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She took another look in the rearview mirror and freshened her lipstick. She wanted to look nice for this first meeting. The headlights from passing cars shone just enough for a quick glimpse of herself. She decided she looked presentable. She wore a causal, summer dress. Her friends teased her that she dressed too conservatively, but she felt comfortable and a little sexy. She had discovered through this online relationship that she had a very passionate nature. He had the chance to discover her passion as well, so looking conservative was sort of a tease, hiding her sensuality that lie just beneath the surface.

He had picked the place to meet. She liked it immediately when she arrived. It wasn't too crowded, and the people there seemed to be having a good time. Sounds of laughter and glasses clinking came from the bar area. The lighting was soft and a little hazy. The atmosphere was friendly. It felt nice and cozy.

She stepped in further, scanning the booths, looking for him. When she didn't see him immediately, she fought a small jab of nerves that he might not show up. She turned to look at the bar stools, searching every face. A presence slipped up behind her. She caught the scent of fresh, clean skin with a hint of polo cologne. She knew it was him. She smiled and turned as he whispered,

"Are you looking for Yogi?"

"Are you looking for Boo Boo?"

They both quietly laughed at the pet names they had adopted for one another. They hesitated a moment, fitting the person with the personality they had shared so much with online. He led her to the table where he had been waiting. She was pleased he held her chair - she liked being treated like a lady. He commented that she was fifteen minutes late, and he was wondering if she had stood him up. She didn't hear all of his words. She was too busy looking at his eyes and remembering all the fantasizing they had shared over the months. She was daydreaming about the hot tub story when she suddenly realized he had asked her what she would like to drink. She did a quick check and said anything on tap was fine.

He was wearing a green golf shirt and jeans, casual and sexy. She wondered if these were the jeans she had made "tight" during some of their discussions. He stopped talking and was just looking at her. His silent stare made her anxious. He reminded her she had a habit of biting her bottom lip when she was nervous. He made a joke that she was already flirting. She blushed. She hadn't meant to, not yet, anyway.

He was so easy to talk to and great company. They talked about sports, argued what team was better, laughed about children's antics, and how nice a place the restaurant was. They even commiserated over all the changes they were going through. The conversation flowed easily. They laughed together as old friends. He touched her hand a few times as he talked. It was exhilarating, but she pretended not to notice. She was reluctant to let him know the effect he had on her.

She excused herself to the ladies room to freshen up after the long drive, and when she returned, a small band was playing. He said he had heard them before and they were pretty good. She listened and agreed. They cranked out familiar tunes, a great mix of old and new. The kinds that make you remember when and have you wanting to sing along.

Couples flocked to the dance floor. It was small and filling up quickly. They watched for a while, giggling at a guy dancing the Funky Chicken. Another guy had a bad toupee and was wearing Saturday Night Fever pants. They reminded each other they had similar outfits in the back of their closets. The band played a mellower tune, and he asked her to dance. She was a little hesitant but gladly accepted. She was enjoying his company so much.

He held her tentatively, wrapping one arm around her and holding her hand with the other. They shyly smiled when they touched. His hand on her back pulled her a little closer. She was glad her feet just took over, matching his steps without thought. Before the song ended, she was pressed against him. She loved the smell at his neck and the movement of his body. Steady heat was building between them. The music ended. They returned to their table and ordered fresh drinks.

They talked quietly. There were sexual innuendos and flirty glances and the mood changed from casual to sensual. She was definitely attracted to him.

The band played another slow song and they got up to dance. This time he pulled her close from the start, and she fell into his embrace. They danced and the sexual tension increased. She leaned back to look in his eyes, and they kissed softly, as if rehearsed. Their lips were damp and they skimmed smoothly together. The connection ended, but they held their faces close together, breathing against one another.

The song stopped and they pulled apart, a bit embarrassed. They returned to their seats, holding hands. He moved his chair closer to hers and sat, just quietly looking. She leaned over and stole a kiss. Her tongue darted out, briefly touching his lips. She pulled back, not wanting to embarrass him in a public place. She shivered thinking about the possibilities of the evening.

The band broke into a smaller group, just piano and guitar players. They played soft jazz. It was quiet and airy and it made her a little dizzy. She doodled on a cocktail napkin. For some reason, she always doodled paisleys, she never knew why. She glanced up at his hazel eyes then wrote, "I want to feel your mustache on my neck". She turned the napkin toward him. He blushed as he read it. She was afraid she'd said too much, until he grabbed the pen and began writing. He turned the napkin to her. She read, " I want to bite that bottom lip of yours". Her belly fluttered and she grinned. Writing notes on cocktail napkins could be fun.

Two guys came up to the table. They were friends of his. He introduced her and she shook their hands. He invited them to sit. It was clear they had been drinking awhile, but she enjoyed the stories the three of them shared. His friends tried to embarrass him with bawdy drinking tales. He just laughed. She could see him relax. Seeing this side of him made him seem a little more real.

She wrote on the note and slipped it under his hand as he was talking. It read, "Can I lick and bite your neck, right now?" He didn't miss a beat as he glanced down at the note and continued to talk. But he did smile, and it was enough for her to know he was enjoying the game.

His hand touched her thigh under the table. The warmth of it penetrated the thin, cotton material covering her leg. He squeezed the muscle and then left his hand there. She tried to remain calm, even though it drove her wild. He was teasing her and she liked it.

He slid the napkin to her as he joked with his friends. She was sure they noticed, but that made it more exciting. The note read, "If you bite that lip again, I'm going to move my hand up your leg." She hiccoughed and felt the blush rise up her neck. His lips broke into an evil grin, and she smiled, then bit her lip. His eyes twinkled as his fingers crawled up her thigh.

She squirmed in her chair and shifted toward the table, thinking his hand would stop, but he kept inching higher. Slowly, he worked his way up her leg, teasing her. She put her hand on top of his. He squeezed her thigh. She pulled his fingers back playfully. He laughed just a little too hard at his friend's joke. She knew he was proud of himself for getting to her.

He let go of her thigh and turned his hand over, palm up, to hold hers. He had thick, strong hands; she wondered how they would feel on her breasts. Her nipples itched just thinking of it. She scratched her nails up and down each of his fingers and across his palm. He squeezed her hand tightly and pulled it over to rest on his crotch. She was shocked at his boldness with his friends close by. He pressed his hand on top of hers, pushing it down against his bulge. She relaxed her hand, letting him be the guide. His eyes grew dark as his penis lurched beneath their fingers.

His friends stood to leave, and he pulled his hand away to shake their hands, but he didn't get up. She giggled and kept her hand where it was.

Both of his hands rested on the table. He pretended not to know she was still touching him. She applied a little pressure and moved her hand up and down. She rubbed the rough jean material and teased along the zipper with her nails. He couldn't ignore it anymore. His hips pushed up against her palm. He reached under the table for her hand again. He pressed it against him once more, and gently raised her hand up to his mouth. He kissed the back of her hand with warm, soft lips and rubbed his mustache along the knuckles, then returned their hands to the table.

The world may see how their eyes turned dreamily to each other, but only they new the secret cause under the table. She couldn't be eye to eye like this for very long. He might see too much, and she needed to stay in control. Luckily, the rest of the band was returning, so she looked to the stage.

He slipped another note under her glass. It read, "I need to hold you against me." She rubbed her forehead, and unknowingly, played with a curl that had escaped. He read the edginess in her gesture. It pleased him.

He took her hand to dance again. She liked being led to the dance floor. The small tiled area was no longer just a dance floor - they had turned it into their own seductive playground. She shivered thinking about his embrace. He made a silly attempt to twirl her into his arms. They laughed as her head got tangled up under his arm. They tried again, only this time she twirled gracefully and nestled against him. They held each other in a perfect fit. Every body part slid into a groove, and they swayed with the music.

She was acutely aware of the softness of his neck against her cheek, the roughness of his chin resting at her temple, and the masculine scent of his cologne. Her breasts tingled as her nipples stiffened. His chest tightened against hers. She looked up to meet his gaze. He stared into her brandy-colored eyes and then softly kissed her forehead. His mustache tickled her piqued skin.

His eyes flickered with a smile. The intensity overwhelmed her. She leaned into his shoulder. His hand tightened around her waist. It was comforting. She slid her hand to the small of his back where it fit easily in the dip above his ass. She dug in, pulling him to her. His hips relaxed against hers.

The floor might have been crowded, but they didn't know it. They were alone in their private dance. He released her hand and cupped her face, bringing it to his. They kissed softly. Her breath hitched and then swished out in a long sigh, like she'd been holding it for a week. She battled to remain calm and to maintain her control. She was afraid of getting close, but his touch was mesmerizing.

His forehead glistened with a fine sheen of sweat. His palms were moist and his fingers shook a little. It reassured her to know he was as nervous as she. His groin pitched against her and sought her out whenever she backed away; he tightened his hold, so she couldn't. The throb of his cock was palpable. She leaned into it, enjoying something she hadn't in a very long time.

The music stopped. They eased apart. They cleared their throats and smiled, then reluctantly returned to their seats. An unspoken need to leave immediately loomed between them. Their eyes met and they blushed at silent thoughts that were obvious.

She suggested an appetizer to get things started. He said things were way past start. His humor eased the tension. She scribbled a note and slid it to him while he was distracted motioning to the waitress for menus.

He caught her as her hand slipped back into her lap. It was darker than it had been earlier and he used the candle on top of the table to read what she had written. "I want to take each of your fingers into my mouth and suck on them." He looked up grinning, letting her know he wouldn't object. He swallowed hard as he took the pen and wrote, "I want to suck on your nipples and tease them with my tongue." The air whooshed out of her lungs again

He was getting to her, and he knew it. She decided if he was going to play hardball she could to. She waited till the waitress approached the table and then slid the note over. He quickly read it and tried to order potato skins without seeming rattled. She giggled in triumph, knowing the "I want to use my hand to guide you into me" was enough to shake his control.

The waitress took his order, surely suspecting something, but she had no way of knowing the game of seduction that was being played. He waited until they were alone before penning his next line.

She leaned back in her chair, believing she was winning the game, until she read his: "I want to fuck you, now!" Her control wobbled. She rushed into conversation. They both knew the reason. The note lay conspicuously on the table, ignored for now.

He talked about his home with his sons, sounding like a proud papa. He had wonderful insight into his boys. He was committed to family. They had that in common. It was good to know. They both placed family first, always. Talking about everyday things was nice, and it allowed a break from the heat of the evening. He was making her crazy, and she suspected he was having his own share of heebie-jeebies. Besides, prolonging the night had its advantages.

He excused himself to go to the men's room. She was a little tense from the excitement, but it felt good. She tried to relax. She took some deep breaths and rolled her shoulders. She stretched her neck and then looked around. Damn, he'd left another note without her knowing! She read it. "I want to wake up with you next to me." She bit her lip and rubbed her forehead. Now he was winning the game, and winning big time.

She scrawled out a response before he returned to the table. The waitress brought their food. When he got back he raised the note and read, "I want to fall asleep with your naked body against me." He growled. They ate in comfortable silence, stealing glances above the candlelight. His knees bumped hers under the table.

Their fingertips touched as they reached for the same potato skin. The contact sizzled. She playfully smeared some of the sour cream on one of his fingers. They laughed. She watched his tongue deliberately lick his finger. His finger disappeared into his mouth as he sucked on it. Their eyes met. She licked her lips. He puckered his. She looked sultry. It made him hard. Her nipples stiffened and jutted out as she shivered. He noticed.

The game of seduction intensified. She wasn't sure who was winning now, but she was certain there wouldn't be a loser. It felt right to let him inside the protective wall she had formed around herself a long time ago. She didn't mind giving in some. His own carefully built façade seemed to be tumbling like Jericho, as well. It was good to trust again.

They skirted around the issue of why their marriages didn't work out. They shared enough information to be acutely aware of the pain each had suffered. There was an unspoken warning that neither wanted to be hurt again. They both understood the chance they were taking to open up and trust. Their attraction allowed them to take that chance, willingly. She grabbed the pen and wrote, "Let's just relax and enjoy this time together." He took her hand in his and they did.

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Power Struggle Part1

So here we are, you, kneeling – pathetically – on the floor as if doing homage to the goddess that sits above you: me, in my leather and lace, and you, completely naked. I’ll bet all your friends see you as a proper Jack the Lad, never taking any crap from women, but we both know better, don’t we? The mark across your chest is just coming up, where my spiteful little whiplash has punished you for the crime of daring to ask if you can lick my crotch. By now I should hope you know I mean...

2 years ago
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Swapping With LauraChapter 7

There were women sucking on animal penises, and women with massive dog-cocks sticking up their rectums, and women and dogs engaged in daisy chain orgies which seemingly had no beginning nor any ending. The entire room seemed to be caught up in a monstrous lewd sideshow the like of which could not even have existed in Laura's imagination prior to this moment. And she had been so careful to conceal her own wantonness beneath Rover's lashing tongue! Her gasp at the amazing sight before her...

3 years ago
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Lindsays Awakening

Lindsay pulled into her work's parking lot 15 minutes early like she did everyday. She started coffee in the break room because her office was right next to it, and she loved the smell of freshly made coffee. She clocked in and began working diligently at her computer. Lindsay was a hard worker. She was normally a day or two ahead of schedule, and today was no exception. It was Wednesday, and in just a few short hours she would be done with her presentation she had to do on Friday. She got to...

4 years ago
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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter17

Hailey was meeting the potential guest in a discreet London hotel room which allowed her to undertake a final vetting interview before inviting them down to the cottage to indulge in whatever dog sex fantasy they had. Hailey had already conducted a couple of phone interviews and used the very discrete but very efficient screening service that Julie had introduced her to. Already the company had proved invaluable weening out a couple of attempts by thrill seekers who just wanted to find out...

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the Body Painting of Tammy

You may have already read my story about my Hunting Camp Initiation. It was when my husband took me to his hunting camp, where all his buddies were gathered, and I was the camp slut for the weekend. It was a wonderful experience. This is another story. My husband is in complete control of my body. He decides what I will wear, how I will groom myself, who I am exposing myself to, and who I will fuck. I love it that someone who loves me has complete mastery of my physical being. It is...

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The Kitten The Domme The Wall

Warning:The following fictional post contains scenes of some rather shocking sexual torture. All fictional characters involved are over the age of 18 and have fictionally consented to everything that fictionally occurs.Proceed ahead with a kinky mind, for the most enjoyment! :P------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Kitten, The Domme, & The Wall"Welcome to the Pleasure Palace", read the bright pink...

2 years ago
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Stop screaming whore you know you love it

I made a horrible mistake. I am usually so careful when meeting up with guys. I had been chatting online with a young guy in his early twenties for about a week and he seemed really nice. Like a lot of guys he was interested in meeting a Tgirl but I was bit hesitant as I prefer older guys. Mostly I meet up with guys at a neutral venue or at my place to have some control over the situation. Since he didn’t have a car I agreed to meet him at his place. Silly move on my behalf. I got dressed in...

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Hot Invigilator Became Sex Partner

Hi I am Ramesh, 19 year old doing my degree in reputed university in Bangalore… i am doing my second year degree.It was happened a year ago during my Preparatory exams on that day i had a tough exam i have gone with tension to the exam hall.Suddenly a teacher came to the exam hall WoW she is so sexy ….. She was beautiful…. She is white in colour … with extremely massive boobs and hot butt… She wore a saree that day.. as she wont take any subjects for me so i am her for the first time .. after...

2 years ago
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Destination AzaharChapter 5 Delayed Dreams

The spine of Copernicus was laid down as a K'treel class explorer but it wasn't yet completed when production of K'treel class ships was finally cancelled. Rather than being scrapped, it was completed as a deep-space observatory that was never intended to enter a planetary system during a mission, much less enter an atmosphere. The shuttle bay was completed as a machine shop and gymnasium. It had no armament, but the same amount of weight was taken up with instrumentation. Copernicus's...

3 years ago
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Ek Anokha Anubhav 8211 Jin Ne Jamke Choda

Ramu ek haveli ka watchman tha. Us haveli me kisi ka ana jana nahi tha log kehte the waha jin aur shaitan ka saya vo haveli ko koi todh sakta tha na bech sakta tha. Ek raat ramu haveli ki safai kar raha tha jab use ek awaz ayi..vo use bula rahi thi..ramu awaz ka peecha karte karte ek bandh kamre ke samne akar ruk gaya. Awaz ayi “daro mat. Mai yaha ka jin hu mai tumhe kuch nahi karunga. Tumse kuch mangna tha badle me tum jo mango mai tumhe dunga. Kaho kya tum mera kaam karoge?” Ramu ko...

1 year ago
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CO Leep

 My cellie and I were woken up early one Thursday morning and told we had to move. Of course, neither of us was excited about that and after a few questions we found out that our cell was going to be painted and we would be back in a few days. It didn’t take us long to pack our stuff and we were off to our temporary cell. As it turned out, we had temporary single cells. An entire pod once used as segregation, or “the hole”, had been converted to a short-term single-cell pod so the prison could...

3 years ago
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Whatever happened to Rory

                             WHATEVER HAPPENED TO RORY?                                        CHAPTER ONE The wall fronting the main entrance to Penelope’s estate was an imposing fraud. Built of undressed stone thirty feet high and twenty feet thick, it ran for only a hundred yards on either side of the gated archway which gave entrance to her estate before petering out in the forest. One of those Gothic follies so popular in Victorian times, it had stood for nearly one and a half centuries,...

1 year ago
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My Tiny Skirt Part One

Jenny is my name, 27 and I'm is still a single. I quit from a well-paid job 2 days ago to have a good 2 weeks of enjoyment before taking up a new job that I was offered. What really prompted me to pen down these stories? Well, on my first day of vacation I decided to clean and to reorganize the bookshelves in my bedroom. While doing that I came across my passed years dairy books. I flipped through my very first written dairy book at age 16 (1992). Caught by the recollections of old memories it...

2 years ago
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The DilemmaChapter 9 Gareth Chancelor Saturday

I was in the 2nd garage polishing my other car. This one is a 1948 Holden FX that my father restored. People tell me that the Holden FX was the first true Australian car, even though it was based on a Chevrolet design from the U.S. I gather it’s not as big as the U.S. Chevrolets of that era, but it has a very similar shape. Holdens were built in Australia and the Holden FX and its successors dominated Australian roads for many, many years. If you’re interested, the FX is a mid-sized 4 door...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 24 Old Swimsuits Are Best

Wednesday, April 6, 2005 (Continued) After dinner, the adults said they'd do the dishes so they could chat, sending us kids to play in the hot tub. I thought that was an excellent idea. As we were leaving the room, I told Julia, "Goody. I'm looking forward to seeing what you look like in swimsuit. Very eager indeed. Walk faster!" "You can see me naked any time you want, and you're getting excited about seeing me in a swimsuit?" "I certainly am. Quite excited." "In that case...

1 year ago
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Summer nights were warm and drowsy. I went outside to get some air and noticed the light on in the house next door. I walked quietly to the house and peaked in the window. The shade was drawn, but there was a little strip of light not covered. I saw the neighbor’s 19 year old daughter sitting on the edge of the bed. She only had on panties and a thin bra. Her bed was near the window so I could see clearly. My penis surged inside my pants. The girl got up and walked over to her dresser. Her...

2 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 65

Lena and Christina were already in the hot tub sans clothes when we arrived. Tamara and I dropped our robes. Christina made some comments and whistles. I stepped into the hot tub and helped Tamara in. I sat down and Tamara moved up next to me on my right. Lena, who usually settled in on my left, let Christina take that position. Lena positioned herself across the tub from me and had her feet on my legs. You would think that with three naked women in the hot tub with me, there would be a...

2 years ago
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Africans Ne Choda

By: Nishasharma.Sexy Hello friends mera naam naina sharma h mein New York mein rahti hu aur mere pati ek IT Firm mein Employee h. Mera figure 34-24-36 h mein ek shadi shuda aurat hu mein shaadi se pahle bhi kafi sex kar chuki hu. Ab mein main story par aati hu ye baat us waqt h jab meri nayi nayi shadi hui thi mein aur mere pati New York agaye the Hamesha ke liye mujhe ye shahar bahut achha laga yaha kisi baat ki chinta nhi h mere pati ko alag ghar mila huya tha company se to wo waha Par rhte...

3 years ago
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Single once more

Story until nowI had caught Sue cheating with Al, one of my employees. She had been warned not to do so. I had packed her off back to her mum and dad’s place in the east. Since then there had been little contact with her but I had spoken to the kids and Sue’s father at least once a week. He had told me that Sue was living it up. Going out each night and returning home late and usually quite drunk. He was concerned about the welfare of our baby that she carried and had told her so. She simply...

Wife Lovers
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black cock slut

"No, I'm not doing it, now please shut up," said anexasperated Tracey to her husband who for thehundredth time that day had asked her to fuck a big THICK COCKED BLACK HUNK"You're fucking sick, do you know that, now leave mealone and let me get on with dinner."Tracey was a very attractive thirty four year oldhousewife, she was married to Davie, a successfulbusinessman, they had c***dren,Tracey and Davie had an open marriage, both were havingaffairs, Davie liked her to fetch her boyfriend's...

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Rachel McKnight

Pop pop popThe heavy bag moved significantly. The man striking the blows was Brad Johnson. At 43, he had an impressive physique. He stood no shorter than 6’3” and weighed in at 205. With 5% bodyfat, his well defined six pack and muscles left little to the imagination regarding the physical power he possessed. He had a long day at the office, as he is head sales manager for the Katsuragi corp. regional office in LA.His second most favorite way to relieve stress, especially after a long day’s...

3 years ago
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Extra Credit

“Does anyone know the underlying causes of World War One?” Daniel asked, drumming his pencil on his palm. He looked across the classroom, spanning for someone to raise their hand. The glazed, hung over looks of his students settled on their faces. “Anyone read last night’s assignment?” He sighed. No one even rustled. “No wonder nobody passed the quiz. Class dismissed for the day, we’ll talk about this next week.” He watched as they packed up their book bags and filed out of the classroom. He...

Straight Sex
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AllGirlMassage Serene Siren Laney Grey No Time For Yourself

Serene Siren can’t imagine having anyone but Laney Grey as her secretary. Laney is always so hard-working — Serene would be LOST without her! It also doesn’t hurt that Laney is so hot, although Serene has to keep THAT much to herself… But one day, Serene notices that Laney is stiffly rubbing her shoulder. When she asks about it and Laney admits to being a bit sore, Serene uses this unique opportunity to finally make her move. Without missing a beat, she offers Laney a...

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DominoesChapter 11 Spring 19894 Cindy comes home

Polished belt buckles, spit-shined shoes, squared corners on beds and standing inspection at all hours of the day were coming to an end. Five days of review, three days of examinations and a two-hour graduation exercise were all that remained of my days, my weeks, my months, and my years at Cromwell Military Academy. Those were the thoughts that crossed my mind during evening formation. Well, not really. My thoughts included my reward from Barbara, next weekend with Cindy and, dare I hope,...

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Motel Room Panty Sniffera true story

It was late and I knew I needed a rest so I found a motel and got a room. When I got to the room, I noticed the bed looked slept in so I called the front desk and asked them to send someone to put fresh sheets on the bed since it appeared someone had slept on it recently. My mind started to wonder about what the woman looked and tasted like that answered the phone. My cock got hard the more I thought about it. About 10 minutes later, there was a knock on my door and when I opened it, I saw a...

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My little piece of heaven

My little piece of heaven.A very sort and soft loving story!I don’t have time to introduce my wife and me. All that’s necessary to say is, ‘without exception, all of my mates would love to bed Jessy.’ A red-head with lots of freckles and her red landing strip is my little piece of heaven.We were out walking on a footpath surrounded by grassy fields, on a warm summer’s afternoon. As we cross a style Jessy suggests, “Let’s walk this way. Nearer to the river bank.” “But the footpath’s over here”...

1 year ago
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A new Family Dynamic Ch 11 13

The next day, I thought a family meeting might be in order to see how everyone was really doing with this new dynamic we were pursuing. I wanted to make a change to how I wanted to be treated so I thought it would be good to give everyone a chance to air any concerns or changes they wanted to see as well. Beth was still with us when I suggested the family meeting and said, “Well, maybe I should go home so you guys can discuss what you want.” “Beth,” I responded, “I’m sure I speak for all...

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