Hailey Danielle
- 2 years ago
- 38
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Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series.
I sat on the edge of the bed, my head in my hands. I really didn’t know what to do. Danielle had sunk into a deep depression for the past week, and there seemed to be nothing I could do to pull her out of it.
Several times over the past week, she had woken from nightmares and fled from my arms only to return to them seconds later. She was listless and refused to leave bed, save for going to the bathroom. I brought her all meals, what little of them she ate, and generally kept her company surfing the net while she just kind of watched.
I was beginning to worry. She had said that they hadn’t gotten to her, but I was beginning to think that something had happened in that basement that she hadn’t told me about. I didn’t want to press her, knowing that if she wasn’t telling me of her own volition, it wasn’t something she wanted me to know.
‘Have you eaten today?’ I turned and asked her.
‘No. I’m not hungry.’
‘Honey, you need to eat something.’ I said, tucking a few stray hairs behind her ear.
‘I don’t want anything.’ I could be talking to a goddamned bedpost for the amount of emotion she was expressing.
‘What do you want to eat.’ It wasn’t a question. I was going to force feed her if I needed to. I didn’t rescue her to wither away to nothing while she wallowed in …whatever it was she was wallowing in.
‘I said I don’t want anything.’
‘I’ll go make you a quesadilla, and then we can talk.’ She looked away from me when I said ‘talk.’
I rose, not wanting to leave, but somehow not wanting to stay either. I made my way to the empty kitchen and cooked her up a quick quesadilla. Danielle always liked those, or at least seemed to like them when I made them.
‘Here you go.’ I set the plate down on the bed nest to her.
‘I said I didn’t want anything.’
‘Please eat?’ I let the full brunt of my concern show for the first time. I’d been trying to put up a brave front, hoping she’d allow herself to lean on me for support. I was wrong. I was tired of trying in vain to offer my support, so instead, I showed her my vulnerability.
‘Ok.’ She said, showing some semblance of concern. At least it was an emotion.
She sat up and ate mechanically. She began to eat faster as her body seemed to realize that she hadn’t eaten all day. Soon, she leaned back onto the pile of pillows at the head of the bed and sighed heavily.
‘We need to talk.’ I said, a little too bluntly.
‘Do we? About what?’
‘Me? What about me?’ She looked at me with hardening eyes, clearly ready for a fight. It was almost as if I could see her soul retreat into the fortress of her body. I took a deep breath, doing my best to come across as concerned and not accusing.
‘I think there’s something you’re not telling me.’
‘Oh yeah? Like what?’ She asked. Her indifference was more threatening than any hostility she could have displayed.
‘I think something happened while you were…away from me.’ It had become harder and harder to talk frankly about the incident as more and more time was put between us and it.
‘I told you they didn’t touch me.’
‘And I believe you, but that’s not what I’m talking about.’
‘What are you talking about?’
‘Something happened, something you aren’t telling me about.’ I had no idea where I was going with this.
‘Well, there wasn’t.’
‘Then why are you like this?’
‘Gee, I don’t know, could it be that I was kidnapped by my rapists and strapped to a table for twelve hours while they debated the first way to defile me?’
Several things registered on me as she said that. She called them her rapists and not her family. This was a very large change, or at least I felt it was. Had whatever happened hurt her more psychologically than I was putting stock in? I became very aware that I needed to tread carefully.
‘You seemed to get over that quickly enough. You were fine for the first two days back, and then you just seemed to sink down to where you are now.’
‘You wouldn’t understand.’ She looked away from me.
‘I’m sure I wouldn’t.’ This is the turning point. Something is going to happen with my next sentence. I can feel it in my bones, in my very blood. That something terrifies me. ‘But please explain it to me and let me try?’
She looked at me, clearly judging me. Her turquoise eyes had never looked so piercing. I could feel her taking stock of my soul, weighing each of my merits and faults against the rubric of her uncertainty.
‘All the time they abused me, I somehow believed that they ‘loved’ me, by having sex with me. After all, my parents loved each other, and they had sex, so if they loved me, then they should have sex with me. It was part of what made us family, or so I thought.
When they strapped me to that table, I asked them how they could do that to their daughter. My dad just threw his head back and laughed. ‘You think I’d fuck my own daughter? What kind of pervert do you think I am? You were adopted, you dumb slut.”
She sat expressionless, a hollow husk of my lover.
‘My whole life has been a sham. I really have been raped my whole life.’
‘Had been raped your whole life.’
‘Now isn’t the time to be a grammar Nazi.’
”Have’ implies that it is a continuing thing. Last time I checked, I promised to never let that happen.’
She just kind of stared at me, almost waiting for me to say something. It was fucking unnerving.
‘How can I make this better?’
‘You can’t.’ Those are some of the most painful words she has ever said to me, especially because at the moment, not only did she mean them, they were true.
‘What can I do to help?’
A strange new feeling surged through my chest. Is this the feeling of my heart breaking? Is this what it feels like to have one’s feelings trampled in the wake of a tragedy?
‘Do you want me to leave you alone?’
‘I think that would be best.’ She said, looking away from me. Yes, this was indeed the feeling of my heart breaking.
I got up and walked towards the door, stopping just short of opening it. I had no idea where I was going to go. The world was far too populated to find the solace I needed at this hour. The last time I took a walk, I ran into Danielle.
‘I love you.’ I said, unfortunately what I thought would be for the last time.
‘What did you say?’
‘I said, ‘I love you.” Goddammit, how the fuck can this be happening? Is this the end of us?
‘Nobody who’s said that to me has ever meant it.’
‘I mean it.’
‘What am I supposed to say to that?’ She looked over at me. Why do you have to look at my soul when it’s breaking? It hurts so much more.
‘Nothing. You don’t have to say anything.’
‘So, that’s it? You’re leaving me?’
‘No, I’m not. If anything, you’re leaving me.’
‘And how do you figure that?’ She was becoming angry now.
‘Well, you’ve done nothing but mope for a week, which is understandable. But you won’t let me help you. You tell me I can’t, that I don’t understand, and you’re right, I don’t understand. You said you want to be alone, so that’s what I’m trying to do. All I want is to see you smile again, to be that happy girl that curled up next to me and watched movies.’
‘Well, she’s dead.’
‘No she’s not. I know she’s in there, hiding behind those eyes.’
‘What makes you so sure? I can’t feel her.’
‘I can see her in your eyes, begging to be let out, to be free, to smile again.’ I heaved a great sigh. ‘I love you, Dani.’
‘Don’t you ever call me that!’ She raged. If she was going to be angry at me, I was damn well going to be angry back.
‘I’ll call the woman I love by the name she’s told me to call her
!’ I strode back over too her, realizing she might hit me. I really didn’t care. I put my face right up close to hers. ‘I love you, Dani.’ I grabbed her jaw and pulled her lips to mine. If we were going to be done, I was going to get one last kiss.
I felt her shift. The woman before me changed as our lips made contact. At first it felt like I was kissing a stranger, none of the familiarity there in her mouth. But then screaming up from what I can only assume were the depths of her soul was the warmth and joy that I had come to find in her kiss. She kissed me back, seemingly allowing her body to go limp against mine.
I wrapped an arm around her to steady her, lest she fall. She kissed me back, my Dani rising from the ashes of her torn soul. I felt warm liquid on my cheeks. Was I crying? No, but I was close.
‘I’m sorry!’ She whispered, burying her face in my neck. ‘I’m so sorry!’
‘Shh,’ I soothed as she clung to me. ‘You’re back, and that’s all that matters.’
‘Do you still love me?’
‘Of course I do!’ She grabbed fistfuls of my shirt and crushed herself against me.
‘I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve felt dead every day for the last week. I’ve felt nothing.’ She began to sob into my chest. What does that mean ‘I’ve felt nothing?’ Had she been just as much of a shell as she appeared to be?
‘But you can feel now?’ She ground her face against me, indicating a nod. ‘What do you feel?’ I’m not sure I want to know that.
‘Hurt.’ She choked out.
It isn’t something that you can convey with written word, the utter multiplicity of meanings she expressed with that one syllable. She was hurt in the full sense of the word, and every thesaurus entry would be part of, but not a whole substitute for, the type of hurt she felt.
‘All my life…they never told me. Never-‘ She was interrupted by some sort of crushing within her. It was like she was being stabbed in the gut from the way she writhed for a moment.
‘Never what, Dani?’
‘Never loved me.’
It’s a horrible thing to say, but her family never loved her. What made it worse was it was true. She had effectively loved everyone for her entire life and never once received any back.
Until now that is. I made it my personal mission to make sure that she knew I loved her, no matter the cost. I swear I am going to make her the best loved woman on earth.
‘I love you. I guess I’ll have to make up for everyone then, won’t I?’
That got a small smile from her.
‘Do you remember what I told you in the shower after we first made love?’
‘That it was nice to not have to worry about me knowing about your family?’
‘Before that.’ She sniffed.
‘That it was nice to finally have someone?’
‘Yeah.’ She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down a little. ‘I meant it. You’re all I have now.’
She looked up at me and didn’t even need to say what would logically come next. Never has an expression never said been better communicated. She was asking me not to leave her. Was she stupid? Did she honestly think that I would have even the slightest inclination to be without her? My emotionally addled brain was thinking of marrying her just so I could stay with her forever.
Suddenly overtaken with a mastadonic wave of emotion, I swooped down and claimed her lips with my own. She seemed stunned, but snaked her hand up my back to pull me down into a kiss so deep it hurt. It was like she was trying to fuse my face to hers.
I felt something stir within me that I can only describe as my soul itself, mingling with some part of Dani. I felt too, part of her being enter into me and bind itself to my essence. I would not realize the significance of this until much later in life, but hindsight is 20/20. It was the kiss that changed my life.
I toppled onto the bed with her, cradling her against me. Every part of her body seemed to be trying to press against me, eager for my closeness and warmth.
‘I want to be with you forever. Yours.’ She whispered in a small voice.
‘You can be, if that’s what you want.’ I gave her a reassuring squeeze. ‘Because that’s what I want.’ You could say that what I wanted at the moment was to marry her, but asking her that in both my and her highly emotional state was not a good idea.
‘I don’t ever want to be her again.’
‘What?’ It’s staggering how blunt inquiring for clarification is.
‘Her. The girl I was a few minutes ago. I don’t want to be her ever again.’
‘I don’t you to be her either, but I think that’s beyond my ability to help, sweetheart. I think you need real help.’
‘I don’t want therapy! I don’t want to talk about it! I just want it to go away!’ She growled into my chest.
‘I know. I know you do. But this isn’t a matter of something you want, this is a matter of something you need.’ I tilted her tear streaked face to look up at me. ‘There are things we want to do, there are things we should do, there are things we have to do, and there are things we need to do, and seeing a counselor is something you need to do.’ I could see that she was hurt by what I was saying, and thus I was too. But there wasn’t a doubt in my mind, she needed help. Help that I couldn’t give.
‘I don’t think you’re nuts. I know you aren’t crazy, but honey, this isn’t something that my help alone can fix. Does that at least make sense?’
She nodded and returned her face to my chest, again bunching up fistfuls of my t-shirt in her hands.
‘I’ve been called crazy my whole life by those…people.’ She spat. ‘It was their cover for using me. Every time I would try and go for help, they would wave my ‘condition’ in everyone’s face.’ She took a deep, ragged breath. ‘I know you just want to help, and I know that I need it, but it just digs into old wounds when you say I need a therapist.’
‘I’m sorry, honey.’
‘Will you come with me? Sit with me and hold my hand while I talk to the…therapist.’ She asked, only managing to get the last word out with some clear effort.
‘Of course I will.’ I hugged her tight, feeling her relax slightly. ‘I’ll do whatever I can to help. Anything you need.’
‘What if I need you to love me?’
‘That is the one thing I want, should, have, and need to do.’ She melted against me, leaning on me for support. I gently rubbed her back, trying my best to give her as much love as I could while she started to pick herself back up. It was another ten minutes before she spoke.
‘Can we go to bed?’
‘Of course.’ I smiled against the top of her head before kissing it. She got herself up and walked to the bathroom. I heard the water running and the brushing of teeth. I got up and undressed, climbing back into the warm spot we had been laying in.
A short moment later, Danielle walked back over in the dark and crawled under the covers with me, having pulled her sweatpants and sweatshirt off.
‘Can you hold me?’ She asked, pressing her body against mine.
‘Few things would make me happier.’ I smiled, wrapping her in my arms. ‘Anything else I can do?’
‘Kiss me goodnight and tell me you love me.’ She needed me to do that tonight. I leaned down and kissed her as gently as I could while still conveying the raw love I had for her.
‘I love you.’ I whispered so that only she would hear. I kissed her forehead and snuggled in with her for the night, content in my arms for the first time all week.
I hate falling dreams. You can feel the mattress pulling away from you and you start to fall. And then suddenly you’ve hit the mattress you thought had just evaporated and have twitched horribly, generally covered in cold sweat. It really pisses me off, because I wake up for no good reason.
That’s what I was expecting when I felt the first dropping sensation. Instead of a mattress, I found myself on the floor, somehow ejected from my bed. Sitting up and disentangling myself from the sheet I looked u
p to see Danielle thrashing about in her sleep.
‘No! Stop!’ She kicked and flailed as if trying to fight off enemies from all sides. The blankets were being both tossed off of her and somehow tangled back into her tornado of limbs.
Getting to my feet, I tried to get near her. Doing my best not to get hit by her flailing, I took hold of her shoulders and shook her, as if that was somehow going to wake her from her thrashing.
‘Dani! Wake up! Danielle!’ I shook her hard.
‘No!’ She shouted as her eyes flew open wildly. For a moment, her eyes were filled with fear, seeing someone else holding her down. Realizing that it was I who had my hands on her shoulder, her fearful eyes were suddenly equally full of tears. She covered her face with her hands and rolled away from me. Curling herself into the fetal position, she began to cry.
This was her first nightmare since that first week after she was rescued. I wasn’t entirely sure how to help her. I gently reached out and touched her back. Nothing. She continued to sob, but didn’t pull away from me. Sitting up, I pulled her into my lap sideways. She leaned against me, her head resting my chest, still curled tightly into herself like a newborn.
I began to rub her back, resting my head on hers, nuzzling her scalp every so often just to remind her that I was there and I loved her. Slowly, she unfolded and wrapped herself around me, as I did her. Her tears gently salted my chest as they poured from her eyes and down her cheeks.
‘You’re alright, sweetheart. They can’t hurt you.’ She pressed her face deeper into my chest, if that was possible. I stroked her hair and what little of her face I could reach. She shivered and shuddered, adrenaline still in her veins, tears trying to lance it from her body. Soon her tears ebbed, but her body still shook.
‘It was just like when you found me, only this time you didn’t save me.’ She explained without me asking. I held her tight, doing my best to meld her to me through sheer force. She relaxed, most of the remaining tension draining from her and allowing herself to be held.
‘You’re safe, Dani.’
‘I know.’ She shuddered out, resting her cheek against me. She wearily raised a hand to wipe her cheeks and eyes.
‘I’m sorry I woke you up.’ She pouted in my lap, looking at my sternum. Normally, she would have looked adorable, her bottom lip curling out like that. The tears on her cheeks and the sadness in her eyes however, made her look weak and alone.
‘It’s not your fault.’ I kissed her forehead.
‘Why do you have to be so nice about it?’ She looked rather more distressed that I wasn’t mad at her.
‘What?’ I was confused. Nice? I was contemplating making an insensitive crazy joke just now.’
‘Why do you always have to be understanding and accommodating?’ She positively challenged me. ‘Why does it always have to be about me?’
‘Because it is about you, you’re the one that needs to heal, Dani. Me getting angry at you for needing-‘ I paused looking for the right word, besides ‘help’ ‘-support is like me getting angry at your for having a broken leg and being unable to walk up and down stairs.’ I tried to stroke her face but she seemed to not want to listen to me right now.
‘But I hit you.’
‘Did you?’
‘I knocked you out of bed!’
‘More like shoved or pushed. I thought I was having a falling dream, as opposed to being ejected from my bed.’
‘You need to stop blaming yourself.’ I interrupted gently, silencing her with a finger on the lips.
‘I’m trying.’ She fell against me, her cheek smacking against my chest. ‘It’s hard when it’s all you know how to do though.’
‘But you’re trying, and that’s what matters.’
‘Not hard enough apparently. I just can’t help it.’
‘Not yet you can’t. But you will. And then life will be perfect.’ I joked stroking her back. She snorted.
‘Perfect? All it will take for life to be perfect is for me to stop blaming myself?’
‘I think it will be. I mean, I’ve got you, and that’s all that matters to me.’
She looked up at me with something bordering on worship, like I had just gotten her cat out of a tree and returned it to her, after fighting a mountain lion.
‘What did I do to deserve you?’ She asked, half to herself, half to me.
‘I don’t know, but it will have to wait until morning.’ I kissed the top of her head. ‘Think you can make it back to sleep?’ God knows I needed it, I had a presentation for class the following afternoon, and I was trying to get as much rest as I could. I felt her nod on me. ‘Good.’ I smiled, kissing her forehead.
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Preface I want to state beforehand that this work is a fantasy based on facts mixed with my, shall we say, fertile imagination. I do know a young lady similar to the one I describe in this tale, and have thought of her many times. However, the intimate events detailed in this story have never happened, if they had, I certainly wouldn’t be telling you about them. That would be ‘ungentlemanly.’ Part One I first met Danielle when I was her supervisor at a small diner outside Philadelphia,...
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I met this girl when she was allegedly 18. I don't think she was. As a matter of fact I know for a fact now she wasn't period She was 17. But she was the Town pump anyway. By the time I asked her how old she was I was balls deep raw dogging it. I had just lost a girl that I loved very much. I went to a buddy's house to do some shooting. He was there with his wife and his wife had this cute cute big titty redhead bubble ass thick thigh freckle faced sweetheart that immediately caught my eye. I...
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Danielle was a bit concerned because she thought she was putting on some weight and was getting fat. Before she stepped in the shower she would look at herself in the mirror and wonder how much fatter she had gotten. She would look at her hips and her stomach and fret. She didn’t think she was as beautiful as Jamie, her older sister. She was thinking about Jamie’s big, beautiful breasts. Not hers which were like knobs, as Jamie called them. But then she looked at them from the side and...
Danielle was the daughter of my employee at the convenience store I managed. At 11 she was cute as a bug and just starting to develop as a woman. Her small breasts were mere bumps at this point on her otherwise flat chest. Her mother had confided that she had just started her period. Her mother treated her badly, so my plan I felt would work well. The day came when I could proffer my plan. Danni as I called her was at the store one day with her mother, and I overheard her complaining...
The events depicted in this post, although entirely fictional, are based on real desires I have for a certain gorgeous rock queen :PEnjoy :)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For DanielleI nervously walk along the halls, approaching the door to the apartment in anticipation.As I come closer to the door, I start to hear the feint sounds of an acoustic guitar being strummed from within.It's just the same note, going from a dull tone...
"gonna fuck yew now... sweet liddle... inn'cent white bitch"... and He's leaning forward... so suggestively... and rather unmistakably... whispering... lewdly into your shell like ear.. and you're almost gagging... as his putrid... pruno stinking breath... washes over your face... but still... you open your small mouth anyway... to accept his slopping tongue... between your quivering... trembling lips... as he kisses you... long and hard... literally... raping your mouth... with His...
David and Danielle were mostly quiet the next morning at breakfast. The suddenness of the boy's death had stunned them, and both were thoughtful until Danielle broke the silence and begin to discuss the training of Ellen. They spent several hours discussing the approach they would take and the possible outcomes. They agreed to begin the training the next morning after David made a run into another town to do some "special" shopping. David was gone for about four hours and the feeding of...
Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * I arrived at Danielle’s house just as dusk was falling. It would have been a beautiful home if I didn’t know how it was tainted. It did indeed look like the home of a professor. I saw the car pull from the driveway with three figures in it. I fired up the laptop and configured the cell phone, connecting to my computer at home and starting to stream. Hanging the bag on a branch of a thick tree, I slipped down the...
Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * I woke, for the first time, not wondering who it was sleeping in my arms. Remembering the past night, I opened my eyes slowly and looked down at Danielle. She didn’t stir against me as I pulled back ever so slightly to examine her. She was sleeping soundly, the closest thing to content that I had seen in a long time. Any redness that had remained from the previous night’s tears was gone. Her lips even seemed to...
Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. I was happy right where I was. Or more correctly, where we were. I was on my back in bed, in just a pair of shorts because of the heat. Danielle was on top of me, sans shirt or bra, pressing her chest into mine just as much as she was pressing her lips against mine. My hands were thrust down her panties, each palm filled with a warm fleshy cheek. She ground her hips both against my cock, and then back against my...
Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * I was sitting on my bed pretending to work, but in reality waiting for Danielle to come home. I found I could work better with her around. Just knowing she was there, the faint smell of her conditioner, the near imperceptible sound of her breathing, gave me confidence in myself and whatever I was doing. She was later than usual, and I was beginning to think something had happened to her. Just as I picked up my...
Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. I woke with that supreme content that can only be achieved by waking up with someone you love in your arms. That silky smooth warmth of Danielle’s unobstructed skin felt magnificent. She was pressed lightly against me, curled up with her hands on my chest. I pulled my head back ever so slightly to look at her. This wouldn’t be the first time that she had spent the night in my bed, but this would be the first time she...
Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * I was working on a paper when I found her again. Well, I was wandering around at 1 a.m. to take a break from writing a paper is what I was really doing. I generally walk around at night. The world is far more peaceful, easier to look at, without humanity getting in the way. My paper was due next week, but boredom proved to be a helpful motivator into getting homework done. Unfortunately for me, this usually leads...
Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. Sorry this is so short, the way it was written, these were the natural chapter breaks. * It was Saturday. One of those lazy Saturday’s that told you to stay in bed, and if you absolutely must get up, putting on real clothes was forbidden. I was sitting in bed, my laptop next to me, Danielle’s head in my lap. Her focus was on the TV at the end of the bed, while mine was on my laptop. I heard a loud pounding on the...
Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * Magic. That was the only explanation. The outfit she was wearing was an affront to physics, leaving magic as the only possible explanation. The long skirt came down to mid shin, and flowed around her like water. It was the waistline that was staggering. It started high on her hips and plunged down to a point that stopped what I gauged to be an inch and a half from the top of her pussy. The back wasn’t much...
Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * ‘I’ve got a present for you.’ I said, plopping down on the couch next to Dani. It was Father’s Day. I had texted my father wishing him the best. Dad wasn’t much of a talker, and I learned years ago that a call was rather pointless. All Dad really wanted was to know I was thinking of him on his Hallmark Holiday. Danielle, however, was another matter. She was down and in the dumps from when we first woke up. It was...
Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. To this day, I’m not sure what woke me. My alarm went off, that is for sure. It was the moan from the distant side of the room that startled me. Who was that? Did I have drunken sex with some random girl and forget about it? Once again, my conversation on the bench was the first real memory to greet my waking brain. I quickly got up and nearly destroyed my alarm clock in an effort to turn it off. Danielle stirred at...
Authors note: For those who read a story that I wrote that sounds similar to how this comes. This story has a different ending. This story is not as detailed as some of my others, but it is a bit of fun. ------------------------------------------------ Daniel one of the school toughs walked through the halls like he owned them. Daniel wasn't the biggest boy at the school, but he was the toughest. He wore jeans, a t-shirt with a rock band graphic, athletic socks, sneakers and a bad...
I had been attacked by those three delinquents numerous times and had not once reported the crime, more out of shame and embarrassment then from fear. Shame that I had been sexually m*****ed by Charlie, Bruce and David and embarrassed cause I knew how I would be perceived if word got out. Yes, word did get out, but that gets ahead of the story, I told of how I was taken the very first time by those three and about some of the times that happened afterwards. I told of how Bruce and I started to...
Cameraman Tom & DanielNote: There is a “daughter” version titled “Cameraman Tom & Darlene”Several years ago I was trolling through some P2P files and found my friend!My friend, Stephen (Steve) lives right next door. He is divorced like me. He has a son, Daniel, who visits on some weekends. Steve is a big handsome guy who never seems to date. I always wondered why. Steve and Daniel appeared to be homebodies; I never saw them in the park or riding bikes, the normal family stuff.My...
The folks and I had went out to dinner, when we returned Mom went to get ready for bed Pops poured a drink, he looked at the bottle and exclaimed ' ... thought there was more then this ... '. Pops turned on the television and I sat down on the couch to watch the news with Pops. When the news was over Pops looked at me saying ' ...have a long day tomorrow, remember what you have to do tomorrow so don't stay up too long ...' Pops took his glass to the kitchen and went to get ready for bed. I...
A few weeks had passed since Bruce, Charlie and Daniel had viciously invaded my neither regions and introduced me to a world that I never new in my deepest imagination...Briefly, the three of them had lured me willingly to the basement apartment in one of their parents home. Once inside I was made to feel at ease and then with out warning, I was set upon and sexually assaulted by all three of them. My virgin anal opening was bust open and made to accept their mammoth size sex tools. For...
A few weeks had passed since Bruce, Charlie and Daniel had viciously invaded my neither regions and introduced me to a world that I never new in my deepest imagination...Briefly, the three of them had lured me willingly to the basement apartment in one of their parents home. Once inside I was made to feel at ease and then with out warning, I was set upon and sexually assaulted by all three of them. My virgin anal opening was bust open and made to accept their mammoth size sex tools. For...
Part Four: A Journey into Submission for Sarah and Daniel Danniboi sat on the edge of the king sized bed as Mistress Sarah jacked his little dicky faster and faster, bringing him to the edge of orgasm, only to stop and apply ice to his cock from the champagne bucket. It was agonizing! He would shrink within a minute, only to have Mistress Sarah start once again; bringing him to a full erection and taking him back into near orgasmic bliss. He was moaning and gripping the bedspread...
After Daniel and Charlie had left my room, I grab my t-shirt that they had used to wipe their slimy cocks on ans stuffed it between my buttocks to stem the flow of their oozing deposits. I hurried to the door and watched thru the window as the two of them strode down the street laughing and talking. Making sure that the door was locked I went quickly to the bath and showered enjoying the feel of the warm water as it streamed over my ruptured bung hole. Gently touching my anal opening, I could...
Part Two A Journey into Submission for Sarah and Daniel Greetings Dear Readers! This is part two in a series in which the main characters, Sarah and Daniel first meet one another and start their relationship together. Part one deals mostly with Sarah and Daniel's background. Also, it shows the mindset of the couple and what it is that both of them want out of life. There is not a lot of detail on their younger years (adolescent and teenage). Nor is there a ton of info on their adult...
It started on a Tuesday afternoon as I was heading home from track practice. Bruce and Charlie stopped me as I was a few blocks from my house. I was instructed not to make a fuss and to go put my books up and come straight back to them. I mustered an excuse ' ... I just finished training. I need to get a shower and rest. ... ' Charlie stepped closer and softly said ' ... yeah, we saw you out there running and shyt. That is why Daniel wants you to come now while you are all funky. ......
Daniel sighed and rested his chin on his hand, not taking his eyes off Matthew. ‘How can anybody be so perfect?’ he asked himself. ‘I love the way his mouth hangs open all the time; it makes him look really cute. Must be the braces.’ Daniel’s eyes flickered over to the mirror in the corner of the classroom, and saw his reflection. He had dark brown hair and eyes; he was average height - about 5’5 - for his age (which was 18 years old like everybody in his class). Daniel happened to be very...
GayI was walking to school on a very cold morning, the wind was howling and I was button up from head to feet. As I crossed a street I bumped into another bundled up figure, to my horror it was one of mt sexual nemesis Daniel. Daniel looked at me hard, not realizing who I was he pushed pass me. I let out a breath of release only to have my moment shattered when Daniel turned and ran to catch up to me and snatch my skull cap off my head. In pure horrific shock I looked at Daniel, he handed me back...
To get over the break up of the band Tina decided To go to a quiet little restaurant she knew in London. She knew no one would really take any notice of her because it was early evening and everyone would be more interested about getting home to notice her. As she sat down at her table she was glad to have left her boyfriend Tommy at home, she really needed to be on her own right now. As she ordered her meal she noticed a young boy walk into the restaurant Tina thought he looked quite...
Sissy and Daniel: Sissy’s story My mom and my dad were always on business trips. Going around the world, and when they do they leave me and my 16 year old brother Daniel alone. “Sissy, your 18 years old. We can trust you to guard the house. We have nothing to worry about.” My mother would announce every departor. Tho there are many, and I mean many, trips my parents go on there will always be one (hopefully more) I will never forget. My mom and dad were going to China, and wouldn’t be home for...
IncestMy mind is heavy now. Age and wisdom have taken their toll, age more than the other I think sometimes but it is just as effective for stealing my memories. I wanted to tell you about this, before I forget, or even worse, before I believe it never happened. It was February of 2011, almost ten years since 9-11 and I was alone for the first time in thirty years. My marriage had been hard, the divorce harder and one is never quite prepared for that particular type of loss no matter how...
It’s been two weeks since I’ve heard from him. I don’t think a day’s gone by where I haven’t regretted that night. I’ve been listening to the same sad songs on Spotify on repeat. Routinely checking my phone, checking my messages to see not a single reply. Last online 40 minutes ago. Message seen, ten days ago. Two weeks ago to this day, he and I had been drinking. I know we shouldn’t have been meeting during lockdown, but we’d never gone that long without seeing one another. Daniel had been my...
First TimeLisa looked at the text from Daniel and was puzzled at what it said. She bit her bottom lip and a frown crossed her brow as she battled to understand the text message. ‘Are you alone’ the message screamed as Lisa’s fingers gently caressed her smart phone to fully open the text. She nudged the reply box and said ‘Yes. Why?’ Her phone immediately beeped as a return text came from Daniel’s phone with the intriguing message ‘Open the e mail I’ve just sent you!’ Lisa walked across and plugged in...
It was a hot summer day; the heat seemed to knock the air of you when you walked outside. I naturally was outside laying by the pool in our back yard. Now, I have always considered myself a beautiful woman for 43 years old. I have had many men tell me so through the years. I am 5'3” tall and I weigh about 125 pounds. I have long curly naturally red hair, and I have 32C bust. No, not the biggest breasts in the world but they are proportionate to the rest of me. Now back to my story. I have...
Part One How shall I possibly explain what has happened to me in my relationship with my now wife, Sarah? I guess the easiest way to do so is to start from the very beginning. My name is Daniel. I am a writer by trade and a very successful one at that. Selling novels to the editors at major publishing houses seemed to be extremely easy for me. I have made the top ten lists in the last seven novels that I have written and have been a guest star on many talk shows and book signing...
It was a few days after Thanksgiving when the Christmas music began. Traditional Christmas carols, jazzed up Christmas tunes and famous old Christmas songs. Each note seemed to taunt Claire, coming from shops in the mall, on the television channels, from radio stations, and even on cell phone ring tones. The once loved melodies now brought anger and rage to her, ripped into her troubled soul and caused her eyes to blur with tears. How selfish to force this onto people, she thought angrily....
The first day of the season I recognized this one boy that had always come last year. A boy, who looked about 11, was cute as hell, blonde hair and brown eyes. His name is Daniel. I remember him from last year because he would do crazy shit on the diving board. Front and back flips, side flips, one and a half’s and all of them almost perfectly. If this kid ever goes onto the diving team in high school he is going to kill it! I told him this several times. I never really talked to him much the...
Daniel arrived early the following wednesday, he told his mother( my sister) that I wanted him to do extra work on my garden. It was just eight in the morning when he arrived and I was still in bed. I heard the doorbell and got out of bed to answer it, I was wearing a baggy tshirt and pj bottoms, not exactly the sexiest things i own. lol When the door opened daniel had a big smile on his face and I knew what he wanted but I wasnt the best morning person in the world. I...
Part Three: A Journey into Submission for Sarah & Daniel As Sarah crossed the floor of the bedroom, the nine inch dildo swinging obscenely from her strap on, she locked eyes with Daniel and kept her stare focused on him as she stopped and sat down next to him on the bed. Daniel looked like the proverbial doe caught in the head lights. His eyes were huge as he took in the monster cock attached Sarah's strap on. Pleased that he could not speak through the three inch penis gag she...
My mom is 31, and really beautiful, not hot, beautiful. She has long straight black hair that reaches down to her lower back. Her eyes are small, but she makes up for it with her dark eyeliner. And her lips are large, round, and full of collagen. She’s slender, has a large (silicone) rack, and an ass to kill for. Just in case you’re wondering I’m not attracted to my mother, she’s not my type, I prefer my girlfriends to be more natural. My mom got pregnant when she was 15, and then was kicked...
Hey, This is Daniel and Dina’s short romance. These two characters were introduced in my Werewolves and Indians series. I think this chapter can be a stand alone, but you may read the series of you feel you need too. Dina and Daniel are two unique people and I felt they deserved their own tale. I hope you enjoy this brief romance. Please share your thoughts. All the characters in this story are above the age of consent. Enjoy IR2R Have you ever seen someone and in that moment only the...