- 4 years ago
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They sit, one in each corner of the double closet, like two, squat, white, abstract pieces of art, open to whatever interpretation the viewer chooses to make of them. Only the sculptor can validate the interpretation of any observer. Even though I own them I have no intention of even confirming what they represent or why they stand, alone and abandoned, in the corner of my clothes closet. They are both my cross and my salvation, all in the same breath; my sole remaining link to the past and the only hope I have for the future.
Like Scylla and Charybdis, master and mistress of the perils of the sea, and guardians of the straits in ancient Greek mythology, they guard the entrance of my own private hell; or rather they are in and of themselves my own private hell. No one, should they be discovered before my death, will ever fathom their significance in my life or the purpose of their contents. After all, they are so much more than what they appear on the surface, and only I know.
They swim before my eyes shimmering, the lettering on the sides flowing together and then separating, forming grotesque faces, first looking at me and then at each other as if deciding as to how to devour me, as if they have not already done so.
God damned you, John. God damns you to hell for leaving me responsible for them and their contents! How could you? Why would you? What did I ever do to deserve this? I was a good wife, a loving and caring wife. I followed your lead and I supported you. I kept your house and bore your children.
No matter how I shift my head on the pillow in my neatly arranged bedroom, I cannot avoid seeing them peeking out around the edges of the doors on each side of the open closet. I silently curse, once again, as I fling my glass, and the remnants of the latest drink of scotch, against the far wall of the master bedroom. The scotch diluted by the melting ice cubes, trickles down the beige wall to puddle at the baseboard beside the shards of broken glass and the fast melting ice. The two white sentinels remain impassive in the closet; observing all and saying nothing.
Deep in the recesses of my mind I know that I am not thinking clearly. Thankfully, the scotch is once again starting to take command, but I don't care. Or maybe I cared too much, and that is why I am drinking too much, all by myself in my lonely bedroom, alone in my bed.
Naked in the bed, I let my fingers, cold and wet from clutching the ever-present glass, slide down my flat belly into the luxuriant bush of thickening auburn hair covering my pussy and spreading up my flat belly. A sly smile teases at the corner of my lips. Just like a real beaver, a coarse outer layer of fur covering the fine inner layer and the tender, sensitive skin underneath. My index finger slides down to the top of my ever-moist slit, slipping into the crevasse to torment once again the ever-agitated bud hidden in the dampened fold of skin. My eyelids droop as a slight thrill courses through my body. As I drift back into the memories, to more sensual times, my finger starts to stroke in and out, and the wet sounds of my arousal echo though the silent, lonely bedroom. The sentinels watch from the closet saying nothing, observing all.
As my fingers increase their tempo, memories of that last, fateful morning come flooding back, as if it were only yesterday. A morning that started out promising something new, stimulating invigorating and forbidden in our sex lives, and ended in disaster.
As we stand in the shower, the needle sharp spray pounds down, soothing our tired muscles, and cleansing the sweat from our bodies after our early morning eye opener. John is standing behind me in the tiny stall, his ever turgid cock wedged in the narrow crack of my ass, a constant reminder of what he is always looking for from me and what I am more than willing to give. Steam, rising from the scalding waters, clouds the small room, masking everything in its billowy clouds, and making everything slick to the touch.
"Oh John, that feels so good," I whisper, barely loud enough to be heard over the pounding water, as his callused fingers, covered in soap suds, slide over my tender nipples and down my taut belly. "You're insatiable, don't you ever get enough?" His fingers tense but he knows that I don't really mean it as my body relaxes in his hands.
"Will you relax, Peggy, the kids are all gone, off on their own, probably screwing their brains out. We have the house all to ourselves, finally. We can yell and scream and chase each other through the house to our hearts' content if we want. We are alone and I am going to ravish you in a way you have never been ravished before." The comment piques my curiosity but my mind is quickly distracted as his finger slides over my slick belly into the sopping hair covering my wet slit.
"You can scream and yell all you want. Only the walls can hear and they can't talk." He whispers into my ear as his finger massages the soapsuds trapped in the thick mat of auburn hair that has always been my secret pride and joy. I can feel his teeth start to nibble at the lobe of my ear as the blood starts to run more quickly through my veins. Can I ever get enough of my man, I silently ask myself, as I feel his stiff cock probing insistently at me from behind.
My mind wants to follow this conversation, to question what he means, to question what is to come. John's fingers are entwined in the tangled hair of my bush. The coarse curls protrude through his spread fingers. His index finger finds my leaking slit and starts to gently massage the little button. His hard cock slides up and down the narrow crack between the small cheeks of my ass, rubbing against the puckered little rosebud that is my asshole. My attention wanders and I quickly forget the provoking words, and lose myself in the physical sensations of the moment.
The coarse whiskers on the side of his unshaven cheek chafe the sensitive skin on the side of my neck. His unseen lips open, once again, capturing my earlobe between them, sucking on it, teasing, and pulling at it. His tongue flicks out, probing the opening to my ear. A shiver darts down my neck, down, down into my sex. The smell of my arousal permeates the heavy steam, giving it a special scent, the smell of a woman in heat.
My mind and body start to relax, to float gently into that ever so special world I visit solely in the arms of my loving husband. "Oh, John... don't you ever get enough," I moan over my shoulder. The words of protest are made lie to by the actions of my body, as I melt back into him.
I feel his lips release my earlobe and he whispers right into my ear, "Never Peggy, I never get enough of that tight little pussy of yours." A smile, unseen by him, teases at the corner of my mouth as my neck arches back and I fit the crown on my head under his chin; my lips searching for his, my eyes closed in the pounding spray.
His left hand slides up the flat plane of my tummy and cups my right breast. His fingers separate and the hard, engorged bud of my nipple slips between them to be teased, sending a shiver up my spine. I barely notice his right hand slipping out of my bush, abandoning the dripping slit and its sensitive little treasure, and circling over my hip. He eases back and the log that is his rampant cock slips out of the crease of my ass. Surely he is not going to stop, not now. "John... please don't stop," I whine, a tone of pleading in my voice.
"Relax Peggy, relax and go with the flow. I won't leave you hanging. We are going to experiment, try new things. We are all alone, so nobody will hear us, nobody." His gentle, soothing words, the warm water and my singing nerves ease my fears and I ignore the signals my questioning mind has started to send. His hand glides across the small of my back, the fingers like fire on my sensitive skin. They slide down the crease of my ass where only moments ago his thick cock had been so firmly lodged. Lubricated with the rich, thick suds he worked up in my bush, his long thick fingers work their way in my crack, teasing my nether hole as they slip back and forth across the sensitive opening.
My breath starts to come in ragged gasps as hoarsely I cry out, "Oh, John, it feels so good, sooooo good, please don't stop, pleaaaase!" His hand massages the tense muscles in the cheek of my ass, his fingers slide up and down the crack and slowly I relax under his gentle massage. His left hand moves from one breast to the other, tormenting my rigid nipples. My head is thrown back, and the hot spray beats on my face.
Unconsciously, my legs inch apart, as the soles of my feet slip on the suds covered floor of the shower. My knees buckle, giving easier access to his exploring fingers. I lean forward and rest my forehead on my forearm on the shower wall. My free hand grasps his as he pulls at my taut, singing nipples. Deep in my conscious thought I marvel at John's renewed vigor. Maybe we should have encouraged the kids to move out sooner, I think as his fingers slide up and down my crack, working their way into the narrow channel as my muscles relax. I gasp as I suck in air to satisfy my racing lungs.
I inch my hips back and open my legs further apart as his fingers work their way into my crack. The spray beats on my back and runs down the crack of my ass, providing a lubricant for his roving fingers. Lank strands of my still dark hair hang down into my face, the water dripping from the ends. I see nothing, feel nothing but the rough hands massaging my taunt ass. His index finger begins to circle the brown, puckered hole, touching, teasing the tense little bud.
My eyes are partially open and the water blurs my vision but my brain begins to register this alien presence in this forbidden, most private area. "John... John... what are you doing?"
"Relax Peggy, our sex life is about to get a lot more interesting," is his cryptic response.
The finger swirls around the tight little hole, touching, stroking, teasing but never probing, never threatening to penetrate. The tight muscle slowly begins to relax under the soft touch, sensing that all is well, that this alien appendage is not a threat, a danger. The warning bells in my head turn off and, as my eyelids droop once again, I slide back into the world of my senses and feelings as my tingling nerve endings take me to my own special place that only I know and cherish.
"... Oh, John, oh... you don't know what you are doing to me. Oh, please don't stop, please... " Deep inside me my taut nerves start to sing. A low moaning, like the wind singing through the telephone wires on a deadly quiet winter evening precursing the coming of a heavy winter storm, starts to escape from my lips. My eerie moan is lost in the sound of spray beating on my back before it slides over my hips and down my legs to disappear into the swirling drain. The sharp, pungent smell of my arousal mingles with the steam to add a special perfume to the heavy air. I gasp for breath as the steam sears my lungs but nothing can tear me away from my man and his lust for me.
The feelings, the sensations, as old as woman and time, flow through my body. The feelings, known only to a woman, begin to build. His roughened fingers continue to slide back and forth against the tender flesh, touching, massaging the sensitive nerve endings. The sensations begin to grow, to take command of my body and my mind. All rational thought is lost as my nerves scream for one thing and only one thing. My fists clench and unclench as they start to gently beat a tattoo against the plastic wall of the shower stall.
I am swimming in the current of conflicting feelings, emotions, and passions. I barely notice his hand extending his long roughened forefinger into my thick bush and up my dripping channel. I am so wet, so aroused, that it slides in like a hot knife sliding into butter, worming its way without resistance up my tight channel. The scarred and twisted finger roughly massages my little button on its way past, sending shock waves deep into my belly. A shudder passes through my body and I shake, impaled on his finger.
He slowly draws his finger out as my muscles, with a will all of there own, clamp down on him, trying to stop him from escaping. Then, when he starts back in, relaxing, to invite and welcome his penetration. The cadence builds as he slides his finger back and forth, the roughened sides abrading against the tender walls and the little bud hidden at the end of the channel. My body relaxes, totally surrenders, into the loving hands of my man. As the birds chirp outside the window in the early morning light, I float off into my own special world one more time this magical morning.
Every muscle in my body relaxes as I dreamily flow on the current of feelings generated by my loving man. The warm water cascading over me, the stroking finger sliding in and out of my lubricated channel sending thrills coursing through my body. The pad of his thumb caressing the sensitive muscles guarding my nether hole... pop!
My eyes open as wide as two saucers but not before his horny thumb has breached the relaxed sphincter muscle, and lubricated by the warm water and the soapsuds, has slipped up my anal chute. It slides in to the first knuckle before I can bear down on the muscle and prevent any further penetration. "No, John... no... I don't want that... We've never... no, John... please... take it out... please, John, take it out, John!"
He gives no sign of hearing a word that I have said. "John, no, we have never done this. We always agreed you are too big or rather I am too small. You'll tear me apart." I turn my head, trying to see John, but he is bent over my back and I cannot see his eyes.
Finally he answers, his voice behind me, close to my ear. "Relax, Peggy, I won't hurt you. Things are going to be different from now on, the kids are gone, scream, cry if you want, there is nobody here to hear you, except the gulls and your screams will just blend into their shrieks. Nobody is going to hear you and nobody is going to know, just us."
He leans closer to my ear and whispers, in a voice that penetrates over the hissing spray, right into the core of my brain. "I am going to fuck you in the ass whether you like it or not. Get it through your head, it is going to happen, not someday, not sometime, but today and now... right now. I am going to skewer you on my pole and you are going to dance, whether you like it or not! It is up to you to decide how hard or how easy it is going to be on you."
The words, whispered into my ear, send a cold chill down my spine and fleetingly I wonder if the hot water has run out. I start pleading, "No, John, please, we've never done this. We always agreed that you are two big, that it would never fit, that you will rip me apart and we could never explain to the doctor what had happened. Please, no, I'll bleed, I'll have to go to the hospital to be stitched up. Everyone will know what has happened. All out friends, the kids, no, John, please."
The hope that I may be able to reason with him in spite of his arousal is totally destroyed by his next words. "Yes, Peggy, yes. I am going to drive my rod into that tight little ass of yours if it is the last thing I do on the face of this earth. You have twitched it in front of me for twenty-five years in your tight jeans and shorts. I have dreamed of it, I have fantasized about it and I am going to have it, possess it. If they put me away in a windowless room for the rest of my life, it will be worth it. I will spend every last moment of my life remembering each detail, each sensation as I worm it up your delectable ass."
The cold hand of sheer terror grips my heart. As a big lump starts to form in my throat I start to beg, "No, John, please no, we've never, you are too big, you'll tear me, rip me apart, please don't pleaaaase!" The words fall on deaf ears.
His thumb works to loosen the tightened muscle. He leans over my back. I can hear him, over the noise of the shower. "Yes, yes, Peggy, it is going to happen. I am going to drive my cock up your tight little ass until it is tickling your belly button... from the inside. I'm tired of watching you prance around the house in your tight little shorts with your come hither look. I always wondered what it would be like, and now, I am going to find out."
Trapped against the shower wall, there is no escape.
The thumb starts to work its way up the forbidden virgin hole in my body. It slides, ever so slowly, up to the knuckle and then back, threatening to withdraw totally after having stormed the ramparts. The sphincter muscle adopts a will of its own, ignoring the commands from my brain, to clamp down, to seize the intruder and expel it from this virgin territory. The anal muscles surrender, yielding victory to the intruder, grasping it, and sucking it deeper and deeper into my bowel. The initial shock, the initial pain, passes as the muscles relax and his thumb starts an in and out rhythm.
As the pain subsides the sensations take over. The deep hum starts again, deep in my core. My body starts to slide down the slippery slope, welcoming the new sensations; forgetting the fears, the worries, and the potential dangers. For the first time in my married life, John is in total command of my body. I am totally exposed as his fingers saw in and out of my orifices. My brain, losing the battle for control of my body, emits one last silent prayer of hope that he will not hurt me. "Oh God, John, it feels so good. Don't stop, please God, don't stop."
His fingers slide up my channels. His hands, roughened by years of immersion in salt-water brine, chafe at my tender protected membranes. The back of his finger slides over my little bud each time it slides up my canal to probe at the opening of my uterus and now barren womb. The lump has disappeared from my throat as I gasp for air in the steamy shower. All fear has disappeared as I goad him on. "Oh, Jesus, don't stop, shove your finger deeper, John, deeper."
My legs slip further and further apart as if they have a will of their own and somehow are still taking orders from my leaking pussy. My head, resting on my forearm, slides down the wall and my ass tilts upward to give him easier, fuller access to my leaking holes. Modesty and fear have been forgotten, I can't get enough of his probing fingers. Exposed, I am begging for it with every fiber of my being. Every muscle, every nerve ending is screaming at me, fuck me, fuck me now, fuck me hard, deep... but his fingers just keep sliding in and out of my self-lubricating holes.
The muscles in my little rosebud stretch, accepting, even welcoming, the alien invader. The sensation of the thick, rough thumb insistently prodding up this forbidden passage is indescribable. Grasping, clutching, pulling, they try to suck the thumb up my tight, dark back channel.
The warm water, the probing thumb and the suds are beginning to have a consequence that is decidedly not erotic as the urge to void my bowel grows. I' m so lost in the waves of ecstasy coursing through my body that I scarcely notice. I can hear a female voice in the shower stall starting to moan and only barely am I aware the sounds are coming from deep in my own throat.
John, chewing lightly on my earlobe, whispers in a voice only I can hear. "Get ready Peggy, get ready for the first day of the rest of your life."
The meaning of his comment is lost on me in my state of sexual arousal. His thumb and forefinger saw, in and out, of my delicate, sensitive holes. My own body secretions seep out and run down my legs staining the shower stall before swirling away down the drain. I would be mortified under any other circumstances but I am so aroused I do not even notice or indeed care.
"Get ready, babe," he whispers, his words stoking the fire burning in me to a white heat.
"Oh yes, put it in, put that hard cock of yours up my cunt, now, please put it in now. I want it now, please." The words of encouragement spill from my lips, but my mind fails to register what he is really saying to me. I begin to pant, my sobs reverberating over the sounds of the hissing water in the small stall. His fingers slip from my holes and briefly a cooling wisp of humid air sneaks in my most sensitive channels before the muscles can close the gaping holes.
John's hands grasp the tight cheeks of my ass in an iron grip and his fingers sink through the sparse flesh to latch onto the bones. I feel the bulbous head of his enflamed cock slide down the crack of my ass. Deftly, I maneuver my feet once again and cant my hips up so he can slip the rock hard cock up into my pussy.
Before it can register on my agitated brain, the spongy head of his cock is lodged in the entrance to my ass. The muscles, relaxed and limp from the gentle massage of his thumb, are in no condition to resist. With a gentle pop that I feel more than hear, the head of his cock slips past the muscular barrier and starts to worm its way deep into my bowel.
"No John, please, no, take it out, please take it out." I scream over the rushing water. The searing pain shoots up my spine to my brain. "You'll hurt me, you're too big. Oh stop please stop, please. I can't take it."
My pleas fall on deaf ears. The iron bar that is his cock continues inexorably to worm its way up my virgin back channel. The muscles bear down, trying to expel the invader, but to no avail. His hands grasp my hips like the talons of an eagle grasping its prey, refusing to relinquish its hold until all resistance is gone. Defenseless, I am impaled on his rigid cock.
John straightens his back and his legs lock in place and, impaled on his iron rod, my tiny body is lifted from the wet floor, as my legs wildly search for purchase. Circling my waist with his left arm he uses his right to rip the shower curtain from its moorings. Terrified, my anal muscles bear down, fearful that if they let go he will rip my insides apart as he tears his cock from my ass.
"Please, please John, take it out. It hurts, oh God, it hurts. I'm going to start to bleed. Oh, God, please take it out before you really hurt me." Again my words of anguish have no impact. Lost in his own sexual frenzy, he gives no sign that he has heard me.
Soaking wet and covered in soapsuds, he carries me, suspended from his cock, out of the bathroom as my arms and legs flail away, and seeking a purchase somewhere, anywhere. The soles of my feet dance in the air like a hanged man searching, searching for a purchase but finding nothing. A tear cascades down my cheek as the pain and the humiliation compete for my attention. My anal muscles clamp down in one last desperate effort to prevent me from voiding myself onto the carpet. "Please John, please take it out, it hurts so bad, please."
Again my faint cries bounce off the bedroom walls, seemingly unheard by any other human being. Arms and legs flailing, I can find no purchase to use to try and tear myself off his ravaging cock, which uses every movement by me to its advantage, to further slide into my abused anal opening.
John's knees hit the edge of the mattress and, as he falls forward, I am forced to abandon my efforts to escape as I throw out my arms to break my fall, face down on the tumbled sheets. As he nestles his face once more into the crook of my neck, his rough whiskers scraping the tender skin, I hear him, hoarse with arousal, say, "Yes, oh yes," as he worms the last inch into my tortured opening. His balls, charged with yet another load of his seed, come to rest deep in my narrow crack. He begins to move, stroking, sliding, ever so slightly working to expand, to lubricate the tight channel. My fingers clutch the sheets and my toes spread, digging into the carpet, seeking purchase somehow to help me escape the driving rod in my rear.
The effort is wasted as he continues to worm away, ignoring my futile efforts. Again his voice penetrates my brain over the pain. "Relax, Peggy, accept it, welcome it, it is a taste of the future. Let your muscles relax, will them to relax or I really will hurt you."
My mind finally accepts the inevitable and I consciously force my eyes shut, willing my abused muscles to relax, to accept what is taking place. Strangely it helps. The pain subsides and the need to void my bowel passes. I am left with a feeling of being stuffed, totally stuffed by a pulsating rod extending deep into my belly. The pain dissipates as I give up the struggle.
John senses my surrender. His left hand releases its grip and slides under my belly and the finger starts to play with my love bud once again. Freed from the struggle and accepting the inevitable, I start to feel that special tingling once again. It seems so impossible but it is there, growing as the muscles relax and accept the alien intrusion on their hitherto private space.
John starts to move, the strokes longer and a little more quick. He withdraws each time until the head of his cock is just inside the tight anal ring. As my muscles grasp at it, trying to suck it back in, he stops and starts to slide back up the chute. Each time he pushes it a little harder, a little faster, up the passage that has never experienced penetration before. Leaning over my shoulder he says, "It feels good, doesn't it, Peggy? Never thought you would ever have 8 inches of man cock rammed up your tight little ass, did you? All the times you coyly said no, it'll hurt too much, it's too big, it won't fit, you thought I had forgotten, didn't you?"
Each lewd word is accompanied by a twitch of his rigid cock, each phrase with a gentle jab up my anal canal. He is a man I no longer know his words and his actions at the same time both exciting and frightening.
"How deep do you think I can work my cock in your ass, Peggy? Five inches, do you think I can work it up five inches?" John punctuates his question with another jab. "Maybe further, think I could do 6 inches? Think you could take 6 inches, Peggy, if I really worked at it?" Each question is punctuated by another jab as his steel hard cock mercilessly drives up the virgin canal.
"What do you think, Peggy? Cat got your tongue? I can't hear you. There is nobody here to hear you whimper and cry today. Just you and me, Peggy, and my cock up your tight little ass." Another jab, harder and deeper than the others, adds an exclamation point to his words. "What's the matter, the cat still got your tongue?"
My silence seems to goad him, to drive him to renew his efforts to skewer me on his rod to the very hilt. I can feel his cock flexing, pulsing deep in my bowel. Tear flow down my cheeks to soak into the already damp sheets but they are no longer tears of physical agony. God, how it hurt going into my tight, narrow channel. Now the muscles are relaxing, accepting his invasion, grasping, even welcoming it, into my moist, dark cavern.
As the muscles relax accepting him into me, the lump in my throat disappears and for the first time in what seems like hours my voice returns. "God, John, it feels so different," I say, turning my head to look into the gloom over my shoulder. "It hurt so bad when you put it in but the burning is going away, it's starting to feel... " But the sentence is never completed as he interrupts.
"How is it starting to feel, Peggy," he asks as he gives his hard cock another twitch, worming it in another fraction of an inch. It feels like it is pushing at my bellybutton, trying to escape. "Is it starting to feel good, Peggy, is it? Tell me, do you like to get fucked in the ass? Would you like me to take you this way more often? Just like a big Brahma bull takes a cow he fancies, no fuss, no muss, just pure animalistic screwing?"
The sheer lewdness of his comments, whispered in my ear for only me to hear, sends a shiver down my spine. I fail to answer, not because I am searching for words, but rather because I am reluctant to admit how good it is starting to feel. Mortified, suspended on his cock, I bury my face in the sheets to hide my humiliation. I could never admit, even to John, what a turn on it is to be dominated, totally dominated by him. The pain, the humiliation, of being powerless, of being fucked by the male animal, is a turn on the likes of which I have never experienced before.
My innate caution begins to shed like a molting snake as the sensations of what is taking place drive the receding pain aside. The muscles in my rectum relax even further as I welcome him in me. His words, his actions drive me to speak. "Yes, fuck me in the ass. I want to feel you deep in me, now. Drive it into me now, you pervert. Drive it deeper into me now, John."
The unexpected words of encouragement act like a slap in the face to him. As impossible as it seems, his cock stiffens further, expanding, threatening to tear me apart. His fingers dig deeper into my hips, pulling him in tighter, deeper. His slow strokes into my rectum increase their tempo. As any female animal, I can feel his arousal.
"It feels good, doesn't it, Peggy? Eight inches of rock-hard man cock deep in your ass. Can you feel it every time I drive it into you? Can you feel it?" The comments are accompanied by deep, penetrating, gut-wrenching jabs, each threatening to tear me apart.
My inhibitions and my caution are gone as I slip into this strangely erotic act. "Oh God, yes, I feel it. It's good, oh so good. Stop talking and start fucking me now, John."
John leans over my shoulder, whispering in my ear, wheedling, encouraging, and urging me on. "It's time to come, Peggy. I want you to grasp me with your muscles, suck me in, and milk me. Can you do that? Can you fuck me back?"
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By the time Bernard had been freed from his bondage, made to undress, and taken back to the cages, the others were already installed in the cramped confines of their padlocked wire boxes. They looked up sullenly as Liu Wei pushed Bernard towards the open door of the one empty cage on the bottom row. Liu Wei responded with a crack of her bamboo cane across the front of the nearest cage. The other occupants returned their heads to the bowed position that they were expected to maintain. With...
On a deserted Isle for f******n years I thought I cried out all my tearsWhen from the surf one Monday mornCame forth a beauteous female formShe wore a skin-tight diving suitThat touched where it fit from neck to bootShe walked toward me head held highHer hand on the knife she wore on her thigh“Tell me how long have you been here?”She asked me, I answered trembling in fear“f******n years, I’ve been here on my ownStarving reducing to just skin and bone.”“Tell me how long since you had a...
Leslie Charleston drove home with a feeling of desperation. Three days ago she was a working class single mother of twins, devoid of any love or excitement. She lived virtually week to week to survive, and her long term ambition was her next payday just to keep her head above water. She was now embroiled with a patient of hers, who has now taken over her life and she just doesn't know which way to go.... She has just spent the day getting her body transformed in decoration to please a man she...
Use Your Vorpal BladeSteve was finishing dinner at his grandparents' house. But it wasn't just any dinner and it wasn't just any visit to his grandparents' place. Steve had just finished a family orgy with all the adults in his family, including his hot older sister and dyke cousin. Then he had sat down to eat with his whole family all dressed in only short silk robes. Since he was now old enough and already fucking with his parents the other members of Steve's family were introducing him to...
So sweetwife and I, like many other people after a few years of marriage, managed to get into a bit of a routine when it came to sex. We wanted to spice things up with another person, but were very cautious about what to do. We both said that we have to be comfortable with whoever was involved and whatever was going to happen. Girl? Guy? Couple? Multiples? After much discussion, we decided that we would set it up so that she could give a blowjob to a single guy with me in the room. It...
Disclaimer: Let me start out saying this is the first story I ever wrote. This is a true story for the most part, and it is my interpretation of events and my own views. Also, the names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved. Life is so strange, and it tends to force us to make choices in so many ways. Often indirections that we don’t want to go or in ways we don’t believe are right. Here is my story. My name is John and I’m a disabled man, not physically but not to...
I watch the nubile girls kick the soccer ball on the field from the comfort of my folding chair. Smiling at my daughter Rebecca, her light brown hair bouncing as she runs. She was probably among the top three players on the team. Her eighteenth birthday was just a couple months back. Just before the start of school. I couldn’t help noticing just what a young woman she was becoming. Slim, with a pretty face. Her budding breasts already looking big on her frame. Just like her teammates. All of...
Mera naam sameer hai aur mai blore aggar meri stori pasand ayee to muje mail karna Ya ek sachi khahani hai mai blore mai rehtha hu meri ek aunt hai jo ki meri maa ki dur ki behan hai uska naam shannu hai wo shadishuda hai aur 2 bache bhi hai. Let me tell you what happened directly ek din mai aapni car mai ja raha tha tab maine shannu ko dekha wo auto ka wait kar rahi thi aur maine car ghuma kar uski aur gaya aur pucha kai kaha jana hai to wo gabragai aur boli Ke yahi paas mai to maine lift...
Stephanie opened her eyes slowly. She had a disoriented look on her face. When she saw Kelly's wet face it all came back to her. A weak smile crossed her lips. "Your face is all sticky," she whispered. "I know," Kelly answered and licked her lips. This time, Stephanie pulled Kelly's lips to hers for a very wet kiss. When she pulled back, she stared into Kelly's eyes with a look of concern on her face. Kelly knew what she was thinking. "You don't have to do that to me," she...
Amanda, Mark and Sam casually strolled up the sidewalk to Sly's, an open-air restaurant with a park like atmosphere. Scanty clad waiters and waitresses quickly tended to the needs of the diners. They never stayed any longer than it took to write down the orders, fill the orders and replenish cups of coffee or stronger drinks. Hans Steiner sat at a table overlooking the foot traffic on the sidewalk. The diminutive man stared down at the passers by, a king surveying his kingdom. He waved the...
I saw him walk the stairs of my neighbor with a parcel , he looked around no answer and proceed to walk backa older black guy in his fedex uniformi was sit in my livingroomwearing my blueue pale camisole with stars and sexy pantythe curtains closed but not the top window giving on the stair looking at him stop his eyes lock at my windowhalfway in the stair he could see me clearly just sit drinking my cofee trying to act like i didnt see him peak at memy door wasnt lock , he just got in and...
Patrick Father of Amy and Cindi, twin brother of Victoria, husband of Elizabeth. Co-owner and founder of PI firm, former FBI agent. Host of the white energy, also known as Katoro. Elizabeth Mother of Amy and Cindi, sister of Robert, wife of Patrick. World famous TV news reporter. Killed in Iraq in chapter one. Victoria Mother of Katie and Becky, twin sister of Patrick, wife of Robert. Co-owner of PI firm with Patrick, also former FBI agent. Shield color green. Robert Father of Katie...
“It was only three days ago that Ed. Rollins was taken from us. Ed lost his life in the middle of the night. He was taken from us all by a drunk driver. I know I’m speaking in a church, but I am sure there is a special place reserved for that woman in Hell. Ed tried to understand all things, and I loved him for it, but I doubt he would understand his death. You see Ed knew that particular devil well. For those of you who might not know, Ed was a recovering alcoholic. During the five years I...
I’d finished my second lesson for the day in card making to groups of ladies at the two-day craft fair in a nice country town. As I talked to a number of ladies about their crafting problems I began to think about packing my equipment and looking for a motel. One last woman patiently waited my attention. We had a pleasant discussion about cards when she put out a hand to introduce herself. Liz had a firm dry handshake. She asked me where I was staying. I told her I hadn’t booked anywhere just...
General Greene detached Von Steuben to head up Virginia's defenses and headed south again, looking for whatever was left of Gates' defeated army. At Hillsboro, North Carolina, where a rag-tag government sat, no one knew where Gates was, but we were told that Cornwallis had abandoned Charlotte after the fight on King's Mountain. That is where General Greene finally found General Gates, in Charlotte on December 2. Gates, disgraced as well as defeated, seemed as happy to see us as we were to...
It had been months since anyone had touched me. Months. I was tired of my own hand, of fantasy, of pornography. None of it excited me anymore. I needed to feel someone else’s touch again. It was the film ‘Hysteria’ that gave me the idea. Women in Victorian times who were diagnosed with ‘hysteria’ or the ‘vapors’ were treated by a doctor who basically made them cum with his hand. (Great perk of the job for him, even better for them. Lucky, repressed Victorian bitches!) So I got to thinking...
He looked at the 1952 Willys Jeep, 4wheel drive station wagon. It was a classic right from an African safari operator. First of all, he could have bought one cheaper in the United States if he had added the shipping cost into the equation. Yes, Artie thought, but it wouldn’t have the provenance of the monster which sat outside his garage. It looked as though all those years working in his father’s auto repair shop might just pay off after all. The thought of those days usually made him sad,...
This all started a few years back in 2012... I leased a BMW for like three years. For those that aren't sure how leasing a car works, you pretty much sign paperwork stating that you will make payments on a particular car during specific time frame. And after the lease is up, you can decide whether to keep the car for longer or return the car back to the dealership... So after my lease is up, I had to turn the car back to the dealership. They soon convinced me to get another car lol, as they are...
Afton Marie has purchased some tickets via the Internet, but the seller has gone to the gym and left a note for his brother but no tickets. When Afton arrives to pick the tickets up, the brother confesses he doesn’t know where they are. They get to talking and Afton confesses that she is a little short on cash and was planning on working something out with the seller, but since the brother is here she’ll work it out with him. The brother asks her to show off her nice boobs, but then...
xmoviesforyouHello, I am Rohan Singh from a small town Jamshedpur Jharkhand. This is my first story, so I’ll request you all to be patient with me and my English. I am a regular reader of ISS, specially the Incest and Couple pages. Just to describe about myself, I work for an MNC in Kolkata. I am 5 feet 10 inch tall, I’m above average looking guy. My penis size is small (4.5) and I am very proud of it. Now back to my story. It happened a few months back in Feb when it’s mild cold in Jamshedpur as I am from...
IncestMany people who know me and what I’ve done say that I am one evil son of a bitch. Personally, I couldn’t care less. However, the vehemence of my accusers sometimes gives me pause. They’re so sure of themselves. They see themselves as the Heroes of the story and me as the Villain. He or she who must be destroyed for the sake of all that is good and decent in the world. That’s fine in books and movies, but it doesn’t work that way in real life. Without further ado, I will tell you my story. And...
This summer, my mom's sister left her husband of eighteen years and their son, my cousin, Adam, came to stay with my mom and I for a little over a month. That's really where all this starts. My mom and I are very close and we talk about all kinds of things. She's great because she's willing to talk with me about boys and sex and all that. She says it's better than learning it wrong from other kids. She's probably right. So, we've talked about sex in more detail than many moms and...
Let me introduce myself 1st. I am 19 year old boy with an average body. I live in Bangalore with my parents. To tell about my maid she is in her mid of 30’s with curves 36-34-38 big ass lady.. Let me come to the story. I was busy with my 12th exams as it was very important to get good college. So I had study day and night for scoring good marks. so I didn’t notice about my maids action as I was knowing nothing about sex and I was a innocent boy till then. After three months of hard work I...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Following our nudist holiday in The South of France with her ,the next summer when our son was seventeen,we stayed with a couple and their 18 year old son near Goch in Germany. We found them on an amazing web site and gave them a ring,and he discretely let me know that he also had the wonderful thrill of seeing his son,fucking his mum. We very quickly arranged to stay with them for three weeks,and met us at Dusseldorf Airport,when we arrived their with...
Incest2014 “He just disappeared, again!” said Ronald. “Yes, and I have no idea why,” said Stacey. “But, we do,” said James. His new wife looked down. “Huh? What?” said Stacey. ‘“Before we came here today, Jenna and I talked. I’d asked her why her dad hadn’t said that ‘he’ was giving her away. At first she didn’t know, but then she started thinking,” said James. “And,” said Ronald. “Well, Jenna said, that before he went down to get you, Mister Carter, he and Jenna had a few words,” said...
Robert Hardy was out on the beach wasting time, doing nothing. Not that this was anything new. He had wasted thirty- five years worth of time already, as much of it as possible doing nothing. He had been coasting through college with very little margin when his father's older brother died and left Robert an inheritance that would allow him to avoid working steadily, though not enough to avoid work altogether. But he could buy a little place in a climate where the weather was always warm...
Hi story readers love you all girls bhabhies and aunties.. Mera nam rahul hai meri age 20 sal hai. Main dikhne main smart hun height 5.10 hain. Mera lund 7 inch lamba hai aur kafi mota hai.Story tab k hai jb main 18 sal ka tha. Ek din main gumne k liye bazar gya to aise h achank meri najar ek sexy si ladki pe padi voh akele bheti hui thi . Usne sleevless top aur niche skirt pehni hui thi. Thodi hawa chali hui thi uske bal muh pe a rhe the to usne balo ko peache karne k liye apne dono hatho ko...
I would like to apologize in advance to my readers. In the retelling of this story it sort of took on a life of its own. Normally my tales are fairly brief and concise, this one however seemed only to grow as I put pen to paper. (Figuratively speaking). Since it did turn out to be rather long I have decided to break it down into several smaller portions both for ease in posting and for reader consumption. That said… I hope you enjoy this long winded tale. It is...
This continuing story is pure fiction and has no bearing on reality. Please read parts 1-3 before reading this one. If you do not enjoy reading forced feminization stories where the women are rotten to the core and the poor hapless hero is forced into very demeaning situations; then, DO NOT READ. Get Use To It 4 "Dana I am very glad to have you stay with us while you are attending St. Catherine's this year," Mrs. Taylor said as she led him to his new room. "I do hope that you enjoy...
Hello Guys & Girls (if there is any..lolz) I’m going to narrate a Real life Incident that happened with me in last October 2013. Since it is a real thing & not a Story, I have to fake* the names, company and even company’s nature of business ( It’s a big company..if i don’t hide things, maybe one or two from my company can relate to this) This Story has 3 People involved in it, that’s me (Riya), Arathi & our Boss Nikhil. I work for a Own Brand Mobile Phone Distribution Company Based in...
I was having a delightful dream. Her wet warm tongue was sliding down the top side of my dick and her soft lips were grabbing my root with delicate grace and exquisite skill. It was an amazing blowjob. Suddenly, I felt the sides of her knees against my shoulders, and I realized this wasn't a dream. I've always loved looking at Julie's magnificent pussy, and, when I opened my eyes, there it was, inches away, while I was getting wonderful wake up head.Life is good!“What a glorious sight to wake...
Sarah watched several people take Kelly up on her offer. "Come on," said Judy, "lets go see how they are doing this." "What about the dishes?" "Clean up has been arranged." Sarah looked at the rest of the group and said, "We're going up to look." "Looking for company?" asked Sally. Sarah smiled, "I'd welcome the company of anyone in this group." "So I guess that means I'm one among others." "That is not quite what I meant," replied Sarah sticking her tongue...
Meri Biwi chudi mere boss se Mera naam sanjay hai meri biwi ka naam suman hai. Hamari shadi ko 4 saal ho gaye hai. Meri biwi bahut hi sundar aur gori aur sexy hai. Uski brest size 34 hai. Main apni biwi ko bahut pyar karta hun. Main private plant me naoukari karta hun. Jahan par 3 shift me duty hoti hai. Hum log plant area ke colony me rehte hai jo 6 km duri par hai. Main aur Meri biwi sirf 2 log hi rehte the wahan. Aaspas colony me sabhi ghul mil kar rehte hai. Ab main aap logon ko apni biwi...
Shelly was eager to get back to bed. Probably too eager if she had taken a moment to think about it. She and Adam had wandered to his room at 10 p.m. She wanted to be awake at 6 and he needed to be up by 7 to get to their 8 o'clock class. Shelly shook her head when Adam came back from the bathroom in a pair of shorts. Fine, she thought, let him be that way. Once Adam had taken his spot by the wall, Shelly pushed her shorts down to her ankles. Then she lifted her shirt over her head and...
After I told Mark to come into the house I went on in ahead of him leaving him still laying there at the side of the pool. Walking to the house and in the back door I couldn't help or for that matter understand the strange new feelings I was having inside me. I was torn between thinking, what the hell have I just done to OMG that was the hottest and best blowjob I've ever given. Thinking about what we had just done as I waited for Mark, plus the fact that it was my own son that I had just...
Main Maahi, Btech kr chuka tha aur ek saal ka drop leke ghar par bank ki prep kr rha tha. Main padhne me accha tha, padhane me bhi maja aata tha aur paise bhi chahiye the apne kharche k liye. To Maine padhna shuru kiya baccho ko. Ek din pass me Hi rehne wali sagi Mausi ka phone aaya ki beta Mansi ko bhi padha do physics. Pichle saal fail ho gyi thi. Tm Ghar ke ho wrna bahar kiske pass bheje. Unko kya pta kutto se bachane k liye wo apni beti ko bhediye k pass bhej ri thi. Padhana start hua. Meri...
I am my Hair Part 2: Basic Lessons in Femininity I looked at myself in the mirror. A day ago I would have thought I was looking at a hot blonde bimbo and would have wanted to have slept with her. But my brain was coming to terms with my purple bra, panties and slip, and the French Maid's outfit I was wearing. My thoughts were instead focused on how flat chested I looked and my face. I reached for my "fire down below" lipstick, carefully applied it to my bottom lip before...
I heard a joke once, “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him you have a plan.” Well, I can vouch for that one. After three months at sea working on a Norwegian freighter, I finally signed off in Alicante, Spain and made my way to the north of Europe, my original destination three months earlier. I had signed on as a galley boy in Brooklyn with twenty bucks to my name and planned to sign off in Lisbon. Unfortunately, two days out at sea Lisbon was cancelled and the first port would be Beirut,...
Straight SexRuth Anderson sat at in her new office, she had been promoted six months earlier and it still excited her being on the tenth floor. Ruth was a quiet lady just past her forty-fourth birthday, she had been brought up in a strict catholic family, an only c***d with a dominant father who because of his wrath she had obeyed to the letter. She had spent the last twenty four years in a marriage with little or no sexual adventure, the biggest surprise was that her and husband Donald had produced a...
Erik awoke early the next morning feeling oddly refreshed. "Well, it seems I was finally able to sleep undisturbed for more than half of an hour! I had forgotten how that felt. It seems like it has been years ... could it really be true? Has the dream plagued me for that long?" He thought about the subject of his silent musings and then shook his head as he shrugged away that particular distraction. "Does it really matter? I have something much more important to ponder upon ... am I...
Hi friends mera naam gaurav h meri height 5-8 h mein simple sobar gud luking ladke mera lund ka size ‘7’lamba aur ‘2-5’ mota…agar story achi lage toh jarur mail karna mera mail add h ( ) note agar koi bhabhi ya ladki mujhse chudwana chaye toh mujhe mail kar sakti h. Chalo abh aap sabko sidha story pe le chalta hu ye story lagh bagh 2 mahine purani h jaab maine app ni sath wali bhabhi choda. Sath wali bhabhi ka bohot ghar aana jana tha aur uss din sham ko ghar aayi aur mera mummy aur thodi...
Our "how we met" story is short. Dot and I met, fell in love and were married within a year. We spent hours recounting our sexual experiences to turn each other on, then fucked like mad afterwards. I told her about my first sexual escapades as a young man in the military. She told me about Charlize and Goody, her first girl-girl discoveries, and how much she loved to suck cock. What's not to love? After we got married, we decided to limit our sexual activities only to each other for a while.......
BisexualKelli showers with her new friends Kelli assumed her next stop would be one of the unmade beds as she crashed on the nearest one, her wobbly and unstable legs struggling to support her the moment Gerald let go of her. She buried her face in the cheap,filthy pillow which reeked of sweat but at that moment it felt like heaven as she basically passed out from emotional and physical exhaustion, the events that had just occurred twirling around in her mind as she proceeded through the most surreal...
Cheating WifeMy Sissy Life Part 3 When I got to my room I saw the Hello Kitty dry erase board on my door. There was a note from my brother that said 'Sissy, I need my jock strap clean by Friday morning.' Oh good, I get to hand wash my brothers jock strap again. Is it Christmas already? Almost every day there is a note on the board from someone telling me that they want me to do something. I walked in my room. I still can't believe how ultra girlie my...
The Little Pleated Skirt Part 2 By Jamie Clark Overview: In part one: Jamie started to emerge as to who... she is. Unknowingly, with the help of her mother and father, Jamie was challenged not just by them but also by herself. The male orientation she went through all those years was over whelming her, until her self-esteem decided to fight back. Jamie starts to show some of her female personality traits in more dominate ways leaving many family members puzzled, and as you...
Well, since the last time i had that encounter with Mr BBC he ended up breeding me. It has been a while since getting my hole opened up. Now it is nice and tight again and have another craving for BBC. First let me tell you it takes a certain type of black male with a BBC that really knows how to work a hole. So my search starts again. Its takes a bit of time to get through all the fakes and pic collectors but i finally found an older gentleman in his 50's with a 9" BBC. He was about 250 and 6...
I really was tired of sitting at home, so on Wednesday I went back to school. My dad dropped me off early, and made sure I got in the door without incident. I was still bandaged up, but I was feeling pretty good. I got a lot of greetings from kids streaming into school, good friends and kids I barely knew. My first stop was to the school office. I knew I would have to talk to Dr. Osgood, so I thought I should get it done with early. I was hoping that I could talk him into counting the two...
My story begins as I was traveling for business. I arrived at my location and was to be stuck in a hotel for two weeks. My wife made sure we planned our times so neither got too lonely... The second night in this area I went to a fast food joint to get some unhealthy food. I was waiting on by a petite little thing who's name tag read "Elizabeth". Elizabeth was about 5 feet tall, maybe weighing 110 lbs with small but pert breasts and her tight black pants hugged a very sexy ass, perfectly...
--- I Dream of Demie 6 - A Midsummer Night's Scream (MFF, MF, bi, cons, magic, oral, impreg?) by Krosis of the Collective --- A week ago... Siobhan barreled out of the house, leaving the front door open. She held her arm where her stepdad had yanked on it. That had hurt! After a block the auburn haired girl rounded a corner and leaned back against a fence, breathing heavily and holding back tears. Her stepdad's attitude toward her was getting worse, and she was afraid...
“Mr. Smith. We will be transporting you to the designated transfer point,” the pilot told me. “Estimated arrival in forty-five minutes.” Where am I going now? I still have a few days before I’m supposed to be home to go to Lenny’s pool party. I hope his little sister and her friends aren’t seriously expecting me to screw them. The helicopter flight turned out to be completely uneventful. We went over mostly rural land before landing on top of a large building. My gear was unloaded onto a...
Being the youngest of three children and the only boy to boot was not the best of all possible worlds, but on the night of my fifteenth birthday that all changed. Because of a sick relative my parents were both away on my birthday, I was left in the 'loving care' of my older sisters Marge and Lisa which pleased me no end, not! Don't get me wrong, I loved my sisters, I thought they were great to look at and sometimes fun to be with, but I also thought that Marge was a sixteen year old pain in...