Promising Danielle Ch. 05 free porn video

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Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series.

I was happy right where I was. Or more correctly, where we were. I was on my back in bed, in just a pair of shorts because of the heat. Danielle was on top of me, sans shirt or bra, pressing her chest into mine just as much as she was pressing her lips against mine. My hands were thrust down her panties, each palm filled with a warm fleshy cheek.

She ground her hips both against my cock, and then back against my hands. She let out little mewls of pleasure each time she did, tickling my lips. Her long hair draped around our faces, so that had our eyes been open, we would have been cut off from the rest of the world.

I kissed along the edge of her jaw to nibble gently on her earlobe. She moaned at that, pressing her cheek against me. I continued to nibble down her neck, nipping at her shoulder.

‘You know just how to turn me on.’ She whispered in that oh-so-sexy husky voice that she got when she was turned on.

‘Mmmm. How turned on are you?’ I teased, kissing my way back up her neck.

‘Enough that you’re going to have to do something about it soon,’ she moaned, burying her face in my neck.

‘Like what?’ I really enjoyed teasing her, hearing what she wanted me to do to her.

‘Anything you want.’ She was desperate now, scraping her teeth gently along my flesh, her breathing increasing.

‘Anything?’ I grabbed her ass and ground her hips against me, knowing I hit her clit when she latched onto me and let out a moan.

‘Anything!’ she pleaded.

‘Even…that?’ I asked. She didn’t respond. She knew exactly what I was talking about. I had been trying to get her to do it for quite some time now, and she always denied me.

Her rationale made sense, and I could understand she was afraid, but we both needed her to get over that fear if we were ever going to move on in our relationship. If she couldn’t trust me enough with this one sexual act but all others, I was going to feel inferior to her for the rest of my life.

‘No.’ She said, pulling away from me and sitting up, showing me her gorgeous back.

‘Please?’ I pleaded.

‘Toby, you know how afraid I am.’

I sat up and wrapped my arms around her stomach, pulling her tight against me. She sighed wearily, covering my arms with her own and squeezing me back as best she could in her position.

I began to formulate a new strategy in my head. I had tried everything I could think of to let me do it. I had even begged on my hand and knees, eyes level with my target, and she still denied me.

She would not let me go down on her.

I didn’t feel like I was asking for anything outrageous, just a chance to pleasure my girl. She was afraid, because the only person to ever do that to her was her mother, and when I had tried to do it in the past, she always became afraid and the mood was shattered.

It was only me going down on her that she had a problem with. I could fuck her six ways from Sunday and she would enjoy it every time. I had never yet asked her for a blowjob on the account that she always seemed to be the one who wanted to do it, and not just to keep me happy either.

She appeared to genuinely enjoy it, becoming rather frustrated when I would deflate after she swallowed my load because she was so turned on. She would lay her head on my stomach and look up at me with a pleased look on her face as I heaved and came down from my erotic high. She would wait for me to recover a little and then ask me to play with her tits while she got herself off.

I always felt some kind of debt in the back of my mind that I wasn’t giving her enough pleasure to match my own, though she vehemently denied it. She said my feeling her up while she played with herself more than made up for it. I wasn’t so sure.

‘You know I love you, right?’ I asked softly.


‘You know that I won’t hurt you?’

‘Of course.’

‘You know I only want you to be happy, right?’


‘Will you at least let me try it, just once?’


‘I know you’re scared, and I understand why.’ I said gently.

‘Then why do you want to make me do it?’ She turned her head to look at me, fear and sadness written all over her face. I broke my heart to see her so distraught. I brought my hand up to her cheek and caressed it, pulling her lips to mine. She relaxed and leaned back against me, resting her head on my shoulder.

‘You know that look you get when you’ve just finished sucking me off?’ I had a flash of inspiration.


‘Why do you look like that?’

‘Because I made you come.’ She explained, as if I didn’t already know the answer. ‘Because I made you feel good. It makes me feel good to know I can make you feel that much pleasure. When you pet my hair after, it makes me feel appreciated, that you know I did that for you.’

‘But is it really just for me? You said it makes you feel good too.’


‘All I want is to feel like that. To get you off with my mouth, and lay my head on your stomach with that look on my face and feel your fingers in my hair. Just once.’ I pulled her as close as I possibly could, wrapping as much of her up as I was able.

‘I’m afraid, Toby.’ She said, letting herself go. ‘She would gnaw on my lips and bite my clit. It hurt.’ She whimpered, but didn’t cry.

‘Do you think I’d do that to you? Have I ever hurt you?’

‘You haven’t hurt me Toby, and I know you won’t.’ She comforted me with those words. ‘But all I’ve known is pain when she put her face between my legs. I don’t know how it could be any different.’

‘Let me show you?’ I asked. ‘Please let me try.’

‘I…’ She started, but trailed off. I turned her head to look into her eyes.

‘I promise, if after you cum, you tell me you didn’t like it, I’ll never ask to do it again.’

Fear flashed in her eyes, but then they hardened.

‘Ok.’ she said, bolstering her strength for me. She smiled. ‘But I kind of killed the mood.’

‘I’m not so sure.’ I returned my lips to her neck. ‘I’ve got a nearly naked girl in my arms, and she tastes delicious.’

She sighed happily and began to slowly run her hands of what parts of me she could.

‘From what I can tell, she’s still turned on. Her nipples are still hard.’ I cupped her breasts, tweaking the pink little nipple in the middle. She squirmed, grinding her ass against my erection.

‘You’re doing a good job of turning me on.’ She smiled.

‘I know. Not only are your nipples still hard, I can smell you from here.’ I kept one hand on her warm chest and slid the other down the front of her soaked panties.

My hand was scorched by the wet inferno of her aroused pussy. Her juices coated my fingers, her lips sliding easily between them.

‘You seem to be ‘In the mood’ to me.’ I teased, circling her clit.

‘You do this to me.’ She moaned, her hips grinding back against me.

‘I’ll do this and so much more.’ I promised. I pulled my hand from her panties and her chest, hooking my thumbs in her waistband on her hips and hauling the last shred of clothing from her. I extricated her from my embrace and lay her back, looking down lovingly at her.

She crossed her arms over her chest and kept her legs crossed. She was afraid, but clearly trying to be strong for me. I stroked her face with my hand, leaning down to plant a kiss on her forehead, then her lips.

‘You’re beautiful.’ I whispered to her. ‘I love you.’

‘I love you, too.’ She smiled weakly.

‘I’m going to make you cum harder than ever before.’ I said, smiling. ‘Trust me.’ I propped her head up on some pillows so she could see that it was me between her beautiful legs, and no one else.

I climbed down and placed my hands on her knees. She tensed for a moment, trying to keep me out. I looked
longingly up at her and saw the conflict in her face. She was fighting her fear with her arousal and desire to please me. Trying to both comfort and tease her, I ran my hands up the outside of her thighs to touch her hips and then back down again. Slowly she relaxed once more and allowed me to part her knees.

Lying between her legs, I kissed up the inside of her thighs, around her pussy and rested my chin above her mound. She was apprehensive, her arms covering her chest, hands holding her shoulders.

‘Come here.’ I smiled in what I was hoping was a comforting way. I took one of her hands and placed it on top of my head. She just rested it there, not knowing what to do with it. That was fine for the time being. The second she wanted to give me instruction, she now had a way to do it.

I took her other hand in my own, intertwining our fingers. This was so she could squeeze it for comfort when she needed it. It was a separate connection based purely on our previous declarations of love and companionship. My tongue in her pussy was, or at least I hoped it was, going to be a new sign that I loved her. I looked up at her once more and then lowered my head back between her parted legs.

I gently kissed and sucked on her inner thighs, careful not to bite, though I sorely wanted to. She was so soft and smooth against my cheek as I did my best to get her ready for my first taste of her. The closer I got the less of a kiss and the more of a lick I used.

When I finally got to that wonderful piece of Eden resting between her pale thighs, I paused. I gave her hand a slight squeezed and touched my tongue to her. I didn’t move, I just held it there against her slick sex. Her thighs tightened on either side of me, but didn’t close around my head.

Ever so slowly, I began to run my tongue up and down. She let out a ragged breath and clenched my hand. But she didn’t stop me. I slowly picked up both the pace and the pressure, minding to keep clear of her clit. That would come later.

I looked up at Dani with my face buried in her crotch. Her head was turned to the side, her eyes screwed tightly shut. She wasn’t enjoying this. Not yet at least.

‘Danielle, look at me.’ I said, pausing only to speak before I retuned eating her out. She looked down tentatively at me, still clearly uncomfortable. I squeezed her hand and kissed the engorged lips in front of me.

‘It’s me.’ I said, licking a stray drop of her arousal from a lip. I returned my tongue to her and used it to spell ‘I love you’ into her.

‘I love you, too.’ She whispered. Realizing that I could both talk to her and pleasure her at the same time, we began having a conversation, me spelling into her pussy, her whispering back to me.

‘Is it starting to feel good?’

‘Yeah, a little.’

‘Keep looking at me. Know that it’s your Toby between your legs.’

She didn’t respond to that, other than beginning to absentmindedly stroke my hair.

‘You are the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. You taste beautiful.’ I tongued out. Her hips were beginning to gently gyrate against my face, coating my cheeks with her liquid heat. I still hadn’t touched her clit yet. That was all about to change.

‘I want you to come on my face. Come as hard as you can on my face.’

‘If you keep that up I’m going to.’ She sighed. She was loosening up, in more ways than one.

I slipped mu tongue inside her. She gasped in an uneven, charged breath at that.

‘You like my tongue inside you?’ I inquired at her lips.

‘Yes.’ She hissed out. ‘I want it again.’ I smiled wickedly up at her and thrust my tongue between her lips again. She bucked her hips against me and pulled my head in with the hand I had placed in my hair. She was urging me on, to put my tongue deeper in her. She had begun to move on.

I looked back up at her. Her face was contorted with the need to cum. The pleasurable frustration at the need for release conflicted with the desire for the wonderful feelings to continue. I knew that expression well. She put it on my face whenever she teased me with her mouth. The fact that the tables were now turned brought me a surge of confidence and love.

I squeezed her hand and feasted on her pussy. I had been eating her before, but now I really went to town, trying to absolutely devour her with my tongue. It was as if she had a creamy orgasmic center that I could only get to by licking the outer shell away. I wanted that creamy center more than the candy itself and I was going to lick my tongue raw to get it. I couldn’t bite my way through, that would not only be cheating, but painful for my metaphorical candy.

She was breathing heavily and unevenly, her hips twitching and gyrating as she let herself enjoy my efforts at her pussy. She released my hand and took my head in both of hers. I took it as a good sign that she let go of my hand. It meant that she was comfortable enough to let go, and I was doing a good enough job that she wanted to teach me.

Wrapping my arms around the legs on either side of my head, I held her tightly and assaulted her clit, licking the hard little nub. She pulled my face hard against her crotch, arching her back and moaning in frustration as I upped the sensations in her pussy. I kept at it, sucking and licking gently but aggressively.

I released her hips and brought my hands up to cup her breasts. I wasn’t as gentle with these, as she preferred a firmer touch. Her nipples became the playthings of my fingers just as her clit had become a plaything of my tongue. She had been teetering on the edge for a while, and I’m still not sure what pushed her over, her clit or her nipples.

‘TOBY!’ She cried as she came. She clamped down with her thighs on either side of my head, pressing the soft flesh against my ears, filling them with the sounds of her muscles tightening. I feared for a moment I may very well have gotten my wish granted to die between her legs right there.

She pulled my head deeper into her crotch, grabbing fistfuls of my hair. I felt her toes curl along my back as she cried out my name, her eyes shutting tight as she came on my face. Her hips bucked and her tight little tummy fluttered as she rode the peak of her orgasm out.

Suddenly she melted back into the bed, spent and gasping. She trembled beneath me as I placed my cheek on her warm stomach, looking up at her. She still had her eyes closed, but placed a hand on my head and stroked it lovingly.

‘Oh my God.’ She whispered, still trying to catch her breath. I smiled and began to softly kiss her tummy, waiting for her to calm down enough. ‘That tickles!’ she giggled. Her eyed opened to look down at me and she absolutely glowed.

‘It was a big one.’ She smiled, ‘the kind that makes you all warm and sleepy.’ She let out a very content sigh.

‘Going to go to sleep?’ I asked, s shit eating grin on my face.

‘In a little bit. I’m still kind sensitive.’

‘Well, I’ll go wash your cum off my face and be right back.’ I kissed her stomach, walked into the bathroom and quickly washed my face, returning to bed in short order. I lay down next to Dani and wrapped my arms around her limp form.

‘What about you though?’

‘Don’t worry about me.’ I said, rolling onto my back, feeling her readjust to lie comfortably on top of me.

‘But you didn’t cum.’ She protested.

‘I told you not to worry about it. This time it was about you.’ I kissed the top of her head. I started to lazily trace patterns on her back.

‘Was it good?’ Just because she came didn’t mean that it was good.

‘Thank you, for making me do this.’ She stretched up and kissed me. ‘It felt amazing.’

‘So I can do it again?’

‘Anytime you want.’ She smiled. ‘I might even ask you to do it.’ She returned to cheek to my chest and sighed happily. I pulled a blanket over us and held her against me.

‘No one has ever made me feel like this.’ She whispered to the darkness, ‘I’ve never f
elt this good.’

‘I’m glad I can make you feel so good.’

‘Hmmmm. I love you.’ She sighed.

‘I love you, too.’

More to come. Any feedback is welcome. If you have any questions, let me know with a way to respond to you, and I’ll do my best to answer.

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Promising Danielle Ch 01

Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * I was working on a paper when I found her again. Well, I was wandering around at 1 a.m. to take a break from writing a paper is what I was really doing. I generally walk around at night. The world is far more peaceful, easier to look at, without humanity getting in the way. My paper was due next week, but boredom proved to be a helpful motivator into getting homework done. Unfortunately for me, this usually leads...

2 years ago
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Promising Danielle Ch 07

Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. Sorry this is so short, the way it was written, these were the natural chapter breaks. * It was Saturday. One of those lazy Saturday’s that told you to stay in bed, and if you absolutely must get up, putting on real clothes was forbidden. I was sitting in bed, my laptop next to me, Danielle’s head in my lap. Her focus was on the TV at the end of the bed, while mine was on my laptop. I heard a loud pounding on the...

4 years ago
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Promising Danielle Ch 11

Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * Magic. That was the only explanation. The outfit she was wearing was an affront to physics, leaving magic as the only possible explanation. The long skirt came down to mid shin, and flowed around her like water. It was the waistline that was staggering. It started high on her hips and plunged down to a point that stopped what I gauged to be an inch and a half from the top of her pussy. The back wasn’t much...

4 years ago
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Promising Danielle Ch 10

Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * ‘I’ve got a present for you.’ I said, plopping down on the couch next to Dani. It was Father’s Day. I had texted my father wishing him the best. Dad wasn’t much of a talker, and I learned years ago that a call was rather pointless. All Dad really wanted was to know I was thinking of him on his Hallmark Holiday. Danielle, however, was another matter. She was down and in the dumps from when we first woke up. It was...

3 years ago
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Promising Danielle Ch 02

Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. To this day, I’m not sure what woke me. My alarm went off, that is for sure. It was the moan from the distant side of the room that startled me. Who was that? Did I have drunken sex with some random girl and forget about it? Once again, my conversation on the bench was the first real memory to greet my waking brain. I quickly got up and nearly destroyed my alarm clock in an effort to turn it off. Danielle stirred at...

4 years ago
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Authors note: For those who read a story that I wrote that sounds similar to how this comes. This story has a different ending. This story is not as detailed as some of my others, but it is a bit of fun. ------------------------------------------------ Daniel one of the school toughs walked through the halls like he owned them. Daniel wasn't the biggest boy at the school, but he was the toughest. He wore jeans, a t-shirt with a rock band graphic, athletic socks, sneakers and a bad...

2 years ago
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One on one with Daniel

I had been attacked by those three delinquents numerous times and had not once reported the crime, more out of shame and embarrassment then from fear. Shame that I had been sexually m*****ed by Charlie, Bruce and David and embarrassed cause I knew how I would be perceived if word got out. Yes, word did get out, but that gets ahead of the story, I told of how I was taken the very first time by those three and about some of the times that happened afterwards. I told of how Bruce and I started to...

1 year ago
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Cameraman Tom Daniel

Cameraman Tom & DanielNote: There is a “daughter” version titled “Cameraman Tom & Darlene”Several years ago I was trolling through some P2P files and found my friend!My friend, Stephen (Steve) lives right next door. He is divorced like me. He has a son, Daniel, who visits on some weekends. Steve is a big handsome guy who never seems to date. I always wondered why. Steve and Daniel appeared to be homebodies; I never saw them in the park or riding bikes, the normal family stuff.My...

3 years ago
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A night with Daniel

The folks and I had went out to dinner, when we returned Mom went to get ready for bed Pops poured a drink, he looked at the bottle and exclaimed ' ... thought there was more then this ... '. Pops turned on the television and I sat down on the couch to watch the news with Pops. When the news was over Pops looked at me saying ' ...have a long day tomorrow, remember what you have to do tomorrow so don't stay up too long ...' Pops took his glass to the kitchen and went to get ready for bed. I...

2 years ago
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An Encounter with Daniel

A few weeks had passed since Bruce, Charlie and Daniel had viciously invaded my neither regions and introduced me to a world that I never new in my deepest imagination...Briefly, the three of them had lured me willingly to the basement apartment in one of their parents home. Once inside I was made to feel at ease and then with out warning, I was set upon and sexually assaulted by all three of them. My virgin anal opening was bust open and made to accept their mammoth size sex tools. For...

3 years ago
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An Encounter with Daniel

A few weeks had passed since Bruce, Charlie and Daniel had viciously invaded my neither regions and introduced me to a world that I never new in my deepest imagination...Briefly, the three of them had lured me willingly to the basement apartment in one of their parents home. Once inside I was made to feel at ease and then with out warning, I was set upon and sexually assaulted by all three of them. My virgin anal opening was bust open and made to accept their mammoth size sex tools. For...

2 years ago
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Part Four A Journey into Submission for sarah and Daniel

Part Four: A Journey into Submission for Sarah and Daniel Danniboi sat on the edge of the king sized bed as Mistress Sarah jacked his little dicky faster and faster, bringing him to the edge of orgasm, only to stop and apply ice to his cock from the champagne bucket. It was agonizing! He would shrink within a minute, only to have Mistress Sarah start once again; bringing him to a full erection and taking him back into near orgasmic bliss. He was moaning and gripping the bedspread...

3 years ago
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Encounter with Daniel

After Daniel and Charlie had left my room, I grab my t-shirt that they had used to wipe their slimy cocks on ans stuffed it between my buttocks to stem the flow of their oozing deposits. I hurried to the door and watched thru the window as the two of them strode down the street laughing and talking. Making sure that the door was locked I went quickly to the bath and showered enjoying the feel of the warm water as it streamed over my ruptured bung hole. Gently touching my anal opening, I could...

4 years ago
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Part Two A Journey into Submission for Sarah and Daniel

Part Two A Journey into Submission for Sarah and Daniel Greetings Dear Readers! This is part two in a series in which the main characters, Sarah and Daniel first meet one another and start their relationship together. Part one deals mostly with Sarah and Daniel's background. Also, it shows the mindset of the couple and what it is that both of them want out of life. There is not a lot of detail on their younger years (adolescent and teenage). Nor is there a ton of info on their adult...

1 year ago
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Used By BruceCharlie and Daniel

It started on a Tuesday afternoon as I was heading home from track practice. Bruce and Charlie stopped me as I was a few blocks from my house. I was instructed not to make a fuss and to go put my books up and come straight back to them. I mustered an excuse ' ... I just finished training. I need to get a shower and rest. ... ' Charlie stepped closer and softly said ' ... yeah, we saw you out there running and shyt. That is why Daniel wants you to come now while you are all funky. ......

1 year ago
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Matthew and Daniel

Daniel sighed and rested his chin on his hand, not taking his eyes off Matthew. ‘How can anybody be so perfect?’ he asked himself. ‘I love the way his mouth hangs open all the time; it makes him look really cute. Must be the braces.’ Daniel’s eyes flickered over to the mirror in the corner of the classroom, and saw his reflection. He had dark brown hair and eyes; he was average height - about 5’5 - for his age (which was 18 years old like everybody in his class). Daniel happened to be very...

3 years ago
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A Day With Daniel

I was walking to school on a very cold morning, the wind was howling and I was button up from head to feet. As I crossed a street I bumped into another bundled up figure, to my horror it was one of mt sexual nemesis Daniel. Daniel looked at me hard, not realizing who I was he pushed pass me. I let out a breath of release only to have my moment shattered when Daniel turned and ran to catch up to me and snatch my skull cap off my head. In pure horrific shock I looked at Daniel, he handed me back...

3 years ago
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Tina Finds Daniel

To get over the break up of the band Tina decided To go to a quiet little restaurant she knew in London. She knew no one would really take any notice of her because it was early evening and everyone would be more interested about getting home to notice her. As she sat down at her table she was glad to have left her boyfriend Tommy at home, she really needed to be on her own right now. As she ordered her meal she noticed a young boy walk into the restaurant Tina thought he looked quite...

1 year ago
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Sissy and Daniel

Sissy and Daniel: Sissy’s story My mom and my dad were always on business trips. Going around the world, and when they do they leave me and my 16 year old brother Daniel alone. “Sissy, your 18 years old. We can trust you to guard the house. We have nothing to worry about.” My mother would announce every departor. Tho there are many, and I mean many, trips my parents go on there will always be one (hopefully more) I will never forget. My mom and dad were going to China, and wouldn’t be home for...

1 year ago
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My mind is heavy now. Age and wisdom have taken their toll, age more than the other I think sometimes but it is just as effective for stealing my memories. I wanted to tell you about this, before I forget, or even worse, before I believe it never happened. It was February of 2011, almost ten years since 9-11 and I was alone for the first time in thirty years. My marriage had been hard, the divorce harder and one is never quite prepared for that particular type of loss no matter how...

1 year ago
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Going Down on Daniel

It’s been two weeks since I’ve heard from him. I don’t think a day’s gone by where I haven’t regretted that night. I’ve been listening to the same sad songs on Spotify on repeat. Routinely checking my phone, checking my messages to see not a single reply. Last online 40 minutes ago. Message seen, ten days ago.  Two weeks ago to this day, he and I had been drinking. I know we shouldn’t have been meeting during lockdown, but we’d never gone that long without seeing one another. Daniel had been my...

First Time
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Lisa Strips for Daniel

Lisa looked at the text from Daniel and was puzzled at what it said. She bit her bottom lip and a frown crossed her brow as she battled to understand the text message. ‘Are you alone’ the message screamed as Lisa’s fingers gently caressed her smart phone to fully open the text. She nudged the reply box and said ‘Yes. Why?’ Her phone immediately beeped as a return text came from Daniel’s phone with the intriguing message ‘Open the e mail I’ve just sent you!’ Lisa walked across and plugged in...

2 years ago
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I love my son Daniel

It was a hot summer day; the heat seemed to knock the air of you when you walked outside. I naturally was outside laying by the pool in our back yard. Now, I have always considered myself a beautiful woman for 43 years old. I have had many men tell me so through the years. I am 5'3” tall and I weigh about 125 pounds. I have long curly naturally red hair, and I have 32C bust. No, not the biggest breasts in the world but they are proportionate to the rest of me. Now back to my story. I have...

1 year ago
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Part One A Journey into Submission for Sarah and Daniel

Part One How shall I possibly explain what has happened to me in my relationship with my now wife, Sarah? I guess the easiest way to do so is to start from the very beginning. My name is Daniel. I am a writer by trade and a very successful one at that. Selling novels to the editors at major publishing houses seemed to be extremely easy for me. I have made the top ten lists in the last seven novels that I have written and have been a guest star on many talk shows and book signing...

3 years ago
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Discovering Daniel

It was a few days after Thanksgiving when the Christmas music began. Traditional Christmas carols, jazzed up Christmas tunes and famous old Christmas songs. Each note seemed to taunt Claire, coming from shops in the mall, on the television channels, from radio stations, and even on cell phone ring tones. The once loved melodies now brought anger and rage to her, ripped into her troubled soul and caused her eyes to blur with tears. How selfish to force this onto people, she thought angrily....

3 years ago
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Summer with Daniel

The first day of the season I recognized this one boy that had always come last year. A boy, who looked about 11, was cute as hell, blonde hair and brown eyes. His name is Daniel. I remember him from last year because he would do crazy shit on the diving board. Front and back flips, side flips, one and a half’s and all of them almost perfectly. If this kid ever goes onto the diving team in high school he is going to kill it! I told him this several times. I never really talked to him much the...

2 years ago
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My second date with Daniel

Daniel arrived early the following wednesday, he told his mother( my sister) that I wanted him to do extra work on my garden. It was just eight in the morning when he arrived and I was still in bed. I heard the doorbell and got out of bed to answer it, I was wearing a baggy tshirt and pj bottoms, not exactly the sexiest things i own. lol When the door opened daniel had a big smile on his face and I knew what he wanted but I wasnt the best morning person in the world. I...

3 years ago
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Part Three A Journey into Submission for Sarah and Daniel

Part Three: A Journey into Submission for Sarah & Daniel As Sarah crossed the floor of the bedroom, the nine inch dildo swinging obscenely from her strap on, she locked eyes with Daniel and kept her stare focused on him as she stopped and sat down next to him on the bed. Daniel looked like the proverbial doe caught in the head lights. His eyes were huge as he took in the monster cock attached Sarah's strap on. Pleased that he could not speak through the three inch penis gag she...

1 year ago
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Caleb and Daniel

My mom is 31, and really beautiful, not hot, beautiful. She has long straight black hair that reaches down to her lower back. Her eyes are small, but she makes up for it with her dark eyeliner. And her lips are large, round, and full of collagen. She’s slender, has a large (silicone) rack, and an ass to kill for. Just in case you’re wondering I’m not attracted to my mother, she’s not my type, I prefer my girlfriends to be more natural. My mom got pregnant when she was 15, and then was kicked...

1 year ago
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A Love Story Dina and Daniel

Hey, This is Daniel and Dina’s short romance. These two characters were introduced in my Werewolves and Indians series. I think this chapter can be a stand alone, but you may read the series of you feel you need too. Dina and Daniel are two unique people and I felt they deserved their own tale. I hope you enjoy this brief romance. Please share your thoughts. All the characters in this story are above the age of consent. Enjoy IR2R Have you ever seen someone and in that moment only the...

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