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Promise Kept. By Trish. I arrived home exhausted five days after my grandmothers transgendered friend Nancy told me that she had passed away. I was upset, angry and confused by the revelation that she knew she was dying and refused to let anyone tell me, if I had known I would have been on the first flight home weeks ago. Nancy had been really apologetic when I angrily asked from Peru why I was not told my grandmother was seriously ill and in hospital? "Because she said so," Nancy told me tearfully down the telephone. That was all she had to say. When my grandmother put her foot down on something then that was it, decision made. She did not want me seeing her riddled with cancer like my mum in hospital and that was the end of it. My grandmother had lived her life on her terms, and wanted to die on her terms, and she insured it by meticulously arranging everything. The car waiting at the airport to take me to her lawyers, a bank account in my name, her surprisingly large investment portfolio capitalised and the paperwork already in the hands of her solicitor along with her will and all her other necessary papers. She had even gone so far as to make all the arrangements for her 'disposal' following her death. I had known all along that being a staunch atheist she did not want a funeral with some priest muttering mumbo jumbo over her, but it still came as a shock to find out that as she had instructed she had already been quietly cremated before I got home! Upset and frustrated by her determination to see that everything was done the way she wanted I left her solicitors office in a grief stricken daze. Mixed in with my feeling of loss was a sense astonishment by how wealthy my grandmother had been. I knew she had a successful career in the City and had reaped the benefits of being an investment banker during the boom years, because it had not been a financial struggle for her to put me through boarding school or university, but I could not see how she was still able to leave me as wealthy as she did! The hole my grandmothers passing had left in my life was enormous. Since my mum died she had been my only family, and the shock of loosing her combined with travel exhaustion meant I was not mentally firing on all cylinders as I aimlessly made my way to the train station. The solicitor wanted to get me a taxi home, but I needed to walk. Grief does strange things to your mind because as I walked through the town the first thing that came to mind was my granny, who had been something of a nut for the Victorian era, telling me that she had donated to the Victorian Lanes restoration fund. Before I went to university in St. Andrews the Lanes had been in the throws of a multimillion pound restoration, and had been area that I avoided. It had been run down, and home to a motley array of second hand shops, salmonella ridden takeaways and less than reputable bars frequented by ladies of negotiable virtue. Aware that she had a recognition plaque somewhere in the Lanes I went to look for it on my way to the station. Re-branding the Lanes as the Victorian Heritage District during the redevelopment had obviously worked because it was packed with people browsing the astonishingly diverse selection of shops. Walking along stopping to occasionally admire a restored shop front, my eyes were eventually drawn towards the windows of a shop set back in one of the 'yards.' It caught my attention because its windows were filled with a display of vintage fashions and lingerie. Reading the name, 'Vintage Delights' and the tag line of, 'historical fashions for ladies of all shapes and sizes' I just had to take a closer look and walked into the yard. The double windows were full of a variety of vintage clothing, dresses, corsets, petticoats and seamed stockings, but what really attracted my attention were the centrepieces. Mannequins dressed in period clothing. The first window was decorated like it was a nineteen fifties shop front but it was the other window that really drew my eye because behind the window text advertising the shop was also a haberdashery, one of its mannequins was dressed in a late 19th Century maids uniform. I have always had a weakness for maids uniforms that bordered on an obsession and my long time favourite masturbation fantasy involved being forced into becoming a submissive maid at the mercy of a dominant owner who would turn me into a girl. All my life I had hidden this perverted desire to feminise myself and had never dared admit it to anyone, perhaps even myself. It was my dirty secret and I think part of my attraction towards being forced into becoming a maid had a lot to do with the implicit power exchange that accompanies having to wear such a uniform. I guess for someone like me with deeply seated discomforts about my gender, discomforts which I had never really been willing or able to come to terms with, being forced into a female role removed the guilt and shame that accompanied my childhood forays into my mother and grandmothers wardrobe. Although I could never admit it, in my heart I knew I wanted to be put in a situation where I had no choice but to obey and accept what ever they wished to do me without any chance of objection or refusal. When you combine this with my gender confusions and desires can there be a more submissive position than that of a maid? If there was I'd never found it, and the shame I felt about my longing to be forced to submit to such life was one of the things that drove me to travel from dig site to dig site after university. Going 'home' to my grandmothers was a strangely unreal experience. From the outside other than the garden looking a little unkempt the house appeared unchanged, but the moment I walked in I could feel the difference. The most obvious thing was the layer of dust over everything, and how the house which always felt warm, welcoming and friendly, seemed empty and lonely. I knew moment I stepped through the door that my grandmother had been in hospital for longer than I thought, because she had been an inordinately house proud woman who never would have let her home get this dusty. Dumping my rucksack by the door I felt finally able to release my emotions and allow the tears to roll down my face. I bawled my eyes out raging at the injustice of losing the chance to say goodbye or thank her for the wonderful life she gave me. My grandmother had been the central figure in my life since cancer took my mum over a decade earlier and knowing that I'd never see her again tore my heart out. I knew I had a father out there somewhere in the world, but since he walked out on my mum after she got pregnant at university I had no desire to find or ever meet him. I distracted my grief by keeping really busy over the next few days. I had a lot to do, contacting utilities to transfer the accounts, and running errands in between fanatically cleaning the house and garden. May be it was some subconscious desire not to disappoint my grandmother but I felt unable to sit down and truly relax until I had returned the house to the standard she kept it. I hoped the long days would settle my mind but they did not, and whenever I had five minutes it was the vision of that maids dress in shop window that came into my mind. Perhaps the worst thing about coming home was not having the demands of college work or a dig to distract my mind and my old discomforts about who and what I was and they started to come back with a vengeance. I'd find myself devouring TG websites and YouTube channels on the internet of an evening. It probably did not help my discomfort about myself that I did not really know anyone locally anymore. I went to boarding school so my pool of friends at home had been rather small to begin with, and over the years I had lost contact with all of them. When I think about it now the only person I really talked to in the first couple of weeks who was even close to my age was my grandmothers friend Nancy, who was keeping tabs on me over the phone. Although she came over as rather bossy and very forthright she sounded like a nice person, and to my surprise I found her surprisingly easy to talk to. I'm sure some of this came from feeling like I knew her with everything my grandmother had told me over the years, but even so this was still very unusual for me. Being something of an social misfit because of my fear of being outed about feeling like I should be a girl, I've never found it easy to talk to strangers and normally I had to know someone very well to talk them on the phone about anything other than the matter in hand. Perhaps it was a feeling of shared grief that made Nancy so easy to talk to, or because subconsciously I knew she was a kindred spirit but I found it surprisingly easy to spend an hour talking about nothing on the phone with her. Although we had never met I knew she must have been something pretty special because after loosing my mum my grandmother did not let many people get close to her, but she really took a shine to Nancy. I don't know exactly when they met but it was a year or two after my mother died, and I think to a degree the relationship they formed went a long way towards healing the emotional wound in my grandmothers heart that came from losing her daughter, my mum, to cancer. My grandmother liked Nancy so much that by the time I was at university she tried more than a few times to set us up on a date together, but my fieldwork intensive course, and willingness to volunteer for any excavation I get on meant that on the odd occasions when I was home for longer than a weekend our schedules never intersected. After she phoned me for the third time in the first week I was home I asked why she kept checking up on me? Nancy sadly laughed and said she wondered how long it would take me to ask, before telling me that she had promised my grandmother to keep tabs on me and make sure I did not do anything stupid during the first couple of months after she passed. This was typical of my granny and left me no choice but to invite Nancy for dinner once I was no longer being pulled from pillar to post by the probate. In truth we could have met at anytime but because I knew she had faced and overcome her gender issues, I was apprehensive that she would recognise mine, which was why I delayed meeting her for as long as I could. It was kind of weird because as the phone calls continued, I actually got to know Nancy surprisingly well. We talked about everything under the sun, art, current affairs, my grandmother obviously, and started to form a strange bond of friendship. At first it was just Nancy calling me, but after being home for a week or so, I was calling her as often as not for an evening chat. She was funny, with a more than a little bossiness in her personality that complemented the decidedly dark edge to her sense of humour. Perhaps one of the reason why I got on with her over the phone was her humour was very similar to my grandmothers, and she also shared her love of a filthy crude joke. I've asked myself many times why almost from the first phone call I found her so easy to talk to and the only answer I can give is because I did. I can see now that my grandmother had basically set both of us to become close after she passed by telling each of us enough about the other to trigger a friendship. There was one downside of speaking to Nancy who I knew was transgendered meant it was almost impossible for me to get the yearning I felt to wear the uniform in the shop window from my mind. On the odd occasions I did get out of my mind it came back very quickly because I must have walked past that window at least a dozen times over the next few weeks. With all the various releases and transfers that needed signing I was in out of town two or three time a week, and every time I walked through the lanes my eyes were drawn to that shop front. There were times when I wondered why my grandmother had paid for a solicitor because it felt like he was forever asking me to come in to sign something, and every time he called I would promise myself that this time I was going to go into Vintage Delights, but like with meeting Nancy, my deeply ingrained reluctance to admit my desires restrained me. The only time during the six weeks it took to close my grandmothers estate that I did not stop to gaze longingly in the window was the day I picked up her ashes. I don't know when I got the idea that I could go in saying I was shopping for 'my girlfriend' but it was after I collected her ashes and before the solicitor contacting me the week of the August Bank Holiday weekend. Telling me that everything was completed she said, "If you call in tomorrow at one we'll make the balance transfer to your account while you are here, and once the funds have cleared, we'll just need a final signature and we're done." Knowing that I had to go to the solicitors, as I cleaned my teeth the following morning, I told myself in the mirror that I was going to go in to the shop on my way. Thanks to the internet I knew my sizes and although I did not have to be at the solicitors until one, I took the 8.55 train into town and walked to the shop, only to find it was still closed! Foolishly I had forgotten to check the opening time and now had an anxious half hour to wait. I did not dare hang around waiting for it to open so I walked into the town centre and got a Costa Coffee. With the delay my nerves had time to really kick in and my hands were shaking as I carried my empty coffee cup back to the counter. It felt like my stomach was in my throat as I walked briskly back to the shop. I knew that if I dithered I'd bottle it again, and feeling like I was going to be sick I walked up, pushed open the door and went in without looking at the window. There was an annoyed looking thirty something woman stabbing her finger on tablet computer behind the counter. She was wearing a tight white silky looking blouse which caught the light as she looked up saying with her face transforming into a friendly smile. "Hello dear, can I help you with anything?" "No I'm fine thank you," I squawked blushing brightly. She gave me a look of quizzical amusement and then much to my relief returned her attention to whatever she was doing at the counter. The shop was bigger than it looked, and as I slowly took everything in my heart rate slowed from frenzied to just pounding. Eventually I noticed two doorways into what would have originally been the neighbouring shops. One labelled haberdashery, and the other private. There was more than a note of amusement in her tone when the lady behind the counter said, "I assume you are looking for Nan's department dear? Ignore the private sign and go straight in, the signs only there to keep the ignorant out." She smiled adding, "I'm sure you'll find just what you are looking for in there." She chuckled lightly and carried on saying helpfully, "Not that it matters looking at your figure, but for future reference we carry most of our products in a range of sizes including ones to fit the larger body," She waved at the door, adding. "You'll find the more specialist items through there," the amusement in her tone was more obvious as she continued. "In you go dear there's no need to be shy because Nan's like you, and she's something of a genius when it comes to fitting boys with feminine tastes." I felt my face warm up when she said, "Feminine tastes!" I swallowed dryly and hesitantly pushed the door open asking myself if she had just implied that they also specialised in vintage styles for cross dressers? "Oh my god!" I breathed. She did, because I walked in and found myself surrounded by silk, satins, lacy underwear, maids uniforms, vintage style dresses, large size heels, all interspersed with false boobs, wigs, foundation garments and strangely lewd looking things that could have been sex toys but I later found out were dilators for post surgical use. Decorating the walls were vintage advertising signs, which on closer examination I saw had been cleverly altered to advertise the products to transgendered clients. "Wonderful isn't it?" a strangely pitched voice said making me jump. The intonation was feminine but the tone was rather deeper than most women. There was something oddly familiar about her voice but I could not place it as I looked round blushing. Stood in a doorway behind a counter was a tall woman in her late twenties who gave me an apologetic smile and said. "Sorry I did not mean to startle you sweetie." She was wearing a full face of make up and a similar blouse to the lady on the other counter, a tight black leather skirt, dangling earrings and a towering pair of heels that put her height over six feet. Although she looked convincing, as she walked out from behind the counter, her height as much as more than anything else informed me she was transgendered. "No need to be ashamed or embarrassed, we all girls here," she said cheerfully. I felt my skin burning when I saw questioning look in her eyes, and then she added with a kindly smile. "First timer huh?" I went bright red and nodded, realising that 'she' had read me like a book and knew why I was there. This both sent my anxiety sky high while at the same time relaxed some of the knotted sensation in my stomach. "Have a look around dear just ask if you need anything, and if I'm in the stockroom just ding the bell on the counter." Thankfully with that she let me browse the shop in peace for a while. As I looked round I could hear her opening packaging as she restocked displays and every time I caught sight of her I could see her curious eyes following me with a questioning look on her face. I'll admit her looks were a bit disconcerting, until I was distracted when I found the maids uniforms, and they entranced me. Forgetting about her I just had to take a closer look, and as I examined the uniforms she chuckled lightly. I could feel my neck redden behind my loose pony tail as she commented. "They are a very popular with some of my more submissive clients." My hand was shaking as I felt the various materials, before a lovely looking corset caught my eye. I was lost wondering what must feel like to be laced into such a garment, when she offered. "Would you like to try one on sweetheart? They are smashing at giving you the right shape under one of those maids uniforms you were lusting over." I went scarlet and looked at her stuttering that I was fine, which made her look at me more closely, and then say with a bloom of recognition in her eyes. "I knew I recognised you, you're David, AE's grandson?" Oh god 'she' recognised me, how could she know who I was? I wanted to say something but I had been struck dumb as she cheerfully said, "I'm a dizzy cow sometimes, but in my defence you do look rather different with your hair neatly tied back, wearing a shirt, tie and glasses. AE was forever showing me photographs and telling me about your adventures," she smiled as she continued, "She kept saying that she must get round to introducing us and I've been looking forwards to meeting you for ages," she gave me a sad smile and added, "She was such a lovely lady, and was a great friend who was a font of advice when Anne and I were setting up the business. God I miss her." "Me too," I mumbled feeling like my face was on fire. "Relax sweetheart I don't bite," she giggled and gave me a naughty wink, "Well not unless you want me to, but that's for later! Now to business, I guess you've never been correctly sized?" she looked at my face half laughed and added in a firmly cheerful tone, "Come over here to the changing room and I'll measure you up. Trust auntie Nancy and I'll have you laced and uniformed in a jiffy." "Nancy... You're that Nancy?" I said flustered. "I thought you were a hairdresser?" "I was until Anne and I went into business," she said with a beaming smile reading the surprise on my face as I realised who she was. "And yes I am that Nancy." Shocked, I tried to splutter the excuse that I was looking for fancy dress idea but she was having non of it and said curtly. "Don't talk rot darling," she snickered lightly. "Even without what AE told me about you, I know just as well as you do why you came in! I've met far too many girls like you, and-" she snorted self deprecatingly, "I was one my self, not to know what a frightened novice tranny looks like when she comes into my shop! Now get your self over here so I can measure you." It was not a request and still burning with embarrassment I hesitantly walked over to her. Nancy gave me an assessing look, and then said with one of those cat's got the cream looks on her face, "Good girl!" Opening the door to hang a sign saying, 'private fitting in process' on the other side. "Now I assume since you've been travelling for the last two years you'll want everything, correct?" Red face I spluttered something that she took as yes, because she confidently said in a tone that brooked no defiance. "Marvellous this way." And taking my hand led me into the changing room adding firmly as she pulled back the curtain. "In you go dear, and get out of those disgustingly boring boyish clothes!" My hands were shaking again as I removed my fleece, shirt, tie and tee shirt. Before I even started undoing my jeans Nancy was wrapping a tape round my chest, waist and hips. I wanted to ask her how she met my grandmother but I could not for the life of me get my brain to work my tongue. Chuckling delightedly she turned to select one of beautiful but heavily shaped corsets I had been looking at, and a silky looking top. The changing room was comfortably furnished with a hemming pedestal, a sofa bench and large three sided mirror. I was blushing violently as I watched myself pull my jeans down, constantly aware of Nancy's beady eyes watching me through the open curtain. "Very nice. I'll be able to do a lot with your figure sweetie!" Her tone was amused as she added. "What's your real name?" I burned with shame as my underpants tightened as I started to say David, only to get shot down as she gave me assessing look, smiled faintly and added in a firmer tone, "I know that! I meant your girlie name." As her tone became more bossy and demanding I felt my knees go weak when she gave me a longer second look judging my response, before she nodded faintly to herself and added in a curtly, "Girlie boy!" I blushed all the more as I felt my cock stiffen visibly in my underpants in response to her words. Making things worse was the faintly triumphant expression in Nancy's eyes when she looked down and saw the lump in my pants, and sniggered. "I thought so?" Nancy chortled as she abruptly pulled my underpants down, "You like being told what to do, or is this pathetic excuse for a stiffy, lying girlie?" I felt like my hair was about to catch fire as I garbled something which just made her snap. "Correct girl?" I sheepishly nodded feeling my cock sticking stiffly out as she said in a coldly amused tone. "When I ask you a question girl, I expect an answer?" "Yes," I squeaked. "Yes what?" she said giving my backside a firm spank. "Yes Miss." "Better!" Nancy chuckled lightly saying, "I asked you for your feminine name?" I looked at her blankly. "Not picked one yet?" I looked at her even more confused. "Since you haven't, I will decide for you, and you will respond to it!" Nancy said firmly, "I think Daisy will suit you. Yes Daisy is perfect for you it's vintage, blatantly feminine, and a definite improvement on a ridiculous boys name. Now what is your name?" "D... Daisy Miss," I said body blushing with embarrassment wondering why she picked Daisy, the name my granny used to call me as a child when I was doing anything she considered stereotypically feminine. "Good girl Daisy!" Nancy said confidently, "Now since I know just how large an inherritance your grandmother has left you, I know I'm not going to be wasting my time fitting you, and then not getting a sale, am I Daisy?" "Erm, No Miss." She must have guessed that I was asking myself why she picked Daisy because she said rechecking her measurements, "I picked the name for two reasons Daisy, the first is I've always liked the name, but the main one is that's what your grandmother use to call the boys at the salon," Her face softened as she said with a fond look in her eyes, "She'd tell them to stop acting like Daisy girls when she felt they were being overly effeminate with their primping and preening." "Oh!" I said feeling like my skin was about to boil, as she added. "Also I think flowers make the perfect names for pretty queers," she paused, "Queers like you Daisy!" "Bu... But I... I'm not gay," I spluttered. "I can't be a queer Miss?" "Well you are now!" Nancy laughed and twisted the knife saying, "Anyway that's not what your grandmother thought! She told me more than once that she felt sure you were probably some variant of queer and could not admit it!" she half laughed and added with a fondly sad look in her eyes, "She also mentioned that she suspected you were trans like me, which," she waved at our surroundings, "Appears to be true, but most of all she thought that needed to accept yourself for what you are before you'd ever settle. I guess that was why she was forever trying to set us up." "Oh!" I gasped feeling deeply ashamed. The confidence in her statement about what my grandmother thought about my sexuality, finally managed to get my tongue working properly and I was able to stutter, "How, how do you know what she thought Miss?" Nancy chortled. "Because as you well know, we were very close friends." "How did you meet?" I asked. When I thought about it later it occurred to me how surreal finally meeting Nancy was. Never in a million years would I have thought that I would be stood there wearing only my socks, with my underpants round my knees during our first face to face conversation! "I first saw her about ten years ago I guess it was around the time your mother died. I was working Saturdays at her hairdressers, but I did not get to know her until a couple of years later, when she became one of my first regular clients where I was working after I qualified. I guess I started doing her hair about a year or so before I officially started my transition." I first heard my grandmother mention Nancy when I was in the fourth form at boarding school. She had been moaning over the phone about her struggle to find a hairdresser she liked after the girl who had done her hair for years moved away. Then one time I called she mentioned in passing that she finally found hairdresser who she liked. Other than the odd comment my granny did not really mention Nancy again until I was in sixth form, and she mentioned that she had gone with Nancy to transgendered night club for a Halloween party in London. That my grandmother had gone to such a party did not surprise me because she liked the company of non conformist people but needless to say at that age with my reticence to with anything to do with transgendered people I quickly changed the subject. From then on her passing comments about Nancy's on going transition started to crop up more often during our Sunday evening phone calls. Hearing about Nancy's transformation both embarrassed and interested me, especially when she commented after I went up to university. "I'll have to introduce you sometime love, because Nancy has developed into the perfect girl for you Davie." "When I first started doing her hair I was what we'd call today a non binary 20 year old feminine boy, and I think she took to me at first because I was becoming increasingly gender non conforming," she chuckled. "AE for all she came over as very square, was in her own way a very eccentric woman with an approach to life that did not match her age." I could not argue that, because my grandmother had two sides. One was the straight arrow who still managed to buck the system by being a woman who built a successful career in the City during an era when most women in commercial banking were secretaries. The other side of her was the fun loving eccentric grandmother who until she surrendered her licence (due to her cancer) rode a motorcycle all her life, enjoyed dressmaking, rock music, going to the theatre, and grew pot plants in between the tomatoes in her greenhouse! "Anyway I had been doing her hair for about a year when I finally managed to get referred on a gender reassignment program. This really sparked AE's curiosity, and as we became friends she sort of took me under her wing and filled the 'mother' role when it came to teaching me how to be a girl." Nancy was propped in the changing room door with a reminiscent smile on her face. "It was not until much later that I discovered her curiosity about my treatment program was triggered by her suspicion after she met me that you might also be transgendered." That made me blush again feeling sick. I honestly believed my grandmother thought I was a normal lad. "Although she had hinted at her suspicions about you did not actually tell me until just before I got my boobs and face done. We were chatting over a joint and a jug of sangria on the patio when she told me that you had left your laptop out over Easter and she saw you were looking at transgender sites." "Oh?" I gasped. "I remember it really clearly because I was nervous as hell about going under the knife the following week." Nancy smiled. "She had just told me in no uncertain terms that I when I came out of hospital, she was going to make sure I followed doctors orders to the letter because I was staying with her while I recovered." "That's just like her," I said. "She was fiercely protective of people she cared for." "Yes it is, anyway while I had been under the knife she had found the websites you had been looking at and showed them me after I came out. If I recall right it was a TG story archive and a couple of information pages," Nancy said with a smile. "Over the next ten days I stayed with her recovering from my surgery the websites led to us talking a lot about you, and in one of the conversations she told me that she felt you had a very feminine nature, but hid it behind a faux masculine wall." She grinned at me, and said, "I guess she was right." I just blushed violently feeling like my skin was on fire. "Anyway this started an on going conversation about how girls like me often spend years denying their nature, and how I had been the same until I met another transgendered girl at college when I was doing my hair and beauty qualification. Talking about how I started my transition got her interest in the subject so I lent her a couple of biographies and books I had on trans issues." The more Nancy spoke the more I started to notice marks of my grandmother's manner, behaviour and vocabulary in her body language, which made sense of her comment about how she had taught her to be a girl. Nancy was still talking and said with a sad smile, "You know what AE was like when she got curious about things?" I nodded, she had a very tenacious nature and tended to devour information on any subject that interested her. "Anyway after working her way through my books and then some from the library, she asked that bloody awkward question, why?" Nancy had a far away look in her face as she said, "I can see her now, sat there her lounge waving a joint around with a G&T beside her telling me how she could understand why many of the girls she had read about felt driven into denial in the past, but could not understand why was it still true in today's liberal world?" "Obviously I could only talk about my own experience but explained that I felt it boiled down to the fact that until girls like us accepted what we were for ourselves, we're trapped in an self destructive cycle of desire and denial because of the conflict between the yearning to be feminine and the restrictions put on boys by inherent taboos that define masculine behaviour." I nodded wishing I had know this side of her. "Anyhow having shown me the sites you had been looking at and told me a lot about you she eventually asked if I thought you were like me? I told her perhaps but I could not say for sure. I did clarify what I said by pointing out if you were transgendered then you were going do everything you could to hide it, perhaps even from yourself," Nancy still had that look of faraway fondness in her face as she recounted the conversation. "Because you were probably still deeply in the same cycle of self denial I had been in until college friend was trans herself forced me to admit to myself what I was." I blushed brightly as she summed up my mindset even when I entered the shop that morning. Nancy snickered lightly and added. "AE was very perceptive, and after hearing my story and mulling it over for a couple of weeks told me quite bluntly over one of her potent joints and a jug of sangria in the back garden that if she was right the only way you were ever going to crack your public school face and accept yourself was to have a girl like me do to you what Liz did to me, and make you." "Oh?" I whispered blushing again. "So that's why she got so keen on tying to get us together after I got back from Spain during my second year?" "It was yes!" Nancy snorted. "Now I loved and really respected your grandmother Daisy, and my god she loved you. She was a good client who became the best friend I could ever have. I would not have got through the first year or two of my transition if she had not taken my hand and supported me every step of the way," Her eyes were glassy and damp as she said, "I owe her so much because everything good in my life today grew out of her friendship." "She adored you Nancy," I said hearing the affection she felt for my granny in her tone. "And thought you were brilliant," I hesitated and then asked the question that had been burning me since I got home. "How did you find out she was sick?" "I didn't until she had to tell me. After she got her diagnosis she did not tell anyone that she had eighteen months to two years left. Even I didn't have a clue and I was the one who shuttled her to most of her doctors and hospital appointments over the next year or so. She told me after she gave up her driving licence that she had a touch of visual degeneration and did not feel safe driving as she was struggling to judge distances. Once the appointments got more often I asked her if she was alright and she just told me. "It's just routine when you get to my age dear," and given her age I did not question either of her explanations." "She had made up her mind she did not want the bother of chemotherapy and surgery, and did not want anyone trying to talk her out of it so kept just how serious her cancer was to her self. She managed to keep me in the dark until February this year when her kidneys started packing up, but she still went on living her life even though she knew she only had six months if she was lucky. Then mid June I found her unconscious when I came to take her to the pictures and called an ambulance, which rushed her to hospital." She blinked with her eyes welling up. "And well you know the rest." Nancy wiped her eyes, before carrying on. "When she went in hospital she knew she was not going to be coming out and in those last six weeks I spent a lot of time with her talking about you. Just before she died when she was in a lot of pain but still stubbornly refusing the really high dose morphine because she wanted to remain lucid as long as possible she made me promise that I'd keep an eye on you which I said I would." I nodded, feeling my eyes getting a little weepy. "The last time I saw her awake was the morning before she died. By this point she was very weak and we both knew she was close to the end because she was now letting let them increase her dose of morphine." Nancy's control had cracked and tears were running down her cheeks as spoke. "I can still feel how she squeezed my hand and made me promise that when we met if I felt that she had been right about you then I had her blessings to make you face your desires." "I left in tears and was in a right mess when I got to work. Then just after lunch the hospital phoned and told me to get back there as she had fallen into a coma and her vital signs were dropping." Nancy's voice was trembling as she continued. "It was 2.20 when I sat beside her and she died peacefully seventy minutes later." Nancy pulled out a tissue and without taking them from mine wiped her eyes again before saying firm but emotionally charged voice. "Now we have met, and in my shop of all places. A shop specialises in vintage fashion for trans girls you've confirmed her suspicion that you were a frustrated tranny, which means I have every intention of keeping my promise doing just what she asked, understood Daisy?" I looked at her mind blown and nodded struggling to say, "Yes Miss." Nancy's face relaxed, as she said tearfully, "God I miss her!" "Me too," I said feeling equally emotional. Nancy gave me a hug and said pulling herself together. "I'm glad we understand." She gave me a twisted smile and said, "Well I never thought I'd be telling you that in here with your thing hanging out!" She took a deep breath, and when she spoke again her tone started to regain the assertive attitude she took with me when she pulled down my underpants. "Right then my Daisy girl! We can start with this!" She plucked a pubic hair from above my cock saying. "I want all this gone, eyelashes to toes! Girls aren't hairy and neither will you be from now on! I'll add a tube each of face, body and sensitive Dermalete to your bill." I could almost hear her bossiness returning as she handed me the silky vest and said, "Now get this chemise on and for future reference you should always wear a chemise or similar under any form of traditional foundationwear to protect your skin. You'll thank me for this once I've got you laced into our gorgeous replica of an 1890's Symington's corset." I gasped as the silk slid over my skin and felt my cock stiffening again. "Like that?" Nancy said smiling at my expression. "Yes Miss," I whispered horsely as she wrapped the corset round my waist and clipped the front closed. As she jiggled the fit, I felt incredibly vulnerable, and more than a little embarrassed as my cock really woke up when she started pulling the laces and shaping my body to the corset as it tightened. Just as I felt it really started to clasp my body she stopped, and I did not know if I felt excited or terrified as she let her hand brushed over my cock when she checked the fit. Letting out a giggle of pleasure at my reaction she chuckled in my ear. "I think AE was completely right about you, because judging by your responses so far you want to be dominated by a girl like me, don't you girlie?" It was not a question and shivering with shame I said, "Yes Miss," which made her chuckle as she started pulling my waist in once more. "Good, because she was also right about you being just the sort of submissive partner I need in my life." She snickered alluringly in my ear. "And judging by how that little thing is standing up, you really like being laced, which is just as well since I'm going to keep you wearing one or similar every day if I have any say in the matter, which I have, haven't I Daisy girl?" I was that turned on I gasped. "Yes Miss!" "Good I hoped you'd say that," Nancy said checking the corset's fit again. Watching in the mirror I was captivated by how beautiful it looked as I felt it confining my body in a surprisingly comfortable way. I was actually almost disappointed when she said, "I think that will do for now, we'll close it completely in stages to break it in to your figure over the next week or so." Her mouth was close to my ear when she said, "However this," she tapped my cock with a red nail. "Disgusting little thing is going to have to go, because it will ruin the line of the deliciously frilly feminine knickers that match your chemise," Picking up my underpants she hung them on the end of my stiff cock and told me in a no-nonsense tone. "Use them to catch the mess, and get rid of that before I get back with your knickers and uniform, or I will." "You want me to?" I said shakily. "Oh for gods sake," Nancy snapped. "Yes, Daisy, wank it! I'm sure you know how!" Nancy was not gone long and when she got back my cock was still hard. She hung the uniform on the clothes hook and swept my clothes onto the floor so she could put a pair of very frilly knickers, a packet of stockings, black pair of ballet style low heel shoes and a box on the counter saying in an exasperated tone. "Do I have to do everything!" Like it was the most normal thing in the world she wrapped my underpants over my stiff cock and without any hesitation closed her red taloned fingers round the shaft and brutally masturbated me. Needless to say it did not take long before I made a mess of my underpants. There was an erotically evil chortle in Nancy's tone when she tossed my ruined underpants and the chilly feeling wipe she used to clean my cock on top of my tee-shirt saying. "That's sorted that out, now to keep it that way!" Shocked by what Nancy had just done, and how nonchalantly she had gone about it, I hardly noticed her ripping open some packaging muttering, "This will do until I get better," before adding in a casual tone that I would learn in time indicated she was up to something, "We won't want another repeat of that kind of pretend masculinity from you in the future Daisy, will we?" I knew she wanted an answer but only managed to breathlessly gasp still feeling the lingering chill of the alcohol in the wipe on my shrinking cock. "No Miss." "Good," she said in a worryingly nice tone. "I glad you agree, because you'll be pleased to know I have got you an aid so it can't." While she was talking and I was coming down from being ejaculated closely followed by the chill of an antiseptic wipe Nancy's hands were busy clipping a pink plastic hinged ring round the base of my balls. I did not realise that she was putting me in a male chastity until she slid a small pink cage over my softened cock and by then it was too late, because she had pushed the parts together trapping me in the tiny cage as she fixed it in place with a pink padlock. With a scary click she padlocked both parts together and removed the key imprisoning my cock in the device. Testing its security by giving it a rather painful pull she let out a delighted giggle before teasingly holding the key up in front of my eyes. "Since I can't trust you not to loose this Daisy I'll keep it safe for you," and hung the key on her necklace! Giving my backside another less than gentle spank she said in a pleased tone. "Now get your knickers and stockings on Daisy, I've already dilly dallied for far to long on you sissy." God they felt good as I rolled the nylon up my legs and felt the elastic tops clutch my thighs. Almost as good was the feeling of the silky frilly knickers as they slid over the stockings and cradled my chastised cock in a soft cocoon! Nancy did not give me time to enjoy the sensations because she quickly filled the bodice of the corset with a pair of foam breast forms and zipped me into a petticoated 1950's style maids dress. The sensation of the clothes triggered my cock into trying to swell inside its confinement, which sent a jolt of erotic pain up my spine as the unyielding material halted its growth. It took my breath-away, and my expression brought a pleased smile to Nancy's face as she dryly commented. "You'll get used to it!" "You need better tits but these bra cup display forms make a good stand in," Nancy said looking at me carefully. "I think you need go a size up. I want to see a nice pair of full ones that are just a little too large for your figure," she giggled, and sensually licked her red lips looking my uniformed figure with hungry eyes. "Mmm yes, nice big ones will be ideal on you as they'll get in the way, and jiggle just enough to act as a constant reminder that masculinity is no longer your path," she nodded to herself and said, "I'll add a pair of 750 gram life like forms to your purchases, agreed?" The look in her eyes meant all I could say was, "Yes Miss." Fastening the apron round my waist Nancy said in a firm but friendly tone, "Good girl! Now how long do you have?" "What's the time now Miss?" "Just gone quarter to twelve," she said, glancing at her watch. "I have around an hour before I have to get off to the solicitors Miss Nancy." "Okay." Nancy nodded. "In that case it's pointless going any further with you for now Daisy, so you might as well as make yourself useful. Since you're a size seven you can wear my driving flats for now, and then go and make a pot of tea for Miss Anne and myself." She waved at the counter. "You'll find the makings in the stock cupboard behind the till. Then get on with cleaning up in here, and because I've been dealing with you I've not had time to get round to it yet, so you'll also have hoover the shop carpet, both changing rooms and stock cupboard. Oh and empty the bins into the skip in the backyard its just outside the door at the back of the stockroom." "Yes Miss," I said feeling both excited and terrified. The morning had turned into something that could have come from one of the force femininity transgender stories I like to read on the internet. "You can throw those cum covered things and your socks in the bin! You'll be replacing clothes like them with feminine camsoles, knickers and stockings from now on my girl!" "Yes Miss," I said as my emotions ran between embarrassed and elated at her attitude. "Good, and when you're done Daisy if we have time, we can talk about where things are going to go between us from now on!" I could not take my eyes off my reflection and after about thirty seconds Nancy laughed and gave me another hard spank and growled impatiently. "No time for vanity girl! I told you to make a pot of tea and clean up. You'll find the hoover next to the kettle, now chop chop Daisy maid you don't have much time to waste." After making them a pot of tea, which had me going bright red again when Miss Anne said with a chuckle seeing me in the uniform. "Already getting her trained Nan?" "Of course," Nancy chuckled. "I've been waiting for a long time to get my hands on her." As I returned to clean up the changing room, and pick up all the discarded wrappers and boxes along with my soiled clothing I asked myself why I was being so compliant? Before I could really think about it I was distracted by the packaging for the cage over my cock. It was called The Vice and was the 'mini chastity' model, which according to the packaging was ideal for keeping the sissy maid in your life attentive to her duties. The yard was behind the stock cupboard, and while emptying the rubbish, I took a few seconds to enjoy the amazing sensation of fresh air on my skirted and stocking covered legs before getting the hoover out. As I plugged it in I could hear them talking. "So how do you know her?" Anne said. "Daisy? She's the grandson AE kept trying to set me up with," Nancy said. "AE? Edith? Your aunty Edith who helped us get the shop?" "Yes. She suspected for years that he could be transgendered. I was going to invite myself to dinner this weekend to find out," Nancy giggled. "Don't need to bother about getting confirmation now because she proved it by coming in off her own bat. You should have seen her face when I realised who she was, because it came as quite a surprise for both of us when I recognised her perusing the maids dresses." "I wonder what your aunt would say," Anne chuckled. "She'd probably be delighted Anne, because it got us together, after all she had been trying to fix us on a date together for years," Nancy said with a sad chuckled in her tone. "Why didn't you?" "Life got in the way, I was busy with the way our dressmaking was taking off, or Daisy wasn't home for long enough to make the arrangement," she laughed fondly. "It drove AE nuts that the cards never fell right." "She was quite a lady," Anne said, "But the thing that I'll always remember about her was no matter the weather when ever she popped in for a natter while she was in town, or to buy some fabric she was always immaculately dressed and presented." "That's Aunty Edith, she was very particular about her appearance. Anyway Daisy is her only grandchild and knowing us both, with there only being six years between us and AE's belief that we had complementary personalities," Nancy chuckled sadly. "She felt we were a perfect match, but she could never arrange things so we could meet." "And now you have," Anne commented. "Do you think she'd approve?" "Absolutely, she always said that my tastes and personality made me the ideal partner for her 'Daisy' because gay or trans I'd make sure 'she' accepted what was she was. I had planned to catch her at the funeral but unconventional as ever AE did not have one," Nancy said, "She did not want any fuss or bother. I was there at the hospital when she told her solicitor. "Once I'm gone just pop me in a wicker box and send me up the chimney PDQ I'm not having priestly twaddle or any money wasted funeral rites. Just make sure our David gets my ashes, I've left instructions so he'll know what to do with them." "You miss her don't you?" Anne said. "Yeah, she was like a mother to me, and I miss her so much. You know I would give anything for another hour sat in her garden with a G&T or a jug of sangria sharing a joint," she chuckled. "I only saw the loving eccentric side of her but she must have been tough as nails professionally because she was a woman who made it as city banker for forty years, but underneath that veneer there was a still a lot of the 1960's in her, what with her motorcycling, love of stoner rock and home grown weed," Nancy laughed. "For her 70th birthday last year she took me to see Hawkwind, and introduced me to Dave Brock the leader of the band, who she'd been friends with since she was a student in the 1960's." I smiled my reflection at the Hawkwind comment, because if my grandmother ever had a film made about her life their music would be her soundtrack. "I remember that, you were wasted the following morning and she strolled in looking bright as button with a bacon sandwich for you and a box of cakes for me," Anne laughed. "How's she taking it?" I guessed she meant me. "I'm not sure. She seem to have come to terms with losing her when we've spoken on the phone but I'll really find out later. I do feel sorry for her though because it must have come as a hell of a shock. Either the last or one of the last times they spoke on the phone was the weekend before she passed." "I had just arrived after work, and I was mouthing tell him, but AE just gave me 'the look,' and refused to even mention that she was in hospital," she half laughed. "Instead AE was more interested in his trek along the Inca Trail to Machu Pichu, and told him he had to send photos whenever he got a signal," Nancy said. "So her passing came completely out of the blue and knowing how close they were it must be tearing him apart. I've had almost half a year with her to get used to the idea before she died and I'm still devastated, Daisy's not." I heard her snort. "About the only thing we argued about was her refusal to tell Daisy how sick she was." Nancy sadly laughed and added in a tone full of affection. "The daft old bat did not want Daisy to see her looking like she did once she got sick," The loss in her tone was obvious as she spoke. "You saw how particular she was about her appearance Anne, can you blame her for saying. "He saw our Kathy die from cancer here and I sure as hell don't want him to remember me in the same place, let him remember me healthy, not trapped like his mum in a disease ridden carcass." Hearing the affection as she spoke about my grandmother, made me feel a lot more comfortable about where things might be going. "Did she know what you were likely to do a girl like Daisy if you got hold of her?" Miss Anne asked. "Of course," Nancy said, "Aunty Edith knew all about my predilections, and was very broad minded when it came to lifestyles. Don't forget she was part of that first generation to embrace counter cultural lifestyles, because she made the most of being a young free and single student in the swinging sixties. I can still see her chuckling through a haze of pot smoke when I told her about about my escapades long before she commented that I'd be perfect for Daisy." Anne laughed. "She must have had more than a suspicion to have said that given your history with boyfriends?" "Yes, she did!" Nancy laughed. "And she knew exactly what I would do if her suspicion turned out to be true, because I told her." "I can tell you really like him, don't you?" Anne said with a chuckle. "Yeah, we've got pretty close chatting on the phone," Nancy paused and then raised her voice saying sharply. "I'm not hearing the hoover Daisy." That was me told and as much as I wanted to listen to what they were saying, the hoover put paid to my eavesdropping. "All done?" Nancy said walking back in not long after I turned the hoover off. "Yes Miss," I said. "Good you're living at AE's house right?" "I am Miss," I said. "Excellent! Now since I was contacted by the solicitor yesterday to inform me that as Edith's probate had been settled I could pick her bequest as soon as the family had signed off," she gave me a kindly smile. "I assume that is reason why you are going up there today for the estate sign off?" "Umm yes Miss." "Perfect. You might as well as pick mine as well while you are there, and I guess for now I'd better get you out of your uniform and corset and let you put those disgusting things back on," she waved despairingly at my jeans, shirt, tie and fleece. "So you can get your girlie arse to the solicitors," she unzipped my dress and helped me out of the corset telling me. "While you're doing that since I have your sizes I will finish selecting your new working wardrobe and ring up your purchases. I'll have everything ready for you to settle the bill when you get back." "Can I ask a question Miss?" I hesitantly asked. "Yes what?" Nancy said impatiently. "You called her aunty? Are we related?" "No, I just called her that because she treated me like I was family," Nancy laughed. "Well actually I called her AE as she said aunty made her feel ancient. It came in handy that everyone thought she was my aunty though because at the end when she was slipping away hospital rules say that they only let family in, and what with you being in South America having the nurses think I was her niece meant she was not alone at the end." She gave me a sad smile. "I was holding her hand when she passed." "Thank you. I worried all the way home that she was alone at the end," I said wishing I had the bottle to kiss her. "She wasn't," Nancy said glancing at the clock. "Now you better get your skates on or you'll be late." By the time I got to the solicitors Nancy had already called to say I was picking up her cheque. I was in and out in no more than half an hour, and most of that was spent twiddling my thumbs waiting for the bank to confirm the balance transfer, and I could sign off the estate, and for Nancy's bequest. Just before I left the solicitor gave me a letter saying, "Mrs. Stour asked me to give you this, and mail a second letter, which we've already sent out to Ms. Watson as I knew the estate was being settled today." "What is it?" I asked. "I assume it her instructions for her ashes," the solicitor said. "But I really do not know." The moment I walked out, I found a bench and sat down and opened the letter it was not long and it included a photograph of my granny and Nancy outside the Sondheim Theatre in London taken when they went to see Les Miz last Christmas. Written on the back was 'so you know what Nancy looks like.' "Hiya sweetheart. Well if you've got this I'm Norwegian Blue bread and I've snuffed it! I'm an ex-granny whose shuffled off at last." The Monty Python references made me laugh because it was typical of my grandmother's sense of humour. "I know I should have told you that I was sick love, and I'm sorry I didn't, but I don't want you to remember me like your mum trapped in this bloody hospital with wires and tubes stuck in me. Now don't fret about me popping my clogs I've had a bloody good life, and I'm not sad about what's going to happen next. You know in a way I'm kind of looking forwards to it, because being stuck in this place out of it on morphine half of the time is not my idea of fun." I could almost hear her voice speaking in my head as the tears ran down my face. "The doctors tell me I've not got much time left so I'm writing this while I still can. After I've gone and the legal vampire's have had their pound of flesh and blood they'll give you this letter because I want you to do a couple of things for me. First of all sometime in the next few days if you've not heard from her already, you'll be getting a call from my friend Nancy. You know who I mean because I've told you enough about her. Anyway love I've told her to stay over and that you'll make dinner, so make it something nice. She's been like a daughter to me over the last few years, and since I got sick she has been a tower strength, and visiting for hours each day. She's made me laugh when I've been down and has kept me from going mental stuck in here, so be extra nice to her because she's been wonderful. Hopefully you'll hit it off with her like I think you will, because you'll do each other the power of good! Now Nancy knows I've left her some money, my collection of Victorian dresses and that I have written off the investment I made in her business, but what she does not know is I also want her to have a few items of my vintage jewellery that go with the dresses I left her, along with my jewellery box. I've already decided what I want her to have and its already in my box, you'll find it along with your mothers box and the jewellery I'm leaving you in the hidey hole next to my sewing table. Next once Nancy is there, I want the two of you to pop Space Ritual on the stereo, have a fat spliff or two and a couple of gin and tonics before you bury my ashes under my apple tree with your mum and granddads. Oh and send me off with a stiff gin and tonic, and a good sprinkle of my finest on top of me, because the sodding nursing Nazi's haven't let me have a drink or a bloody smoke since I came in. God knows why because having a joint and a gin it's not going to change anything for me now! Finally love, please live your life as you want and fuck what people think. I know my estate has probably come as a surprise, but I've done rather well playing the stock market for myself since I retired. I've left you more than enough money and then some to get by for a good few years if you are as I suspect like Nancy. So much of what she has told me about her issues growing up echoed what I saw in you so listen to granny one final time and talk to her about it. She's got a good head on her shoulders and is much better person than she thinks. I'm sure from what she has told me that if you are like her, she'll set you right. Not that it matters because I'm sure by now that you'll have met, since if I know her she's been keeping her promise about keeping an eye on you for me. Finally love, I've always know you were not exactly a normal boy so please talk to Nancy about the things you couldn't bring yourself to talk to me about, because she's been there herself. If I am right you'll take to each other like buttons and holes, because you really are perfect for each other, and if you do get together its a bloody pity I won't be around for the wedding, but I'll be watching if the god botherers are right... Well as the great philosopher Bunny once said, "That's all folks!" Lots of love. PS. My weed stash is in the hidey hole give it to Nancy, and if she wants to grow a couple of plants in the greenhouse she knows where the seeds are. Take care of each other, all my love, Gran x" Wiping my eyes I pulled myself together and slowly walked back to the shop. "Nancy's waiting in there Daisy," Miss Anne said, waving at the door when I walked back in with bright red eyes. "Good you're back," Nancy said with a smile of anticipation before seeing my eyes asking, "What's up?" I don't know what came over me but before I knew it I went up on my tip toes and did what I could not do earlier when she told me she sat with gran until she passed, and kissed her cheek, saying, "I want to say thank you for being there for her," and handed her the letter. "Oh!" Nancy said reading the letter, and then with her eyes glistening laughed. "That's so typically AE, a G&T and a sprinkle of weed to send her on her way." She smiled, and said, "I told you we were very close." "You did yes, and she obviously felt the same," I said wiping my eyes. "Now I'm sure," Nancy said with a smile as she wiped her own eyes. "That you overheard me telling Anne earlier that she approved of what I have in mind for you if her suspicion abut your gender was correct Daisy!" I sheepishly nodded. "Yes Miss." "Good!" Nancy chuckled "Then you won't mind this," and put a large four figure dent in my current account adding as she handed me my card back. "AE knew me too well, because I had decided even before she invited me that I was going to come for dinner and stay over this weekend. I know from what she said that you are an excellent cook, so you'll need to stop at the supermarket for a shop if you've not already. I'd like a nice roast dinner with all the trimmings, accompanied by a good Chardonnay, have it ready for eight fifteen." "Yes miss," I said again feeling like I had just stepped into an out of control car as Nancy turned all bossy once more. "Good, now as I am staying over, you'll need to make up the mistress bedroom for me, and clean ensuite." She smiled. "While you Daisy maid will be residing in the box room from now on," Her red nail tapped a garish shopping bag. "I have made up a bag to take with you. Inside you will find a fresh pair of frilly knickers and a matching weighted padded bra, the working uniform you wore earlier, a 1950's pattern roll zip girdle with suspenders, the uniforms petticoat, a couple of pairs of stockings, a pair of working heels and the Dermalete creams to remove every hair bellow your eyelashes." "While you are in the supermarket along with whatever you decided to make for my dinner and any other food shopping you need for the weekend, you'll also want to pick up some appropriately, feminine scented bathing products. A good quality body wash and lotion, along with moisturisers and a shower cap to keep your hair dry and protected from the depletion creams. I will do your hair, nails and face later is that understood Daisy?" "Yes Miss." "Good, I will arrive from work at approximately 5.30 this evening with the rest of your wardrobe. When I get there I expect you to be bathed, hairless and sweet smelling, dressed correctly in your uniform ready to begin your new life in service as my maid, and my maids first task will be to have a gin and tonic ready when I arrive, any questions Daisy?" "No Miss," I said with a blush. "Sure?" Nancy said looking at me. "Say now, because otherwise I will make you become my maid and make sure you undergo everything I told AE I would do if you were like me and gave me the chance?" "Yes Miss." "Good." She smiled. "In that case Daisy maid off you go and I'll see you in around three hours or so." I felt decidedly confused as I walked from the shop clutching the bag. I was apprehensive about the implications of doing what Nancy wanted, and yet I also felt relived knowing that my grandmother liked her, and approved of her ideas. My grandmother had a wide circle of casual friends mostly from her interest in historical dress, but she was very selective about whom she let get close to her. Knowing that Nancy had got close to my grandmother meant there was a lot more to her than just being a bossy transwoman, and I instinctively knew could trust her, which was why I assumed I was not resisting her demands. Admittedly she was fulfilling many of my dreams, but even so having spent most of the last two years travelling independently it was rather odd that I obeyed her so readily, even though she knew, probably from my grandmother, just what buttons to press to insure my compliance. Sat in a taxi home I realised that my grandmother had been right regardless of her birth gender Nancy did fit the sort of girl who drew my eyes. She had the same sort of bossy confidence in her manner that although very different still reminded me of my granny's equally confident personality. I'm sure Nancy picked some of that up from her after my grandmother unofficially adopted her and taught her to be female. The more I thought about it the more I realised that even if disregarded Nancy being transgendered, being bossy, quite masculine looking while dressing very femininely she was just the sort of girl I was attracted to both physically and mentally. Although I had never had a trans girlfriend in the past, it was suddenly clear to me that my grandmother had obviously noticed that the few girlfriends I had gone out with had been under their well dressed private school veneer 'butch' unfeminine looking girls. I was still mulling this surprising revelation as I pushed a trolley round Sainsburys wondering what she had got me into? Oddly knowing that my grandmother approved of Nancy as a potential partner quelled a much of the apprehension that her manner and attitude generated, which opened my eyes to how just how powerfully I was attracted to her. As I thought about everything that had happened since I left home that morning I was hyper aware of the silky chemise, stockings, knickers on my skin and confinement of the chastity. They made every movement feel strangely titillating and sensual, which meant I was shopping within a constant sensation erotic frustration, which triggered all kinds of weird thoughts in my mind. I kept wondering just how far Nancy would take my feminisation and how I would live if she forced me become transgendered like she was? Did she mean it when she said she was wanted me in service as her maid? If she was serious about being 'my mistress' was she going to be the sort of mistress who occupied my darker fantasies. Embarrassingly a part of me hoped she would, while the other part of me was terrified by the prospect, and where it would lead if she did. Mixed in with my thoughts about Nancy were things my grandmother had said or had rather implied. In the turmoil of thoughts and mixed emotions that filled my mind it was suddenly clear to me that the main reason why she encouraged me to travel for a couple of years rather than come home after I graduated from St Andrews was because she knew even then that she was sick. The sort of cancer she had was slow acting and difficult to detect until it had metastasised, and once it had it was always fatal. Yes it could be delayed by surgery and chemotherapy for a few years but the outcome was ultimately still the same. Nancy was completely right when she said my grandmother would not have wanted me to see her like my mother was at the end. My granny had lived most of her 71 years in perfect health, and I understood why she did not choose the option of surgery and chemotherapy. We had both seen what that treatment did to her daughter, my mum, and as much as loosing her upset me I knew why prolonging the inevitable was an anathema for her. Looking at how my granny liked to live her life to the fullest, restricting the treatment to pain killers and steroids meant that until the final month or so she had been able to live her life the way she wanted. Having shopped in a mental fog of thoughts and emotions I was more than a little surprised when I got home to find that I had got all the shopping because I could not remember buying half of it as I sipped a mug of tea and I put everything in the kitchen pantry, fridge and freezer. I was jolted from my mental meanderings by the looming deadline of Nancy's arrival and feeling a strange sensation of apprehensive anticipation I started to get dinner ready. Knowing that she was coming meant I did not have time to worry about, or even consider what she had demanded, as I got the beef in the oven, and made up the Yorkshire pudding batter. If Nancy wanted a roast dinner then she was going to get one! With the dinner on its way I quickly cleaned and changed the main bedroom and bathroom, fortunately I had not moved in there myself and had been using the box room as it was my childhood bedroom. It did not even occur to me to think how strange it was for Nancy to demand the main bedroom when I put the bag of shopping she gave me to my bedroom. With the main bedroom sorted out, I collected the jewellery boxes, and one of the vacuum sealed bags of weed from the hidey hole and quickly carried them down stairs. Only then did I take a moment to consider what I was about to do, but as I started to think about it the clock reminded me I was wasting time I did not have, which forced me to push such thoughts aside or risk being late. Shaking myself mentally I went back upstairs and opened the bag and removed the contents. I was surprised to see along with the maids uniform, she had included a 1950's style O necked flowery summer dress with a full skirt, along with the dated looking underwear and accessories. Was she giving me a choice? Nancy had said she wanted me uniformed, so why had she added the dress? I was distracted from thinking about that when the weight of the box containing the bra caught my attention. It was not until I removed the vintage style structured long line bra from the packaging I realised that it contained pair of detailed and weighted wobbly breast forms, but what really made me gasp were the shoes! Nancy called them working heels, and at two and a half inches they were probably half the height she had been wearing in the shop, but what made me take notice were the ankle straps, which rather than having buckles like normal shoes closed with a loop and a decorative padlock. As I examined the maids uniforms dress I noticed that the neck and waist both had rather strong looking loops sewn into the fabric, which although disguised by the lace trimming ran all the way round the neck line and waist of the dress in a way that looked suspiciously similar to the eyes at either end wire padlock cable. Looking at the loops in the dress and the locks on the heels I felt my cock begin another battle against the chastity, because I realised that they meant that Nancy would be able to make sure I remained dressed as her maid for as long as she wanted, even in her absence, by locking me into the dress. The final items in the bag were the depilatory creams, for face, body and sensitive areas (genitals and armpits). Reading the instructions I swallowed dryly when I read. "Caution repeated use will destroy the hair roots resulting in permanent hair loss." I'll be honest I did not want to use them, but time was ticking away, and although I was a little fearful of her reaction, my main motivator for doing as Nancy wished was a weird feeling that I'd be disappointing my grandmother if I let her down. I picked the creams up and padded naked to the bathroom where I covered myself as the instructions for each tube directed. As I waited for the creams to do their thing I told myself that I doing what my granny wanted as my watch crawled through the fifteen minutes I had to leave it on. The creams stunk to high heaven and I could feel them starting to burn on my skin towards the end as they dissolved my body hair. By the time was up I did not care what the stuff was doing I just wanted it off my skin. Following the instructions I removed the cream with the scraper provided and quickly understood why Nancy told me to get all the body washes and lotions, because as I scraped and showered the stuff off it left my skin feeling tight and dried out, similar to having been out in the sun for to long. Aware the whole time of the chastity confining my genitals bouncing round I splattered myself in soothing but highly scented moisturising face and body washes praying that they would ease the itchy burning, which thankfully they did. The side effect of using such things on my skin however meant that once I dried myself off and used even more moisturisers I smelt like a flower shop, but the process had left my skin feeling erotically smooth. The chastity wrapped round my cock made getting dressed a very painful experience, because the if sensation of the clothes had been good before I showered then they felt amazing after removing almost every scrap of hair on my body. The feeling of the soft fabrics on my super sensitive skin was electric and the sensation of the stockings on my legs felt incredibly erotic as I clipped them to the short suspenders hanging from the restrictively tight fitting girdle which pinched in my waist. It matched the longline bra which over lapped the girdle by inch giving the appearance of wearing a single garment running from the shoulder straps to my upper thighs. Watching my reflection I shivered to myself as I slipped on the petticoat and after a moments debate wriggled into the uniform dress. As I awkwardly contorted myself to pull the back zip up to my neck I was quietly cursing my cock wishing it would stop painfully fighting with the cage. Along with the dress, petticoat and apron was a white lacy Alice band, and after a little fiddling with my hair I worked out how best to wear it and slipped it into place. The only thing left was the shoes, and scarily I knew once I fastened them up, they were staying on until Nancy released them because the keys to the padlocks were missing. Swallowing dryly I knew having gone this far I had to go all the way and slipped my nylon covered feet into the shoes. Feeling a twisted up mixture of emotion from being both scared, but at the same time turned on like never before, I closed my eyes and pushed the locks shut locking the heels into my feet. Feeling almost stoned on frustrated sexual excitement caused by the electric sensations of being dressed as Nancy's maid, my cock never stopped fighting a painfully impossible battle with the cage as I slowly stood. With the weight in the padded bra pulling me forwards combined with the new sensation of wearing heels for the first time I was almost caught out as they completely altered sense of balance. Swaying a little with my false boobs wobbling about in the bra cups it took me second or so to accommodate for them before I was able to turn to the mirror. I could not hide the delight on my face when I saw my feminised reflection, and perhaps the hardest thing of all was tearing myself away from the mirror when my watch put paid to remaining there. The sweep of the seconds hand forced me into a flurry of activity, which had me cursing the heels and false breasts as they upset my balance, and got in the way, as I tried to prepare the vegetables, and lay the dinning room table with the best cutlery as quickly as I could. Walking smoothly wearing heels, with the girdle confining the top of my legs, and my false breasts upsetting my balance was going to take some getting used to, and it was quickly apparent that I was going to have to learn a whole new way of walking. It was a very close call but somehow I managed to get everything ready on time and was even able to get myself most of a second mug of tea before Nancy's car pulled into the drive way ten minutes early, cueing me to make her gin and tonic. I was just walking to the door to let her in when much to my surprise she opened it with a key and she called in an oddly hesitant tone. "Only me Daisy maid," Her tone changed as she saw me. "Ah there you are," A weird look of relief and delight flashed over her face as she handed me her jacket saying with a beaming smile. "You look very nice Daisy, put that in cloak room, and I'll take my gin and tonic in the lounge," and then like it was her house she strolled into the front room leaving me stood there holding her jacket. "Next time serve my drink on a tray, and knock before you enter my presence Daisy," Nancy said in a bossy tone of voice that was tempered by a smile when I brought her gin and tonic into the lounge. "Since you picked the uniform over the dress, can I take as read that from now on you're willing to be my maid?" "Erm, yes miss," I said sheepishly and admitted. "It's been a fantasy of mine for years." "Good, I hoped you would feel that way. Now let me look at you girl." She waved in front of her. "Very nice Daisy, you really do suit a maids uniform," she said after carefully examining my appearance. "Once I have your hair styled to my liking, done your ears and shown you how to fix your face and nails, you are going to make me the perfect housemaid, pretty, obedient and submissive, just how I want you!" "Thank you Miss," I said blushing, wondering what she meant by hairstyle. "So," she said with a happy smile, "I'm very pleased to see that you did as you were told. To be honest, I was not sure you would. I half expected to find you either in the summer dress or boy drag?" I blushed again saying, "Knowing how good you were with gran at the end, I weirdly felt I couldn't let either of you down by not wearing what you wanted." "Why is that?" Nancy asked with her eyes alight. "It sort of felt like I'd be disappointing her," I said in an uneven tone. Nancy laughed, and said dryly. "When I mentioned this was what I was likely to do with you if you were trans while she was in hospital, AE chortled and said, "Going on the stories I read on his laptop, my Davie will jump at the chance," and it appears she was right," she looked at me and nodded, clearly coming to a decision, before she said, "Turn round." I could feel her messing with the neck and waist of my uniform and then heard two clicks as she locked me into the dress. "There we go, I think its best that we start on the right foot Daisy maid, and make sure you remain uniformed and in your place," Nancy said opening her handbag to hand me her car keys. "Fetch my bags from the car and take them to my room pretty girl. Display my nightdress neatly on my pillow, robe hung up on the door and place my slippers next to the bed. Then you can unpack the rest of my things. Underwear to the chest of draws, bra's in the right top draw, knickers in the left, other lingerie and hosiery separated into the draws bellow." "My day wear you can neatly hang in the wardrobe, and my shoes can go on the shoe racks. Make up and hair styling placed neatly on the dressing table, and my toiletries to the en-suite. The two large Vintage Design dress protector bags can just be hung as they are in the walk in closet. Once you have made me comfortable in my bedroom, the large wheelie case on the back seat can in the kitchen, understood Daisy maid?" "Yes Miss." "Good, you'll also need to take your new wardrobe and accessories to the maids room. Just leave it on the bed. Once I have relaxed for a while, I will oversee the organising the maids quarters in the manner I expect you to keep it," she sipped her gin and turned on the television adding. "Before you go Daisy, fetch me an ash tray, you'll find it on the dresser behind you." "Yes Miss," I said, hoping and fearing that this was how she was going to behave in the future. "Well you might look like a maid but you don't behave like one," Nancy commented dryly as I fetched the ashtray. "From now on Daisy, when I give you an order I expect you to submissively bend your knees in a prettily feminine curtsey before you respond to your Mistress," Nancy said with a relaxed smile. "You've agreed to be my maid from now on, a servant and you might as well as get used your new station in life right from the start. I expect formality in the home, and now you are my maid you will behave like it, and that means a curtsey when you respond to me, and enter or leave my presence. Understood?" "Yes Miss," I said with a bob of my knees. "Better! Now although an informal Miss, Miss Nancy, or even just my name is an acceptable form of address when you're out of uniform or in a public place. I expect a higher standard when you are in uniform and the correct form of address by a maid to her owner is Mistress, do you understand me Daisy maid?" "Yes Mistress," I said bobbing my knees. "Good! Now put my ash tray down and get on with what I told you," Adding after I put the ashtray on the table beside her. "Oh and once you are done Daisy you can bring me another G&T, and we'll finally be able discuss where we can take things from now on, but for now you're dismissed." "Yes Mistress," I said bobbing my knees again. Walking out in to broad daylight dressed as a maid was scary. I knew intellectually that I was screened by the bushes that bordered the large garden and was only in sight of people passing the drive, but it was still rather frightening to walk outside clearly dressed as a female servant. Nancy had brought two matching bags, and opening the larger one I saw it contained her clothes, and underwear. Lifting them out I saw she had brought a couple of dresses and three skirts, two of which were leather. One was similar to what she was wearing for work, but the other was very short, along with a casual cotton one. The case also contained three blouses, a wide strapped bustier with a glossy sheen, and a loose cotton vest top. Three pairs of shoes and a pair of black high heel boots that could have come from a fetish catalogue completed her clothing. As I unpacked the rest of her things I was surprised by how much she brought with her, until I realised that she intended to stay until after the bank holiday weekend, which was both scary and exciting. The second smaller bag contained her nightwear, a large array of make up and toiletries, which I hopefully put in the right place. After wearing the heels, girdle and boobs for over an hour I was getting used to accommodating for them, but having not had enough time to really get used to my new centre of balance walking up and down the stairs was still something of a struggle. However after returning for the two surprising heavy dress protector bags which I hung in the walk in, and then the six bags of shopping she had made me buy, my ability to handle the stairs had improved no end. It was not surprising I was learning to move more easily in heels because it took me seven trips to up and down two flights of stairs to move everything before I took the wheelie case into the kitchen. My feet and legs were aching by the time I was finished but I could not dally for any longer than it took to finish my now lukewarm remaining tea while I made her another G&T. Putting it on a tray lined with a cotton lace doily to stop the glass sliding about I carried it to the lounge and this time remembered to knocked on the door. "Enter," Nancy called adding as I bobbed my knees being careful not to spill her drink. "Ah Daisy maid, perfect timing. Pop my gin beside the ashtray and then stand in front of me with your hands lightly clasped in front of your apron, and your eyes cast down." "Yes Mistress." I bobbed my knees again. When I was standing like she wanted, Nancy said, "This is your at rest but ready to serve pose. If you are uniformed and in my presence, or when guests are present you will adopt this stance when you are not needed is that understood?" "Yes Mistress." I bobbed my knees. "You needn't keep curtsying once you have been acknowledged until you are dismissed, you're my maid not a jack in a box," Nancy chuckled. "Now to business," she opened her bag and removed a ring. "Do you know what this is Daisy maid?" "It looks like a Celtic styled collar necklace Mistress, similar to the ones found in Northern France," I said. "I forgot you studied archaeology," Nancy said with a smile adding. "Actually its a discrete property collar," she had an naughtily evil glimmer in her eyes. "If you look closely it actually has property of TS Mistress Nancy on the fastener," she chuckled. "I told Edith that if I got my talons in you I would not give you much say in things but the choice to accept this or not is one I will give you." "Okay Mistress," I said somewhat confused. "You may ask questions Daisy maid," Nancy said smiling as she leant forward and put the collar on the coffee table. "Why is it my choice Mistress?" I asked surprised that my tongue worked. "Because what it signifies," she said sipping her gin. "In what way?" "Well if you decide that you want to wear my collar, then once you shut it round your neck it will lock in place and indicate that you've agreed to become my sexual property," Nancy said with a hopeful look in her face. "Although in terms of your role as my maid and hopefully girlfriend being collared will not make any difference, it will however indicate a significant difference in your status in our relationship because it tells me that you've agreed to submit to my sexual preferences and desires." I nodded and said with sheepish smile, "I thought I already was doing that Mistress." "Not quite," Nancy said giving me a pleased smile. "Because perhaps most importantly for you collaring yourself to me also means that you've accepted that as my sexual property you're willing to accept any long term permanent changes I require to become my perfect lover." "Such as what Mistress?" I asked feeling both excited and apprehensive about the idea of long terms changes. "Well at a minimum we are taking of some noticeable and permanent changes to both your body and lifestyle, including at least breast implants, piercings, decorative and cosmetic tattooing in the form of some discrete permanent make-up, and of course changing your legal identity so I can put you on the same hormonal treatment program that I following, which will result in you becoming like myself a hormonally feminised transgendered woman." I nodded feeling my cock trying to stand up again as I said with a shiver of fearful anticipation. "I understand Mistress," she smiled clearly pleased by the knowledge of what was going on under my skirts. "Finally should you accept my collar. Three things will immediately happen, the first is of course my moving in with you as your mistress cum girlfriend. Secondly as soon as possible you will see Dr Rebecca, and officially begin the process of changing your gender and legal identity from David Steven a male to that of Daisy Edith a transgendered female. And thirdly once your identity has been changed we will be legally joined in a civil union, with the intention post treatment of marrying as wife and wife in the future. Naturally at the civil union you will of course adopt my surname of Watson allowing us to publicly identify ourselves as Ms. and Mrs. Nancy Watson." I nodded wincing as my cock carried on its battle with the chastity. "I see Mistress." "Good, however should you choose to remain just as my maid cum hopefully girlfriend then everything I have just said in terms of lifestyle and body modification is also likely given that you are transgendered, but you will be consulted and have a full say in things, other than taking my name should we enter a union of course. Essentially without my collar you will to a degree dictate the pace and level of your transformation into a fully feminine life, while wearing it means you have given me the right to control everything about your transformation up to and including the final surgery. In light of today and based on what I already knew about you regardless of the collar the eventual result is likely to be the same, but my collar will undoubtedly speed up the process, however the decision to collar yourself is one you have to make." "Put the collar in the display cabinet in here, so you know where to find it should you choose to accept it. Any questions Daisy?" "You seem very sure that the eventual result will be the same regardless Mistress?" I said picking the collar up and examining it. It was not heavy and appeared to be made of a silver alloy. "So why the choice?" "Good question, and oddly he answer to both is the same. First of all because of your grandmother, I know you Daisy David better than you could imagine. Now I absolutely adored and loved your grandmother to bits and I owe so much more that you can ever conceive. Now as much as I might be trying push you in the direction she felt was right for you, I wouldn't have made a move this morning if you had not responded exactly in the way she said you would." "Oh?" I blushed never guessing that my grandmother could have predicted my intimate reactions. "I know just how much you meant to her, and-" She pulled a face. "It just would not be right to force or trick you into accepting my collar," Nancy said looking at me playing with the collar. "Before she died you grandmother told me how she saw your personality. The main thing she told me was how she genuinely believed that you'll lead a happier life as the submissive partner in a relationship. She had known since you started at boarding school that you were something of a square peg in a round hole when it came to stereotypical male interests and for a long time she assumed you were probably gay and did not know it." I nodded, and said, "She once asked me if I thought I was gay just before I started sixth form." "I know, she told me," Nancy said. "However, her view of your psycho- sexual make-up started to change after she saw many of the same personality traits you had in me when I was at college and working Saturdays washing hair at the hairdressers and started to get to know her." "Such as?" I asked. "Your unwillingness to talk about relationships. The kind of books you liked to read for pleasure, a tendency when you thought she was not watching to enjoy stereotypically feminine pass times, all gave her the feeling that you presented a false front, and your interest in traditionally male activities was at best shallow," Nancy said, adding. "At the same time she saw me becoming increasingly gender fluid while I was trying to get on the gender program and how it brought me of my shell, she began to consider given the similarities she saw between us that you might also be transgendered." I nodded, all of a sudden the occasional anomalies that cropped up in conversations with my grandmother once I was into my mid-teens started to make sense. "You were still at school at the time," Nancy said looking at me. "But once I started doing her hair, and she got to know me, her suspicions about you increased, because of how many of my quirks reminded her of yours." "I had been her first choice hairdresser for about a year when I got on to Dr Rebecca's programme," Nancy laughed. "And by then we'd known each other for long enough to know all about my dream of changing my gender, and that I worried that my predilection to be the dominant partner when it came to relationships would sink that dream. Anyway once AE discovered that I was had got onto transition program she took it upon herself to teach me how to be what she called an alpha female." "After two years on the program I encouraged by AE I quit hairdressing, and not much later she told me, more than once by the way, that she felt you came very close to fitting what I wanted in partner," Nancy gave a grin as she added. "And she was sure that once we met we would take to each other and make a very compatible couple." "She said the same to me Mistress," I admitted. Nancy nodded with a very pleased smile on her face and told me. "It would appear that she was right." "And did she know about the collar Mistress?" I asked curiously. "Oh yes!" Nancy said with a laugh. "I told her more than once that I dreamed of falling in love with a novice tranny who loved me enough in return to be willing to become my sexual property and wear that collar, and she still maintained you were ideal for me right up until the end," she blushed and wiped her eye, adding. "One of the last things she said before she passed was to remind me that she thought you were ideal for me." I half laughed and said, "Gran often said the same about you to me," I gave her a sly look and added. "You know when I was in my final term or so at university there were times when I felt very ambivalent about you Nancy because of how much she adored you." "Why?" "I guess I was feeling insecure with the pressure of finals stress," I admitted. "And perhaps most of what I felt towards you was down to knowing subconsciously that she was hiding something important from me." "When I went back to St Andrews after Easter I was worried about her, she had not been quite herself, and when I called after I got back she sounded down which was really usually. I guess I blamed my anxiety about that on your presence in her life." I shrugged. "Looking back with hindsight I assume it must have been just after her cancer diagnosis, but I never thought anything more about it because after my exams were done and I was getting ready for my trip she was back to her usual self and I just wrote it all off as exam stress." "It could have been," Nancy said perceptively. "That's what I thought but knowing what I know now, when I think about being home for that week before I set off to the dig in Greece she was a little overly pushy in the way she encouraged me to spend the time between digs going to all the places she said could not get insurance at her age to visit. The thing is as far I knew at the time there was no reason she could not have got insurance unless there was something else stopping her because I met lots of people of her age on the treks to get to more out of the way places I wanted to see. Like I said I did not see it at the time, and since she seemed to be back to normal before I left it did not occur to me that the real reason why she was so eager for me to see the world for a couple of years was she wanted me out of the way before her cancer became obvious." Nancy nodded and said, "After she finally told me in March she mentioned that she suspected you had an inkling something was up before you went abroad. Not that I found that she had a terminal diagnosis until she had no option but to tell me after her kidneys started packing up and she needed taking for her dialysis twice a week. As far as I knew other than the kidney issue she was fine and she did not tell me about her terminal diagnosis until she started putting her affairs in order in and needed some documents witnessing," Nancy shrugged. "Even then I did not really believe it until I found her passed out in here the night she went into hospital for the last time," she sadly laughed. "And I didn't accept it until she gave me her vintage clothing collection, and asked me to take her clothes from the house to Oxfam," she gave me a smile. "She lent all of the good condition original garments from her collection to the Victorian Dress Society to display in an exhibition of historical fashion trends at a country house near Milton Keynes." We were both crying by now and pulling herself together Nancy handed me a tissue and said wiping her eyes as she stood. "We better get cracking, how long will my dinner be Daisy?" "About ninety minutes Mistress," I said wiping my eyes. "I'll need to set the beef to rest in about an hour and get vegetables and Yorkshire's going." "That's perfect," she said. "It gives me just enough time to tidy up your hair, fix your nails and do your face." Five minutes later I was sat in the kitchen with gown and towel protecting my dress as Nancy trimmed my hair to a uniform length and then cut a swathe off the front shortening it dramatically into a fringe. and I was itching to see what she had done when she put down her scissors and replaced my hairband. Not that I got a chance because she immediately turned her attention to my eye brows attacking them first with a pair of scissors and then a pair strip things that hurt like hell after she aligned them on my eyebrows and ripped them back off. It felt like she had ripped most of my eyebrows out when she finished her work with a pair of tweezers. I really did think she had plucked them bare, when Nancy pushed my hair from my ears and commented as she picked up a piercing tool. "Virgin ears, don't see them very often these days," and promptly punched two studs through each lobe. Next on the list was attaching ten long false nails over my short boyish nails, before filling them into shape with a mini electric sander until they each projected about half a centimetre longer than my natural nails, and painted them with a bright pink nail varnish. "We'll get them done professionally next week when I get mine done Daisy, but these will do for now," Nancy said cheerfully looking at me with a pleased look on her face as she started work on my make-up commenting. "I expect my maid to be perfectly made up at all times, so expect to be spending a lot of time over the next few weeks on YouTube, learning how to use cosmetics." Telling me what each product was and how it was used Nancy applied my make up surprisingly quickly, adding as she started putting the products she had used back into her wheelie case. "You won't need to worry about the eyeliner for a week or so Daisy because like your lips I've used a stay fast product, but I still expect you to practice applying it." I'll be honest I was in hog heaven and itching to see what I looked like as she finished transforming me into a feminised version of myself. Reading my excitement she told me, as she brushed the hair from the towel and gown. "I've got you a cheap and cheerful make up kit to learn with on the way home from Boots, and once you can apply it to my standards, we'll up grade your make-up to a better quality product." "Thank you Mistress," I said putting my glasses back on as I stood feeling an apprehensive shiver when I saw how much hair was on the kitchen floor. Then I saw my reflection, and gasped entranced. While I was lost in the mirror, Nancy was saying. "You look delicious Daisy maid, but you have jobs to be getting on with, so get cleaned up in here, and when you are done go and lay and out my red dress, and strappy heels in my bedroom." "Yes Mistress," I said bobbing my knees. Nancy chuckled and finished her G&T. "You look pretty good for a quick job if I say so myself. I'll do your hair properly after work tomorrow, so you're looking super pretty and feminine before we celebrate Auntie Edith's on Sunday." She glanced through to the dining room and laughed. "Mistresses don't eat with their maids girl! However since you are also hopefully willing to be my girlfriend I'll forgive it, and permit you to eat with me so long as you remember your place in uniform." "Yes Mistress," I said, still trapped by my reflection. My ragged uncut in five years hair had been trimmed evenly so it was all level with my arm pits except for the front, which she had cut back so that under the headband it feathered away from my face in a fringe that showed my ear studs. Combined with my now arched and darkened eyebrows, made-up face and bright red lips, I looked like a completely different person to the twenty two year old lad who got home four hours earlier. Giving me a satisfied nod she chuckled as she walked out. "I'll take your glasses prescription to the two hour glasses place in town tomorrow and get you some feminine frames," Nancy said, "Don't spend to much time looking at yourself my girl, you have jobs to be doing and I expect my dinner served on time." Nancy was right and with a reluctant shrug I quickly cleaned up the kitchen and went to lay out her dress. I was just getting her shoes out when I heard her coming along landing saying as she walked in with a pleased smile. "I've hung up your new wardrobe and roughly arranged the maids room for you. We'll arrange it something like properly later even though hopefully, if you're agreeable you wont be sleeping in there very often," she gave me a wide smile as she said, "And I must say you have really impressed me with how clean the house is Daisy, because it must have been very dusty when you got home from your travels?" "It was Mistress, but I had to clean it for my granny's sake," I told her as bobbed a curtsey, before asking. "Is it you I have to thank for emptying the fridge and pantry of perishables, because I had visions of the fridge being an ecosystem of rotted dairy." "Yes that was me. However to the matter in hand, I am equally impressed with how you have kept it clean since you got back." She smiled. "Right then. Time to put you to work again Daisy maid," she sat at the dressing table and said, "Remove my shoes, and then you can help me undress and get ready for dinner." It really was like being in one of the stories I liked as I slipped to my knees and removed her shoes. A part of me really wanted to kiss her feet, but as soon as I had removed her shoes she was standing up saying. "Skirt!" My hands were trembling as I undid her skirt and slid it down her legs as she took off her blouse. Standing in front of me like it was the most normal thing in the world wearing only stockings suspender belt, bra and panties. Panties which showed a noticeable bulge bellow the wide waist nipping boned suspender belt holding up her stockings. Smiling at me with a silly look in her eye Nancy reached behind her back and released the catch on her bra. Her eyes were fixed on mine as she slipped it off and handed it to me saying as she sat down to release her stockings. "Remove my nylons sweetie, you'll need to hand wash them, along with my bra and my knickers," she grinned. "My Daisy maid." Her large breasts bobbled as she sat back watching me slip her stockings from her legs. Giving me a naughty smile she alluringly lifted one of her breasts and asked. "Like them Daisy?" "Yes Mistress," I said, amazed at how big they were. "Would you like a pair just like these growing from your chest?" she teased. I blushed and nodded. "I've always dreamed of it Mistress." "Good girl!" she laughed. "Well just so you know, if you choose my collar then I'll make sure you get a pair just like these," she giggled. "I do love the top heavy fifties look. Don't get me wrong I adore the Victorian era as much as AE, but my personal aesthetic has always been more towards the formfitting look of the fifties and early sixties." Waving at the draws she said, "Fetch me the red bra and French knickers set Daisy," as she removed her suspender belt and panties. Her cock was a little bigger than mine but not by much, and except for a short strip of hair was just as bald. She smiled looking at my expression as I brought her fresh underwear and watched her lift her cock commenting. "I do hope you're willing to please one of these Daisy, because if you are amenable, she would love to meet your lips later." She gave me a naughty giggled grin as she added, "I painted them cock sucker red just in case," Looking at my curious expression, she carried on. "After all my hormones, she usually doesn't take notice of pretty T-girls these days, but when I was lacing you in your replica pretty housemaids corset earlier today, oh my did she take notice, which made my knickers feel rather tight, a feeling I have not felt in a few years." I blushed, but before I could say anything she was adding. "Obviously if you are in my collar by then you'll have admitted that you're my sexual property, and being friends with her will not be an issue." "Erm yes Mistress?" "Yes to what Daisy, letting your slut red lips get introduced to my girl cock," she teased. "Or wearing my collar?" "Erm both, I guess Mistress." "Good! You know where it is," Nancy laughed. "In that case Daisy maid, perhaps you'd like to give her an hello kiss before you put my fresh panties," she pouted and then said with a note of reluctance in her tone. "And then you better fix your lip gloss and get your sexy arse to the kitchen and get my dinner ready. Your mistress is hungry Daisy maid!" Blushing brightly with embarrassment I slowly knelt before her. Although tempted in the past especially at university where I had many gay friends I had never done anything like this before, but as I lent forwards and tenderly kissed her cock I felt a thrill of pleasure run through me as I heard her delighted giggle of pleasure. "Oh my you do look lovely there my Daisy maid, I'm going to love owning you if you put my collar on!" I could still feel the seductive sensation of my lips on her cock when I went back to the kitchen and finished the preparations for dinner, which Nancy clearly enjoyed because she cleared her plate with gusto exclaiming. "Thank you Daisy maid, that was easily the best thing I've eaten in ages and if that's what you can rustle up in four hours, I can't wait to try something you've planned!" "I'm glad you enjoyed it Mistress," I said feeling delighted as I finished my meal. Nancy relaxed enjoying a coffee and a Cointreau as I cleared the table, which made her chuckle delightedly. "Well you be might a hopeless example of a male given the size of your cock Daisy, because it's even smaller than mine, and that's before I've got you on hormones, but my god was Aunty Edith was right about you having all the attributes needed to make me an excellent wife!" She chuckled. "You are a very good cook, know how to keep a house clean and have the potential to become very pretty girl. You clearly have a liking for sort of vintage feminine fashion I like, which tells me you'll not object to my desire to turn you in my ideal feminised maid cum girlfriend. Yes she was absolutely right about you being just what I need in my life," she raised her Cointreau and said, "Thank you auntie!" "Thank you Mistress, she said the same about you," I said and half laughed. "Probably because she would have loved playing the mother of the brides." "She would at that," Nancy laughed adding with a sly grin, "I don't suppose you can bake like she did?" "I wish," I chuckled. "Don't get me wrong Mistress I can bake, but I have to weigh and measure everything to get a good result, while my gran baked instinctively, she never weighed or measured in her life, and still produced the best cakes I've ever had." "I'd second that, I never understood why people raved about home baked until she took me under her wing." Nancy laughed. "The one skill she could never impart to me was cooking and baking, god knows she tried," she gave me a cheeky look and asked. "I don't suppose you know how she made those little spiced apple brandy current cakes she used to bring into the shop?" she emptied her glass and handed it me. "Because if you do you'll earn a permanent place in Anne's good books." "I know what went in them and have a rough idea of the ratio's but it would be a bit trail and error at first, because although I have all the ingredients her favourites, the only one I actually know how to make are her weed brownies," I told her. "The spice current cakes are pretty easy mixture as its basic a cake mix with fruit soaked in booze and then reduced to cook off the alcohol and intensify the flavour. I'll set a bowl of currents soaking in spiced Calvados tomorrow and make a tray up before you go back to work next week, and you can get Miss Anne to test them." "Do, she'd love that," Nancy said, "I'm glad you know how to make her brownies because they were even better than the ones you can get in the 'Dam." Although we had got to be friends on the phone as I washed up I think it was pretty clear to both of us that we were going form a strong emotional relationship. We talked about everything, hope's dreams, regrets and even our future, which was clearly going to involve Nancy drawing me in her passion for vintage clothing. This eventually led me to ask. "How did you get into historical clothing Mistress?" "Just after I started my transition AE took me under her wing, and decided to take it upon herself teach me to be real girl rather than a stereotype, and after teaching me how to dress to the occasion, she wanted to expand my cultural horizons. At the time I was a pretty typical product of a council estate. Yes I was worldly when it came to sexual kinks, but my idea of culture was whatever was fashionable. Putting it bluntly except for LGBT issues and sex I was pretty ignorant, but she had seen something in me and decided to 'improve' me as she taught me how to be a girl." Sipping her coffee she carried on. "Anyway one the first self improvement day trips she took me on was to the V&A to see an exhibition of Charles Worth's dresses and ball gowns. I knew nothing about fashion history at the time but AE was really enthusiastic about the subject and was animatedly telling me how much work went into each dress. I made a quip that she should write a book she told me that she had thought about and even did a vintage dressmaking course after she retired to learn about the techniques." "As we we toured the exhibition she told me that she never quite got round to writing the book because she enjoyed making replica Victorian dresses far more than writing. The day was fun but vintage clothing did not get to be my cup of tea," Nancy said with a fond smile on her face. "Until she took me to the Gothic weekend in Whitby." "While we were at the V&A there was a dress in the normal collection that really caught my eye. It was an 1880's bustle dress, and since she wanted to go to Whitby to check out the vintage fashions on show, she replicated the one I liked for me to wear while we were there. I'll show it you on Sunday because I'm going to wear it when we bury her ashes. Its an 1882 pattern in a sea blue silk, and from the moment she helped me dress and I got to see myself wearing it I understood why she loved the subject," she chuckled. "I guess it for a tranny like me it took the sensation of actually wearing something so quintessentially feminine as a Victorian dress, to hook me on vintage dressing, and later historical dressmaking." "Her sewing machine is in the attic, along with an unfinished dress Mistress," I said helpfully. "My gran converted it into a sewing room after I went to boarding school when she started dressmaking again." "I know Daisy, I made my first vintage ball gown with her guidance here," Nancy said, "Anyway as part of her program to make me a rounded girl, having got me interested in historical clothing AE signed me up for the same course as she did, which was how I met Anne. Who had trained as a theatrical costumer but got bored with making the same outfits time after time. We partnered up on a couple of the projects that were part of the course and found we worked really well together." "When it finished AE suggested that Anne and I start up a for fun a vintage dressmaking partnership. Having worked my way through AE's library of patterns and books, I had got pretty good at working out how 18th and 19th century clothes were constructed and AE had taught me to drape and draft patterns. As a trained hairdresser my scissors skill transferred over into being a very neat fabric cutter, while Anne was a trained machinist who really knew how to put garments together quickly and accurately." "Although it started as fun over the next year or two mainly due to AE being able to link us in with Victorian dressing world, we started to get a good reputation for being able to replicate dresses. This eventually led to a peoples life museum up north near Newcastle contacting AE to ask if 'her' team could replicate one of Lady Armstrong's dresses. AE said yes, and that one dress opened the flood gates, and our for fun partnership turned into a real business pretty much over night. Encouraged by AE not much later we decided to open a shop combining a good haberdashery, our 'off the peg' vintage designs and commercially produced clothes aimed at the same market such as your uniform and underwear." "I guess it was your idea to open a trans department?" I asked. "Sort of, I knew in the back of my mind that given the chance many trans girls and cross dressers would jump at the chance to buy vintage styled clothing, so we tested the water at London Pride the year we opened the shop. Myself, Anne and her fianc?, did I tell you he was FtM? Along with a few friends from the Victorian Dress Society who are trans and gay marched in our Victorian finery, which led to loads of interest. So I suggested to Anne that there was a market for our vintage designs there and we decided that rather than using the back shop as the sewing room we'd put the TG aimed accessories and vintage in there and the sewing room upstairs. All it took were two discrete adverts on the internet, and that side of the business took off like a rocket. It paid off because we made three times what we expected in our first year of trading and all of a sudden things were going from strength to strength." "FtM?" I asked. "Ian's a female to male TG Daisy. That was why Anne was so open to working with me when we started the Vintage dressmaking course at the same time." She gave me a questioning look. "Do you sew?" "No mistress, its one of those things I'd like to have learned, but never had the chance," I told her. "My granny didn't take up dressmaking again until I went to boarding school. I think she took it up again at first because it was something she could do of an evening once I was no longer under her feet." "I can teach you if you want to finish the dress AE was making for the Lanes Dickensian Christmas fair this year," Nancy suggested. "I think she would like it if we finished it so you could wear it where she hoped to," she grinned. "It will also mean that you'll know how to assemble a historical dress, because we're going to need an in house hand machinist to help us out if the bespoke dressmaking side of the business gets any busier. We've been getting a lot more interest from people wanting our traditional dressmaking experience package when they order a made to measure frock." "Just now either Anne or I make all the bespoke dresses with a little help from her fianc? and having someone else who we call call on to take some of the assembly work off our hands would speed things up considerably because we're getting close the two of us can do. We've already had to outsource to local women doing piece work the off the peg basic dresses we keep in stock, like the Late Victorian and Edwardian uniforms that go with your corset, and the walking dresses aimed at people who like Dickensian and Gothic weekends." "Sound successful mistress," I said. "We're getting there," Nancy said, "And we owe a lot of the success for things going so well from the start to AE. A good example is she came up the idea before we got the shop of offering customers the period dressmaking experience." "What's that?" I asked. "You know how AE liked going to Victorian balls and festivals?" I nodded. "We'll we started going to them to advertise our made to measure services which eventually led to me suggesting to Angela and Leigh Anne who I met through Dr Rebecca, that Anne and I could offer a dressmakers experience as an attraction at their Victorian festival." "In the future we'd like to do something similar in the shop here as well. Anne's other half Ian's been slowly renovating the floor above the shop, next door to the dressmaking room to make it look like a 19th C dressmakers. We'll also carry on with Leigh's weekends at Angela's though because then the clients can get the full period dress experience as they get to wear Victorian dress in a country house and get a sense of what it must have been like for a posh Victorian lady to be visited by their dressmaker when they are measured and fitted." "Who's Angela," I asked curiously. "And Leigh Anne?" "Angie's family owns the house we use," Nancy said. "I first met her fianc?e Leigh Anne at Dr Rebecca's when she started her transition about eight or nine months after me. Leigh, is very much a part of the historical dress world, and runs three period weekends a year and a summer fete at Angie's families country pile in Bedfordshire, which have become fixtures on our calender." "Anyway that idea and the idea of outsourcing the machining of our own brand off the peg dresses, and vintage pattern lingerie to people who we knew from doing the dressmaking course, as well as offering for sale to customers the same patterns and precut fabrics our machinists get as kits to people who want to make their own dresses were also AE's ideas." "She had a razor sharp business brain Mistress," I said, putting the silverware away. "Which was why she was able to kick the crap out of the glass ceiling in the City when she started in investment banking after she graduated." "All done?" Nancy asked a little while later when I was drying my hands. "Yes, coffee cups aside Mistress," I said. "They can wait," she stood, and walked over to me and undid the padlocks on my dress. "I've put the summer dress on your bed Daisy, go and get changed," she patted my arse adding. "I think we really should sit down and talk about where we're going here. I'll be in the lounge." "Yes Mistress," I said bobbing my knees to her retreating back. When I joined her the lounge wearing the flowery 50's inspired summer dress from the bag, which I belatedly noticed neck line aside was similar to what she was wearing, Nancy commented. "I thought that would suit you, you look nice in that sweetheart," and handed me a glass of wine adding. "Sit down beside me." "So can I ask you a question without any mistress maid barriers Daisy?" "Of course," I said sipping the wine. "Do you find me attractive?" I blushed and nodded. "Erm yes." "How much a little, or a lot?" Nancy asked with eyes sparkling. "A lot," I admitted. "I really liked you on the phone, and then meeting you today really opened my eyes to what my gran had been saying about you being brilliant," I laughed sheepishly. "I guess she was right." "Right enough to be my girlfriend?" "Yes." I blushed and nodded. "I'd like that." "Good so do I. I saw something very appealing in you from the moment AE showed me a photo of you Daisy," she giggled lightly. "She had already told me a lot about, and I felt I knew you well enough to think that she might be right about you being the one for me, and this was before she really sparked my interest." "How did she do that?" "My car was playing silly buggers and I had an appointment with Dr Rebecca for a pre-surgical counselling session a week or two before I got my face and boobs done, and AE offered to take me. On the way home she asked what I talked about in the session, which led to me telling her all about the struggles I had to make friends and problems I had as a gender dysphoric kid. By this point she was pretty knowledgeable about trans issues and commented that the more she learned about my childhood the more some it reminded her of you. This was just a few weeks before the laptop incident and it was the first time she hinted at her suspicions about you sharing a similar gender identity issue," she pulled out a small tobacco tin and removed a joint asked. "You don't mind if I fire one up with you here?" "Sure," I said fascinated by what she was saying. "With my granny a Friday night joint was something of a tradition in this house." Nancy laughed and lit her joint. "Wasn't it just, I spent many a weekend night sat here blowing a joint with her. Anyway where was I, oh yes, Dr Rebecca's, anyway AE told me a few things you had said to her about making friends and not understanding why lads did the things they did, which on top of what I already knew about you meant I was predisposed to find you attractive, but now I've found out that like to look like my kind of girl I more than fancy you," Nancy said giving me a beaming grin and she drew on her smoke. "Good," I said with a sheepish blush. "Because I'd like that idea." "What idea?" "Making me look like your kind of girl," I said embarrassed. "Because I could very easily happy with you if you did." "Why?" Nancy asked. "In part because my granny told me an awful lot about you as well. I knew you were bossy, which appeals and then when you kept calling after I got back for a chat on the phone I found you really easy to talk to, which for me on a telephone is very unusual," I said feeling a embarrassed but not getting tongue tied. "Even with girls, not there have been many, I was sort of seeing I never found it easy to chat over the phone." I half laughed. "I did not have much success when it came to girlfriends, mostly because I wished I was them and then it would just fizzle out." "Was it because they weren't for want of a better word dominant enough for you?" Nancy asked with her eyes dancing through a veil of pot smoke. "Probably." I nodded. "I guess they wanted a boyfriend who'd take the lead, which was something I found hard since I wanted to be the girl in the relationship." "So you grandmother said," Nancy chuckled. "It was not long after you started at university that I was here one Friday night. We were supposed to be going to see something in town but it had been cancelled because some bonkers god obsessed loony had committed an atrocity. Anyway I was complaining about the girlfriend I had at the time. AE did not much like her and thought I was a wasting my time bothering with her when she said out of the blue. "You need someone like my Davie!" And proceeded to tell me how you took after your mother when it came to relationships and shared her willingness to go with the flow, which she felt would fit in nicely with tendency to take the lead when it came to relationships." "That fits because it was around then that she first mentioned to me that you were trans," I told her, hyper aware that her arm had snaked over back of the sofa behind my shoulder. "Over the next two terms she told me about you transition and mentioned that you were developing into the kind of girl who would make me a much better partner that the girl she met who I was sort of seeing at university." Nancy nodded leaving her arm where it was for now, I didn't notice I did it but as I explained. "I think it was Christmas of my second year when I was home for the holiday she first tied to matchmake us a date." I lent into her as her arm slipped off the sofa back and round me. "But that got sunk because I came home with university flu, and spent the holiday full of the lurgy getting spoon fed her vile flu remedies!" "That was about the only time we hit dates," Nancy said giving me a gentle squeeze. "I remember it clearly because it was just before Anne and I had to get serious about our dressmaking business, and from then on sods law said we were at a show or period clothing event like Angie's weekend when you were home." She gave me a smile and added, "Although AE never admitted it to me, I'm pretty sure from having heard your side of the story now that it was her feeling that you were emotionally better suited to being the submissive partner, and her suspicion that you were struggling with your gender identity, which were the main reasons why she was so keen on getting us together." "Probably," I said, leaning forwards and refilling our glasses. "She was a very good judge of character and did not miss much," I chuckled looking up at her photograph on the wall. "And you always got your way, didn't you Gran." "She did," Nancy laughed, and nodded to our reflection in the mirror. "Eventually." "Yes," I nodded before seeing her expression in the mirror, which resulted in me hesitantly kissing her. Needless to say we both responded and after a long kiss, she said with a pleased chuckle. "I guess that just sealed the direction where we're going," her eyes were sparkling when she said, "Later this evening?" "I hope so mistress," I told her with a grin. Nancy gave me another kiss, and said, "Good, because something went very tight during that kiss Daisy my darling!" I blushed realising she meant her cock, and then sat up saying. "Oh god the jewellery box!" Jumping to my feel I walked over over to the cabinet, and opened the lower doors to remove both boxes. Bringing them back, I nestled back into her arm and handed her my grandmothers box. "She wanted you to have this." Nancy opened it, and let out a gasp. "I can't take this," she said lifting one of my grandmothers vintage diamond rings from the box. "She wanted you to have them," I told her. "So they are yours Mistress." "But I can't?" Nancy said. "You should have them?" "She's left me far more in the other box," I told her. "But..." Nancy said. "She already left me some money, her dress collection and written off her investment in the shop?" "She wanted you to have them," I said adding firmly. "Do I have to put your collar on and prove it?" I giggled teasingly. "After all if I am property, then my things are yours Mistress?" "That's not what it means and you know it!" Nancy said breathlessly. "Anyway I'll never be able to afford to insure all this where I live." "Where do you live?" "Me? I've got a flat off Cromwell Road on the other side of town in Westwood." "Rough area," I said. "It's not the nicest of places, but its not as bad as the local rag makes out," Nancy told me putting the box on the coffee table. "I'd like to move out in the future but I can't afford it at the moment. The business is making a tidy profit but Anne and I aren't seeing any of it because the five year business plan AE wrote for us was based on ploughing all the profits back into the business to give us a secure base." "Well you can always keep the box here Mistress, after all you are the Lady of the house," I blushed. "Erm if you want to be?" "Seriously?" I nodded. "Yes." My tongue felt leaden as I said, "I'd like you to." "You know I'd insist on keeping you as my maid 24/7?" Nancy said, "You'll have wasted three years at university, because the only job I'd let you have is either as my housewife cum maid, or dressmaking for me in the shop?" I nodded, and shrugged. "The chances of me getting a job in archaeology with just a BA are at best slim. I'd make a hopeless history teacher, which means other than as a stepping stone to Masters or as way to get on the graduate intake with a company my degree isn't worth the paper its written on. Archaeology is one of those subjects that has a very narrow career path at the end of it, you have to stay in education and get a higher degree to stand a chance of a career in the field, or you get a PGCE and switch to teaching, or you abandon the subject entirely and become a corporate drone." "Why not go for a higher degree?" "I've spent my last five summers living like a tramp out of tent either freezing or burning my backside off digging holes, and although its fun, I really don't want to spend the next ten years doing just the same while working on a masters, then publishing enough site papers to write a doctorate, before I'm in the position where I get a chance to research a site which interests me." "So what are you going to do?" Nancy asked. "See where you take me Mistress," I said with an impudent grin. "My grandmother would not have been so keen on getting us together if she thought for a moment that I'd want to spend the next ten years in academia and working as archaeological digger." "Oh!" Nancy said, clearly struggling to digest what I had said, and changed the subject asking. "What's in the other box?" "This was my mums jewellery box," I said picking the box up. "It's my mum's jewellery and what gran left for me," I opened the box to show her the contents. "See what I mean about her leaving me even more?" "Oh I like that?" Nancy picked up a sapphire ring from the half dozen rings in the top of the box. "That was her mothers, my great grandmothers engagement ring," I told her. Nancy removed the ring and took hold of my left hand. Smiling she pushed it onto my wedding ring finger, saying. "You should wear it Daisy it matches your eyes." "Is that an offer?" I laughed pointing to the ring. "Because it looks very pretty on my finger." "Eventually, I hope." Nancy laughed removing it from my finger, and putting it back in the box. "Oh!" I mock pouted. "I better wear the other one then." I guess it was the pot which slowed her because she looked at me blankly. "Which one?" I pointed to the collar on the cabinet. "The large one above my grandmother's ashes." "That's up to you Daisy maid, but you know the consequences if you do choose to put it on," Nancy said unable to hide the hopeful look in her eyes. "Because I wasn't joking about what I'll do if you lock it on you." I blushed, and told her. "You know I've always dreamed of being forcibly kept as a maid Mistress." In need of a little Dutch courage I nodded at her joint. "May I?" She handed it me saying, "I didn't think you smoked?" "I don't very often," I told her. "I'm not anti pot or anything, I just I prefer to get high with a brownie. The main reason why I'm not a great fan of smoking pot is because it tends to hit me like a sledge hammer." I took a deep draw on the joint commenting as I exhaled. "That's very rough in comparison to stuff my gran grew in the greenhouse." I laughed. "She'd spent almost 30 years perfecting her pot plants, and when she planted them, it was one pot plant, two tomato plants then another pot plant. There's a bag of her last crop in the cupboard and another two bags in her hidey hole." Taking another hit, I passed it back to her, adding with a grin. "It does taste better with lipstick though." Taking my time I told Nancy all about my forced feminisation fantasy's finishing with. "Which is why when you asked me earlier if I meant making friends with your girl cock, or the wearing your collar I said both." "Well like I said its your choice to collar yourself Daisy. You know the consequences if you do chose to lock it round your neck because I'm not joking about what I'd insist on if you become my sexual property," Nancy said adding with a tempting grin. "Although my collar would look very pretty secured around your neck matching the one I've put on your clitty, and would look delicious when you're wearing your day uniform." "Do you think so Mistress?" "I know so," she laughed. "But its up to you." "I know," I said, asking, "Would you like another bottle of wine or something else?" "I'd like to say yes, but its a work day tomorrow, and I'd much rather you let me take you to bed so you can consummate becoming my girlfriend by making friends with my girl cock fairly soon Daisy, but for now a pot of tea will suffice," Nancy told me with a pleased smile. "You can have both Mistress," I giggled, as the pot unleashed the devil in me. "Because after you take me to bed I'm very curious about being your girlfriend and since my lips are advertising their willingness to consummate where we're going it would be a shame to waste them don't you think?" The look on Nancy's face was amazing as I stood up and kissed her. "White no sugar right?" "Yes please Daisy, and while you're on your feet, put the boxes away and fetch AE's bag of pot, because you're right about this hash." "Yes Mistress," I said actually finding my heels easier to manage feeling a little stoned than I did straight. I commented on it as I carried the boxes to the cabinet. "That's because you're not thinking about it Daisy," Nancy told me. "And you do look a hell of a lot sexier than you did as a boy. You suit dresses tits and heels," Standing herself saying. "I'm going to nip to the loo slip into something more comfortable before your lips make friends me." As I put the boxes away and pulled out the bag of weed, I saw the collar and picked it up wondering what it would feel like round my neck. I could feel my cock trying to swell in my frilly knickers, but restrained in the chastity all it did was hype up my frustrated arousal. Putting the weed on the table I walked to the mirror and watching my reflection I slipped the collar round my neck. The hinge must have been sprung because as I flipped my hair free I nudged it past the pin that held it open and it abruptly snapped closed round my neck with a distinct click. Although I don't think I actually intended to collar myself I had, and my chastity felt even more confining as I gazed entrance my reflection loving the look of the silver ring locked around my neck. "Like that is it Daisy maid," Nancy said with a giddily delighted giggle behind me. "Well I can't say I am surprised, and it not like you were unaware of the consequences, so on your head be it." She was trying to keep her face straight, but she was clearly struggling to control a delighted smile from being plastered over her face. "Once I am breakfasted tomorrow, I will remove every scrap of male clothing in this house, and take it with me for disposal on my way to work. Now come here," she pointed at her feet. "Kiss them." "Yes Mistress," I said feeling deliriously happy as I got down on my knees and kissed her feet. "Good girl! Now before you go and fetch the tea to my bedroom, I want you to put that sapphire ring back on your finger and keep it there from now on to indicate to the world that you are engaged to me. I will also will contact Dr Rebecca first thing in the morning, and make an appointment to get you juiced up in the very near future, and arrange to get your name changed Daisy Edith," she grinned down at me, and added. "Off you go Daisy, and while your waiting for the tea, repair your lips I want your Mistresses girl cock to feel lots of fresh gloss on your cock sucker red lips when you make friends with her in the very near future." "Of course Mistress," I said standing feeling like I was on cloud nine. Next morning I was not so sure when I woke up with a firm spank on my arse and Nancy telling me sleepily. "Go and get my breakfast coffee on on Daisy maid." She yawned sitting up in bed. "Once its brewed bring it up here and then you can get a shower, clean your ears and get your uniform on including your working heels. I'll fix your hair and show you how to put it up in a simple bun for daytime wear and do your make up once I'm properly woken up." Letting out a delighted chortle, she said, "I'll be down for breakfast in about thirty minutes, I'd like tea, fresh fruit and yoghurt, and toast." Nancy kept me running that morning, what with getting ready, getting her breakfast on, cleaning her shoes and carrying my boys clothes to her car, she did not give me a chance to consider anything other than her commands. Her attitude really woke up my constricted cock, which put me back in the same heady state of frustrated sexual arousal I had been in yesterday, which thinking about it might have been why she did it. She hyped up my frustrations even more when came down to breakfast and told me. "In my bag you'll find my hormones and androgen blockers, can you get them for me for me please Daisy maid." She must have been reading my mind as she popped two tablets from one blister pack and one from the other. She had a knowing smile on her face as she swallowed her pills, and teased. "I bet you're dreaming of me tipping three of them in my palm and making you take them Daisy?" I blushed and admitted. "I was yes Mistress." "Well once Rebecca gives the all clear, that will happen," she said firmly. "Because I am not joking about putting you into treatment asap," she handed me the boxes of pills. "Put them in the kitchen cupboard." Taking her time she showed me how to do my make up, and fix my hair in a bun, before saying, "The practice make up I got you is next to your laptop. I made myself administrator last night and limited your access to the sites I've favourited. Your new login is Daisy Maid, and the password is Nancy's girl all one word upper case N and G." "Once you have done your daily chores, including hand washing my lingerie, I want you to spend some time today using the tutorial channels practising putting your hair up and doing your day face, because I expect you to be proficient enough at it to be able to do an acceptably good job yourself Monday morning." Grinning she kissed my cheek and as I stood she slipped the two padlocks into the loops on back my uniform sealing me in it adding. "I want anyone who sees you from now on to know that you are the maid not the lady of this house. Oh and I'll need your birth certificate, passport, driving licence and your NHS number to make you an appointment with Dr. Rebecca, make sure you put them in my bag Daisy." Clearly enjoying being the Mistress of the House, Nancy waved to the door and added. "You may go make me another pot of tea, while I finish getting ready. I'll take it in the lounge and catch the morning news before I get off to work." "Yes Mistress," I said bobbing my knees. Nancy kept me standing in my ready to serve pose while she sipped her tea, making no secret of how much she was going to enjoy keeping me as her maid, in between her occasional comments on the news. "I knew my collar would look lovely on you Daisy," she chortled delightedly. "It adds that final touch to your status as my maid and it does look very pretty locked round your neck above your uniform don't you think?" "Yes Mistress," I said having found it hard not to let my eyes wander over the mirror and drink in my submissively feminine reflection. Nancy was fulfilling my deepest fantasy, by enforcing my adoption of the life style I had dreamed of and she demanded. I'd be lying if I did not say the consequences of locking myself the collar did frighten me, they turned me on so much more. "Good I'm glad you agree Daisy maid, because for the foreseeable future my collar will not be relaxed and a maid is all you will be. Once you have started to show some visible signs of your feminisation in terms of your manner, presentation and behaviour, and of course began your hormonal medication we'll reassess the situation. That said once we get your documents back from Dr Rebecca's, confirming that your legal identity has been changed from male to preoperative transgendered female I will reintroduce you to a fully public life, probably beginning with a holiday to the Canary Islands for Pride in November." "That will be nice Mistress I love the Canary Islands," I told her. "Me too! Now my girl along with the hair and make up tutorials, I have also provided you with a range of websites and YouTube channels on feminine behaviour, gestures and presentation that I wish you study, if you get time have look at them and we will discuss where we go from here this evening." "Yes Mistress, I will," I said with a smile feeling like I had gone to heaven. "Good, I'll be home for about six, six thirty have a G&T waiting when I get in, and I think since the forecast for the weekend is stunning I'd like to dine at seven on the patio, so make sure its clean and swept." She reluctantly stood and added, "Now come and give me kiss at the door because I better be off or I'll be late." Once Nancy had left, I got my breakfast and relaxed with a pot of tea for a half hour before getting on with my housework. Since we had made a bit of a mess of her bed last night I changed the main bedrooms for the second time in two days, and put the bedclothes on to wash, before hovering and cleaning the ensuite bathroom. I got finished around half eleven, and after setting some chicken to marinade with fresh lemon, I went to clean the patio. I was just finishing up when I realised that at least one of the neighbours could see into the garden, which was kind of embarrassing but having been out there for a half hour already I realised that it was pointless being embarrassed about it now. As I thought about it, I realised that mine was not the only house in the area with a maid, because the area had always been popular with London's upper middle classes. Deciding that if anyone had seen me they would not recognise me after all this time, and would assume I worked for one of the many agencies whose staff cleaned the houses of the media and sporting personalities who had colonised the area over the last twenty years. I rather enjoyed my morning, there was something deeply satisfying about doing 'my' housework knowing that I could not remove either my heels or my dress. I had always dreamed of finding myself in this situation, where how looked, dressed and acted was dictated by someone else, and now I was. It was like having let Nancy take the lead and dictate my role in our future relationship she had lifted the emotional burden of expectation off my shoulders, and for perhaps the first time in my adult life I felt truly happy. Perhaps I might have felt different about where things were going if the 'dominant' controlling my future had not shared with me the same loving need to not let my grandmother down even after she had died. We might have only known each other physically for barely twenty four hours, but we knew each far better than either of us could ever have suspected, because before she passed my grandmother had carefully primed us to fall for each other. The more I considered it, the more obvious it was to me that my grandmother had deliberately engineered a pre-existing bond between Nancy and I by informing each of us about the others personality quirks and desires. Both of us knew very well that she believed we were an ideal match for each other, which 'set' the situation where following her death we were predisposed to instinctively trust each other. This instinctive trust laid the foundation of a relationship between us in a way that made our coupling up in the aftermath of her passing pretty much inevitable. As these thoughts came and went for the first time since the awful news of my grandmothers passing the guilt mixed in with my grief about not being with her at the end had faded. That my absence had been by her choice did make my feelings of guilt any easier to deal with, but knowing that Nancy was with her did take most of it away because I knew she had she passed away surrounded by love. I'd be lying if I said that I did not worry about what what people would think of me, especially if they knew what we did in 'Nancy's' bedroom last night. However once I realised that coming out as transgendered in today's world did not hold the same stigma it once did, and what we got up to in the bedroom was no ones business but ours, even those worries started to fade. I sure part of this acceptance was down to the same reason why I was enjoying doing my maids chores dressed as Nancy wanted me to look. I knew it pleased her as much as I enjoyed it. At first I was surprised by how important pleasing Nancy had become for me, until I realised that this desire to make each other happy was just what my grandmother had set out to engineer between us. The other thing driving my willingness to please Nancy came from myself because it was a way of showing how much it meant to me that she had been there for my grandmother during her final weeks. After putting the washing on and hand washing her intimates, I made myself some lunch and then got on with my homework. Tying my hair in a bun was a lot harder than it looked but after a few disastrous attempts I got the knack of it and I was feeling rather pleased with myself when I managed to put my hair up in a bun for the third time without it falling apart when the telephone rang. Unsure of what to do I picked it up and said mimicking my grandmothers tone and intonation. "Good afternoon the Stour residence." "Hello, is that Daisy Stour?" I did not recognise the voice, but said, "It is." "Ah, hello," the voice said. "Your speech and intonation are excellent for a new girl by the way, my name is Dr Rebecca Williams from Eastfield GIC, I believe your Mistress told you that she was going to call me about your transition?" "Oh hello," I said feeling my knees trebling, it was the gender doctor Nancy was seeing. "Yes she did Doctor." "Marvellous. I spoke to Nancy a little earlier and she told me what her intentions are in terms of your transition, and that you are in agreement with them. She also tells me that should I be willing to accept you for treatment you're aware of the intended result, and have agreed to transition with that in mind?" "If that's what Nancy said then yes Doctor that's correct," I sheepishly added. "She was not that clear about what she was going to say to you when she told me." "No matter, I'll cover that as we get there in the future. Having spent a half hour or so discussing your case with her, and based on her recommendation, and our examination your medical records I am willing to accept you into treatment assuming you pass a psychologically examination." "Okay," I said. "Marvellous, now when my staff examined your medical records, they flagged an anomaly, which demands explanation, can I ask why you recently went for an extensive medical including a full blood panel?" "It's good practice Doctor, I've spent most of the last two years working my way round the world using my archaeology degree to volunteer as a trained digger on archaeological sites across four continents. It was a way of gaining experience and an excuse to visit the great sites, in Egypt, Greece, Jordan, Cambodia, and the Americas," I explained. "Since its not uncommon for archaeologists to pick up all kinds of nasty bugs on overseas digs it seemed sensible when I got back to get checked over and make sure I had not brought any passengers home or caught anything." "Well that answers that," she said cheerfully. "And puts a tick in your common sense box, which is a bonus considering the path you'll be taking should I accept you. Can I assume that as far as you are aware you're are in a good state of physical and mental health?" "I like to think so," I said. "Good," Doctor Rebecca said to the sound of her writing something down. "As you included a full blood panel during the exam it has saved me from having to send you for one, which is useful since Nancy requested me to put a hurry on things. After getting access to your records I handed your blood work to our endocrinologist and they have assessed you a suitable candidate, which means that there is no physiological reasons why you cannot proceed straight into treatment, which is of course the wish of your mistress." "Okay Doctor," I said feeling my legs go weak. "I understand." "I called Nancy back when there were no medical issues and she has asked me to proceed straight on to the next stage. Normally I'd require four to six counselling sessions prior to considering a new candidate for our transition program, but on her recommendation I have agreed wave these and accept you directly into treatment. However before I can do that there is one legal hurdle I cannot wave, and that is the legally mandated pretreatment psychological assessment, admittedly in your case based on what Nancy has told me this session is likely to be purely a formality, but it is one we cannot avoid." "Erm yes Doctor," I said wondering what it all meant. "Marvelous, now when I spoke to Nancy a few minutes ago she mentioned that since you're at home and have Skype, if you're agreeable we can get the mandatory session out of the way now by doing it over the internet?" "I guess that's fine Doctor," I said feeling my heart thumping. "Great I hoped you'd say that!" she said with a smile in her voice. "In that case if you give me your Skype address and I'll contact you in around five minutes?" I had just enough time to get a mug of tea, before my computer chimed for an incoming Skype session. As my screen resolved I saw on the screen a well dressed woman wearing a doctors lab coat over a business suit. She was in her late thirties, with rich brown hair and expressive face, who commented looking at me via the computer. "Well I can see you are already living in role Daisy, which answers my first question about when you wish to start your life test." I blushed sheepishly and said, "Nancy did not give me much choice in the matter Doctor." Doctor Rebecca laughed. "Why am I not surprised by that?" before asking me some of the strangest of questions about my childhood, my relationship with my grandmother, my sexual experience and how long I had felt conflicted about my sense of gender identity. "All my life I guess, certainly since primary school," I admitted. She never directly delved into my gender discomforts, instead she asked a lot of open ended questions that forced me to explain why I felt a sense of dislocation between who the world saw and how I felt I should be. She was obviously very good at her job because she made me talk and explain many things that I had never considered. As I answered her questions she took copious notes, notes that she often referred to, before posing another sequence of question, which I belatedly recognised got me to expand on something I had told her previously. Eventually she sat back in her chair and said with a pleased nod. "Well Daisy I have to say you appear to more than meet the criteria for me to confidently assess you as genuinely transgendered. Therefore I am perfectly happy sign off that you're suitable for treatment, and register you as having started your transition and life test as of today if that is your wish." "Yes Doctor," I said. Smiling she nodded and asked as she signed a form. "Nancy also tells me that she has decided to keep you under a long term regime of chastity during the first phase of treatment, can I ask how that makes you feel?" I felt embarrassed about Nancy telling her about that, but then I remembered I had already told her about the cage when she asked me about my sexual experience, or rather lack of it, and I admitted. "I like the frustration and the symbolic nature of giving up control of it to her. Strange as it may seem its a turn-on that I can't be turned on, if you follow that Doctor." She laughed, and said dryly, "You're not the first girl to tell me that, any discomfort or pain?" "Not so far, unless you mean the discomfort of it stopping me showing how turned on I am from what Nancy is doing to me," I admitted with a blush that got even brighter when I realised what I had just said. "That discomfort should fade in time especially as you start to respond to the treatment regime Nancy has requested. You'll also find being caged a much more comfortable experience once she puts you in one of our products. They are much more secure, and have been designed for long term wear," Doctor Rebecca told me, adding with a smile, "I keep my personal housemaid in same sort of restraint that Nancy had ordered for you, so I can assure they are perfectly safe so long as she follows the correct cleaning procedures." "Nancy also requested that she would like you to hormonally transition as rapidly as possible with the intention of undertaking some basic physical modification within the next twelve months, specifically breast implants and if necessary some minor facial work, which looking at you I doubt will be needed judging by your bone structure once the hormonal treatment has softened your features, other than perhaps a bit of a bit of work to straighten and slim down the size of your nose." "Yes Doctor, that's what she told me." "Excellent, well I think that covers about everything. You are aware of the process and do not appear to have any psychological issues impairing your thought processes, and have been officially informed of what the short term treatment goals are, which ticks the final box in the legal requirements," Doctor Rebecca said, "Any questions?" "Not that I can think of just now doctor," I said, trying to process everything she had said in the last fifty minutes or so. "Wonderful," she said with a smile which left me feeling a mixture of both elation and scared shitless when she continued adding. "Well in that case Daisy you'll be pleased to know that I have absolutely no problem with agreeing to everything Nancy has requested for you," she smiled. "Can I assume that you wish to start the program today?" "If that's what Nancy said, then I do Doctor," I told her. "Excellent, well so long as Nancy has you complete all the paper work I emailed earlier and returns them along with your current documents then I see no reason why we can't process your admission to the program straight after the bank holiday. Assuming no hiccups you should expect to get official notification of acceptance from us within the next week to ten days, and your reissued documents perhaps a week or so later." "Thank you Doctor," I said wondering what sort of paperwork I'd need to fill in? "Great. Now to the less pleasant side of things, Nancy told me that you have private means and will not be seeking an NHS referral is that correct?" "If that's what Miss Nancy said, then yes Doctor," I told her confused. "Excellent, coming into the program as private patient really does speed things up. I'll post out the financial paperwork for you to fill in and sign, just bring it with you when you when you come in for your first face to face session next month. I'll make you an appointment with Nancy when she is due for her six month check up, but for now I think we are done. That will be all Daisy and I'll see you next month." "Thank you Doctor," I did not even get to finish before she abruptly signed off, leaving me sat there unsure of what had just happened, until it hit me that I just agreed to start a gender reassignment program. I was not sure how I felt about that, and as I played with the make-up all afternoon I kept asking myself what had I done, as my emotions rocked between excited and terrified? Eventually Nancy's imminent arrival home stirred me from my self doubts, and hoping that I had done an acceptable job of making myself up following the tutorial for a basic day look make up, I went and got everything ready. I might have been feeling a bit unnerved by my Skype conversation with Dr Rebecca but Nancy was over the moon about it when she got home. She came bounding in and exclaimed handing me her jacket, and another vintage design clothing bag. "Rebecca called after she spoke to you and told me that she has accepted you into treatment and let me know that you told her that you wanted to start your life test immediately." She gave me a gleeful kiss. "Which has changed my plans a little, but that does not matter!" I wanted to ask why but before I could Nancy was excitedly telling me. "Since you told her that you wanted to start today, and are my collared sexual property, I decided that there was need to bother you with signing all the paper work and documents, so I did them for you." She giggled with excitement as I hung up her coat. "Fortunately your old signature was very easy to copy." Dropping her bag on the hall table she told me. "You'll be pleased to know I've already couriered everything straight back along with your documents. Knowing Rebecca I would imagine she'll put a hurry on things, and start processing both your application and the legal side changing your identity first thing Tuesday morning." She kissed my forehead and said with an ear to ear grin. "I'm absolutely delighted that you've decided to be Daisy Edith from now." Lifting the clothing bag from my hand she said, "I'll hang this up since I'm going to get changed," adding as she left me there dumb struck, "I'll take my G&T on patio Daisy maid, and bring the mug of tea I'm sure you have in the kitchen, and bring a biscuit or two for yourself. I think we need to have a little chat about how your decision to start transitioning today changes things." Five minutes later Nancy was sat on the patio wearing the lose vest top, flip-flops and the short cotton skirt I hung in the wardrobe. Sipping her G&T she gave me a grin and said patting the seat beside her. "Sit down Daisy." Her face was full of expectant glee as I joined her, and then she opened her hand, nestled in her palm was a pale yellow pill. "This is for you. Dr Rebecca has kindly put you on the same hormonal dosage as me, and since I specified that penile sexual functionality was not going to be needed she has prescribed you a much higher dose of anti-androgens to quell that function as soon as possible, and has planned your hormone therapy with the goal of going for reassignment surgery as soon as its feasible." She held up the pill and said with an ear to ear grin. "I've been looking forwards to doing this all the way home, stick out your tongue love." When I stuck out my tongue she placed the pill in my mouth and said, "Swallow! Take a mouthful of tea if you need to." My hand was shaking as I lifted my tea cup and took a sip swallowing it with the pill. "Show me!" Nancy said with a pleased smile. I opened my mouth and she looked inside and exclaimed. "Wonderful! And with that little pill you've officially started transition Daisy," she gave my hand a pleased squeeze saying. "That clever little tablet will soon being going to work blocking you from absorbing all that nasty testosterone, putting you on the path to being feminised lover I want!" "Now eat your biscuit because you should always eat a little something when you take your pills," she advised smiling at me. Sat there I probably looked a little moronic as I realised that very soon I would not longer be legally no longer be classed as a male, or have the name David! While all that was going through my mind, Nancy was looking at me and commenting. "Not bad job on your make-up Daisy, you need to take more care with your eye shadow, and your brows and eye liner are a little wonky but for your first attempt at doing your face I can't really complain." "Thank you Mistress, it was kind of fun," I said with my mind still a whirl of the consequences of the tablet she had fed me. She gave me a cock headed look and asked, "How do you feel about that pill I gave you love?" "Scared," I admitted. "That's normal," she laughed. "Anything else?" "Weirdly excited, but at the same time I can't help but wonder what's going to happen to me?" "Also normal," Nancy said, sipping her gin with pleasure. "And what's going to happen is you're going to become even more attractive to me," she took my hand and gave it a squeeze. "Because AE was right you're everything I could want darling." "I wish I could believe that," I said. "Do, because its true," Nancy said firmly. "I've wanted you since we started chatting on the phone and I realised that AE was right about you. Trust me on this love, I spoke to Dr Rebecca after she interviewed you and she agreed with my assessment that you're about as transgendered as they come. It's why she thinks you're an excellent candidate to undergo an accelerated transition." "Rebecca might be a bit weird and enjoy the BDSM scene with a submissive feminine partner a little too much for my taste, but when it comes to her work she's 100% professional. If she did not think you were a suitable candidate for transition she would not have accepted you." "She said she keeps her maid in chastity," I told her. "I know, Rebecca has a thing about having working cocks in her home, I don't know for sure but I think she had a bad experience with a boy at university. Her attitude seems to be if a penis works and it lives under her roof then it's locked in a cage." "Wow!" I gasped. "Although Rebecca identifies as lesbian, she is unusual in making no distinction between cis and trans girls," Nancy was busy rolling herself a joint as she told me. "She's also has a liking for having a trans girl as a maid doing her housekeeping. In the past it was not unusual for her maid to have been her lover but since she hooked up with Julia, the last couple of maids have been strictly living in her home as their servants." "It's a bloody good deal for a transgendered girl if she is submissive enough to accept Rebecca's aesthetic choices in terms of any surgical appearance changes because she takes a shine to someone and takes them on as a housemaid then all facets of the girls transition are completely covered." "I would have thought there would be ethical problems with that?" I said. I did not know much about medical ethics but I knew it was not good practice for a doctor to prescribe for people they were emotionally involved with. "There are, which is why she has nothing to do with the clinical side of her maids transition, beyond providing a non professional reference that they are suitable for treatment," Nancy said sipping her drink. "Which is what I did for you this morning." "She offers something similar to all her employees, which is why a significant proportion of her staff are trans both male and female. The program offers transgendered people something like a 70% reduction in the cost of a transition." "She sounds like a good boss." "She is from what I can even if she's a bit weird about all the rules and restrictions she puts on her maid, when it comes to her business she has a great reputation for treating her staff really well. If I had known about her company program when I started I could very easily have gone to work for her," Nancy said cheerfully, lighting her post work smoke. "Since she hooked up with Julia her head nurse she's nothing like as weird as she was though, and according to Angie who knows her much better than I do because they have a business relationship they've just got engaged," Nancy grinned blowing out a plume of smoke. "Did I tell you Angie's partner Leigh spent the first year of her transition as one of Rebecca's maids?" "No," I said. "Well she did," Nancy chuckled. "Leigh currently works as a manager in Rebecca's office, not that she needs to work because Angie is from old money and is seriously loaded," she handed me her empty glass and said, "How long will dinner be?" "About forty minutes Mistress," I said, "The chicken is cooking, the salads made and the potatoes are warming in the oven." "In that case fetch me another one please Daisy maid," Nancy said leaning back in her chair enjoying the sun on her face as she added with a grin. "God I love looking at you in that uniform, darling." After refilling her glass and topping up my tea, I asked, "So what happens now Mistress?" "To you in terms of the transition?" Nancy asked. I nodded. "Not much in the first three months other than you getting used to living 24/7 as Daisy while your body rebalances your hormone levels from a male baseline to something approaching a feminine norm. Assuming you show no nasty side effects from the oral hormones as soon as you reach the required hormone balance I've asked Rebecca to switch you over to injections. Hopefully this will happen a lot quicker for you than it did for me as you had a low male count to begin with, because I'd love to see you my darling girlfriend showing the beginnings of a fat pair of tits of your own by Christmas." She giggled delighted. "I can't wait to play with them!" She had a pleased as punch expression on her face. "If you're like me the first thing you'll notice is your emotional control will slip, then you'll start to show the first physical changes. You'll find your skin softening as your body develops a deeper layer of subcutaneous fat, and you could find your hair thickening, and a decrease in the amount of body hair, although with using Dermalete you may not notice this." I nodded and asked, "What's the time line on this?" "It depends entirely on your metabolism, but by this time next year you'll no longer look physically male and will be clearly displaying female secondary sexual characteristics in terms of fat distribution, physique and of course breast development." "If you're anything like me then the first really clear sign that hormone treatment is working will be a sudden increase in the sensitivity of your nipples, closely followed by finding they start to react to sexual stimulation. About the same time they'll probably get really itchy and at times almost painful as the milk ducts start to form as the breast tissue begins to develop. Either just before or at the same time you'll also find that where your body creates fat has started to shift from your belly to your thighs, arse and chest. Then eventually one morning you'll wake up and find that seemingly overnight you've sprouted a small pair of breasts." "On the downside while all this is happening you'll notice a reduction in your awareness of arousal, and because of your high dose anti androgen treatment your cocks sensitivity to arousal will also decline making it less likely to fight with your chastity likes its doing just now." "Oh!" I said sheepishly feeling my cock painfully compress in its cage. "That will be a bit of a relief." "How does all that make you feel?" she asked a moment later. "Scared, painfully turned on and weirdly excited," I admitted. "Where did you get the tablet Mistress?" "They are yours. Rebecca's prescribed them to you Daisy. She sent your prescription through to Boots near work and I picked it up on the way home. She's put you on a daily dose of 6 milligrams of hormones, taken in two pills one morning one night, and 400 milligrams of androgen blockers. That pill was the first of two blockers you'll take daily, you'll take the other one with your first hormone pill after dinner, and from tomorrow, you'll take one each when I take mine morning and night." I felt myself shiver at her words. "You're really lucky because your physical build is really close to the female norm and are blessed with an unusually low androgen level to start with. Dr Rebecca tells me that your blood tests showed one of the lowest starting levels she's seen, which she tells me means you should start to show the effects much faster than I did," Nancy grinned looking at my expression and said, "So expect to find your emotions going a bit haywire fairly soon as your endocrine system in effect triggers a second puberty as you start becoming hormonally feminised." I felt a chill run down my back when she said, hormonally feminised. Nancy saw it on my face and said with a determined smile. "I did warn you this would happen if you locked my collar on yourself love." I blushed and said, "You did mistress." "Well now know Daisy Edith I really was not joking." She grinned and added, "I told you that I wanted you as feminised lover, and that is what you are becoming Daisy." I shivered, and nodded. "I know Mistress." "Oh and while we're on the subject I told Rebecca to just change your surname straight away to Watson, because as soon as we get your identity documents back I'll be booking a registrar to legally tie you to me in a civil partnership as Daisy, which will make you legally my wife. We're going have traditional vows, I will love and cherish, while you will vow to love, honour and obey me!" I shivered aware that just like she threatened she had stripped me of both my name and gender in fell swoop, and said, "Yes Mistress." "Good! Here," she opened her handbag and handed me a glasses case containing a pair of black cat eyed glasses. Leaning forward she removed my John Lennon's and tossed them in her bag. "You're wearing girls glasses from now on Daisy maid, these will be your day to day wearers, and I have got you a more decorative pair for special occasion, and of course a pair of lovely vintage feminine oval frames for your late Victorian uniform," she grinned saying. "Put them on darling." The were a good fit and other than the wider frame being a little distracting at first, they felt fine on my face. "Perfect," Nancy exclaimed, snapping a photo with her phone. "You looked deliciously feminine in them!" Showing me the photograph, I was shocked by how different the cat eyed glasses made me look and I babbled a thank you. Inside it felt like she had just stripped another layer of my old life away. I had been wearing John Lennon's since I was a teen and the cat- eyed glasses made me look like a different person. Feeling very unsure I asked. "So what did me starting today change Mistress?" "Basically it's brought getting you out in public as Daisy forward. Now you're officially on your life test that law says you have to live full time for a minimum of two years before I can send you for final surgery when Rebecca's doctors will turn your cock into a pussy so I can shag you!" I blushed. Nancy gave me a sheepish look and said, "I'm really looking forwards to that sweetheart, because I'm not really big enough to make anal sex enjoyable even if it appealed to me, which if I am honest even when I identified as gay it didn't," she lent forwards and kissed me lightly saying. "Get used to the idea that dilators aside you're going to still be a genuine virgin when I finally spread your legs and shag you!" "Oh!" I shook slightly. Nancy grinned, and tapped my collar as she gave me a longer more lingering kiss and said, "I did tell you the consequences love," she gave me a smile and asked cheerfully. "Now what's for dinner Daisy maid, mistress is starving?" "Lemon chicken Mistress," I told her. "Which I better get on with dishing up." "Okay, off you go Daisy maid." Nancy waved me away. "I'll call if I need anything," Adding with a low wolf whistle after I bobbed my knees and started to moved away. "Did I tell you how much I love seeing you in that uniform sweetheart." Nancy enjoyed my lemon chicken, with duchess potatoes, just as much as she did my roast beef and said following me in to the kitchen when I went to wash up. "You know I'm going to struggle to decide what's going to be more pleasurable about owning you as my wife Daisy." "You clean, cook like an angel and your enthusiasm in bed is worthy of a high class whore!" she giggled, perching herself at the kitchen table looking at me with a delighted expression on her face. "Because my god do you have a talent for fellatio." She chuckled lewdly and added. "Which is a fancy way of saying your a great cock sucker!" "Thank you I think mistress," I said blushing very brightly. "Credit where credits due Daisy!" Nancy told me, adding. "And you impressed Dr Rebecca, who described you as a delightfully submissive candidate." She glanced at her watch and said, "Time for your first hormone pill Daisy my love." After swallowing her pills, she placed another of the yellow pills and a purple one on my tongue, and said grinning from ear to ear as she passed me my teacup, "Have a sip and swallow like a good girl," she giggled and added with a lewd wink. "I know how much you like swallowing from last night!" I blushed at her reference to how much I enjoyed making friends with her cock the night before as I swallowed my tablets. The scary knowledge that I had just taken feminine hormones triggered my penis into another battle with my unyielding chastity as Nancy added triumphantly. "Good girl! That was your first dose of titty fairy medicine!" She grinned, and asked in a more normal tone. "How long will you be?" "About five minutes Mistress," I said, wiping down the sinks and putting the last of the cutlery away. "Great!" Nancy said releasing the locks on my dress and shoes. "As soon as you're done go and undress to just your bra and knickers and slip on the pink smock I left in your room. Then meet me in the bathroom, although it will be a late night I want to finish doing your hair this evening." "Yes Mistress," I said bobbing my knees as she opened her wheelie case and removed a couple of boxes and tubes. Having been on heels all day it actually felt strange not to be wearing them as I padded to the bathroom but before I could mention this, Nancy had me bent over the bath and was washing my hair with the shower head. It felt really nice and I was enjoying the feel of her hands on my head as shampooed my hair. After she washed the shampoo out Nancy said sharply, "Stay put," as I started to lift my head. Behind me I could hear her putting on a pair of plastic gloves, and then she started washing my hair for a second time with a very smelly shampoo. Although the stuff stank I did not realise that it was hair dye until she covered my hair with plastic cap, and said, "That will need thirty minutes to take, I tested the colour on a swatch of your hair last night." She helped me up and said with a kiss and a smile as I slipped my new glasses back on. "So I know its going to take, and my you're going to look delicious once your hairs gone from a being dull boring brown to a 1950's bombshell golden blond." She grinned. "And you'll look even better once I've permed some curls into it to complement the 50's vintage styles you'll be wearing most of the time!" Feeling the collar on my neck and the sticky sensation under the plastic cap I knew it was to late to object as Nancy led me to 'my' maids room and spent the half hour waiting for my hair giving me a pedicure, and repairing the damage the housework had done to my finger nails commenting. "I'll leave the nail care necessities out for you so that you can repair any chips in your nail polish before I get home." Since there was still ten minutes to wait before my hair was ready she showed me the clothes she had got me. Other than the three maids uniforms, two of which were similarly 1950's style uniforms to the one I was wearing. The third was a late Victorian early Edwardian uniform rather like the one that attracted my attention in the window. She had also included all the period matching underwear commenting as she held the dresses bodice up. "I can't wait to see you in this. It's the sort of uniform an aristocratic lady would require for her maid. To be honest I was tempted to have you wear it tomorrow, but then I had a brain wave at work this morning, and got you something to wear out of my collection that has a far personal connection to AE. It seemed more appropriate somehow given that we are saying good bye to her mortal remains tomorrow that you are wearing her work rather than mine." As I spoke I could see the void in the wardrobe where old clothes had been and realised that the only non uniform clothes I 'owned' consisted of the summer dress I wore last night, a 50's style straight skirt, and a similarly styled blouse. Nancy had however provided a vast amount very feminine frilly underwear, stockings, girdles and the corset I tried on in her shop. Along with the clothes were two other pairs of heels similar to what I had been wearing locked to my feet all day both of which fastened with the same padlock arrangement. The only difference between the three pairs were increasing height of the heels. Along with the shoes were a pair of high heel ankle boots which towered over the other pairs, and a pair of fluffy pink wedge heel slippers. "Your hair should be done by now Daisy," she said glancing at my clock. "It's time to rinse the colour out, and get your perm in." I felt like she had removed another slice of my identity, when I put my glasses on and I saw my hair after she rinsed the colour out in the mirror as she covered my hair in a damp towel. My hair now was clearly dyed, because the golden blond did not not look like a natural colour. "You can tell its a vintage colour because modern golden blonds are much more natural looking," Nancy informed me. "But I wanted that 50's hair look to go with your uniform and the fashions I want to see you wearing." Chuckling delightedly she took my hand and led me to the kitchen saying, "No time to waste," and sat me on a chair. Making sure to keep my hair wet she, brushed and combed it out before she started cutting. I could see the kitchen mirror but without my glasses my reflection was a fuzzy out of focus figure. Humming to herself she started sectioning my hair and wrapped each section in paper before rolling it tightly onto the perming rollers. As she worked I commented, "I thought you used much narrower rollers for a perm?" "It depends on the hair and the sort of perm you're going for Daisy, the smaller the roller the tighter the curl. What I am trying to achieve with your hair is slightly larger looking curl to provide body and a base for the roller set styles I want my maid to wear," Nancy told me in a slightly distracted tone as she manoeuvred the rollers, papers and clips in to my hair adding, "I'm using the same product and giving you exactly the same perm as your grandmother always got." Like with washing my hair, having my hair put up actually felt very nice, and I told her enjoying the experience. "This actually feel very nice." Nancy chuckled. "Your grandmother said the same, she always enjoyed getting her hair done, even if she did find it hard to keep still, but thank god you're not as much of a fidget as she was." It must have taken her the best part of a half hour to get my hair ready before she covered my hairline with a cream and cotton wool. "Perfect!" she said, mixing up a solution from the packet. Smiling happily she soaked each roller and paper with the chemically smelling solution and covered my hair again telling me as she set a timer going, "That perm is self activating so I don't need to pop you under a dryer to activate it. I'll give that ten minutes and see how its taking the curl," and handed me a glass of wine. "If it feels like your scalp getting uncomfortably warm don't worry that's normal, its just the perming solution activating and realigning the bonds in your hair to create the curls." Propping herself against the sink she said, "You're going to look amazing tomorrow love. I've dreamed of doing this to you ever since AE showed me a photo you sent during that summer you spent in Spain digging a site with your university. Your hair had been sun bleached, and when I saw it I wanted to see you really blond and permed," she laughed and added. "I even said that to AE when she showed me the photo and asked if I still found you attractive? You were wearing a cute pair of baggy shorts and a vest top, and I think I said something along the lines of. "He'd look better if his hair was longer, blonder and cutely permed." She sheepishly smiled. "I already knew a lot about you, and AE had told me more than once that she thought we'd make a good couple, when she tried to set us up on a date just before you went to Spain." Chatting about how my grandmother wooed her towards me, she has us both laughing, and I was again reminded of how similar Nancy's turn phrase and sense of humour was to my granny's. "You'll do!" she said after checking my hair after the timer she set dinged, and led me back to the bathroom to rinse my hair clear of the solution, and applied something she called neutraliser, which she told me would fix the curls. She left it in my hair for five minutes, before she finally rinsed my hair clean and led me back to the kitchen, and sat me under a hair drier that came from her box. Eventually my hair was dry and she started unrolling, and shaping my hair with a large toothed comb and a brush." "Perfect! That will do for tonight, and you look even better than I imaged," Nancy exclaimed putting her hairdressing tools down with a pleased smile on her face as she handed me my glasses. "I'll show you tomorrow how to style it, but you'll do for now, go and have a look Daisy I'm sure you'll be surprised. Don't be too afraid by the colour it will diminish and look a lot less artificial looking after you've washed it, normally with that sort of colour I'd dry it and wash it again, but as I wanted to get you permed I skipped the second wash because the perm will also fade your colour once its been washed." Surprised was an understatement, shocked was closer to the truth! I almost wet myself when I saw my reflection, my straight brown hair was was now a mass of golden blond curls hanging on my shoulders. Wearing my new glasses with completely altered hair I looked like a totally different person, and it was rather hard to accept that I was looking at myself as I hesitantly touched my hair gasping. "Oh my god!" "You look delicious, and that perm will give me perfect base to style your hair into any number of vintage styles, plus that colour really brings out the blue of your eyes," Nancy said leaned back with a satisfied smile on her face. "I'm definitely keeping you as a blond." Still smiling at me with delight she added. "Slip that robe off sweetheart, and go and change into a nightie, slippers and gown, but leave the bra on for now because you look much better with tits! Chop chop Daisy, its late and I want a joint, and a gin or two in the lounge." In the space of 12 hours I had gone from being able with a radical haircut and some male clothes to look my old self, to having my name changed, being fed female hormones and now I was a curly blond with no chance of looking like David. What had I done? My mind was racing a million miles a minute as I pulled at the collar on my neck, but it did not budge. The weird thing was the more I worried about what she had done to me, the harder my cock fought with the restricting chastity, because as much it scared me shitless, what she done could have come straight out of one of my forced femininity fantasy's! I might have been terrified of the consequences of what Nancy had done, but at the same time I was filled with a sense of sexual arousal that went beyond anything I have ever felt before, and it made my chastity very uncomfortable! It was a very odd conflicting mix of emotions, and after what felt like an age of mental recriminations. The overwhelming sensation of just how much having this frightening change forced on me had turned me on won the argument in my head. In truth my mental battle was probably over before it really started because as I gazed at the vision of a blond girl fearfully undressing in the mirror it did not matter how as much it embarrassed and scared me, just knowing that I was looking at myself thrilled me far more. I simply could not believe that I could look that good as a girl, and as much as it scared me, I loved it! Feeling completely mixed up I slipped on my nightdress, robe and heeled slippers and went back down stairs. As I walked towards the front room I could hear Hawkwind's 'Warrior on the Edge of Time' playing. It was the first time I had heard Hawkwind since my grandmother died, and I could almost feel her presence in the air as I joined Nancy in the front room. She looked up at me and laughed with a delighted look on her face. "I thought you were never going to tear yourself away from the mirror love." She gave me a look and said, "Here, you look like you need it," and handed me her joint and a stiff gin and tonic. "Shocked?" she asked with a grin as she cuddled me close. I nodded, and said, "I don't look like me." "No love you look better," Nancy said hungrily kissing me, adding as she broke the kiss. "Because now you look just like how I've wanted to see you looking since AE showed me that photograph of you in Spain," she grinned and kissed me again before adding. "You're becoming the feminised version of you I want to spend the rest of my life with." Nancy's enthusiasm and delight in my new look chased a lot of the fears that came from her radically altering both my appearance and my future. Aided by the drink and the cannabis she pulled my thoughts and feelings from me, and laughed. "God you sound like I did when I had a near melt down not long after I went hormonal and I realised that my life had just changed. Trust me Daisy what you are feeling is perfectly normal, and you've just voiced the same fears I told to AE sat in this room seven or eight years ago when I was about to start my life test!" She grinned and gave me a hug and told me, "I love you Daisy," before blushing and changing the subject as she said, "I got that letter you told me AE sent. It was waiting for me when I got to work this morning," she reached for her handbag, and pulled it out saying. "Here, why don't you read it out loud I think it might settle some of your worries." Scanning it I read aloud. "Hey Nancy. It's me, and I guess I've been gone for a month or so now. My Davie should be living at the house so I hope you've made contact and have been keeping an eye on him for me." "I've left you my jewellery box and a few pieces of the vintage jewellery I've collected to go with the original dresses from my collection that I patterned but never got round to actually replicating. Hopefully you will and get to wear the pieces." "Now I'm sure you're going to be telling my Davie that you can't take them. Well I'm telling you my dear, that you can and you will, so shut up and say thank you!" "She was right about that Nancy." I laughed, wiping my eyes before carrying on. "Now then, if he's been too slow to not have already invited you to dinner, then I'm doing it for him because I want the pair of you to bury my ashes under my apple tree, and give me a good pagan send off with a slosh of gin and a good seasoning of weed on top of my ashes. Those Wiccans we met at Whitby last year were bit weird but I did like their idea of a funeral rite." "When you put me under my tree stay over love. Pop some Hawkwind on the stereo have a drink or two and smoke some of my finest, and talk to each other. If he goes all quiet tell him your story. Now fingers crossed my lad will want to ask you some questions about your change, because he's as messed up about who and what he is supposed to be as you were when I first saw you in the hairdressers all those years ago, and if I'm right its for the same reasons, reasons which we've discussed more than once." "If my Davie won't do the asking Nancy, then you do the asking. Although if you've met by now knowing your predilections and having a damned good idea about how he will react to your personality, he might even be already in a skirt." I blushed brightly when Nancy said, "She was right, carry on I think you'll find the next bit is the important part." I cleared my throat and said feeling tears building in my eyes. "If he is then tell him I knew he played in his mums wardrobe when he was a boy, and its one of the reasons why I feel you are the right person for him. You never know Nancy telling him that I knew might even lead to him being willing to wear your necklace, and perhaps open the door for you to get that ideal blond you've always told me you dreamed about spending your life with!" I laughed. "She was right on that," as the first tears ran down my cheeks. "Told you she knew what I was likely to do if you were transgendered like me Daisy," Nancy said reading the letter over my shoulder. "I had no secrets from her." "I've said it before Nancy and I'll say it one final time, knowing you both as well as I do, I doubt either of you will ever find a better person to spend your life with, assuming you'll ever bloody talk to each other. You need stability, and someone who loves you for what you are Nancy, and my Davie will give you that and so much more, because he needs the same, and if you get to know him I think you'll want to give it him." "I really do hope you get together, and make each other as happy as knowing you both as made me." "Other than my family, the woman you have grown into is next best thing in my life I am most proud of, and I could not have wished for a better person to regard as my step daughter these last ten years, and you never know if I am lucky, perhaps even my granddaughter in law." "Most of all Nancy I want to thank you for being willing to put up with me over these last weeks, because I know I've been a cantankerous cow at times, but you being there and making me laugh when I needed it the most has kept the black dog at the gate, and made the pain bearable until these last few days. Hopefully I don't have much time left because I've just told the doctor that I'm ready to say yes to the needle." "The needle?" I asked Nancy. "It was her name for morphine love," Nancy said, "She made up her mind that she'd rather endure some pain than let them dope her to the eyeballs. She never told me why, but until the last four or five days she insisted that they gave her only enough to take away the worst of it." "It's because of my mum," I told her tearfully. "We watched them give her so much morphine after she went in hospital that towards the end even when she was concious she was not lucid and did not know who we were," I said with tears running down my face as I returned to the letter. "So with all my love I'm going to leave you now as that nurse who looks like Ratchet from One Flew Over is here to dope me into lala land, and if I'm lucky I won't wake up because I'm sick of waiting at deaths door step." "Take care my lovely girl, and don't be afraid to boot my lad up the backside if he clams up on you because the two of you were made for each other! Love you, Auntie Edith." "If she knew," I said tearfully waving at the mirror. "I think she'd be happy." "She knows, somewhere, somehow I know she knows," Nancy told me with a kiss. I belatedly noticed that Nancy had put a framed photograph of her on top of the box containing her ashes. On the left was a gin and tonic and on the right was a joint. Laughing through her tears Nancy said as she refilled my drink and saw where I was looking. "She did say to have a drink and a smoke with her Daisy." I nodded drying my eyes, saying, "My eyes must look a right mess." "They do, here," she handed me an eye make-up wipe. "I knew we'd need them," she pointed at my grandmother ashes. "What time do you want to bury them?" "Mid afternoon around the time she passed away feels right I think," I said. "I will give me time to get a nice dinner ready in the morning for after we've seen her off." "That sounds good, because I got us both a couple of special dresses. I'm going to wear the bustle dress she made me, and I've brought the first one I made with her for you to wear. It's a similar 1880's design but its a walking dress in a plumb silk which should fit perfectly because I spent most of today in the sewing room altering it to fit you." We sat up until well after midnight trading stories about my grandmother, before we both fell into her bed with non of the fooling round we indulged in the night before. To my surprise next morning, Nancy brought me coffee in bed, chuckling. "I was awake so I made it, and anyway looked really cute sleeping peacefully." I sat up and froze catching sight of the out of focus golden headed shape in the mirror, and fumbled for my glasses. My fingers were looking for my Lennon's and it was not until they touched the cat-eyed glasses that I remembered Nancy had taken my NHS style round glasses. Slipping them on I swallowed dryly, seeing my blond permed haired reflection was still a shock. "I've got you a pair of Victorian/Edwardian style ladies glasses to go with the dress yesterday, so you wont be wearing period clashing glasses," Nancy said helpfully hopping into bed beside me. "That way you'll look the part when you're wearing an 1880's dress. I'm going to go through AE's collection because there are a couple that she replicated, which I really like, but are way to small for me, but would look smashing on you once I've altered them." Nancy either did not notice, or just ignored the shock I felt seeing myself and was happily telling me about the dresses my grandmother made. "You'll need a minimum of three different ones for the Victorian events left on this years calendar, and your 19th C housemaids uniform, as the skirt shape aside there was not a lot difference in bodices of servant dress from around 1840 until the early 20th century." She grinned, adding, "I'm really looking forwards to having you act as my dressmakers maid for the final period dressmaking experience package at Leigh and Angie's Dickensian Christmas." She chuckled delightedly. "Trust me Daisy my love you're going to love Victorian dressing." Other than preparing dinner, which was my grandmother's favourite baked gammon, with home-made Cumberland sauce, mashed potatoes, fresh cabbage with bacon, and carrots. Since it was a special occasion I also used some of this years apples from her tree to make her recipe apple pie, and after a preparing a light lunch for after we got ready, Nancy led me up stairs to get us dressed for the occasion. "Normally I would not do this Daisy, but with your dress I don't have much choice," Nancy told me as she took her time carefully fixing the false breasts from my bra onto my chest with a medical adhesive. Telling me not to move she left me there and got mostly dressed herself while the adhesive was setting. Once she was mostly dressed, she gave my glued on breasts a wobble and said with a pleased nod. "They are fixed, you can get up now." "Wow!" I gasped as the large prosthetic breasts pulled on my chest. "Is this what real ones feel like?" "Almost, the weight is the same, but more spread out as the are supported by your skin, rather than just hanging from your body. The adhesive will last 48 hours or so as its designed for mastectomy prothetics, lets get you dressed." When you look at Victorian dresses you'd think that they took a while to get into and although there were a more layers than in a modern dress the process was not as convoluted as I thought and it actually took a surprisingly short length of time for her to dress me. The underwear consisted of something called a combination which was like a one piece open crotch armless cotton singlet that finished a few inches above my knee, and a thigh length chemise which was also made of cotton. Like the combinations the chemise was trimmed with a small amount of lace at the neck and hems. Next were a pair of stockings which were held up with garters just above my knee where the combination ended and finally she laced my corset round my waist. This time Nancy laced me a lot tighter than the first time I wore it, but surprisingly it actually felt more comfortable and it did not impede my movement anything like as much as I imagined from the stories I had read. "This gives me a lot more movement and feels more comfortable than I expected when you really tightened the laces?" "I know," Nancy laughed. "But if you think about it in the 19th century a corset was just part and parcel of daily life, and most of the stories about how they ruined women's lives are just that stories with very little truth in them. Tight lacing did exist but it was only done found in the upper classes and even then only for special occasions. Regardless of the urban myths Victorian women couldn't lace themselves to with an inch of their lives because they had to work and lead their lives. A corset was there to support both the breasts and provide structure for their skirts and dresses. I know there are lots of photo's of narrow waisted Victorian ladies, you need to understand that even back in the eighteen hundreds photo editing was not uncommon because people were vain. If you know how historical dress its bloody obvious that the photo's have been altered," she laughed. "Everyone thinks that photo editing started with Photoshop, but the reality is its been going on for almost as long as people have been having their photograph taken, Photoshop just does it cheaper, quicker and easier." "Never thought about it like that," I said. "And you're right about how it supports these breasts." "I actually prefer a corset to a bra," Nancy told me as she looked at my figure and tied off the laces with a pleased nod before she tied a fairly large pad round my corseted waist that hung over my backside. Commenting. "It's called a bum roll, and it provides the right shape, and the impression of a bit of a bustle under your skirts." Covering the corset with a buttoned camisole to smooth out the shape. As she dressed me Nancy explained that there was no such thing as a Victorian style, because fashions changed a lot between the 1830's and 1903. The final under layer was a full petticoat to support the skirt, which was decorated with shorter apron skirt that was worn over flat fronted long skirt. The final item of clothing which completed the dress was a bodice which buttoned right up to my neck. "Lovely!" Nancy said with a beaming smile. "I knew that dress was going to look smashing on you sweetheart." Commenting as she put my hair up in a bun at the back of my head that only non period item of clothing I was wearing were my locking heels, because. "You need the practice!" "Why did you need to glue the breasts?" "That sort of corset won't work with a bra and I did not want to redress you again if you had a boob slip out," Nancy chuckled as she started brushing my hair telling me. "God I love this colour on you." Enjoying herself, Nancy took her time doing my hair and my make up before she handed me a new pair of very delicate glasses and said, with an ear to ear grin as she finished dressing herself. "What do you think of Victorian Daisy maid wearing her mistress's hand me down clothing?" "Oh my god!" I said preening myself in front of the mirror in the deep plum silk dress. "I can't believe that's me." "Well it is," she said with a pleased smile as she buttoned up her bodice. Nancy's dress had a much larger bustle that was supported by a cage worn over her bum under her petticoat and gave her dress that classic Victorian bustle shape. She looked spectacular in the sea blue dress and said with a smile, as she quickly did her hair. "We look gorgeous Daisy, and AE would really approve of us dressing like this to send her off," she took my hand and led me to the stairs saying. "You'll need to be careful on the stairs love, there is a knack to wearing skirts like these." She showed me and made it look easy. It was not easy as discovered as I gingerly followed her down. I kept one hand firmly on the banister rail and needed the other to hold my skirt out of the way as I came down each step side ways, making sure each foot was secure before going down to the next one. "Better than my first attempt." Nancy laughed. "I almost went arse over tit at the hotel in Whitby first time I wore this dress." She was just pouring us a cup of tea each when her phone rang. "Hello, it's Nancy," she greeted and added a moment later, "Hey Leigh." She was talking for a minute or two, before asking. "When do you need it?" She listened for a moment and said, "I'm at Edith's place with Daisy we're burying her ashes later. One moment I'll ask." She looked at me and said, "Would you mind Leigh and Angie popping round for forty five minutes or so, Leigh's broken the busk on her corset and needs it fixing PDQ as she's got a Victorian Dress Society event tomorrow and her other ones just been washed?" "Sure, I am rather curious to meet them, they are a couple like us right?" I said adding with an impish smile, and a bobbed curtsey. "Not that you needed to ask Mistress, you are the lady of the house," I curtseyed a second time enjoying the swish of the skirt giggling. "Oh god that feels so cool!" Nancy laughed. "So I am! Old habits die hard though because inside I still see this as AE's house," and lifted her phone back to her ear. "Yes that's fine Leigh, are you at home?" "They'll be about and hour," Nancy told me when she ended the call. "I'll make a few extra sandwiches then Mistress, because it will be about the time I was planning on lunch," I said grinning as I curtseyed, again adding. "God I like doing that in these skirts!" Nancy laughed. "I told you that you'd adore Victorian dressing, and you do look very sexy when you curtsey like that in a full skirted dress, but leave the sandwiches for now, and have a cup of tea." "How will you sit down in the bustle?" I asked, walking towards her, as she smoothed her skirt to the side and sat on a straight backed chair. "Easy," Nancy laughed, pushing the cage upwards so it folded. "The bustle cage is made so collapses, and so long as you smooth the skirt and don't sit right back in the chair or slouch, which is pretty impossible when you're wearing a corset you can sit quite comfortably." Finding the right spot on the chair where my bum pad was not uncomfortably pushed against the seat back or I was sat to far forwards to be comfortable took a couple of attempts, which had Nancy giggling advice until I was finally sat comfortably, when she added. "Now you know where the tradition of gentlemen holding the chairs for their ladies comes from." Giving me a sad smile, she nodded at us looking like two Victorian ladies taking tea in the mirror. "AE would have loved seeing us like this. Every couple of weeks she'd have a Victorian Sunday when we'd dress up like this, and she loved making any Victorian Dress Society committee meeting she hosted here period dress." "I never knew she was so involved?" I told her. "I always knew she had an interest in historical fashion, but I did know she had been such an active member." "You had left home by then Daisy," Nancy said sipping her tea. "I think at first it was for something to do, but she had all those management skills she had learned at the bank, and once she joined the Society she could not stop herself getting involved in its organisation." She looked at the clock and said, "I guess we better get ready for Angie and Leigh, I doubt you'll need any more sandwiches just make up a tea tray, while I'm getting her Vintage Singer out, and threaded," she gave me a smile and said, "When I took a look in there last night I was surprised to see it so tidy because for someone who was usually so organised AE's sewing room was usually a mess." "I picked all the needles, had a tidy round when I hoovered the floor," I told her to the sound of Nancy's skirts swishing as she spun round and headed up to the attic commenting. "I'll have to look for the seam cutters and thread then." As I relished the feeling of the dress on my body as I went into the kitchen telling her retreating back. "Try the draw under the table, I put everything off the table top in there." I was just uncovering the sandwiches and the mini Victoria sponge I had made for our lunch cum afternoon tea into the back parlour, when I heard the doorbell and Nancy calling. "I've got it love, go and pop the kettle on." A moment later I heard her saying, "Come on in, Daisy's just put the kettle on." "Wow you look nice, that a new dress?" a voice said. "No a very old one, AE made it for me when she took me to Whitby for the first time. Come meet Daisy, AE's granddaughter," Nancy said as I heard them approaching the kitchen. "She's one of us, and has just been accepted by Rebecca to oversee her transition." "Landed on your feet there Nancy," a clearly privately educated voice said with a laugh as Nancy led a tall willowy blond girl and a shorter brunette with a business woman's layered bob past the kitchen door towards the parlour. "AE pretty much insured tha." Nancy laughed, saying to me, "Daisy, come and meet Angie and Leigh Anne." I smiled at them through the door and said, "Hi I'm Daisy, go on through to the parlour, and I'll bring in the tea." I guessed Leigh Anne was the blond as she was carrying a rolled up corset, which made the brunette Angela. As Nancy and Leigh Anne walked into the parlour Angela stopped, looked at me with a strange expression on her face and then came into the kitchen. As she looked at me there was something really familiar about the way she held her head, before she gave me an amused smile saying as she walked towards me. "Hello I'm Angela Hartwell, let me give you a hand with the tea." Before I could open my mouth she picked up the tray of tea cups, leaving me to carry the tray of tea, milk and sugar. As I picked up the tray she said, "You don't recognise me do you?" "Oddly I think I do, but I can't work out from where," I admitted noticing that she had a collar style necklace similar to the one locked round my neck under my dress. Angela laughed and said, "We were in the same year at Broadfield Academy." "No!" I gasped astonished. "Yes." She laughed and added, "I used to be Rob Hartwell-Johnson, and it wasn't until Nancy mentioned you were one of us that I remembered Edith telling me that her grandson was about my age and went to the same school. It was at the house, and as Leigh knew her I had invited her along to see if she could date the vintage dresses we had found stored in the attic. Edith did and then helped me brow beat the trustees into using them as the basis of what became the Victorian life museum which accompanied the opening the restored Victorian gardens. " she chuckled. "You know I'm kicking myself for not working it out until just now that if you were one of us you had to be David from my year." "Us?" "A transgirl," she laughed. "Didn't you got to St Andrews to read archaeology?" "Yes, finished two years ago. What about you?" "I've never quite got round to going to university. I did my degree in business management through the OU, and I've picked up a few estate and land management qualifications as I went along," Angela told me we brought the trays in. "What with transitioning and getting swept in to the family business I never really got the opportunity to take three years away from the estate once the trustees discovered I had a pretty good head for project management." "Do you two know each other?" Nancy asked over hearing our conversation as we walked in. "It the old school dress club sweetie," Leigh said with a giggle. "It would appear our girls have more in common than the meaning of the necklaces they wear," she gave me a wink, and said, "Hello Daisy, I'm Leigh Anne, and I'm one of your grandmothers many acolytes from the Victorian Dress Society." Leigh Anne had a cheeky friendliness about her, that I knew I would like as she gushed giving our dresses a look of approval. "I've got to say Edith would be chuffed to bits to see that you've both taken the time to dress for the occasion, because looking at you makes me wish I had taken the time to wear something better than a denim skirt and a vest top." I noticed Angela, who was wearing jeans, a nice blouse and heels, shaking her head with an amused smile on her face, which made Leigh Anne pull a face, and add to me. "Angie doesn't understand my passion for historical dressing, and I have to really badger her to dress up with me because if she can avoid it she will, which is really annoying because she looks gorgeous in an 1850's crinoline, and its even more fun getting her out of it!" "I'm not that bad Leigh!" Angie said, setting out the tea cups. "I'll admit the dresses are fun to wear, but if you had your way I'd never be out of them and that would be hardly practical with the amount of time I spend at job sites, or in meetings with contractors." While we were chatting Nancy was examining Leigh Anne's corset, and broke into the conversation, asking, "How the hell did you break it there? They usually fail in the middle?" "Someone stood on it wearing posh heels this morning," Leigh Anne said. "Didn't you?" "It's your fault you left on the floor," Angela said. "I hope you're going to extract a heavy penalty for it." Nancy giggled, before adding, "I can fix this. Who made it Leigh, because they did a piss poor job at putting the busk in?" "I did, and I know," she said, "I made a mess of the busk, but it was my first attempt at making a corset." "And last," Angie chuckled. "When she made it all I could hear from the spare room was swearing." "Grab you tea Leigh, and come up to Edith's sewing room and I'll show you how to do it properly," Nancy gave me a kiss, and said, "We'll be about forty minutes love." After they left Angela gracefully slipped into Leigh Anne's vacated seat and looked at me saying. "Well of everyone at school I never thought you would be trans Daisy." I chuckled sitting on a chair and admitted, "I was good at hiding it I guess." I smiled and said, "I suspected you might be, because you always seemed so comfortable playing girls in the summer Shakespeare productions. When did you come out?" "Pretty much as soon as I left school. Leigh and I were best friends at primary school but lost contact for a few years after my mother died and my father took me to the States, which sent me into a downward emotional spiral. By the time he let he come home to boarding school we had lost contact, and it was not until I left school that I saw her at my aunts book shop. I did not recognise her as my old best friend at first because Leigh was already about about a year into her transition working as Becky's maid. Anyway after I worked it out who she was, we we agreed to meet for a coffee to talk things over, which resulted in me getting punched when I tried to stop a drunk harassing her. That immediately rekindled our friendship, and not much later I came out at the same time as we got together as a couple," she grinned. "I had my GRS spring last year." "Did it hurt?" "Yes, it hurt like hell while everything was healing, and took quite a bit getting used to, but my god once it had it was worth all the pain," Angela giggled, and added. "Trust me when I say that sex feels so much better post op!" "Nancy, wants me to have GRS eventually," I admitted. "I know, she's told me a time or two, that she envied the sort of relationship Leigh and I have," Angela told me. "And I guess she's rather like Leigh in being someone who enjoys the juxtaposition of being between the sexes," she gave me a smile and asked. "What about you?" "St. Andrews for my degree, then I kind of ran away from my from myself for a couple of years working as a voluntary digger on excavation sites all round the world. It was a way of seeing the great historical sites, and as my grandmother had not told me she was sick whenever I considered coming home, she encouraged me to keep travelling so I did. I now know she wanted to keep me occupied and out of the way because she did not want me to remember her in the cancer ward like my mum when I was a kid." "I lost my mum to cancer as well. I guess I was about the same the same age," Angela told me. "It's why I was such a basket case when I started at school." "I didn't know that," I told her. "Although thinking about it you didn't talk about much at school, and the only clear memories I have of you at school was another library worm, who liked Shakespeare and organised the bake off competition." "You won one of the bake off's if I recall?" "I was about the only thing I did win," I laughed. "My grandmother taught me, but I'm not half the baker she was, because she cooked instinctively and only wrote down ingredients. One of my big frustrations about not knowing she was ill, is loosing all the recipes she had in her head." "You know you weren't the only one Edith didn't tell, she kept how sick she was from everyone," Angela told me. "Leigh was one of her 'girls' in the VDS, and on the committee with her, and she did find out that Edith had a terminal diagnosis until Nancy told everyone after she went in hospital in June. I know Leigh and the society as a whole were pretty upset that Edith would not let anyone other than Nancy visit her, and we're very put out that she did not have a funeral." "She was an atheist to the core, and did not like funerals because they always involved some sort of religious undertones," I told her. "I guess the reason why she did not want any visitors was because she hated being seen a weak, and I understand completely how her friends feel because she refused to let Nancy tell me that she had cancer, or that it was terminal until after she died." "How are you dealing with it?" Angela asked. "A lot better than I did at first," I said with a half laugh. "I did feel very guilty about not being there at first but then I realised that the last thing she would want was for me to feel guilty about her decision not to tell me." "She pretty much said the same to the VDC in the letter cum self penned obituary she sent to the society's website. When I read it, I was laughing and crying at the same time. The eccentricity of writing her own obituary on the grounds that if anyone else wrote it they would be to nice about her was pure unvarnished Edith, because she just took the mickey out of herself from the first to the last line, but at the same time reading it was heart wrenchingly sad because she was clearly saying good bye." "I'll have to read it," I told her, adding, "The main thing is I know she'd not want me to mope about, and would be telling me to get on with my life and find happiness." "Judging by the loved up looks you and Nancy have been giving each other I think you might have found that," Angela laughed. "Which I know would please Edith because she told Nancy once when I was there that you'd be good for her." "She kept trying to fix us up on a date when ever I was home from St Andrews," I said, dabbing my eyes. "But we never managed to get our schedules to meet, so she arranged things so that we had to meet after she passed away." "She clearly pulled that off in spades," Angela said with a laugh. "Actually it's because of her refusal to have a funeral that the VDS have asked Leigh to speak to Nancy today. She was going to phone until I stood on her corset." Angie looked at her heels and added. "Which would not have been a problem if I had not just put on a pair of Louboutin heels," she gave me a sheepish look and said, "I'm not usually one for designer things but I do like my fancy heels." "What's Leigh Anne asking?" I asked. "They did not know you were here and it was decided that as Nancy was about as close to family as Edith had, she trying to twist her arm into coming to the Victorian Dress Societies summer tea party at Hartwell tomorrow to represent her because the society are planting a pair of apple trees dedicated to her memory in the centre of the round lawn opposite where they have their summer tea party. I've also arranged for the estate to provide a bench to go in the same area with a dedication plate in her name, as our way of saying thank you to her and the society for helping with organising and curating the exhibition of Victorian fashions, and artefacts that we found in storage." "She would approve of that," I said, "She did love her apple trees." Angela nodded and said, "Sorry you were saying about how you got together with Nancy?" "Oh yes, well Nancy and I got to be friends after my gran died, at first on the phone as she promised my gran to keep tabs on me," I told her. "As I said gran had been trying to fix us both up together, but it never happened. Anyway after she died the solicitors sent us each a letter she had written basically setting today up, but we'd already met in her shop of all places by then." "Not that I knew it was her shop when I went in, and when she recognised me I was mortified. Obviously I knew Nancy was trans and I'm sure my granny guessed with how reticent I was to talk about my preferences it made me a bit apprehensive about meeting he so she set it up that after she died we had to meet. She had told Nancy her suspicions about my gender identity issues, and asked her she was right to make me accept myself for what I was, which she did." I laughed sheepishly. "Not that she needed to find out because I confirmed it by being in her shop and once we started talking it was like a dam breaking, and all my gender issues tumbled out, and next thing I know know, we're living together and I'm transitioning." "That's not so different to how Leigh and I got together," Angela said. "Ours was something of a whirlwind romance between meeting again, me coming out and us living together." I always rather liked Angela or Robert as she was at school. She had been had been a kind of quiet and withdrawn kid who very much kept herself to herself and avoided attention unless 'he' had been on stage, at which point 'he' transformed into the usually female he portrayed. Although we did not talk much we were both library worms so tended to see a lot each other rather than talk. Angela was much more open and gregarious than Robert, and although we spent four years at boarding school in the same form, we probably spoke more in the hour we sat in the parlour than we did in the whole time we were at school. I really liked Angela, and although I could see many of Roberts good qualities in her she was nothing like the boy I vaguely knew at school. "You're very different," she commented. "At school you always gave the impression of being on a different planet wandering round seemingly oblivious to everything with your nose in a book all the time, and then all of a sudden you'd look up, come out with a zinger of a comment and stick your nose back in your book." "I wasn't very sociable was I?" I half laughed. "I guess in part it was a defence mechanism, no one bothered me if I was reading. I was dead jealous of your balls the way you were always going up for all the girls roles. I'd have never done that." "Other than you perhaps no one saw anything odd about it. Everyone knew I was the weird Shakespeare nut who always claimed that best lines went to the female characters, which they do," Angela told me. "Also it was common knowledge that the first time they cast me as the female lead was because no one else would wanted the part. When that production of 'As You Like It' went down so well, the teachers knew they had one less arm twist when it came to finding boys who'd play the female leads. I made sure to always go for the male leads, but I always knew I was going to get given a female roll because I did not freak out about it." "I half thought you might go into acting because you were good at it," I commented. "Lord no, I always knew that after my father had no choice but to let me come home from the States, that as my grandfathers only heir I'd be going to work for the family estate in some capacity or other. I'm still a fan of Shakespeare, and I'm trying to put together a couple of outdoor performances in the houses grounds next year." "I'll come," I offered. "I've not seen a play in years," before asking "I guess Leigh Anne dragged you into historical dressing?" "Yes. Leigh twisted my arm by saying she'd only go to Stratford for the Shakespearian festival if we both wore period dress and went to the Elizabethan costume ball," Angela dropped her voice and said, "Don't tell Leigh because its a lot of fun having her twist my arm to dress up but if its Elizabethan then I'll willingly wear a big dress." I laughed. "Your secrets safe with me Angie." She gave me a naughty look and asked, "When did she get her necklace on you?" "Last night," I admitted. "I was curious to see what it looked like, so I put it on." "It does add a little spice to the relationship," Angie said with a grin. "Because it gives them permission to get wonderfully bossy," she blushed and added. "But I guess you know that." We were both still blushing when Nancy said coming back in with Leigh Anne. "Having fun?" "Yes," Angela answered giving me a giggled look. "We've had five years of catching up to do." Giving her a wink, I stood up and said, "Anyone for another pot of tea?" "Please," Leigh Anne said flopping down next to Angela. "I'm parched, its hot up there with the windows closed." "Normally I open the skylight windows but I couldn't find the remote because Daisy's tidied up," Nancy said with a smile at me. "It's was on the shelf by the door Nancy," I told her, asking as I walked to the kitchen with the tea tray. "So are we going?" "Where?" Nancy said looking puzzled. "To the tree planting tomorrow," I called. "What tree?" Nancy said before Leigh butted in saying, "Angie told you then?" I nodded. "I think its a lovely idea, she loved her apple tree." "That's why I suggested it. We'd all experienced her mini apple pies at meetings here so an apple tree seemed appropriate," Leigh Anne said turning to Nancy. "The VDS are planting a tree in Edith's memory on the grass round at the tea party tomorrow, I've been asked invite you to represent Edith and bring any of her family you knew." As I walked into the kitchen I heard Nancy say. "Since Daisy is her family, and thinks its a good idea I guess we're coming. I was planning to moving out of my flat tomorrow but it can wait until the weekend." "It formal dress, and even Miss Jeans, hard hat and Wellington's has agreed to dress for the occasion." "You did not leave me much choice Leigh since I'm the hostess." Angie laughed. It was a very convivial afternoon and when they were still here when we took her ashes to the hole Nancy had prepared for my grandmothers ashes, they followed us into the garden. I carried the box and Nancy had a large gin and a joint that went in on top of the box. Giving the box a kiss I placed it in the hole, and toasted it with her gin before poring it in, as Nancy lit the joint and placed it on top. After a moments silence with tears in my eyes I covered everything and said good bye. The End. Peace. Trish 2020.

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Compromised I was caught coming out of a room at a cheap motel on my lunch hour. Oh fuck! It was my husband’s best friend Jeff and he was coming out the room next to mine. We both stood there staring silently at one another. A moment later my companion emerged to find me standing there. I was supposed to be gone by the time he came out. Then he noticed my husband’s friend standing there too. At that very moment his companion emerged from her room to find us all standing...

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Nancy and Hale

Christy has invited Mike over, as he parks in front of your house, her new neighbors are walking there dog on the sidewalk. They say hi to Mike and intro themselves. Mike tells Hale and Nancy that he is visiting his friend Christy. They say they have not met her yet. Mike tells them, “after you take the dog home, come over and we can have a drink together.” Mike comes into the house thru the backdoor as usual. He hears the water in the shower. “Hey babe, I’m here,” Mike yells out. Then...

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Nancys Alluring Ass

It's been a long time now since high school. You'd think I would just let some things go but then I recently heard from an old friend and we exchanged emails which was a lot of fun. Of course, eventually, we got around to the girls we dated and he asked If I ever say my main squeeze from back then, Nancy. Unfortunately, the answer is no but I still think about her from time to time.I thought about Nancy and her gorgeous "surfer girl" looks. You know, the straight blond hair, tanned complexion...

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Nancy and I Skype Sex

Author’s note: This story was inspired by a lady LUSH author. She knows who she is. The facts contained herein are true. However, the names have been changed to protect the guilty. I met Nancy through Lush Stories. We started the relationship as most such involvements begin. I made a private comment on one of her stories and we began corresponding on Lush and eventually moved over to e-mail. We exchanged pictures that neither of us wanted to be public on Lush and our messages became more and...

Wife Lovers
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Nancy meets Monte

Nancy meets Monte By sub_nancy_cd Looking in the mirror of the ladies washroom at the airport, I fix my hair and make-up, I was glad I decided to wear my hair up in a ponytail, it made me look cuter. I wore my black mini skirt a white blouse with smart lace surrounding my breasts. I wore white pantyhose and my three inch black heels. I turned back and forth in the mirror, thinking to myself, its been 4 years since I met Monte on- line. He knew I was a crossdresser on hormones and...

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Nancy and the Hot TubChapter 6

Both Nancy and Mary had for years found girl-girl kissing to be appealing when they saw it in a movie or on TV. Nancy and Bill had taken more opportunities to watch erotica than Mary and her husband, so she was more well versed in what women did after the kissing. But as much as seeing girls lock lips had tantalized both of them, neither anticipated that they would ever really kiss another woman. Nor did they have any clue how much fun they would find it if they did. Nancy and Mary held...

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Nancy was unable to shake the feeling that today was going to be special, but had no idea why. She had tried to write some more of her thesis, but it was warm outside, and she couldn't find any motivation to sit here in front of the computer. This thesis had been much more involved than at first thought, and she was tired of the struggle. Maybe a walk would clear her mind. Nancy had been staying in the farmhouse for two weeks now, and the quiet and seclusion had definitely improved both the...

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Nancy and her mom share a man

Note : This story is completely fictional!Forty year old Charles increased his sex stamina to twenty minutes. He had been practicing to keep his prick from ejaculating early when he had sex. The first thing he did was go to a bar to find some slut to bang. Charles ask a red head if he could buy her a drink. He introduced himself and she said her name was Nancy. When he saw a ring on her finger he ask."Are you married Nancy?""Yes, so what" she replied.The woman was beautiful and he wondered why...

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SistersChapter 16 Promises Promises

A week dragged by - seven days without Linda. For Nikki it was hell. It was like the most dreadful torture anyone could inflict on one's worst enemy. All her family were deeply worried about her - Nikki knew that - but their love and concern weren't enough to make the pain go away. Nikki thought she would go crazy. She couldn't sleep, she couldn't eat... She just wanted to die... She wanted to be left alone in her room where she could cry freely and think about Linda and why the world was...

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Nancy and Sheri

Nancy woke up. She heard the unmistakable sound of sex coming from her parents bedroom. She was disgusted by the squeaking bed and squeals of passion from her mother. Nancy covered her head with a pillow but it didn't help. Her mother was very open about sex and sometimes she told her more than she wanted to know. Nancy got out of bed and angerly marched down the hall to her parents bedroom. She was going to tell them to stop.The door was open and Nancy could see her mother's legs wrapped...

4 years ago
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Keeping Her Promise

I wrote this story for the love of my life, long before I ever saw her face or touched her hand. The emotions are real, still are to this day. She was a dream when I wrote it, and I am happy to say she makes the dream come true every day. This one is yours Christie, always and forever. _________________________________________________ Nicole couldn’t remember when someone had touched her so deeply. Her life always seemed to be satisfying and fulfilling, but something in his words always got...

3 years ago
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Nancy Ivy and me a chance of a lifetime

As I came back from taking Donna to work there stood both Nancy and Ivy, it had been over two years since I'd fucked them, as I got out of the car they both said hello, I walked up to them and said "Do either of you two want a coffee" and they both said "Yes", I put the kettle on, made the drinks and the three of us sat in the lounge.As we were talking about nothing in particular, Nancy said "I'll just pop round home and turn the oven off", as soon as she'd gone Ivy said "I've been thinking...

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Nancy and the shop guys

I couldn't believe I hadn't given my wife Nancy the money to pay the mechanic for the work on her car. She had reminded me the night before and I had assured that I would stop on my way to work and pay them, but had completely forgotten about it. Now here it was time for her to pick up the car so she had her friend Tina drop her off at the garage then meet me for lunch . I had tried calling her cell phone but it just rang through to voice mail. . I wanted to tell her that I frogot to stop and...

2 years ago
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Nancy and the Boss

Nancy and the BossByJohn TagliaferroPART ONEMorning With The Kneelers?Oh, yum, good morning Little Mister,? Sarah said with a moan as she woke to her husband deep inside her wetness, ?hope you are not too close, I am just getting warmed up.??Ah, Miss Sarah, you sounded in full fury during your vocal dream only a few moments ago,? Edward responded with a powerful thrust.?Really now?  I don’t remember,? she feigned ignorance of her vivid reliving of a swap session the couple had just a few weeks...

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Nancy and the Hot TubChapter 4

Nancy knew she had gotten her husband turned on with her phone call the night before. She was certain he had begun masturbating while they talked, even though he hadn't admitted it. She didn't care if he did. In fact, she found it kind of cute that he got himself off while she was away. And of course, the hot tub events of the previous evening had turned her on as well. But she knew that what she had to report this time would be infinitely more exciting than what she had shared the day...

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Nancy and the Hot TubChapter 2

Speaking of needing something urgently, Bill knew exactly what he was going to do next. In fact, he had already started. He had been speaking to Nancy from their bed and her talk of the other women being naked, and the possibility that Nancy might join them the next night had gotten him extremely excited. Bill had slid his hand into his boxers and begun to play with his penis several minutes before, while still on the phone with Nancy, thinking Nancy didn't have a clue. He always...

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The Pixies Promise

As always, I welcome any and all comments, I try to answer all email so feel free to tell me what you think. As long as you're polite, of course -- flames will be ignored. Disclaimers seem silly, but necessary I suppose. This work is intended for adults only. This is a work of *fiction* and if you can't deal with that then get a life. The work is copyright 1997 to me, Janice Dreamer. Permission is granted to post, repost, and otherwise distribute electronically, but please don't try...

4 years ago
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Nancy Agrees To My Massage Offer

This is Rahul, I used to frequent a shop that was run by a lady and a man, and both seemed to be in their late 30’s. Since I was a regular and also their neighbor, they stayed in the same building as mine,I would stay back and chat with them. Later I came to know that the woman, Nancy was a widow and the man was her brother. Nancy used to be in jeans, sometimes in skirts, she had a nice body, good set of breasts, and a mischievous smile. Months went by, one day I went there and Nancy was alone...

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He Fulfilled His Promise

Age: 21. Height: 5.7. Very fair. Statistics: 36′ 26′ 33′. Hi. This is my first story to ISS. Frankly, most of the stories I read seem fake due to the exaggeration of the enjoyment in them. Real sex is not quick strokes and simultaneous ejaculation, at least not always. It’s building up that moment together, which happens mostly from the effort of the man. The experience I am going to share is not as a virgin, but I feel this experience was the most enjoyable so far. It was with a internet...

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A Broken Promise

This true story has its beginnings in the kitchen of an old farmhouse. The year - 1942. A twelve-year-old inquisitive boy is busy questioning his Grandmother. "Grandma, who is this person coming to visit," I asked, "Do we know him?" "No, Josh, he's in the Army near here completing his training. He's married to my sister's girl, Pauline. It's too far for him to go home, so we invited him to come visit us whenever he has time off from his training with the Army." "He's supposed to...

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Nancy and the Hot TubChapter 5

"I'm so glad you called, Mary," Nancy said as she gestured Mary toward one of two chairs near a small table in the bedroom. Mary didn't say anything. Rather she took a seat in one of the chairs, folded her arms and looked at the floor. "Are you O.K., Mary? What's wrong?" Mary looked up and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know," she replied, trying to sound nonchalant. "I know you're upset about something. Come on, Mar. What's up?" Mary looked down again and crossed her...

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Nancy and the Hot TubChapter 3

Nancy began running her hands over her body more intentionally now. caressing her breasts, her belly, her shoulders and her neck. She had a sudden, quick thrill at the idea of being naughty. She walked over to the door and made sure it was locked, then returned to the bed. She pulled back the bedspread, blanket and sheets and slid herself in. Covers to the side, Nancy relaxed and let her hands roam freely. She found that the exercise of surveying her body was not only more affirming than she...

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Peters Promise

Peter sat in shock as he listened to his fiancée finish her statement. His anger surged through his body. Pete was driving to the show for their regular date when he asked Polly if she wanted to take a week and go camping with him after her college classes ended next month. Polly said, ‘Pete you know I am leaving the day after classes are over. Shelly, Emma and I already have almost all our things packed ready to leave. You know we are taking the whole summer for a trip out west.’ ‘Polly if...

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Fulfilling a Promise

The summer was finally over and it was time to head home. Working at the camp had been a lot of fun. You got to know many new people, with one in particular. Your summer love. It happens to many people, at least that's what you've heard. A childish crush that lasts for only a few weeks, and a little into the fall after you go home. Unfortunately they live half way across the country. The chances of seeing them again are very small, at least until the next summer. Just before you leave each...

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Peters Promise

Peter sat in shock as he listened to his fiancée finish her statement. His anger surged through his body. Pete was driving to the show for their regular date when he asked Polly if she wanted to take a week and go camping with him after her college classes ended next month. Polly said, "Pete you know I am leaving the day after classes are over. Shelly, Emma and I already have almost all our things packed ready to leave. You know we are taking the whole summer for a trip out west." "Polly if...

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Nancy Drew and the Summer Kamp Mystery

The following is based very loosely on the Nancy Drew books. Here, we're sharing with you the other side of Nancy Drew - in one of the cases that was never published. I hope you enjoy. Authors/writers: Feel free to contribute to the story - the more the merrier Now, your story begins... Nancy Drew - teen sleuth. Everybody knows her. She's been the talk of the town for years - always getting the bad guys. So, when you got the assignment from the newspaper to follow her on one of her current...

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Nancy Afloat

CHAPTER 1 As I’ve always explained, my stories here are all experiences I’ve had or had shared with me by friends. I have had to use a little author’s licence when describing situations which we just glossed over by a friends relating it to me but by and large all activities as described are real events. Followers of my stories will know I have had a lifelong penchant for the mature woman and though I am now a mature gent myself, I still enjoy a liaison with a sexy ‘old girl’ or two and let...

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What follows is a brief description of some of the sexual experiences of a young girl in 1840s America called Nancy. She lived on a small farm just over a day's ride from the nearest town, which was small in any case, just a church, a saloon, some stores and a few houses. She lived with her three older step-brothers and her Pa (who was really her step-father - her father died just before she was born and her mother just after she turned 10), and a few farmhands: four black men and a fat white...

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Nancy gets black cock

We just came home from a really fun night. I came home early today from work.Nancy suggested that we go out to eat. We decided to go to a restaurantthat we really like for dinner, it was great! When we got out of the restaurant! We saw that it was still early and Nancy suggested that we go to a bar to have a drink and relax. This idea seemed to cheer her up a bit, so off we went. We went to this bar called The Tavern located in Camden.The place was not something you’d call fancy but it could...

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Copyright© 1992-2003 "A woman who lived in St. Paul Had breasts undeniably small Her husband growled, 'Dear, Why not burn your brassiere? It's fulfilling no function at all.'" -author unknown My childhood friend Nancy called after trying me at my office. Since I had won the lottery, I had wrote or spoken to her three times, and things were not going well for her. I promised to come to her house tomorrow instead of heading back home. I rented a car and drove to the small...

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Nancy Our Innocent Young NieceChapter 5 The Old Homestead

Two weeks later Clair called and Jim and I both were on the phone as she said, "You two performed some kind of a minor miracle. Nancy has stopped misbehaving, her grades are excellent. She is the manager for the high school basketball team, she has a part time job two days a week, and she is dating several of the nicest boys in town. She is a pleasure to be with. She always has this positive glow about her. Getting her into horseback riding was a brilliant move. She is a very happy,...

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Nancy and the Hot TubChapter 7

"I've never felt anything like this before, Nance." "What do you mean, Honey? What is it?" "I don't ... I feel so stupid. I don't know if..." "Come on, Hon. What's up?" "I've always thought you were wonderful, Nancy. I've felt close to you for years." "I know, Mary. Me too. I feel exactly the same way. But, I don't understand." "Nancy ... the fact that I feel this way ... so unexpectedly..." "Yes? What, Mary?" "Does it mean we're gay? Does it mean that I'm...

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