Promises promises
- 4 years ago
- 29
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I woke up with a hangover the size of Texas . The good part was that I was still a little drunk, the bad part was, and I hadno idea where I was. Not that it mattered, I wouldn't be going anywherewith this ice-pick in my head. God I hate being hung-over, but I can'thelp it once I start drinking, especially when the bar is full of pretty undergrads. Ohsure, they're all under age, but who can say no to hotties that flash a fakeID and an unbelievable (and completely unattainable) body. After my eyesadjust, I realize I am back in my apartment, just on the couch. At leastI made it that far. Last week I awoke in the hallway, the super had tokick me to wake me up. Or maybe he just wanted to kick me, no matter;right now all I can do to keep this hangover at bay is have another drink...
"Hey, thanks for the drink," I turn half surprised to see a blonde,
gorgeous girl standing next to me in the bar, alone, with a slight grin, holding
onto a pint of something dark.
"wha, ay, yea, you are welcome," I stutter back, not knowing what the
hell she is talking about. I have been at the bar for the past 6 hours nursing
my hangover off its deathbed, and I am slightly buzzed, but I am not so drunk
as to forget buying this lovely princess a beer. she obviously has mistaken
me for someone else, but am I going to complain?
"I am surprised you remember me, you were pretty drunk, and the things you
were saying last night, normally I would chalk it up to the alcohol, but you
seemed so sincere and, well, you showed up tonight, so maybe I was wrong about
you..." she trailed off, baiting me perhaps to see if I remembered what
in the hell I had said, or was it just her way of apologizing for her misjudgment? I
couldn't think about either option. she was just drop dead gorgeous and
she was talking to me. she was obviously taller than me, she was tan and
firm, and her blonde hair, it just cascaded down her shoulders and back. she
was wearing cowboy boots and jeans, but it was her white t-shirt that got all
the attention. no frills, she didn't need any, her body was a work of art. while
I sat there stammering and trying to figure out what to say next, she pulled
her hair back into a stern pony tail and set her beer down next to mine.
"how could I not remember you?" I bluffed, "and while I might
have been drunk, you know they say you get the truth out of people after a few
drinks!" I laughed trying to get some sort of control on the situation. nothing
"Well then, shouldn't you make good on your word?" her eyes simply
sparkled, at what I was sure to find out sooner or later, but apparently I was
on the hook for something.
"Jake, get us three shots of tequila, on his tab!" she shouted
down to my sometimes psychiatrist, sometimes pal, but always bartender.
"three?" I looked around, hoping it would be her twin or maybe another
equally gorgeous girl joining us.
"Yea, one for me, two for you, or are you going to backout on your promises
already?" her tone wasn't challenging as much as it was disappointed.
I wasn't going to blow this, no matter what, so I had to recover quickly andhope that whatever I had said last night would be revealed later on in theevening. "oh, I just figured you would have ordered six, to savetime," smiling, I still have it, after all these beers, er uh, I meanyears.
"Oh no, I like variety. Besides too much tequila and I will be speaking
Spanish," such a cute joker, and her eyes, they didn't betray a thing. but
I was certain she was plotting, I could just feel it. probably the way a
mouse feels when staring into the eyes of a snake, not knowing what the move
will be next, but certain that once in its jaws, it wont matter. have to
stay out of her jaws, have to stay-
"Here, two for you, one for me, salud!" wow, that second one really
kicked me in the ass. the first was fun, doing it with her and knowing I
was with this gorgeous girl at the bar, in outrageous cowboy boots and a tight
as all hell t-shirt, doing shots... but the second. I felt her eyes again. I
felt her burning into me with her eyes, almost savoring the moment, like a first
step towards something. like an inauguration. or maybe I was just getting
drunk. nasty fucking quervo, and quickly with a chaser to make it all better.
"not too bad" I lied.
"Fucking awful," she laughed, "The next one will be much sweeter,
I promise, maybe lemon drops? I just needed to kickstart this evening. Besides,
isn't this all part of the plan?" she winked. I am positive, she just
winked. what plan? what the hell did I say to her? fuck, maybe
this girl is just crazy and makes up shit to drunks at the bar to get free drinks. whoa,
paranoia, keep er together boss, just relax and meet her smile.
"oh Princess, tequila or lemon drops, I would drink anything if you wanted
me to-" before I could even finish she was at it again.
"Hey Jake, three lemon drops!" she sang out, standing on her bar chair,
her chest inches away from my face, her perfume literally permeating my lungs
and brain, her scent, her breath, it was like a huge wave hitting me. "...
and don't be silly, of course I know that" she had already sat down and
was talking to me but I wasn't aware of it. her presence was more intoxicating
than the liquor. what had she just said? was that to me or was she
talking to Jake? I was confused but just smiled and played along.
"to you, Princess, for making me keep my promises!" I anted up, tossing
a few more chips into the pile. what hand was she playing...
she slammed her shot glass on the wooden bar and handed me my second, nonchalantlymusing "oh you say that now, but wait until later, you might regret yourpromises in the morning..." she hinted, letting her hand run down my arm,and rest on my leg. there were a couple of drops from the last shot thatnever made it into her mouth, landing on her t-shirt, perfectly in-betweenher perfect chest. she caught me staring and arched her back as I downedthe shot.
"That's a good boy, all you need is a little motivation," I felt her
words more than heard them. how could I look at her, she was so beautiful
and I was losing the battle. I was losing myself in her presence. sure
the alcohol helped, but it was more than just that. I felt drugged, but
I wasn't, not at least with anything man made. it was her, she was... seducing
me? oh I don't know how much more of this I can take. Things are already
starting to get surreal...
"maybe we should slow down a little, its still early," slight pleading
in my voice as Jake comes by with three more shots, this time jager-bombs. sound
the alarms, man over board! eegad.
"Early? Its almost 11, and we have so much to do, I would say its late! Shut
up and drink, loser!" It wasn't so much the way she said it, playful
and coy, it was the words that she used. especially that last. it hit
me like an electric shock. and the first bomb, it went down while I was
still comprehending what she had just called me. "loser" as easily
as if she knew all along, knew that she could get me to do whatever she wanted. just
another plaything for her. she read my mind. "Come on, time for
your second. This will help, trust me, you will feel so much better doing
what I say," I looked into her eyes when she said that. she was serious. she
had stopped smiling. the music in the bar was on mute. the crowd noise
had hushed, all I could hear were her words to me. I was tranced. she stood
up out of her chair and got in-between my legs, standing above me, holding the
shot. "That's a good boy, let me help you. Open your mouth, there you
go," she held the shot glass and brought it to my lips, I could smell with
redbull and jagermeister, her body had closed in upon me, and then it was in
my mouth. "mmm good boy, now swallow. that's it, swallow it all
down, just like you promised, mmm wasn't that good..."
I was reeling. I couldn't think. I was intoxicated with her. I wasnumb, my body was tingling. "Come on, that's it, another one, good boy...mmm taste good? oh you are almost ready aren't you, oh yes I think youare..."
"Tab Jake, were outta here!" I barely made out what she was saying
to me, something about her place. wow, this was it, whatever it was, I had
won. maybe it was a drinking contest? maybe it was just an excuse for
her to let down her guard and grab some strange? maybe I was just lucky? I
wasn't fighting it, she led me out of the bar and into a waiting cab and I was
in heaven.
She straddled me in the cab, and just held me close to her chest. I could barelymove I was so drunk. she held me there and stroked my hair, whisperingin my ear how much fun she was going to have, how she was so happy I wasthere tonight, how I kept my promises. I didn't fight it, I just enjoyedher chest against my face and breathed in her scent. "oh I promiseyou wont regret this, I know you are a little out of it now, but I promiseyou, I will make this a memorable night," What? how in the hellwould I ever regret this, she was a dream come true. like a Dallas cowboycheerleader from my fantasies as a kid, come to life and mauling me in a cab.
the air was cold and her apartment was in the warehouse district. "inwe go, that's it, be careful the elevator is old" we got in the elevator,and I was so drunk it felt like we were going down, but she punched the buttonfor 5, damn those jagerbombs.
"lay down over there, I will be right back," I hit the leather
couch in 2 seconds flat. I didn't want to pass out on her, but if she wanted
me, she was going to have to make it happen. I was so drunk I don't even
remember how many shots we downed. as I laid on the couch, I felt tugging
on my shoes. I couldn't even turn over, I was just a mess. off came
the second shoe, and then I felt my pants being pulled off. that got me
to roll over! there she was, wearing a babydoll with impossibly high heels. was
I dreaming?
"Come on, big boy, unbutton your pants so I can get these off and get you
ready, you have got a long night ahead of you!" she was laughing now, full
on laughing, and I wasn't sure if it was at me or with me. she was enjoying
herself, and I was in no way going to protest. two buttons later, and my
pants were on the floor. I tried to take my shirt off, but she just ripped
the buttons and tossed it aside. two quick pulls on my socks and I was left
on her couch with nothing but boxers.
"Much better, but I will save the unveiling for the moment of truth," more
laughing and giggling, and she was gone in the darkness before I could say anything
Oh what a tease, here I am in boxers, and its cold, and now she just disappearson me? God I am drunk, I cant even stand up. I cant even move orI will fall over. just hold on, amigo, she will be back, don't pass out,not yet, she will be back soon...
I felt her before I saw her or heard her, she was sitting on me. Literallysitting on my chest with all her weight like I was a pillow, or part of thecouch. I opened my eyes and could see her back, her beautifully archedback and hips. she was massaging my feet, first one then the other, pulling,rubbing, kneading, god she was such a goddess. her white babydoll literallyglowed on her tan body. her hair, still pulled back in a severe ponytail,swayed back and forth as she worked my feet. without saying a word shespun on my chest and looked down into my eyes, a high heeled foot on eitherside of my head.
"So do you like my place?" she smiled and pinched my nose. I was
still very drunk, I could not even say a word, I was too dumbfounded at where
I was to believe what was happening.
without missing a beat she followed up "Well I am glad you do, I don'tinvite many boys back here, you are special." I felt it again, thatseduction, her eyes, her mouth, the way the words rolled out of her like honey "veryspecial, and you are going to keep your promises to me, I will make sure ofthat," she said as she grabbed both of my arms and held them above myhead and massaged them. I could feel her working on each one, first theright, then the left, slowly taking her time, letting her chest brush acrossmy nose, the feeling of her babydoll sliding over my face, knowing she wasinches away and yet somehow feeling like she was a million miles away...
it was not the first warning signal I had. there were others earlier inthe night, little hints that she kept dropping, almost ominous, except thatin a public setting how could I do anything but play along and chalk them upto flirtatious advances. but here, things were feeling different. likea ship in a sea of fog, the warning from the lighthouse was far away and hazy,but now, we were much closer to the rocks, I could feel the light trying topenetrate through the fog, but it was hopeless, it was feet thick, cloudedby alcohol and sexual tension. I was aware something was not right butI was unable and unwilling to stop it.
"There we go, how do you feel? she was genuinely concerned, I could
tell from her tone of voice.
"perfect, thank you for the massage, you are so beautiful-" she hit
me so hard I didn't even see it coming and didn't feel it until my head stopped
shaking. there were stars, and I felt my eyes tear up, my face was on fire.
"I didn't ask you what you thought of me, loser, I asked you how youfelt. what do you think I am stupid? of course I am beautiful, look atme, I could have any guy I wanted. I could have any girl I wanted. Idon't need your compliments and I don't want them, I just wanted to make sureyou were not in any pain. I want to make this process as comfortable foryou as possible." she said matter of fact, not screaming, not yelling,not sneering, not hateful. just although she was talking to a dog, orreading from an encyclopedia. just as calm and clear as you please.
process. what process. I thought we were going to be fucking likedogs, that isn't a process in my book. was she a scientist? why didshe have to say it like that. I was confused, and it obviously showedthrough.
"What's that look for? You didn't think a girl like me would hold you
to your promises? Oh, you really don't know what you bargained for, do you? I
have been thinking about this all day, I was positive you were not going to show
up. But now you are here, and I am going to make you keep your promises,
you are going to... eat your words," she smiled, running her finger around
my mouth, tracing the outline of my lips. then she disappeared, literally
just vanished, she was sitting on my chest and immediately got up and *poof*
she was gone. what the hell is going on here? I could hear her, walking
away, her heels clicking down on the floor, then even that faded out. my
arms and feet still tingled, god what a great massage she gave me. my whole
body felt electric, the alcohol was still coursing through me when I heard her
heels softly growing louder, then stopped.
ZAP! oh my god I cant see. I cant see! "what the fuck?what?" I screamed out, terrified, like a child, not understanding butafraid anyway. it was just the lights. "just"... it wasrow after row of bright halogen lights above me, beaming down, there must havebeen 100 of them, all over the ceiling. the entire room that I was incame into view once my eyes adjusted. it was all mirrors and all white. whitetile floor, silver mirrors for walls, and as it happened it wasn't a leathercouch I was on, but a white leather table, about 2 feet off the ground. Itried to turn away from the lights, but I couldn't. I was being held down,the couch, or table or whatever this was alive and holding me down! I screamedout again for help and I heard her giggle.
I looked over, and against the doorway I could see her silhouette. shewas so beautiful, I could hear her coming towards me but the lights hid herform. I looked down and saw my ankles and feet were completely wrappedin something white, holding me to the table. without even looking, I knewmy hands were held the same way, but it was ok, she was coming next to me. Iwould be ok, but then as she approached she began to squeak at me, making mousenoises? what the hell is going on in this place? oh no, its a tableshe is wheeling over, the wheels are squeaking on the tile floor.
"Oh god I thought you were making mouses noises at me," I spoke without
even thinking as she wheeled the cart up along side my body and stroked my hair
with an attentive look into my eyes. without saying anything, she took her
thumb and pushed it between my lips and began to run it around the inside of
my mouth. with her other hand she brought it to her lips "sssshhh" was
all she said. her thumb pressed down on my tongue and held it there, then
she applied pressure and opened my mouth, pulling it down as far as I could stretch. her
smile broadened "that's a good boy, a nice wide open mouth for Princess. You
swallowed everything I gave you tonight, just like you promised, I love a boy
who keeps his word. now are you going to be a good little piggy and swallow
everything else for me?" she began to laugh, and I was completely turned
on and had no clue what she was talking about.
"Maybe you need to look like a pig to act like a pig," she mused as
she opened the table droor and took out a pink pig nose on a band, and stretched
it behind my head, "Lift up piggy, that's good..." placing the snout
firmly over my nose. I felt ridiculous, she could not stop laughing. this
was getting stranger by the moment, but her body in that babydoll, and her voice
and her eyes, I was helpless, despite being bound physically, I was mentally
bound to her as well. my mouth was still open as she continues to laugh. she
laughed so hard tears hit my face, and I tried to laugh but all that came out
was a pig like oink and grunt which made her laugh even harder.
she began to open droors and shuffle things around on the movable table, andI took the time to quickly glance around a little more. it was immaculatelyclean. there were other... instruments and medical contraptions all aroundthe room. hoses and bags, a wall full of tools, something that lookedlike a dentist's chair, maybe this beautiful princess was studying to be adoctor?
I looked up to see her placing a large tray, almost like a sushi tray, onher lap, her beautiful legs bent and her heels resting on the bar stool ring. quicklyshe snapped on a pair of white latex gloves. the stool she was sittingon was so tall all I could see when I looked to my left was the tray and about5 or 6 bowls on it, but I couldn't tell what, if anything were in them. eachbowl had its own spoon. I saw her staring intently into one bowl whilefishing around in it with her spoon. when she brought it out, the spoonwas large and she sang out "Open wider, piglet, this first one is goingto go in your mouth and then down your little pig throat. a promise isa promise and mister you are going to wish you never met me by tomorrow! that'sit, keep it open, once the spoon is all the way in, close your mouth and letme slide the spoon out between your lips. That's we go? close yourmouth and let me slide the spoon out? there we go? now? its IN your MOUTH!" andshe cracked up before I could even tell what the hell I was eating. thenI felt it, it was cold and slimy. omg... OMG it MOVED! my eyes musthave bugged out because before I could even gurgle out a scream her one handwas covering my mouth while her other pinched my pig nose shut. She heldmy head down firmly with both hands and made sure it was staying in my mouth.I was squirming and trying to do anything to pull away from this evil couch,but I could barely even move a muscle. she kept laughing while the living spoonfulwas flopping and squirming in my mouth, it was horrible. Once she caught herbreath, she stopped laughing enough to blurt out "What's wrong, don'tpigs like goldfish?" at that even I began to laugh, I had swallowed lotsof goldfish in my time at college and was absolutely relieved it wasn't anythingmy imagination was conjuring up. I kept thinking of eels or worms, goddamn fear factor has ruined me for sure. I relaxed and let it flop arounduntil it hit the back of my throat, then with one big gulp, down it went. Andin a weird way, it felt good.
she was beaming when she saw my throat contract, "Good Pig!" shewas genuinely excited and happy. she clapped her gloved hands togetherand looked down upon me with that beautiful face and those amazing eyes. itwas all I could do not to ask for another goldfish, I would do anything forher, and to see her so happy, it was pure bliss. I was looking up into eyesthat were as deep as the ocean but lit up like fire. Her babydoll was revealingher perfect cleavage and I began to get hard at the unbelievable view of herchest and her legs and her face, she was all right there, right next to me,and she was a Goddess. She smiled broadly and spoke down to me.
"I promise you, no more living things, piggy, but that doesn't mean youwont be begging me for goldfish by the time I am through with you!" herbreasts heaved as she threatened me, her eyes held mine, I knew she meant everysingle word she said. I began to rethink everything. I was alonewith her, completely bound, completely drunk, and she was literally tauntingme with promises I had made the night before in a blaster of a drinkfest. Shewas absolutely thrilled with the prospect of feeding me what ever else shehad on that tray, and somehow delighted in the fact that it was only goingto get worse... but fuck she was beautiful. she was so beautiful. Icould never say no to her, and she knew it...
She got up from the stool, and stood back to look at me, to study me for asecond. She began to walk around me while she spoke, ?I promise you, littlepig, that you will regret every promise you made to me last night. You areswallow everything in these bowls, every last spoonful, no matter how muchyou fight me or protest.? She pulled thick, white, leather straps from underthe couch and began to toss them lazily over my body. ?and while I really enjoyyour struggling and squirming, I think its time you realize that fighting mewill only make it worse for you. I want to burn this into your brain- the moreyou resist, the more I will take the necessary measures to ensure you keepyour promises to me.? One strap fell across my shins, another across my knees,then my thighs, my stomach, and two across my chest. ?I worked hard to preparethis meal for you, and you gave me your word you would swallow it all down,and I am going to make sure you do. All of it. No matter what.? She began tocinch each strap down across my body, starting from my legs, pulling it tighterand tighter until I thought my body would snap. ?There, one last strap acrossyour chest, and this will stop that senseless squirming you were doing before.? Shelooked into my eyes as she pulled the strap through its buckle and locked itdown, encasing me in white bands of leather. A press of a button on her remoteand my ankles and wrists were also stretched further. I began to cry, I wasliterally unable to move my entire body except for my head. ?Oh god, pleasedon't let her feed me something I cant take,? I thought to myself.
She walked behind me and then climbed back onto her tall, chrome and whitebarstool. She crossed her legs and looked me up and down, ?Now where were we? ohthat's right, you were about to be a good boy and finish this next bowl I havefor you.? She reached over the table and picked up her tray, swirling the spoonaround one of the bowls, ?Mmmmm, oh you are going to absolutely hate this one,it might even make you vomit. I wouldn't if I were you however, no matter howrevolting it is, because what comes up, must go back down,? she giggled ather own joke. My arms were on fire, my legs felt like they were being pulledout of my body, and the straps across my chest made it difficult to breathe.She smiled, ?Open wide and keep it open, I am going to put this heaping spoonfulof filth in your mouth and I might have to scrape it against your teeth tomake sure its completely empty. Don't you close your mouth until I say so.If you fight me just one tiny bit, I will make sure the next bowl I give youwill be under much more restrained circumstances. Give in to me and do as Isay and I might even relax your straps.? She moved closer with the spoon. Itwas piled high with what looked like seaweed or some sort of Asian mixture.I kept my mouth open as she delicately placed the spoon inside. I felt herturn it over and dump the contents onto my tongue. She took her other latexcovered hand and pinched my pig-nose shut while she scraped the remaining bitof mixture off the spoon using my lower teeth.
?That's a good little pig, now shut your mouth, look me in the eyes and swallow.? Sheremoved the spoon and also took her hand off my nose. I breathed in, relievedto be allowed this much freedom, and when I did, the taste of whatever it wasin my mouth made me involuntary convulse. ?No, no, no piggy? she waved hercute finger at me, her eyes betraying the mirth behind the stern face she wastrying to show me. What ever it was in my mouth it was totally foul and I lookedup into her eyes for help. ?Swallow it and I will tell you what it is, youwill never guess otherwise? unless you are a plumber?? I made a squealing noisebut swallowed anyway, looking up into her perfect face, her chest rising andfalling with anticipation. ?Oh fuck what was that! That tasted like, hell likegarbage!? I coughed and retched after swallowing it down. She was literallyawash with glee as she took the spoon and piled it high, ?Open your mouth andfinish this bowl, pig, you filthy fucking pig, swallow this without anotherword!? I stared in horror as she brought the spoon again to my mouth. Thiswas not fair, she was going to tell me what it was, and now she was fillingmy mouth again with this? this sewage? This rotten Chinese takeout? What thehell kind of sadist was she. But what else could I do? She brought the spoonto the edge of my lips and stopped.
?Want to know what you are dining on now, little pig? I made this just foryou, and its literally taken me months! This morning, as soon as I woke upI took apart my garbage disposal and cleaned it thoroughly. Every little bitof grime and filth, every rotten bit of sludge, every tiny piece of foul stench,I took out of that disposal I put in this bowl for you to eat! Look at me,look into my eyes as I slide this into your open mouth, you weak excuse fora man, you total fucking pig! With every spoonful I give you, the less I thinkof you as a man.. You are a Pig, a disgusting barnyard oinker, and you deserveevery little bit of grime I force down your gullet. There must be at least3 more spoonfuls of this muck in my bowl and you are going to swallow everysingle bit of it!? As she said the last words she forcefully shoved the spoonin my mouth and pushed it to the back of my throat. ?Swallow it, pig! I wantyou to swallow this down right now and thank me for it. Thank me for allowingyou to eat the rotting food in my garbage disposal, you pathetic excuse fora man.? It was worse the second time. Knowing that I was eating rotten foodmade my whole body convulse, but I had to do it, or else it would just getworse. She looked into my eyes and saw my resistance fade as I swallowed themouthful of filth. ?Thank you Princess for allowing me to eat the filth fromyour garbage disposal.?
?Oh god your breath smells! What have you been eating, piggy? Maybe insteadof talking, you should just oink from now on. Come on, Pig, oink for me, oinkfor me so I can fill your mouth with my sewage?? oh that's it, oh my littleoinking piggy here you go, open up, open up and take another spoonful, 2 moreto go and then this bowl is empty?? My mind began to break, I was losing myself.I couldn't say no to her, she was so beautiful and she was using her sex andher mind to bend me and twist me around her finger. I was sliding into madness,all I wanted to do was please her, no matter how disgusting it was, I was losingthe fight, and she knew it. She could see it in my eyes and hear it in everylittle pig squeal, every last oink, and every grunt. I was her pig and shewas loving the power she had over me.
After the bowl of sewage came an entire bowl of ground up hot peppers withwasabi tossed in for good effect. My mouth and lungs were on fire and my eyesburned and nose ran. She was absolutely delighted. The fourth bowl was filledwith smashed bugs and the hair from her shower drain, a messy crunchy mix thathad me almost vomiting. I didn't think I could go any further. The fifth bowl,she confessed, was the last full bowl she had, the sixth was empty and dependedon my performance here. If I was a good boy, there would be no sixth bowl. ?Butif you fight me in the slightest, pig, I will fill that last bowl and you willbe getting your dessert. You don't want any dessert do you? Good, because Idon't want any resistance. Now? open up pig? open up and make me happy.?
She brought a sliver spoon to my mouth and carefully slid it in. ?close yourmouth while I withdraw the spoon, and swallow it down.? I closed my mouth,and as the contents hit my tongue, I felt sick. ?Can you guess what's in youmouth pig? Here let me show you the bowl?? She leaned over, her perfect chestinches from my face, and then I saw it, the bowl was filled practically tothe top with what looked like egg drop soup. But something was wrong. ?Canyou see it, pig? It's a bowl full of my SNOT! You are going to swallow an entirebowl of my snot and I don't want a bit of protest, or you are really in forit-?
I have no idea what she said after that, I could not control it anymore. Theswirling warm mess in my mouth was too much, and everything I had eaten thatday came up in one big gag and landed all over my stomach. That was it, I wasdone, there was no way I was going to swallow a bowl of her snot, no matterhow beautiful she was.
?Awww piggy! You were so good this far?, she cackled, not the slightest bitupset. ?Hmm, the mess on your stomach has to go back down, but I think itsnot going to be easy is it?? I was incredulous, I couldn't believe what shewas saying to me, didn't she see the condition I was in? I was exhausted andbeaten, there was no way I could do this anymore.
?Oh piggy, don't give me that look. You promised me last night that you wouldswallow what ever I gave you and I don't take promises lightly. Not from disgustingdrunks like you, not from losers that I can exploit and devour. Oh no, youmust be held to your word so that you never lie to me again. If I am goingto own you, you will always tell me the truth, and to do that, I have to breakthat part of you that lies. Do you see now, why I am doing all this? I knewthat last bowl would make you vomit. Hell, I had planned on it! So now, I willmake it easy on you, just relax, its all going back down and, yes my pig, thebowl of snot is going down your throat too, no matter what your little pigbrain might think.? She was looking down on me while saying all this and Iwas completely aghast. She began to take off her latex gloves and take outa large funnel and tube, some white harness, a silver tube of god only knowswhat and other items and placed them on top of the table.
?Now, listen to me good. Its all going down, but I will make it easy on you.You wont have a decision. You will just have it all forced down your throat.But to make it easy on you, I have to fasten a few things in place, and whileI can do it if you struggle, it will be much easier and quicker for me if youallow me to do it. Don't resist, just be a good pig and let me make it easyfor you to keep your word. Let me make it easy for you to swallow all thismess. I promise you that once I have all my equipment in place, the decisionto swallow will be out of your hands and you can just accept your fate. Okpig?? Her voice was soothing and sincere. She was genuinely trying to makeit easy for me. While I made her sick, she also cared for me, as a pig, asa toy, as something she owns, like a piece of property.
I sobbed a little bit and nodded my head. She smiled and put on a new pairof gloves. With efficiency and swiftness she gathered the entire mess on mystomach and added it to the bowl of snot. She then wiped me clean and heldmy chin in her hands as she looked down on me.
?Wonderful, pig, you have been just wonderful! Ok, now to do this right, Ineed to adjust you?? She used her remote to raise the top part of the couch-bedand had me sitting almost upright like a craftmatic adjustable bed. Next shestraddled me, her thighs straddling my waist, her knees sliding along sidemy body and her impossibly perfect chest inches from my face. ?Open? was allshe said. I complied and she lowered her hands in front of my face and shoveda large black tube, about 5 inches long and very thick into my mouth. It wassurprisingly soft, I could close my mouth around it. But it was long and extendedto the back of my throat and out of my mouth an inch or two. She took the attachedstraps and tied them securely behind my head. She hopped off me, patting myhead and wheeled over an IV stand. Attaching the funnel to the top of the standand connecting me to the funnel with a long, clear, thick tube finished herprep work.
Without so much as a word, she dumped the entire bowl of snot and filth intothe funnel, picked up what looked like a plunger of sorts, and began to methodicallypush the foul mix down the tube, I could see it all coming. It was going tobe a mouthful of slime in my mouth in a matter of seconds. I bit down on thetube, but it didn't matter, the sludge seeped around the tube and began tofall into the back of my mouth.
?Now Pig, you keep your mouth open! I am going to the trouble of making thiseasier on you so you better be good and keep that mouth open. If you don't,I will do it for you,? she stared into my eyes, all the while plunging themess down the tube. I opened my mouth and it all slid in, in one giant, disgusting,push, she rammed it all into my mouth. It was all I could do not to vomit,but I held it in my mouth. I don't know what she was thinking, but there wasno way I was going to swallow this, no way. She quickly unfastened the cleartube from the black tubing in my mouth and wheeled the IV stand and funnelaway.
She came up behind me and whispered in my ear ?Oh little pig, are you readyto feel what its like to be forced to swallow the most foul mixture anyonecould ever dream of? Oh I think you are. I know I am, and can I tell you asecret? I am going to absolutely love every bit of it. I will love your helplessexpression as it slides down your throat. I will love the look in your eyesas you stare into mine for mercy. Oh this is my FAVORITE part, piggy, becauseI am going to thoroughly break you with this.?
I heard the humming of the couch as it lowered back down, and then I was onmy back, staring up at her. She looked gorgeous, but my mouth was full of filthand I was fighting the urge to throw up again. She was holding a clear plastictube, which she began to slide through the black tube in my mouth. ?This willmake sure you don't get any second thoughts and close your mouth while I usemy plunger to force every bit of nastiness down your throat, you disgusting,weak kneed, filthy fucking pig!? And with that, she proceeded to keep her word.The plunger fit neatly in the plastic tube, and she was right, I couldn't shutmy mouth anymore. Tears were streaming down my face and my stomach heaved asshe encased my head between her knees and used both hands to work the plungerin and out of my mouth, laughing with glee as foul greenish-brown foam escapedaround the tubing from my mouth. ?Oh Pig, you have no idea how much fun thisis, forcing all this down your throat, oh I absolutely love this, and you cantdo a thing about it, its going down your throat against your will! You don'teven have a choice!? the plunger went out ?You are nothing but a plugged updrain that I am plunging free. Give into me, you pig, don't fight it, justlet the plunger do its work. Open your eyes, accept it, open your eyes andlook up at me!? As I did, she slowly forced the plunger back down through thetubing, forcing another glob of sludge down the back of my mouth and then shekept pushing, further until she had pushed it past my gag reflex and down mythroat. She was forcing me to swallow every last bit. I was losing my mind,I could not escape her, my head was not moving anywhere and my body had givenup fighting long ago. She kept at it, plunge after plunge, slowly forcing allof it down my throat.
?Oh little Pig, can I let you in on a secret? I must have had 3 or four orgasmsforcing you to swallow all this? this? this sickening mix of waste.? She lookeddown on me, absolutely glowing. I didn't care about anything anymore. All Iwanted to do was make her happy and see her beautiful face. She undid all thestraps holding my mouth open and allowed me to rest.
?Well, I am going to go shower and change, if you don't mind. But don't youworry, piggy, I will be back in just a little bit to give you your thoroughlydeserved dessert?? she smiled and laughed at my expression. ?What's the matter?Did you forget? Well that's ok, I didn't, I hope you are still hungry, becauseyou are going to eat it all, but I am hoping I won't have to force you thistime?? she walked out without another word and shut off the lights, her highheels clicking down the long hallway.
Lights. Bright lights. And there she was. Her hair still wet from the shower.She was wearing nothing but a towel draped around her body. Her body was stillslick from the shower, and her skin looked even more tan when she was wet likethis. Her hair was straight and long, free of the severe ponytail she had beenin all night. She was dripping with beauty and glistening with power. I couldnot keep my eyes off of her.
?Oh my little trussed up piggy, I have your dessert ready. I will give youthe choice, do you want me to force it down or will you willingly accept it?? Icouldn't stop staring at her. I just nodded. I was not myself anymore. Shesmiled. She knew exactly where I was and what I meant. ?Oh wonderful, I washoping you would eat your dessert without any struggle or fight. I loved breakingyou, piggy. It was so sweet seeing the last bit of resistance leave you whileI was plunging your mouth free of that filth, plunging you deeper and deeperinto submission. And now, you will do it willingly for me.?
She walked closer and stroked my hair. She looked into my eyes and smiled. ?Nowpiggy, are you excited for your dessert? It will be so much better than allof that mess before. Do you like sundaes? How about hot fudge and nuts, withsome whip cream? Oh yes, piggy, it will all be for you, but remember, you deservethis, every bit, and I want you to swallow it and not fight me.? She got upon the couch, facing me, wearing only the towel, and looked down on my face.Her eyes were sparkling. I could feel her wet hair dripping on my stomach andon my legs. She traced her perfect finger around my lips and smiled. She priedmy mouth open, effortlessly. Without another word, she shifter her weight andspun around on my stomach. I was looking for the bowl of ice cream and hotfudge, but it wasn't on the table next to me.
She sighed and removed the towel, tossing it to the ground beside me. Shescooted closer to my face, sliding on the couch with her knees, her hair layingagainst her arched back. Her ass was perfect. It was absolutely perfect, completelytan, and without a blemish. I was in a trance as she kept sliding backwards.Her calves and thighs slid along side my head as she arched her back further,positioning her ass over my wide open mouth. I looked to the right and in themirror I could see her face, she was looking at me. She slid back a littlefurther, pushing on the couch and looking in my eyes. I couldn't stop lookingat her. Her perfect body, her perfect chest and stomach. She shook her hairand the drops of water splattered all over my face. I was still looking inher eyes. She was looking at me in the mirror. She was looking at my open,she was concentrating, she was using the mirror to perfectly align herselfover my mouth. She stopped moving and lowered her ass inches above my openmouth. Oh god, this was my dessert. This is what I deserved. I looked up andsaw her asshole precisely above my mouth. I looked to the right and caughther eyes in the mirror. She blew me a kiss and then bit her lower lip.
I smelled it coming before I felt it land in my open mouth. I waited untilshe stopped and my mouth was completely full. I began to chew, it was warmand bitter, and omg, it was crunchy. There were nuts in her shit. I swallowedthe first mouthful and looked at her in the mirror. Without missing a beatshe filled my mouth again and then effortlessly sprang off the couch, pickedup a bottle of whip cream on the floor and sprayed it into my open mouth untilit was overflowing, piling high above my mouth and then down my face. I beganto chew more and could still taster her shit, despite the whip cream. Therewere even more nuts in this mouthful and with each crunch, she giggled andheld her hand over her mouth. I swallowed again and without another word sheclimbed back over me, this time squatting directly over my open mouth, herass making a seal with my lips. I knew I would be here a while and it was theonly place I wanted to be.
She began to hum ?I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream,? as Ifelt my mouth bulge out with another helping of her shit.
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Author's Note... This is my first attempt at a Cross-dressing story. So please forgive me if it seems a little disjointed. Above all I hope you enjoyed it. Comments are welcome. Promises and Secrets By Maria Ski Dedication For Samantha, thank you for the encouragement to actually finish this story. And to the usual suspects, they know who they are... And then of course there is You, the person who is reading this...
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Promises and Secrets: Reunion Part 1: An Unexpected Surprise. A Cross-dressing tale by Maria Ski *Ten years earlier* "I really would like..." my forefinger gently touched her cheek I lifted her chin and our lips touched... I held Tina in my embrace it felt right. She rested her head against mine. "What would you really like to do?" she whispered. "To kiss you again Tina," I replied. She stepped back holding my hands leading me to her bed. "You can kiss me again my...
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Hi everyone! This is raunak from bangalore. Mai 22 saal ka hu aur mera lund 6 inch 2 cm bada aur 2.3 inch mota hai jo meri gf ne hi measure kia apne hatho se. Yea kahani promise day ki hai jab maine apni gf ko chhoda.Jaisa ki aap logo ko pta hi hoga ki ye valentine week chal raha hai.To mai aur meri gf nikita (name changed) aksar outing kar rahe the.Wo dikhne me ek dum maal hai.Uski books balloon ki tarah hai aur uski chut to maano kisi ka bhi lund garam ho jaaye aur chhodne ko majbur ho...
Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * I arrived at Danielle’s house just as dusk was falling. It would have been a beautiful home if I didn’t know how it was tainted. It did indeed look like the home of a professor. I saw the car pull from the driveway with three figures in it. I fired up the laptop and configured the cell phone, connecting to my computer at home and starting to stream. Hanging the bag on a branch of a thick tree, I slipped down the...
Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * I woke, for the first time, not wondering who it was sleeping in my arms. Remembering the past night, I opened my eyes slowly and looked down at Danielle. She didn’t stir against me as I pulled back ever so slightly to examine her. She was sleeping soundly, the closest thing to content that I had seen in a long time. Any redness that had remained from the previous night’s tears was gone. Her lips even seemed to...
"gonna fuck yew now... sweet liddle... inn'cent white bitch"... and He's leaning forward... so suggestively... and rather unmistakably... whispering... lewdly into your shell like ear.. and you're almost gagging... as his putrid... pruno stinking breath... washes over your face... but still... you open your small mouth anyway... to accept his slopping tongue... between your quivering... trembling lips... as he kisses you... long and hard... literally... raping your mouth... with His...
Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. I was happy right where I was. Or more correctly, where we were. I was on my back in bed, in just a pair of shorts because of the heat. Danielle was on top of me, sans shirt or bra, pressing her chest into mine just as much as she was pressing her lips against mine. My hands were thrust down her panties, each palm filled with a warm fleshy cheek. She ground her hips both against my cock, and then back against my...
Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * I was sitting on my bed pretending to work, but in reality waiting for Danielle to come home. I found I could work better with her around. Just knowing she was there, the faint smell of her conditioner, the near imperceptible sound of her breathing, gave me confidence in myself and whatever I was doing. She was later than usual, and I was beginning to think something had happened to her. Just as I picked up my...
Monsieur M WAS WAITING when the ambassador arrived. The girl sat beside him, small, perhaps scared, but there was something else in her eyes that might have been defiance. The ambassador smiled when he saw her. “Age?” Monsieur M looked at the ambassador but did not respond. The question was rude. It was an unspoken agreement between them there would be no embarrassing questions, nothing to cast doubt on any part of their transaction. “She’s old enough, Mr. Ambassador.” He stroked her...
ALEJANDRA’S VOICE WAS STEADY when she telephoned on a Friday about a month after that evening when she discovered me with her mother. “Michael, will you meet me for coffee?” “Sure.” It was a hesitant Alejandra who waited for me at the sidewalk bar near the plaza. She rose when I arrived and leaned forward for a hug. I kissed her cheek and held her face in my hands for a moment. “Thanks for coming, Michael.” I smiled. “My pleasure, Alex.” I ordered coffee for both of us. After it came I...
MY TRANSFER ORDERS came through in late December. A summer departure date. Home leave, then Sweden. I’d need cold weather gear. I read somewhere, can’t remember where exactly, that what sustains us are friends who love us and who show us their love, who share our pain when we are in pain. By that measure Sofía and Javier and I were friends, no matter how recently we’d met. It’s true our friendship was a temporary one, it had always been certain I would leave some day, but we’d made the most...
Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * I sat on the edge of the bed, my head in my hands. I really didn’t know what to do. Danielle had sunk into a deep depression for the past week, and there seemed to be nothing I could do to pull her out of it. Several times over the past week, she had woken from nightmares and fled from my arms only to return to them seconds later. She was listless and refused to leave bed, save for going to the bathroom. I brought...
Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. I woke with that supreme content that can only be achieved by waking up with someone you love in your arms. That silky smooth warmth of Danielle’s unobstructed skin felt magnificent. She was pressed lightly against me, curled up with her hands on my chest. I pulled my head back ever so slightly to look at her. This wouldn’t be the first time that she had spent the night in my bed, but this would be the first time she...
There was supposed to be a wedding. A baby. Sex. Love. Ida McNown was supposed to trade her life, her name for fields full of deer, clouds, and a man who did not love her. But Ida’s mother was talking about lace and babies and uniting two clans. It was a dream. But it was not her dream. No, she dreamed of something else. XXX She pulled on his uniform, tugging the jacket off his shoulders. She untied his belt, pushed his shirt to the side. She watched his chest strain, as if his heart were...
Every time it happened, I was ashamed. I thought that he would be the first and the last of my unprofessional encounters but it seemed that more and more attractive and lonely men found their way into my studio and I was somehow always ready. I fucked two in the first week after Maxwell. One was built like a Greek god, his abs showed through his shirt. I knew what to do with him the moment he walked in. I didn't even charge him for the massage. What was happening to me? Was the stereotype...
FetishThey sit, one in each corner of the double closet, like two, squat, white, abstract pieces of art, open to whatever interpretation the viewer chooses to make of them. Only the sculptor can validate the interpretation of any observer. Even though I own them I have no intention of even confirming what they represent or why they stand, alone and abandoned, in the corner of my clothes closet. They are both my cross and my salvation, all in the same breath; my sole remaining link to the past and the...
THE TENNIS MATCH and the evening with Aída and Alejandra apparently was my last major test before being admitted to the family circle, albeit as a very probationary member. Tonight I was stuffed after a full Sunday dinner at the main house. We’d left Monsieur M and his wife in the front room with a fire and their after-dinner drinks and headed for Alejandra’s little cottage in the far corner of the compound. “It was a dark and stormy night.” I couldn’t contain my laughter. “Seriously,...
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is one of a series of papers the Journal presents for scholars of pre-Conquest indigenous cultures and ceremonies in the Americas. Every effort has been made to verify the authenticity of alleged contemporary accounts. While the authenticity of the document itself presented here is not in doubt, i.e., that it was written at or around the date of the activities it describes, the events chronicled therein are at significant variance from other sources and contemporary...
IF THE MEASURE of a successful Rain Festival is a pouring rain that drives everyone off the streets this year’s Festival was a total success. Saturday morning had dawned bright and sunny, but it was that kind of brittle sunshine that doesn’t last. In fact, the red sky at dawn had given its traditional warning, and the signal did not fail. By noon it was pouring and continued through the afternoon and into the evening. Sofía was buoyant for some reason. She said it was because she liked the...
ALEJANDRA’S MOTHER seduced me a week later. I’d put two and two together a long time ago. It was only a matter of time as she circled about closer, then further, not unlike the waves of a calm sea but in front of an incoming tide, one that inexorably washes higher and higher. For the record, I was not the doughty sand castle determined to resist her onslaught. Not on your life. I had her husband’s green light, at least that’s the way I interpreted his remarks about treating her right and...
“THERE’S NO RAIN FESTIVAL this time, Michael, sorry,” Sofía said with a smile. “But there are other things to do.” I turned to Mme Bertha, seated with a cup of tea at the kitchen table. Her expression was as bland as could be. After a moment, she nodded. “So what’s up this weekend, Sofía?” “Javier is getting an award for best librarian or something like that. We’ll help him celebrate.” I had a thought about the Rain Festival. Sofía and Javier and I had certainly celebrated then. “You’re...
SATURDAY PROMISED TO BE HOT. Daytime temperatures that were unpleasant but as compensation the evenings were mild until midnight, sometimes later. I found Aída in the stands and sat down beside her. “Why aren’t you out there today, Aída?” She made a face. “I twisted my ankle a couple of weeks ago, Michael. I’ve got to take it easy for another ten days at least.” She laughed. “Otherwise I’d cream her, and Alex knows it.” My lizard brain immediately wondered exactly what kind of creaming...
Chapter one BeepBeepBeep BeepBeepBeep BeepBe- BAM! Got damn freaking alarm clock, why do you have to be so loud in the mornings? I groaned softly as I looked at the clock which read 5:00 am. Who in the hell set my alarm clock to such and early time set? If I find out who did it I'm going to murder them without hesitation. I groaned and turned over, maybe if I can get some more sleep then the person who set...
Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * I was working on a paper when I found her again. Well, I was wandering around at 1 a.m. to take a break from writing a paper is what I was really doing. I generally walk around at night. The world is far more peaceful, easier to look at, without humanity getting in the way. My paper was due next week, but boredom proved to be a helpful motivator into getting homework done. Unfortunately for me, this usually leads...
Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. Sorry this is so short, the way it was written, these were the natural chapter breaks. * It was Saturday. One of those lazy Saturday’s that told you to stay in bed, and if you absolutely must get up, putting on real clothes was forbidden. I was sitting in bed, my laptop next to me, Danielle’s head in my lap. Her focus was on the TV at the end of the bed, while mine was on my laptop. I heard a loud pounding on the...
Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * Magic. That was the only explanation. The outfit she was wearing was an affront to physics, leaving magic as the only possible explanation. The long skirt came down to mid shin, and flowed around her like water. It was the waistline that was staggering. It started high on her hips and plunged down to a point that stopped what I gauged to be an inch and a half from the top of her pussy. The back wasn’t much...
Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * ‘I’ve got a present for you.’ I said, plopping down on the couch next to Dani. It was Father’s Day. I had texted my father wishing him the best. Dad wasn’t much of a talker, and I learned years ago that a call was rather pointless. All Dad really wanted was to know I was thinking of him on his Hallmark Holiday. Danielle, however, was another matter. She was down and in the dumps from when we first woke up. It was...
Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. To this day, I’m not sure what woke me. My alarm went off, that is for sure. It was the moan from the distant side of the room that startled me. Who was that? Did I have drunken sex with some random girl and forget about it? Once again, my conversation on the bench was the first real memory to greet my waking brain. I quickly got up and nearly destroyed my alarm clock in an effort to turn it off. Danielle stirred at...
Introduction: Something new. Since i am new to this sight please, please, please be nice! i do take criticism very harshly ^^ oh this is not my full story just a prologue till the real thing. ^__^, Authors note!: Hi Umm be easy on the criticism, Im not that strong enough for it. ^-^lll um nothing sexual yet. Im just trying to get use to the sight yakno? anyways. i hope i didnt make a lot of mistakes. if i did please feel free to message me or comment. Ill be on here every other night to review...
It all started with my best friend DJ crying in my room telling me how much he hated life and how he would never find a girl to date him. I was really uncomfortable with him sitting there sobbing. My dad was military and hated crybabies, but this was my best friend. All I could do was sit there and tell him it was gonna be ok. "Look DJ, its gonna happen man, the girls at our school are just lame. Just relax, you'll get through it." He turned to look up at me through his tear streaked...
She took another look in the rearview mirror and freshened her lipstick. She wanted to look nice for this first meeting. The headlights from passing cars shone just enough for a quick glimpse of herself. She decided she looked presentable. She wore a causal, summer dress. Her friends teased her that she dressed too conservatively, but she felt comfortable and a little sexy. She had discovered through this online relationship that she had a very passionate nature. He had the chance to discover...
IT WAS THE CUSTOM to play tennis during the siesta, even if here in the capital there wasn’t much of a siesta for anyone. But for those who were in charge of their own schedules, and Monsieur M was certainly one of those, except in the hottest months the siesta was a good time for tennis during the week as well as on the weekends. When I rolled up to the Lawn Tennis Club, Wimbledon, step aside, that was really its name, on that Saturday afternoon a valet took charge of my vehicle and I...
I SHOWED UP for the charity tennis tournament right on time. Every seat was filled, but with Alejandra’s invitation I was in one of the VIP boxes high in the stands. Groundskeepers were finishing their grooming of the scuffed red clay as I found the party. “Michael!” Alejandra waved when I entered a “box” the size of my apartment living room, and rose to greet me with a hug and kisses on both cheeks. I held her at arms length afterwards and looked her up and down. “You look fantastic,...
“HEY, TOOTSIE, what’s up?” She smiled. I always got a smile from her, not sure why. It wasn’t an instant friendship but I think I showed her I had no particular agenda, none at all, with respect to the ambassador. She’d been with him for years, including his term as governor of an important state that had voted for the incumbent president. The president, shortly after taking office, named him ambassador to our host country. Career diplomats, many of them, hated political appointees....
MME BERTHA and Sofía and her mother and her younger brothers and sisters never missed the annual Rain Festival in their village on the coast, a full day’s journey by bus. It was a half-day at most for me by car. They’d invited me last year but I was too new in country then and not yet sure enough of Mme Bertha to accept. Sofía and her aunt and the others left on Thursday. I’d negotiated Friday off so I drove down after the morning rush cleared, although given the traffic patterns in the city...
WE’D BEEN DOZING TOGETHER that afternoon, exhausted after our prolonged session earlier. When I opened my eyes she was still asleep, the brown curve of her hip solid against me, against my growing erection. I heard her breathing, and below us in the courtyard the cries of kids and the slap of a soccer ball hitting the wall at the end of the garden. Our sweat had dried in the high desert heat. When I put my nose against her hip her aroma, pungent and yet sweet, filled my nostrils. Sweat...
SOFíA POURED A FRESH GLASS of wine for all of us. She held up an eye dropper. “Are you feeling lucky, Michael?” Are you feeling lucky, punk? Clint’s old line ran through my head, but Sofía’s smile and the sparkle renewed in her eyes made me think otherwise. “What’ve you got, Sofía?” Her smile got bigger. “Just a little surprise. It’s from Gladys. Javier and I have played with it before, in fact, but don’t you ever tell my aunt, OK?” She didn’t really have to explain. I knew what she...