Ho Sedotto Mia Nipote free porn video

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Non sono lesbica.
Capirete dopo perché esordisco dicendo che non sono lesbica. Ho anche una amica lesbica con la quale ci frequentiamo abbastanza ma, nonostante qualche sua avance, non mi è mai venuto in mente di fare qualche cosa con lei. Il pensiero di stare con una donna, non mi eccita: anzi!
Ho 41 anni, mi chiamo Alice. Sono alta un metro e sessantacinque, capelli scuri, ho qualche chilo in più ma quando si passano i quaranta sembra che sia quasi normale.
Vivo in città con mio marito, lavoro saltuariamente come cameriera. Ho una vita 'normale', forse anche un po monotona.
Solitamente, nel mese di Luglio, vado per una decina di giorni insieme a Anna, una mia amica di vecchia data, in bungalow nel Sud della Francia. Un campeggio carino, sul mare. E' una vacanza che aspetto sempre con ansia, con Anna si fanno tante cose e il tempo passa sempre troppo velocemente.
Quell'anno purtroppo Anna non poteva venire per problemi economici. Il marito aveva perso il lavoro.
Era il mese di Giugno, una Domenica ci invita il fratello di mio marito, mio cognato, per una grigliata. Accettiamo di buon grado.
Mio cognato ha una figlia, Silvia, di 19 anni, una bella ragazza bionda. Non molto alta circa un metro e sessantacinque, come me. Una bella ragazzina insomma.
Racconto a mio cognato e alla moglie, Franca, che purtroppo quest'anno la mia amica Anna non poteva venire con me al mare in Francia.
'Franca! Tu lavori a Luglio' chiedo, 'Si, ho le ferie a Agosto e andiamo in montagna, al solito posto' mi risponde con tono sconsolato. L'ha già detto più volte che è stufa di andare sempre nello stesso posto.
Silvia, la figlia, esclama 'Se vai dopo la metà di Luglio, ho finito gli esami e potrei venire io', 'Mi farebbe piacere!'-rispondo-'Se i tuoi sono d'accordo?'. 'Mamma cosa ne pensi se a Luglio vado al mare con la zia'-dice Silvia con un sembrava quasi avesse timore che la madre non gli desse il consenso. 'L'importante'-risponde Franca-'è che tu abbia finito gli esami'.
'Ok, allora posso prenotare il bungalow per due?', 'Se Silvia viene volentieri, per me non ci sono problemi, l'importante è che partiate dopo la metà di Luglio'.
Ero contenta, almeno non dovevo rinunciare alle ferie al mare e poi Silvia è una ragazzina tranquilla che non mi avrebbe dato certamente dei problemi.
Prenotai per il periodo dal 18 al 28 Luglio.
Era la prima volta che Silvia andava in ferie senza i genitori, la settimana prima di partire mi telefonava due o tre volte al giorno per sapere cosa mettere in valigia, se doveva tagliare i capelli, se... se... se... .

Arrivò il giorno della partenza. Vado a prenderla con la macchina.
Aveva un quantità di borse e valige che gli chiesi se pensava di fermarsi fino a Natale. Era una bella ragazza ma sembrava si sforzasse di assomigliare al brutto anatroccolo. Pantaloni e giacca della tuta blu.
Partiamo al mattino alle sette, saremo arrivati verso le 16/17. Il viaggio è stato piacevole, Silvia è una ragazzina a cui piace chiacchierare e che si può parlare di tutto. In famiglia sono cattolici praticanti e lei ha molti tabù.
Io sono partita con una gonnellina di jeans gialla e una maglietta. Gli chiesi se non aveva caldo a viaggiare con i pantaloni lunghi e la giacca della tuta. 'Perché non ti sei messa dei pantaloncini o una gonna, avresti avuto meno caldo?'-gli chiesi-'Ma. Non so... Sono abituata ad uscire così, i pantaloncini li metto solo in casa e le gonne non le ho quasi mai indossate' mi rispose quasi come per scusarsi.
Arrivammo, finalmente, in campeggio.
Avevamo un bungalow a cento metri dal mare. L'ingresso era sulla cucina e una porta dava sulla camera da letto. Avevo preso il bungalow con un solo letto matrimoniale, per risparmiare qualcosa, con i letti separati era solo per quattro persone. Era piccolino ma accogliente, siamo rimaste soddisfatte della sistemazione.
La prima sera,dopo una veloce cena, un piccola passeggiata per sgranchirci dopo il viaggio e poi siamo andati a letto. Eravamo tutte e due a pezzi.
La mattina, il sole, il caldo, l'allegria che regnava nel campeggio ci misero subito di buon umore. Partiamo per la spiaggia: 'Hei! Hai dei pantaloncini al ginocchio che vanno bene per andare in montagna!' dico a Silvia scherzando. 'Hai ragione, zia' mi risponde con aria sconsolata 'Effettivamente qui sono più vestisti da mare. Che dici se oggi prendiamo la macchina e andiamo in paese che mi compro un paio di pantaloncini?', 'Ok. Nel pomeriggio andiamo'.
In spiaggia si mette il costume ma non si spoglia con naturalezza come fanno tutti. Probabilmente il tipo di educazione che ha ricevuto gli impedisce in certi modi o forse, solamente, non è abituata ad andare al mare in estate.
Ero un po' imbarazzata ma non potevo fare a meno di fargli notare che forse avrebbe dovuto depilarsi. 'Forse, questa sera, dovresti tagliare un pochettino i peli che si vedono'-gli dico con un tono quasi sottomesso per paura di urtarla. 'Ma... non so...' risponde Silvia imbarazzata.
Nel pomeriggio andiamo in paese, siamo anche stati fortunati, abbiamo trovato un mercato ben fornito. Anche se non era molto propensa, oltre a due paia di pantaloncini, gli ho preso anche due gonnelline. 'Non ti fa piacere se i ragazzi ti guardano?' gli chiedo sorridendo 'Mah... boh...', era imbarazzatissima.
Torniamo in campeggio, corre subito in camera a provare le gonnelline. 'Come mi sta zia?'-chiede-'Sei bellissima. Bionda, occhi azzurri, minigonna. Domani farai girare la testa ai ragazzi!'.
Prepariamo qualche cosa per cena e ci sediamo a cenare. 'Zia! Senti, volevo chiederti.'-Silvia era imbarazzatissima-'sai... per depilarmi li... hai qualche cosa? Come faccio?'., 'Tranquilla!'-gli rispondo-'dopo cena prendo il mio rasoio elettrico.'
Finita la cena gli faccio un cenno di seguirmi in camera da letto 'Vieni che tagliamo un po' la foresta!' gli dissi ridendo, 'Vengo zia'.
Misi un asciugamano sul letto, la feci sdraiare, 'Togli le mutandine'-dissi-'Ma zia, se mi dici come fare, provo da sola', “No!'-rispondo-'finisce che ti fai male'.
Si allungò sul letto, tolse le mutandine. Indossava ancora la minigonna che aveva provato prima di pranzo, era molto corta e bastava alzarla leggermente. 'Allarga le gambe e stai ferma' -gli dissi. Avevo uno di quei rasoi elettrici a batteria che sembrano un taglia capelli ma anche un vibratore. A lei sicuramente non dava questa impressione, era troppo giovane.
Quando la vidi sdraiata sul letto con la minigonna e senza mutandine mi resi conto di quanto era carina, i ragazzi avrebbero fatto a gara per uscirci insieme.
Iniziai il mio lavoro, 'brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr' faceva un rumore tremendo. Cominciai dall'inguine, prima da un lato poi dall'altro, Silvia teneva gli occhi chiusi e aveva una espressione compiaciuta. Non so il motivo ma ci stavo prendendo gusto a depilarla. Non mi limitai al linguine ma proseguii sul monte di Venere, poi strinsi il cerchio attorno alla vagina. Alzai la testa e lei, con gli occhi chiusi, si stava mordendo le labbra. Stava provando piacere. Forse anche se avessero depilato me in quel modo, col le vibrazioni del rasoio avrei provato un qualche piacere.
Andai avanti, la depilai completamente, gli allargavo le grandi labbra con le dita e la rasavo senza fretta. Ogni volta che la guardavo mi accorgevo che stava provando piacere. Teneva le labbra socchiuse, le braccia lungo i fianchi e stringeva i pugni.
'Ok, finito'-dissi, ci volle qualche istante prima che Silvia aprisse gli occhi. Si passò una mano e esclamò 'Ma zia. Mi hai rasato completamente!?', 'così sudi meno' risposi sorridendo.
Il giorno dopo andando in spiaggia mi disse 'Avevi ragione zia!'-con un tono quasi di vergogna-'i ragazzi si girano a guardarmi'. Passammo una bella giornata tra spiaggia e bungalow.
La sera, dopo cena, 'Sai zia!'-esclama Silvia-'mi brucia un po lì, forse sono i peli tagliati', 'Tranquilla!'-gli rispondo-'dopo ti metto una crema'.
Andammo a letto,'Zia! Ci siamo dimenticati della crema' esclama. Il problema è che non avevo nessuna crema. Andai a vedere in bagno, trovai della glicerina.'Dai! Togli le mutandine e allungati con le gambe divaricate'-gli dissi.
Gli colai della vaselina attorno e sopra alla vagina, e la spalmai. Dopo pochi istanti la vidi che spostava il capo a sinistra e destra, aveva gli occhi chiusi e si mordeva le labbra. Senza dubbio stava godendo. A vederla in quello stato senza mutandine con le mie dita che le massaggiavano la vagina mi eccitai. Fu per me una sensazione stranissima, non mi ero mai eccitata al fianco di una ragazza.
Feci uscire un seno e a tratti facevo scivolare un capezzolo sul pube, avevo paura di non riuscire più a controllarmi. Continuavo a massaggiarla, lentamente, il massaggio era ormai quasi solo concentrato sul clitoride che era diventato grosso e duro. Mi misi cavalcioni su di una su gamba, aprì leggermente gli occhi, forse aveva visto che avevo un seno fuori. Per qualche istante, mentre la massaggiavo, mi toccai il clitoride ma tolsi subito la mano da lì. Non dovevo lasciarmi prendere da quel gioco perverso, una donna matura che masturba la nipote di diciannove anni!.
Continuai con il massaggio, lei muoveva il bacino come per cercare di fare scivolare le mia dita verso il clitoride, il vederla eccitata a tale punto mi faceva passare per la mente dei pensieri irrealizzabili. Avevo paura che fosse solamente la mia eccitazione a farmi vedere mia nipote in quello stato.
Volevo farla venire, volevo vederla venire. Avevo il palmo della mano poggiato sul pupe e con due dita la masturbavo, ormai il mio fare assomigliava neanche più lontanamente a un massaggio.
La mia attenzione si concentrò solo sul clitoride, 'Siiiii... Siiii... Aaahhh... Ah Ah Ah...' gli scappava con un filo di voce. Ad un certo punto, Silvia, fu presa da da un tremore e gli scappò dalle labbra 'Oohh...Ooooh Dai! Dai! Dai! Aaaaahhhhh... Siiii...' .
Aveva avuto un orgasmo.
Tolsi la mono aspettai qualche istante e, come se non mi fossi accorta di nulla dissi 'Ok, va meglio?', 'S-Si... zia, meglio... m-meglio'. Ero rimasta con un tale stato di eccitazione che la notte mi masturbai, lentamente senza che lei se ne accorgesse.

Il giorno successivo avevo deciso! devo provare anche io una sensazione come quella che ha provato mia nipote la sera precedente.
Tutto sommato non era difficile creare una situazione simile. 'Devo mettermi la crema, anche a me brucia questa sera, mi ero depilata prima di partire'-dissi. Andammo a letto, mi spogliai, mi allungai e mi versai la glicerina sul pube. 'Aspetta zia!'-esclamò Silvia-'te la passo io, tu ieri lo hai fatto a me!'. Mi venne istintivo interpretare la frase come 'questa sera ti faccio venire io!'.
'Ma nooo..., non è il caso.'
'Dai, dai. Io non ho problemi!'
Iniziò a massaggiarmi, lentamente, teneramente, il linguine, il pube ma passava il suo dito anche dentro le grandi labbra, a tratti sfiorava anche il clitoride. La guardavo negli occhi, lei teneva lo sguardo abbassato , per qualche breve momento alzava la testa e, incrociando il mio sguardo, mi faceva un piccolo sorriso. Era bella, giovane e la sua mano liscia scorreva tra il pube e l'inguine passando sulle grandi labbra. A volte per farmi penetrare meglio la crema spingeva due dita sul clitoride e poi giù fino vicino a buchetto del sedere.
Sembrava che mi stesse masturbando. Forse mi stava masturbando!.
'Ufff... fa un caldo tremendo!' esclamò ad un tratto Silvia. Si tolse la maglietta e si mise a cavalcioni sopra una mia gamba, riprese a massaggiare. Proprio come avevo fatto io la sera precedente. Nel vederla sopra a me con quelle belle tette sode mi sentii il clitoride scoppiare, avrei voluto abbracciarla, accarezzarla, leccarla. Sentivo le sue mutandine sfregare contro la mia gamba, avrei potuto allungare un braccio e accarezzargli il clitoride ma non ne ebbi il coraggio. Era una lotta con me stessa, la zia non poteva saltare addosso alla nipote di diciannove anni. Strisciava la sua figa sulla mia gamba, mi massaggiava e intanto si muoveva su e giù.
La lasciai fare, continuava a versare glicerina. Massaggiava, sembrava che volesse fare durare più a lungo possibile quel momento. 'Va bene zia?'-chiese con un filo di voce-'Siiii... Siiii... Bene...'. Massaggiava e scendeva con la testa, sentivo il suo fiato sulla vagina. Il massaggio era ormai palesemente diventato un ditalino, due dita si muovevano a cerchio sul clitoride. Pensavo alla poca distanza che passava tra la sua lingua e la mia patatina.
'Aaahhh... siiii..... siiii. Daaaiiiii...' non saprei dire se ho urlato o solo sussurrato, la pressione delle dita sul clitoride aumentò, come anche il ritmo del movimento delle dita. 'Aaaahhhh... Ooohhhh... Daiii... Siiii...' Arrivò un orgasmo lunghissimo e bellissimo. Sentivo il mio liquido uscire dalla figa, dovevo avergli riempito la mano.
Silvia fece finta di non accorgersi di nulla. Smise lentamente di muovere la mano, tenne le dita sul clitoride per qualche istante e poi si alzò. Io ansimavo, non riuscivo più a parlare.
Ci mettemmo a dormire. Non riuscivo a dormire, non capivo cosa mi succedeva, provavo una attrazione pazzesca per mia nipote ma sentivo di non essere lesbica, era solo lei che mi attraeva.

La sera successiva avevo deciso! dovevamo fare l'amore!
Era tutto il giorno che la guardavo con quella gonnellina svolazzante, cercavo di guardare sotto. Mi sembrava di impazzire. Le ore non passavano mai, La sera sembrava non dovesse mai arrivare. E invece arrivò, più si avvicinava il momento di andare a letto più mi assalivano i dubbi, come fare? Era giusto provare?... .

Andammo a dormire.
Quella sera, Silvia, aveva solo una maglietta, senza mutandine. Faceva caldissimo. Vista lei, anche io mi misi solo la maglietta.
Spegnemmo la luce. Cosa faccio ora?, forse si stava facendo anche mia nipote la stessa domanda?
Mi girai verso di lei e la baciai; dopo un primo momento, sicuramente non si aspetta questo azzardo la sua lingua spingeva per entrare nella mia bocca. Iniziammo a massaggiarci il seno a vicenda, ci alzammo la maglietta e mentre ci accarezzavamo le lingue, i seni si strofinavano. Sentivo i suoi capezzoli che erano diventati duri.
Iniziai a leccarle il seno e succhiare i capezzoli mentre con due dita gli accarezzavo il clitoride. Lei era inesperta, si vedeva che non sapeva come comportarsi.
Improvvisamente si voltò, rimasi sotto di lei, velocemente infilò la testa in mezzo alle mie gambe e iniziò a muovere la lingua compiendo dei cerchi sul clitoride, con la mano mi allargava le grandi labbra e spingeva la lingua dentro alla vagina.
Gli spinsi la testa indietro,
'No! Non possiamo! Io sono tua zia, tu hai diciannove anni'
'Zia ieri hai goduto! Perché non mi hai detto di fermarmi?'-disse con voce decisa-'Hai iniziato tu, hai fatto apposta a massaggiarmi il clitoride e a farmi venire'.
Si buttò nuovamente con la testa tra le mie gambe.
Era improvvisamente diventata una macchina del sesso.
'Aspetta!'-esclamai-'non farmi ancora venire!'
Si sdraiò al mio fianco e iniziò un gioco con le nostre mani, ci baciavamo, ci accarezzavamo i seni poi ci sedevamo sul letto una di fronte all'altra e incrociavamo le braccia, l'una per raggiungere la vagina dell'altra e penetrarci con le dita.
Si alzò sul letto, mi mise le gambe attorno al capo e iniziammo a leccarci a vicenda.
Ero senza freni 'Aaaahhh... Aaaahhh... Siiii...' forse stavo urlando, ma lei non era da meno 'Daiiii... Ziaaaa... Brava...'. L'orgasmo stava arrivando per entrambe, sentivo i suoi liquidi che uscivano abbondanti riempirmi la bocca, Succhiavo il suo clitoride che sembrava dovesse scoppiare. Le stese cose le stava facendo Silvia a me.
Raggiungemmo l'orgasmo, una sensazione unica che probabilmente non proverò più.

Il resto della vacanza fu un crescendo di nuove sensazioni e di grandi emozioni per entrambe.
Silvia riusciva sempre a eccitarmi quando appoggiava i piedi sulla sedia e mi lasciava intravvedere le mutandine. Diverse volte gli ho detto, 'Trovati un ragazzo!' e lei:'Mi basti tu zia...'. Devo confessare che la mia speranza era che un ragazzo della sua età coinvolgesse anche me nei loro giochi.
Dopo molti anni passati con mio marito non lo avevo mai tradito e ora ero diventata una puttana assetata di sesso. Probabilmente era solo la spensieratezza di quei giorni, il fare niente tutto il giorno che mi portava a pensare ora alla nipote ora a qualche ragazzo che avevo visto in spiaggia.
Decidemmo di fermarci al campeggio ancora una settimana!

Se il racconto ti è piaciuto scrivimi a: [email protected]

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Fucking Mia Matsumiya

One such guy, Stan, sits toward the back of the crowd tonight at the dingy little dive bar where Mia and her band are performing. He's never been an avant-garde fan, can't stand her band's music...but the first time he ever laid eyes on Mia was at another performance months ago when he was at another bar and her band came onstage. He hated the music almost from the second the band started playing...but seeing this tiny little 4'9" beauty in her little grey top, grey skirt and shapely...

2 years ago
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Mia Matsumiya Her Rapists BabyPt 2 Wedding Bell Blues

Against her better judgement, Mia allowed Stan to come back to her apartment, since he already knew where she lived, and had been secretly stashing monthly child support payments in her mailbox, out of some twisted desire to prove himself as a good father. Once there, he forced himself upon Mia once more in spite of her protests, spooning with her on the bed and gently fucking her in the ass. However to her own surprise, Mia found herself more receptive to him this time, and not only...

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Mia Pt 03

N.B. All information is fabricated, and anyone engaging in intimate relations is of legal age (18). I know it’s been a while since I last posted, which may be why my writing reads as somewhat scattered – I have no idea where this is going anymore! If any of you have any input, then please do let me know, it would be greatly appreciated. Happy reading! **************************** ‘I don’t think we should see one another anymore…’ Caleb leaned back in his chair, folding his arms across his...

3 years ago
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Mia Moves In

As you might recall from the story of the Silver Dress, my wife, Carole and I liked to have a few cocktails and dinner out on Friday nights. We both worked hard during the week and it was a really nice time to focus on each other and unwind together. We had met Mia had a cozy piano bar where her brother was playing. She was wearing a very inviting short silver dress that she had borrowed from the store where she worked. Mia is tall, slim, and brunette built very similar to Carole. On a dare,...

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Mia Chapter 5 The Sleepover Part II

"This is fine; just helping a buddy out," Jesse assured himself as he made sure all the electrical outlets were switched off around the apartment. He was also giving Mia plenty of time to get ready for bed. He knocked his bedroom door and waited for her to give him the okay to enter.  "Holy shit she’s just made that t-shirt the sexiest thing I own!"  Jesse endeavored to contain his excitement as he watched Mia, who was now only dressed in one of his baggy Toronto Maple Leafs' tees, perch...

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My Darling Mia

Chapter II knew what my life was missing.I had never been a fan of porn, though the subject didn’t bother me. I had had a few relationships in the past, but they had never turned into anything serious, and by the time I had turned 21 I was still a virgin. This fact didn’t bother me, though my friends often chided me about it – I took the ribbing, even joked back a bit, but the idea of having sex with a woman who I cared nothing for had never interested me; to be honest, it appalled me. My...

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Mia Chapter 3 The Challenge

Four hours had passed since they arrived at the Kappa Pi Epsilon party and the running tally was: Kristopher: 2, Norah: 3, Mia: 2 and Patrice: 5 “Couldn’t we have just made it how many shots we could do in a night?” moaned Kristopher. “This is getting embarrassing.” “You’d still be losing!” laughed Norah. “Yeah but I’d never thought Patrice would be winning this. You and Mia maybe... not him! Where is Mia anyway?” he asked looking over all the heads of the party goers, but unable to see her...

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Mia Chapter 5 The Sleepover Part I

Finally – this shift has dragged in! Jesse thought to himself as he hurriedly left the HQ for Campus Accommodation. It was early Saturday evening, but with his flat mate gone for the weekend and the soccer season over he was looking forward to chilling out on the sofa and watching TV. He was half way to his apartment when he heard an all too familiar voice call out his name. “Jesse! Wait up.” He turned around and saw the delightful brunette that he had been no-so-secretly pining for over the...

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Mia Six Months Later

I would not see Mia for another 6 months.  However, during that time she wrote me 3 letters (this was before texting) and called me on the phone a month before I would see her again.  In the letters she told me how much she enjoyed being with me during her last visit.  Even though, Mia and Tia were identical twins, I was soon finding out how much different they were sexual.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed having sex with Tia, but she was not raunchy or nasty.  Even in her letters, Mia would...

Group Sex
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Mia Pt 02

N.B. All information (ie phone numbers) are fabricated, and anyone engaging in intimate relations is of legal age (18). I appreciate some of you thought the last instalment was categorised incorrectly, and I’m not sure this belongs in the same one, but it seems the most viable option. Happy reading! ********** Caleb made it to school just in time to get settled and ready for his form class. He was uncertain as to whether leaving Mia alone in his home was a good idea or not, but he couldn’t...

4 years ago
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Mias first anal

Alex drove Mia home. She got out of the car and came around to his window for a quick kiss. Alex handed her a small package and told her to open it when she was alone. Burning with curiosity she hurried inside and ran into her room, shutting and locking the door behind her. She ripped open the package and found a short note from Alex at the top, which she immediately read. "Put it in and leave in. I'll pick you up around three tomorrow." That was all the note said. Impatiently, she tipped the...

3 years ago
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Mia Chapter 2 Another Fine Introduction

30 Aug 2010 Dear Mia, Great to hear you are having a great time. Wish I could say the same. I’m getting grilled from my folks about the amount of times I’ve been going out – hello I’m 20 years old for fuck sake. As much as I know this academic year is going to be difficult they don’t need to keep reminding me. They don’t see that I’m using my last chances to come in a 5am then not wake up to like 2pm. But that’s a rant for another day. Actually can’t wait to move out again. I like how...

4 years ago
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Mia Martin ndash Party of the Year

My name is Martin, I'm 35 years old and have recently found myself with a great deal of time on my hands. I thought I would reminisce about life during my freshman year in university. While this story is true, certain details have been changed or left obscure to avoid identifying anyone involved.The year was 2005.I had met an amazing woman Mia the previous semester, shortly after New Year's we started spending a lot of time together. Mia was cool, much cooler than I. She was always the shortest...

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Jerryrsquos World Mia

“That was something else, thank you Jerry” Lou said as she recovered her breath, I pulled myself off as my cock softened and helped the old lady to her feet, her dress falling back into place she left the room.I got myself dressed and gave Mia my phone number telling her to call me to arrange the fitness program.Lou returned with an envelope and gave me a hug, “Thank you very much Jerry” she said softly and I was simply happy to have helped.After a brief conversation it appeared that Mia didn’t...

3 years ago
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Mia Made Us

I was twenty-two years old and married for nearly two years. I was so happy and in love with my husband and made it my goal to be a loyal and faithful wife. Had I only known what the future had in store.I had been working as a bartender for a year now and I loved my coworkers. Everyone got along and made the environment a fun one. The group of bartenders and waitresses were attractive and fun people. The one that stood out though was Mia.A twenty-nine-year-old gorgeous Latin and black woman who...

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Mia Chapter 1 Introductions

Chapter 1 - Introductions 10 Aug 2010 Dearest Mia, I’m using the several thousand miles between us as an opportunity to start my letter writing hobby. I think as a generation we lack the romance of a hand written letter being delivered through the post. That being said, it also gives me the chance to perfect my English language skills and feel a bit more Jane Austen-esque. J (Damn it. I almost wrote a smiley face there.) I also think you get more out of a handwritten letter than Facebook,...

2 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Mia

I have to admit that I did have mixed emotions as I looked at the papers I had just finished reading. Ten minutes earlier a man had come into my office: "Mr. Esau? James Esau?" "Yes." "These are for you" and he handed me an envelope. I took it from him and he said, "Sorry, but you have been served." He turned and left and I opened the envelope and found that my wife was suing me for divorce using irreconcilable differences as grounds. I reached for the phone and punched in my home...

3 years ago
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Her Name is Mia

A day which seemed normal took a turn for me one Thursday afternoon. I was sitting in class, not listening to the teacher and drawing in my notebook. Time was passing by slowly, and I noticed that Mia was gazing over at what I was drawing. Now I don’t consider myself to be an asshole, but as she was watching I swiftly wrote ‘fuck off Mia’ because I was that kind of person at the time. At the corner of my glance I noticed her immediate response to turn away. I actually felt bad for her, it was...

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Mia Instagram modeling

Mia had been on her phone on Instagram checking out who had been liking and sharing her recent pictures. Mia was a beautiful girl. Mia rarely used any filters unless it was to add effect to her pictures. Mia had a short curly jet black pixie cut with honey almond highlights that looked wonderful with her mocha brown complexion and her wide sparkly dark brown eyes. Mia went by MiaBuddaflyKiss3s on her Instagram and twitter account. Per request from some of her older male followers she had a...

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Mia Pt 2

Mia - Part Two - Not close enough for comfortI took my wife’s advice to heart, and between the weather turning cloudy and cold limiting the use of the garden as well as business picking up keeping me away from home for days at a time, it was over a month before I saw Mia for more than a few seconds in passing. Her own life as well as my eldest son’s had also got increasingly fraught with the approach of their exams, and although both had more time at home, most of that was used for revision,...

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Mias Mistake

Rainy cold Tuesday morning, I just dropped off my brother for a minor outpatient surgery. Once he was checked in, I really wanted a cup of coffee. I stopped at a coffee shop down the street and stood in a short line to place my order. A woman turned from the counter and looked at me. I politely smiled at her and her glance shifted down from my face.“Did she just check me out?” I asked myself. I checked my zipper to confirm it was secured, it was.The woman, I will call her “Mia’, turned and...

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Mia Pt 1

Part One - Too close for comfortShe was the sort of girl who simply did your head in. Mine at least! Part of it, of course was that I had known her almost all her life, she was after all only a month younger than my eldest son and had lived next door since she was eight months old. She was in effect the daughter I never had. I had watched her grow and was almost as protective of her as her father, my very good friend and neighbour, Pete. Mia was almost sixteen and a half and although she...

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Mia Seduced and Betrayed

There was more after that, of course. His words rolled on and on in a pathetic monologue about how much he hated standing me up. If only it weren't for this or that or the other thing... Bla bla bla... It was all a bunch of pathetic excuses that didn't mean shit to me. I mean, there I was, with my make up all perfect and everything and wearing a tiny back dress that was just made for being pulled off of my tight, little body! I was finally ready to fuck him senseless and he wasn't going...

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Alucard Mia and Her Unfortunate End1

I opened the envelope and pulled out the paper that was folded inside. The letter was from a wealthy gentleman north of town named Mr. Ettington, I didn't know his first name. I began reading the letter. Dear Mr. Alucard, I hope this letter finds you well. I would like to request a special breed and I understand you are quite skilled in such matters. I would be delighted to have a female women bred with a horse that would produce a, not sure how to say it, horse woman. That is, the...

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Mamma Mia

Sam & Mia’s parents were out of town for a couple of weeks. Their parents asked Jenny, their boarder, to keep and eye on Sam and Mia. When their parents had left, Jenny’s mum became ill and Jenny had to go take care of her. She asked her lover, Roger to watch over the kids. Early Saturday morning, Sam left with his friend fishing. Mia was all alone at home. She tidied the house and took a shower. She was nearly 13 and turning out to be a very beautiful and sexy young woman. She admired...

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Mamma Mia or How I Ended Up in Bullies AnonymousChapter 6

Church can be an interesting place to be. I say "can be" because in the years since then, I have been to a number of different churches, and found that some of them aren't as much about religious doctrine as they are about power and control. In that sense, ministers are a lot like politicians. I'm not an expert, mind you, but that's the way I see it. What makes it interesting in the Christian tradition, is that the message can be broken down into several relatively simple concepts. One...

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Mia The Latin Sorceress

I walked into the cantina just as “Happy Hour” started. “Perfect timing,” the young, dark-haired woman behind the bar said. “What’ll you have?”“What would you suggest,” I asked her. As I draped my jacket over the back of the bar stool. “It’s been a rough day, so the first one needs to hit me hard.”“I got just what you need,” she smiled. She grabbed a glass, and a couple of bottles, and went to work. After the tall glass was filled, she places it on a napkin in front of me. “Want to start a...

Oral Sex
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Mia Khalifa

Is Mia Khalifa doing porn again? That’s one of those eternal questions in porno these days, to be honest, and I woke up this morning wanting to solve the mystery. Well, I craved to jerk off to a video of Mia getting fucked, but I figured I could do my Porn Dude diligence—I am one of the world’s most respected and highly regarded porno experts, after all. Some folks slack off on the job by rubbing out a quickie on company time, but I’m only hard on the job when I’m hard on the job. So figuring...

Premium Arab Porn Sites
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Mia und Conny

Die beiden Schwestern liebten es, alleine daheim zu sein. Das mag für die meisten Teens komisch erscheinen, die lieber zusammen um die Häuser ziehen, aber Mia und Conny waren nichts anderes gewöhnt. Sie kannten sich gegenseitig. Sie mochten sich sogar. Und sie hatten viel gemeinsam. Ihre Freundschaft war dadurch begründet, dass ihre Eltern beide gut vertdienten, aber dafür so gut wie nie zuhause waren um in ihren Büros für noch mehr Wohlstand zu sorgen. Schon immer lebten die beiden im Luxus,...

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Chinese TakeOut 4 Mia Gets an Egg Roll

The look Mia had on her face was stuck in the back of my head the rest of the day. It seemed to me as though it was mostly surprise but with a slight smirk. Li called me for the first time on her cell phone as she was leaving, not quite crying but feeling very embarrassed and wanting to find out what happened as she had bolted the instant I slammed the door. I told Li that I'd handle it, that she had no reason to worry because Mia was new enough to not be familiar with the area, but she knew me...

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Mia Malkova

Mia Malkova Reddit, aka r/MiaMalkova! If you are here, then I can safely assume that you are a big fan of Mia Malkova, right? It is either that, or you just wanted to know who the fuck that is. Well, whichever the case might be, I am sure that you will not be disappointed, because Mia Malkova has made a ton of amazing pornography, and r/MiaMalkova/ is solely dedicated to this gorgeous girl.Now, if you are expecting anything else from r/MiaMalkova/ other than content featuring this cutie, then...

Reddit NSFW List
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Mia Chapter 5 The Sleepover Part II

‘This is fine, just helping a buddy out,’ Jesse assured himself as he made sure all the electrical outlets were switched off around the apartment. He was also giving Mia plenty of time to get ready for bed. He knocked his bedroom door and waited for her to give him the okay to enter.  ‘Holy shit she’s just made that t-shirt the sexiest thing I own!’  Jesse endeavored to contain his excitement as he watched Mia, who was now only dressed in one of his baggy Toronto Maple Leafs’ tees,...

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The Magic Ring Chapter 3 Mia and Claras Turn

Mia lays on her back with her ass at the end of the bed. Sarah perches her pussy over Mia's waiting face and Mia pulls her down and starts using her tongue to scoop all of my cum out of her. Clara starts wiggling my huge cock back and forth by shaking her hips. "Holy fuck, this thing is huge. Just remember Mia, you're the one that said you wanted it hard." "Mhmmhhhmmm." Comes the answer from Mia still deep in Sarah's pussy. Sarah is facing back at Clara so that she can watch Mia's...

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Mia Marin 1700 11m

Whether you have enjoyed the fruit of the vine yourself or not, everyone knows how fun it is to bump uglies with Latin bitches. Bitches like Mia Marin are known the world over for their sexual exploits. Latin chicks are fiery, sexy, and ready to do the deed at the drop of a hat. There is nothing like Mia's sexy Latin voice crying out for more in Spanish. It could make me bust a nut in a second flat.Soul SuckersI feel bad if you have never dipped your dong in one of these ladies. I can still...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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I was overjoyed as my surrogate teenage daughter was coming to stay with us for a few weeks. She and her mother have not been getting along very well at all, in fact there is huge resentment between them. Both are to blame but the main problem as I see it is that Mia feels unloved by both her Father, Mother and other people close to her. I waited at the airport for Mia to arrive. It wasn’t long when I saw this incredibly sexy young lady in a short skirt and a revealing top walking...

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Mamma Mia or How I Ended Up in Bullies AnonymousChapter 4

I didn't know what to do. Everything came rushing back at me and I felt like I was being crushed by King Kong or something. Then we all sang a hymn and the minister said it was time to greet each other and pass the peace, or something like that. And everybody stood up and started moving around shaking hands or hugging people. Everybody was smiling and like ten people I'd never seen in my life shook my hand and said they were glad I was there. I looked for Mia, and saw her shaking hands and...

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I was 25 and working to finish my PhD. My older brother - who was 38 and had married y oung - and his wife Janettte were looking to take a holiday without their two ki ds, Mia and Jen. Mia was 14 and Jen was 10. I agreed that I could stay in their house for 2 weeks in August and let them have a holiday.Mia was a tall slim redhead with long hair and fair skin. She was precocious for her age. Her breasts though small were already developed and she had hips that made her look good in tight jeans,...

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Quando una sera Achref venne a casa mia per fare lamore

Quando quella sera Achref venne a casa mia per fare l'amore, e io a un certo punto gli dissi che era mia intenzione cominciare a vivere come una donna, la donna che ero sempre stata, la sua reazione alla mia notizia fu una faccia a met? tra lo sbigottito e il sorpreso, quasi come a voler dire: "Ah. Beh, per? in fondo me lo immaginavo." Nei cinque anni precedenti, Achref aveva sempre sospettato che il suo pelosissimo orso gay passivo che lui inculava a piacimento potesse essere in realt? una donna...

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Mia Khalifa

Reddit Mia Khalifa, aka r/MiaKhalifa! In her short pornographic career, Mia Khalifa made some incredible content, and I am sure many of you still drool over her. Well, there is actually a subreddit created just for her naughty content, and it is obviously called r/Miakhalifa/. So, if you ever thought that this babe is hot and you would love to get access to all kinds of pornographic shit featuring this beautiful girl, you are welcome to check out r/Miakhalifa/.I am sure that all of you already...

Reddit NSFW List
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Mia Bandini 360000

Every man has his own favorite body parts that turn him on the most, but some things are universal. For example, everyone loves a beautiful pair of bouncy breasts, no matter the size. Big, small, medium, gigantic, they're all worth a squeeze. Ladies obsess about titty size, and men have preferences, but in the end, every boob is a great fucking boob. I'll take one of each.Teen TNABut bitches aren't just tits with a head. There is more to love about the female form than the big mama milkers....

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Kiara Mia 4700 475000

Few things in life are sexier than a perfectly sculpted MILF. Sure, 18+ teens are pretty fucking hot too. But they don’t have the experience of a MILF.And before you tell me, ‘oh no! I know plenty of legal teens that know how to suck and ride a cock,’ boy, sit the fuck down! No one – and I mean no one – knows how to make a dick their like a MILF. And when you take a look at Twitter.com/mysexykiaramia – the official Twitter account of porn star Kiara Mia – you will know what I’m talking...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Mia macht ihren Weg

Mia hatte es satt. Ständig nervte ihre fürsorgliche Mutter. Sie war immerhin schon neunzehn Jahre alt und konnte das Gelaber nicht mehr hören. Mit wem sie ausging und ob sie diesen „Jungen“ auch wirklich gut genug kannte und wann sie denn zurück käme. Die Mutter lebte seid ihrer Scheidung von Mias Vater Männerlos. Sie konnte nicht verstehen das Mia sich mit solchen „Strolchen“ verabredete. Mit Sicherheit wäre die Mutter an die Decke gesprungen, hätte sie gewußt das ihr „Miachen“ schon mit...

2 years ago
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Raping Mia

I carried Mia, totally unconscious, to my bedroom and laid her in the center of the bed. The fifteen year old breathed steadily and deeply, a sure sign she was not about to come to. Looking at her laying there, so sweet and innocent looking, I almost had second thoughts, but pushed them away. She was going to get exactly what she deserved, the fucking bitch. I unzipped my slacks and pulled my hardening nine inch cock out and stroked it a few times to get good and stiff. Once my staff was...

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