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Author’s note: Welcome to my entry in the Nude Day contest. Nude is an easy theme on an erotica site, after all our characters are always naked. But I decided to take a different angle on nudity and focus on how real life events can strip us bare, remove our normal ‘clothing’ we show to the world on a daily basis. My wife was very ill last year and this is a true story of how I was taught the expression ‘love conquers all’ is not just something used to sell greeting cards, but is very real. I went from cynic to believer very quickly and hope I can convince you to believe as well. Lovecraft68

I’ll start at the calm before the eventual storm, it was Thursday May seventh of 2014 and my wife and I had just had one of those nights that make you realize how happy you are to be married, how good life can be when you have the right person to share it with.

We had tickets to see Rob Zombie, not exactly high society, but we love that music. We had both taken that Friday out of work and planning on having a great night took a cab downtown. We ate at her favorite restaurant, had a few drinks and walked hand and hand along the Providence River and to the club.

The show was fantastic and we both drank like we were at a frat party. Took a cab home and had the kind of sex people here-myself included-often write about. Torrid sex, skirt up, pants down jacking her up against the wall sex. We indulged in each other the way we had drank at the club, with the reckless abandon of a youth we still felt at our age.

As our festivities made it into the bedroom we continued to go at it like we were performing for a website until our bodies-and the alcohol- brought us back down into reality.

As we lay there in a tangle of sweaty limbs, the sheets on the floor and clothing everywhere, a cool breeze caressing us through the window my wife mentioned how blessed we were that after fifteen years together we were still this passionate, this crazy for each other and this happy.

Being a non believer-you could say my beliefs fall under ‘playing for the other team’-the word blessed is not one I would use, but having been previously involved in an unhappy marriage, I considered myself damn lucky.

I can honestly say I have never taken my wife for granted, nor her me, and have always appreciated her, but I would later realize that, like many, even though I told myself that I still did take her for granted.

Not in the everyday things we did, but that it would always be that way. We had our share of drama in the previous years and our share of heartache, but always felt it would happen around us, maybe to people we care about and therefore affect us, but it would never happen to us.

The following morning-closer to noon I should say- we awoke with hangovers, but even that was enjoyable in the sense of recalling memories of younger days, days before responsibility, when fun was the only thing that mattered. I remember saying at least the night was worth feeling that crappy.

Nevertheless we continued our celebration with a shower together and lunch at Top of the Bay which overlooks the water on Oakland Beach. Being a proponent of more of the snake that bit you I had a couple of Bloody Mary’s and looking over the ocean thought this was only Friday, and early, we had two and a half more days of this before heading back to work and reality.

My wife then asked if we could go down and sit on the rocks and as we sat there with our feet in the water, she lowered the boom and brought reality crashing down on us. For the previous three months my wife hadn’t felt well. A lot of issues with –as unsexy as this is, it’s the truth-a lot of sinus type mucus and drainage.

At first she thought sinus infection, but nothing worked. She was having trouble breathing and would cough and choke like someone who’d chain smoked their entire lives. Nettie pots antibiotics, medication, no results. We even had the house checked for mold as we’d had a flood a few months prior.

Several doctors, an allergist, ear nose and throat, pulmonologist…nothing. They ordered chest x-rays and I felt the first hint of nerves for reasons I will mention shortly. You can imagine on that note I was thinking what you may be, lung cancer. When the x-rays came back clear I can’t describe the relief we felt, but the issue persisted.

To a point she had to sleep sitting up and some days her breathing left her with so little stamina she could barely make it through work. All night I would listen to her cough, clear her throat and when she slept her breathing had an unnerving rattle to it.

She also complained of pressure and pain in her back, said she could feel the mucus there and her doctors thought she was crazy. At this point she was exhausted and frustrated and I was more than a little nervous.

Her doctor ordered another chest x-ray and again nothing. Then my wife saw another ear nose and throat specialist, an old timer who after five minutes says to her, ‘Bet you feel it in your back’ My wife, a person who always has her heart on her sleeve, was so relieved to have someone understand she had tears in her eyes.

He told her to get an MRI and look lower, there was a problem far beyond some mucus. He did not say what, but the first small clutches of actual fear were replacing the ‘nerves.’ My wife had the MRI and said her doctor would call her with the results.

A week later and after our amazing night, a night I would later realize my wife enjoyed and felt good out of the sheer will to do so, she admitted she had received the results two days ago. They saw something abnormal in both her kidneys. Her doctor was very concerned, mentioned multiple masses, and she already had an appointment with a urologist scheduled for the following Monday.

She had refrained from telling me so we could enjoy our night which was a delayed celebration of our fourteenth wedding anniversary because she had been sick the actual weekend it fell on. We spent the next three days doing what all couples would do. I’ll be okay, we’ll be okay, it could be cysts, and it will be cysts, no big deal…

Now here we were sitting in the urologist’s office, holding hands and waiting for the verdict. When he explained that my wife had kidney cancer and it was multiple masses and in both kidneys, one word echoed through my mind.


Why that word and that feeling? Five years prior, her sister Diane had passed away of lung cancer at the age of thirty seven. Diagnosed in May of 2009 she was gone by August, the cancer had been so virulent it had spread to her liver, kidneys, bones, pancreas and stomach.

It ate the chemo as if it were candy and the doctor had told us and her parents he had never seen anything like it in thirty years of oncology, he referred to it as the hammer of god in its strength. We were there the night she passed, she was in pain even through the morphine, not really in reality anymore, but moaning in agony.

We knew she would go and my wife sat on the bed with her, holding her in her arms and singing to her. Singing amazing grace and this little light of mine, even a heart breaking rendition of the Ave Maria, talking to her, telling her how she was going home and surrounded by love. Over and over she said the words,

‘Nothing, but love my sister, nothing but love’

My wife was watching her sister slip away one ragged breath at a time and there was nothing but tenderness and serenity in her voice, nothing but love. Pure love, unconditional love.

Naked love.

The entire time my wife never shed a tear, her voice never broke and she was in total control as she rocked her dying sister to her final sleep. My mother in law was in hysterics as was her father and others. People had to come and go from the room, unable to stay, my wife never moved, never stopped her soothing words and would let no one else take her place.

When life was at its worst, my wife wa
s at her best. She would not let her sister hear anything but peace and love from her no matter how it was tearing her up inside.

Naked Determination.

I sat by her side my hand over hers, her’s over her sisters and she wasn’t even trembling. I had never seen such a display of strength, of faith, of love. I considered myself a strong individual, life had made me mentally and physically tough.

That was me, tough, or so I thought, because I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I wanted to bail out of that damn room like a bat out of hell

I could have never done what my wife did. But I had done more than the others just by being able to stay by her side and not come and go like the rest of her family and not be in hysterics.

Like my wife I was able to keep the emotions in check, but then again I wasn’t talking and singing….friggin’ singing!. Not that any emotion I would have allowed myself wouldn’t have been justified, but my wife was being strong for her sister and all I could do was be strong for her.

When her sister passed and the commotion had settled down and we were alone I told her how unbelievable she was, how I’d never seen anything like that. Her reply to me was she could only do it because I was there.

She was drawing her strength and love from our strength and love. My wife was always the rock of her family, sometimes to her detriment, and I was her rock. She said as long as we were together, there would be nothing life could throw our way we couldn’t handle.

But life is a fast ball pitcher and has no problem with throwing at your head and knocking you off the plate. On the day my sister in law was buried my father in law received a phone call from his doctor about some tests, Colon cancer.

For the next several months we dealt with his treatments as well as fighting what would ultimately be a losing custody battle for her nephews who through a mockery of justice were left in the care of their drug addicted womanizing abusive father. Two months after the battle ended he moved them to Florida, taking them away from my wife and her family.

The pitches were coming fast, at our heads and in the high nineties, but we held it together. The same theme prevailing, her strong for her family, me strong for her. Yeah, life was pitching, but baby, this motherfucker can hit the fastball. That was my attitude, always has been. The wife relies on faith, love and peace. I thrive on being pissed off and stubbornly refusing to give the satisfaction of saying I can be broken.

My father in law was a fighter, a tough SOB who once entered local strong man competitions in the seventies and eighties. He beat it in his colon. A year later he beat it in his kidney. Then his esophagus. His liver. One piece at a time. Losing some more quality of life each time, but still had life and my wife was by his side for all of it.

January of 2014, life reared back and threw the final pitch in my father in laws at bat. Brain cancer. His body began to shut down, he could not talk or swallow, they had to put a stint in his brain to keep him alive. Her step mother could not make the call and as she had done for her sister, my wife signed off on his life saying there would be no resuscitation-his wishes.

They discussed putting him to sleep, giving him enough drugs to slip away comfortably until his body gave up. But he was aware and the doctor-who ended up in some serious hot water over this mess-should have known that. I looked into my father in laws eyes and watched him react to hearing about being put down like a dog.

He was terrified, but again my wife, this woman whose strength put me to shame, took his hand and told him it was okay. My father in law had always called Jesus his buddy, and she calmly explained his buddy was calling him home and don’t worry about her, she would be fine, she had her husband to take care of her, because I always did. The rule was she took care of everyone, I took care of her.

Another death rattle, another family member laid to rest. During this time my mother in law(her parents divorced when she was in her teens) had undergone two cancer surgeries of her own, though neither life threatening it was just another thing. Apparently the pitcher we were chosen to face in our lifetime had a vendetta against the home team.


Her sister, her father, her mother, it would have been a fairy tale to think my wife would have escaped. Now here we were, it was my wife’s turn in the batter’s box. The doctor pulled out a dry erase board with a diagram of kidneys on it.

He began making circles on the right one, showing where the tumors were and how big. One, two, four, five…six masses, ranging from 2 centimeters to six. The six right on the tip next to the renal gland. He then uttered words that were like a kick in the stomach.

That was the better kidney.

He starts drawing on the other one. Eight, count them, eight masses, one at seven centimeters and again right at the tip. The doctor then gave us hope. He mentioned most surgeons would err on the side of caution, remove both kidneys and go on dialysis. He, however had trained at the NIH in Maryland and had learned under a doctor named Linehan, the father of kidney sparing surgery.

He confidently declared he felt he could save 80% of her right kidney. The left would have to go, but a person can live on even a small portion of one kidney. However, this all hinged on had it spread? If the tumor on the renal gland had spread it could go anywhere from there, but usually had one specific destination, the lungs. The sign that it could have? An abundance of mucus and drainage.

Another MRI of her lungs and several days of waiting during which we did the best we could to remain positive. It didn’t spread, a couple of surgeries, cancer free…just a speed bump. She would be fine. She said it, adding in that God would take care of her, her faith would reward her. I had no such comforts, I believe in what I can touch and see and what I’d seen the last few years was not pretty.

This diagnosis would be devastating to anyone, but to us more so. The last five years had taught us the power of this disease and that a good prognosis was not a guarantee. I kept hearing over and over again my sister in laws doctor, ‘Hammer of God’ ‘Most vicious he had ever seen’ Her father, three different types of cancer, any idea how rare that is? For one person to have three different types? Her sister died fast, two months, him, he lasted years.

I found myself traveling paths not best traveled, which was worse, a sudden painful end? Or a piece at a time, always hurting, struggling, dying just a little bit each time. But we didn’t know yet and it was killing us and as always our opposite personalities were on display.

My wife talking of faith, God’s love, a divine plan and me working out to the point of exhaustion and beating a punching bag until my shoulders hurt too much to be able to lift my arms.

But that was us, we were Yin and Yan, light and shadow, living proof opposites attract. If the two of us ever filled out those dating site compatibility tests no one would put us together. To understand our relationship and how much my wife means to me, how much I cherish her, you need to know a little about us.

My wife had the Brady Bunch family, great upbringing, love, support, a good home, great education and brought up with a lot of faith. Even her parent’s divorce was amicable and she remained close to both her parents and eventually her step mother.

She is a certified life coach and motivational speaker, has three books published all of the self help variety, all based on the power of faith and love. She also has two small collections of spiritual poetry. On that note I’ll just say that for anyone who has read my other work here? Yeah, yin and yang. We often joke we are going to go on the saints and sinners book tour.

My wife is one of those people who light
up a room when she enters it. Her love shines through her smile and her eyes and she lives to help others. She does it in her career and her own business as a life coach and a practitioner for her church. My wife is at her best helping others through their worst.

Me? The polar opposite. The stereotype bad boy. I grew up hard, an abused child who only survived because the state had mercy on me and pulled me away from the animal that fathered me and put in a good foster home. Very loving environment, great people. Still call them mom, dad and sis today.

But they couldn’t save me from me. Hardcore rage issues and a mean streak a mile wide. I was an animal in my teens and early twenties always looking for the next fight, eventually found one that landed me on a year-long ‘vacation’. I married in my early twenties to a woman as fucked up and broken as I was.

Somehow two beautiful daughters came out of that unholy union, but that was about it. After our divorce I did well by my girls, but when I didn’t have them with me I was back to being a dick. Drinking too much, some fights and chasing any woman that moved.

Then I met my wife and just like a cheesy romance novel there was something about her and I knew if I wanted this amazing woman my punk ass needed to grow the hell up. My wife filled that void in me that I used to fill with hate and anger and pettiness.

Again I do not believe in god-even she is yet to convince me-but if I were going to believe in an angel in human flesh my wife was that angel, my green eyed angel. She became the conscious I never had. I would stop and think, ‘If I do this she will be so upset…’ Some people have an angel on one shoulder, the devil on the other, until her I had two devils warring to see who could make me do the dumbest thing.

Many times in our marriage I would tell people, ‘You don’t know my wife, but trust me…you owe her.’ My wife saved me from me and saved my daughters from their twisted bi polar mother because when the time came and I had to help them she was right by my side fighting to get custody of them which we did and she raised them as her own.

Both went to college and I doubt that would have happened without her influence. Her unconditional love for them was amazing. I know I use that word a lot, but it’s how I feel about her. As for us, my oldest daughter described my wife and I the best when she said we were Lady and the Tramp.

My wife the educated pretty goody two shoes whose friends –and some family members-came right out and asked if she was nuts being with me, the divorced, scruffy bad boy. But we were a perfect fit, she my salvation and me her protector, her sneering grumpy guard dog.

My wife is my everything, my light in the darkness, my soul mate, my twin flame. Now I lay there at night wondering for how much longer. I lay there listening to that fucking rattle in her breath which now had a whole new meaning to me.

In my life I had never known fear. Even as a child I was surrounded by hate and violence, emotionally stunted I had no clue what fear was. But now? I went to bed every night with a cold twisting sensation in my stomach and plagued with nightmares. Visions of my wife’s wake and funeral.

An endearing quality of hers is she is a big kid. Still sings the Toys R us theme song. Collects Build a Bears, watches Disney and on occasions will even color. Her favorite build a bear was a black cat named Alica. Dressed it up all the time, would put it on the couch where we watched TV.

In my nightmare Alicia was in the coffin with her. Got to where I’d walk by the damn thing and shiver. I lay there at night sweating with my heart pounding. I was scared, scared shitless.

Naked Fear.

I asked myself if it came down to it could I do what my wife did for her sister? Could I be that strong? We all want to think we are. We all want to think we can be the hero, the rock, handle it all, but we don’t know until the time comes for sure and I’ve seen many fail in times of crisis. My wife wasn’t one of them, but was I?

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Naked girl day outside in severe winter

Marlene was a princess of the 9thB class in her school in little town of the northern country. She was an excellent student and also beauty – long blonde hair, pretty face and model-like legs. She was aware of her charm, but she wanted more. She tried to figure out, how to impress stronger. Marlene was ready to show up naked in front of the boys, but she wanted to find a good reason, which does not seem too easy. Suddenly she found a way – it must be an extreme nakedness like naked in...

2 years ago
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Naked News

NakedNews aka nude news! How many times have you been watching the news and about halfway through the broadcast realize that you didn’t catch anything that was said because you were just staring at the female anchors' mesmerizing rack the whole time? Come on, be honest. I know I can’t be alone on this one. We’re guys, we can’t help ourselves.Some of these news anchors, man…god damn. Plus, they’re almost always wearing tops that seem to showcase the tits, with a deep neckline allowing for a full...

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5 years ago
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Naked in School A Parents StoryChapter 28

“I couldn’t believe that in addition to that we have experienced here,” said Kari, “we helped another family get interested in family and public nudity.” “As we, have said, things keep getting weirder and weirder,” said Kevin. After returning from their vacation at The Meadows, it didn’t take long for the Krills to get back to real life mode, but once in awhile, they would revert back to vacation mode. Usually, especially at dinner, the conversation would turn to talking about their...

4 years ago
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Naked Delhi Daredevilry

After that night of prancing about nude in my balcony and around my building, I embraced my new naked risk-taking hobby with the enthusiasm of a new convert. I could not do anything for a while after that night, because Anagha, my air-hostess roommate was back in town. But luckily, Anagha informed me that in a few days, she would be gone for a week for some training program in Malaysia. From then on, it was a countdown in my head, in days, hours and minutes, until she left. And finally she...

3 years ago
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Naked Bangalore Daredevilry 2

After that night of prancing about nude in my balcony and around my building, I embraced my new naked risk-taking hobby with the enthusiasm of a new convert. I could not do anything for a while after that night, because Anagha, my air-hostess roommate was back in town. But luckily, Anagha informed me that in a few days, she would be gone for a week for some training program in Malaysia. From then on, it was a countdown in my head, in days, hours and minutes, until she left. And finally she...

4 years ago
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When I got to school on Monday, it was a pretty normal day, I thought. I was wearing a red plaid dress and a white blouse.  It was a pleasant enough day for mid-September; in the low 70s and partly cloudy.  It was two weeks into my junior year.  My name is Karen. But when I got inside the front door, I had to push my way into a big crowd.  I asked someone what was going on, but didn't have time to listen to their answer.  "Karen Wagner, right?" a guy said.  I nodded, and he...

3 years ago
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Introduction: Part One of two — Monday When I got to school on Monday, it was a pretty normal day, I thought. I was wearing a red plaid dress and a white blouse. It was a pleasant enough day for mid-September, in the low 70s and partly cloudy. It was two weeks into my junior year. My name is Karen. But when I got inside the front door, I had to push my way into a big crowd. I asked someone what was going on, but didnt have time to listen to their answer. Karen Wagner, right? a guy said....

2 years ago
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The Internet has certainly changed the way we communicate, huh? You can slide into a slut’s DMs, post an X-rated meme on your friend’s Facebook, or chat face-to-face with your hot cousin on Facetime. Do you know what’s better than clothed video conferencing? How about if the girls are naked? That’s kind of the premise behind, a live webcam site where beautiful girls put on shows for perverts.Can we talk about that domain for a second? seems like it has to be Internet gold. I...

Live Sex Cam Sites
4 years ago
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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 10

The teens arrived at Amelia’s flat after school. They were talking about seeing Hanford being videoed and interviewed in front of the school by several TV stations as they left the building. “Let’s watch the news later,” Jeremy said. “I’d like to see what he told them.” “Jeremy,” Amelia asked, “you know why I started trying to do a blog on FGM, but when did you get into the human rights stuff you write about?” “Hmmm, that’s complicated. I guess I was interested almost forever. I started my...

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Naked In Las Vegas

[i]WARNING! This warning is possibly not needed for this particular story, but I am including it because it is needed for most of my stories. If you decide to read other of my stories make sure that you read the disclosures and warnings at the beginning of each story. All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely...

4 years ago
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Naked in Las Vegas

Julia DeMarco was a genius, a scientific protégée, and an extreme techno-nerd. She could read and write well before her third birthday, had graduated from MIT before her fourteenth birthday, and received her third doctorate before she could legally drive at the age of sixteen. The breakthroughs in long distance holography which she developed while getting those doctorates were immediately adopted by the military. But for security reasons, it was not until she reached her eighteenth birthday...

3 years ago
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Naked Confession

I like to get naked.I especially like to get naked outdoors.Just typing these words gives me a warm, wet, tingly feelingI have had this naked outdoor addiction since I was very young girl. Our family lived at the base of a small mountain. My brother and I and the neighborhood k**s loved to play in the woods above our house. We devised all sorts of imaginary games, although none involved taking our clothes off.I was ten the first time I climbed the hill by myself. My favorite spot was a little...

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Naked Day

Cindy, or Sin-dy as I'd write it on certain types of notes I might leave her, was my ideal girl. 5'3", cute, with a smile to light up a room. She was slim with C cups and a tight little ass just like I like'em. Her hair was light brown, wavy and came down to her shoulders. I'm 5-10, always played enough sports to be in decent shape, but no hardbody. Also, in the interest of truth and full disclosure, I'm not packing any porn star cock. Just under 6" on my best day although no...

2 years ago
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Naked in the Street at Night

Hey there everyone, I know it's been a while since we last posted. A few weeks ago we had an engagement party in the city. We usually park at a station and catch a train into the city to avoid driving in all the traffic. I wore a red crop top and tight black skirt (no panties). As we were seeing James's family, I wore a bra (as those that have read our stories, I rarely wear a bra). As most of you know, when I drink, I get very horny. I'm also a light weight so get tipsy very quickly. After...

4 years ago
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Naked Wild Village Mom And Son

Hi guys. Many of my readers are mailing me to write a story on a village mom and son. So, I’m back with an erotic naked wild story. Hope you will enjoy this. Let’s get into the erotica of village This story is a real story that happened between my mom and me during COVID Lockdown. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Abhi. I’m 21 years old boy working in an MNC company in Bangalore. Our village is a small village in Andhrapradesh. While COVID cases are improving in India, I came to my...

4 years ago
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Naked Wild Village Mom And Son

Hi guys. Many of my readers are mailing me to write a story on a village mom and son. So, I’m back with an erotic naked wild story. Hope you will enjoy this. Let’s get into the erotica of village This story is a real story that happened between my mom and me during COVID Lockdown. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Abhi. I’m 21 years old boy working in an MNC company in Bangalore. Our village is a small village in Andhrapradesh. While COVID cases are improving in India, I came to my...

5 years ago
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Naked Step Daughter 3

Following on from naked Stepdaughter 2, Shelley messaged me Friday night and we discussed the lovely weather we were having, i replied i had missed coming over for a walk due to work, Shelly replied she had been on our walk a couple of times this week and she would send me the full story.Hi, since my naked walk with Keith i cannot get it out of my head, it turned me on so much that every day since with the weather being so nice I just want to get naked, the feeling it gave me was unbelievable,...

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Naked on the Train

At last! thought Emerald, lovingly waving goodbye to her parents as the train pulled off. She'd got the compartment to herself, and her family were gone. Not that she didn't love her mother and father and darling sister Betty, but it was term time and she was off to her other life, where she was more or less free to do as she wished. She bent her neck as far as she could to see a last glimpse of Betty running along the platform edge, waving her handkerchief at her as the train picked up pace,...

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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 13

Their third city was Berlin, where the group visited attractions ranging from the East Side Gallery to the Berlin Philharmonic. They were to stay four days and the accommodations had four quad rooms with two each connecting; this housed eight boys and eight girls. Two double rooms housed the remaining boy pair and girl pair, and Tom and Lynette shared a double. The large quad rooms of the rooming arrangement allowed the whole troop to congregate in one of them in the evenings where they hung...

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Naked in School A Parents StoryChapter 25

“Remember our school’s out adventure?” asked Kari. “That was a great trick that we pulled on the kids, wasn’t it?” “And it was a great trick that I pulled on you.” “And have I thanked you enough for doing that?” asked Kevin. “Yes, you have,” replied Kari as she passionately kissed her husband. The end of the school year was coming up for the Krill children and Kari and Kevin decided that the family should take a vacation. They discussed several possible places to go, before they finally...

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Naked in School A Parents StoryChapter 29

Kari was back at work at the middle school. During the summer sessions, the school district has all the summer school students in the middle school due to the low attendance. The format for this summer school was a 3 week tutoring session. Student who were falling behind in their classes, who wanted extra help or to prepare for the next semester would enroll in summer school. There were two such sessions during the summer. Due to the number of students in the classes and other...

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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 4

On Monday, school started up for the three of them. Denise went with Amelia on her quick bus ride to school since her own Monday class started later. Denise wanted to be sure that Amelia felt secure in her trip there, the teen had such an air of shyness and vulnerability, it seemed. “Amelia, sweetie,” Denise said as they were seating themselves in the bus. “It seems to me that you’re quite shy. Yet you still went out for performing in dramas and stuff. How does a shy person do that?” Amelia...

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NAKED LEGAL 4 Trap Set and Sprung

CHAPTER FOUR: TRAP SET AND SPRUNG “What’s going on in there?” I stopped at Marjorie’s office to say good morning when I saw Jake and Mark together with Mr. Franklin in his office. She came out to the door and joined me in a fruitless attempt to garner any information by staring at them through the open door. They were involved in some heavy discussion. “I have no idea. They were in their when I arrived about 10 minutes ago. It looks serious, though.” She turned from them to appraise...

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Naked Volunteering

"This is going to be so fun!" Melanie squealed while clapping. She had just driven Julia to the newest building at her work. Julia sat in the passenger seat slightly confused. "Why are you so excited?" Julia questioned. "It's just an interview for a volunteer job. It's not even a real position. I won't get paid." "Yup! Yup! I know." Melanie replied while reaching back to pick up a small hand held camera. "What's the camera for? Are you going to film my interview?" "Yup! That's the...

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Naked in School A Parents StoryChapter 13

“I knew we would have to deal with our kids when we found out about the Program, but I didn’t think we would have to help other family’s kids,” said Kevin. “True,” replied Kari, “but we had the opportunity and it really didn’t cost us anything.” Kevin laughed. “I was just kidding. I didn’t mind helping out. It isn’t the first time we have helped a kid from another family.” “True,” replied Kari, “but I never thought we would be helping out a kid in a situation like this.” Kari was...

2 years ago
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Naked As Jaybirds

So I’m standing there naked in the woods, with some guy I’ve never seen before coming down the trail, and I can tell he’s just spotted me…But wait, I’m getting ahead of myself. A little background is in order.I grew up with two brothers and a sister in a house with just three bedrooms and two bathrooms, so privacy was hard to come by. On top of that, my parents had a remarkably casual attitude about nudity, so it was not unusual in our house to run into a naked person from time to time. On the...

Group Sex
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naked in front of the cleaning lady0

At first I ignored her presence since I was getting ready to go to work about the same time. I had a pretty easy job schedule, I didn’t punch a time clock and could keep my own hours. I was free to come and go to the office at any time. One Friday morning I heard her open the front door and come in to start her cleaning routine. I had nothing at work scheduled until after lunch and having been out the night before for dinner I thought I’d sleep in and head for the office after lunch. ...

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Naked for female celebrities and the public eye

I was a streaker running down the streets naked as I do when I was charged and arrested for doing so and was brought to court on this charge on charge like this. However on the charge of indecent exposure there was to option either face 80 years jail time or walk around in public naked with no clothes on. Here as I heard the options there they I choice the most embarrasing one and that was to walk in public naked perminantly I had my clothes taken away by rules of authority the N.A.K.E.D...

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Naked Whore Daddy Fag slave A Short Sto

Sometimes life can take a strange turn. Not in my wildest dreams would Iever have imagined the situation I find myself in now. For, you see, I amnow a slave.I retired from a brilliant career in IT at the young age of 55. I hadtaken good care of myself physically, so I looked good for my years.Relationships had eluded me over the years. I had a few boyfriends, butmostly I was a guy who never hooked up long with anyone. I didn't see thepoint. I was content in my life, with my job, with my...

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Naked Davids True Story

Naked David's True Story  True stories are always more exciting for me than fantasies...I'm not sure why. Even when reading the wildest , most imaginative and perverted tales, I love to think that maybe at the bottom there is just a grain of truth. So it is with excitement as well as reluctance that I share with you the perverted and tragic true story of young David. As many of you know, my real profession, writing being an avocation, is theatre. I am an actor and stage director, and...

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Naked On TV And The Winner Is Love

“You three have buggered up my life,” I said, staring at the fully clothed Celeste, Naomi and Sam. “Your little game caused my lady parts to become very demanding.” All three just shrugged and continued our walk towards the river. I stood there for a moment, flabbergasted, then ran after and past them. Turning, my hands on my hips, I said: “What do you have to say about…”“Watch it, Julia,” warned Celeste. “You’re in shit.”“I know and you’re responsible.”“No. You’re standing in rhino dung.”I...

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Naked Bangalore Daredevilry 3

I woke up with a mild headache in the afternoon, my body still aching a bit after the eventful previous night. I had slept in the nude. I put my panties on, put on a long t-shirt, and walked out of my bedroom to make me some coffee, hoping that Ijaz would have left my now.Anagha was sitting on the couch in a terrycloth robe watching TV with a cup of coffee in her hand. She looked at me with a very serious expression on her face for a few seconds. I looked back, puzzled and said,"Hey Anagha....

5 years ago
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Naked Wet Daughter Part 4

The following morning, Carol and her older sister, Barbara, sat alone in the kitchen, lingering over the remains of their breakfast. The entire family had eaten breakfast together and then they had all gone off to one place or another, leaving the two girls alone. Mike had gone to work. Fran had gone shopping with Jerry. And, Greg had gone to a family friend's ranch to go horseback riding. Ordinarily, Carol would have gone riding with her brother for it was one of the girl's...

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Naked on Summer Vacation Sissy Summer SchoolChapter 6

My Aunt made me wait much longer than twenty minutes before she returned to outline the rules that would be in effect until my Parents arrived. Buddy and Lewis were playing outside again, which suited them just fine when Blair and my Aunt Sam returned from their discussion about me. They were both smirking like Samantha Stevens on Bewitched when she just thought of a clever solution to some problem her mother in law created. It definitely scared me that they were smiling rather than looking...

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