that his mom will not be able to turn away from what has happened. She threw all her chance to stop things days ago. He knows what he does to her. When he reaches out and squeezes her shoulder he can feel the little shiver that runs through her body. He is sure.Diana is at war with herself. She is thinking about everyone she...

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meatbyW. L. TelfordAlthough I believe this story can stand alone, it might be a sequel to WORLDS APART.No one knows what happened to Carol Edwards after she stepped naked into an elevator on the fifth level of underground parking beneath a Los Angeles office building.  This is one possibility.1With apologies to T.S. Eliot:  This is the way the world ends.  This is the way the world ends.  This is the way the world ends:  Not with a bang but a whisper.  A life ended as an elevator door closed...

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Runners World

RUNNER?S WORLD RUNNER?S WORLD ??????????? I was out doing my daily six-mile run when I heard footsteps rapidly approaching from behind.? I waited a moment then turned around expecting to see some male running-ace flying past me.? Instead, it was a young woman and a young man running together at a good pace of just over six-minutes per mile.? We exchanged a brief look, and in that instant flash, I focused on the beautiful woman's bright emerald eyes.? I was hooked.? She smiled at me and...

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I Loved This Girl 8211 Passion At Its Best

I rang the bell and a woman of 26 years of age opened the door. Heard a sound inside the house “ulla vaa da”… “ come in “.. Then the woman who opened the door smiled at me and said please come in. I entered inside and there was my friend kritika sitting with a baby of her sisters. Yes, the woman who opened the door was her sister. I and kritika have been very good friends for years. She once said that she had a sister in pune and would visit some time. Now she was in Pune and I went to see her....

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my first time was with my cousin

My name is Mary I’m an 18 year-old girl, I’m 5’8”, I have brown wavy hair and a 38d chest. My stories are based on actual events. All names have been changed to protect people’s identities.This story takes place when I was either an early teen. All I am doing is retelling what happened to me. In no way am I condoning u******e sex, or any of the acts that happen in this or any other of my stories.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“John! John where are you?”...

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My Virginity Taken Pt 5

We were all naked. Hazel told Natalie to sit next to me. My dick hardening by the second. "Ok Nat watch and learn" Hazel said as she took my cock in her hand and slowly started wanking me. "My Mrs Wilkinson ! It's so big !" Natalie said with a look of wonderment on her face. "It is and it's Hazel or Haze Natalie please, not Mrs Wilkinson, Ok ?" I was in a daze and a Haze ! Hazels hand tossing me and Nat looking on. "Right take over Nat" "Erm " "Come on put your hand around it and do what I was...

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Tim and Abbie 13 A shopping trip

Friday morning, Tim wakes up remembering last night, the smell, the feel, the taste, of Abbie.  He enjoyed sucking and playing with Abbie’s ‘big clit’ and plans to experience it again very soon.  Sooner than expected even.Smiling to himself, he hears and feels Abbie waking beside him. Tim dives under the sheets and works his way licking and touching until that organ is in his mouth again.  Abbie fully awake now, feeling Tim’s mouth sucking her is thrilled that Tim must enjoy this after his...

4 years ago
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Old Fashioned French Style II Love In The Afternoon

My first encounter with Monique had been a sordid little thing. After a lot of wordless flirting in front of her husband, we had met up in a derelict stone building at an old fort and I had fucked her there: crudely, roughly, like cave dwellers, she leaning against the wall and I behind her, just banging her until I came and then it was all over.Circumstances had dictated that, but I didn’t want it to be the defining moment of our relationship – because we did have a relationship. There was a...

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The DefencemanChapter 9

I woke up Wednesday morning with a body burrowed up against me and it took a minute to figure out what was up — besides me. Vicky was spooned up next to me with my arm draped over her while hers was over top of mine holding it close to her. Big Mike was trapped between her butt cheeks and was definitely appreciating his surroundings. I glanced at the clock and saw it was only five thirty so there was no rush to get up, except I really had to go to the washroom. I tried to pull my arm gently...

3 years ago
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For The Love Of Breasts

I've always considered myself an honest, righteous and faithful man. I love my wife, always have and always will. That's not up for debate. Likewise, I'd never thought of myself as a breast man more a connoisseur of ass. Nothing like a pert little bottom in tight jeans or a short skirt, to get my juices flowing. That was until yesterday.Yesterday, something changed and, or should I say, someone, that someone being Angela, or even more specifically, Angela's magnificent bosom changed all...

Office Sex
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The Landlords ProtgChapter 3

It was clear to Victor that he had hired a gem in Susan. George had given her training in the surveillance equipment, and the office work required. Within the week the place sparkled, the carpets looked brighter for being shampooed, the lift was spotless, and smelled sweet, and the windows had been cleaned. She had hired a company to do the job after asking round for someone reliable, rather than getting in tenders. Next, plants arrived on the landings. Even the light fittings had received a...

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It really Happened

Our first threesome was the greatest sexual turn on I had ever experienced. A friend of ours, Steve, who came over just about every weekend, was who I had my eye on. I am Leiza, and my husband is Bill. Steve would come over and my husband and I would drink, smoke, and talk on the ham radio until late at night, then Steve would always hit the road around two am. Bill and I would then go to bed. This routine had been going on for about three months now. Luckily, on this particular evening Steve...

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Walk Like a ManChapter 4 A Date with a Beauty

“Hey, Mom. I’ve got a date with a girl from school to go to the Fall Festival Dance in town. Should I get her a flower for her dress?” I asked. “Oh! You have a date? That’s nice. Who is she?” I could tell I was going to have to work my way around to the real question. “Her name is Teresa Johnson and she’s a junior. Her brother is one of the handicapped kids on the bus and she told me she appreciated how I’d helped him and made friends with him.” “Well ... it just goes to show you that...

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It Happened

It Happened? By Bobbi Ross I was nervously walking out of the mall. I had been trying on several dresses. I was scanning the parking lot looking for my wife. Where was she? I never come to the mall alone so she had to be out here. I did not remember how I got to the mall. I wondered if I been drinking earlier? Usually I did need to have a few stiff drinks to work up my nerve. Even then my wife Ann had to drag me shopping. I start getting nervous the minute she says " Betty?...

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A happier Anniversary

I had sat apart from the happy couples in the pub, alone - at a table by myself contemplating the night I met the man who put the band of gold around my finger. It was only two years today and I had smiled as I twirled the latticed ring around. I wore the same clothes I had worn that night; A short black dress with dark red stipes cutting across the belly and chest. I sat an angle to allow the same display of leg he had seen that night – the same heaving cleavage speaking it's own...

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A Turkish Delight 2

A Turkish Delight 2By Buck JonesThe afternoon with the strange young man and his son changed the Turk. His thoughts keep going back to that hot afternoon and what he felt having his dick sucked by his son and then having his son shoot off down his throat.As a part of the fantasying about what he feels, the Turk thinks back to the time he tried teaching his son to jack off. His son’s dick had healed, and it was a full man-sized cock already, so he thought it was time to introduce his son to...

4 years ago
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My best friends part 3

Amber moaned into Tashas mouth as they kissed,I bit my lip harder as I watched the pink dildo disappear into Amber. Jane smiled and pinched her own swollen nipple as she slid the toy slowly back out. I slid out of Tasha and watched as a river of cum flooded between her swollen pussy lips and down onto Rockys thrusting cock, I smiled and shaked my head. "Keep up Rock"I said"looks like we aren't going out tonight". Rocky just grunted as he slowed his pace. I watched as his tip slid out of her...

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The Evolution of Sex Pt 03

Tonight, something new is discovered, and the possibility of deeper emotion is discussed. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ‘Not tonight, John. Please. I’m so sore,’ I told him, half-laughing. We were lying in bed together, the candlelight casting flickering shadows across our naked bodies. His hands were trailing all over me, but I was exhausted. We had made love every night for an entire week. While I enjoyed it (a huge understatement), I was also newly deflowered, my sex not yet...

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Traffic Jams

After a long and tedious day at school teaching the world's worst freshmen class, the last thing she wanted to do was grade another paper, or look at another student ... or another human being for that matter! It's funny that she was in such a mood, because she normally had a smiling disposition. outgoing, respectful, and a smile that brightened even the most miserable person's day and deep dimples that showed up as a complement to pearly white teeth that greeted you every time she opened...

2 years ago
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As It Was Told To Me

The other night a friend of mine needed to ‘de-stress’ so we went out on the town. When we got back to my place we talked for a while and he ended up telling me a story. It is a wonderfully sensual story so I decided to share it with everyone. I hope he doesn’t mind. Here’s the story as it was told to me: They arrived at the party a little late, they were making out in the car. It didn’t matter since it was an eighteenth birthday surprise party for him. He knew all about the party and was not...

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Family Ties II Milk Candy Series

We drove there and got installed for the week. The cool thing about our parents is that they work at odd hours and pretty much control their schedule, that leaves them with plenty time to spend with us. That night we sang happy birthday and Daddy and Mom gave us our present, the newest iPods. I was so happy; I was going to start downloading songs the moment we got back to the city. When I was about to go to bed that night, Daddy was waiting outside my room to wish me good night. “Well...

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The Goldbergs Control Anyone Get A HeadChapter 3

FLASHFORWARD: Later the next day after school in the Goldberg Living Room – as told by Adam Goldberg It was 1980 something, and I was knee-deep in a science experiment based on lust, power, and perversion. I was answering the age-old question: Can you trust the products sold exclusively in ads in the back of a Penthouse Magazine? I was sitting on the couch in my living room with my brother Barry and Dave Kim. The JTP (Jenkintown posse) was also there, consisting of Andy, Naked Rob, Geoff,...

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Kathy Loves Her Dogs

Brandy actually wrote about my two dogs in one of her posts; since she called them “Duke” and “Prince” I’ll continue to use those names to protect Brandy’s identity. However she said they belonged to one of her Doms which is not true, he was only taking care of them for me while I was out of town; Brandy only did this to protect my identity which I appreciate. But everything else she said about them is true, they are brothers and beautiful harlequin Great Danes; they also behaved according...

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Shakespeares Birthday

The first time that I saw Zara Kelly she was in The Red Dog, surrounded by a bunch of Hooray Henrys in expensive suits. It was late in the summer of 1978 and I had just started contributing to a magazine called Sailors’ World. Back in those pre-email days, you either faxed in your copy (but I didn’t yet have a fax machine), you put it in the post (making sure that you retained a carbon copy, just in case), or you delivered it personally to the publisher’s offices. Blue Neptune, the guys who...

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Job Interview

It had been a boring week, but conducting interview for a new secretary was at least some relief. More than I imagined as it turned out.Several ladies of all ages, shapes and sizes had been through my office. Some good candidates too. Some not so good, but very sexy. Then she walked in; Jessica.I stood for a second, wide-eyed, gazing at the beautiful face with those deep blue/green eyes, her hair swept up into a dark bun. Her glasses gleamed in the white strip lighting in the office and her...

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Friends and FamilyChapter 7 Lissa ndash Part 2

Monday Day and Evening “There is no fucking way that you are a virgin. You’ve done this, many times before, haven’t you?” “No, Lissa, I have never made out with a woman’s butt before.” “Then how did you know what to do so well?” “I did what Tasha showed me, then did what you asked. Then I just did what seemed to make you feel good.” “Really?” Lissa didn’t believe me. “Yes.” “Then to answer a question you asked earlier, YES. I want to get you as my boyfriend.” “I don’t know if that...

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Cousin Sister Jyoti Ko Pregnant Banaya

Hi everyone, I am Nikhil and this is my 8th story in Indian sex stories and after receiving the mails and appreciation from all the readers for my last 7 stories, today I am going to share one of my about how I made my cousin pregnant. I hope you people will like this story too. Please don’t forget to like & comment, if you don’t like the story or have anything to share, you can mail me at for more stories. Mujhe pata hai ki app me se bahut logo ne apna lund hilate huwe ya fir chut me ungli...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 21 Nurse Ratched

October 11, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “Hi,” Mikela said when she walked into Bacino’s where I was waiting. “Hi. I have a table reserved.” I led her to the table and the waiter took our drink orders. I checked with Mikela and ordered our pizza right away. “Why did my lawyer dump me and tell me to talk to you directly instead of hiring another attorney?” “You’d have to ask him,” I said. “But I honestly don’t care why. We can resolve this between us.” “But I didn’t sign the release.” “No,...

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Aunty Lucy Teaches

When I was 17 my parents were going through a divorce and I was packed off to my Aunty Lucy and Uncle Joe's house in the deepest darkest depths of Cornwall whilst everything was sorted out. My Aunty Lucy was 35 prim and proper and very straight laced, as was my Uncle Joe who was the local vicar. Every Sunday we had to go to church dressed in our Sunday best and then me and Aunty Lucy would drive home where she would prepare the Sunday diner, and we would both wait until evening for Uncle Joe to...

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Driving in Snow Ch 07

Chapter 7. Monday morning I was awakened by the sound of her alarm. It was still night outside, bright moonlight, not daylight. I looked at the clock. It was 5:30 and thought: ‘Why so early?’ Mary said to me: ‘I want you to wake Barbara and Cindy. I’m sure you can find a really nice way to do that.’ I slipped into bed with Barbara. She was nude and lying on her side. I kissed her cheek and caressed her arm. She started to wake up, smiled and whispered: ‘Oh my. What a great way to start the...

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Lost Empire 47

  They were finally starting to dock with Tempro when there were several alarms going off. "Intruder!?" Derrick's head snapped around to stare at Shelby. "What in the hell did you do?"   "I couldn't let her die like that; I couldn't Derrick not after what they both did." Shelby started to explain to Derrick.   "Again I am this time demanding, what in the hell did you do?" Derrick said as calmly as he could.   "I had to do it Derrick I felt I owed it to her I..." Shelby...

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